Weekend Thread 13 June 2020

Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.


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656 Responses to Weekend Thread 13 June 2020

  1. taffman says:

    “London protests: Demonstrators clash with police”
    Hidden away we see “Hundreds of people also gathered in Glasgow, Bristol and Belfast as part of events organised to “protect” war memorials.”
    Also note the use of inverted commas for “protect”.

    Bias , what bias ? The payment of the telly tax should be made voluntary, just like any charity .
    Boris , you know it makes sense.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      taffman- the beeb a charity? Now, there’s a weird thought!
      Support for agitators would be their key mission, I suppose?
      Naw, too busy lining their own pockets.


    • Oldspeaker says:

      Followed your link taffman and then onto the Newcastle link. The bbc are really going some, they just seem to be trying to push everyone’s button and stir it. I suspect those at the root care the same amount about black lives as they do white, nothing. We’re being played here.


  2. john in cheshire says:

    I’m sure most people who visit this website have some knowledge about the truth of slavery. But this approximately seven minute video by Bill Warner is a useful reminder of who were the actual slavers and who were the slaves, including white people abducted into slavery by muslim pirates.

    In fact the first US navy was formed to combat muslim pirates operating in the Mediterranean. We have known what muslims are like for 1400 years and yet they still get a free pass on all of the atrocities they have committed.


  3. Guest Who says:

    I knew she was thick, but…



    • AsISeeIt says:

      Plenty of brownie points for her from her tiny approving twitter audience of lefty-liberal media elitists, I’m sure.

      Oh no. What have I said? Brownie points. That could be construed as support for the racist statue of Baden Powell. Plus our VD probably would rather girls joined the gender-neutral scouts. And then there’s the possibly derogatory interpretation of the word brown. I give up. You have the floor my dear Vicky. Tell us how to speak and to think. We’ll just stut up for fear of being called out by you as… what was it again..? Oh yes, Right-wing thugs.


      • Charlie Farley says:

        After comments like that you have now been blacklisted or is it blackballed !
        It’s very sad that those who want to protect our History are accused of being extremist and we thought Hitler and Mussolini were the bad guys !……surprise surprise it’s the BBC


    • Guest Who says:

      VD is in the spotlight.


  4. vlad says:

    Is it possible that the sight of Churchill being graffitied, dishonoured and ignominiously boxed up proves to be the last straw for many decent, patriotic, law-abiding, middle-of-the-road Brits? The moment they get red-pilled and finally wake up to where society is being led by the cultural Marxists at BLM and Antifa, and their evil enablers at the bbc?

    Ok, we let you have some obscure slaver in Bristol; we even allowed you to board up the statue of the great Baden-Powell.

    But Churchill?

    Churchill is still respected – revered even – by most, even the sensible Left. After all, he really did fight the fascists, unlike Antifa who merely behave like them.

    Patriotism is of course a dirty word among the ‘progressives’, but might there still be just enough of it about to cause the people of this great nation finally to stand up and declare: Thus far and no further!


  5. theisland says:


    • taffman says:

      Trevor Coult speaks for us all . We wont see that on Al beeb.
      Bloody Well Done Trevor, from most of Taffland !


    • JamesArthur says:

      Yes unlikely to see this on BBC or any MSM. It is a disgrace. We all know what BBC will report – lovely left – so peaceful and Far right thugs….

      Well done Trevor and the lads


  6. Guest Who says:

    BBC Hereford and Worcester

    At Worcester Racecourse today a peaceful rally for Black Lives Matter.

    It is as relentless as it is pervasive.


  7. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    A petition calling for the removal of the Brussels statue of King Leopold II, who killed millions in Central Africa, has reached 74,000 signatures.


    A freaking petition… in Belgium?


    • cromwell says:

      Just read before that the speaker hoyle has called for an inquiry into statues and portraits of dubious characters from bygone years.
      Well hoyle can mind his own business, it’s not his remit to interfere with history. Just stick to your job of barking at the rabble in parliament and shut the fu”k up.


  8. Guest Who says:

    The BBC works its magic again.

    In 2008 we applied to Dragon’s Den & got as far as a screen test and we pitched our hearts out before the producers rejected us.

    They deemed Martin & myself not investment worthy.

    We were totally crushed.

    We were prepared to offer the Dragons 20% for £100,000. Based on our latest BrewDog valuation, that investment would now be worth almost £360m meaning the Dragon’s missed out on by far the best deal in Den history.

    We got over the rejection eventually. But it took a while.

    #craftbeer #craftbrewery #dragonsden #brewdog

    I see that smug goblin Evan or sour sex kitten Meaden qobbjng off about business, I will think of this. DD was only ever about humiliation-based ratings.

    So they have delivered on their own effort better than anyone.


    • Millie says:

      On a recent Dragons’ Den compilation programme Smug Goblin was introduced by the BBC comedian presenter – I forget his name – as ‘Gorgeous Evan Davis’.


