The controversial Far Left Biased BBC continues to campaign for a Far Left Political organisation .Views which do not accord with those of the BBC are ignored or slapped down . As a result more and more people are seeing the BBC for What it is and cancelling their licences .Perhaps one day the Government will do something . Meanwhile The twitter #defundtheBBC campaign is being disrupted by Twitter which is as infected as Google .
Start the Week Thread 15 June 2020
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I’m pleased
I’m pleased to report single figure Covid-19 for the whole of Kent today.
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OMG …..1st?
I was going to go on a full rant after this weekend, but the wind has been taken completely away from my sails by this achievement.
I’ll post again in 10 mins or so, once I’ve regained my ire from the Website we all love to hate.
nooooooooooo ????
Ven, sorry, I was in a ‘Greavsie’ goal-hanging sort of mood. 🙂
I don’t watch TV thank goodness, it is probably as bad for your health as smoking is these days!
However, I had the misfortune to have the radio on whilst driving this morning OMG the 7.00am news on radio two. Far right thugs fighting with police throwing bottles sticks arrests made.
Elsewhere The protest against racism march largely passed off peacefully or words very similar to that. I can’t remember verbatim because the off button was immediately pressed.
What planet do the Bbc think the general public come from. Last weekend we all could see the video’s on social media of police being charged beaten etc by the so called BLM against racism louts and not a peep out of Auntie. Disgraceful. Unbelievable I really cannot believe the current level of bias from the Beeb and cannot understand what on earth they are hoping, if anything to achieve. Disgusting
How do they know people are far right? please don’t answer that I know anyone even remotely right of centre are now deemed “far right thugs by the Bbc and its cronies
Incredulous – Radio 4 is also toxic. As long as they are publicly-financed, they will be arrogant enough to carry on abusing their positions.
The ‘good’ ship BBC and those who wail aboard her passed through the looking-glass a long time ago. There is no hope for them.
You are of course correct mate. Reason I don’t watch or pay for such biased sometimes wicked slant on the truth.
I am informed by the BBC that ducks eggs bought from the supermarket favoured by Beeboids – because they got a lot of work writing for the house newspaper + extra money? and possibly a discount as well – may contain hatchable ducklings.
[I should point out that I, too, am a fan, not so much of the supermarket, but certainly of the rest of the retail business from which I derive no work, earnings or discounts.]
Sales of these eggs should rocket after this free BBC advertising. I understand that the woman who achieved this also keeps chickens. Where the three new ducklings will come in the household pecking order, I have no idea.
After that sentence, I shall tiptoe to the cloakroom to fetch my summer jacket for when the air starts to cool.
You have my sympathies – could i suggest a theraputic rant ….?
Just for you Fed….
They are coming for your town statue, even your street name. That innocuous and irrelevant monument, walked past a million times without thought, is now weaponised by a hateful ‘cancel culture’ hellbent on destroying anything they deem ‘wrong’. Trawling through history, like the inquisition, they hunt out offence and then label with one word; ‘Racist’. It trumps any good in the ledger, stands higher than any achievement. It is the only yardstick by which anyone is measured; to hell with historical context.
Should the Archangel Gabriel himself be immortalised in stone he would be targeted as rebelling against God because he looked a bit funny: ‘we have evidence’ they say! Nothing can escape this kind of inquisition.
We all see the reductive puritanism for what it really is. Marxism. ‘Anti-Racism’ simply used as a conduit, a trojan horse, for policies and decisions utterly rejected under Corbyn yet trailed endlessly by the BBC. Marxism doesn’t care how power is achieved, it just wants power.
The Mayor of London’s (BBC’s politician in residence) recent statement is one of the greatest works of fiction of all time. Is it critiqued anywhere? No. It’s just printed verbatim. This is PRAVDA. Particularly when the deliberate decision vacuum by Mayor Khunt (sic) last weekend, led directly to the very predictable reaction we saw. People will protect what they will not.
The BBC magnify ‘thuggery’ by counter protesters in the same way they minimise ‘riots’ by the BLM crowd. Like the rest of the MSM, they simply hate Britain and therefore amplify what they see as righteous? No critical review anywhere. No sensible, contextualised debate. A fait accompli. We are all racist, everything must change, they are right, if you disagree you are extreme.
I also listened to Nicholas Soames describe how his grandfather would not sanction the protection of his statue by ‘Far Right extremists’. Wow! I’m no extremist but support anyone who defends our heritage and I suspect his grandfather would agree with me not him. Soames is a Tory for Gods sake!!!
We are now in a Culture war. The cancel culture given endless oxygen by a media championed by the BBC, the rest of us defending Britain’s heritage (Good and Bad). Clips are edited to suit a narrative. Dissenting voices are excluded or rounded upon, critique is shouted down and balance ignored. People are turning against the media and the BBC in droves, journalists at counter protests are seen now as an enemy. Objectivity has long gone.
Of course, the ‘Marxist/Liberal left’ is the very blood in the veins of the British Society now. It’s police hierarchy, the educational establishment, the NHS, the BBC, the civil service, even the Premier League. Despite a Tory government, the wagons are constantly encircled by an entirely liberal architecture. They lost Brexit but they will win the culture war.
Fake news has never been, ‘more real’ and the BBC never more hated after these last 2 weeks.
I actually think the fun and games have yet to start. Just wait until unemployment reaches 4 million around November when the furlough stops!
Great post.
The police, our police, who wear the symbol of the Crown, and the authority of E11R on their caps, bowed and submitted. They submitted the Crown and Her Majesty, to indignity that has never ever occurred to the Crown in historic memory.
The following day, it was still possible to recover. . But no one did. It was then up to us, the great British public to rise up and defend the honour of the Crown. To our shame, we didn’t either.
