The free TV licence For the over 75s ends on 1 August . If someone is on ‘pension credit ‘ through low income – they will continue to be free of the TV licence if over 75 . But over a million people who are entitled to pension credit have not applied and claimed it . I found out about this on a leading financial website aimed at saving people money …..
Midweek Thread 15 July 2020
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Al Beeb informs us that the Dambuster’s dog will have its gravestone removed. The airbrushing of our past continues and our Tory government does nothing .
Orwell wrote that the most sinister aspect of the totalitarian state was its ability to rewrite history to whatever suited it. The extraordinary aspect of our times is that our history is being rewritten not by the state, which stands by doing next to nothing, but by a pressure group which hasn’t anyone in elected office. Of course BLM movement is the culmination of decades of Gramscian marching and entryism which has left our institutions in the hands of Wokists and our government powerless to oppose them. A few Examples in recent weeks are:
BLM and it’s widespread support in the MSM
The police total capitulation and grovelling on their knees
The judges allowing Begum back into the UK
The inability to stop the invasion of the south coast
There are many others. Britain and its institutions are an empty carcass hollowed out by the Marxists being fed on by Wokists vultures. The people can vote for whoever they like but unless those they put into government are prepared to be even more radical than President Trump has been in draining the swamp , the Wokists will continue run the country by controlling its institutions.
Let us hope the original stone will be carefully preserved somewhere by those who care.
Out of interest, my ‘Bomber Command’ calendar marks 14 July (last Tuesday) as the anniversary of the “birth” of Bomber Command in 1936.
Thanks I didn’t know that was the date of its founding. My father flew with the Command in 1 Group during the war . Scampton was for a time within that Group and he landed there a couple of times when diverted from the Squadron’s home base of Kirmington. I have visited Scampton a couple of times and Nigger’s grave was small but well sure that Gibson will be branded a racist for naming his dog nigger and using ‘nigger’ as the call sign that the Mohne dam had been successfully breached. I suppose the 1954 film will have to be edited too!
I am absolutely certain that my dad and most others who fought in the war would be appalled by the present state of the country.
TOADY Watch #1 – Never mind the hypocrisy, just criticise the conservative, hit the populist, rubbish the ‘right-winger’
President Jair Bolsanoro of Brazil has obviously been listening to the BBC and reading the BBC’s web-site.
Since mid-April the BBC has been wringing its hands and worrying that the effect of the Lockdown might be more devastating than the disease itself. The BBC have worried constantly about peoples’ mental health – especially that of young people – and, now, are also belatedly worrying about peoples’ jobs.
But that doesn’t stop them taking a pop at President Bolsanaro on TOADY this morning.
BBC Moaning Emole.
Ellie Goulding: I’d just become a robot
Ellie Goulding’s new album opens with the sound of a crowd going wild, recorded at a festival date on the star’s 2016/17 Delirium tour. It might have been Glastonbury, it might have been Rock In Rio, but the location isn’t important. Wherever she was, Goulding was drained and tired and unhappy. “I’d just become a robot that was able to walk on stage and perform energetically and wildly,” she says.
She took two years out of the spotlight, throwing herself into campaigns for homelessness and climate change while she put music on the back burner. Then, towards the end of 2018, she started working on what would become her fourth album, Brightest Blue. Deeper and more emotional than anything she’s recorded before, it excavates the ruins of the last five years.
Read full article >
Mark Savage
BBC News Reporter
And, ‘essential’.
Robot’s PR robots send Press release to BBC robot to copy and paste.
As ‘reporting’ it is excruciating.
There’s a thing. Just checked the bio and guess who this cubicle gardener propagandises for?
Just leaving this one here…
Going to need somewhere to land all that oil exploration kit.
Let’s see how the BBC sides… impartially.
I thought concrete was the new ‘verboten’ at the BBC and in XR circles?
Dom has a moment of clarity.
Nice bit of picture bias there BBC!
What happened to the sullen hijabed jihadist of old?
Better look out Nadiya!
Rising global temperatures could see summers that are too hot to work in.
Well, that’s OK – no-one is working now in the UK, nearly four months into Lockdown.
