Biased BBC news staff regularly fail to give any background details when they introduce their interviewees . So the viewer / listener is often unable to judge what the speakers ‘ agenda might be. This is particularly true when the speaker is of the ‘left ‘ and thus sympathetic to the Biased BBC viewpoint . Those who are ‘introduced ‘of the ‘Right‘ will receive casual BBC hostility . – if you listen /watch – judge for yourself …
Midweek Thread 20 May 2020
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@Fedup Care Home Covid Death graph
Of course it doesn’t cover CH deaths from other causes
which might be early cos of delayed cancer treatments etc.
R4 12:23pm covered the care home that uses a caravan system with 6 day-on shifts for staff
Instead of the staff coming from home everyday
31% of his staff Covid tests took 9 days
The owner wants instantaneous tests
that’s a fantasy surely ?
Although overnight might be possible
But that would be hard if included a journey from remote Devon.
An expert did day a 30min onsite machine was being evaluated.
Thank you stew – much better data thanks . I have no political axe to grind about Care Homes -apart from my view that they should be part of the NHS and that private ones should be tax free .
I really hope that systematic infection of care homes in April And May Didn’t happen but I fear the worst
The same with the even more hidden cases of elderly people in their homes receiving daily visits . Having witnessed a shambolic low quality version in London a few years ago I fear the virus could easily be transmitted via the ‘ Carers’ all of whom are on the clock and under pressure .
If Social elderly care can finally be dealt with through this virus then there will one benefit from the national sacrifice .
I know taxes are going up and maybe they can be reformed at the same time – particularly since every one knows there are huge bills to be paid .
On this one I hope the MSM beat the government up until it proves its done the right thing by the elderly this year .
Turn on Radio 2.
“…then on Care Homes after One…”
Give it a rest BBC!
Vine is saying “they weren’t tested”
Look this is a red herring
Testing takes time
So a negative test doesn’t mean you haven’t caught it since.
A home should not assume someone is safe
they should quarantine procedure.
Vine “Care Homes were left to fend for themselves early on”
next Jane Death from File On 4
opens by quoting the OLD guidancefrom February that Starmer read out.
They don’t mention that then people didn’t appreciate staff might be asymptomatic and give covid to patients.
She also wrongly thinks that a negative test from 3 days proves a worker is safe.
Vine’s next guest a Gateshead care home manager blamed politicians
And Vine added “yeh there was no protective blanket around CHs”
That is false
The manager gave away, that she didn’t compartmentalise her home
and continued to use agency staff who worked at other homes.
Therefore she had broken H&S law
her complaint was that Gateshead hospital sent back one of her residents who’d been in Covid and had got over it
but the hospital wouldn’t provide a negative certificate.
Yes well a doctor wouldn’t need a negative test to say that a patient was no longer infectious.
You don’t carry the infection after you are over it.
Proof that Joe Biden meddled in Ukrainian politics to get his son off the hook.
Normally the beeb are very interested in American politicians meddling in Ukrainian affairs, but in this case… not so much.
Maybe it’s only Republicans they go after.
Watch Nigel Farage right now, in the Channel, as French ships escort ‘migrants’ into British waters and Border Force help to bring them to Dover.
You Tube: “Nigel Farage witnesses illegal immigrants coming into British waters”, AND THERE IS A FORMAL HAND-OVER, YES: A FORMAL HAND OVER TO DOVER COAST GUARD. LBC did send a message to the evasive, useless and mealie-mouthed Priti Patel.
Of course, you won’t see this ‘hand-over’ on the bbc!
Well done, Nigel. Can’t believe you seem to be the only one who cares! Patel is USELESS; weasel words…
From which we can only conclude that blustering Boris is complicit..
The LBC video went up at 11am
Farage show tonight Direct link to 6:30pm when Farage started about the immigrant handover.
Sky did show a TV item.
‘The French navy say they don’t pick up the migrants cos immigrants often refuse to get on French rescue boats’
At the end Farage got a caller
Louise “People have to stay in, I’ve not been out since March and I’ve just been diagnosed with it”
Farage “So where ere you tested”
Louise “Oh well I felt bad on Tuesday , phoned 111
they told me to phone the doctor
and he said I’ve got all the symptoms”
FFS if she really hasn’t been out
she hasn’t got it unless she got it from uncooked food.
