Let’s play an online biased Far Left BBC game .
I’ll start . If a lefty is on the BBC they won’t be introduced . They are ‘ accepted ‘ . If some one of the Right is ( rarely ) put on the airwaves they are introduced as being ‘ from a right wing think tank ‘ or similar .
There should be a prize for spotting this if you still take the BBC – but this is a non profit site – so it’s just for fun …
.—- … –
Elon Musk’s Daughter in law?
.._ _..
.._ _..
I M I (shorthand version of “I missed it”)
First but nothing to say, except these are the last two weeks where I still have a TV license.
Good on you NCBBC , don’t forget no contact with them nothing ! Not even Name Rank and Serial Number.
Good idea
Last time i gave the BBC money was 25 years ago.
Well done. One of increasingly many households, I hope.
NCBBC – good for you – about the most tangible thing any of us can do .We need hundreds of thousands to do the same .
I just can’t see the drive the left has to have BBC funding subsumed into general taxation – too many people don’t access the BBC any more ….
I have met a few ‘supporters’ who say how good Al Beeb is, then let them ramble on about its ‘excellences’ . Tell them then, “No Problem just carry on paying the Telly Tax “. I don’t watch Al Beeb .
Adding, that because I shop in Asda Stores why should I give Tesco money also .
Taffman – for people of a left persuasion the BBC is great . But the issue is – it is meant to be neutral – and not pretend to be so . I think – now – both the DCMS minister and even OFCOM has called on the BBC to be transparent and diverse of thought – at the moment it is neither . It’s a monolithic monster .
OFCOM and Al Beeb are in effect, one and the same.
Taffman – yes – the incestuous relationship between the BBC and OFCOM is part of the problem of governance of the BBC – but for OFCOM to say such a thing – even though nothing will actually be done – is something in itself .
Fed, I think economic realities will clobber many areas of life. Whether it is Formula One, tennis players, the Olympics or footballers. Especially footballers. The day of colossal sums of money thrown at young lads who are unable to hit a barn door with a kicked football from twenty yards, with either foot, let alone their ‘good one’ are probably over. As for wimmins football and equality of ‘pay’ – ha ha – forget it.
If the BBC think hard pressed workers will be happy to fund a telly company to pay obscene amounts of money to its ‘stars’ from general taxation, they had better think again. There is going to be a smaller pot of taxpayers anyway, if the unemployment predictions come true.
I’m trying to work out what will return to ‘ as before ‘ and what will ‘ change ‘ obviously these depend on circumstances such as duration – whether there is a viable cure – the international situation ( resources / military hostilities ) and of course that the virus doesn’t mutate into something even more of a threat …
It could be that if a vaccine / drug is found and applied quickly people could forget quickly ….
… Apart from the unemployment , recession and higher taxes every one will be paying for a very long time ….
Sure, Fed. There are lots of ifs and maybes out there. We could swing toward a world government thing. It is interesting what is not being said a lot on the BBC as is what is being said on the BBC. There could be a world debt re-set and a write-off of the spending in each nation, then continue as before. There could be the opposite. There could be a slide to a massive world war. Economics were drivers in the first two in the twentieth century.
Personally, some things just do not add up. The fact that journalists are not asking good questions is – I think – highly significant. My feelings run from ‘everything will quickly be back to normal’ through to feeling highly eschatalogical, especially around vaccines and ‘tracing apps’.
It is interesting how little most people (except by instinct) and the media, the BBC most of all – despite having several qualified medical doctors on staff (!) – know/realise about vaccines, especially those for coronaviruses.
I think that Western companies will now be very concerned about security of supply issues for their key components and intermediates and that therefore sourcing everything from anywhere in the world so long as it was cheap will take a hit. This ought to result in some jobs returning in the long run and to a large extent justify President Trump’s MAGA campaign. Of course the Globalists will , as Up2 suggests, try to use the crisis to push for giving supranational institutions like the UN greater powers, but I don’t think that people will support that.
Generally when there is serious prolonged crisis people in democracies vote to change the party in power. Unfortunately the US election is close and the President , who was odds on for a second term, may lose because of the pandemic. Hopefully the truth about the Russian hoax and Biden’s senility, record of support for China and his long record of corruption will still hand the President the second term he deserves.
Boris with another four years has time to recover. In Europe Macron is up for election next year and may be booted out and hopefully Le Pen might win, in Italy Salvini is now even more likely to be voted into power and in Spain Vox will gain votes.
Agree, Dt. Am disappointed at the PM’s approach to industry and business so far. The message I walk past several times a day – it was filed near the front door in case a Labour Party canvasser should call last November or December – ‘Let’s get Brexit done And unleash Britain’s potential’ next to a picture of the Prime Minister.
So far, Boris Johnson has confirmed the outsourcing of 5G telecomms to China (when we could do the job perfectly well at home) plus the wasting of huge amounts of money known + more money unknown on the most hated public taxpayer expenditure project ever, much of which will go to Japanese companies, merely in order to satisfy the vanity of politicians, some of which are opposed to the Conservative Party (Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Adonis) and its broad policies.
If I was in the PM’s shoes, I would scrap Huawei’s contract for 5G. I would say 5G will not go ahead until 3G and 4G 1. work properly, 2. are rolled out across UK by our telecomms companies and 3. have routers that are safe, secure and made in the UK. If Huawei scream for compensation, I would say “Sorry, nothing doing until we get compensation for the pandemic you caused.”
