The free TV licence For the over 75s ends on 1 August . If someone is on ‘pension credit ‘ through low income – they will continue to be free of the TV licence if over 75 . But over a million people who are entitled to pension credit have not applied and claimed it . I found out about this on a leading financial website aimed at saving people money …..
Midweek Thread 15 July 2020
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It is a devastating resignation letter from a highly respected journalist. She only worked there for three years and in that time has seen a huge swing to the Facism of Wokism. Similarly we have seen such a swing in the BBC. I know that we all have long thought of the BBC as a dangerous far left propaganda outfit but in recent years , ever since Brexit and the election of a president Trump , they have become unhinged leftist who no longer even try to appear balanced. I remember that after the referendum the BBC blamed itself for the result because it simply hadn’t been sufficiently biased in favour of Remain and its senior people vowed that they wouldn’t make the same mistake again. So now they push their Wokism even harder and ruthlessly stamp on any dissent. As you say they are the most dangerous organisation n the country.
That rant wasnt his best moment . And it sure played well for the PM – it was a pure bubble storm and meant nothing to most .
ITV local news opens “Here we are in London with Yorkshire people from ExcludedUK who are taking in a petition about people excluded from furlough
.. and here’s the LABOUR MP to speak”
seems PR as news.
By coincidence a lot in that category are freelance workers in the media.
Stew, a lot of them may have formed their own limited company and therefore take their earnings via dividends and don’t pay the full rate of Income Tax because they pay Corporation Tax instead.
Drive in concerts cancelled
All this week Radio Lincolnshire have been plugging the set of concerts at the Lincolnshire Showground
… then all of a sudden the organisers have cancelled them
citing “unworkable, Covid19 restrictions”
Seems all national venues have been cancelled
cos the organisers could insure against local lockdowns.
I did not see PMQs, but my old neighbour, as conservative a Tory as could be imagined, said earlier that Boris was waffling, buffoon like and generally appeared to have no brief.
Quelle Suprise….
Not true today
see his jibe about Starmer having more briefs than Calvin Klein.
Stew I had it on the digital wireless and the klein line was very well rehearsed . He waffled and blustered and has thar care free thing that PMs with big majorities have ,
The best bit was Scots bunter doing a just a minute of 5 on behalf of the people of Scotland . I’d boiled the kettle and made me tea by the time he mentioned billy Wallace …
Cant understand the Scottish Bunter – as he loathes the set up at Westminster so much every time he opens his mouth, why doesn’t he just stand as a Scottish Parliament member and be amongst his own kind ? (then I wouldn’t have to look at his pudgy face anymore) – why does he put me in mind of a tell tale tit at school ?
Ally Ross TV column nails it …………. Spot on !!!!
HOW television works (Part 2,372).
Someone a BBC1 continuity announcer described as “the wonderful Maxine Peake” starred in last week’s Talking Heads, a fortnight after sharing an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about George Flloyds death with the independent.
Miriam Margolyes returns to the Beeb shortly, with her Almost Australian travelogue, despite telling Channel 4’s Last Leg she wanted the Prime Minister to die of coronavirus.
But actor Laurence Fox is unemployable and considered a public pariah, by the industry, because he told Question Time that Britain was “the most tolerant, lovely country in Europe”.
One rule for one, quite another for Corbynistas.
Laurence Fox may be faced with no option but to stand for Parliament if he cannot get work as an actor.
Oh dear! Current PM has trouble stringing coherent sentences together without deviation, hesitation or repetition. He gets an MP in Parliament who is a trained actor.
That’s a rather long Sun article
We’ve done this before
Its a “co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto”
and It’s old
Here’s a Feb 2017 tweet complaining about it
I can’t see how that one person represents the UK org
but that Gary marxist guy who does is another thing.
Look if we are talking about BLM UK
it’s perfectly OK to point at marxist Gary McFarlane as representing them
and his TalkRadio rant on YouTube.
but it’s not OK to dig up this mad Toronto woman’s Facebook racism from 2015.
