The 75th Anniversary of the End of the War in Europe . We can be sure that the Far Left BBC will be rewriting British history to favour its propaganda war against its own people . Let the many of our people who had their lives taken in the cause of Freedom Rest in Peace . With Thanks . ????????
75th VE Day / Open Thread 8 May 2020
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Our flag is a Saint George, held up on a garden cane on the gate, and proudly presented to everyone who passes!
???????????????????????????? ????
And so you should and why not.
Our flag is a Red Dragon always flown with pride. Proud to be Welsh and proud to be British . Proud to be part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, united we stand and divided we fall . Lest we forget .
Rule Britannia ! …_ …_
Nice one Taff, and noswaith dda!
Diolch yn fawr. 🙂
You are lucky Scrob we English are not allowed to be proud of our Country.
The General
You are correct
Scottish Nationalist -respectable
Welsh Nationalist – respectable
Irish Nationalist – respectable
English Nationalist – Despicable
The traitors are inside the gates.
✌ to ????
Just came across this, should make you smile. Eddie did 27 marathons and raised 1.5 million for charity. An old man walked around his garden and raised 20 times more.
It says he’s a comedian. Is that true? I thought he was a drag queen. Does he read stories to children while in some grotesque drag costume, in libraries?
John in Cheshire – He makes me laugh. I can assure you that he doesn’t use the library.
In his early days, Eddie Izzard was very funny. There’s a fantastic sequence from a Toronto Comedy Festival many years ago (bound to be available on-line somewhere) where he talks about a monkey in the tree.
More recently, Eddie got socio-illogical and political and socio-political and all mixed up. Funny yeah, kinda odd funny, but not funny in the comedic sense.
Izzard has gone from being quite amusing but a bit weird to being a bore and totally out of his head.
He wears a dress, hates and criticizes the Tories as the basis for his ‘act’……?
What more do you need to be a ‘comedian’ on the BBC.
Exactly what is it that everyone has got against this elderly gentleman and feel its ok to make sarcastic remarks ?
The fact that he’s reached 100?
The fact he still has all his marbles and is articulate ?
The fact he just wanted to see if he could raise £1000 ?
Because he cant be blamed if his heart hasn’t given out yet
Because he cant be blamed he hasn’t succumbed to dementia
Because he cant be blamed that MSM decided to headline him
But I am ashamed to read denigrating comments on here by some, who may not achieve anything more than to sit dribbling in a care home at a younger age than 100.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, there will be no cricket at Lords this month) I think you may have got the wrong end of the bat, or the stump, there.
There’s now a ferret on it.
He beats Eddie, Starmer will make him party spokeweasel.
Speaking of Surkeer, he seems to think issuing daily heartfelt soundbites will ensure media adoration.
And he is right.
Again check out BBC radio and TV schedule for tomorrow .
War ? what war ???
Save Our NHS .
OK we go into lockdown , we are effectively under house arrest with modification to Save Our NHS .
Then along come a load of people who have never paid anything for ” our ” NHS ” and aren’t obeying the rules , and they can use ” our” NHS .
What’s the BBC’s stance on them watching television without a licence ?
And still the planes arrive, contrails over the South West today, some 777s routed across the Atlantic from Latin america.
The cases of Chinese virus in Brazil will soon outstrip the UK but still they come.
This is the BBC Home Service.
And here is the news for today, May 8th 2020.
Victory in Europe today has arrived with many questions about government policies.
Montgomery at Luneberg Heath takes the German surrender.. We ask why there was insufficient wheelchair access.
Troops complain of being shot at whilst there were shortages of Personal Protective Equipment.
German troops complain of being shot at by British soldiers. We talk to their London legal representatives about to launch a War Crimes action without being able to access legal aid.
Soldiers have died in battle. We interview their recently bereaved families in a special full length film.
Transgender soldier denied appropriate toilet facilities on the battlefield.
British tanks fail pollution emission regulations. Roger Harrabin reports as pressure mounts for soldiers to switch to walking and cycling.
