BBC just created a FAKE complaints page for the Newsnight item
Please enter your email address below
to be emailed the BBC’s response as soon as it is available.
We will only use it to respond to you about this
There are a couple of typos there Please enter your email address below to be
added to our mate MAXI’s dark database
We will only use it to do what the hell we like
you know our reputation”
The Scottish Nationalist ( + anti British Irish Diaspora) will be loving this bBC and MSM scramble for Dom’s “napper”( head)
They are being shielded from;
1) Possibly criminally withholding information about a Virus outbreak at a major conference in Edinburgh organised by Nike
2) Again and with possible investigations and lawsuits to come
for emptying old folk into care homes without covid testing………the resulting death toll says it all.
3) Mismanaging the testing programme which I have heard from a good source is an absolute shambles.
4) The Slug Salmond waiting in the wings with his ….I was stitched up Gov” claims against his former party!
Murky business up here and we could well do with a Dom Cummings to oversee a dark arts programme against this cult of England haters.
The Independent trying hard to expand the rogue Conservative MP Coronavirus diatribe as much as possible with a headline about the Tory MP for Mold, Rob Roberts having a “party” in his home for his wife’s birthday. Apparently the police asked 2 people to leave after getting reports from neighbours…
Rob Roberts: Police called to break up ‘party’ at Conservative MP’s house
However NOT mentioned in the headline but way down the article is revealed the salient fact that Mr Roberts does not even live with his wife in Mold but in fact in London as they are separated. Never mind, seed planted even if the headline is a total lie!
This wilful misrepresentation by omission and obscuration is a glaring example of the devious and political shite-stirring that almost all of our main-stream news outlets are busily pumping out.
There is absolutely no doubt that they are joined at the hip with the BBC, Guardian, Sky, Channel 4 etc. etc. in a campaign to undermine the Government in the hopes of it crashing to force an election which they hope would return a Labour Government and cancel Brexit.
I hope for two outcomes:
1. The British public will wake to what they are up to and treat them with the utter contempt they deserve.
2. Boris will also see the lay of the land and work hard to reduce their pomposity, political allegiance and arrogance, particularly the BBC’s hordes of screeching maniac “reporters” who do it at our expense every hour of the day.
On the SWP Twitter page are several others. My favourite is a lone woman in her window shouting Boo Boris and holding a recorder which is blasting out the sound of a large crowd. Obviously destined for future Panorama documentaries.
You’re welcome Fedup ????
I had to chuckle at your Dido ‘White Flag’ comment further down ⬇️ cos I was half expecting the woman to burst into tune at the daily briefing too ????
Parliamentary Committee Liaison Committee …. im concerned that the talking head committee members havent got the required books behind them to show how clever they are .
And their questions are just rants . Pitiful with over 400 recorded dead with the chinese virus today .
Just received in my email today, the usual daily newsletter from Jeremy (remainer) Hunt.
Re DC : -‘resignation. I have had getting on for 1000 emails from constituents and I will continue to reply as quickly as I can but apologies if it takes a little longer than normal. I continue to believe that the lockdown rules were breached but that no purpose would be served by a resignation, given the family circumstances, which we all now know about in excruciating detail. However, reading the emails I think most people have made up their minds and I am unlikely to persuade people who disagree. Democracy!’
As most sensible people here have already mentioned, this confected outrage culture is all about delaying Brexit.
DC won BJ a huge majority with a promise of Brexit. DC was also draining the Civil Service swamp of Brexit deniers.
The only good thing about this is that the living dead of Mateless , Campboil, Gina Millertime, Ikea Stammer and 40 remoaning Tory MPS’, etc are showing quite clearly their lying hypocritical colors.
The sad thing is The Daily Fail (used to be the Mail) and Telegraph are falling for all of this and worst of all there seems to be no kick back from any Tory MP’s with a backbone stronger than a jellyfish to the Media’s lies and bias.
Surely, this is the time to move onward and upwards to really squeeze the neck of Barnier (Metaphorically speaking, obviously!)
When will maxincony and Piku admit that Al Beeb is Biased. How about it maxi ? Perhaps more important , when will Al Beeb admit it is Biased, not just Newsnight ?
Make the Payment of the Telly Tax voluntary, or better still get rid of it altogether!
Boris would gain a lot of support from me if he did that.
Roland Deschain
Well spotted .
I thought that there was something Fishy going on there ? Earlier on this site I pointed out that most of the Tory ‘Remainers’ were Anti Cummings, there is a common factor is there a link to the EU
On 9 February 2020 a boat carrying 91 people – migrants from sub-Saharan Africa – disappeared in the Mediterranean. The BBC has attempted to trace the boat and find out more about who was on board.
Using iPhone ‘FindMyNextSobStory’?
Optimistic outcomes aside, that is a very precise number. BBC editors counted them all out?
Trump adviser’s response to Twitter ‘fact checking’ his Tweets.
Basically she’s arguing that Trump receives no honest coverage in the msm, so Twitter is his only platform to get his message across. No surprise then that their ‘head of integrity’ want to ‘fact-check’ him to death.
Twitter ‘head of integrity’ – now there’s an oxymoron.
I dipped in
CNN heroine “All the countries headed by a woman have done well with Covid, not allte ones headed by men have done bad
but there is not one headed by a woman done bad”
..and it’s straight into #Orangeman bad
‘he shouts FakeNews yet he’s the FakeNews”
…* doh She is FakeNews The country with highest death rate
one double the UK’s is Belgium
.. it’s headed by a female PM
5 minutes later it’s
‘OK CNN is not super impartial like the BBC’
…. ROFL.. Oh FFS how many deleted BBC tweets and progs have I seen today ?
‘Yes it’s MSNBC, ABC ..that are the anti-Fox .. we CNN are different’
FFS I live in the real world
media people are prone to “2+2=5” thinking
Hence the world they portray is so different from the REAL world
That is why BBC/Guardianland is so different from people’s actual experience.
16m39s CA “The countries with FEMALE leaders during the Covis pandemic have been shown to have done incredibly incredibly well
there are countries with male leader who have also done well
*There is no country that has done badly* ” (that’s UNTRUE)
.. then then does a quick spiel about female equality aspiration
..then into an #OrangemanBad segment which seems to imply
Trump is the Fake News guy
17m10s plays a clip of Trump saying “CNN Fake News”
CA then repeated an extraordinary claim
..which has no extraordinary evidence
(If she had got Trump on video saying that he deliberately set out to make the media uncredible and unbelievable … that would be a different thing.)
