A highly skilled BBC autocue reader called Fiona Bruce read out that a whole range of workers are ‘low skilled’. She has done a public service by showing a glimpse at what they think of the millions of people who pay their wages through the TV licence.
If you feel like cancelling yours – here is the link –
Please practice distancing from the Biased BBC and wash your hands after having watched or listened to it . Over to you .
Anyone hear anything on Al Beeb about George Soros predicting the end of the EU could be caused by coronavirus? Fake news or is Al Beeb slow in catching up again ?
“Many British people are unlikely to be able to take foreign holidays this summer because of coronavirus, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.”
Southern European countries are going need a lot of money to replace the loss of income from British tourists then? Will Germany and France bail them out or will Blighty be tapped again ? Lets hope that we will be shot of the EU by then .
Taffman, you’re a grade A lurker! How many firsts can you lay claim to now? ????
Not sure, too busy counting the number of red letters I am getting from Al Beeb and their Telly Goons for not paying their ‘Extortion Tax’ .
It appears I’ve escaped quite luckily. I ditched the BBC back in 2017 and since, I have only had two incoming telephone conversations with them: both to confirm I don’t need a licence and my statement that I now, invest in subscription services.
I guess in Wales that the the licensing ‘nest’ is somewhere in Cardiff so, as is the case in every other area, there are rules for some and rules for others.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 started Tuesday 10am
– page 3 started Monday 7pm
It’s difficult to keep up
This morning BBC were shouting about a guy in Leicester stopping their big outside broadcast
claiming it was about him being racist , even tho police charges didn’t mention racism.
Then after lunch when they edited the story to include his not guilty plea they wrote the charge as “racially aggravated”
as if the BBC’s lawyers had got the police to change the charges at the last minute.
The headcam vid show the guy is an anti-BBC protester who went their to stop it as he says it is responsible for “Satanic child abuse”.
The MSM including the BBC are in the habit of warning of the perils of ‘Fake News’ which in my books includes manipulating stories to suit an agenda. The following in ‘The Basingstoke Gazette’ includes the story you mention but offers the readers no comments section to correct, so their lies stick.
Good point Taffman,
We all know that the bBBC select, modify, change, ignore, ‘explain’ and delete ‘news’. They do not report it.
They are no longer credible.
I know many young ‘non-snowflake’ people who can see right through them, so we do have hope.
The Mouse
How many of those celebrating VE day last week are not going to work this week for ‘fear’ of Covid-19 are thinking about their forefathers going to work under the threat of being bombed every day to save the nation? This present lot would stay in their air raid shelter because of ‘elf and safety’?
Perhaps Al Beeb better point out (for once) in the interest of the nation, that there is a heavy cost to be paid for this ‘holiday’. A very, very heavy cost.
Perhaps the UK will be funded with money coming from rest of the world by “Foreign Aid” ?
Speaking of ‘aid’. I wonder if the ad agency who created the latest Christian Aid film currently being aired, see the irony in the title ‘Christian Aid’ but their film portrays African women who are clearly Muslim. (?)
I saw that advert yesterday too, I hadn’t realised the film was of non Christian people.
However two things sprang to mind.
I think they’re going to struggle to get donations. While I don’t compare our situation with that of people living in African villages, at the same time we’re in unprecedented times in terms of the economy, personal finances, job worries, mental health from being isolated and general media induced snowflakery.
Secondly, one of the projects the money will support is to give education on hand washing. Yes I know that by accident of birth we’re privileged to be in our own situations, but after decades of aid there are people (many of whom will make their way to the UK and other parts of Europe) that will “integrate”, perhaps work, perhaps avail themselves of the benefits their chosen country will bestow on them, and who can’t even/don’t realise the benefits of the most basic of hygiene tasks. Which begs the question what else do they do or not do?
I have wondered whether these ‘begging’ adverts are given special discount rates, because its certainly not cheap to make them or the cost of the air time. So with the constant bombardment of various charities that have been repeated for years (I’m thinking of the cameraman who “being a recent grandfather myself” – his grandchild must be at Yuni now !!! , – the pickings must be very lean.
Well, Idi Amin, self-styled “Conqueror of the British Empire”, did send a boat-load of aid to Britain long ago, so we can always hope!
But, I don’t like curry from the Winalot shops, so what’s the situation?
And I’ll never ever get a Chinese slop-meal again, you never know where it’s come from…
Yes, we are still suffering the fall-out of that boat load of aid.
Mus, yes indeed and I had one of them as a next door neighbour. Very integrated, highly so, while establishing a family and still maintaining links with Germany and through a husband with East Africa (Tanzania) and Western India.
Then another time, I had (very) Orthodox Jews as neighbours, either coming to the UK as immigrants early in 20th century or as refugees closer to WW2. In old age I cannot remember, now! They used to tell everyone, including their neighbours who knew them well, often unasked (they were quite elderly and forgetful by then) “We are so proud to be British.” or “We are so grateful to Britain for taking us in.”
If only all our refugees were like that.
Not been a good day for high BBC profile ladies.
Now, dear reader, ponder for a moment the reaction from Jon and his squad had one not their own so posted.
Bless, BS with ‘nuance’.
Surely she would be better off talking to the NUT rather than an ance, if she wants kids to go back to school.They certainly don’t want to go back into the classroom, well not till they’ve had their summer holidays.
Summer, what summer? My thermostat is set on 10° and the boiler still keeps kicking in!
Jon and gang knew what was what back in the day. Oh, yes.
I share this Only as it appeared on my timeline, as retweeted by Katty Kay.
Meanwhile ex-Beeboid Sweeney! is crowing about Surkeer winning in a poll conducted by… The New European.
