Biased BBC news staff regularly fail to give any background details when they introduce their interviewees . So the viewer / listener is often unable to judge what the speakers ‘ agenda might be. This is particularly true when the speaker is of the ‘left ‘ and thus sympathetic to the Biased BBC viewpoint . Those who are ‘introduced ‘of the ‘Right‘ will receive casual BBC hostility . – if you listen /watch – judge for yourself …
Midweek Thread 20 May 2020
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The Moaning Emole. How many ‘coulds’ do you count?
Could more lives have been saved?
The timing of any decision to go into lockdown was always going to come under scrutiny. And a study by New York’s Columbia University estimates there may have been 36,000 fewer coronavirus-related deaths had the US entered lockdown a week earlier. US President Donald Trump calls the report, which has yet to be peer reviewed, a “political hit job”.
Could the UK have acted earlier? One biology professor, who joined the government’s scientific advisory group mid-lockdown, says he would have liked ministers to have acted “a week or two weeks earlier”. Prof Sir Ian Boyd tells the BBC’s Coronavirus Newscast: “It would have made quite a big difference to the steepness of the curve of infection and therefore the death rate.” Ministers have always insisted they have been guided by the scientific advice during the pandemic.
Never fear, there is always the ‘hide behind a question’ technique.
Will video classes divide children?
Sixth form geography students are mid-video conference. Their teacher, working from home, is talking about volcanoes – transmitting a presentation direct into their homes – just as if it were on the whiteboard in the classroom. Sitting at his head teacher’s desk, James Malley can see and hear students chatting from far away, as he watches the potential future of education in a coronavirus world.
But if social distancing continues until who-knows-when, he and thousands of other heads know that video classes may now be inevitable. And that, in turn, is developing into an enormous existential dilemma for his profession: will teachers unintentionally, deepen the education divide between “Zoom Haves” and “Zoom Have Nots”?
Read full article >
Dominic Casciani
Home affairs correspondent, BBC News
Dom back in his safe place.
” ‘Can this be for real?’ Trump tweets in disbelief after disturbing videos show a black man repeatedly punching elderly white care home patients laying helplessly in their beds ”
Story not expected on BBC until someone thinks up an angle…
“Mental health problems”…………….
bBBC Fact Checker: It’s only the latest way of performing CPR don’t you know.
It’s a disgrace that BAME people trying to save white lives are vilified like this by racists. Nothing to see here, move along now, please.
Not the first time I have come across this. There was a young black male care worker in my old dad’s Home. He didn’t last long. He was discovered roughly handling the patients when changing their beds, so he was quickly got rid of.
I experienced ‘rough handling’ by a black female nurse when in hospital back in the 80’s, and after having a delicate ‘ladies’ operation.
The word ‘care’ was not in these people’s vocabulary.
Health warning on watching that video …. is so bad can it be real ?
Anyway some one on the Twitter has already started a collection on ‘hit funding ‘ to stop this character doing that to anyone else….
Isn’t it terrible that the BBC would be more interested if it was a white nurse beating the life out of a coloured …?
But that’s what happens with a pro minority anti white broadcasting policy ….
This thread is getting very long so I’m declaring the weekend ( same same ) and putting up a new thread …..
Just switched on R4 and all I have heard is a complete anti Govt tirade..
I find it strange that the BBC have the ‘ best scientists/experts’ who they listen to but everyone else’s ‘experts’ are not as good?
However, I am getting a bit worried about Boris..he seems to be too quiet and is not leading from the front…the BBC are using it to front line all the anti Govt and pro Labour narrative
Boris please pull your finger out…
Homo Exbeeboidus likely hoping for a ride-along next TVL bailiff strong arm visit by the girls in blue. And the women.
Guest, fascists love an opportunity like the one Covid-19 presents.
All of us who have known for a long time about the appalling bias of the BBC should read the enclosed article..A must read and sums up perfectly what we already know
To be honest Sluff these days my attention span for anything broadcast by the BBC is about the same amount that Boris gives his marriage vows.