At last, the EDL and others with them, rose to defend the nations’s honour. They may not be the kind of people you or I would invite, but they have more honour then all the elite, PM, cabinet and parliament put together. Its not surprising that the EDL rose up. After all, it was they who protested the mass gang rapes of English girls, which the authorities turned a blind eye. They revealed the ugly shameful secret. Far from a gang of thugs, they are true patriots. Rough hewn but patriots. To an extent they rescued the people’s honour. Its not surprising the elite and their state funded broadcaster, the BBC, castigate the EDL as Far Right.
Make no mistake, if the nation is in peril, it will be these rough men who will defend us, as they did in WW11.
God help us.
Don’t lump all the many patriotic organisations Political and otherwise under the heading EDL-that organisation is non-operative.
Its not operational as an organisation, pity, but the people are still there. I hope and pray so.
They put up with onslaught from the establishment + BBC, because they revealed the complicity in the rape of tens of thousands of English girls by Pakistani Muslims.
Never in the history of any nation anywhere, has there been such a shameful crime. Its as if there was a definite plan by the establishment to extinguish Britain, or atleast wipe out the working class.
Exellent piece- Indeed let us all be in no doubt that all of these extreme leftist subverts operate outside democracy and they’re crushing it by violently stifling opposition and intimidating voters. This assault on democracy by undemocratic far-left extremists is exacerbated by the actions of the increasingly politicised police who collaborate with them-Their aim is to turn what would otherwise be peaceful protests into violence with the media always depicting it as violent clashes between far-right extremists and anti-fascists.By permitting far-left communist inc BBC et al-extremists to hold these counter-protests, yet another fundamental democratic right is crushed by the jackboot of socialism: the right to protest peacefully. This disgraceful corruption of democracy occurs throughout Europe. The message is clear: anyone who dares to oppose multiculturalism will face demonization and attack. It’s the new totalitarian Marxist ideology that has crept almost surreptitiously into our midst. As one put it ‘Nationalist and patriotic people who want to preserve their nations and identities in free liberal democracies aren’t the ones who are dangerous. Far-left totalitarian Marxists and their socialist comrades, BBC et al, all medai, who are forcibly imposing cultural Marxism and stamping out democracy are the real threat to Western civilization and humanity.
Its unsaid. But the BBC and the elite just hope that the British people just lie down and die.
After all they have done everything to put us top nation among medium sized nations, in cv19 mortality rates. Well done NHS too.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
– BBC Bosses Warn Journalists Over Black Lives Matters Bias
– BBC Accused of Hypocrisy Over Reith Art Pieces
The BLM have done a good job ! because they’ve put FEAR into the establishment and authorities. My Labour Councillor bro, said they have enough to deal with re Covid 19 and all that entails, but despite there not being any statues of note in the town, the labour council were going through all the road names to see if there was any ‘history’ that could rebound on them. Apparently one of their number – non white – is milking the current situation for all its worth. Bro is not a happy bunny.
I reckon that helped a bit . Was never sure that Nicky Soames was ever a member of thr Conservative Party – more like thr Soames Party . Im biased against political dynastys anyway – too much inbreeding .
I think you are right about the descent of the BBC as evidenced by the Twitter campaign and the comments that come with it. I reckon capita will be recruiting a lot more stazi with that oh so long list of cancelled TV licences . On which subject the government must be due to leak the outcome of the criminal licence consultation toward the end of the month – perhaps when the last chance of remainers getting another extension is gone …..
I don’t think it would be economic for Al Beeb and Crapita to recruit more stazi. Crapita are not very good in their job. For example they failed with their recruitment campaign for the British Army . With the predicted recession and jobs being at a premium I think there will be more Telly Tax payment defaulters and I understand that a lot of people are switching to Netflix which doesn’t require Telly Tax? Even less revenue for Al Beeb?
Looking at Al Beeb’s website, their news reports at the weekend are not updated as frequently as they used to be. Symptomatic of a cut back in staff ?
Perhaps maxincony can help us on that one ?
I get by now on £6 a month on Netflix – amazon prime TV is just an add on with a lot of dross .
For the BBC – the economics of spending a lot of money chasing a growing number of TV tax evaders like me must get painful . I seem to recall they spend £200 million ? On it ….
With daytime TV competition like sturmenfuhrer Piers Morgan ranting like his Fuehrer they are up against it too .
Oh! bring back the interlude with the Potters Wheel? Those of you under 60 will probably not recall this delightful event that allowed our folks to put the kettle on whilst waiting for the prog to resume. Oh they were the days.
Fed … Amazon Prime .. not all crap … you have to research it … just in the middle of Startup .. not 5* but OK to keep me interested anyway.
Switched on Toady on Sunday this morning at about 0720. Within seconds the topic was racism. FFS.
A few minutes later we had howls of anguish about the ‘very low’ (around 4%) level of BAME clergy in the Church of England. Apparently it should more nearly replicate the overall BAME population !!!!!
The fact that large numbers of BAME are Hindus, Sikhs, or supporters of the Religion of Peace, and therefore rather unlikely to want to serve in the CofE did not occur to our intelligent, impartial, BBC producers and presenters.
Doh !
It wont surprise me one bit if the CoE recruit Muslim imams as vicars. Welby, the supposed archbishop, has been bowing to Mecca so far, now he has to repent his sins of Racism and PRIVILEGE.
Perhaps Welby is looking to the future. With the near certainty of an imam being part of Charles’ coronation line-up, maybe Justin wants to make sure of keeping the crowning part of the job.
Mind you, the call to prayer would echo nicely in the abbey – the BBC Outside Broadcasts have probably done the sound tests already.
When will they get rid of the BAME label…they know full well that actually only Black and Muslims count. Asian – what does that mean? Minority ethnic – what does that mean – in essence BAME means anyone not indigenous would actually includes Polish people (minority)….
