Do you notice the BBC has obsessions ? One obsession is Dominic Cummings . Now it is about ‘ largely peaceful ‘ protests on behalf of a criminal who was killed by american police .
‘Largely peaceful ‘ -by the way – In BBC speak -now means 27 london coppers injured and some hospitalised …. It’s lucky none are ‘largely dead’.
@DefundBBC now at 51.4K Followers
and there is loats of new stuff under searching for Likes under@DefundBBC
Achieved an exceeded the 50k target .
Mranwhile the chap who purports to be the PM has been doing his vacuous twitter stuff again .
I fear his government is going to spend the next 4 years ish being just a bag of wind .
If blacks are so downtrodden in blighty i wonder why so many keep turning up on the South coast ?
On TalkRadio Tom Harwood spoke of the crowd attacking journalists
Like the 2 different Australian crews I mentioned last week
..yet there was no coverage of that on MSM.
“On TalkRadio Tom Harwood spoke of the crowd attacking journalists”
Shurely some mishtake…
“On TalkRadio Tom Harwood spoke of the crowd attacking ScumMedia”
There you go, fixed it for you.
The two journos were Channel9 Australia
i don’t think anyone here calls journos who honestly showed the violent bits of the protests like they did , “scumMedia”
The Core’s tweet
Funny isnt it ? If you can step back from the horror of a feral third world mob doing what ve been doing –
The coverage thr BBC has been giving to this whole thing may well be doing us a huge service .
Twice in a month the BBC has shown itself to be a biased monster bereft of any semblence of neutrality – even the least attentive must be looking at it and saying that
“ something has to change “ ….
It depends whether HMG has the Will .
“It depends whether HMG has the Will .”
Alas, Fed, It doesn’t. Frankly, HMG couldn’t tackle a fish supper let alone a movement hell-bent on causing strife and destruction.
Van Helsing
“It depends whether HMG has the Will .”
Easy !
Boris should make the licence fee voluntary, just like any charity.
This would ease the financial burden on those facing poverty following lockdown.
Of course, there will be those shouting and those with a ‘gnashing of teeth’, but if they feel so strongly about Al Beeb they can donate accordingly.
Al Beeb could always hold a Black Nose comedy day.
Yes ?
It’s easy enough IF you have the will. Sadly, HMG doesn’t.
Please feel free to remind me of this post if it should turn out that I’m wrong – I’ll be happy to don the sackcloth and ashes.
Van- i think the government is caught up with avoiding the blame for allowing thousands to die in care homes as well as dumb quarantine rules that they have missed the fury over the surrender of plod to the third world at the weekend .
This might not be good for our prospect of breaking free of the EU by year end or ever .
There is always that hazard with a big majority and if bojo doesnt have his heart in it beyond one term he wont care much
Bythe way – i dont use ‘bojo’ as a term of affection because there never can be for 99% of politicians – its just 4 letters
“Funny isnt it ? If you can step back from the horror of a feral third world mob doing what ve been doing…”
Oh maxi -delighted you fell for my troll bait . Putting up pictures of white men that plod has chosen to go after does not alter what your third world friends are doing .
I’m sure the chaps in these pictures had a grievance about crime in this country
( Islamic terrorism – Muslim racist paedophile rape gangs – or even coloured killing coloured )
not what American police do like the feral vermin you support . My comment doesnt condone what any home grown people might do- although by your response i note the absence of condemnation .
Have a lttle smile that i chose to respond to you troll .
Go clean a statue eh?
Freedom from slavery !
… #NonMetroLiberalLivesMatter too
Do you think the flag might have been made of EU-regulated flameproof material? Oh, the irony!
[Guido is my second source (BBBC first, all doing a wonderful job) but this is a very poor, and misleading, headline.
Senior scientific advisors to the Government have reviewed their decisions, with the benefit of hindsight, and accept that their advice was not optimum. Their honesty is a refreshing change, it is a pity that Joseph Stalin was not available to award Witless, Dumberg and Toenails their Order of the Red Banner for the lying comments they have not yet made about this.
Whist this will not bring back any Coranavirus victims, it does confirm that the Government made their decisions in accordance with the, then best, available advice.
This is very good news for the Government.
Well it would be if reviewed by any impartial, neutral, critic.
We have the UK MSM and the world’s most experienced, best financed, lying Communist broadcaster.