  9. fakenewswatcher says:

    On bbc TV ‘News’ at 17h35 we see exactly what we expected to see, with a little comment from Tom Symonds, with exactly what we expected to hear. I think ITV outdid them, with endless presentations of BLM speakers and their ‘demands’.
    No need to elaborate.
    Followed by Rianna Croxford looking at BME virus victims, telling us exactly what we expected to hear. Expect to see a great deal of her in future (oh sorry, going forward), she’s their ‘Communities’ correspondent, other boxes all ticked. Oh, that is if you can be bothered to watch.
    On beeb tv2 I caught a flash of George Best, not wearing his BLM shirt, as required by the Diver Extraordinaire & Co. He’s a bad boy, clearly!
    The way things are going, George could easily be dug up, for not meeting totalitarian standards. Disciplinary action looms for him.
    There he is now, in his red shirt, kicking a white ball, watched by a hideously white crowd, as G Dyke might have said. His school report is examined; still no sign of the required slogans. A relative says “he wanted to play football”. Wot, no diving? No agitating either, it seems..
    We could be in for a summer of wall-to-wall BLM propaganda on all channels. And in all papers.

    If you’re not sure what TOTALITARIAN means, you sure as heck will, by the end of summer. Vladimir, Adolf and Benito, eat your hearts out!


  10. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    I was watching the BBC news too and their correspondent asked why George Floyd’s murder by a White member of the Minneapolis police force counts for more than that of Justine Damond by Muhamed Noor, a Black Muslim in the same force.

    Sorry, must have nodded off there, it was just a dream.


  11. Guest Who says:

    That the BBC suddenly gets very focussed on just one religion in just two countries is… hardly a surprise.

    BBC Radio 4
    On which side do US and UK churches sit in this moment in history? What role do they have now in the fight for racial justice? ⛪
    Chine McDonald chairs a transatlantic conversation on Christianity and racism.

    No Justice, No Peace: Religion and Protest – BBC Sounds
    Chine McDonald chairs a transatlantic conversation on Christianity and racism.

    Likely similar efforts on other faiths and countries might be deemed ‘not newsworthy’, so a snappy sound bite like ‘No Limbs, No coverage: Religion and Boom!


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      GW – Christianity and Racism? I thought ‘Churches’ were there to spread the Gospel of Salvation and examine Eternal Life. Love your neighbour as you would yourself. (Nothing about subjugating yourself to your neighbour and prostrating yourself before them.) Read a little J. Milton, as well, to get the drift of things. Oh yes, and Something about Commandments?
      Most ‘Churches’ regrettably, merely organised/mostly remunerated human hierarchies, long drifted off into the seas of human power politics and political correctness, IMHO. Judgement though, is not mine to make. Mine is to try my best to trust and obey. Other people will make decisions of their own, and they have as much right to do that as I do.
      Anyone want to anticipate which commandment now replaces the Ten?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Everyone starts out as equal in the sight of God, fnw.

        St Paul – as a good, well-trained, Rabbi – quotes from Psalm 14vs1-3 in his letter to the Romans (3v10) before his classic statement in v.23 ” For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ” or in modern language, “It doesn’t matter what colour your skin is, we have all failed to live to the standard that God requires of us.”

        Absolute equality.

        All lives matter to God. So much so that He stepped into the world He had created as an ethnic minority to pay the penalty for our sins and to change us.


        • fakenewswatcher says:

          Snuff –
          Quite surprised to get into theology here. Should perhaps say that, when I refer to churches, I am speaking of a system. Not always a spiritually guided system, but instead often a human construction. That is not to judge any particular person in any natural system. Only God can see what we refer to as ‘the heart’, in any person. Things possibly went awry as early as the Council of Nicea in 325.
          The equality I see is that everyone has an equal opportunity to grasp spiritual Salvation. Ethnicity doesn’t come into it; it doesn’t last very long, as this life is very short, and we all fall short- as you say- that is the whole point.
          I’m not sure what you mean by Him creating the world ‘as an ethnic minority’. I think we are talking about the ‘Ultimate Theophany’, in a sense, the Logos John speaks of ‘in the beginning’.
          What we may possibly agree on, is that the current obsession with ethnicity, leads nowhere. It is a deception.


          • Up2snuff says:

            fakenewswatcher, “The equality I see is that everyone has an equal opportunity to grasp spiritual Salvation. Ethnicity doesn’t come into it; it doesn’t last very long, as this life is very short, and we all fall short- as you say- that is the whole point.” Well said, Sir, I concur.

            Think, however, you may have misread my final line which maybe could have been constructed better. If you accept the concept of a Triune God, then God stepped into the world He had created and chose to do it as an ethnic minority – as a Jew.

            If present day BAMEs think they have a grievance then try this as a list and all before you have reached 33 years of age:

            Conceived apparently out of wedlock with parents facing scorn and opprobrium.

            Born at the edge of a home and put in a manger because Joseph’s family was too large for the family home and because of the Census requirements no other lodgings were available. (Farming note: mangers are not the dirty, uncomfortable places they are sometimes made out to be in Christmas sermons and Nativity plays.)

            First earthly visitors to pay homage were rough, tough and, probably, vagabond shepherds.

            The King seeks to end your life before you reach the age of two years.

            You become a refugee in transit.

            Refugee in a foreign land.

            Return to live in a small village/town up in the hills – in the back of beyond.