Similarly, I would cancel HS2 and get a new conventional speed line designed to run the length and breadth of Britain to link all our sea ports and major airports that survive the pandemic. It would be designed not to mimic the West Coast Main Line but to provide the extra capacity for permitting maintenance on the WCML and ECML. I would want all the work to be done by UK companies, including manufacture of rolling stock and locomotives.
I would get Rolls Royce and not the Chinese to build small scale nuclear plants around Britain to supply the electricity we will need to unleash our potential.
It will not happen of course.
Listening to Mishal Husain it was obvious that the Left has an agenda to take us back to the strikes and unrest of the late 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s. That was what she was promoting in her questioning of the unfortunate Dominic Raab as PM’s deputy. The same with the interview that followed with Len McCluskey by JustRemainIn Webb. He was in full weasel words-mode but behind them was ‘Strike!, Strike! Strike!’ industrial unrest.
The Prime Minister and his colleagues have a great opportunity to live up to that General Election message and unleash the UK’s great potential. They now have a golden opportunity, with previous Budget rules blown to pieces by the pandemic.
They can re-write the future, starting now.
However, I think the top team at No.10 has breathed a collective sigh of relief that they have all recovered from the virus (where caught) but have taken their eye off the ball. Like the country, they have slipped into holiday mode.
They appear to be thinking ‘We can legislate as we wish, we have the majority.’ and ‘The opposition are largely sidelined and Labour have another ineffective Leader.’
Spot on, Up.
‘Salaries’ of obscene amounts paid to foreigners who try and kick a foobull, despite all the tattoos and ugly, thick wags will become a thing of the past.
Y’never know, Corona will possibly be the saviour of decent sport, and amateurism may just be an ideal sentiment worth wondering about again!
What-ho, Scrobie, a return to the Corinthian spirit – just the stuff!
[ Just don’t let on about the sectarianism, ‘cos the BBC won’t like it. 😉 ]
On the Latest testing Number under ‘pillar 2’ ( the non NHS tests ) the break down is 39k Actual and 24k Sent out in the post …. still nowhere near the 100k over all target .
The number of deaths recorded is just over 300 – as is known – the numbers across the weekend are meaningless – with a hike on Monday – although the way the government seems to think there are still bank holidays a ‘fairer’ number might not be reported until Tuesday …..
And if the new government slogan was to be ” Stay distant, wash hands, save lives” then Robert and the rest of the MSM sewer rats, would complain and want
” Stay alert, control the virus, save lives”
Can’t win with this lot !!!!! It’s just bash the Government at all costs. It’s tiresome.
Even Piers Morgan’s sidekick is getting in on the act !!!! People need to be spoon fed everything. Common sense a rare commodity these days.
Exactly Doobster, you can’t win! You could them Heaven and Earth and they’d still nitpick and complain ????
Boris and the government could find the cure for cancer and the media bubble-dwellers would still go “oh, I see they didn’t find the cure for AIDS so they must be homophobic!” ????
Tossers the lot ????
You can’t really expect someone as thick as Ms Reid to understand normal logic, it’s just not worth the effort.
Doobs, “Common sense a rare commodity these days.” So true and I do think Bojo & DomC have failed with that one. Unless.
Unless, they do mean to equate Covid-19 to terrorism because it actually is.
I don’t like to start conspiracy theories but they do make for good movies. I’ll wait patiently for Hollywood to call. But language is key and if Bojo, sorry the Prime Minister, is a keen student of Churchill and WW2 then he should realise that fact before he plugs that ‘stay alert’ message. The PM has deliberately chosen to equate Covid-19 to terrorism and war.
I wonder why?
A better choice of language would in my view have been ‘Use commonsense when in public spaces especially when the public space is enclosed.’ and ‘Be thoughtful and considerate of others.’
What do they know that they are not telling us? The stats tell interesting stories. No, not the deaths but the infection rates. There are some puzzles there to be investigated.
Wake up, BBC; wake up you BBC journalists.
But note the dearth of reference to the Chinese Communist Party.
G, by Bojo? Or the BBC and the rest of the opposition?
They do say that Charles has his toothpaste squeezed onto brush by a dutiful lackey – but since our King-in-waiting seems to have tucked himself away at Birkhall in the Highlands for the duration – content to let his mother get on with the hard bits of monarchy – maybe Camilla is answering the demands of Royal Dental Deposit Technician.
On a completely different note; has anyone seen that the BBC now has changed those horribly racist IQ tests? Now for you to be “intellajent”, you need to be able to play with boxes, or be a “gamer” – I am NOT making this up. I tried some, got a ton correct and then was bored shi%less; so I guess I failed! But some Millennial or BME’r who be good at games but can’t tell me a thing about the value of PI (except that it costs less than a fiver at Tesco); can now say just how clever they are:
Imperial College London, now where have we heard of that place before?
Probably as trustworthy as..
.. the BBC?
I rather think Dr Hannah Fry’s main qualification is being female, cetainly not the ability to ‘present’ a programme.
Not the BBC . I don’t believe in conspiracy theories and I didn’t used to believe that the rich and famous brought their socialist theories into all our lives. I am constantly learning otherwise.
The other day I was googling searching names I found in distant parts of my family tree and I came across an organisation called ‘The Elders’. They are not a secret organisation and they do have their own website.
This is what Wiki says about them.
