Well here we are again still in the EU… topia and Al Beeb is as biased as ever. Despite Covid keeping people indoors Al Beeb’s viewing figures must be dropping like a battleship’s anchor into the briny as more and more older people turn to the newfound thingy Netflix . They are fed up of having their history , that’s British history and culture trashed and replaced by African culture, at the same time shouting “Racist” at the good people of Great Britain. A Britain that freed the slaves.
Black lives matter , yes Black lives are in Britain are among the best lives they will get than in any other place on planet earth. They just don’t know it because they have never been to Africa.
But this is the fault of the ignorant advertisers (probably arts and gender studies graduates), apparently not aware that all the engineering, science and thereoff in the world, which allows us to live in comfort, are the products of the genius of White men.
Backlinks to previous thread & things you may have missed
– page 6 started 9am Friday
– page 5 started 8pm Thursday …… page 4
If you get that login error, don’t panic in Chrome Browser you don’t lose what you typed.
: just open a login box https://biasedbbc.tv/login ..and login
but then slowly click BACK in your browser
…. back to the error message and then one page back ..and you’ll find comment at the bottom of the page.
If you were replying to an existing post, when you click the REPLY button the box jumps back up to the correct place.
They dont know what they have because they haven’t created it. It took thousands of years of innovation, creativity and downright genius, to create the engineering, science and medicine that all take for granted.
Its easy to destroy what one hasn’t created, because there is no understanding of the energy and intelligence that has gone into creating.
What is most surprising is that Americans are kneeling in front of BLM as if they have been defeated in war.
These bowing and kneeing police don’t realise that they are wearing the symbol of the Crown on their caps. They represent the Crown, ie Her Majesty. Bowing to rioters, they dishonour the Crown and subject her status.
If the Met ordered this shameful act, then the senior officers who so ordered, should resign, with humble apology.
Tim Davie is pleased and proud to announce that he is a Guardian reader with an above average grasp of reality – if that’s not a contradiction in terms….
Please see this video of BBC Media Editor Amol Rajan inaccurately describing the TV licence fee as “this universal fee that must be paid by everyone who owns a TV”:
This went out live at 11.13 am on the BBC News channel this morning (5th June 2020).
We have just submitted a complaint to the BBC about this inaccurate reporting and would encourage our supporters to do the same.
It only takes 3 minutes to submit a complaint via the BBC website and it only asks for a name, email address and the first half of your post code.
Just made a big mistake on @BBCNews which I regret. I said Tim Davie was privately educated at Whitgift. True – but he won a scholarship, and was the first in his family to go to university. Given how much of my life is spent working on social mobility, that's unforgivable. Sorry
I caught I tiny bit of Barnier bitching – the BBC would see this as a bad thing – but a non traitor would see it as good . ..
In view of the fact that the government/ civil service is no good at forward planning ( see pandemic )- I’m guessing we won’t be getting ready to enforce our fishing rights – modelled on project Look-The- Other – Way – when it comes to mass illegal invasion from France …..
…. unless of course there will be no fish war because rights will be sold out when no one is looking – Christmas Eve – New Years Eve …..
M. Barnier.
Fancy a game of dominoes?
28 dominoes in a double six set.
I will remove the key, double six, UK, leaving 27 (very lucky number).
I will write the names of current EU member states on the dominoes, in order of significance ( 6-5 France, 6-4 Italy etc).
I turn the dominoes over and you have to guess the order in which they leave the EU.
Great game.
No sneaking the dominoes back in the pack when they have indicated their determination to leave the EUSSR.
Because you normally lie and cheat, like today.
I think this new game could go viral, very popular in Italy, Poland and Hungary already.
I have another game, we can try.
With coins.
You travel the world trying to buy goods with Euros.
Everyone else laughs.
I’m sure you would not wish to intentionally insult the German people LCS, but if we’re the double-6 and France 6-5….ahem, where does that leave the master-race?
Your point about the Euro is embarrassingly true, if somewhat under-reported. A new version, the IOeUro is currently under consideration by the world’s finest and most honest bankers.
I have the greatest respect for the German people, and I do mean German.
Germany has a similar problem to many European states.
Corrupt Communist parties win elections by importing millions of unwanted, unneeded, arseholes.
The UKs negotiator seems to be standing his ground and the fishing rights access issue (problem for the EU) seem to be holding.
Sad faces all round from the pro EUSSR anti white British scum media.
Why do I think Boris is going to bluster in to the mix in the next week or ten days to arrange a deal, extend the period ”because of Covid’ or similar….
I pray to my own interdimensional, lizard ruling, shape shifting supreme being, sky fairy thing that I am to be proved wrong.
Darcy, yep the temperature is everything where protests are concerned, that’s why protests are so popular in hot countries, around the Med and Middle East. They do love a good protest out there. But when was the last time a protest was recorded in Finland, or anywhere cold during the winter months ?
Oh and speaking of which, where are the BLM protests in northern Europe ??
BBC still in their happy place stoking the anger and hatred over in the US.
The headline on their webshite screams:
“George Floyd: Videos of police brutality during protests shock US”
However if you surf the net a bit, it’s clear that what really shocks the US is the savagery and wantonness of the rioters’ brutality, which of course the msm and BBC play down. (One glaring example was that of a woke reporter claiming on air that by and large the demonstration had been peaceful, with columns of fire and smoke billowing in the background).
In the same agitprop article the beeb posts an inflammatory film dredging up slavery, the KKK etc, with the title “The USA’s history of racial inequality has paved the way for modern day police brutality”.
And of course they include the full video of chief hate-stirrer, the phoney ‘Rev’ Al Sharpton.
Their agenda is to keep stoking the flames of rage, victimhood and race war for all they’re worth.
I think we know who’s side the BBC is on by these pathetic little snippets in the article
“On the same evening, a delivery driver in New York City was arrested 27 minutes after the city’s curfew had started, despite being a key worker exempt from the curfew”
“And in the Williamsburg area of the city, police were filmed charging demonstrators, throwing at least one person to the ground”
So the police throwing at least one person to the ground is newsworthy in BBC land, but these rioters burning cars, buildings, attacking police and looting is fine.
What a fu**ing weird world these BBC types live in. Amazing. All this looting and dis-order and they are bothered about one push and a delivery driver in a curfew mix up.
To all those brave souls who won’t endlessly mouth the leftist platitudes , or ‘take the knee’ , or wont accept that rioting and looting are legitimate forms of protest, and don’t understand why the brutal murder of a chap in Minneapolis should result in mayhem in London, I remind them that George Orwell said , ‘In times of universal deceit speaking the truth is a revolutionary act’.
Food for thought, maybe, whilst our blacks are shouting abuse at the police:
This article lists British police officers killed in the line of duty since 1900.
Thousands of police officers in Britain are believed to have died during the course of their duties, but this article includes only those who were killed as a direct result of a crime or while attempting to prevent, stop or solve a specific criminal act. The list omits those who died in more regular circumstances such as traffic collisions, and the many killed by air raids during the Second World War.[1] The list also omits the more than 300 officers of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary[2] and current Police Service of Northern Ireland who were killed during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
Name Rank Age Force Date of death Circumstances
Desmond Morgan Acreman PC 33 Metropolitan Police 12 February 1967 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspected thieves in Woolwich.[3][a]
Kenneth Adams PC 38 Hampshire Constabulary 17 September 1982 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ronald Alan Addison PC 24 Metropolitan Police 24 January 1960 Collapsed and died while pursuing suspects
Raja Bashrat Ahmed PC 35 Greater Manchester Police 31 August 1999 Motorcycle rammed into oncoming traffic by suspect[4]
Charles William Alger PC 37 Great Yarmouth Borough Police 18 August 1909 Shot
Edgar Gerald Allen PC 41 Metropolitan Police 29 March 1958 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
George William Allen PC 27 Metropolitan Police 28 November 1931 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Jane Philippa Arbuthnot WPC 22 Metropolitan Police 17 December 1983 Killed in the Harrods bombing
Alison Armitage PC 29 Greater Manchester Police 5 March 2001 Run over by suspect[5]
Brian Armstrong PC 31 Gateshead Borough Police 12 September 1966 Stabbed
Jack William Avery WRC 28 Metropolitan Police 6 July 1940 Stabbed
William James Avis, DCM Sgt 47 West Sussex Constabulary 26 February 1942 Shot
Robert Bain PC 46 Salford Borough Police 11 July 1906 Assaulted resulting in leg amputation and death
William Balkwill Supt 43 Somerset Constabulary 27 July 1900 Fatally injured while restraining a violent prisoner
Samuel Ballance PC 23 Liverpool City Police 3 September 1911 Died from injuries sustained during earlier riot
Edward Alexander Barnett, QPM PC 24 City of Glasgow Police 30 December 1969 Shot
Andrew Barton Sgt 40 Northumbria Police 15 April 1913 Shot[6][b]
Alan Baxter PC 39 Metropolitan Police 20 August 1977 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Allan George Baxter PC 33 Kent County Constabulary 5 June 1951 Shot
Allan Beattie PC 26 Cardiff City Police 13 April 1952 Accidentally run over during an arrest
Douglas Frederick Beckerson PC 22 Metropolitan Police 10 April 1971 Fell through a roof while pursuing suspect
Martin Bickersteth Bell PC 27 Metropolitan Police 3 July 1986 Run over during police pursuit
Robert Bentley Sgt 36 City of London Police 17 December 1910 Shot – same incident as Sgt Charles Tucker and PC Walter Charles Choat (both qv)
Herbert Berry PC 46 Metropolitan Police 3 June 1918 Fatally injured during an arrest
Sharon Beshenivsky PC 38 West Yorkshire Police 18 November 2005 Shot while responding to an armed robbery[5]
Brian John Bishop A/Sgt 37 Essex Police 27 August 1984 Shot
Keith Henry Blakelock, QGM PC 40 Metropolitan Police 6 October 1985 Stabbed
Fiona Bone PC 32 Greater Manchester Police 18 September 2012 Shot alongside PC Nicola Hughes
Brinley James Booth PC 31 Staffordshire Police 6 June 1946 Bludgeoned during an arrest
Lewis Booth PC 50 Lancashire Constabulary 6 January 1905 Collapsed and died during an arrest
James Roy Bradley Insp 41 Oxfordshire Constabulary 1 January 1967 Run over
Roger Brereton PC 41 Thames Valley Police 19 August 1987 Shot in the Hungerford massacre
Ian Nigel Broadhurst PC 34 West Yorkshire Police 26 December 2003 Shot[5]
Laurence Peter Brown PC 27 Metropolitan Police 28 August 1990 Shot
Ronald Brown PC 20 Liverpool City Police 19 February 1962 Fell through roof while searching for burglar
Gareth Browning PC 36 Thames Valley Police 1 April 2017 Struck by suspect vehicle while deploying a stinger in 2013[7]
Daniel Buckley PC 32 Northumbria Police 14 February 1982 Fell through a roof while pursuing burglar
Bernard Leslie Bull PC 35 Northumbria Police 31 January 1991 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Arthur William Burch PC 38 Hertfordshire Constabulary 7 April 1960 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Peter Burnett PC 42 Lancashire Constabulary 7 October 1990 Collapsed while dispersing rioters
John Burney Insp 45 Middlesbrough County Borough Police 25 December 1920 Assaulted during violent arrest
James Campbell PC 39 City of Glasgow Police 20 January 1919 Shot
Gavin Richard Carlton PC 29 West Midlands Police 19 December 1988 Shot while pursuing bank robbery suspects
Joseph Geoffrey Carroll PC 46 Northumbria Police 13 April 2006 Traffic collision while transporting a prisoner[5]
Adele Yvette Cashman DC 30 Metropolitan Police 5 November 2012 Collapsed while pursuing robbery suspects
Harry Cautherley PC 28 Metropolitan Police 28 November 1931 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Walter Charles Choat PC 34 City of London Police 17 December 1910 Shot – same incident as Sgt Robert Bentley and Sgt Charles Tucker (both qv)
Alfred Clarke PC 43 Worcestershire Constabulary 21 December 1900 Fatally injured in fall while searching for suspect
Joanne Mary Cochran WPC 20 Thames Valley Police 30 March 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Raymond Anthony Codling Insp 49 Greater Manchester Police 14 September 1989 Shot
Glenn Russel Corder PC 18 Durham Constabulary 6 February 1980 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ian Coward, QPM DC 28 Thames Valley Police 23 July 1971 Shot
Sydney Hussey Craik PC 31 Lanarkshire Constabulary 12 September 1932 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspect
Thomas Cringles Chief Insp 51 Strathclyde Police 26 August 1976 Collapsed and died dealing with a disturbance
William Percy Croft PC 28 Metropolitan Police 9 September 1905 Fatally injured in a fall while pursuing burglars
Robert George Cross PC 33 Surrey Constabulary 14 July 1977 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ernest Crowston Sgt 40 Nottingham City Police 7 March 1921 Fatally injured attempting to stop a speeding vehicle
William Frank Crouch Sgt 33 Wiltshire Constabulary 31 March 1913 Shot
Raymond Davenport PC 35 Merseyside Police 4 July 1981 Run over
Evan Thomas Davies PC 31 Cardiff City Police 11 December 1941 Shot
William Davies PC 43 Montgomeryshire Constabulary 16 November 1903 Died of heart failure after a violent arrest
Brian Dawson Sgt 42 Leicestershire Constabulary 1 September 1975 Shot
Peter Leonard Deans PC 25 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 29 December 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Alfred Edward Deeks Insp 44 Metropolitan Police 5 May 1912 Collapsed and died while dispersing a nuisance crowd
Ian Dibell, GM PC 41 Essex Police 9 July 2012 Shot while off duty and confronting an armed man[8]
Stephen John Dodd Insp 34 Metropolitan Police 24 December 1983 Killed in the Harrods bombing
Edward Roy Dorney PC 34 Metropolitan Police 1 January 1960 Struck by a train while pursuing suspects
Joseph Stewart Drake PC 36 Stirling and Clackmannan Constabulary 11 August 1967 Run over
Benjamin Drinkwater PC 26 Bootle Borough Police 1 August 1935 Fell through roof while searching for suspects
Andrew Duncan PC 47 Metropolitan Police 22 September 2013 Run over by suspect
Patrick Dunne PC 44 Metropolitan Police 20 October 1993 Shot
Francis John East Insp 42 Berkshire Constabulary 4 October 1944 Fatally injured when thrown off a vehicle during an arrest
Nathanael Edgar PC 33 Metropolitan Police 13 February 1948 Shot
Sandra Jane Edwards WPC 28 South Yorkshire Police 10 May 1995 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
John Egerton PC 20 Greater Manchester Police 11 March 1982 Stabbed
Yvonne Joyce Fletcher WPC 25 Metropolitan Police 17 April 1984 Shot
David Fleming Ford PC 22 Metropolitan Police 14 March 1929 Fell through a roof while pursuing burglars
John William Fordham DC 45 Metropolitan Police 26 January 1985 Stabbed
William Forth Sgt 34 Northumbria Police 21 March 1993 Stabbed
Geoffrey Fox PC 41 Metropolitan Police 12 August 1966 Shot alongside Christopher Head and David Wombwell (both qv)[5]
Duncan Alexander Fraser DI 46 West Yorkshire Police 15 July 1951 Shot alongside PC Arthur Gordon Jagger (qv)
Raymond Free PC 25 Nottinghamshire County Constabulary 1 June 1950 Collapsed after attending a domestic disturbance
