As predicted the teachers unions DEMANDS assurances for thier members before returning to school, supported of course by Channel 4 and BBC.
However teachers appear to accept as does the nation that its ok to accept uninoculated children Into the class to spread what was once eradicated or controlled childhood diseases. Oh course these are children of “migrants” who are beyond reproach so again to ensure the PC rules are followed (absolutely no criticism of migrants allowed) we put our children and teachers at risk, however the BBC continues to politicizse COVID 19 to undermine the government.
And apologies to any Scousers but why is it always a Liverpool accent union member on the radio / TV.
And to save me comming back on later …..I do hope they cancel the six weeks holidays how can we go back and a month later kids are off for six weeks.
Crush this teachers union they will end up holding this country to ransom.
I was thinking that the response to ‘the virus’ in the UK was predictable.
Over the last few decades we have seen the gradual inversion of everything that we know to be true. Men got married to women because for the woman she had some assurance that the man would stay around to look after her and her children, for the man there was some assurance that the children were his and worth looking after. Little girls, even those from single-parent families know that. But now marriage is bad.
Homosexuality is obviously not normal, putting it bluntly the bits don’t fit and it doesn’t produce kids. But that is now the ‘new normal’ and ‘hetronormativity’ must be eradicated.
Biology told us that the female mammal bore babies, we called them ‘mothers’. But now we have ‘gender’ which conflicts with biology, so biology is wrong and must be rejected.
We used to have ‘rights’, basically we don’t do bad things to other people and they don’t do bad things to us, ‘do unto others etc’. Those are now ‘negative’ rights and we have a new breed of ‘positive’ rights where we must do unto others what they want.
That, of course, is an inversion of the idea of majority rule. We can’t always agree so in the end we go for what most of us want. Now we have ‘protected’ characteristics, the ‘minority’ are elevated to the top, they even get to decide what the rules are, the majority have to fall in line.
And now to the virus. What is the purpose of a heath service? Well it used to be to serve the people that pay for it. Now, as we all know, it is for us to protect ‘our’, (more inversion, they mean their) health service.
Always happy to promote the politically motivated RSPB, the BBC report a ‘surge in illegal raptor killings’.
Apparently the RSPB have been ‘over-run’ with reports of birds of prey being illegally killed during the lockdown, suggesting that this has been orchestrated and based around shooting estates.
Nobody could defend the killing of any magnificent raptor, but does it not seem odd that this ‘surge in killings’ has been during a unique and lengthy period where access to the countryside has been extremely limited. How can the RSPB be ‘over-run’ by reports from people unable to cover the ground in question, and certainly not in any meaningful sense?
As usual, the BBC is supremely disinterested in logic, or even facts, but as an entrenched anti-shooting organisation they are entirely happy with promoting fake news which is, predictably, impossible to quantify but with a powerful emotive message. They are happy to suggest that gamekeepers are murdering environmental vandals but their cunning does not seem to include covering the evidence of their crimes. Too lazy perhaps?
And while in no way as an excuse for illegal acts, no bird of prey has ever, ever, died of natural causes. They are immortal because that way they are always useful political pawns.
David Vance talks to Anne Marie Waters. Worth a listen – 1hr long but technical problems at the beginning so start from at least 12mins in. The bBC gets mentioned from about 37:00 onwards.
The BBC are highly supportive of the Unions preventing teachers going to work, despite the fact teacher shave been in schools since the lockdown started, and have returned to work in other countries.
Why wasn’t the BBC campaigning to stop Waitrose staff returning to work?
Alarming twitter traffic – self employed people say nice things about the government – and how easy and efficient the HMRC website is for people claiming their equiv to furlough payments .
I’m sure the only time you’ll hear about this is on sites like this because it really really really doesn’t fit the BBC agenda .
They jus dig up some one to say they’re not getting a penny …
and the cash in hand merchants will be needing to spend that tax free cash they got in peace time
I have just had that conversation with a friend of mine who runs a business and have spoken to many friends self employed and in business who have all been really positive about the process..
Not a bloody jot on the BBC – compare that to their incessant bleating when they get a whiff of something like Universal credit not working 100%….
Disgusting , it is almost as if the BBC want to undermine the Govt 🙂
Yep. Same here. Lots of dealings with people who have got sorted very easily.
Dad’s firm applied and got the business interruption loan with minimal fuss also.
Also, I deal with a lot of universal credit claimants who again have been sorted, processed and paid no problem. Many got advance payments within 3 days.
All very positive and well done the Government.
Like you say , this is NOT music to the BBC ‘s ears and not something to bash the Government with so it’s of ZERO interest !!!!
The very last thing our trusted impartial national broadcaster needs in times like this is a POSITIVE story !!!!
I am a sole trader running a small equipment supply business.
I also must say that the small business grant scheme has worked very well.
Absolute no issues whatsoever with the claim system and the amount that the government calculated from the figures on my tax returns makes up approximately the amount of drawings lost having to close due to covid.
I may have problems when I begin trading again, But I will worry about that when the time comes, though realistically I would except business to pick up again.
Put that in your pipe BBC….
I raise my hat to you all, and as I haven’t bothered to see anything the failing BBC have spurted, I’ll be able to use whatever your sort of firms do with increased joy when all this gets back to the norm.
The BBC should hang their heads in shame when poking mullock at great Guys and Gals like you.
Daily Mail article saying Barrow Peninsula in Cumbria is the worst place in Britain for Covid
“Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria has highest case rate”
Is that true ?
61 people in 57,000 have died
= 107 in 100,000
In Newham it’s 144 in 100,000
(Brent 141.5 deaths and Hackney 127,
London average 85.7
all those are undestimates cos London data is 2 weeks old)
It’s the fallacy of comparing apples with oranges
Apples – Barrow has DEEP TESTING many mild cases are included in the count
Oranges – Rest of the country .. only severe cases are tested, and 9 out of 10 go unlogged
Barrow’s case count is high 824/100k = 0.824%
but cos other areas don’t include mild cases in their count
That gives a UK average 0.27% of the community population
I wonder what the population of Barrow and Furness peninsula % are white…..hence the BME deflector shields are on full …..stupid white people up north.
BBC Four channel ‘to be axed’ by cash-strapped corporation
“In response, BBC Four presenters have launched the #LoveBBCFour campaign on social media.”
Apparently BBC four has good stuff like –
A History of England – (history rewritten)
Science and Islam – (science ceased after Muhammad)
vintage Top of the Pops (Jimmy unspeakable)
And – “BBC – Please don’t close BBC Four. Lots of people love it and its worth the licence fee just by itself”! https://www dot
There’s an alternative petition only slowly gaining signatures (because of lack of media coverage)
This is absolutely how the BBC works. Suggest a channel is axed then get all the luvvies and Lefties (all the former are part of the latter but not all Lefties are luvvies) to create a ‘noise’. The BBC will suggest that BBC4 is a prime candidate for axing because it includes programming considered to be on more intellectual level (but which could easily be shown on other channels) that the Lefties love.
It is exactly what the BBC did a few years ago, a suggestion that Radio 6 Music and The Asian Network should be closed. They then took loaded questions to the BBC Trust panels to get the answers they wanted that viewers/listeners demanded the channels were saved. The BBC then got what they wanted which was more money from government and an agreement to cut productions of the things that old white people watching day-time tv in care homes like such as Flog It and Homes Under the Hammer.
The closure of any channel would be a great step for us . It will be shown that people can live without it – and would be a step to downsizing the BBC – hopefully to something easier to make subscription .
Obviously subscription could be bought in slowly – running parallel to the licence for a while – and then access without subscription stopped ….
….it might push the BBC to producing higher quality programmes – perhaps almost as good as American drama – which left the BBC behind years ago ( except for the often tedious historic costume stuff )….
Lord Hall, is there any truth in the rumour you are leaving the decision to scrap BBC4 to your successor when you step down later this year so it is not part of your “legacy”? As Director General of the BBC you receive £450k a year, 3 times that of the Prime Minister who I feel sure you will agree currently has, in comparison, rather more pressing decisions to make affecting the entire U.K. population. Do you not consider that it is your duty and responsibility to take this decision yourself instead of passing the buck to your successor?
True, Bulldog, but as his successor she will have to prioritise splitting the salary and what might be termed ‘side issue funds’ into more easily hidden tranches and, in the well-established spirit of the corporation, diversifying accounts via a wide choice of investment houses and hedge funds.
That done, I’m sure she will embrace her new responsibilities with enthusiasm.
What I was trying to say above, I don’t believe the BBC have any intention of scrapping BBC4. What they want to do is provoke an outcry that ‘BBC4 must be saved’. They will then demand money from the government to save it.
Deborah, am not sure on current form the Tories will be too inclined to bail out the beeb and will hardly be flush with cash for some time to come. I would rather miss 4 being over their average viewer age of 62 even if I usually only catch Friday’s music back catalogue but could manage with youtube. One thing in its favour, it is mercifully free of political bias!
I agree there will of course be the siren voices of the arty left who will try and save it but I reckon its chances of survival are less than 50-50.
We are appealing for help to identify a man who kissed a woman on the cheek to thank her for helping when his lorry became stuck under a low bridge. Were you in the area of Dale Road, #Matlock, between 12pm and 4pm on Tuesday, 28 April?
DerbysPolice have accidentally deleted their tweet
We are appealing for help to identify a man
who kissed a woman on the cheek
to thank her for helping
when his lorry became stuck under a low bridge.
Were you in the area of Dale Road, #Matlock,
between 12pm and 4pm on Tuesday, 28 April?
tweeted 9:38 AM – May 16, 2020
Tweet #2
It would be classed as a sexual assault
as the woman did not (ask) the man to kiss her on the cheek. (sic)
BTW Derbyshire Police dragged Crimebodgers to court
for merely saying “No sh*t”
… they lost
It could have been a stichup , but the Clerk Of Court’s job was to hold the prosecutor to account
& being a barrister he p*ssed all over him youtube
6 minutes of YouTube time well spent – I note that the crimebodger chap wisely avoided the ‘invitation to be interviewed ‘by police – a step always good to take –
– as well as sue ing the constabulary – over a million views … impressive …
Stew – when the Derbyshire police sent a drone to film people walking their dogs and then putting the footage on Twitter – complete with labelling – they rightly took some stick – ….
….and it turns out that their chief constable ( never a shortage of them ) is to retire early ……
So who ever runs their twitter might need to get a less public job …. or maybe is just looking for a clever constructive dismissal payout …..
….. the loosening up of the Stasi regulations have taken the wind out of plods sudden eagerness to enforce laws – when ordinarily they turn a blind eye to huge swaths of the criminal law – usually not to ‘upset’ certain parts of the ‘community ‘….