What is interesting is the way she never apologised, and was years after feted by the Canadian establishment.
That would seem to indicate
that the liberal establishment uses BLM for virtue signalling rather than truly caring about anti-racism.
Going up on billboards around the country ……great stuff !!!!
How can the virtue signalling lefty jug eared tw*t sleep at night when pensioners are now having to cough up !!!!
The advert industry are the BBC’s friends
I bet they don’t allow the anti BBC billboards.
No Covid deaths in Greater Lincolnshire area
in the last two weeks.
Good news, Stew. What rate are infections running at?
Down in Kent, the infection rate seems to be averaging in the mid-teens now that they count other tests as well. 20 more today.
Sorry don’t know about cases
..and when they started the local hospital delayed reporting for days
Still never me anyone who had it.
Thinking Aloud on Radio 4 today at was about strategic ignorance. I presume it was Laurie Taylor introducing it. He used the example of the Government Covid briefings and I think it was Matt Hancock. He claimed that Matt Hancock had deliberately not been briefed about things so that he could tell reporters grilling him, that he didn’t know the answer.
I am not saying that it was true or otherwise. But Mr Taylor gave no evidence at the head of the programme to show this was true and I did what I so often do. I switched off.
PS Taylor could have used examples from the Labour Party under Blair where it was as plain as a pike staff that strategic ignorance was going on, or claimed to be.
Deborah It’s Thinking Allowed
I did listen, it was social Common Room stuff , sneering at people outside
The topic it wilful Ignorance
Knowledge Resistance: How We Avoid Insight from Others
They basically said ‘It’s them over there, them conservatives
They are immune to info challenges their assumptions, demand too much evidence
but believe anecdotes ‘
2min in “by DRINKING THAT BLEACH you can prevent Covid19 ..some people believe that”
Yep They opened an item on ignorance by making that daft claim
FFS there aren’t any real people that believe that
Expert “The reason why rightwing groups oppose Climate Change is cos it’s been framed as progressive/leftist way”
Laurie smirking “It’s no good telling religious conservatives that addressing Climate change will lead to a more equal world
tell them respect nature it’s created by God”
expert “yes we need to work on WHO says something, cos we know that is more important than what is said ”
… FFS patronising idea that conservatives can’t be logical
Then sneers at Daily Briefing saying ministers didn’t know facts, and often ministers asserted ignorance to avoid blame (he didn’t mention Hancock by name)
Next woman The usual digs , Murdoch bashing, Grenfell Tower, Trump, Cummings etc.
It was a fair point to say that Grenfell residents warnings were ignored as if council wanted not to hear.
Hmm structured Ignorance might be deliberately talking about grooming gangs .. the prog didn’t mention that.
There was something in her idea that bosses are deliberately set to be distant, so that they can claim ignorance when something goes wrong.
Laurie “liberals dismisses Brexiteers and (sneer) Trump voters as lacking knowledge
but you say thing is wrong why’s that ?”
Expert – “Education doesn’t confer knowledge”
Then she says on phonehacking, Murdoch was very lucky he got away with it .
WTF He spent millions on clever lawyers and sacrificed one newspaper.
Laurie ended by sneering at MP’s integrity
FFS that’s horrible
cos actually a few do work hard in all parties.
Gosh Stew, you must have been feeling strong to listen . I still miss the Radio 4 as in what it used to be. I used to learn about the world as I did the cooking and ironing. But as you can tell by my posts, my fingers twitch towards the ‘on’ button, then I listen to a couple of minutes, think I have heard enough indoctrination and switch off,
Deb I was biking from village to village
and had R4 in my ear.
I can’t find any info on the Parliament page about whether the compulsory face mask thing has to be put to a vote in the House. I would have thought that it was covered by the Lockdown legislation & provisions that was passed way back at the end of March.
Anyone know for sure?
