Does anyone else wonder why Scotland and Wales need to issue their own lockdown release guidelines as we are in fact a single Island. (much as they detest the idea!)
I can only assume that it is merely to enlarge the ego’s of the leaders and to take a pop at England and/or Boris.
Todays’ announcement by Boris that he was to allow groups of six people to meet was shortly followed by cranky announcing that in Scotland it would be groups of eight people. And this only days after screaming that Scotland would not follow the English as they released lockdown because they didn’t think it safe to proceed yet.
You really couldn’t make this pantomime up, they take us all for fools!
It’s all point scoring crap. I for one would not give a toss if they employed all the soon to be out of work population in their region to dig a bloody great trench along the border and fill it with crocodiles.
They were going to make it six too but then someone pointed out that the Scottish Labour Party wouldn’t be able to hold their annual conference, so, in a rare act of generosity, the BBC’s Beloved Leader made it eight.
Please note that the Welsh Assembly does not speak for most of the people of Taffland, in fact it got ‘assembled’ after the weakest referendum win. There have been calls to get rid of it. Example, the people voted four years ago to get out of the EU but the Welsh Assembly and Drakeford the ‘demented Dalek’ continue to ignore that fact.
Scotland voted in a referendum to remain part of Great Britain , but I will leave the posters from Scotland to comment on that ………………………….
I’m not on Facebook or Twit so I have no knowledge of these allegations.
Can this be another example of the Police really displaying their ‘Public Protection’ act and showing how they have had a major impact in reducing child abuse?
Simple, laddie! It’s Dougal McTavish’s golden mathematical formula:
y = x + /- z
where x = number allowed in a group or time until easing (England)
y = number allowed in a group or time until easing (“Scolun”) and
z = variable decided by the venerable Nicola St Urgeon.
Come on Boris, shut the BBC, then get after the rest of the public sector traitors.
I wonder if a petition to the Government, with 17.4 millions votes would help.
Switched on BBC London accidentally at 1840.
Within 5 seconds, Rizla Teeth was moaning on about how the new lockdown rules might affect BAME.
Switched off.
I find it odd that given the Labour party’s dismal record with anti-Semitism and the furore it caused in recent years, that Emilie Matiless – herself a jew, could countenance any affiliation with the left.
A little look at the muslim countries that our beloved immigrants come from will inform one that most of the purple haired LGBT brigade will be the first over the rooftops and up for beheadings once the immigrants get into power
talk about shooting yourself in the foot…
anyone in any doubt about “moderate” muslims, ahem, just imagine a scenario where isis if it was possible, had taken over Europe were about to invade, I wonder how many of our “moderate” muslims would be standing alongside us to fight….
Well, I’ll reach the big 80 in a couple of weeks but I’m still hopeful that I’ll live to witness the “purple people” seeing the light before it’s too late.
There is an idea that goes back to at least the Middle Ages that the world is run for the benefit of bankers, who of course are all Jews.
But then the anti-banker ideas seem to originate from Jews too.
That could just mean that Jews are like every other people, there are good and bad. Or perhaps Jews are exceptional so they are exceptionally good at banking and anti-banking?
In more modern times it does seem odd that the BBC is institutionally anti-semitic yet employs so many Jews! They certainly seem to go in for the self-loathing variety.
Just my random ramblings, trying to make sense of life, not to put labels on people, most of whom are mostly good.
Blimey mate. You say all bankers are Jews. Well I remember my dad referring to a till as “the Jewish piano” but I thought he must just be having a laugh. Just maybe the old man was more savvy than I gave him credit for. I’ll Google it.
P.S. I s’pose Google don’t happen to be Jewish does he?
A bit of cheerful news – the queer communist Owen Jones – in a column in the BBC newspaper- writes this with regard to the Maitliss nonsense –
Newsnight team are incandescent. “When faced with a very clear choice between yielding to government pressure or serving viewers by telling them the truth, BBC management, shamefully, chose the former,” says one Newsnight source. “BBC bosses believe this helps preserve the organisation. All it will really do is sign its death warrant.”
interesting bbc regular use of words in the past few days from “anger” to “fury”, furious”, incandesent” etc etc all points towards mentally in need of medical treatment
especially since they ignore many other labour MPs doing just as bad if not worse which invokes no such emotions, only DC for what reason ?
I would be guilty of some of the above if my wife and children were surrounded in their house having abuse hurled at their husband and father thanks to the bbc but DC did not ????
he has shown remarkable restraint in the face of abuse and lies from the bbc and msm
Newsnight team:
there is one person who actually has a moral right to be “incandescent” and it bloody well is not you, your left wing mob, and never will be
WHERE is the bbc apology to DC ? I will be demanding one
1. Accuracy
i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text.
i) A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion must be corrected, promptly and with due prominence, and — where appropriate — an apology published. In cases involving IPSO, due prominence should be as required by the regulator.
iv) The Press, while free to editorialise and campaign, must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact.
i) Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including digital communications.
ii) Editors will be expected to justify intrusions into any individual’s private life without consent. In considering an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy, account will be taken of the complainant’s own public disclosures of information and the extent to which the material complained about is already in the public domain or will become so.
iii) It is unacceptable to photograph individuals, without their consent, in public or private places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
3. *Harassment
i) Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
ii) They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist; nor remain on property when asked to leave and must not follow them. If requested, they must identify themselves and whom they represent.
iii) Editors must ensure these principles are observed by those working for them and take care not to use non-compliant material from other sources.
I personally believe, nearly as much as I hope, that this last week al beeb have not only signed their own death warrant but also dug their own grave ????
Their shameless behaviour has absolutely smacked of arrogance and contempt for anyone who still pays for the licence fee ????
They went ‘all in’ on getting Dominic Cummings gone and are still now, doubling down, tripling down etc! ????
They believe they are untouchable, but I have to think a day of reckoning is on the horizon after their antics over the last seven days ????