@Fed from what Crimebodgers blog says
the public have a naive attitude that the police are on their side
(just like the public also think the biasedbbc is on their side)
but instead of doing their remit of working the public good, the police crimebodgers repurpose themselves
..They put their own empire & interests of their special friends ahead of the public interest.
in fact they have a disdain for the public.
.. Is that not also a parallel with the biasedbbc ?
The twitter response to the Derbyshire police kissing tweet is pretty hostile to the plod – and although Derbyshire plod have taken said tweet down plenty screen shot it so it’s still about .
People on Twitter are now getting good at spotting just plain dumb tweets and hence capturing them …
The Times has a book review
Crossing The Line by John Sutherland
A Met officer driven mad
.. He talks about the need to get on top of the causes of crime and suggests legalising drugs.
He says the politicians have posturing policies
and lays into Theresa May & Sadiq
Tories – for cutting police numbers, stopping neighbourhood policing just when it was turning a corner.
Boris – for prioritising burglary and theft to please the voters
.. but not child abuse/ human trafficking ,
.. It’s strange that immigration is not mentioned
Like why would you open the door to second wave , when you aren’t on top of the problems caused by the first wave ?
Never have so few controlled so many-We’re properly over the first wave now, yet humanity is groaning as many economies have yet to be rebooted. The reasoning behind the decisions that took the UK, most of Europe, the US and many other countries into complete lockdown has been widely challenged. Equally, it’s also been widely supported and there have been generally high levels of compliance. There is perhaps a growing divide between these camps and much of that’s got to do with how much we trust our leaders and their advisors.
We’re being conditioned to accept a ‘new normal’ – but it’s not yet clear how this might look. As we unearth where much of the thinking comes from, we become ever more concerned about a future that is decided by a relatively small, seemingly incestuous group who don’t necessarily have the public’s best interests at heart.
I cannot think of a time, at least in my 78 yrs of lifetime, when it’s been more important for us to assert our democratic, natural and fundamental rights. And to do this we must first better understand what is going on, and read between the lines of the propaganda we’re being fed daily through the newswires. We’re being told over and over that all decisions being made by governments that are driving lockdowns, social distancing and the development of drugs and vaccines for Covid-19 are being driven by science.
But it depends on how you define science – and how you define bias or corruption in the scientific process.
The longer you look for reasons why things are happening the way they are – the more you realise that the narrative is being controlled by a small number of people and organisations, as well as researchers and institutions – all funded from the same, so-called ‘independent’ sources. And we are quite openly told who they are-very big bucks at stake here.
“The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation.“
The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events. Thank you Michelle!
With Flynn, Tara Reade, Biden, Trump is winning big time and the left hate it
Of course, the UK public will be ‘shielded’ by the BBC – these are only ‘conspiracy theories’ aren’t they?
What’s Obamagate? Watch @kayleighmcenany shame the media for spreading wild conspiracy theories for 3+ years & then pretending they don’t know what Obamagate refers to or that lying under oath is a criminal offence.
The beeb’s wet dream: talk up the pandemic, talk down the economies of UK and US, undermine the trade talks, and thereby hobble both Trump and Boris. Job done.
I find it very strange that we don’t get any BBC spokesperson or representative officially posting on this site to rebuff the claims that appear here. Perhaps they have something to hide ?
I think it’s a matter of reality -a bit like all those times you asked on here for a single example of a pro brexit programme put out by the BBC – I’d add to that a single negative story about the EU – even now that we have left….
With the exception to maxincony and Piku, It appears that Al Beeb have no supporters or defenders . The rumours that people are not paying their Telly Tax must have an element of truth . The Telly Goon ‘investigators’ must be an expensive department to maintain?
Spare a thought for our teachers.
The poor wee lambs want to stay away from work on 100% pay until it’s absolutely safe to return.
Not like the shop workers who are in contact with hundreds of strangers every day.
The bin men, HM Forces, nurses and doctors plus many others going in to work.
Even the police are still clocking in (to learn new dance routines and tell off sunbathers)
The teachers should not return to work until they can be assured nothing bad can ever happen.
The Government needs to assure them that in the future they will never ever get ill and they will be protected from everything that could possibly go wrong.
No car accidents, no toothache, no earth tremors, lightning strikes, invaders from Mars, you name it, they must be protected from everything.
Wrap them up in cotton wool (but safety tested in case they eat it or suffocate)
It’s a good job the rest of the population isn’t so risk averse as teachers. The shops would all be closed for a start.
There’s a case to be made to keep 70+ year old teachers off work until they are no longer vulnerable but there’s not many of them.
Our nurses, lots of them are fatty bum bums, yet they are all giving it their best.
On the brighter side, the lefty teachers cannot brainwash the children when they are not at school, however, as soon as the lefties realise this I expect they will say it’s fine to go back and teach.
The CPS reviewed England and Wales up to the end of April
thrown all of cases out in one strand.
The 3 strands
#1 Health Protection Regulations 2020 about restriction of movement rules
#2 Coronavirus Act about detaining potentially infected
All 44 charges brought under it were thrown out
” because they did not cover potentially infectious people, which is what the legislation is intended for.”
but in most of the cases the offender had also been charged alongside other offences, including assaults on emergency workers, theft and burglary
whereas for #1 “the vast majority, that’s 175 out of 187, have been charged correctly.”
but 12 were thrown out
“usually because Welsh regulations were used in England, or vice versa.”
#3 A third category seems 13,445 fixed penalty notices (FPNs)
So not 100% agreement with what Crime Bodge said last week
The BBC are full steam ahead with their doom and gloom scaremongering about a few children in a few schools actually getting some face-to-face education.
A little piece of hypocrisy seems to have escaped them.
The teachers citing safety for their refusal to teach children face -to-face (including those of doctors, nurses, social care workers, and shop workers) are quite happy to receive face-to-face services from those same workers. Perhaps supermarkets and hospitals should refuse to serve teachers. Would that not be fair?
As a cheap yet not especially cheerful means of filling three and a half hours of prime-time TV tonight, the BBC will keep you – I must claim prior commitments, otherwise, naturally, I would be happy to form part of the audience – spellbound in a celebration of Eurovision in all its finery.
Not just Graham Norton with innuendos at the ready, you will have Euroland and beyond with the very best in intricate and skilled songwriting and the visual arts combined. Who could possibly ask for more of a locked-in Saturday night?
This would be the same EU-driven Eurovision which has demeaned, diminished and ignored every UK entry for the past decade, ensuring that our performance will receive a derisory number of votes – from a little country with the world’s most acclaimed and successful popular music industry.
How the BBC love to abase themselves
Beltane – 3 and a half hours of queerness – camping is still banned … I recently watched 3 and a half hours of a film called
‘The Irishman’ – 3 and a half hours – I think the director forgot to hire someone to edit the thing . The Godfather 3 in slow motion …
Pandemic or not, islamic murder, rape and mayhem continue unabated and, of course, unreported by Al-beeb.
The websites below monitor the worldwide carnage.
Incidentally, the website ‘Religion of Peace’ no longer shows up on a Google search. Only a matter of time till all such sites are censored for telling the truth.
I am just watching the daily briefing, What a load of useless questions from useless journalists. The education secretary is trying to appease everyone, unions and teachers. Lots of praise for the teaching “heroes”. I for one do not think teachers are “going the extra mile” Now I hear that honest body the BMA have come out in favour of the teachers union position. The scientist (cant remember her name) Jenny something has said if the BMA has some info on this they should advise us. Nice one, as I just think the BMA are jumping on the bandwagon
Sadly Gavin Williamson does for politics what Uriah Heap did for sincerity and probity. I’m sure he means well but perhaps a bit less oil of unction before the cameras roll would not come amiss.
Jenny Harries has given a series of bravura performances over the past couple of months, often the best of those behind the lecterns and comfortably enough to earn a Damehood at the end of all this. She is concise and informative, doesn’t waffle and fully prepared to give truthful answers without dissembling.
If only I could stop thinking of Charles Hawtrey when she’s on….
Two things really stand out about the BBC ‘s Branwen Jefferys …
1. Clear as day a liberal bubble dweller who cannot stand the Government. This as usual with the BBC stands out a country mile.
2. And my god. Talk about a overriding sense of smugness and complete lack of respect . Who the hell do these people think they are ???? The people you are directing these poison loaded questions to are some of the very best in their specialized fields !!!!! Show some bloody respect !!!!!
Looks the BBC are 100% behind teachers and doctors. Another 2 groups whom cannot be questioned. Wonder why !????????
The mass gatherings, Corbyn’s brother arrested.
videos on Twitter shows maybe couple of hundred
RT covered it
Belfast 30
I'm all for peaceful protest and freedom of speech but this protest is intolerable and puts others at risk #COVID19UK via Police arrest anti-lockdown protesters as masses gather in Hyde Park via @MailOnline
— Gerry Campbell MBE (@MrGerryCampbell) May 16, 2020
Those police officers’ work would be better served down in Dover where hundreds are breaking the ‘lockdown’. And they are not even ‘British’. While they are at it they could also arrest the employees of Border Farce for people smuggling.
A lot of antifa types say
it was organised by Jayda Fransen
but an antifa mag says actually they got that wrong
and that it is not “Britain Freedom Movement”
but Richard Inman’s “UK Freedom Movement”
or a group pretending to be them inman says it’s not me “but good luck to them cos Covid9 is being used yo stop all demos .. and I would go to a demo about the hiding of the Grooming/Raping gangs report”
Appears to be in 2017, but our tiny minority of muslims seem to have a very loud voice. despite the fact that we have sikhs, Hindus and a massive proportion of Chinese and geographically associated that all seem to integrate and respect our institutions, our culture, and our 12 year old schoolgirls
It is only one sh@t stirring minority that insist they have their own council of britain to sh@t stir even more ##and if you want a prime example of muslim sh@t stirrring look at their attempted invasion of speakers corner attacking Christian preachers
Let us face facts, this virus is not going to harm 99.999999 recurring % of the populace, save for those who have underlying health issues like the hole in their head being several times larger than the one between their legs!
It should be blindingly obvious, to isolate the fatties, the diabetics, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups.
Having had this virus it’s nowhere near as bad as the flu which lasted 2 weeks and made me think I was dying!
This virus isn’t going away and there might not be a vaccine, so people need to catch it and develop immunity before they get older and weaker. The original plan was to flatten the curve, now it is to save every life possible which is going to kill healthy people in the process.
Time to end the lockdown protect the vulnerable and allow the economy to recover as best it can – if it can.
Only 5 under 20’s have died from coronavirus.
5 out of over 34,000
More have probably died from a nut allergy during that time.
One car crash during the school closures could give this number.
