Biased BBC news staff regularly fail to give any background details when they introduce their interviewees . So the viewer / listener is often unable to judge what the speakers ‘ agenda might be. This is particularly true when the speaker is of the ‘left ‘ and thus sympathetic to the Biased BBC viewpoint . Those who are ‘introduced ‘of the ‘Right‘ will receive casual BBC hostility . – if you listen /watch – judge for yourself …
Midweek Thread 20 May 2020
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Women’s Hour on radio 4
About the Black Death : so many workers died in the UK that those left could command higher wages, and their living standards rose substantially.
But not so in Italy , they suffered as many deaths but instead of paying workers more, they simply imported slaves to do the work.
I imagine the parallel of today’s UK farmers doing anything but raise wages of the British peasants didn’t enter the producers little heads.
I’m guessing 5 minuets after Covid killing a few million here, a mass immigration program would start.
Eddy – I admit I had a little smile when the next monarch called on the serfs – sorry – taxpayers – to return to the land to get the landowners ‘ profits for them …
Maybe get prisoners to do it . It seemed a bit rich on one hand encouraging townies back on the land whilst at the same time telling them they are not welcome in nice places .
I somehow think Prince Charles won’t be inspiring too many yoof to get to work …..
How long before they all say NF is ‘mistaken’?
How many of you voted Tory ? It’s pretty evident that they are taking the proverbial. As we face lockdown and mass unemployment they allow it to happen .
Tory MPs are fully aware that this is going on and are very silent about it. They are treating the people of Great Britain with contempt. Sign up with UKIP or The Brexit Party.
It’s not that simple . If I had not voted Tory – together with around 2000 others – my constituency would now have a Muslim far left Corbyn woman as MP instead of IDS.
We needed a Party which promised Brexit and we are out – pending the horse trading in which fishing will be sold out for city needs …. or similar …
That’s exactly it. Tory voters did not have the bottle to vote for The Brexit Party, had they all done so it would have been ‘game set and match’. The Tory Party is not The Tory Party any more , It hasn’t been for a long time. They have morphed into the old Liberal Party. Take an honest look at the MP’s , all career politicians, where some of the previous Tory MPs were jumping ship to stay in the EU . Boris is a Prime Minister doing nothing about Al Beeb, nothing about illegals, he is open to attack almost daily over the handling of Covid. We need a new Prime Minister. Will we ever get out of the EU ?
Priti made promisees this morning and has already failed to deliver . The only ‘deliveries’ are being made by the French Navy and expect more to come. Why don’t we use the Royal Navy ?
Well done Nigel I say for exposing the truth of what’s going
Taffman – it’s not a matter of ‘ bottle ‘ . The brexit party wasn’t ‘ right ‘ enough for me and if I thought it could have got political control as the Tories did I’d have voted for it .
Use of the term ‘ bottle ‘ suggests emotion – and it’s often a matter of the best of the worst . My MP – IDS does a fair job on the national and local front so he got my vote . Not worth te fighting brexit unless a sell out comes along
Only 24 hours after Lord Nige reported on this, Sky, the private sector equivalent of Al Beeb, are broadcasting footage.
Never an acknowledgement of Farage’s having exposed this, you would think that Sky are returning to news reporting rather than Fatty Boulton’s or Kay Bully’s usual hectoring.
create a law to combat a violent foreign menace
and then turn it your own people
see if you can spot the offensive bit
You can take it from
When TR showed us his wedding video which clearly has black bridesmaids in
And he spoke of how he grew up among ethnic Muslims and has ethnic Muslim friends
and that it not unheard of for hijabbed women to be in his kitchen calling their mates and saying how they are in the kitchen of a guy the unscrupulous media smear label as “one of Britain’s biggest racists”.
Paul Golding case has a precedent it was used against the head of CAGE Muhammad Rabbani in 2017 Indy
The org turned around and said
‘see this law is being used to persecute Muslims ans label them as being convicted of a terrorist case”
Casciani chose not to mention terrorism in his tweet.
So using the law against Golding, is a kind of signal
“oh look it’s not an anti-Muslim law”
The issue is that Muhammad Rabbani did sometimes have contact with genuine terrorist people
The Times labels him as “Jihadists defender”
whereas Golding doesn’t seem to .
Golding has a video of a police stop which he says forms a pattern of police harassment against him.
Secondly “Rabbani of Cage was allowed to walk away the first few times he did this – so it’s not exactly the same as Paul Golding. Also, there should be a good reason for the police to make such a demand.”
The creature charged with murder is named as one Eltonia Skana and described as an ‘Albanian ‘ – originally I think the killer was described as a Somalian or similar .
I get the feeling we won’t find out much – the prosecution will accept ‘diminished ‘ and shut it down ….. but at least the poor parents will have something of a day in court …..
Maybe one day the death penalty will come back …..
“Eltonia Skana
“There are no results for Eltonia Skana” Thank you Mr Gates.
Time for our own search engines.
You spelled it wrong. Spell it right and lots come up.
A bit of welcome news for the government which they don’t seem to be aware of.
