The biased Far Left BBC continues to re announce ‘job losses ‘, closing programmes and then ‘saving ‘ them as though we care about them . The truth is that the social campaigning propaganda onslaught is being noticed by more and more people who are forced by law pay for the poison . There is no evidence of ‘diversity of views ‘ from the publicly funded State Broadcaster .
Weekend Thread 18 July 2020
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Whatever will Doreen say?
Black Country flag banned by fire bosses who fear the chain symbol is linked to slavery.
This compulsory face mask thing is very strange in the context of the PM’s words this morning.
The two are completely at odds? Why masks when infections are falling, deaths are falling? If you are about to relax the lockdown PM, why?
Instead of asking questions, Ed Stourton could only seek to throw rocks at HMG and find ‘confusions’ and ‘difficulties’ with the help of suitably negative reporters and some vox populi.
Where’s Doreen Tipton’s opinion ?
If Boris the bottler and his cowardly gang had any backbone they would make false accusations of the meaningless word ‘racism’ a criminal offence – but they haven’t so we have to sit by and watch political cowardice destroy our country.
Much as I disagree with the stupidity and wokeness of the Firebrigade…the inclusion of the link to Eleanor Smith is worthy of the BBC as it was 2017 and nothing to do with this current fire brigade farce.
She was equally stupid…but still not linked to this…can we try to keep our standards up or soon we will be the NYT 😉
James, yes it is unfortunate that the tweeter failed to point out
#1 Eleanor Smith story was from 2017
#2 and that it is not directly connected to today’s firebrigade story.
cos she lost her seat at the last election
However I disagree that it is totally unconnected, her 2017 campaign must have set the path to the fire brigades decision.
“Wolverhampton South West MP Eleanor Smith at the time said the design of the flag had been ‘a big mistake’ because it failed to represent the Black Country’s multi-cultural communities.”
\\ A statement issued by the MP’s local Momentum group called for the withdrawal of the flag.
Ms Smith said she had not appeared on a photo with other Black Country MPs holding the flag “due to parliamentary commitments”. //
The local paper manages to find only people praising the flag
including the black guy from the museum.
Just before the 4pm news Radio 4 tells me that I ought to be interested in archiving Black American History.
JimS, it’s a requisite in learning perpetual victimhood
2 Legs Bad
Just cancelled my BBC tax and received my official scare email. I just wish there was a way to tell them how much i hate the socialist Nazi machine they have become
Good for you . The club is getting bigger . Tell them nothing . Ever .
Good for you. Mine expires this month. No more tele tax.
The BBC are not stupid. They know that they are despised by a majority of the population. But they carry on regardless, as they know that they wont get this chance of broadcasting left wing propaganda world wide, hiding behind a global BBC reputation, and funded by the UK tax payer.
The BBC would rather it is destroyed then reformed and a counter argument or a non-biassed BBC replaces it.
Nothing else explains its suicidal policy.
Ben Thomas: Former BBC presenter pleads guilty to child sex offences
The above is from the wales section of the BBC website – he was apparently busy in wales england and eastern europe .
He said he modelled himself on a Mr J Saville ( a tiny lie from me )
#1 The BBC report it
#2 They use an honest headline “Former BBC presenter pleads guilty to child sex offences”
Not the expected “Flintshire *man* pleads guilty”
Interesting they present it.
What’s also interesting is on the BBC website no mention at all of the Defund the BBC campaign.
Has anybody noticed a ramping up of the BBC anti-British anti-English agenda that the BBC pass off as “news” ever since former convicted criminal George Floyd was killed way back in May in the United States?
Originally it was claimed that the four policeman involved in the arrest that led to George Floyd’s death were all white, but it later turned out two were white, one was asian, and the other was black (father from Nigeria). I wonder why it was originally reported that the officers were all white?
No need for them to report it, Broaders, most normal people automatically assume they are getting it wrong.
The BBC aren’t that good at research, their under-managers did politics and vegan-diversity at their academies and got a third…
“ I wonder why it was originally reported that the officers were all white?“
I know everyone on here knows the answer but it’s worth stating it anyway – if you get the lie out first on the world’s favourite public service broadcaster, it is around the world before the truth gets out of bed (with apologies to Terry Pratchett).
Wonder indeed.
@PaulWoodthorpe tweeted
#IStandWithJeremyAndLaura is trending because some Twitter prats are angry that journalists are harassing Jeremy Corbyn outside his house.
Didn’t hear those same prats complain when Dominic Cummings family endured it for several weeks though.
Sopel The Hate-Pusher-General wrote a Times article
BBC’s hatred of Donald Trump has been evident from the start of his presidency. It was even noticed by Donald Trump, as he tweaked their tails at a news conference in PM May visit to Washington.