The Elders is an international non-governmental organisation of public figures noted as elder statesmen, peace activists, and human rights advocates, who were brought together by Nelson Mandela in 2007. They describe themselves as “independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights”. The goal Mandela set for the Elders was to use their “almost 1,000 years of collective experience” to work on solutions for seemingly insurmountable problems such as climate change, HIV/AIDS, and poverty, as well as to “use their political independence to help resolve some of the world’s most intractable conflicts
The Elders is, as of November 2018, chaired by Mary Robinson, and consists of eight Elders and five Elders Emeritus. Kofi Annan served as chair from 2013 until his death in 2018; Desmond Tutu served for six years as chair before stepping down in May 2013, and remains an Elder Emeritus.
The group was initiated by Richard Branson and musician and human rights activist Peter Gabriel, together with anti-apartheid activist and former South African President Nelson Mandela. Mandela announced the formation of the group on his eighty-ninth birthday on 18 July 2007 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
At the launch ceremony, an empty chair was left on stage for Aung San Suu Kyi, the human rights activist who was a political prisoner in Burma/Myanmar at the time. Present at the launch were Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, Graça Machel, Nelson Mandela, Mary Robinson, Desmond Tutu, Muhammad Yunus, and Li Zhaoxing. Members who were not present at the launch were Ela Bhatt, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Lakhdar Brahimi, and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Martti Ahtisaari joined The Elders in September 2009, Hina Jilani and Ernesto Zedillo in July 2013, and Ricardo Lagos in June 2016.[10] In June 2017, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also joined the group.
So this organisation formed by Richard Branson and Peter Gabriel are poking their noses into everything from Climate Change, to child marriage, to Russia, to refugees and every other social justice warrior programme. What is an aging record producer who is demanding money for his businesses because of Covid and a has-been popstar doing involved with all this political stuff. I feel very uncomfortable.
Good find. Never heard of this forum. I wonder if they are financed by Soros, though Branson, the tax exile, is a member, and will do. What also strikes, is that all of them are committed to destroying the social cohesion of the West by unrestrained migration. Too, the AGW – Climate Change nonsense is part of the same strategic aim, make the West pay for the folly and corruption of African leaders.
America was supposed to pay for a large part of AGW-Climate Change hoax, so its not surprising that all of them hate Donald Trump.
NCBBC, Mary Robinson has been introduced as such on R4’s TOADY programme – the last time she was on, in fact, in my hearing. I’m a bit lapsed these days as a TOADY listener.
It is all a bit shady. But money buys access and money buys influence, including influence on policy. Fact of life.
There are loads of these things, some mythical, some more real from the Illuminati downward.
I think Peter Gabriel has ‘form’ in many circles.
South Africa has never forgiven him for ‘Biko’, but I really did like ‘The Rabbit-Proof Fence’, as the music was stunning, and the story was pretty bleak, but ultimately compelling.
As Richard Branson was part of his funding, I suppose it was bound to happen that something like this would turn up…
At least he did something on finding his own money, and not so much from taxpayers etc. His ‘Womad’ bailout was mainly funded by his ex-Genesis mates, getting together to help an old chum out which is strangely gratifying I suppose.
Scrobie, I think even his erstwhile bandmates described Peter as weird. I have a wonderful interview, somewhere on a cassette tape, between Mike Rutherford, Phil Collins and Tony Banks conducted by, I think, Chris Tarrant on Capital Radio way back when.
Maybe in Nineteen Tiddle-I-Po, I think.
Amol knows who he likes.
He has a Dreamland, full of ilks.
One of the first skills one develops ‘as an expert’ is to be able to come up with a convincing reason why your first opinion was wrong and your new opinion is right!
The late, great Professor Eric Laithwaite (Imperial College London!) once conducted an experiment for which there were two possible outcomes, ‘A’ or ‘B’. Before ‘switching on’ people were asked what they thought might happen. Laithwaite said ‘B. ‘It turned out that he was right.
He later admitted that he thought it would be ‘A’ but if he got it wrong he had no explanation as to why it should be ‘B’.
By saying ‘B’ he knew if that turned out be right then people would just tell him how clever he was and wouldn’t ask him ‘why’, whereas if he got it wrong he had a ready explanation why it should be ‘A’.
Idiots like Rajan can be assured that there will be no shortage of ‘jilted’ experts prepared to give a contrary explanation to the ‘chosen ones’. I just wish there was an alternative to the
ubiquitous, ‘is it cus I is brown, innit’, Amol.
Those who follow Jon Sopel on Twitter May have noticed that the BBC’s North America Editor has had a few things to say on Boris. But will no doubt, like me, be totally unsurprised to see he’s had nothing to say about the dropping of charges against Trump’s former adviser Michael Flynn.
However he’s also had to keep schtum about St. Obama’s criticism of Trump’s COVID handling. Because he could then not avoid the subject of the sainted one’s fingerprints being all over the FBI investigation into Russia and Trump.
It will be interesting to see how long radio silence can be maintained.
Surely the little weasel can arrange an nth degree of separation effort to at least ‘like’, by getting Katty to retweet Anthony retweeting something The Hill has heard from ‘a source’ or Don Lemon has simply plucked out if the ether?
I’m not a believer of conspiracy theories, but the plot to bring down Gen Flynn, and then Pres Trump, is shaping up to a Grand Conspiracy of the first order.
Even Obama realises that unless Biden is elected, he will be facing harsh questions, The Dems are now frantic to have voting by mail. Its too frightful if Donald Trump stays in the WH.