From memory – and my reading of the Chinese virus act – it gives the sec state power to do just about anything he fancies doing …….blah blah public health blah ….
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings on Public Transport) (England) Regulations 2020… will , I think be amended to cover over places – or he ll just put in another secondary leg without scrutiny
There’s a wonderful headline pic for the Covid-19 stats update:
Note the incorrectly worn mask and the lack of a helmet. What does that say about the intelligence of the human race?
Interesting casting.
If in downtown Lagos.
BS shares the love.
Adele has a MASSIVE career ahead of her.
If brief.
While the evil Beeb and our idiot ‘feminists’ defend the veil as ’empowering’, REAL feminists like Yasaman face torture, prison and death in Covid-infested jails for the right NOT to wear the symbol of islamic oppression of women.
I wonder if the beeb will be reporting her case and whether there’ll be worldwide riots in the streets? ‘Course not, only Black Lives Matter.
“Yasaman is a 24-year-old women’s rights activist serving nine years in prison. She peacefully protested against Iran’s laws forcing women to wear the veil. She has faced intense interrogation, solitary confinement and abuse. Now she faces further threat. The severe outbreak of coronavirus in Iran puts Yasaman’s health and safety at risk. Join us today and help put pressure on the Iranian authorities to release her immediately.”
Shocked I tell you, shocked
Ah that’s the same thing
as the articles talking about BBC staff tweeting too much
BBCsport deleted tweet .. I guess their guy was not the first Asian referee
The tweet title now says
\\ Jarnail Singh has said he was”the first Sikh with a turban and a beard” officiating in the EFL.//
More good news
Over a hundred job losses at The Guardian and more job losses at the BBC
Thoughts and prayers
But we want much more …..,
Oh dear, so sad, never mind.
I will light a candle for the poor luvvies .
What we want and what the country needs is abolition followed by obliteration of the BBC.
Apologies if already covered somewhere above.
There is a Coronavirus outbreak in Blackburn.
The BBC give it full local coverage.
And in the whole item the only white British person, ironically, is the BBC journalist.
It turns out 97 out of 114 positive tests are for people of ‘South Asian’ origin.
It’s probably all due to us racist whities again.
Celebrate the diversity. Embrace multiculturalism.
Local paper has that claim
Also Channel4 news woman
One of the good things about Schools teachers have more time to listen to the BBC and form the kind of self-opinions (as fact) you hear on the BBC every day. The unhinged drama queens from the mad cap Liberals to out and (all out), Trotsky party of the loony (often BBC semi-employed) left are the Teachers (unsurprisingly Guardian readers) still on LOCK-DOWN on an inspired ‘strike’ unless they are completely protected from the ‘children’ (who have lots of nasty viruses) and come from ‘working class’ or ‘respectable parents’ mirroring their own prejudices.
And where else can you get three months paid holiday doing the gardening and crossword? whilst organising ‘BLAME’ recruits or ‘Vegetarians against VEGANS’ marches and ‘Global annihilation via Twitter Storm’ and worship of the Great GRETA ‘godhelpus’. You have to be part of the loony crazy left to believe in any of it. And they at HMG wonder why they cannot attract the right quality of ‘teachers’. After all they have all been to Uni (did nothing but got stoned and got a 40% pass in a subject they often seem to lost in passing). Seem to ‘Hate Kids’, many of them do, no children see.. The loathing gets worse over time I am told. Its not my experience, but hey what do I know about education and parenting.
Very few (Teachers) ever get sacked, and they live in world of left wing ideology and a feeling of supreme deference to ‘FADISMS’ promoted by the BBC in (helpful) pint sized teacher DIY ‘manuals’ of how to grow your own class warfare kit. In short dear reader, most teachers are fantasists of their own importance and self certified significance to ‘change a child life’ in circumstance or the worse (and on occasions for the better if they ignore the BBC types). And as Boris has found out, they (most Unionised lefty Teachers – won’t go back into ‘school’ unless it is proved ‘SAFE!’ Even Keir Starmer (new SupeHero replacement) agrees ‘schools are NOT safe’ places. Full of nasty children who cough and splutter.. Schools are not all safe from some left influences, Universities were first, now it all Schools for left wing conformity and FADS.