Oh, and Ray Snoddy, who once presented the BBC navel gazing show has gone off the deep end.
The editorial integrity at that benighted organisation is a bad joke.
Latest odds so far as I am aware are Trump 10/11 , Biden 6/5. No change.
Seems OK so far, but Biden’s bonking will make them change an iota…
Trump was something like 1/2 back in February/March ????
The problem with that 41% claim
is that it considers ALL voters
Trump’s own people are not interested in hard core Democrats, they’ll never vote for him ever.
the only thing that counts the votes of Republicans & floating voters.
I reckon Rishi Sunak got the better of oooer Laura this evening, despite her under-editors frantically clipping and pasting, which was so poorly done, it seemed like some prog ‘manager’ from a poor African village was ‘reporting’.
See sense, Beeb! Just accept that while your money is safely pay-walled, and still flowing in, even without Crapita interference, most people in the country are struggling to get going again, so just quit your whingeing, and report the news as it is, not with your unreliable opinions!
Sorry chums here, I have to confess that we did watch the news tonight, because we need to get some stuff from our favourite garden centre tomorrow, and wanted to see what the odds were – I won’t do it again – promise…:0~
I am reminded of the Government spokesman, Ian McDonald and the way he handled the ‘meeja’ during the Falklands War. He was ‘authentic and reassuring’.
In comparison , the present government spokesmen are a bunch of muppets .
Blimey, Taff, I’d forgotten that!
He was superb; back then he made a measured response with speed, and complete knowledge of the facts!
But like you say, the ‘gotcha kids’ today haven’t a clue about reporting, probably because they’re told to spurt their banal sentences by their ‘under-managers’.
Actually, what is the next ‘executive layer’ above those feeble ‘under-managers’, and ferchrissakes how many more layers of ‘management’ are there in W1AA?
Lots and lots of telly tax to spend on withering weeds there I’m sure…
While the beeb delight in pretending not to understand Boris’ easing of lockdown which they accuse of being too vague, be assured that if he’d gone into more detail they would have just had more to find fault with, more ammunition to use against him, and would have accused him of despotic meddling in our lives.
As this chap asks: what do they want, a manual of do’s and don’ts?
The bbc has a long history of backing horses of colour.
First yellow (sorry Layla), and how long before Surkeer is given full diversity cred?
They might want to check the comments which, well, could…
God knows what what Iftar is and I don’t care. But if Starmer becomes PM in four years time we can expect not only to rejoin the EU , or what’s left of it , on any terms the EU wants, but to see the last remnants of the Britain we knew thrown in the bin and our slide towards an Islamic Britain rapidly increase.
On the other hand Boris might get us there first
Oh I agree that Boris certainly will not reverse Islamification and will probably allow it to grow as it is his nature to be a liberal . The main reasons to support Boris were firstly his commitment to leaving the EU and secondly he wasn’t Labour. I would certainly have voted for someone like Le Pen or Salvini if such a politician existed in the UK but there simply isn’t one . Nigel Farage certainly isn’t strong on mass migration and whilst AMW is strong she has zero chance of coming close to power.
I have said before that if Salvini and Le Pen came to power they may be able with the support of a Orban , Wilders , AfD, Vox et al be able to change the EU’s stance on Islamification, in which case I expect Suckhere would refuse to rejoin.
Funny how we never hear reports of what MPs are doing to mark the Christian time of Lent. Not just Labour Muslim MPs – any MPs of any party or religious denomination (or none). They wouldn’t even have to give up particular foodstuffs if they can’t do without eggs, chocolate or champagne; for instance, they could choose to give up hypocrisy, corruption or collaboration for 40 days instead.
As the war against coronavirus rumbles on it would be reassuring if watching or reading the BBC, Guardian or Independent was at least a bit uplifting to the UK population, but none of it.
Instead these icons of the UK media look and sound more like a wave of enemy propaganda.
A breathless tsunami designed to spread fear, mistrust in leadership and general unhappiness in order to rope everyone into their view of how things should be.
This Country would not have survived either 1914 – 1918 or 1939 – 45 if these despicable organisations had been bent on this destructive path at the time.
I hope the majority of UK citizens will eventually see them for what they really are. Global-fanatical elitists determined to remove anything remotely British or faintly patriotic from this Countries very soul.
They would then be left to strut around with their flat whites and avocado on toast brunches as the leaders of their New World Order. While the “low-skilled” ( i.e. non Oxbridge) would have to march to their tune.
I hate them with a vengeance!
Wow!! overwhelmed with the number of likes on this last post, never had so many!
First I’d like to thank my producer, my agent, my make-up-artist, and all those lovely people who clicked the button but mostly I would like to thank the BBC without whom none of this would have been possible!
It’s called ‘Marxism’.
Spot on Digg!
Saved me the typing as I’m not as quick as I used to be…
(so Mrs O’Blene never tires of telling me, but that’s another story, and not one for shrinking violets on this great place)!
Yep, agree Digg, all the MSM and BBC in particular do is promulgate depression
Made me laugh this morning after slagging Boris for using the phrase Common sense a senior police officer said – got to use commonsense and then Dan on BBC said to Grant Shapps ‘use common sense’
So it’s okay for everyone else to use ‘common sense ‘ but not Boris …eh BBC
A lot wrong with Piers tweet
Foxgoose highlights just one thing
Morgan is a tool. The UK and NYC have figures that are in the order of 15 and 1000 times higher than the rest of the world. What cretin believes this is a virus? It is politics. People in New York have simply been killed in many cases just as they have been in the UK. Not to mention the many emergency operations that have not be carried out. Wake up. The virus is a vehicle to restructure society in a very sinister way.
Sadly he has shown himself to be not just a tool, but a whole tool box.
