There is a rumour circulating that Dominic Cummings sister is on the board of the company Idox, which is involved with the creation of the governments ridiculouso track and trace app.
Whilst there is an Alice Cummings – a very accomplised lady listed as a non executive director, she is not related in any way to Dominic Cummings and furthermore she is not involved with the government track and trace app either.
I would wager that all politicians, like the rest of us are sometimes guilty of hypocrisy. So what?
At the last General Election I cast my vote for the Conservatives for just 3 reasons
1. To extricate Great Britain from the clutches of the European Union – NOT from Europe.
2. To stop the invasion of our country by illegal aliens and to deport ALL felons.
3. To either ensure that the BBC becomes a totally impartial (as in referee) public broadcasting service or de-fund the present Socialist monster.
So far they have made a start on item one. Items 2 and 3 seem to scare the shit out of them. I remain patient but not without limit.
Lefty – it will be very difficult taking on the BBC head on because there are still too many people who have regard for it – on top of the snowflake who have it as their political ally .
So the neutralisation / extinction of the BBC might have to be gradual – such as a reduction in funding ( if it is unable or unwilling to fund itself ) and , maybe a change in the way the Charter works .
I’d like to see the year on year numbers on overseas sales from the ‘commercial ? Arm ‘ of the monster . It must surely be downward – remember that it dumped ‘top gear ‘ over some nonsense ?
Or maybe the pressure on the public sector after the Chines virus will freeze funding that way.
I know thIs sounds a bit limp – but it’s too easy to just shout ‘kill the BBC’ rather than thinking about the reality of how we could do it ….
Message to Al Beeb watchers.
Forget ‘Newsnight’ that is just the tip of the Iceberg, a giant iceberg at that!
Lets start here…….. Can anyone, including Al Beeb, point out to a Pro-Brexit broadcast ?
Bias ?
Ha! what Bias .
Splendid conversation between @iromg and former Radio4 producer Tim Luckhurst*
about the Newsnight affair.
Luckhurst is correct.
Maitlis’ rant shows an editorial *team* that can’t distinguish fact from opinion.
Maitlis took one for the team.”
Luckhurst ‘No one believes it was just Maitlis it has to be the entire Guardianland team,
of course the producer and staff knew the plan
.. it got into the autocue for a start
.. the BBC needs to cut back to core services’
But He claimed Marr acts impartially
and said Paul Mason is honest
* @TCHL Principal of South College, Durham University
Luckhurst , an ex BBC employee ?
Biased , what bias?
They will try everything now except a ‘Voluntary Tell Tax’ . Then we will see how popular and good they are.
I wonder what Jon and the BBC-team are rep…RTing about?
This is wild. Trudeau won’t credential journalists he doesn’t like, and has his security treat a reporter like a criminal.
Imagine Trump doing this? This reporter would be named Time Magazine Person of the Year and given a Pulitzer. In Canada, other journos don’t bat an eyelid.
Well, Jon is in ghoul obsession ignoring tv protests in Minneapolis, Anthony has his suspicions, which are good enough, and Katty is RTing more people than Sweeney! likes in a month.
…… a lot of behaviour going on in my neck of the woods that is far in excess of anything Dominic Cummings was supposed to have done. Yesterday there was yet another party, apparently mostly female populated and well stooshed by mid-afternoon, shrieking and howling away. Spoilt the sunny afto in the gardens for everyone else.
Then there were the others, different house I think, talking loudly outdoors at 11 p.m., midnight, 1 a.m., 2 a.m. and onwards, at a time of year and in weather conditions when most people sleep with a bedroom window open.
Still awake in time for Tweet of the Day: another good one. Stone Curlew and heard but not seen (at night) by a sound recordist. On to the news. Dominic Cummings is third or fourth item. On to the weather.
Then the paper review with Mishal (‘er again? Talk about the ambition of the Beeboid females!) and Nick. Dominic Cummings, first item and mentioned regularly thereafter.
Guilty of guideline “minor breach” but the matter is now closed.
@Telegraph BREAKING: Durham Police investigation has concluded Dominic Cummings DID breach lockdown rules when he drove to Barnard Castle.”
‘Yes. If you carry on reading.
They have said the matter is now closed.’
But The Telegraph has learned that an investigation by Durham Police has concluded he did commit a “minor breach” of the guidelines when he drove to Barnard Castle on April 12.
However the force, which according to the most recent data, has issued 137 fines for lockdown breaches, said it would not be taking any further action against Mr Cummings.
The force said it did not consider Mr Cummings had breached the regulations when self-isolating at his father’s farm in Durham at the end of March but that the trip to Durham did constitute a “minor breach”.
It’s a case of the headline being bigger than the story
Piers Morgan’s words
“BREAKING: Durham Police investigation has concluded Dominic Cummings DID breach lockdown rules when he drove to Barnard Castle. @Telegraph”
R4…The BBC have managed to find a ‘doctor’ who signed up to be clinical contact chaser – and all she is doing is moaning she couldn’t get onto the system…and she says ‘I presume I am being paid’
Well many of my friends are contract tracers and ALL of them got on and ALL of them know they are being paid…admittedly not many have had calls but what do you expect at the start
This ‘Doctor’ is an EX- junior doctor..whatever that means…but didn’t feel able to work on front line – Do me a favour..something smells wrong here…
How do the BBC find these people and never my friends or me?
Oh now R4 saying Durham police report there might have been a minor breach lockdown laws when DC went to Barham castle but the trip to father was okay and no more action taken
However, BBC focus on the ‘might’ in the minor suggesting it isn’t over..what a bunch of Tw*ts
So where are apologies????
JA – Think we have to give up expecting any semblance of news/balanced reporting from beeb. They find what they look for, and they look for what sustains their agenda and narrative. Added to this, they now presume to speak for everybody under the sun, an arrogant and dishonest strategy.
This has become a lot worse, now that they have realised government is vulnerable to health-related propaganda.
The MSM in general, are gulty, but beeb leads the way. They need to have A LOT OF COMPLAINTS, to tell them they don’t represent us. For what it’s worth, OFCOM should be told that as well. WE NEED TO MAKE A LOT OF NOISE, the way the people beeb likes to “find” do.
One of the problems with spending time on Twitter is that you come across disturbing footage which you regret seeing – such as a 1 minute 48 sequence of Alistair Campbell speaking into his camera whilst wearing 2 Northern Ireland Service medals and singing his version of the National Anthem involving Dom Cummings .
Now I know Mr Campbell has mental issues and makes money out of talking about it – but this footage looks to me as though he is near the edge……
Naturally the more serious thing is a creature like him wearing medals he was not awarded – particularly after what his traitor boss did with selling out all those victims of Irish Republican murderers …
But that’s the knack, isn’t it Fed? Campbell wearing medals and having a snigger is what it’s all about. Owen, Paul, Polly and the rest would get the joke, looking down on all of us who lack the right sort of intelligence with that utter distain enshrined in all Guardian writers.
@Fed Flipping heck , I just watched the video
Alastair Campbell has had a breakdown
How could have mad a vid like that insulting so many people
just to have a sneer at Cummings ?
He shouldn’t be on air for a long time after that
But one rule for libmob and another for the rest of us.
The BBC are making a lot about the USA having the highest China flu death toll in the world – somehow Trump’s fault?
But US has an enormous population – 330 million (I can remember it going beyond 200m – have they had a lot of immigration?)
So it’s death count per million is 309
Belgium 810
Spain 580
UK 552
Italy 547
Their article does mention those figures (deaths per million of population ‘Mr Trump prefers to cite the mortality rate’ – as if it’s obviously not as useful because he chooses to do it). Notice how in the graphic those figures are small and on the right hand side. And of course they show that overall, the USA is not the worst…but hold on a minute, they show that New York has by far the worst rate!! Use that then. Let’s have some comparisons of NYC and London please Al Beeb.
They then try to explain Belgium’s high rate by saying it reports deaths that are thought to be with coronavirus…as if no one else is doing that!
Actually, Durham police have said that there MIGHT have been a breach of lockdown rules on his trip to Barnard Castle. But all the media are now saying he DID ! WTF ????? Interpretation is all in the fantasy world of the media.
\\Dominic Cummings ‘may have broken lockdown rules’ – police//
“May have” ? So the police are at it now .
Note: How the headline has changed from “May” to “Might”.
Either he did or didn’t . How the heck will that stand up in court ?
Boris needs to get a grip before the police loose the respect of the people of Great Britain !
I think it is a good outcome
Had Cummings been completely cleared
then the Remainiacs would simply say it’s all rigged.