I would agree. The timing of this is I think a deliberate tactic by Trump who has laid a mine for the Democrats just before the election. A mine the media will do their best to ignore.
NC and RD, just looking at that Johns Hopkins bar chart of infections you would have to ask – as any half-decent journalist would – is the USA being deliberately infected with Covid-19?
Boy, the Left, Sopel, MSM and Democrats are angry. They worked assiduously in their conspiracy to destroy the US from within and they were so close. And then, and then, DJT arrived on the scene so they pulled out all the stops to stop him. Flynn was a casualty of that. Having closely watched the progress of investigation, its fair to say, Saint “Back of the Queue” & the Clintons were behind this. It is really unravelling quickly now and when the true American public get to know all the facts about the plan to maintain the destruction of the US economy to supplant China as the leading nation, I reckon there will be a purge across all social levels similar to the McCarthy period. As nasty as that. Perhaps even nastier. Demanded by the public and needless to say, endorsed by DJT.
I hope, Allah willing, that Obama and Killery are publicly disgraced and tried and sentenced appropriately.
Did anyone guess what the first post is?
What has been increasingly irritating, is the more government, their owned media, and force authority (police) get things wrong, the more they double down on oppressing the people. Any criticism, no matter how mild from us, who haven’t been licensed to speak, are bullied by the police, and likely arrested arrested.
So here is one, and a few others, illustrating the horrendous attitude of the “licensed to bully police force”.
Of course its all for our good, as David Warren would put it
Be safe, or you will be shot!
The people have no say, as the authorities, with their media and police force, do what they want. Most people simply submit, as there is no hope of getting a judge or magistrate to stand for us.
The ordinary person, who is taking the brunt of this virus – lost jobs, tightens the belt, and is told to shut up. Its worth remembering that all government employees, police, judiciary etal, will be payed their salary.
In the USA they have the Second Amendment, a fragmented state, made up of 50 states. Too, they have Pres Trump on the side of the common man .
Here. we are just cows to be herded and milked.
No I didn’t NCBBC, what does it mean? ????
And congratulations on ditching the telly tax in 2 weeks ????
Morse code but your separation had me confused.
Thank you.
“First” in Morse. I think.
NCBBC Looked like ‘R V’ to me ?
Pointless Endeavour perhaps?
It reads to my novice eye as E break V.
I had to look it up, btw.
T’other way round would have been just right for first on the previous Thread. And Guest ought to get a prize. 🙂
None of his tweets happen without several more afterwards, but there seems glimmer that things are not as black and white as some colleagues try to maintain.
In the world of politics of the least bad, a government of Peston, Reid and Krankie is a bullet well dodged.
John Sweeney liked this, in the Graun.
It still impresses that a junior doctor not long ago screaming about workload manages two jobs and lobbing up in any studio with a mic turned on.
Also the House journal.
Miriam Margolyes is missing her ‘partner’ recently due to the lockdown, so she isn’t getting any of it which is clearly making her miserable and irritable ????
But at least she is spared the inconvenience of removing her partner’s pubes from between her teeth – an activity she was happy to share with us not so long ago.
The Guardian see her as a ‘national treasure’, I prefer to see her as a disgusting old dyke.
Onto rather more pleasant subjects. With the windspeed here in Kent miraculously jumping from 20mph to 40mph without touching 30 on the way, and the mercury dropping in the old thermo, it was a great excuse to break out a boxed set of Noggin the Nog and warm oneself by the nearest lap top. A tale of a cold land in the Far North, with frequent references to log fires and toast (even without honey or Marmite) were just right for the conditions outside.
The concept and different parts played by all the collaborators were brilliantly well executed. I cannot imagine the BBC buying anything of such simple quality, let alone commissioning it ‘in-house’, today.
Toast – and honey – for tea.
‘Vacancies’ anyone ? ……………..
Strange that it doesn’t mention anything about driving the TV detector van and only mentions being issued with a ‘hand held device ‘ which presumably means a pen …..
Might be juicy. Can’t read until posted here.
Should be sacked . Imagine the lefty outrage if he mocked that up with Diane Abbott and Dawn Butler !!!!!
Deleted his tweet. Idiot.
At 7 pm Boris gives his talk. He finishes at 7.10 pm.
At 7.10 pm we have the BBC news. In the second sentence Huw announces ‘already people are claiming that the new policy lacks clarity’
In other words the BBC had decided the line before Boris had even finished speaking.
Two minutes later, Laura Doomsberg is talking about the tension between the four home countries, despite Boris emphasising his discussions with both the devolved administration and the other political parties.
News – no. Anti-government narrative – yes.
Sluff – I could nt decide Whether to listen to boris with Elgar or Wagner in the background but I stuck with Wagner after 5 minutes by which time his talk had turned into ‘ blah blah ‘ …..
…. the limits of the parliament by laptop is going to be exposed in the commons on Monday -.time to panic buy the popcorn again ….
…..and just in case readers think I might be making up the above post on pre-ordained angles. Mrs S turned back to BBC during the ITV adverts and we were immediately listening to a handpicked hotelier from Weston Super Mare who was whingeing and moaning on cue about not knowing when she could open. Lack of clarity, you see.
Mrs S turned back to ITV 10 seconds later……
……….and guess who was on, talking about a lack of clarity?
I caught him on ITV news at 2220.