Using a ‘back of fag packet’ calculation (about 10,000 dead care home residents x £7,000 pension) the government is saving about £70 million a year and counting on state pension payments alone after seeding the death camps, sorry, care homes with the virus.
Result eh!
If they stop paying the French to escort dinghies full of rocket scientists safely out from French waters and into our waters for collection by our british bulldogs in the border force (ha ha) as proved by Nigel, they would save more £millions.
There maybe some people here who won’t like your reference to ‘death camps ‘ which is a term I go with . The government is obviously very sensitive to the mistakes made in March April which led old people being sent to care homes not being certain they did not have covid .
Someone here said that Care homes Should have put Returning Old people into ‘isolation. ‘ which makes care homes sound like hospitals – they are not .
The government / NHS screwed up on this and it has cost a lot of lives and suffering and grief . The longer they deny this the dirtier their reputation will become . It just depends on the timing of the admission ….
Waiting for the daily briefing, BBC1 interviewed Councillor Tim Swift who is unwilling for the council he leads, Calderdale,, to allow children back to school on June 1st. Ms Chachrabati forgot to mention that he leads the Labour group on the council.
Deaths 363 ‘in all settings’.
Tests issued or carried out, on some for a first time, for others as a follow-up: 177, 216.
Yet this morning and on its Friday repeat
BBC More or Less sneer and claim tests are far less than 100K/day
Stew, yep
R4 More or Less today had a section and basically poured water over the 100K testing using ‘their’ analysis 🙂
Now how many people would trust them? – especially when the only quote they could come up with was ‘one person said she had her home kit left in a puddle ‘ and then they had one of the BBC people doing the home tests on themselves making all sorts of disgusting noises….
So there you have it the BBC analysis says the Govt is crap…
James FBPE keep saying
“Tories lie cos 177K test were done on 60K people”
OK The 177K is 2 tests
#1 Live-Covid tests (antigene)
#2 Community antibody tests (to find if a zone has had it)
The People tally is a tally of people-tested-for-active-Covid
It includes no people from the second test
cos that test t doesn’t show up if you have Live-Covid
Now if people test negative on #1 they are tested again
So if the people tally is 60K and the positives 4K
that means 56K are people tested twice
So the number of #1 tests is 112K +4K = 116K
Then you add on say 60K community antibody tests and get 176K total tests
The home tests are added in o the tally also somewhere along the line.
363- so what’s that 200 in care homes – ? They don’t separate the numbers any more – poor deception technique ….
Fed the daily care home deaths must be in the spreadsheets
cos last night our ITV read out the new CH deaths in our region by NHS zone
… none in 300K in our joint region.
Stew – I’ve looked at the NHS site and PHE site and if the data is there – it’s buried . I can’t see the hospital death numbers to subtract from the 363 – so I’ll settle for 200 reported care home covid deaths – and staying that way for sometime before the uptick in about 10 days times- maybe a tiny bit ……
@FedUp2 There is a Care Home Dataset here
updated weekly
Stew – very Grateful – I can only read the PDF which is even more grim that I thought is would be …. 41% of London care homes ( total number homes @1200 ) have had covid outbreaks and the NE of England is even worse . No wonder boris doesn’t talk about it …..It’s obscene .
Morbidity for those age ranges is also – very likely …
Government briefing
A pretty girl lady MP asked the PM why aren’t more girls doing the briefings . BoJo said he loves women and would see what he could do about attracting more …
I was waiting for him to say the next time Sharma does it he’ll wear a frock , a bit of lippy and eye liner – if that’s what labour likes ….
Olly Dowden – who has oversite of broadcasting did the briefing today so the BBC might have to tone down the after show sneer which is now a Great British Tradition .
By the way – i think mr dowden spent the afternoon standing in front of a mirror rehearsing ….
“asked the PM why aren’t more girls doing the briefings”
He should have asked how she knew, was she assuming their gender identity or had she asked them. Was it labour? Any boy/girl nonsense from them and just ask when their party will see fit to trust a woman at the helm, two nil isn’t it. Unfortunately one of them wasn’t much cop but the other was definitely the best person for the job and hasn’t been bettered since on either side.
Gov is plugging Martha Lane Fox as a tech champion
even tho she lost normal investors hundreds of millions of pounds
in the tech bubble.
The government has loved her since 2009, the BBC even longer.
It was the BBC that made her fortune. A company consisting of a PC in a bedroom, working off the back of existing airline and ticket booking services was given a plug almost daily by the BBC.
Consequently she didn’t find it hard to borrow money from the bank to pay for a fancy ‘public offering’ allowing her to sell her shares for lots of pennies.
Then the public discovered that they had bought a PC in a bedroom and a big bank loan to pay off – ‘some say’.
Local ITV news opened with should schools go back
spoke to teachers, parents, kids, school trust head
and ended with useless clip from Labour MP Emma Harding.
Item #2 tribute to dead medics
focused on 46 year doctor Naizir Khan who died in Dewsbury after testing positive.
He was a locum doctor
They never explained why he didn’t have a full time job.