But by saying it’s a minor breach, they can say “we were a little bit right” their cognitive dissonance doesn’t kick in and they don’t lash out.
Slimy Sarah Montague R4 are pushing this “might have been” and a ‘minor’ breach going…and twisting DC’s words
BBC are despicable…….and apparently now 75Tory MPs say he should go..75!!! If there are 75 they are spineless idiots
What is most galling is the ‘big issue the media went on about – the London to Durham Trip was within guidelines and is not regarded by the police as an issue..
Most of the high profile Tory Remainers were got rid of at the last election but there are plenty of Tory MPs who remain Remainers at heart and who , when they think the time is right, will join Labour and the rest to try to Rejoin the EU. In the meantime they are like a grub within the Tory party and slowly sapping the strength of its Brexit conviction. Johnson and Cummings are the key stones of Brexit , if they fall Brexit will too, consequently the Remainer plan is to attack them non stop for as long as it takes. Everyone on this site knows that the Cummings Affair has nothing to do with a Covid and everything to do with Brexit. Hopefully the general public , or at least a majority of them, will also realise this.
‘Might have been a breach of the regulations’ may refer not to the Cummings Snr or Cummings Jnr actions but to the Press behaviour. That would be certainly true as far as the media were concerned last weekend in London, if the pictures are anything to go by..
However, it is not needed to stand up in Court. The Durham Police appear to be in the grip of the Labour Party and Labour-led Council. The Durham Police can therefore make the statement, knowing technically it is true of Press behaviour in London and – maybe – in Co. Durham also. And they thereby keep the pot boiling for the national Lather Brigade (a.k.a. the MSM) and the Labour Party’s Imperial Leather Mob to keep themselves and any members of Parliament – and any of the public who are gullible enough to believe the confection – all foaming at the mouth.
I’m getting heartily sick of the bbc constantly inferring/implying (while using vague terms) that they speak for me. They virtually never show opinions that don’t support their message, and they ‘find’ the people that reinforce their propaganda.
It’s the old ‘some say’ phenomenon that we are used to from them, but it has become a lot worse with the pandemic – a perfect opportunity to gear up your propaganda machine for your own purposes. The same strategy is their aggressive interviewing, in which their message is repeated over and over again, regardless. Even if they do finally lay off, or even ask 1 fairish question, their agenda has been drummed in — a deliberate ploy, mastered by people like Nick Robinson on R4. Listening to him this a.m. I couldn’t believe the extent to which he would push his luck. (While keeping claims vague, so as to make complaints difficult, and leave room to back out if needs be.)
We need to disabuse them of their malicious and dishonest narrative that they somehow speak for everyone.
fnw, ‘some commentators’ [ oops! done it now myself 🙂 ] think that very same thing helped to get Donald Trump elected in 2016. It was quite a close race but the attitude of media claiming that they spoke for everyone in being pro-Clinton was enough to upset uncommitted swing voters to come out and vote Republican along with Republicans who were not initially going to bother but were angered by the media presumptions.
Fake, this business of journalists speaking for the public, was the basis of my complaint to the BBC yesterday at Maitless’ opening monologue. I vented my feelings aggressively that no journalist speaks for me, in my name, or on my behalf.
This morning the R4 news led with the track and trace. Completely rubbished it and by implication the government. This is a new complex technology and needs time. The BBC has moved beyond criticism into an attempt to demoralise and render ineffective any thing that we try to do to restore the country.
That is verging on treason in these hard days.
What we are faced with is a middle class that controls the media and is of almost one mind. It is showing it’s colours.
It is an enemy of the working class and the nation because it owes loyalty to other than the nation itself.
AS for Cummings. If he is essential to the nation and it’s business then he should by definition be given any special treatment he needs in order to carry out his function. Then there is no question of any breach of anything. That is how life is.
“All of this diatribe towards Cummin[g]s is purely political, and has nothing to do with the rights or wrongs of what may or may not have happened. Why do we have to rely on Guido Fawkes to hear, and see a photo, that Varadka[r] enjoyed a picnic in a public park, and spent the night in a property outside an area where he was allowed to travel. Starmer has sent his son to school from the outset because his wife is a key worker. Steven Kinnock drove over 300 miles to visit his parents: Kevin Jones MP, Labour, drove from London to his Co Durham constituency to attend a constituent[‘]s birthday party: Labour MP Tahir Ali attended a funeral in his constituency as one of 100 mourners, Welsh Labour Health Secretary Vaughan Gethin had a picnic in a park when the Welsh Government explicitly said ‘ no picnics in any park ‘ Why don’t the Biased Broadcasting Corporation and other news outlets broadcast this? Because it is really nothing to do with Cummin[g]s and all to do with Remainers kicking up about Brexit and the Conservatives[‘] huge majority.”
Exactly Mustapha, we have become a nation of finger-pointing sneaks by proxy – if you believe even a small part of the invective stream.
Has Boris popularity really dropped off the scale?
Do 60 MPs actually want Dominic to resign?
Do you think the BBC, Sky, Guardian, Independent and others impart genuine, truthful news?
On here, we all know the answers to these questions, but at what stage do you think an unimpeachable, reliable, respected source of information will explain that whatever Cummings may or may not have done, reversing Brexit is the name of the game.
So who will be honest and brave enough to tell the truth? No point in hoping Charles will step forward, William just might, if he were older and not surrounded by craven courtiers. Farage has lost his audience, or had it pulled from beneath his feet, so that leaves Andrew Neil as perhaps the only one man enough – and even he probably lacks the bottle.
I was wondering this earlier and Nigel F would seem to be the only candidate but seems in the wilderness at the moment
What is so frustrating is the power the MSM has to distort facts to suit a narrative and the likes of us on this site lack any real power to combat it – or do we – I am open to suggestions
BBC complaint went in the other day but it never seems to change anything
It is more and more like 1984
I think the only tangible hope is the internet and a couple of radio stations. Especially for the young, conventional ‘news’ sources are of little interest and the ‘power’ of the MSM is fleeting, of little consequence. Many Facebook and Twitter users take the piss just as much as others worship their media heroes.
We worry, naturally, because most of us have seen a bit more of life than those who choose to distort and lie for a living.
But the real joy of the situation is that all them, Campbell, Toynbee, Crerar, Maitless, Boulton, Rigby, O’Brian, Jones, Mason and all the others we know are at the same game, all of them are in a vast echo chamber of their own devising. The overwhelming majority either don’t give a toss or take it with a large pinch of salt, and that pinch gets bigger with every absurd ‘news’ story they fabricate and inflate until one day – a day getting ever closer – they will collapse like a punctured bouncy castle, accompanied by the loudest farting sound yet produced by the vegan liberal elite.
Brillo does have a good record on speaking the truth unto power on Brexit.( much less sound on other issues though) But where would he get a nationwide platform in order to do so? The four Brexit supporting newspapers but nowhere else. This illustrates the vital importance of crushing the BBC they have far too much control of the news agenda, a near monopoly. And their control of the cultural agenda is nearly as complete. Democracy cannot flourish without diversity of opinion and the BBC ensures that this particular type of diversity is denied us.
The other issue is the ferociousness of any challenge to their version of the world – as evidenced by the reaction of them to one of their own taking a night off her show . ….
I think the BBC will send us a message by giving Ms maitlis her own chat show with selected guests to adore and attack – Marr might be a bit worried ….
It is hard to believe that Lewis Goodall can remain in post.
Not only does he keep breaking the rules as set down by his employer but he has now been shown to be not very good as a journalist.
It is high time that the BBC started dishing out some real discipline against its arrogant and errant staff.
The BBC’s favourite ‘brown-eyed’ boy has some advice for his mates:
“… Twitter is the industrialisation of confirmation bias. Its super-rich engineers always aimed to make us addicts, by incentivising/rewarding outrage. For them, disgusting abuse, conspiracies, conflict and fury are lucrative wins.”
This is not a real news conference. The Chief Medical Officer & Chief Scientific Officer have either been gagged &/or have told No 10 that they will not publicly back the PM’s defence of Dominic Cummings. Follow up questions have been stopped.
Indeed. The Government has to answer to the public via Parliament, not via 3rd rate hacks at the BBC. It’s nothing to do with Covid 19 and all to do with Brexit.
We consider complaints about newspapers or magazines (and their websites) which are members of IPSO. To see if a publication is an IPSO member, you can check here, or call us for advice. We can only consider complaints which are made under the Editors’ Code.
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Quite a few on Twitter are using the words
“might have been” and “minor breach”
.. and the hashtags #ScumMedia and #MediaScum
against the gotcha journos.