Sirkeer !!!!!
Just fancy that.
Anyone would think the BBC selected line and that of Labour were co-ordinated.
Oh, wait……………..
Yes, and handpicked hotelier intimated she thought she could partially open with only a few rooms allocated. To anyone on holiday what a grim prospect THAT would be. It would be like any seaside town out of season, nothing open only the odd fish ‘n’chip shop and a deserted beach.
Clarity? Here’s clarity:
We can’t afford to pay you lot to stay at home.
If this carries on you will all be unemployed and there will be no NHS because there will be no money to pay for it.
So get back to work and save the NHS.
(I wish)
Sluff, think the BBC had an Editorial meeting last night via video conferencing. At 11 a.m. this morning they were telling web-site users “What to watch for in the PM’s lockdown speech.”
Blimey, Sluff!
You took the words right out of mine and Mrs O’Blene’s mouths!
What a dire , inexcusable first response from a tax-funded bunch of disorganised creeps!
Utterly disgraceful, and now pandering to the brain-dead yobs and their ugly tattoed harridans, that our elected government’s measured response to a national emergency is wrong, and ‘our advisers’ are right!
Huw Edwards (£325,000 p.a.), should feel sickened despite all that money he’s getting. I hope he has a bad night, because he bloody well should feel totally embarrassed at reading such crap from his autocue.
What a total bunch of mentally-deficient, left-winged, violently-unpleasant arseholes we have to endure in W1AA.
Here’s to May 14th. I hadn’t heard about that until today.
Next Thursday is not so much about the clap, more about a national BBC switch-off by listeners and viewers. When you find you quickly can acclimatise to no TV, then you find it is easy to be £160 (in round figures) better off each year.
To carry on the Morse code theme, the BBC is 3dits,4dits,1dit,dah.
Yep !
It will be interesting if anyone at the bbc ponders what the alternative would have been.
Guest Who
“There should be no return to work until it’s safe to do so”
I say tell that to the SAS.
Oh the irony. This is the kind of statement that could only come from someone who has never done a days work in his life.
Perhaps Mr Corbyn needs to be reminded by someone who did a real job for 46 years that the minute you tumble from your bed in the mornings you are not safe. It’s a fact of life that we all have to come to terms with. Sorry Jezza but safety is like security – it’s all relative.
I don’t think anyone in this country is going to work in Chernobyl are they ?
I turned on Radio 4, just in time to hopefully miss The Archers, instead got the end of ‘Bulldog’ Boris.
As per above Evan Davis was straight in to tell us how he would now explain what the PM had just told us!
For some reason we were also to be treated to the words of Keir Starmer, the man who lost the Labour Party the election, (Corbyn kept up a Brexit-fence-sitting posture, it was Starmer who told the ‘Northern Working Class’ that their votes didn’t matter).
Back to the CDs.
Not sure the teachers’ unions will be well-disposed to the BBC after this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ Second row down, first pic under Pandemic heading.
Makes them look really stupid.
Teachers or BBC?
Most public sector unions are eyeing up a whole year off.
On full pay of course, paid for by those in the private sector many of whom are staring at prolonged unemployment.
For which the unions don’t give a flying f***
The BBC will be getting those heartbreaking food bank stories ready as that nasty Richy cuts the furlough by a couple of hundred a month until starvation sets in …. unless people start earning their living again –
– the budget at the end of this is gonna be a peach ….
The three quid a week TV tax could help an awful lot of hard-up earners if it were to be waived indefinitely as well.
Fat chance when Walkers Crisps are a staple as far as Linecur is concerned.
I’ve noticed for a long time that those using foodbanks don’t exactly look as though they’ve been on a starvation diet for weeks, although most could actually do with going on one, and funny how its mainly the young and unable to cook. The elderly know how to rustle up a meal out of nothing.
The government’s covid update?
Pubs won’t be allowed to reopen untill July, but that will be extended if any are still solvent on that date.
The lockdown rules are to be vaguer than ever, but with increased fines for not being able to understand them.
This one is probably my favourite.
“Her tweet was met with an outpouring of disgust at the use of such language. In a second tweet, she said the support she received from the public after discussing the incident online made her feel proud to be British.”
If she is ‘British’ then hearing the shortened form of Pakistani, (a nationality, not a race by the way), should have no affect, surely?
Apparently this ‘slur’ took place ‘after the referendum’. Some of us have forgotten when that happened, it seems so long ago.
House journal delivers in Spad…. digging implements of steel.
Do you think
@oliviatobin17 Senior Reporter at Liverpool Echo likes Bories Johnson’s 7pm speech ?
The constant negativity toward whatever the government tries to do is really getting my blood pressure up. Goodness knows, there’s plenty to criticise but all the media criticism seems to be criticism for its own sake, just to discredit the government rather than try to get to the truth.
Where’s the criticism of the models used to justify locking us down in the first place? And the obvious follow up: given the models have been shown to be useless, why was Boris still quoting the figure of 500,000 deaths from those models this evening? Why is the entire lockdown not now being re-evaluated?
Where is a detailed investigation into the businesses crippled by this and a discussion of how, if ever, they can hope to survive. A realistic assessment of how many furloughed employees will never see these jobs again? As an accountant trying to advise these poor souls I can assure everyone here that I expect a large number to go to the wall.
Such things appear to be of no interest to the media who would rather carp about whether the messages are unclear. Which they are, of necessity, because it’s becoming increasingly clear that this whole exercise is built on foundations of sand. But unclear messages are the least of our problems.