Lets me conclude by comparing the challenges faced by the SAGE members and Greta and Co.
The best available UK Coronavirus experts were unable to forecast the progress of a virus over a period of weeks.
Thunberg claims to be able this for the whole Earth over a period of decades whilst fiddling the figures.
PS has “forensic” Suck Here brought to bear, on this development, the most incisive mind in the HoC since Portia, the spider, was accidentally sat on by the Abbott in the Ladies Lavatory?]
The BBC will always have Paris.
“Its image as the capital of love, of romance hasn’t been damaged. But for people living here it was a different story.”
Like it making downtown San Fran seem like Switzerland?
Yeh cos we know BBC/Guardian are the anti-racists ones
Poor woman sounds like someone who has been told she’s about to become the next health secretary ‘ back bencher when they go on their holidays again ….. no loss ….
Maybe she should have got up early and gone and helped clean up the statues …….
Mahyar Tousi shows in this video he went at 6am to clean up the graffiti
and it had already largely been done
I believe a group of ex-military and TR supporters had been down during the night.
Does the BBC have ‘blood on its hands’ in its eagerness to mock the ‘Trump cure’?
Back in 2003 a medical journal published this:
They knew it then!
Oh, the journal was The Lancet, now an anti-Trump, anti-Boris comic.
Gone global
“Translated from Persian by
I am glad that a global campaign has been launched against the BBC. #DefundTheBBC”
Dawn Butler, David Lammy and Jon Sopel’s paymasters and colleagues also have choices.
Sadly predictable what and who they choose time and again, or not.
Editorial integrity used to matter.
Yo… Beauty, Blondie, BS, Baldy. And Nick!
Another for y’all to swerve.
Having watched the Democrats kneeling down (I refuse to say T…. t… K……) in their parliament, for 9 minutes, prepare yourself to see this being performed at the start of every sporting event now, starting with behind closed doors football matches. I’m yawning at the thought of it.
No arrests have been made in the pulling down of ‘the statue’, and police say that investigations are underway as to the perpetrators. Well, hang on, there were police officers standing by watching all this, and don’t they all wear cameras ? so should have caught those involved on camera, which means immediate arrests should have gone ahead, or at least done so by now. So whats the hold up ?
If the Labour Party defends Al Beeb and the wanton destruction of Britain’s heritage at the hands of Antifa they will be on to another drubbing in the next general election. I do hope now that all the readers and posters on this site have had the bottle to cancel their payments to the fund that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
“Fitzwilliam Museum masterpieces reimagined with face masks”
What an utter waste of time .
Shouldn’t they all be blacked-up?
well wonder what else the “new elite PC crowd will pull down”
Bristol statue caper was a joint effort between Bristol Antifa & Bristol wokeSupermacist Police
says Mr WeGotAProblem
BBC News website:
“Edward Colston: Bristol slave trader statue ‘was an affront'”
Of course the report ends with a quote from Beeb favourite Sir Keir, who says ‘the way the statue had been pulled down was “completely wrong” but it should have been removed “a long, long time ago”.
“You can’t, in 21st Century Britain, have a slaver on a statue. That statue should have been brought down properly, with consent, and put in a museum,” he said.’
Ah, right. Is he going to campaign to have George Washington, a major slave owner, removed from outside the National Gallery, then? Do these people even stop to consider where their opinions can lead them?
We’re living in peculiar times. More peculiar even than Andy Burnham’s eyebrows, and that’s saying something.
Four years ago a Bristol man called Kevin Crehan was sentenced to 12 months in prison for putting bacon on a mosque door handle.
A stupid stunt I grant you, but surely the punsihment meted out for vandalising an old, and valuable bronze statue of an esteemed ‘city father’ needs to be considerably harsher… otherwise the judiciary wouldn’t be ‘fair and impartial’… right?
Yes, and surely many of these statues must have intrinsic value as works of art, irrespective of the subject. I’ve no particular knowledge and not much judgement about such things myself, but I believe the bronze of South African hero Jan Smuts in Parliament Square is considered a good one.
TrickCyclist – I’m surprised that one is still standing. A wihte South African, what a juicy target, never mind that whites are currently discriminated against and murdered at an alarming rate in SA, often because they are white. (But that -of course- is not ‘racism’). We could argue instead it is approaching ‘genocide’.