Along with CNN and The Hill, those strivers at BBC N. America also RT Vanity Fair in lieu of reporting….
Just caught end of Feedback R4..apparently they are stopping the Inside Business programme – one of the few good programmes on R4.
Typical – one of the few that actually was of interest to the rapidly declining number of listeners –
And apparently Sarah Sands is standing down from PM to be replaced by Owenna Griffiths – who is cited as having great editorship in producing Covid Chronicles, where listeners have shared their own experiences of the pandemic, and the award-winning seven-part series Anatomy Of A Stabbing. WTF
Did anyone actually listen to the Covid Chronicles?? I could have dished that up whilst dozing on the settee – getting your chosen subjects to talk incessantly about themselves doesn’t take much effort
And anatomy of a stabbing – I didn’t listen but at a guess she probably got somebody to talk out their experiences….
If this is the best R4 have – fewer listeners than ever before
Switching R4 off now as it is a continuation of TWATO and just anti Govt narrative –
How often can Andy Burnham be on BBC about covid …without mentioning Muslim/Islam in context of local outbreaks and keep blaming Govt for everything.
Try commercial radio which now makes the BBC look very second rate – talkradio, times radio and LBC. Also LBCnews radio.
Sadiq’s city of Khanife crime & shooting
Even if Khan goes, the community that elected him, is growing rapidly.
London, the greatest city in the world, second to none, has been destroyed by unrestricted immigration, legal and illegal, of a people who are hostile to the culture of Britain, or are just unable to live a law abiding life. The latter simply like to have the goodies created by White men, without paying for it. They are just parasites , who live off the economy created by White men. These demographic also have a very birth rate.
Future of the country that created the Global Engineering, Scientific and Technological civilisation, is not good.
Look at “BITESIZE” on the BBC internet main page. ” 10 pieces
of classical music you didn’t know you knew.”
This feature shows EVERYTHING what the BBC has become!
I have visited the Domenican Republic several times where
approximately 15% of the population is of Caucasion
ethnicity . Their representation on TV is pretty similar to
what we now see on the BBC website.
ITV localnews
coming up long item about Leeds getting promoted
with *the Singh Family*
First item : worship of Sir Tom Moore
he raised £30m for the NHS
since the NHS uses £20m per hour
if Tom’s ceremony started at 2pm the NHS would have used up all the money by the time 90mins later when he was eating his canapes.
#2 Rishi Sunak live from Richmond
very unusual that a Tony is given airtime.
We have “world beating” mortality rates due to cv 19. Has the NHS claimed credit for this?
If they don’t, what can Jon Sopel RT… when not doing that ‘we are not like other fake news’ in the Times?
#FakeNews as it is edited contextless video to stir outrage
It’s easy to spot earlier Twitter video of the white couple being aggressive
but there might have been even earlier events.
FFS there are even warnings all over the top of that thread.
Fair point. Now, if the bbc were to be tempted, where would their framing span?
Prager deleted their tweet now
South Yorkshire maize maze
spelling “Thank you NHS”
open for next six weeks.
The BBC still shows its colonial roots . This time it is interested in the lifespan of a judge in the US supreme court . She is 87 and just announced her cancer is back . She is a lefty so the BBC is praying that POTUS will not get the opportunity to appoint a right winger .
I wonder how many Whites have been murdered by Black men.
Have they been normalised by population numbers? It wouldn’t surprise me that Black men have murdered and committed far more racial crimes then White men.
dont be wondering, stats are waycist
6:49pm “6 weeks ago George Lloyd died
.. we look back to see if there have been any changes in our area”
Seems like a student video collage project
Heavily features a Hull Labour councillor.
After 3 minutes the poor presenter just moved on
Ah it was the Guy Gibson dog gravestone story
he read out in a perfunctory manner.
Personally I can’t imagine a worse crime than the rape of a child, perhaps worse is the gang rape of a child, or maybe the fact that the rape is occasioned because of the race / religion of that child.
So now as yet largely unreported is the uncovering of a second Pakistani Muslim rape gang in Rochdale.
As we hear news that the original perpetrators who should have been deported have not been despite the false promises of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are still here laughing at the idiotic antics of weak minded fools who pay for their lawyers from money they steal from other children as yet unborn who are going to have to pay for it.
Now I know some Tory lovers here don’t believe their beloved party should be criticised, but I have to say, your party appears completely OK with child abusers living amongst us and are assisting them in their efforts to remain here.
I did some analysis of the convicted. Were they born in the UK?
In some cases that is a clear yes. However, that doesn’t say if they have dual nationality or can obtain it.
