Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
First, a confession, I haven’t watched any ‘Floyd’ video.
I don’t think ‘justice’ is served by doing so and certainly not by commenting on what people think they saw.
Returning to one of my well-worn but ignored themes, half the reaction has just had the effect of retreating on the battlefield of the enemy’s choosing. BLM picked this fight and their natural opponents have immediately conceded to their ‘argument’.
The ‘correct’ response should have been to await the results of the inquiry/trial when all the evidence should be examined properly.
Because of all the comments any trial before a jury ought to fail because they just can’t help but pre-judge.
I suspect that what will emerge is a) the ‘murder’ wasn’t racially motivated and b) the officer used an approved technique under reasonable circumstances.
Of course if that happens BLM will go mental and all the people who should be in favour of ‘due process’ will have to go along because they didn’t stick to that moral principle in the beginning but yielded to the mob before the truth was established.
Walking backwards from the enemy will never achieve victory.
And because the charges were ramped up to second rather than third degree murder for political reasons, it’s quite likely that the evidence will not support this and he gets off.
Cue more riots.
Unless he doesn’t live long enough.
We can play the ‘colour ‘ game -let’s see —— black judge – black defence ‘team’ white prosecution ‘team ‘ 50/50 jury – and the makings of a television wall to wall job making the
OJ Trial look tame …..
Jury selection will take months because everyone on the jury will be writing their book and selling their stories….
A jury will not be all white, so there won’t be any chance of a ‘fair’ trial, in fact its a case of why bother with a jury or waste money on a trial, because the verdict is already in. Its been intimated by several black people on camera in America, that if the policemen don’t get sent down, then they ‘guarantee’ American cities will burn.
The nature and extent of the pre-trial publicity will no doubt be seized upon by the defence lawyers. This one might run and run.
A fair trial in the States? Just look what’s happened in the Gen. Flynn case just days ago. The judge, Sullivan, a blatant marxist/Democrat and just, more marxist/Democrat judges piling on in open conflict with the law.
@fakenewswatcher Re Wednesday’s Media show
about r”Who sets the news agenda ?” & BLM
FFS It came live from the sixth form common room where 3 people from the student paper and Amol were all completely into BLM
Well that’s what it sounded like
Clive Myrie slyly saying “Of course as an impartial journalist I would never say Trump is racist …but I’ll insuate anyway”
FFS no you shouldn’t cos labelling someone as racist is just as bad as being racist.
You should only use such power labels if you have the EVIDENCE
and with Trump2020 there isn’t the evidence.
…. You could however label Trump a “cad” and show the evidence of his past affairs etc.
The Bristol journo proudly boasted ow he obscurred the faces of the Bristol statue vandals , cos he’s not in the business of helping the police catch these lawbreakers.
Then they had Moya Lothian-Mclean from Vice
She claimed 94% of British journos are white.
Well how come about 30% of the ones we see on TV are non-white when it should be 13% to be proportionate ?
Amol “politicians share things from social media
some even shared a clip fro (ashamed tone) produced by an associate of Tommy Robinson”
and he handed the topic to Claire Wardle whose speciality is busting MISINFORMATION.
FFS that is Orwellian
.. Amol referred to something as if it is so horrible we are not allowed to know what the shared video was about and who made it
I don’t see anything on Twitter
The panels attitude of guilt by association is exactly the same as people saying they wouldn’t go to a shop run by a Bob cos Bob is friends with black men.
Everyone of those studio guests were pure Guardian bubbleworld
a few minutes on their Twitter profile and you’ll be finding tweets from their associates with a racist tone about “The gammon” being “thick” “inbred” etc.
FFS there is no chance of Amol doing a show next week from the other side of the fence ..the football lads side.
In a country of 66 million people
Just 2 people tweeted about the prog
The video that is so unholy they couldn’t mention
was the one that implied Keir starmer had deliberately blocked CSE prosecutions when he was Attorney General
It’s said it took his speech ad edited out bits.
Absolutely wrong action, but MSM do malicious editing all the time.
The account was in the name @njamesworld
Mirror says James’ is James (Edwin or Edding)
I’ve never heard of him
And nothing on Google or Twitter connects those names with TR
I expect Amol got his claim from The Hatey No Hopers
Stew -Control of the media narrative. When government and police fail (and pick sides, as dictated by the media), that is the only game in town.
Unless the army had been sent in to deal with BLM anarchists, when the cops allowed anyone to do whatever they liked, and trash whatever they liked. We made have had a basis for sanity and for the law to operate as it should.
The propaganda war has been lost. The show is now being run by people like Stormzy and the Diver Extraordinaire and their ilk. That’s also where the big money is; turns out society had the wrong priorities all along.
I hope I’m wrong, but it looks as if Boris and Co will run with the celebs and their media lackeys, instead of the 66 million.
Bad choice.
Now, we need to figure out what to do in this situation.
Cruel. Very cruel.
I have checked this. It’s true.
Just checked. We had no PM 1940-45. Apparently. What is going on?
Looking at the BBC and Google using deduction, I think I have worked out what is going on.
According to BBC Fake News we see people saluting a statue to the censored 1940-45 Prime Minister, using NAZI salutes.