Amazing deception going on last night and this morning over the apparant decision by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories and their leader Boris the bottler.
The case for Shamima Begum is being run by far left activist group ‘Liberty’ a group which only ever campaigns and intervenes on behalf of far left activists and is silent when anyone else’s rights are infringed – funded by yes you guessed it, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories.
The decision in the court of appeal is not the final one, and there could be a further one to the Supreme Court, but it appears that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories have decided not to challenge this strange decision and will allow Begum back into the UK without further resistance.
Yes the court made this decision, but the cowardly useless incompetent Tories funded Begums legal team, and appear to have made the decision to accept it.
What is the point in voting in a country which only has one party, and where the most senior policy makers reside in plush courtrooms and are not democratically accountable?
Thoughtful – bearing mind that a lot of stuff is being done remotely – including court stuff – It seems a bit ‘Off’ for the body to be bought to the UK to decide whether they should be allowed here ….
……………..; I must read the judgement over the weekend to see if the CoA got it wrong and more importantly whether the Lefty supremes would overturn it . It’s such a shame she and the rest were not just finished off at the time …..
Does “Liberty” have charitable legal status?
It has one of those BBC Chakribattis
Thoughtful – as far as I was aware, the news this morning was that the government is indeed challenging the Begum decision by the Appeals Court, and that everything is therefore on ‘hold’ at the moment. And, as a simple comment, your constant repetition of these trite insulting phrases about the Conservative government and its elelments really distract completely from many of the points you make – which may even be good ones.
Fedup2 – countries around the world are being governed remotely through such facitlities, and court cases (Ghislane Maxwell as a prominent case in point….. but this terrorist absolutely must be in the UK to help present her case. As I understand it, however, this is a case about the right of our government ministers to remove citizenship if it decides it wants to, a power vested in it by Parliament. So, Ms Begum will almost certainly not personally be arguing that point in court – that will be up to her ‘briefs’. Anything she might bring to the event will surely be incidental, and only provide ‘colour’ to the situation – and no legal argument. Like you, I see absolutely no point in her returning here.
I do fear, however, that her returning here is for one purpose only, to establish a reason, no matter how flimsy, to be able to stay here. For instance, will she guarantee to immediately leave the UK if the court case is lost – no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ – just be returned to where she is now ? Will it be the case that she will not be able to make contact with any relatives or friends, so she will not be able to make the case that it would be cruel to remove her since these relationships will have become dependencies ? If she is allowed to stay, will she and her supporters pay for the added security it will take to ensure her presence is not detrimental to the country ? There are a whole load of questions that will neither be asked, nor answered, since the UK MSM will not want to present any information which will lead to this terrorist supporter being kept out of the UK, an advocator of the murder of innocent British lives by terrorist attack, and lover of beheaded bodies of those she joined ISIS to facilitate ?
I wanted to check something about the statement I first made in the above post, regarding the government challenging the Court of Appeal decision, so I looked on the BBC website for more detail. Nothing. In fact, I can’t find anything anywhere to confirm what I am sure I heard.
I checked with my wife, who had been listening in a different part of the house when I thought heard that comment about the Begum case. She confirmed, without any prompting, what I posted above. I have no idea what’s going on now. Maybe my wife and I completely misheard the news this morning. If so, apologies.
Thank goodness, I wasn’t dreaming – it does appear that the UK government will fight the Court of Appeal ruling, and has asked for all action to return Ms Begum to the UK to be put on hold for now.
But you could have knocked me down with a feather when the only place I could relatively easily find this information was in …… the Guardian.
The Guardian also reports that she will be arrested and detained the minute she sets foot on UK soil. Of course, the rest of the story was in support of Ms Begum and her legal team, who don’t want any of this this to happen.
How strange that this doesn’t appear on the BBC website – but loads of other stories are ranked on the website which only talk about the Court of Appeal decision that she should be allowed back into the UK. It almost appears as if the BBC only wants to talk about one side of the story…….. again.
richard, the Grauniad has gone all ‘right wing’ and hard core fascist today with Joy Division on the cover and inside.