More likely she has hayfever and hypochondria.
Talk Radio have put up a 15min clip from their interview
and a nunumber of short clips
From Nigel’s video it does look as if this government and the French authorities are engaged in support of illegal migration.
The charge of incompetence won’t wash becuse this is deliberate cooperation between two governments and the smugglers.
I do not support any conspiracy theories which claim that somehow government ministers are being bribed.
So what is a plausible explanation? Shades of returning troops of military age after Dunkirk come to mind. Perhaps our government is under an obligation to bring these men of military age over here. Perhaps they have served for the UK state in some foreign war as a mercenary force and obligations are being fulfilled.
This might require a fearless investigation of the kind that Panoramadan might engage in
Meanwhile Priti says she is workin’ night and day arrestin’ and stoppin’ the smugglin’ gan’s.
Looking at the footage of Nigel again, perhaps the most outrageous thing of all is the British ‘Border Force’ (NOT THE FRENCH, THE BRITISH) threatening him with consequences?!
Wonder if the British vessel is the ‘Spirit of Lord Haw Haw’?
On TALK RADIO, Nigel refers to the UK Border Force as the ‘Illegal migrant taxi service’, and says he’s had visits from the police. This is unbelievable! Mike says a photo of this ‘hand-over’ has appeared in the ‘Times’?
“Where do they go?” Nigel asks. Nigel says some of them are fleeing a terrible regime in Iran. I disagree that that makes it OK. They have come through SAFE countries, like France. Nigel says he has heard of a small village in Norfolk suddenly having 100 new ‘residents’.
The INVASION is coming this summer, Nigel thinks. The Australians know how to handle.
It’s all a big misunderstanding!! No harm done – carry on lads. 🙁
What is going through the employees of The Border Force ? If they are ex RN or RM which I suspect some of them are , they must be biting their tongues ?
A legal definition of, criminal ‘Conspiracy’ – “……if a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, either: (a) will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parities to the agreement……….he is guilty of conspiracy to commit the offence…….”.
If they could tear themselves away from making house calls to check on the householders thinking, plod should arrest the Border Farce officers involved. Then, when nicely charged and locked up, make a house call to wherever Patel lives to arrest her as well.
Having studied law to Masters level, I used to have considerable respect for English law but, no longer. I would not trust the law (and those enforcing it) in any way now.
Oh god..BBC commentator said UV light will kill Covid …and they are doing trials with hydroxychloroquine (don’t think they have a sense of irony)
Any sign of apologies to POTUS?
A phrase never heard on BBC.. we were wrong and apologise
Not happy with normalising Islam and paedophilia the sick BBC are now trying to normalise satanism!
These people are sick
11pm tonight will you be watching
BBC4 Science in Islam
Channel4 Ramadan in Lockdown ?
The media virtue signallers don’t understand that Muslims choose 3 options
– Not bother with fasting
.. or get ready for bed at 9pm , eat at dusk and sleep until breakfast at dawn
.. or choose to work the nightshift so they can work, then take breakfast at 9:30pm and then take dinner at dawn, then watch a bit of telly and go to bed at 10am
So few Muslisms will be watching those shows anyway.
Stew, so what’s on BBC4 at 11:05 pm?
Now R4 The Clare Balding walking show
she can’t be out , so she playing “Best of clps”
She’s just selected “an afternoon with Black-Men- Walking”, the Sheffield group.
Next a woman-only walking group.
Noxious Peroxide is ‘interested’, and goes Forensick like her Surhero.
New on Guido –
Might solve their ongoing problem with old white men at the top.
Guest Who
I nominate ( in no particular order) either Katie Hopkins or Nigel Farage for the job. However, I doubt that either one would want to be The D.G. of a decomposing cadaver.
I am putting in my will that in the event of my death being caused by Covid my corpse is to be catapulted into the midst of the BBC news room It will be a far , far better thing that I do than I have ever done before!
To do that you may have to consult the COVID copyright holders. On second thoughts they seem to have put it into the public domain so fill yer boots.
It’s that day of the week again. If you are of an independent spirit or of the non-Conformist persuasion, all-ways, not just religion-wise, then you may wish to have some alternative applause all ready for tonight’s little service.
I apologise to Foscari for neglecting the classical orchestral and operatic side of music but here is another ‘modern’ one – not exactly contemporaneous – it probably dates back most of fifty years. Losing access to my bookmarks is a bit of a handicap, so this one comes from memory.