Second, in some cases if the name is common, you can’t tell.
In other cases, its clear they weren’t born here.
Of the 56 cases the break down is
7% stripped of citizenship but still walking around.
2% fled and were extradited
25% I can’t tell because the name is comming
34% were born here, but see above. A large number will probably be dual nationals or can claim another nationality
36% were clearly not born here.
[Rounded to nearest %]
The problem lies squarely with the scum at the Home Office.
Doesn’t matter if they were born in the UK, as we now know from German precedent set in the European Human Rights Courts, the offspring of first generation migrants can be deported if they are convicted of criminal behaviour.
Regardless as you say the problem lies with the government (cowardly useless incompetent Tories) who are in charge of the Home Office (including the Marxist T May) and who have done absolutely nothing to get people back to countries where they belong.
BTW you can bet they’d be quick enough to get rid if they were white!
Doesn’t matter if they were born in the UK, as we now know from German precedent set in the European Human Rights Courts, the offspring of first generation migrants can be deported if they are convicted of criminal behaviour
That requires a change in UK law. My view, the Home Office should be allowed to apply for nationality for prisoners on their behalf on grounds of descent. Then they can be stripped of UK nationality and deported.
The real question is why the Home Office hasn’t deported all the Grooming gang rapists as a matter of course.
They were locked up. They should have sorted it out then and deportation should be a direct consequence of the original sentence. If you can’t win the appeal on sentence then there is no appeal bar that of being deported to a country where there is a total war. In the interim you stay in prison.
Honestly that read like a recruiting flyer for the KKK, it is hard to beleive it not a meme.
But oddly its not, its developed by 2 white femanists apparantly
Kelvin’s opinion on ITV London
Been aht an abaht on mi travels today.
1. Talking to a lady – she tells me that her granddaughter works at the LGI [Leeds General Infirmary] and they have no-one in the Covid ward.
2. Talking to a nurse from the Huddersfield Royal Infirmary ICU ward – not had a single Covid-19 patient for 4 weeks.
Huddersfield is in Kirklees, the area with the second highest spike in positive test results. So clearly those that are testing positive aren’t poorly enough to need hospital treatment.
So what are all those NHS bods on the dedicated Covid wards doing?
Why aren’t we being told this by the govmnt or the MSM?
And what is this all about? What is the big aim?
Just reportin’ what i’s been told.
The government told everyone that if they they suspect cv-19, to stay at home. And those who are ill in other ways , to stay at home too.
No wonder.
All TV channels keep airing this weird advert
“Our Stories are always Woke Stories”
note the the 2 heavy doom chunks of Attenborough at the end
Hashtag #OurStories
I expect that the next thing you know the Black Dyke Band will be forced to change it’s name which is seen by the Marxists as both racist AND homophobic.
You just could not ever make this kind of sh*t up
Summary of @Dorbyn’s link
Teen Vogue published an article titled “Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep,”
which argues that blacks have shorter lives than whites
because they were denied sleep during slavery,
and thus reparations must be given in the form of time off from work for naps.
It must be a joke……
Think BLM is something new? Think again it’s been going on ever since they got here!
Caught a bit of Newshite.
A reasonable discussion about Coronavirus. Except……..
a lady Professor of Doom and Gloom at UCL had been carefully selected and was given free rein to argue by inference that the economy should go to ratshit in order to get CV19 levels down to near zero. Pretty much unchallenged.
What the BBC don’t pick up is to ask such people whether they have been furloughed or on short time working or reduced pay.
The point being that the University merchants of doom and gloom have no skin in the game. They argue for coronavirus policies which result in economic ruin and mass unemployment, while they sit there on full pay and with total job security in their cozy ivory towers, totally immune from the effects of their policies.
In other words ……not unlike the BBC.
Standards at UCL have fallen. They got rid off a Nobel prize winner to kowtow to baying racist mobs. I was at UCL way back in the 60’s. It pains me to see clueless profs of the present- educated in the last two decades.
So too standards at Cambridge and Oxford. One is likely to get a better education in STEM going to a community college.
i was at university in the 60s but disliked it and had to leave. Maybe spending two weeks in France in my second year spring term did not endear me to them. Got away with Ireland in my first year though. Never regretted it for a moment. I had really enjoyed school and the first rate masters teaching me there . The university was a let down and not for me. I really wonder just how many of the vast numbers that now go want to be there.
Seen elsewhere from America …
You think that everything will return to normal. It will not. This is just the beginning of the normalization phase. The pieces are slowly being put in place for a society that will deny you its services for failing to conform.
The spiritually dead, driven by fear, and secure in the protection of group think will enforce this new norm for fear of standing out.