Who’d’a thought it? We live in an age of marvels ……
Richard – I agree about you say about Thoughtfuls constant 3 word recital that he does not like the tories . Sounds more than obsessed and frankly – since I’m reading the stuff as moderator – the repetition is tedious and kills his message .
Anyway – I’ve read / scanned the judgement . The thing which sticks out for me is no clear examination of the practical ability of this terrorist to take part in proceedings remotely . It is just accepted as a ‘given’ – that because she is In a ‘refugee ‘ camp her access to communications will be so bad that her case will be unfairly affected .
This is wrong . She has one of the strongest defence ‘teams’ she could dream of . Her QC is a ‘star’ of public law – the law firm is the one which specialised in defending IRA terrorists ( Gareth pierce ) so they’d have both the resources and ability and drive to go to the 20 year old Islamic Terrorist and assist her where she is .
If the government fails in this case they are going to need to build a special prison for these creatures and their offspring to lock up permanently as they have sworn life long allegiance to an outfit which want to kill you – and me ,
As an aside . This creature has been proved to have the right to Bangladeshi nationality but the defence claim HRA excuse that if she went to the land of her fathers she’d get a 10 minute trial before having head removed . I’d help pay for the single flight …..
Well said Sir ….perhaps a crowdfunding appeal for her to go to Bangladesh !
Mirror article confirms the HO will apply for permission to appeal against the “very disappointing decision”
Former adviser to the Government on terrorism Colonel Richard Kemp said: “The courts yet again have shown they put the human rights of a terrorist above those of their victims back in the UK.
“And for the judges to say that fairness to her is more important than the national security situation is a skewed judgment. What’s most important is national security and she could inspire others.”
TOADY Watch #2 – Indecisive inaction?
In my thirty minutes or so of listening from 6 a.m. there was no mention of the ‘c’ and ‘f’ words but there was news that the PM wants everyone back to work but the scientific advice or the doctors advice is ‘No.’.
It appears from that limited listen that the BBC cannot decide whether to drop any questioning of the compulsory facemask or to help lead or join with the opposition to it as an opportunity to attack the Conservative Government – again.
Paper review issues?
An expert, defined as knowing more and more about less and less.
Medical experts are concerned about only one thing, and that is their own narrow self interest in medicine. They take no account of the surrounding and give zero weight to them,
Ask Dr Hilary about the implications for society as a whole or the economy and he won’t be able to answer. They appear to be fixated on Covid 19 to the exclusion of all other ailments.
I wonder what reaction there would be from these ‘experts’ if they were asked to consider the implications of their trashing the economy would lead to the loss of the NHS.
This is why
Soon they will only be able to fund The ‘Asian’ Channel.
Possibly explaining near every prominent staffer.
Guest – interesting observation the chap made -j I haven’t left the BBC – the BBC left me …. and for capita to claim 1in 6 who are checked find they needed a tv licence after all is just – made up .
I , too , long long ago cancelled my payment and will never pay it again as I have stopped using ‘live tv ‘ all together .
Those BBC droids sitting in HQ crowing over the latest ( rare ) success must not realise the whole thing is built on sand and the tide is coming in .
“…. and for Capita to claim 1 in 6 who are checked find they needed a tv licence after all is just – made up .”
My first IBM-style PC was an Amstrad PC1640. I kept it in the front room. One day a man from TV Licensing came a’knocking and asked if I had a TV and I said that I didn’t. He asked if he could look and I said OK.
He walked into the front room and went straight to the Amstrad, paused, said “That’s OK, thank you!” and I showed him out.
Although TVL are my main provider of junk mail I haven’t had a ‘knock on the door’ since the Amstrad Ambush in 1990.
Jim – I’m so looking forward to that knock on the door – but I will not be speaking to the capita person – not a word – the door will be closed on them – which will take a bit of discipline – I like the letters though – numerous uses ….I think I’ve still got my Amstrad – the touch screen doesn’t work ….
“Soon they will only be able to fund The ‘Asian’ Channel.”
I wonder how many ‘multi-generational’ households share a free 75+ licence?