* CA’s claim about female leaders is a sweeping generalisation
and Belgium is the country with the worst death rate
And it has a female leader
(BTW we are still in the first half of the Covid19 game)
AC “It CNN wouldn’t be considered NEUTRAL like PBS, BBC”
… LoL as if the metroliberal agenda pushers like PBS, BBC are neutral
BBC’s list of legal bills & cases lost/settled disproves that
CA “we do not report conspiracy theories”
LoL CNN seems to have conspiracy theories about Trump Russia
.. Trump urinating with prostitutes
made false claims against Covington boys etc.
CA ‘Yes it’s MSNBC ..that are the anti-Fox .. we CNN are different’
Really ? which US network has the only black female business anchor
..that’s Fox isn’t it ?
The BBC has put the committee proceedings on a main channel – BBC for 90 minutes – one long ‘gotcha ‘ attempt – again – followed by the daily government briefing – which I hope is even shorter than yesterday’s 35 minutes .
BBC Radio 4 PM has the obligatory Muslim adoration slot, this time from London about how their brown eyed favourites are coping with the corona virus.
The have an Imam visiting an Albanian woman who is in hospital dying from complications brought on by the Coronavirus infections.
They of course don’t ask the question about what she is doing in an NHS hospital nor if she is a legitimate visitor to the UK, probably because they are aware she has no entitlement to use the IHS and approve of her treatment at our expense.
The liberal Globalists have got their way and Twitter is moving towards censoring the President. I’m afraid that the LGs , who have long had almost total control of the MSM, are only months away from achieving the same degree of control over all social media platforms. They will be able to control everything which people see , hear and read throughout much of the World. The Orwellian Ministry of Truth is just around the corner.
The ruthlessness of the LGs matches that of the Bolsheviks , no dissent allowed and show trials held at regular intervals to reinforce the message. Indoctrination of children from pre school to post university. Soon we will be no freerer than people in Hong Kong and main land China. We may still hold elections but the only difference between the parties will be the colour of their rosettes, the policies will be the same!
I got the distinct impression that Peston was trying to be nice today and trying hard not to get egg all over his face again.
Let’s hope he’s learned a lesson though I’m not optimistic.
“What happens when the doctors have done their best, but…”
Beeb shows us a final prayer service. Interestingly, it’s not a Christian prayer service. Not yesterday, not today and -presumably, not tomorrow. Nope, Imam Sadiki’s the man…
Interesting but not surprising.
Not specifically BBC.
But can’t help noticing that the ‘questions from the public’ at the news conferences seem to elucidate much more useful information than the so-called journalists eager only to be able to shout ‘gotcha’.
Hancocks’s brilliant putdown of Peston the other day being a case in point.
A BBC droid called Sophie asked a question which didnt mention DC . The Health Secrtary ( and i ) have fainted – she asked something about ‘ tracy ‘ but i dont listen much any more .
Then someone called ‘ dido ‘ came on but she didnt look like she did when did that ‘white flag ‘ song ….
And now Bobby Peston – i smile from the MP and a question about a pandemic ?
Rob wearing a suit . Defensive maybe ? Wow – then the DC follow up – he was then dragged away by a couple goons wearing T shirts with ‘OFCOM’ on them ….
Talk Radio ‘s charlotte skirted the DC but got there in the end .
I get the feeling someone at OFCOM has been woken up to do something ….
Damn – and then a black girl called Nadine reckoned if DC was black he’d have been more likely to have been stopped – on the ‘statistics ‘ .
I tried to see what ‘nadine’? From the Independent ? Was wearing but all I could see was a giant chip ….
Do you notice that if there is a ‘coloured’ journo the question will be about a ‘coloured ‘ issue ?i don’t get that . …is it racism ?
I’m starting to wonder if we are hitting peak DC and now the curve will start to flatten….
Beeb are really enjoying showing us the wrecking of a police car in Minneapolis.
The wreckers are at it.
I presume they’re all in the Cavalry, cos the Cavalry are the good guys, who always arrive after the bad guys have done their worst. Little subliminal message there?
Lotsa stone throwers and property burners at work.
A real beeb celebration.
All that cavalry, and no horses. I must have something wrong…
The BBCPR tweet has been ratioed
with an incredible 10,000 replies vs 4,000 likes
Most defend Maitlis (the BBC does have 20,000 eployees )
but a good portion attack her,
and few anti-BBC people are likely to Like a BBC tweet
Strangely those replies that are the most anti BBC get the most Likes
a few get 700
eg “Not enough, Maitlis has been consistently biased,
and you simply cannot just remind her. Serious disciplinary action needs to be taken.”
With the Liberal MSM Groupthink, an assumption or wishful prediction by the Liberal MSM Groupthink is a “Fact“. But evidence based proof that the Liberal MSM is wrong is an “Alternative Fact” which must be censored by the Liberal MSM. Only if the “Alternative Fact” is true, such as CO2 warming being proven to be a hoax by the Unified Theory of Climate formula for Mars and Venus, is it censored. But UFO,s and Alien conspiracies on Blaze TV are not censored by the Liberal MSM, because its not regarded as an “Alternative Fact”. So therefore only “Alternative Facts” are TRUE Facts to be censored by Blaze TV and the Liberal MSM.
How playing the race card can be counterproductive.
On the news conference some BAME thicko from the Huffington Post goes on about the excess BAME being stopped by police for breaking the lockdown.
Thwack! Professor Van Tam points out that he himself is from an ethnic minority !!!!!
And he points out the multidimensional statistics need a lot of care to take out BAME effects from all the other factors.
In 8 weeks of news conferences his ethnicity has never for one microsecond given me any thought. And now I know I don’t give a damn. Is he any good? That’s what would concern me.
Nor me Sluff
For anyone who likes to see big rockets take off CNN is showing a big one take of early Wednesday evening – Around 2130? UK time …
Meanwhile CNN seems fixated on people wearing masks – mainly – I think – because POTUS doesn’t wear one all the time and of course CNN MSM hate him bigly.
If any consolation, bbc humiliation is dead sheep territory.
* No questions about Cummings at the briefing. * Emily Maitlis humiliated by the BBC for telling the truth. Looks to me like people are rolling over to Govt pressure.
Guardian reports that Maitisssss has been replaced on Wednesdaynight by some called Katie Porn Mag Rassle …
And that the full editor of Newsnight was in charge for the Maitlissss rant . So promotions all round ….
I suppose Maitlisss has gone off to prepare to stand as a Labour MP .
???? Now that made me laugh Fedup in response to the earlier comment! Keep adding those ss’s! you’ll sound like Kaa from The Jungle Book sometime soon ????
Theleft – I really could care lesss how to spell Emilys’ name – she has been the embodiment of the self regarding – self important BBC droid all through Brexit and continuing to now .