They fear, more than anything, that their emotional investment in virtuous compliance will somehow be refuted, leaving them feeling as they have nothing left to cling to. Their selfless devotion to the herd mentality is their only identity.
Soon, mandatory masks, enforced not legally but through mob rule, will turn into covid free papers and vaccinations. The New England Journal of Medicine has already admitted their goal is to enforce vaccine compliance through employer based mandates.
They are studying our reactions and learning what makes us comply, what drives our fear and, at what point we will cave. The type of pressure they will apply to the mask deniers will be adapted and applied to non conformers of all kinds the longer this goes on.
We are witnessing the creation of the new Khmer Rouge. Conforming to government dictates for the good of the state will soon be the highest virtue, the highest level of moral behavior. And it is reinforced by everyone who complies.
Next Thursday 8.30pm Radio 4 the business programme with Evan Davies .
How Can Companies Become More Diverse ?
Now those who have run a company , especially a company set up from scratch , without huge , without any , reserves of cash know that the first priority is survival . Not profits , that’s a luxury if you survive , but getting ready for the next Knock ( of non payment , new legislation etc ) .
If you are surviving and doing well you might need to employ someone or some people .
So you want honest folk , hard working , proficient and qualified for the job , adaptable , healthy ,intelligent and with a good attitude .
Also nice to have is a cheerful disposition , loyalty , camaraderie .
You don’t want any diversity from that .
You certainly don’t want any of the opposite to that plus
Grievance people
People who need special needs
People who need different holidays
People who have easy access to the courts of perceived slights , with pressure groups behind them
People who can’t properly speak the language
People who need the infrastructure to be altered
Big corporates can be indulgent with their declared aims , especially banks . But imagine if you went to the most woke of banks with a business plan that was based around diversity ?
Of course if you’re a billion pound entity that could extract money from the ordinary Joe whether he wanted your services or not you could afford to be the most diverse thing in the world only beaten by that other monolith , a government department . Or tax funded charity .
Sounds like a repeat, or maybe they had a similar show
in Oct 2017 they had
“Is there a business case for having a diverse workforce?
The Bottom Line
Does a mix of talents lead to better companies and translate into more profits? ”
other Radio4 diversity progs
Nibor, it was just such a subject as this that first “woke” me up to the liberal nonsense that is the BBC. It was about 20 years ago, I’d been an avid listener to Radio 4 for many years before that, with the radio on from first thing in the morning until I went to sleep at night. I particularly enjoyed the 6.30 comedies mid-week and the specialist programmes. I remember, with affection, a 30-minute programme about the semi-colon. That, to me, was what radio 4 was all about.
Then, one day I was listening to a consumer programme (I’m pretty sure it was “You and Yours”). The gist of it was that a Nigerian woman, a recent immigrant, had applied for a job at a small company, possibly like you describe above, for the position of telephone sales and support. The trouble was that she had very poor English and did not understand how to use the equipment the company had. Not surprisingly, she did not get the job; also not surprisingly she complained to a convenient support organisation who contacted the BBC. The spokeswoman for the organisation explained that what the company should have done is to employ this woman plus the woman who did get the job, but the latter would have been on a six-month temporary contract and would have been tasked with training the Nigerian until she was proficient. Then the indigenous woman would be required to lose her job to be replaced.
You do not have to be a business person or an accountant to see the obvious flaws in this proposal, particularly the totally unnecessary cost of salving the social conscience of a liberal luvvie. What had me, as a small businessman at the time, shouting at the radio was that at no time was the proposal questioned , not even one word; the interviewer totally accepted that the primary role of businesses was social welfare, not profit making.
From that moment on, instead of letting the words wash over me, I analysed every programme and quickly saw the liberal bias I had been subjected to. I still listened, but far more critically, until one Sunday morning on the way to golf, I was listening to a Radio 4 religious programme; the subject was the Devil. There was a vox pop on the question “when you hear ‘the Devil’, what do you think of?”. The very first answer was “Margaret Thatcher”. My radio from that moment on has never been back to Radio 4 or any other BBC programme.
It is a massive issue, dominated by people in power without the slightest clue about what they are pontificating about.
Beyond the fact that most politicians now are irredeemably thick opportunists, most have come from backgrounds that are utterly isolated from business realities, and straight into a protective bubble that is even more so, free from fiscal consequence.
As is any bbc staffer. Even the fragrant Evan.
Life is not ideal. And things are very different at the s end of an SME to the upper echelons of the public sector money tree.
Shamina announces she is again knocked up in the canteen at Westminster or W1A, and everyone celebrates yet another happy event and future PPE or journalism undergraduate, and drop a note to HR to deliver a sub for the required period of cover. And of course the fit must be right, meaning no Karens to upset Faisal, Emily and Charlotte*.