Marcus Rashford babbling on BBC uninterrupted and without any critical questioning this morning, quoting Joseph Rowntree foundation poverty facts – 45% in black and ‘brown’ people
If we put aside the definition of poverty…African Blacks are 45% but not Caribbean (30%) and Indians are better than White…
No discussion on why these ‘poverty’ levels are there – it isn’t down to racism…..look at how they calculate it…
BBC you are a bloody disgrace and everyone is waking up to it…
My wife, a good law abiding citizen, said to me yesterday – let’s stop paying TV licence 🙂 now if she says that..they are doomed
Well, don’t say we didn’t mention it.
Strangely the BBC seem rather coy about this. I wonder why?
Black Lives Matter should show concern for the daily murder of Black Africans in Africa.
And the murder of hundreds of Christians around the world, every week.
But nothing of this from Welby.
To ‘join’ the BBC, you have to be: –
Come from a wealthy family, but stupid
Like RAP
Be shacked up with a wealthy bloke – and the girls must as well
Pay bugger-all in tax, except a pittance through a service company
Not very bright, if the ‘degree’ in ‘Vegan Gender Studies’ is anything..
Expecting a starting wage of more than the Prime Minister
To ‘work’ for the BBC, you have to: –
Just turn up – occasionally
Yawn at the under-managers
Wear torn jeans
Be shacked up with another race sort of person
Have your service company in some stupid name like ‘Arse-bandit Ltd’
Pretend to be clever
Be a smug git
Think Emily Maitliss is fabby
Like Graham Norton for some peculiar reason
Sigh like James O’Brien
To ‘join’ and advance in the BBC , you have to be a member of a Special Victimhood group
… ie regular straight white males, don’t stand a chance.
Where did you get this crib sheet. This is highly confidential BBC material, and was never supposed to be released to the public.
I’ve always considered myself quite a reasonable sort of chap, but it’s recently dawned on me that actually I’m a member of the “extremist far right”, as Mayor Khan likes to phrase it. I can tell you it came as quite a shock!
You see, I happen to think Winston Churchill was a magnificent war time leader and I don’t want a bunch of semi literate anarchists messing about with his statue.
Also, I’d rather like the Cenotaph to remain pristine, white (clearly racist undertones) and unblemished by gormless graffiti. I’m a strange one, aren’t I?
And (it gets worse) I believe that if some people have a problem with any particular statue, monument or street name, the most sensible thing to do is to calmly and rationally discuss this with others and try to reach an amicable solution.
I don’t really approve of vandalism, violence and wanton destruction.
Clearly there’s no hope for me…
No! I am more extreme far-right than you, you lefty!
(Isn’t that how it works – the other way?)
No I am farrighticus ( okay only works in my head)
“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.
Richard P. Feynman”
“he has been described as “a genius who almost single-handedly created the foundations for modern statistical science”[5] and “the single most important figure in 20th century statistics””
About Ronald Fisher. From his HardLeftyPedia article.
XRYC spray-painted the Gate of Honour on Thursday evening as part of calls for Sir Ronald’s memorial window to be removed and “to recognise the role he played in perpetuating white supremacy”.
XRYC member Annie said the campaign group has been “watching in awe as people around the world stand up to their governments and demand justice”.
She added: “It is long past time for Cambridge to own up to its racist heritage.””
Beautiful, case proved.
Extinction Rebellion, a group of apparently very dim lefties, are insisting that we, the public, go along with their globalist ideas. It would more accurate to state the globalist ideas of those who pull their strings.
Globalist ideas, from widely distrusted globalists, who do not have best interests of Europeans at the forefront of their concerns.
What is the next great idea XR? All Jews must have a lobotomy to reduce their average IQ from 115 to 85?
That will go some some way to “equalisation”.
Where are the XR protestors complaining about East Asian supremacy? Those white “supremacists” are so stupid that they create a racist intelligence measurement so that the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans outperform Europeans!
Western Science is so racist that not everybody wins a gold medal.
Amazingly Chinese, Japanese, Jews and Koreans perform as the IQ tests predict, racists!
3,000,000,000 lobotomies required to equalise the global intelligence. That will put a strain on the NHS!
Why have the Darwin statues not been pulverized? Why have all places named Darwin not been renamed
Because Darwin is to blame. Well, Darwin and those racist finches, and those racist tortoises.
Changing to become better adapted to their environment. How dare they! How dare they!
Racist Europeans, they should have stood around naked near the North Pole in the Ices Ages, frozen to death and become extinct.
XR should be welcoming Climate Change, Africans are suited to hot climates.
Those racists in the Northern hemisphere will get heatstroke, their improved brains will fry in the sun, they will all
die. Serves them right.
That’s all for now XR, except to point out that I am just a man on the Carlisle omnibus.
The experts can make your position look orders of magnitude more silly, juvenile, ill-informed and unscientific than I can.
Good post, LCS, but XR are not globalists in the true sense of the word. They are anti-globalisation because globalisation involves fossil fuels, ships & aircraft carrying freight that factories have manufactured using energy (possibly from coal and oil and gas) and using mined metals and plastics made from oil.
No, XR, are really ‘globalism-ists’ in that they want a return to an imagined ideal that never really existed. XR wish to impose that on everyone via Global power for themselves and only themselves.
That is the complete opposite of globalisation which says, primarily, “Trade, not Aid” and “Let everyone have the dignity of education and work.” and “Let everyone have the opportunity to improve their lives and their housing through work, healthcare and education.”
Single guy with a back pack storms into Trafalgar Square
shouts “Get back ! Get back !”, squirts CS
Is that an armed cop stopping fights ?
Why wasn’t this technique used against the original BLM violence last weekens ?
Yes it was cops
This shot from other angle shows massive black pack shouting “EDL”
The police seemed to have saved his life.
The British army is an organisation that attracts men who love the country – like EDL supporters. Who dont like their sisters and daughters raped by Pakistani Muslims with impunity , or their nation’s symbols trashed by foreigners.