If Churchill can be vandalised, no argument about Smuts assissting Britain in WW2 will carry any weight.
The Trotskyists and black racists (oh yes, we like to kid ourselves they don’t exist, and it’s all about genuine grievances, but there are black racists aplenty about and active) are hard at work, hiding behind other names and slogans; in truth, NOTHING is now beyond their reach. We have hoisted the white flag, and a little lip service won’t alter that.
Kevin Crehan was one of four people who pleaded guilty to a religiously aggravated public order offence . He and his chums didn’t ‘just’ put bacon to a mosque door handle; they threw at worshipers whilst shouting racial abuse.
He was rewarded with a custodial sentence because of his long history of previous convictions.
No he had a history of mental illness and was awarded a death sentence by being locked away in a drug-soaked prison.
White lives don’t matter.
JimS – Beauty.
6-0, 5-0 40:0 not even close.
I am of the opinion that Al Beeb is blatantly biased and robs from the poor to give to the rich. What motivates you?
It might be said that Kevin Crehan was protesting against a religion that has promoted slavery for centuries
“…….has promoted slavery for centuries”.
And still does.
Trickcyclist….It’s interesting that there actually was a vote taken in Bristol, and not not that long ago (I read somewhere), where 54% of those who voted wanted the statue to remain. But what does a small matter like a democratic vote count when faced with those who know better….
Sort of reminds me of the BBC attitude to some other votes in the past few years…
Anyone wanting to De-fund the BBC, please sign here:
In my home town, Plymouth, the mob want to change the name of Sir John Hawkins Square because he sort of kick started the English slave trade. They are a minority, but I very much fear they will get their way, since showing their contempt for what the majority of Plymouth people want is what our lefty city council do really well. It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the near certainty that they will rename it after some commie terrorist.
And it won’t end there. There is the statue of a certain Sir Francis Drake on Plymouth Hoe that our Europhile city fathers would love an excuse to get rid of. You can’t mention his name here these days without getting the ritual response: “He wasn’t the hero he was made out to be!”
5:308 Jun
Petitions call for removal of Sir Francis Drake statues
BBC Radio Devon
Petitions are calling for the removal of two statues in Devon and the renaming of a public square in response to the Black Lives Matter campaign.
Organisers want the statues of Sir Francis Drake in Plymouth and Tavistock (pictured) to be taken down, saying there were “an example of systemic racism in our society”.
Meanwhile, a separate petition wants Sir John Hawkins Square in Plymouth city centre to be renamed.
Hawkins, a significant early English figure in the slave trade, and Drake, his cousin, made voyages in the 1560s to kidnap people from Africa and take them to be sold in the New World.
I will join you on the Hoe !!
The easiest way to bring the BBC under control would be to remove its exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act.
No need to change the charter and the removal of the exemption could probably be done with an Order in Council, so no new act of parliament either.
Then we would be able to ‘hold power to account’.
Boris hasnt got the balls to even do that .
He is a pro migration liberal at heart and a political opportunist only (hence his support for brexit) Without Cummings he is nothing and I expect that is the only reason why he is still keeping to a good brexit line and hung on to him for dear life.
Since this has all kicked off he has stayed very quiet apart from that rubbish statement yesterday. You would think that with the BBC led MSM fanning the flames of insurrection, the police acting more like activists themselves and Soros funded organisations like BLM/Antifa bringing us to the point of anarchy in places, now would be the time for Boris to find his “inner Churchill” but all we get is his “inner mouse” hiding behind the corner and waiting until all has died down before re-emerging to feed on the crumbs left behind.
He is a man of no substance and full of sh## who got lucky – I come across them everyday in my industry and unfortunatly many dont get found out until it is too late.
I believe he has and will not denounce the BBC as I reckon he did some sort of deal with them over Covid – you support me on talking this up and you get to keep your license fee – sort of thing, there is probably an email sitting somewhere at the BBC as “evidence” of this. He also still has many links in the MSM/journalism industry all of whom have swallowed the pink pill of surrender , globalism and stupidity.
I am afraid he is as compromised as his party. If we get out of this mess it will be no thanks to him.
We all know by now that Boris is untrustworthy.
It may be that Dom C is advising him to lay low until we have got beyond the transition extension date?
However, come July 1st we should be demanding some serious draconian action on so many levels.
I have a list.