I used to like him but now I think he is upset because all his pals with hotels and restaurants are closed and he is having to eat at home and gets no fawning attention.. and he hates Boris because he never came on his show…and POTUS stopped following him 🙂
“If you describe soldiers as cannon fodder, you mean that they are not considered important by their officers and are sent into war without their leaders worrying if they die.”
Its called, “Cannon Fodder”.
We are repeatedly told that reliable accurate data is necessary to fight the virus. So much is obvious and of course you want the data to be timely , you don’t want to have to wait until Tuesday to find out what happened on Saturday . Yet in the UK we seem unable to get all the data from the weekend until Tuesday! Surely the bureaucrats could get off their useless arses and work weekends at this time of crisis.
As to having a country divided by Devolution so the devolved assemblies can set their own rules for the exit from lockdown it is bonkers. The Blair devolution set up has , as no doubt Blair intended, been steadily undermining the UK for twenty years and I think that the Country is now ungovernable. As well as the lockdown exit farce , we have seen the problems over Sturgeon courting the EU . If there was an external crisis where military action was required would we see the devolved assemblies standing four square with Westminster? In the long run either the powers of the devolved assemblies are much reduced and that power returned to Westminster, or the UK splits into its four constituent parts. Of course the assemblies will never agree to giving up their power so the choice should be given to the people, full independence or reversal of devolution, no halfway house.
Doublethinker – I agree, it is bonkers. This coronavirus has exposed the weakness of devolution.
I don’t quite agree though that Labour’s intention with devolution was always to undermine the UK. Labour was afraid of the nationalists ever since the SNP’s modern rise in the 1970s. Labour mistakenly thought that giving the Scots a devolution referendum in 1979 would make the Scots forget about independence. It didn’t. It thought the establishment of a Scottish Assembly in 1999 would appease nationalist sentiment and keep Labour permanently in power in Scotland. It didn’t. With hindsight, Labour back in the 1970s and ever afterwards should have been firmly and clearly saying to the Scots: “We are a unionist party. We do not believe in either Scottish independence or devolution. Don’t believe the paranoid propaganda of the SNP. You are not being discriminated against. You have the same rights and freedoms as every other citizen of the UK.”
Because they did not utterly reject devolution and kill the idea back in the 1970s, Labour has been destroyed in Scotland. Once you start appeasing, you’re lost. Once you start paying the Danegeld, you have to keep on paying it.
Lord Dubs lobbying
But who, I wonder, is behind/financing ‘Safe Passage’
Any guesses? No hint on their website
“Quimmy Saville” is trending
It’s a character name in the outtake video of Ricky Gervais #AfterLife2
We shall
fightwatch them come ashore on the beaches, we shall give them assistancefighton the landing grounds, we shallfightlet them pick our fruit in the fields and wash our cars in the streets, we shallfighthide in the hills; we shallneversurrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas,armed and guardedhelping Iranians by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the removal of all that is Britishrescue and the liberation of the old.We shall f̶̶i̶̶g̶̶h̶̶t̶̶ watch them come ashore on the beaches,
we shall give them assistance f̶̶i̶̶g̶̶h̶̶t̶̶ on the landing grounds,
we shall f̶̶i̶̶g̶̶h̶̶t̶̶ let them pick our fruit in the fields and wash our cars in the streets,
we shall f̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶i̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶g̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶h̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶t̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶ hide in the hills;
we shall n̶̶e̶̶v̶̶e̶̶r̶̶ surrender,
and if, which I do not for a moment believe,
this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving,
then our Empire beyond the seas,
a̶̶r̶̶m̶̶e̶̶d̶̶ ̶̶a̶̶n̶̶d̶̶ ̶̶g̶̶u̶̶a̶̶r̶̶d̶̶e̶̶d̶̶ helping Iranians by the British Fleet,
would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time,
the New World, with all its power and might,
steps forth to the removal of all that is British r̶̶e̶̶s̶̶c̶̶u̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶a̶̶n̶̶d̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶l̶̶i̶̶b̶̶e̶̶r̶̶a̶̶t̶̶i̶̶o̶̶n̶̶ ̶̶o̶̶f̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶o̶̶l̶̶d̶̶
Is the bbc reporting on this? If so I missed it – maybe I was blinking at the time.
MPs To Force Boris To Publish Grooming Gangs Report
Impressive video. But if the grooming gang report is released in full within the next couple of years I will be surprised . We on this site may be still aware it exists but 90% of the public will have forgotten all about it. If the Home Office keep the lid on it for another few years it will 99% who have forgotten.
The Government and MSM agreed decades ago that the massive long term problems created by the multiculturalism ‘philosophy ‘ of allowing each group of new comers to totally ignore British cultural norms whilst fully retaining their own culture, must be covered up and suppressed. The other side of the agreement was that the MSM would play a full part in promoting and normalising a multicultural society by use of entertainment, adverts and by devaluing British culture , rewriting history etc , which is why in large part TV is now unwatchable to anyone with the sense to realise what is going on! This agreement has worked extraordinarily well and terrorism and industrial scale rape have been meekly accepted by the Britush public. Indeed the host population now even accepts discrimination AGAINST itself as the norm! The government and MSM are not going to allow this report to undo much of their work of the last twenty years.
Sajid probably felt that the rape gangs reflected badly on him and his community and understandably wanted to distance himself from them as much as possible, so he went rogue and commissioned the report. He may have realised that you can’t build a stable society on a lie! I am sure that he was advised not to by Home Office officials who , having started down the road of the transformation of Britain decades ago without the knowledge , let alone the consent , of the people , don’t know what to do other than to keep the lid on things.
Strange that it hasn’t leaked – but as the civil service is as infected with the left wing virus as a hospital with covid should it come as a surprise .