It also includes a little appropriate applause at the start of its own performance but it is from the audience, not the band. I was taught by my mother that applauding oneself was not acceptable. Perhaps the front pages of our Friday newspapers and the BBC web-site tomorrow might reflect that? But then again, maybe not.
This is even more minimalist on instrumentation than last week’s offering:
For personal reasons there is no way I will doing the ‘performing seal’ act tonight.
Having discussed my condition with ‘r any chess’ consultant via video link yesterday, there is no chance of an MRI scan and no chance of a steroid injection for my ailment and no chance currently of a forecast date when the lists will start running again. Due to Covid19.
Now its non-life threatening, but the pain and immobility leads to depression and other physical symptoms can develop that can lead to more severe effects.
What did grate however was when I was told that the local pain clinic is no longer an option and I’d have to go on the list at the regional centre as the surgeon that used to carry out the procedures has retired and wasn’t replaced.
I’ll bet the contents of my wallet the levels of administrative and non-surgical management hasn’t reduced accordingly however….
Sorry to hear about that, I also wouldn’t dream of of applauding them. To get my problem sorted I had to go to Spire hospital where I received outstanding care. I have no faith in the NHS now.
Cheer Crom, the local clinic was excellent for sure, once I was in and receiving treatment. The admin and general ballyhoo of cock up and error before hand was unacceptable however.
In my private industry, one of our regulators key requirements is how we adequately plan, enact and demonstrate succession planning, for either retirement, staff turnover, maternity etc etc….
I find it staggering that the myriad of execs, middle managers and other non front line bods in ‘ r any chess’ as a public service can just let a service end due to a ‘retirement’ of a single individual.
Grabs popcorn….
Meanwhile, in Frankie Howerd, Franny may or may not be looking like writing another memo.
Tweets by PickardJE
I am so dissapointed in this Tory government. I voted for them and that makes it so much harder to support them. They dont seem to be in control, just allowing the MSM and Labour to control the narrative and make rules themselves.Then the Gov follows. What a shambles. We are being invaded on the south coast enabled by the French and SILENCE from the government. I cannot actually believe they would,be as bad as this, I couldn’t wait until May was gone but it seems we have not learnt anything. Talk from the Gov over EU negotiations supposed to be going well but I have no faith whatsoever with it. I’m so dissapointed, I also think Patel should make an announcement about the emergency in the channel and what she is going to do about it. Dont hold your breath. Just listening to Chris Whitty telling us to stay local, while the criminals invade us and can wander around. What a bunch of idiots we have in charge. Sorry I’m so angry just had to get it off my chest.
The only announcement Patel should be making is her resignation.
Governments primary tasking:
Defence of the realm, Failed.
Health of its people, Failing.
Education of its people. Failed.
Brainwashing the masses. Succeeded.
It’s funnier than that, Jim…
FFS Nick frames him as a “The NHS cleaner ”
Isntead of “illegal immigrant Syrian who works as a filmmaker and has won a number of awards”
Dishonest, as most are.
LW -Surkeer is very excited. Beeb are also very excited. Big ‘victory’. Not many ‘victories’ about for Labour and Surkeer these days, so even a little thing like this is going to get beeb very excited…
As for Boris: disappoints, as always these days…
If Surkeer and Boris swapped roles, would anyone notice a difference? Ah yes, of course: Surkeer combs his hair.
In the Times today there is a column claiming that Britain needs lots of low skilled migrants to keep afloat.The usual crap. What is remarkable is how the Remainers are jumping on this to discharge their latest and bitterest bile. They are truly suffering from extreme BDS . Several comments still gleefully claim that as older people are dying another referendum when Suckhere is PM will guarantee a swift return to the EU. Their bitterness at not getting their own way is astonishing even more so after four years! I am sure that the Remainer elite will continue use every trick in the book and do whatever it takes to overturn democracy. I think it would be best if we burnt our bridges so making rejoining as difficult as possible.
The other thing that struck me today is how on earth are we, the UK, going to protect our fishing waters? We have no coastal patrol boats to speak of and we can’t really patrol fishing waters with Brown’s giant carrier follies ! If we are serious we need to purchase or quickly build a fleet of coastal patrol vessels . Whilst they are on patrol they can use rubber dinghies for target practise .