But if I was a child, and i was one once. I would be more afraid of the (state sponsored) child indoctrination that is being taught over and above parents protests and instincts to protect their own children from harm from this new gender ‘Science’ where Darwin is effectively ‘banned’ and you cannot even discuss it without being called a sexist. . Teachers all have CRB and DBS checks every three (or less years) and they check each others movements, so if your finger is delayed on putting a plaster on a child fingers and its the wrong skin colour, a dilemma that can only be solves by a school report of an ‘incident’ is totally normal in woke school circles. Unfortunately what the state is asking them to do is harm children for gratification of the the few who would harm children given the chance. And if a BBC sponsored (Children In Need) charity, then what harm can that do?
So do teachers harm children? They have been permitted to ‘teach’ gender theory as a ‘Science’ starting this September (despite all parent protests) they are going ahead and making it mandatory this September. If you thought Biology was taught at Schools based on the real Facts of DARWIN (as proven true), it no longer applies in schools. Its all been replaced with ‘hurt’, ‘touch’ and ‘sensations’ in stimulating your body to be ‘whatever’ sex and positions you want to be.
The BBC have been promoting under age sex with minors for twenty years, and possibly longer, now for the first time BBC policy of abolishing the notion of ‘sex’ – completely – is being taught to our children starting this September 2020 when the children go back. Teachers will have been preset and primed to warn children to to ‘diss’, ‘pronouns’ or even complain when boys appear the girls washrooms, or Girls suggesting suddenly they are ‘boys’ because the teacher said so. So therefore they are (apparently) all boys suddenly. Or both. Or not either.
Children will live to regret it and many already have when they thought they were little Mermaids*. It is disinformation at the highest level and i blame the BBC in large part for again abusing children to insist they take part in ‘adult games’.
You can protest (like me), sign below – but its already been decided by the heads of education petitions have been ignored. Police have been primed to react to ‘hate crimes’ by your children. The Teachers are only partly to blame as they really don’t have a choice in this matter. There is no ‘opt-out’ for parents or teachers, so to object is an automatic ‘hate crime’.. If you do object you get the Twitter hate mail from the same crowd that promote it. If you object (and I do strongly) please sign here:
Please support 100% safeguarding of children
Starting in September 2020 All UK schools must comply with this new form of child abuse.:
Daily Mail: 1 in 4 parents unaware of controversial curriculum emphasising transgender rights
The Values Foundation: RSE Get It Right! Transgender Trend: No Outsiders, Queering the primary school classroom
Transgender Trend RSE guide for schools
“Russia report: New intelligence committee chair loses Tory whip”
“Believed to be No 10’s preferred choice, Mr Grayling was widely expected to get the role.”
Is Grayling the right choice?
Blondes have more… focus on those they seek to damage?
This little creep is outsourcing Toenails.
His audience is on board.
Looking forward to Lewis, Laura and BS on ‘power grabs’.
“Plaid independence referendum call rejected by Senedd members”
Better still a call for a referendum on ‘scraping the Senedd’ would be much favoured by the people of Wales.
Unfortunately the assembly members know that they would be out of a job if that ever happened.
What is the current polling in Wales re scrapping or reduces the devolved powers of the Welsh Assembly? What is your view of how the Welsh people really think about their assembly?
I remember that when it was set up there was quite strong opposition has this grown since?
“What has happened to the report into Priti Patel?”
Looks like ‘Laura the wasp chewer’ is gunning for Priti?