“New Dawn Fades”
Quick review of some those daily newspaper front page non-headline items. There must be a word to describe these extra bits? May I humbly suggest these little things tell us more about the state of the nation than the actual headline reports?
So as not to break with long held BBC tradition we’ll start with the Guardian and the observation that their readers must be generally sullen, self-loathing individuals who need to be told what they should like. No, not the Black History Wall Chart – which by the way they’ve been collecting every day this week and must be nine yards long by now – no, we’re looking at the G2 Films & Music suppliment and the Joy Division songs ranked – best to worst, or most to least miserable?
“She’s Lost Control Again” in the no longer physical, now just “Digital” ‘i’ as female cod psychology claims another victim. Kate Lister announces to the world “I have adult ADHD – but people don’t believe me”.
The Daily Mirror features Simon Cowell in a campaign by ‘The Stars’ to end the cruel import trade. For a moment one imagined this might be about people trafficked into Britain ending up slaving in Leicester sweat shops. There’s a joke there somewhere about the authorities not wanting to inspect “Factory Records”? But no, the import they’re fretting about is the trade in puppys.
Both The Star and The Express this morning pick up the Government’s propaganda “Transmission” with the All Together slogan and the rainbows and moonshine – sorry, sunshine – campaign to get us out and about this summer.
Let’s cheer ourselves up and finish with the People and their marvelous thought for the day. I quote: ‘If you’re a Twitter bedwetter who talks like REALLY seriously, why not try the Guardian instead?’
AISI, I was going to do a post about the BBC House Journal a.k.a. The (Manchester) Guardian and that Joy Division taster but you’ve beaten me to it.
Thing that struck me is 1. Are they not considered a very ‘Right Wing’ band?, and, 2. they are Jeremy Vine’s favourite music group.
‘Joy Division’ derives from the German word Freudenabteilung. These were brothels in the concentration camps, forcibly staffed by Jewish women and raped by their ‘clients’. A description can be found in the semi-factual novel ‘House of Dolls’ by Yehiel De-Nur.
Really, Mr Vile…
Does anyone else wonder if Joffre Archer was ‘persuaded’ not to play for England against his countrymen? In the present climate playing for the Imperial Racist Subjugator against the WIis probably problematic . Anyway I expect that the WI are pleased that he isn’t bowling at them.
He can do what he wants – because he has that card up his sleeve…so punishment will be ..errm..not much
Can you imagine if he was a white chap potentially bringing covid into a group of West Indians and fellow EM England players..
Structural racism…white superiority ..take the knee would be the cries
TOADY Watch #3 – Will anyone notice?
In the BBC desire to ‘bash Bolsanaro’ the correspondent reporting from Brazil mentioned the President had been claiming for four months that the Covid-19 pandemic was ” little ‘flu’ ” and not much to worry about and now Brazil has 2 million cases. The BBC forget the Johns Hopkins Uni interactive chart which show that for much of that four months Brazil has not been near the top of the infection Top Ten.
Brazil four months ago: less than 2,000 cases
Brazil three months ago: less than 36,000 cases
Brazil two months ago: less than 250,000 cases
Brazil one months ago: less than 1,000,000 cases
I wonder whether that sort of misinformation was behind the BBC ‘losing’ the Johns Hopkins Uni interactive from the web-site for a brief period because it provides information to debunk the BBC narrative at any time in the future. I suspect the BBC wanted it gone for all sorts of reasons.
I noticed this morning that the BBC also muddled Coronavirus and Covid-19 in relation to the rise of possible cases of Covid-19 in the UK next winter. Was this deliberate obfuscation? Deliberate misinformation? The common cold is a form of coronavirus. Influenza is a coronavirus. Bird ‘flu’, a.k.a. SARS is a coronavirus.
It may be deliberate BBC misinformation or just careless reporting and editing.
I certainly do not trust the BBC any more.
Who’s the bad man/woman ?
This writer’s profile indicates she thinks other people are The Nazis
and she is fighting them
Her friend’s bio is “marxist-leninist ”
Yes, the BBC loves to bash both Brazil and the US for their respective and current Covid-19 infection rates but not, I notice, their death rates.