Yes but the remainers are the same as the us Democrats aren’t they, dishonest, ruthless, hateful and would do anything even if not lawful to get power.
So older people are dying. Yes that’s about as far as snowflake rocket science goes. The problem is that young people – if they are lucky -become old people and old people can get rather tetchy.
Many of today’s youngsters will one day hold a wet finger to the wind and realise that -guided by “experts” – they have been sailing in the wrong direction.
The two new aircraft carriers are not follies, and I am getting fairly sick of people disrespecting them. Each carrier will serve for at least 30 years, and cost about the same as one day of lockdown. I consider than quite a bargain given the capabilities they deliver to the Royal Navy.
Whether there will still be a Britain left to defend in 30 years’ time is, of course, a different matter. I am tending towards a “no” on that.
Perhaps if they stuck those carriers in the channel it might relieve the border farce from having to import Prittis people all on their own .
Strange that satellites and drones and MI5 and MI6 and GCHQ and the NCA and NATO and INTERPOL are unable to stop thousands invading the South Coast every month .
I fear ms Patel is more interested in her political future at PM than being tainted with responsibility for stopping these people using force – or even the law ….
BBC Radio4 Ramadan Special part 2
Yusuf Islam seems to be quite happy to use “Cat Stevens” when he wants to sell a few records, rather than islam. I’m buying none of it.
Photoblock has 8 women and 2 men
That is how the BBC falsely sees the UK
First question from Muresh
“Will you be advising the Muslim community about the 3 day festival of Eid ?”
LK “Was the PM just worried about losing careworkers votes ?
I honestly dont know what his thoughts are at the minute but I wish he would confer and think carefully before before he made statements.
It seems the MSM are on a roll now. They smell dithering and feel emboldened. They have the gov on the back foot. If Boris is still feeling unwell and needs more time to recover he would be better taking time off as hes just not up to the job at the moment.
Yes – if I can see that they would have to appease the happy clappers – when I’m sitting on my bottom at home pressing buttons on a puter – and the combined _ oh so Clever SPADs can’t see it – then there is some serious disfunction there .
And Bojos political antennae should have seen it without even Cummings whispering in his ear ….
Can’t see any long term plan to make the NHS british …
Of course libmob will now all applaud Boris
and say he has done enough.
They won’t demand even more ….. /sarc
Evan the gob Davis just lost for words..interviewing Norweigan education woman who was explaining how all kids back at school…he says but parents could keep them at home.she says no it was compulsory and virtually all are back…silence..then he uses the ah but you are a much smaller country than us (funny they didnt accept that when others against them)….would you have sent them.back if….Blah blah…basically she didn’t pander to his leading questions to give him the Norway has concerns..quote…so back to school kids…..
Let’s face it – on schools HMG can’t win – if they go back to school and any kids / teachers are affected by the virus – they were sent to their deaths by BoJo
If they go back to school and there are no additional deaths / infections -then they should have gone back sooner at the BoJo government had cruelly deprived the little angels of valuable diversity education – especially with the IED or EiD coming up …..
By the way – for anyone of a Christian persuasion – ‘happy ascension day ‘ 40 days after the resurrection . For those not -happy Thursday – especially to the ‘clappers’ …..
Provided that the public are aware that most of our institutions that can influence public opinion have been infiltrated by the followers of Karl Marx then fear should not be an overriding concern.
Boris made a blob when he didn’t call teachers essential workers, the small minded tw@ts that are union leaders, would have had egg on their faces stopping essential workers going back to work!
Yep and that is becoming more obvious..
I am still surprised at the BBC’s lack of using evidence against keeping kids off school..
normally they are so good at bashing Boris with research that suits their narrative..
This would be me
Is that CCTV footage of hell?
The corporal jones of the North Korean Home Guard…
I think the Labour Party would like this for the party conferences post social distancing!
Are you sure these folks haven’t just been given the news about the lock down in the West? To them it would be manna from heaven.
Brainwashed people doing what they’re told.
It’s not really that different from ‘clap for carers’.
30 Covid deaths today in the ITV Calendar region today
from about 6.4m people
a tenth of UK population
that seems in proportion with UK average.
ITV local news : The male Muslim doctor covers Covid
Now another item
How Muslims are doing Ramadan
with the diary of 2 Muslim sportsmen.
