Biased BBC news staff regularly fail to give any background details when they introduce their interviewees . So the viewer / listener is often unable to judge what the speakers ‘ agenda might be. This is particularly true when the speaker is of the ‘left ‘ and thus sympathetic to the Biased BBC viewpoint . Those who are ‘introduced ‘of the ‘Right‘ will receive casual BBC hostility . – if you listen /watch – judge for yourself …
Midweek Thread 20 May 2020
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Bang! I’m number one
Dash ! I was caught napping.
Harry of Sussex, I kept the door open for you really 😉
taffman – What a gent you are sir.
Harry of Sussex
It was very good of you to say so .
backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 started 7:30am Tuesday to 7pm
– page 2 started 9:30am Monday
I suffered it so you don’t have to folks. I was there when the City AM journo asked Geroge Eustice why the UK is prioritising fishing over ‘lucrative deals for London and the EU’ when fishing is such small beer in comparison.
Good stuff by George telling him it’s a matter of principle, we are leaving the EU and the EU cannot expect us to follow their laws, we’re going to be like every other country the EU deals with. Independent.
The One Show tonight talking about charities..
Roger Daltry and Bonnie Tyler featuring.
Bonnie Tyler quotes
Major Toms 33 Million
Roger Daltry replies
“I hope it goes to the front line and not
lost in the back rooms where they seem to be, let’s put it this way,
Barely fit for purpose “
Our Welch host changes the subject…
davylars – I bet the NHS are recruiting extra managers just to manage this money, let alone those it will employ to visit all the worthy causes around the world.
Whoops.. sorry Taff
No worries .
Its the name used for an old Welsh Regiment .
Now you’re talking Taff!
The South Wales Borderers, Michael Caine, et al…
Fabulous, and very moving museum in Brecon – a place to spend many hours pondering…
BBC children’s channel: “People & Events From History”
“Famous People from History” according to the BBC includes:
Ada Lovelace (a woman mathematician)
Emmeline Pankhurst (a suffragette)
The black men who made history in Britain
President Obama
Lily Parr (a woman footballer)
Bertha Von Suttner (woman Nobel Peace Prize winner)
Mary Seacole (a black woman who sold pharmaceuticals)
Greta Thunberg
Peggy Whitson (a woman astronaut)
Amazing black women you should know about
Malcolm X
Dina Asher-Smith (black female athlete)
Nelson Mandela
Meet the trailblazing women who changed sport
Serena Williams (black female tennis player)
Simone Biles (black female gymnast)
Martin Luther King
The “Amazing Black Women” the BBC tell British kids they must know about includes, off course, Diane Abbott.
And these are the “Black Men who made history in Britain” according to the BBC:
There’s so much wrong with this racist bilge that’s it difficult to know where to begin. But a small example of some fact finding to counter the BBC’s institutional race-baiting:
Claim: The section on Ignatius Sancho states “…he is also the first known black British voter. Black people didn’t use to be able to vote when white people could, because they were not treated the same.”
Fact: At the time of Sancho’s death in 1780, less than 3% of the population were entitled to vote (source: Being able to vote was a sign of wealth and privilege. You could be disenfranchised for not owning property, not being wealthy, being female, being unmarried, being Catholic, not living in a town or not being old enough. But there has never been a time in this country when you were not entitled to vote on the basis of race. This is as you would expect – given that Britain was a racially homogenous country until the second half the 20th Century, the question would simply never have arisen.
Flipping heck I thought you were joking
There 27 in the person category
you list 17 as agenda pushing
Likewise in the : Big events category
you can pick out the agenda pushing ones
I saved it to archive
.. cos they already edited it
I’m wondering if some people will later be later erased ?
You missed the link to a story at the bottom of the page, how to look after ‘an afro’ during lockdown. Inevitably a photo of a black child. Didn’t see a similar story on how to deal with long straight hair during lockdown.
I’ll let you know, Debs, that Mrs O’Blene looks fabulous with long hair these days!
For me, I’m just happy that the ‘less-inhabited’ bits are well covered, and I look like the bloke in ‘The House of cards’, who seemed to get everywhere he wanted…
There’s more to this lockdown than meets the eye – we have over sixty tomato plants around ‘The Turrets’……
If Africans were not promoted by the BBC they would only be noteworthy for spitting and robbery.
The Labour Party recently had a leadership election.
Nandy, Phillips, Thornmountain and Long-Bailey! Rayner won the second prize.
Not a half-wit between them.
Abbott and Lammy not up to that standard!
When the Labour collective Anti-Semitism became too much, a few prominent Jews left the party,
taking 90% of the brains with them!
Not directly BBC
The chances of premiership footy coming back to end the 2019/20 season is looking squiffy – with – potentially 300 players and officials having to be isolated for at least 2 weeks before the season restarts and then in some kind of isolation until it ends . Fat chance
A Chelsea player was arrested for rape at the weekend so I don’t thing he got the memo on ‘social distancing ‘ ( allegedly ) – how are the squads for entire clubs going to be able to stay isolated for maybe a month or 2
On the upside at least Liverpool won’t win the league ….
The mighty Leeds United won’t be denied. promotion
Fed – Football is back on. A couple of rule changes and we’re there.
Must be lady football, there’s no balls on the pitch
Northern Voter,
The blue team is Man City, the ball’s probably in the net.
Super Striker League Edition. With Diving Goalkeepers.
Utter class.
Footy without a ref – is like golf without holes. ….
players who have had Covid
can do what they want
They are unlikely to catch it again
for 18 months , if ever
So that’s a squillion quid the biased BBC won’t get then!
Marvellous – great news! No more finger-Lineker-tosh…
Excellent news Fedup if true in the long term ????
Write this season off and start again in August based on the end of the 2018/19 final standings ???? ????