Bit trickier when not blessed with limitless resources and no fiscal realities.
So, Evan, a period of quiet reflection would be most welcome rather than airing that unsavoury piehole again.
*As a karmic aside, I recall the rueful irony of the Law Society of all entities having to address an expensive spat involving two senior staff of ovary, with one being additionally blessed with West Asian people skills. The resulting melanin/attitude catfight was quite special and, iirc, the solution was to pay everyone off to make it go away. Not an option in a company where headcounts are low and the funds for extraneous costs come out of the owner’s mortgage.
Whenever I applied for a new job I always explained at interview that I would require to take leave for my religious holidays and it wasn’t negotiable. If they didn’t want to employ me on that basis, fine with me. But i didn’t expect them to renege on this and they never did. One of my bosses had worked in West Yorkshire where she explained than non Christians got, not only Christmas holidays and Easter off but their own religious holidays as paid leave. I would have expected to work Easter and Christmas if I had paid leave for other festivals.
Who’s in the Big Bother House ?
a house of preachy people who bother us
Meghan Markle, Harry, Lewis Hamilton, Piers Morgan, Owen Jones, Ash, Jeremy Vine, YasminAB, JoB, etc.
Mind you he BBC is building is basically a Big Bother house full of wokists.
Mallen Baker Show
In this round-up of the week,
– Joe Biden announces there’s just 9 years left to save the planet and tells us how he ‘s going do it.
– The New York Times and the BBC are accused of institutional woke bias.
– a YouGov poll, the British people say they don’t support laws to make it easier for trans gender people to transition
Fabricate a crisis (nine years to save the planet) for a pre-prepared solution (vote Joe Biden to the Presidency).
This is standard George Orwell and what David Icke has been going on about (if you ignore Icke’s excesses).
R4 weekend Profile is Roger Stone
It’ll be a hit job
and a means in the BBC’s campaign against Trump
..and helping the Democrat party
Possible strain on the NHS in the winter months if a second wave hits combined with flu cases. Hmmmmm, well should it happen, lets hope they don’t shame themselves again, and offload still poorly geriatrics back to their Care Homes quicker than grease lightening ! I wont be ‘thanking’ them anymore due to this travesty that came to light. One day it could be me they’re medically coshing as I’m shunted out of the door !
Police in London seen kneeling on black man’s neck
As expected UPROAR the BBC report sites quotes from witnesses using words such as EXECUTION…..The mayor demands an enquiry……if you read into it the bloke was arrested for carrying a knife in public, but that doesn’t matter its have a go at the police tine again…all stirred up by the BBC using our money to stir up race tensions where none existed.
The BBC are desperate for a UK Geoerge Flloyd.
One day soon Al Beeb and Mayor Khant will call on the police for help. Let us hope that Al Beeb gets de funded before that. Lots of murders in Londonistan at the moment. There are dark forces at work trying to create anarchy in the city.
“ The BBC are desperate for a UK Geoerge Flloyd.“
And with the convenient availability of someone to record the arrest, who wouldn’t think about the possibility of a set up?
5:58am Mahamed Hashi on Radio4 finishing up saying
‘we Somali’s have to get more representation on police committees etc’
… prog ends ..trailer about daily refugee drama girl taken
(BTW that is repeat, true story of guy smuggles Muslim in from Calais only to find the guy is bad)
News starts
… boohoo nasty police have knelt on black guys neck
.. he’s been charged over possession of knife
.. American 60s civil rights guy has died, he was in this years BLM stuff. Black senator John Lewis , Democrat Party.
Someone on Twitter complains Mahamed Hashi is one of 4 heading BLMUK
I didn’t find any evidence of that.
Dr Mahamed Hashi to you…but look how he acquired his title …
“ In 2016 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy by London Metropolitan University in recognition for “outstanding work with young people and the wider local community”.
LMU, you know, just about the bottom of the Youni league table, the one where 70% of the students are foreign, don’t attend and student loan scams are prevalent.
I noted on R4 that the tribute to John Lewis came from Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Leader in the House.
Joe Biden has become almost invisible since accepting the Democratic nomination to run for President in the November election.
Ooops, I should have read from top of the page downards! OK, on R4 Biden is invisible. There are lots of Americans in the UK who can vote in November. Am sure the BBC would like them all to vote for Joe.