I therefore presume that BBC/Google is airbrushing history to make plebs deduce that the Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 was Oswald Mosley, and therefore must be airbrushed from history because of racism. As you can see, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister from 1951 to 1955, but no Photo is available. But as many West Indian males at this time were called Winston. I believe BBC/Google wants you to assume that Winston was Black. In fact its well known that the BBC wants Black actors to play the part of Winston Churchill from now on. As someone who worked for the BBC said “Who controls the past controls the future”
Removal of information in the form of censorship, and then replacing the information with selected biased clues, pointing towards the BBC’s preferred narrative, is how the BBC airbrushes truth, and replaces it with fake news.
Danny freelance at CECUO?
That reply is hilarious.
IIRC, an ex BBC Newsnight Editor ended up at Google.
Nothing to see here.
Prime Minister Churchill is in the images of Duckduckgo but you’ll have to scroll down to find them. Same with Prime Minister Thatcher. In fact there are more images of Dancing Terry May than of Margaret Thatcher. And Mr Cameron seems to be over represented too.
Google now being deleted from my life. It can be done….
It is clear to me that race relations have been put back a generation or more. Once you label the majority white population as the other and inherently beyond redemption as racist . ( unless you are working for the BBC/Guardian etc )then you effectively end up with de facto segregation.
Take the police. It will now be too dangerous for unarmed police to enter BME majority areas and anyway they are seen now as the enemy. Clear after the recent attack in Hackney.
This means that only BME police will be permitted. Unless as many want you simply withdraw completely. A defund the police in name.
Added to that the ordinary white citizen fearful of giving offence and wanting a quiet life will avoid contact unless necessary. Much like they avoid any eye contact or interaction with a woman in a burka. That will not be a result of racism but fear. This will gradually mean that whole cities will be segregated on racial lines. There are elements on both sides who want this.
Nobody thinks things through anymore. The chance was lost last week when the government failed to make it clear that the law was the law and would not be broken at will. Today we have seen more disorder and that is but a foretaste.
Dave – You are right. Terrible damage was done last weekend.
What a victory for the anarchists and agent provocateurs.
I wrote, with a degree of facetiousness last week about little sick
old me “manning the barricades” all because Cressida Dick did not have the sense to tell her officers to make sure that the statue of
Winston Churchill and the Cenotaph were to be protected. Instead
we had the police prostrating themselves before the mob.The perfect storm was created
for what happened yesterday.
What is unbelievable is that the BBC ,the national “unbiased ”
broadcaster has acted almost like an enemy of the state
during all of this. Siding with an organization whose aims are
for anarchy. Carry on BBC , you are succeeding.
“Once you label the majority white population as the other and inherently beyond redemption as racist”.
‘Fraid its all part of the Chinese plan which is well underway now. Personally, I cannot see, practically, anyway other than their plan needing to continue to naturally unfold. After all, in the knowledge of that plan (it would be downright crass to suppose it is not within the knowledge or contemplation of) the western political elite being complicit. Add the communist, Soros to the mix as well.
The idiots who caused trouble yesterday have played right into the hands of the BBC, who can now contrast the ‘far-right thugs’ with those nice, largely peaceful BLM demonstrators.
They duly obliged: “Police were attacked by demonstrators, some of whom were far-right activists, after thousands gathered claiming they were protecting statues.”
Own goal, football clubs. All moral advantage squandered.
They can even let the Government do the job for them: “PM condemns “racist thuggery” as far-right protesters clash with police.”
Where is our PM? Is Al Beeb censoring him ? Or is he in a safe space ? He should be supporting our police and defending all statues and icons of the UK’s history.
If he knows what’s good for him and his Tory party, he should defund Al Beeb. He should get rid of the Telly Tax and allow the public to support Al Beeb by charitable donations, if they so wish? We will then see how popular it is ? Finally , just what is this fellow Cummings doing ?
He should resign, and take his Home Secretary with him. He insults our veterans in order to kow tow to the media.
Has the bbc fact checked this yet?
Actual fact checking in action.
As opposed to what 20,000 staff and £5,000,000,000 generates.
Sadiq will be devastated.
Hyper bouncing around and holding up mobiles seems de rigger now.
Maybe Mossad can help?
Has Al Beeb run the story “what do we know about Black Lives Matter” ? Or fact checked their policy to De-fund the police ? They could even run a story on “Is Al Beeb impartial?” An in-depth investigation on itself .
As likely as an investigation into the XR manifesto, Greta’s operation or what Citizen’s Assemblies might turn out to be.
Mishal probably flying over to Ad Blue now on a promo tour.
Just got a marketing email from Aston Martin, a marque I like.
It has a certain smug bbc breakfast gob as spokeslady atop it.
Oh well. I could not afford one anyway.
Happy to confirm that VD is the epitome of BBC ‘journalism’.
The removal of Churchill by Google is frightening. The world’s largest search engine can now positively discriminate to satisfy a few thousand snowflakes ….wow. let’s not be under any illusion here this Antifa numbers a few thousand yet they can count on a resource that has a budget of 4 Billion. The whole of the BBC is behind them supporting them with a massive propaganda budget. They are using OUR money to push the anti white, male, Christian and capitalist agenda . The country voted NO in December to Corbaynist ultra left politics and yet they continue to push knowing that they cannot win by the ballot box. If we aren’t careful law and order in this country will collapse as the police will turn a blind eye to ultra left none democratic methods as to act against the ultra left is to act against the wishes of the woke ultra left chief constables. If it does come to violence on a large scale then if history shows anything its that White Christian males are very good in a scrap.