Yesterday Sluff I think it was the world at one – or maybe the BBC “NEWS” on the same subject, . They managed to find a nurse form Syria or Iraq complaining about having to pay for treatment from a service he has never paid into.. No agenda there then.
I expect all those boats the french navy passes onto the UK Border Taxi Service are full of qualified doctors and nurses all really keen to help us out of our media powered Chinese flu catastrophe.
How could we be so cynical to doubt their intentions?
Greece has only been a free Christian country since 1821
.. before that it was part of the Muslim Ottoman empire.
I wonder if it controlled other parts of Europe
..maybe parts of Ukraine, Cyprus etc.
Nothing like a BBC/Chaz combo to #tellitoftenenough
There are quite a few cultures less convinced of individual preciousness than others, you melts.
Yep, Big Brother must have issued command
cos Nick Ferrari just cut caller Ali off, so he could finish his show with a segment about the prince Charles RememberMe initiative
“Prince Charles has recorded a message in support of ‘Remember Me’, an online memorial book being launched by St Paul’s Cathedral today”
what and media are forced to play it like a party political advertisement ?
Shared without comment bar noting Woodward and Bernstein worked there.
Thanks for sums up my feelings too – succinct and to the point..maybe the Teachers Unions should read it too
on Tv this morning asking parents (carefully selected no doubt) and no they wont be sending kids back – one said because it was so close to the end of term it wasn’t worth it….so there you have it…not a health concern – just laziness…
After all that Guest & JA, you only have to look at the infection curve to note that the USA must have been deliberately infected. That is some ‘outlier’ on the Johns Hopkins interactive!
I would accept that a private health system and a ‘can do’ business attitude has proved its worth in the US in that I think they had more testing available much sooner than other countries. Therefore, there may be more infection elsewhere that has not been accounted for.
Assuming the US test is reliable, then you have to say that something needs explaining about the US’s over 1.5m infections versus the two countries with much larger populations struggling to reach a tenth of that figure.
@GuestWho you made a major error there
Your link is to the righty paper the The Washington TIMES
.. Not the lefty paper The Washington Post where Woodward and Bernstein broke Watergate
Sourcewatch : “The Washington Times is a newspaper owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, ”
Sourcewatch itself a lefty propaganda site
More detail
The article links to another article
“Eighty percent of the population has little or nothing to fear from COVID-19”
.. kind of true
but all of us have FEAR on behalf of the elderly and vulnerable people
.. never mind that there is a remote chance that non-vulnerable hospital staff in your town might also die,
BBC Not Paying Attention To Their Own Web-site Dept:
Brazil up to third in the Covid Infections Chart yesterday. Will they be Top of the Pops? No chance. Someone really doesn’t like the USA.
How the heck did libmob become such nasty hatey people ?
On the streets most British people still act with fairness & fair play
.. but on social media and amongst metroliberal this hateyness pervades.
They monster their political opponents Trump/Farage/Boris/Tories etc.
and then take that as a licence to behave like school-bullies themselves.
As I said most people on the street are not like that
unless they are some heavily brainwashed Labour supporter.
But why invest in the UK or the western world when these hatey people control the leavers of power ?
You could set something up, and then 5 minutes later they take against your business and change the rules against you and award your competitors a huge subsidy.
.. but on social media and amongst metroliberal MEDIA this hateyness pervades.
Stew, could it be that the MSM and new media are populated by mostly young people. The older folk can remember swings going back & forth over sixty, seventy years between Conservative and Socialists. On top of that the old were taught a good knowledge of history and know about Whigs & Tories and the formation of Liberal and Labour Parties.
The young however, especially Generation Millennial and the one following after, really only know of a ‘golden age’ post 1990 when they were largely in charge of improving everyones’ lives following the collapse of Fascism/(International) Socialism and (in the UK & US) failed or poor Conservatism/Liberal-Conservatism.