10pm BBC 4 repeat of the Barbary Pirate doco
See! The UK has always been an Islamic nation of black people!
Dr Willis surely means ‘migrations’, not ‘invasions’. A sort of ‘Sarah Smith’ error I expect.
homework in Hull.
“Define Hardcore pornography”
Mum, I’ll just put that in Google and see what it says
“school is sorry if anyone took offence”
Today – 20th May – the BBC has published its yearly annual plan called
“ Bringing Us Closer”
It is 78 pages long
I’ve not read it yet – but it contains great news – the BBC is needing to save an extra £125 million on top of £800 million already factored into the plan .
With a bit of luck next year will be even worse for them –
And in a stroke of marketing genius they plan to restart BBC3 in an attempt to woo back some yoof.
This is already lost to them although the advisers who no doubt cost an arm and a leg to suggest such a financial non-runner will get their fee anyway. S’only money.
Even better, the only way they can afford the £60m required is to cut existing services – which are viewed predominantly by the elderly, who are currently expected to start paying for their licences in August. And for this masterly exercise in marketing expertise they are given £5billion to play with.
All it needs is Piers Morgan as the new DG and the coup would be complete.
Yes, Bel and Fed, the wish of some on here for the BBC to commit suicide appears to be coming to pass in the very near future.
There is obviously not a lot of wisdom to be had in the BBC Executive, it appears. First Botney and now Tony Hall. The latter was touted as being the saviour of the BBC as far as its Arts programming concerned about 20 years ago and that fizzled out almost immediately.
The Youth Market was lost to the BBC a long time ago. Surely their Marketing people told them that? Maybe not. Maybe they live in a world of wishful thinking, that young people in the UK – who the BBC are now telling us are to be the most financially disadvantaged ever – will be willing to put down £160 (increasing with inflation every year) of their dole money to buy a TV Licence that cannot compete with free and on-line subscription services.
I guess the BBC are building their hopes on the listening figures for Radio 1 and Radio 6. The audience for both may well be over-estimated and is very limited in appeal. Most young people seem to prefer music from the 1960’s, 1970s and 1980s from the evidence I see.
The BBC surely must have people who see that same evidence?
I’ve scanned the document and the word ‘Young ‘ and ‘younger’ turn up an awful lot . I only saw ‘Netflix ‘ -‘prime’ and ‘Apple ‘ mentioned once —— its like reading about an alternative universe .
The BBC justifies the pivoting to yoof by saying that OFCOM tasked it to . But who told ofcom what do do ?
Also – the document says that the BBC will be more ‘transparent’ about the outcome of complaints and publish the evidence on which it always decides it was in the right …..
Yeah right …..
The BBC have very evidently been telling OFCOM what to do ever since it was first set up.
A neat trick when you think about it: a controlling body tasked with overseeing, overseen by its sub-rosa controlling body.
But then, conceived by Blair and constructed by Campbell, you just know it would be a gem from day one.
This is just an observation..caught a scene on BBC1 something like about knittting advertising sewing bee..5 faces all female all BAME? Is it me? Have I misunderstood? Do only BAME knit now? Is knitting it racist?
BBC you really are racist
No, they only do it to give us the needle. We know it’s a stitch up.
If the BBC could find a genuine BAME mastercraftsperson to fill a spot on the Repair Shop (Will Kirk aside) then Jay Blades would be out of a job as ‘host’. They are clearly milking this man like they did Nadia, as he is listed as having his own show next week, called Homefix. My dog has more talent, and has a larger vocabulary than ‘cool’ and “woz dis for den ?”
Toenails’ problem is the era of ‘speaking for’ are over.
It would be good if Robinson and the rest of the gotcha gang allowed the Governmental Ministers to speak for themselves instead of trying to catch them out with their inept method of interviewing.
What happened.
BS version.
She seems…. defensive to the point of pleading.
It was noticed.
Silly Strumpet!
She’s only gone and done a ‘Sarah Smith’!
Fancy saying that a Labourite is ‘dexterous’ , (Dexter being Latin for ‘right’), she’ll have the Momentum Twits on her tail soon.
BBC 10 pm news – spreading doom and gloom about the outrageous suggestion that some children should go back to school.
Bronwyn Jeffries, the BBC ‘journalist’ is shown around a school by the Headteacher who is worried about re-opening.
Very risky, you see.
So how come Bronwyn and the Head are filmed walking down the room virtually shoulder to shoulder, and certainly way less than 2m apart !!!!!!!!!!
Clearly the BBC are far too important to have to conform to the rules which we plebs have to follow.
Politics of envy alert. Race card alert.
BBC 10 pm news.
Shock. Horror.
Coronavirus affects poor areas more than ‘affluent’ areas.
And the example chosen is……Newham.
Featuring a lack of coffins at the local Mosque.
Only on the BBC.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
Still. Good news for Tory marginals in the North, where ordinary white working class patriotic people may not have sociology-with-journalism degrees but know BBC BS when they see it.
It’s like when the BBC put ‘Trust’ in the name of the outfit that was supposed to keep the BBC impartial.