Al knows who he likes and where he likes them to be aired.
Stupid arse doesn’t actually understand how few people really listen to his sad stories.
As a presumed liar, he can do what he wants, but he can’t really expect normal people to even bother to take any notice.
Countryfile opens
“As care home deaths are predicted to EXCEED those in hospitals”
… are they, by who ???
sounds like fake news to me
47m50 “Now we have all seen the news that HOSPITALS are STRUGGLING to get enough protective gowns to treat patients safely, well Kate Humble has discovered an initiative in her local community that is coming to the rescue”
… then it goes into an item which is NOT about helping HOSPITALS with PPE for hospitals but rather carers in the community.
an org called the Anyrin Bevin Scrubbers.
The prog claimed “there have been 8,000 Covid deaths in care homes in England alone”
.. that seems high, but I haven’t checked the stats
Judging by the Public Health England stats the number of deaths ‘elsewhere ‘ are going to outnumber the daily hospital numbers – whether they are fixed by the medical mafia or it’s the incompetence of the government to allow the over 60s to die unprotected is another matter….
Personally I’d go for the latter – care homes should have been nationalised but they decided to resource Nightingale hospitals to Avoid the chance of pictures of people dying in hospital car parks for lack of space …..
Sure to be fake.
That rather decent prog, albeit from some years ago, could make a Sunday evening a pleasant way to end a couple of days rest.
Now it’s just crap, so never watched.
the line get pushed further back
How long before the good doctor is back in the su… studio?
The message that I am getting from the BBC’s website is that the government’s ‘message’ is confusing.
I don’t see how giving publicity to a rabble of opposition MPs, ‘journalists’ and jilted ‘experts’ adds clarity.
What is clear to me is that there are precious few rational voices out there. If it is OK to be outside then it hardly matters what people do outside, yet I read rubbish like it is OK to exercise a horse, (the government says so), but not to be in a car by a beach, (it upsets women exercising horses).
If there is no cure then eventually everyone will catch it and everyone will die. That clearly is nonsense, some people are either immune or have become immune. In which case the weak with no immunity will die, those that are immune or become immune will survive and the virus will have no host.
Isolating the sick makes sense, isolating the un-infected doesn’t, eventually they will have to take their chances, (odds improved if the sick are isolated).
Social isolation indoors, such as schools and workplaces, is idiotic, in aircraft even more so. Indoor air must be like London tap water, filtered through seven kidneys, or lungs in this case.
I start to think that theories of World Government/Green Agenda make more sense than what we are being told and that the virus either doesn’t exist or has been deliberately released as part of the plan. Brexit and the election of Trump really made them desperate!
Twitter. Where it all plays out.
Perhaps she can bring some ‘essential’ nail polish too?
I’m not up to speed on here so apologies if this has already been discussed.
I saw a FBPE today making ridiculous claim that zero German medics had died
So I had to dive down that rabbit hole
I found that a week old report
15+ Covid deaths of German hospital workers
+ 30 Care home staff
A note added it’s a minimum cos a lot remain uncounted
“Thus far, 9,885 cases with a SARS-CoV-2 infection have been notified among staff working in medical facilities.”
That’s around 0.5% dath rate for the infected workers
Remember some of our staff weren’t real working staff but retired volunteers and a woman on maternity leave.
Update on German health care worker deaths .. at least 54 now
17 hospital workers
+ 37 care home workers
“Until now, 11,067 cases with a SARS-CoV-2 infection have been notified among staff working in medical facilities
… The median age was 41 years, 17 persons died.”
The high number of cases among people cared for or working in various care facilities is consistent with numerous reported outbreaks”
BTW the German report says very few cases came up in people caring for children
“ The low number of cases among persons who attend or work in facilities providing child care or education reflects the low incidence in children observed thus far”
The sodding press were making huge noises about garden centres being opened, but I cant recall anything being said about these. So, open or not ? this is of great importance to me. I need a new garden hose, and Amazon don’t have the one I want.
Brissles, as a stop-gap, try Ebay and this description…
Expanding Expandable Elastic Compact Garden Hose Pipe With Spray Gun
It may not be what you want, but they last a couple of years, take up no space, and have a half-decent spray gun which does a reasonable job!
May just get you over the interim…
(And this is Arthur Fallowfield signing off, and don’t forget to cover those tender plants tonight, there’s a frawst on the way…:0)
Scrob, that is exactly the one I want ! I’ve used them since they came on the market, and are ideal for a simpleton gardener like me, but my current one has ‘perished’. Thanks for that I’ll check Ebay out.
They’ve really come down in price too, so it may be a win-win situation!
It’s too cold to get outside anyway, I’ve just given up..:0(
Going back to the opening post by Fed regarding how the BBC introduce guests.This is how I was first alerted to how they were possibly biased.I think it was mid to late 1990’s and listening to Radio 4 late one night and they were discussing pensions.Can’t remember the actual program or presenter and there was no listen again in those days but the exchange went like this.
Joining us tonight is guest A from a left of centre think tank also in the studio is guest B from a right wing think tank.
Guest B quickly intervenes and says to the presenter if A is left of centre then I am right of centre.
I don’t know who you were guest B but you certainly opened my eyes to the Beebs bias and how they treat those on the right something that I have been very wary of since that day.