            You are misunderstood by your parents. (Aftermath of presentation at the Temple.)

            Living a totally righteous life before God, you tend to show up and are excluded from all the bad behaviour and wrongdoing of your childhood contemporaries and face their scorn and exclusion.

            You start work as an early teen as a ‘carpenter’, probably including stonemasonry ie. as a builder – hard physical work.

            Your ‘stepfather’ possibly dies when you are still a teen (considerable uncertainty, there) or when you are a young man in your twenties

            You give up all your possessions (ie. leave home and the family business) to start your public ministry.

            Your step-brothers and step-sisters think you are insane

            You personally choose some disciples but they consistently do not believe you and one turns out to be a thief and a traitor.

            You attract the hostility of local religious leaders and get thrown out of Synagogues.

            The Jerusalem hierarchy hear of your exploits and have you investigated.

            You attract much fear from some people and have the favour of many, many more but some of that latter group only want a free meal and an easy life from you.

            Your cousin, who you are very close to and is your ‘herald’, is imprisoned and killed.

            The Jerusalem hierarchy constantly dispute your teachings and refuse to believe the evidence of the miracles you do.

            The Jerusalem hierarchy eventually seek to have you killed and there are many attempts on your life. They plot against you.

            A disciple who promises to stand with you come what may denies you. Another disciple betrays and identifies you to the Temple authorities.

            False witnesses are brought to your trial to testify against you.

            You are found to be innocent by the Judge.

            The people, some of whom once supported you and may have applauded you as you entered the capital city just a week earlier, together with others call out for you to be executed.

            You are humiliated by Roman soldiers and beaten until close to death.

            The great insult: as Creator God and an earthly carpenter you are executed by foreign occupying soldiers in the most excruciating fashion known to mankind on a cross made of wood, made out of a tree, by a fellow carpenter. Your only possessions – your clothes – are taken by the soldiers who play games over who shall own them.

            Your mother watches you die comforted by only one of eleven disciples, the other ten having run away to hide from the authorities.

            Even God in heaven has to disown you – He turns His face away – as the sin of the world over all of time is heaped upon your head.

            Finally, you have no tomb and have to be buried in a borrowed one.

            This list might be incomplete or could be improved but I submit it as something of a record of what one BAME went through about 1,990 or 1,991 years ago. I would suggest that no BAME who has ever lived in the USA has gone through anything like that.


  12. G.W.F. says:

    BLM/Antifa working with their uniformed branch – the Cresside Brigade




    • cromwell says:

      Couldn’t someone on here who does Twitter get this copied to PM, Patel, BBC etc. As we are going to get endless talk that the crowd who wanted to protect the statues were yobs I think we have to fight them at their own game. I am sure the Patriots were infiltrated by momentum/antifa cos that’s what they do. I would do it myself but I’m not on Twitter, I’d be on it all day.


    • Oldspeaker says:

      White male strikes oppressed persons foot with stomach.(bbc take)


      • vlad says:

        White male gets in the way of black man’s largely peaceful kick in the gut.


    • vlad says:

      “Remember the plan officer: you hold him while I kick him, got it?”


    • StewGreen says:

      Rule is if people post imflammatory pics without context
      then that is fakenews
      The photo does seem recent , but anything could have hppened prior to the kick.

      Here’s a lib account with lots of vids of whites getting beaten by black packs,
      some wrongly labelled as if the white was the oppressor.


      • G.W.F. says:

        I posted that inflammatory picture of a person of colour kicking a white man whilst a cop appeared to be hitting the white man. I cannot provide a context so it must be fake news.

        Here’s a possible context.
        Perhaps the white man was giving both a lesson in self defence and after that they all went off together for a nice cup of tea,


    • john in cheshire says:

      I don’t know about the K, but that white guy would terrify me. Isn’t that what the Duke of Wellington said about his English army?


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      Black male generously gives his time to teach a new dance routine to an unappreciative white bystander.


  13. Deborah says:

    May I call this site Biased BBC &DM?

    I was wondering what was happening around Whitehall this evening and refusing to use the BBC turned to the Daily Mail. For the first three quarters of the headline article, those protecting the statues were referred to as ‘far right’ or hooligans. I presume we then had a change of author as statue protectors were the words of choice. The first paragraph told us two men were beaten to a bloody pulp because they were Tommy Robinson supporters. (Well that’s OK then I suppose). There were no suggestions who had done the beating but I assume it wasn’t the far-right but if you were just scanning the article you could easily be misled.

    Then a female runner from Pimlico reported that the statue preservers had been drinking since 10.30 this morning and throwing their cans everywhere. Funny that the early photos didn’t show them. I presume the implication is that BLM took their reusable cups home with them. I wonder how many of the BLM supporters were high on cannabis? Just wondering.

    The whole tone of the DM account left me wondering how much of it had been written yesterday.

    Comments on the DM site could be going better. Top one with 30,000 likes (a lot for the DM) points out that the people were there to protect the statues. I have known suddenly a comment unlike the rest suddenly hit top slot so watch out for sudden support for BLM (I presume the DM can ‘introduce’ a new comment when they want to).