Some guy is into deep video analysis
.. The flags make him look like old BNP though.
Met Police have a long thread saying there was no stabbing
… But on the same day a pastor interviewed a red capped City of London policeman (different force) and he says there were 2 stabbings.
It seems the authorities, that is the government, is allowing this anarchy. Possibly to take the eye off the their incompetence in handling the covid-19 crisis.
Not only have they achieved the worst death rate per million in a comparable sized nation, but have achieved a double- the greatest destruction of a Western economy.
Wife had the BBC news on at tea time. Sadly I caught mention of another man of colour victim of white police in America. The guy was being arrested for being drunk in charge of a car (he had been asleep in it). He broke free escaping with a police taser. Running away he turned to point the taser at the officers and got shot. So, as if there wasn’t enough trouble with the Floyd killing the BBC fan the flames again with another death. And of course, no sign of any balance here, just provocative news media to stir up the easily influenced
Sums it up really . Virtue signalling takes precedent over common sense these days !!
Boycott those who dishonour our nation. Let them go and play in Africa.
NCBBC – play or stay?
No need: Africa’s here……………..
The retired police guy who speaks up against the media.
My hatred for the bbc has reached crescendo levels. I cannot even bring myself to visit the website, tv or radio stations and haven’t for many months.
The headline suggesting the Churchill monument is ‘controversial’ sets a new low bar for an organization already at cess-pit level. I found out about it on here; the only source of information I trust about this despicable organisation and the world it is trying to create. angry!
There are a lot of angry people in Britain at the moment. I hope that a lot of those are ‘angry’ Tory voters writing to their ‘angry MPs’?
I had a zoom chat with 14 friends last night and usually I am the odd one out (only Brexiteer and Trump supporter) but 13/14 are angry….some very angry….so it is happening . Ordinary hard working non racist white people are getting fed up with being called far right racists and having our culture and history destroyed
House journal runs the latest in a pan-MSM series of incredibly well paid folk of whinge propelled to the top moaning that they were inhibited by their race.
Just another Black person who instead of being grateful, instead stabs the nation that gave her far more then she deserves.
Don’t be so harsh. She’d likely have been HM Queen by now if it wasn’t for other people with similar ambition.
Sky are no better. Clearly bending over backwards as to be horizontal in their solidarity of BLM. Two non white press reviewers (rarely done before), one of which was a journalist/labour councillor female muslim., – normally Sunday night is Christina Pattison’s shift. Wonder how long before Stormzy will get a spot to review – always assuming he can read.
And so it begins.
“Patrick Hutchinson carried over his shoulders an injured man, while others formed a protective barrier around them both, before passing him to nearby police officers.”
PH “I really feel that if we hadn’t intervened when we did, I genuinely think he may have died.”
\\ If Tommy Robinson was pictured carrying a Muslim down the road
after the EDL had beaten him up would Twitter be fawning over him? //
I don’t like the way so many on Twitter call th white guy “far right” just cos he is white
.. that looks like racism to to me.
I haven’t seen any evidence so far.
“Brexit: Checks on EU imports to be phased-in amid coronavirus crisis”
Funny how this has been up for two days and the HYS is still open for comments. I wonder why ?
If you want cheering up, take a look at guidos latest, channel 4 not BBCSM, but worse. Could someone put up a link?
This one?
RD – Removed by Guido hours ago, and other sites.
Here from 6:05.
Poor girl is confused . Someone should have told her that the Churchill in question was not the talking dog that used to sit in the back shelf of the car nodding his head saying Oh Yes, yes ,yes …………..
I have managed to more or less avoid any BBC news for the past couple of weeks. Sadly I could not do so this evening as Mrs D wanted to find out about shop re-opening. Why, I don’t know, as they aren’t yet reopening in Scotland and frankly it’s bad enough in the supermarket without adding further places being told where to stand and which direction to go whilst trying to avoid people who may or may not mind as little as I do. But I digress.
Inevitably it came to yesterday’s protests. Clearly half of Twitter was lying, as were most of you lot. The only violence came from those “protecting” the statues, who included far right groups. (Boo, hiss.) None of the subsequent violence was worthy of mention, so clearly those of you who mentioned it were not being entirely truthful, now were you? But it segued straight from “far right” (boo, hiss) to the guy who wee’d against a monument. As far as I know there is no evidence as to which side he was on (other than that his back view is obviously racist) but we know what the BBC wants us to think.
Then on to BLM protests in other cities. At that point the presenter’s voice took on an almost beatific tone as we were told of these purely peaceful protests and their knee-taking.
Someone pass me a bucket.
Strange that by Sunday afternoon , radio news had stopped shouting “far right thugs”.
They usually bang on about something for 36 hours
As I said before in other countries people really do die at demos, very often.
Yet on Sunday it could have been a few white people who died.
They didn’t, I wonder how many are in hospital a few were blooded.
Yet despite their label, there were no gangs of white men trying to pick off and kill individual blacks.
And it doesn’t seem to me that any blacks had come to kill
Black gangs on the streets are tooled up with knives and guns but there was no proper evidence of that.
Mind you if they did that would kill BLM.
British media’s biggest issue is ONE man peed a few feet away from a memorial.
What memorial was that?Was it the memorial for a policeman killed by a Jihadi?Oh that one.
But that is to be expected as Muslims are mostly peaceful.
As well as the unarmed copper standing on the gate of parliament without a gun is sight because the senior management let him down ( i dont think anyone got fired ) .
Not much accountability in the police these days above the ‘grunt ‘ level
According to the DM some horrible man spat at a family picnicking in the park. They had put up a video, and the spitter was one of a group of about 10 white males. It was horrible and I don’t blame the picnicking family for being upset. But all over the headlines the spitter was described as ‘far right’. I didn’t go to the article but the repetitive video on the home page didn’t suggest anyone had gone and interviewed him on his views about Brexit, Boris or the current state of the Labour Party.