I bet there was a lot of anger that it got commissioned in the first place .
Funny how politicians go on about transparency from time to time . Then you know there’s something being covered up .
As I write I realise that the report may have leaked but the MSM and search engines ( google ) killed in ‘ by arrangement ‘ . Maybe TR can get a copy to put out in Canada or similar
They Live …

Craig Murray has been charged with contempt of court after blogging about Alex Salmond’s trial ;
(He’s the maverick ex ambassador who switched to become “a peace activist” and associate of Assange)
via TR.news
The concerted attempts to undermine the government – activist Costello being the latest – with both major TV channels, satellite channels, the majority of the print media and the devolved assemblies all busily in on the act is becoming scary.
To be deliberately obtuse and childishly negative is bad enough, but to do so with the spurious intention of ‘saving lives’ when the true goal is to change the government and reverse Brexit goes way beyond party politics. It’s the sort of behaviour that in the past has heralded revolution.
Quite incredible: its closely resembling the US media.
Premier League: Restrictions in place for team training t ‘Project Restart’
“…and use of PPE [personal protective equipment]”
BBC feeling the need to explain PPE…
Eddy, it’s in case Fedup2 is reading it.
I ask in all innocence- sometimes – what an online abbreviation means because I don’t know –
But I also do it to try to spare those reading ( and I think a lot more read that contribute ) trying to guess or look up or misunderstand what an abbreviation means .
More importantly – apparently someone has declared Thursday 14 May boycott of the BBC day That’s nice
As a confidence I ve had my first Threatening letter from TV licencing for 2 months – nice to be remembered .
Since I don’t use the BBC at all any more I suppose I could write to them . But there is no legal requirement to do so and every letter they send me costs them money – and with a bit of luck I can get a visit from one of their Stasi and waste his or her time by not speaking a single word to them ….
Which for some people might be difficult .
As for Alt TV – I’ve just finished ‘ breaking Bad’ on Netflix – it is up there with great TV drama like the sopranos , the wire , thrones which require the viewer to concentrate. .
I’d say all three of those series were an ‘ acquired taste ‘ and you are rewarded if you persist .
Even better is the absolute absence to virtue signalling , tick boxing and appealing to the yoof .
It’s a shame US drama can do such stuff but UK stuff is 90% tick box dross .
YouTube gets more sinister by the day.
every hour at least one new person tweets “Youtube unsubscribed me”
Anybody tried to sign up/ register to Bitchute? I have. It doesn’t work. I have contacted them by email but no substantive reply just an acknowledgement or receipt. Maybe they don’t want more visitors………………….
Hi G, FYI you don’t have to sign up or register in order to view content on bitchute.
I’m trying to link it to my early model smartTV on the index page. I think I have to register for some reason. I just assumed it is all the others, Google, YT making it difficult to discourage.
@G is it in your spam box ?
A quick scan of Al Beeb’s website and I see that it is mounting its anti Brexit propaganda campaign again. It is now working on influencing the trade deals . Watch the Remainer MPs taking part in the fest. Labour and Tory alike.
Newsnight going to get an audience at last?
Well, maybe outside the studios as the Nats rally.
Meanwhile, what could be better than a lunatic luvvie from across the pond with terminal TDS?
Speaking of conferences back in the day…
As a reminder, above BBC North America knows all about it at the start of the year.
They, and Lewis, seem inordinately proud of this ‘coup’.
Why, fudge knows.
Here’s one reason, Guest, it saves the BBC having to do any work or research, just get any old failing ‘actor’ to spout his bile, and then agree…
Sad really, but that’s the BBC for you.
Meet The Fockers is a must watch round the Sopel, Kay, Lurch and Bryant treehouse.
Emily like this one.
I call BS.
The circle of jerks is complete.
Then they give each other awards.
And pay rises.
Lewis Goodhall liked this one, of course.
Must be tough for the Strumpet to be as old as the other two put together.
Aaah! So that is why the Walnut One has so many wrinkles in its outer shell.
The racist Beeb are still very exercised by the murder of a black man in Georgia, nearly 3 months ago. Indeed at time of writing they have not one but two reports on the US page of their webshite.
But they ignore the disproportionate number of daily murders of whites by blacks in the US, not to mention the ethnic cleansing taking place in SA.
Below are some shocking stats on black-on-white crimes in the US that you’ll never see on the beeb.
“Black offenders chose white victims in 63.9 percent of robberies, 51.8 percent of assaults, and 58.6 percent of rapes. In contrast, white offenders chose black victims in 8.3 percent of robberies, 2.7 percent of assaults, and 5.5 percent of rapes”
Source: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/Publications/abstract.aspx?ID=96748
Have the stabbings in London ceased or has Al Beeb stopped reporting them ?
Coronavirus conveniently allowed the beeb to stop reporting them.
Stabbings were down at first but are picking up again, apparently by those mysterious white-handed men.
Bbc Moaning Emole
“Our experts have been answering the latest tranche of readers’ questions, carefully selected to fit our narrative (experts, and questions, rubes)”.
Every activist PR outfit hits ‘send’.
I’m sure that only those pieces which are critical of the Government will be allowed, GW.
After all, we couldn’t expect balance and fairness from a publicly funded organisation could we?
On a slightly different note, I thought that it had been a while since the biased BBC had done a sport story inspired by their not so subtle far left political bias. Good to see the guys not letting us down, by giving us this little masterpiece:
It has resonances with this barely disguised propaganda from last summer, though to be fair to Albeeb, left wing publications like the Independent went with this too so they weren’t the only ones taking this line:
“…..a flight came today from Greece carrying ‘vulnerable children & adults’ with over 50 people to be resettled in the UK as part of the Dublin regulations we have been exposing.”