Yet they don’t want to return to work using the health and safety card to stay off work (on full pay of course)
Good job the girls working in shops and supermarkets aren’t such a bunch of wimps (and loads of others who are getting on with their jobs and taking sensible precautions)
If they are so worried let them stay away but pay them the equivalent of the dole/social security payment. They might then suddenly decide it’s not really such a risk after all or they might postpone all the planned home and garden Improvements until their imminent six week holiday.
(The excuse that they have lessons to prepare and so on is a bit thin.
Does history change so much every year.
Does maths change.
English, language and literature. RI, PE.
Maybe slight changes in the sciences and geography)
I believe I got a very good rounded education in the 50’s and 60’s in the Secondary Modern and after 11 plus, Grammar School.
My teachers appeared to have no agenda and there wasn’t the pc contamination so prevalent now with these far left teachers.
I also came through the Asian flu and Hong Kong flu epidemics which were just as bad as this one. The only thing is I never noticed it as it wasn’t built up to the terrifying heights that this one is.
Maybe it was a case of ignorance being bliss but, as Gray said ‘‘tis folly to be wise.
RE geography I doubt it unless they are referring to the millimetre changes in tectonic plates, unless of course Blair has infected teaching geography facts with some kind of communist propoganda, regarding science there is no doubt the climate is warming, as it did in this country 1000 years ago, we had many vinyards at the time, the cause is debatable (of the warming not the vinyards)
You need to understand the wider implication, that the schools are virus factories and that it isn’t the fact that some kids will potentially catch the virus, it’s the fact that once they have caught it they will spread it to all & sundry.
The teachers unions are far leftist (Tory) and want to wreck the economy (Tory) like many other (Tory) unions, but you do need to understand what their objections are before attacking them.
A lot of parents are now turning against the teachers because they need to get back to work themselves and need their kids back in school . The main problem is the Teaching Unions.
Remember the working nurses that they were all clapping for ? Well those very same nurses will probably pay more tax to cover the cost of those people that did not go to work . Ironic isn’t it ?
468 deaths reported of which 260 hospital – granted these are not all in the same 24 hour period but the failure to protect care home residents ( the VE Day generation ) is now leaving the UK with Care Home deaths becoming the majority – until the NHS / Government shows its really doing something about it instead of using words and promising cash too late …
As the number of hospital deaths decline in the next 10 plus days ( cases will increase in London ) the care home deaths will stick out like a national embarrassment .
I really really hope I’m wrong .
At least they hit 136k tests today – unless that’s a lie ( such as sending them in the post )
Care home infections should be prevented, but, I suspect deaths after infection are going to be high for obvious reasons
and the bbc appear not to be interested in the fact that old people are vulnerable, or males.Only that blacks seem to be “more affected”
I am sure I am not alone in noticing that those quoted dying with no underlying health conditions seem to be inordinately obese, a condition that seems to affect many BAME females of a certain age
or that they like to have extended families in one household
BUT, and this is the thing, the bbc talk about black people being victims but fat people ? apparently Boris yes, thats OK, much has been made of that in the msm old people ? tend to be white so lets leave that alone in the msm and bbc especially, males ? not a mention
A quite specific example of fake, misleading, ignoring the evidence “news” by omission, and bias
Sometimes wish that the hatchet faced harridan Laura carslberg was subject to questions, so we could harangue her like she does the government in a national emergency
The majority of Care Homes are just one big breeding ground for infections – Covid or not. The ones I’ve had the misfortune to go into don’t exactly smell of disinfectant on entering – quite the opposite in fact. So all infections are rife, be it bronchial, urine, or gastric.
Yes we all know the staff are underpaid, but our Care Homes and a lot of the staff are a national disgrace. How often have we heard that relatives put cameras in their loved ones rooms ? and then discovered the abuse that takes place. I lost count of the times I would take cleaning materials with me when visiting my father, to deep clean his own personal toilet. And I gave up spending a lot on his clothes because despite labelling his pieces, they would invariably shrink in the boil wash of the laundry, and/or I would see other ‘inmates’ wearing them !!!! So I would buy him cheap shirts and woollies from the supermarkets.
And we were paying just short of £1,000 a week for this diabolical service. I would have been better off putting him in a 3star hotel with his own nurse instead.
A bit late and now buried in the trail but just wanted to empathise. Your observations match my own personal experience in exact ways. We gave them the benefit of the doubt on urine smells (high levels of incontinence constantly being cleared up) and the clothes exchange (the name lables fall of).
The staff do a job but in the main are not very bright and I suspect they just do not have the brain cells to really think through the modes of CV transmission and thus prevention. The NHS and government stand guilty of passing the CV19 parcel to the care sector in the their cultist lust to ‘save the NHS’.
The next disgrace is the £1000 a week. Its either that or nothing if you have only max £23k of assets. That cliff edge is immoral and effectively gives care home residents with savings a 100% tax rate. And many care homes are private so how does the CV19 PPE cash provision via councils work for them?
The failure of successive governments to resolve and instead kick this into the long grass time and again is the worst case of misgovernment we have.
Over on BBC Parliament today. Came across entirely by chance.
The ‘as live’ BBC coverage of their 1964 general election special.
Richard Dimbleby, Cliff Michelmore, David Butler, Robin Day, Bob McKenzie et al.
Calm, sober, on-air issues handled well. But not without a sense of humour. And to my mind pretty impartial and without a chip on the shoulder.
Such a change and what a contrast to today’s endless LeftMob bias and s***-stirring presented as ‘entertainment’ by second rate autocue readers interested only in capturing a ‘gotcha’ moment so to further their careers.
Journalists are not at war with the virus or with those trying to control it. My @thetimes article on journalism now posted as a thread (apologies for earlier mix up) (1/6)
Climate assembly = a mob without a road to block in lockdown, I notice one is a horse rider forcing her animal into the road for her personal pleasure to hold up buses taxis and cars whilst her animal sh@ts all over the road with no responsibilty to clean up after it
There is one law that needs to be changed in my opinion get them off the road there is no need whatsoever for them to be there other than their bloody mindedness
drive too fast past them they will be so offended about the welfare of their animal they have subjected to the road for their pleasure yet are happy to chase another animal for miles and watch it ripped apart by dogs,
Not really BBC stuff and nonsense, (they stay clear of anything more than interesting), but what have The Daily Mail got on Prince Andrew, that we don’t already know?
Is there a cross-Atlantic tennis game going on, with little snippets going back and forth, and a small gossip here and there?
I get a freebie Mail some weekends, as Mrs O’Blene likes the crosswords, the Sudoku and the funnies and some of the normal news, but the schite they’re chucking at the ‘Queens’s favourite’ is just – er – impossible/possible to print?
Of course, the dire, flabby BBC will just make it out to be tittle tattle, because it suits them to be just stupid, but when the schite really hits the air-conditioning, and things get nasty, how on earth are all the autocue-readers going to explain why they didn’t notice? What on earth are they being paid to do?
Nicholas Witchell, (“I can’t bear that man. I mean, he’s so awful, he really is.” – Prince Charles; on camera, silly man) will have to get some more info on that issue, pretty damned quick, assuming his under-managers don’t get the squits and hide like they normally do…
More ‘fun’ to come I suppose, which beats the lame-bame trash we have to put up with day by day…
all our paki immigrant taxi driver rapists seem to have ready access to lawyers, funny that. paki lawyers ?
One can just imagine the conversation, I have gang raped a child and now am to be deported ..OK are you a muzzie ? was the child white ? OK I will help you
Last 3 days smash daily test tally records
BBC accidentally clips the edge off the graph
Malice or incompetence ?
Maybe ask the BBC why they edited the graph? They've clipped off the last three days figures, I presume because they were extremely high.@10DowningStreet@BorisJohnson end the licence fee immediately, the British people should not be paying for this anti British propaganda.
Just my opinion, but you cannot shut the country down much longer, if a small (compared to this) economic recession in 2007 led to years of austerity what will be the consequence of this ?
Teachers (union lead) are obviously not dedicated to teaching as they would be looking at ways to carry on, any other businesses are looking at ways to proceed (unlike train drivers, union lead) btw have you ever seen a train driver ? nope they are always isolated but anyway want to sit at home on their 54000 salary unlike supermarket employees
anyway it is time for the teachers 6 week summer holiday then off for xmas on the 15 December then Easter for a couple of weeks etc etc
Darcy – I thought the lock down would break down – but in my bit of northeast London there is a bit more traffic on the road but not people around generally – whether it is cool weather I don’t know .
High temps are due this week so that will be a test .
As an aside I find it pretty rich for people who live in the very nice places people like to visit moaning about visitors now – when all other times they’re talking about ‘boosting tourism ‘ .
Personally I don’t visit such places and all I want to do is get out of the UK for a while …..
F2 the lockdown has broken down as seen regularly with the benefit occupants around me, a mindset that says once told you can only sit around all day playing xbox and watching Jeremy Kyle all of a sudden has a desperate need to visit their relatives and mates
As for the nice places, which I visit regularly for country walks, I have already challenged the various locals with their get out notices and ensured they never invade my local tesco superstore or any non local supermarket or any other shop outside of their village
it takes little for them to light up their torches and pitchforks, unless of course they are trying to flog crap pottery and local shite cakes at £4 a slice
I made sure I informed their local vicars and parish councils about their illegal home made signs
It appears that the present British Government are ignoring the problem, is it deliberate ? Are the French emptying all their camps while the Royal Navy and Royal Marines are kept in their bases .
Boris, “Churchill” he is not, not while Priti is in the Home Office and the Tory MPs are sitting complacently in their seats and have forgotten one of the reasons we voted for Brexit. Has Al Beeb reported this yet ?
The people that are genuine asylum seekers and immigrants wait patiently in the queue.
Will the Plod visit Nigel again?
Its wise never to trust the BBC, or ‘believe what it says’ even when proven ‘misquoted’ and found out – they smugly do the same to another piece of news. Several examples we all know including range from Arctic Penguins are (somehow) ‘gay’ or diminishing (unproven and impossible to verify), Apoplectic Climate Change (unproven and impossible to verify accurately that CO is at all ‘dangerous’, ‘toxic’ or even ‘bad’ as largely its plant food). Then we have gross exaggeration of the success of mindless antics of a few Anarchist in London (today) on everything from Loony left to strangely queer and all those poor ‘victims’ of life itself. Anxiety, depression and all things Jeremy Corbyn, ( his brother arrested today (Saturday) in Hyde Park on a ‘lock-down’ protest). The Left in promotion (to absurdity).. Without even listening to the BBC news, we just know its news is ‘what they are wiliing to report’. BBC news is always more of an agenda. A list of what they want, when they want it and how to get it. BBC presenters are not chosen for brains, but for manicured looks and looking ‘tough’ on screen whilst having a series of meaningless hysteria fits – that makes no sense – when we all can watch ‘real’ news with more unbiased and professional ‘analysis’ (as opposed to BBC ‘news and opinion’ from a BBC presenter with Crimson lipstick. No doubt the BBC feature will include the stay-at-home Teachers Union who are the ‘real’ Corona Virus ‘Victims’, but it could also be the Arctic Penguins or that nasty man Trump which puts them all into overdrive tonight.