One looks to be a Polish convert.
both seem to be sleeping in the daytime.
So now we know Reeta Chakrabarti’s political persuasion.
The BBC news presenter was on just before Hancock’s half hour
started. She told us of how Keir Starmer had reacted to Boris
Johnson changing his mind on the surcharge for non UK
NHS workers using the NH.
As she said it a big smile came over her face. The camera very
quickly diverted from her, not to expose her obvious personal
But to be honest Reeta Chakrabarti is no different to 95% or
more of those who work for the BBC. They despise the Conservative government. Of course we then had Lady Haw-Haw
asking the BBC’S question to the health secretary. I much
preferred the original Hancock’s half hour. Although there is
a similarity with the” Blood Donor” episode. As Kuenssberg tries to
suck a pint of blood out of the health secretary’s veins ,
every time she opens her gob.
???? Robbie bloody Savage!
I thought I’d rid myself of this n*bhead when we ditched the telly tax, but no there he is popping up at the daily briefing trying to play the working class card, whilst hiding behind the mask of being a Mirror columnist ????
Never mind spoiler alert we should have a tw*t alert when he’s about to pop up! ????
Rant over ????
I do my civic duty and tune into the briefings . I thought the health secretary tackled the mediocre savage pretty well but I thought there would be a need for extra time as savage droned on about something …. I’m afraid I’ve got to the stage of watching but not hearing …. it just sounds like a buzz now ….
Although I do look forward to Beff turning up wearing the entire make up department of the local “boots” …. as a chap I don’t know if I’m allowed to say that as normally I don’t notice such things
You carry on and say as you please ????
Beth Rigby needs it as I swear there’s a fella underneath all that slap ????
I’ve never forgiven Savage for 1999 Fedup – you know what I mean ????
The BBC’s Simon Jack interviews Mark Zuckerberg earlier.
“If some crazy person decided to start telling people to, I dunno, drink or inject bleach”
“If some crazy person decided to start telling people to, I dunno, put all their information on F^(*book and then trust us not to spray it everywhere to make money…”
Is that Zuckerberg thing a clone or some sort of alien hybrid. Strange looking character for sure.
Clearly spends to much time staring at screens.
I saw him in “the man who fell to earth : on talking pictures recently – he was played by the late tunester
David ‘weirdo ‘Bowie —- i must have tried to watch that film a lot of times but never got past the 2nd reel – so I suppose I miss out on the bit where the kid on the bike flies across the moon and the bloke who was in jaws puts on a red jump suit and gets in the ufo ( sorry about lack of alert spoiler ) ….
Hahah, never seen it. I’ll YouTube some clips at 3 am when the sciatic pain bites and rouses my slumbers…
6 years of sciatica countless visits to Doctors…physio, opiods, tramadol you name it I took it and nothing but nothing took away that pain like having boiling fizzy lemonade in your veins. So after 6 years I’d had enough sat in the doctors said sort this or I’m topping myself …..I’m not moving from this seat till I see you’ve typed it in my records. 2 weeks later I was in Spyre hospital Blackpool keyhole surgery to shave the disk that was pushed against my syatic nerve. Awake from operation pain free for first time in 6 years so it can be cured but that pain can’t be appreciated unless you’ve experienced it……made a grown man cry.
Don’t give up hope.
@Quisquose BBC= “The Home Of Hate”
the zombies feel compelled to signal their hate towards Trump/Farage/Brexit/Boris
BBC doesn’t want a right wing boss?
Related –
(Bypass the paywalls – )
Celtic – I think he was the only one without direct employment by the BBC – and the only one not to attend a private school ….
Never stood a chance …. as well as being a white chap – the most damning attribute …
Hancock reported on the community antibody sampling
17% of Londoners and 5% elsewhere have had the virus
That is quite good, cos it means you can use thst 17% as safe workers
Cos they will be resistant.
“0.25% is the “Estimated average proportion of the community population that had COVID-19 between 4 May and 17 May”
– source: ” (page 4).
Evan Davis on R4’s PM shortly after 5 pm.
“We’ll all be clapping for the NHS as usual at 8 o’clock this evening.”
Who’s this ‘we’, you BBC &r$ehole? I did before but won’t now.
The Orwellian way libmob/BBC try to claim everyone feels the same as them is documented in the #WeFiles
It’s very nearly that time again, folks.