For those south of the border who wonder at the lack of scrutiny of anything the SNP get up to, here is an interesting example. Sarah Smith of the BBC (and daughter of the late Labour leader) committed the heinous sin of suggesting that Nicola Sturgeon had enjoyed the opportunity to set a separate policy for Scotland.
Here is the result.

Yes, an astonishing four grovelling apologies. Note how it started. Sturgeon issues a tweet saying she didn’t like that. She knows exactly what will happen when she does that. There will be a vicious Twitter pile on by the members of her cult, and that was precisely what she wanted.
And, true to form, that is what she gets until the hapless Ms Smith issues a grovelling apology. Of course, anyone here could have told her that is exactly what not to do with these maggots. They are not interested in apologies. They are interested in blood, and they smell it. The pile on continues, as the number of comments attests. Producing yet more embarrassing apologies.
It seems there are no longer any journalists of the calibre prepared to stand up to this kind of behaviour. Not at the BBC, certainly. Or, judging by the pussyfooting Scottish Tories, any politicians.
Why, you might think, do the newspapers not take a tougher line? Well, what are newspapers very short of these days? Apart from readers, that is. Advertising revenue. And the Scottish government has announced a £3million advertising boost for newspapers to “help”. Or, in reality, buy silence. Be nasty to the Nats and the advertising might just go elsewhere.
Roland Deschain – Will we ever see the back of the Natsy Party?
Amazing how Nationalism is a Bad Thing – except when it comes to Scotland –
That “ all in it together “ creed the BBC uses goes out the window when it comes to Scotland .
If it was English Nationalists going after a journalist after some sloppy comment there’d be hell to pay and no apology on principle -but here it’s total surrender .
Has she been sacked yet ,?
Fed – It’s very possible that a narrow referendum victory leads Scotland and the SNP down the same path as the Tories during Brexit. Deliciously we’ll be hearing the SNP say things like;
“the people of Scotland have spoken”,
“there’ll be no second vote”
“Sexit means Sexit”
“51% is a mandate, you can’t pretend it never happened”
“the 49% have lost, get over it”
Harry, I have to say I prefer ‘Joxit’
Well at least we now know that Nicola’s command of the English language isn’t very good.
I think she was quite niggardly in her acceptance of Sarah’s aplogy.
Looking good, guys. Top result.
Guest – I have faith in the medics but have grave concerns about the institution they work for. We have the most centralised healthcare system going and by coincidence a huge death toll. Is there a link?
A friend today says she has concerns about her daughter returning as a teacher in school. She knew the BMA was giving advice to the education unions. What she didn’t know was what a political organisation the BMA has become.
What I am still amazed at is the lack of discussion and reference to the good research on low risk to children for them spreading CV19 – normally the BBC can find loads of ‘research’ – often to support BAMEs and decry the Government..funny nothing appears in support of Govt and to counter Unions..
I am getting so cynical….
Like anything else the bbc spouts, James, we ignore what they say, and take the opposite view, which always turns out to be right!
Bbc Moaning Emole
Headed ‘Pressure over schools grows’.
And from whom is this pressure being exerted?
Why, Labour councils via the BBC propaganda unit.
And here’s a gem where either someone arbitrarily called in to the BBC, or the BBC went trawling…. and found Lou. Mr. Lou not mentioned.
‘He’s not getting up til one o’clock’
Many parents across the UK will empathise with mother-of three Louise, who is worried her teenage son is becoming disengaged from his studies, as schools remain closed. “It’s hard enough motivating a lazy 17-year-old boy who doesn’t really care much about school in normal times,” says Louise. It’s becoming clear that secondary schools (apart from “some face-to-face contact” with teachers for Year 10 and 12 pupils in England) will remain shut until September or even later – but nobody really knows.
Read full analysis >
Katherine Sellgren
Family and education reporter, BBC News
Plus full ‘analysis’. Nobody really knows. Pulitzer is in the mail, Katy.
have you seen this link Harry –
” new report from EU’s Centre for Disease Prevention and Control on the prevalence of Covid-19 in long term care facilities includes a useful comparison between European countries, which may surprise British commentators. The EU’s numbers show that the prevalence of deaths in UK care homes is comparatively lower as a percentage than in other European countries. Guido brings you the comparison:
Spain 66%
Norway 61% (including out of hospital settings)
Belgium 51%
Sweden 50%
France 50%
Germany 37%
UK 21%”
Reasonable faith in the government and no faith in broadcast news. So the inverse of what the BBC are saying?
Do you think that the Polish trust of ‘friends and family’ was the driver for so many of them having come to the UK in the last 16 years…word of mouth?
And is anyone remotely surprised that there have already been many more applications for settled status than there were, allegedly, EU citizens resident in the UK?
Channel4 every night for a week
“Ramadan in Lockdown”
I’m old fashioned, I like my doctors well fed.
Would you like to be operated on by a Muslim surgeon who has had nothing to eat or drink for maybe 12 hours and whose sleep was compromised by the need to eat only after dark during the longest daylight weeks of the year?
It was a real question which had to be considered by a family member a few years back.
They changed surgeon.
Religions are basically parochial, aren’t they?
The huge variations of daylight and darkness that we get in these northern latitudes aren’t nearly so pronounced in Mecca, where it’s much more even throughout the year. So I presume fasting during daylight is much easier there.
Maybe Islam should’ve stayed at home.
If only.
So is this Muslim doctor pretending to speak for all ethnic minority NHS staff or just Muslims, of WHATEVER ethnicity, because Mohammedism isn’t a specific ethnicity as far as I’m aware.
Stew Green – They just can’t stop seeing colour and ethnicity, our media is far more racist than the population.