(Yes I know, wishful thinking).
Oaknash – I fear you have good insight and agree with your analysis. We do like to deceive ourselves over all the little words we hear from BoJo and Patel; you want to see action, look at Bristol (but not the police or Mayor).
What I hear from the bbc are constant subtle efforts (and some not so subtle) to keep the pot on the boil. So we can look forward to further acts of insurrection; for them, the party has only just begun.
That statue of Rhodes looks tempting, and so does Smuts in PS.
Seems to me with Bojo and Patel, it is always jam tomorrow.
I expect you are right about future statue toppling. No doubt Antifa will be delighted with having the Metropolitan Please dont hit me Service now on board and the soft soap reporting from Aunty and friends will thus further emboldened Soros,s finest to revisit the big cities and try and erase some more history.
I can hear the Sarah “Plummy” Montague now “this statue was a constant irritant to Londons black population and perhaps its destruction was indeed inevitable”
And maybe next year “The man deliberately walked to the Cenotaph flaunting his white privilege and racism – Some would say it was perhaps inevitable and even a little understandable that he was shot……………………………….”
As cities around the world erupt, how reassuring that the idiot luvvie famous only for wearing stupid specs in Harry Potter has a sense of priorities.
“Daniel Radcliffe voices his support for the transgender community”
(The statement comes amidst the dispute between deranged feminists and deranged trannies. How delicious that the lunatic left is devouring itself, long may they continue.)
Defund the beeb here:
I take these pronouncements with a huge pinch of salt. Actors feel they have to show their rightthink to get work.
Meanwhile, JK Rowling is finding out that those who live by the woke, die by the woke. Sympathy level zero.
The BBC will ignore such action.
The courts are still packed with the hard left Spider Brooches.
The BBC can afford any legal fees, it is not their money.
The QANGOs are still packed with hard left Socialists who will pronounce that BBC action has been legitimate.
Failing all else the BBC will, in the most hallowed traditions of the Police, Local Councils and the NHS, shred the evidence.
If you don’t want to see the results of the Premier’s league of fake conservatives, then look away now
Teacher Unions : won, Boris Academicals : null
Coronavirus: Plan dropped for all primary pupils back in school
It comes after Health Secretary Matt Hancock conceded at Monday’s Downing Street briefing that secondary schools in England may not fully reopen until September “at the earliest”.
No problem, whatsoever.
What the lock down has shown is that the public can do without the Communist teachers.
Broken their contracts? sack them, no redundancy, no pension, SFA.
With parental assistance the good {academically and politically) teachers, can be re-hired, at higher salaries.
Plenty of online, Red free, education.
Issue the vouchers now Boris.
We can usefully use the time between a proper British education being restored to our children, and their departure to tertiary education.
Sack the University Communist Social Studies activists.
Pay rises and better research facilities for the apolitical Science professors. No grade inflation based “degrees “.
Good staff are rewarded.
Graduates are rewarded.
The Communists are punished.
Tucker expresses incredulity, incomprehension and indignation at the dangerous insanity gripping the US and the world.
Message: grovelling and pandering obsequiously to the violent mob doesn’t work; never has and never will. Hear that BBC?
BBC Moaning Emole:
“Our Europe correspondent Jean Mackenzie takes a tour through the continent’s eerily empty airports.”
Jean gets all the fun jobs Katya is too busy sucking up to Guy to do.
Might be worth steering clear for a few weeks after this essential report.
I wonder how much it cost?
Another early result from the Premier’s fake conservative league just coming in…
Family life abandoned due to a foggy pitch, too many away from home commitments and some foul play
A bill introducing “no-fault” divorces in England and Wales has been backed by MPs.
It passed its first hurdle in the Commons by 231 votes to 16 against, following a debate.
Is the Conservative Party a true Tory Party or is it a new Liberal Party ? Boris as a Prime Minister, is becoming a copy of Mrs May despite his huge majority in the last elections.
IMHO Al Beeb , Antifa and BLM have knocked back race relations in the UK which will cause a backlash that has already begun with the latest campaign to defund the BBC.
Al Beeb and Aifa have been poking a stick in a wasps nest and will suffer the consequences.
Sky reading the room.
Graun too.
But at least the bbc now has an entirely credible source to answer the ‘calls’.