Charlie – I understand the Bill is up next Wednesday – it will be interesting to see how many conservative backbenchers break ranks and support it . I can’t remember how many Remainer Conservative MPs were re elected but even after the slaughter of the election -traitors like Ed Davy and his type are happy to challenge an overwhelming democratic vote .
Remainers are like the Chinese Virus – just won’t go away .
I am more and more impressed with guido – every day the small bunch of journos keep delivering the goods. And to make it even better, there is usually a story or two about the Beeb.
This afternoon’s gem – The BBC misled 70,000 people
‘Chrissy Teigen decides to remove breast implants’ that essential piece of news that the non-essential BBC decided to tell me this morning.
The BBC have since moved it further down their Home Page. A lot of the other rubbish is still there nearer the top of the page. This is over a day old, I think.
What about that firm commitment to remove ‘stale’ items from the web-site and broadcasts, BBC?
Searching Twitter with terms : Cummings deleted
offers a massive insight to libworld
They keep tweeting the world as they WANT to be not how it really is
and then deleting those tweets
Cummings, who previously led the Vote Leave campaign which was found to have broken the law & subsequently was found in contempt of parliament, is now considered by Durham police to have committed a criminal offence
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) May 28, 2020
I think I mentioned here before that with something like the DC nonsense twitter has to be constantly monitored to capture what these people are putting up, thinking twice about , and quickly removing .
In a way it’s a shame that that goes up doesn’t just stay up .
The tweets by the Lewis Goodall creature would have been good evidence of his obvious bias and hatred of DC . The footage of Mr Goodall going for DC at the end of 2019 in the street explains a lot about why the Left are obsessed …
They are all seeking new ways of painting the picture they want.
Guardian Headlines:
“Dominic Cummings potentially broke lockdown rules, say Durham police”…Potentially WTF
How can you potentially break something?
Norman Stanley Fletcher – you have potentially broken the law and are sentenced to potentially going to jail
JA – the MSM is desperate to keep this nonsense going until next Tuesday when Parliament returns – for 17 days I think .
I fear they are so driven by their mission of stopping our exit from the EU – to rejoin – that the prospect of running a campaign to undermine the government and its campaign and as a result increasing cases and deaths mean nothing to it . Savage isn’t it ?
Not much evidence of ‘common good ‘- particularly from the Broadcaster funded through state Taxes .
All this farty-bollocks is the sad, plonkerite lefties’ way to try and somehow stop Brexit, and the other stuff we voted for last year, but most normal people have seen all this, so never fear, we’ll all win out, and the November result in the US will also stick that stupid little creep Sople, and his non-sexy chum Kotty (!) where it really hurts!
This is nothing less than an ideological war with one side allowed access to media including bbc
Only thing to do is complain which I will be this weekend at length about so many aspects of this DC affair regardless of what one thinks of him and his views he has been relentlessly pilloried with our national broadcaster at the helm asking the SAME questions over and over and over day after day and stoking up the far left agitators and refusing to accept any answers given that do not fit their prejudiced views
they do not speak for me and I suspect many millions more but try telling them that, same as the election and brexit, they do not and will not listen to those who fund them
They are setting the agenda they want and not reacting to news but “creating” it through, for example, actively ignoring mass rape and other major criminal activity of certain minorities (London knifings ?) , and many other notable omissions of news stories (French riots ?) whilst desperately trying to socially engineer a society that does not exist outside of their tiny prejudiced minds through trivial crap “stories” about minorities and portraying them as continual victims
(despite the clear evidence of who is responsible for over 90% of world conflict)
I would probably drive blindfold and one armed rather than let the wife drive me down the A1, just saying
she does not suffer from stress but she is a carrier, especially in the driving seat
although I must say she is a champion of equality, the verge, central reservation, pavement and kerb have the same rights of being driven on as the carriageway in her libertarian view
I admitted defat as a passenger after twice being driven up the kerb at 20 mph because “it was dark”
Darcy, as I am the one who takes the wheel for most long journeys, I am glad your response is about your wife in particular and not ladies in general.
As for the A1, I think they have finished the roadworks near Catterick for those in the north but I fear the A1 near Peterborough is or will be smart motorway. It is a bit of a nuisance for those of us who may have slipped up to 10% above the speed limit (easy when it is 4 lanes) but now fear I have to tackle it more cautiously, or at least will when I can travel again. Don’t tell Mr D because he cannot see the speedometer when I am driving and he hopes I am only doing 69mph.
It is indeed about my wife particularly, having a unique talent in changing lanes without noticing, and treating multi lane roundabouts as a free fairground ride, without the gypsy hanging off your car nicking your spare change
and as for smart motorways
I have to take some personal responsibilty there in a peripheral way nuff said, but please note the cameras respond to changes in speed limits and are not set to a default 70… a warning for all
EG I’d guess that if you were going to set off on a 260 mile journey
the both of you should have a practice at driving.
If she set off for London he’d want to be sure he’d be able to take over the driving.
I don’t think it. was a breach, cos it was a safety measure
.. but if calling it a breach helps calm things.
then that is good.
How many DC questions today ? Have we passed the peak ?
Will it be just abuse about the tracing – or the footy?
Yesterday the health sec mentioned having signed a contract for billions – yes billions of bits of PPE and the MSM didn’t blink . This time I think they are not buying it from some dodgy mustapha in a bazaar in Constantinople ….
In early preparation for giving the NHS Clap I thought it might be important to get a bit of ‘classical’ in for Foscari and others, just in case tonight is the clap giving finale.
There is a Christian hymn that can be sung to the music at about 6m 11s, the words of which follow:
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender;
We go not forth alone against the foe;
Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender.
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
Yea, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation!
In Thy dear Name, all other names above;
Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
Our Prince of glory and our King of love.
We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,
And needing more each day Thy grace to know:
Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender:
Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise
When reigning in the Kingdom of Thy splendor;
Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.
Appropriate words, whether in the pursuit of Brexit or emerging from ‘Lockdown’ in a world of viruses including Covid-19.
Have happy memories of sitting – on a hot summer’s night – on the cool stone floor at the top of the Albert Hall for a first class performance of this during a Promenade Concert many years ago. Cannot remember orchestra or conductor but they received tremendous applause for their performance of this piece.
Whilst the DC nonsense has been going on the PRC has been busily repressing Hong Kong ( inevitable ) – this afternoon a joint statement by UK USA Australia and Canada has been issued reminding the PRC to abide by treaty obligations –
More importantly – the immigration rules for HK passport holders is being changed for the UK …..
The BBC is meant to be big on ‘diversity ‘ but I don’t know of any Chinese background journalist droids broadcasting on the BBC – ….
Has nobody ever asked the question why, even in normal circumstances, it is of such vital importance for political reporters to stand outside 10 Downing Street in order to do their job? And, particularly in the present circumstance, why is it still considered essential for them to do so?
You mention a problem of widespread significance; doing your job and being seen doing your job.
Most jobs can be done without having to be seen. But explain that to the bosses, and these pathetic hacks outside no 10 are desperate to be seen.
They never answer questions remember they only ask (which is a waste of time as they ignore answers they do not like) unless it is a stooge where the answer suits their agenda
I will be lodging a number of complaints to ofcom (waste of time complaining to the bbc they refuse to accept any blame for anything) one of which will be the absolute stupidity of bbc so called qustions especially during briefings where the answer was covered before the question, and ignoring the answers, as I said before, they are either deaf, stupid or politically motivated (or all of these)
News conference highlight.
Boris has metaphorically slapped Laura Doomsberg in the chops with his putdown over her lamentable insatiable search for a ‘gotcha’ Cummings moment.
She looked like she had been stung by a wasp.
Never mind there must be some msm outlet somewhere in Patagonia maybe that will show this, of course if she had got an answer it would be all over the bbc
I just hope, as an adherent of the multiverse theory, there an alternative universe somewhere there is a Boris who would reply to her “Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe ?”
or even better, as reported by a colleague of mine in a meeting with someone who was so sick of the place he resigned but had one more meeting, had a couple of snifters, and when asked a question he produced a sooty puppet who whispered in his ear and then he reported:
“I am oppressed so I will go and smash a shop and nick some TVs” hmmm
Woman in a wheelchair is sprayed with fire extinguisher by looters who accuse her of ‘getting out of her chair and STABBING them while trying to stop ransacking of Target’ in George Floyd riots in Minneapolis
The woman, Jennifer, claimed she was ‘peacefully protesting’ to stop looting
But a crowd outside Target said she was armed and sprayed foam in her face
Others claimed the woman was not disabled and had attacked other looters
It came on a second night of violence in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, a black man pinned to the ground by a white police officer
“Durham police say Dominic Cummings 260-mile drive to his parents did NOT breach lockdown”
BBC Headline:
Dominic Cummings ‘might have broken lockdown rules’ – police
They go on to clarify thus:
” Dominic Cummings might have broken lockdown rules, but it would have been a “minor breach”, say Durham Police.”