Jews were not the only ones targetted by the Nazis, according to a Muslim family we have interviewed living near a small German town known as Bergen.
Exclusive research by the BBC has shown that BAME people are under-represented in the higher echelons of the Army. We hoped to speak to Mr Churchill but he was unavailable.
The BBC has announced Mr. L Haw-haw has been appointed as its new Director of Communications.
And finally. Britain has won the war. And now over to the Sport.
Sluff – News just in from our U.S. Correspondent.
We have learned today of the hardship endured by a number of former actors, many of whom who were stranded in California, whilst attending a charity event in the Spring of 1940. The event, sponsored by the United Nations and the Greta Foundation, was to highlight the rise of populist groups across the continent.
One of these groups, the so called ‘Polish Freedom Fighters’ had caused particular concern at the event, following opposition leaders calling for a repatriation of powers to the national government. In another worrying development the leader of the “Polish Democracy Now” party, has used slogans like “Poland for the Polish people” and “we want our country back”.
Yesterday we spoke to Harry Sussex who was stranded in L.A. with his wife and baby. He told of his heartbreak when he realised the yacht he’d hired for himself and five other patriots didn’t have a detachment of Royal Marines, effectively ruling out his invasion of Necker Island, home to a long standing advocate for a united European power.
Another of his fellows on that failed return journey, assumed to be Benedict Cumberbatch, was reported to have been so angry at their failure to join the fight, has vowed to island hop “by hook or by crook” he said. We have since learned that he missed his flight to New Zealand and could be delayed for some months due to other commitments.
It’s a very small bubble.
You’d think they might at least try and seem less like clones.
Beth Rigby bad
.. that she makes PiersMorgan look good
#AntiToryMedia #AntiBrexitMedia
“Is it not offensive to transsexuals to claim that Hitler has only got one ball?”
RD, nein, you only need von ball fur zer strange game der Englischers call cricket.
And don’t even mention Himler !
And as for Goebbels…..well !!!!
“Are’nt you ashamed to be English” (Note I use ‘English’ as distinct to, ‘Pakistani British’, ‘Afghan British’, ‘Syrian British’, ‘Iraqi British’, ‘Nigerian British’ ……….. and so on with all the rest.
The BBC1 news at 10:00 tonight was on in the background and I have to confess my attention was not fully on it. So I presume I must have missed the report that charges of lying to the FBI by Donald Trump’s former adviser Michael Flynn have all been dropped?
I certainly didn’t miss the fanfare with which the original bringing of the charges was met, so one must assume this is a Pretty Big Deal. Yet nary a tweet from the master of the snark, Mr Jon Sopel. I thought Katty Kay might have managed an ‘OMG’, but has disappointed on that score.
I see the website leads with the murder of a ‘black’ jogger, Michael Flynn is down to number three.
However the item is headed:
Charges against ex-Trump adviser dropped
Michael Flynn pleaded guilty two years ago to lying to the FBI shortly before Mr Trump took office.
Without reading further I am led to believe that Mr Flynn is guilty but probably owing to pressure from Mr Trump the prosecution has backed off.
Reading about Flynn elsewhere I understand that the FBI bragged on public TV that they had set up Flynn to convict himself, aided by a bit of blackmail, and consequently the real story is that the leadership of the FBI at the time as been shown to be corrupt, which is what President Trump has been telling us all along.
No doubt Katy, Jon and the Strumpet will be telling us that soon. After hell freezes over.
Even Jim Acosta managed a mention, albeit oddly and grudgingly factual.
A CNN post Katty likely will not retweet.