On Wednesday the MSM will give BoJo a kicking whatever happens in the PMQs.
Some say BoJo isn’t well because of the covid . And judging by recent performances that would explain things – like his low profile . After that the Commons goes on holiday again – which is no great loss .
Probably on a diet and not liking it too much.
The grooming gang report is going to be published.
But but, but…..
”An external reference group of experts is to be established to review the research before its publication.”
What is the odds on the independent experts being drawn from and BBC and er the Moslem Community?
Oh Priti what a disappointment you are.
Looks like a Baroness Chakrabarti style whitewash is on the way.
But BBC pushing this morning for the Govt to release the reports on their science…funny that….
Grooming gangs no interest,
But Govt research must be published and you can guess that if it were a report on right wing activities they would be pushing for that too..
BBC has no moral compass
@Brissles they are giving away knighthoods for walking around your garden now
Tom Moore is getting one
Gotta feel sorry for Tom Moore.
There he is, 99 years old, and thinks he’ll do a bit of fund raising to get a few hundred quid.
This gets picked up by social media in the random way these things happen. It mushrooms. Soon a mass market of people and institutions see reflected virtue-signalling glory in being seen to be supporting dear old Tom, and….whooooosh! The whole thing becomes totally out of control.
The problem arises when institutions such as the BBC regard the output of such random events as conveying some kind of extra deeply significant virtue in the original action, and then use that to manipulate and indoctrinate an all too gullible public. You see it every year with Children in Need.
And all Tom did was walk up and down without a care in the world. It really was not his fault the media chose him to put on their pedestal.
Meanwhile, many other good or better causes flounder because they were not randomly chosen to be an expression of virtue by the social media bullies.
You’re right it does seem like they are exploiting Tom
.. so they can virtue signal in his glory.
Too right, Stew.
Our first thought was not to donate to his fund, but to our chosen charity – The Kent Air Ambulance.
Why they should lose out because the bloody BBC decide we must send dosh to Tom is just the way that fat, ugly organisation ‘works’.
It doesn’t with us.
Hey Sluff, that’s a bit harsh on Tom.
he started his walk with no news hounds around & no great fanfare.
but the media just love these “look at this” events.
good on Tom to raise more than all the BEEB well paid nobs on “whatever prog it was”
Didn’t Camp Phil bravely walk Westminster Bridge the day after a bit of a do?
VC at the very least.
Think their agents might be a bit worried who draws the crowd now?
Covid agendas & omissions
It may be my paranoia . But to me it looks that as this hopeless
situation continues the BBC is getting more and more
schadenfreud out of it. I expect that the usual suspects
will have orgasms when the official death toll reaches 40,000.
I fully agree with Feds opening piece to the thread.I mentioned a few days ago how I first became aware of the bias when a BBC presenter introduced two guests from the opposite sides of the political spectrum as left of centre and the other as right wing.
Another thing to watch out for which I’ve mentioned before and was perfectly illustrated on the midnight news on Radio 4 earlier is the left criticize and the right attack.I heard the government had been criticized over it’s handling of the pandemic followed by President Trump has attacked the WHO.
I don’t know if it’s just me but saying attacked conjures up an image of hostility and possibly violence where as criticize sounds a lot more restrained and dignified.
Nodding – thank you – I had trouble framing what I meant . But the site needs to dig into the liberal language which attempts to condition thought. I’m rebelling on this . I will not use their terms such as BAME – I prefer the old ‘coloured ‘. It it just about legal and if it offends the Race industry – that’s just tough . I refuse to be controlled like that .
Other techniques they use – line like
“ the government has been criticised “
“The controversial Bill “
“MPs Have criticised “
“Some say …”
Join in – play the game of spot Bias
You’re welcome Fed.
Another one to watch out for which is used occasionally is “the BBC has learnt” which I translate to “some left wing activist friend of theirs has a leaked a document and the BBC are trying to stir some sh!t on The Conservatives”
It’s a sad reflection on such a once-admired organisation, that anything the BBC says now is just plain wrong, and should be challenged by the politicians who create the monster.
But do they do such a thing?
So the whole bloody lot of them can go jump in the proverbial, because they’re all as bad as each other.
I’m sick and tired of the BS they all spout nowadays – whatever happened to decent, proper reporting.
Actually, whatever happened to decent, proper members of ‘parliament’.
“whatever happened to decent, proper members of ‘parliament’.”
Party HQ tries to ensure they do not become candidates.
This is a few months old but worth it just to hear David Wood refer to the BBC as ‘that hypocritical cesspool masquerading as journalism’.
Wonder which musicologist of faith the bbc will wheel out to decry Rog for not getting the same platform for his views as afforded by the MSM?
Trouble is, the YouTube bit is so boring, it becomes like the original ‘feud’.
All that money, so much angst – sad really…
9:30am Betty Pachl’s father, Barclay Patoir came to the UK in 1943 from British Guyana.
When Barclay arrived in Liverpool he was sent to install engines into Halifax bombers at the Avro factory in Speke. It was there that he met Trudy. Their love survived; painful sacrifices, war and prejudice.
Then 10:45am the Watford Muslim family that virtually adopted their African migrant neighbours girl, cos they were working so hard.
11am Migrant Medics
then 12:20am follows BBC tradition of not allowing white dads
The programmes ‘details’ don’t make sense:
“Betty Pachl’s father, Barclay Patoir came to the UK in 1943 from British Guyana in South America, now known as Guyana. After so many lives had been lost at Dunkirk there was a shortage of engineers and Barclay answered an advert posted by the British Government in The West Indies Times saying “Your Mother Country Needs You’.”
British losses at Dunkirk represented about 1% of those evacuated so hardly devastating but most of those in Dunkirk were part of the BEF army, so ‘lost’ or not, successful invaders or not, the men at Dunkirk wouldn’t have been available to fit engines in aircraft anyway!