But the headline is what counts and it might be factually correct, but it is just about as biased and misleading as is possible short of an outright lie.
And also in the mail online – a nice picture of an investment banker called Mark Gwynne out strolling through west London with a lady wearing dark glasses and a hat . Apparently the lady is his wife – a lady called Emily ‘One Ess’ Maitlis
Personally I’d like to see a picture of where they live …
I’d pop round and ask her about breaking broadcasting rules and is she going to resign ? Apologise ? You know the song …
Personally I would love to give her a feel of what it is like to have people shout abuse at her in the street and outside her house entirely due to what a bbc reporter has decided the public should feel about her
it is strange that the far left bbc and its adherents act this way but vast majority of those that do not share their opinions and which they term “far right” seem to act with significantly more respect and dignity
battery acid anyone ? attack someone in the street and throw a milkshake all over them ? scream nazi scum in their face repeatedly (Soibhan Prigent) ?
Me too Darcy – looking at Mr Maitlis-Gwynne s bio – it seems he was a lawyer before becoming a Multi millionaire banker – i think we deserve to have pictures of all of their homes …..
Once the press start door stepping it should work both ways ….. there has to be a price .
Theleft – I got told off by the pedantic wing of the site so I have to watch me spelling ….
Every ‘journo’ on that PM briefing asked a DC related question . What people who just want To know about how things are developing see this obsession I really don’t know .
Representatives from New Scientist and the Belfast Newsletter, who I wager earn very little, asked more interesting questions and elucidated far more useful information than Laura Doomsberg, Peston et al on their £ hundreds of thousands, whose only interest is to further their careers endlessly seeking the elusive gotcha moment.
I thought the Belfast man asked a nice sensible question which helped provide additional information but then he followed it up with a snarl and anger as he twisted in a question about DC , if I remember correctly whether Dom’s behaviour would mean other people wouldn’t keep to the rules. Don’t know about the rest of you but I keep the rules to protect me and Mr D, not to save the NHS or members of the press pack.
The incredibly boring, unbelievably repetitive, unspeakably immature Laura and Peston (et al) show drones on.
They foist the same, old, same old questions on us, day in, day out. Do they think they are being clever?
What is the point of the briefing? What is the point of journalists?
This is laughable, with huge salaries attached. Maybe THAT is the point: keeping those huge salaries afloat?
Pretending that you’re passing on info, or something of worth? When it’s all a boring little political game? (But a well-paid one for ‘some’.)
THIS, not travelling to Durham, is the CRIMINAL OFFENCE here!
We have to pay beeb for this garbage! Instead of thanking them for their questions, the PM should tell it like it is, and tell them to take a running jump.
ITV local news : asylum seekers in lockdown
‘Here we have Farou whio is waiting for her asylum claim
she is a 26 yo Afghan who the government has given a place to live and £5/day pocket money
.. she was a health worker , but isn’t allowed to work here’
… A charity plans to help her into work.
Fortunately I never see Maitlis. Sounds even worse than Laura K. Stalin’s ‘cult of personality’ revisited? Don’t even know what channel she’s on. Very backward. Gotta keep it that way. I sense that the Lord has richly blessed me.
A scenario: …………..
DC advises and warns the nation “Dont shoot yourself in the foot !”
For one reason or another, DC is forced to shoot himself in the foot .
The FOOLS in the nation are so enraged and upset about DC’s action, encouraged by Al Beeb, they too shoot themselves in the foot !
According to UKpresssgazette IPSO has been receiving a lot of complaints about the conduct of the enemy press outside the home of DC – in response IPSO sez – go complain to plod .
The acting chief exec of IPSO used to work at the Guardian , the head of IPSO complaints is job share between Lauren Sloan and Holly Pick ….
The IPSO is meant to respond to complaints of harrassment but :
3. *Harassment
i) Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
ii) They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist; nor remain on property when asked to leave and must not follow them. If requested, they must identify themselves and whom they represent.
iii) Editors must ensure these principles are observed by those working for them and take care not to use non-compliant material from other sources.
I have been reading up for my weekend complaints, it is the only way to respond to what appears to be a barrage of socialist / left witch hunting
maybe DC did not ask thm to desist ? if he did they are in breach
I would think a so called professional journalist calling someone a “dick” on national TV is an action that causes offence, I also think DC has enough in his arsenal now to cause the bbc et al a lot of potential damage but is keeping his powder dry maybe
This reminds me at the time of the Peterborough election when the Brexit party stood when that lefty criminal was thrown out. I complained to the electoral commission about the obvious problem with the postal voting and I got a nasty fob off email from them telling me if I wasnt happy complain to the council.
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Fake news alert !
There is a rumour circulating that Dominic Cummings sister is on the board of the company Idox, which is involved with the creation of the governments ridiculouso track and trace app.
Whilst there is an Alice Cummings – a very accomplised lady listed as a non executive director, she is not related in any way to Dominic Cummings and furthermore she is not involved with the government track and trace app either.
It’s a heads up to stop malicious false gossip being spread by the Fascist Left who appear to regard truth as a maleable commodity.
I would wager that all politicians, like the rest of us are sometimes guilty of hypocrisy. So what?
At the last General Election I cast my vote for the Conservatives for just 3 reasons
1. To extricate Great Britain from the clutches of the European Union – NOT from Europe.
2. To stop the invasion of our country by illegal aliens and to deport ALL felons.
3. To either ensure that the BBC becomes a totally impartial (as in referee) public broadcasting service or de-fund the present Socialist monster.
So far they have made a start on item one. Items 2 and 3 seem to scare the shit out of them. I remain patient but not without limit.
Lefty – it will be very difficult taking on the BBC head on because there are still too many people who have regard for it – on top of the snowflake who have it as their political ally .
So the neutralisation / extinction of the BBC might have to be gradual – such as a reduction in funding ( if it is unable or unwilling to fund itself ) and , maybe a change in the way the Charter works .
I’d like to see the year on year numbers on overseas sales from the ‘commercial ? Arm ‘ of the monster . It must surely be downward – remember that it dumped ‘top gear ‘ over some nonsense ?
Or maybe the pressure on the public sector after the Chines virus will freeze funding that way.
I know thIs sounds a bit limp – but it’s too easy to just shout ‘kill the BBC’ rather than thinking about the reality of how we could do it ….
Me ? I’d privatise the monster ….
Mad Al inadvertently inspires an acolyte to an hilarious #montoyamoment
Can’t speak for all, but policy, governance and career destruction at whim of ideological media editors seems sub optimal to me.
I have lost track with all the media crap – does anyone know anything about DC saying he will go if….?
Or is this just Mr Campbellend’s fantasy – I hope so.
Gawd noes.
Maybe a BBC source whispered it to him in a room occupied only by him. With very thick, soft, wallpaper.
Phew 🙂
Who ever believes a psychopath like Campbell?
Total nutter, more like that funny bloke David Icke!
She really is that thick.
And what… is Beff doing to so impress JCJ?
Message to Al Beeb watchers.
Forget ‘Newsnight’ that is just the tip of the Iceberg, a giant iceberg at that!
Lets start here…….. Can anyone, including Al Beeb, point out to a Pro-Brexit broadcast ?
Bias ?
Ha! what Bias .
Splendid conversation between @iromg and former Radio4 producer Tim Luckhurst*
about the Newsnight affair.
Luckhurst is correct.
Maitlis’ rant shows an editorial *team* that can’t distinguish fact from opinion.
Maitlis took one for the team.”
Luckhurst ‘No one believes it was just Maitlis it has to be the entire Guardianland team,
of course the producer and staff knew the plan
.. it got into the autocue for a start
.. the BBC needs to cut back to core services’
But He claimed Marr acts impartially
and said Paul Mason is honest
* @TCHL Principal of South College, Durham University
Luckhurst , an ex BBC employee ?
Biased , what bias?
They will try everything now except a ‘Voluntary Tell Tax’ . Then we will see how popular and good they are.
I wonder what Jon and the BBC-team are rep…RTing about?
Well, Jon is in ghoul obsession ignoring tv protests in Minneapolis, Anthony has his suspicions, which are good enough, and Katty is RTing more people than Sweeney! likes in a month.