Spot on, but more worrying for me is the fact that the line of attack taken by all media outlets is almost identical this suggest a coordinated effort
Boris giving his Covid 19 update this evening was asked
exactly the same question in a round about way by BBC, SKY and ITV..
Just as worrying is the fact they are no longer even trying to hide there anti Government retiric and if anything it’s increasing…
I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but this really does smack of a hidden agenda..
Thanks dafydd.
I’d bet my bottom dollar that Beth, Laura K and Peston all have each other’s phone numbers and are in on this together, co-ordinating questions and response questions planned together hours in advance of 5pm! ????
Today’s first three journa…. sorry activist questions confirmed it to me, from al beeb, itv and sky – all co-ordinated to attack the government and try and bring the scientists in to the fray! ????
Frankly it went belly up in my opinion ????
of course it is, Trump was never meant to win, and like DC, whatever his beliefs I have never in my many years on this planet seen such a co ordinated attempt by the judiacary and all other institutions to denigrate, attack, abuse and undermine a democratically elected president, the same applies to Boris and anyone associated with him as we can clearly see
dark forces indeed
unfortunately for them, the electorate feel different and so such a promotion of postal votes?
As can be seen in Peterborough, covered up by the bbc and hidden, muslims are known for their honesty and integrity when it comes to elections of course
Watching the Trump questioning earlier, the one about Chinese flu, a thought struck me, what if this covid19 had happened 20 years ago when Mao was still in power and China was in political lockdown ,would the western world have ever heard of it and even been infected by it?
libmob spreading ridiculous false rumours about Cummings sister : list 1, list 2
We have seen multiple posts on Twitter and Facebook claiming that Dominic Cummings has a sister called Alice Cummings, who is a director at a company that runs the new track and trace app and was involved in the UK’s postal vote system.
This is not correct.
There is an Alice Cummings listed as a company director at Idox PLC,
but she is not Dominic Cummings’ sister
and her company is not involved in the track and trace app.
Just endured the clap for the nhs supported by the local benefit family who have had their visiting mates and kids sitting in the garden sunbathing all afternoon and for the last three weeks, with the visiting son kick boxing a punch bag all day, well done
Well I suppose these folks are “just following orders” Although you may find their behavior irritating I suggest you just relax with a beer and be thankful that, so far, you appear to be immune from the Big Brother virus.
Following orders no, everyone here follows the guidelines except them, I take your advice about the beer but I have quite had enough of the babies crying in the garden and her endless and I mean endless mancunian loud voice echoing through our house if we have the windows open
For someone who does nothing all day she spouts from 8AM onwards in the garden to whoever she invites around, without pause which we hear in the kitchen bathroom and bedroom all summer and invites her kids to join her every day
and her daughter in a bikini today FFS 18 sunburnt stone of it shooting her gob off all day long
I am not particularly like this but this lot are highly likely to get reported as they are disturbing the whole neighbourhood most of whom are trying to work at home
I think it’s about time people got back to work/school/uni. Was doing my garden this afternoon and all u can hear is different crap music from wide open windows of neighbours. They are up until early hours and spend half the day in bed then come out annoying people. This morning I wanted to mow my lawn and I held off until 11.30 then I thought sod it the bug**rs should be up. God help them when they have to up early for work etc.
maybe on a set of mancunian full volume gobshite benefit film fag in her mouth shouting on her mobile all day, with her fat deliquent single parent benefit brood visiting everyday despite lockdown,
that is a possibility
Hattie Jaques she is not,, saggy, bleached white hair, wrinkled and walnut brown from sitting in the sun all day for years
and of course the abuse if anyone dares to complain about the noise in the garden at 11pm
Oh dear. It sounds to me like you live next door to a bunch of typical downtrodden, spat upon M.S.M. interviewees. My advice? Move house as soon as possible but do some neighbourhood research first.
I feel your pain. I’m fortunate enough to witness these ‘types’ when queuing at the local Co-op, and when they start shouting “Na-er-ly” in the carpark – (for those wot don’t speak common, that was Natalie)
Never let it be said that I kick someone when they are down.
Never let it be said that I have no compassion for the weak and defenceless.
Therefore I was determined to act to assist Lord Starmer of HidetheRapes in improving his performance.
Learn, mark and inwardly digest the following, O former head of the, “buy the biggest shredder”, CPS.
(This is The Two Ronnies Mastermind (A BBC production Fed, which is my excuse), specialist subject,
answering the last question but one.
Very useful practise for PMQs).
Ah yes. This was back in the days when the BBC understood the definition of humour. Or at least- my definition of humour.
I would not cross the street to listen to any one of their present day TV comedians/journalists/reporters/newscasters/celebrities etc. etc.etc. —- ad infinitum. These people are just not worth it.
I didn’t clap because I’m as pissed as a fart, and wanted to chat with Mrs O’Blene over several glasses of red.
It’s much more important to have loved ones nearby, to have chats, enjoy company, and yes – moan about the awful BBC, but that organisation is so far down the list, it rarely gets a mention!
If you knew Mrs O’Blene, you’d understand why I’m the luckiest bloke on earth!
There appears to be two things. the bbc opinion, which they are not meant to have, and the regulations they have broken
3. *Harassment
i) Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
ii) They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist; nor remain on property when asked to leave and must not follow them. If requested, they must identify themselves and whom they represent.
iii) Editors must ensure these principles are observed by those working for them and take care not to use non-compliant material from other sources.
Scotland :First a few days ago STV did a promo video featuring kids, with a pro Nationalist political slant which helped Sturgeon
: first The head of STVnews defended it
.. Then changed his mind and deleted it
.. then deleted his own entire Twitter account
.. thread
Rejoin ? We haven’t left yet . I understand that there is a Bill going through Parliament to move for a two year extension ? This is very timely given the great Ho Ha over Cummins drive up north ? Roll-on July 1ST I say
Taff, I believe it’s a private members bill. I don’t think a Brexit Extension Bill has been put forward as HMG business. A private bill is unlikely to even get a second reading, this one might, but probably won’t make it past the debate stage. Especially so now as we now have a speaker that upholds long established rules and as importantly in these matters, the traditions of the house.