    I guess many of the ‘far-right’ in London are not the sort of people I would want to sit and have a cup of tea with. And I guess they would feel the same about me. But they are angry and feel that Black views are more important than their own. I can understand it.


    • Despairada says:


      “I guess many of the ‘far-right’ in London are not the sort of people I would want to sit and have a cup of tea with. ”

      Maybe, but I would rather have a beer and a laugh with any of the ‘far right’ than any of the po faced gits in Antifa/BLM.


  14. taffman says:

    Switched over from LBC to Talk Radio on advice from various, and listened to Alexix Conran with some other snowflake left wing bint?
    Not impressed – OFF switch .
    The MSM like Al Beeb are getting worse.


    • StewGreen says:

      No Talk Radio is mostly libmob
      except the Trump hating, Cummings hating JHB
      and Tory boy Mike Graham who at least is mostly red-pilled


    • john in cheshire says:

      I’m not aware of any UK MSM radio station that is worth listening to. They’re all contaminated with the same virus of white hatred and hatred for our country.

      I think that’s why LBC have gotten rid of Nigel Farage. It’s why Katie Hopkins lost her job.

      Patriotism and love of our own white race will not be tolerated.


  15. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I see the mayor, Sadiq Khan, peace be upon him, has blamed the extreme far right for the trouble today.
    What a surprise.

    The msm saying things like flares and bottles were thrown by both groups although if you look at any of the footage they are all being thrown in one direction (by blm)

    Full marks and respect to all those who turned up to do the police’s job of protecting our statues. Pensioners, ex forces, patriots, FLA and all the others.

    The msm can lie and manipulate all they want but more and more are seeing through their deceptions and can see their now blatant full on left bias.


  16. tvlicensingblog says:

    New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
    BBC Complaint Statistics
    BBC Bosses Warn Journalists Over Black Lives Matters Bias


  17. StewGreen says:

    Friday Talk Radio had Gary McFarlane claiming to be founder leader of BLM given a free microphone.
    McFarlane then drowned himself in his own Marxist bilge.
    At one point he’s asked “So it’s weird that you protest so much about this one sad event in America but can you give any recent examples in Britain”
    Yeh there was Coventry and Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
    #1 “In Coventry some of the football lads were celebrating league promotion, and they cornered these 2 black youths in an alley
    .. it was like a lynching”
    Presenter “so did they get lynched ?”
    “No the police turned up and rescued them”
    Presenter “So you want the police disbanded, but you are happy these same police rescued the black guys ?”
    “Yeh, Yeh .. but these police didn’t take the football lads
    they took the youths away in handcuffs, cos the crowd said they’d brought the knives”
    I dunno but Twitter seem to imply that the 2 youths had come to cause trouble at the celebration and had come with knives”

    #2 ” In Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire the fascist crows were doing Nazi salutes and monkey chants.”
    Hmm firstly if it’s not on camera it didn’t happen.
    Secondly such playground stuff, should be laughed at cos it’s not physical violence.
    Thirdly going on national rational and throwing around words like “fascists” is irresponsible and disrespectful to victims of WW2 Nazis. Being a bit yobbish is not “being fascist”

    I looked back through Twitter, there was no contemporary tweets about those two accusations. Not a surprise cos what usually happens is a photo of a crowd with their arms in the air and then through Chinese whispers this becomes a legend of Nazi salutes.
    What I did is find the same 50 second clip of a rowdy white man crowd saying something like ‘you BLM protesters, you are the racists, you are not from around here don’t come invading our town’ and then one bloke clearly says “Why don’t you go back to Africa”
    And the cop comes across to him and tells him to calm down & he walks back about 15 ft.
    Then another clip is about 20s of the crowd shouting “Get your tits out for the lads.
    It’s not like there are 2 hour clips of harassment or violence.
    So it seemed that the BLM crowd had decided to come in to make a big protest in town ..and some locals were staging a counter protest as if defending their territory.
    I never support such hijacking of other people’s protests, but it is what Antifa do all the time.

    As ever the antiracist protesters have so much in common with the BNP, there are hundreds of vile tweets mocking the local whites as “gammon” “thick” “inbred” etc.
    The local newspaper does contain McFarlane’s accusations in its headline but there is no substantiation. It merely seems a cutNpaste job from antifa PR
    “no arrests were made”

    Also on twitter there is a clear attempt to hunt down the white chanters with antifa posting their names under their photos.
    One white supporter claimed that one of the named men had committed suicide as a result.
    The local police do mention an incident on Thursday, but someone posted underneath that the suicide attempt was not successful. Others claimed the family wanted no publicity.


  18. Celtic_Mist says:


  19. StewGreen says:

    Are there any dead bodies from either sets of protests ?
    I used to live in India, almost everytime there was a large protest people actually died.
    Same in other countries, I’ve seen stupid kids in Arab countries like Tunisia throw stones at scared trigger happy police.

    Someone dying or nearly dying like the police woman on a horse is cause for grievance
    so is long term oppression like Muslim women being forced to wear the veil against their will or when people are excluded from jobs cos of their skin colour etc.
    As ever if you are outraged at something you saw on TV, you are probably being played.