Exactly so. In another development the full texts of all of the Sciff closed session testimonies of his so called impeachment investigation which led to fiasco of the impeachment of President Trump have now been released. They show exactly as expected that the whole Russian Collusion case was a hoax fabricated by the Democrats and that Schiff and many others have being lying through their teeth for the past four years. We can be certain that well before the election in November there will be indictments a plenty and that will cause a chain reaction with ever more prominent deep staters and politicians being implicated in the failed coup. The next few months will prove:
>There was a coup attempt orchestrated by Obama’ White House and then continued by the deep state in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DOS and the Democrat Party
>That the MSM knowingly aided and abetted the coup throughout the past four years on a daily basis . This must implicate several hundred if not thousands journalists ,editors and the like
>That the justice in the USA depends not on whether you are guilty or innocent but on your politics
>If Americans want to clean this up they must re elect a President Trump
BTW in January Flynn confirmed he’d dropped his guilty pleas
The two AP guys had been following the case very closely
And on May 1 wrote a piece predicting the outcome.
Citing that documents proved the FBI was setting up Flynn
and alluding to the idea that documents would become public.
So AP put in a request, they didn’t get the specific documents
but they did get the new notes saying the case has to be dropped.
.. I don’t know why it took BBCbreaking 40 mins to write their own tweet.
BTW in January Flynn confirmed he’d dropped his guilty pleas
Harry gets a nifty Surkeer dig in to the BBC two cheeks politicombo here…
R4 – Robinson is running all the favourite bbc agendas and narratives this morning on Toady.
He has jst wished the EU Ambassador to the UK a happy ‘Europe Day’, having received good wishes from Joao D’Almeida for VE day. There was a cosy chat, in which D’Almeida reminded Robinson (after an unsubtle prompt) about the closeness of EU to Britain, geographically. So the FTA can’t be compared to Canada or any other distant partner, is the implication.
I was half asleep, but there could have been a suggestion related to a possible UK rejoining.
Criticism from Scotland and Wales about government ‘sending out mixed messages’ about coming out of lockdown seemed to delight little Nick.
There was even time to dwell on the shooting of an ‘unarmed’ black man by police in the US. Link to Trayvon Martin.
A laugh out loud moment.
For the 8am Toady headlines Ric Knobinson reads out ‘the government is coming under fire for sending out mixed messages………..’
Fire. From….errr….. those such as himself and the BBC!
Did he actually realise the conclusion of what he was saying ?
They are literally creating their own headlines.
Only politico sending a message has been wee Jimmie in scotchland as she is desperate to score points over England.
HMG message has not changed, it’s the press including the scum BBC that are mixing the message.
Knobson needs the message stuffed down his throat.
They pedall lies.
The Petitions Committee (Chair, Labour MP Catherine McKinnell MP) has written to Priti requesting a revised Government response to e-petition 300239 – Release the Home Office’s Grooming Gang Review in full because the original response failed to address the petitioner’s request for the work to be published.
Apparently the Committee has received a lot of complaints.
What’s the betting that our Globalist/Open Borders loving Government will toe the Globalist line? Don’t hold any hopes out, they’ll err on the side of Liebour: ‘shut up for the sake of diversity’.
Hurley goes for the Mail.
Ends badly.
Having seen the Starmer story in the Mail, I am confused. Why was his daughter across the road, and with whom? Could she not have clapped from an upstairs window? The excuse she was across the road doesn’t stack up.
Is Sir Kier married to a hairdresser? Someone close to him is cutting his hair or he is breaking lockdown rules. I think we should be told. Could it be a question that Kate Burley could put to him.
It is sickening to see traitor Starmer tweeting a ‘message’ on on VE Day.
But I suppose we should be used to this hypocritical and self-serving behaviour by now.
To be fair he’d be dead meat from the same crew revving up to knock on the doors of any not clapping to order.
OT, but interesting they popped this under the ‘music’ section vs. all his other areas of expertise; to which he appears to have added one more. Ouch.
Looks like “ fat bottomed girls” ( awful ) got their revenge at last . Other Queen song titles are available ….
Perhaps it woz a disturbed badger wot dun it?
[ I dislike that Queen song intensely. Worst one in a glorious catalogue. Come to think of it …. I think I have just the right one for next Thursday at 8 p.m.. tbc. (That means to be continued, Fed.) ]
Stay at home, save lives, protect the NHS.