No, I saw it in a comments section on another site. I’ll do some digging in the morning to clarify, but I can’t see the Government putting it forward as it would be political suicide after placing in law the final date of December this year.
EdDavy – attempting to keep his job as head of the Liberal Party / get a bung from the EU / flushing out the traitors in the Conservative party ./ get More funding For his party from remainers like Soros
The Daily Express Webshite has an article on it, calling the Barnier Bill.
It’s the usual suspects, traitors and quisling MPs involved in the treasonous discussions and the infamous letter that the EU chief negotiator wrote to them last week.
If I were Boris I’d head over there next week with a copy of that letter and ask the Belgium freak what the f. He thinks he’s playing at, discussing extensions with opposition parties in such a manner. Cretin.
Interesting I am gathering the strength (believe me it takes persistence to make a complaint to the bbc they do not make it easy)
and lo and behold go to the bbc news site and search under complaints it has changed from taking you to the complaints page to a page showing bbc compaints that were upheld in the bbc favour, Xi Ping could take some advice from the bbc
From Darren Grimes new news Site @ReasonedUK
worth looking at all the stories
Michael Cowan from BBC Victoria Live
Took Grimes on on Twiitter
claiming his own tweet had only copied the incorrect headline from a Telegraph tweet
which the Telegraph had then deleted
Cowan hadn’t used quotation marks
What Durham Police actually said VS how our media are reporting what they said. ????
The Secret Barrister turned up and basically said
‘Yeh when the police say MIGHT, that means guilty
it’s just they leave the final decision to the judge’
He relied on quoting someone elses tweet
people then pointed out there is no judge
the police decide Fix Penalty Fines
..The guy whose tweet the SB relied on then deleted his own tweet
Just watched President Trump announcing his executive order re. social media.
Why in this age of digital cameras is it necessary to have the room filled with the sound of camera shutter noise?
The same goes for ‘flash’ photography, these aren’t amateurs taking holiday snaps, they all have ‘back offices’ with amazing digital tools that hardly even need new images to produce the required ‘story’image.
R4 news at 10pm egging on Sir Roger Gale, who sounds like a cancer in his own party, and him rising to the bait with enthusiasm. Prompt, prompt, prompt. The great Cummings show rumbles on. The pretence that Gale speaks on behalf of the public. What rubbish.
If you want to know what a LEADING question is, listen to this ‘interview’. Razzia tells him what to say all the way.
Pretty disgusting treachery, doing Labour’s work for them.
From beeb, we are used to this sort of thing. As usual, fake news, carefully constructed by them.
Followed by the usual racist comment on Minneapolis from R4, trying hard to stir.
More leading questions and prompts from Iqbal. Prompt the word ‘anger’. Manufacture it. Get the interviewee to spell out ‘racist practices’ with the collusion of the Washington Post. Favourite beeb agenda.Why bother to pretend you want an opinion? Why not just speak out your propaganda, and save the money?
No surprise there, actually.
Not strictly Al Beeb , but are there any financial whizz-kids on this site that can explain if GB would benefit from being an off-shore tax haven ? This could have implication in the bargaining game with the EU?
Back to 5pm local news
They did open with “Might have done a minor breach”
but then they were straight into the new power narrative “40 Tory MP’s have now called on Cumming to resign or be sacked”
.. they implied there is some kind of momentum
and managed to leave that as the takeaway
.. before they went into the Daily Briefing live coverage.
An almost senile neighbour here sits watching Channel4 news maybe cos he fancies the female presenters.
He’s completely taken in about the 40 MP narrative
and the idea Cummings is going to fall in a minute
.. and the thing is he himself is logical on other things like Brexit and Trump .
Not particularly interesting but Jon Snow also hitting the delete button today
JuliaHB had tweeted about
‘look Jon Snow is at Hay Festival with all these WHITE people.’
.. today Snow wrote long reply
… and then deleted after a while
.. cos she’d pointed out
‘bit late Jon, I wrote that last year.’
Apparently thousands of citizens in Hong Kong are going to be granted British citizenship ! Dear God, why do we bother we borders and passports ? just let every bastard in who wants to come ! We’re sinking financially, so we might just as well physically disappear under the waves.
I do not live in fear and distaste of those coming here, unlike others
how many chinese benefit seekers ? or sexual assaulters, precious few if any compared to the bbc favourites
and a society that welcomes all into their space at, for example, chinese new year RE London, unlike the bbcs favourites
and a society that does not persist in promoting their religion and “culture in the media and their cultural requirements and demands, unlike the bbc favoured ones
a culture that adapts rather than the bbc favourites who insist the parent country adapts to their demands even if at odds with our laws
Guardianland vs the REAL world, 2 different places.
Wow. BBC finds a breach of their charter standards, Maitlis throws a hissy fit and walks out (“takes a night off”) and you think the BBC is bending the knee. Try closing the other eye, you’ll see better.
— persona_non_grata (@persona82146404) May 28, 2020
Lorraine watches the Briefing
and waits for shielding info
Lorraine is angry with the mainstream media: "I went onto Sky News to see Boris tonight, to see what new instructions there are for people shielding like me. All we got was the personal vendetta of reporters against Dominic Cummings. I've had to switch off my TV"
“Last night’s episode began with a monologue that stood out, even in these partisan times, as brazen propaganda. From the first sentence, it displayed a level of editorialising that should astonish even viewers who agreed with every word. At times, I couldn’t believe I was watching British TV at all. The BBC has since acknowledged that the introduction “did not meet our standards of due impartiality” in a statement released this afternoon…”
Intrusion into grief or shock
Reporting Suicide
Children in sex cases
Reporting of Crime
Clandestine devices and subterfuge
Victims of sexual assault
Financial journalism
Confidential sources
Witness payments in criminal trials
Payments to criminals
The Public Interest
“US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order aimed at removing some of the legal protections given to social media platforms.