I honestly believe that the battle for keeping traditional English and British values and culture is already lost and all that can be done now is to submit to it and game the system for oneself (creating an “everyone for themselves” anarchy, where we all claim some form of victimhood).
The BBC mount 24 hours a day 7 days a week relentless propaganda on their CBBC children’s channel praising George Floyd as a martyr, declaring it is right in the UK to march for Black Lives Matter because it is a “pandemic” and a “disease” just like Coronavirus.
They declare that yes Winston Churchill was a racist, that Boris Johnson is a definite racist and Islamophobe, that Donald Trump is a definite racist and islamophobe, that immigration is good, that white people have white privilege, that children should celebrate Black History Month, that children should celebrate LGBTQ+ Month. Article upon article celebrates some woman, some black person, some LGBTQ+ person, some Muslim for their struggle against the racist white patriarchy while condemning white men who hold traditional British values as racists and hooligans.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg because this thinking and this propaganda is now embedded in the Schools that teach the next generation, it was always a part of the University system but has grown so that it now dominates it, it has become embedded into our political system from local to regional to national level, and more and more statutory laws are being passed to ensure it is enshrined permanently.
People thinking that Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party are going to preserve English and British values – think again. They are sellouts.
This is from Wikipedia: “Minister for Women and Equalities (formerly, Minister for Women, and Minister for Women and Equality) is a ministerial position in the United Kingdom which leads the Government Equalities Office. This an independent department within the wider Cabinet Office that has responsibility for addressing all forms of discrimination, with particular emphasis on gender inequality.”
Lead Story (CBBC Newsround, Sunday): London protests: More than 100 arrested at violent protests:
Hundreds of protestors, many of whom were white men, football hooligans, and far-right activists, gathered to ‘defend’ monuments like the Cenotaph war memorial, and the statue of Winston Churchill … This after some people from an anti-racism protest last week had spray-painted a message saying “Churchill was a racist” … Saturday’s counter-protests quickly turned violent as the group attacked police officers, throwing things like bottles and fireworks and kicking and punching them…”
Scroll down to the comments section and one child writes:
Elie (17:00 14 Jun): “I don’t like protest’s they make me scared”
And the BBC Newsround team directly reply to her: “We’re sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time. It could really help to talk to someone about how you are feeling…”
Compare the above to how the BLM marches were celebrated by the BBC and described as absolutely necessary to combat a pandemic of racism. Yet the counter protests are described purposely to terrorize and scare children.
The following is the image of the BBC news link for children that was broadcast Sunday (on CBBC Newsround):
“Shanequa has your Sunday Newsround update. Hear how another African-American man has been killed by police in the United States, an update on the protests around the UK yesterday, and hear from children from across the globe that have been writing poems during lockdown! ”
The broadcast begins by reporting (my paraphrasing): on yet another death of a black man in Trump’s racist America, this time Rayshard Brooks …
I have to agree with you. The forces of anti Britishness and anti whiteness ( often emanating from white people themselves???) have great momentum. To stop them , let alone reverse them, would require a mobilisation of millions of ordinary Brits and preferably youngish Brits at that. But that takes organisation , money and leadership , all of which BLM Antifa have , but it took them years to build their organisations, but which the ordinary Brits don’t have. And of course the young Brits have been brainwashed by the likes of the BBCSM to at best taking a neutral position if not a pro BLM one.
In a ten or twenty years time ordinary Brits will realise that they have become strangers in their own land , refugees without rights and with no where to go. Mind you the same will be true right across the West where capitalism has built a society of great affluence and generosity and which will cease to function.
The real problem is unlimited immigration of people who cannot survive in a modern economy that requires high level skills.
They will feel that they are being excluded, and the reason being racism.
But If it was racism, they would never have been allowed in the first place.
And that is the problem. Successive governments have maintained high levels of immigration, legal and illegal, fully knowing that the people were opposed to it.
No matter who we elected, and the promises they made, once in power, large scale immigration continued.
Note that working class have suffered the most. Cockneys have been driven off the area they have lived for centuries. And yet they have not rioted, despite being treated like dirt. Worse then any group in the UK. Much worse. And yet, when it came to defending the symbols of our nation, it is these people who stood up to defend us. Despite the taunts of Racism and worse from the media.
Low IQ, lousy attitude to work and authority, no father figures etc, all lead to failure. Then blame the system.
v –
The white man’s burden.
“Haiti, the only state created by a successful slave revolt.”
States every article I have read online, proudly.
200 years of independence, progress 0.
Germany, Japan and South Korea all recovered from wartime devastation in 50 years. It can be done, given the intelligence and determination.
Its interesting that the BBC ‘virtue signallers’ are those that are paid the most – typically in the BBC that assumes all ‘talent’ is (always) left wing comedy and treats those it ‘entertains’ with a smirk and disdain. Those in the BBC media bubble can afford life’s luxuries and avoid paying taxes ‘because we can do that in the BBC’ through personal private contracts. external media companies and very high pay awards for BBC ‘senior’ staff. None of which want to pay a penny more in taxes. At the same time theses same ‘virtue signalers’ want higher taxes to pay for: NHS, Drugs (all kinds), Sex (re-Education, Sex transplants, HIV for all, electric cars for all, free telephones for all, free internet for all, free food for all, jobs for all (all at minimum wage) etc. So everything is free including travel. Except by air (polluting), oh and Ships (too smelly), and buses are OK because it keeps Sadiq Khan employed giving-out free bus passes to all and sundry until it goes bust. And TFL (London Underground and bus) has gone bust under Khan, it was heading that way well before the pandemic. Its just another bail-out by the UK taxpayers. One of many. But eventually the money will run out for all of us. We are the UK taxpayers. Highest tax burden in fifty years due to successive Labour governments (and some daft former Conservative clones) who were too timid to roll back the tax burden. Always the BBC clamoring for more money.