Let’s hope for all our sakes the Government gets a grip but sadly I feel that Boris is on the side of the anarchists he is weak willed and more scared of the press than the electorate, we need more than ever a strong leader in No 10.
We were warned that Boris was just a showman in it for himself and I fear that we didn’t listen…….god help us all.
Vote and support The Brexit Party . The enemy of Al Beeb.
I voted Brexit Party, but we have a brilliant MP here in Holly Lynch a more carring and compasonate person I have yet to meet a true socialist. I do hope one day we get people like Holly back in power she hasn’t an anti anything bone in her body. We seem to forget that only recently has the Labour party been hijacked by Marksists a true return to socialism as an alternative is what this country needs.
There must be merit in a, “true socialist” I have no doubt. But it doesn’t stop there as ‘Momentum’ would doubtless testify (if they were honest). It’s that inexorable slide to unashamed Communism that’s the problem.
The Google doodle next VE Day should be.
I just looked and couldn’t believe it. Send email to google CEO..not that will make any difference.
But there are ways of getting back…not using google…trouble is not enough people will do that.
Where is Boris..a man that supposedly loves Churchill…
I am so disappointed with him -Boris – in fact with the whole of the elected officials in this country..
They love the position of power and the accolades but when it comes to protecting the democracy and free speech that got them there they are suddenly mute
It makes me want to leave the UK and watch it sink into a sh*te hole…its likely route if nothing changes
We, the people, must rise up at some point…somehow
I have just read the Sun even that is becoming lefty. Its all about advertising at the end of the day the advertising executives today are young and woke hence DFS Sainsbury Vodafone and Ikea to name but a few think that using BME actors in adverts will improve product recognition and sales. I for one don’t use Sainsbury DFS or Ikea anymore but I did get a cracking deal off Vodafone last week so they are on thier final warning lol
Shots fired.
Maybe Jimbo Harding could create a spin off to Tortoise call Swamp, featuring every ex-BBC greasball, drunk and lardarse even Aunty could not stomach?
Losing a loved one is awful.
As is milking grief selectively.
Corbyn is all over this like a rash.
Google doodled it?
Grenfell was Corbyn’s baby. He really thought that it would help him into Downing Street. I thought he would have given up on all that by now
Isn’t green islam’s favourite colour?
I’m sure we’re all perfectly well aware of this escalating bias but just to reiterate:
Last weekend
BBC: 27 police officers injured in largely peaceful demos
And now this weekend
BBC: Six police officers suffered minor injuries in the clashes… More than 100 arrests after violent clashes with police
8am Radio news
#1 “6 police hurt injured in VIOLENT Far Right protests in London”
You what ??
vs “35 police hurt in PEACEFUL BLM protests in London”
#2 A man urinated next to PC Palmer memorial
Long clip of outraged person
(not a good look, but they had a way of making it sound like he was urinating on it.
It is a bit hidden away near to the ground on a bushy wall
Secondly it is strange to elevate such an event, similar things must have happened in the BLM demos
Logically it is PR to dwell on this one thing)
#3 Atlanta police says he understands why their protests turned VIOLENT, cos tension had built up.
#5 Remember Grenfell tonight with 72 ritual church bells across the country.
I hope the 6 police , recover it should not have happened.
… And there is no mention of the violence by black packs/antifa.
But we know you go to one of these things, then next day open up the paper and the event depicted is completely different from the one you saw with your own eyes.
It was obvious from the start that whatever happened a lot of forces including the media were going to make sure the “patriot protesters” looked worse than the BLM protesters.
I’m reading the report on the Daily Mail website and one of the pictures is captioned: “Activists from far-right linked groups chant as they face police officers in Trafalgar Square on June 13, 2020 in London, United Kingdom. Following a social media post by the far-right activist known as Tommy Robinson, members of far-right linked groups have gathered around statues in London”. That just seems very woolly and ambiguous – I mean, were the far-right involved or not? Why are the Daily Mail so keen not to even mention them at all?
(need to scroll down quite a lot)
The World Service this morning. After the news read by a black man. A “debate” on the program Global Questions about racism and white privilege. Program hosted by Zeinab Badawi with a panel
of 2 black people.
Clearly white privilege has been eradicated at the BBC.
Pleeeeease QT, get her, Lammy, Butler, Gary and Surkeer on.
This self righteous screech from the lesbian Lib Dem who, notoriously, had the police to her house when she violently assaulted her husband.
Now she’s cosily shacked up with another woman.
Strange times…
Strange party it seems. What happened to Swinson being PM I wonder? They had convinced themselves that she was going to win the GE.
Like you said. Strange times!
VD going to have to up BBC’s game.
Talk show DJ is suspended for saying he’s not ‘white and privileged’ during on-air debate about Black Lives Matter
Stuart Peters, 65, has worked for Manx Radio on the Isle of Man for 20 years
He said he understood why protests were happening in the US but not in the UK
The Free Speech Union defended him and started a campaign to reinstate him
A popular radio DJ has been suspended after defending himself
during an on-air debate about the Black Lives Matter movement.
Talk-show host Stuart Peters denied he had benefited from ‘white privilege’ when challenged by a black listener on his late-night programme. The presenter was taken off the air the following day.
Last night he told The Mail on Sunday the decision amounted to an ‘Orwellian attempt at mind and speech control’.