Edmund Sleigh Frost Sgt 41 Essex Police 8 April 1948 Contracted fatal disease following injury sustained on duty
Lewis George Fulton PC 28 Strathclyde Police 17 June 1994 Stabbed[9][c]
Norman Garnham A/DC 25 North Yorkshire Police 2 March 1977 Stabbed
George Hillier Garrott PC 27 Strathclyde Police 5 March 1980 Electrocuted while investigating vandalism on a railway
Glenn Thomas Goodman SPC 37 North Yorkshire Police 7 June 1992 Shot by IRA member Patrick Magee during routine traffic stop[10]
William Gibson Sgt 44 Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary 22 May 1951 Shot
David George Gisborne Insp 36 Metropolitan Police 5 August 1974 Collapsed and died after being assaulted in a riot
Robert Chenery Gladwell PC 37 Metropolitan Police 6 January 1991 Assaulted during an arrest
Roger Philip Goad, GC CEO 40 Metropolitan Police 25 August 1975 Killed by an IRA bomb
Alan Ewen Gordon Sgt 38 Grampian Police 10 August 1977 Run over during police pursuit
Reginald Charles Grady DC 46 Bristol Constabulary 14 August 1945 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Richard Gray PC 43 West Mercia Constabulary 6 May 2007 Shot
David Christopher Green PC 20 West Midlands Police 17 July 1975 Stabbed
Thomas Green Stn Sgt 51 Metropolitan Police 18 June 1919 Bludgeoned during the Epsom Riot
Thomas Ashcroft Grundy PC 30 St Helens Borough Police 31 January 1914 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Charles Phillip Gunter PC 24 Birmingham City Police 26 October 1901 Fatally injured by a thrown brick while attempting to disperse a gang
Peter Charles Guthrie, QPM PC 21 Warwickshire & Coventry Constabulary 22 July 1972 Shot
George William Gutteridge PC 38 Essex County Constabulary 27 September 1927 Shot
David Ian Haigh PC 25 North Yorkshire Police 17 June 1982 Shot[11]
Colin John Hall PC 40 West Midlands Police 29 November 1987 Collapsed attending a disturbance
George Pickburn Hammond PC 58 Metropolitan Police 13 December 1995 Stabbed
Andrew Harper PC 28 Thames Valley Police 15 August 2019 Dragged by vehicle while investigating a burglary report[12]
James Harte PC 38 Leith Burgh Police 4 April 1900 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Michael Hawcroft Sgt 31 West Yorkshire Police 12 March 1981 Stabbed
Christopher Head DS 30 Metropolitan Police 12 August 1966 Shot alongside Geoffrey Fox and David Wombwell (both qv)[5]
Arthur John Wilkins Healey PC 30 Metropolitan Police 13 September 1902 Fell through roof while searching a premises
Jonathan Charles Henry PC 36 Bedfordshire Police 11 June 2007 Stabbed
Thomas Hibbs DC 23 London & North Western Railway Police 10 August 1901 Bludgeoned and drowned attempting to arrest thieves
Conal Daood Hills PC 36 West Yorkshire Police 19 November 2006 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Kenneth Robert Howorth CEO 49 Metropolitan Police 26 October 1981 Killed by an IRA bomb
Alfred Haddon Hudson PC 28 Leeds City Police 4 January 1910 Assaulted attending a disturbance
Nicola Hughes PC 23 Greater Manchester Police 18 September 2012 Shot alongside PC Fiona Bone
Frank Edwin Hulme PC 31 Hertfordshire Constabulary 12 December 1958 Collapsed and died during an arrest
William Ross Hunt DS 56 Strathclyde Police 5 June 1983 Stabbed
Frederick George Hutchins, QPM Sgt 48 Metropolitan Police 3 June 1961 Shot
Thomas Andrew Jackson PC 46 South Yorkshire Police 13 December 2003 Collapsed while dispersing rioters
Arthur Gordon Jagger PC 42 West Yorkshire Police 16 July 1951 Died of wounds after being shot the previous day alongside DI Duncan Alexander Fraser (qv)
Andrew James PC 38 South Wales Police 2 August 2003 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspect[13][d]
Robert Johnston Insp 41 City of Glasgow Police 4 May 1921 Shot
Stephen John Jones PC 19 Metropolitan Police 6 February 1984 Run over
Stephen Jones PC 34 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 17 May 1999 Run over
Karpal Kaur Sandhu PC 30 Metropolitan Police 4 November 1973 Fatally injured during an arrest[14]
Desmond Derrick Kellam PC 31 Wiltshire Constabulary 3 October 1979 Fatally injured during an arrest
Kevin Kelliher PC 23 Metropolitan Police 27 May 1979 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
James Kelly PC 34 Metropolitan Police 22 February 1920 Shot
John William Kew PC 29 West Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary 11 July 1900 Shot[15][e]
Alan Derek King Sgt 41 Metropolitan Police Service 29 November 1991 Stabbed
Walter Lacey A/Sgt 42 Lancashire Constabulary 12 September 1978 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Clifford Lancaster PC 46 Metropolitan Police 22 October 1975 Collapsed and died while searching for suspects
Noel Joseph Lane Sgt 28 Metropolitan Police 17 December 1983 Killed in the Harrods bombing
Matt Lannie PC 40 South Yorkshire Police 21 April 2020 Knocked off motorcycle in Sheffield while responding to a pursuit.
Arthur Lawes PC 27 Metropolitan Police 16 August 1930 Run over
Deborah Leat WPC 20 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 27 November 1986 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Andrew Stephen Le Comte PC 21 West Midlands Police 4 February 1984 Fell from roof while searching for suspects
Ronald Ian Leeuw PC 53 Metropolitan Police 11 April 1984 Collapsed while struggling with a violent prisoner
David Lewis Sgt 41 Denbighshire Constabulary 5 October 1916 Died from injuries sustained in earlier arrest
Robert Russell Lumsden PC 53 Lothian and Borders Police 8 August 1986 Collapsed and died during violent arrest
Christopher John MacDonald PC 19 Nottinghamshire Police 17 May 1978 Beaten and drowned by burglar
Stewart Cameron MacDonald PC 21 City of Glasgow Police 22 November 1948 Struck by a train while pursuing suspects
James Frederick Macey PC 24 Metropolitan Police 13 December 1904 Collapsed and died after an arrest
Nina Alexandra MacKay WPC 25 Metropolitan Police 24 October 1997 Stabbed
Angus MacLeod MacKenzie, QPM A/DC 31 City of Glasgow Police 30 December 1969 Shot
Samuel MacLean Sgt 45 Dumbartonshire Constabulary 27 August 1926 Killed in a traffic collision while searching for a suspect
John Macleod PC 31 City of Glasgow Police 4 September 1952 Shot
Keith Maddison PC 46 Durham Constabulary 21 May 1997 Collapsed and died while pursuing suspects from a stolen vehicle
John Lewis Marsh PC 40 Wiltshire Constabulary 5 June 1989 Collapsed after a violent arrest
Francis John Mason, QGM PC 27 Hertfordshire Constabulary 14 April 1988 Shot
Adam Mather PC 50 St Helens Borough Police 19 June 1915 Collapsed and died during an arrest
James Daniel McClafferty Chief Insp 57 British Transport Commission Police 1 October 1954 Collapsed and died pursuing suspected thief
Robert Craig Orr McLaren PC 42 Norfolk Constabulary 31 August 1981 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ronan Konrad Aidan McCloskey PC 25 Metropolitan Police 9 May 1987 Run over
William George McKelvie PC 34 Hawick Burgh Police 20 July 1906 Assaulted during an arrest
Walter Marshall McMillan PC 30 British Transport Commission Police 25 January 1960 Fatally injured in fall while pursuing suspect
William Thomas Mellen SPC 45 Herefordshire Constabulary 20 October 1940 Assaulted by disorderly suspect
Robert Benjamin Mercer PC 20 Metropolitan Police 26 May 1982 Vehicle crashed during pursuit
Sidney George Miles, KPM PC 42 Metropolitan Police 2 November 1952 Shot
Bryan Reginald Moore PC 39 Leicestershire Constabulary 15 August 2002 Rammed by vehicle being pursued
Hugh John Moore, QPM Cmdr 64 City of London Police 4 December 1993 Collapsed during an arrest
James Morrison, QGM DC 26 Metropolitan Police 13 December 1991 Stabbed
Brian Moss DC 26 Buckinghamshire Constabulary 25 March 1953 Fell through roof while searching for intruders
Andrew Carl Munn PC 37 Leicestershire Constabulary 15 August 2002 Rammed by vehicle being pursued
Peter Munro PC 21 Lanarkshire Constabulary 7 August 1921 Fatally injured during an arrest
George Bertram Mussell, KPM PC 40 Northumberland County Constabulary 15 April 1913 Shot[6][f]
Robert Nathans PC 49 Greater Manchester Police 27 February 1999 Collapsed and died after pursuing suspect on foot
Stephen Robin Oake, QGM DC 40 Greater Manchester Police 14 January 2003 Stabbed[5]
Jonathan Bruce Odell PC 30 Kent County Constabulary 19 December 2000 Run over[5]
Philip Michael Olds, QGM PC 34 Metropolitan Police 1 October 1986 Shot
James O’Donnell, QPM DI 47 Lancashire Constabulary 13 December 1958 Shot
Francis Joseph O’Neill, QGM PC 31 Metropolitan Police 25 October 1980 Stabbed
Keith Palmer, GM PC 48 Metropolitan Police 22 March 2017 Stabbed in Westminster Attack
Philip Pawsey, QPM Insp 40 Metropolitan Police 3 June 1961 Shot
William John Payne PC 37 Berkshire Constabulary 7 July 1949 Collapsed and died after pursuing burglar
Thomas William Perry Sgt 46 Metropolitan Police 20 May 1905 Collapsed and died after an arrest
David Phillips PC 34 Merseyside Police 5 October 2015 Run over during police pursuit
Joseph Pickering WRC 54 Liverpool City Police 31 January 1942 Assaulted during violent arrest
Hosea Pope PC 33 Monmouthshire Constabulary 14 July 1911 Assaulted during violent arrest
James Brian Porter DC 31 Durham Constabulary 4 March 1982 Shot
John Tremlett Potter PC 46 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 2 February 1938 Bludgeoned during an arrest
William Ezra Price PC 35 Staffordshire Constabulary 26 January 1903 Bludgeoned during an arrest
Robert Pritchard PC 49 Anglesey Constabulary 22 November 1924 Shot
Raymond William Purdy DS 43 Metropolitan Police 13 July 1959 Shot by Guenther Podola
Mandy Dawn Rayner WPC 18 Hertfordshire Constabulary 13 October 1982 Vehicle struck during police pursuit
Gerry Irving Richardson, GC Supt 38 Lancashire Constabulary 23 August 1971 Shot
Brian Arthur Rippingale PC 27 Essex Constabulary 2 September 1968 Run over accidentally while pursuing a suspect on foot
Christopher Roberts PC 47 Metropolitan Police 26 December 2007 Collapsed and died after a violent arrest
Derek John Carnie Robertson Sgt 39 Metropolitan Police 9 February 1994 Stabbed
Raymond George Robinson Sgt 55 British Transport Police 29 August 1975 Collapsed while struggling with a violent prisoner
Thomas Eldred B. Rowland PC 23 Metropolitan Police 25 December 1919 Assaulted during an arrest
George William Russell, QPM PC 36 Cumberland, Westmorland & Carlisle Constabulary 10 February 1965 Shot
Leonard Russell PC 34 Metropolitan Police 13 November 1904 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Paul Salmon PC 28 Hampshire Constabulary 17 September 1982 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
John Sandford DC 45 Greater Manchester Police 2 May 1982 Attacked by youths suspected of indecent assault
Barry Saunders PC 31 South Yorkshire Police 24 November 1989 Fell through roof while searching burgled premises
Henry William Sawyer A/Sgt 36 Metropolitan Police 16 February 1918 Fatally injured during an arrest
John Schofield PC 27 Surrey Constabulary 6 July 1974 Shot
William Ralph Shiell PC 28 Durham County Constabulary 1 March 1940 Shot
Walter Shillum PC 37 Glamorgan Constabulary 4 May 1910 Stabbed
George Thomas Shepherd PC 39 Metropolitan Police 9 November 1938 Dragged by stolen vehicle while attempting an arrest
Charles William Sheppard PC 31 Birmingham City Police 23 May 1928 Beaten while attending a disturbance
Kulwant Singh Sidhu PC 24 Metropolitan Police 25 October 1999 Fell through roof while pursuing suspects
Anthony Richard Silcock PC 25 Hertfordshire Constabulary 7 April 1960 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Charles John Skevington PC 41 West Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary 19 July 1955 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Adam Smith PC 25 Perth City Police 23 April 1909 Collapsed and died pursuing nuisance youths
Albert Smith PC 35 Bradford City Police 25 January 1907 Assaulted during an arrest
Dennis Arthur Smith, QPM PC 44 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 21 December 1973 Shot
Samuel Smith PC 36 Stockport Borough Police 18 October 1963 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ernest Southern PC 35 Lancashire Constabulary 27 January 1962 Collapsed attending a violent street affray[16][g]
Henry G. A. Speake PC 21 Shrewsbury Borough Police 3 August 1937 Drowned after pursuing suspect into a river
John Richard Speed Sgt 39 West Yorkshire Police 31 October 1984 Shot
James Stanford QGM DS 40 Wolverhampton Borough Police 20 August 1965 Stabbed
Jonathan Michael Stapley PC 27 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 29 December 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Matthew Walls Straughan PC 36 Durham County Constabulary 28 June 1927 Shot
Raymond Henry Summers PC 23 Metropolitan Police 14 December 1958 Stabbed
Grant Clifford Sunnucks PC 30 Metropolitan Police 26 July 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Michael Swindells, QGM DC 44 West Midlands Police 21 May 2004 Stabbed[5]
Barry John Taylor Insp 30 West Yorkshire Police 15 February 1970 Shot
Frank Taylor PC 34 Hull City Police 28 May 1948 Assaulted during violent arrest
George William Chree Taylor PC 27 Strathclyde Police 30 November 1976 Attacked and fatally injured by escaped prisoners
John David Taylor PC 26 Staffordshire Police 23 November 1986 Pushed out of building by suspect
Ernest Thompson PC 32 Metropolitan Police 1 December 1900 Stabbed
Robert C. Thomson, MBE ACC 38 Edinburgh City Police 18 July 1940 Shot
Stephen Andrew Tibble, QPM PC 21 Metropolitan Police 26 February 1975 Shot while assisting colleague when off-duty[17][h]
Gary Toms PC 37 Metropolitan Police 11 April 2009 Thrown from police vehicle during pursuit[5]
Jeffrey Barry James Tooley PC 26 Sussex Police 25 April 1999 Run over
John Towers WRC 39 Blackburn Borough Police 27 December 1943 Assaulted
Charles Tucker Sgt 46 City of London Police 16 December 1910 Shot – same incident as Sgt Robert Bentley and PC Walter Charles Choat (both qv)
Isaac Taylor PC 30 Lancashire Constabulary 24 May 1956 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
William Frederick Tyler PC 31 Metropolitan Police 29 January 1909 Shot
Sydney Arthur Tysoe PC 38 Lancashire Constabulary 29 November 1949 Assaulted
William Balfour Urquhart PC 49 Aberdeen City Police 22 March 1904 Collapsed and died attempting an arrest
Gerald Walker PC 42 Nottinghamshire Police 9 January 2003 Run over
Malcolm Edward Walker PC 46 West Midlands Police 4 October 2001 Vehicle struck during a pursuit
Gary John Veal PC 46 Essex Police 13 January 2002 Vehicle struck
Arthur Walls Insp 44 Eastbourne Borough Police 9 October 1912 Shot
Stephen Paul Walker PC 23 Metropolitan Police 30 April 1983 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspects
Phillip John Walters PC 28 Metropolitan Police 18 April 1995 Shot
George William Wheatley PC 31 South Shields Borough Police 26 December 1957 Fell through roof while searching for a suspect
Michael Anthony Whiting, QPM PC 21 Metropolitan Police 5 May 1973 Dragged by vehicle while attempting to arrest the driver
Kevin Mood Williams PC 31 South Wales Constabulary 23 October 1986 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Francis James Willis DS 35 Cambridge Borough Police 4 June 1930 Shot
Albert Willits PC 24 Wolverhampton Borough Police 18 January 1925 Shot
David Thomas Winter Sgt 31 North Yorkshire Police 28 June 1982 Shot[11]
William Adiel Wilkinson PC 32 Leicestershire Constabulary 25 May 1903 Shot
Christopher Francis Wilson PC 28 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 20 August 1977 Contracted fatal illness when spat on during disturbance
David Wombwell DC 25 Metropolitan Police 12 August 1966 Shot alongside Geoffrey Fox and Christopher Head (both qv)[5]
Ian Weir Woodward PC 33 Lancashire Constabulary 25 February 1987 Shot
William Reynolds Woolley PC 37 Lincolnshire Constabulary 26 August 1906 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Garry Wozencroft PC 35 South Wales Police 30 June 2000 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Stewart Mungo Whillis PC 37 Lancashire Constabulary 15 May 1907 Assaulted
James Wright PC 38 Manchester City Police 20 June 1934 Run over[18][i]
Peter James Wringe PC 23 Essex Police 4 July 1982 Fell through roof while searching a premises
Key to rank abbreviations: A/x = Acting • ACC = Assistant Chief Constable • CEO = Civilian Explosives Officer • Cmdr = Commander • DC = Detective Constable • DI = Detective Inspector • DS = Detective Sergeant • Insp = Inspector • PC = Police Constable • Sgt = Sergeant • SPC = Special Police Constable • Stn Sgt = Station Sergeant • Supt = Superintendent • WPC = Woman Police Constable • WRC = War Reserve Constable.