Bloody ironic really.
Starmer and the BBC hi-jack their own VE Day coverage on the website by managing to turn this celebration into an attack on the government:
“We owe so much to the generation of VE Day. We must do everything we can to care for and support them through the current crisis.”
“The crisis in our care homes has gone on for too long and we must do everything we can to protect our most vulnerable, many of whom protected our country in its darkest hour.”
Also Berlin is marking VE Day with a special holiday as they want to remind everyone what it is all about, especially the “newcomers”. How could Al-Beeb possibly twist this? Well, they do!
“We are also keen to reach a young audience, particularly those with a migrant background, who have little knowledge of German history,” Mr van Dülmen explains.
Remembering history, he argues, is more important than ever in light of recent deadly far-right attacks at a synagogue in the eastern city of Halle and a shisha bar at Hanau near Frankfurt.
They end the quotations after his migrant quote, so did Dülmen actually say that about the far-right attacks or is it more BBC opinion masquerading as real news?
I somehow doubt that migrants need to learn about VE Day due to the odd far-right attack in Germany. Huge areas of omission with regards to the attacks of the “Cultural Enrichers” in order to shape their biased view point that White Northern Europeans are the problem….again… infinitum
Surkweer Charmer.
At this time of rememberance, lets not forget he was the creature Blair’s lawyer.
Never forget and remind everyone.
Re the “many” residents of care homes whom the bBC and Starmer claim “protected our country in its darkest hour,” I suspect the percentage who were actually adults in WW2 (i.e. those who physically contributed to the war effort and were not babies or children at the time) is fairly small. At a push, anyone born c. 1930 or later is unlikely to have been old enough to ‘serve’ in any way.
At any rate it’s rich coming from the EUrophile lefties who want to eradicate even the baby boomers (b. 1946-64) and older who voted the ‘wrong’ way.
Exactly. Whilst it is incredibly sad that they are succumbing to Covid in the care homes, I doubt many have very much to do with VE Day, apart from possibly being children at the time. To use it during a mark of remembrance is low.
I have decided to not watch any MSM today for all the reasons given above – 2 minutes of BBC whilst taking tea to wife was enough..
I can only take so much of ‘we are living through something similar now’ No BBC we are not…it is nothing like it was – I am too young to even comprehend what it was really like.. but this is not it.
So to all you good people . Enjoy today’s celebrations and avoid the BBC..cos you know the narrative that will be forced down your throat.
JA, I needed a time check – flat battery on the motherboard – so tuned in for 8 a.m. and caught the end of the weather and the pips. Just heard enough to know it was Mishal & The Knob in charge so I hit the off switch.
Only got to get to 10.45 p.m. tonight for five in a row and an extra point. Yippee! Thanks, Russell Davies. 🙂
Is Mishal taking over the TOADY Prog? Will she soon be the sole haranger, interrogator and torturer after eliminating the mere males?
James Arthur
Almost made me puke when obnoxious Nagga said that …off switch
It’s a day to celebrate and remember all those that gave their lives and survivors with mental and physical injuries.
Seems very unjust we now have unwanted invaders coming across the Channel and not being stopped…….Gun Boats and Razor Wire please !
Forget the pot-banging, here is a sound that cuts me up everytime I hear it.
Fortunately the only time I heard it ‘for real’ was to call out the volunteer fire brigade/lifeboat crew.
Healthy 21yr old. Sure looks bonny on the ventilator.
But scroll down further to get the full picture.
Awake very early, a horrid combination of low back pain and the noise of murderous magpies destroying a hapless blackbirds young brood in the nest.
Switched on the World Service, I am sure the afro Caribbean female voice said ‘today Great Britain celebrates V and E day’
Off now to clean and polish my grandfather’s campaign medals, North Africa and Italy amongst them, and remember.
PS the AntiBBC will be ignored all day. Commercial radio or YouTube only.
West wyvern – YouTube seems your best hope. Be safe.
Wouldn’t the BBC enjoy a totalitarian regime?