That’s quite old isn’t it
He was suspended on June 4th
BBC story was June 5th.
FSU pledged to defend him
What are you calling the last election?
I am not too impressed with the Starmer leaning Daily Mail at the moment but this is a DM story that won’t slip onto the BBC
That’s not what they said in 1862… Critics seize on how the BLM-backing Guardian was built on a fortune from cotton picked by slaves, sided with the Confederates and branded Abraham Lincoln ‘abhorrent’
Of course I am just being biased here as I am really starting to hate the Guardian the same way that I hate the BBC. Both are the same anyway
The Guardian should be shut down over this. The BBC, as its main customer, should be forced to apologise over its links and thus keeping alive the memory of slavery, which is so painful to all
guilt-ridden white liberals, unwashed students and anarchistsblack people. The BBC should be forced to pay reparations to the British people – a quick calculation reveals that a sum of around £4 billion per annum would be appropriate.yes and the BBC should rerun on all the news stories they avoided going back at least a decade.
Grooming gangs anyone?
On the surface the marriage of the BBC to the Guardian is something of a conundrum. After all, why should the ‘world’s greatest broadcaster’ and source of all that is fine and good align itself with a radical newspaper of dubious morals and yet more dubious circulation – certainly one of the lower, if not lowest news sources with consistently massaged figures to barricade against a sad reality – and whose methods, honesty and maturity has been questioned for decades.
I think the two complement one another so comprehensively because both reflect the arrogance of what passes today as the elite/intelligentsia. Almost exclusively university educated – whether with any level of merit or achievement seems, with a delicious irony, of secondary importance – they believe themselves the ultimate arbiters of political discussion, opinion and direction.
They are in love because both speak the same language to an introverted, essentially ignorant and embarrassingly small and dwindling section of society.
‘our colleagues at the Guardian’.
The BBC have accepted that Goodall made a mistake and have subsequently apologised.
What he meant to say was ‘our comrades at the Guardian’.
The BBC Andrew Marr show, including David Lammy, making a big deal out of the “right wing” urinating man next to the memorial to PC Keith Palmer but they never mention why the memorial is there in the first place.
When some whining non-entity stands up in parliament next week and demands that everyone in the House stands firm with the cuddly BLM against the ‘racist thuggery’ of those horrible, extreme ‘right-wing’ agitators and thugs, will someone just someone stand up and tell them what the true aims of the BLM movement are (defund the police etc.), the involvement of Antifa terrorists and about the targeting yesterday of lone white males by feral gangs on London streets.
That someone (if any) is the one who deserves to be PM.
Trevor Coult was just on the bBC ‘news’ channel – terrible sound so difficult to hear him. He said that the violence was nothing to do with the veterans or football lads (he blamed EDL/Britain First). He was cut off by ?Ben Brown as he was trying to make another point. “We’ve run out of time.”
Watched the interview on News24 with a Veteran and he was allowed to give his side of the story on yesterday’s protection of our History March …….interviewer kept trying to interrupt and finally cut him off ……someone was obviously screaming in his ear ” for God’s sake finish it now we don’t any truth coming out ”
Wish I could remember his name …well done that Hero
another Veteran who must obviously be a ‘far right hooligan’ in BBC speak and another reason to close the army down. All that Corbyn rubbish coming back again
Wokeism is now infesting the western world.
It seemed to start in the universities with snowflake students banning speakers they didn’t agree with and needing “safe places” to hide in.
Now, because this passive aggressive intolerance wasn’t nipped in the bud, it’s spread. It’s everywhere.
No longer confined to banning Nick Griffin, or tearing down statues, the woke stazi are renaming public buildings and removing books.
It’s quite amusing, in a rather tragic way, to see some formerly incredibly woke types fall foul of this intolerant mob.
JK Rowling is the latest, but she won’t be the last. A month or so ago she was lauded, due to her comments on illegal asylum seekers. She couldn’t have been more popular. But look what’s happened. For some reason JK believes that men and women have distinct genders and you can’t change them. Extraordinary views, I’m sure you’ll agree. And first to condemn her have been the three talentless young sprogs from the awful Harry Potter films. The latest to clamber aboard the bandwagon is the ugly little ginger one; sorry I can’t remember his name. “”Of course trans-women are women” the sage told us, “everybody must accept that.” Yes, Ginger, of course we do…
Rowling’s name had been adopted by schools and used as house names. Now she’s being un-personed. Blimey, it doesn’t take long.
At the time of the French revolution they began by decapitating statues.
Robespierre was the executioner in chief. The man who pointed the finger. Hundreds went to the guillotine on his say so. A truly poisonous little man.
These days we’ve got a modern equivalent; a sort of Wokespierre.
There’s no one organisation. It’s in the media, it’s in the police, it’s infesting parliament. You defy it at your peril.
The BBC are the main proponents of this dangerous cultural sickness. They, more than anyone else, are stirring the pot and pointing the finger. Egging the mob on to greater deeds of violence.
But eventually, when the dust has settled, just like the French revolution, there will be a reckoning.
And we all know what happened to Robespierre…
Katie Hopkins after last weekend wrote about double standards in policing
That is a kind of simple way of putting it .. but I don’t entirely think it is a race thing cos it seems that police have a go soft attitude on certain white areas too, say some council estates, some gypsy camps etc.
As well as against green-protesters & antifa.