As both nations still have significantly fewer deaths per million than the jolly old UK.
I wonder why the BBC negatively focuses on these two particular countries? Any ideas?
Is the reason in anyway connected to the BBC’s recent praise and love of New Zealand?
So YouTube staff what image have you CHOSEN to put at the top of the YouTube homepage
to promote Global Self-documentary Day at me ?
Judging by the infantilised content on the BBC website I reckon most of their staff wouldn’t know the difference between a virus and a bacteria yet alone Covid ….. sometimes its just poor quality – more times it’s fairly poor attempts at propaganda .
Unfortunately I think both have crept on the people who go to the BBC out of tradition …. and it’s only recently that it has got so bad and obvious that even the least attentive people are saying ‘WTF?’ And so ‘defund the BBC’ gets ‘traction’ ( only word I can think of but don’t like it ) and more importantly – staying power – like this and our sister /brother sites ….
If there is an inquiry into covid -the BBCs role in frightening the lives out of people must be looked at – as it seems to me that the government media strategy to get people doing stuff again is failing . But perhaps it’s the false dawn before the furlough scheme is ended and people have to get out to work. Pity it isn’t ending now as the figures are manageable …
The other phenomena we have witnessed is the transit of the BBC from mere far lefty bias to ‘Active campaigner – ‘ whether against Brexit – for the NHS above all else or the now frankly insane coloured is better crap – perhaps the Greta green this was a bit of a ‘dry run ‘ and more difficult because you can only roll out tedious old Attenborough so often …. when he pegs it I suppose they’ll try again …..
TOADY Watch #4 – Re-write the laws or grant a special exemption to lawbreakers?
I was subjected to a report on colonialisation (an ongoing series!) from an Asian sounding BBC lady in Australia. The irony of that combination has just hit me. Anyway, I’m informed by the BBC that indigenous peoples of Australia make up 3% of the population but more than 25% of the prison population. Strange. They don’t do that proportion thing here in the UK, do they? When hiring at the BBC, for example?
How does that saying go? I know: ‘If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime?’ Face mask anyone, ready for shopping a week today? A victim of ‘Colonial Laws’ was interviewed. He had spent time in prison.
There was a contribution in this piece from another person, possibly of indigenous ancestry, who described his neighbourhood. He mentioned how crime was widespread.
Yes, that’s where the prison population comes from if you get caught doing a crime and convicted. The BBC lady didn’t figure that one out. After all, there appeared to be a narrative to be promoted: nasty colonial invaders and their laws and justice.
But not at the BBC. Re-write the rules? How about TV Licence rules being re-written, BBC? Oh, I see. You’ve done that already. Several times.
local news “today is the last day of school before September ”
… no mention of any teachers saying that school could be extended for a few weeks to help kids catch up.
So ‘nigger ‘ is being removed from the commemoration of Guy Gibson’s dog . Will all those phone ins be talking about it ?
What’s next to get expunged ?
Great minds think alike!
Virtually every film Quentin Tarantino has made and ganster c(rap)
‘music’ out there!
One rule for you and one rule for us..
The film where Guy Gibson is played by Richard Todd has been digitally altered – some time ago before all this nonsense, so that he says ‘Digger’ as opposed to Nigger.
The true absurdity of the ‘offensive’ word is that if negro – a perfectly acceptable racial descriptive in the same way as caucasian or asian – is spoken using the accents of the Southern US States it will be pronounced as ‘nigra’. And with colloquial language being constantly subject to change, it’s a very small step for this to become nigger.
So neither intended nor initially used as a derogatory word at all, simply a differently accented version of negro.
Certain parties will not want to know this. In fact they would rather concentrate on their feelings of outrage than acknowledge the more commonly used word to describe negro slaves, which was cattle.
Reminds me of when some folk at the ‘B’ end of the BAME spectrum got excited about some folk at the East end of the ‘A’ spectrum saying ‘over there’ in their native tongue and some reporters on the Western end of the ‘A’ spectrum at various MSM locations whipped it up until they dropped it because… facts. Then moved on.
before and after photos
Looks like they left a space
My hobby is going around the world updating gravestones if they have the words
Toubab, Ang mo, Guizi , Gweilo, Gadjo,Redneck, Gringo etc.