I love the ‘dodging U-boats’ bit, as if Barclay had any agency in that whatsoever. Presumably ‘sworn to secrecy’ means that Barclay signed the Official Secrets Act, just like millions of Post Office clerks etc. Talk about ‘bigging-up’ a career! Is it because he was black? You bet!
The family was part of the war effort so we have to thank them for that
..just the same as we thank Colonel Tom, his family and millions of others.
The blurb talks about him never seeing mother or sisters again
but he could have done that in the 70s or 80s reasonably easily.
They could have all got to Trinidad & met up.
It wasn’t an Avro factory it was a Rootes factory. The Arvo factory where in Chadderton Manchester and Woodford near Wilmslow.
But why let the facts get in the way.
It wasn’t an Avro factory it was a Rootes factory. The Arvo factory where in Chadderton Manchester and Woodford near Wilmslow.
But why let the facts get in the way.
According to the Daily Mail the BBC are brining BBC3 back to mainstream television to capture the youth viewers.
I thought the BBC were short of money
Keeping 450 news people they had originally intended to make redundant
Put BBC3 on the Internet because young people were not watching terrestrial tv anyway
Decided they were saving money by putting BBC3 on the Internet.
I wonder what savings they think they are going to make elsewhere to pay for it.
Is it they prefer youth to the BBC4 viewers (rumoured to be closing) but as BBC4 seems to be constantly padded with old Top of the Pops editions, closing it won’t save very much money.
That’s really good news . They are going to take money £40 million from other bits of the BBC – hopefully the best bits ( if any ) and keep making ‘killing eve’ or ‘ fleabag ‘ . Meanwhile the popularity of subscription services will grow – diminishing the monopoly of the BBC .
The biggest question is – news- which is a loser for commercial TV ( £600 million loss for Sky p.a? ) so anyone trying to put up a Right Wing service will be up against the BBC monster
Deborah – The BBC has I’m afraid lost this battle and it’s only got itself to blame. It has done to entertainment what identity politics has done to society, something the BBC has played a key role in bringing about.
Jordan Peterson explained this rather well but I can’t easily find a Youtube clip to link to, so I’ll attempt to summarise.
In essence we almost got to the point where we became a society of autonomous individuals. The left however needs tension between groups to make it’s ‘progress’ but that brings it’s own problem. These groups are basically power blocks and eventually some people in the group realise they don’t have the power, so they do something about it; they form their own group and so it goes on until eventually you realise there is only one logical destination; no groups just a collection of autonomous individuals.
This is the path the BBC is following and it will fail because eventually it will eat itself in the same way identity politics is.
Aiming their programmes at younger viewers that don’t ever pay towards the corporation, at the same time they turn their backs on the older viewers that are forced to pay the Telly Tax.
A bad decision by Al Beeb.
Whoever thought that anyone at the BBC were capable of making a commercial decision anyway, Taff?
I certainly wouldn’t, knowing that all my money was coming from a weak government and bunch of trustees, who couldn’t manage their way out of a paper bag!
“Under the new bill, the home secretary would only need “reasonable grounds” someone is involved in terrorist activity to impose one, rather than on the balance of probabilities as at the moment.”
Watch out, ‘extreme’ right wing individuals and groups, your Government is putting the mechanisms in place to halt your progress before it even begins.
Item slipped by in less than a blink on the 0800 Toady news.
More cheers heard from BBC offices.
The lockdown has been a like a searchlight in demonstrating the strength and weakness of our institutions. The aftermath and the way various institutions react will also be very revealing.
This is my list of things that have been reconfirmed, confirmed or revealed during the crisis to date. I’m sure that I am missing some other key ones.
# The NHS has now become as essential a part of our national story as BofB fighter pilots, Dunkirk and Chuchillian speeches.Any chance of much needed reform is now out of the question. Indeed the key political theme in the next decade will be can Liberal Socialism or Liberal Capitalism provide the money to fund the NHS behemoth.
# The police just aren’t up to the job . They have become riddled with Wokism and can no longer be relied upon to enforce the law.
# The armed forces are good at emergency work but would they be good at maintaining law and order in the absence of the police? Not unless there were many more of them and their officers weren’t infected by Wokism.
#The civil service manages to be highly incompetent and highly politicised at the same time. I suspect they have sabotaged much of the government’s policy , not just on the pandemic but right across the board.This is very serious as government policy can only be implemented by the civil service. Swamp draining required but it is unlikely to happen.
# The BBC , BMA ( probably the most powerful of all unions) , other public sector unions , charity bosses and of course the MSM are willing to do anything to oust Boris and the Brexit Tories.
# The Blair devolution settlement has left the UK ungovernable. It is either full independence for Scotland and Wales or the return of much of the devolved powers to Westminster. They need a referendum to decide.
#The EU’s goal of a federal EUropean state has been fully revealed and there is a growing reaction against it in Germany . Remainers who claimed there was no such agenda should have egg all over their faces but no one in the media is willing to hold them to account.
# Globalism is an immensely powerful political force but it only survives as such because it controls the media which inverts the truth in true Orwellian fashion and feeds the public soporifics laced with monstrous lies.
Doublethinker – Can’t agree more, point well made.
That’s a pretty bleak assessment with no signs of remedy .
On law and order – I disagree with you view. The police are more than able to enforce the law . Their problem is that law enforcement is political now . Many inconvenient laws ( immigration – drugs ) are ignored whilst anything with a tint is fully enforced – say ‘ racially aggravated ‘ and the full investigative box of tricks is pulled out .
