The Police and Crime Commisioner for Northumbria is kicking off on Newshite.
Oh wait. She, Kim Mcguinness was a third rate Labour Newcastle city councillor, from only 2015, with no relevant experience , but presumably dropped in by the party apparatchiks to fulfil this role. How else would she earn £85,000 pa ?
Strangely the Emily Maitlis replacement female blonde presenter managed not to mention her background as Kim was allowed to trample unchallenged over the Test and Trace plans as if her role gave her some sort of expertise.
The preying Mantis is no different to all the other beeb presenters, they all like hearing the sound of their own prejudiced opinions and have that glow of self importance. I think it was Tim Wilcox yesterday evening who ridiculed Michael Gove’s comment on LBC that he, like DC, had once driven a short distance to test his eyesight. The presenter’s comment was along the lines this was “an absolute joke”. No doubt Cummings could have done without such an intervention by Gove but the prime responsibility of these presenters is to report the news and not put their own spin on it.
In the “old” days Ms Maitlis would have made the following introduction on Newsnight – “This evening we are looking at the issues raised by Dominic Cummings’ statement to reporters in Downing Street and I have with me in the studio to discuss this and the wider implications with ……
These presenters need to go back to the basics of accurate and unbiased news reporting but I fear they are all beyond redemption.
I think DC was the chap driving his Audi at 201 mph on the
Mwhatever ther other day . I’m sure I heard his wife and child screaming “faster Faster “ – ….
Hilarious moment at the end of Newshite.
Doing a double-quick review of the newspaper front pages, the Telegraph has a huge picture of Emily Maitlis. It attracted no comment at all.
Less hilariously anti-government headlines in other newspapers did not attract such omission.
Every day they dig themselves a bigger hole.
And tomorrow’s edition will apparently be hosted by ‘Emma’.
Could this be Emma Barnett?
If so Newshite will have been presented by three different female blondes in a row!
Seems like the BBC’s attitude to inclusivity and inclusion is….ahem……rather selective.
Sluff – the absence of any comment about her big sister -naked – sprawled across the Double front colour page of the Telegraph – speaks volumes …I’d play the mysogeny card If I was her …
Maitlis (upwards of £260,000 per annum) has form of course, for instance that social justice piece on Newsnight earlier on in the Covid crisis, in which she was practically preaching to the camera about inequality. If she feels so strongly, then fine, get a job on the Guardian or some such, outside of an ‘impartial’ state broadcaster.
Sky’s Beff is still up for prolonging the fight with a few carefully selected clips from the 90 minute Parliamentary Liaison Committee grilling of Bojo today, 20 or so against one. Cannot see that ever happening in France, Germany or Italy and that also goes for the daily covid briefings with questions the Minister and scientists have no chance to prepare for in advance. Plenty of opportunities for the gotcha merchants. Have tried to find out if any other Countries have these regular televised interrogations of senior politicians but have drawn a blank so far.
Plenty of Labour M.P.’s shouting the odds today and Sky chose to show the only occasions when Bojo was under any real pressure. One said “When you spoke to DC for 6 hours did you see the evidence that proved some of the allegations were untrue? Did you see it, YES OR NO? If there is evidence why isn’t it being made available for independent scrutiny?”. Boris struggled to come up with a killer reply, e.g. can you prove all the allegations were true? If so where is your evidence?
He handled this charade fairly comfortably overall but his usual mental dexterity is still not quite fully restored.
Newssniffer shows me the BBCnews story about Newsnight have been stealth edited 3 times so far
0 to 1 Paragraph deleted
The BBC has increasingly struggled to hold the line on issues of impartiality in its news coverage, having tied itself in knots over comments about Donald Trump by BBC Breakfast’s presenter Naga Munchetty. It also struggled to deal with the enormous levels of criticism from both Labour and the Conservatives during the 2019 general election.
1 to version 2
“Maitlis’s profile, already high, has skyrocketed since ” changed to “risen further”
Version 2 to 3
paragraph added
\\Amid growing criticism of the reprimand, Newsnight’s editor, Esme Wren, wrote on Twitter that Maitlis
“hasn’t been replaced tonight in response to the BBC statement”.//
@Roland, cheers. My error but something strange
I put the BBC webpage title into the Newssniffer search box
but instead of giving me the BBC page it gave me the Guardian page
which has a slightly different title.
and I didn’t notice cos it was 1 am in the morning
For some strange reason Newssniffer has not monitored the BBC Maitlis page.
but did capture the page slightly after it was created at 4pm
9 versions it says version 0
Nothing startling about the edits maybe
I had a quick look at later edits
In today’s edit all they did was change
the disrespectful “Cummings”
to “Mr Cummings” or “he”
Early on the article ended with the takeaway : ‘BBC admit error’
“As it was, we believe the introduction we broadcast did not meet our standards of due impartiality.”
After about 90 mins they buried that by adding this at the end
Cummings’ 260-mile journey has been the focus of intense media scrutiny since coming to light last week.
On Monday, the prime minister’s most senior adviser explained that he decided to make the trip because he felt it would be better to self-isolate in a place where he had options for childcare if required.
On Wednesday, Boris Johnson ruled out an inquiry into his adviser’s conduct, insisting it was time to “move on” from the row.
Where does Maitliss live ? can we find out and stand outside her house harrassing her ? shouting abuse ? can we hire a video on the back of a truck showing her politically biased comments and play it outside her house? who has her number plate? please share so we can check if she has travelled to a communist enclave recently
It’s a question often asked. What if we did that to them?
But the point is, we pretty much never do. Because we think for ourselves rather than acting like witless Borg acting on instruction. And we know it is not an acceptable way to behave.
As we would expect: Emily Maitlis lives in a part of the country called, Notting Hill. Which is as far from a Communist enclave that such BBC hypocrites could possibly get to in this country.
The allegations are that Cummings broke the lockdown rules. But Police and Journalists haven’t provided any proof that the allegations are true or false. Labour MP asks Boris if there is any evidence that the allegations are false “If there is evidence why isn’t it being made available for independent scrutiny?”. Boris could have said “Probably because the only evidence one way or the other is provided by statements of opinion from Cummings and his family, police, journalists and other witnesses”
The only solid evidence is provided by BBC Journalist, Emily Maitlis, who said “Dominic Cummings broke the rules”. So a Labour MP is accusing Boris of withholding evidence that he is innocent, but Emily Maitlis has solid evidence that he broke the rules.
Solid evidence from the BBC comprises the ten elements of “BBC Fake News”. (1) Assumption (2) Speculation (3) Guessing (4) Supposition (5) Hypothesis (6) Belief (7) Consensus (8) Suggestion (9) Conjecture and (10) Groupthink. All said with great emotion. As Emily says with great emotional insight into the thoughts of her part of the country, Notting Hill “The country can see that and it’s shocked the Government cannot.” But Richard Pinder says with hope for the end of censorship “I hope the patriotic parts of country can eventually see that and is deeply shocked that the BBC cannot.”