She broadcasts to her own bubble and expects ordinary punters who pay her wages to just take her personal view as true .
She makes a good living out of ‘after dinner speeches ‘ And ‘facilitating ‘ conferences in peace time and this episode will add to the amount she can charge .
I used to watch Newsnight from the time it started but gave up decades ago . Why would anyone not a member of the Labour Party watch it ?
2 games on 17 June then a full fixture list 2 days later I think . I’m so looking forward to start giving money to Paddy Power again – he must have missed me … all I need now is the ggs to get doing …
Watching the PM briefing – Laura , Pesto and the rest just cannot leave the DC alone …..
???? Excellent, hopefully have everyone back fit which is the only good to come out of this for us!
Yep, I think bet365 have been missing my kind weekly donations too ????
“Emily Maitlis has been replaced as host of Wednesday night’s episode of Newsnight
after BBC bosses reprimanded her
over a monologue in which she attacked the government’s handling of Dominic Cummings’ lockdown trip to Durham.”
The Guardian
The problem does not rest with Maitlis . It is rotten to the core .
Question Time etc etc . Its been going on for years , hence this need of this website.
Surely, the end of the compulsory Telly Tax is immanent .
The people that protest about its abolition can pay for it.
Still no HYS ‘comments’ running on their ‘Apology’. If it is so popular what are they afraid of ?
I’ve always assumed it to be against the law to demand money with menaces and yet the BBC have got away with it for years. High time it was stopped. Go get ’em Boris or lose the next election.
I cannot understand how this was allowed to go out?
The whole production team must have been in on this and should be reprimanded too ????
I read from someone on here today, and I swear it’s not limited to France, about an army pal living in France saying he didn’t understand al beeb’s behaviour ????
I personally think residents in countries all around Europe think our national broadcaster is a disgrace ????????????
“I cannot understand how this was allowed to go out?”
IMHO, It was probably meant to go out . All part of a concerted attempt to bring the government down and stop Brexit. It has not ended yet .
I don’t care how he does it but Johnson needs to close the BBC down.
Two opinion polls have now cut the Tory lead to just 6. That is how much power the BBC have right now.
How dare they take the side of two discredited left wing news sources and run their own bias to manipulate the public in such way. Who are they to decide what is news worthy and what is not?
We are lucky that we are not anywhere near an election because we could be in serious trouble if that was the case.
For the sake of this country Johnson needs to shut the BBC down. This has gone on for too long
To all the people who are defending the BBC insisting @maitlis & Newsnight did nothing wrong: YOU ARE THE PEOPLE WHO WILL DESTROY THE BBC YOU CLAIM TO LOVE!
You can’t have a broadcaster which is both taxpayer-funded *and* has a political stance.
…I wrote to my MP regarding general bias at the BBC and other media outlets and shock horror folks i just got a reply and without prompting she actually drew my attention to the Newsnight debacle and ask me if I had seen..
She said that the behaviour of the media towards Cummings was disgraceful and she said rest assured the government were taking the matter of bias very seriously.
She said the behaviour of the left wing media was appalling, printing many lies
Ha ha. dafydd
I wrote to mine also about the BBC and MSM witch-hunt, bias and hypocrisy over the Dom affair. And got this……
What would you expect from a Labour remainer.
Dear ******
I have had many, many emails from constituents and so far, only about one in twenty of the constituents who have contacted me have done so to say they support Mr Cummings actions.
The fact that almost 40 Conservative MPs have called for his resignation takes this beyond mere party politics and much more about what was the right thing to do, by a person in a position of importance, in a time of national crisis.
I am afraid that I have no doubt that Mr Cummings’s actions have caused a significant shift in many peoples minds about the continued importance of social distancing and preventing the continued spread of this virus.
If that is the case, that would be a great shame, given the huge sacrifices that have already been made, by so many, over many weeks.
I really do consider it bizarre that the need to save face, for some in the corridors of power, now seems to outweigh the huge need to protect the people of the country, in a scenario where, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), only today, that in excess of 45,000 people in the UK have now died from COVID19 or other complications related to COVID19.
Under these circumstances I’m afraid that I cannot agree with you.
“I am afraid that I have no doubt that Mr Cummings’s actions have caused a significant shift in many peoples minds about the continued importance of social distancing and preventing the continued spread of this virus.”
Just supposing that your MP’s observation is correct the number of people who knew about DC’s movements can’t have been more than a couple of dozen.
Who then has caused ‘a significant shift in many people’s minds’? It can only be the MSM and it is they not DC that should be condemed, they can’t hide behind the ‘do not shoot the messenger’ defence.
The media chooses all the time ‘not to report’ when it suits, the White Meat of Rotherham sacrificed on the altar of ‘community cohesion’ or ‘Saudi money’ being just one example.
Al Beeb thinks its the Opposition Party. Because the ‘real’ opposition parties got slammed in the last general election.
A message to them………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“As an ex-BBC Editor, I have never, ever been this ashamed of the place.
Laura K simply parrots anything Cummings says,
the Ten O’Clock News on Friday ducks the story.
But the punishment goes to the programme which simply stated incontrovertible facts. You are an utter disgrace.”
His gramma is a bit rubbish for an editor
Nigel Farage has published a 9 minute video of the channel today and the shenanigans of the French Navy facilitating criminal UK immigration offences .
Whatever anyone thinks of Mr Farage – he has gone and done it and shown it . Ms Patel should be ashamed …
The Channel is as calm as it was during the Dunkirk Evacuation ……
I read on an the international website that Interpol have arrested sa gang of people in the EU for arranging the entry of up 10,000 illegal migrants entry into the UK over the past few months. Making millions of Euros into the bargain.
@Digg did you check ?
\\ Twenty-six people have been arrested in Belgium and France in an operation prompted by the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants in a lorry in the UK in 2019.
A UK report found the migrants all died from asphyxia and hypothermia. //
first tweeted at 3:50 PM · May 27, 2020
(probably been stealth edited a few times since then)
I heard it on the news during the day
Earlier this evening history was made on the BBC. No, seriously, the program on ‘The other side of Dunkirk’ set the record straight and explained, from an EU perspective, how the French have some justification for their feelings of betrayal when the BEF left them in the lurch.
Well, that’s what happened, apparently. 40,000 French soldiers put up heroic resistance to overwhelming German forces while the perfidious British scuttled away in little boats.
Yes, they did admit that almost as many French as British troops were rescued, but no, somehow they overlooked the equal number of 40,000 British troops who were also captured. Obviously, they simply surrendered after playing cards on the sand for a few days, letting the French get on with the fighting. But, believe it or not, this BBC history doesn’t quite tally with my father’s experiences – among them being spat at by French civilians when stationed near Rheims, before the retreat.