Two reasons all of this this happened yesterday…
1. The police did not do their job last week, but ran away, craven cowards in the face of the raving BLM/Antifa mob. I don’t blame the individual police officers, because they were totally abandoned by their senior officers.
2. Heads of police forces basically said that, ‘if we’re faced by a big crowd of BLM/Antifa thugs, we will run away again’ (take note, especially, Essex Police Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington).
So, essentially, a green light was given for BLM/Antifa to desecrate war memorials, statues, whatever, at will. Hence the response of many sensible citizens to try to protect these monuments, inevitably (just as BLM/Antifa has them in great numbers) encouraging a small minority of trouble-makers to participate.
Why the hell does the MSM ignore the basic facts in front of them ? – if the police had done, and continued to do, their job, then the events of yesterday would not have happened. What would have happened was that BLM/Antifa would have carried out, as they had already planned to do, a massive further riot in London, and probably elsewhere.
But that was not the headlines the police and media wanted.
And the problem is…… what do they do over the next few weeks as BLM/Antifa step up their riots (sorry, ‘peaceful protests’) ? Are they going to tell BLM/Antifa that, under no circumstances are they going to be allowed to deface/damage/destroy any further monuments in the UK ? That absolutely no police officer in the UK will kneel down in front of any threats, physical or, especially, political, from anyone ?
Given their performance so far, I would hazard a guess that the answer to these questions is a big, resounding ‘NO’.
But the clock is ticking. A simple answer might be that ‘protests’ will only be allowed in wide open spaces – e.g. wholly contained in Hyde Park – and not in the city streets, where flashpoints are easy to create/take advantage of.
The police moan and whinge that politicians must not interfere in their operational activities – but do I hear of any high-level police activity, across the UK, to prevent all of this happening again ?
Sickening. Absolutely no bunch of thugs, no matter who they are, must be allowed to win in this country.
richard -Intimidation works. Guilt-induced intimidation works even better. Media-supported, guilt-induced, intimidation works best of all. (Naturally, they are only ‘reporting events’.)
@Richard “that was not the headlines the police and media wanted.”
Come on : we know the headlines are written BEFORE the events
..Then at time of the event the news media are busy looking for snippets that support the pre-written headlines.
Still at least one photographer got punched early on
and that is not right.
In one ealy video a guy is shouting “stop taking photos” repeatedly
Doh, in a public place people ca take as many photos of adults as they want
..unless the camera guy was looking to take photos of people peeing.
Thank goodness for the bbbc online local news section
somewhere to hide:
Mass industrial scale racist aggravated gang rapes by muslims of white schoolchildren
racist muslims knifiing jews in the street
racist muslims attacking chinese and indian girls in bars
whilst keeping the front page open for the usual anti white male race baiting sh@t
according to the bbbc chinese, jewish and white lives matter not a bit
This Bish ever checked out the skinny in his demographic continent of origin?
on a car journey yesterday, had the misfortune to listen to radio 2 for the seconds it took me to retune:
a grown man talking like a girl (Alan Carr) sooo grating and pathetic
back to classic FM tuned into radio 2 again later and guess what ? a grown man talking like a girl again Ryan Clark something
you dont just HAVE to be gay to work at the bbc if you are a white man you have to talk like a 13 year old girl as well
maybe a bbc test to make sure you are gay enough to work for them ?
if you are a white male your only chance of a career there
We had Radio 2 on in the car yesterday also Darcy.Only a 15 minute journey each way but guess what…another gay male! Pick of the pops with Paul Gambaccini at least he doesn’t go overboard with the campness like the other two girls that you mention.
Edit.Just checked the schedule and pick of the pops was between the other two so a hat trick of gayness ????️????
In 2018 a third of prisoners in US jails were black, and ” among those ages 35 to 39, for example, about one-in-twenty black men were in state or federal prison in 2018 “. And I shouldn’t think they were incarcerated for nicking sherbert from the local shop !
Honestly ? I was brought up with the mantra “everyone is born equal” (yes, I know – and some are more equal than others), but during my lifetime the contact I’ve had with ethnics has been minimal, mainly through my career in the NHS. It was noticeable during this time, that despite being polite and worklike, there was a distinct lack of ‘wanting to be friends’, by them, and more than one of my white colleagues said the same, it was evident that most of the black staff (I hasten to add not all, but most) had the proverbial chip on their shoulder, and yet my work colleagues and I worked in administration whereas the BAMEs were in the more revered position of clinicians ! Not exactly the downtrodden section of that community, but nevertheless still on the defensive.
I think whatever we do in this country to ‘appease’, it will never be enough for them, they are a race with this huge ‘chip’ and defensive attitude and are resentful that they too weren’t born white.
noticable the silly (black) bitch demanding the removal of the Churchill statue has surprisingly blonde hair… a genetic thing maybe ?
And the silly Harrys bitch wife megan has surprisingly straght hair, straight nose and pale skin for someone who whinges on and on about black matters
funny thing those genetics
as for michael jackson….
Viewing the recent events led me to wonder what Markle the Sparkle would be doing to embarrass the Queen, had not she and the Ginger accessory decamped to the USA. Itching to get out there with a rope and a can of spray paint perhaps?