In a report about more people starting to use their cars the so called “business” reporter tells us
“But worryingly, one in 20 said they were using their vehicle more now to specifically purchase alcohol, or going out in the car specifically to visit DIY stores.
So if the shops are allowed to trade why shouldn’t people visit them. And what is the word worryingly doing in the report? Who is worried, if it is only the BBC news staff (especially their “business” division, a free market heaven, I’m sure) do they need to editorialise?
NISA – If all these people are doing is shopping and some harmless cruising, they are funding the economy too.
Finsbury mosque celebrating VE Day I suppose.
Or clapping for the anychess.
Awaiting a BBC report.
Nisa, I saw that on the webshite, listening to the drone of vehicles on the link road near to me i think the proles are making their own judgments. Worried or not as AntiBBC may be.
Ty: Mercury-nominated UK rapper dies of coronavirus, aged 47
By Mark Savage
BBC music reporter
7 May 2020
I find myself inconsolable.
Perhaps the severely tinged ones should consider repatriating themselves to the lands of their ancestors.
Unheathy for them in the home of Nobel prizes.
I know, the aesthetic cultural loss, to the UK, would be irreparably insignificant.
Crocodile Dundee knives manufacture would cease to be profitable.
De-enrichment on a, hitherto unknown, scale.
I appreciate the very good reasons for the lack of comments on QT of late – and I must add I only watched the first question – but don’t you think it odd that no one took the dear old white-haired granny to task for her gov-bash listing?
Well, no, of course not, because that’s the system. She illustrated the parlous position of the UK compared to death rates throughout Europe, concluding with our saddest and highest figure as the ultimate condemnation of our inept government. Message received, Fiona agreed, job done.
But why didn’t she think it worth including Belgium on her list? Or that one lone voice on the ‘panel’ might have pointed out the omission?
At close to double our death-rate ‘Brave Little Belgium’ has a comfortable lead in the Corona-coffin race, but obviously it doesn’t do to say so.
Beltane – the EU total deaths exceed the USA by some distance. We don’t hear that either.
Down on the South Coast people are expecting more freedoms on Monday. I wonder who’s been giving them that idea.
Now it’s looking like it won’t be happening and the media is calling it bad communications by HMG that’s lead to this mess.
They create the confusion and then exploit it and the nation suffers. Thanks media.
Nearly threw the radio out of the window this morning listening to R4. Some female BBC presenter demanding that British OAP’s living overseas, especially ex forces should receive any increase in their pension just like as if they still lived in the UK. This from the same BBC that is now to charge the over 75’s £150 a year just to own a TV. I give up. Close it down.
Earlier on ITV Tom Bradby – who might as well be on the BBC for all his ‘impartiality’ is worth – felt forced to use the well-publicised expertise of paper-professor John Ashton to ram home the PPE point. And JA, true to form, used a touch of class struggle when condemning the government for using Burberry (and by inference Barbour too) to make protective clothing – implying that only Tories would use toff companies and ignore honest sons of labour in Manchester back-streets.
Naturally, the fact that both companies are renowned for making weather and waterproof clothing and have the infrastructure, knowledge and machinery to mass produce it, was not a factor in the ‘jobs for the old boys’ scenario, but Tom let that pass.
The BBC are turning VE day into a Vera Lynn One Hit Wonder Day.
I could only handle 5 minutes of BBC News but it appeared they were trying to not mention that Britain won the war and instead go for the similarities with Covid19.
Tabs – Wait for it. Vera’s doing a duet with Michael Ball.
Just kidding.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We are almost through the ‘low hanging fruit’ stage of infection where the old and particularly vulnerable are targeted. Hence, little or no protection for them. It’s as if it was designed and the, ‘clear out’ was not reported thoroughly. We will then enter the ‘Russian Roulette’ stage where those old and ‘semi’ vulnerable will be persuaded to go forth into the World and become infected. Cos’ it aint’ going away anytime soon. Persuaded by nonsense ‘it’s ok’ statistics and those who declare, ‘come on in the waters warm, just dip your toe in to test it’. This stage of the, ‘Big’ clear out falls within the ‘long game’ and that could go on for years without a successful vaccine. Oh! how some people will be hoping………….