Still, what did he know? BBC history, in line with French and EU history, is tasked with putting the record straight.
Their numbers were a long way off . 100k French were amongst the third of a million rescued and 51st Highland Division wasn’t mentioned – from memory 10k dead and 20k POWs for 5 long years ….
The number of British dead was also skimmed over . I looked at the details of the researchers of the programme – which was made sometime ago – and did not get much sense of ‘authority . From what I’ve read recently – it went somewhat toward ‘clarification ‘ but it failed to explain the real sacrifice the British made for the French – that Proud Independent Empire
…and Beltane – I hope your father made a record of what happened to him – not just for us – but for those to come – who need a less ‘filtered’ version of what happened to the ordinary soldier during that time – which is getting to be so long ago .
Record Fed? I didn’t even know he was there until I was in my 40s!
I think it’s true that most of those with direct experience are the least likely to talk about it and most history is written some time after the events by people with even more dubious connections with them.
Except for the Guardian, of course. That makes fresh history every day.
I’ve gone through the same ‘silence ‘ . I tried to get my grandfather to talk about 1913 to 1919 …. but what I didn’t realise was that he has buried that time because of what had happened .
For those who are interested for historic reasons – encouraging those who are still about to talk about those time may well be a horrible abuse … whether realised or not .. historical record or not .
On the anniversary of the brave rescue of British soldiers in WW2 we are being invaded from France , Hong Kong is lost , Al Beeb has had to apologise but silly people in this country are fiddling with trying to nail Cummings.
What a mess . But we still have Al Beeb.
Will the invaders from France make way for Chinese refugees heading here ?
According to Andrew Pierce (D/Mail) just now, he reckons that there is nobody in the country who hasn’t been affected by Covid19 and knows someone or knows someone who knows someone, who has had it. – this is connected to Cummings story.
Really ? me and my mates must be odd then, because in my circle of friends, none of us know anyone who has had it.
And as for the alleged thousands of letters/emails supposedly received by press reviewers/MPs that are purporting anger at Cummings, again, those I’ve spoken to all come down firmly on the side of Cummings !! with the most common comment being “how many others in the country did the same thing ??”
I m real sorry – but covid nearly killed my priest – and i thought maybe i d got it too . My local cemetary is opening up more space for burials – but thats London – and it affects other parts of thr UK far less .
Female white blonde Emily Maitlis has apparently been stood down from Newshite tonight after the accepted bias ruling.
She has been replaced by ………errr………..a female white blonde.
Now what was Lord Haw Haw saying about diversity and inclusivity?
Of course, when you see the groaniad’s sort of headline, you know it’s going to be bolleaux, so you can safely ignore it!
As I’ve so much more to do than ‘worry’ about the awful BBC, I’ve only just heard about their Em’s misfortunes.
What an unbelievable shower her lot are in the Londonistan cesspit of W1aa, disrespectful, rather unpleasant, untruthful, non-informative, and squelching through a whole lot more negativity.
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 11, 15:52 Start the Week 10th March 2025 What does his dog think? Or his great great grandmother? I’d like to know.
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Michael Deacon’s short piece on the funding of the Far Left anti British BBC STARTS Everyone knows that the BBC…
Fedup2Mar 11, 15:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sir John Knott dies (92) …. I wonder if they ll put ‘here today – gone tomorrow ‘ on his…
BBC just created a FAKE complaints page for the Newsnight item
Please enter your email address below
to be emailed the BBC’s response as soon as it is available.
We will only use it to respond to you about this
There are a couple of typos there
Please enter your email address below to be
added to our mate MAXI’s dark database
We will only use it to do what the hell we like
you know our reputation”
Like that email address to nowhere Hugs used to brag about as head of complaints, before being promoted sideways and paid lots more?
Like that?
Ah… google was my friend.
Don’t become the story, BS.
Lewis to the rescue.
screenshot Lweis Goodhall Liked a tweet
calling the BBC retraction spineless
@GuestWho ah while I have my head in Twitter I see tha ITTB has been ahead on almost everything today
Sometimes I forget to look
The Scottish Nationalist ( + anti British Irish Diaspora) will be loving this bBC and MSM scramble for Dom’s “napper”( head)
They are being shielded from;
1) Possibly criminally withholding information about a Virus outbreak at a major conference in Edinburgh organised by Nike
2) Again and with possible investigations and lawsuits to come
for emptying old folk into care homes without covid testing………the resulting death toll says it all.
3) Mismanaging the testing programme which I have heard from a good source is an absolute shambles.
4) The Slug Salmond waiting in the wings with his ….I was stitched up Gov” claims against his former party!
Murky business up here and we could well do with a Dom Cummings to oversee a dark arts programme against this cult of England haters.
The day of deletions
Core has a thread about how Maitliss’s piece is being purged
Someone claimed Maitliss had said Ofcom has already approved of her piece
.. I see not source for that claim.
The Independent trying hard to expand the rogue Conservative MP Coronavirus diatribe as much as possible with a headline about the Tory MP for Mold, Rob Roberts having a “party” in his home for his wife’s birthday. Apparently the police asked 2 people to leave after getting reports from neighbours…
Rob Roberts: Police called to break up ‘party’ at Conservative MP’s house
However NOT mentioned in the headline but way down the article is revealed the salient fact that Mr Roberts does not even live with his wife in Mold but in fact in London as they are separated. Never mind, seed planted even if the headline is a total lie!
This wilful misrepresentation by omission and obscuration is a glaring example of the devious and political shite-stirring that almost all of our main-stream news outlets are busily pumping out.
There is absolutely no doubt that they are joined at the hip with the BBC, Guardian, Sky, Channel 4 etc. etc. in a campaign to undermine the Government in the hopes of it crashing to force an election which they hope would return a Labour Government and cancel Brexit.
I hope for two outcomes:
1. The British public will wake to what they are up to and treat them with the utter contempt they deserve.
2. Boris will also see the lay of the land and work hard to reduce their pomposity, political allegiance and arrogance, particularly the BBC’s hordes of screeching maniac “reporters” who do it at our expense every hour of the day.
“……return a Labour Government, overseen by the Chinese Communist Party……”.
Spookily, the link to the article has totally vanished from the Independent news page.
Sneaky snaky vile B*s***s must read this blog…
…plus the comments are revealing about Independent readers, a few saying read the article NOT just the headline HE WASN’T THERE MORONS!
I despair, they are indoctrinated robots in the main!