I am sure I am not the only one to notice that Classic FM and LBC have won millions of new listeners overall (over many years) from the moribund BBC. Its been the same each year since the BBC had serious competition, they (BBC) hold on to the older age group (over 65 mainly on Radio 4) and the often naive (under 24’s on Radio Xtra) which is a Rap station, not even representative of most school aged children in London. No Polish, No Nordic, No German, No Jewish Ethnic, No Quakers/Methodists/Christian and not even Asian in context or attitude. Most Asians can afford to watch TV from their own countries via Satellite or Cable. Greeks would and I suspect the Romanians too – are not listening to the BBC either. The BBC does not cater for ethnic, minorities or other cultures, just one primarily and its rap music – more by chance – than any grand design. The only non-failure in a bum portfolio.
Its no surprise to me that eventually the BBC makes itself irrelevant. The BBC keeps stating how important it is for the ‘fabric of the nation’ and as vital to the country as NHS or tins of Baked Beans. You know its waffle and untrue but by repetition the hope is to muster a large Army of Twitter Followers to attack ‘Conservatives’ on every issue that may reduce their influence or license fee. These Mobile phone Twitters are part of the anti mob who are a loose collective of public servants, drama queens, political appointees led (installed) by Gordon Brown when he was in power, Tony Blair’s legacy of ‘charidees’ that only point one way, even when the funding ceases.
The BBC threaten to end Radio 4. No they won’t, it will be the last to close. This is the only way to announce that a gay penguin has found an egg, the climate has ‘stabilised’, or the BBC has awarded itself a pay rise due to falling productivity, index linked to the rise of distress and anxiety they produce. They plan has always been for the BBC is to ‘expand’ itself into government.
It has the talent (only the BBC has), the vision (only the BBC has), the status (only the BBC has) and Humor – Radio 4 – no less (only the BBC does humor with a purpose). The BBC plain is to need more Radio stations, More TV stations and a World-wide audience. The mission is to EXPAND (not contract), that has always been the ‘plan’ as the BBC revenue is more than double that of the TV license fee income. Diversify, cross promotions (BritBox), franchises and freeview content is endlessly (mostly) BBC repeats that the BBC in part own and share in. In short they have a lot of money and they can buy political influence on penny-less Left Whingers. They don’t really care ‘how’ but ‘if’ the only people to listen to the BBC are people who like Rap music, then the BBC is huge success!!! On every other level, its a huge failure for all of us as they try (and fail ) to represent us as ‘uneducated’ plebs who don’t understand that if we just pay the license fee, we would all be cured of the ‘conservative’ virus.
But its a huge opportunity for private broadcaster (all of them) to offer a better service, cheaper and more relevant than we have ever had before. On both TV and Radio. For all its BBC bravado (to close Radio 4 or TV Channel 5) power and influence, gay penguins and Rap music is not particularly interesting for those outside the BBC bubble. Last the under 24’s won’t be rappers for ever and even those weaned on CBBC childish programs will eventually get tired of it, as we all do. But then those over 65 who ‘still’ listen to the BBC Radio 4 are past caring what they listen too any more…
Good post Phillip
I am still looking for a gay “penguin” on my local canal alas to no avail.
Agreed about Classic FM, but we still have to suffer the awful “News from Global” but at least the left haven’t yet found a way to infect Classic music though I expect. they are working on it.
What we really need is a radio station that has right lean to counter the left leaning BBC monolith which currently is inflicted upon us.
People need start to hear from characters such as Toby Young, Brendan O Neil, Katie Hopkins and Delingpole and Laurence Fox.
Of course it would never happen as the establishment would ensure all the masses need to hear are inane poptastic offerings of the “independants”or the constant propaganda drone of the BBC. The closest we ever get is Farage on LBC (who I dont entirerly trust ) which is more than counterbalanced by the sneering James OBrian and the unpleasant mouth of Sheila (who ate all the buns?) Fogharty.
Don’t need to hear from anyone on radio other than a nice voice introducing a piece of music.
Hence the relative success of Classic FM.
They even announce the news in advance so I can switch off from five to, to five past, though sometimes I catch the ‘now you are up to date’ pretentious sign off.
Reuters have processed care home Covid deaths
They have taken the ONS death certificate stats
and added the Covid CH deaths to the Covid CH people who later died in hospital (proportion 72% to 27.5%)
to get 12,526 upto May 1
( 11,371 confirmed + 1,155 suspected )
Pragna Patel told the Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry that her main priority is to the victims and when religious faith leaders do not act correctly to help women in need,
Island – re the invasion: Boris and Priti seem to me to be monumentally disappointing/useless. Seems they’ve never heard of border control? Would have expected this from Labour…Pity Nigel isn’t in charge – he’d sort it.
I’m not normally a violent person, but, why do I feel the need to give Rachel Shabi a good hard slap ? she’s a regular on the press review (on Sky now), and that smirky smile around the eyes while she makes her continual lefty views makes the red mist come down. Another one is Christina Patterson. Not much sisterhood I’m afraid.
A teacher asked his students to share what their dads do for a living; Little Johnny said, My dad’s a stripper at a gay bar.???? After class, teacher pulled him aside and said, is your dad really a stripper at a gay bar? No, he’s a reporter for BBC but I was too ashamed to say that
I have posted this before
IMHO over the last ten years there has been a phase shift in politics
The Brexit Party/UKIP have become the The Tory Party.
The Tory Party have become the LibDems .
The LibDems have become The Labour Party.
While last but not least, The Labour Party have become The Communist Party .
That’s why we still have Al Beeb being retained and fed by the Telly Tax, we have a LibDem Party in government.
I am not sure that the party names mean anything anymore, we sort of saw that demonstrated during Mrs. May’s government where MPs were happily jumping between parties.
Politics has become very uni-polar, no-one wants to be called ‘right-wing’, whatever that really means as it is effectively defined by the extreme-left who occupy the pole and everyone who is not with them is by definition ‘right-wing’ whatever political direction they are of. (To the person at the North Pole everwhere else is South).
We don’t seem to have any politicians that believe in anything apart from what their focus group ‘spads’ tell them. One could respect someone like Manny Shinwell because you knew where his beliefs came from and that he sincerely thought he was trying to make the right changes.
Contrast that with Liz Kendall. She stood for election as leader at the same time as Corbyn. I think she would have been the most dangerous candidate as far as the conservatives were concerned because she would actually have fitted right in to May’s cabinet – except that she had been brought up to hate ‘Tories’, but I bet she didn’t know why as May and Cameron were just Blair Mk. II and Mk. III
Personally I wish there was a ‘positivity’ party, a party that was about creating and doing. Take personal responsibility, take up the challenge. ‘“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” (Now that sounds rather Trumpian now, yet it came from a Kennedy! An example of the shift that you are talking about).
Margaret Thatcher was right, there is no such thing as society, society is the result of individuals getting off their backsides and doing something. In the BBC’s ‘society’ we all sit on our backsides and expect NationalAmazon to deliver and bleat when they don’t deliver on time, (why are deliveries to BAMEs always late?).
May wasn’t BLiar MkII she was Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx MkII ! I never ever heard BLiar talking about the seizure of private assets by the state without compensation, but I did hear May approvingly talk about that.
I also heard May coying up to several Communist world leaders, and I never knew of BLiar holding political prisoners nor approving of torture in British prisons – all of which May didn’t just approve of, she actually did !
Cameron was associated with the Socialist Workers party and the evidence is there for all to see still.
It’s comfortable and easy to view the Tories as blue Liebour, but they are far to the left of Liebour now.
@salvationarmyuk tweets
Listen out on Sunday for Mjr Kathy Betteridge who heads our anti #humantrafficking & #modernslavery work speaking on @BBCR4Sunday
from 07.10 about how #coronavirus is impacting some of the most vulnerable people in society and how we’re helping them in these difficult times.
… The SA has had cultish controlling aspects that border on human slavery itself
(people made not to marry outside faith etc.)
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
As predicted the teachers unions DEMANDS assurances for thier members before returning to school, supported of course by Channel 4 and BBC.
However teachers appear to accept as does the nation that its ok to accept uninoculated children Into the class to spread what was once eradicated or controlled childhood diseases. Oh course these are children of “migrants” who are beyond reproach so again to ensure the PC rules are followed (absolutely no criticism of migrants allowed) we put our children and teachers at risk, however the BBC continues to politicizse COVID 19 to undermine the government.
And apologies to any Scousers but why is it always a Liverpool accent union member on the radio / TV.
And to save me comming back on later …..I do hope they cancel the six weeks holidays how can we go back and a month later kids are off for six weeks.
Crush this teachers union they will end up holding this country to ransom.
I was thinking that the response to ‘the virus’ in the UK was predictable.
Over the last few decades we have seen the gradual inversion of everything that we know to be true. Men got married to women because for the woman she had some assurance that the man would stay around to look after her and her children, for the man there was some assurance that the children were his and worth looking after. Little girls, even those from single-parent families know that. But now marriage is bad.
Homosexuality is obviously not normal, putting it bluntly the bits don’t fit and it doesn’t produce kids. But that is now the ‘new normal’ and ‘hetronormativity’ must be eradicated.
Biology told us that the female mammal bore babies, we called them ‘mothers’. But now we have ‘gender’ which conflicts with biology, so biology is wrong and must be rejected.
We used to have ‘rights’, basically we don’t do bad things to other people and they don’t do bad things to us, ‘do unto others etc’. Those are now ‘negative’ rights and we have a new breed of ‘positive’ rights where we must do unto others what they want.
That, of course, is an inversion of the idea of majority rule. We can’t always agree so in the end we go for what most of us want. Now we have ‘protected’ characteristics, the ‘minority’ are elevated to the top, they even get to decide what the rules are, the majority have to fall in line.
And now to the virus. What is the purpose of a heath service? Well it used to be to serve the people that pay for it. Now, as we all know, it is for us to protect ‘our’, (more inversion, they mean their) health service.
Always happy to promote the politically motivated RSPB, the BBC report a ‘surge in illegal raptor killings’.
Apparently the RSPB have been ‘over-run’ with reports of birds of prey being illegally killed during the lockdown, suggesting that this has been orchestrated and based around shooting estates.
Nobody could defend the killing of any magnificent raptor, but does it not seem odd that this ‘surge in killings’ has been during a unique and lengthy period where access to the countryside has been extremely limited. How can the RSPB be ‘over-run’ by reports from people unable to cover the ground in question, and certainly not in any meaningful sense?