I bet there are a lot of people at scampton with their lips buttoned …
Petition – Get name back on his memorial
Rising fast at the moment (I expect will remove it).
The article in the Telegraph about it did not mention the dog’s name, although that was the subject of the article. No comments were allowed.
It wouldn’t surprise me that before long the BBC will
be clambering for the removal of the Guy Gibson VC memorial
to be removed from Steenburgen In Holland . Maybe in a
secret cemetery his remains and those of his beloved black
Labrador can be protected from those who wish to do them
No doubt co-ordinated with all concerned to try and ‘keep us in the dark.’
I’m betting some Royal Marines would be chafing at the bit to get out there.
I’d love to get on one of those boats and change the o in Force to an ‘a’ . I guess the staff get a bonus for each criminal the ‘rescue ‘.
Why do BBC staff have a blue Twitter tick ?
…… surely they should have a “verified red” tick mark
Pug – I just think it’s funny …. absurdity rules ..
Racism is everywhere except it isn’t….it is only White people who are racists – get with the narrative…
It continues to annoy me that the BBC and its ‘scientific unbiased’ contributors fail to say the world Muslim/Islam when talking about the hot spots in covid19 – Leicester, Bradford, Rochdale Oldham….
No, they say it affects the poor and the ethnic minorities..NO being poor doesn’t give you covid – not following rules does….
When EMs (my new acyronym) riot – its okay but when hot spots occur it is because they are poor.
Have you noticed now the BBC now say number of people who died ‘With covid’ not ‘from’ Covid…..a nice way to inflate death figures…
Let’s just hope they get defunded soon…
BTW Where is the base for Shamima Begum’s family ?
She was living with her mother UK who died of cancer.
Her father lives in Bangladesh,
the BBC old story says
“In recent years he had lived mainly in Bangladesh, he said,
visiting London for periods of between two and four weeks”
The UK is not like America where a baby has citizenship just by being b orn on American soil.
In the UK your citizenship depends on your parents.
When immigrants first arrive in the UK they count as guest workers, you might well then be born and be largely British through culture, going to school etc. But it could be argued that if you commit a big criminal offence your parents brought trouble into the UK. And therefore ultimate responsibility lies with your parents home country, even if like Shamina, you have never been there.
I see TR has put up 2 new videos about BLM
a 48 min one and this 18 min one
Hateful Racist Marxist BLM Activist EXPOSED!
(Youtube puts this unfair barrier on all videos on TR’s account
“The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
.. so here is a copy someone else uploaded
.. There’s a discussion on TR’s VK page)
Second 48 min video : EXPOSING Neo Marxist Roots Of Black Lives Matter
BTW today a Muslim guy appeared in court over charges of Youtube death threats/stalking against TR’s family ..trial starts Aug 13
Here’s the missing image
Stew – Yep – she looks like a racist to me- so take her career and livelihood away – starve her to death – maybe in a camp – with showers – and crematoria …..
I.n.s.a.n.e .
All these racists should be taught a lesson and put on an island in isolation from sensible far left multi cultural woke open border types. The island could have secure borders, no one in and no one out without proper procedure and passport checks. Call it something objectionable to alert potential visitors, how about Great Britain? Problem being after about 5 years or less the rest of the world would want in.
I’m more anti racist than you are – you need to be more anti racist – there needs to be a formal test ….
I’m concerned about the language and terminology . I prefer ‘coloured ‘ to the other descriptors – if someone is offended by the words I use – tough – I’m not sorry because I refuse to be controlled by other people’s preferred use of language – unless of course it is held to to be illegal . Then I will just think it and not say it or write it .
Once upon a time I had to explain racist to adults . It was my job – I had to do research and ‘examine myself ‘ . I did it for money – I thought the whole thing was just boxticking by a manager up there chain looking for the next easier and better paid job .
I did pretty well covering up my feelings- which are that coloured people should be thankful every day they are in Blighty ……and if they don’t like it – go elsewhere ….