I have to accept that most media ladies in the USA all look alike, and like Katty, but just came across two with this quote:
“…people setting things on fire are not ‘protestors’, they are psychopaths…”.
Maybe BbC editorial guidelines have another ‘special section’ to cover this too?
I was expecting red jackets oversize hats and horses GW. Demonstrates how far down the road Canada is, press management inspired by Germany c.1935.
Maitlis becoming the story Part II
“Emily Maitlis: I asked for night off from BBC’s Newsnight”
Sometimes her people are unhappy about it, sometimes they are really unhappy about it.
Except when they give each other awards. They like that.
How this woman ⬆️ once had a stalker I’ll never know ????
TOADY Watch #1 – Up with the lark despite …..
…… a lot of behaviour going on in my neck of the woods that is far in excess of anything Dominic Cummings was supposed to have done. Yesterday there was yet another party, apparently mostly female populated and well stooshed by mid-afternoon, shrieking and howling away. Spoilt the sunny afto in the gardens for everyone else.
Then there were the others, different house I think, talking loudly outdoors at 11 p.m., midnight, 1 a.m., 2 a.m. and onwards, at a time of year and in weather conditions when most people sleep with a bedroom window open.
Still awake in time for Tweet of the Day: another good one. Stone Curlew and heard but not seen (at night) by a sound recordist. On to the news. Dominic Cummings is third or fourth item. On to the weather.
Then the paper review with Mishal (‘er again? Talk about the ambition of the Beeboid females!) and Nick. Dominic Cummings, first item and mentioned regularly thereafter.
You know you can trust the BBC.
You know you can also predict the BBC.
Not quite the BBC but this really made me laugh!
Guilty of guideline “minor breach” but the matter is now closed.
@Telegraph BREAKING: Durham Police investigation has concluded Dominic Cummings DID breach lockdown rules when he drove to Barnard Castle.”
‘Yes. If you carry on reading.
They have said the matter is now closed.’
It’s a case of the headline being bigger than the story
Piers Morgan’s words
“BREAKING: Durham Police investigation has concluded Dominic Cummings DID breach lockdown rules when he drove to Barnard Castle. @Telegraph”
Guido now
R4…The BBC have managed to find a ‘doctor’ who signed up to be clinical contact chaser – and all she is doing is moaning she couldn’t get onto the system…and she says ‘I presume I am being paid’
Well many of my friends are contract tracers and ALL of them got on and ALL of them know they are being paid…admittedly not many have had calls but what do you expect at the start
This ‘Doctor’ is an EX- junior doctor..whatever that means…but didn’t feel able to work on front line – Do me a favour..something smells wrong here…
How do the BBC find these people and never my friends or me?
Oh now R4 saying Durham police report there might have been a minor breach lockdown laws when DC went to Barham castle but the trip to father was okay and no more action taken
However, BBC focus on the ‘might’ in the minor suggesting it isn’t over..what a bunch of Tw*ts
So where are apologies????
JA – Think we have to give up expecting any semblance of news/balanced reporting from beeb. They find what they look for, and they look for what sustains their agenda and narrative. Added to this, they now presume to speak for everybody under the sun, an arrogant and dishonest strategy.
This has become a lot worse, now that they have realised government is vulnerable to health-related propaganda.
The MSM in general, are gulty, but beeb leads the way. They need to have A LOT OF COMPLAINTS, to tell them they don’t represent us. For what it’s worth, OFCOM should be told that as well. WE NEED TO MAKE A LOT OF NOISE, the way the people beeb likes to “find” do.
Sensing a smidge of snip from Hurly here.
One of the problems with spending time on Twitter is that you come across disturbing footage which you regret seeing – such as a 1 minute 48 sequence of Alistair Campbell speaking into his camera whilst wearing 2 Northern Ireland Service medals and singing his version of the National Anthem involving Dom Cummings .
Now I know Mr Campbell has mental issues and makes money out of talking about it – but this footage looks to me as though he is near the edge……
Naturally the more serious thing is a creature like him wearing medals he was not awarded – particularly after what his traitor boss did with selling out all those victims of Irish Republican murderers …
But that’s the knack, isn’t it Fed? Campbell wearing medals and having a snigger is what it’s all about. Owen, Paul, Polly and the rest would get the joke, looking down on all of us who lack the right sort of intelligence with that utter distain enshrined in all Guardian writers.
@Fed Flipping heck , I just watched the video
Alastair Campbell has had a breakdown
How could have mad a vid like that insulting so many people
just to have a sneer at Cummings ?
He shouldn’t be on air for a long time after that
But one rule for libmob and another for the rest of us.
The BBC are making a lot about the USA having the highest China flu death toll in the world – somehow Trump’s fault?
But US has an enormous population – 330 million (I can remember it going beyond 200m – have they had a lot of immigration?)
So it’s death count per million is 309
Belgium 810
Spain 580
UK 552
Italy 547
Sums to complicated for the BBC?
NISA – not too complicated, but can’t see bbc adopting that – would ruin its anti-Trump propaganda narrative.
Boulton on Sky this morning – “UK has the worst death count per million – in the world”. Really !?
Of course if our tragic death toll was looked at in proportion to our actual population, our rate would be closer to Germany’s. Just sayin’ ….
Their article does mention those figures (deaths per million of population ‘Mr Trump prefers to cite the mortality rate’ – as if it’s obviously not as useful because he chooses to do it). Notice how in the graphic those figures are small and on the right hand side. And of course they show that overall, the USA is not the worst…but hold on a minute, they show that New York has by far the worst rate!! Use that then. Let’s have some comparisons of NYC and London please Al Beeb.
They then try to explain Belgium’s high rate by saying it reports deaths that are thought to be with coronavirus…as if no one else is doing that!
Actually, Durham police have said that there MIGHT have been a breach of lockdown rules on his trip to Barnard Castle. But all the media are now saying he DID ! WTF ????? Interpretation is all in the fantasy world of the media.
\\Dominic Cummings ‘may have broken lockdown rules’ – police//
“May have” ? So the police are at it now .
Note: How the headline has changed from “May” to “Might”.
Either he did or didn’t . How the heck will that stand up in court ?
Boris needs to get a grip before the police loose the respect of the people of Great Britain !
“before the police loose respect !”
For many that horse bolted and galloped off into the sunset about the same time the shouty drones were released in Derbyshire taffman.
yep, The Durham Police statement is mild
“and have concluded that, there *might* have been a *minor breach* of the Regulations”–.aspx
Is it just an attempt to keep the non-story in the headlines ?
I think it is a good outcome
Had Cummings been completely cleared
then the Remainiacs would simply say it’s all rigged.
But by saying it’s a minor breach, they can say “we were a little bit right” their cognitive dissonance doesn’t kick in and they don’t lash out.
Slimy Sarah Montague R4 are pushing this “might have been” and a ‘minor’ breach going…and twisting DC’s words
BBC are despicable…….and apparently now 75Tory MPs say he should go..75!!! If there are 75 they are spineless idiots
What is most galling is the ‘big issue the media went on about – the London to Durham Trip was within guidelines and is not regarded by the police as an issue..
Any apologies for that then Media?
At least there is still a majority of True Tory MPs ?
Most of the high profile Tory Remainers were got rid of at the last election but there are plenty of Tory MPs who remain Remainers at heart and who , when they think the time is right, will join Labour and the rest to try to Rejoin the EU. In the meantime they are like a grub within the Tory party and slowly sapping the strength of its Brexit conviction. Johnson and Cummings are the key stones of Brexit , if they fall Brexit will too, consequently the Remainer plan is to attack them non stop for as long as it takes. Everyone on this site knows that the Cummings Affair has nothing to do with a Covid and everything to do with Brexit. Hopefully the general public , or at least a majority of them, will also realise this.
‘Might have been a breach of the regulations’ may refer not to the Cummings Snr or Cummings Jnr actions but to the Press behaviour. That would be certainly true as far as the media were concerned last weekend in London, if the pictures are anything to go by..
However, it is not needed to stand up in Court. The Durham Police appear to be in the grip of the Labour Party and Labour-led Council. The Durham Police can therefore make the statement, knowing technically it is true of Press behaviour in London and – maybe – in Co. Durham also. And they thereby keep the pot boiling for the national Lather Brigade (a.k.a. the MSM) and the Labour Party’s Imperial Leather Mob to keep themselves and any members of Parliament – and any of the public who are gullible enough to believe the confection – all foaming at the mouth.
Diane Abbott has said that this guy Barnard Castle is a well known far-right activist,
so Cummings should not have met him.
Relative of Barbara Castle, possibly … ?