Get your pots and pans ready for the weekly show of appreciation for “our NHS.”
I’m not quite sure when it became “our NHS” instead of just, the NHS, but there you go.
I’m afraid I can’t be with you tonight. I’ve never fancied living in North Korea and I think this weekly display of lunacy is absolutely cringeworthy. It’s fundamentally unBritish as far as I’m concerned.
So, I’ll leave you with the notorious words of Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner, Number 6.
“I’m not a number, I’m a free man”.
He just wouldn’t recognise this country today…
Slowing hand claps
The BBC lies to us when it claims this evening “What began with clapping has grown louder over the weeks..” clearly implying more people are participating. I beg to differ. There’s a small hard core in my street and one could almost miss it were it not for the pot bangers. The BBC qualifies its optimistic inference that the ritual is increasingly popular with “.. people moved on to banging pots and pans, tooting car horns and setting off fireworks.” Well, quite, that would sound louder than clapping. As usual the BBC mistakes a noisy minority for widespread popular support.
By the way, I also believe the Daily Mail is lying to us this evening when its news pop up claims “millions” took part. I doubt that very much and furthermore I suspect they wrote and cued up that message prior to 8 o’clock.
One hand clapping as the Maoist slogan went – or something like that?
It has NOT grown louder around here. This evening was the quietest yet. Nobody in my building took part, though there were a few on the other side of the road. No pots and pans, firecrackers or anything. No passing cars honked. I mean no disrespect to front line health workers but I find this neo-Stalinist parade nauseating. I’m sick of BBC lies.
Less clapping where I live . Its like the covid thing, its wearing off .
Gradually as we all die of the virus or die through lack of
treatment for other illnesses, or are transported to old people’s death camps, there will be no more clappin’.
Now that it has become a British institution / tradition – when can it ever stop ?
I’ve never seen or heard it cos I’m with the Floyd , a spliff and my earphones ….
( I know what a spliff is because I’ve done breaking bad and now with ‘ better call Saul ‘ )
…. but will these brainwashed loons still be clapping in December ?
Window slammed shut at just past the hour. The local sheep got the message that Westy has no time for r any chess.
On another note has anyone pointed we are all now ‘organ donors’ unless you contact the NHS website and formally opted out.
The law changed on Wednesday.
Fundamentally, I appose HMG passing yet another piece of ill thought legislation that takes away freedoms of choice, amongst other things.
I used to be a card carrier and regularly donated blood but gave up both not long after George Best received a liver transplant.
ITV prog
“Claire was given CHQ in a trial
and now after 5 days she has recovered from Covid”
Must be fake cos the news progs all told me CHQ is deadly and Trump is an idiot
How long before the BBC go with “Mary Seacole / Barack Obama invented CHQ”?
“Claire Fuller a 56 asthmatic from Devon
caught it 2 months ago
So agreed to be treated in the trial
she was randomly selected to be treated with the anti-malarial drug HCQ ”
Some people call it CHQ
If I was Lord Haw Haw and my viewing figures were dropping like a lead balloon and Telly Tax payers were cancelling their direct debits, I would order my managers and researchers to go online and look at all the websites to find out what is happening ?
Now then posters , you can bet your bottom dollar that this site has had some scrutiny from the goons and their head goon. That reminds, me where are maxincony and Piku ?
May be that’s why Lord Hall Hall is jumping ship ? Has he lost control of Al Beeb’s editorial staff ?
Watch this space …………………
Any one remember Cameron ‘Promise’ five years ago about reducing immigration ?……
I’m sure that most people reading and posting here will be aware of how enormous and out of control the BBC has become, to the extent that it’s probably ungovernable. So here’s another disturbing arm of this behmoth to consider:
What we do:
“We illustrate to policy makers and influencers how media and communication can help improve governance and health and strengthen resilience and humanitarian response; and we produce policy and research publications”
We work with institutions to develop policies, legislation and regulation
Troubling? It should be because they publish a list of the people who are funding them.
The British government (Boris the Bottler) is giving the BBC and addition £10 million of tax payers money over and above that which is extracted from the people via the TV tax.
The Canadian government (far Left) gives £700K
The Swedish government (Far Left) gives an astonishing £1.3 million (why & what does it get in return?)