GW – Anyone who wants Black history taught in schools, should emigrate to Africa. There’ll be plenty of that, assuming they get to go to school at all.
What I suspect they will find in Africa, is pupils/students who are largely obedient, grateful, anxious to get a qualification (parents) and frequently ambition to achieve, personally. So, our lot won’t like that either, cos they’re only interested in what they can ‘get’ (by making you know who feel guilty -it works well).
If they should get to the universities, it will be a different story, getting rid of Rhodes and all that. Trostky, Lenin and Marx will be the heroes, joined -of course- by poor George Floyd, Malcolm X etc etc
That kid isn’t old enough to have shoulders to carry the victim chip yet ….. but sad seeing people using their skin colour as an excuse for failure …..
Birds of a feather. Criminals celebrate death of fellow criminal.
I’m surprised Nancy Pelosi could get up after that, the old bitch! ????
Surprised? You are too soft, I was disappointed.
Which football team do they all support?
Answering urgent questions about continuing illegal migration we have this from Boris in typically Churchillian style:
We shall go on to the end. We shall not fight illegal migration from France, we shall not fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with waning confidence and diminishing strength in the airports, we shall not defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall not fight on the beaches, we shall not fight on the landing grounds, we shall not fight in the fields or in the streets, we shall run for the hills; we shall always surrender.
Border Force staff ‘will face violence’ when fingerprinting migrants
The total for this year is already estimated to have exceeded the number who reached the UK in the whole of 2019, despite a pledge made last year by Home Secretary Priti Patel to ensure small boat crossings become an “infrequent phenomenon by spring 2020”.
Migrants used to have their fingerprints taken by UK Border Force officers at the port in Calais, but the practice was stopped in 2010 and was also later abandoned at Coquelles.
Sounds coming from media that the Mr Khant is going to airbrush British history out in Londonistan . Anything on Al Beeb? Will The statue of Queen Victoria be the first to go? Will Trafalgar Square be renamed? Let’s hope Boris gets a grip.
Tiananmen Square sounds nice although Pussy Riot may have a problem with the men bit
Studly risks a venture out.
I don’t suppose the racist far-left bbc have reported on this:
Lady Bountiful is alive and well and living in No. 11 Downing Street. And handing out our money to foreigners like there’s no tomorrow.
If you didn’t laugh at our present predicament you’d cry.
After the mayhem of the semi literate mob ripping down statues and defacing memorials, London’s runt Muslim mayor has said he wants street names and monuments to be more reflective of its diverse nature.
I can just see the mutlicultural transformation enriching my old city.
Nelson will be kicked off his column to be replaced by Robert Mugabe.
Winston will be taken down and Idi Amin put up.
The paintings in the National Gallery clearly do not reflect London’s rich and diverse modernity. People will rightly ask, “Why no black artists displayed here?”. Racism! Rembrandt, Canaletto, Monet and Degas will be chucked in the skip and new vibrant ethnic street art will replace them. Some of us aged white folk might think (incorrectly) that these new additions look suspiciously like gormless graffiti, but we’d be wrong. This is the new art.
There’d be a mass culling of old street names. Anything that alluded to a patriotic past would immediately be ripped down. Trafalgar Square would be renamed…hmm, how about Victory Square, seems to have a nice ring to it…
Waterloo Station might be called Mandela’s Rainbow Railways.
Victoria could be renamed Winnie.
Saint Paul’s cathedral would become Europe’s biggest mosque and Westminster Abbey would transform into a place of inter-cultural instruction.
Ah, the brave new world.
I can hardly wait…
Don’t… you are depressing me 🙁 Unfortunately you may be right – but I suspect at some point the ‘populists’ white and black will rise up…we have to…legally and democratically – but also in defence of life.
On a different subject MSM..did anyone finish watching Nigel F on Piers Morechin’s GMTV?
I had to switch off as PM was being a complete Tw*t and didn’t seem to understand that Nigel F was simply saying you can’t just pull a statue down cos you don’t like it…and that he believes in democracy..not anarchy..
PM just kept baiting him with stupid comments….
Piers Morechins show is now on my can’t watch for more than 10 secs list…
Global news network has been giving the Emir of Londonistan a voice on this all morning.
London has fallen. It is no longer my capital city or reflects my views or history as a proud and patriotic Englishman.
Build a wall around the M25. Airlift out those remaining from the indigenous population.