Those self-styled victorian puritans of the liberal left, (BBC) see no point in paying ‘extra’ taxes themselves. Money is easy when they get given big pay rises all the time. And then one day, it just STOPS. They will do everything they can to avoid paying tax and they have benefited from political organs to bring about social change via Blair and Brown (which is always more Socialism). The trouble is Socialism does not work for long and is one step away from the ‘final solution’ when the self styles ‘Trotskyists’ in the BBC take control and general elections are never held again (or be like EU elections, you can vote but you cannot change anything).. So make a ‘riot’ and (with BBC help). So the poor riot and the rich get richer. Any excuse for a riot and the BBC are there as both ‘coach’ and ‘commentator’. Judge and Jury. More money will be chanted for (insert) due to (insert) because of (insert). The BBC re-cycles this stuff weekly.
The BBC want more UK taxes, But they don’t want to pay any EXTRA themselves!!
A recent BLOG exposes this LEFT WING LUNACY (hypocrisy…’) This week, Kieran Neild exposed the hypocrisy of those who say they would willingly pay more tax but refuse to do so when offered the chance. Instead, they insist we should all pay more despite already having a 50-year high tax burden. Members of the public are free to pay more tax, anyone can make a donation to HMRC but only 200 people between 2000 and 2017 have actually done so’.
And none of those 200 would be working for the BBC, not in its entire history has the BBC ever given us anything but trouble. It is trying (again) to stoke unrest in the masses who have a grievance and it will only end in a complete distrust in public media. And higher taxes, that will let in another Labour government. They won’t stop until the country is destroyed or completely surrenders to mob rule. They just want one more push… to push us all over the edge… Orwell was right about the BBC. Blair and Brown socialism policies are still with us and they are deeply entrenched. The left so far have full control over most of the media and thats the only fact worth reporting. So it won’t get reported, but we already know that fact is true.
Okay, this has crossed a line. I’ve taken the liberty of including my reply and will wait until the morning before I complain, when I may be less likely to say something intemperate.
Africans and Asians are the biggest racists in the world.
First they dont allow anyone to come and settle in their countries. And if someone does, they are harried till they leave.
They also like to employ ‘their own’
I’ve mentioned before about a local petrol station near me.It used to be owned by a local family and mostly employed white people (the area is overwhelmingly white) but there were also a couple of black or half black people employed there.It then got took over I presume by Asians as all the staff there now are of that persuasion.
One day I might ask Shell what their policy is on diversity in the workplace.I’d also be interested to know why the whites were replaced so quickly? The night guy lasted a bit longer but even he’s gone now.
Purple or the color of East Asia also good.
They are doing this on social media to naïve young women who usually advertise clothing or make-up and have joined in the bLm support, posting black fist symbols and whatnot, thinking they are doing a good thing against evil racism, never realising that they too are the ‘privileged’ hated ‘racists’ by reason of their existence and should give up their advertising and everything else to prove a worthiness that they can actually never prove.
@Roland the BBC tweet has been ratioed 509 to 378
I bet your own tweet has been hidden need to check for shadow-banning of your-replies “deboosting”.
Currently free of any shadowbanning. I check periodically, as I was shadowbanned a few months ago.
More evidence that BLM kills the virus!
The police pushing back the BLM crowd have no PPE (not needed!) yet go and look at the Newsround story linked to by ‘Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate’ and the police are using face shields to protect against the far-right Covid-19!
P.S. BBC when you say that ‘protestors’ (men standing still, mostly without placards) are gathered by the Cenotaph most people would regard being 0.4 miles away as not being ‘by’! (They are standing ‘by’ Nelsons Column you racist, extreme-left, ignorant numpties!)
The person being punched appears to have white hands yet he is sporting braids in his hair. Some claim this is cultural appropriation and thus deserving of a slap. Surely, therefore, the police and the BBC should be praising the man in the baseball cap as a defender of African culture rather than investigating him.
I have made my mind up to stop giving money to water aid, sponsor a child,etc. If I am looked down upon by BLM people then let them fund them instead. The same goes to companies that have jumped on the band wagon,Hit them where it hurts in their pockets. My money,my choice.
Whenever I see these adverts in every TV break I just shout out get some of the 15 billion I and my fellow British tax payers pay you. Enough is enough no more , the purse is empty.
Tobias Ellwood MP
Absolute shame on this man
Of all the images to emerge over these testing days I find this one of the most abhorrent.
Please help identify him.
Absolute shame on this man, he is an idiot, ideally equipped to be a Conservative MP, doing the work for Labour.
Correction, Tobiasina, as she must now be known, since she swapped dangly bits for the compact urethra/vagina,
reproduction package.
Coevally Tobiasina also had successful brain surgery to assist with her transformation.
She can now only remember passing water in a seated position.
This is what happened Tobiasina.
British policeman Keith Palmer was murdered by an alien Muslim terrorist.
His Common Purpose superior, Craig Mackey, hid during the attack.
Craig Mackey hid under the skirt of Common Purpose Cressida Dick after the event.
During the inquest Mackey hid under the skirt of the Common Purpose Coroner.
Tobiasina, I am unable to discover when/where you expressed outrage at this murder.
I am sure the BBBC moderator would you allow the opportunity to comment.
A memorial was erected to honour the memory, and the courage, of Keith Palmer.
Tobiasina, since your memory reconstruction has taken away your previous micturition experience
I will explain the process; it is quite simple, even an MP can understand it.
Bladder sends signal to brain “vessel full”.
Brain sends message to penis “I am evaluating topography to establish best location for liquid release”.
Brain sends message to legs “lamppost and dense fencing nearby present best opportunity for urination”.
The individual concerned made every attempt to conceal the process.
The individual concerned did NOT, repeat NOT, urinate on the memorial.
Those determined to misrepresent this event and be “outraged” about it, are the enemies of Conservatism.