Did anyone else notice that the Government are to investigate the possibility that a load of covid related deaths were miss-counted or wrongly attributed to the disease?
The MSM are trying to keep a low profile on it.
I hope the government do investigate thoroughly uncover the manipulative machinations that I believe have been going on with the intention of cowering the population into submissiveness for what I believe are very devious political reasons. amongst other things, smash the Toryies and Trash Brexit and Trump. I suspect the WHO along with the saintly NHS have there hands in this.
I was trying to find how much doctors are paid to sign off on death certificates — but my web search failed -ireckon at leat £200 a go …. makes it worthwhile writing what the health authority wants ….
no fee, but get £82 for signing cremation form.
A spokesperson for the British Medical Association (BMA) told Reuters that there is *no fee* for signing a medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD), regardless of diagnosis.
Unlike death certificates, cremation forms require NHS doctors to make investigations outside their normal NHS duties . £82
Think the fee goes to Registrars, not the Docs. You have to register the death within a certain number of days. Same for births & marriages and some other stuff.
Each death certificate costs £11
I don’t really understand why most families need 4 to 10 for each death.
You may have to send copies to various banks, etc..
Stew – I’ve just completed probate and administered a Will . I’d advise anyone dealing with the Estate of someone who had died – to get at least 6 copies at the time you register the death .A lot of organisations want Physical sight Of the Death Certificate ranging from Land Registry to the Banks .
If you send one in don’t assume you’ll get it back safely ….
I wasn’t talking about how much a copy of a death certificate costs – i was questioning the motivation of doctors signing them off …. particularly those that deal with Care Homes and might even be Shareholders …..
Doctors are not paid anything for completing death certificates, it is a statutory duty. If the plan is for cremation, then separate voluntary certification and visual inspection is required to confirm there are no suspicious circumstances and that the deceased does not have a pacemaker.
The current payment for this (which is taxed as PAYE) is £82
Daily death toll ‘is being INFLATED and fewer than 40 people are dying per day in the UK’
not the 80 that PHE claim | Daily Mail Online
percentage “died after testing positive for Covid19”
will always end up as 100%
cos 100% of humans die before 130 years
@ProfKarolSikora tweeted
I read this and was appalled.
It’s from Oxford’s CEBM & two very talented Professors
I just can’t believe PHE could be so incompetent
– it’s scandalous.
I can hardly believe this is true
Is it really civil servants deliberrately trying to make the Tories seem worse than they are ?
BTW it’s not a huge effect
It means the cumulative PHE death stats will be up by a few hundred maybe 2,000 or 3,000 probably not 5K
AFAIK it makes no difference to the ONS weekly stats
Stew: “Is it really civil servants deliberrately trying to make the Tories seem worse than they are ?”
Maybe, Stew, maybe. OTOH it is just because counting deaths is not a good measure on its own, especially when they are not recorded carefully and consistently in the same way across the UK.
In America, hospitals get compensated 20% more when they admit, discharge, or lose a Medicare patient to COVID-19
Government Covid press conference
Dido Harding
“In Bradford over 100 commnunity influencers & faith leaders
have come together to ensure that everyone has information
in a way that works for them”
Meanwhile in Leicester
Happy third world Friday ….
When are people going to question the fact that people who have lived in this country for many many years don’t speak English but expect to benefit from everything – and can demand everything is translated into their language.
I know people will say – look at Brits in Spain etc..well if you don’t pay for a translator they won’t do anything and they certainly don’t print everything in multiple languages..
For systemically racist country we seem to be very amenable..
She should resign – obviously a racist ….
Stew, is that the same Dido Harding that made such a hash of running TalkTalk?
‘Rosamond Roughton, the director general for adult social care at the Department for Health and Social Care, “is now on a career break”….
Wow – there was actually a director general for adult social care ? Would have ever thought it ?
Apparently the nice lady got the job in the spring ( timing ) …. and has now paid the price …. she’s gonna love the public inquiry into covid ….
“Top civil servant overseeing care homes in England steps aside”
I don’t think she’ was just appointed
Aug 15, 2019 Twitter described her as
“Director for Adult Social Care at the Department of Health and Social Care.”