The only way the NHS could be changed now would be to put more money into it to enforce reform . The only thing medics really care about – apart from status – is money
If the coming recession is as bad is being signalled ‘ reforms ‘ might be forced on the State – however much ‘all in it together ‘ nonsense propaganda is thrown out by the BBC ..
The only agency able to reform the civil service is the civil service . Anyone in the way of them – such as Cummings – will be crushed one way or another
I think the single biggest thing the state has learnt is how easy it is to frighten people and get them to do as they are told .
The green mafia will be using the effects of no economy as much as they can but as taxes go up people will be more concerned about paying their bills than air quality
As for the EU . If any state / people – didn’t realise it is run by and for the Franco Germans – they do now
The only upside is that there is a long time until the next election and a lot will be changing in the coming years – if we are still about of course .
The only agency able to reform the civil service is the civil service . Anyone in the way of them – such as Cummings – will be crushed one way or another.
This is true. Other ‘institutions’ at home and abroad collaborate with the civil service as required in order to cover up any corruption or criminality, making it difficult to pinpoint targets to prosecute.
Anyone who genuinely tries to uncover truths is either threatened (or worse) or paid off.
It invariably all boils down to money.
Theisland – status – hierarchy – gongs – pay – pension – and a non job with a private outfit set up whilst in office ( see Tax Inspectors v accountancy firms ) …..
Civil service / BBC motivation ( that’s an outsiders’ prejudiced view ) ….
I wouldn’t have said that your reply was exactly full of optimism and sign posting the way to the sunlit uplands!
Double – I agree – I’m a realist – if that translates into pessimism then that’s unfortunate . I could always lie and said there will be a sudden event which changes things as much as the virus has – which some call a black swan event ‘ ( eg 9/11)- but to guess when or the nature of such events is …… unlikely …
I agree that both our assessments are realistic appraisals of where the UK stands. Basically the country is in great peril , as indeed most Europe is, thanks to the liberal Wokist elite and their millions of dupes in the general public. I really don’t see anyway out of this mess unless there is a massive rejection of Wokism and all the liberal anti British anti Western values that goes with it. To reject the Wokists and to remove them from power would need something that would make Brexit seem small beer. Sadly I don’t think that this will happen because the Wokists hold all the levers of power and they can probably defeat any who dare to challenge them. Can President Trump win a second term and drain the swamp? I hope so but I am not confident and we in the UK have no one who approaches his commitment to defeating Wokism.
Neat summary of MSM SOP. Epitomised by the BS show.
9am Priti Patel live on LBC
Will they discuss the Cross Channel ‘Commandos’ and stopping them before they get to Dover?
She is relying on The Border Farce, spending lots of money on arrests, kits and drones, and says a lot of waffle .
While the Royal Navy and Royal Marines sit in their bases, they are the real Force that could stop them dead. It will give them good training for fishery protection .
Nigel is watching .
Let’s face it – if either side wanted to really stop it they would and could do it . However the smell of corruption on both sides is there – with plenty of people bought off at various levels .
Patel knows that labour won’t moan about ‘ new arrivals’ – and the Tories show no sign of right wing tendencies – they won’t be putting these illegals in boats on the Channel before deportation – or indeed – putting real borders up .
“The UK and EU have been in dispute about whether the EU should have a permanent technical office in Belfast to oversee checks.
The EU say the office is required and permitted under the deal.
However, the Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said it would amount to a ‘mini embassy” and is unacceptable to the UK.”
So on R4. More or Less..had their ‘friend’ prof David Speilgelhalter
basically he said..the risk to children is negligible by any measure and also to their young parents – and surprisingly healthcare workers are not more at risk ….he also said that peer review in academic papers had gone out of the window with reports released that the media jumped on….where clearly the evidence was weak..
essentially he said opening schools was low risk but more interestingly he avoided answering the key question about transmission by children to ‘grandparents’ as asked by BBC
Me thinks he is brought on to give impression he is an honest broker – but actually he avoids giving any support to the Govts actions..he is a good political animal
Speilgelhalter is not a full on FBPE
but rather one of those who tries to appease teenage daughters
Like if asked about a specific Climate Activist graph
he will explain why it’s wrong
but won’t point out that such claims are systematically wrong.
Over at IsThe BBCBiased we have a triple-whammy over the Smithgate affair.
Nicola Sturgeon was wrong to have a pop at Sarah Smith;
Craig at ITBB is wrong;
all the commentators at ITBB (to date) are wrong!
The joke is that they are taking up different positions.
Quite simply Ms Smith was right the first time – all governments ‘enjoy’ the right to ‘exercise’ their powers. That doesn’t mean that they take pleasure, or, (for the avoidance of doubt!), that they break out into a sweat when they do so!
Craig doesn’t live under Wee Nippy. I do. She didn’t just enjoy the opportunity. She relished it.
A very big question that should be aimed at Al Beeb and the government; Why is the NHS relying on so many foreign doctors and nurses when we could train our own ?
Will shortly have enough applicants.
We could train our own doctors at £250k a time.
Much cheaper to import the fruits of someone else’s training costs.
Quite whether it is moral to do this is another matter. A question the BBC never manage to ask the immigrant doctors among our NHS heroes, as the BBC is only interested in identifying alleged anti BAME discrimination.
Is it cheaper though? One home trained doctor for £250k with a contract which says he/she must work for the NHS for 5-10 years or repay the training or five meeja uni students clogging up our yoonis for £60k each, supposedly a loan but as statistics show, unlikely ever to be repaid, or one foreign trained doctor who may well have dependants and who may, just may, have fraudulent medical credentials. It has happened…allegedly.
@Sluff you are wrong
“Much cheaper to import the fruits of someone else’s training costs.