As we would expect: Emily Maitlis lives in a part of the country called, Notting Hill. Which is as far from a Communist enclave that such BBC hypocrites could possibly get to in this country.
The allegations are that Cummings broke the lockdown rules. But Police and Journalists haven’t provided any proof that the allegations are true or false. Labour MP asks Boris if there is any evidence that the allegations are false “If there is evidence why isn’t it being made available for independent scrutiny?”. Boris could have said “Probably because the only evidence one way or the other is provided by statements of opinion from Cummings and his family, police, journalists and other witnesses”
The only solid evidence is provided by BBC Journalist, Emily Maitlis, who said “Dominic Cummings broke the rules”. So a Labour MP is accusing Boris of withholding evidence that he is innocent, but Emily Maitlis has solid evidence that he broke the rules.
Solid evidence from the BBC comprises the ten elements of “BBC Fake News”. (1) Assumption (2) Speculation (3) Guessing (4) Supposition (5) Hypothesis (6) Belief (7) Consensus (8) Suggestion (9) Conjecture and (10) Groupthink. All said with great emotion. As Emily says with great emotional insight into the thoughts of her part of the country, Notting Hill “The country can see that and it’s shocked the Government cannot.” But Richard Pinder says with hope for the end of censorship “I hope the patriotic parts of country can eventually see that and is deeply shocked that the BBC cannot.”
@Richard what are you on about ?
Notting Hill is precisely where I would expect Occupy and XR protesters to live
There is probably an anarchist squat across the road from Maitlis Mansion.
The BBC thinks Emily Maitlis’s monologue last night was politically biased, but Paul Mason, Owen Jones, Carole Cadwalladr, Andrew Adonis and James O’Brien have all said it was brilliant, so who knows?
Guest – Another Susan is at it this a.m. Susan Hume is on Toady, weaving together what she thinks Boris said yesterday, that will condemn him ‘in the public eye’.
She replays ‘move on’, over and over again , in a mocking refrain.
Day 7 of beeb’s anti Cummings/Boris campaign. Or is it day 8?
Nick R. picks up Simon Hoare MP (Con), thick as a brick, as he does Labour’s job for them. In Dorset we saw beauty spots filled up cos DC went Durham. “People see nothing exceptional” from DC in the garden. Simon is surprised that the PM is ‘digging in’. Never mind, he will now appear regularly on beeb.
Nick is delighted. Startup of Surkeer’s next election campaign is in full swing, but not using Labour MPs in the main. Toady thinks traitor Tory MPs are a far more potent force.
My feeling is that if Simon is not happy in blue Labour, he is always free to move onto red Labour. It does sound as if he would feel more at home. Should just resign his seat.
The BbC Moaning Emole has ‘crunched the numbers’, with a special cruncher’s awesome conflation:
“ Meanwhile, North America editor Jon Sopel notes “an uncanny and almost tragically perfect piece of symmetry” with the accumulated number of US service personnel killed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan across 44 years of fighting.”
Stats, darn stats, and Jon with an abacus and Wikipedia.
Guest, I read that piece by Sopel last night.
I bet he was like a kid waiting for Christmas morning to arrive his finger hovering over the send button waiting for that 100,000 figure.
Here’s another beauty from the piece.
‘He also calls it the Chinese virus, but we’ll come to that.’
No Jon we’ll go straight to it…it’s because it comes from China!
You almost can’t believe it – Glorifying in many thousands of deaths…… then I noticed it was Mr Sweeney who was the twit-twat, regarding the BBC’s clearly prejudiced message regarding ‘breaking news’. Why am I not in the least bit surprised ?
Funnily enough, I don’t recall a similar cheer for Italy or Spain when they crossed the 10,000 threshold. I wonder why ?
I notice The Mirror is currently competing with The Guardian as beeb’s favourite print media. (Part of the campaign against DC and also a basis for Labour recovery in the North.)
Especially on Toady.
Where Jonathan Ashworth is currently telling us what a good PM Surkeer would make, and that HE would definitely have sacked HIS adviser, in the same circumstances.
A relentless drumbeat of partisan aggression from Toady. That is where the beauty of off-message Tory MPs comes in. Toady can now be partisan without obviously trotting out only Labour and LimpDumb MPs.
For the avoidance of doubt, @maitlis has neither 'been replaced' nor 'been taken off air' for this evening's Newsnight. Do join @katierazz at 2245 on BBC2
There are doctors, nurses, Amazon packers, shelf stackers, and Border Force staff ‘putting their necks on the line’ as ‘key workers’ yet the Bronzed Strumpet has a fit of the huffs.
Doesn’t she realise the bad example that she has set? Shouldn’t she be ‘considering her position’? Shouldn’t Lord Hall be considering what effect this sulky shirking is having on the country and the upset that it has caused among the writers of The Guardian?
Do the honourable thing Ems! Fall on your sword pen and resign!
Just had the misfortune to watch Kay Burley interview Matt Hancock regarding Track and Trace…
She was seriously awful. Possibly a good news day, not for Burley, sarcastic, rude, continually interrupted and then at the end of the piece she read at a tweet supposedly just arrived and it said, ” when Hancock laughed I cried”, the bloke laughed at Burley when she accused him of bringing forward the App to distract from the Cummings debacle…
I’m going to ask a favour from you all if you read this..This is the email for Sky news ”“..Could you all just send a quick email regarding her appalling behaviour
Dafydd, I’ve already sent an email complaining about Fatty Boulton and his bullying manner when interviewing, if his ‘victim’ doesn’t comply with the answers Boulton wants – its his way or no way.
Funny how al beeb were banging on recently about how Dominic Cummings should never ‘become’ the news, and now the world’s most trusted are exactly that after the peroxide blonde’s little soliloquy ????
New narrative developing on Beeb with Toady: Track and Trace won’t work, cos we will all see that Cummings defied the rules, so -obviously- we will also defy.
Who thinks this crap up?
Is the 45,000 mentioned the entire audience for the hard left news night broadcast on the far left bbc? Assuming accurate viewing figures are available for the bbc these days. I’m guessing newsnight viewers mainly consist of the left leaning or morbidly curious so 45,000 fanboy signatures isn’t really a big deal.
“…prominent figures have suggested the coronavirus crisis has proved the necessity of a licence-fee-funded public broadcaster…. Matthew D’Ancona wrote to this effect, quoting a series of BBC sources.”
In… Tortoise, a failing comatose BBC hack retirement home headed by the ex BBC Head of News.
Hmmm….. Stephen Kinnock (Labour MP) blatantly breaches lockdown rules to attend a birthday party. The BBC hardly reacts at all. Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation as an MP, and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown ? No chance.