You’ll probably know Raedwald, but here’s his excellent post which will keep the pressure going well…
Interesting comparison about the fight for a deunionised press back in the 80s versus the fight to end the lefty controlled BBC …
6:30 Farm prog starts, a special about seasonal workers
They were claimed 99% are foreign
A British student spoke he said standards were appalling
like there were no toilets for girls in the field
…doh never was when I worked in Australia
.. but genuine claims were made like that the Covid rules were totally ignored shoved on a bus.
Charity LincsEU said that foreign workers were used cos they don’t know about sick pay etc.
and spoke of a site where all English workers were just dismissed.
Utterly ignorable tripe, however brought to my twitter feed by the fact Lewis Goodhall liked it.
Bloody ell’ someone can trace their family back THREE generations, to that area.
I see Jess Phillips has changed her twitter photo from that strange one where she was sat on a stool in the shape of a right angle ????
Still Jess, you can put lipstick on a pig, but…….. ????????????
Can’t see the original tweet and don’t care for Phillios (my MP) but she is right in that most of us Brummies use ‘mom’, not ‘mum’.
Can’t see the original tweet and don’t care for Phillios (my MP) but she is right in that most of us Brummies use ‘mom’, not ‘mum’.
BBC panel
– No white men
– .. are any Brexiteers ?
… ALL London Roz is based in London, Dawn is ..Bet Sara is
… Bobby’s not a northerner is he ? Place of birth: East Ham, London
All 3 women’s Twitter accounts are marked as London.
Dawn, or the bbc, going to reference this one?
Wow – 4 remainers – that’s a change …a dame , a baroness …. and two coloured people – interesting diversity …. I suppose ‘bobby’ is there to be the ‘funny guy ‘…
Em Mateless is,for a reason I can’t quite fathom yet, on the front cover of today’s Times Magazine (UK paper version).
I think she is guilty of cultural appropriation because she appears to have whited up rather than her habitual light mahogany.
IT’s the BAFTA’s basically you get an award for being a non-white non-male as long as you are bAME or a lefty
Here’s the pic
The second pic
Two tweets that appeared together made me ponder further on how ‘essential‘ the MSM has rendered itself.
Its only a matter of time before the poilce work to rule ….who would put up with the crap they have to put up with…..i wouldnt
Pug – the development of the BBC into an undeclared campaigning organisation – well outside the Charter – is a new development – In my view – which got going With climate nonsense and Brexit and has now grown with the new Marxist movement using colour as a cover .
I suppose the next campaign will be ‘age guilt ‘ – why are you still alive over 60 ? Or whatever …. particularly if you are whitee…and even more particularly hideously white . ….
As for Sopel – I think the bunker mentality -and the self regard – extinguishes and self doubt that he and all those of his type – are just plain hostile to Donald Trump as a human being yet alone a POTUS .
There will be so many reasons to be sad if he doesn’t get a second term because if he does – I think we will see real change to the way things are done ……
Blocking people for pointing out things bbc staff don’t like pointed out is the new transparency. Apparently. Trust them.
And ‘of color’ is the new orange.
Some attend* pubs because they have no TVs. And not just because of licence legality.
*Currently still sending representatives to collect Takeaways.
Lewis has back up.
Behind this desperation must graphs of ‘Newsnight ‘ viewing numbers heading for the big ‘too low to count’ – maybe maitlissss will have to get her bits out or they’ll have to find young Totty to get the boys in prison to up the numbers ..
I’ve not seen it for years but I gather that it is now a nightly broadcast by the Labour Marxist Party ….
Back in the day when I was ‘woke ‘ to how lefty tv news had become – I’d switch on c4 news at about 713 pm to see if they had any or many adverts – happily very often the only advert they had was for their own puerile output – apart from father ted .
TOADY Watch #1 – Listening but not listening
Justin Webb is interviewing Grant Shapps. Justin asks Grant about the PM’s statement yesterday and the conflicting statements from doctors and PH(E). Grant explains that each step of relaxing restrictions is based on the ‘R’ number. Justin does not listen to the answer.
He asks again. Grant uses a lot of different words to provide the same answer: Government decisions are based on the ‘R’ number. Justin still does not listen to or hear the answer or does not understand what is being said. Justin asks again about the conflict between medical statements and the PM’s statement yesterday about ‘possibly being back to normal before Christmas’.
Grant waffles away not really saying anything much. The interview changes direction.
Time for Justin to do that presenter and journalist re-education course that the BBC faithfully promised to hold in the wake of the Gilligan Affair.
Up2 – sounds like a clash of two mediocrities – Shapps is harmless and the BBC Droid just worries About being replaced by a coloured girl .
Not the bBC (although one could argue it should be) but lots to read over the weekend if anyone is so inclined.
Earlier this month the Centre for Brexit Policy produced a 100-page report entitled
REPLACING THE WITHDRAWAL AGREEMENT How to ensure the UK takes back control on exiting the transition period”
See also here.