The EU (Far Left) £2.7 million
But perhaps the most troubling of all at the present time is the donation of £2.2 million by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.
These figures are 2017 / 18 and may well have changed since.
Given the current issues over Bill Gate vaccination and ID2020 tracking chips implanted using the vaccine as a platform it make the BBC and even more suspect source of information than it was before (takes some doing that).
We now have the almost unbelievably stupid cowardly useless incompetent Tory government raising the prospect of compulsory vaccination, and on the same day, Boris the bottler openly discussing the vaccination program with Bill Gates himself !
It really doesn’t matter whether you believe the issues raised by the ID2020 tracking and the 5G network, many many people do believe or are suspicious, and the hopelessly inept Tories have just given them every reason to be frightened and to refuse any virus.
Can you expect the BBC to take an independant dispassionate view over this? Of course not, and even if they day, the fact they took millions from the Gates foundation compromises them entirely.
Don’t think it’s just me with a bee in my bonnet about this either, it’s been noticed elsewhere too.
Now just watch the glowing positive reports on Gates and vaccination from the BBC, and don’t believe a word of it !
I am reminded of the old adage, “follow the money “.
Yes, “follow the money” is a good principle but there’s also ‘de minimis’ to consider; i.e. if the BBC can rake in £4 billion a year from the telly tax (or at any rate over £3 billion, even with people “tuning out” in droves) then these amounts are pretty small beer. Of course, the BBC should not take ANY money from foreign actors like the EU on principle, or Sweden or Canada or Bill Gates; and the same should apply if Trump or Salvini offered any money. But what influence can you buy for £1 million?
Has Al Beeb taken up Nigel Farages ‘Invasion Story’ yet or do they still censor his first class news reporting ? Sky are more worthy of the title of “British Broadcaster” than Al Beeb are worthy of .
Do you still pay your Telly Tax?
Apparently a lot of this opposition to the schools going back is being stirred up on social media (as told to me by the CEO of an Academy Trust). Local news on BBC1 at 6.30 gave time to a Mr Spooner (I didn’t catch his first name) w ho has formed a group on social media to fight for children to be kept away from these dangerous places. I had hoped that Stew might have told us who this Mr Spooner is – I am not on Facebook and hope never to be) – but I presume somebody (Unions or the Labour Party or that he is an activist?) are backing him. But the BBC were certainly doing as much to help parents find him as they could.
I didn’t pay much attention to the school item
I had to rewatch it
“My name is Paul Spooner I represent FB group Hull and East Riding Schools: No return until it’s safe”
(It is full of lobbying from teachers Union
like a hyperbolic clim that the union got 10,000 new members this week)
His Facebook page banner is him on the UNISON picket line
Here is one of his recent posts
There is a Twitter page with only 8 followers
Hull and East Riding Schools: No return until safe
it’s been lobbying the Radio Humberside presenters
To be fair the beeboid said “So what do you say to people who say that YOU ARE PLAYING POLITICS with childrens lives ?”
Spooner “It’s the government that does that”
He looks like a nervous front man
bet someone else is pulling the strings
Yeh sure there can be positive cases in schools
but it’s easyish.. you just close their section and clean it
and test the teacher if you are worried
– “Coronavirus: School closes after two pupils test positive” 2 kids in Essex from a keyworker family had tested positive even though they have no symptoms.
+ A school Norfolk has also closed “as a precautionary measure” after a parent a key worker tested positive
Thanks Stew, I knew you would find out for me. I am not surprised he is a union man. Apparently unions are demanding the impossible from school heads eg guarantees that the staff will never get the virus, extra money never mind that they have been hardly working on full money, demanding huge staffing levels etc etc. Staff who had willingly been in school as child minders for key staff suddenly have vulnerable family at home.
Youtube censorship
oncologist @ProfKarolSikora tweets
“Disappointed to hear that Youtube has removed my interview with @unherd (no reasons given).“
BTW I’d already posted it above at 8:17 PM
BBC News
Afghanistan’s all-girl robotics team is racing against time to help coronavirus patients.
Only one broadcaster could have come up with this one.
While ignoring this one,
“The French coast guard ship filmed by Brexit leader Nigel Farage escorting illegal migrants into British waters is a regular visitor, its own safety transponder data reveals, and can be proven to have made such missions at least twice in the past week.”