That was yesterday 12th May 2020.
May come to a street or town near you soon. The Government really don’t give a sh*t do they?
May come to a street or town near you soon. The Government really don’t give a sh*t do they?
The above is from 2016 but the situation is the same today.A local four star Britannia Hotel near me is housing asylum seekers.As there’s plenty of capacity in the hotel sector at the moment be prepared for plenty more flights and boats to arrive in the very near future!
@G I’d already posted UNN’s tweet last night at 9:16pm
about 8 posts above yours on this page.
Oh! I’m terribly sorry. What can I do to make it up?
It must be a hanging offence in Chipping Sodbury…………..
Me? I just ignore it when people duplicate by contributions.
Not about BBC bias but it is strange they have not thought this at all, on their web-site or in my – now limited – listening to BBC R4. I cannot speak at all of BBC TV. Instead, the BBC appear to continue with their inane slights and snide criticisms – direct or indirect – of Government policy.
Whilst I wish to be largely supportive of Government during the pandemic there is a total illogicality to their present thinking, or non-thinking as it should be more correctly described, together with that of the BBC.
The nation has, effectively as possible, been quarantined – not for 27 days but 7 weeks. Therefore, the nation is healthy and free of the Covid virus. The only people who are Covid-19 cases are the people in Care Homes and hospitals. The only people at risk of the disease and being spreaders of the disease are the people working in Care Homes and hospitals. The only other possible causes of Covid-19 are people who are coming in to the UK which surprisingly, the Government has chosen to continue to permit during the seven weeks of lockdown.
After that, the only possible transmission of Covid-19 could be from someone deliberately spreading it from a vial. As I understand it, that can only be done within a maximum of 72 hours, probably 24 hours, before the virus within that culture in the vial dies. The only truly effective way of continuing to spread the Covid-19 virus is from infected carriers: animals or human.
The logical thing to do after four weeks of lockdown and certainly after seven, is to assume that the bulk of the nation is healthy.
You then separate healthy from unhealthy, and make sure that those nursing the unhealthy are tested daily before leaving their place of work to ensure they are not carriers of the Covid-19 virus and might spread the infection. Ideally, those workers should be kept separate from everyone else but there are obvious practicalities to be overcome and it would be nigh impossible with, say, both parents of a family of non-adult children working in, say, the NHS. You therefore have to find a way of separating those possible carriers of infection from the healthy population.
This has obviously not been done so far, judging by the rate of UK infection steadily rising at 4,000 to 5,000 confirmed cases per day.
The great mass of the UK population could return to work quite safely and securely, knowing they were free of possible infection with Covid-19.
Dangerous? A missed opportunity? Too difficult to do? Have any of the SAGE discussions considered it? Have ALT SAGE thought of it?
Please discuss and criticise.
The bottle neck is that symptoms don’t show up for a few days.
Your care home worker catches it from her colleague on a Monday
you test her on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday night it doesn’t show up her infection comes up on Friday morning
and she is theoretically spreading it around on Friday.
There quite possible that something went on with asymptomatic carriers , cos before we din’t understand how important this is.
Take the situation of travelling care assistants going from old person’s houses.
In lock down the old people would not have any infection so couldn’t infect the worker. The worker being healthy would be assumed to be uninfected so masks and PPE would not be necessary especially as they terrify dementia pensioners. But if the worker did pick up Covid from her own home and was asymptomatic
she could infect loads of her pensioners each day.
Yes stew – a lot of quiet suffering and heartbreak going on whilst the media encourages worship at the alter of a now underworked NHS …. when will that sick clapping stop ?
ah you mean suffering caused by the NHS delaying cancer ops and treatments.
Stew, are you confusing being infected with showing symptoms?
If you are infected but asymptomatic a reliable test [ note: reliable 😉 ] will show positive.
Part of the difficulty and frustration about the Chinese virus handling by HMG is the data war .
They have chosen to put out meaningless comparisons – inaccurate numbers of deaths ( avoiding ‘ non hospital deaths ‘ as long as they could ) and delivering Poor briefings with a poor format .
Even on there data we are heading to more care home / Home deaths than hospitals –
What is being done for care home elderly ? I suggested nationalising them to properly care and contain infection .
As for your idea – the break down by age group suggests that those over say 60 or 70 be treated differently to the ‘ working ‘ Population –
Get the country back to work again . Naturally the monster – London – is difficult because those 274? Tube stations have got to be the best method of spreading disease ever dreamt of – but even then increased ventilation wouldn’t do any harm .
One thing is certain – the current situation cannot continue much longer – however many peaks and R s there are …
Maybe once those who want to work get to it and the furlough scheme is reduced people might get going again
To end – I understand the MSM is turning into the Starmer fan club – betcha they say he pasted Boris at PMQs today Wednesday –
Have dealt with that previously Fed. Agree that obfuscation arises from looking at deaths. (Note: Germany – after 1 day no lockdown, a trebling of infections – however that’s too soon to spot a trend, imv, and news org. rightly points out they had 4x rate of infection in previous week.)
The UK epidemiologists + politicians I think have taken their eye off what lockdown has given them: a NHS with free isolation capacity and a healthy quarantined workforce.
Your surkeer style forensic assessment of the current Covid situation is absolutely spot on, no criticism needed!
The number of deaths and new cases every day still seem too high relative to other Countries with a similar size population. Now that the U.K. numbers are slowly decreasing, the 18,000 test, track & tracers we are supposed to be recruiting should be employed to attend any Care Home that still have cases by using mobile testing stations to test all residents and workers and track and trace potentially infected individuals, especially those in the households of Care workers. Now that the lockdown is being eased any relatives of Care Home employees returning to work this week could be taking the virus into the community and contributing to a second wave.