As usual, the BBC is supremely disinterested in logic, or even facts, but as an entrenched anti-shooting organisation they are entirely happy with promoting fake news which is, predictably, impossible to quantify but with a powerful emotive message. They are happy to suggest that gamekeepers are murdering environmental vandals but their cunning does not seem to include covering the evidence of their crimes. Too lazy perhaps?
And while in no way as an excuse for illegal acts, no bird of prey has ever, ever, died of natural causes. They are immortal because that way they are always useful political pawns.
David Vance talks to Anne Marie Waters. Worth a listen – 1hr long but technical problems at the beginning so start from at least 12mins in. The bBC gets mentioned from about 37:00 onwards.
The BBC are highly supportive of the Unions preventing teachers going to work, despite the fact teacher shave been in schools since the lockdown started, and have returned to work in other countries.
Why wasn’t the BBC campaigning to stop Waitrose staff returning to work?
Was the same during Thatcher’s time?
Alarming twitter traffic – self employed people say nice things about the government – and how easy and efficient the HMRC website is for people claiming their equiv to furlough payments .
I’m sure the only time you’ll hear about this is on sites like this because it really really really doesn’t fit the BBC agenda .
They jus dig up some one to say they’re not getting a penny …
and the cash in hand merchants will be needing to spend that tax free cash they got in peace time
I have just had that conversation with a friend of mine who runs a business and have spoken to many friends self employed and in business who have all been really positive about the process..
Not a bloody jot on the BBC – compare that to their incessant bleating when they get a whiff of something like Universal credit not working 100%….
Disgusting , it is almost as if the BBC want to undermine the Govt 🙂
As an accountant with many clients making claims, I can confirm from feedback that the system seems to have worked very well.
There will always be some glitches and you can be sure the BBC has been scouring the country for them.
Yep. Same here. Lots of dealings with people who have got sorted very easily.
Dad’s firm applied and got the business interruption loan with minimal fuss also.
Also, I deal with a lot of universal credit claimants who again have been sorted, processed and paid no problem. Many got advance payments within 3 days.
All very positive and well done the Government.
Like you say , this is NOT music to the BBC ‘s ears and not something to bash the Government with so it’s of ZERO interest !!!!
The very last thing our trusted impartial national broadcaster needs in times like this is a POSITIVE story !!!!
I am a sole trader running a small equipment supply business.
I also must say that the small business grant scheme has worked very well.
Absolute no issues whatsoever with the claim system and the amount that the government calculated from the figures on my tax returns makes up approximately the amount of drawings lost having to close due to covid.
I may have problems when I begin trading again, But I will worry about that when the time comes, though realistically I would except business to pick up again.
Put that in your pipe BBC….
Davy, doob,Roland ,James –
I’m guessing the BBC is fixated with school stuff as opposed to anything as trivial as keeping businesses viable and business owners alive ….
Fantastic, all you guys, working your socks off!
I raise my hat to you all, and as I haven’t bothered to see anything the failing BBC have spurted, I’ll be able to use whatever your sort of firms do with increased joy when all this gets back to the norm.
The BBC should hang their heads in shame when poking mullock at great Guys and Gals like you.
They are an utter disgrace.
Daily Mail article saying Barrow Peninsula in Cumbria is the worst place in Britain for Covid
“Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria has highest case rate”
Is that true ?
61 people in 57,000 have died
= 107 in 100,000
In Newham it’s 144 in 100,000
(Brent 141.5 deaths and Hackney 127,
London average 85.7
all those are undestimates cos London data is 2 weeks old)
It’s the fallacy of comparing apples with oranges
Apples – Barrow has DEEP TESTING many mild cases are included in the count
Oranges – Rest of the country .. only severe cases are tested, and 9 out of 10 go unlogged
Barrow’s case count is high 824/100k = 0.824%
but cos other areas don’t include mild cases in their count
That gives a UK average 0.27% of the community population
I wonder what the population of Barrow and Furness peninsula % are white…..hence the BME deflector shields are on full …..stupid white people up north.
The Mail speculated that cos Barrow has busy dockside industries
that contractors may have brought it.
.. or perhaps county lines drug dealers.
One old fella who died hadn’t been out of the house.
.. I wonder if he had had a takeaway curry
..and that could be a major source.
BBC Four channel ‘to be axed’ by cash-strapped corporation
“In response, BBC Four presenters have launched the #LoveBBCFour campaign on social media.”
Apparently BBC four has good stuff like –
A History of England – (history rewritten)
Science and Islam – (science ceased after Muhammad)
vintage Top of the Pops (Jimmy unspeakable)
And – “BBC – Please don’t close BBC Four. Lots of people love it and its worth the licence fee just by itself”!
https://www dot
There’s an alternative petition only slowly gaining signatures (because of lack of media coverage)
Revoke the TV licence using legislation
This is absolutely how the BBC works. Suggest a channel is axed then get all the luvvies and Lefties (all the former are part of the latter but not all Lefties are luvvies) to create a ‘noise’. The BBC will suggest that BBC4 is a prime candidate for axing because it includes programming considered to be on more intellectual level (but which could easily be shown on other channels) that the Lefties love.
It is exactly what the BBC did a few years ago, a suggestion that Radio 6 Music and The Asian Network should be closed. They then took loaded questions to the BBC Trust panels to get the answers they wanted that viewers/listeners demanded the channels were saved. The BBC then got what they wanted which was more money from government and an agreement to cut productions of the things that old white people watching day-time tv in care homes like such as Flog It and Homes Under the Hammer.
The closure of any channel would be a great step for us . It will be shown that people can live without it – and would be a step to downsizing the BBC – hopefully to something easier to make subscription .
Obviously subscription could be bought in slowly – running parallel to the licence for a while – and then access without subscription stopped ….
….it might push the BBC to producing higher quality programmes – perhaps almost as good as American drama – which left the BBC behind years ago ( except for the often tedious historic costume stuff )….
I watch BBC 4 when it is showing Spiral or The Bridge or The Killing.
There must be a common factor.
Lord Hall, is there any truth in the rumour you are leaving the decision to scrap BBC4 to your successor when you step down later this year so it is not part of your “legacy”? As Director General of the BBC you receive £450k a year, 3 times that of the Prime Minister who I feel sure you will agree currently has, in comparison, rather more pressing decisions to make affecting the entire U.K. population. Do you not consider that it is your duty and responsibility to take this decision yourself instead of passing the buck to your successor?
True, Bulldog, but as his successor she will have to prioritise splitting the salary and what might be termed ‘side issue funds’ into more easily hidden tranches and, in the well-established spirit of the corporation, diversifying accounts via a wide choice of investment houses and hedge funds.
That done, I’m sure she will embrace her new responsibilities with enthusiasm.
What I was trying to say above, I don’t believe the BBC have any intention of scrapping BBC4. What they want to do is provoke an outcry that ‘BBC4 must be saved’. They will then demand money from the government to save it.
Deborah, am not sure on current form the Tories will be too inclined to bail out the beeb and will hardly be flush with cash for some time to come. I would rather miss 4 being over their average viewer age of 62 even if I usually only catch Friday’s music back catalogue but could manage with youtube. One thing in its favour, it is mercifully free of political bias!
I agree there will of course be the siren voices of the arty left who will try and save it but I reckon its chances of survival are less than 50-50.
These are the ones now squealing the hardest with all the same nonsense as the BBC, PPE etc, care homes..
Those comments !!! LOL. Well worth a gander at the top few .
Nothing to do with the BBC, but dear God…
All us men can now file complaints about elderly aunties kissing us on the cheek as youngsters.
Miserable female ingrate, and stupid overbearing police.
Go catch some crims, dude.
I hope the cops nail this filthy vile perverted animal.
And then make her apologise to the man.
In the interest of fair play, they don’t specify which cheek was kissed…..
12pm to 4pm that was some kiss!
That must be why they anxious to find him.
DerbysPolice have accidentally deleted their tweet
Tweet #2
BTW Derbyshire Police dragged Crimebodgers to court
for merely saying “No sh*t”
… they lost
It could have been a stichup , but the Clerk Of Court’s job was to hold the prosecutor to account
& being a barrister he p*ssed all over him
6 minutes of YouTube time well spent – I note that the crimebodger chap wisely avoided the ‘invitation to be interviewed ‘by police – a step always good to take –
– as well as sue ing the constabulary – over a million views … impressive …
Stew – when the Derbyshire police sent a drone to film people walking their dogs and then putting the footage on Twitter – complete with labelling – they rightly took some stick – ….
….and it turns out that their chief constable ( never a shortage of them ) is to retire early ……
So who ever runs their twitter might need to get a less public job …. or maybe is just looking for a clever constructive dismissal payout …..
….. the loosening up of the Stasi regulations have taken the wind out of plods sudden eagerness to enforce laws – when ordinarily they turn a blind eye to huge swaths of the criminal law – usually not to ‘upset’ certain parts of the ‘community ‘….
@Fed from what Crimebodgers blog says
the public have a naive attitude that the police are on their side
(just like the public also think the biasedbbc is on their side)
but instead of doing their remit of working the public good, the police crimebodgers repurpose themselves
..They put their own empire & interests of their special friends ahead of the public interest.
in fact they have a disdain for the public.
.. Is that not also a parallel with the biasedbbc ?
I just watched the vid where the police office woman just assumes she is talking to a Lancashire Police team and disses the complainant for 5 minutes, before the guy says “I am the complainant”
The twitter response to the Derbyshire police kissing tweet is pretty hostile to the plod – and although Derbyshire plod have taken said tweet down plenty screen shot it so it’s still about .
People on Twitter are now getting good at spotting just plain dumb tweets and hence capturing them …
The Times has a book review
Crossing The Line by John Sutherland
A Met officer driven mad
.. He talks about the need to get on top of the causes of crime and suggests legalising drugs.
He says the politicians have posturing policies
and lays into Theresa May & Sadiq
Tories – for cutting police numbers, stopping neighbourhood policing just when it was turning a corner.
Boris – for prioritising burglary and theft to please the voters
.. but not child abuse/ human trafficking ,
.. It’s strange that immigration is not mentioned
Like why would you open the door to second wave , when you aren’t on top of the problems caused by the first wave ?
Never have so few controlled so many-We’re properly over the first wave now, yet humanity is groaning as many economies have yet to be rebooted. The reasoning behind the decisions that took the UK, most of Europe, the US and many other countries into complete lockdown has been widely challenged. Equally, it’s also been widely supported and there have been generally high levels of compliance. There is perhaps a growing divide between these camps and much of that’s got to do with how much we trust our leaders and their advisors.
We’re being conditioned to accept a ‘new normal’ – but it’s not yet clear how this might look. As we unearth where much of the thinking comes from, we become ever more concerned about a future that is decided by a relatively small, seemingly incestuous group who don’t necessarily have the public’s best interests at heart.