A couple of years ago I remember Mark Steyn remarking on how often he was introduced as “the controversial” commentator on many media outlets. Whereas people holding other views were not.
I think it is a bit like the warnings you get on cigarette packets. But unlike “smoking can seriously damage your health” this is more like ” this man’s view could seriously affect your docility towards our politically correct indoctrination plan”
@YASSER excellent analogy
Fire up Photoshop
“Warning ingestion of BBC & libmob news
causes brain cancer
Quitting BBC will seriously improve your health”
The BBC tries to scare us with a story about the policeman who caught the virus, he is ‘very disturbed’ at the behaviour of some of you people.
It occurs to me that if there was anything at all in Professor Pants-Down’s ‘social distancing’ theory then the police should be dropping like the proverbial flies here and indeed all over the world – all those pictures of empty public places with the
waffen SSpolice standing around in tight groups!Not only that they would all be BAME officers, like in the good-old-days of US cop shows, where you just knew that the black ‘rookie’ would hit the deck within minutes of taking to the streets for the first time. (That is why, I guess, that all of a sudden, they were taking new jobs as police commissioner or top judge! – Which rather anticipates the current call to excuse the BAMEs from front-line duties, ‘we are right behind you, 35 miles behind you!’).
The scary thing to me after reading that beebish was the quoted “crimes”. If things weren’t so serious they sound like they come out of a Monty Python sketch. Stopped for going to see a cousin, going to buy a puppy, using a dinghy , having a birthday party etc. I wonder how long it will be before, if ever, some of the Covid rules will be removed permanently.
The one about the man fined twice in Cumbria in the space of ten minutes was especially worrying.
From the BBC story he had been travelling between London and Aberdeen so would be roughly half-way. What was he expected to do after the first fine?
The ‘experts’ have all been revealed to be idiots. How can travelling from one part of the country to another, (where the virus is already present), be a problem? Oh, he might have an accident and divert the police from chasing people out of parks or, in the extreme, interrupt the dancing of the bored nurses in the surgical wards! He might even touch a petrol pump! (Yeah I’m sure the virus just loves those diesel-soaked surfaces!).
We are being conned. They are using primary legislation designed to control a few infected people to contol the un-infected masses. Rather than really hold ‘power to account’ our over-paid media is now pretending it can’t understand words like ‘stay’ and ‘alert’. Even our dog can get 50% on that test.
Definitely time to challenge the validity of that law and those tickets plod are issueing .
The idiot chief constable who authorised the use of drones to film dog walkers in Derbyshire is retiring a bit early to spend more time with his pension .
Meanwhile the plod and its commissioner in London can go to Westminster Bridge this Thursday and clap it’s heart out – they’re family after all …
Plod can take great pride in their revenue-raising efforts of late. In particular, they must be delighted at issuing a fixed penalty to that most heinous of criminals: an elderly woman who lives next door to one of my mother’s equally venerable cousins.
Her crime? Attempting to drive to a certain hardware store to buy paintbrushes. She was intercepted en route, issued with said penalty and told to go home.
If I were her, I’d ignore the fixed penalty notice and take my chances. And should the Procurator Fiscal be stupid enough to initiate court proceedings against her then I know someone who’ll not only defend her free of charge but who will take delight in causing utter mayhem in the process.
On the subject of police overstepping the mark……
Probably time Jon, Tony, Nick and Katty got really interested in something irrelevant and trivial. Again.
How on earth did it come to this?
Explanations –
1 clearly a plot by the Russians / Trump / capitalists / to fix the coming election by killing voters
2 clearly a demonstration that democrats are less healthy that republicans – or don’t wash their hands .
Let’s play that game of guessing which one the BBC would go for ?
Enter AOC – Biden – st osama – and those thousands of BBC correspondents ….,as well as a lecture by Maitliss from one of her homes about The ‘inequality ‘of the virus
The comments that follow show the value in assuming partisanship facts are better than fact facts.
So, read around.
Perhaps socialists in America follow the socialists running the NHS be knowlingly sending covid infected elderly to care homes or refusing to remove covid infected staff or residents from care homes
The greatest scandal . Let’s go clap
Guest, thanks for that.
Vairry interestinck!
Wonder who Toenails will have as a guest to show just how off message KGM is being here.
Riots in Germany over the weekend . What about ?
When you circle the wagons and only look inside.
Could the media be any more dumb?
The mixed message BoJo sent Sunday night denatures plod getting the boys together to play thug emptying parks .
There are some horrible videos on the twitter – as well as them Doing their dance moves – even with the riot vans…I don’t know how we are supposed to respect them now – unless of course they go back to shooting Islamic terrorists once their pseudo religious thing ends
Am breaking my BBC Radio News fast. Needed a time check and thought I would tough it out and listen to the news after the Prime Minister’s broadcast and probably the prime 8.10 a.m. interview.
Interesting that it is Mishal Husain again presenting TOADY. She really is becoming dominant.
I wonder why?
“People living in no-go zones [zones-urbaines-sensibles “sensitive urban zones”] are treated differently. Police officers have been told by the government not to stop them at all and to avoid as much as possible going near where they live.”
“”The government knows that a large-scale uprising could happen, and that a minor incident might be enough to set the powder keg ablaze. Therefore, police officers have unwritten instructions: they must avoid incidents at all costs. If an incident occurs, they know that the government will blame the police, and no one else”.”
The UK is just behind that curve. Its only a matter of time. The multi-tiered legal system in operation.