Bunter is trawling social media like a good ‘un.
He also says it is not real.
Bunter seems confused.
He’s projecting of course.
He like the trolls who come here is BULLYING
see how they don’t really want open debate
but rather sneer and insult in an attempt to intimidate people into not expressing their own views.
The thing is we shouldn’t self censor
Rather it is OK to be wrong sometimes.
It’s how you get to truth
Whereas you spend time trying not to step outside libmob’s boundaries you end up i their bubbleword
and not speaking up against clear wrongs like grooming/raping gang cover ups.
@FedUp Re Care Homes Faisal also has his spread sheets
And Guido has this
ONS confirmed stats come out with a 2 week delay
and the last report mentions Care Homes 26 times
There is a newer provisional dataset spreadsheet dated May15th
Stew – thank you – difficult reading excel sheets on the big iPad I use for this site – but one column reports 10000 ten thousand covid related deaths in care homes across the last 4 weeks – 12000 if you add those moved from care home to hospital .
That line the PM / health secretary uses about having ‘thrown a protective wall ‘ around care homes sounds like a lie to me – but it’s one of those lines spads come up with to swerve incompetence ……
Good business for funeral directors though – I’m guessing when the terms of reference for coming inquiries are being drafted it will take a year and the inquiries will be turned in to that IRA festival farce which went on for years ……
One bar chart you put up saying UK care home deaths are a lot lower than other EU countries has been called out as a lie on Twitter – and I think it is…
@Fed you dismissed the Guido graph
yet Reuters carries the same story
Libmob does like the way that Norway has far fewer deaths than us
but has a higher percentage in care home deaths compared in other locations
Of course the graph should not be used to say the UK is doing well.
I think we all accept we’re living in very odd times…
An endearing old geezer who wandered around his garden a hundred times has been given a knighthood. Good luck to him!
It’s already been pointed out that in rather more sane and less hysterical times people had to circumnavigate the globe to even be considered for such honours.
Okay, so I’m not as aged as Colonel Tom, but I did go up and down my lawn today with the fly-mo. Thirty six bleedin’ times!
Surely I deserve something?
I walked around my garden, then to the shops and back.
Lord Jim?
I walked to the pub next door and pleaded for a take out, because my horrible kids haven’t brought me any booze this week. Still, the dogs’ home will be happy.
\\Michel Barnier: ‘Dynamism needed to avoid UK-EU talks stalemate//
We demand the same trade deals as any other Free Nation.
It looks like we could be heading for the Dynamism of a ‘Singapore style’ economy ? I don’t think Barnier and the EU will like that?
Next step in the conquest and islamisation of London, to be followed by the absorption of the UK into the caliphate:
“Mosque plans submitted for London’s Trocadero”
Al-beeb will be delighted.
Brexit: Reaction to government plans on goods entering NI
IMHO, that when the UK breaks free, the Republic of Ireland will shortly follow us . Their economy relies heavily on Great Britain.
Oh, I do hope so, taffman.
I’d love to see Ireland back in the UK and united as an island.
I would also like to see devolution undone on the mainland. Ireland is unlikely to want any Westminster governance and it makes sense for them to have a devolved Parliament.
For Wales and Scotland it makes economic sense, in post-Pandemic recession, to have some devolved responsibilities at county level but duplication of talking shops? No, not unless those countries are willing to accept austerity in return for the luxury of the jabba mamas.
Ban the Barnett Formula and make them all stand on their own two feet.
G, you would still have to find a way of billing Scotland and Wales for shared services: Diplomatic and Military. It could be done but there would be a fuss and negotiations would require a ton of time and goodwill.
Scotland, for example has a massive coastline compared to rUK. Would they be willing to pay – at a guess – seventy per cent of the bill for the Royal Navy?
Tradegy in Blackburn of the young girl killed it would appear by accident by drive by shooting. Now I thought that was murder and not an accident the suspect car is a Toyota Avensis and if any further clues are required regarding the purpotrators its a silver one.
Obviously the BBC giving it the full on refugee, war torn, from Lebanon etc etc…..however she has been here since 2012 …..I’ll just copy and paste the Telegraphs comments on Bieruit 2012.
…..In 2012, writing for Telegraph Travel, Ian Henderson said Beirut was “one of the most exciting and welcoming cities on Earth”.
So the BBC cleverly manipulate the story to be about refugees and not a bloody GTA style shooting in down town Blackburn probably carried out by fellow refugees.
I suppose its like the female Samoli refugee in the park in Bolton that killed the young girl in the park and tried to behead her…..BBC attitude nothing to see here please move on…best say nothing we don’t want to be seen to be critiszing anyone that is a refugee…..
Truly and utterly disgusting biassed reporting.
Al Beeb admits that trials have began in Brighton and Oxford testing malaria drug for Covid . Bet that gave them great pain having to report that. Did you spot the way I described the report using “admits”?
Drakeford the Dalek, head of the Welsh Assembly is hammering all the Taffs with very heavy fines for breaking the lockdown. He is behaving more like a dictator every day.