Digg – There is nothing spooky about it. Just as there is nothing independent about The Independent…
@Digg screenshot and tweet those comments with #FakeNews and other hashtags
Boo for Boris, Socialist Workers Party start the revolution one step at a time. Don’t laugh, this is the future generation of BBC officials.
G.W.F I couldn’t help but laugh ????
God almighty what a ragtag bunch!
I wonder which Yew Street it is ????
On the SWP Twitter page are several others. My favourite is a lone woman in her window shouting Boo Boris and holding a recorder which is blasting out the sound of a large crowd. Obviously destined for future Panorama documentaries.
I suppose there are a few villages everywhere missing their idiot ????
TheLeft – thank you for a true Laugh out Loud .!
You’re welcome Fedup ????
I had to chuckle at your Dido ‘White Flag’ comment further down ⬇️ cos I was half expecting the woman to burst into tune at the daily briefing too ????
You are aware that Titania McGrath is a parody Leftoid created by a mildly Rightish male comedian, a real one, Andrew Doyle, aren’t you?
Just checking.
If they are, it is with all the skill of the Labour ShadCab after someone spiked their cookies.
I’ve just emailed No.10 and told Boris not to dare sack DC otherwise he’ll have to reckon with the ‘True’ electorate in due course.
Parliamentary Committee Liaison Committee …. im concerned that the talking head committee members havent got the required books behind them to show how clever they are .
And their questions are just rants . Pitiful with over 400 recorded dead with the chinese virus today .
Just received in my email today, the usual daily newsletter from Jeremy (remainer) Hunt.
Re DC : -‘resignation. I have had getting on for 1000 emails from constituents and I will continue to reply as quickly as I can but apologies if it takes a little longer than normal. I continue to believe that the lockdown rules were breached but that no purpose would be served by a resignation, given the family circumstances, which we all now know about in excruciating detail. However, reading the emails I think most people have made up their minds and I am unlikely to persuade people who disagree. Democracy!’
As most sensible people here have already mentioned, this confected outrage culture is all about delaying Brexit.
DC won BJ a huge majority with a promise of Brexit. DC was also draining the Civil Service swamp of Brexit deniers.
The only good thing about this is that the living dead of Mateless , Campboil, Gina Millertime, Ikea Stammer and 40 remoaning Tory MPS’, etc are showing quite clearly their lying hypocritical colors.
The sad thing is The Daily Fail (used to be the Mail) and Telegraph are falling for all of this and worst of all there seems to be no kick back from any Tory MP’s with a backbone stronger than a jellyfish to the Media’s lies and bias.
Surely, this is the time to move onward and upwards to really squeeze the neck of Barnier (Metaphorically speaking, obviously!)
Not good enough, I say! When are they going to sack Maitlis.
Heck, two can play that game.
Burn the Witch! Burn the Witch! Burn the Witch!
‘Reminded’ of the guidelines, the same way that they keep being ‘reminded ‘ of the guidelines on the use of Twitter.
“Naught Bronzed Strumpet! (Psss. whispers “well done! keep it up”)”
When will maxincony and Piku admit that Al Beeb is Biased. How about it maxi ? Perhaps more important , when will Al Beeb admit it is Biased, not just Newsnight ?
Make the Payment of the Telly Tax voluntary, or better still get rid of it altogether!
Boris would gain a lot of support from me if he did that.
When one can practice snowboarding in the Devil’s freezer.
How and by whom and where is Fox funded again? Styly.
When you hear tonight’s “news we want you to hear” regarding Parliament today, bear this in mind.
Roland Deschain
Well spotted .
I thought that there was something Fishy going on there ? Earlier on this site I pointed out that most of the Tory ‘Remainers’ were Anti Cummings, there is a common factor is there a link to the EU
BBC News
On 9 February 2020 a boat carrying 91 people – migrants from sub-Saharan Africa – disappeared in the Mediterranean. The BBC has attempted to trace the boat and find out more about who was on board.
Using iPhone ‘FindMyNextSobStory’?
Optimistic outcomes aside, that is a very precise number. BBC editors counted them all out?
It has a cartoon.
With this line:
“Muzammil wanted to be a doctor.”
Trump adviser’s response to Twitter ‘fact checking’ his Tweets.
Basically she’s arguing that Trump receives no honest coverage in the msm, so Twitter is his only platform to get his message across. No surprise then that their ‘head of integrity’ want to ‘fact-check’ him to death.
Twitter ‘head of integrity’ – now there’s an oxymoron.
The Chief of Twitter Police hates Trump
4:30pm R4 Media Show
I dipped in
CNN heroine “All the countries headed by a woman have done well with Covid, not allte ones headed by men have done bad
but there is not one headed by a woman done bad”
..and it’s straight into #Orangeman bad
‘he shouts FakeNews yet he’s the FakeNews”
…* doh She is FakeNews The country with highest death rate
one double the UK’s is Belgium
.. it’s headed by a female PM
5 minutes later it’s
‘OK CNN is not super impartial like the BBC’
…. ROFL.. Oh FFS how many deleted BBC tweets and progs have I seen today ?
‘Yes it’s MSNBC, ABC ..that are the anti-Fox .. we CNN are different’
FFS I live in the real world
media people are prone to “2+2=5” thinking
Hence the world they portray is so different from the REAL world
That is why BBC/Guardianland is so different from people’s actual experience.
16m39s CA “The countries with FEMALE leaders during the Covis pandemic have been shown to have done incredibly incredibly well
there are countries with male leader who have also done well
*There is no country that has done badly* ” (that’s UNTRUE)
.. then then does a quick spiel about female equality aspiration
..then into an #OrangemanBad segment which seems to imply
Trump is the Fake News guy
17m10s plays a clip of Trump saying “CNN Fake News”
CA then repeated an extraordinary claim
..which has no extraordinary evidence
(If she had got Trump on video saying that he deliberately set out to make the media uncredible and unbelievable … that would be a different thing.)
* CA’s claim about female leaders is a sweeping generalisation
and Belgium is the country with the worst death rate
And it has a female leader
(BTW we are still in the first half of the Covid19 game)
AC “It CNN wouldn’t be considered NEUTRAL like PBS, BBC”
… LoL as if the metroliberal agenda pushers like PBS, BBC are neutral
BBC’s list of legal bills & cases lost/settled disproves that
CA “we do not report conspiracy theories”
LoL CNN seems to have conspiracy theories about Trump Russia
.. Trump urinating with prostitutes
made false claims against Covington boys etc.
CA ‘Yes it’s MSNBC ..that are the anti-Fox .. we CNN are different’
Really ? which US network has the only black female business anchor
..that’s Fox isn’t it ?