Aim of those useful idiots being used by our enemies to undermine countries from within ….. sad future coming … the virus has proved how easy it is to get populations to comply … which for them is the most valuable lesson of all …
The legal system has been multi-tiered for many a long year. Here’s but one example of this: a police officer based in ‘a certain English city’ told me more than 20 years ago that there are areas within the said city that the police only enter in the event of a very serious crime being reported to them, and even then they only travel there mob-handed. Oh, and the city in question is not London.
Monday morning – if you are in central London – and you hear a helicopter ? Look up – yes that’s the BBC helicopter .
It’s been floating over the Capital for over an hour now …. not cheap –
Meanwhile two super heavy planes are fifteen minutes away from Heathrow – that’s maybe 600 uncontrolled people coming into the UK from America ….
“Here comes the candle to light you to bed,
And here comes the CHOPPER to chop off your head!”
Hat tip to George Orwell and ‘1984’.
Yes, and I do like the no 14d lockdown for people arriving from France bit. Including rubber boats if I’m not mistaken.
The reaction of hearing that for many people would have been ‘Specifically done for the benefit of the Invading Enrichers on the South Coast’. It is possible to imagine a suitably crafted red herring question in the House of Commons or during the Downing Street briefing, with a prepared answer along the lines of “Britain has always welcomed refugees to our shores, even during times of crisis such as WW2, and it is important we retain our sense of duty and values towards vulnerable people… women and children… escaping war and poverty… scientfic advice says no risk… thank you for the question, Laura… drone… zzz…zzz”
Is it me? Or is the BBC full of idiots? They seem to be going out of their way to try and trip Mr Raab up…negative criticism…
Will people who come into your house such as window cleaners be able to work? My window cleaner has never been in my house!..Idiot..
Can somebody meet both parents in a park -yes if they are 2m apart – Idiot…and it goes on
I found Boris’s message clear – it was setting the scene for the next few weeks..with detail today
They keep saying Boris said people should go back to work today – NO he didn’t .he said they should be encouraged (and the understanding is that the workplace is safe…that is the Company’s job not the Govt’s..)
Why are the Unions so against anyone working?
BBC you are a F***ing disgrace – excuse french
I couldn’t sleep so listened to the R4 ‘Today’ sh1t-fest from about 6:30 (big mistake!)
Is it just me or has this been one of the most biased ever? Raab constantly interrupted, Clifton Brown not respected, Len McLuskie, Mary Boustead, Mishal Husain as bad as ever, Labour given a fairly easy ride.
I note that Mishal was shocked, and I mean shocked, that Dominic Raab was puzzled about the window cleaner being permitted to do the insides of the windows…… perhaps Mishal can’t be arrised to do her own windows and has a posh window cleaner who does the insides as well as the outsides….. can’t say I have ever been offered thast level of service by window cleaners in my locale….. but then, I’m probably not living in the same sort of exclusive, gated community which Mishal inhabits.
Indeed James. Disgraceful.
Now Louise Minchin trying her best to get Nicola Sturgeon to slag off Boris. Nicola not playing. Well done her.
Now Louise is trying to muddy the waters and cause confusion with stupid, anal questions which Raab has CLEARLY answered.
BBC desperate to keep up the anti government mixed messaging agenga, not realising, it is THEM who are causing the confusion.
Just DISGUSTING stuff. Agenda driven bias.
Nicola is too savvy to do it directly. She’ll say something oblique that lets it be known what she thinks. The members of her cult will then do their worst in the media, social and mainstream.
Readers may not have read the following paper in a publication called the Health Service Journal.
Allow me to summarise.
1. There have been no staff deaths in the NHS in intensive care.
2. The Covid 19 death rate of NHS staff is at the expected level for any organisation of its size of working age people.
In fact anyone can work this out by knowing a. The NHS employee numbers b. The % of CV19 deaths among the working age (see ONS stats) c. The NHS employee CV19 death rate d. The total working age population. All available on line. But an august body like the HSJ is less easy to dismiss.
So our ‘brave NHS heroes’ are dying ………just like the rest of us. Which given that hospitals are fife with the virus is a good achievement. Perhaps the PPE situation is not so bad after all.
In other words the BBC and others have been totally leading us up the garden path these past weeks with their cult hero-worship.
Not a surprise but always good to be able to have proof as to how biased they are.
Sluff – thank you for saying what I’ve thought for a long time . I lost any regard I had for the NHS a long time ago – it’s a socialist self serving empire which has become Even more so since the Chinese virus came along .
For NHS managers it must be like Christmas – mass fraud – corrupt ‘ doctors ‘ unlimited cash – debts written off – hiding behind the emotion decent taxpayers apply to it – particularly tired angels sobbing about not being able to buy toilet rolls because of panic buying ( remember ) –
Chuck in ‘coloured as victims ‘ and you’ve got a perfect lie .
At the end of this there should be a reckoning – but there won’t be – we all kneel at the alter of the NHS now …..
Fed, Sluff,
Some decades ago the great General Motors dominated the car industry in the USA and from this position of dominance it offered it employees generous pension provision. Then in the seventies and eighties the industry , including General Motors , faced fierce competition from Japan and the company went into slow decline . By the turn of the century it was described as a pension fund with a car company attached. Will the UK become the NHS with a country of tax payers attached?
I was trying to figure what the new name of the UK or Britain should be – perhaps – Great NHS
Or NHS landistan