Quite whether it is moral to do this is another matter. A question the BBC never manage to ask the immigrant doctors among our NHS heroes,”
Zainab’s Migrant Medics question did ask that
‘Are their nations suffering from them exporting their medial workers ? Yes
And this is known so their is a WHO rule that this must be phased out
But the UK has for years ignored this rule’
When they made nursing a degree course it went down the pan as many good nurses then SENs who were not academic left and the degree deterred non academic people from entering the profession and those that did then thought they were great and didn’t want to look after patients but become managers….
So we have fewer UK grown ‘caring nurses ‘ and more incompetent NHS managers
And even more incompetent Trusts and trustees with the mantra “lessons to be learned”.
When will we hold the next general election, because there are a lot of “borrowed votes” that need returning ?
Don’t forget all those well-paid lady doctors, who like all(?) well-paid ladies, get married to well-paid men.
Married to a well-paid man they only need to come in three days a week, or less if you can get a BBC slot. Plenty of time to think about that small-holding, some dogs, chickens, kids. Once they have that, aged 35, that’s their doctoring done for good.
Where are the Doctor Camerons, who died in-service of old-age? (Gone in the interest of ‘equality’, i.e. 100% female profession).
My GP retired at 62 last year. Not bad at all!
Spot the difference.
Rolls Royce – 9000 redundancies to keep the remaining company viable.
Teachers- on full pay refuse to go back to work and so keep schools closed. With six weeks summer holiday still to come.
Schools should open and the teachers that don’t work should not get paid.
Hard working parents that pay taxes would turn on the teachers that stay home .
More Or Less
some slight of hand in comparing Germany
Question how come Germany has much lower deaths than comparable countries ?
The item then only compared Germany with UK not other countries.
The Beeboid Kavita Puri said
#1 Germany has a lot of test labs
#2 Although both countries lockdown on the same day
they counted UK’s date as one week later cos UK locked down after 300 deaths and Germany after 80
The beeboid then cherypicked one expert who said
“If the UK had locked down one week earlier then the UK would have had the same deaths as Germany.
We know that is probably not true cos UK peak deaths came a couple of week after lockdown, but those people caught Covid more than a week before lockdown
So had we locked down that week earlier then peak death days would have been the same.
The prog also glossed over that Germany was not behind the UK The German outbreaks generally started earlier cos they had a lot of skiers
and those cases were milder than the bulk of UK cases that came in oldies.
Kavita Puri made her own WS prog
One key thing is that UK strategy was not to STOP all cases
but rather stop the NHS being overwhelmed.
On Twitter libmob hve taken that claim about “one week earlier lockdown” as absolute gospel.
everything about More or Less were skewed data 🙂
It pretends to provide a ‘fair’ assessment but when politics is involved you know it isn’t
StewGreen – Did they not make the link that the losing team uses an antiquated centralised healthcare system and the winning team doesn’t?
Why the continued lie about the UK being in lock down?
The UK is not in lock down, never has been.
The main airports have remained opened and continued to receive passengers from the Americas and Middle East.
Gatwick was closed purely for BA’s financial reasons.
Regional airports are still open. Farnborough has serviced countless Cessnas, Lear Jets and others over recent weeks.
The Ports are still open. There are plenty of millionaires cruise boats along the south-coast of England, taking advantage of the situation whilst their home locations such as Monaco and St Tropez are actually closed.
No, the UK is not in lock down, only the majority of an indigenous population, brainwashed and manipulated by a controlling main-stream media.
I think Biased BBC should diversify and embrace ITV.
There was a time, not long ago, when ITV formed a bulwark of effective contradiction to BBC propaganda but not now with Bradby, Peston and very much most especially Piers Morgan having become another leftist sounding board for prejudiced and downright treasonous output.
I omitted Susanna Reid not from misogyny but simply because she is inept.
Beltane – and Sky.
Beltane – I think – with a bit of luck – ITV is in trouble because of the collapse in advertising revenue . Although the MSM lives on ‘crises’ such as our current travails – it also needs to pay the bills . So as it encourages economic activity not to happen ( is it safe – protect the kiddies ) it is killing itself ….
Certainly CH 4 is worth listing for its daily attack on Trump, which comes in several forms. Direct misrepresentation, snide comments, as in last night’s report on Trump taking an anti malaria pill where the reporter added a comment about his doctor not trying to convince Trump otherwise, and finally, the political expert from the US who is fed by CH 4 presenters who insert words like ‘erratic President’.
I am beginning to think that the UK media speaks with one voice and that voice is within our government/civil service
I’ve been commenting on this site for more years than I care to remember. I’m not sure exactly when, but the colour scheme was purple.
What often strikes me is that what was a BBC problem back then now encompasses pretty much all media and much of show business. The infestation has spread like a virus. On the other hand, awareness of the problem is vastly more widespread than it was back then.
Pier’s form
I like to hope there’s some footage, somewhere, of Jeremy Clarkson giving Mr Morgan a well-merited smack on the nose.
Anyone able to help? It deserves to be better known.
No video found
“In March 2004, at the British Press Awards, he swore at Piers Morgan and punched him before being restrained by security; Morgan says it left him with a scar above his left eyebrow”
“Jeremy Clarkson, once broke a finger punching Piers Morgan at the British Press Awards”
Interesting that Morgan didn’t sue Clarkson
and Morgan was sacked as Daily Mirror editor 3 weeks later
That all suggests Morgan had been in the wrong.
Mohammed Khan has been convicted of fraud – using Chinese virus as his source of deception . He is in custody pending cl sentencing on 12 June ( this according thr Guido ) . Khan explaining the reason for his dishonestly was poverty
Unfortunately for him it turns out that his mum is a Labour Camden Councillor – in charge of the Crime Committee ( had to be ) .
Guido helpfully points out that in the last year 3 north London female labour Politicians’ sons have been convicted of crimes ..
…. something in the water ?