Tahir Ali (Labour MP) blatantly breaches lockdown rules to attend a funeral with about 100 others. The BBC hardly reacts at all. Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation as an MP, and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown ? No chance.
Kevan Jones (Labour MP) blatantly breaches lockdown rules to attend a birthday party. The BBC hardly reacts at all. Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation as an MP, and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown ? No chance.
Dominic Cummings (Adviser to the Conservative Prime MInister) does his best to protect his son from harm, works within the guidelines for the lockdown, and takes care to avoid contact with other people in the process. Keir Starmer and his party immediately demands his resignation from his job and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown .
The BBC fuels the fire with only one of these cases for days on end.
But this isn’t political, claim Keir Starmer and his party and, of course, the BBC laps it up and adds more fuel to the fire.
I still haven’t seen anyone pick up the fact that Kier Starmer’s wife in a Telegraph article a few days ago is described as an NHS keyworker and working as an Occupational Therapist (which is illegal as she is not listed on the regulatory body) So either the media is lying or KS’s wife is..?
No noise in the media – now imagine if it was A Tory Mp’s wife..
JamesArthur….. and, because Mr Starmer’s wife is a ‘key worker’, his kids are allowed to go to school….. but, did I not hear the other day that they had a live-in supporter for the kids ?
So there is no real need for them to attend school, but I guess the rules allow him to justify his position because of ‘exceptional’ circumstances….. but, I guess it’s one rule for some people’s kids, and another rule for others, as I have heard so many Labour MPs claim in just the past few days. (Not about Mr Starmer, though, strangely).
…and I have just noticed that Mr Jeremy Corbyn (remember him ? – former leader of the Labour Party, and still currently a Labour MP) has recently published a photograph on Facebook of himself clearly breaking the social distancing rules.
Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation from his job…..I am sure you know the rest.
Kay Burley this morning is going into anti Government melt down, she has now accused John Ashworth of Labour of not going in hard enough regarding Cummings and why are Labour not attacking the Tories more..she is almost trying to coherse him..John Ashworth to his credit actually started to defend Hancock but Burley was not having it, disgraceful
Two things we need to be worried about..The fact that most media outlets are no longer even trying hide to the anti government reteric and secondly and more sinister, it all seems to be coordinated
R4..what a bunch of wank**rs… still banging on about DC…asking Matt Hancock same bloody questions over and over….
Nick Knobinson….using the ‘moral’ case….these people are disgusting..
You just have to hope nobody is listening to them – I had a whole day was great. blood pressure reduced
Why Knobinson says people are asking why they can’t see their own mother is beyond me – because they can…as long as they accept the risks if their mother is in “at risk” category…they just have to social distance
Knobinson thinks the public health message is confused it? Everyone I saw on the beach yesterday was following rules fine…who are these ‘public’ the BBC keep talking about?
BBC needs dismantling
We had the full Knobson and Useless routine on Toady this morning.
Useless interviewed a fellow Pakistani sob story case, from East London. Family with two kids. Both parents work but he is losing his job and they cant’t afford the rent and their immigration status denies them access to British taxpayer-funded largesse.
What of course Useless did not ask was ‘if you are so unhappy living in England why do you not return home to Pakistan’?
I notice that the lady was asked outright why her husband couldn’t be furloughed….. she absolutely avoided answering that question, and, of course, was not pressed relentlessly to do so. She said they had been here for 17 years or more, and had not had yet her immigration status confirmed…..????? She is still working but when asked, she only commented that her wages didn’t even cover their rent. She has two kids and gets no benefits for them ….. what age are they again ?
As I said, these questions were not pressed. Compare and contrast the hysteria from Mishal Husain yesterday when trying to shout down a government minister.
Solicitously questioning the Pakistani lady obviously fits the narrative, though.
Over at ITBB there are several new worthy posts in complement on the topic of the BS flounce, with several links to impartial new young Masonic luminaries such as Lewis gunning for Wolfie of W1A glory.
I’ve often thought of putting a handbook together. One which list the old faithful adages and gives current day examples of what would have been different had the appropriate adages been followed. Well, here’s one well known adage with a current example:
“While the cat’s away, the mouse will play”
And yet there is a serious point here. We amateurs on this website seem able to provide more evidence-based truth than does a massive statist broadcaster receiving £4 bn a year of our money.
Money which makes them totally immune from the effects of the pandemic, which is to their ‘journalists’ if anything a handy job creation exercise.
Meanwhile over at ITV and the like they are wondering how they will survive as advertising revenue dries up. OK so you might not like Piers and Susanna but at least they have to provide their own funding.
It seems riot season has started in the USA; Minneapolis.
From what I understand, someone was shot and killed by cops. I think they may have deliberately killed the victim. Action is being taken against the cop (s).
But that hasn’t stopped the mob gathering. They’re setting fire to buildings and looting others. Cue the man running away with a huge TV in his arms.
I think there might also be a disturbance in California.
Now for the Black whatever crowd and Antifa thugs to resume their animalistic antics.
I wonder how long before the copycat riots start. Where will they begin here in England?
Looting is deep in their psyche, I regret to observe. Riots frequently degenerate into mob looting, whether in the US,GB,SA or elsewhere.
One wonders whether some riots have nothing to do with the issue they purport to be a response to, but actually hope to be a cover for looting.
‘Democratic’ shopping..? Easier to do when the cops are trying to cope with the riots, which -in turn- are meant to provide a vague sense of ‘legitimacy’ due to ‘grievances’?
Seen anything you like in the shops lately? Well, it’s easy and free, if you follow guidelines, and it will be a riot!
deep in their ..
The BBC reports that television was invented in Botswana in 42AD.
The BBC reports that what is happening is justified cultural re-expropriation of their “heritage”.
” .. cops are trying to cope with the riots”
Will not be happening in the UK, Cressida will be taking a break from pussy munching and going on the front line.
With helpful maps of Harrods, Fortnum and Mason, Garrard …
“Emily Maitlis: I asked for night off from BBC’s Newsnight”
Does anyone believe them ?
The MSM are very slow in sending their ‘pack’ over to give her the same treatment as DC had?
Why are opposition MPS trying to negotiate with the EU (illegally ?, since they are, by definition, not Her Majesty’s Government) – and why are the BBC not down on this like a ton of bricks – after all, it’s a breach of the rules, isn’t it ? And we all know how important following the rules is for the BBC by now, don’t we ?
And surely such actions will cause people to justifiably start just disobeying any rules, won’t it ?
Richard, If it isn’t illegal to negotiate with Barnier and EU by the opposition then it should be. We have a government negotiator who has been instructed by the government on our behalf, these load mouth buffoons should be silenced. You can see desperation setting in now, they will do anything and try to take anyone down to get us to agree to an extension. They dont have long to act.