Well SHE has got her own quandary to think about now. Her bezzie mate Jessica – she who introduced Megs to the social elite of Canada and organised her wedding, has got herself in a right old doo doo, by having an on-line spat with a black ‘influencer’. Poor old Jessie, who was the right hand gal of Megs, looking after Archie and general fixer, will now be sent to Mongolia after her black spat. Megs is notorious for using and dumping, and this will be the biggest dump of all time he ! he ! he!
I would posit envy as a significant force behind the blm protests as they have not the verbal skills to actually explain what they are protesting about specifically
or maybe many just like violence (physical and verbal)
no maybe about it actually just look at Notting Hil carnival and others such as Luton
Riots and mayhem EVERY year
shops boarded up etc etc
I liked the one “It was caused by last weeks criminal damage by the left wing thugs Captain Hindsight.”
Captain Hindsight is a fit for almost all the politicians in any of the main parties.
A book by Josephine Tey ‘The Seeds of Time’ on Richard III, uses the ‘Tonypandy riots’ as a perfect example of the way in which political history can become distorted and credible through repetition and ignorance.
Jo Goebells used the technique to perfection.
Since the start of ‘lock-down’ I have been getting emails from Netflix which I just ignore.
Today I decided I had had enough so I thought I would see if I could stop them. According to Netflix I get the emails because I opened an account with them.
Seeing as I have no interest whatsover in Netflix, or any streaming service for that matter, (I am constantly alert to Amazon trying to ‘auto-prime’ me), that can’t be true.
Perhaps TV Licensing shares their database, (I don’t use their service either!).
JimS, doubtless a scam, my brother-in-law had same yesterday, when he examined the originating email address it turned out to be a very odd address and certainly not from Netflix.
BBC report on the demonstration in London yesterday
London protests: More than 100 arrests after violent clashes with police
“More than 100 people have been arrested following violent protests in London on Saturday, the Met Police has said.
Police were attacked by demonstrators, some of whom were far-right activists, after thousands gathered saying they were protecting statues…|
“A statement from the London Ambulance Service said it had treated 15 patients, including two police officers, for injuries at the protests.”
So that’s 2 police officers injured neither of whom had to go to hospital as against 24 Police officers injured in the recent BLM/Antifa rampage. Also no property appears to have been destroyed, no windows smashed. property vandalised etc. etc. etc.
But according to the BBC this event was far more serious!
An absolutely perfect example of BBC’s ability to rewrite history, show their bias and pick sides.
It seems that that idiot peeing beside the memorial for PC Keith Palmer has rightly been arrested.
Making the front headline on the BBC and MSM.
However, have I missed something in regards to that prick on the cenotaph burning the Union Jack.
Has he been arrested, brought into custody and named and shamed.?
Never saw that on the headlines….
But no foreigners arrested? The foreigners figuratively pee on us every day of the week.
I’ve just looked out the window to see my chain-smoking Lithuanian neighbours are setting the barbie up. They have their friends round (“what lockdown?”). This has been the same throughout this chinese virus story so far. She, a so-called, “Carer” visiting elderly residents locally and spreading anything contracted by her and her family. But, ‘what the hell, this is only the UK’. A responsible person should ring the police who, I suspect, may agree that a ‘Carer’ should be held to a higher level of compliance with the lock down rules due to the age and condition of her, ‘clientele’. But no. I won’t. Mainly due to the law’s lack of interest. The ‘Carers’ live in man friend had been living with her for over five years permanently without declaring same to the landlord (or the DHSS), both had no interest when informed. So, no, I won’t ring the police. A waste of my time. Just symptomatic of the UK’s now, law and justice ‘system’.
No quite, although this was all over the Bias-BBC yesterday:
“The peaceful protester falsely accused of burning the union jack.”
Doesn’t he just look the personification of innocence in the carefully edited and cropped BBC photo ????
Venutius, I can’t help but notice the title of the writer of this piece of fabrication..
By Marianna Spring
Specialist disinformation reporter
WTF is a Specialist disinformation reporter?
I believe the character Winston in the Orwell masterpiece on social engineering 1984 was something of the sort, however reluctantly.
In his case he was more accurately a Social disinformation rewriter of history, probably fits this case like a glove!
Nice spot Digg! I went back and checked.
A guess would be ‘She‘ is potentially from The Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm or Khan’s Reichskulturkammer.
It’s so overt now at least the pretence is over.
davylars – Agreed. My guess: that photograph was an absolute gift to someone who had been eagerly waiting and searching for something like that to happen. Bingo!
It was precisely because it was so disgusting, that the image had incalculable propaganda value. It is the hook onto which you can hang an entire narrative about ‘right-wing’ thugs.
The politicians and the media haven’t been found wanting.
People ‘pee’ on walls all the time, especially when there is nowhere else to go.
I doubt if the alleged offender was even aware of the plaque and if he was maybe that was why he didn’t ‘pee’ on it?
Monuments and plaques are more about the people who erect them, not those whom they commemorate.
The museum in Bristol currently housing the Colston statue wants to keep the ‘heroic’ graffiti on it. Maybe Sadiq (descendant of slaver Kublai) Khan should protect the ‘wee-ed’ wall with glass to preserve the ‘cowardly’ stain of right-wing thuggery?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the photo wasn’t a ‘posed one’ set up by the friends of BLM using one their own as the urinatir to smear the anti BLM protests. I doubt anything that I’m told by the MSM these days.