When Twitter world comes up against thug world . Reality vs the bubble. They still don’t get it, thugs don’t care about you being on their side , they want to smash and steal the lot.
Confused – why is that sad ? I think it’s hilarious – obviously just an ‘accident ‘ – apart from two separate windows being done …..
Doesn’t quite accord with the narrative does it ?
On Saturday afternoon these snowflakes are having another ‘get together ‘ in parliament square – no one with the authority seems to want to stop it or ban it .
I wonder if plod will allow them to attack Whitehall again ? Let’s hope it rains ….
There was a good article in this week’s Spectator by Douglas Murray about how some US sports writer was tweeting encouragement to the rioters and urging them to burn the city down. Then a couple of days later the mob arrived at his gated community and started to climb the gates. He was appealing to the police to come and get rid of them and send them back to their holes.
Many , perhaps most, liberals are only liberals because they can afford to be . If they are ever confronted by the reality of what they espouse on Twitter they , just like ordinary non liberals, don’t like what they see and shit bricks. Their liberalism is only skin deep but they can’t bring themselves to admit it and of course can’t possibly get off the liberal bandwagon even though they are beginning to realise its on the road to hell.
Unintentionally, the above vid perfectly illustrates Douglas Murray’s point below: “Are you willing to encourage the mob? Because everything we know about history tells us that once you do that you may not escape the mob.”
As Shakespeare put it: Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!
(Or, in case any beeboids are reading this with their third class degrees in marxist sociology from the University of Brixton, for whom Shakespeare is a bit highbrow and bourgeois: Foment anarchy and chaos and it’ll come right back to bite your arse.)
Pardon me if this has already been mentioned. A scientific article rubbishing hydroxychloroquine was published in the Lancet a few days ago. A British newspaper investigated the US company that wrote the report, Surgisphere. It turns out that Surgisphere had only six employees, now reduced to three. Their CEO is a science fiction writer and a “marketing executive” an events hostess and adult model. The Lancet has retracted the article and apologised. The newspaper involved was the Guardian, so I just want to give them credit where much credit is due.
The indomitable Douglas Murray opens with the question:
“Are you willing to encourage the mob? Because everything we know about history tells us that once you do that you may not escape the mob.”
Hear that beeb? You’ve encouraged the mob again and again. One day they’ll be coming for YOU! And the police you’ve denigrated at every opportunity may not be able to save you.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I didn’t see it until today. I had a quick look, but can’t see any mention on BBC sites.
Residents of a significant area on the south side of Chicago (predominantly non-white/non-Asian – you can figure it out) have woken up to the fact that there are virtually no (and I do mean zero) food stores anywhere within miles of their neighbourhood. It apparently was described as a food ‘desert’ before the riots (I wonder why stores closed in this ‘hood’ previously ?)… but now…. nobody seems to have a coy term for the situation.
So – where are all these really smart, indignant, principled people out on the streets just a couple of days ago, cheering as police were attacked, the remaining stores looted and burned to the ground ?
One from BBC Newsbeat, AKA Youth propaganda channel:
55 mins · He was at a protest rally about an investigation into allegations of “sexual grooming”
The former English Defence League leader said he acted in self-defence after a man spat in his face.
Robinson arrested for assaulting ‘spitting man’
The former English Defence League leader said he acted in self-defence after a man spat in his face.
There is a Mail Article
comments have been closed
Antifa sneer “It’s not self defence if he already spat at you”
“That’s not true if an attacker is still inside your body space
they still pose a potential threat
if TR’s back is to the van he might hit out to remove the man from his space”
V Moment Tommy Robinson 'punches man to the ground' at Asian sex gang protest before telling police he 'acted in self-defence' after man spat in his face and called him a 'racist p***k' ======https://t.co/lccPTMnjfapic.twitter.com/oY5eTRaXkG
— Επικαιρότητα – V – News (@triantafyllidi2) June 5, 2020
All a bit weird , cos of the timings
TR puts out a vid where he is at a house and explains earlier on a kid has spat in his face.
said he pushed the kid to the floor and shouted at him
Says the kid had walked away.
Then film switches to live street footage where police talking all reasonable at first demand his video, he declines
and the last thing is the camera guy is being manhandled as TR says “Is he being arrested”.
So looks like a cop boss order police to gather all TR’s devices “for evidence”. so police had come after TR quite some time after the spit.
Witnesses seem to have put up posts on social media,
RE Darwin, a wall around the M25 and leave them all to it, sell popcorn to the rest of the country as the east meet the west who have done so much for them
off with the earings girlies things is gonna get rough for you, you is about to get a lesson in race relations black style RE rape
Who is demanding?
BBC, naturally.
Greenpeace, enough said.
Heathrow airport, enough said.
National Grid?
2020-06-04 HSBC and StanChart back China security law for Hong Kong
Also described as “Crooked Bank grovels to CCP”.
2012-12-11 HSBC money laundering report: Key findings – BBC News
2017-12-11 HSBC draws line under Mexican cartel case after five-years
Also described as “crooked bankers launder money for terrorists and illegal drugs and arms dealers”.
I am writing a novel about this, provisional title “How green was my corruption”.
“fleshing out”
A mammoth undertaking.
I hope the fleshing out is somewhat flexible and will enable the title to be modified to meet changing circumstances.
I suggest “BBC were lying Marxists c***s, but they are all dead now, yippee”.
Not much of an outcry about this, buried in local news. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-52933074
I believe the two year old shooting victim is in a coma.
Not aware of any protests currently, apparently saying all lives matter makes one part of the problem. I’ll just have to live with that.
Random shooting by a gun-carrying man hot on the heels of all the white hate stirred up by the beeb? If the perpetrator turns out to be a BAME, will the beeb be held to account for all the race hate it’s been fanning in recent days (years)?
Note that whenever it suits their anti-white racist agenda, the beeb always reveal the race of perps and victims, but never when it contradicts that agenda.
A few days ago the Sun had this headline: “Victoria Beckham was paid £1million NOT to sing on Spice Girls reunion tour – more than she made from fashion firm”.
The BBC informed the nation this morning that “last month was the hottest month on record globally as well as in the UK.”…
…The trouble is that’s not what the EU funded Copernicus climate bulletin the BBC cited actually says. It does say that globally May was the warmest May in their data record, it also says “May was colder than average for Europe”. The BBC seems to have invented their claim about the UK from thin air…
To quote the girls at the BBC, and some of the women… OMG.
Just read in ‘Variety’ (US rich luvvies #essential lockdown rag) a headline that says ‘Hollywood honors career druggy crim who held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly”.
US jobs figures much much better than expected. So, let me pick out a few snippets from the BBC article.
Many of the gains also came from individuals who had told surveyors that their layoffs were temporary.
“This means this was all the easy part of the recovery,” said economist Jason Furman, a top economic advisor to President Barack Obama.
Among white workers, the unemployment rate fell to 12.4% from 13.8% in April. Unemployment also declined among Hispanic workers, from 18.5% to 17.2%.
For black workers, however the unemployment rate ticked up from 16.4% to 16.8%.
So , good economic news in these troubled times, and the BBC get a negative quote from a ex Obama man to rain on trumps parade and manage to shoehorn the race issue in just to make sure they hammer home their narrative.
I’ve only had limited experience of different bits of America – but I do know that there is a different mindset from the welfare state which Mrs thatcher didn’t quite expunge- sadly .
So trying to get 300 million to stay indoors like we have was always asking a lot . I really hope this is going to start to lift the world economy rather than being mired in The recession The BBC droids want to damn much just for the misery they enjoy reporting so much .
Yes it was nice to hear a 5 minute speech in which ‘Muslims as victims ‘ didn’t feature – oh wait a minute – that’s all it was. …
Actually … I thought he might ask when the mosques are gonna reopen so that they can continue plotting the downfall of the West – but then again – did they ever close?
Apparently the BBC believe their popularity with the public has risen ‘significantly’ during the Corona Crisis due to the reliability and impartiality of their news services.
Well, if you base every aspect of every report on what you’ve read in the Guardian, that’s a predictable conclusion.
Wildly inaccurate, but predictable.
“Brexit trade deal: What are the sticking points?”
“Fishing makes up only a tiny part of the economy on both sides, but it was a big part of the Leave campaign that won the Brexit referendum in the UK in 2016. ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/52937766
Its only a tiny part of our economy because the other EU countries are taking our fish ! If it was such a tiny part of the EU economy why is the EU insistent on keeping keeping it ?
Has any other nation given up its natural resources to get a deal with the EU?
Boris should turn his back and walk away.
Why is Al Beeb fighting the EU’s corner ?
EU demands Britain pay into EU COVID Fund: UK and EU officials have been clashing over contributions to the EU’s emergency coronavirus fund, with British officials, rightfully, arguing that we should not have to pay into the fund and do not want to benefit from it given that the UK has left the EU. However, officials in Brussels, keen to keep the British cash cow paying, are saying that the UK remains “fully liable to contribute to – and fully eligible to benefit from – the Emergency Support Instrument.” A spokesperson for the UK Treasury has said that “We’ll meet our obligations through the Financial Settlement. But we do not intend to go beyond what we have agreed in the Withdrawal Agreement, because we have now left the EU.”
It seems obvious to most that the UK should not be liable to pay for any commitments that stem from changes to the EU budget that have happened since the UK left in January. The dispute is likely to have exacerbated tensions between negotiators and makes it clear to the UK that Brussels will use any opportunity to try and squeeze more money out of Britain, suggesting that the EU cannot be trusted with any kind of extension to the transition period that would see Britain left paying into the institution it has already left.
Evan Davis smirking away as ‘the Mooch’ (Anthony Scaramucci) lays into ‘Trump’ on the PM show from 17:45.
You can hear the smirks, i.e. the slight laugh in his voice when he comments and inquires as A. S. “delivers the goods” on the hated US President. Boring Biden has pulled ahead in the polls, apparently – the same useless polls that said that Killery would win by a mile in 2016. Trump is insane, says A. S., with no question from Evan. Nothing about Obama-gate or Killery or the revelations from the interrogation of Rod Rosenstein.
Nothing but anti-Trump bias with barely an attempt to mitigate. A. S. is a Republican, so the BBC love that; divide and conquer. Mitt Romney is quoted as coming out against Trump – no surprise. No analysis of why Trump might want to use Twitter, i.e. to avoid MSM bias against him.
The BBC coverage of the US is absolutely appalling in its bias, whether it’s the rioting and looting or the 2020 Presidential election. Even the mild-mannered Robin Aitken said he couldn’t believe how biased it has become in his New Culture Forum interview earlier this year with Peter Whittle. Plenty for Tim Davie to ponder but I’m not optimistic. The US news part of the BBC is rotten to the core.
Once again, our ‘glorious’ health service proves itself ‘wanting’ in a very big way. It has now been more than 10 weeks since we went into lockdown – not since the start of the pandemic, but since lockdown started, so we knew this was really serious !!!!
More than 2/3rds of dentists have declared themselves ‘unfit for purpose’ (are they still being paid, one asks ?) and that they feel theat they’ve only had a few days notice of the relaxation to lockdown rules that permit dentist visits…. They haven’t had time, they say, to get themselves ready, sort out PPE for themselves….etc., etc.
Well, blow me down – I expect absolutely nobody would have predicted that dental surgeries would need a plan put together for this eventuality (despite some surgeries still operating, able to provide advice and guidance on how to re-open through their unions, etc.). No-one could possibly have expected that the lcokdown wouldn’t last forever, and that they would actually need to get off their duffs at some point ! They were moaning like hell a few weeks back that they still had bills to pay, etc., but it really does not look like they want to start up again. And the BBC web pages are full of dental practitioners to condemn the situation – not their lack of activity, you understand….