    I am not outraged at the BLM marches. It was OK to say largely peaceful but not admitting pockets of violence is serious omission.
    On the whole we know it could have been far worse : the Met didn’t get the large scale looting and burning that might have happened.

    I’m not au fait with what happened today. I expect there were were both antifa-supporting police units and antifa provocateurs in the crowd
    but if any lad started getting drawn in by them, they are fool.
    The other POV is that someone had to show BLM crowds and police that there is resistance to them.


  20. vlad says:

    1984: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped.”


  21. davylars says:

    Not BBC, as I have boycotted them.
    So, tuned in to Ch 4 news tonight.
    After Watching BAME after BAME condemning the “far right” riots in London and praising the now “anti-racists” peaceful counter protesters we come to the icing on the cake..

    Professor Fenton…….

    Reasons why BAME’ s are more likely to die with coronavirus..

    1. Racism……. etc. etc..

    Anyway had a look to see who Professor Fenton is….

    Surprise surprise,,


    C4 boycotted now….


  22. Guest Who says:

    VD chipping in on this one?


    • G.W.F. says:

      If he dies it will be reported as coronavirus


    • Van Helsing says:

      Imagine the outrage of the media and politicians if the victim was black.

      But since he’s white, well…


  23. BRISSLES says:

    Cant wait to hear the views of Rachel Shabi (her of the smirky smile), Christina Patterson (who cant speak she’s so angry), and Sonia Sodhal (of the permanently raised eyebrows), when they next appear on the press reviews, commenting on this weekend. Although with any luck we wont see their heads as they’ll be too busy kneeling down 🙂


  24. G.W.F. says:

    Just watched the news on CH4. It began with an attack on the ‘self styled’ protectors of the monuments and each commentator used the words ‘self styled’ to refer to the far right racists who were in London to oppose BLM and the attempt to rid Britain of its racism. A task, it was emphasised after today’s far right activity, that will be difficult,
    Just to emphasise the evilness of the far right were the anticipated references to Nazi salutes and a report of a far right demonstrator urinating on the spot where a police officer was murdered.

    Priti Patel was quoted expressing her opposition to the far right racist thugs at today’s events. Yes Priti we know whose side you are on. It should be obvious with her support for the grooming gangs and inaction over illegal migrants.

    Johnson won’t remove this dreadful woman and I fear we need a new conservative party before the next election.


    • taffman says:

      Vote for the Brexit Party next time .
      The present Tories are failed Liberals .


      • john in cheshire says:

        My ideal outcome is that this Conservative party government gets us out of the EU. That’s then one mighty obstacle removed from our return to self governance.

        And then next year, we see the emergence of a new properly conservative and patriotic party, which steadily build up a large following leading up to the next election, when it either gains a majority in the HoC or at least sufficient to form the opposition party and harries the government at every opportunity, using the same game plan as President Trump.


      • Jeff says:

        Taffman, if you recall, Nigel stood down about three hundred candidates, to make life easier for Boris at the last election. My own MP, Crispin Blunt, is pretty sound on Brexit and that was the big issue as far as most of us were concerned last December.
        Never, in a million years, could we have contemplated the Conservative Party becoming such a pathetic shambles.
        We didn’t know much, if anything, about Covid. We certainly would never have believed a Tory PM would decide to bankrupt our nation to try to contain it, on the most spurious evidence.
        If you told me last December that policemen in London would stand idly by while feral vermin decided to attack the Cenotaph, I’d have said you were mad. And if you’d told me that those same policemen wold kneel down in abject supplication to these barbarians I’d have contacted your doctor.
        And further more, if you’d informed me that our publicly funded broadcaster, the world renowned BBC, would do everything in its power to promote these thugs and Marxists who were trying to destroy our heritage…

        Oh yes, I’d have believed that.


        • taffman says:

          I remember someone saying “the Tories could face extinction and need to put Nigel Farage ‘back in his box’……………

          We have not left the EU yet ?


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            Britain did have a real conservative party. Only a few years ago. It was called Ukip. It actually became the third largest party in the country. Until It’s leader Nigel Farage turned on it and many of it’s supporters broke ranks and ran. Any future party will have to have the intestinal fortitude to withstand minor reverses and disappointments and realize that’s all part of becoming a strong force.
            All that is left now is the Brexit party which is a pop-up party called into life when Farage feels like it.
            While I am very critical of Nigel I do like the stands he’s been making recently, but I wouldn’t want to see him as a party leader.
            A new party and a new PR voting system should be obvious now.
            For heavens sake, Brits you are losing your free speech! You are losing your democracy! You are now losing your history!


            • callinson says:

              Surely you mean testicular fortitude not intestinal fortitude? Let’s all get with the programme. Go out and say it and do it if you mean it.


  25. taffman says:

    “Brexit: Scottish and Welsh FMs lose bid for transition period extension”
    I would say that most of Taffland is happy with that .
    Wales voted to leave the EU four years ago!
    The Welsh Assembly is not listening to us . Scrap it .


  26. StewGreen says:

    If black lives all matter
    why wasn’t much made of a black guys death this week ?
    Shot 1am On June 8th
    Just happened to be brother of a famous black police officer Khafi Kareem who got to keep her job
    despite going off to Nigeria , and appearing Big Brother and sleeping with a guy on TV.