Commonplace throughout all the Communist regimes Worldwide, including the US ‘Democrats’ and up to and including China.
As we haven’t seen or heard anything from the awful BBC for about ten days, I thought I’d update everyone about our tomato empire!
I’ve now planted fifty-nine tomato seedlings all around the garden and in the greenhouse, and when they’ve got going, the fruit will be about five-hundred pounds weight, and we’ll freeze some, consume most, and give away loads to chums.
I hope we don’t get the other virus, Late Blight, which is devastating for tomatoes and also doesn’t do potatoes much good either, but it is a risk well worth being prepared for, by using dilute aspirin, or Bordeaux Mixture, (banned by the EU, but who gives a stuff).
Now, isn’t all that much more interesting than Steve Coogan getting furlough for his gardener, or Sucker Stammer being a plonker?
In other news, I also have another forty-five tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, but you’ll have to wait for the next installment to find out why! I bet you can’t wait can you!
Scrobie, you in BBC isolation, too?
I have to say that this week, I just haven’t bothered switching on much. Think I caught the first ten minutes of TOADY on one day.
Last week and this, I just cannot raise any enthusiasm for the ‘Knaves of Wegativity’, a.k.a. the BBC.
Here’s wishing success to you and Mrs Scrobie in your Waves of Vegactivity and before Piku and maxi arrive to tell me, yes, I do know that a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable.
You may need to install miniature machine gun towers at various locations to fire little pins at the flying blight spreaders. Once word gets around …..
May you stay free of all lurgis inside and out!
Thank you, Up2!
Kind words here are much more pleasant than the bile-spitting autocue-readers who think they’re better than us!
Stick some peppers in too for a change.
Have done, Eddy!
Several ‘Minibel’ peps, and soon, some of Mrs O’Blene’s own-seeded ‘Apache’ nearby!
Normally, they stay in the greenhouse, but this year is different!
Oh, eat your hearts out BBC!
Will you apologise to President Trump?
In less than a week, you have been dumped upside down as a ‘News‘ organisation.
Am ROFLMAO as da yoofs might say.
Premier? Leading? Essential? Trustworthy?
Ha ha ha.
Funny how they say on site – “US President Donald Trump was criticised this week after he said he had been taking hydroxychloroquine” like it wasn’t them doing the criticising
Yes, classic use of the passive voice rather than the active one; this way, you don’t have to specify who criticized Trump, so you can just smear or even make stuff up. Other frequent examples are “some say …”, “some would say …”, “the BBC has learnt … (ha! ha! Does the BBC ever learn?) “pressure is growing”, “the government has been accused of …”
When are Al Beeb going to send Panodrama to the south coast to investigate the Dover Invasion ? There’s a lot of criminality going on there .Nigel Farage did an excellent report on it yesterday. You would think it would have been an excellent way for the anti Tory broadcaster to expose Priti’s inadequacy as a Home Secretary?
On the Today show (on R4, after 7:40) there was a discussion about Facebook, electoral interference, search engines, fake news, etc.
Guess what example the BBC chose for an internet search – “drinking bleach.”
Not “Obamagate” or “Flynn exonerated” or “Russia collusion” or “Bleachbit” (as in “use of Bleachbit by Hillary Clinton to erase subpoenaed records from unsecure computer and server”).
Hmm. I wonder who they had in mind?!
Meanwhile, in the Moaning Emole…
How universities are hit hardest by virus
Money is the lifeblood of education: endowments from wealthy alumni, catering and accommodation fees, conference facilities and – the biggest of the lot – attracting lots of fee-paying students every year.
The trouble for the education sector is that it is uniquely vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic.
For hundreds of years its business model has been to bring thousands of people together from across the country, and around the world, to sit together in rooms for three years and talk to each other. As a result, nearly all its income streams are under attack at the same time.
Read full analysis >
Jonty Bloom
Oh, Jonty… I think not.
Just open an Islamic Studies faculty at the Troc.
Maybe don’t give Doc Bateman tenure though.
Perhaps universities shouldn’t have a ‘business model’. Perhaps they should have an ‘education model’. Or perhaps a more flexible, hybrid arrangement is required. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine) courses should be free-of-charge for British students, as that is useful stuff. Courses which serve no useful purpose at all – gender studies, wimmin’s studies, activism-journalism, climate change, sociology etc – should be priced at whatever the universities can get for them on the open market, provided there is no tax payer money involved.
Sadick Khan is all over the place this morning – and he gets an easy ride especially on R4…..and somehow it is all the Govt’s fault.
Has this man ever taken responsibility for anything – besides taking beach ready posters down…?
Never his fault – it’s all merely the will of Allah (PBUH).
Is it just me? Have I been so long out of the news game that I no longer know what makes news?
I would have thought that no new Covid-19 cases recorded in London over 24 hours would be headline news – the Mail Online site certainly ran with it yesterday.
But nothing about this significant landmark that I heard or can see on the BBC.
So, no new cases in one of the world’s largest population centres, where the peak of the U.K. crisis hit just weeks ago, and the BBC isn’t shouting about it from the rooftops.