All Betts are off …
I’m getting heartily sick of the bbc constantly inferring/implying (while using vague terms) that they speak for me. They virtually never show opinions that don’t support their message, and they ‘find’ the people that reinforce their propaganda.
It’s the old ‘some say’ phenomenon that we are used to from them, but it has become a lot worse with the pandemic – a perfect opportunity to gear up your propaganda machine for your own purposes. The same strategy is their aggressive interviewing, in which their message is repeated over and over again, regardless. Even if they do finally lay off, or even ask 1 fairish question, their agenda has been drummed in — a deliberate ploy, mastered by people like Nick Robinson on R4. Listening to him this a.m. I couldn’t believe the extent to which he would push his luck. (While keeping claims vague, so as to make complaints difficult, and leave room to back out if needs be.)
We need to disabuse them of their malicious and dishonest narrative that they somehow speak for everyone.
fnw, ‘some commentators’ [ oops! done it now myself 🙂 ] think that very same thing helped to get Donald Trump elected in 2016. It was quite a close race but the attitude of media claiming that they spoke for everyone in being pro-Clinton was enough to upset uncommitted swing voters to come out and vote Republican along with Republicans who were not initially going to bother but were angered by the media presumptions.
Fake, this business of journalists speaking for the public, was the basis of my complaint to the BBC yesterday at Maitless’ opening monologue. I vented my feelings aggressively that no journalist speaks for me, in my name, or on my behalf.
This morning the R4 news led with the track and trace. Completely rubbished it and by implication the government. This is a new complex technology and needs time. The BBC has moved beyond criticism into an attempt to demoralise and render ineffective any thing that we try to do to restore the country.
That is verging on treason in these hard days.
What we are faced with is a middle class that controls the media and is of almost one mind. It is showing it’s colours.
It is an enemy of the working class and the nation because it owes loyalty to other than the nation itself.
AS for Cummings. If he is essential to the nation and it’s business then he should by definition be given any special treatment he needs in order to carry out his function. Then there is no question of any breach of anything. That is how life is.
Cummings only person in the country not to have properly breached regulations
Yesterday Alastair Campbell
now story emerges of Corbyn and son at allottment
and Corbyn’s group bike rides
and Corbyn’s birthday trip
From the Daily Telegraph comments:
John Pickard
28 May 2020 12:12PM
“All of this diatribe towards Cummin[g]s is purely political, and has nothing to do with the rights or wrongs of what may or may not have happened. Why do we have to rely on Guido Fawkes to hear, and see a photo, that Varadka[r] enjoyed a picnic in a public park, and spent the night in a property outside an area where he was allowed to travel. Starmer has sent his son to school from the outset because his wife is a key worker. Steven Kinnock drove over 300 miles to visit his parents: Kevin Jones MP, Labour, drove from London to his Co Durham constituency to attend a constituent[‘]s birthday party: Labour MP Tahir Ali attended a funeral in his constituency as one of 100 mourners, Welsh Labour Health Secretary Vaughan Gethin had a picnic in a park when the Welsh Government explicitly said ‘ no picnics in any park ‘ Why don’t the Biased Broadcasting Corporation and other news outlets broadcast this? Because it is really nothing to do with Cummin[g]s and all to do with Remainers kicking up about Brexit and the Conservatives[‘] huge majority.”
Did Al Beeb report or mention Kinnock ?
Exactly Mustapha, we have become a nation of finger-pointing sneaks by proxy – if you believe even a small part of the invective stream.
Has Boris popularity really dropped off the scale?
Do 60 MPs actually want Dominic to resign?
Do you think the BBC, Sky, Guardian, Independent and others impart genuine, truthful news?
On here, we all know the answers to these questions, but at what stage do you think an unimpeachable, reliable, respected source of information will explain that whatever Cummings may or may not have done, reversing Brexit is the name of the game.
So who will be honest and brave enough to tell the truth? No point in hoping Charles will step forward, William just might, if he were older and not surrounded by craven courtiers. Farage has lost his audience, or had it pulled from beneath his feet, so that leaves Andrew Neil as perhaps the only one man enough – and even he probably lacks the bottle.
I was wondering this earlier and Nigel F would seem to be the only candidate but seems in the wilderness at the moment
What is so frustrating is the power the MSM has to distort facts to suit a narrative and the likes of us on this site lack any real power to combat it – or do we – I am open to suggestions
BBC complaint went in the other day but it never seems to change anything
It is more and more like 1984
I think the only tangible hope is the internet and a couple of radio stations. Especially for the young, conventional ‘news’ sources are of little interest and the ‘power’ of the MSM is fleeting, of little consequence. Many Facebook and Twitter users take the piss just as much as others worship their media heroes.
We worry, naturally, because most of us have seen a bit more of life than those who choose to distort and lie for a living.
But the real joy of the situation is that all them, Campbell, Toynbee, Crerar, Maitless, Boulton, Rigby, O’Brian, Jones, Mason and all the others we know are at the same game, all of them are in a vast echo chamber of their own devising. The overwhelming majority either don’t give a toss or take it with a large pinch of salt, and that pinch gets bigger with every absurd ‘news’ story they fabricate and inflate until one day – a day getting ever closer – they will collapse like a punctured bouncy castle, accompanied by the loudest farting sound yet produced by the vegan liberal elite.
Brillo does have a good record on speaking the truth unto power on Brexit.( much less sound on other issues though) But where would he get a nationwide platform in order to do so? The four Brexit supporting newspapers but nowhere else. This illustrates the vital importance of crushing the BBC they have far too much control of the news agenda, a near monopoly. And their control of the cultural agenda is nearly as complete. Democracy cannot flourish without diversity of opinion and the BBC ensures that this particular type of diversity is denied us.
The other issue is the ferociousness of any challenge to their version of the world – as evidenced by the reaction of them to one of their own taking a night off her show . ….
I think the BBC will send us a message by giving Ms maitlis her own chat show with selected guests to adore and attack – Marr might be a bit worried ….
Corbyn has also popped up in the lead role for the PureCremation ad on tele.
For the lolz, not least the comments…
Made for each other. Or ‘might’ be.
And as for this…
There is the real world and their is their mediabubbleworld
..what is true is one is not necessarily true in the other.
They did their 2+2 =5 thing and leapt
and got caught out.
It is hard to believe that Lewis Goodall can remain in post.
Not only does he keep breaking the rules as set down by his employer but he has now been shown to be not very good as a journalist.
It is high time that the BBC started dishing out some real discipline against its arrogant and errant staff.
The BBC’s favourite ‘brown-eyed’ boy has some advice for his mates:
Lewis liked this.
I have no idea what the bald coot is on about.
Indeed. The Government has to answer to the public via Parliament, not via 3rd rate hacks at the BBC. It’s nothing to do with Covid 19 and all to do with Brexit.
Who do you report SKY to for doctoring videos and the narrative?
Report covers complaints received between: Tuesday 19 May to Monday 25 May 2020
Audience complaints: 19|05|20 – 25|05|20 (PDF, 126.2 KB)
Good Morning Britain, ITV, 21 May 2020, 78
Good Morning Britain, ITV, 19 May 2020, 71
This Morning, ITV, 19 May 2020, 51
Good Morning Britain, ITV, 20 May 2020, 46
Gogglebox, Channel 4, 22 May 2020, 24
Good Morning Britain, ITV, 18 May 2020, 17
Coronation Street, ITV, 22 May 2020, 14
Sky News, Sky News, 24 May 2020, 13
STV News, STV, 24 May 2020, 12
Sky News, Sky News, 25 May 2020, 11
Poochta Hai Bharat, Republic Bharat, 21 April 2020, 11
Dominic Cummings News Conference, Sky News, 25 May 2020, 11
Sky News, Sky News, 23 May 2020, 10
Reality with Mahee, CHS TV, 3 May 2020, 10
Online news:
What we handle complaints about
We consider complaints about newspapers or magazines (and their websites) which are members of IPSO. To see if a publication is an IPSO member, you can check here, or call us for advice. We can only consider complaints which are made under the Editors’ Code.
We deal with complaints about editorial material in publications. This includes:
images and videos
readers’ letters
user comments on websites which the publication has moderated
the behaviour of journalists.
Editors’ Code of Practice
Intrusion into grief or shock
Reporting Suicide
Children in sex cases
Reporting of Crime
Clandestine devices and subterfuge
Victims of sexual assault
Financial journalism
Confidential sources
Witness payments in criminal trials
Payments to criminals
The Public Interest
Peston Principal
if you tweet a load of things
then one of them will be right.
Why British people can’t get fruit picking jobs. Do they get to stay here now ? ……………….