Kneeling Lord Starmer of Hide_The_Rapes.
Remember Paula Radcliffe during The London Marathon? Remember the outrage? No.
Notting Hill Carnival 2019
37 x Assault police
2 x Drink drive
2 x Criminal damage
31 x Public order
34 x Offensive weapons
10 x Theft
162 x Drugs
10 x Sexual offences
5 x Robbery
5 x GBH
14 x ABH/Common assault
40 x Other
Remember the outrage about all the urine Tobiasina? No.
If my memory is correct. Tobias Elwood is the MP (an ex army officer) who gave first aid to Keith Palmer and finally had to be told to stop by the medics.
He may be a bit of a ‘wet ‘ conservative MP but I do not doubt his bravery.
Love to all
This may be true, but Ellwood is also keen to tie us in with EU Defence and is not to be trusted.
@VeteransBritain 26 May
Pro-EU Tobias Ellwood MP makes a brazen attempt to put the UK under EU Common Security and Defence Policy by saying we should go in with the EU on Galileo — for which the policy is an entry condition as he knows.
Makes bogus claims about a ‘defenceless’ UK, plus US and China.
He did act bravely during the incident, but he is a Tory in name only sadly.
At best a Liberal and keen on the EUSSR.
Yes @AnneG, @LCS screwed up cos I’d already posted about Elwood’s bravery & his connection.
Getting enraged by half information
usually means we are being played.
BTW There is something fishy about the photo of the black guy
kicking tattoo man.
“I’d be asking what else happened in that video that meant that only a screenshot was shared”
Yep news without context is #fakenews.
“War of the deadlines at Brexit summit”
Al Beeb is back on its propaganda war again , but despite the dire economy which side is Al Beeb on? I think we all know who Al Beeb wants to get the best deal. It wants Britain to be punished for daring to vote leave and for not following its ‘orders’ . If and that’s a big ‘if’, we do leave, The Brexit Party will morph into a new party – The Reform Party , it will be the party that I for one will be signing up to . Parliament needs a clean sweep as most of its MPs are actors.
Just caught up on the overnight observations above, highlighting the most idiotic of bbc idiocy. Interesting therefore to find all neatly summarised in my Moaning Emole.
Inequality commission
Boris Johnson has announced he’s setting up a commission to look at all “aspects of inequality” in British society, including in education, healthcare and criminal justice. The PM also condemned “far-right thugs” involved in violent protests on Saturday. The actions of one man, Patrick Hutchinson, attracted great praise amid the ugly scenes – find out more. In the US, meanwhile, anger continues after the shooting dead of another African-American man during an arrest, this time in Atlanta.
Meet one family that spans two generations of protest and hear from three black trans people on their difficult relationship with the current movement. And finally, what should you do with that racist Facebook friend – educate or delete?“
What should one do with that uniquely funded propaganda corporation that seeks to control you?
Even Macron has a better idea what he believes in than Boris. This is the sort of reaction he should have given, not a limp lettuce “setting up a commission” answer. When will they learn? You can give the enemy nothing.
Dear me, I never thought I’d be agreeing with Mme. Micron, the poodle of Berlin.
However, I predict another 72hrs before the country at large realises how they were conned by Buffon Boris and the ‘Conservatives’ in name only.
Just wait till Johnson comes out of his discussion with the EUSSR president later. We will have a deal, as there can be no extension, the deal will stich the UK up like kippers, excuse the pun… yet Johnston will proclaim we’ve never had it so good…..
Watch and learn Tory voters.
Hugh has a new hero.
“Conservative criticism is essential, is a necessary contribution to policy decisions, and is the very opposite of being ‘negative’.”
There. Fixed it for you.
Burl the Hurl leaps in.
Comments mixed between #CCBGB and fluffers.
Given the ground he is standing in the defend, I give it to the former.
He also does not know when to stop digging.
As a variably outraged, variably engaging media gob, it would be interesting to find out from such as Rob what the MSM feels Femi contributes to, well, anything. Is he one of the dwindling pool that answers producer invitations?
BBC: President Emmanuel Macron proclaims that France has won its “first victory” against coronovirus.
First victory? Be fair to yourselves, France, your chap Napoleon did ok before we ended his career at Waterloo.
The BBC have an obsession with American politics (although they don’t seem to like the US) whilst despite being incredibly pro-EU they are very slow and very selective when it comes to bringing us news about our closest european neighbours.
I guess that when instead of delivering news the priority is that you have a set of agendas to narrate that will dictate your choice of news.
Are You Being Served…?
BBC: Shops across England welcome back customers….
Welcome? Really?
‘Retailers have had to introduce strict safety measures and the High Street experience will be very different.’
Different? In a welcoming way?
‘face coverings become compulsory when travelling on public transport’
So not much fun if you have to take a bus to the shops. More like a death ride on some plague cart.
‘Retailers are required to introduce plastic screens at the tills and floor markings to keep shoppers two metres (6ft 5ins) apart’
‘Other measures will include pleas not to touch items unless customers intend to purchase them and decontaminating shopping baskets after each use.’
So it’s going to be one of those generally hostile and suspicious types of welcoming.
‘In most clothes shops, fitting rooms will be closed. Bookshops including Waterstones intend to put items in quarantine if browsed but not bought, while some jewellers are introducing ultraviolet boxes that can decontaminate items’
Yep, we’re going to be treated like lepers.
‘The number of customers entering stores will be regulated…’
In other words to enter a shop you’re going to have to first queue outside on the pavement until they deign it’s safe to let you through the door.
“We expect this situation to last well into autumn and perhaps winter so we need to be thinking ahead for how things will work when the weather’s not so great”
So with the nappy-brained Boris blundering about and failing to provide leadership it is going to be a long while before we can gayly exclaim:
“I’m Free!”