This rotten, doom laden broadcaster really doesn’t want to give our nation any hope at all.
Embarrassed at herd immunity in action?
And why a herd?
What’s wrong with a ‘Flock’, or a ‘Flange’ (of gorillas)?
There must be a collective term for leftie Beeboids…
…how about a ‘sneer’…
That’s a very good point . If the numbers of deaths ‘cases are up a lot on Thursday then I suppose it would be fair to have ignored it . How ever failure to report it goes a long way against the ‘hero’ NHS propaganda – but as I’ve written – the narrative is that the NHS is good And succeeding but the government is bad and failing – and somehow we are all in it together …
Another reason for failing to report numbers was the 127000 tests carried out …… with BoJo saying it will be 200k per day in June .
Meanwhile the BBC is playing the re opening of schools for all its worth ….. a whole new propaganda source for ‘unintroduced ‘ Marxist teachers to come on and tell us how kids are piling up in the corridors ….
Not BBC, specifically, but two brief and pertinent videos from Lionel:
I reported here yesterday about the build up of military forces in and around the South China Sea as a result of the increased bellicose acts of the Chinese Communist Party. It seems that even the smouldering conflict between India and China on their joint borders is also being inflamed – by the Chinese.
The Chinese millitary is outmanned, outgunned by a collective of the countries on the rim of the South China Sea and the US so what is it up to?
40,000 health care workers are about to trial 2 anti-malarial drugs (hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine) being trialed at Brighton and Oxford to see if they can be used to counter coronavirus.
Reported by the BBC this morning..
So BBC and MSN we have another 40,000 idiots as well as Donald Trump..
Be a shame if this was posted on Jon, Kay, Tone and Nick’s timelines.
The BBC have published this false story lamenting the deaths of their favourite victim group, Muslims, in Newham.
They claim Newham is the worst hit district in the country. This is a barefaced lie. Newham is actually 75th.
What was true, a month ago, was that there was a higher age-adjusted mortality in Newham. This meant that for example each death in Tower Hamlets is counted three times because Tower Hamlets has the youngest population in the UK, whereas in places like South Lakeland, a death will count less than one.
This, even, is no longer true.
Muslims actually have a low covid-19 death rate, because they tend to be newly arrived immigrants and children. Meanwhile the group with the highest actual death rate is Jews
The district with the highest death rate is Hertsmere, which has the largest Jewish community in the UK, Borehamwood.
But don’t expect the BBC to report accurately. We will continue to be told how much ethnic minorities are suffering from covid-19, even as thousands of almost exclusively white people are dying in care homes.
They won’t ever change their narrative to fit facts, but will change facts to fit their narrative.
Interesting Mike
Do you think they fact check themselves 🙂
sorry I messed up the link
This is the accompanying video piece.
The BBC should be reporting the news, not making it up
Nothing tugs the heart strings like poverty stricken knees visible through threadbare pants.
I suffer with Lupus and for almost 3 decades have relied on Hydroxychloroquine on a daily basis, so my gripe with Pres Trump is his waxing lyrical about the drug, which will result in a worldwide shortage for regular users like myself.
BBidiot posts what he feels is a crowd pleaser disguised as a question.
My neighbours haven’t seen me outside clapping – and don’t talk to me but then again I voted Brexit and they stopped talking to me then 🙂
James – during the brexit battles i was outside when my neighbours appeared on Saturday morning with some ‘ banners’ . I asked in innocence what they were and they said they were off to a remain rally in Westminster –
Unfortunately for me I laughed out loud – and they went on their way ….. I felt lucky to have got away with it….
We could always ‘clap for the people who have died as a direct result of virus transmission to them by infected care workers’.
Not that the BBC or the snowflakes would ever feature anything implying anything against the cult religion that is the NHS.
In response to the question, of course it isn’t!
It is not law that you must stand outside your house every Thursday at 8pm clapping like a seal ????
You can see them round ours mentally noting who is and who isn’t out clapping ????
A very important read about Defence. Sorry, not the bBC.
Although most people think defence is not part of the EU negotiations there are still several lines concealed in the PD (which as we know is the EU’s route map) that contain a proposal for the UK to remain under the EU’s inextricably-linked defence initiatives and even join new ones, with all the legal rules and regulations entailed and an obligation to follow EU defence policy.
Boris Johnson’s Government, to its credit, has responded to warnings from campaigners about this political quicksand. Although very few ministers can list the EU defence bodies in the Political Declaration (and fewer still know the EU structures and policies to which they link) several people in Boris Johnson’s team know what is going on and have taken action. They ensured that the new version of the Political Declaration would not produce an immediate attachment to EU defence in the style of the version proposed by Theresa May’s Government. Instead, it now says the UK will ‘consider’ participating …
However, this new approach brings an obvious risk of producing the same outcome. Not least because ministers who are still unaware of the detail of EU defence are inclined to ask for advice from the wrong people, namely the small group of Government officials who were involved in designing UK involvement in EU defence under May and were selected for that purpose. Alternatively, ministers might ask defence industries which have received advice about the EU defence architecture from the very same pool of Government officials.