Mask thing is BS cos it’s the same MAGICAL THINKING that we see on Global Warming
There is a full colour complex situation,
but they feed you magic simple black and white one dimensional solutions
.. “All we have to do is wear a mask, and everything will be OK”
The dead give away is when people are religiously simple
“It’s a no brainer” (a ridiculous phrase)
You can always tell REAL solutions cos they come with proper depth and maths rather that bland assumptions
On Climate we get ..”All we need is wind and solar”
So we feed them a huge grant
and the next things we know they are chopping down a forest
“Gotta do that to make space for the solar panels”
See the flipside of that magical thinking is The Law Of Unforeseen Circumstances
. It is naive to assume there are zero negatives with public mask use
For masks
#1 Show us the bodies
.. who the heck caught Covid in a shop ?
#2 Where’s the maths ?
If there only 5,000 cases in the whole country the vast majority being in hospitals & care homes . What is the chance the guy 2m behind you in the supermarket for 1 minute has it ?
#3 When does it end ?
You can’t introduce a rule, without specifying that
Are we still going to wearing then when there are 2 cases in the whole country ?
My guess those Mask-faithful are sitting there wearing condoms all day, to make sure they don’t accidentally make someone pregnant.
\\#3 When does it end ?//
Not in the near future. Unless there happens to be a huge drop in respect for the law, which is unlikely.
Do I still have to highlight my sarcasm ?
BTW Detailed info skimmed past within many BBC progs often debunks the BBC’s own dogma
The health prog explained we should never look at health problems like Covid in terms of skin colour
The BBC like to say that BAME are more vulnerable
and is possible that certain African genotypes might have more vulnerability
but the there is much more diversity with African genotypes than there is between white and Afrcians
so it is likely that other sets of African genotypes might have good resistance.
So by lumping all together by skin colour, the BBC is lumping resistant African groups with vulnerable African groups etc.
Well the BBC shouldn’t be lumping all age groups together either
cos older white people are way more vulnerable than average black younger people of course.
Skin colour – the monogenes idol of the bBBC, and friends.
You can’t be a POC and not completely understand every other POC unless you’re an Uncle Tom, however big the planet is.
I genuinely have an Uncle named Tom and he’s not interested in any of this sh*t (his words) or black, so I’m very confused.
The BBC’s article on the firing of Nick Cannon by ViacomCBS is extraordinary in its attempts to downplay the incident.
“US TV host fired by MTV owner in anti-Semitism row” states the BBC headline. The BBC has said that it’s proud of not being neutral on racism and will call it out when they see it. I guess they just don’t want to see it when it’s black on white.
Much of the article is given over to Cannon’s claims that he’s actually the victim here of systemic racism and oppression. The reader doesn’t find out that Cannon said anything at all about white people until the end of the article. Then we’re told that he “suggested white people were less than black people”. That’s it. Apparently the BBC decided we didn’t need to know that he called white people “savages”, that he also said “the only way that they can act is evil” and that whites “have to rob, steal, rape, kill in order to survive”.
I don’t believe this article even made the BBC’s main news page. Meanwhile, at the time of writing, a black magazine editor claims he was racially profiled by a security guard and the BBC is outraged enough to make this their third most important story.
Twitter noticed
The BBC must have done a bit of editing
cos the preview window now says
I checked for edits but it’s not on Newssniffer and wasn’t on internet archive
Beeb World Service reporting the collapse of health provisions in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Blaming COVID-19…. oh wait voices clearly targeting mismanagement and years of corruption by the ANC causing the issue…Bloody hell, a Beeb report critical of their black favourites!
Beeb World Service reporting the collapse of health provisions in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Blaming COVID-19…. oh wait voices clearly targeting mismanagement and years of corruption by the ANC causing the issue…Bloody hell, a Beeb report critical of their black favourites!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – A first?
Food section apart, I think today’s BBC Home Page has totally new items on it. As Mottie would say: “Quite remarkable.” Yesterday, the w-s Home Page carried items over one week old.