Afghanistan’s all-girl robotics team or the above, I wonder which is of more interest to the nation.
With luck the bbcs wilful ignorance of the situation in the channel could bite them hard.
\\UK migration: Net migration from outside EU hits ‘highest level’//
What’s with the Tory Government ? Why are they so obsessed with filling this already overcrowded country with more immigrants ? The people of nation gave them the vote to cut down on the vast numbers coming in? They dragged their feet to kick the Brexit can down the road and now this of all things . Its as if they are trying to squeeze as many in as they can behind the backs of the British people?
The Border Farce would not do what they are doing with out the consent of the Home Office . I have a feeling that there is a ‘Resignation’ on the way, especially after Nigel Farage’s exposé?
Has anyone heard noises coming from other Tory MPs ?
I remember a Miss Marple where in order to explain the situation she mentions the possibility of X. Someone or something that has not turned up but whose existence we can deduce.
How about this? The UK and French governments have stitched up some other agreement on some other situation we don’t know about. It could be anything.
The quid pro quo is that we have agreed to take x thousand illegal immigrants as part of the overall agreement.
But the UK government cannot possibly admit to this. Therefore we have to endure the current pathetic charade where ‘saving lives’ is a priority of the Border Farce and protecting the border is of no interest to them whatever.
Well I am sure that there are a lot of Tory voters and MPs that will want to know what for, because there are lot of Tory voters out there that are fuming .
Any way perhaps this may explain a few things ?………….
“Boris Johnson urged to face committee grilling next month”
Did I miss this winter’s annual BBC ‘NHS in crisis’ story?
Or with hospitals ‘reportedly’ running at 66% capacity did it never happen?
I can’t get my head round the mixed messages at the moment:
1. “Keep away from your doctor, dentist or A& E, save the NHS!”
2. “Thank you NHS!”
There is no point in having a NHS if we follow 1) and if the NHS isn’t doing anything for us why are we being asked to, 2)?
Anyway, I’m doing my bit to “Save our BBC”, by not using it. Hopefully that will mean I will have no trouble following 1) but I still don’t get 2), which should be “Thank you for not doing what I pay you for NHS”.
Just the teensiest snippets of encouraging news amongst the gloom.
Last night’s weekly cacophany of clattering applause for “our NHS” was something of a damp squib around here. In fact it was the blessed sound of silence. Thank the Lord!
And I’ve just heard that President Trump has been ruffling feathers in the US. He was visiting a car plant in Michigan and refused to wear a face mask, “despite it being a state law” a rather breathless and disapproving voice informed me. Ye gods!
If Boris ever grows a pair we might hear him telling the teachers to get their arses back to school or we’ll stop your wages. And perhaps next Thursday at eight he’ll be sitting in the beautiful Downing Street garden with a glass of something refreshing and the door of number ten will remain resolutely shut.
Pigs might fly…
BBC News
Afghanistan’s all-girl robotics team is racing against time to help coronavirus patients.
Only one broadcaster could have come up with this one. There is a positive story in there, but…
This bald coot has an awesome grasp of Democrat history.
Just heard what even for the biased BBC must be one of the most vomit-inducing, fingers-down-the-throat ‘interviews’ in many a long week. Toady at 0720.
The government have allowed health workers from overseas to escape the annual payment for using the NHS. It’s incredible. The snowflakes hate this payment yet millions of us accept the need to take out health insurance when we go abroad.
No matter. Mischal Useless Hussein is on the case and the person they ‘randomly selected’ for an ‘interview’ ticks every box.
Low paid care worker. Check.
From the Phillipines. Check.
Cannot work because wife is pregnant and so shielding from Coronavirus.. Check.
Have a child already. Check.
Live cramped up in one bed flat. Check.
‘How elated are you that you will not have to pay’ asks Hussein.
‘Do you think the government should BACKDATE the refund to cover previous years’ asks Hussein.
The whole ‘interview’ consisted of this soft-ball sycophancy. Then we moved to Justremainin Webb who clearly gave a chuckle of approval.
So there we have it. The BBC actively supports open door mass immigration and expects the British taxpayer to fund it all.
PS Hussein fleetingly mentions that the guy was a Unison member. Was this their response to them being outed time and again with hard Left activists masquerading as ‘staff nurses’ and the like? Which begs the question who actually was the interviewee and how was he chosen by the gutter journalists?