Much like the rest of the NHS, I would suggest, which seems, despite everyone still employed and paid – and some of them get great big bucks – incapable of planning on how to restore services many weeks after the peak of COVID-19 problems.
‘Our health service’…. three words where it would be prudent to question each and every word of that trite phrase.
“Our NHS” but “the national debt”, with the former contributing to the latter hugely without being anything special in international comparisons. Little serious analysis of NHS failings by the BBC.
I had a dentist as a kid, in the 1960s, pre glove days, who used to smoke cigars and you could taste then on his fingers.
Horrible ????
Ok, I know somebody is going to say I had it lucky, and they had to LICK the road clean with thier tongue or something..
Local ITV news 6:08pm Coverge of BLM protests
Driving procession in Sheffield (fair enough .. that is safer)
..then a “Stand Up to Racism” spokeswoman saying “black lives matter” etc. they are basically an nti-Tory front group
Then shots of a Hull protest
Then Aaron Casserly Stewart posh black guy who moved here from the states says he’s been crying all week
Actually all packed into 2 minute only
cos now they have to fit in their mate Dr Amir Khan
Now Dr Ranj the Sikh guy that came out as gay to his wife
It’s a plug for the ITV podcast
cos plugging their own shows counts as news.
How has US history shaped today’s police brutality?
The BBC’s Clive Myrie, who has reported from the US for nearly 25 years, looks at how a toxic mix of racism and bad policing has led to the most serious racial unrest for years. https://bbc.in/3eUYni4
Fewer lynchings though.
Next up, the BBC’s ‘Not enough dead Jews’ Mishal ‘reports’ on a bit of the world half way between here and her homeland….
Get down on one knee….Barrie Boy
To show your hypocrisy……..Barrie Boy
We know what this is going
Its tokenism you are showing
You really are an arse……..Barrie Boy !
Is it finally beginning to dawn on the EU that a WTO (no Deal) exit by the UK from the EU actually will harm the EU more than it will the UK if we react only in proportion ?
So if, for instance, the EU decides to apply a tarrif to 10% of our exports to the EU, we should, only fairly, apply a similar tarrif to a similar proportion of EU exports to the UK. Given the disparity between the actual levels of export – this will mean a real numerical disadvantage to the EU.
In addition – we should not care that the EU thinks it has the advantage of being able to act as 28 recipients of goods/services from one country, therefore being able to, for instance, target a single trade entity, that we have to follow the same thinking. We have the right, for instance, not to target a trade entity that may be sparsely spread across all 28 countries of the EU, thereby not hurting anyone especially hard….. we could target very specicfic trade groups and hammer a single country (just as they would be trying to do to us) enough to really damge its economy. And Katya Adler and her Beeboid comrades have to be made to understand that the EU is not the be-all and end-all of verything.
Why the hell should we act in order to do anything but damage the EU if that’s what they try to do to us ?
On the other hand – we could come to an amicable agreement – even involving fish. Note NOT fishing – fish – a trade entity. Fishing will be under the UK’s domain, and the UK will decide what to do with that – and how much to charge if we want to allow other countries to fish in our waters…..and it may, for instance, be prudent to allow only UK fishermen to work our waters for a couple of years, to improve dwindling fish stocks (an environmental positive, surely) and the UK fishing fleet over time.
See, we can even become an eco-friendly country.
Ah – what the hell, if the EU chooses to act in an unfriendly manner to the UK, let’s get our best brains to figure out how to pick off the EU country by country, trade group by trade group – and proportional to any harm they seek to do us. The gloves need to come off NOW.
After what we were dragged through in the referendum campaign and then the traitor parliament – im deeply suspicious of any apparent ‘talks’ or ‘ announcements ‘ being made – it could easily be a staged series of fights to make us think it is us versus them when in the ‘ last minute’ everyone wins.
I ve read the brief statement our side put out – it remains to be seen if the enemy are willing to work through the next few weeks or there really be a ‘ no deal ‘ –
With tariffs which – as you say – will damage them far more than us .
I get the feeling that the EU will come out of the plague weaker than us and if so we should exploit that to its fullest . European countries can be our friends – but the EU will always be our enemy .
The EU is just a Leftist/BBC/Marxist fantasy which they hope will eventually encompass the whole world. This would then be named WU.
Dream on Commies you are totally bonkers.
Lefty – I’m not sure about those labels because I see it as a self serving Political monster primarily run as a Franco German enterprise . With a bit of luck the strain it is experiencing will undermine it – but however it might reshape itself will still be that Franco German set up with the krauts as senior partner …
I’m concerned that resolve to leave will weaken if events contrive to lengthen negotiation time beyond this year – I’m really not sure if the tories realise they really did borrow votes to get it done . The political antennae seem ‘off’ at the moment …..
Interesting thing about Jimmy Savile (one L only – think of “as vile” [anagram] a crossword-style clue).
He was born on Halloween, one of the two major witches’ sabbaths (with the other being Walpurgis Night on April 30th) when there is said to be evil in the air.
I used to favour muting but have switched to blocking. There are people out there who want to abuse you or misrepresent what is being said. I don't see why I should host them on my streams. Their malice can be louder than my attempt at informing them. https://t.co/SjoHqSRK4o
BBC local news ‘right we have spent all day phoning round Lincolnshire for a black man to air
.. and now we’ve found this one who left to become a big record producer in America’ (paraphrased)
Interview “Yes when I was at school in Spalding I sometimes faced racism … sometimes people called me the N-word
… now I think about WHITE Privilege”
FFS mate you are a record producer in America, probably a millionaire.
“When I was at the school it was only 4% non-white
..now thankfully it’s 17% that’s good”
FFS hangon would you go anywhere else in the world and say it is a good thing that the first-nation-people are getting more and more diluted ?
Is the Horror Bin still going out to scare little children and teens with his stories of the world heating up to boiling point?
I would just like the Horror Bin and the BBC to know that it has been necessary to wear a coat indoors and/or use the central heating in the south of England today. It is 5th June, just two weeks from the Summer Solstice in the UK!
As a good friend here said recently, Corrybin isn’t a scientist, and actually knows nothing about ‘climate issues’, but he does have a degree in English.
Senora O’Blene immediately pointed out that even with such a ‘degree’ he still manages to talk bollocks’!
A weekend of clinking classes and celebrations at the BBC. Death from the China Virus passes 40,000.
Call for social distancing? No. Demonstrate against the systemic, institutionally racist police and against the systemic and institutionally racist authorities who are allowing the China Virus to kill Bames.
Twice recently I have purchased a very nice cod and chips from my local Chinese chippie and I am still undead.
Perhaps Covid 19 should be renamed the Communist Virus.
Our ridiculous church leaders join in the white-shaming, pro-rioting, anti Trumpism.
Thank God they have become a complete irrelevance in British life to whom no-one listens, except the beeb when it suits their agenda.
While they meddle in woke politics and climate change, their pews empty faster than a looted Nike store in Harlem.
I take it they’ve either not seen, not bothered to read or simply ignored the statistics that establish that black people in the USA are by far the biggest danger not only to themselves but also to white people.
But why let the facts get in the way of an agenda, eh?
Vlad – it sounds like Sentemu – who is more politician than churchman and after the top job .welby had to sign off on that prejudiced nonsense to keep his ‘street cred ‘.
How can one event – white cop v black drugged up criminal be held up as all the things they’ve decided it it ? The free availability of guns in America Must make law enforcement A more ‘nervy’ existence than elsewhere – plus the culture for ever rolled out by Hollywood ….
I’m still waiting for St Doreen of wherever to chuck some petrol on the BBC generated fire …..
They understand SFA about Christianity.
George Floyd is in heaven now.
Sitting next to Jesus.
He is not ageing, unlike those on earth.
He can assault anyone wherever and whenever he chooses, no consequences.
He can ram as much as he likes of any drug into his brain cell.
He will regale and astound the angels with his harp playing.
“George you just carry on being a Grade A C***, nobody will mind” said God, reassuringly.
Mandela – The black terrorist, I remember now.
It was his wife I originally thought of.
Winnie, who used to do survival programmes on TV.
Similar to Ray Mears in the UK.
Ray is more restrained though, always stressing the need to be frugal with the, not unlimited, raw materials.
Perhaps Bear Grylls was a better comparison, yes my mistake.
Ray could start a fire with a magnifying glass and a dried mushroom.
Winnie needed a lorry tyre, fifty gallons of petrol and 150lb of black kindling to produce flames.
Anyone got any information on how al beeb are treating the possible influx of 3m Hong Kong people regarding the fact they’ll all be expected to pay the licence fee ????
I expect they can’t wait ????
Usually sites like this display images based on the number of pixels. So, open any image processor (Photoshop Elements, Corel PhotoPaint, Microsoft Paint, any of them; there are free ones) and go to image resize, resample, and enter either a low percentage or a lower number than the pixel size displayed. A good size is 1200 pixels across the image.
I have scoured the Worlds Most Reliable Information Source without finding one word of Thunberg criticism of French police brutality towards the yellow vests.
This mentally disturbed bint should be locked in the Swedish equivalent of Broadmoor until she is 105.
She mastered the intricacies of Climate Science in only six months, winning eleventy three Nobel Prizes.
So it is no surprise that her command of the development of international relations now towers above all other living historians.
Keep her on the front page please Commies, every time she speaks it’s another million votes for our side.
Sorry if others have already covered this, but I’ve been out all day on a White Lives Matter demo, so…
I was somewhat startled to hear the the repulsive Piers Morgan has suffered a little embarrassment. It’s been revealed that his son went on the BLM mass tantrum the other night.
Now, we all know that Piers has very strong views on the “idiotic morons” that break this Covid curfew. He’s blustered about it often enough…
It will be remembered that old blancmange face was beside himself with fury when Dominic Cummings took his family on a car journey. He was calling for his resignation daily and spluttering and red faced with self righteous fury.
Earlier, the saloon bar buffoon, was calling people morons and scum because they dared to walk along a beach in the sunshine. How dare they risk the health of the nation!
So, I was somewhat surprised when old wobbly chops told a breathless nation that he was “proud” of his son. And that even though his sprog had attended this self righteous jamboree, a strange mix of virtue signalling middle class white numpties and angry black oiks, he had “attempted” to maintain the two metre distance between himself and the thousands of other pretentious pillocks.
As a fervent fan of Katie Hopkins I am at a loss to understand why Mr Wobbly Chops has a very lucrative job with the M.S.M. and my heroine is not given her own show.
If only the BBC would come to their senses and give us the daily KATIE HOPKINS SHOW their ratings would soar, not to mention the boost to the national morale.
So come on BEEB do the right thing and I promise I will pay your tele tax.
Sorry about that folks but sometimes I feel that, just maybe, the BBC can be persuaded to give equal weight to every story. A big ask I know.
TR 2018 interview wsith black presenter Sa Ra Garvey
\\ This really is an eye opening interview from a while back.
Anyone who isn’t quite sure on Tommy Robinson or thinks he’s a racist needs to watch this. //
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Well here we are again still in the EU… topia and Al Beeb is as biased as ever. Despite Covid keeping people indoors Al Beeb’s viewing figures must be dropping like a battleship’s anchor into the briny as more and more older people turn to the newfound thingy Netflix . They are fed up of having their history , that’s British history and culture trashed and replaced by African culture, at the same time shouting “Racist” at the good people of Great Britain. A Britain that freed the slaves.
Black lives matter , yes Black lives are in Britain are among the best lives they will get than in any other place on planet earth. They just don’t know it because they have never been to Africa.
And I bet they appear on more tv adverts in this country than anywhere else on the planet too !
But this is the fault of the ignorant advertisers (probably arts and gender studies graduates), apparently not aware that all the engineering, science and thereoff in the world, which allows us to live in comfort, are the products of the genius of White men.
Backlinks to previous thread & things you may have missed
– page 6 started 9am Friday
– page 5 started 8pm Thursday …… page 4
If you get that login error, don’t panic in Chrome Browser you don’t lose what you typed.
: just open a login box https://biasedbbc.tv/login ..and login
but then slowly click BACK in your browser
…. back to the error message and then one page back ..and you’ll find comment at the bottom of the page.
If you were replying to an existing post, when you click the REPLY button the box jumps back up to the correct place.
They dont know what they have because they haven’t created it. It took thousands of years of innovation, creativity and downright genius, to create the engineering, science and medicine that all take for granted.
Its easy to destroy what one hasn’t created, because there is no understanding of the energy and intelligence that has gone into creating.
What is most surprising is that Americans are kneeling in front of BLM as if they have been defeated in war.
Its unbelievable.
taffman the grade A lurker is top of the pile again ????
Well done sir ????
Thank you sir
Working shifts has its advantages and with a little luck .
London police take the knee with Black Lives Matter protesters
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/04/london-police-take-knee-black-lives-matter-protesters-12802784/?ito=cbshare
What next? Will they get on their knees to Muslim rapists.
The world is going mad. Blacks and Africans are responsible for a disproportionate number of crimes, including very serious ones.
Whats going on. Is this all to remove Pres Trump?
These bowing and kneeing police don’t realise that they are wearing the symbol of the Crown on their caps. They represent the Crown, ie Her Majesty. Bowing to rioters, they dishonour the Crown and subject her status.
If the Met ordered this shameful act, then the senior officers who so ordered, should resign, with humble apology.
2nd, wow
I hate you Butler
Get on this bus and welcome aboard !
Tickets are free and no licence fee to pay .
Who is Tim Davie?
Tim Davie is pleased and proud to announce that he is a Guardian reader with an above average grasp of reality – if that’s not a contradiction in terms….
The Media Editor of Timbo’s outfit…
Please see this video of BBC Media Editor Amol Rajan inaccurately describing the TV licence fee as “this universal fee that must be paid by everyone who owns a TV”:
This went out live at 11.13 am on the BBC News channel this morning (5th June 2020).
We have just submitted a complaint to the BBC about this inaccurate reporting and would encourage our supporters to do the same.
It only takes 3 minutes to submit a complaint via the BBC website and it only asks for a name, email address and the first half of your post code.
Please submit complaints here:
Please share and encourage others to do likewise.
He is popular and charismatic.
Possibly forensic.
But popular. Deffo popular.
Oo… Trust.
And… yes… impartiality.
Bloody critics… having their own platform.
Americans streaming stuff people want and pay for by choice.
Tell it often enough. Mate.
No wonder she needed her spex to reread that tripe about meaning so much to people.
And he thinks the Beeb matters to people….
Deluded fool.
Oh, he’s… nope… he hasn’t…
Wonder if Tim will enjoy this one as much as I did?
I think we can all guess the answer to that particular question…
Barnier is pictured with arms spread wide in the classic ‘What more can I do…?’ pose.
Well, Michel, why not start with your in-depth and businesslike explanation for the UK wanting to stay on board a sinking ship?