I cannot think of a time, at least in my 78 yrs of lifetime, when it’s been more important for us to assert our democratic, natural and fundamental rights. And to do this we must first better understand what is going on, and read between the lines of the propaganda we’re being fed daily through the newswires. We’re being told over and over that all decisions being made by governments that are driving lockdowns, social distancing and the development of drugs and vaccines for Covid-19 are being driven by science.
But it depends on how you define science – and how you define bias or corruption in the scientific process.
The longer you look for reasons why things are happening the way they are – the more you realise that the narrative is being controlled by a small number of people and organisations, as well as researchers and institutions – all funded from the same, so-called ‘independent’ sources. And we are quite openly told who they are-very big bucks at stake here.
“The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation.“
With Flynn, Tara Reade, Biden, Trump is winning big time and the left hate it
Of course, the UK public will be ‘shielded’ by the BBC – these are only ‘conspiracy theories’ aren’t they?
She’s good, turning the tables on the leftist journos and using their questions against them.
Great Lady!
Clearly, they didn’t have Katty or Jon anywhere near, as they would have been totally demolished by someone much cleverer than them!
Ahem … aren’t we paying those two autocue-readers to actually report something?
Where the heck were they, on such an important day?
Perhaps I missed them…
Thank you, Celtic, I may be old but I recognise the smell of a BBC avoidance issue here, so well done that Man…
Please let the tories see this lady dishing it back in ‘trumps’ (sorry) to the press core. Brilliant.
Perhaps once Trump has sorted out Fb, Insta et al, he could turn his attention to the BBC – at least its US operations?
The BBC is not only trying to interfere in the 2020 election, but it will also be working to undermine the ongoing UK US trade negotiations
The beeb’s wet dream: talk up the pandemic, talk down the economies of UK and US, undermine the trade talks, and thereby hobble both Trump and Boris. Job done.
Never fear, Vlad, normal people disregard the trash spurted by the awful bbc.
The Orwellian #CancelCulture of libmob & BigTech in 2020
Deplatforming people whose speech is LEGAL
but judged guilty of #WrongThink
I find it very strange that we don’t get any BBC spokesperson or representative officially posting on this site to rebuff the claims that appear here. Perhaps they have something to hide ?
A cat may look at a queen but a queen doesn’t have to look at a cat.
Know your place!
I think it’s a matter of reality -a bit like all those times you asked on here for a single example of a pro brexit programme put out by the BBC – I’d add to that a single negative story about the EU – even now that we have left….
can’t rebuttal the truth ..
With the exception to maxincony and Piku, It appears that Al Beeb have no supporters or defenders . The rumours that people are not paying their Telly Tax must have an element of truth . The Telly Goon ‘investigators’ must be an expensive department to maintain?
Spare a thought for our teachers.
The poor wee lambs want to stay away from work on 100% pay until it’s absolutely safe to return.
Not like the shop workers who are in contact with hundreds of strangers every day.
The bin men, HM Forces, nurses and doctors plus many others going in to work.
Even the police are still clocking in (to learn new dance routines and tell off sunbathers)
The teachers should not return to work until they can be assured nothing bad can ever happen.
The Government needs to assure them that in the future they will never ever get ill and they will be protected from everything that could possibly go wrong.
No car accidents, no toothache, no earth tremors, lightning strikes, invaders from Mars, you name it, they must be protected from everything.
Wrap them up in cotton wool (but safety tested in case they eat it or suffocate)
It’s a good job the rest of the population isn’t so risk averse as teachers. The shops would all be closed for a start.
There’s a case to be made to keep 70+ year old teachers off work until they are no longer vulnerable but there’s not many of them.
Our nurses, lots of them are fatty bum bums, yet they are all giving it their best.
On the brighter side, the lefty teachers cannot brainwash the children when they are not at school, however, as soon as the lefties realise this I expect they will say it’s fine to go back and teach.
So what are the chances that if they go back to work that the first day will be a training day?
They’ve been off so long it will have to be retraining day.
Nice one Manny!
ITV & skyNews headlines are wrong
cos they fail to context there are 3 strands to the laws
The CPS reviewed England and Wales up to the end of April
thrown all of cases out in one strand.
The 3 strands
#1 Health Protection Regulations 2020 about restriction of movement rules
#2 Coronavirus Act about detaining potentially infected
All 44 charges brought under it were thrown out
” because they did not cover potentially infectious people, which is what the legislation is intended for.”
but in most of the cases the offender had also been charged alongside other offences, including assaults on emergency workers, theft and burglary
whereas for #1 “the vast majority, that’s 175 out of 187, have been charged correctly.”
but 12 were thrown out
“usually because Welsh regulations were used in England, or vice versa.”
#3 A third category seems 13,445 fixed penalty notices (FPNs)
So not 100% agreement with what Crime Bodge said last week
Lockdown humour
My eyes!
3:35pm BBC2 classic film
South Pacific
Sunday afternoon
Paint Your Wagon
Clint Eastwood singing ….
Lee Marvin?
and the bias continues…
Note how much exposure the Nadine story gets compared to Havant Labour:
The BBC are full steam ahead with their doom and gloom scaremongering about a few children in a few schools actually getting some face-to-face education.
A little piece of hypocrisy seems to have escaped them.
The teachers citing safety for their refusal to teach children face -to-face (including those of doctors, nurses, social care workers, and shop workers) are quite happy to receive face-to-face services from those same workers. Perhaps supermarkets and hospitals should refuse to serve teachers. Would that not be fair?
As a cheap yet not especially cheerful means of filling three and a half hours of prime-time TV tonight, the BBC will keep you – I must claim prior commitments, otherwise, naturally, I would be happy to form part of the audience – spellbound in a celebration of Eurovision in all its finery.
Not just Graham Norton with innuendos at the ready, you will have Euroland and beyond with the very best in intricate and skilled songwriting and the visual arts combined. Who could possibly ask for more of a locked-in Saturday night?
This would be the same EU-driven Eurovision which has demeaned, diminished and ignored every UK entry for the past decade, ensuring that our performance will receive a derisory number of votes – from a little country with the world’s most acclaimed and successful popular music industry.
How the BBC love to abase themselves
Last thing on earth I would watch. It would be torture.
Beltane – 3 and a half hours of queerness – camping is still banned … I recently watched 3 and a half hours of a film called
‘The Irishman’ – 3 and a half hours – I think the director forgot to hire someone to edit the thing . The Godfather 3 in slow motion …
Pandemic or not, islamic murder, rape and mayhem continue unabated and, of course, unreported by Al-beeb.
The websites below monitor the worldwide carnage.
Incidentally, the website ‘Religion of Peace’ no longer shows up on a Google search. Only a matter of time till all such sites are censored for telling the truth.
I am just watching the daily briefing, What a load of useless questions from useless journalists. The education secretary is trying to appease everyone, unions and teachers. Lots of praise for the teaching “heroes”. I for one do not think teachers are “going the extra mile” Now I hear that honest body the BMA have come out in favour of the teachers union position. The scientist (cant remember her name) Jenny something has said if the BMA has some info on this they should advise us. Nice one, as I just think the BMA are jumping on the bandwagon
Sadly Gavin Williamson does for politics what Uriah Heap did for sincerity and probity. I’m sure he means well but perhaps a bit less oil of unction before the cameras roll would not come amiss.
He’d have made a great anaesthesiologist ( nice spellcheck )
Count down from 100….99…98…zzzzz
Dr Jenny Harries, deputy CMO (i.e. the number two to Professor Chris Whitty the CMO). Well done to her for asking what the BMA’s information is.
I agree that the quality of questions is not great. It should, logically, improve with time but, alas, no.
The strangely undated BMA letter
The Chair of the BMA Council Chaand Nagpaul also wrote this, and then went on the bBC to say so.
Jenny Harries has given a series of bravura performances over the past couple of months, often the best of those behind the lecterns and comfortably enough to earn a Damehood at the end of all this. She is concise and informative, doesn’t waffle and fully prepared to give truthful answers without dissembling.
If only I could stop thinking of Charles Hawtrey when she’s on….
Video of the question about the BMA
Harries speaks at 3m10s
Two things really stand out about the BBC ‘s Branwen Jefferys …
1. Clear as day a liberal bubble dweller who cannot stand the Government. This as usual with the BBC stands out a country mile.
2. And my god. Talk about a overriding sense of smugness and complete lack of respect . Who the hell do these people think they are ???? The people you are directing these poison loaded questions to are some of the very best in their specialized fields !!!!! Show some bloody respect !!!!!
Looks the BBC are 100% behind teachers and doctors. Another 2 groups whom cannot be questioned. Wonder why !????????
The mass gatherings, Corbyn’s brother arrested.
videos on Twitter shows maybe couple of hundred
RT covered it
Belfast 30
Arrested by police officers who were not observing social distancing, it just doesn’t make sense, does the uniform make them immune or something?
Those police officers’ work would be better served down in Dover where hundreds are breaking the ‘lockdown’. And they are not even ‘British’. While they are at it they could also arrest the employees of Border Farce for people smuggling.
A lot of antifa types say
it was organised by Jayda Fransen
but an antifa mag says actually they got that wrong
and that it is not “Britain Freedom Movement”
but Richard Inman’s “UK Freedom Movement”
or a group pretending to be them inman says it’s not me “but good luck to them cos Covid9 is being used yo stop all demos .. and I would go to a demo about the hiding of the Grooming/Raping gangs report”
BTW there photos of Manchester as well
BBC Text headline: Woman in court on suitcase murder charge.
Seems open and shut to me.
It gets worse.
The evidence all appears to hinge on one aspect of the case.
Red card offence here Fed ????????
Sorry. Time to put a lid on things.
Will you pack it in!
Quite right NV. The case is now closed.
The wheels came off.
BBC mixing things up again.
Appears to be in 2017, but our tiny minority of muslims seem to have a very loud voice. despite the fact that we have sikhs, Hindus and a massive proportion of Chinese and geographically associated that all seem to integrate and respect our institutions, our culture, and our 12 year old schoolgirls
It is only one sh@t stirring minority that insist they have their own council of britain to sh@t stir even more ##and if you want a prime example of muslim sh@t stirrring look at their attempted invasion of speakers corner attacking Christian preachers
Walk around Luton or any other ghetto and compare and contrast to this :
Time the BBC was put on subscription only.
‘Al Beeb’ , if the cap fits……….
Let us face facts, this virus is not going to harm 99.999999 recurring % of the populace, save for those who have underlying health issues like the hole in their head being several times larger than the one between their legs!
It should be blindingly obvious, to isolate the fatties, the diabetics, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups.
Having had this virus it’s nowhere near as bad as the flu which lasted 2 weeks and made me think I was dying!