As for the BBC interfering, well that’s not the agenda is it? After realising that is why Dominic Cummings was desperate to get back to downing street after his illness with Boris being out of action when the dark forces of the civil service and the opposition were ready to take over negotiations it all makes sense now.
This is like a war being played out between us and the forces of evil. Boris had better keep his wits about him, nothing is safe until we get to July.
Nigel and The Brexit Party are vigilant. More than we can say our Border Farce is .
Has anyone questioned why the democratic vote to leave the EU has taken four years to happen ? Its because there has been a deliberate intent to delay and sabotage it by certain politicians and media operatives, no doubt helped by ‘external forces’ alien to our shores.
I attended the engagement party of a Greek Orthodox friend’s daughters there in 1997. He was by then a long-term UK resident. He kindly paid for my ticket; the interrogation at Tel Aviv airport was not as bad as Fauda, but not fun.
What was fun was a breakfast of falafel in the best establisment in Gaza with his very good friend, a top man in the Palestinian police force, and his 4 bodyguards who sat in the large booth with Kalashnikovs on their knees, scrutinising the entrance either directly or via the mirror behind us.
One suspects those lobbying the government for our borders to be as porous as possible will be pushing at an open door – if you’ll excuse the pun.
Let’s see how this goes – whether the government does indeed give way and whether our liberal media, until now so keen on lockdown, screams and howls if these quarantine restrictions are eased?
This is what Fascism looks like. The government & its gammon army may feel they've won a victory here. But the opposite is true. They've rather been exposed as inept, petty & insecure fanatics, who will never rest until every dissenting voice is silenced.
— Brexit Bin ???????? #NotMyBrexit (@BrexitBin) May 27, 2020
I have tolerated some on Facebook punting out inaccuracies to support their odd views for a while, but simply posting a factual tweet or two on the reality of this has seen them go quiet, hopefully not through my getting unfriended. But if so, little loss.
stewgreen – I guess the headliner is exactly right.
‘This is what Fascism looks like.’ Followed up by a photo of Emily Maitliss…. a representative of the publicly funded (by government edict) broadcaster basically telling us what we need to think and feel, acting as judge, jury and executioner over someone they patently hate. Yup – that just about sums up what Fascism will do.
I don’t do social media – so never come across this type of thing but are they all as deranged and insulting as this? Do they ever use facts and discourse?
If anyone hasn’t come across the book(let) by Anthony Browne. The Retreat of Reason. I would recommend it – despite being 2006 it is still valid, perhaps more so today.
Typical- @MattHancock laughing at @KayBurley becasue she had just said something really stupid – But biased @robpowellnews and Co – edit clip to try and make it look like Matt is laughing at #ChinaVirus death! This sort of broadcasting is why #BBC had to apologise yesterday
— hudmotorsports (Nigel Hudson) name added no hiding (@HUDMotorsports) May 28, 2020
Clive Myrie has been finding out how East London’s Asian community is coping with the pandemic.
Is this the famous author Clive Myrie? The Nobel prize winner.
The gallant journalist who risked his life exposing the racist mass Muslim gang rapes of white children, targeted throughout Europe.
No, just another white hater with a chip on his shoulder, promoting another white hating minority.
Thank you BBC for your impartiality and patriotism.
God, I wish we could have a Bias Sky. Fatty Boulton is really going for the jugular at his Conservative interviewee. She had come on to talk about Test and Trace, and then he redirected the questions to DC, his questioning then verged on the bullying. Disgraceful.
The response to the MSM swamp rats should be along the lines:
I’m not going to discuss Mr Cummings. If you choose to obsess about him, that’s your problem. Not mine.
If the MSM rat persists, terminate the interview. Better still, don’t be interviewed by them. Then they can make up lies without the inconvenience of having to edit what has been said by the interviewee. Less stressful for everyone, including the MSM rat’s audience.
Totally agree John, tv news interviewing has become an uncomfortable and embarrassing watch. All the journalistic anchors, regardless of channel, just want to hang, draw and quarter the people who have willingly agreed to go on air. After watching Boulton’s aggressive attack on a woman MP this morning, I’d be surprised if she didn’t reach for the Scotch afterwards. There should be a boycott of all stations by potential interviewees until journalists can get a grip on their emotions and bias.
Also known as traitors who should have been expelled from The Conservative and Unionist Party years ago.
Duke Farage of Dover is still my favourite to lead not only the UK, but most patriotic European parties
in a direction diametrically opposed to the “Promised Land” promised by the Commies and Globalists,
after the collapse of the EU.
Also known as traitors who should have been expelled from The Conservative and Unionist Party years ago.
Duke Farage of Dover is still my favourite to lead not only the UK, but most patriotic European parties in a direction diametrically opposed to the “Promised Land” promised by the Commies and Globalists, after the collapse of the EU.
As the people clap for Dominic Cummings tonight a tip for you .
If you are a bit down – go to facebook or youtube or where ever and watch a bit of msm from the 2019 election night when the result is announced . Priceless . page
“Coronavirus (COVID-19): travellers exempt from UK border rules”
“Exemptions from self-isolation requirements”
Basically everybody except YOU
it exempts specifically
“a person who is engaged in urgent or essential work for the BBC’s broadcasting transmission network and services”
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
The Police and Crime Commisioner for Northumbria is kicking off on Newshite.
Oh wait. She, Kim Mcguinness was a third rate Labour Newcastle city councillor, from only 2015, with no relevant experience , but presumably dropped in by the party apparatchiks to fulfil this role. How else would she earn £85,000 pa ?
Strangely the Emily Maitlis replacement female blonde presenter managed not to mention her background as Kim was allowed to trample unchallenged over the Test and Trace plans as if her role gave her some sort of expertise.
The preying Mantis is no different to all the other beeb presenters, they all like hearing the sound of their own prejudiced opinions and have that glow of self importance. I think it was Tim Wilcox yesterday evening who ridiculed Michael Gove’s comment on LBC that he, like DC, had once driven a short distance to test his eyesight. The presenter’s comment was along the lines this was “an absolute joke”. No doubt Cummings could have done without such an intervention by Gove but the prime responsibility of these presenters is to report the news and not put their own spin on it.
In the “old” days Ms Maitlis would have made the following introduction on Newsnight – “This evening we are looking at the issues raised by Dominic Cummings’ statement to reporters in Downing Street and I have with me in the studio to discuss this and the wider implications with ……
These presenters need to go back to the basics of accurate and unbiased news reporting but I fear they are all beyond redemption.
I think DC was the chap driving his Audi at 201 mph on the
Mwhatever ther other day . I’m sure I heard his wife and child screaming “faster Faster “ – ….
Hilarious moment at the end of Newshite.