Brexit Facts4EU.Org have done a short summary and present key excerpts (but they also point out they were not consulted about it).
This paper, which was predominantly written by expert lawyers, in effect proposes the tearing up of the WA and PD. It pays lip service to a new agreement being negotiated with the EU, but we cannot imagine that the intelligent people who wrote it actually believe that the EU would ever agree to that.
In short, the paper provides a road map to tearing up the abomination that is the WA and PD, based on the EU being in breach of its obligations.
The only change to the abomination that was Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement after Boris Johnson became Prime Minister was the change to the N.I. Protocol – all other appalling provisions of that Treaty remained intact. Many of those who supported Boris Johnson and the Conservative Government agreeing this Treaty in November last year and signing it in January this year are now advocating and promoting that the WA and PD be revoked.
BBC News
15-year-old “Grace” was sent to juvenile detention for violating her probation by not completing her online schoolwork.
Then you read the comments.
Pug – a fascinating insight into the mental well being – or lack of it – by the covern who put it together . I guess they’d prefer an ELE to reset the evolutionary clock and have a world designed the way they want it …
… I can’t take too long looking at it but it’s interesting that the term ‘freedom ‘ and ‘democracy ‘ and’ choice ‘ don’t feature..
Nor does affordable food and clean water and medicine ….and capitalism / the invention of money and the contract
Funny how the vast majority of that stuff is something to be proud of ….
Just a thought
Having raised NHS staff to the level of angels within our godless society it’s perhaps unsurprising that so many people are suddenly more than keen to impersonate medics by the donning of quasi medical faceware.
It is about as convincing as George Osborn in a hi-vis jacket.
Yer just gotta laugh:
Bowling Alleys and Casinos to re-open. What will they look like?
The BBC. So they tell us.
Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy now?
There’s going to a lot of manufactured outrage at the film showing two white police officers arresting a black man.
Of course, they can hardly say “unarmed” because he had a knife.
The BBC and Channel 4 won’t be content until we see another PC Blakelock tragedy…and then they’ll blame the Tory government.
Knife crime in this country, pre enrichment, used to be something of a rarity. Not these days. Every year fresh records are set for knife murders and the Guardianistas wring their hands and blame poverty, deprivation, racism, exclusion from school…and (of course) the Tory government…
There isn’t really a deterrent for murder. A few years inside with your mates and then back on the streets…blimey, we even welcome back terrorists, FFS!
We’ve had decades of the liberal approach to violent crime and it’s clearly been an absolute disaster.
Regarding this latest race baiting piece about “the knee on the neck”…
I think most of us accept that knife crime is completely out of control and needs tackling, so it might be worth trying an experiment. How about instead of a couple of years in nick, when convicted of murder…
The deterrent would be
A rope around the neck.
There may have been reasonable arguments for abolishing the death penalty in the ’60s. For the most part we were then a civilised society where the general population knew right from wrong and where something called ‘British Justice’ largely prevailed. However the ever increasing importation of savage ‘alien’ cultures, and the (deliberate) ruination of our educational and legal institutions, has changed all that. The death penalty must now be reimposed as part of the solution to restore a functioning society, and I believe the majority of law-abiding citizens would be in favour.
The ‘powers that be’ only have themselves to blame.
Reviewing the pro and anti arguments for death penalty was one of those ‘rights of passage ‘ when doing the compulsory criminal bit of the old law degree- before the time when they started using colouring in books .
I used to be moderately of the Right when I was younger but now that I’d be classified by the ‘far left’ as ‘far Right ‘ I am instinctively pro killing very bad criminals .
My biggest concern is the judiciary being pushed to be left liberals – hence going after stuff which is about changing social views rather than just right and wrong
I think one day in the future they’ll think it inhuman to lock people up for A very long time Instead of putting them out of their misery … as well as the cost of course .
As an aside the imported third worlds understanding of law enforcement might be very different to the UK version – plod running away doesn’t send out a very good message ….
The general belief is that it is wrong to kill, so most societies create laws relating to murder.
Some murders are accidental, violence might have been intended but it went too far. Some muders are coldly planned. They are considered to be the worst.
An execution is murder by the ‘state’, coldly planned without passion. Coveniently we all can hide behind the anonymous ‘state’ – “it wasn’t me Guv!” we can all shout. But in reality we all become complicit. Not only that we create a group of de-humanised guards and executioners to do the task that we wouldn’t as individuals do ourselves.
Execution might be convenient but the it harms those that carry it out, including the wider society.