I caught I tiny bit of Barnier bitching – the BBC would see this as a bad thing – but a non traitor would see it as good . ..
In view of the fact that the government/ civil service is no good at forward planning ( see pandemic )- I’m guessing we won’t be getting ready to enforce our fishing rights – modelled on project Look-The- Other – Way – when it comes to mass illegal invasion from France …..
…. unless of course there will be no fish war because rights will be sold out when no one is looking – Christmas Eve – New Years Eve …..
M. Barnier.
Fancy a game of dominoes?
28 dominoes in a double six set.
I will remove the key, double six, UK, leaving 27 (very lucky number).
I will write the names of current EU member states on the dominoes, in order of significance ( 6-5 France, 6-4 Italy etc).
I turn the dominoes over and you have to guess the order in which they leave the EU.
Great game.
No sneaking the dominoes back in the pack when they have indicated their determination to leave the EUSSR.
Because you normally lie and cheat, like today.
I think this new game could go viral, very popular in Italy, Poland and Hungary already.
I have another game, we can try.
With coins.
You travel the world trying to buy goods with Euros.
Everyone else laughs.
I’m sure you would not wish to intentionally insult the German people LCS, but if we’re the double-6 and France 6-5….ahem, where does that leave the master-race?
Your point about the Euro is embarrassingly true, if somewhat under-reported. A new version, the IOeUro is currently under consideration by the world’s finest and most honest bankers.
I have the greatest respect for the German people, and I do mean German.
Germany has a similar problem to many European states.
Corrupt Communist parties win elections by importing millions of unwanted, unneeded, arseholes.
AntiBeeb reports the talk have not progressed.
The UKs negotiator seems to be standing his ground and the fishing rights access issue (problem for the EU) seem to be holding.
Sad faces all round from the pro EUSSR anti white British scum media.
Why do I think Boris is going to bluster in to the mix in the next week or ten days to arrange a deal, extend the period ”because of Covid’ or similar….
I pray to my own interdimensional, lizard ruling, shape shifting supreme being, sky fairy thing that I am to be proved wrong.
Anyone else noticed the correlation between black riots and temperature ?
I will personally guarantee there will not be a black riot today, it is raining
Darcy, yep the temperature is everything where protests are concerned, that’s why protests are so popular in hot countries, around the Med and Middle East. They do love a good protest out there. But when was the last time a protest was recorded in Finland, or anywhere cold during the winter months ?
Oh and speaking of which, where are the BLM protests in northern Europe ??
It just proves they are genetically not designed for northern latitudes.
Despite what Soros and the creators of the KhuedenhoveKalgheri plan wants for greater Eurabia.
Coudenhove-Kalergi, to be strictly accurate; the father of anti-White racism.
BBC still in their happy place stoking the anger and hatred over in the US.
The headline on their webshite screams:
“George Floyd: Videos of police brutality during protests shock US”
However if you surf the net a bit, it’s clear that what really shocks the US is the savagery and wantonness of the rioters’ brutality, which of course the msm and BBC play down. (One glaring example was that of a woke reporter claiming on air that by and large the demonstration had been peaceful, with columns of fire and smoke billowing in the background).
In the same agitprop article the beeb posts an inflammatory film dredging up slavery, the KKK etc, with the title “The USA’s history of racial inequality has paved the way for modern day police brutality”.
And of course they include the full video of chief hate-stirrer, the phoney ‘Rev’ Al Sharpton.
Their agenda is to keep stoking the flames of rage, victimhood and race war for all they’re worth.
I think we know who’s side the BBC is on by these pathetic little snippets in the article
“On the same evening, a delivery driver in New York City was arrested 27 minutes after the city’s curfew had started, despite being a key worker exempt from the curfew”
“And in the Williamsburg area of the city, police were filmed charging demonstrators, throwing at least one person to the ground”
So the police throwing at least one person to the ground is newsworthy in BBC land, but these rioters burning cars, buildings, attacking police and looting is fine.
What a fu**ing weird world these BBC types live in. Amazing. All this looting and dis-order and they are bothered about one push and a delivery driver in a curfew mix up.
Well, hallelujah! After more than a year of police brutality against protesters in France the BBC has decided it’s worth reporting.
Only when it’s apparently done by American cops, of course, and they think it will damage Trump by association.
v – 10^7 +.
To all those brave souls who won’t endlessly mouth the leftist platitudes , or ‘take the knee’ , or wont accept that rioting and looting are legitimate forms of protest, and don’t understand why the brutal murder of a chap in Minneapolis should result in mayhem in London, I remind them that George Orwell said , ‘In times of universal deceit speaking the truth is a revolutionary act’.
Food for thought, maybe, whilst our blacks are shouting abuse at the police:
This article lists British police officers killed in the line of duty since 1900.
Thousands of police officers in Britain are believed to have died during the course of their duties, but this article includes only those who were killed as a direct result of a crime or while attempting to prevent, stop or solve a specific criminal act. The list omits those who died in more regular circumstances such as traffic collisions, and the many killed by air raids during the Second World War.[1] The list also omits the more than 300 officers of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary[2] and current Police Service of Northern Ireland who were killed during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
Name Rank Age Force Date of death Circumstances
Desmond Morgan Acreman PC 33 Metropolitan Police 12 February 1967 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspected thieves in Woolwich.[3][a]
Kenneth Adams PC 38 Hampshire Constabulary 17 September 1982 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ronald Alan Addison PC 24 Metropolitan Police 24 January 1960 Collapsed and died while pursuing suspects
Raja Bashrat Ahmed PC 35 Greater Manchester Police 31 August 1999 Motorcycle rammed into oncoming traffic by suspect[4]
Charles William Alger PC 37 Great Yarmouth Borough Police 18 August 1909 Shot
Edgar Gerald Allen PC 41 Metropolitan Police 29 March 1958 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
George William Allen PC 27 Metropolitan Police 28 November 1931 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Jane Philippa Arbuthnot WPC 22 Metropolitan Police 17 December 1983 Killed in the Harrods bombing
Alison Armitage PC 29 Greater Manchester Police 5 March 2001 Run over by suspect[5]
Brian Armstrong PC 31 Gateshead Borough Police 12 September 1966 Stabbed
Jack William Avery WRC 28 Metropolitan Police 6 July 1940 Stabbed
William James Avis, DCM Sgt 47 West Sussex Constabulary 26 February 1942 Shot
Robert Bain PC 46 Salford Borough Police 11 July 1906 Assaulted resulting in leg amputation and death
William Balkwill Supt 43 Somerset Constabulary 27 July 1900 Fatally injured while restraining a violent prisoner
Samuel Ballance PC 23 Liverpool City Police 3 September 1911 Died from injuries sustained during earlier riot
Edward Alexander Barnett, QPM PC 24 City of Glasgow Police 30 December 1969 Shot
Andrew Barton Sgt 40 Northumbria Police 15 April 1913 Shot[6][b]
Alan Baxter PC 39 Metropolitan Police 20 August 1977 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Allan George Baxter PC 33 Kent County Constabulary 5 June 1951 Shot
Allan Beattie PC 26 Cardiff City Police 13 April 1952 Accidentally run over during an arrest
Douglas Frederick Beckerson PC 22 Metropolitan Police 10 April 1971 Fell through a roof while pursuing suspect
Martin Bickersteth Bell PC 27 Metropolitan Police 3 July 1986 Run over during police pursuit
Robert Bentley Sgt 36 City of London Police 17 December 1910 Shot – same incident as Sgt Charles Tucker and PC Walter Charles Choat (both qv)
Herbert Berry PC 46 Metropolitan Police 3 June 1918 Fatally injured during an arrest
Sharon Beshenivsky PC 38 West Yorkshire Police 18 November 2005 Shot while responding to an armed robbery[5]
Brian John Bishop A/Sgt 37 Essex Police 27 August 1984 Shot
Keith Henry Blakelock, QGM PC 40 Metropolitan Police 6 October 1985 Stabbed
Fiona Bone PC 32 Greater Manchester Police 18 September 2012 Shot alongside PC Nicola Hughes
Brinley James Booth PC 31 Staffordshire Police 6 June 1946 Bludgeoned during an arrest
Lewis Booth PC 50 Lancashire Constabulary 6 January 1905 Collapsed and died during an arrest
James Roy Bradley Insp 41 Oxfordshire Constabulary 1 January 1967 Run over
Roger Brereton PC 41 Thames Valley Police 19 August 1987 Shot in the Hungerford massacre
Ian Nigel Broadhurst PC 34 West Yorkshire Police 26 December 2003 Shot[5]
Laurence Peter Brown PC 27 Metropolitan Police 28 August 1990 Shot
Ronald Brown PC 20 Liverpool City Police 19 February 1962 Fell through roof while searching for burglar
Gareth Browning PC 36 Thames Valley Police 1 April 2017 Struck by suspect vehicle while deploying a stinger in 2013[7]
Daniel Buckley PC 32 Northumbria Police 14 February 1982 Fell through a roof while pursuing burglar
Bernard Leslie Bull PC 35 Northumbria Police 31 January 1991 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Arthur William Burch PC 38 Hertfordshire Constabulary 7 April 1960 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Peter Burnett PC 42 Lancashire Constabulary 7 October 1990 Collapsed while dispersing rioters
John Burney Insp 45 Middlesbrough County Borough Police 25 December 1920 Assaulted during violent arrest
James Campbell PC 39 City of Glasgow Police 20 January 1919 Shot
Gavin Richard Carlton PC 29 West Midlands Police 19 December 1988 Shot while pursuing bank robbery suspects
Joseph Geoffrey Carroll PC 46 Northumbria Police 13 April 2006 Traffic collision while transporting a prisoner[5]
Adele Yvette Cashman DC 30 Metropolitan Police 5 November 2012 Collapsed while pursuing robbery suspects
Harry Cautherley PC 28 Metropolitan Police 28 November 1931 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Walter Charles Choat PC 34 City of London Police 17 December 1910 Shot – same incident as Sgt Robert Bentley and Sgt Charles Tucker (both qv)
Alfred Clarke PC 43 Worcestershire Constabulary 21 December 1900 Fatally injured in fall while searching for suspect
Joanne Mary Cochran WPC 20 Thames Valley Police 30 March 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Raymond Anthony Codling Insp 49 Greater Manchester Police 14 September 1989 Shot
Glenn Russel Corder PC 18 Durham Constabulary 6 February 1980 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ian Coward, QPM DC 28 Thames Valley Police 23 July 1971 Shot
Sydney Hussey Craik PC 31 Lanarkshire Constabulary 12 September 1932 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspect
Thomas Cringles Chief Insp 51 Strathclyde Police 26 August 1976 Collapsed and died dealing with a disturbance
William Percy Croft PC 28 Metropolitan Police 9 September 1905 Fatally injured in a fall while pursuing burglars
Robert George Cross PC 33 Surrey Constabulary 14 July 1977 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ernest Crowston Sgt 40 Nottingham City Police 7 March 1921 Fatally injured attempting to stop a speeding vehicle
William Frank Crouch Sgt 33 Wiltshire Constabulary 31 March 1913 Shot
Raymond Davenport PC 35 Merseyside Police 4 July 1981 Run over
Evan Thomas Davies PC 31 Cardiff City Police 11 December 1941 Shot
William Davies PC 43 Montgomeryshire Constabulary 16 November 1903 Died of heart failure after a violent arrest
Brian Dawson Sgt 42 Leicestershire Constabulary 1 September 1975 Shot
Peter Leonard Deans PC 25 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 29 December 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Alfred Edward Deeks Insp 44 Metropolitan Police 5 May 1912 Collapsed and died while dispersing a nuisance crowd
Ian Dibell, GM PC 41 Essex Police 9 July 2012 Shot while off duty and confronting an armed man[8]
Stephen John Dodd Insp 34 Metropolitan Police 24 December 1983 Killed in the Harrods bombing
Edward Roy Dorney PC 34 Metropolitan Police 1 January 1960 Struck by a train while pursuing suspects
Joseph Stewart Drake PC 36 Stirling and Clackmannan Constabulary 11 August 1967 Run over
Benjamin Drinkwater PC 26 Bootle Borough Police 1 August 1935 Fell through roof while searching for suspects
Andrew Duncan PC 47 Metropolitan Police 22 September 2013 Run over by suspect
Patrick Dunne PC 44 Metropolitan Police 20 October 1993 Shot
Francis John East Insp 42 Berkshire Constabulary 4 October 1944 Fatally injured when thrown off a vehicle during an arrest
Nathanael Edgar PC 33 Metropolitan Police 13 February 1948 Shot
Sandra Jane Edwards WPC 28 South Yorkshire Police 10 May 1995 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
John Egerton PC 20 Greater Manchester Police 11 March 1982 Stabbed
Yvonne Joyce Fletcher WPC 25 Metropolitan Police 17 April 1984 Shot
David Fleming Ford PC 22 Metropolitan Police 14 March 1929 Fell through a roof while pursuing burglars
John William Fordham DC 45 Metropolitan Police 26 January 1985 Stabbed
William Forth Sgt 34 Northumbria Police 21 March 1993 Stabbed
Geoffrey Fox PC 41 Metropolitan Police 12 August 1966 Shot alongside Christopher Head and David Wombwell (both qv)[5]
Duncan Alexander Fraser DI 46 West Yorkshire Police 15 July 1951 Shot alongside PC Arthur Gordon Jagger (qv)
Raymond Free PC 25 Nottinghamshire County Constabulary 1 June 1950 Collapsed after attending a domestic disturbance
Edmund Sleigh Frost Sgt 41 Essex Police 8 April 1948 Contracted fatal disease following injury sustained on duty
Lewis George Fulton PC 28 Strathclyde Police 17 June 1994 Stabbed[9][c]
Norman Garnham A/DC 25 North Yorkshire Police 2 March 1977 Stabbed
George Hillier Garrott PC 27 Strathclyde Police 5 March 1980 Electrocuted while investigating vandalism on a railway
Glenn Thomas Goodman SPC 37 North Yorkshire Police 7 June 1992 Shot by IRA member Patrick Magee during routine traffic stop[10]
William Gibson Sgt 44 Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary 22 May 1951 Shot
David George Gisborne Insp 36 Metropolitan Police 5 August 1974 Collapsed and died after being assaulted in a riot
Robert Chenery Gladwell PC 37 Metropolitan Police 6 January 1991 Assaulted during an arrest
Roger Philip Goad, GC CEO 40 Metropolitan Police 25 August 1975 Killed by an IRA bomb
Alan Ewen Gordon Sgt 38 Grampian Police 10 August 1977 Run over during police pursuit
Reginald Charles Grady DC 46 Bristol Constabulary 14 August 1945 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Richard Gray PC 43 West Mercia Constabulary 6 May 2007 Shot
David Christopher Green PC 20 West Midlands Police 17 July 1975 Stabbed
Thomas Green Stn Sgt 51 Metropolitan Police 18 June 1919 Bludgeoned during the Epsom Riot
Thomas Ashcroft Grundy PC 30 St Helens Borough Police 31 January 1914 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Charles Phillip Gunter PC 24 Birmingham City Police 26 October 1901 Fatally injured by a thrown brick while attempting to disperse a gang
Peter Charles Guthrie, QPM PC 21 Warwickshire & Coventry Constabulary 22 July 1972 Shot
George William Gutteridge PC 38 Essex County Constabulary 27 September 1927 Shot
David Ian Haigh PC 25 North Yorkshire Police 17 June 1982 Shot[11]
Colin John Hall PC 40 West Midlands Police 29 November 1987 Collapsed attending a disturbance
George Pickburn Hammond PC 58 Metropolitan Police 13 December 1995 Stabbed
Andrew Harper PC 28 Thames Valley Police 15 August 2019 Dragged by vehicle while investigating a burglary report[12]
James Harte PC 38 Leith Burgh Police 4 April 1900 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Michael Hawcroft Sgt 31 West Yorkshire Police 12 March 1981 Stabbed
Christopher Head DS 30 Metropolitan Police 12 August 1966 Shot alongside Geoffrey Fox and David Wombwell (both qv)[5]
Arthur John Wilkins Healey PC 30 Metropolitan Police 13 September 1902 Fell through roof while searching a premises
Jonathan Charles Henry PC 36 Bedfordshire Police 11 June 2007 Stabbed
Thomas Hibbs DC 23 London & North Western Railway Police 10 August 1901 Bludgeoned and drowned attempting to arrest thieves
Conal Daood Hills PC 36 West Yorkshire Police 19 November 2006 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Kenneth Robert Howorth CEO 49 Metropolitan Police 26 October 1981 Killed by an IRA bomb
Alfred Haddon Hudson PC 28 Leeds City Police 4 January 1910 Assaulted attending a disturbance
Nicola Hughes PC 23 Greater Manchester Police 18 September 2012 Shot alongside PC Fiona Bone
Frank Edwin Hulme PC 31 Hertfordshire Constabulary 12 December 1958 Collapsed and died during an arrest
William Ross Hunt DS 56 Strathclyde Police 5 June 1983 Stabbed
Frederick George Hutchins, QPM Sgt 48 Metropolitan Police 3 June 1961 Shot
Thomas Andrew Jackson PC 46 South Yorkshire Police 13 December 2003 Collapsed while dispersing rioters
Arthur Gordon Jagger PC 42 West Yorkshire Police 16 July 1951 Died of wounds after being shot the previous day alongside DI Duncan Alexander Fraser (qv)
Andrew James PC 38 South Wales Police 2 August 2003 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspect[13][d]
Robert Johnston Insp 41 City of Glasgow Police 4 May 1921 Shot
Stephen John Jones PC 19 Metropolitan Police 6 February 1984 Run over
Stephen Jones PC 34 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 17 May 1999 Run over
Karpal Kaur Sandhu PC 30 Metropolitan Police 4 November 1973 Fatally injured during an arrest[14]
Desmond Derrick Kellam PC 31 Wiltshire Constabulary 3 October 1979 Fatally injured during an arrest
Kevin Kelliher PC 23 Metropolitan Police 27 May 1979 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
James Kelly PC 34 Metropolitan Police 22 February 1920 Shot
John William Kew PC 29 West Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary 11 July 1900 Shot[15][e]
Alan Derek King Sgt 41 Metropolitan Police Service 29 November 1991 Stabbed
Walter Lacey A/Sgt 42 Lancashire Constabulary 12 September 1978 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Clifford Lancaster PC 46 Metropolitan Police 22 October 1975 Collapsed and died while searching for suspects
Noel Joseph Lane Sgt 28 Metropolitan Police 17 December 1983 Killed in the Harrods bombing
Matt Lannie PC 40 South Yorkshire Police 21 April 2020 Knocked off motorcycle in Sheffield while responding to a pursuit.