  27. StewGreen says:

    8:15pm BBC2 Windrush again
    There’s been a drama about it all week on BBC1
    And basically every day this week there is a special victimhood group program
    Panorama is Clive Myrtle BLM special


  28. Sir Topham Hatt says:

    Further to an earlier Guest Who post on the BBC calling Churchill’s statue controversial.

    He is a link to the clip
    h/t AkkadSecretary


  29. Guest Who says:

    Ex BBC Anger and Protests Editor was, of course, present.


  30. scribblingscribe says:

    I haven’t been following events in London today but I gather its all kicked off. Fortunately a brief summary from Sky news has told me that all the violence is the result of the right.

    To which every Sky viewer thinks, WTF how stupid do you think we are? Moreover, how stupid are Sky News?

    Not to say that some violence would not have been from the right, but we have now seen weeks of violence from the left, including killings in the US, and apparently, for Sky and the BBC, that is fine. In fact they were ‘largely peaceful demonstrations’.

    Think I’ve had a gutsful with all the broadcasters in the UK.


  31. G says:

    I must say, I have not found any offering from the site, Epoch Times, not intellectually highly rewarding. The interviewees really know their stuff and the interviewer has his contribution just about right.
    So, for a very accurate synopsis of current events and China, you would not be disappointed if you viewed this one:


  32. G.W.F. says:

    Our Quisling PM sides with his masters at the BBC and MSM in blaming today’s protesters.
    Comments are critical of Johnson and his komrads Patel, Dick, and Khan

    Boris Johnson #StayAlert


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Disgraceful. I’m not sure he’s my PM anymore. Turning into a cut price Tony with every twitter utterance.


  33. smoogie7 says:

    Something that is not being shared by the BBC…


  34. The WestWyvern says:

    Why would they?

    Any commentator on this site knows they wont give publicity to things that don’t fit their narrative.

    Apart from Maxi/Pricku.


    • smoogie7 says:

      A lot of violent videos are doing the rounds and of course, you will not see it on the BBC!


  35. StewGreen says:

    Racebiter Lineker gets 55,000 Likes for making out
    that sticking your arm in the air in celebration
    is a Nazi salute


  36. Up2snuff says:

    Are the BBC being dishonest here and seeking to stir up racial division?


    If I recall correctly, the report has been available for more than a week. It was not leaked but released at the beginning of June. In addition, it is inconclusive. The PHE people compiling the report could not look at co-morbidity issues, nor occupational issues. That is made plain in the report.

    You know that you cannot trust the BBC.


  37. StewGreen says:

    Every single paper has summed up the day
    by printing
    “Man urinates next to PC Keith Palmer memorial during far right”
    Some say ” urinating on the memorial to PC Keith Palmer”

    I don’t know of any context.
    Doesn’t look like it existed before today.
    Like any photo it could be a set up.
    It could be someone kettled behind police lines, someone with a war wound.
    People should know that with Covid , most public toilets are closed and that you carry a bottle with you.
    But the papers will infer is that he is just a drunken yob and that that represents the crowd.

    MP Tobias Ellwood has 23,000 Likes for his tweet expressing disgust
    “During the Westminster bridge attack in 2017,
    Ellwood ran towards the attacker and gave CPR to PC Keith Palmer
    before he died of his injuries.”


    • tomo says:

      If there is one smell I associate with central London away from the high footfall areas it’s stale piss.


  38. taffman says:

    Hidden away some good Brexit news from Wales……………..
    No “Despite Brexit” any more…………………………


  39. Steve Jones says:

    Here is my fool-proof way to spot when the truth about significant news events isn’t what the BBC is trying its best to make you believe; the HYS comments section isn’t opened with the item they are distorting and all the open HYS are suddenly closed.

    Happens every time. The BBC is petrified of the truth leaking in the sinister, devious gits.


    • taffman says:

      Steve Jones
      I think they know ‘the game is up’ ?


      • Steve Jones says:


        What baffles me is why they keep doing it with such public events. It doesn’t matter what they decide to show, our lying eyes can see what is actually happening thanks to social media.
        I think it is largely due to the arrogance of people who know their funding is secure…for now.


    • StewGreen says:

      Before you go super conspiracy theory
      HYS mods don’t work on Sundays
      So they do generally close Saturday tea time
      (except for sport)


  40. StewGreen says:

    Twitter UNCENSORS !
    reinstated the account of Zero Hedge after suspending it for 133 days
    Suddenly says it made a mistake.



  41. JimS says:

    Has the BBC reported on any of President Trump’s recent ’round-table’ sessions with ‘people of color’ and the police?

    I guess they haven’t been reporting on Biden Bumbling in the Bunker either!

    Where is Jon Sopel when you need him?


  42. tapwatertory says:

    The bbc say they are here to inform us.
    So I want to be informed about what BLM want.
    I want Gary McFarlane to be given all the air time possible.
    I want everyone to hear his views.

    In the meantime Dominic Casiani tells me that hundreds of mainly white men who had been drinking turned up in London to protest against BLM.

    He then says they dispersed to go buy more beer before returning.