Up2 – maybe those 33 ‘quality controllers ‘ who run the website from Birmingham have realised there jobs are on the line …. I bet they still bury the Muslim attacks against us in the ‘local ‘ news though …
Not the BBC especially, but more about potilics*: with news of the UK employment numbers today, will the Labour Party under Sir Keir suddenly rediscover Unemployment for the first time in 23 years?
* deliberate typo
The plastic statue in Bristol has been removed. What Al Beeb and the middle class yoonee students can’t see is that all the trashing and Marxism is turning more and more ordinary hard working people against the Labour Party and the state broadcaster. It is driving back race relations in Britain backwards by decades. The idiots can’t see that they live in the best country in the world . If they are discontented why haven’t they emigrated ? Nothing stops them. Al Beeb continues on its course as it knows it’s end is nigh . Readers of this site could hasten its death by defunding the bloated broadcaster. Cancel the Telly Tax that robs from pensioners to pay the rich.
Someone needs to be brave enough to point this out…
That statue flattered her.
How about a quick review of some of those non-headline items on our newspaper front pages –
In time-honoured BBC-style we’ll begin with The Guardian and the latest instalment of their Black History Wall Chart giveaway. Guardian readers have been collecting this all week and my guess is the only way a black person will get to see one is when the teachers unions relent to finally let the kids go back to school then Miss can pin one on the notice board for little Wesley and Aman to admire.
There’s female interest and cod psychiatry in the Telegraph as they advertise the story of a woman who claims her autism landed her a top City job. That could be taking quota recruitment to an extreme. You would think the financial sector would prioritise audit skills – but perhaps that’s a similar thing?
The Metro is a left-leaning liberal commuter freebie that has to have been bled dry of advertising lately so of course HM Government teams up in partnership with it to produce what they immodestly term ‘…our brilliant series covering everything you need to know to enjoy a fun-packed, safe summer’. See centre pages for part 1.
I notice the totalitarian slogan “All Together” – wait a minute, didn’t Danny Kaye sing the lines All Together, All Together… in the tale of the the King With No Clothes? That’s right, as Hans Christian Anderson, he told the kids the fairy tale about the swindlers who told the KIng this is a magic mask – sorry magic suit – they conned his majesty by telling him, you being very wise can see how beautiful it is… The Metro’s artwork is all rainbows and sunshine but I’m dubious – since when did the Government ever bring us anything fun-packed?
Maybe they could have a wall chart with names of coloured people in the UK killed by other coloured people with a points system for ‘cause ‘ and ‘weapon’ … might be useful if the little darlings do sums anymore …..
If you are coloured are you more likely to die violently or win the lottery – discuss
Not the BBC but potilics* – again. According to the fp of the Daily Telegraph, the PM will join the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, in a call for people to return to work and commute.
Is that to prevent an extremely expensive State bail-out of an insolvent Transport for London?
*typo is deliberate
TOADY Watch #1 – Did I detect a hint of delight in the voice?
Ladies Day at TOADY. Listened for half-an-hour from about 6 a.m. and discovered that in the Conservative Party there is trouble at t’mill. A Tory MP has had the Whip removed for kicking Chris Grayling’s shoe, which was already under the Chair of the Intelligence & Security Committee away and allowing a Labour MP to sit there instead.
I thought I detected a slight hint of delight in Martha’s or Mishal’s voice when they relayed that as part of the first look at the newspapers.
Correction, not a Labour MP as Chair of the I&SC – that’s what I was told by the BBC last night and it stuck – apparently the shoe kicker got the Chair but lost the Whip.
I spotted your error and have added it to my little collection of upsnuff mistakes file …..
… parliament goes on its hols soon – Young Julian will be off the naughty step soon after – especially when he sees some of the stuff the big boys don’t want us to know about ….
He ll get some nice presents for his ‘long public ££££££ Service ‘ as well – which is nice isn’t it ?
Fed, that must be a large drawer or two, full of files in a cabinet you have hidden away there. I may want to hold the HoC and HoL and the BBC to account – ensure that they are ‘Up To Snuff’ – but I do the regular blooper and plenty of whoopsies of my own now and then.