They hate the renewed swing to Conservatism/Liberal-Conservatism – and the people behind it – because they think they have the right to go on making lives for their own specific ’causes’ better and better. As evidence for this I would cite the first or second State of the Union Address and Nancy Pelosi. and the audience. (It may be available on You Tube) Pelosi looked as though she were chewing several wasps and had a dark look on her face through the address. When POTUS announced the continuing improvement in employment and economic circumstances of the BAME communities in the US a black Democratic Senator applauded enthusiastically. Until he realised that none of his colleagues were applauding. Pelosi looked evil at that point.
The black Democrat was not young. Neither is Pelosi. But she wants that grip on power to be the Democrats’ right forever.
Quite right Up2. The irony of the young banging on in their enthusiasm for a Momentum style of living etc, is, if they were to experience real life under their ideology – which borders on Communism, then they would soon shut the f…. up.
Perhaps they ought to take a hard look at what is currently happening in Hong Kong – today especially, they would soon start running home to Mummy.
LBC caller Ali just called to say he spent €50K 12 years ago to come in on the back of a lorry from Belgium
and he said once someone gets in they send word back to their own country and then loads more want to come in.
I guess the biggest weakness of the web is a sense of lack of accountability – for most – coupled with extreme accountability – such as a tweet ending a career .
So frustrations are taken out – abuse can be thrown about – with the writer able to walk away. I suppose those who live on the web are greatly affected if twitter or Facetube take them down but having not grown up with the web I know life goes on without upticks
If someone behaved that way is the street they know they’d get a physical slap -so they don’t . But on the web – no such restriction .
I’m glad I only engage in this site and don’t live on their Facebook site – whatever that is .
A friend of mine only knew what his wife was doing and thinking because she put everything on her Facebook page – including the cheating and coming divorce .
Weird world . People are strange .
( just to amend – the ‘friend ‘ wasn’t me – but we sat in a pub reading what his wife was writing about him and her life in a pub – but she does to this day ) ….
To true FedUp
We can only hope that normal service resumes as soon as possible.
The article Guest put up gives a good rationale as to why the MSM like Covid 19. It lets them control the message – especially when people don’t have the interactions at work and can’t get out to see how life really is..
So 1984 is well and truly here
JA, the MSM are also addicted to fear. We have seen this with firstly AIDS/HIV, secondly Global Warming, thirdly Climate Change, fourthly the financial crash of 2007-09 and now the Pandemic. They love to spread fear. They thrive on fear.
Fear this, fear that. Fear the other.
Fed as I said it is not just the web but metroLiberal media aswell
eg Simon Jack stuck in a made up claim about Trump yesterday to try to frame the Zuckerberg interview.
Then I just listened to yesterday’s FooC
even Kate Adie was nasty about Trump as she introduced Anthony Zurcher who went into complete fantasy mode against Trump like a harcore lefty activist.
And then added “it is proven that masks halt the virus”
that is not true at all.
He did say that everyone who enters the Trump press conference must have tested negative.
Some of the reporters might have because infectious AFTER their negative test not many
that adds context to the way the CNN reporter threw off her mask when the cameras were off.
Adie’s opening words were
“Trump downplayed th threat for months” ..not true
“Trump went against medical advice” .. not true
.. Then Zurcher went on about a meeting where a pocket of Trump supports maintained Covid is a hoax
.. yes I can believe that
but Trump himself has never said Covid is a hoax
just that Democrats come up with hoax after hoax in their media tricks against him.
Stew – I agree on the masking – I wear one on those few times I go out but using one whilst riding a push bike is tough
I think the big positive for masks is the psychological reminder to others to ‘ distance. ‘
Although if you observe behaviour in shops some people revert to ‘normal ‘ mode very quickly – particularly staff – who are more likely to be vectors than anyone else .
Elsewhere – I fear the effect of social isolation will be pushing up
The suicide numbers – apparently men between 40- 50 are most at risk .