It gives regulators the power to pursue legal actions against firms such as Facebook and Twitter for the way they police content on their platforms.
President Trump accused social media platforms of having “unchecked power” while signing the order.”
Please Mr President, come and sign an executive order banning the beeb.
“it was only a matter of time before the animal rights brigade got in on the act, too. In one of the more bizarre developments, they are trying to force the annual Cromer and Sheringham Crab and Lobster Festival to turn vegan.”
it is also noticable that the Notting Hill et al gourmands of the bbbc have not quite embraced this movement…
maybe they have noticed the correlation between the massive increase in sheep rustling and our muzzie friends arrival on these shores, another news cover up
A sharp rise in incidents of sheep rustling in the UK has transformed the crime from a local issue to a highly organised enterprise worth millions, according to new data.
Figures from NFU Mutual, which insures over 75% of UK farmers, show £2.5m worth of animals were stolen in 2018 – a rise of 11% since 2016.
See also: Fleeced: Police failure to tackle sheep rustling exposed
Livestock rustling has become the most costly crime to the UK’s farming sector after machinery theft, following a spate of well-co-ordinated, large-scale robberies in recent months.
“A generation ago, rustling was typically a local crime involving a couple of lambs or half a dozen geese being taken for the pot,” said Tim Price, NFU Mutual rural affairs specialist.
“Now it’s an organised crime with dozens or even hundreds of sheep worth thousands of pounds being taken in a single raid.”
A recent case in March saw 220 New Zealand Romney ewes stolen from a farm in Wiltshire, one of the biggest raids ever reported in the county.
Large scale theft – organised crime with livestock destined for the food chain
NFU Mutual is also concerned by reports of sheep being butchered in fields, leading to fears around food safety.
Now the Cummings episode has almost run its course they are now turning on Dominic Raab…
The family of the young chap killed outside an American airforce base by a diplomat while he was riding his motorbike are going to take Raab and Boris Johnson to court over his tragic death…
Sky really are doing there best to keep the anti Government retiric going..I’m sure BBC will soon get involved…
One of the most concerning aspects of Boris’s slow walk to freedom twaddle is how pathetically grateful people have become.
Apparently we can now have meetings with six friends or family members in our gardens. Whoopie!
Matt Hancock sounded positively sinister when he was talking about track and trace. “We’ll ask people to comply, but if they don’t we’ll compel them.” What country am I living in?
In a few short weeks the NHS has become a deity. We’ve got enforced mass unemployment. I’m told how many hours I can go out for. And now the authorities are telling me who can use my loo.
And despite the obvious catastrophic consequences of the lockdown on health, wealth and our essential freedoms, all the media seem concerned about is some geezer who drove too far in his bloody car.
I never thought I’d see this day…
It’s quite tragic.
The likes of the BBC ‘newspaper’(guardian) moans on about ‘the country’s’ mental health ‘……but it you look just at the headings the Guardian has every who’d be surprised about angry strung out snowflakes ?
It is just relentless on the same themes . I force myself to look at it – only because it is not behind a paywall .
I wonder what the long term consequences of The experiment to Which we are all being subjected to will be …and fear for the number of suicides when the 2020 numbers are added up.
And as I’ve said here before – the State now knows how All of the people can be controlled and manipulated – which maybe the most valuable thing of all for them
JHB put up her show tweet this morning
Then people called her out cos it said Durham Police had said DC DID breach the rules and they WOULD have turned him around
She then deleted it and replaced it with the words the police actually used : might, likely would
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
They know they don’t represent the nation
.. and they are proud of it
Here’s metroliberal agenda pusher Vine
Does anyone else wonder why Scotland and Wales need to issue their own lockdown release guidelines as we are in fact a single Island. (much as they detest the idea!)
I can only assume that it is merely to enlarge the ego’s of the leaders and to take a pop at England and/or Boris.
Todays’ announcement by Boris that he was to allow groups of six people to meet was shortly followed by cranky announcing that in Scotland it would be groups of eight people. And this only days after screaming that Scotland would not follow the English as they released lockdown because they didn’t think it safe to proceed yet.
You really couldn’t make this pantomime up, they take us all for fools!
It’s all point scoring crap. I for one would not give a toss if they employed all the soon to be out of work population in their region to dig a bloody great trench along the border and fill it with crocodiles.
They were going to make it six too but then someone pointed out that the Scottish Labour Party wouldn’t be able to hold their annual conference, so, in a rare act of generosity, the BBC’s Beloved Leader made it eight.
Please note that the Welsh Assembly does not speak for most of the people of Taffland, in fact it got ‘assembled’ after the weakest referendum win. There have been calls to get rid of it. Example, the people voted four years ago to get out of the EU but the Welsh Assembly and Drakeford the ‘demented Dalek’ continue to ignore that fact.
Scotland voted in a referendum to remain part of Great Britain , but I will leave the posters from Scotland to comment on that ………………………….
Cancel Culture
Petition : “Remove Katie Hopkins social media accounts”
.. so far less than 500 sigs
“Katie Hopkins is unapologetically racist time and time again yet she still has social media accounts. ”
Smearing someone with the power-label “racist”
is aimed at dehumanising and so excluding them
… and so is bullying.
I’m not on Facebook or Twit so I have no knowledge of these allegations.
Can this be another example of the Police really displaying their ‘Public Protection’ act and showing how they have had a major impact in reducing child abuse?
[Meant to be attached to Digg’s 6:48 post above]
Simple, laddie! It’s Dougal McTavish’s golden mathematical formula:
y = x + /- z
where x = number allowed in a group or time until easing (England)
y = number allowed in a group or time until easing (“Scolun”) and
z = variable decided by the venerable Nicola St Urgeon.