Don’t forget this is still happening
Clive Myrie CONSTRUCTING narrative in his Panorama trailer
“The death of George Floyd” “a turning point in race relations”
.. certainly not in the UK
There was an unlawful killing of a black man in America by a white officer accompanied by mixed race colleagues
..we do not know there is a racial aspect even.
And for the UK, in the UK police were respecting of minorities
.. maybe overly so
eg non white Grenfell cheats were able to get away with fraud for so long
Grooming/Raping gangs were not pursued
and now the pressure is to be even softer on non-whites.
BTW Clive started his job at BBC Radio Bristol
“There was an unlawful killing of a black man in America by a white officer”.
Yet to be established.
It’s the Lockdown, stupid.
It’s important not to miss the fact that much of the motivation for young people suddenly turning to street demos and taking a pop at the cops is in reality neither racial injustice-based nor much to do with an interest in the historic persona of public bronze statuary.
It’s the Lockdown, stupid.
The magnitude of damage done to the economy, society and culture multiplies as each week goes by.
The semi-superstitious social distancing regulations now being enforced, by a government, buffeted by a hostile media, that has made colossal misjudgements, simply act to increase fear, suspicion and paranoia in the population. The government backs off any confrontation where it finds resistance from teacher unions, lefty journos and race demonstrators, and instead brands the quiet majority as the potential plague carriers.
I sense the young people on the streets realise, perhaps subconsciously, how bleak their future will now become.
Some of them may now chant black lives matter – theirs’ won’t. No jobs, no more welfare, no future…
Big bad Boris to blame…? Or is he really just a big blow hard toothless softy and the real blame for trashing their future will in the hands of their lazy politically motivated teachers and their lefty media heroes?
Asiseeit .
A nice piece for a sunday afternoon think – if i may say so .
On the Economy
Really hard to guess whether employment will recover and how quickly . Oil inflation and interest rates might help in the short term but the debt the UK is now carrying will cause pain .
On the young
The kidults crave danger and excitement – and in the face of a selectively weak police theyll take full advantage . I guess police numbers wont be able to cope with real street disorder for long – especially if their bosses are inept
The government is screwed with or without disengaging from the EU .
There is a budget next month which may involve temporary cuts in taxes to get the economy going again .
Youre right – theyve put the real frighteners on and they wont come off easily . Also playing gotcha and the blame game had frightened people into avoiding the failed NHS and being active . Long term health effects of those who suffered the virus as well as those with lockdown effects will be a strain .
It doesnt matter
Events – unknown unknowns – what comes after plague ? War ? Another Plague ? At least people will have toilet paper next time
Just to add to the complications of thinking through this mess I can’t help but notice a news pop up appearing today to rather regret the virus death toll “only 31”
Assuming the government somehow magically gets through this without either massive devaluation, inflation, tax rises or debt crisis welfare cuts…
…then in future there’s absolutely no argument left for any amount of government spending deficit, is there?
You didn’t like HS2? Try HS3 & HS4. Universal Wage – no problem at all. How high do you want it to be? EU getting shitty about access to their precious single market – pay them £50bn year with increases for inflation for the next 99 years.
Perhaps we should just learn from the teachers. Let’s put on a mask, sit back and let the Bank of England print us all a living.
Could someone pop down to the allotment and ask Corbyn for any ideas what else we can splurge cash on? We’re printing the stuff faster than we can shovel it out of the door.
It’s quite amazing the difference a week makes.

I hear the BBC dont like being called SCUM MEDIA so when I refer to them they will be called out on this. BBC(SCUM MEDIA) from now on.
Can we just stick with BBCSM it’s easier to type.
Just been down town. The madness continues, the purpose of the 15 metres of barriers down the side of the road becomes clear, it is to enforce ‘social distancing’ between people and cars.
I have long though that there must be some poor soul in ONS adding up every couple of yards that councils call bike lanes so that a minister can announce that we now have another 100 miles of cycle path, (but in 10,000 fragments). Now they will have another little task.
There must have been more risk in those council workmen putting up the barriers than any risk that their action has mitigated.
I will say it again, is there anyone under the age of 60 with a working brain? Did ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ carry subliminal messages to make them all dumb?
2pm in news “Man arrested for urinating (near) Palmer memorial”
They didn’t Labour the point.
but is that really news ?
I’m sure that last weekend at the BLM protests some white/black people urinated inconsiderately given the present situation , re toilets being closed,
… but I don’t want any of them arrested
i do want genuine criminals like stabbers, bike throwers etc. to be arrested.
Notting Hill Carnival.
Not just a chip_on_shoulders_athon
Not just a punch_athon.
Not just a stab_athon.
Not just a shoot_athon.
Not just a sniff_athon
Not just an inhale_athon
Not just an inject_athon.
Not just a loud_nosise_athon_they_claim_it_is_music_athon
Not just an arson_athon
Not just a destruction_athon
Not just a #1 ♂ in_public_athon
Not just a #1 ♀ in_public_athon
Not just a #2 ♂ in_public_athon
Not just a #2 ♀ in_public_athon
revised totals for yesterday
now “None of the officers injuries are serious.”
“Total number of police officers injured – 23”
“arrests 113”
I say it’s a big crime of omission not to mention the number of protesters injured or in hospital.
And also to put an arrest total which implies zero were BLM people.
And the new figures now show that instead of the original 2 injuries reported by police officers they are now spookily almost exactly the same number of police officers as were injured at the previous BLM stunt (Although rather more seriously in that case!)…
You have to consider carefully the words. “None of the officers injuries are serious”
Quite possibly PTSD or any other symptom leading to a couple of weeks on the sick or just trying to balance the books?