Big question, where are maxi, Piku and Wild Woman when you need them?
I target the occasional troll bomb but they are as accurate as a drone rocket trying to take out a 20 year old schoolgirl – cum terrorist – enemy of the west – who for some unaccountable reason is still alive – …can’t they just give her to the Kurds or Americans ?
I had a job once of compiling /drafting complex policy across many disciplines and ‘skill sets ‘ – like herding cats – I could never get it right but in the end published and got damned ….( by a very few ) and learnt that it one heard nothing I must have been doing something right – or jusr being ignored … stopped reading this yet ….?
Crony Capitalism
‘Banks propose ‘student loans style’ scheme to avoid job losses’
‘UK banks fear that up to 800,000 businesses could go bust in the next year if they are unable to defer repayments on government-backed loans.’
‘Banks want the scheme to be administered by HM Revenue and Customs.’
Of course they do.
You mean businesses might take the money, pay it all to themselves, and then say “There’s no money left” just like a famous Labour Treasury Minister stated on leaving office?
Well, there’s a surprise.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez please note: there’s an example of original sin from the UK.
How will the BBC deal with Julian Lewis ? He is the chap who has just got control of the intelligence committee with the help of Labour and the national socialist SNP after beating failing grayling – the number 10 candidate ?
You might remember that the Intell committee was run by a leading remainer traitor ( grieve )who lost his seat And his honour – in the election – but has ever since been screaming for a certain report about alleged Russian involvement in British politics to be released . The governments have been sitting on it for over 6 months …( just like paki paedo gangs and the Priti report and the effects of covid on ethnics – recommendations ) ….
Mr Lewis has always come over as the MP for the Navy . Whilst grayling has come over as a disaster – with one contract he signed off on costing – if I recall – £250 million taxpayers cash (virgin rail ?) …
Yes – I know it’s bubble politics – but it’s those sort of events which give us a clue as to how the BBC operates to undermine any thing which doesn’t fit its agenda … they’ll link it to Dominic Cummings somehow ….
PS – I smell a convoluted game of chess where number 10 got their man in by clandestine methods …..
PPS – looking at Chris grayling on the wiki – it seems he was born on April 1st – and the rest of the entry testifies to the truth of that day …..
I guess by that, then Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a very, very, lapsed Roman Catholic and hasn’t been near a sermon or the Bible for many years. She’s also not been a parent yet and had to teach a very young child.
I was considering popping out to the shops but I need some advice – is the high street already looking like mass open auditions for a remake of Doctor In The House?
Bit like Rag Week in the Cities of London and Southwark. Students have or had something of a predilection for dressing up as Doctors and Nurses. Mind you, some of them (at Guy’s and St Tom’s) were already on the way to becoming same.
I took a plane ride earlier in the week and the cabin looked like a bunch ( conspiracy ) of doctors on their way to a ‘fleece the patient ‘ convention in a golf resort …
LOL x 5! Very good. 🙂
Not BBC- but BT sport
Presenters wearing multiple political badges – little onscreen political messages during footy games – a website with a separate political section …..The coverage of the kneeling moment ….” sending out a powerful message “ ….
I wonder if the shareholders were consulted on this approach ? I also understand that BT has given a sizeable chunk of money to the political movement ( which I refuse to name ) – as much as 10 million pounds ….
Those little things that tell us so much
The Post Office boast of a special offer
‘NHS staff save 20% when sending money to over 200 countries worldwide, with MoneyGram.’
Mass immigration was supposed to both support the NHS and help the UK economy. Seems the latter is not so much with large cashflows disappearing overseas.
AISI, the truth comes out in dribs and drabs.