Worth pointing out that deaths in Care Homes in the U.K. are at very similar percentage levels of total deaths to other European Countries. One estimate is over 50% in the U.S. so it is clearly a common problem which is almost impossible for any health system to control. The beeb and msm constantly berate the Government for failing to protect Care Homes but rarely report what is happening elsewhere.
Now is the time when a concerted effort is required to bear down on infections still occurring in our Care Homes and hospitals.
The Evening Standard has dutifully given the metro bubble a headline to re-tweet ad nauseam.
That photo is from his “Clap for the cameras” night
when he turned to Sky and said “right did you get the footage you wanted ?”
Sir Keir Starmer? Who is he?
Noble Prince Andrew has a chalet going cheap – then he could be Skier Starmer.
I’ll get me anorak.
Thanks JimS and Beltane: you both made me laugh out loud with these two quips – much needed, as the BBC tries to drag the national mood down as best it can.
On a different topic, I couldn’t believe the Today prog’s interview with Monty Don about his dead dog (with Martha K, circa 8:20 IIRC). Talk about self-obsessed navel-gazing …
a new poll ‘suggests’..it’s that word again….suggests, it is like alleged..appears when somebody like the Media want you believe something they believe..even if the figures say something else
It is easy to be the opposition at the moment – they don’t have to do anything…so they
-just say we agree, then say we didn’t agree when it doesn’t work say we thought of that when it does work…and the media will give Labour and the Unions free reign.
.and all the while forgetting it was under Labour governments we had a bigger hits on our economy through their
mismanagement..than under Tories with CV19…
This is why they and Unions are so against people going back to work – the economy will collapse and they can take over and implement 1970’s again with help of BBC
Me cynical ?
It was poll trickery … surprised NOT
9am More Or Less continues it’s attack on the 100K test numbers
..the item contained no mention of the temporary problem with a UK lab and so tests being flown to America that was mentioned last week in the daily briefing
and neither does the BBC Reality-check page.
“The gov never achieves the 100K target, cos we think it is wrong to count tests on the day when they are sent out
.. we asked the government for figures of tests processed at labs each day ..but they said they don’t have such stats cos the count is done at place where the swabbing is done or when swabs are posted out.”
“In the 100K tally the government includes antibody community studies done by ‘third party’ bodies like universities and ONS
BUT (shocked face) doesn’t include the results in the number of NEW daily cases”
Doh doesn’t MoL understand that these anti-body tests are NOT proof of a “new case” , they are proof of an “old case” that has finished.
MoL was shocked that the number of PEOPLE tested in a day is much lower cos of double testing
They cherry picked a day where 70K non postal tests were done and said oh only 37K people were tested.
Doh they never explained that this absolutely necessary to avoid announcing False negatives.
And yes if almost everyone is negative you do end up double testing everyone.
(MoL also ignored all postal test people to get their 37K tally)
They failed to emphasise that if Vitamin D is a major factor in resistance, that might explain why BAME have less resistance.
Fiona Bruce is a personable presenter on BBC TV. She ticks
all the boxes the BBC require these days , except one. I
will leave that one for you to work out.
I expect she works very well with her editors and is very
accommodating in their requests, such as having the right
“mix” of folk around her in the Antiques Road Show.
A give away however was on ” Question Time” when Lawrence
Fox retorted facetiously to Shami Chakrabarti , ” OK ANY OF
THE WOMEN” when he had said that Keir Starmer would
make the best opposition leader. Chakrabarti had said ” what’s
wrong with the women?”
You could see in Fiona Bruce’s expression , that she knew he
was referring to her as well. Because it was always well known
that the BBC were going to chose ANY women as the host
of Question Time when David Dimbleby left the programme.
I didn’t know she was disabled.
For those who would like relief from my witterings, I have good news.
Have some technical problems to address.
In the words of the great Capt. Oates “I may be (gone for) some time.”
Hurry back soon ..
Not ticking the ‘like’ box – because I will miss your ‘witterings’. Please, in the words of Fagin, ‘Be Back Soon’.
Hurry back, Up2 “old thing” !!! x
Will do if poss – have a failure on main computer. Just posting on slow back-up lap top at pres.
Had side of case off. Can’t see any crispy critters inside so it may be power supply failure. Nasty smell on attempted restart. Have spring cleaned inside, may be an overheat or fan failure, still have one to check and then may try a restart.
Morgan, Maitless, O’Brian, Peston, Myrie, Schofield, Pym, Kuenssberg, Ashton, Horton, Costello, Burke, Lucas, Margolys, Sopel, Bruce, Barnett, Derbyshire, Campbell, Jones, Sarkar, Sturgeon, Khan, Mason, Maguire, Toynbee, Marr, Hutton, Robinson, Edwards, Husain, Minchin, Smith, Stayt, Easton, Boulton, Burley and Rigby.
That only partially complete list took me around five minutes to compile – and while I feel sure they all have one thing in common, I just can’t quite put my finger on it.
Am I being obtuse?
I see that since Mahyar Tousi called out the BBC on their pro Labour bias yesterday he is now being subjected to the usual abuse of ‘go back to where you come from’
Funny as I thought that the left were against racism?
Double standards as usual
death RATE .. death TOLL
Journalists work with words don’t they ?
but just as some people “can you learn me some maths”
“can you borrow me some money”
getting mixed up about teach/learn and lend/borrow
I lost count of the number of journos who have tweeted that the UK has the highest death RATE in Europe, when they mean death TOLL.