Arthur Lawes PC 27 Metropolitan Police 16 August 1930 Run over
Deborah Leat WPC 20 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 27 November 1986 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Andrew Stephen Le Comte PC 21 West Midlands Police 4 February 1984 Fell from roof while searching for suspects
Ronald Ian Leeuw PC 53 Metropolitan Police 11 April 1984 Collapsed while struggling with a violent prisoner
David Lewis Sgt 41 Denbighshire Constabulary 5 October 1916 Died from injuries sustained in earlier arrest
Robert Russell Lumsden PC 53 Lothian and Borders Police 8 August 1986 Collapsed and died during violent arrest
Christopher John MacDonald PC 19 Nottinghamshire Police 17 May 1978 Beaten and drowned by burglar
Stewart Cameron MacDonald PC 21 City of Glasgow Police 22 November 1948 Struck by a train while pursuing suspects
James Frederick Macey PC 24 Metropolitan Police 13 December 1904 Collapsed and died after an arrest
Nina Alexandra MacKay WPC 25 Metropolitan Police 24 October 1997 Stabbed
Angus MacLeod MacKenzie, QPM A/DC 31 City of Glasgow Police 30 December 1969 Shot
Samuel MacLean Sgt 45 Dumbartonshire Constabulary 27 August 1926 Killed in a traffic collision while searching for a suspect
John Macleod PC 31 City of Glasgow Police 4 September 1952 Shot
Keith Maddison PC 46 Durham Constabulary 21 May 1997 Collapsed and died while pursuing suspects from a stolen vehicle
John Lewis Marsh PC 40 Wiltshire Constabulary 5 June 1989 Collapsed after a violent arrest
Francis John Mason, QGM PC 27 Hertfordshire Constabulary 14 April 1988 Shot
Adam Mather PC 50 St Helens Borough Police 19 June 1915 Collapsed and died during an arrest
James Daniel McClafferty Chief Insp 57 British Transport Commission Police 1 October 1954 Collapsed and died pursuing suspected thief
Robert Craig Orr McLaren PC 42 Norfolk Constabulary 31 August 1981 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ronan Konrad Aidan McCloskey PC 25 Metropolitan Police 9 May 1987 Run over
William George McKelvie PC 34 Hawick Burgh Police 20 July 1906 Assaulted during an arrest
Walter Marshall McMillan PC 30 British Transport Commission Police 25 January 1960 Fatally injured in fall while pursuing suspect
William Thomas Mellen SPC 45 Herefordshire Constabulary 20 October 1940 Assaulted by disorderly suspect
Robert Benjamin Mercer PC 20 Metropolitan Police 26 May 1982 Vehicle crashed during pursuit
Sidney George Miles, KPM PC 42 Metropolitan Police 2 November 1952 Shot
Bryan Reginald Moore PC 39 Leicestershire Constabulary 15 August 2002 Rammed by vehicle being pursued
Hugh John Moore, QPM Cmdr 64 City of London Police 4 December 1993 Collapsed during an arrest
James Morrison, QGM DC 26 Metropolitan Police 13 December 1991 Stabbed
Brian Moss DC 26 Buckinghamshire Constabulary 25 March 1953 Fell through roof while searching for intruders
Andrew Carl Munn PC 37 Leicestershire Constabulary 15 August 2002 Rammed by vehicle being pursued
Peter Munro PC 21 Lanarkshire Constabulary 7 August 1921 Fatally injured during an arrest
George Bertram Mussell, KPM PC 40 Northumberland County Constabulary 15 April 1913 Shot[6][f]
Robert Nathans PC 49 Greater Manchester Police 27 February 1999 Collapsed and died after pursuing suspect on foot
Stephen Robin Oake, QGM DC 40 Greater Manchester Police 14 January 2003 Stabbed[5]
Jonathan Bruce Odell PC 30 Kent County Constabulary 19 December 2000 Run over[5]
Philip Michael Olds, QGM PC 34 Metropolitan Police 1 October 1986 Shot
James O’Donnell, QPM DI 47 Lancashire Constabulary 13 December 1958 Shot
Francis Joseph O’Neill, QGM PC 31 Metropolitan Police 25 October 1980 Stabbed
Keith Palmer, GM PC 48 Metropolitan Police 22 March 2017 Stabbed in Westminster Attack
Philip Pawsey, QPM Insp 40 Metropolitan Police 3 June 1961 Shot
William John Payne PC 37 Berkshire Constabulary 7 July 1949 Collapsed and died after pursuing burglar
Thomas William Perry Sgt 46 Metropolitan Police 20 May 1905 Collapsed and died after an arrest
David Phillips PC 34 Merseyside Police 5 October 2015 Run over during police pursuit
Joseph Pickering WRC 54 Liverpool City Police 31 January 1942 Assaulted during violent arrest
Hosea Pope PC 33 Monmouthshire Constabulary 14 July 1911 Assaulted during violent arrest
James Brian Porter DC 31 Durham Constabulary 4 March 1982 Shot
John Tremlett Potter PC 46 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 2 February 1938 Bludgeoned during an arrest
William Ezra Price PC 35 Staffordshire Constabulary 26 January 1903 Bludgeoned during an arrest
Robert Pritchard PC 49 Anglesey Constabulary 22 November 1924 Shot
Raymond William Purdy DS 43 Metropolitan Police 13 July 1959 Shot by Guenther Podola
Mandy Dawn Rayner WPC 18 Hertfordshire Constabulary 13 October 1982 Vehicle struck during police pursuit
Gerry Irving Richardson, GC Supt 38 Lancashire Constabulary 23 August 1971 Shot
Brian Arthur Rippingale PC 27 Essex Constabulary 2 September 1968 Run over accidentally while pursuing a suspect on foot
Christopher Roberts PC 47 Metropolitan Police 26 December 2007 Collapsed and died after a violent arrest
Derek John Carnie Robertson Sgt 39 Metropolitan Police 9 February 1994 Stabbed
Raymond George Robinson Sgt 55 British Transport Police 29 August 1975 Collapsed while struggling with a violent prisoner
Thomas Eldred B. Rowland PC 23 Metropolitan Police 25 December 1919 Assaulted during an arrest
George William Russell, QPM PC 36 Cumberland, Westmorland & Carlisle Constabulary 10 February 1965 Shot
Leonard Russell PC 34 Metropolitan Police 13 November 1904 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Paul Salmon PC 28 Hampshire Constabulary 17 September 1982 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
John Sandford DC 45 Greater Manchester Police 2 May 1982 Attacked by youths suspected of indecent assault
Barry Saunders PC 31 South Yorkshire Police 24 November 1989 Fell through roof while searching burgled premises
Henry William Sawyer A/Sgt 36 Metropolitan Police 16 February 1918 Fatally injured during an arrest
John Schofield PC 27 Surrey Constabulary 6 July 1974 Shot
William Ralph Shiell PC 28 Durham County Constabulary 1 March 1940 Shot
Walter Shillum PC 37 Glamorgan Constabulary 4 May 1910 Stabbed
George Thomas Shepherd PC 39 Metropolitan Police 9 November 1938 Dragged by stolen vehicle while attempting an arrest
Charles William Sheppard PC 31 Birmingham City Police 23 May 1928 Beaten while attending a disturbance
Kulwant Singh Sidhu PC 24 Metropolitan Police 25 October 1999 Fell through roof while pursuing suspects
Anthony Richard Silcock PC 25 Hertfordshire Constabulary 7 April 1960 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Charles John Skevington PC 41 West Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary 19 July 1955 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Adam Smith PC 25 Perth City Police 23 April 1909 Collapsed and died pursuing nuisance youths
Albert Smith PC 35 Bradford City Police 25 January 1907 Assaulted during an arrest
Dennis Arthur Smith, QPM PC 44 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 21 December 1973 Shot
Samuel Smith PC 36 Stockport Borough Police 18 October 1963 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Ernest Southern PC 35 Lancashire Constabulary 27 January 1962 Collapsed attending a violent street affray[16][g]
Henry G. A. Speake PC 21 Shrewsbury Borough Police 3 August 1937 Drowned after pursuing suspect into a river
John Richard Speed Sgt 39 West Yorkshire Police 31 October 1984 Shot
James Stanford QGM DS 40 Wolverhampton Borough Police 20 August 1965 Stabbed
Jonathan Michael Stapley PC 27 Avon and Somerset Constabulary 29 December 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Matthew Walls Straughan PC 36 Durham County Constabulary 28 June 1927 Shot
Raymond Henry Summers PC 23 Metropolitan Police 14 December 1958 Stabbed
Grant Clifford Sunnucks PC 30 Metropolitan Police 26 July 1984 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Michael Swindells, QGM DC 44 West Midlands Police 21 May 2004 Stabbed[5]
Barry John Taylor Insp 30 West Yorkshire Police 15 February 1970 Shot
Frank Taylor PC 34 Hull City Police 28 May 1948 Assaulted during violent arrest
George William Chree Taylor PC 27 Strathclyde Police 30 November 1976 Attacked and fatally injured by escaped prisoners
John David Taylor PC 26 Staffordshire Police 23 November 1986 Pushed out of building by suspect
Ernest Thompson PC 32 Metropolitan Police 1 December 1900 Stabbed
Robert C. Thomson, MBE ACC 38 Edinburgh City Police 18 July 1940 Shot
Stephen Andrew Tibble, QPM PC 21 Metropolitan Police 26 February 1975 Shot while assisting colleague when off-duty[17][h]
Gary Toms PC 37 Metropolitan Police 11 April 2009 Thrown from police vehicle during pursuit[5]
Jeffrey Barry James Tooley PC 26 Sussex Police 25 April 1999 Run over
John Towers WRC 39 Blackburn Borough Police 27 December 1943 Assaulted
Charles Tucker Sgt 46 City of London Police 16 December 1910 Shot – same incident as Sgt Robert Bentley and PC Walter Charles Choat (both qv)
Isaac Taylor PC 30 Lancashire Constabulary 24 May 1956 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
William Frederick Tyler PC 31 Metropolitan Police 29 January 1909 Shot
Sydney Arthur Tysoe PC 38 Lancashire Constabulary 29 November 1949 Assaulted
William Balfour Urquhart PC 49 Aberdeen City Police 22 March 1904 Collapsed and died attempting an arrest
Gerald Walker PC 42 Nottinghamshire Police 9 January 2003 Run over
Malcolm Edward Walker PC 46 West Midlands Police 4 October 2001 Vehicle struck during a pursuit
Gary John Veal PC 46 Essex Police 13 January 2002 Vehicle struck
Arthur Walls Insp 44 Eastbourne Borough Police 9 October 1912 Shot
Stephen Paul Walker PC 23 Metropolitan Police 30 April 1983 Accidentally run over while pursuing suspects
Phillip John Walters PC 28 Metropolitan Police 18 April 1995 Shot
George William Wheatley PC 31 South Shields Borough Police 26 December 1957 Fell through roof while searching for a suspect
Michael Anthony Whiting, QPM PC 21 Metropolitan Police 5 May 1973 Dragged by vehicle while attempting to arrest the driver
Kevin Mood Williams PC 31 South Wales Constabulary 23 October 1986 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Francis James Willis DS 35 Cambridge Borough Police 4 June 1930 Shot
Albert Willits PC 24 Wolverhampton Borough Police 18 January 1925 Shot
David Thomas Winter Sgt 31 North Yorkshire Police 28 June 1982 Shot[11]
William Adiel Wilkinson PC 32 Leicestershire Constabulary 25 May 1903 Shot
Christopher Francis Wilson PC 28 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 20 August 1977 Contracted fatal illness when spat on during disturbance
David Wombwell DC 25 Metropolitan Police 12 August 1966 Shot alongside Geoffrey Fox and Christopher Head (both qv)[5]
Ian Weir Woodward PC 33 Lancashire Constabulary 25 February 1987 Shot
William Reynolds Woolley PC 37 Lincolnshire Constabulary 26 August 1906 Collapsed and died during an arrest
Garry Wozencroft PC 35 South Wales Police 30 June 2000 Vehicle crashed during police pursuit
Stewart Mungo Whillis PC 37 Lancashire Constabulary 15 May 1907 Assaulted
James Wright PC 38 Manchester City Police 20 June 1934 Run over[18][i]
Peter James Wringe PC 23 Essex Police 4 July 1982 Fell through roof while searching a premises
Key to rank abbreviations: A/x = Acting • ACC = Assistant Chief Constable • CEO = Civilian Explosives Officer • Cmdr = Commander • DC = Detective Constable • DI = Detective Inspector • DS = Detective Sergeant • Insp = Inspector • PC = Police Constable • Sgt = Sergeant • SPC = Special Police Constable • Stn Sgt = Station Sergeant • Supt = Superintendent • WPC = Woman Police Constable • WRC = War Reserve Constable.