As I have noted here before, Treezer’s EUrophile civil servants worked surreptitiously after the referendum to constrain us within the EU Defence ‘framework’ by continuing to sign up to a raft of measures. This was done via the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. When Boris was Foreign Secretary he did nothing to stop any of it – probably because he did not have a clue what was going on. As far as I can see Dominic Raab is equally clueless, as is the Defence Secretary Ben Wallace.
(Strangely, Starmer isn’t being very ‘forensic’ about any of this is he?)
This article doesn’t mention any ‘Government officials’ by name but Angus Lapsley and of course his boss Mark Sedwill were/are prime movers. Alan Duncan – remember him? – was routinely despatched over to EU ‘meetings’ to sign us up to defence bodies we should not be part of.
See also Jeff Taylor (who gives a clearer explanation than I do).
theisland, thanks, and no need to apologise for it not being the BBC.
Instead, perhaps it is the BBC who should apologise for not covering this, for their lack of investigative journalism, absence of ‘fact checking’ and omitting to expose the shady post-referendum deals.
Further to Captain Tom’s forthcoming knighthood.
We need to consider the likely citation.
My suggestion is ‘ for services enabling LeftMob social media woke snowflakes to virtue-signal’.
And commenting on earlier posts, in the modern era Francis Chichester might well have got a knighthood for doing a few laps of his local fishing lake in a pedallo and his citation would read as above for Tom.
The randomness of what gets picked up by an all-powerful exploitative media and the willingness of the gullible to swallow uncritically what they are told to think entirely accounts for the difference over 50 years between Tom and Francis’s actual personal achievements and the recognition given for them.
Tom himself is of course personally entirely blameless.
Sorry Sluff, in the modern era Francis Chichester would never have been knighted, instead charged with endangering himself and others with foolhardy behaviour requiring emergency services on standby for several days. Incorrect C&E paperwork would require rectification before landfall might be endorsed, while callously ignoring a number of inflatables full of needy immigrants on his return through the Channel would have resulted in a 2-page article by Polly Toynbee in the Guardian, vilifying him for his typically English Imperialist attitude, only to be expected from a boring middle-class yachting type.
Invasive species brought in to British waters on the hull of his yacht would also have incurred severe fines from DefRA and Natural England.
TalkRadio just had Farage on talking about how yesterday they witnessed migrant ships themselves
and French patrol boats were escorting such boats into British waters.
“The Home office them lied to me, about the number that had come in that day”
You can windback Youtube
It’s at the beginning of the show 2 minutes in.
Stew, there seems to be a ?7 min chunk of Nigel ‘missing’ just after his first bit when Mike Graham kicks in again.
Farage was speaking and youtube cut off the feed for 7 minutes
He was saying the French threatened him with arrest if they didn’t stop filming
Then the British coastguard told his skipper that if the cameras were used then they’d ensure he wouldn’t be allowed to work again.
Then the Youtube feed cuts
although the radio feed was still going on
and will be available LATER by clicking the Listen Again link next to the presenter
BTW it is interesting that the Live internet feed is one minute delayed compared to the Youtube feed
It looks like the feed was deliberately at the TalkRadio office
cos all 3 live streams went blank at the same time Youtube/Facebook/Periscope
Sir, of late there have been recent posts questioning the award of a knighthood to a British hero and national treasure. I will name and shame every one of them and I expect you to take action and no-platform all of them.
“JimS” led the assualt on ‘our Tom’ with “We have really ‘lost it’ when you can get a knighthood for walking around your garden. If only Sir Francis Chichester had known that he could have just walked round his club car park rather than risk going to sea.” What the poster failed to appreciate was the number of times Sir Frances walked around the upper deck of his vessel.
“fakenewswatcher” to his credit appreciated that Sir Francis wasn’t simply on a luxury cruise liner and perhaps he did make some personal effort and sacrifice by stating “When you close your eyes and try to imagine what Francis Chichester had to go through, both in the planning and the execution of his trip”.
“Brissles” on the other hand demonstrated his obsession with not acknowledging our BAME heroes with his awful comparison “I know who I’d rather see knighted between someone who fought for their country and Lenny Henry.”
This thread was outrageous enough but worse was to follow; “JimS” has blown his whistle and now the dogs rally around him.
“Jeff” started another thread, leading off in the usual far right style of half hearted generousity “An endearing old geezer who wandered around his garden a hundred times has been given a knighthood. Good luck to him!
It’s already been pointed out that in rather more sane and less hysterical times people had to circumnavigate the globe to even be considered for such honours.” Clear evidence that “JimS” is the inspiriation for this unwarrented attack.”
Sir, then the mask slipped, “Jeff” was simply jealous, evidenced by his remark “Okay, so I’m not as aged as Colonel Tom, but I did go up and down my lawn today with the fly-mo. Thirty six bleedin’ times!
Surely I deserve something? OBE…”. Classic! “Jeff” is a totem for this something for nothing culture caused by a prolonged period without a LibDem government.