Maybe Vicky Derbyshire can do a phone in about it … on the BBC …
Sadiq says “It wasn’t me !
…that re-introduced the congestion charge”
The emir is pretty slimy at the best of times but the sight of him doing a ‘ not me guv’ shows how far politics has descended . His people will still vote for him
Wonder how that cross rail is coming along ? Any other politician with such failure would be long gone.
Updated draft agreements published. I’ll leave it for those with greater knowledge to peruse.
(Does the trade agreement need to be so long?)
FFL seems cautiously content so far.
At a glance, it looks OK, I especially focused on this snippet.
1. Each Party shall manage its own fisheries independently and may take such measures in its relevant waters as it considers appropriate to ensure the rational and sustainable management of fisheries.
We shall see….
More on the civil service (and Sedwill)
Current storm being driven by government admission: ‘We did prioritise NHS over others, including care homes….’
A pointless exercise, I accept, but imagine the amount of fake horror if the headline were:
‘Government concentrated on care homes at expense of NHS….’
(Subhead: ‘Vital immigrant workforce ‘expendable’ says Tory minister…’)
Stand by for Surkeer touring all the BBC Asian studios by invitation.
Those would be, all BBC studios.
And no nasty questions about shocking stats on certain groups on his watch.
Guest – The solution for BAME men is obvious. Your women folk use traditional PPE, why don’t you?
Wouldn’t it help if they lived where there is more sunlight and Malaria is endemic?
Of course if we had more sunlight in the UK, (are you listening Boris?), that would ‘solve’ our energy problems too.
“Swift action”. I’ll go with that! Ship them out to where there is no chinese virus(?).
We have really ‘lost it’ when you can get a knighthood for walking around your garden.
If only Sir Francis Chichester had known that he could have just walked round his club car park rather than risk going to sea.
Rampant ‘Diana-ism’! I’m almost looking forward to Alan’s Snack Bar opening more outlets, at least they have a role for ‘men’.
JimS – A priceless comment by you sir, well played.????
Jim : spot on. When you close your eyes and try to imagine what Francis Chichester had to go through, both in the planning and the execution of his trip, then compare -as you say; it seems a good comment on the state of our current public discourse and mindset, compared to then.
Well I know who I’d rather see knighted between someone who fought for their country and Lenny Henry.
Here’s a bit of news contributors here won’t like.
It’s hotting up militarily Big Time in the South China Sea.
If anyone can muster interest, simply type in South China Sea into YT search. I can’t be bothered to identify the many recent videos.
G – I saw a couple of these videos and like you say, it’s worrying.
Another video worth watching is the race for the North West Passage. Technically it’s Canadian, but other countries want it to be an international waters so Canada can’t decide who uses it and make a fortune controlling who uses it.
Europe, China and the Far East won’t need the Panama Canal to trade with each other greatly reducing traffic through Panama (currently 13,000 vessels per year).
Modern ships are designed to fit the Panama Canal, that won’t be necessary if the North West Passage opens up.
island – time a lot of noise was made about this, Nigel seems almost like a lone voice!
How did it come to this?
Island and fakenewswatcher
Looking back I wonder if Nigel took the wrong decision during the election campaign and should have ran candidates against the Tories. It would have split the vote and probably robbed the Tories of their large majority, but chances are that we would have a body of MPs committed to Brexit and control of our borders which we do not have at present.
Each day we are reminded by the media that women in lockdown are becoming victims of abuse, which is correct.
Is this muslim women?
Some monopolies are more desirable than others.
\\ outside of the UK, the BBC is exploring “potential commercial opportunities for BBC Four to become a new global subscription service”, aimed at showcasing the BBC’s factual content to the world.//
I see TVBEurope is not the same as the Channel TVB Hong Kong
where I used to go in the middle of the night to be an extra in The Greatest Gangster, The Greatest Gambler etc.
Ruth Davidson made an interesting observation this morning which I was not aware of. Seems Nicola Sturgeon’s proposal not to open Scottish schools until 11th August is not that radical after all. Their schools break up a month earlier than in England or Wales, mostly around 26th June so she would argue there is not much point in opening up on 1st June June only to close again after only 3 weeks.
However, parents in Scotland would then have the company of their little treasures at home for almost another 3 months. Are we likely to see numerous media reports of criticism of this proposal from enraged parents or searching questions raised at today’s TV briefing?
Methinks not.
Bottomline a lot of parents are not working
cos schools are closed.
This is at huge cost to the economy
The same parents and teachers take a risk normally cos we know each year children get killed on the way to school.
but we still drive.
So schools should not be waiting for zero risk
Rather like any other workplace they should do their own Risk Assessments and safety procedures.
And that might mean excluding high risk kids.
BTW private schools have boarders so safety is more complex.
Just been watching Parliament Live and Jacob Rees Mogg in response to a MP’s question said that he could confirm that the government had written to the BBC asking them for an explanation with regards to the appalling bias shown in there recent Panorama programme and there general appalling coverage during this crisis…
Fed Up -I know that this is website for the biased BBC. And
i nearly always do write on this subject. Please indulge me
for just this once.
I am not a doctor but I and my family and friends think
that I am a reasonably intelligent person. In my own job
which is football odds compiling I have to use a lot of logic.
In discussions with contemporaries, we consider ourselves
to have IQ’S and logical sense just as high or higher than
our political leaders. They just happened to study politics
and I the football odds making bible , the league tables.
Even these scientists who just happened to study epidemiology.
Why should the government or us take for gospel everything
they say as fact?
Maybe like some doctors who cant quite make it to the top
become chiropodists. Maybe some of these pandemic experts
such as Prof Neil Ferguson decided to become a pandemic
expert because he wasn’t much good at any other science.