This virus isn’t going away and there might not be a vaccine, so people need to catch it and develop immunity before they get older and weaker. The original plan was to flatten the curve, now it is to save every life possible which is going to kill healthy people in the process.
Time to end the lockdown protect the vulnerable and allow the economy to recover as best it can – if it can.
For the worried teachers.
Only 5 under 20’s have died from coronavirus.
5 out of over 34,000
More have probably died from a nut allergy during that time.
One car crash during the school closures could give this number.
Yet they don’t want to return to work using the health and safety card to stay off work (on full pay of course)
Good job the girls working in shops and supermarkets aren’t such a bunch of wimps (and loads of others who are getting on with their jobs and taking sensible precautions)
If they are so worried let them stay away but pay them the equivalent of the dole/social security payment. They might then suddenly decide it’s not really such a risk after all or they might postpone all the planned home and garden Improvements until their imminent six week holiday.
(The excuse that they have lessons to prepare and so on is a bit thin.
Does history change so much every year.
Does maths change.
English, language and literature. RI, PE.
Maybe slight changes in the sciences and geography)
I believe I got a very good rounded education in the 50’s and 60’s in the Secondary Modern and after 11 plus, Grammar School.
My teachers appeared to have no agenda and there wasn’t the pc contamination so prevalent now with these far left teachers.
I also came through the Asian flu and Hong Kong flu epidemics which were just as bad as this one. The only thing is I never noticed it as it wasn’t built up to the terrifying heights that this one is.
Maybe it was a case of ignorance being bliss but, as Gray said ‘‘tis folly to be wise.
RE geography I doubt it unless they are referring to the millimetre changes in tectonic plates, unless of course Blair has infected teaching geography facts with some kind of communist propoganda, regarding science there is no doubt the climate is warming, as it did in this country 1000 years ago, we had many vinyards at the time, the cause is debatable (of the warming not the vinyards)
You need to understand the wider implication, that the schools are virus factories and that it isn’t the fact that some kids will potentially catch the virus, it’s the fact that once they have caught it they will spread it to all & sundry.
The teachers unions are far leftist (Tory) and want to wreck the economy (Tory) like many other (Tory) unions, but you do need to understand what their objections are before attacking them.
A lot of parents are now turning against the teachers because they need to get back to work themselves and need their kids back in school . The main problem is the Teaching Unions.
Remember the working nurses that they were all clapping for ? Well those very same nurses will probably pay more tax to cover the cost of those people that did not go to work . Ironic isn’t it ?
468 deaths reported of which 260 hospital – granted these are not all in the same 24 hour period but the failure to protect care home residents ( the VE Day generation ) is now leaving the UK with Care Home deaths becoming the majority – until the NHS / Government shows its really doing something about it instead of using words and promising cash too late …
As the number of hospital deaths decline in the next 10 plus days ( cases will increase in London ) the care home deaths will stick out like a national embarrassment .
I really really hope I’m wrong .
At least they hit 136k tests today – unless that’s a lie ( such as sending them in the post )
Care home infections should be prevented, but, I suspect deaths after infection are going to be high for obvious reasons
and the bbc appear not to be interested in the fact that old people are vulnerable, or males.Only that blacks seem to be “more affected”
I am sure I am not alone in noticing that those quoted dying with no underlying health conditions seem to be inordinately obese, a condition that seems to affect many BAME females of a certain age
or that they like to have extended families in one household
BUT, and this is the thing, the bbc talk about black people being victims but fat people ? apparently Boris yes, thats OK, much has been made of that in the msm old people ? tend to be white so lets leave that alone in the msm and bbc especially, males ? not a mention
A quite specific example of fake, misleading, ignoring the evidence “news” by omission, and bias
Sometimes wish that the hatchet faced harridan Laura carslberg was subject to questions, so we could harangue her like she does the government in a national emergency
The majority of Care Homes are just one big breeding ground for infections – Covid or not. The ones I’ve had the misfortune to go into don’t exactly smell of disinfectant on entering – quite the opposite in fact. So all infections are rife, be it bronchial, urine, or gastric.
Yes we all know the staff are underpaid, but our Care Homes and a lot of the staff are a national disgrace. How often have we heard that relatives put cameras in their loved ones rooms ? and then discovered the abuse that takes place. I lost count of the times I would take cleaning materials with me when visiting my father, to deep clean his own personal toilet. And I gave up spending a lot on his clothes because despite labelling his pieces, they would invariably shrink in the boil wash of the laundry, and/or I would see other ‘inmates’ wearing them !!!! So I would buy him cheap shirts and woollies from the supermarkets.
And we were paying just short of £1,000 a week for this diabolical service. I would have been better off putting him in a 3star hotel with his own nurse instead.
A bit late and now buried in the trail but just wanted to empathise. Your observations match my own personal experience in exact ways. We gave them the benefit of the doubt on urine smells (high levels of incontinence constantly being cleared up) and the clothes exchange (the name lables fall of).
The staff do a job but in the main are not very bright and I suspect they just do not have the brain cells to really think through the modes of CV transmission and thus prevention. The NHS and government stand guilty of passing the CV19 parcel to the care sector in the their cultist lust to ‘save the NHS’.
The next disgrace is the £1000 a week. Its either that or nothing if you have only max £23k of assets. That cliff edge is immoral and effectively gives care home residents with savings a 100% tax rate. And many care homes are private so how does the CV19 PPE cash provision via councils work for them?
The failure of successive governments to resolve and instead kick this into the long grass time and again is the worst case of misgovernment we have.
Over on BBC Parliament today. Came across entirely by chance.
The ‘as live’ BBC coverage of their 1964 general election special.
Richard Dimbleby, Cliff Michelmore, David Butler, Robin Day, Bob McKenzie et al.
Calm, sober, on-air issues handled well. But not without a sense of humour. And to my mind pretty impartial and without a chip on the shoulder.
Such a change and what a contrast to today’s endless LeftMob bias and s***-stirring presented as ‘entertainment’ by second rate autocue readers interested only in capturing a ‘gotcha’ moment so to further their careers.
Knob cranks out a series of tl:dr:
Guest – comforting to know that the general opinion of the BBC / Comrade Robinson – is getting through to him / them …. always casualties in war ..
“The first casualty of war is innocence” ????
Source – pick one, ancient Greek dramatist, 20c US politician.
What is the bbc ‘reporting’ now?
Climate assembly = a mob without a road to block in lockdown, I notice one is a horse rider forcing her animal into the road for her personal pleasure to hold up buses taxis and cars whilst her animal sh@ts all over the road with no responsibilty to clean up after it
There is one law that needs to be changed in my opinion get them off the road there is no need whatsoever for them to be there other than their bloody mindedness
drive too fast past them they will be so offended about the welfare of their animal they have subjected to the road for their pleasure yet are happy to chase another animal for miles and watch it ripped apart by dogs,
Not sure I understand your last paragraph, but the chance of a climate rebel doing any as civilized as foxhunting is remote.
Who are Sortition ?
Surely fine fully politically diverse
Not the normal Guardianlaland clique
They have this story of their website
It says “Note: this is a repost from Open Democracy”
So they promote some conspiracy theory about Cambridge Analytica from the org funded by George Soros
Who funds them ?
“Dr Brett Hennig
Co-founder and Co-director, Brett is an author and activist
Why would they only list ONE Co-founder ?
Last accounts show £9K spending vs £5K assets
so £4K debt
BBC embraces diversity. Autocue readers for the BBC are trained at an early age.
Not really BBC stuff and nonsense, (they stay clear of anything more than interesting), but what have The Daily Mail got on Prince Andrew, that we don’t already know?
Is there a cross-Atlantic tennis game going on, with little snippets going back and forth, and a small gossip here and there?
I get a freebie Mail some weekends, as Mrs O’Blene likes the crosswords, the Sudoku and the funnies and some of the normal news, but the schite they’re chucking at the ‘Queens’s favourite’ is just – er – impossible/possible to print?
Of course, the dire, flabby BBC will just make it out to be tittle tattle, because it suits them to be just stupid, but when the schite really hits the air-conditioning, and things get nasty, how on earth are all the autocue-readers going to explain why they didn’t notice? What on earth are they being paid to do?
Nicholas Witchell, (“I can’t bear that man. I mean, he’s so awful, he really is.” – Prince Charles; on camera, silly man) will have to get some more info on that issue, pretty damned quick, assuming his under-managers don’t get the squits and hide like they normally do…
More ‘fun’ to come I suppose, which beats the lame-bame trash we have to put up with day by day…
I think Prince Andrew will be ok:
Rochdale grooming gang members remain in UK 18 months after losing court battle against deportation
all our paki immigrant taxi driver rapists seem to have ready access to lawyers, funny that. paki lawyers ?
One can just imagine the conversation, I have gang raped a child and now am to be deported ..OK are you a muzzie ? was the child white ? OK I will help you
Monday Panorama
Covid19 in Migrant Camps in Greece and EU
plenty of third world people deserve sympathy before these queue jumpers
SG – Correct f*** them.
Last 3 days smash daily test tally records
BBC accidentally clips the edge off the graph
Malice or incompetence ?
Another shot of the BBC clipped screen
The official government slide does show the last 3 days
You can always rely on the BBC to bury good news.
Just my opinion, but you cannot shut the country down much longer, if a small (compared to this) economic recession in 2007 led to years of austerity what will be the consequence of this ?
Teachers (union lead) are obviously not dedicated to teaching as they would be looking at ways to carry on, any other businesses are looking at ways to proceed (unlike train drivers, union lead) btw have you ever seen a train driver ? nope they are always isolated but anyway want to sit at home on their 54000 salary unlike supermarket employees
anyway it is time for the teachers 6 week summer holiday then off for xmas on the 15 December then Easter for a couple of weeks etc etc
Darcy – I thought the lock down would break down – but in my bit of northeast London there is a bit more traffic on the road but not people around generally – whether it is cool weather I don’t know .
High temps are due this week so that will be a test .
As an aside I find it pretty rich for people who live in the very nice places people like to visit moaning about visitors now – when all other times they’re talking about ‘boosting tourism ‘ .
Personally I don’t visit such places and all I want to do is get out of the UK for a while …..
Exactly Fedup, let’s boycott Cornwall seeing as they’ve been moaning forever ????
F2 the lockdown has broken down as seen regularly with the benefit occupants around me, a mindset that says once told you can only sit around all day playing xbox and watching Jeremy Kyle all of a sudden has a desperate need to visit their relatives and mates
As for the nice places, which I visit regularly for country walks, I have already challenged the various locals with their get out notices and ensured they never invade my local tesco superstore or any non local supermarket or any other shop outside of their village
it takes little for them to light up their torches and pitchforks, unless of course they are trying to flog crap pottery and local shite cakes at £4 a slice
I made sure I informed their local vicars and parish councils about their illegal home made signs
It appears that the present British Government are ignoring the problem, is it deliberate ? Are the French emptying all their camps while the Royal Navy and Royal Marines are kept in their bases .