“Kent: Five held over ‘exploitation’ of fruit pickers”
Quite a few on Twitter are using the words
“might have been” and “minor breach”
.. and the hashtags #ScumMedia and #MediaScum
against the gotcha journos.
Remoaners trying to push through a Brexit Extension Bill ….WTF !
Charlie – I understand the Bill is up next Wednesday – it will be interesting to see how many conservative backbenchers break ranks and support it . I can’t remember how many Remainer Conservative MPs were re elected but even after the slaughter of the election -traitors like Ed Davy and his type are happy to challenge an overwhelming democratic vote .
Remainers are like the Chinese Virus – just won’t go away .
I am more and more impressed with guido – every day the small bunch of journos keep delivering the goods. And to make it even better, there is usually a story or two about the Beeb.
This afternoon’s gem – The BBC misled 70,000 people
The things publicists say:
‘Chrissy Teigen decides to remove breast implants’ that essential piece of news that the non-essential BBC decided to tell me this morning.
The BBC have since moved it further down their Home Page. A lot of the other rubbish is still there nearer the top of the page. This is over a day old, I think.
What about that firm commitment to remove ‘stale’ items from the web-site and broadcasts, BBC?
Don’t know about removing ‘stale’ items from website what about from whole organisation?
One step at a time, JA, one step at a time.
Searching Twitter with terms : Cummings deleted
offers a massive insight to libworld
They keep tweeting the world as they WANT to be not how it really is
and then deleting those tweets
The tweet Carole includes .. has been deleted
I think I mentioned here before that with something like the DC nonsense twitter has to be constantly monitored to capture what these people are putting up, thinking twice about , and quickly removing .
In a way it’s a shame that that goes up doesn’t just stay up .
The tweets by the Lewis Goodall creature would have been good evidence of his obvious bias and hatred of DC . The footage of Mr Goodall going for DC at the end of 2019 in the street explains a lot about why the Left are obsessed …
They are all seeking new ways of painting the picture they want.
Guardian Headlines:
“Dominic Cummings potentially broke lockdown rules, say Durham police”…Potentially WTF
How can you potentially break something?
Norman Stanley Fletcher – you have potentially broken the law and are sentenced to potentially going to jail
“How can you potentially break something?”
JA – the MSM is desperate to keep this nonsense going until next Tuesday when Parliament returns – for 17 days I think .
I fear they are so driven by their mission of stopping our exit from the EU – to rejoin – that the prospect of running a campaign to undermine the government and its campaign and as a result increasing cases and deaths mean nothing to it . Savage isn’t it ?
Not much evidence of ‘common good ‘- particularly from the Broadcaster funded through state Taxes .
You’re not wrong there, Fed.
All this farty-bollocks is the sad, plonkerite lefties’ way to try and somehow stop Brexit, and the other stuff we voted for last year, but most normal people have seen all this, so never fear, we’ll all win out, and the November result in the US will also stick that stupid little creep Sople, and his non-sexy chum Kotty (!) where it really hurts!
Great year ahead! So much to look forward to!
This is nothing less than an ideological war with one side allowed access to media including bbc
Only thing to do is complain which I will be this weekend at length about so many aspects of this DC affair regardless of what one thinks of him and his views he has been relentlessly pilloried with our national broadcaster at the helm asking the SAME questions over and over and over day after day and stoking up the far left agitators and refusing to accept any answers given that do not fit their prejudiced views
they do not speak for me and I suspect many millions more but try telling them that, same as the election and brexit, they do not and will not listen to those who fund them
They are setting the agenda they want and not reacting to news but “creating” it through, for example, actively ignoring mass rape and other major criminal activity of certain minorities (London knifings ?) , and many other notable omissions of news stories (French riots ?) whilst desperately trying to socially engineer a society that does not exist outside of their tiny prejudiced minds through trivial crap “stories” about minorities and portraying them as continual victims
(despite the clear evidence of who is responsible for over 90% of world conflict)
Is there anyone who can answer this as it’s something remainers can use against us and I don’t really know what to say about it.
Why didn’t Mrs Cummings drive back to London if DC’s eyes were playing up.
Have we got an answer for that.
I would probably drive blindfold and one armed rather than let the wife drive me down the A1, just saying
she does not suffer from stress but she is a carrier, especially in the driving seat
although I must say she is a champion of equality, the verge, central reservation, pavement and kerb have the same rights of being driven on as the carriageway in her libertarian view
I admitted defat as a passenger after twice being driven up the kerb at 20 mph because “it was dark”
I sometimes think she views the Highway Code as a far right manifesto to be resisted at all times
(which she does with aplomb)
Darcy, as I am the one who takes the wheel for most long journeys, I am glad your response is about your wife in particular and not ladies in general.
As for the A1, I think they have finished the roadworks near Catterick for those in the north but I fear the A1 near Peterborough is or will be smart motorway. It is a bit of a nuisance for those of us who may have slipped up to 10% above the speed limit (easy when it is 4 lanes) but now fear I have to tackle it more cautiously, or at least will when I can travel again. Don’t tell Mr D because he cannot see the speedometer when I am driving and he hopes I am only doing 69mph.
It is indeed about my wife particularly, having a unique talent in changing lanes without noticing, and treating multi lane roundabouts as a free fairground ride, without the gypsy hanging off your car nicking your spare change
and as for smart motorways
I have to take some personal responsibilty there in a peripheral way nuff said, but please note the cameras respond to changes in speed limits and are not set to a default 70… a warning for all
Just a guess but maybe the autistic child has his own idea of who should sit where in the car or is happier with the full attention of his mum?
EG I’d guess that if you were going to set off on a 260 mile journey
the both of you should have a practice at driving.
If she set off for London he’d want to be sure he’d be able to take over the driving.
I don’t think it. was a breach, cos it was a safety measure
.. but if calling it a breach helps calm things.
then that is good.
Government Briefing pre watch
How many DC questions today ? Have we passed the peak ?
Will it be just abuse about the tracing – or the footy?
Yesterday the health sec mentioned having signed a contract for billions – yes billions of bits of PPE and the MSM didn’t blink . This time I think they are not buying it from some dodgy mustapha in a bazaar in Constantinople ….
In early preparation for giving the NHS Clap I thought it might be important to get a bit of ‘classical’ in for Foscari and others, just in case tonight is the clap giving finale.
This is moving music. (As always you will need to set the resolution to 360 for a sharp picture.)
There is a Christian hymn that can be sung to the music at about 6m 11s, the words of which follow:
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender;
We go not forth alone against the foe;
Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender.
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
Yea, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation!
In Thy dear Name, all other names above;
Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
Our Prince of glory and our King of love.
We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,
And needing more each day Thy grace to know:
Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender:
Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise
When reigning in the Kingdom of Thy splendor;
Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.
Appropriate words, whether in the pursuit of Brexit or emerging from ‘Lockdown’ in a world of viruses including Covid-19.
Have happy memories of sitting – on a hot summer’s night – on the cool stone floor at the top of the Albert Hall for a first class performance of this during a Promenade Concert many years ago. Cannot remember orchestra or conductor but they received tremendous applause for their performance of this piece.
Whilst the DC nonsense has been going on the PRC has been busily repressing Hong Kong ( inevitable ) – this afternoon a joint statement by UK USA Australia and Canada has been issued reminding the PRC to abide by treaty obligations –
More importantly – the immigration rules for HK passport holders is being changed for the UK …..
The BBC is meant to be big on ‘diversity ‘ but I don’t know of any Chinese background journalist droids broadcasting on the BBC – ….
Has nobody ever asked the question why, even in normal circumstances, it is of such vital importance for political reporters to stand outside 10 Downing Street in order to do their job? And, particularly in the present circumstance, why is it still considered essential for them to do so?
Hereward Wake
You mention a problem of widespread significance; doing your job and being seen doing your job.
Most jobs can be done without having to be seen. But explain that to the bosses, and these pathetic hacks outside no 10 are desperate to be seen.
They never answer questions remember they only ask (which is a waste of time as they ignore answers they do not like) unless it is a stooge where the answer suits their agenda
I will be lodging a number of complaints to ofcom (waste of time complaining to the bbc they refuse to accept any blame for anything) one of which will be the absolute stupidity of bbc so called qustions especially during briefings where the answer was covered before the question, and ignoring the answers, as I said before, they are either deaf, stupid or politically motivated (or all of these)
News conference highlight.
Boris has metaphorically slapped Laura Doomsberg in the chops with his putdown over her lamentable insatiable search for a ‘gotcha’ Cummings moment.
She looked like she had been stung by a wasp.