From here sir it was always going to go downhill, as only the white working class males of this BAME country can do. Sir, “JimS” rejoined the chorus of verbal abuse aimed at the BBC’s Captain Tom, with a brief “I walked around my garden, then to the shops and back. Lord Jim?”. Sarcasm really is the lowest form of Tory wit.
Finally sir the thread grinds to a halt, the mob has quenched it’s thirst for blood and the last word goes to “Fred Stubber“. Unfornately this isn’t the Guardian comments section and the poster goes completely off topic but, I’m sure you’ll agree it is rather revealing of the types who frequent this website, when he states “I walked to the pub next door and pleaded for a take out, because my horrible kids haven’t brought me any booze this week. Still, the dogs’ home will be happy.” Sir, the pubs are closed, this man was out looking for a takeaway during the lockdown and he sends his children to the off licence to get booze whilst not in school. I have called the Police for both these matters but worse still he’s confessed to stealing a dog and the RSPCA have been called since he’s clearly taken it as a meal replacement.
Sir, I must apologise, I thought I had got to the last of this bile, but no, within the last hour “Sluff” has joined the feeding frenzy assuming the role of authoritive judge and jury. His demonises our treasured and virtuos media, he attacks our ‘services’ sector and then incredibly questions those good people fighting for progress on social media. His tirade doesn’t stop there sir, “in the modern era Francis Chichester might well have got a knighthood for doing a few laps of his local fishing lake in a pedallo”, how dare he? But, just as “Jeff” did previously, he deploys the old trick of removing his feelings of guilt with “Tom himself is of course personally entirely blameless.”
Sir, it’s over to you, Twitter is watching and so is the world.
Harry – writing as a moderator – every one is entitled to their view and either argue them or go find another site . And there are certain limits about ‘offence ‘ .
Your post must have taken you ages …. I put up something about awards but when I finished writing it I thought it so strong that I never published it – I don’t think you’d have liked it at all….
By the way who is the ‘sir’ you are addressing because it ain’t me as I don’t believe in them …
By the way I don’t think either the world or Twitter is watching – mores the pity – I wish it did
Fed – I APOLOGISE to you and everyone else. It was supposed to be be at least mildly humorous and entirely mocking of the left’s instinct to be offended.
This site is both entertaining and entirely in line with my political views and I have no reason to criticise posters here and I entirely agree with those who think the honours system is a sham.
For what it’s worth it didn’t take too long to write but perhaps that was the problem. Lesson learned.
“Sir”, by the way, is how people used to address the editor of the comments section of some newspapers.
Yours respectfully,
Harry – oh dear – I seem to have jumped into a trap …. and it looks like I was the only one -.its the heat you know …
I was thinking that too!
Someone who ‘borrow’s’ an HRH most likely isn’t a ‘Maxi’.
But see how good natured we all are… unlike the Twittersphere.
I think a ‘Whoosh parrot’ may just have made a low pass over your bonce.
Unless, like Murray Walker, I am very much mistaken, Harry’s post was nothing more than a pastiche of a reader’s letter to the Grauniad.
Edit: the man himself clarified his intent whilst I was scribbling this.
As honorary ‘Master of the Hounds’ I think I can speak for all of my hounds and myself when I say we have no problem with any person walking around their own garden.
Equally I am sure the pack doesn’t mind if people want to donate their cash via an online service, unlikely to have been set up by said walker.
What we do want to howl about is the disconnect between the effort, walking around a garden, and the reward, a knighthood, and, to echo Sarah Smith, for the avoidance of doubt, that has got absolutely nothing to do with said walker.
Of course we have seen this before. The woman who stands outside the tube station for forty years, come rain or shine, collecting pennies for the local dogss’ home (woof! woof!) gets an MBE, if she is lucky. The millionaire TV star, getting paid for appearing on fund-raising TV shows, gets a knighthood.
Back to the kennel pack! We raised our ‘fox’!
Oh dear …. This site has its first Lockdown Meltdown !!!! LOL
I’m so glad to be in such esteemed company !!!
Incidentally Harry, and its my turn to take issue – albeit jokingly, – its clear that you don’t read my posts very often, or you would be long aware that I am very much a ‘she’ and most definitely not a ‘he’ in any sense of the word.
Crikey, Toenails, BS and Laura K best dust off the Cvs.
Apologies if someone had already posted this but it’s outrageous what the rats in power are doing to us.
No wonder my MP hasn’t replied to my question about why they are not preventing illegals from entering our country:
2 massive reasons why you wont’ hear about this in the MSM !!
Can you guess (no prizes) !!!
“Khan actually lives with his mother, a Labour councillor who receives a generous top up to her attendance allowances as a Cabinet Adviser to Camden council. She is also the chair of the subcommittee on crime and school exclusions…” (Search ‘Camden’ to find on page)
His lawyer Kevin Molloy told the court ‘he wasn’t doing it to get himself an expensive pair or trainers’ but because his family lives in ‘abject poverty’.
Kevin is one London’s top criminal defence barristers and his practice caters mainly for private clients and those who are publicly funded.