… (and BTW are ignoring that Italy’s numbers are not complete)
And these are journalists who were education at university ! Silly me assumed that English language would be the no.1 criteria for someone who wanted to be a wordsmith. Perhaps their parents would have been better off investing in elocution lessons for them (so that Beth Rigby could pronounce her ‘g’s), then using the correct grammar would have fallen into place.
Hanging head in shame. Re-read my first sentence. Should have read ‘educated at university’. So much for me banging on about grammar.
There is nothing betterer than being caught out commenting about grammar / spelling and typing somfing wrongly ….
Sometime in the passed I had to proof reed stuff for public publication . Not a job a had four long ….
Babies among several killed as gunmen attack maternity ward in Kabul
Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry confirmed that at least 14 people, including mothers, nurses and two newborn babies, were killed after several gunmen stormed a hospital in Kabul on Tuesday morning.
Earlier, there was a bombing at a funeral in the east of the country that killed at least 24 people, for which the Islamic State (IS) group claimed responsibility.
However, it is not clear who attacked the hospital in Kabul and the Taliban denied any involvement.
yeh it was probably some Catholics …NOT
There are a lot of Quakers round there. They would be my first suspects.
Lord Sugar is still tweeting strongly against Piers Morgan & MSM
for misjudging the mood
People are still reposting Sugar’s 27th April tweet
Yes Stew, but (sadly/unfortunately) the majority of comments on his tweet give the impression that noone else agrees??? :-\
Frustrated –
Did you expect them to? When the media is the target of criticism the twitterati – mostly media folk all gang up like bullies in the playground..
Most ‘normal’ folk don’t do twitter usually – just the empty headed ones..needing something to fill the vacuum
@Frustrated, Sugar’s tweet has massive support on twitter
and is nowhere near ratioed despite that pile on
FOR 44.4K Likes 15.5K Retweets
AGAINST : a proportion of the 9.5K replies
News : “the economy has shrunk”
Similar news “the Pope is a Catholic”
Not directly BBC
On twitter Andrew Neil reveals that the NHS knowingly put elderly people into care homes who were covid positive and some local councils pressured care homes to take them on pain of funding being with held .
It gets worse – and it so sad if true and potentially state manslaughter .
You will recall the legal definition of, ‘Intent”. Just add ‘murder’ following.
At PMQs today Kier Starmer raised the care home issue and quoted the cardiologist who said the NHS was ‘ culpable ‘
I hate socialism – but Starmer is doing the opposition job and there is a sad disgraceful tragedy about the excess deaths .
BoJo can not stand on the view that care homes have been cared for . oNS says 40% of deaths are care homes – 40%. The state did not step in on the already fragile social care and poor elderly souls have died .Care homes have
Been sacrificed . It’s a national shame .
From the fount of BBC knowledge and wisdom, I give you:
“The impact of the Police State on the lives of the ********* people
The Police State had a big impact on all aspects of people’s lives and was very successful in its aims.
The Police State meant there was little opposition to the *******. Most people complied with regulations. They became fearful of being arrested for no reason, particularly as a result of protective custody.
Justice disappeared. Many did not receive fair trials because of changes to defence regulations. On the other hand, convicted ****** often had their sentences quashed by the intervention of ******.
Society became more suspicious and tense. Some people publically (G: sic) criticised or informed on their neighbours to make themselves look more loyal. Children were encouraged to report on their parents and teachers.
The number of criminal offences committed was halved by ****, but the number of people in prison increased. By ****, there were over (******* in prisons or *********** camps. Many innocent people were detained as “enemies of the state”.
No prizes, but guess where……………
Still replacing grannies with savages.
UK: Muslim people smuggler says, “If police catch you, they never send you back. It’s secure to go, no danger”
That seems “too wow to be true”, so I’d wait for big evidence.
I have heard the NHS pushed RECOVERED oldies out of hospital and into care homes
cos they wanted to be sure of free bed space in Covid wards.
I cannot imagine a care home would bring an infected patient into the same room as uninfected residents.
The money angle seems rubbish
If a care homes residents die the care home it will have no money coming in.
item just on R4 You and Yours
“right at the beginning of the epidemic on our prog we had a care home manager told us the NHS was sending him patients and gave him no idea of whether they were Covid19 carriers or not”
.. to me that means granny was coming out of cancer surgery .and was being sent to his home
but not had a test for Covid
..well at that time there was no practical way to test every patient ..so you couldn’t guarantee.
Even now testing takes time so you have to go by judgement.
Stew – the allegation is that despite NHS policy – elderly people were being discharged from hospitals without the required covid test – including during April .
Care home staff would not know if someone was infected
There appears the same problem with care home staff getting tested .
I’ve watched the Sky documentary on the subject which is posted on YouTube . ( it’s about 21 minutes )
If generally pro anything that looks like a right wing government – but if they got this wrong – and the ‘VE generation is dying alone and badly in care homes – that government deserves to be fried .
@Fed I think AFNeil is wrong
His narrative is “OMG the NHS sent oldies out who might have had Covid”
The NHS say ‘Oldies with mild Covid don’t belong in hospital, cos the vast majority will not become severe
.. rather they should go home to a private room
and here is a big list of precautions carers need to take’
It is not like the NHS said
‘Here is an oldie and the council is paying you £2,000 per week to take care of them
but it’s OK to put them in a big canteen with a load of nearly deads’
I think the PM said the NHS never sent out any possibly infected patients cos that what the guidance says
Well that seems an wrong, cos the guidance does say non-severe cases can be cared for in care homes, as long as precautions are taken.
Stew – well judging by the number of above background deaths something somewhere went wrong and is continuing to go wrong – with or without injections of Left Wing propaganda ….
If people want to apply the ‘well they’ve had there lives “ let’s just get the Euthenasia Law passed and anyone who doesn’t have relatives or visitors can be ‘offed ‘ and badged with the usual pneumonia / cardiac cause …
The Germans were very efficient with that method in the early 1930s and we all know where that policy went ….