Hoots (of derision)!
I didn’t understand a friggin’ word of that but I have to confess I agree with every word that I didn’t understand.
Come on Boris, shut the BBC, then get after the rest of the public sector traitors.
I wonder if a petition to the Government, with 17.4 millions votes would help.
Switched on BBC London accidentally at 1840.
Within 5 seconds, Rizla Teeth was moaning on about how the new lockdown rules might affect BAME.
Switched off.
Of course it affects them, gang rapes and stabbings at 6 ft distance has flummoxed them
I find it odd that given the Labour party’s dismal record with anti-Semitism and the furore it caused in recent years, that Emilie Matiless – herself a jew, could countenance any affiliation with the left.
Well, obviously there are Jews and there are -well-Jews. Mr Soros is Jewish but maybe with him the emphasis is on the ish bit.
A little look at the muslim countries that our beloved immigrants come from will inform one that most of the purple haired LGBT brigade will be the first over the rooftops and up for beheadings once the immigrants get into power
talk about shooting yourself in the foot…
anyone in any doubt about “moderate” muslims, ahem, just imagine a scenario where isis if it was possible, had taken over Europe were about to invade, I wonder how many of our “moderate” muslims would be standing alongside us to fight….
or biting the hand that fed it as some already do
That’s awful, Maitless and the little Owen jones in the same post.
I need a large glass of red to wash out the bile…
Mind you, red wine is an excellent purgative, so maybe the awful bbc has some use after all!
Well, I’ll reach the big 80 in a couple of weeks but I’m still hopeful that I’ll live to witness the “purple people” seeing the light before it’s too late.
Karl Marx was a jew.
There is an idea that goes back to at least the Middle Ages that the world is run for the benefit of bankers, who of course are all Jews.
But then the anti-banker ideas seem to originate from Jews too.
That could just mean that Jews are like every other people, there are good and bad. Or perhaps Jews are exceptional so they are exceptionally good at banking and anti-banking?
In more modern times it does seem odd that the BBC is institutionally anti-semitic yet employs so many Jews! They certainly seem to go in for the self-loathing variety.
Just my random ramblings, trying to make sense of life, not to put labels on people, most of whom are mostly good.
Blimey mate. You say all bankers are Jews. Well I remember my dad referring to a till as “the Jewish piano” but I thought he must just be having a laugh. Just maybe the old man was more savvy than I gave him credit for. I’ll Google it.
P.S. I s’pose Google don’t happen to be Jewish does he?
A bit of cheerful news – the queer communist Owen Jones – in a column in the BBC newspaper- writes this with regard to the Maitliss nonsense –
Newsnight team are incandescent. “When faced with a very clear choice between yielding to government pressure or serving viewers by telling them the truth, BBC management, shamefully, chose the former,” says one Newsnight source. “BBC bosses believe this helps preserve the organisation. All it will really do is sign its death warrant.”
Here’s hoping …..( I’m happy to provide the pen )
I didn’t know he was a communist?
Sadly, neither does he. Just one more useful idiot.
I have a very valuable antique fountain pen which I will gladly allow the executioner to use for the historic occasion.
I do not quite understand why anyone would accept what is a bbc lie there is only ONE PRESSURE and we all know where that is coming from
interesting bbc regular use of words in the past few days from “anger” to “fury”, furious”, incandesent” etc etc all points towards mentally in need of medical treatment
especially since they ignore many other labour MPs doing just as bad if not worse which invokes no such emotions, only DC for what reason ?
I would be guilty of some of the above if my wife and children were surrounded in their house having abuse hurled at their husband and father thanks to the bbc but DC did not ????
he has shown remarkable restraint in the face of abuse and lies from the bbc and msm
Newsnight team:
there is one person who actually has a moral right to be “incandescent” and it bloody well is not you, your left wing mob, and never will be
WHERE is the bbc apology to DC ? I will be demanding one
1. Accuracy
i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text.
i) A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion must be corrected, promptly and with due prominence, and — where appropriate — an apology published. In cases involving IPSO, due prominence should be as required by the regulator.
iv) The Press, while free to editorialise and campaign, must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact.
i) Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including digital communications.
ii) Editors will be expected to justify intrusions into any individual’s private life without consent. In considering an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy, account will be taken of the complainant’s own public disclosures of information and the extent to which the material complained about is already in the public domain or will become so.
iii) It is unacceptable to photograph individuals, without their consent, in public or private places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
3. *Harassment
i) Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
ii) They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist; nor remain on property when asked to leave and must not follow them. If requested, they must identify themselves and whom they represent.
iii) Editors must ensure these principles are observed by those working for them and take care not to use non-compliant material from other sources.
I personally believe, nearly as much as I hope, that this last week al beeb have not only signed their own death warrant but also dug their own grave ????
Their shameless behaviour has absolutely smacked of arrogance and contempt for anyone who still pays for the licence fee ????
They went ‘all in’ on getting Dominic Cummings gone and are still now, doubling down, tripling down etc! ????
They believe they are untouchable, but I have to think a day of reckoning is on the horizon after their antics over the last seven days ????
Amen to that.
Spot on, but more worrying for me is the fact that the line of attack taken by all media outlets is almost identical this suggest a coordinated effort
Boris giving his Covid 19 update this evening was asked
exactly the same question in a round about way by BBC, SKY and ITV..
Just as worrying is the fact they are no longer even trying to hide there anti Government retiric and if anything it’s increasing…
I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but this really does smack of a hidden agenda..
Your post illustrates why President Trump refers to the media as “The Swamp”
Thanks dafydd.
I’d bet my bottom dollar that Beth, Laura K and Peston all have each other’s phone numbers and are in on this together, co-ordinating questions and response questions planned together hours in advance of 5pm! ????