Doing a double-quick review of the newspaper front pages, the Telegraph has a huge picture of Emily Maitlis. It attracted no comment at all.
Less hilariously anti-government headlines in other newspapers did not attract such omission.
Every day they dig themselves a bigger hole.
And tomorrow’s edition will apparently be hosted by ‘Emma’.
Could this be Emma Barnett?
If so Newshite will have been presented by three different female blondes in a row!
Seems like the BBC’s attitude to inclusivity and inclusion is….ahem……rather selective.
Sluff – the absence of any comment about her big sister -naked – sprawled across the Double front colour page of the Telegraph – speaks volumes …I’d play the mysogeny card If I was her …
Maitlis (upwards of £260,000 per annum) has form of course, for instance that social justice piece on Newsnight earlier on in the Covid crisis, in which she was practically preaching to the camera about inequality. If she feels so strongly, then fine, get a job on the Guardian or some such, outside of an ‘impartial’ state broadcaster.
Sky’s Beff is still up for prolonging the fight with a few carefully selected clips from the 90 minute Parliamentary Liaison Committee grilling of Bojo today, 20 or so against one. Cannot see that ever happening in France, Germany or Italy and that also goes for the daily covid briefings with questions the Minister and scientists have no chance to prepare for in advance. Plenty of opportunities for the gotcha merchants. Have tried to find out if any other Countries have these regular televised interrogations of senior politicians but have drawn a blank so far.
Plenty of Labour M.P.’s shouting the odds today and Sky chose to show the only occasions when Bojo was under any real pressure. One said “When you spoke to DC for 6 hours did you see the evidence that proved some of the allegations were untrue? Did you see it, YES OR NO? If there is evidence why isn’t it being made available for independent scrutiny?”. Boris struggled to come up with a killer reply, e.g. can you prove all the allegations were true? If so where is your evidence?
He handled this charade fairly comfortably overall but his usual mental dexterity is still not quite fully restored.
Spoofed_UK makes fun of MediaScum
Newssniffer shows me the BBCnews story about Newsnight have been stealth edited 3 times so far
0 to 1 Paragraph deleted
1 to version 2
“Maitlis’s profile, already high, has skyrocketed since ” changed to “risen further”
Version 2 to 3
paragraph added
\\Amid growing criticism of the reprimand, Newsnight’s editor, Esme Wren, wrote on Twitter that Maitlis
“hasn’t been replaced tonight in response to the BBC statement”.//
That appears to be the Guardian, Stew.
@Roland, cheers. My error but something strange
I put the BBC webpage title into the Newssniffer search box
but instead of giving me the BBC page it gave me the Guardian page
which has a slightly different title.
and I didn’t notice cos it was 1 am in the morning
For some strange reason Newssniffer has not monitored the BBC Maitlis page.
but did capture the page slightly after it was created at 4pm
9 versions it says version 0
Nothing startling about the edits maybe
I had a quick look at later edits
In today’s edit all they did was change
the disrespectful “Cummings”
to “Mr Cummings” or “he”
Early on the article ended with the takeaway : ‘BBC admit error’
After about 90 mins they buried that by adding this at the end
Where does Maitliss live ? can we find out and stand outside her house harrassing her ? shouting abuse ? can we hire a video on the back of a truck showing her politically biased comments and play it outside her house? who has her number plate? please share so we can check if she has travelled to a communist enclave recently
That would be counterproductive. But the point is made.
It’s a question often asked. What if we did that to them?
But the point is, we pretty much never do. Because we think for ourselves rather than acting like witless Borg acting on instruction. And we know it is not an acceptable way to behave.
Darcy , the thing is a guy is in jail for stalking Maitlis.
So they win on victimhood points again.
But Cummings literally has dozens of constant stalkers
As we would expect: Emily Maitlis lives in a part of the country called, Notting Hill. Which is as far from a Communist enclave that such BBC hypocrites could possibly get to in this country.
The allegations are that Cummings broke the lockdown rules. But Police and Journalists haven’t provided any proof that the allegations are true or false. Labour MP asks Boris if there is any evidence that the allegations are false “If there is evidence why isn’t it being made available for independent scrutiny?”. Boris could have said “Probably because the only evidence one way or the other is provided by statements of opinion from Cummings and his family, police, journalists and other witnesses”
The only solid evidence is provided by BBC Journalist, Emily Maitlis, who said “Dominic Cummings broke the rules”. So a Labour MP is accusing Boris of withholding evidence that he is innocent, but Emily Maitlis has solid evidence that he broke the rules.
Solid evidence from the BBC comprises the ten elements of “BBC Fake News”. (1) Assumption (2) Speculation (3) Guessing (4) Supposition (5) Hypothesis (6) Belief (7) Consensus (8) Suggestion (9) Conjecture and (10) Groupthink. All said with great emotion. As Emily says with great emotional insight into the thoughts of her part of the country, Notting Hill “The country can see that and it’s shocked the Government cannot.” But Richard Pinder says with hope for the end of censorship “I hope the patriotic parts of country can eventually see that and is deeply shocked that the BBC cannot.”
As we would expect: Emily Maitlis lives in a part of the country called, Notting Hill. Which is as far from a Communist enclave that such BBC hypocrites could possibly get to in this country.
The allegations are that Cummings broke the lockdown rules. But Police and Journalists haven’t provided any proof that the allegations are true or false. Labour MP asks Boris if there is any evidence that the allegations are false “If there is evidence why isn’t it being made available for independent scrutiny?”. Boris could have said “Probably because the only evidence one way or the other is provided by statements of opinion from Cummings and his family, police, journalists and other witnesses”
The only solid evidence is provided by BBC Journalist, Emily Maitlis, who said “Dominic Cummings broke the rules”. So a Labour MP is accusing Boris of withholding evidence that he is innocent, but Emily Maitlis has solid evidence that he broke the rules.
Solid evidence from the BBC comprises the ten elements of “BBC Fake News”. (1) Assumption (2) Speculation (3) Guessing (4) Supposition (5) Hypothesis (6) Belief (7) Consensus (8) Suggestion (9) Conjecture and (10) Groupthink. All said with great emotion. As Emily says with great emotional insight into the thoughts of her part of the country, Notting Hill “The country can see that and it’s shocked the Government cannot.” But Richard Pinder says with hope for the end of censorship “I hope the patriotic parts of country can eventually see that and is deeply shocked that the BBC cannot.”
@Richard what are you on about ?
Notting Hill is precisely where I would expect Occupy and XR protesters to live
There is probably an anarchist squat across the road from Maitlis Mansion.
As gotcha moments go this ones hard to beat.
Naga is going to seriously have to up her game to pull the hunks.
If you gotta ask, Hugh…
Suze pops head over parapet.
Not smart, Suze.
Guest – Another Susan is at it this a.m. Susan Hume is on Toady, weaving together what she thinks Boris said yesterday, that will condemn him ‘in the public eye’.