Just looked at the BBC website suggesting the virus has “unleashed a tsunami of hate and xenophobia”. How strange, I would have thought importing scores of illegal immigrants, ferrying them to Dover, giving them free accommodation and benefits, over the past 6 weeks, is about as far away from “hate and xenophobia” you could possibly get!!
Anyway on a brighter note, Happy VE Day everyone!
The media seem to assume that all those in care homes are of the WW2 generation. Yes there are many who are in their 90’s who (possibly) remember those days, but playing wartime tunes to the sane, particularly now and in the next few years wont be appropriate. It’ll be Elvis Presley and 60’s music -because its the rock’n’rollers and ‘mods’ who will be wandering aimlessly or being pushed around the homes.
2 minute silence coming up all
I hope you remember this chap too – he didnt fight in the war but I am sure he would have loved too – a great loss to “British” music
Who is he?
75 Years : Today we have our own daily battles
but as a country it is nothing compared to WW2 war years .
Bless them that did their bit.
Echo that, Stew, well said.
Amen Stew – My mother lost her 2 brothers in the War.
19 & 21 yr olds I seem to recall.
what can you say, but we will remember you all.
Darren Grimes asks the BBC & C4
opening tweet and video
Change of WWII narrative on bBBC, can’t think why……
Two new bulletins on BBC News told me that we are celebrating the end of the war in Europe and victory over ‘Nazi Germany’…..I always thought it was victory over Germany!!! Did Neville Chamberlain say back in 1939 ‘and consequently this country is at war with Nazi Germany’? No he did not, bBBC trying to distance Germany of today (good), with some kind of Germany of the past.
Ironic that the Germans are now out of strictest lockdown while we cower in our bunkers.
Vor zem, ze vor on coronavirus ist over.
No, they’re right. Every one of the millions of Germans in the army, Luftwaffe and U-boat service was a member of a political party. Well, that’s what I take from the BBC saying the Nazis invaded Poland, Russia etc. I hope the LibDems don’t follow their example; the postbox on Parliament Square would be looking vulnerable lol
Anyone reading the terms of the Versailles Treaty would know why ‘millions supported the Nazis’. The deliberate humiliation and subjugation of a nation out of spite – driven primarily by the French and warned against by many more rational voices at the time – was as instrumental in making WW2 an inevitability as was Hitler’s immense consequential popularity.
Nothing excuses Nazism, but Versailles explains it.
Also worth noting, though seldom mentioned, is that fascist parties arose almost simultaneously in southern Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Austria and Poland – and most had Waffen SS divisions in the war, as did Holland and Belgium.
Germany, Italy and Spain are best remembered as fascist but, coincidentally, most were also strongly Roman catholic.
“The deliberate humiliation and subjugation of a nation out of spite – driven primarily by the French and warned against by many more rational voices at the time – was as instrumental in making WW2 an inevitability as was Hitler’s immense consequential popularity.”
Sounds as though 2016-2020 was a re-run!
Popeye, I cannot remember now but did the BBC celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the attempts by the German High Command to kill Hitler?
The BBC have lazily given the impression – as you have made clear – that all was unified in Germany back then. Far from it. The aristocrats in Germany, many of them ex-military or still in service in the early 1930s, looked in horror at what the Socialists were doing – politically and socially – but maybe not so much economically and industrially. The sly re-armament of the German military (against the terms of the Versailles Treaty) was also something they found hard to disapprove of.
They still hated who was in charge and also what was being done in Germany to Germans as well as elsewhere in Europe once the war was under way. They tried and failed to do away with Hitler.
A reminder for the bBC
An interesting moment on the BBC’s coverage of the 75th anniversary of VE Day occurred with the female presenter interviewing a writer called Virginia Nicholson about the role of women in the war.