    Revolution is in the air and it’s directed at the BBC.

    They do not and never will understand the views of the overwhelming majority of this country.

    Kneel for no-one and never apologize for our history and culture.


  43. taffman says:

    “Churchill statue ‘may have to be put in museum’, says granddaughter”
    No need, just put troops around it .


    • tapwatertory says:

      I don’t want the army on the streets.

      Let the people guard it.

      Let’s show them what the people want.

      We choose our future at the ballot box.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        tapwatertory – I see entirely where you’re coming from, and -in America, with the Second Amendment- that might work. Theoretically, they also have the National Guard in every state, which is kinda army anyway.
        But here we have all been disarmed (although one knows certain people have their own weapons well hidden), and ‘the people’ are not sufficiently organised, equipped and disciplined.
        So I would favour the army to come in, although you can imagine the barrage of criticism in the media. When the Somerset and Avon chief cop refused to do her job, when the little piggies went on the run in London, a legally constituted, well disciplined force could have sent the message: we will NOT stand for anarchy in the streets. (It is not for the Khans and Mountstevens to make that choice in a national emergency, they are only the third tier of government.) The army could then have withdrawn speedily, if appropriate.
        Too late now? BLM have won the propaganda battle hands down., and the media love them. We saw them (and the PM/Priti?) yesterday, lying in wait for the ‘far right’ to make mistakes. Some set-ups, obviously. But when ‘the people’ go out there, they are going to be’ far right’, end of.
        I have been watching this play out in Germany for years now, and it’s all clearly laid out.


    • tomo says:

      I’d like to see the BBC in a museum – anybody know a distant descendant of Lord Reith who might be quote worthy?


      • tapwatertory says:

        I’d love that guided tour.

        ‘on your left we have a t-rex, in that room to my right we have a complete history of ancient Greece and in this cupboard behind the mops we have a exhibition about something that claims to be the BRITISH broadcasting corporation but no-one cares anymore’


        • Fedup2 says:

          A wax model of Madam Maitlissss through the ages …
          Create your own QT panel or interactive ‘spot the Brexiter ‘ …..

          Spot an unbiased feature on Toady ( very rare ) ….


  44. fakenewswatcher says:

    If you allow disorder to take a grip, it will flourish.
    We have a democracy, and that gives the law its legitimacy. The standard for being an MP doesn’t seem to be very high, and the HoL looks like an expensive con-trick, but this is the legislature we’re stuck with, and which that law derives from. We have to make the best of it.
    Imperfect though all this may be, people who break the law need to be punished. Allow leeway, and expect escalation. Our very own little ‘Arab Spring’ perhaps?
    The legislature picks the PM, and the PM picks his team. That is the executive branch, which is supposed to act, to enforce the law. The judicial branch decides on the punishment for lawbreakers. The real alternative to this imperfect system seems to me to be anarchy.
    When BLM started attacking police and toppling statues, the law should have been strictly enforced, and seen to be. It wasn’t. From that moment on, everything was thrown to the winds.
    I’m sorry to say that the buck stops with the executive branch, so whatever failure we have seen, that is where the responsibility ultimately lies. Illness is no excuse, however sympathetic we may be. It seems ‘collective responsibility’ hasn’t really worked.
    Our partisan, sensation-seeking media have contributed hugely to this failure: the more the executive and legislature play to the gallery, the more they fail.
    In that sense, the 24/7 media frenzy appears to ensure that the legitimacy of the law is corroded and our democracy eroded. With their agendas and narratives, the media have chosen to be dishonest and manipulative, instead of holding government to account. Sensation rules. We become cynical. The rot spreads everywhere and pollutes everything: culture, business, language, education -the works.
    As we are now finding out.
    The most visible link between the public and the failing government is the dishonest and manipulative, publicly-funded bbc.
    We need to get rid, if only to make an example.


    • G says:

      “We have a democracy, and that gives the law its legitimacy.”
      That’s the veneer. The law lost its legitimacy when it became selective in what crime it pursued and the race of criminals perpetrating the crimes. That includes the courts. They now take a political posture. Look no further than the highest court in the land – the Supreme Court. No need to go over all that we know from last year and its ‘Supreme’ ability to make the law up on the hoof.
      “Democracy”? That’s now in the hands of those who shout loudest and professional issue campaigners like lobbyists.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        G – What I wrote was the normative version of things. The empirical is different, as you say.
        I think the normative version may already be vanishing down the plughole. What we are left with, sitting shivering and paralysed in the empty bath, is uncomfortably close to what Peter Hitchens described in his DM piece on Regime Change.
        First you think: we have a large ‘conservative’ majority in parliament, how could this possibly have happened? Then you realise in the pit of the stomach that you KNOW because you’ve been watching this slow-motion nuclear event unfolding for a long time.
        I remember 1968. I also remember Blair arriving in 1997, and had time to watch him and his Comrade, GB. Latterly I’ve watched parliament knuckle under to Bercow. I watched Surkeer’s antics when he was still with the CP. I also felt he was a Blair Mk II – far more dangerous than Corbyn. A sign of what was going on ‘under the surface’; things shifting. Could go on, and on and on.