Yep Keunnsberg’s nonsense swatted away like King Kong atop the Empire State building fending off those pesky planes ✈️
I see Twitter is about to get a Saturn 5 NASA rocket up its smug far left @rse
Cannot wait
Saw it, – EXCELLENT !
Missed it if anyone can post here would love to see the hatchet faced harridan getting what she so so deserves
IT skills not up to providing the picture. But if Laura had been sucking lemons, it looked as though she had a whole crate full.
Never mind there must be some msm outlet somewhere in Patagonia maybe that will show this, of course if she had got an answer it would be all over the bbc
I just hope, as an adherent of the multiverse theory, there an alternative universe somewhere there is a Boris who would reply to her “Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe ?”
or even better, as reported by a colleague of mine in a meeting with someone who was so sick of the place he resigned but had one more meeting, had a couple of snifters, and when asked a question he produced a sooty puppet who whispered in his ear and then he reported:
“Sooty says you’re talking sh@t”
Go on Boris ….do it
“I am oppressed so I will go and smash a shop and nick some TVs” hmmm
Woman in a wheelchair is sprayed with fire extinguisher by looters who accuse her of ‘getting out of her chair and STABBING them while trying to stop ransacking of Target’ in George Floyd riots in Minneapolis
The woman, Jennifer, claimed she was ‘peacefully protesting’ to stop looting
But a crowd outside Target said she was armed and sprayed foam in her face
Others claimed the woman was not disabled and had attacked other looters
It came on a second night of violence in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, a black man pinned to the ground by a white police officer
Daily Mail headline:
“Durham police say Dominic Cummings 260-mile drive to his parents did NOT breach lockdown”
BBC Headline:
Dominic Cummings ‘might have broken lockdown rules’ – police
They go on to clarify thus:
” Dominic Cummings might have broken lockdown rules, but it would have been a “minor breach”, say Durham Police.”
But the headline is what counts and it might be factually correct, but it is just about as biased and misleading as is possible short of an outright lie.
And also in the mail online – a nice picture of an investment banker called Mark Gwynne out strolling through west London with a lady wearing dark glasses and a hat . Apparently the lady is his wife – a lady called Emily ‘One Ess’ Maitlis
Personally I’d like to see a picture of where they live …
I’d pop round and ask her about breaking broadcasting rules and is she going to resign ? Apologise ? You know the song …
Personally I would love to give her a feel of what it is like to have people shout abuse at her in the street and outside her house entirely due to what a bbc reporter has decided the public should feel about her
it is strange that the far left bbc and its adherents act this way but vast majority of those that do not share their opinions and which they term “far right” seem to act with significantly more respect and dignity
battery acid anyone ? attack someone in the street and throw a milkshake all over them ? scream nazi scum in their face repeatedly (Soibhan Prigent) ?
Me too Darcy – looking at Mr Maitlis-Gwynne s bio – it seems he was a lawyer before becoming a Multi millionaire banker – i think we deserve to have pictures of all of their homes …..
Once the press start door stepping it should work both ways ….. there has to be a price .
Emily ‘one S’ maitlis ???? I love it!
But I preferred your version Fedup with five S’sssss!
Theleft – I got told off by the pedantic wing of the site so I have to watch me spelling ….
Every ‘journo’ on that PM briefing asked a DC related question . What people who just want To know about how things are developing see this obsession I really don’t know .
@Fed The pedantic wing didn’t “tell you of”
or even “tell you off”
He just realised he’d picked up a habit of putting an extra “s” .. probably from you
and commented.
……. sssssnowflake. 🙂
Fed, I have big sympathy for you now posting on this laptop that has a mind of its own at times, irrespective of which keys I have been prodding …
Also noticeable at the news conference.
Representatives from New Scientist and the Belfast Newsletter, who I wager earn very little, asked more interesting questions and elucidated far more useful information than Laura Doomsberg, Peston et al on their £ hundreds of thousands, whose only interest is to further their careers endlessly seeking the elusive gotcha moment.
I thought the Belfast man asked a nice sensible question which helped provide additional information but then he followed it up with a snarl and anger as he twisted in a question about DC , if I remember correctly whether Dom’s behaviour would mean other people wouldn’t keep to the rules. Don’t know about the rest of you but I keep the rules to protect me and Mr D, not to save the NHS or members of the press pack.
The incredibly boring, unbelievably repetitive, unspeakably immature Laura and Peston (et al) show drones on.
They foist the same, old, same old questions on us, day in, day out. Do they think they are being clever?
What is the point of the briefing? What is the point of journalists?
This is laughable, with huge salaries attached. Maybe THAT is the point: keeping those huge salaries afloat?
Pretending that you’re passing on info, or something of worth? When it’s all a boring little political game? (But a well-paid one for ‘some’.)
THIS, not travelling to Durham, is the CRIMINAL OFFENCE here!
We have to pay beeb for this garbage! Instead of thanking them for their questions, the PM should tell it like it is, and tell them to take a running jump.
I still have some THANK YOU EMILY T-shirts available in sizes Smug, Xtra Smug, and Xtra Xtra Smug.
All proceeds to Dominics Diesel and eye test fund.
ITV local news : asylum seekers in lockdown
‘Here we have Farou whio is waiting for her asylum claim
she is a 26 yo Afghan who the government has given a place to live and £5/day pocket money
.. she was a health worker , but isn’t allowed to work here’
… A charity plans to help her into work.
Rod Liddle in the Sun:
“Emily Maitlis, stop acting like a student with an ‘I-Heart Jeremy Corbyn’ badge
ISN’T it about time that the BBC sacked the Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis for her relentless, undisguised, vitriolic, left wing bias?
The woman doesn’t even pretend to be neutral any more.
Puffed up with her own self-importance, she spews out bile against the Government on pretty much a daily basis.
It is like listening to a slightly deranged sixth-form student with an I-Heart Jeremy badge and clothes smelling of patchouli oil.
On Tuesday night she opened the reliably awful programme with a diatribe against the Government.
This was over the Dominic Cummings affair.
Cummings had “broken the rules”, she said. No, he hadn’t.
“The country can see that and it’s shocked the Government cannot,” she added, before accusing the Prime Minister of “blind loyalty” to Cummings.
Then she added, for good measure, that the country had reacted with “fury, contempt and anguish”.
I suppose she thought she was speaking for the country with this tendentious, pompous bilge.
She was not. She was speaking for herself and those in her North London liberal bubble.
The BBC demands that its presenters remain neutral on political matters.
Obviously, they don’t. But at least they usually pretend to. Maitlis can’t even manage that. Anyway, the complaints flooded in to Auntie….”
Full article here:
Is Maitliss the BBC star paid the most per viewer hour ?
What’s she do 80 episodes a year or something
Are there any BBC earning from synication to CNN or something ?
Vine is on the radio 200 days per year probably
thats almost 400 hours
Fortunately I never see Maitlis. Sounds even worse than Laura K. Stalin’s ‘cult of personality’ revisited? Don’t even know what channel she’s on. Very backward. Gotta keep it that way. I sense that the Lord has richly blessed me.
Not sure what she really is, is she supposed to be important in the BBC?
Not many people are…
A scenario: …………..
DC advises and warns the nation “Dont shoot yourself in the foot !”
For one reason or another, DC is forced to shoot himself in the foot .
The FOOLS in the nation are so enraged and upset about DC’s action, encouraged by Al Beeb, they too shoot themselves in the foot !
According to UKpresssgazette IPSO has been receiving a lot of complaints about the conduct of the enemy press outside the home of DC – in response IPSO sez – go complain to plod .
The acting chief exec of IPSO used to work at the Guardian , the head of IPSO complaints is job share between Lauren Sloan and Holly Pick ….
The IPSO is meant to respond to complaints of harrassment but :
3. *Harassment
i) Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
ii) They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist; nor remain on property when asked to leave and must not follow them. If requested, they must identify themselves and whom they represent.
iii) Editors must ensure these principles are observed by those working for them and take care not to use non-compliant material from other sources.
I have been reading up for my weekend complaints, it is the only way to respond to what appears to be a barrage of socialist / left witch hunting
maybe DC did not ask thm to desist ? if he did they are in breach
I would think a so called professional journalist calling someone a “dick” on national TV is an action that causes offence, I also think DC has enough in his arsenal now to cause the bbc et al a lot of potential damage but is keeping his powder dry maybe
give Laura enough rope..
This reminds me at the time of the Peterborough election when the Brexit party stood when that lefty criminal was thrown out. I complained to the electoral commission about the obvious problem with the postal voting and I got a nasty fob off email from them telling me if I wasnt happy complain to the council.