“None of the officers injuries are serious”
Be fair, some of these new-style Met cops could be off work for weeks with a cracked Thermos.
Asiseeit – can we assume that many of the injuries to plod were caused by kneeling ….
Housemaids Knee. Oh! Sorry! Thinking of ‘housemaids’ before any black complains: No, as a child we did not have a black housemaid and we were certainly not, ‘white privileged’.
I’m socially distancing myself from the MSM as well as the BBC so I gather that the event in Central London on Saturday had all the public order bits to crush white people – who plod seems to be less scared of than coloured yoot .
I wonder is the same plod ‘manager’ was in charge of both? Is there still a police commissioner ? I mainly pick up bits from twitter but she doesn’t seem to be up front on law and order – talk about devalueing the office .
But let’s face it – when plod started clapping on Westminster bridge – including the commissioner – it was inevitable that they’d start bending the knee to a third world kidult rabble …..
Fortunately the 20000 plod being recruited across the country is a spit in the ocean As far as upholding the law is concerned but policing is all symbolism And false virtue signalling now instead of law enforcement . I don’t consent any more as I don’t see them as neutral anymore ….
There is going to be a world shortage of knee pads , better gear up production here or shall we buy quality from Turkey again ?
Nappy rash is now a frequent problem in the met.
And in Guardianista land….
The Government is risking children lives by trying to send them back to school…
And then….
The Government is risking children’s education and future by not getting them back to school…
Placing the government on the horns of a dilemna worthy of a forensic genius like Starmer – oh, in fact this bind was constructed by him and his supporters in unions and media.
And Boris, despite his evil genius advisor, didn’t realise that putting public sector workers on indefinite full pay furlough might be a squiffy policy decision.
Don’t get me started….they should never have been on full pay if not working..
They will be the first to fly away on holiday leaving self employed and private sector at home trying to earn money to continue paying their bloody wages and pensions
Don’t hear a clap for those paying taxes….just those that take
As children have more chance of being killed by lightning I expect all these mothers who are scared of sending their children back to school will never let them go outside, at least, not until lightning is either banned or there’s a cure found for it.
Same goes for the teachers who are frightened to go back to the safest jobs in the land. Good job our supermarket checkout girls are made of better stuff.
Or maybe they haven’t finished the spare bedroom yet.
The furlough will be a problem – the ending will be seen as ‘heartless Tories ‘ whatever the circumstances – with food banks – heat or food choices – and ‘genuine hardship ‘ again whatever the circumstance s -.
The BBC will be joyful in leading the charge – doing the Labour Partys ‘job for them . The chancellor will go from ‘favoured ‘ to ‘baddie ‘ and weak Tory backbenchers will come out of the woodwork –
Meanwhile project fear will be fully fired up as the ‘extension ‘ period counts down with more doom and gloom we’ve even seen with the Chinese Virus ….
Which may well be on the way back too .
It’s gloomy but I’m a pessimist – so if things are better that’s a happy story …..
What do you understand reading this sky news banner while they do an article about yesterday’s demonstrations.
Over 100 arrests by police as far right protest.
It might not be word perfect as I can’t remember the exact wording but it’s as near as I can remember.
Does that mean no (or almost no) blm were arrested, only the extreme far right thug hooligans.
I know one was arrested for weeing near a plaque about a policeman killed by enrichers (I think the public toilets are all closed) and I saw lots of loving blm members attacking old veterans and others who went to try and protect our statues from these enrichers.
The extreme far right thug who was caught on camera picking up litter and putting it in a bag was lucky not to be arrested for theft of litter or some other made up charge. He’s the one who said the police tried to stop them coming to London by saying the demo was off.
I see in Breitbart they are reporting that the book burning is starting.
I’m also sick of every politician siding with the ones causing the destruction and violence towards property and all who are not left of Lenin, from the slimy mayor (peace be upon him) to the two faced labour and hopeless Tory virtue signallers who are frightened to say anything that is not pc or that is the truth.
I suppose I have some sympathy with the blm lot who were hoping for a proper riot as they probably need a new tv, laptop and some trainers.
I read, possibly on here, that in America, the blacks are now complaining that shops are no longer opening in their communities as they are sick of being looted. In Georgia or somewhere like that.
Drone couple wrongly arrested 2 years ago
receive £200K from Sussex Police.
Wow lots of people including black/white , TR etc are wrongly arrested, but don’t get compo like that.
The Tory government has now – effectively – increased unemployment benefit to 80% of in-work pay in the private sector and 100% in the public sector.
Take out commuting costs and other in-work expenses and working no longer looks like a particularly sound individual economic choice.
Do you think that Boris realises as soon as we are definitely out of the eu he will lose a huge mass of voters.
So many voted for him as the only option to get out.
If, as reported, Nigel is starting The Reform Party then count me (and possibly millions of others) in. A real Tory party instead of the lefty Boris Tory party.
I couldn’t see Nigel putting Churchill in a box.
Agreed EG, Boris barely qualifies as an 80s ‘wet’, more like a libdem. Didn’t vote for him last time, hoped for the best when he got in, currently feel vindicated in not voting for him. Would prefer a traditional Conservative party but if another UKIP is all there is then it will have to do.