Liaison committee update
The BBC has put the committee proceedings on a main channel – BBC for 90 minutes – one long ‘gotcha ‘ attempt – again – followed by the daily government briefing – which I hope is even shorter than yesterday’s 35 minutes .
BBC Radio 4 PM has the obligatory Muslim adoration slot, this time from London about how their brown eyed favourites are coping with the corona virus.
The have an Imam visiting an Albanian woman who is in hospital dying from complications brought on by the Coronavirus infections.
They of course don’t ask the question about what she is doing in an NHS hospital nor if she is a legitimate visitor to the UK, probably because they are aware she has no entitlement to use the IHS and approve of her treatment at our expense.
Campaigning for the primary schools to reopen ? those little muzzie balls must need emptying
I think ms Maitliss considers herself to be above controls imposed by the BBC – which she allows into her world .
I’m guessing they might keep her low profile for a bit – although the next showing she might be wearing a self fitted gag playing the big victim .
one S mate
I’ve been making that spelling mistake
The liberal Globalists have got their way and Twitter is moving towards censoring the President. I’m afraid that the LGs , who have long had almost total control of the MSM, are only months away from achieving the same degree of control over all social media platforms. They will be able to control everything which people see , hear and read throughout much of the World. The Orwellian Ministry of Truth is just around the corner.
The ruthlessness of the LGs matches that of the Bolsheviks , no dissent allowed and show trials held at regular intervals to reinforce the message. Indoctrination of children from pre school to post university. Soon we will be no freerer than people in Hong Kong and main land China. We may still hold elections but the only difference between the parties will be the colour of their rosettes, the policies will be the same!
If Peston turns up he’s going to be gunning for Matt Hancock ????
I got the distinct impression that Peston was trying to be nice today and trying hard not to get egg all over his face again.
Let’s hope he’s learned a lesson though I’m not optimistic.
I thought the same Sluff!
And where have Sky been for the last few days ????
“What happens when the doctors have done their best, but…”
Beeb shows us a final prayer service. Interestingly, it’s not a Christian prayer service. Not yesterday, not today and -presumably, not tomorrow. Nope, Imam Sadiki’s the man…
Interesting but not surprising.
Not specifically BBC.
But can’t help noticing that the ‘questions from the public’ at the news conferences seem to elucidate much more useful information than the so-called journalists eager only to be able to shout ‘gotcha’.
Hancocks’s brilliant putdown of Peston the other day being a case in point.
Government briefing –
A BBC droid called Sophie asked a question which didnt mention DC . The Health Secrtary ( and i ) have fainted – she asked something about ‘ tracy ‘ but i dont listen much any more .
Then someone called ‘ dido ‘ came on but she didnt look like she did when did that ‘white flag ‘ song ….
And now Bobby Peston – i smile from the MP and a question about a pandemic ?
Rob wearing a suit . Defensive maybe ? Wow – then the DC follow up – he was then dragged away by a couple goons wearing T shirts with ‘OFCOM’ on them ….
Talk Radio ‘s charlotte skirted the DC but got there in the end .
I get the feeling someone at OFCOM has been woken up to do something ….
Damn – and then a black girl called Nadine reckoned if DC was black he’d have been more likely to have been stopped – on the ‘statistics ‘ .
I tried to see what ‘nadine’? From the Independent ? Was wearing but all I could see was a giant chip ….
Do you notice that if there is a ‘coloured’ journo the question will be about a ‘coloured ‘ issue ?i don’t get that . …is it racism ?
I’m starting to wonder if we are hitting peak DC and now the curve will start to flatten….
Beeb are really enjoying showing us the wrecking of a police car in Minneapolis.
The wreckers are at it.
I presume they’re all in the Cavalry, cos the Cavalry are the good guys, who always arrive after the bad guys have done their worst. Little subliminal message there?
Lotsa stone throwers and property burners at work.
A real beeb celebration.
All that cavalry, and no horses. I must have something wrong…
\\”Newsnight ‘breached BBC impartiality guidelines’ with Cummings remarks”//
In the statement who is speaking for Al Beeb?
No HYS yet ?
How good does it feel to see Emily Maitlis performing down to her usual standard and for just once being called out for it ?
Perhaps they thought they could be blatantly biased by assuming only their literally tens of sympathetic viewers would be watching.
Momentum has released its human-zombie Twitter army
they are using the hashtag #Cowards against the BBC
Owen Jones has tweeted
Oh here comes JoB
The squealer is squealing
ah GW’s posted Piers tweet below
Times writer matthewsyed agrees with the BBC decision
BBC, shoulders like a coke bottle.
The BBC has played this sympathy trick before
Naga chatised, lefty mates defend , BBC had excuse to back down
Mitch Benn piles in retweeting the Newsnight clip
here’s Mr Truth Teller
“There is not one word of this that is inaccurate.
Not one. Craven of the ”
Caitlin Moran
The BBCPR tweet has been ratioed
with an incredible 10,000 replies vs 4,000 likes
Most defend Maitlis (the BBC does have 20,000 eployees )
but a good portion attack her,
and few anti-BBC people are likely to Like a BBC tweet
Strangely those replies that are the most anti BBC get the most Likes
a few get 700
eg “Not enough, Maitlis has been consistently biased,
and you simply cannot just remind her. Serious disciplinary action needs to be taken.”
I have worked out what an “Alternative Fact” is:
With the Liberal MSM Groupthink, an assumption or wishful prediction by the Liberal MSM Groupthink is a “Fact“. But evidence based proof that the Liberal MSM is wrong is an “Alternative Fact” which must be censored by the Liberal MSM. Only if the “Alternative Fact” is true, such as CO2 warming being proven to be a hoax by the Unified Theory of Climate formula for Mars and Venus, is it censored. But UFO,s and Alien conspiracies on Blaze TV are not censored by the Liberal MSM, because its not regarded as an “Alternative Fact”. So therefore only “Alternative Facts” are TRUE Facts to be censored by Blaze TV and the Liberal MSM.
How playing the race card can be counterproductive.
On the news conference some BAME thicko from the Huffington Post goes on about the excess BAME being stopped by police for breaking the lockdown.
Thwack! Professor Van Tam points out that he himself is from an ethnic minority !!!!!
And he points out the multidimensional statistics need a lot of care to take out BAME effects from all the other factors.
In 8 weeks of news conferences his ethnicity has never for one microsecond given me any thought. And now I know I don’t give a damn. Is he any good? That’s what would concern me.
Nor me Sluff
For anyone who likes to see big rockets take off CNN is showing a big one take of early Wednesday evening – Around 2130? UK time …
Meanwhile CNN seems fixated on people wearing masks – mainly – I think – because POTUS doesn’t wear one all the time and of course CNN MSM hate him bigly.