Today’s first three journa…. sorry activist questions confirmed it to me, from al beeb, itv and sky – all co-ordinated to attack the government and try and bring the scientists in to the fray! ????
Frankly it went belly up in my opinion ????
of course it is, Trump was never meant to win, and like DC, whatever his beliefs I have never in my many years on this planet seen such a co ordinated attempt by the judiacary and all other institutions to denigrate, attack, abuse and undermine a democratically elected president, the same applies to Boris and anyone associated with him as we can clearly see
dark forces indeed
unfortunately for them, the electorate feel different and so such a promotion of postal votes?
As can be seen in Peterborough, covered up by the bbc and hidden, muslims are known for their honesty and integrity when it comes to elections of course
Watching the Trump questioning earlier, the one about Chinese flu, a thought struck me, what if this covid19 had happened 20 years ago when Mao was still in power and China was in political lockdown ,would the western world have ever heard of it and even been infected by it?
libmob spreading ridiculous false rumours about Cummings sister : list 1, list 2
We have seen multiple posts on Twitter and Facebook claiming that Dominic Cummings has a sister called Alice Cummings, who is a director at a company that runs the new track and trace app and was involved in the UK’s postal vote system.
This is not correct.
There is an Alice Cummings listed as a company director at Idox PLC,
but she is not Dominic Cummings’ sister
and her company is not involved in the track and trace app.
One more reason to drain the swamp.
Reuters were there a day before Fullfact
Just endured the clap for the nhs supported by the local benefit family who have had their visiting mates and kids sitting in the garden sunbathing all afternoon and for the last three weeks, with the visiting son kick boxing a punch bag all day, well done
Well I suppose these folks are “just following orders” Although you may find their behavior irritating I suggest you just relax with a beer and be thankful that, so far, you appear to be immune from the Big Brother virus.
Following orders no, everyone here follows the guidelines except them, I take your advice about the beer but I have quite had enough of the babies crying in the garden and her endless and I mean endless mancunian loud voice echoing through our house if we have the windows open
For someone who does nothing all day she spouts from 8AM onwards in the garden to whoever she invites around, without pause which we hear in the kitchen bathroom and bedroom all summer and invites her kids to join her every day
and her daughter in a bikini today FFS 18 sunburnt stone of it shooting her gob off all day long
I am not particularly like this but this lot are highly likely to get reported as they are disturbing the whole neighbourhood most of whom are trying to work at home
I think it’s about time people got back to work/school/uni. Was doing my garden this afternoon and all u can hear is different crap music from wide open windows of neighbours. They are up until early hours and spend half the day in bed then come out annoying people. This morning I wanted to mow my lawn and I held off until 11.30 then I thought sod it the bug**rs should be up. God help them when they have to up early for work etc.
Are you sure not on the set of a “Carry on” film?
Yes, I am sure, they were light hearted,
maybe on a set of mancunian full volume gobshite benefit film fag in her mouth shouting on her mobile all day, with her fat deliquent single parent benefit brood visiting everyday despite lockdown,
that is a possibility
Hattie Jaques she is not,, saggy, bleached white hair, wrinkled and walnut brown from sitting in the sun all day for years
and of course the abuse if anyone dares to complain about the noise in the garden at 11pm
Oh dear. It sounds to me like you live next door to a bunch of typical downtrodden, spat upon M.S.M. interviewees. My advice? Move house as soon as possible but do some neighbourhood research first.
I feel your pain. I’m fortunate enough to witness these ‘types’ when queuing at the local Co-op, and when they start shouting “Na-er-ly” in the carpark – (for those wot don’t speak common, that was Natalie)
Never let it be said that I kick someone when they are down.
Never let it be said that I have no compassion for the weak and defenceless.
Therefore I was determined to act to assist Lord Starmer of HidetheRapes in improving his performance.
Learn, mark and inwardly digest the following, O former head of the, “buy the biggest shredder”, CPS.
(This is The Two Ronnies Mastermind (A BBC production Fed, which is my excuse), specialist subject,
answering the last question but one.
Very useful practise for PMQs).
Ah yes. This was back in the days when the BBC understood the definition of humour. Or at least- my definition of humour.
I would not cross the street to listen to any one of their present day TV comedians/journalists/reporters/newscasters/celebrities etc. etc.etc. —- ad infinitum. These people are just not worth it.
I didn’t clap because I’m as pissed as a fart, and wanted to chat with Mrs O’Blene over several glasses of red.
It’s much more important to have loved ones nearby, to have chats, enjoy company, and yes – moan about the awful BBC, but that organisation is so far down the list, it rarely gets a mention!
If you knew Mrs O’Blene, you’d understand why I’m the luckiest bloke on earth!
Bless you both.
SkyNews : doorstepping rules
There appears to be two things. the bbc opinion, which they are not meant to have, and the regulations they have broken
3. *Harassment
i) Journalists must not engage in intimidation, harassment or persistent pursuit.
ii) They must not persist in questioning, telephoning, pursuing or photographing individuals once asked to desist; nor remain on property when asked to leave and must not follow them. If requested, they must identify themselves and whom they represent.
iii) Editors must ensure these principles are observed by those working for them and take care not to use non-compliant material from other sources.
Scotland :First a few days ago STV did a promo video featuring kids, with a pro Nationalist political slant which helped Sturgeon
: first The head of STVnews defended it
.. Then changed his mind and deleted it
.. then deleted his own entire Twitter account
.. thread
The boss of the BBC, Lord Hall, is paid three times as much as Boris.
Go figure.
Dover Sentry
More fool Boris. Come on boy, flex the muscles that the voters have given you.
BBC Online News.
Cracking responses to Kuensberg and Peston by Boris when they tried to drag the scientists into BBC politics.
The Universities these days can’t tell a scientist from a sociologist and that’s why we’re in the shit
Even when their goons are slapped down by the PM, the bastards still use terms like ‘deflect’ in the headline.