To be honest if I was as bad as he has been with my football
predictions as he has been with his pandemic predictions I would
have been sacked by all the bookies !
NOW To the point. It was once said that PNEUMONIA was an
old mans friend. A frail elderly person would catch pneumonia
and succumbed to it in half a day.
In the early 1950’s the life expectancy for a man was 65.6 years.
Many men would retire at 65 and be dead six months later
l. The life expectancy for a man now is now around 78 years
and why is that? Because pneumonia is treatable to quite an
extent to at least extend life by a few years.
BUT at the moment we have a very much more potent pneumonia which we don’t yet have proper life saving treatment.
It’s logical we have a new “Old man’s friend” but this is not
so friendly because quite a few frail old people can still have
some quality of life they couldn’t have in earlier times.
What I am amazed that all these boffins couldn’t suss out
that this Chinese virus was an OLD MANS KILLING DISEASE.
And protected us older folk and let everybody else get on
with their lives as they did in Sweden. We are now absolutely
economically ruined. The CCP have won their economic war,
hands down.
But I will just write a footnote. I just wonder how implicit
the BBC has been in all of this. Some of their presenters
with “form” have all but come out of the closet with their
personal politics.
I’m long past going off subject – except where is gets a bit ‘heated ‘ – as happened with an exchange about cycling v cars recently ….
I used to be involved in planning a long time ago – and a lot of it was common sense converted into policy . Politicians coming out with the excuse of ‘following expert advice ‘ is stupid if that advice lacks common sense – as with the published advice Starmer was using from April which is still impacting and killing in Nursing Homes .
As for the CCP – I don’t think they planned it – it was inept bio management . And you can see how touchy they are with what they have done with the Australians .
CCP has screwed the whole world and I don’t think they ll get a free pass. Apart from imposing huge reparations – which they’ll contest I can’t guess what can be done to them without imposing punishment on ourselves .
The danger is – of course – as ‘G” I think mentioned earlier today – the CCP might ignite a bit of sabre rattling into something more to distract – eg Korea or the South China Sea or Taiwan ……
Whatever happens with ‘blame apportionment ‘ the policy of allowing people to die without their next of kin Say goodbye – Or absence of palliative care or even to attend the Funeral – cannot be allowed to be repeated – even if the NHS has to buy disposable BA .
With the current mess -you can see that they ‘sacrificed ‘ the most likely to suffer from the virus to avoid adverse publicity for the NHS – The old – who have no voice -whereas the medics panicked and screamed loudest .
I’m gonna be brutal – infection is a risk of that job and it just has to be mitigated as best as possible – without the hysterical clapping and moaning and dancing . A lot of jobs have inherent risks- jeez it’s a risky going to and coming from work is risky . I’ve lost three close friends this way . There was no clapping for them.
No need to be defensive. You make a good point.
A very long time ago, I joined an undergraduate year group Uni photo.for my course.
In the photo, sat on a stool at the front, was a person who many years later became a Prof. and then became a go-to person for BBC rentaquotes in a certain discipline. That person got the same degree class as I did.
But just as industry people get promoted and become managers and directors, so academics get promoted, sometimes just by cosying up to industry to get research money in, and become Profs. They’re not actually any cleverer than you or I, they just chose a career where promotion yields a title.
So the SAGE experts may be ok but they do not have all the answers. The fault lies with those who suggest that they do.
The BBC appears to be worried by its complaints such that it sent out a survey
Part of my reply was –
4 It is of concern to me that in the case of Naga Munchetty, if you are an ‘important person’ such as Lenny Henry or Adrian Lester, the complaints system can be undermined. Clearly, Munchetty broke the impartiality rules but that was ‘corrected’ and I suspect that this was orchestrated by the BBC itself –
Wikipedia – “Naga Munchetty, Trump comments –
“The BBC was criticised for its decision to uphold complaints over Munchetty’s comments. Several public figures, including Lenny Henry and Adrian Lester, signed an open letter asking the corporation to revisit its ruling against her. On 30 September it was reported in The Guardian that the complaint was also made against her co-host Dan Walker but his comments were not the focus of the BBC’s executive complaints unit (ECU) investigation. Later that day the Director-General of the BBC Tony Hall overturned the decision after looking into it personally”
Am I mistaken?
Another part
5 Aside from complaints, an article in the Telegraph highlighted the ‘Woke’ BBC
“The word is applied to pretty much everything these days as a snappier alternative to that old chestnut: “political correctness gone mad””
BBC editors in all cases conform to a ‘socially liberal’ ideology with a propensity for smugness and constant sneering at the people they report on who are any of – libertarians, conservative, neocons or generally anything considered to be ‘right-wing.
6 Worryingly, the BBC online service is a propaganda website for the US Democrat party –
For example, The BBC recently was quick to ridicule Trump over his comments on disinfectant and hydroxychloroquine.
Also, President Trump’s handling of the pandemic below
On the other hand, there is virtually no coverage of the Flynn or the Joe Biden Tara Reade stories.
“there is virtually no coverage of the Flynn or the Joe Biden Tara Reade stories.”
Quite. How convenient for the Republican hating, Democrat loving Beeb.
PMQ watch
My view that BoJo isn’t well is carried on . Starmer stuck with care homes and absence of tracing . No questions at all about schools …. presumably for labour to avoid accusations of ownership by the teaching mafia / unions .
I thought BoJo was floundering again and even the health secretary – sitting alongside – got told off by the speaker for barracking Starmer .
Starmer is sort of bound to be doing well because the government can only do wrong . Anything ‘right ‘ will be claimed by the multitude of NHS mafiosi .
Sooner or later Starmer and his crew will hit choppy waters – then I think we’ll see more evidence of how shallow he is .
At least BoJo has a couple of weeks without Parliament .