Kate Hoey got a respectable 14,200 likes for her tweet
If any consolation, bbc humiliation is dead sheep territory.
Dear old Em, hated by so many now, despite the fact that she sometimes looks normal.
Oh well, how sad, never mind.
Why, oh why can’t we get some really decent people for all that tax money they get in W1AA?
Peston seemed very subdued…perhaps somebody has had a word in his “shell like”.
Guido Fawkes website has a link where you can put in a complaint regarding the falsehoods to do with Cummings.
Please, Dafydd, just remember Led Zep’s ‘Whole lotta love’ squeal, every time you have to listen to Peston… forty seconds even better at 3.17…
Jimmy and Robert make much more sense than that prick!
Tony Hall in Commons next week – 94% of the British public have left the BBC in favour of less biased news.
Guardian reports that Maitisssss has been replaced on Wednesdaynight by some called Katie Porn Mag Rassle …
And that the full editor of Newsnight was in charge for the Maitlissss rant . So promotions all round ….
I suppose Maitlisss has gone off to prepare to stand as a Labour MP .
???? Now that made me laugh Fedup in response to the earlier comment! Keep adding those ss’s! you’ll sound like Kaa from The Jungle Book sometime soon ????
Theleft – I really could care lesss how to spell Emilys’ name – she has been the embodiment of the self regarding – self important BBC droid all through Brexit and continuing to now .
She broadcasts to her own bubble and expects ordinary punters who pay her wages to just take her personal view as true .
She makes a good living out of ‘after dinner speeches ‘ And ‘facilitating ‘ conferences in peace time and this episode will add to the amount she can charge .
I used to watch Newsnight from the time it started but gave up decades ago . Why would anyone not a member of the Labour Party watch it ?
Still supporting Sssspurssss are you Fedup ????
Theleft ha ha 26 June ?? 3games a day ? Free?
Sorry Fedup I’ve only just seen your message, is that when they’re on about restarting?
Free? Yes, the schedule is pretty empty at the moment ????
2 games on 17 June then a full fixture list 2 days later I think . I’m so looking forward to start giving money to Paddy Power again – he must have missed me … all I need now is the ggs to get doing …
Watching the PM briefing – Laura , Pesto and the rest just cannot leave the DC alone …..
???? Excellent, hopefully have everyone back fit which is the only good to come out of this for us!
Yep, I think bet365 have been missing my kind weekly donations too ????
Trump takes on fraudulent postal ballots and leftist social media like Twitter.
Trump for PM! He’d sort out the beeb in 5 minutes flat.
“Trump THREATENS to SHUT DOWN Twitter over Leftist Liberal ‘FACT CHECK’!!!”
“Emily Maitlis has been replaced as host of Wednesday night’s episode of Newsnight
after BBC bosses reprimanded her
over a monologue in which she attacked the government’s handling of Dominic Cummings’ lockdown trip to Durham.”
The Guardian
BBC going too far now they really are starting to slip.
They go low, we go high! ????
Not al beeb ????
The problem does not rest with Maitlis . It is rotten to the core .
Question Time etc etc . Its been going on for years , hence this need of this website.
Surely, the end of the compulsory Telly Tax is immanent .
The people that protest about its abolition can pay for it.
Still no HYS ‘comments’ running on their ‘Apology’. If it is so popular what are they afraid of ?
I’ve always assumed it to be against the law to demand money with menaces and yet the BBC have got away with it for years. High time it was stopped. Go get ’em Boris or lose the next election.
I cannot understand how this was allowed to go out?
The whole production team must have been in on this and should be reprimanded too ????
I read from someone on here today, and I swear it’s not limited to France, about an army pal living in France saying he didn’t understand al beeb’s behaviour ????
I personally think residents in countries all around Europe think our national broadcaster is a disgrace ????????????
“I cannot understand how this was allowed to go out?”
IMHO, It was probably meant to go out . All part of a concerted attempt to bring the government down and stop Brexit. It has not ended yet .
Taffman, I know and understand that! The fact that it was allowed to go out at all is my point ????
I don’t care how he does it but Johnson needs to close the BBC down.
Two opinion polls have now cut the Tory lead to just 6. That is how much power the BBC have right now.
How dare they take the side of two discredited left wing news sources and run their own bias to manipulate the public in such way. Who are they to decide what is news worthy and what is not?
We are lucky that we are not anywhere near an election because we could be in serious trouble if that was the case.
For the sake of this country Johnson needs to shut the BBC down. This has gone on for too long
Meanwhile Piers has tweet the 54 second Newsnight video
couple of thousand Likes so far
…I wrote to my MP regarding general bias at the BBC and other media outlets and shock horror folks i just got a reply and without prompting she actually drew my attention to the Newsnight debacle and ask me if I had seen..
She said that the behaviour of the media towards Cummings was disgraceful and she said rest assured the government were taking the matter of bias very seriously.
She said the behaviour of the left wing media was appalling, printing many lies
Wow..!!! I got a reply
Who is your MP? Sounds like you have someone decent
Good work dafydd ????
Ha ha. dafydd
I wrote to mine also about the BBC and MSM witch-hunt, bias and hypocrisy over the Dom affair. And got this……
What would you expect from a Labour remainer.
Dear ******
I have had many, many emails from constituents and so far, only about one in twenty of the constituents who have contacted me have done so to say they support Mr Cummings actions.
The fact that almost 40 Conservative MPs have called for his resignation takes this beyond mere party politics and much more about what was the right thing to do, by a person in a position of importance, in a time of national crisis.
I am afraid that I have no doubt that Mr Cummings’s actions have caused a significant shift in many peoples minds about the continued importance of social distancing and preventing the continued spread of this virus.
If that is the case, that would be a great shame, given the huge sacrifices that have already been made, by so many, over many weeks.
I really do consider it bizarre that the need to save face, for some in the corridors of power, now seems to outweigh the huge need to protect the people of the country, in a scenario where, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), only today, that in excess of 45,000 people in the UK have now died from COVID19 or other complications related to COVID19.
Under these circumstances I’m afraid that I cannot agree with you.
Yours Sincerely
Ian Mearns MP
..luckily my MP is part of the new intake.
..the actual words she used about the Newsnight debacle were that she thought the BBC were, ” judge Jury and executioner”….spot on I suggest
Just supposing that your MP’s observation is correct the number of people who knew about DC’s movements can’t have been more than a couple of dozen.
Who then has caused ‘a significant shift in many people’s minds’? It can only be the MSM and it is they not DC that should be condemed, they can’t hide behind the ‘do not shoot the messenger’ defence.