I am against the death penalty for this reason:
The state will use it to get rid of those it doesn’t like. TR would somehow be fitted up or Katie H would end up on some trumped up treason charge or something like that.
If you get 2 weeks in prison for urinating in public (is he out yet?) how easy would it be to get a death penalty for someone taking on the elite.
If you get 6 months (was it) for reporting on a trial (TR) how easy to get him sentenced to death on some trumped up charge.
A year for leaving a bacon sandwich near a mosk (and then conveniently suicided or whatever in prison)
The death penalty would reduce many suicides as the elite would have a ‘legal’ way to get rid of their opponents.
Another reason is that mistakes are made and many innocent people would end up killed as has happened before when we had the death penalty.
A post death pardon isn’t much help to these unfortunates.
So then, it’s not the actual death penalty I’m against, it’s the abuse of it by those at the top. Another tool instead of having to keep suiciding their opponents.
I believe we shall see more of these phone videos where an arrest is being made. The (usually) black perpetrator has only to scream or shout “get off my neck” and immediate social media attention is gained. Police all wear body cameras, so unless this latest policeman had a case of the ‘red mist’, then the body cameras of all the arresting police should clearly indicate what went on.
This ‘get off my neck’ cry could now be an easy money call. If found to be true then lawyers will be swarming like ants to get a ‘suitable’ compensation payout for their perpetrator client.
The only concern I’d have is that occasionally in the past mistakes were made. The two most infamous cases I can think of being Timothy Evans, who was hung, wrongly, for murdering his wife and daughter and Bentley who was already in police custody when his partner in crime shot and killed a policeman.
However, while I used to be dead set against the ultimate deterrent, for the reasons stated, I’ve gradually become persuaded. It’s not just that I believe it could be a deterrent, it’s also that I think it’s important that we as a society make a statement. There are certain crimes that are beyond rehabilitation and forgiveness.
At the moment we almost treat murder as an every day event. Well, in some areas it is an every day event…It’s a little bit more serious than armed robbery, but we’re no longer really shocked. We’ve become inured to these foul deeds.
In the case of those prisoners that can never be freed it’s also cruel. We’ll lock up the likes of Ian Huntley for the rest of his life and wash our hands of him. I think this is both unfair to the parents of Holly and Jessica and actually inhuman in the case of their killer…not that I’m particularly worried about him.
But it makes us feel better about ourselves.
I honestly don’t think there’s much chance of Tommy or Katie facing a trumped up capital charge. Much easier and more productive to hound them, denigrate them and lie about them.
I attended all of the London demo’s to get Tommy his freedom and he’s a popular bloke amongst the public, despite what the MSM may say.
So, killing them, I don’t think so…
That would immediately make them martyrs.
And our leaders and lawmakers most certainly wouldn’t want that…
“So then, it’s not the actual death penalty I’m against, it’s the abuse of it by those at the top.”
Yes this would certainly be a major, major problem nowadays – with the current batch of judges and the b****y Supreme Court. However, I don’t think that many innocents were executed in the past? There will always be errors but, on balance, I am in favour of its reintroduction providing we can sort out the legal profession in tandem (granted, an enormous job). I’m no expert but the jury system is supposed to be a ‘control’ so I’m thinking there should be more trials by jury rather than what seems to regularly happen with TR where a politicised lefty judge gets to call all the shots.
I always like a ‘death penalty ‘ scrap . As law students we’d be taught to jump ship from one side to the other . It’s when I realised that ‘Successful’ lawyers Tend to be amoral – see Tony Blair as a living example of this .
Talking of lawyers – I read on Twitter that a group of academic? Lawyers is to examine the behaviour of the Judges of The court of appeal in becoming political over the decision to bring a 20 year Bangladeshi Muslim terrorist Into the UK to decide if she should be here ………..
But you are a allowed, if you are a marxist or the BBC to use the “Gammon” attack. Another pork based product and we know they really mean Jews.
But you are a allowed, if you are a marxist or the BBC to use the “Gammon” attack. Another pork based product and we know they really mean Jews.
But you are a allowed, if you are a marxist or the BBC to use the “Gammon” attack. Another pork based product and we know they really mean Jews.
If you could somehow put all the whites into Africa and all the blacks etc into Europe and the USA I would bet that within 40 years Africa would be the world leader and prime economic power.
Then you would be getting all the blacks etc setting off in their rubber dinghies to cross the Med and try to get into Africa to live off the whites (again)
Déjà vu
‘Nantes: Fire breaks out at Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul cathedral’
‘More than 60 firefighters are currently at the Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul cathedral, according to local media. The cause of the fire is not yet known.’
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
bBC now say “arson suspected”.
French prosecutors say “believed to have been started deliberately.”