Boris, “Churchill” he is not, not while Priti is in the Home Office and the Tory MPs are sitting complacently in their seats and have forgotten one of the reasons we voted for Brexit. Has Al Beeb reported this yet ?
The people that are genuine asylum seekers and immigrants wait patiently in the queue.
Will the Plod visit Nigel again?
Seems the lasted method is by stolen boat.
Is that so it has to be returned to France for the next trip..
Its wise never to trust the BBC, or ‘believe what it says’ even when proven ‘misquoted’ and found out – they smugly do the same to another piece of news. Several examples we all know including range from Arctic Penguins are (somehow) ‘gay’ or diminishing (unproven and impossible to verify), Apoplectic Climate Change (unproven and impossible to verify accurately that CO is at all ‘dangerous’, ‘toxic’ or even ‘bad’ as largely its plant food). Then we have gross exaggeration of the success of mindless antics of a few Anarchist in London (today) on everything from Loony left to strangely queer and all those poor ‘victims’ of life itself. Anxiety, depression and all things Jeremy Corbyn, ( his brother arrested today (Saturday) in Hyde Park on a ‘lock-down’ protest). The Left in promotion (to absurdity).. Without even listening to the BBC news, we just know its news is ‘what they are wiliing to report’. BBC news is always more of an agenda. A list of what they want, when they want it and how to get it. BBC presenters are not chosen for brains, but for manicured looks and looking ‘tough’ on screen whilst having a series of meaningless hysteria fits – that makes no sense – when we all can watch ‘real’ news with more unbiased and professional ‘analysis’ (as opposed to BBC ‘news and opinion’ from a BBC presenter with Crimson lipstick. No doubt the BBC feature will include the stay-at-home Teachers Union who are the ‘real’ Corona Virus ‘Victims’, but it could also be the Arctic Penguins or that nasty man Trump which puts them all into overdrive tonight.
I am sure I am not the only one to notice that Classic FM and LBC have won millions of new listeners overall (over many years) from the moribund BBC. Its been the same each year since the BBC had serious competition, they (BBC) hold on to the older age group (over 65 mainly on Radio 4) and the often naive (under 24’s on Radio Xtra) which is a Rap station, not even representative of most school aged children in London. No Polish, No Nordic, No German, No Jewish Ethnic, No Quakers/Methodists/Christian and not even Asian in context or attitude. Most Asians can afford to watch TV from their own countries via Satellite or Cable. Greeks would and I suspect the Romanians too – are not listening to the BBC either. The BBC does not cater for ethnic, minorities or other cultures, just one primarily and its rap music – more by chance – than any grand design. The only non-failure in a bum portfolio.
Its no surprise to me that eventually the BBC makes itself irrelevant. The BBC keeps stating how important it is for the ‘fabric of the nation’ and as vital to the country as NHS or tins of Baked Beans. You know its waffle and untrue but by repetition the hope is to muster a large Army of Twitter Followers to attack ‘Conservatives’ on every issue that may reduce their influence or license fee. These Mobile phone Twitters are part of the anti mob who are a loose collective of public servants, drama queens, political appointees led (installed) by Gordon Brown when he was in power, Tony Blair’s legacy of ‘charidees’ that only point one way, even when the funding ceases.
The BBC threaten to end Radio 4. No they won’t, it will be the last to close. This is the only way to announce that a gay penguin has found an egg, the climate has ‘stabilised’, or the BBC has awarded itself a pay rise due to falling productivity, index linked to the rise of distress and anxiety they produce. They plan has always been for the BBC is to ‘expand’ itself into government.
It has the talent (only the BBC has), the vision (only the BBC has), the status (only the BBC has) and Humor – Radio 4 – no less (only the BBC does humor with a purpose). The BBC plain is to need more Radio stations, More TV stations and a World-wide audience. The mission is to EXPAND (not contract), that has always been the ‘plan’ as the BBC revenue is more than double that of the TV license fee income. Diversify, cross promotions (BritBox), franchises and freeview content is endlessly (mostly) BBC repeats that the BBC in part own and share in. In short they have a lot of money and they can buy political influence on penny-less Left Whingers. They don’t really care ‘how’ but ‘if’ the only people to listen to the BBC are people who like Rap music, then the BBC is huge success!!! On every other level, its a huge failure for all of us as they try (and fail ) to represent us as ‘uneducated’ plebs who don’t understand that if we just pay the license fee, we would all be cured of the ‘conservative’ virus.
But its a huge opportunity for private broadcaster (all of them) to offer a better service, cheaper and more relevant than we have ever had before. On both TV and Radio. For all its BBC bravado (to close Radio 4 or TV Channel 5) power and influence, gay penguins and Rap music is not particularly interesting for those outside the BBC bubble. Last the under 24’s won’t be rappers for ever and even those weaned on CBBC childish programs will eventually get tired of it, as we all do. But then those over 65 who ‘still’ listen to the BBC Radio 4 are past caring what they listen too any more…
RAJAR figures each year show clear show the huge drop in BBC quality presentation.
Good post Phillip
I am still looking for a gay “penguin” on my local canal alas to no avail.
Agreed about Classic FM, but we still have to suffer the awful “News from Global” but at least the left haven’t yet found a way to infect Classic music though I expect. they are working on it.
What we really need is a radio station that has right lean to counter the left leaning BBC monolith which currently is inflicted upon us.
People need start to hear from characters such as Toby Young, Brendan O Neil, Katie Hopkins and Delingpole and Laurence Fox.
Of course it would never happen as the establishment would ensure all the masses need to hear are inane poptastic offerings of the “independants”or the constant propaganda drone of the BBC. The closest we ever get is Farage on LBC (who I dont entirerly trust ) which is more than counterbalanced by the sneering James OBrian and the unpleasant mouth of Sheila (who ate all the buns?) Fogharty.
Don’t need to hear from anyone on radio other than a nice voice introducing a piece of music.
Hence the relative success of Classic FM.
They even announce the news in advance so I can switch off from five to, to five past, though sometimes I catch the ‘now you are up to date’ pretentious sign off.
Reuters have processed care home Covid deaths
They have taken the ONS death certificate stats
and added the Covid CH deaths to the Covid CH people who later died in hospital (proportion 72% to 27.5%)
to get 12,526 upto May 1
( 11,371 confirmed + 1,155 suspected )
Mail : ‘South Asian communities’
Child sex abuse victims are being ‘married off’ to their abusers with the help of religious leaders to avoid ‘shaming’ their family.
Organisations warned the marrying off happens to protect family reputations!
Pragna Patel told the Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry that her main priority is to the victims and when religious faith leaders do not act correctly to help women in need,
Island – re the invasion: Boris and Priti seem to me to be monumentally disappointing/useless. Seems they’ve never heard of border control? Would have expected this from Labour…Pity Nigel isn’t in charge – he’d sort it.
I’m not normally a violent person, but, why do I feel the need to give Rachel Shabi a good hard slap ? she’s a regular on the press review (on Sky now), and that smirky smile around the eyes while she makes her continual lefty views makes the red mist come down. Another one is Christina Patterson. Not much sisterhood I’m afraid.
Love the way Shabi can’t believe how everyone else is so stupid.
M A N jailed for acid attack in Slough
who would that be ?
A man who scarred a former friend with sulphuric acid in an act of “vengeance” has been jailed.
Ibrahim Khan, 22, threw the corrosive substance in Amar Hussain’s
face as he answered the door of a house in Slough, Berkshire.
To be fair they do use his name in 4 tweets
but, I don’t see any backstory like are they Afghani or Pakistani etc ?
I have posted this before
IMHO over the last ten years there has been a phase shift in politics
The Brexit Party/UKIP have become the The Tory Party.
The Tory Party have become the LibDems .
The LibDems have become The Labour Party.
While last but not least, The Labour Party have become The Communist Party .
That’s why we still have Al Beeb being retained and fed by the Telly Tax, we have a LibDem Party in government.
I am not sure that the party names mean anything anymore, we sort of saw that demonstrated during Mrs. May’s government where MPs were happily jumping between parties.
Politics has become very uni-polar, no-one wants to be called ‘right-wing’, whatever that really means as it is effectively defined by the extreme-left who occupy the pole and everyone who is not with them is by definition ‘right-wing’ whatever political direction they are of. (To the person at the North Pole everwhere else is South).
We don’t seem to have any politicians that believe in anything apart from what their focus group ‘spads’ tell them. One could respect someone like Manny Shinwell because you knew where his beliefs came from and that he sincerely thought he was trying to make the right changes.
Contrast that with Liz Kendall. She stood for election as leader at the same time as Corbyn. I think she would have been the most dangerous candidate as far as the conservatives were concerned because she would actually have fitted right in to May’s cabinet – except that she had been brought up to hate ‘Tories’, but I bet she didn’t know why as May and Cameron were just Blair Mk. II and Mk. III
Personally I wish there was a ‘positivity’ party, a party that was about creating and doing. Take personal responsibility, take up the challenge. ‘“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” (Now that sounds rather Trumpian now, yet it came from a Kennedy! An example of the shift that you are talking about).
Margaret Thatcher was right, there is no such thing as society, society is the result of individuals getting off their backsides and doing something. In the BBC’s ‘society’ we all sit on our backsides and expect NationalAmazon to deliver and bleat when they don’t deliver on time, (why are deliveries to BAMEs always late?).
The Brexit Party are ‘what it says on the tin’ and they will sort out Al Beeb.
May wasn’t BLiar MkII she was Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx MkII ! I never ever heard BLiar talking about the seizure of private assets by the state without compensation, but I did hear May approvingly talk about that.
I also heard May coying up to several Communist world leaders, and I never knew of BLiar holding political prisoners nor approving of torture in British prisons – all of which May didn’t just approve of, she actually did !
Cameron was associated with the Socialist Workers party and the evidence is there for all to see still.
It’s comfortable and easy to view the Tories as blue Liebour, but they are far to the left of Liebour now.
It is reported this evening that the epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski has been censored by YouTube for criticising the lockdown.
This is a disgrace. If you want to read Wittkowski’s sensible views, check out spiked’s interview with him:
@salvationarmyuk tweets
Listen out on Sunday for Mjr Kathy Betteridge who heads our anti #humantrafficking & #modernslavery work speaking on @BBCR4Sunday
from 07.10 about how #coronavirus is impacting some of the most vulnerable people in society and how we’re helping them in these difficult times.
… The SA has had cultish controlling aspects that border on human slavery itself
(people made not to marry outside faith etc.)