Cut all ties, including water, power and food. Let them have the third world shitehole the mayor craves.
The ancient capital of Wessex, Winchester shall be the new seat of the English parliament.
WW- We have stood by and watched it happening over many years. For that we have paid a high price. I wonder if any lessons have been learned?
I’m not optimistic, but that doesn’t mean I will remain docile. (Strictly in a journalistic context, of course!)
Oh yes, Winchester would be fine with me. But would it then become a magnet for…?
And would we again, stand by and watch? We seem to be making a habit of it.
Jeff – Just wait until the new jewellery stores start selling Soweto necklaces.
(Once you decide to let the mob run riot at will, anything is possible.)
The Chinese virus could turn out to be the best /worst experiment for using the MSM as a propaganda tool to get joe public to do what the government wants .
The fear of the disease is leading to
reluctance to use hospital A and Es ,
To go back to work
To go back to school .
The school one is particularly clever because the lefty teachers can continue sitting on their backsides through to September and when the little darlings to hit the class room the teachers can blame the government for ‘failing standards ‘ in the same way the failing NHS has blamed the government for not enough this and that using a wholly uncritical MSMBBC
Teachers – pahhh ..who do you think will be the first ones to fly away to Europe on holiday – after all they have been on full pay, no travel so no costs hence savings and are entitled to their 6 weeks summer holiday..
I doubt you will see them worrying about the kids then – theirs or anyone else’s. The teacher’s unions are complicit with Labour and the left …cynical yep.
Indeed Fed. Yet whenever you dare to suggest that now teachers are basically having a minimum 6 months off on full pay and benefits, they tell us that’s not the case !!!
I saw a real beauty the other day on Twitter , where a teacher was defending herself saying ….. wait for it ……….
I kid you not . Quite rightly she got lambasted. Sitting at home, full pay and emailing out some worksheets, is not, by anyone’s standards “hard work”. And to think they are pocketing between £25 and £40K and many even more than that !!
Now thats, DISGUSTING !!!!
If they are not prepared to go back and teach when its deemed safe to do so, they should be on 80%, dropping 10% each month they refuse to return.
I made the mistake of switching on to R4 at 7.40, in the hope of some ‘news’ or comment about anything but BLM being on, but how stupid am I?
Hussein and Webb have turned it into a platform for BLM with undercurrents of Trotsky’s ‘Theory of permanent Revolution’. They are constantly egging on people they interview to whinge about how ‘oppressed’ they are, to ‘carry on’, but -of course- in the form of subtle leading questions.
Even the ‘Thought for the day’ equated the removed statue with The Golden Calf from the Bible, discussed the virtues of ‘iconoclasm’ and quoted Marx.
BBC News
F1 driver Lewis Hamilton has urged countries to remove “racist symbols” after the statue of a slave trader was toppled in Bristol, UK.
His cap designed by Hugo Boss?
Yup, that went soooo well.
Dickheads can drive cars
who knew?
How is Monaco at this time of year Lewis, weather nice?
Hows the the G6. Serviced, fulled and flight plan logged and ready for take-off?
Spare me from Lewis Hamilton’s black, privileged views as I care not what this racist thinks.
He may have a talent for driving fast cars but he needs to look up history books that will educate him about Hugo Boss who designed all the Nazi uniforms. And he wears a huge boss hat ha ha. This is what happens when people who have low intellect get famous and think that gives them the right to educate us.
On LBC coming soon talk of BBC underreporting crowd violence .. cropped picture
Rod Liddle is now on
Rod Liddle was on
so LBC got loads of angry tweets
from people tuning early for JOB
Al beeb 2 today, 14:15 – 16:15 Ukraine v Northern Ireland, a 2016 UEFA European Championship Rewind ????
Who’s watching this sh*t ????
Is it too soon to hope that, with the funeral of a man with an extensive criminal record, including at least 5 prison sentences, and who threatened to shoot a pregnant woman through her unborn baby, we may have got past the peak ‘Daily Deification Diet’ of the BBC ?
Make no mistake…… his death was not the cause of this violent Antifa/BLM reaction……. it was the excuse for it.
This event was precisely the sort of thing that Antifa/BLM leaders were waiting for around the world, and, given their mentality, it was inevitable in the run-up to the US election.
Subtle image, caption combo to this Saddo BBC effort.