I saw the transmission and I’d offer what Laura Kunntesburg received from the PM was a polite but clear ‘f**** off’
Sorry bout the language Fed, but my back hurts and these hacks have really got me fedup today ????
Nissan and Brexit .
Good News from Al Beeb !…………….
BBC have never done good Brexit news. Not in their genes.
Once Brexit is done, the BBC will spend the next twenty years trying to get us to rejoin.
The term ‘Remain’ is now soooo yesterday in BBC circles. The new term is ‘Rejoin’. Expect to hear more about how much a failure Brexit has been etc.
Dover Sentry
Greetings ! Where’s you been ? 🙂
Rejoin ? We haven’t left yet . I understand that there is a Bill going through Parliament to move for a two year extension ? This is very timely given the great Ho Ha over Cummins drive up north ? Roll-on July 1ST I say
Taff, I believe it’s a private members bill. I don’t think a Brexit Extension Bill has been put forward as HMG business. A private bill is unlikely to even get a second reading, this one might, but probably won’t make it past the debate stage. Especially so now as we now have a speaker that upholds long established rules and as importantly in these matters, the traditions of the house.
The WestWyvern
If true its a great relief. Any Idea who put the Private Member’s Bill forward ?
No, I saw it in a comments section on another site. I’ll do some digging in the morning to clarify, but I can’t see the Government putting it forward as it would be political suicide after placing in law the final date of December this year.
EdDavy – attempting to keep his job as head of the Liberal Party / get a bung from the EU / flushing out the traitors in the Conservative party ./ get More funding For his party from remainers like Soros
The Daily Express Webshite has an article on it, calling the Barnier Bill.
It’s the usual suspects, traitors and quisling MPs involved in the treasonous discussions and the infamous letter that the EU chief negotiator wrote to them last week.
If I were Boris I’d head over there next week with a copy of that letter and ask the Belgium freak what the f. He thinks he’s playing at, discussing extensions with opposition parties in such a manner. Cretin.
The Liberal Democrats ?
The party that ‘tanked’ in the last general election when they stood on a manifesto of ‘remaining in the EU’. 😀
DS, are the Brownings re-armed and the fuel tanks topped out in that Spitfire of yours?
There are bandits in the Channel that need an overflight and strafing run or two.
Nige Farrage has the GPS coordinates.
News not so good in France.
Interesting I am gathering the strength (believe me it takes persistence to make a complaint to the bbc they do not make it easy)
and lo and behold go to the bbc news site and search under complaints it has changed from taking you to the complaints page to a page showing bbc compaints that were upheld in the bbc favour, Xi Ping could take some advice from the bbc
From Darren Grimes new news Site @ReasonedUK
worth looking at all the stories
Michael Cowan from BBC Victoria Live
Took Grimes on on Twiitter
claiming his own tweet had only copied the incorrect headline from a Telegraph tweet
which the Telegraph had then deleted
Cowan hadn’t used quotation marks
The Secret Barrister turned up and basically said
‘Yeh when the police say MIGHT, that means guilty
it’s just they leave the final decision to the judge’
He relied on quoting someone elses tweet
people then pointed out there is no judge
the police decide Fix Penalty Fines
..The guy whose tweet the SB relied on then deleted his own tweet
I suppose Gina Miller will take out a private prosecution against DC to keep the nonsense going that bit longer …..
She even wanted him ‘done ‘ for alleged Road Traffic offences ….
Just watched President Trump announcing his executive order re. social media.
Why in this age of digital cameras is it necessary to have the room filled with the sound of camera shutter noise?
The same goes for ‘flash’ photography, these aren’t amateurs taking holiday snaps, they all have ‘back offices’ with amazing digital tools that hardly even need new images to produce the required ‘story’image.
R4 news at 10pm egging on Sir Roger Gale, who sounds like a cancer in his own party, and him rising to the bait with enthusiasm. Prompt, prompt, prompt. The great Cummings show rumbles on. The pretence that Gale speaks on behalf of the public. What rubbish.
If you want to know what a LEADING question is, listen to this ‘interview’. Razzia tells him what to say all the way.
Pretty disgusting treachery, doing Labour’s work for them.
From beeb, we are used to this sort of thing. As usual, fake news, carefully constructed by them.
Followed by the usual racist comment on Minneapolis from R4, trying hard to stir.
More leading questions and prompts from Iqbal. Prompt the word ‘anger’. Manufacture it. Get the interviewee to spell out ‘racist practices’ with the collusion of the Washington Post. Favourite beeb agenda.Why bother to pretend you want an opinion? Why not just speak out your propaganda, and save the money?
No surprise there, actually.
Not strictly Al Beeb , but are there any financial whizz-kids on this site that can explain if GB would benefit from being an off-shore tax haven ? This could have implication in the bargaining game with the EU?
Back to 5pm local news
They did open with “Might have done a minor breach”
but then they were straight into the new power narrative
“40 Tory MP’s have now called on Cumming to resign or be sacked”
.. they implied there is some kind of momentum
and managed to leave that as the takeaway
.. before they went into the Daily Briefing live coverage.
An almost senile neighbour here sits watching Channel4 news maybe cos he fancies the female presenters.
He’s completely taken in about the 40 MP narrative
and the idea Cummings is going to fall in a minute
.. and the thing is he himself is logical on other things like Brexit and Trump .
Not particularly interesting but Jon Snow also hitting the delete button today
JuliaHB had tweeted about
‘look Jon Snow is at Hay Festival with all these WHITE people.’
.. today Snow wrote long reply
… and then deleted after a while
.. cos she’d pointed out
‘bit late Jon, I wrote that last year.’
Apparently thousands of citizens in Hong Kong are going to be granted British citizenship ! Dear God, why do we bother we borders and passports ? just let every bastard in who wants to come ! We’re sinking financially, so we might just as well physically disappear under the waves.
“If in doubt, keep ’em out!” says Ian Foot.