  45. JimS says:

    First, a confession, I haven’t watched any ‘Floyd’ video.

    I don’t think ‘justice’ is served by doing so and certainly not by commenting on what people think they saw.

    Returning to one of my well-worn but ignored themes, half the reaction has just had the effect of retreating on the battlefield of the enemy’s choosing. BLM picked this fight and their natural opponents have immediately conceded to their ‘argument’.

    The ‘correct’ response should have been to await the results of the inquiry/trial when all the evidence should be examined properly.

    Because of all the comments any trial before a jury ought to fail because they just can’t help but pre-judge.

    I suspect that what will emerge is a) the ‘murder’ wasn’t racially motivated and b) the officer used an approved technique under reasonable circumstances.

    Of course if that happens BLM will go mental and all the people who should be in favour of ‘due process’ will have to go along because they didn’t stick to that moral principle in the beginning but yielded to the mob before the truth was established.

    Walking backwards from the enemy will never achieve victory.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      And because the charges were ramped up to second rather than third degree murder for political reasons, it’s quite likely that the evidence will not support this and he gets off.

      Cue more riots.

      Unless he doesn’t live long enough.


    • Fedup2 says:

      We can play the ‘colour ‘ game -let’s see —— black judge – black defence ‘team’ white prosecution ‘team ‘ 50/50 jury – and the makings of a television wall to wall job making the
      OJ Trial look tame …..

      Jury selection will take months because everyone on the jury will be writing their book and selling their stories….


  46. BRISSLES says:

    A jury will not be all white, so there won’t be any chance of a ‘fair’ trial, in fact its a case of why bother with a jury or waste money on a trial, because the verdict is already in. Its been intimated by several black people on camera in America, that if the policemen don’t get sent down, then they ‘guarantee’ American cities will burn.


    • Van Helsing says:

      The nature and extent of the pre-trial publicity will no doubt be seized upon by the defence lawyers. This one might run and run.


    • G says:

      A fair trial in the States? Just look what’s happened in the Gen. Flynn case just days ago. The judge, Sullivan, a blatant marxist/Democrat and just, more marxist/Democrat judges piling on in open conflict with the law.


  47. StewGreen says:

    @fakenewswatcher Re Wednesday’s Media show
    about r”Who sets the news agenda ?” & BLM

    FFS It came live from the sixth form common room where 3 people from the student paper and Amol were all completely into BLM
    Well that’s what it sounded like

    Clive Myrie slyly saying “Of course as an impartial journalist I would never say Trump is racist …but I’ll insuate anyway”
    FFS no you shouldn’t cos labelling someone as racist is just as bad as being racist.
    You should only use such power labels if you have the EVIDENCE
    and with Trump2020 there isn’t the evidence.
    …. You could however label Trump a “cad” and show the evidence of his past affairs etc.

    The Bristol journo proudly boasted ow he obscurred the faces of the Bristol statue vandals , cos he’s not in the business of helping the police catch these lawbreakers.

    Then they had Moya Lothian-Mclean from Vice
    She claimed 94% of British journos are white.
    Well how come about 30% of the ones we see on TV are non-white when it should be 13% to be proportionate ?

    Amol “politicians share things from social media
    some even shared a clip fro (ashamed tone) produced by an associate of Tommy Robinson”
    and he handed the topic to Claire Wardle whose speciality is busting MISINFORMATION.
    FFS that is Orwellian
    .. Amol referred to something as if it is so horrible we are not allowed to know what the shared video was about and who made it
    I don’t see anything on Twitter
    The panels attitude of guilt by association is exactly the same as people saying they wouldn’t go to a shop run by a Bob cos Bob is friends with black men.

    Everyone of those studio guests were pure Guardian bubbleworld
    a few minutes on their Twitter profile and you’ll be finding tweets from their associates with a racist tone about “The gammon” being “thick” “inbred” etc.

    FFS there is no chance of Amol doing a show next week from the other side of the fence ..the football lads side.


    In a country of 66 million people
    Just 2 people tweeted about the prog


    • StewGreen says:

      The video that is so unholy they couldn’t mention
      was the one that implied Keir starmer had deliberately blocked CSE prosecutions when he was Attorney General
      It’s said it took his speech ad edited out bits.
      Absolutely wrong action, but MSM do malicious editing all the time.

      The account was in the name @njamesworld
      Mirror says James’ is James (Edwin or Edding)
      I’ve never heard of him
      And nothing on Google or Twitter connects those names with TR
      I expect Amol got his claim from The Hatey No Hopers


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Stew -Control of the media narrative. When government and police fail (and pick sides, as dictated by the media), that is the only game in town.
      Unless the army had been sent in to deal with BLM anarchists, when the cops allowed anyone to do whatever they liked, and trash whatever they liked. We made have had a basis for sanity and for the law to operate as it should.
      The propaganda war has been lost. The show is now being run by people like Stormzy and the Diver Extraordinaire and their ilk. That’s also where the big money is; turns out society had the wrong priorities all along.
      I hope I’m wrong, but it looks as if Boris and Co will run with the celebs and their media lackeys, instead of the 66 million.
      Bad choice.
      Now, we need to figure out what to do in this situation.