The BBC only see men as the causes of all the worlds ills so will welcome this Darwinism …..
Meanwhile feral children without male control busily self harm …,but there is no connection ….
Let’s set up a task force and Chuck taxpayer borrowed money at it like everything else .
Sure gonna bite when interest rates go up – even a couple of points ….
It is wrong to assert that masks are a proven magic solution.
cos then some idiots will go out wearing their masks around their necks then touching their face again and again as they pull it back over their nose etc.
Your ‘psychological reminder’ Fedup opens a great marketing opportunity. Reinforce the reminder with blunt and to the point instructions printed across the face of a mask might well appeal to a wide audience. eBay please note.
Clear instructions to keep away, such as the relatively mild ‘Bog-off!’ could be extended to embrace a wide range of well-known Anglo-Saxon terms, giving yet more credence to ‘Stay Alert’.
We wonder why they sound like they are on drugs
@JackieLeonard01 works on #TheNewsroom on BBC World Service. #Globalnewspod.
Cutting the financial legs of Chinese businesses. What will Soros do now?
But, what about the City of London?
I just can’t get round this fascination with masks…
If you have one covering every breathing aperture, and you breath in a germ, it presumably stays stuck on the mask and works its way into your system?
If you don’t go anywhere near the ‘germ’, then isn’t that safer?
As the BBC’s ‘experts’ have all the answers, and nobody else, including the government’s advisers don’t, than maybe they could explain?
I might listen to them if they make any sense, but I ‘won’t hold my breath’…
‘Leading scientists advise against opening schools…..’
Anyone see a pattern here? Leading scientists advise, government acts – or tries to act – scientists retract or advise differently, government made to look indecisive and inept, Starmer, Burnham, Ashton, Costello etc given wide coverage of contrary but gritty and determined opinions.
Toynbee, Crace, Mason, Owen etc praise wisdom of true elder statesmen, adding that membership of the EU would have avoided the whole fiasco.
‘Leading experts’ who are invariably public sector, on full pay and pensions and perks, have no skin in the game, and who could therefore endure with an indefinite lockdown while the economy goes to rats**t.
If their employment and pay was directly linked to their advice, their pronouncements might be rather different.
“The Gift Horse “ one of Trevor Howard’s’ best – is on the ‘Sony movies action ‘ 3pm Friday afternoon … if anyone needs a bit of backbone … or upper lip stiffening …
“Police broke up a big street party in Birmingham
where 100+ people were having a BBQ”
in #Handsworth .. all obscured, but some people are plainly black
and wearing shorts.
I doubt it’s Muslim cos people are wearing shorts and eating in daylight
Happened on May 20th, so why has it taken 36 hours to come to light ?
(ah BBC local reported Thursday 10:30am )
“Police break up massive Handsworth street party as reveller asks: ‘Is covid-19 real?'”
Birmingham Live newspaper
Over to my Lithuanian neighbours preparing for a long weekend of pleasure with visitors. She, a so-called, ‘Carer’……………..
That will be someone’s Mum and Dad she visits then!
Handsworth, a wonderfully ‘vibrant’ and ‘enriched’ part of Birmingham. Most of the footage is blurred, see if you can guess why. Is it:
a) Plod has managed to find the one remaining smartphone/camera in the country that doesn’t have autofocus.
b) Plod has managed to find the one remaining smartphone/camera in the country that doesn’t have autofocus.
c) Plod has managed to find the one remaining smartphone/camera in the country that doesn’t have autofocus.
d) Some other, utterly mysterious and unfathomable reason.
Shame on all you racists who answered (d).
How does the NHS give people Covid ?
May 21 “Staff working in the kitchens of a Lanarkshire general hospital have tested positive for coronavirus.
It has been reported that several workers at University Hospital Wishaw are confirmed to have the virus and several more have been tested.”
Pakistan : Planes crashes into highly populated area of Karachi
A ‘practice’ run planned for somewhere non-muslim in the West, gone horribly wrong.
New thread time ….