Miss Nicholson informed us that many women, who had neither young children nor were pregnant, were conscripted for essential war work: so much is common knowledge. The caption below stated that women were called up to do work that was – note the dismissive inverted commas – “traditionally regarded as male work”.
However, Miss Nicholson began to go dangerously off script when the presenter asked her how this changed women’s attitudes and expectations following the end of the war. She dared to suggest that after six years of khaki dullness women were – gasp – delighted to get out their colourful frocks, and – double gasp – put on their brightest lipstick and – clutching at pearls – wore union jack ribbons in their hair.
Miss Nicholson went even further: she had the unconscionable temerity to suggest that during the 1950s women were glad – yes, glad I tell you – to be come housewives and mothers again, with the security of a home and a breadwinning husband around them.
Well, the articulation of these appalling heresies – clearly Miss Nicholson had been expected to say that the war gave women the chance to throw off the yoke of the patriarchy – meant that time was up in time-honoured Nick Robinson style.
Someone, somewhere, in the BBC Research Department is going to be in very hot water for finding the wrong kind of woman.
Well said and well articulated. I assure that this was my mother!
An interesting moment on the BBC’s coverage of the 75th anniversary of VE Day occurred with the female presenter interviewing a writer called Virginia Nicholson about the role of women in the war.
Miss Nicholson informed us that many women, who had neither young children nor were pregnant, were conscripted for essential war work: so much is common knowledge. The caption below stated that women were called up to do work that was – note the dismissive inverted commas – “traditionally regarded as male work”.
However, Miss Nicholson began to go dangerously off script when the presenter asked her how this changed women’s attitudes and expectations following the end of the war. She dared to suggest that after six years of khaki dullness women were – gasp – delighted to get out their colourful frocks, and – double gasp – put on their brightest lipstick and – clutching at pearls – wore union jack ribbons in their hair.
Miss Nicholson went even further: she had the unconscionable temerity to suggest that during the 1950s women were glad – yes, glad I tell you – to be come housewives and mothers again, with the security of a home and a breadwinning husband around them.
Well, the articulation of these appalling heresies – clearly Miss Nicholson had been expected to say that the war gave women the chance to throw off the yoke of the patriarchy – meant that time was up in time-honoured Nick Robinson style.
Someone, somewhere, in the BBC Research Department is going to be in very hot water for finding the wrong kind of woman.
Surprised that Aunty didnt invite “respected historian” Dan Snow on to “re-balance” our understanding of how WW2 was fought, especially the Battle of Britain where I believe his daughters were told that women flew multiple combat roles.
Kev guns for QT tenure.
Goes badly.
TWATO tells us that multiple alerts have resulted in two Border Farce boats AND Coastguard vessels putting to sea to, ‘rescue’ invaders.
Well, here’s a suggestion Priti. Why not base the Border Farce and Coastguard vessels actually in France? It would make ‘doing their duty’ much easier. ‘Off’ radio. Not because of ‘Fake News’ but of sheer anger.
By the way, the voices of Pet Clark and D. Vera Lynn were heard in the introduction. Don’t know which one it was but the voice told the listener that the most endearing feature of the first VE Day was that every church was ringing its bells. No longer. Naturally, that would be ‘Racist’ not to mention, triumphal.
What is happening today of all days is a disgrace to our forbearers who fought at sea to keep invaders out. Our leaders and the Border Farce are a disgrace to let this happen continuously.
The Brexit Party and UKIP are the only political parties that even mention this . First our borders and next it will be our fish. The Tory Party are on the decline all with the help of Al Beeb. Chamberlain’s Government springs to mind .
G, Canterbury Cathedral was tolling its bell every day during the initial lockdown period at a certain time. I don’t know whether they are still doing that.
Soon it will be the adhan, the muslim call to prayer.
Already is on bbc radio.