Fatty Lardell on Twato right now, interviewing a Chinese liar, trying to convince the listening British Public that China is a ‘Peace Loving Nation’.
6,731,623 people Worldwide contracted the Chinese Virus;
393,720 people Worldwide murdered by the Chinese Virus.
Pretty peaceable I’d say……………….
Nothing to add to this, it says it all.
When Twitter world comes up against thug world . Reality vs the bubble. They still don’t get it, thugs don’t care about you being on their side , they want to smash and steal the lot.
Confused – why is that sad ? I think it’s hilarious – obviously just an ‘accident ‘ – apart from two separate windows being done …..
Doesn’t quite accord with the narrative does it ?
On Saturday afternoon these snowflakes are having another ‘get together ‘ in parliament square – no one with the authority seems to want to stop it or ban it .
I wonder if plod will allow them to attack Whitehall again ? Let’s hope it rains ….
There was a good article in this week’s Spectator by Douglas Murray about how some US sports writer was tweeting encouragement to the rioters and urging them to burn the city down. Then a couple of days later the mob arrived at his gated community and started to climb the gates. He was appealing to the police to come and get rid of them and send them back to their holes.
Many , perhaps most, liberals are only liberals because they can afford to be . If they are ever confronted by the reality of what they espouse on Twitter they , just like ordinary non liberals, don’t like what they see and shit bricks. Their liberalism is only skin deep but they can’t bring themselves to admit it and of course can’t possibly get off the liberal bandwagon even though they are beginning to realise its on the road to hell.
Fedup2 – Quite: not sad at all, just hilarious.
Excellent. The miserable snowflake giving the rioters the thumbs up and getting an instant lesson in reality.
Then pathetically bleating “we’re on your side”.
Like they care.
Reminds me of the saying that a liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.
Unintentionally, the above vid perfectly illustrates Douglas Murray’s point below: “Are you willing to encourage the mob? Because everything we know about history tells us that once you do that you may not escape the mob.”
As Shakespeare put it: Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!
(Or, in case any beeboids are reading this with their third class degrees in marxist sociology from the University of Brixton, for whom Shakespeare is a bit highbrow and bourgeois: Foment anarchy and chaos and it’ll come right back to bite your arse.)
Hee-hee, call the Karma Police ????
Pardon me if this has already been mentioned. A scientific article rubbishing hydroxychloroquine was published in the Lancet a few days ago. A British newspaper investigated the US company that wrote the report, Surgisphere. It turns out that Surgisphere had only six employees, now reduced to three. Their CEO is a science fiction writer and a “marketing executive” an events hostess and adult model. The Lancet has retracted the article and apologised. The newspaper involved was the Guardian, so I just want to give them credit where much credit is due.
I promise not to tell your parents that you used the words “Guardian” and “newspaper” in the same sentence.
And as if by magic…
Did the BBC report as prominently the removal of the last study that said that?
Agree give them credit for that, but they have another article rubbishing hcq today based on a new trial. The conclusion is not quite as they suggest.
The indomitable Douglas Murray opens with the question:
“Are you willing to encourage the mob? Because everything we know about history tells us that once you do that you may not escape the mob.”
Hear that beeb? You’ve encouraged the mob again and again. One day they’ll be coming for YOU! And the police you’ve denigrated at every opportunity may not be able to save you.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I didn’t see it until today. I had a quick look, but can’t see any mention on BBC sites.
Residents of a significant area on the south side of Chicago (predominantly non-white/non-Asian – you can figure it out) have woken up to the fact that there are virtually no (and I do mean zero) food stores anywhere within miles of their neighbourhood. It apparently was described as a food ‘desert’ before the riots (I wonder why stores closed in this ‘hood’ previously ?)… but now…. nobody seems to have a coy term for the situation.
So – where are all these really smart, indignant, principled people out on the streets just a couple of days ago, cheering as police were attacked, the remaining stores looted and burned to the ground ?
Darwin wins again.
Ed Miliband: Virgin bailout ‘could help green economy’
I did not read any further.
Mr Davie clearly a supporter of ‘get ’em young’
One from BBC Newsbeat, AKA Youth propaganda channel:
55 mins ·
He was at a protest rally about an investigation into allegations of “sexual grooming”
The former English Defence League leader said he acted in self-defence after a man spat in his face.
Robinson arrested for assaulting ‘spitting man’
The former English Defence League leader said he acted in self-defence after a man spat in his face.
More ‘quotes’ than a Lammy QT review.
@GW just seen the BBC page
TR arrested in Barrow for assaulting ‘spitting man’
The BBC article is not terrible but does start with the framing tricks
Do BBC articles about Marr or Brendan Cox begin with
“The known groper said” ?
There is a Mail Article
comments have been closed
Antifa sneer “It’s not self defence if he already spat at you”
“That’s not true if an attacker is still inside your body space
they still pose a potential threat
if TR’s back is to the van he might hit out to remove the man from his space”
They’ll have to charge him or release him soon
All a bit weird , cos of the timings
TR puts out a vid where he is at a house and explains earlier on a kid has spat in his face.
said he pushed the kid to the floor and shouted at him
Says the kid had walked away.
Then film switches to live street footage where police talking all reasonable at first demand his video, he declines
and the last thing is the camera guy is being manhandled as TR says “Is he being arrested”.
So looks like a cop boss order police to gather all TR’s devices “for evidence”. so police had come after TR quite some time after the spit.
Witnesses seem to have put up posts on social media,
RE Darwin, a wall around the M25 and leave them all to it, sell popcorn to the rest of the country as the east meet the west who have done so much for them
off with the earings girlies things is gonna get rough for you, you is about to get a lesson in race relations black style RE rape
while we still whine about racism innit
Excellent, and streamed live into our homes outside of the M25 ????
Demands grow for ‘green industrial revolution’
By Justin Rowlatt
Chief Environment correspondent
4 June 2020
Who is demanding?
BBC, naturally.
Greenpeace, enough said.
Heathrow airport, enough said.
National Grid?
2020-06-04 HSBC and StanChart back China security law for Hong Kong
Also described as “Crooked Bank grovels to CCP”.
2012-12-11 HSBC money laundering report: Key findings – BBC News
2017-12-11 HSBC draws line under Mexican cartel case after five-years
Also described as “crooked bankers launder money for terrorists and illegal drugs and arms dealers”.
I am writing a novel about this, provisional title “How green was my corruption”.
I am in the fleshing out stages of a novel also : provisional title “bbc are lying marxist c@nts”
my main protagonist, Laura Carlsberg’s agent unfortunately is busy in North Korea negotiating a consultancy position for her
“fleshing out”
A mammoth undertaking.
I hope the fleshing out is somewhat flexible and will enable the title to be modified to meet changing circumstances.
I suggest “BBC were lying Marxists c***s, but they are all dead now, yippee”.
And the muslim council of britain are, sadly, also tied up all too busy finding lawyers to defend gang rapists
still waiting for Alistair Campbell to sober up for a quote (been two weeks now)
All I get over the phone is some kind of crap about weapons of mass destruction and Sadam and then he bangs into another bottle of claret
and the importance of creative writing
I did think about approaching Blair for a comment, but, to be honest, with a wife whos face looks like a witch doctor’s rattle
would you trust him ?
The BBC do like their #studysuggests news.
Other folks’… likely less so.
The BBC has pages of them.
Report states.
Experts conclude.
Scientists confirm.
Latest research shows.
Model forecast vindicated.
Not much of an outcry about this, buried in local news.
I believe the two year old shooting victim is in a coma.
Not aware of any protests currently, apparently saying all lives matter makes one part of the problem. I’ll just have to live with that.
Random shooting by a gun-carrying man hot on the heels of all the white hate stirred up by the beeb? If the perpetrator turns out to be a BAME, will the beeb be held to account for all the race hate it’s been fanning in recent days (years)?
Note that whenever it suits their anti-white racist agenda, the beeb always reveal the race of perps and victims, but never when it contradicts that agenda.
The BBC tell me that “Victoria’s Secret UK Arm goes into administration”.
What about the rest of her body?
Or is there a ‘y’ missing from that line?
A few days ago the Sun had this headline: “Victoria Beckham was paid £1million NOT to sing on Spice Girls reunion tour – more than she made from fashion firm”.
Money well spent, i would say.
vlad, in that instance – including your comment – ‘Never has a truer ……. etc.’
I am crowdfunding to shut the the rest of them up now
money well spent
group started by a male tought to sing by a male marketed by a male
and then shoot your gobs off about girl power
(and forgot your singing lessons)
but not flashing your panties
Bach and Beethoven, Bob Dylan could all learn something from you
If they were similar morons
It appears the BBC may have been making things up.
To quote the girls at the BBC, and some of the women… OMG.
Just read in ‘Variety’ (US rich luvvies #essential lockdown rag) a headline that says ‘Hollywood honors career druggy crim who held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly”.
I paraphrase slightly.
Government Briefing
The Health secretary alone – ( no medic !) will he be fired ? Will he be the next PM ?
These non briefings must be due to end soon which will deprive the journos from this form of ‘ gotcha ‘ .
US jobs figures much much better than expected. So, let me pick out a few snippets from the BBC article.
Many of the gains also came from individuals who had told surveyors that their layoffs were temporary.
“This means this was all the easy part of the recovery,” said economist Jason Furman, a top economic advisor to President Barack Obama.
Among white workers, the unemployment rate fell to 12.4% from 13.8% in April. Unemployment also declined among Hispanic workers, from 18.5% to 17.2%.
For black workers, however the unemployment rate ticked up from 16.4% to 16.8%.
So , good economic news in these troubled times, and the BBC get a negative quote from a ex Obama man to rain on trumps parade and manage to shoehorn the race issue in just to make sure they hammer home their narrative.
Unreal. Just unreal
I’ve only had limited experience of different bits of America – but I do know that there is a different mindset from the welfare state which Mrs thatcher didn’t quite expunge- sadly .
So trying to get 300 million to stay indoors like we have was always asking a lot . I really hope this is going to start to lift the world economy rather than being mired in The recession The BBC droids want to damn much just for the misery they enjoy reporting so much .
Well, at least he had a question from a representative from the Muslim News.
Yes it was nice to hear a 5 minute speech in which ‘Muslims as victims ‘ didn’t feature – oh wait a minute – that’s all it was. …
Actually … I thought he might ask when the mosques are gonna reopen so that they can continue plotting the downfall of the West – but then again – did they ever close?
Apparently the BBC believe their popularity with the public has risen ‘significantly’ during the Corona Crisis due to the reliability and impartiality of their news services.
Well, if you base every aspect of every report on what you’ve read in the Guardian, that’s a predictable conclusion.
Wildly inaccurate, but predictable.
“Brexit trade deal: What are the sticking points?”
“Fishing makes up only a tiny part of the economy on both sides, but it was a big part of the Leave campaign that won the Brexit referendum in the UK in 2016. ”
Its only a tiny part of our economy because the other EU countries are taking our fish ! If it was such a tiny part of the EU economy why is the EU insistent on keeping keeping it ?
Has any other nation given up its natural resources to get a deal with the EU?
Boris should turn his back and walk away.
Why is Al Beeb fighting the EU’s corner ?
However, the bBC are not mentioning this:
EU demands Britain pay into EU COVID Fund: UK and EU officials have been clashing over contributions to the EU’s emergency coronavirus fund, with British officials, rightfully, arguing that we should not have to pay into the fund and do not want to benefit from it given that the UK has left the EU. However, officials in Brussels, keen to keep the British cash cow paying, are saying that the UK remains “fully liable to contribute to – and fully eligible to benefit from – the Emergency Support Instrument.” A spokesperson for the UK Treasury has said that “We’ll meet our obligations through the Financial Settlement. But we do not intend to go beyond what we have agreed in the Withdrawal Agreement, because we have now left the EU.”
It seems obvious to most that the UK should not be liable to pay for any commitments that stem from changes to the EU budget that have happened since the UK left in January. The dispute is likely to have exacerbated tensions between negotiators and makes it clear to the UK that Brussels will use any opportunity to try and squeeze more money out of Britain, suggesting that the EU cannot be trusted with any kind of extension to the transition period that would see Britain left paying into the institution it has already left.
Up to €300 million apparently.
Evan Davis smirking away as ‘the Mooch’ (Anthony Scaramucci) lays into ‘Trump’ on the PM show from 17:45.
You can hear the smirks, i.e. the slight laugh in his voice when he comments and inquires as A. S. “delivers the goods” on the hated US President. Boring Biden has pulled ahead in the polls, apparently – the same useless polls that said that Killery would win by a mile in 2016. Trump is insane, says A. S., with no question from Evan. Nothing about Obama-gate or Killery or the revelations from the interrogation of Rod Rosenstein.
Nothing but anti-Trump bias with barely an attempt to mitigate. A. S. is a Republican, so the BBC love that; divide and conquer. Mitt Romney is quoted as coming out against Trump – no surprise. No analysis of why Trump might want to use Twitter, i.e. to avoid MSM bias against him.
The BBC coverage of the US is absolutely appalling in its bias, whether it’s the rioting and looting or the 2020 Presidential election. Even the mild-mannered Robin Aitken said he couldn’t believe how biased it has become in his New Culture Forum interview earlier this year with Peter Whittle. Plenty for Tim Davie to ponder but I’m not optimistic. The US news part of the BBC is rotten to the core.