Stew – thank you – that makes her appear even more inept – but it’s good to see girls in top jobs …. must be due for a promotion or gong or both if she had a few things that 10 doesn’t want in the public domain ….
BBC ‘Coronavirus: Can my boss force me to go back to work?’
Of course not. Slavery has been abolished.
The question I suspect the BBC is asking on your behalf is can I still get paid if I don’t go to work?
We will only get out of this problem if we are honest with ourselves.
Alex Belfield has looked at the ONS data released on Tuesday
remember such stats are 2 weeks behind
So the deaths for the last 2 weeks will be still further lower than the 5 year average
In response to all the comments this morning regarding the ONS figures……I have this to say
“Equality and Sustainability”
this so called ‘PLAGUE’ is a complete HOAX….sorry if some of you disagree with me…..but it is so obvious what is going on here…………
the week before the ‘lockdown’ the ONS deaths FROM this virus were 101?
The following week in the THOUSANDS?……suspicious?……
“sorry if some of you disagree with me…..”
Don’t be sorry, I think the site is open to all opinions. Admittedly the spectrum isn’t wide regarding the bbc but it’d be a dull world if we all agreed on everything else. Hoax is not the word I’d use but I think an awful lot has been put on the back of it. As to why, taking advantage and covering up would be my guess. But that’s just my ramblings. Oh, and it probably came out of a lab.
Deaths were always a bad measure, Lucky, in a country (UK) that counts deaths from a disease in as many as four different ways. At least ‘the cat is now out of the bag’ as far as PH(England) is concerned.
It is why the BBC’s comparisons between UK & Germany in April & May were so stupid, foolish and obnoxious. Germany registers deaths very differently to the UK. I guess someone high up at the Beeb realised they had boobed badly on that one and word went around to stop the comparison. Certainly the renewed outbreak in Germany helped with that change of policy.
You can pin all sorts of conspiracies on this Covid-19 thing, especially when the media and ‘our bit of it’ the BBC get very sloppy with science and their journalism and presentation.
Questions, searching questions, need to be asked. Any good journalist would do that. Out of 20,000 on the staff roster, the BBC should have enough journos to really get to grips with what is going on, especially as travel restrictions are now eased.
But no ….
The BBC’s failings just encourage and leave masses of room for all sorts of speculation.
How about the stat that the worst Covid-19 hit nations (with the exception of India – although they are now catching up) all tended to be nations with a certain governmental conservative or individualist or separatist streak? You can pin a few conspiracies onto that. Why is it that the BBC are generally not asking why the massive infections in the USA?
Belatedly, yesterday(!), they started to ask: ‘could it be spread via air conditioning’ but we know the answer to that one from a couple of cruise ships. The BBC need to dig deeper.
They probably will not.
Lurch must wow the girls At parties.
Listening to TWATO..
R4 have had a constant stream of negative narrative against the Govt..
Funny most of my friends and colleagues think the Govt are doing okay and recognise that they are doomed if they do and doomed if they don’t. The BBC clearly inhabit a different world to most people.
Well done BBC. Keep it up and soon you will be gone
Me, too JA. It’s what I came on here to post about. Waves of negativity from the Knaves of Wegativity. I swear I could see Ed Stourton’s top lip curling in a Mark Mardell-created and approved fashion type sneer on the radio.
Who needs telly and a Licence?
Rapper Zuby: “People are overreacting to stuff that is not worth the outrage,
and underreacting to things that are genuinely worth it.”
Zuby caused ructions online by identifying as female to break the British women’s deadlift record,
says trans athletes competing in women’s sports may result in “potential death” and could “crush” women in sport.
Radio4 drama
The black footballer is being noble
..yet the black cop is constantly being snarky
The old white cop is being polite.
Either way at the end one of the black guys will be the hero.
The black footballer was noble
The black cop was redeemed
The old white cop had been right
The young female cop had corruptly set the black footballer up
We’ve hit a comment lacuna – so I’m going to open the weekend thread and advise to have regular B. P.checks …