Im keen to see the non hospital death numbers today – it looks on its way to 50/50 .
An absolute case study in how the lefty press handle misinformation.
This from (of course) the Guardian…
“Coronavirus: real care home death toll double official figure, study says”
So who made the study to might ask?
Well of course, “Academics” at The London School of Economics.
The LSE of course widely recognised as a Marxist Globalist Activist Outfit so this is just Political Bullshit dressed up as damming facts hoping to do damage to the Government.
This is a shining example of the opinions expressed in my last post.
This will of course worm it’s way onto the BBC later, after the Guardian Journalist has had a latte with the BBC news gather in W1.
I think it’s going to turn out to be true – political motivation or not
“Well of course, “Academics” …..”
Wot like Tariq Ali?
I remember in the 60’s news in black and white, scenes of him throwing paving stones at the police. But now, at 76, he’s described as, inter alia, a, “public intellectual”.
No golf, tennis, anglng in Scotland
cos of “the optics” to single parent families
says Jason Leitch, Scots clinical director
What does that even mean?
Beware amendments to the Agriculture Bill (today in Parliament).
IDS says the amendments are a “coded attempt” to kill off a US trade deal.
Owen Paterson says the tabled amendments envisage import bans.
By closing our market, we will find other markets closed to us. The UK will lose its leadership in global trade and in shaping broader regulations. Worse still, it will deeply damage the success of domestic farmers.
Free trade is a huge opportunity which UK agriculture must seize. Embracing it and leading the way on global standards is not a binary choice. We can do both. But protectionist amendments to the Agriculture Bill could squander a once-in-a-generation chance. They must be defeated.
Boris was given an 80 seat majority so insidious traitors tabling amendments like this could be flushed out and defeated.
Beware therefore MPs – there may be other distractions, but we are watching you.
Remember who put you where you are and who you represent.
How this is not pure PR rather than reporting will be interesting to have explained.
It. Is. Useless. As. Journalism.
Correct – but then Roger Harrabin isn’t a journalist
Is there any documented asymptomatic transmission evidence?
Or maybe it’s a convenient scare.
These viruses make us ill with coughing sneezing etc so they can spread themselves, no other reason.
Eddy – anecdotal – and from memory – in January there was a chap who went to a ski resort from Asia and a series of people came down with the Chinese bug – I think he was ‘ asymptomatic’
The Brighton ‘super-spreader’
but I think you don’t catch it fast from asymtomatics
cos they are not emitting a huge viral load
So it’s either prolonged contact or very close contact.
Thought I might just give Jeremy Vine a chance after a couple of weeks of abstinance:
“We are just about to discuss the chances of a second wave..”
R4 12:39pm
Daniel Williams “It takes me 5 attempts to get an Uber driver who will take my guide dog”
..They either cancel on me, or turn up look at the dog and drive away assuming I have zero vision.
Others say
“I’m not allowed to touch a dog cos of my religion”
“I’m afraid of dogs”
..He said in his area the council say they only have ONE driver with an exemption certificate.
In the example recording guess what accent his Uber driver had.
clue not Cockney
Also on last night
R4…news at 1pm.
Oh no the UK is in recession…what a surprise! They have got somebody on to ‘explain what is going on’
Wow does the BBC not realise what is going on? Now that is living in a bubble..
Ps. I am still struggling with why public sector workers are still on full pay even if at home ( and to be honest some of those at work) while self employed have to claim for 80% of lost earnings which is then taxed…surely it would make sense for the public sector to take hit too since they are the net takers in the economy?
BBC don’t seem to ask that?
Oi James !!! Careful. That’s me your’e taking 20% off !!!!!
Quite right tho. Some of the salaries paid at our place are eye watering towards the top end.
The amount spent on managers , staff expenses and utterly pointless consultants etc is a joke. It really is. Its embarrassing.
We produce a list of all expenditure on our website so anyone can see it. I had a look a while back. Our CEO at the time, was on over £200K and stuck winter tyres on his car on expenses !!!!!!!!!!
I don’t pay into the Final Salary Pension Scheme, but 90% do. Thats basically what they live for …retirement.
Strange bunch. Think there’s only me there thats normal !! LOL
Sorry Doob 🙁
A lot of my friends work in Public sector and I can assure you none of them are down at heel and those currently working at home are loving it 🙂 and so is my wife – at a Uni (who voted Brexit and for Tories – lost some colleagues as friends)…who agrees with a reduction..may be it should be those earning over a certain amount
For me it a simple economic principle that doesn’t seem to be discussed…
Yeah. Agree with that. Its a strange one. We are all pretty much home based at the moment.
But, there are some jobs where for the life of me i cant work out what it is they could actually be doing from home as their area of the business is basically shut down so why still 100% pay ???
They are, as you say, being paid full pay, for nowt, on the tax payer.
They should be 80% at best.
Very important caveat … NOT ME. I am very busy (nudge nudge, wink wink) .
1 o’clock news BBC
Full on report about the Chinese government (or the BBC supporting) Chinese diplomats fighting back with a new aggressive campaign to take on the critics.. (Donald Trump)
Wolf warrior action films given name to new form of aggressive diplomacy..
Chinese Spokesmen suggests it was the USA that brought Corona to China.. another calls Trump a racist, another says critics need to be injected with disinfectant…
All this gleefully reported by the BBC, as if they are in agreement with the Chinese, which obviously they are….
It’s not just our authorities. Just heard on RT that Italy released convicted mafia bosses to help protect them from covid. Italy has also experienced a crime ‘spike’. If only there was some clue to why..