She replays ‘move on’, over and over again , in a mocking refrain.
Day 7 of beeb’s anti Cummings/Boris campaign. Or is it day 8?
Nick R. picks up Simon Hoare MP (Con), thick as a brick, as he does Labour’s job for them. In Dorset we saw beauty spots filled up cos DC went Durham. “People see nothing exceptional” from DC in the garden. Simon is surprised that the PM is ‘digging in’. Never mind, he will now appear regularly on beeb.
Nick is delighted. Startup of Surkeer’s next election campaign is in full swing, but not using Labour MPs in the main. Toady thinks traitor Tory MPs are a far more potent force.
My feeling is that if Simon is not happy in blue Labour, he is always free to move onto red Labour. It does sound as if he would feel more at home. Should just resign his seat.
Speaking of not smart, here is ex-Beeboid Sir Kir highlighting a BBC graphic exercise in stat porn…
The BbC Moaning Emole has ‘crunched the numbers’, with a special cruncher’s awesome conflation:
“ Meanwhile, North America editor Jon Sopel notes “an uncanny and almost tragically perfect piece of symmetry” with the accumulated number of US service personnel killed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan across 44 years of fighting.”
Stats, darn stats, and Jon with an abacus and Wikipedia.
Tragically bbc.
Guest, I read that piece by Sopel last night.
I bet he was like a kid waiting for Christmas morning to arrive his finger hovering over the send button waiting for that 100,000 figure.
Here’s another beauty from the piece.
‘He also calls it the Chinese virus, but we’ll come to that.’
No Jon we’ll go straight to it…it’s because it comes from China!
BBC Ramps It Up ‘News’
“I’ve never felt that level of hostility before.”
Attacks on East Asian people living in the US have shot up during the coronavirus pandemic.
You almost can’t believe it – Glorifying in many thousands of deaths…… then I noticed it was Mr Sweeney who was the twit-twat, regarding the BBC’s clearly prejudiced message regarding ‘breaking news’. Why am I not in the least bit surprised ?
Funnily enough, I don’t recall a similar cheer for Italy or Spain when they crossed the 10,000 threshold. I wonder why ?
I have noted earlier how the BBC will be celebrating when the UK reaches the 40,000 mark.
I notice The Mirror is currently competing with The Guardian as beeb’s favourite print media. (Part of the campaign against DC and also a basis for Labour recovery in the North.)
Especially on Toady.
Where Jonathan Ashworth is currently telling us what a good PM Surkeer would make, and that HE would definitely have sacked HIS adviser, in the same circumstances.
A relentless drumbeat of partisan aggression from Toady. That is where the beauty of off-message Tory MPs comes in. Toady can now be partisan without obviously trotting out only Labour and LimpDumb MPs.
If the circumstances solely involve the uncritical approval of the organs of Kevin Maguire, Polly and Hugh Sykes, no doubt.
It is those he has chosen to hire that remain interesting to those not circling inside the wagons.
Deputy editor clarifies.
John weighs in.
Makes a distinction.
There are doctors, nurses, Amazon packers, shelf stackers, and Border Force staff ‘putting their necks on the line’ as ‘key workers’ yet the Bronzed Strumpet has a fit of the huffs.
Doesn’t she realise the bad example that she has set? Shouldn’t she be ‘considering her position’? Shouldn’t Lord Hall be considering what effect this sulky shirking is having on the country and the upset that it has caused among the writers of The Guardian?
Do the honourable thing Ems! Fall on your
swordpen and resign!Just had the misfortune to watch Kay Burley interview Matt Hancock regarding Track and Trace…
She was seriously awful. Possibly a good news day, not for Burley, sarcastic, rude, continually interrupted and then at the end of the piece she read at a tweet supposedly just arrived and it said, ” when Hancock laughed I cried”, the bloke laughed at Burley when she accused him of bringing forward the App to distract from the Cummings debacle…
I’m going to ask a favour from you all if you read this..This is the email for Sky news ”“..Could you all just send a quick email regarding her appalling behaviour
Many thanks..Dafydd
Dafydd, I’ve already sent an email complaining about Fatty Boulton and his bullying manner when interviewing, if his ‘victim’ doesn’t comply with the answers Boulton wants – its his way or no way.
Funny how al beeb were banging on recently about how Dominic Cummings should never ‘become’ the news, and now the world’s most trusted are exactly that after the peroxide blonde’s little soliloquy ????
Maybe VD can commission BS Jr. to run a poll?
New narrative developing on Beeb with Toady: Track and Trace won’t work, cos we will all see that Cummings defied the rules, so -obviously- we will also defy.
Who thinks this crap up?
She has of course not been unstated.
Is the 45,000 mentioned the entire audience for the hard left news night broadcast on the far left bbc? Assuming accurate viewing figures are available for the bbc these days. I’m guessing newsnight viewers mainly consist of the left leaning or morbidly curious so 45,000 fanboy signatures isn’t really a big deal.
The Media.
“…prominent figures have suggested the coronavirus crisis has proved the necessity of a licence-fee-funded public broadcaster…. Matthew D’Ancona wrote to this effect, quoting a series of BBC sources.”
In… Tortoise, a failing comatose BBC hack retirement home headed by the ex BBC Head of News.
Is David Frost the next target?
According to John Ward, The Slog, it seems the answer to your question is yes:
Hence the main reason for the rats to try to remove Dominic Cummings.
Prime Minister Johnson must kick Mr Sedwill out of the building asap.
Hmmm….. Stephen Kinnock (Labour MP) blatantly breaches lockdown rules to attend a birthday party. The BBC hardly reacts at all. Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation as an MP, and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown ? No chance.
Tahir Ali (Labour MP) blatantly breaches lockdown rules to attend a funeral with about 100 others. The BBC hardly reacts at all. Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation as an MP, and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown ? No chance.
Kevan Jones (Labour MP) blatantly breaches lockdown rules to attend a birthday party. The BBC hardly reacts at all. Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation as an MP, and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown ? No chance.
Dominic Cummings (Adviser to the Conservative Prime MInister) does his best to protect his son from harm, works within the guidelines for the lockdown, and takes care to avoid contact with other people in the process. Keir Starmer and his party immediately demands his resignation from his job and claim that he will be responsible for any deaths arising from other people deciding that they might as well breach the lockdown .
The BBC fuels the fire with only one of these cases for days on end.
But this isn’t political, claim Keir Starmer and his party and, of course, the BBC laps it up and adds more fuel to the fire.
What a country we have become.
You need to send this to BBC and SKY news..
I still haven’t seen anyone pick up the fact that Kier Starmer’s wife in a Telegraph article a few days ago is described as an NHS keyworker and working as an Occupational Therapist (which is illegal as she is not listed on the regulatory body) So either the media is lying or KS’s wife is..?