I do not live in fear and distaste of those coming here, unlike others
how many chinese benefit seekers ? or sexual assaulters, precious few if any compared to the bbc favourites
and a society that welcomes all into their space at, for example, chinese new year RE London, unlike the bbcs favourites
and a society that does not persist in promoting their religion and “culture in the media and their cultural requirements and demands, unlike the bbc favoured ones
a culture that adapts rather than the bbc favourites who insist the parent country adapts to their demands even if at odds with our laws
Last week : Race relations expert made accusations against whites
now keeps tweet up even though it’s more a Muslim against Muslim crime thread
Guardianland vs the REAL world, 2 different places.
Josh cartoon

Lorraine watches the Briefing
and waits for shielding info
“Last night’s episode began with a monologue that stood out, even in these partisan times, as brazen propaganda. From the first sentence, it displayed a level of editorialising that should astonish even viewers who agreed with every word. At times, I couldn’t believe I was watching British TV at all. The BBC has since acknowledged that the introduction “did not meet our standards of due impartiality” in a statement released this afternoon…”
Any more guideline breakers to add ?
Yes, the bbc
RE IPSO editors code of practice
Editors’ Code of Practice
Intrusion into grief or shock
Reporting Suicide
Children in sex cases
Reporting of Crime
Clandestine devices and subterfuge
Victims of sexual assault
Financial journalism
Confidential sources
Witness payments in criminal trials
Payments to criminals
The Public Interest
“US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order aimed at removing some of the legal protections given to social media platforms.
It gives regulators the power to pursue legal actions against firms such as Facebook and Twitter for the way they police content on their platforms.
President Trump accused social media platforms of having “unchecked power” while signing the order.”
Please Mr President, come and sign an executive order banning the beeb.
“it was only a matter of time before the animal rights brigade got in on the act, too. In one of the more bizarre developments, they are trying to force the annual Cromer and Sheringham Crab and Lobster Festival to turn vegan.”
Well, just insist that the Cromer Festival becomes full Kosher.
they do not like leather and they are against plastic I do wonder what kind of footwear they go around in
some kind of vegetable gourd or a large melon?
nuclear free, dolphin friendly fairtrade of course
and fair trade means paying extra to get the african / south american corrupt presidents fleet of bentleys regularly serviced
it is also noticable that the Notting Hill et al gourmands of the bbbc have not quite embraced this movement…
maybe they have noticed the correlation between the massive increase in sheep rustling and our muzzie friends arrival on these shores, another news cover up
A sharp rise in incidents of sheep rustling in the UK has transformed the crime from a local issue to a highly organised enterprise worth millions, according to new data.
Figures from NFU Mutual, which insures over 75% of UK farmers, show £2.5m worth of animals were stolen in 2018 – a rise of 11% since 2016.
See also: Fleeced: Police failure to tackle sheep rustling exposed
Livestock rustling has become the most costly crime to the UK’s farming sector after machinery theft, following a spate of well-co-ordinated, large-scale robberies in recent months.
“A generation ago, rustling was typically a local crime involving a couple of lambs or half a dozen geese being taken for the pot,” said Tim Price, NFU Mutual rural affairs specialist.
“Now it’s an organised crime with dozens or even hundreds of sheep worth thousands of pounds being taken in a single raid.”
A recent case in March saw 220 New Zealand Romney ewes stolen from a farm in Wiltshire, one of the biggest raids ever reported in the county.
Large scale theft – organised crime with livestock destined for the food chain
NFU Mutual is also concerned by reports of sheep being butchered in fields, leading to fears around food safety.
I’ll bet the theft of pigs is at an all time low……………..
Remind me, G, as I’m having a “senior moment”: which vibrant enriching group wouldn’t touch our pigs? Poles? Hindus?
Now, what (or rather who’s) food chain are we talking about here ? hhmm lets have a think about that…
Coming to a kebab shop near you
another tumbleweed moment at the bbc and police reluctant to act
Here we go again, another day same old s–t…
Now the Cummings episode has almost run its course they are now turning on Dominic Raab…
The family of the young chap killed outside an American airforce base by a diplomat while he was riding his motorbike are going to take Raab and Boris Johnson to court over his tragic death…
Sky really are doing there best to keep the anti Government retiric going..I’m sure BBC will soon get involved…
Saint Obama’s halo is tarnished, and his team compromised. But the beeb won’t tell you as much.
One of the most concerning aspects of Boris’s slow walk to freedom twaddle is how pathetically grateful people have become.
Apparently we can now have meetings with six friends or family members in our gardens. Whoopie!
Matt Hancock sounded positively sinister when he was talking about track and trace. “We’ll ask people to comply, but if they don’t we’ll compel them.” What country am I living in?
In a few short weeks the NHS has become a deity. We’ve got enforced mass unemployment. I’m told how many hours I can go out for. And now the authorities are telling me who can use my loo.
And despite the obvious catastrophic consequences of the lockdown on health, wealth and our essential freedoms, all the media seem concerned about is some geezer who drove too far in his bloody car.
I never thought I’d see this day…
It’s quite tragic.
The likes of the BBC ‘newspaper’(guardian) moans on about ‘the country’s’ mental health ‘……but it you look just at the headings the Guardian has every who’d be surprised about angry strung out snowflakes ?
It is just relentless on the same themes . I force myself to look at it – only because it is not behind a paywall .
I wonder what the long term consequences of The experiment to Which we are all being subjected to will be …and fear for the number of suicides when the 2020 numbers are added up.
And as I’ve said here before – the State now knows how All of the people can be controlled and manipulated – which maybe the most valuable thing of all for them
Its a bit early but with so many good comments its time fot next thread – i know its a bit early – but desperate times for the BBC
JHB put up her show tweet this morning
Then people called her out cos it said Durham Police had said DC DID breach the rules and they WOULD have turned him around
She then deleted it and replaced it with the words the police actually used : might, likely would