Did not avoid #CCBGB
They can start with the one of the terrorist.
Then the Paedophile at the entrance to the BBC.
General Election, NOW, vote Brexit Party.
Boris is a traitor.
We should not have held our noses in 2019.
“undeniable feeling of injustice”
Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson
“When you were Prime Minister Father, what did you do about the mass, racist, gang rapes of hundreds of thousands of white, female, British children, by Muslims?”
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
“I apologised, to the Muslims”
Cant even be bothered listening to him . Just do the thing you promised and Get us out of the EU .
The rest of the stuff is just aimed at simpletons –
Cant even be bothered listening –
Must be time for a new law – banning statues act …?
Isn’t all this what Enoch Powell warned us about; ethnics having the whip hand?
They are not like us, no matter how often the lefty scum tell us they are. They don’t think like us and in general they don’t behave like us.
It’s a lesson some of these white hating white lefties are going to learn the hard way.
On 31st May this year, Chicago, Illinois, had 18 deaths recorded in one day – the highest level for 60 years. I don’t recall the BBC making a big hoo-ha about all those deaths, and certainly not for days on end – but then, I’d like to bet these deaths didn’t fit neatly within the BBC agenda at thast time….. or at any time, really.
On the same day, the city’s 911 emergency number recorded more than 65,000 calls – more than 4 times the normal daily average. People complained that looters were able to take their time to clean out stores, because there was absolutely no police presence in response to calls.
And the Democrat leaders of various states in the US want to ‘defund’ their police…. in which case, ‘ you get what you pay for, and you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
On the ‘defunding’ idea – from my days studying i vaguely remember some hair brained experiment where formal paid police was removed ….
It might hair brain scandinavia – most hair brained stuff is done there –
Anyway – it didnt end well . The monsters must be smelling blood in the water at the thought of no law enforcement – and the dealers must see christmas being even earliet after the inflation of ‘ product’ prices during covid shortages ….
Boy oh boy.
An all out brutal attack from a formenr BBC employee, who confirms everything that this website has being saying for God knows how many years.
TRUMP 2020!
Another point to everybody baying for blood when the Brexit Party raised public money: where is the transparency here with BLM? Where is the money coming from? How is it being spent? Who even are the people getting the money? Might a similar scrutiny be called for?
Watch the media now. I suspect we shall see a sudden influx of more black faces reading the news, outside journalists, paper reviewers, talking heads, tv hosts, cookery/gardening/light entertainment, in attempt of appeasement, – so I bet management agencies are being overwhelmed with phone calls from booking producers !
But will there be enough white wimmin to act as black men’s wives in sofa adverts?
I’ve just received my RAC breakdown reminder, on the front of the envelope the usual black man, white wife and 2 black kids in the back of the car.
Just received mine too cromwell but got a different envelope.
Might see what the AA has to offer.Whilst I’m there I’ll ask them how many of their mechanics are a)women b)black c)black women?
I’m afraid they will all be the same in this mad world
If there aren’t, they can always fall back on trannies. Ooh matron!
No offence to the monkeys.
“No offence to the monkeys”
The car wreckers shown are baboons.
My apologies to the baboons.
Summary –
Points this blokes makes
18000 people doing the work of 7000
Chap Says he worked for the BBC for 15 years
The new DG s department is not subject to FOI or Scrutiny
BBC managers are bullies
He predicts restructuring in 5 years
Paying for BBC should be optional
78000 licence fees to collect the licence fee
700k on ‘gifts ‘
35 free cafes At the BBC studios
1000 FOI requests 265 refused
It goes on a bit but well worth it
Fedup: You listen and wonder whether the fate of the Bristol statue would be far too kind for the bbc. Boy, have they been taking us all for mugs!
B may well be for bias
C is definitely for corrupt
I will leave you to ponder what A could stand for.
In the same way that our former Police Force has become the Police Service, should our Border Force now be renamed the Border Service?
Afterall, their main function would appear to be providing a service for people wanting to cross our borders.
The #DefundtheBBC is at 56700 ….. which says quite a bit how far the biased BBC propaganda is failing . Apparently there’s a piece in the lefty Mail about the largely weekend whitewash
It is now crystal clear that we might have a nominal Conservative party in the majority in Parliament . But the Left have taken the real power and control of our country .
PS no ballot box needed.
Exactly so .