The media chooses all the time ‘not to report’ when it suits, the White Meat of Rotherham sacrificed on the altar of ‘community cohesion’ or ‘Saudi money’ being just one example.
“Boris cuts down Michel Barnier’s two-year extension plea in five brutal words”
“BORIS JOHNSON has fired back at Michel Barnier’s plea that the EU is open to a two-year extension to Brexit today.”
Something tells me they want our money .
Has Al Beeb covered this yet ?
Finally a loss for the BBC. No wonder they are so aggressive at the moment!
Radio4 Damm I just missed the 45 minute Lenny Henry interview
Al Beeb thinks its the Opposition Party. Because the ‘real’ opposition parties got slammed in the last general election.
A message to them………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Always a Beeboid
An ex MOTD editor tweets this BS
“As an ex-BBC Editor, I have never, ever been this ashamed of the place.
Laura K simply parrots anything Cummings says,
the Ten O’Clock News on Friday ducks the story.
But the punishment goes to the programme which simply stated incontrovertible facts. You are an utter disgrace.”
His gramma is a bit rubbish for an editor
Andrew Neil tweets
Spectator USA: Bill Clinton had an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell, new book claims
whoa that means Clinton is much closer to dead abuser , than Trump was
Trump has never been implicated in anything with that
Does anyone have any clue as to where the wholesome Ghislaine Maxwell is? Who is she staying with? Can the BBC enlighten us?
Meanwhile ……
Nigel Farage has published a 9 minute video of the channel today and the shenanigans of the French Navy facilitating criminal UK immigration offences .
Whatever anyone thinks of Mr Farage – he has gone and done it and shown it . Ms Patel should be ashamed …
The Channel is as calm as it was during the Dunkirk Evacuation ……
Not much journalism being done where he was ……
I read on an the international website that Interpol have arrested sa gang of people in the EU for arranging the entry of up 10,000 illegal migrants entry into the UK over the past few months. Making millions of Euros into the bargain.
Hey BBC are you there?
Do you have reporter spare?
No thought not!
All busy with the Cummings trip hey?
@Digg did you check ?
\\ Twenty-six people have been arrested in Belgium and France in an operation prompted by the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants in a lorry in the UK in 2019.
A UK report found the migrants all died from asphyxia and hypothermia. //
first tweeted at 3:50 PM · May 27, 2020
(probably been stealth edited a few times since then)
I heard it on the news during the day
Earlier this evening history was made on the BBC. No, seriously, the program on ‘The other side of Dunkirk’ set the record straight and explained, from an EU perspective, how the French have some justification for their feelings of betrayal when the BEF left them in the lurch.
Well, that’s what happened, apparently. 40,000 French soldiers put up heroic resistance to overwhelming German forces while the perfidious British scuttled away in little boats.
Yes, they did admit that almost as many French as British troops were rescued, but no, somehow they overlooked the equal number of 40,000 British troops who were also captured. Obviously, they simply surrendered after playing cards on the sand for a few days, letting the French get on with the fighting. But, believe it or not, this BBC history doesn’t quite tally with my father’s experiences – among them being spat at by French civilians when stationed near Rheims, before the retreat.
Still, what did he know? BBC history, in line with French and EU history, is tasked with putting the record straight.
Their numbers were a long way off . 100k French were amongst the third of a million rescued and 51st Highland Division wasn’t mentioned – from memory 10k dead and 20k POWs for 5 long years ….
The number of British dead was also skimmed over . I looked at the details of the researchers of the programme – which was made sometime ago – and did not get much sense of ‘authority . From what I’ve read recently – it went somewhat toward ‘clarification ‘ but it failed to explain the real sacrifice the British made for the French – that Proud Independent Empire
…and Beltane – I hope your father made a record of what happened to him – not just for us – but for those to come – who need a less ‘filtered’ version of what happened to the ordinary soldier during that time – which is getting to be so long ago .
Record Fed? I didn’t even know he was there until I was in my 40s!
I think it’s true that most of those with direct experience are the least likely to talk about it and most history is written some time after the events by people with even more dubious connections with them.
Except for the Guardian, of course. That makes fresh history every day.
I’ve gone through the same ‘silence ‘ . I tried to get my grandfather to talk about 1913 to 1919 …. but what I didn’t realise was that he has buried that time because of what had happened .
For those who are interested for historic reasons – encouraging those who are still about to talk about those time may well be a horrible abuse … whether realised or not .. historical record or not .
On the anniversary of the brave rescue of British soldiers in WW2 we are being invaded from France , Hong Kong is lost , Al Beeb has had to apologise but silly people in this country are fiddling with trying to nail Cummings.
What a mess . But we still have Al Beeb.
Will the invaders from France make way for Chinese refugees heading here ?
According to Andrew Pierce (D/Mail) just now, he reckons that there is nobody in the country who hasn’t been affected by Covid19 and knows someone or knows someone who knows someone, who has had it. – this is connected to Cummings story.
Really ? me and my mates must be odd then, because in my circle of friends, none of us know anyone who has had it.
And as for the alleged thousands of letters/emails supposedly received by press reviewers/MPs that are purporting anger at Cummings, again, those I’ve spoken to all come down firmly on the side of Cummings !! with the most common comment being “how many others in the country did the same thing ??”
I agree Brissles the closest I got is a friend of a friend
who got it in hospital
(2 online friends I’ve never me got it)
I m real sorry – but covid nearly killed my priest – and i thought maybe i d got it too . My local cemetary is opening up more space for burials – but thats London – and it affects other parts of thr UK far less .
The Emily Maitlis petitions
both here
– Reinstate 15K (some of the sigs are fake) *
– Sack 500
* I have proof.
What is the point in petition when people can so easily sign without any proper check
Female white blonde Emily Maitlis has apparently been stood down from Newshite tonight after the accepted bias ruling.
She has been replaced by ………errr………..a female white blonde.
Now what was Lord Haw Haw saying about diversity and inclusivity?
Irony is not dead.
Of course, when you see the groaniad’s sort of headline, you know it’s going to be bolleaux, so you can safely ignore it!
As I’ve so much more to do than ‘worry’ about the awful BBC, I’ve only just heard about their Em’s misfortunes.
What an unbelievable shower her lot are in the Londonistan cesspit of W1aa, disrespectful, rather unpleasant, untruthful, non-informative, and squelching through a whole lot more negativity.
Has she gone yet?
“groaniad’s” .. bolleaux”
AKA the gonads?
And so to be described herein, hereafter.
YouTube Bans Videos about the Persecution of Christians
Here’s the video YouTube banned, now on BitChute: