The biased Far Left BBC continues to re announce ‘job losses ‘, closing programmes and then ‘saving ‘ them as though we care about them . The truth is that the social campaigning propaganda onslaught is being noticed by more and more people who are forced by law pay for the poison . There is no evidence of ‘diversity of views ‘ from the publicly funded State Broadcaster .
Weekend Thread 18 July 2020
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On the Andrew Marr Show just now, Marr interviewing the Russian ambassador to the UK.
Marr, “Did you watch the BBC drama about the Salisbury poisionings?”
Ambassador, “I saw a bit but it was too dull. I couldn’t watch it”
Sadly just got a glimpse of Marr interviewing a bastion of truth – the Chinese ambassador about human rights abuses in China. What a waste of time. The moron was a professional liar who would admit to nothing so not worth putting on.
Come on Doc, we’ve been saying that about Marr for years but he’s a BBC Bastion – or something like that.
‘the Russian ambassador to the UK’
‘the Chinese ambassador’
This is something of a departure for our Red Andy. Is he hosting a diplomatic garden party themed to the communist leanings of his youth? Has he had the entire anti-west axis zoomed into the BBC studios?
Bastions of truth at the BBC abound.
Seems a quote the BBc are happy to run with.
Wonder if he got a tour of the top floor, and some Ferrero Rocher?
sarc on: Since it is a Chinese Government official he is probably telling the truth. The camps are in a neighbouring province such as Tibet or Gansu. sarc off.
Beff tells folk what to do.
Hugh has concerns.
I’m getting slow in my dotage but occasionally the brain synapses link together.
Wee Krankie is very keen to stop nasty people visiting Scotland and bringing in Coronavirus with them.
So…..why don’t we put her in charge of the Border Farce in Dover?
‘why don’t we put her in charge of the Border Farce in Dover?’
What, burst the inflatable rubber-dabby-dozies ?
Yes Beltane. It is a pity it was Marr who is useless in this situation. Would have preferred Neil grilling the bastard.
R4 5pm Repeat of Tuesday’s prog about Rochdale grooming/raping gang victim Daisy who was horrifically let down by the police/establishment
who I presume are largely white.
Of course she represents about 5,000 victims
, whereas when the news-soap-opera bang on about one person say the knifeman who had a police knee near his neck for a few seconds, or the black night rescuing the “white” football protester
.. they are just solo events.
The podcast is already available, and the prog makers have to be complemented for getting the show made and broadcast, but I didn’t notice any trailers, unlike favoured BBC agendas which seem to get endless trailers.
What I find odd is that of the Twitterati responses many seem to evade the fact that the majority of Grooming gangs were Muslim Pakistani, preferring to quote general statistics of the number of white paedophiles ..when even a kid with a GCSE in maths could work out that the even that argument (which is obfuscation) fails when you compare proportions in the population.
What is it with the inability of the MSM and politicians to say it how it is – whilst on the other hand jumping on an unmeasured narrative that all white people are privileged and racist despite evidence to the contrary.
I am glad I don’t do Twitter etc – it must be very depressing and stressful world to live in…
Love the defund BBC posters going up
@JA in that thread I didn’t notice that
rather under the More Replies button there are 10 replies from one Muslim named guy
who shouts ‘what about white men ?’
That is nasty whataboutery cos all he is trying to do is distract attention away by making a false equivalence.
Maajid Nawaz is always firm on this
It is “on street grooming gangs”
a specific type of crime and almost all the perps are Pak/Bangla
It is quite different from normal CSE
the main factor being the inverted racism of the establishment cos they fail to police properly on account of the perps being brown.
Whereas when the perps are white and victims of any colour, there hasn’t been this failure of policing.
Last night the smirky smile Rachel Shabi ran true to form when discussing the papers. The conversation was the gradual opening of facilities from lockdown and a steady return to some sort of normality. Then she gave her two penn’th, yep she had to moan that the Government were acting too quickly in the relaxation of shops etc re-opening as the threat of another wave was inevitable.
This was the same woman who not a month ago was bemoaning the fact that we had to come out of lockdown for the sake of the economy ! At least she gave me a good laugh before I went to bed.
But I have a long memory Rachel.
R4 9:30pm a repeat of Monday’s prog
“How to think radically about the environment without being an eco-fascist ( trick word) ”
Lucy Proctor puts forward 2 strawmen, nastily so, cos she uses the trickery of redefining established language.
As Covid-19 forced humans into lockdown, memes emerged showing the earth was healing thanks to our absence.
*These were false claims* – but their popularity revealed how seductive the dangerous idea that ‘we are the virus’ can be.
FFS that reads like a Guardian article
It’s got double misrepresentation
she’s extending claims about less traffic (which was true) to say the claims were the planet was healing
and then saying it was all wrong.
At its most extreme, this way of thinking leads to eco-fascism,
the belief the harm humans do to Earth can be reduced by cutting the number of non-white people.
GRADE #1 TRICKERY ALERT : she’s redefining language
“eco-fascist”, “eco-Nazi” already has a well established meaning as meaning totalitarian green activists
it has never meant *green racists*
But the mainstream green movement is also challenged by a less hateful form of this mentality known as ‘doomism’ – a creeping sense that humans will inevitably cause ecological disaster, that it’s too late to act and that technological solutions only offer more environmental degradation through mining and habitat loss.
“doomism” ..nope it’s not known as that, more like she has just made it up
Rather she has defined a rather specific kind of doom-mongery.
What vision can environmentalists offer as an antidote to these depressing ideas?
And how can green politics encourage radical thinking without opening the door to hateful ideologies?
WTF this is very Goebels, she puts forward two negative strawmen, thus seeking to make her green-gang seem like the positive good people.
The title of the prog “Humans vs the Planet”
is itself doom-mongery.
additional her Twitter friend has weighed in with other new made up word
another tweets
‘whites’ make up 12% of the world’s population, yet cause over 75% of the environmental harms
… That’s made up BS cos enviro-harms is not a measurement unit
BTW there are so huge arguments
like that the aborigines had already burn down most of the trees in Australia before white man came.
And that the Maori had wiped out the Moa too.
Neither is it modern white man that is killing the Rhinos and Orang Utans etc.
Though it was whites that did the bison 200 years ago.
Actually as with most Radio4 progs these days it can’t have had many listeners
cos there is practically no detailed discussion of it on Twitter.
Lucy wrote a long 10 tweet thread explaining her thinking
The first one tells which guy she gets it from.
It got 7 Likes & 7 retweets
that is absolutely nothing.
I think most of us here know that much of the BBC output is in fact made up opinion that seeks to produce a set narrative.
I listened to Knobinson interview Dr Thérèse Coffey the Tory DWP Sec of State. She seemed like the sort of Tory we need but what did Knobinson seek to do at every turn -Slag Boris off
His parting lines. ‘TC is an unusual person in the cabinet – a scientist, but will Boris let her do her job, that remains to be seen’…it was an unnecessary snide comment that failed to reflect her views and the interview…
BBC is now just a cesspit of personal bias opinions
As ever Outsiders on SkyNewsAust has a lot of good stuff
on Youtube
The Andrew Bolt goes into the Smithsonian’s wacky anti-white leaflet
There a weird thing in that video
The second half features Mark Latham
the guy who 15 years ago was the leader of the opposition in the Australian parliament for the LABOR PARTY.
Then he went into being a media commentator calling the establishment “leftist elites”.
Now in the last 3 years joined the Australian equivalent of UKIP
and won a state parliamentary set for them
with their platform of anti-open borders, anti-solar/wind etc.
The thing is he used to present Outsiders from 2015-2017
then he was sacked after wokemob had started an outrage bus against him.
The Reserve Bank chief had announced he was going to recruit more women on the advice of his 15 year old daughter, so when Latham criticised that , they said he was unfairly attacking her. They joined that to a new episode where he said a 15 year old school spokes kid sounded gay. He said there was context to that.
Milo’s latest vid says that the Mary Trump
doesn’t have much actual dirt on Trump.
That the book has an introductory prologue with damaging accusations
and that reporters were given a crib sheet wrote all these stories.
However when you read the actual full chapters the context disarms them.
Stabbing in Brighton hospital. Place in lockdown. Not terrorist related ? “Apparently isolated and unexplained incident?”
“shocking incident” I read somewhere.
I’m not shocked, Taff. Totally unsurprised.
The only thing that ‘shocks’ me these days, is that lot’s of Brits, including some of my small family, are still surprised by these events, given the lowering of the bar over the last 25 years.
When did reality and truth become unfashionable?
It is an organisation called BARB ( that publishes the viewing figures.
The figures are currently based on what 4,493 homes (or households) across the uk watch.
On Guido in the comments section
I don’t see much difference between the Chinese telling their people how to think and the BBC constantly teklling me how to think, except I have to pay for my propaganda.
Multiculturalism and diversity.
The gifts that keep on giving.
‘Leicester academic questions lockdown approach for BAME groups’
Click to access Weekly_COVID19_Surveillance_Report_week_29_FINAL.pdf
PHE Local Authority watchlist.
Are you feeling enriched? Or just taken for a ride?
The only good feature of this is the others who went with her are dead . I looked at the appeal decision and to me it looked at though the government didn’t try to hard .
If they could get an assurance from the Bangladeshis that there would be no death penalty and
Got a demonstration that she could communicate with a Uk court using distancing technology I reckon a reasonable Supreme Court could overturn the judgement
However a reasonable Supreme Court is not a given …..
Your point about the amount of attention various forms of grooming gets is very well made – but since Islam took over the BBC not something to be readily explored by the worlds ‘ best broadcaster …
One way or another, sooner of later, she’s coming back. Inevitable. The Home Sec, the Courts, thay all know it. The only game in town is who gets the public ire. The government will deflect blame on the courts. But parliament could legislate its way out of most of these legal problems if it had the will.
Strolling along the suburban streets one often passes some welcoming looking hostelry. A window sticker announces the house is ‘dog friendly’ and this seems to promise a relaxed convivial atmosphere. But that canine favourable slogan and its less humane partner ‘these premises are proctected by CCTV’ have been joined by signs installed by mine host extolling patrons to ‘social distance’ and to ‘use the hand wash provided’. Heaven knows what further bylaws are to be enforced within. Visions of refreshment in companiable company dissipate and one walks on.
Let’s sum up with a motto in cod Latin
Plebian Publius-Goerus Infectus
[That’s more Sturgeon Latin, rather than cod Latin]
Our Boris is more a fan of the Greek
Taxus to Helles Spartan Futura Nickos Tenpercent Argos Ocado Homer Deliverum
My deepest apologies to true classicists.
As far as I can see the only party not afraid to talk about the creeping horror of Islam and who has a coherent policy statement about it is For Britain.
Consequently the party is denied all publicity.
I shall be voting for them in local elections at the first possible opportunity.
Telegraph reports that 66 Tory MPs have written to Lord Hall of Tuscany asking for explanation as to why pensioners over 75 will have to pay the licence or face criminality – why can’t savings be made through management as opposed to assigning £100 million to “diversity ” . “diversity is defined as giving coloured people overpaid non jobs”
what do they spend £100 million on? 1st Class to the West Indies and the ‘stans ?
Diversity is defined as positive racism – so there!
Make no mistake, the ultimate aim of islam is to conquer and subjugate the world, especially the West.
By sword and by stealth, by birth-rate and by migration. And with our leftist liberalism, our soft secularism, our cringing Christianity, our pusillanimous politicians and our mendacious media – it’s like kicking in an open door.
Worse still, it is increasingly becoming criminalised to even point out the danger and cry ‘Fire’.
“Calling all libmob/wokemob drop what you are doing
and come to Twitter to post something hatey about #BorisBaby”
…. is that how the call went ?
…. These people’s behaviour is poisonous and sow division.
Sorry if I missed it elsewhere
Nante Cathedral – 39 year old man from Rawanda arrested.
A 39yr-old Rwandan ‘REFUGEE’ responsible for closing Nantes Cathedral the day before the fire has been taken into custody.
The 39-year-old migrant detained following the blaze, according to French reports, worked for the diocese, and was angry over difficulties he had been having with his expired visa — although the authorities have cautioned against leaping to conclusions about his involvement in the fire.
No BBC say “Nantes cathedral volunteer detained after fire”
.. then in the text say a detaining him is just to clear a few thing up.
Local man arrested – I wonder if it’s a ‘something’s gotta to be done ‘type arrests which are quietly dropped as people lose interest ?
Infoquest – I’m getting old – my Dutch isn’t what it was …!
@Fedup, Ne pratt Nederlandes, meneer ?
Stew – I think the answer to your question in ‘neh’ ..
Michael Holding great cricketer, but today’s woke world, means he is allowed to spout crap and no one dare challenge him
Not on the prog nor barely 40,000 people on Twitter who posted positive comments.
I thought what he said about the Central Park woman was fishy.
but then he starts telling people in England that we all believe Edison invented the electric light bulb, but heartlessly ignore that “Lewis Howard Latimer a black man INVENTED the carbon filament that keeps it shining so long today”
FFS most of us know Joseph Swan did most of the legwork and got world patents, so Edison then partnered with him.
AFAIK Latimer was a good man who was a patent expert and in 1882 got a patent for a particular manufacturing process for carbon filaments.
People probably made great use of it, but then after a few years people switched to tungsten filaments used for 90 years before the newer tech of the last 25 years.
Then Holding told us that Judas is portrayed as black
..that can’t be too common cos I’ve never heard of it.
He kept saying people are brainwashed, but this
‘blacks really invented everything’
is the kind of mindset you get from people overpushing Black History Month.
… Second tweet from SkyNews ..similar tweets were done from ESPN etc
Sky the next day went back to try to get
“TV gold”
but got him saying there was black on black prejudice within his own family
“My mother’s family stopped talking to her because her husband was too dark.
“I know what they went through, and that came back to me immediately,” Holding said, wiping tears from his eyes.
He also spoke about times he faced racism over the years, including when he and his white friend were assumed to not be booking into a hotel together in South Africa.
John Barnes tweeted about it Jul 11
Love Michael holding.. good friend… speak regularly
… did u HEAR what he said about his parents?
Mums family didn’t speak to her because she married his dad who was TOO dark..
his mum is also BLACK
… does the idea of racial superiority ONLY affect white people, NO
we need to examine and dismantle we as black people ALSO feel about the negative perception of blackness
which some of us have also been conditioned UNCONCIOUSLY to feel
I’ve always questioned the authenticity of Sir Frank Whittle’s claims. Courtesy of BLM/BBC persuasion I’m now confident that the jet engine was invented in Somalia, not Coventry.
Or some sh1t like dat.
I possess a copy of Wittgenstein’s plans for a jet engine which he made as an engineering student in Manchester Univ, in 1905. Before Whittle and O’Hain. The engine had a few problems but it did fly helicopters in WW2.
The Focke-Angelis era? Superb GFW. I have a love of chopper history, but my personal working experience doesn’t extend beyond VC-10’s. C130’s and Andovers. Some other’s here and there but nothing of significance.
Again Lewis pens War and Peace on twitter to impartially report on an ideological foe.
Has he got pictures of Fran in bed with Jeremy Clarkson?
Blimey he really swallowed the book didn’t he ? Is he sponsored by Harry Ramsden ? Bloody hell what a chip .
Do you notice how he refers to another incident in America . I’d had enough after 2 minutes . What a disgrace .
Will the bbc be able to field enough editors to keep up when next she blows by?
Guest Who
Our Greta is a bit young to lay into G and T as she does at the end of her philosophical address.
GWF typical foreigner – no ice no lemon …. looks like triples though .. I remember drinking triple G&Ts .. actually ..I don’t …just the bar bill …
Her delivery is very Nixonian.
Ah to be young again …I think she might have discovered Boys / Girls / horses…
She gets an open chair for her voice, never engages in debate and is never challenged. She is placed on a pedestal like some holy guru holding the worlds wisdom.
BBC Editorial Guidelines foundation policy.
Many a true word is spoke in jest.
Guest – I think in those quiet moments even intelligent perceptive men like dr Goebells was amazed at how ready a mass of people were ready to believe lies ….
.. we have an even bigger challenge because of the constant feed of information and events making it difficult ( for some or many ) to see through the lies ….
BBC: ‘Coronavirus: ‘Almost half’ of Blackburn Covid-19 contacts not reached’
Here we go, sounds like bash Boris time folks
‘A leaked report, seen by the Independent, suggested that fewer than half of contacts were reached in Oldham, St Helens, Manchester and Rochdale.’
So that’s egg on the face for Boris, right?
‘It later emerged that the Jamia Ghosia mosque in Blackburn said it is being investigated by the police and public health officials after holding a funeral on 13 July, attended by 250 people.’
‘The Imam has since tested positive for coronavirus and is recovering.’
‘The mosque has emailed its congregation advising everybody to self-isolate and said it “made a mistake” in allowing more than the officially-permitted 30 mourners to attend.’
Oooops, this is heading way off message.
Im outraged – ive just seen the manu manager at the start of a footy game not take the knee ! Is this still legal ? Is he a racist ? The BBC commentator failed to condemn him ! The BBC is racist !
( isnt it hot ?)
Youve had a drink havent you….admit it….(lol)
Lucky – I’m steeling myself to put up the next thread … and I’m a few hours ahead of UK time at the moment …
Never drink , or admit to drinking , if engaging the internet ….
I see Marr’s tough guy no nonsense approach to the Chinese Ambassador over his tretmwnt of the Moslems gains approval.
Farage tells us
This is exactly what public service broadcasting should be about.
Are these guys the good moslems?
Being interested in religious matters, I optimistically turned on R4 this morning for “Sunday”, not having listened to this once-interesting, now woke garbage programme for some time. I never learn. First item was Racism Within The Methodist Church. A black minister was producing the evidence for this: During his training some white person told him he was not a good communicator. But he was, he protested aggressively. He was “very articulate”. “Things has got to change,” was his conclusion about the huge problem of Racism Within The Methodist Church. Off button.
Almost every program gets around to one of thier propaganda topics – sooner or later.
One on R4 today about full stops dots in grammar and music, seemed to escape.
A rarity!
“Channel migrants: Five boats carrying 65 migrants intercepted”
Intercepted = ferried across.
IMHO our government are complicit. Have they done a secret deal with France to empty the camps in Calais ?
The main reason the nation voted for Brexit was to stop this happening. Will you believe the Tory Party ever again?
Is there a secret deal? Have these men of military age served Britain’s government in some way and are now being rewarded?
Almost certainly. I FOI’d the home office. Apart from the refusal to release the telephone number of their FOI or complaint’s department, its pretty clear what’s going on.
So I asked for the meeting minutes with the French over the channel. No, you are a pleb, you aren’t allowed to know
We are being stitched up. It’s the home office that’s at fault. P Patel needs to sort them out
Almost certainly. I FOI’d the home office. Apart from the refusal to release the telephone number of their FOI or complaint’s department, its pretty clear what’s going on.
So I asked for the meeting minutes with the French over the channel. No, you are a pleb, you aren’t allowed to know
We are being stitched up. It’s the home office that’s at fault. P Patel needs to sort them out
OT, but…
Guest Who
Perhaps the Government of Ghana might allow them to return with slaves. There are many white guilt ridden liberals who might be willing to take up the challenge.
When I lived in Ghana the average salary was £1 /month
cos the value of their currency was so low to ours
so of course everything was dirt cheap
that would be an incentive to live there
.. if you were naive about the massive prevalence of malaria, AIDS, and other diseases and the super sweaty climate.
Maybe they could sue the tribal chiefs family that sold them
Black Americans?
So Africans then, not Americans Channel 4.