I wonder if anyone at the BBC will notice what Alan sugar says on Twitter about ITV / 42% revenue cut 800 staff on furlough directors taking 20% pay cut – £219 million dividend stopped –
– meanwhile the BBC remains fireproof – just can’t be right
BBC Breakfast this morning followed same old routine,bash the Tories,bash Trump,praise BAME,praise anyone who resides in the bubble world of the MSM.Dreary celebs in their mansions,with gardens the size of a football pitch.If this is supposed to raise people’s morale I am amazed at their stupidity.
The only highlight of this programme is Naga Munchetty’s usual hideous dress sense, which my wife finds hilarious.If Miss Munchetty is colour blind we both apologise!
She may be colour blind but she knows she doesn’t like white!
No apology needed lordelpus, Naga being colour blind is about as likely as Alistair Campbell to be Wilfred’s godfather.
She makes a very good living at it.
lordelpus, she’s a keen and quite good golfer, I am told, so she probably doesn’t mind looking a little rough in return for staying on the fairway.
I will edge quietly toward the cloakroom …… . .
The noose tightens around our freedoms.
(Yes, it’s 18 months old, but even more relevant today.)
Which supposedly Brexit Tory newspaper published this ?
Then on the next page
The second one with 2 pieces of fake news was written by John Humphrys
… The first one SHAMING people who dare to not join in the cultlike behaviour of clapping at the sky was Amanda Platell
Daily Mail, April 18th … screenshots
BTW Humphrys
todays tests were 97,029, that is near enough for me
BBC Homepage: Welcome to the BBC
Current Headline: Father and son charged with murder of US black jogger
Go to the article: two white men accused of murdering a black man in the US.
Out of the thousands of killings per week in the US – the BBC decide to headline on their homepage that one where two white men are accused of murdering a black man.
That’s an interesting watch Vlad. More truths about the teachings of Mo that we will never get from the MSM.
That’s an interesting watch Vlad. More truths about the teachings of Mo that we will never get from the MSM.
There’s a bit of non-social distancing going on between those young men all wearing dark blue tops.
“Fine them, Officer.”
“Oh, you are one of them.”
“Double the fine, then.”
Is not the great BBC forgetting something?
Harvest is yet to come. Two more supermoons, this year, I think.
This is the first time that I have ever heard of a ‘flower moon’. In the UK we have flowers all-year round so nothing special there.
As per usual most of the BBC photos are ‘fake’ i.e. more ‘super-zoom’ than ‘super-moon’.
[Spoiler alert: To the human eye the Moon looks the same size all-year round].
Yes, Jim, but there is an optical illusion that occurs when a full moon is low in the sky. It is generally thought – so I understand – to be caused by grit grot in the atmosphere such as you might expect (especially so) at harvest time (June/July/August) although the BBC like to promote one of the autumn full moons as the ‘Harvest’ moon.
I put that down to a City centre (London or Salford) disconnect from the countryside.
In addition, the moon has a wobbling orbit and sometimes comes closer to earth.
On top of that, when low in the sky its size is easily compared – to say, the Statue of Liberty – but that is not the case when it is high in the sky. As you rightly say, its size doesn’t change but it appears to.
The moon’s apparent diameter as an occulting disc will increase if it is closer to the earth. Hence some centrally aligned solar eclipses are total (i.e. with a nearer moon and/or a far sun) whereas others are “annular” [ring-shaped] partial eclipses (i.e. far moon and/or nearer sun, so moon too small to cover the solar disc even at maximum eclipse).
Well, I’ve just dug out a small lavender cushion (designed to promote good sleep or to scent socks and things in drawers?) gifted to me over 18 years ago. The scent has now nearly all gone, of course, but there is this verse by William Blake on it:
“Night” [written across an image of a full moon]
“The moon like a flower
in heaven’s high bower
with silent delight
sits and smiles on the night.”
The full moon was actually rather impressive yesterday, a strange pink colour as it rose in the east among some clouds, then orange before it got higher and became yellow/white. I couldn’t say that it looked any bigger than normal but it can do on occasion. I agree that those zoom lens pictures do oversell the phenomenon.