No noise in the media – now imagine if it was A Tory Mp’s wife..
JamesArthur….. and, because Mr Starmer’s wife is a ‘key worker’, his kids are allowed to go to school….. but, did I not hear the other day that they had a live-in supporter for the kids ?
So there is no real need for them to attend school, but I guess the rules allow him to justify his position because of ‘exceptional’ circumstances….. but, I guess it’s one rule for some people’s kids, and another rule for others, as I have heard so many Labour MPs claim in just the past few days. (Not about Mr Starmer, though, strangely).
…and I have just noticed that Mr Jeremy Corbyn (remember him ? – former leader of the Labour Party, and still currently a Labour MP) has recently published a photograph on Facebook of himself clearly breaking the social distancing rules.
Does Keir Starmer and his party immediately demand his resignation from his job…..I am sure you know the rest.
Because I refuse to watch BBC news I watch Sky..
Kay Burley this morning is going into anti Government melt down, she has now accused John Ashworth of Labour of not going in hard enough regarding Cummings and why are Labour not attacking the Tories more..she is almost trying to coherse him..John Ashworth to his credit actually started to defend Hancock but Burley was not having it, disgraceful
Two things we need to be worried about..The fact that most media outlets are no longer even trying hide to the anti government reteric and secondly and more sinister, it all seems to be coordinated
Anyone see Beff tipping someone in the river…?
Maybe a schoolteacher or score Oop North using their Torybins?
R4..what a bunch of wank**rs… still banging on about DC…asking Matt Hancock same bloody questions over and over….
Nick Knobinson….using the ‘moral’ case….these people are disgusting..
You just have to hope nobody is listening to them – I had a whole day was great. blood pressure reduced
Why Knobinson says people are asking why they can’t see their own mother is beyond me – because they can…as long as they accept the risks if their mother is in “at risk” category…they just have to social distance
Knobinson thinks the public health message is confused it? Everyone I saw on the beach yesterday was following rules fine…who are these ‘public’ the BBC keep talking about?
BBC needs dismantling
We had the full Knobson and Useless routine on Toady this morning.
Useless interviewed a fellow Pakistani sob story case, from East London. Family with two kids. Both parents work but he is losing his job and they cant’t afford the rent and their immigration status denies them access to British taxpayer-funded largesse.
What of course Useless did not ask was ‘if you are so unhappy living in England why do you not return home to Pakistan’?
I notice that the lady was asked outright why her husband couldn’t be furloughed….. she absolutely avoided answering that question, and, of course, was not pressed relentlessly to do so. She said they had been here for 17 years or more, and had not had yet her immigration status confirmed…..????? She is still working but when asked, she only commented that her wages didn’t even cover their rent. She has two kids and gets no benefits for them ….. what age are they again ?
As I said, these questions were not pressed. Compare and contrast the hysteria from Mishal Husain yesterday when trying to shout down a government minister.
Solicitously questioning the Pakistani lady obviously fits the narrative, though.
Over at ITBB there are several new worthy posts in complement on the topic of the BS flounce, with several links to impartial new young Masonic luminaries such as Lewis gunning for Wolfie of W1A glory.
Here is but one.
Now that Emily Maitlis if off-air, who are the BBC going to put forward for the knobbly knees competition?
Beff is making her bid with “Rasputin-like”, which OFCOM will nod through and start a whole wave of fun precedents.
Now, what ‘-like’ do we think RBL is?
I’ve often thought of putting a handbook together. One which list the old faithful adages and gives current day examples of what would have been different had the appropriate adages been followed. Well, here’s one well known adage with a current example:
“While the cat’s away, the mouse will play”
Showing precisely why we all need DC.
Sky thinks it is being clever, when it has lost it.
‘People’? Really?
Mad monks? Tsarist assassins? Who?
And if the police can’t do their jobs, why are we paying them ?
They were right off the mark when being allowed to play with drones and other toys, though.
Had to google knobbly knees
I salute you sir.
And yet there is a serious point here. We amateurs on this website seem able to provide more evidence-based truth than does a massive statist broadcaster receiving £4 bn a year of our money.
Money which makes them totally immune from the effects of the pandemic, which is to their ‘journalists’ if anything a handy job creation exercise.
Meanwhile over at ITV and the like they are wondering how they will survive as advertising revenue dries up. OK so you might not like Piers and Susanna but at least they have to provide their own funding.
It seems riot season has started in the USA; Minneapolis.
From what I understand, someone was shot and killed by cops. I think they may have deliberately killed the victim. Action is being taken against the cop (s).
But that hasn’t stopped the mob gathering. They’re setting fire to buildings and looting others. Cue the man running away with a huge TV in his arms.
I think there might also be a disturbance in California.
Now for the Black whatever crowd and Antifa thugs to resume their animalistic antics.
I wonder how long before the copycat riots start. Where will they begin here in England?
It might be a long hot summer this year.
John in Cheshire
Don’t worry it will all be DC’s fault – he gave them permission to loot.. it is ‘alleged’ by the BBC 🙂
Looting is deep in their psyche, I regret to observe. Riots frequently degenerate into mob looting, whether in the US,GB,SA or elsewhere.
One wonders whether some riots have nothing to do with the issue they purport to be a response to, but actually hope to be a cover for looting.
‘Democratic’ shopping..? Easier to do when the cops are trying to cope with the riots, which -in turn- are meant to provide a vague sense of ‘legitimacy’ due to ‘grievances’?
Seen anything you like in the shops lately? Well, it’s easy and free, if you follow guidelines, and it will be a riot!
deep in their ..
The BBC reports that television was invented in Botswana in 42AD.
The BBC reports that what is happening is justified cultural re-expropriation of their “heritage”.
” .. cops are trying to cope with the riots”
Will not be happening in the UK, Cressida will be taking a break from pussy munching and going on the front line.
With helpful maps of Harrods, Fortnum and Mason, Garrard …
“Emily Maitlis: I asked for night off from BBC’s Newsnight”
Does anyone believe them ?
The MSM are very slow in sending their ‘pack’ over to give her the same treatment as DC had?
” … I asked for night off from BBC’s Newsnight”
The least plausible explanation since [insert your historical example here].
Mandy Rice-Davies might have expressed some scepticism regarding this “justification”.
“EU open to two-year Brexit extension, says Michel Barnier in response to letter from opposition MPs”
Anti-democratic , Anti-Brexit politicians at work. Things not going well in the EU Mr Barnier?
Has Al Beeb covered it yet?
Why are opposition MPS trying to negotiate with the EU (illegally ?, since they are, by definition, not Her Majesty’s Government) – and why are the BBC not down on this like a ton of bricks – after all, it’s a breach of the rules, isn’t it ? And we all know how important following the rules is for the BBC by now, don’t we ?