Thank you – you have re awakened a trauma – being a cheapskate I was in a Poundland once – I saw a lady take a lip stick – try it out – And . Put. It . Back . For what it’s worth she was coloured , the horror …..
( I haven’t used lippy since )
Nick agrees with Boris.
Plus #wefiles
And again variable mask deployment.
Amol sees opportunity.
A £5,000,000,000 PR operation helps.
What is this idiot going on about.
If he’d been born into a mud hut in Somalia, he’d have to walk 20miles a day for a cup of stinking water.
He’s was born in the UK. More opportunity than he could shake a stick at.
The guy overseeing the bbc?
Not the BBC
But the idea that the State should feed kids all year round really does hit my ‘far right ‘ button . As a parent i d be ashamed .
‘As a parent I’d be ashamed ‘
Me too. But is that our golden boy’s old mum? She seems to be proud of the fact she failed to provide for the lad. Dare one ask about his father?
I now discover he signed for Manchester United at the age of seven. These days doesn’t good money come to the family with that? So he didn’t need very many years of free school dinners then.
It’s child abuse or even domestic violence but these terms are reserved for males only.
She has however done a job every bit as awesome as Thunberg parentis loco with Greta on everything from computer modelling to economics and, of course, now, race relations.
It is indeed a very good example of writing.
That bit about ‘relying on our parent(s)’ must fair bring tear to the eye.
I wonder if Dr. Shola Mos-Shagbar was so keen on protecting vulnerable children when it emerged that thousands of young white girls had been preyed upon by muslim men?
Likewise, I don’t recall having seen Jug Ears Lineker and chums rush to condemn the grooming gangs.
Toady should be re-titled Race Baiting Time.
Useless was in full-on mode this morning, getting an impartial, informed view from….errr…..David Lammy.
Cue whingeing about black kids underperforming whities at school.
But as usual no mention of white kids, especially working class boys, underperforming versus Indian ancestry kids. Inconvenient facts are easily discarded in BBC wokeland.
Meanwhile Boris is creating an Equality Commission.
It will be open house for every micro-grievance monkey and race baiter. An avalanche of one-sidedness.
Will they hear from indigenous white people who are sick and tired of being told to think and who still have pride in our country ?
Will there be any sense of balance or proportionality ?
I’m not holding my breath.
I am not making any judgement . It’s up to everybody to make
their minds up about it. I have visited the Domenican Republic
in the Caribbean on three occasions . It is a terrific place to
visit for a winter holiday. I have found the people very friendly.
Around 14% of the population are white. And yet I would say
the internet and TV presentation in regards to diversity
in the make up of presentation so far as the indigenous
and ethnic minorities in the country is about the same as the BBC,
where around 75-80% of the demographics of the UK is still
indigenous. Of course excluding the big cities and London in particular. Is it just a coincidence that nearly every day on the
BBC website the headline picture is of a BAME face? Does this
matter? Is one being paranoid and racist for even noticing it?
Or maybe the Domenican Republic are showing far too many
whities on their TV.
Radio Lincolnshire : The morning children’s quiz
“When was Barack Obama born ?”
Where is a hate crime isn’t it?
I switched on Radio 4 Extra this morning on the offchance that there might be something to pass the early hours.
I heard the usual announcement that ‘for understandable reasons’ the schedules would be different for the forseeable future, (I don’t understand why). Then I was told that there would be two and a half hours of the omnibus edition of Lord Peter Wimsey. Well that should be harmless.
The programme starts and we hear that this is part three of six, a strange omnibus edition. Part four doesn’t follow, just some old lady bleating for the Nth time this week that her wartime love went back to the USA and didn’t come back and then straight into a title-less horse racing detective story.
Seeing as Radio 4 Extra is just repeats one would think that, a) it has a vast catalogue of potential material and, b) a keen 14 year-old could do a better job of patching it together. (They weren’t very good in ‘normal’ times, playing the wrong item and giving away the plot quite often.
The BBC has too many pies.
When it first started up it wasnt bad . There even programmes aimed at chaps …..
……… but then it went wrong – the funniest thing was a feature called the ‘ comedy hour ‘ which of course was anything but –
– with a bunch of hackney based snowflake virtue signallers who sincerely thought their stuff was ‘ funny ‘ …. the off switch came like a friend …
The ‘Comedy Club’ introduced by the most unfunny Arfur Smiff and voiced over by a cackle of female voices repeating the title over and over.
Then the first vignette starts and it’s something with that insufferable woke leftist twat Marcus Brigstocke.
Jim, I listened a lot to 4extra and this mantra ‘for the foreseeable future’ and ‘understandable’ reasons is being trotted out every time the continuity announcement changes.
I don’t get it either, well I do actually. They’ve been using it as an excuse to drop a lot of the older comedy and replace it with up to date stuff broadcast in the last few weeks on R4 (note scum BBC don’t do comedy) so it’s filling the time with the usual woke, unfunny fat Lesbians or virtue signalling crap.
Twitter watch
The PM ( formerly referred to as ‘bojo ‘ ) apparently went and visited Westfield Shopping Centre on Sunday in prep for the shops opening .
If it was the one in Stratford E15 he is welcome to it – the third world will be back in force today and the newly ‘ empowered ‘ black children will know that plod will ‘ take a knee ‘ then run away . Avoid .
Fed, are you expecting a sudden rise in black on black knife crime in Londonistan today/this week?
There must be scores to settles I’d imagine amongst the gangs, now the long days of lockdown are easing, and as you say give they can act with no fear of plod, there could be to coin a phrase, rivers of blood..
West – the killings have been carrying on at an average of about 1 a week – obviously not reported much because its coloured on coloured –
But all the ingredients are there for street disorder and killings . Some minor plod ‘encounter ‘may well get the petrol bombs going and a bit of shopping in Currys once the security doors are off . Part of ‘our’ culture ….
Yup, all part n parcel I guess…..