Back in the days of Labour Party in Government and Jonathan Dimbleby on Any Questions and Any Answers, they had a businessman on the Panel, a BAME immigrant or child of same, who had made very good – despite disadvantages in this evil, wicked, racist, white country – and had become CEO of a money transmission company. In the course of the programme, this gent let slip that his business transfered around £6bn (in the late 90’s!) to the Indian sub-continent a year, alone, ie. Africa, Australasia, Carib, Europe/Russia, F.East & N.&S.America not included.
On the plus side, the gentleman (sorry, cannot remember his name or the name of Co.) did point out that the money did far more good than the equivalent Aid Budget money because it went directly to relatives who might use it for education or health or to start businesses.
Similar with crypto currencies like Bitcoin.
Chinese citizens are restricted on how much money they can take out of the country.
Simple solution – buy some Bitcoins and send your sprog to university overseas. They can then cash it in and buy whatever Dad needs/wants.
Many years ago I went to Shanghai for a day. I was not expecting to see 3 Bentleys parked outside the hotel (4*) that my client had put me up in. There is certainly a lot of loose change in the Chinese system.
Bet she fair guns it past Rotherham.
Rotherham? Where is that? Surely you mean Rotherhithe?
Jim, Sheila would gun it past Rotherhithe, too. Trust me!
‘and it still shocks.’
Need to enjoy a shock, luv…?
Watch a horror movie.
But we all know what’s really going on here – you’re signalling virtue and making a political point.
The real ‘shock’ ought to be that so many buildings in the UK have been clad in a similar way to comply with the ‘green’ agenda.
That is a story that the BBC has ignored, preferring instead to promote the idea that a ‘tory’ local authority, under a ‘tory’ government, set out to construct a vertical fire chamber for the mass extermination of BAMEs.
There is missing the point.
There is BBC missing the point.
And then there is BBC editorial integrity.
Latest Media Ma… Baiters Podcast blurb.
Jon Sopel
North America Editor, BBC News
on Sopel is the BBC’s North America editor. Joining the Beeb in 1983, he rose through the ranks to become one of the best-known faces across their flagship programmes. Appointed to his current role in 2015, he is familiar to many for standing outside the White House reporting on the ups and downs of the Trump presidency. In this in-depth interview, Jon argues that the BBC’s “fair and balanced” coverage is more important than ever amidst growing claims of ‘fake news’, discusses Trump’s ability to surprise even him on a near-daily basis, and shares his excitement at the launch of ‘Americast’, his new podcast co-hosted with colleague and friend Emily Maitlis for what is set to be a fascinating and unprecedented election.
This series appears to be mostly a nifty side earner for current and ex bbc staff to write their own bios.
Anyone who takes it seriously probably also still pays for the Graun, or has a copy left on their desk.
Did like the poofing error, and use of bbc “quotes”.
The Begum decision by the judges demonstrates yet again the chasm that exists between the elite and the rest of us. This chasm grows ever wider and is about much much more than just Brexit. The elite are still intent on ignoring the views of ordinary Brits and will use any means at their disposal, the law, the police, the MSM, BLM mobs , the education blob, to try and force their Wokism on us and suppress our views. How long this can continue for is an open question but the longer it does continue the greater the bang will be when the volcano erupts.
Soapy, meet Sangita, who actually believes you….
Even if no one sane elsewhere does.
Its like when you see something on twitter and really hope it is true . 1000 laid off BBC staff …. is a start …
Today’s CBBC news headlines:
Getting lost? New uniforms? Your starting a new school questions answered:
Bristol’s Black Lives Matter statue removed:
Meanwhile the BBC have invested into micromanaging the brainwashing of under sixes with the introduction of their tiny tots resource kit which they have linked to their cbeebies channel:

Ever get the feeling the BBC has got a problem with white people?
I wish those that run the BBC would watch this.
The Chief Rabbi understands Christianity better than the ‘leadership’ of the CoE and what we are losing in the West.
Sacks did the interview last year
but tweeted it yesterday.
‘We used to have a Guilt Culture with forgiveness we have Shame Culture Japan’