Once again, our ‘glorious’ health service proves itself ‘wanting’ in a very big way. It has now been more than 10 weeks since we went into lockdown – not since the start of the pandemic, but since lockdown started, so we knew this was really serious !!!!
More than 2/3rds of dentists have declared themselves ‘unfit for purpose’ (are they still being paid, one asks ?) and that they feel theat they’ve only had a few days notice of the relaxation to lockdown rules that permit dentist visits…. They haven’t had time, they say, to get themselves ready, sort out PPE for themselves….etc., etc.
Well, blow me down – I expect absolutely nobody would have predicted that dental surgeries would need a plan put together for this eventuality (despite some surgeries still operating, able to provide advice and guidance on how to re-open through their unions, etc.). No-one could possibly have expected that the lcokdown wouldn’t last forever, and that they would actually need to get off their duffs at some point ! They were moaning like hell a few weeks back that they still had bills to pay, etc., but it really does not look like they want to start up again. And the BBC web pages are full of dental practitioners to condemn the situation – not their lack of activity, you understand….
Much like the rest of the NHS, I would suggest, which seems, despite everyone still employed and paid – and some of them get great big bucks – incapable of planning on how to restore services many weeks after the peak of COVID-19 problems.
‘Our health service’…. three words where it would be prudent to question each and every word of that trite phrase.
“Our NHS” but “the national debt”, with the former contributing to the latter hugely without being anything special in international comparisons. Little serious analysis of NHS failings by the BBC.
Dentists I have known in the past carry their own stocks of PPE: wearing gloves and masks became commonplace years ago!
I had a dentist as a kid, in the 1960s, pre glove days, who used to smoke cigars and you could taste then on his fingers.
Horrible ????
Ok, I know somebody is going to say I had it lucky, and they had to LICK the road clean with thier tongue or something..
Dentist is it? Hoity toity, it was off to the blacksmith in my day, sixteen of us living in a shoebox etc…
Still allowed to say blacksmith are we?
My old dentist was a chain smoker. He’d be puffing away as you went in and puffing away when you walked out.
The taste was repulsive!
These days I’m quite thankful I don’t have any teeth…
150 of us living in a shoe box in the middle of the road.
We had to share the tongue.
Local ITV news 6:08pm Coverge of BLM protests
Driving procession in Sheffield (fair enough .. that is safer)
..then a “Stand Up to Racism” spokeswoman saying “black lives matter” etc. they are basically an nti-Tory front group
Then shots of a Hull protest
Then Aaron Casserly Stewart posh black guy who moved here from the states says he’s been crying all week
Actually all packed into 2 minute only
cos now they have to fit in their mate Dr Amir Khan
Now Dr Ranj the Sikh guy that came out as gay to his wife
It’s a plug for the ITV podcast
cos plugging their own shows counts as news.
Clive of Racism.
BBC News
How has US history shaped today’s police brutality?
The BBC’s Clive Myrie, who has reported from the US for nearly 25 years, looks at how a toxic mix of racism and bad policing has led to the most serious racial unrest for years.
Fewer lynchings though.
Next up, the BBC’s ‘Not enough dead Jews’ Mishal ‘reports’ on a bit of the world half way between here and her homeland….
Correction: “… looks at how a toxic mix of race hustling, biased media reporting, Far Left anarchists and bad policing has led to …”
Get down on one knee….Barrie Boy
To show your hypocrisy……..Barrie Boy
We know what this is going
Its tokenism you are showing
You really are an arse……..Barrie Boy !
Is it finally beginning to dawn on the EU that a WTO (no Deal) exit by the UK from the EU actually will harm the EU more than it will the UK if we react only in proportion ?
So if, for instance, the EU decides to apply a tarrif to 10% of our exports to the EU, we should, only fairly, apply a similar tarrif to a similar proportion of EU exports to the UK. Given the disparity between the actual levels of export – this will mean a real numerical disadvantage to the EU.
In addition – we should not care that the EU thinks it has the advantage of being able to act as 28 recipients of goods/services from one country, therefore being able to, for instance, target a single trade entity, that we have to follow the same thinking. We have the right, for instance, not to target a trade entity that may be sparsely spread across all 28 countries of the EU, thereby not hurting anyone especially hard….. we could target very specicfic trade groups and hammer a single country (just as they would be trying to do to us) enough to really damge its economy. And Katya Adler and her Beeboid comrades have to be made to understand that the EU is not the be-all and end-all of verything.
Why the hell should we act in order to do anything but damage the EU if that’s what they try to do to us ?
On the other hand – we could come to an amicable agreement – even involving fish. Note NOT fishing – fish – a trade entity. Fishing will be under the UK’s domain, and the UK will decide what to do with that – and how much to charge if we want to allow other countries to fish in our waters…..and it may, for instance, be prudent to allow only UK fishermen to work our waters for a couple of years, to improve dwindling fish stocks (an environmental positive, surely) and the UK fishing fleet over time.
See, we can even become an eco-friendly country.
Ah – what the hell, if the EU chooses to act in an unfriendly manner to the UK, let’s get our best brains to figure out how to pick off the EU country by country, trade group by trade group – and proportional to any harm they seek to do us. The gloves need to come off NOW.
Interesting choice of words, without ‘quotes’.
Dear Katya, please tell Barnier to take his level playing field and deal on fish and shove it.
We will happily go WTO.
After what we were dragged through in the referendum campaign and then the traitor parliament – im deeply suspicious of any apparent ‘talks’ or ‘ announcements ‘ being made – it could easily be a staged series of fights to make us think it is us versus them when in the ‘ last minute’ everyone wins.
I ve read the brief statement our side put out – it remains to be seen if the enemy are willing to work through the next few weeks or there really be a ‘ no deal ‘ –
With tariffs which – as you say – will damage them far more than us .
I get the feeling that the EU will come out of the plague weaker than us and if so we should exploit that to its fullest . European countries can be our friends – but the EU will always be our enemy .
The EU is just a Leftist/BBC/Marxist fantasy which they hope will eventually encompass the whole world. This would then be named WU.
Dream on Commies you are totally bonkers.
Lefty – I’m not sure about those labels because I see it as a self serving Political monster primarily run as a Franco German enterprise . With a bit of luck the strain it is experiencing will undermine it – but however it might reshape itself will still be that Franco German set up with the krauts as senior partner …
I’m concerned that resolve to leave will weaken if events contrive to lengthen negotiation time beyond this year – I’m really not sure if the tories realise they really did borrow votes to get it done . The political antennae seem ‘off’ at the moment …..
BBC PR as News
Mayor Muriel Bowser has changed the name of a plaza outside the White House in a rebuke to President Trump.
Maybe W1A should be renamed Saville Row?
Interesting thing about Jimmy Savile (one L only – think of “as vile” [anagram] a crossword-style clue).
He was born on Halloween, one of the two major witches’ sabbaths (with the other being Walpurgis Night on April 30th) when there is said to be evil in the air.
BBC2 Home makeover show
Teeside …lesbian couple and their children
box ticked
Sorry mate but lesbians cannot produce children. They merely sexually TITivate one another. Unlike global warming that’s a scientific fact.
Shots fired.
Given he is aiming at his own feet, hard to miss.
He’s on a roll. Like one of several.
Boulton couldn’t hit a bull on the butt with a bass fiddle.
BBC local news ‘right we have spent all day phoning round Lincolnshire for a black man to air
.. and now we’ve found this one who left to become a big record producer in America’ (paraphrased)
Interview “Yes when I was at school in Spalding I sometimes faced racism … sometimes people called me the N-word
… now I think about WHITE Privilege”
FFS mate you are a record producer in America, probably a millionaire.
“When I was at the school it was only 4% non-white
..now thankfully it’s 17% that’s good”
FFS hangon would you go anywhere else in the world and say it is a good thing that the first-nation-people are getting more and more diluted ?
Probably not AND live to tell the tale.
I sure wouldn’t try that stunt in South Africa, Japan or China.
StewGreen, with all due respect to Lincolnshire, what is a millionaire American record producer doing there? ????
racism to these people means someone saying “no” the ‘N’ word.
She and the rest could call themselves Police Squad.
Jon and Katty might wish to swerve this gem.
Civil servants are in charge and will fight attempts to achieve this.
Is the Horror Bin still going out to scare little children and teens with his stories of the world heating up to boiling point?
I would just like the Horror Bin and the BBC to know that it has been necessary to wear a coat indoors and/or use the central heating in the south of England today. It is 5th June, just two weeks from the Summer Solstice in the UK!
As a good friend here said recently, Corrybin isn’t a scientist, and actually knows nothing about ‘climate issues’, but he does have a degree in English.
Senora O’Blene immediately pointed out that even with such a ‘degree’ he still manages to talk bollocks’!
I thought that was worth sharing…
A weekend of clinking classes and celebrations at the BBC. Death from the China Virus passes 40,000.
Call for social distancing? No. Demonstrate against the systemic, institutionally racist police and against the systemic and institutionally racist authorities who are allowing the China Virus to kill Bames.
Twice recently I have purchased a very nice cod and chips from my local Chinese chippie and I am still undead.
Perhaps Covid 19 should be renamed the Communist Virus.
“and I am still undead”
There is a significant difference between undead and alive.
Any problems with garlic or no shadow?
Our ridiculous church leaders join in the white-shaming, pro-rioting, anti Trumpism.
Thank God they have become a complete irrelevance in British life to whom no-one listens, except the beeb when it suits their agenda.
While they meddle in woke politics and climate change, their pews empty faster than a looted Nike store in Harlem.
Maybe our Christian? church leaders need a few lessons from their local Mullahs/Dr. Goebbells on how to attract and convince the unbelievers.
I take it they’ve either not seen, not bothered to read or simply ignored the statistics that establish that black people in the USA are by far the biggest danger not only to themselves but also to white people.
But why let the facts get in the way of an agenda, eh?
Vlad – it sounds like Sentemu – who is more politician than churchman and after the top job .welby had to sign off on that prejudiced nonsense to keep his ‘street cred ‘.
How can one event – white cop v black drugged up criminal be held up as all the things they’ve decided it it ? The free availability of guns in America Must make law enforcement A more ‘nervy’ existence than elsewhere – plus the culture for ever rolled out by Hollywood ….
I’m still waiting for St Doreen of wherever to chuck some petrol on the BBC generated fire …..
They understand SFA about Christianity.
George Floyd is in heaven now.
Sitting next to Jesus.
He is not ageing, unlike those on earth.
He can assault anyone wherever and whenever he chooses, no consequences.
He can ram as much as he likes of any drug into his brain cell.
He will regale and astound the angels with his harp playing.
“George you just carry on being a Grade A C***, nobody will mind” said God, reassuringly.
You mean “Sitting next to Nelson Mandela”, surely?!
Mandela – The black terrorist, I remember now.
It was his wife I originally thought of.
Winnie, who used to do survival programmes on TV.
Similar to Ray Mears in the UK.
Ray is more restrained though, always stressing the need to be frugal with the, not unlimited, raw materials.
Perhaps Bear Grylls was a better comparison, yes my mistake.
Ray could start a fire with a magnifying glass and a dried mushroom.
Winnie needed a lorry tyre, fifty gallons of petrol and 150lb of black kindling to produce flames.
Indeed. I proposed issuing a commemorative ‘necklace’ when St Nelson finally died some years ago.
And the Pope asks for an end to all wars/poverty/hatred/..etc.
as he & all before him have asked every year!!!
you have to wonder what world these “holy men” think they live in.
HYS errors
Any one had this problem ?
I clicked to vote
and a black box popped up
So the schizo software is telling me that I am signed in but that I must sign in to vote
Is said software left wing by any chance?
A black box? Showing solidarity with US rioters perhaps?
Anyone got any information on how al beeb are treating the possible influx of 3m Hong Kong people regarding the fact they’ll all be expected to pay the licence fee ????
I expect they can’t wait ????
It’s over 20 years since we handed Hong Kong over.
I wonder how old the ones are with British documents?
Mateless continues her biased anti-Boris campaign.
Is it me or is she starting to look mad?
I can’t watch things like this anymore, the picture is huge, is there anything that can be done ????
Maybe you were joking, but I can’t control the size of pics.
PS. Don’t look into the eyes too long, she’s possessed.
Usually sites like this display images based on the number of pixels. So, open any image processor (Photoshop Elements, Corel PhotoPaint, Microsoft Paint, any of them; there are free ones) and go to image resize, resample, and enter either a low percentage or a lower number than the pixel size displayed. A good size is 1200 pixels across the image.
Years since I watched that genre.
I see they are still using the – hold a pen in thier hand trick – like they have been busy creating.
Yes.The pen is supposed to create an air of authority. Oh dear, Oh dear.
Another BBC left-hander. Wired differently to the 90% of us who are right-handed.
Could be a relation of Norman Bates. Maybe we are being ruled by nutters. So what’s new?
I read somewhere that this person above is 49 years of age, is her birthday 29th February?
I have scoured the Worlds Most Reliable Information Source without finding one word of Thunberg criticism of French police brutality towards the yellow vests.
This mentally disturbed bint should be locked in the Swedish equivalent of Broadmoor until she is 105.
She mastered the intricacies of Climate Science in only six months, winning eleventy three Nobel Prizes.
So it is no surprise that her command of the development of international relations now towers above all other living historians.
Keep her on the front page please Commies, every time she speaks it’s another million votes for our side.
Count me in on that Bro!
Sorry if others have already covered this, but I’ve been out all day on a White Lives Matter demo, so…
I was somewhat startled to hear the the repulsive Piers Morgan has suffered a little embarrassment. It’s been revealed that his son went on the BLM mass tantrum the other night.
Now, we all know that Piers has very strong views on the “idiotic morons” that break this Covid curfew. He’s blustered about it often enough…
It will be remembered that old blancmange face was beside himself with fury when Dominic Cummings took his family on a car journey. He was calling for his resignation daily and spluttering and red faced with self righteous fury.
Earlier, the saloon bar buffoon, was calling people morons and scum because they dared to walk along a beach in the sunshine. How dare they risk the health of the nation!
So, I was somewhat surprised when old wobbly chops told a breathless nation that he was “proud” of his son. And that even though his sprog had attended this self righteous jamboree, a strange mix of virtue signalling middle class white numpties and angry black oiks, he had “attempted” to maintain the two metre distance between himself and the thousands of other pretentious pillocks.
Phew, that’s all right then…
As a fervent fan of Katie Hopkins I am at a loss to understand why Mr Wobbly Chops has a very lucrative job with the M.S.M. and my heroine is not given her own show.
If only the BBC would come to their senses and give us the daily KATIE HOPKINS SHOW their ratings would soar, not to mention the boost to the national morale.
So come on BEEB do the right thing and I promise I will pay your tele tax.
Sorry about that folks but sometimes I feel that, just maybe, the BBC can be persuaded to give equal weight to every story. A big ask I know.
TR 2018 interview wsith black presenter Sa Ra Garvey
\\ This really is an eye opening interview from a while back.
Anyone who isn’t quite sure on Tommy Robinson or thinks he’s a racist needs to watch this. //