And surely such actions will cause people to justifiably start just disobeying any rules, won’t it ?
Richard, If it isn’t illegal to negotiate with Barnier and EU by the opposition then it should be. We have a government negotiator who has been instructed by the government on our behalf, these load mouth buffoons should be silenced. You can see desperation setting in now, they will do anything and try to take anyone down to get us to agree to an extension. They dont have long to act.
As for the BBC interfering, well that’s not the agenda is it? After realising that is why Dominic Cummings was desperate to get back to downing street after his illness with Boris being out of action when the dark forces of the civil service and the opposition were ready to take over negotiations it all makes sense now.
This is like a war being played out between us and the forces of evil. Boris had better keep his wits about him, nothing is safe until we get to July.
Nigel and The Brexit Party are vigilant. More than we can say our Border Farce is .
Has anyone questioned why the democratic vote to leave the EU has taken four years to happen ? Its because there has been a deliberate intent to delay and sabotage it by certain politicians and media operatives, no doubt helped by ‘external forces’ alien to our shores.
Strong case here for the UK to adopt something similar to the US Logan Act. Opposition parties should not negotiate with a foreign power for starters
Envoy of the world’s kickers-offers…
I wonder if Al Beeb mentioned that it is almost impossible, unless you are a terrorist tunneller, to get into Gaza, not that many would want to!
You certainly wouldn’t get many skiers or football fans or Cheltenham festival goers to go there on the off chance would you.
(Watch ‘Fauda’ on Netflix rather than Al Beeb, much more realistic and entertaining.)
PG – Or Christians.
I attended the engagement party of a Greek Orthodox friend’s daughters there in 1997. He was by then a long-term UK resident. He kindly paid for my ticket; the interrogation at Tel Aviv airport was not as bad as Fauda, but not fun.
What was fun was a breakfast of falafel in the best establisment in Gaza with his very good friend, a top man in the Palestinian police force, and his 4 bodyguards who sat in the large booth with Kalashnikovs on their knees, scrutinising the entrance either directly or via the mirror behind us.
‘Dozens of travel firms and hotel owners have said the UK should scrap plans to force visitors to quarantine on arrival’
One suspects those lobbying the government for our borders to be as porous as possible will be pushing at an open door – if you’ll excuse the pun.
Let’s see how this goes – whether the government does indeed give way and whether our liberal media, until now so keen on lockdown, screams and howls if these quarantine restrictions are eased?
Projection is a libmob characteristic
I have tolerated some on Facebook punting out inaccuracies to support their odd views for a while, but simply posting a factual tweet or two on the reality of this has seen them go quiet, hopefully not through my getting unfriended. But if so, little loss.
Almost all are female and mostly teachers.
stewgreen – I guess the headliner is exactly right.
‘This is what Fascism looks like.’ Followed up by a photo of Emily Maitliss…. a representative of the publicly funded (by government edict) broadcaster basically telling us what we need to think and feel, acting as judge, jury and executioner over someone they patently hate. Yup – that just about sums up what Fascism will do.
I don’t do social media – so never come across this type of thing but are they all as deranged and insulting as this? Do they ever use facts and discourse?
If anyone hasn’t come across the book(let) by Anthony Browne. The Retreat of Reason. I would recommend it – despite being 2006 it is still valid, perhaps more so today.
Skynews famous creative edits
Cummings is hated because he wrote in his blog –
2020-05-28 01:00
Coronavirus: How a hospital and its community copes with death
Clive Myrie has been finding out how East London’s Asian community is coping with the pandemic.
Is this the famous author Clive Myrie? The Nobel prize winner.
The gallant journalist who risked his life exposing the racist mass Muslim gang rapes of white children, targeted throughout Europe.
No, just another white hater with a chip on his shoulder, promoting another white hating minority.
Thank you BBC for your impartiality and patriotism.
God, I wish we could have a Bias Sky. Fatty Boulton is really going for the jugular at his Conservative interviewee. She had come on to talk about Test and Trace, and then he redirected the questions to DC, his questioning then verged on the bullying. Disgraceful.
The response to the MSM swamp rats should be along the lines:
I’m not going to discuss Mr Cummings. If you choose to obsess about him, that’s your problem. Not mine.
If the MSM rat persists, terminate the interview. Better still, don’t be interviewed by them. Then they can make up lies without the inconvenience of having to edit what has been said by the interviewee. Less stressful for everyone, including the MSM rat’s audience.
Totally agree John, tv news interviewing has become an uncomfortable and embarrassing watch. All the journalistic anchors, regardless of channel, just want to hang, draw and quarter the people who have willingly agreed to go on air. After watching Boulton’s aggressive attack on a woman MP this morning, I’d be surprised if she didn’t reach for the Scotch afterwards. There should be a boycott of all stations by potential interviewees until journalists can get a grip on their emotions and bias.
Am sure others have commented; I have only just fired up the ‘laptaupe ancien’ and seen the Home Page.
The Walnut One is, I see, claiming she asked for a night off from Newsnight.
Hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmnnnnnnnn mmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
If you wish, you can believe that. It’s not the ambitious Walnut One that I remember from telly watching days pre-Spring 2005 and earlier.
After all, you know you can trust the BBC and Lord HawHaw.
Just watched Matt Hancock on ITV with Ruth and Eamonn
Obviously the government has given up on the toxic BBC to get its message across –
.. the group of anti-Cummings Tories are conceding defeat …
Also known as traitors who should have been expelled from The Conservative and Unionist Party years ago.
Duke Farage of Dover is still my favourite to lead not only the UK, but most patriotic European parties
in a direction diametrically opposed to the “Promised Land” promised by the Commies and Globalists,
after the collapse of the EU.
.. the group of anti-Cummings Tories are conceding defeat …
Also known as traitors who should have been expelled from The Conservative and Unionist Party years ago.
Duke Farage of Dover is still my favourite to lead not only the UK, but most patriotic European parties in a direction diametrically opposed to the “Promised Land” promised by the Commies and Globalists, after the collapse of the EU.
“Super pair”
The way a Labour & Tory make arrangement not to go to vote
cos they know they’d cancel each other out anyway.
As the people clap for Dominic Cummings tonight a tip for you .
If you are a bit down – go to facebook or youtube or where ever and watch a bit of msm from the 2019 election night when the result is announced . Priceless . page
“Coronavirus (COVID-19): travellers exempt from UK border rules”
“Exemptions from self-isolation requirements”
Basically everybody except YOU
it exempts specifically
“a person who is engaged in urgent or essential work for the BBC’s broadcasting transmission network and services”
(It doesn’t mention media or journalists though)
What about the principle of Cultural Exchange?
Many candidates within Parliament and elsewhere who could do with a dose of Cultural Exchange………… with North Korea naturally.