Let me just adjust that headline to match prior BBC house style…
Leeds fans’ celebrations pass off mainly peacefully as… well, you know the rest… that minor detail about police, including female officers, injured and the mess left behind in the city centre and vandalism and breaking of social distancing guidelines…
Whenever that awful woman is mentioned I always like to add “(real name Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah)” in a Tommy Robimson style. It just makes her that little bit more worthless in my mind.
Europe down the Pan? Latest news would suggest that its near the edge. The EU’s much-vaunted “Core Values” are a scam. Dishonestly promoted as “for economic benefit”, their real purpose is Nation-Breaking, to undermine and destroy the national identities and cultures, so as to create a brave new Afro-Eurabia with the EU’s unelected elites in control.
Free Movement, Asylum Granting and Welfare Provision have together created a dire and dangerous Gold Rush.
Nobody was asked. The tainted BBC, in full propaganda mode, soaks the airwaves with emotive images of dead children to manipulate public opinion: Goebbels would have been delighted. The traitor class politicians continue to push this insanity, inflicting “quotas” of Africans and others on the unwilling populations of member States, but not, of course, on themselves.
The sinister compulsory Free Movement obligation of the Schengen “agreement” means that those millions of miles of EU outer border, Greek islands, Atlantic islands, African enclaves, and French colonies like Mayotte, are ALL targets for invaders seeking to benefit their lives and enhance their own welfare. The fit strong young African man, in “Europe or Die”, a documentary, explains (at 0.58):
“I left my country for a better life, for a new life, for freedom.”
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, is considered the “grandfather” of the EU. In the 1920s he was dreaming of a Pan-European State long before the EU’s predecessors were founded. In his memory, the EU awards a Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize to politicians who have helped his dream. Merkel and van Rompuy have both received it. Doesn’t say much for the prize! Couenhove later wrote disturbingly-‘The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear… The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples…”The genocide of the Peoples of Europe”the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration.”
Does that sound familiar, something like “Multiculturalism” and “Refugee Resettlement”?
We are forced to be spectators at the EU’s destruction of Europe. This is the elites’ project — a mixed-race Pan-European State with its own currency, a pretend-parliament- I think we would all agree that so much of what has been threatened is happening and without serious consideration or even acknowledgement of what future we, the white people of this once all white Europe, can look forward to.
OK, but the idea of a black suburb being changed by gentrification & de-blacked is real.
As is the idea of Britain being de-gentrified or de-Britished,
I agree that the future , only a couple of decades away, looks bleak for old whitey and his culture. It is already too late to stop the invasion and replacement programme by usual democratic means. The elite who designed and implemented this programme have, as someone posts above, complete control of the MSM and our institutions. They can manipulate the news allowing people to know only what they want them to know. They can ignore the democratic process and can use the power of the institutions they control to target any form of opposition before it is sufficiently developed to offer and resistance. The Presidency of Donald Trump and the Brexit resistance being excellent examples. Only Eastern Europe offers significant resistance.
Interestingly the Polish have recently voted against the EU… proving that point. It not just the UK that wants out. Why is the EU Commission at war with Poland?‘
Poland has just re-elected President Andrzej Duda, a member of the conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS), for a second five-year term. A re-election that received a rather cool welcome in the European Union (EU).
For several years now, a conflict has been going on between the European Commission, EU’s main body, and the PiS, the Polish majority party, over the issue of the “rule of law”.’ and that links to what the EU want to impose: Poland: Ideological Blackmail from the European Commission https://eclj.org/family/eu/pologne–le-chantage-ideologique-de-la-commission-europeenne?lng=en
England looking very likely to win test v WI. BLM logo everywhere , flags, players shirts, bats, scorecards , commentators lapels. I would not be surprised if England captain Joe Root apologises to the WI for winning and declares that it was only because of their white privilege that his team were able to do so. The BBC are particularly upset because the England team is 100% white , not a BAME in sight. Calls for a BLM style boycott unless a coloured quota is introduced , can’t be far away.
Did all the cricketers and officials take the knee before the match in a special BLM / Say No to Racism ceremony?
In the English Premier League every match begins with all the players taking the knee. The same with the FA Cup. I think it occurred in every Championship match as well. There seems to be no end in sight for professional sportsmen being required to take the knee before every sporting match in England.
I don’t know whether sportswomen are also being required to take the knee as I don’t follow women’s sports in general.
Another channel, another sport, but the tear-gulping breast beating dialogue between Steve Jones and David Coulthard after the F1 GP was a pure comedy great.
During an apology-laden ‘We must do more’ and ‘F1 must come together on this’ explanation for the failure of several level-headed drivers to abase themselves unnecessarily, Lewis Hamilton – that sad little lad who was once so highly regarded – was now lauded as a ‘beacon of hope’.
As an example of dishonest and specious speaking it must rank with any Guardian editorial but then, could they really tell the viewers the truth? Especially Ferrari’s version?
How anyone with more than half a brain can find F1 ‘interesting’, is beyond me!
Years ago, as a small boy, my dad would bundle us all into a rented Morris Traveller, and we’d take a picnic and go to Brands Hatch for the August Bank Holiday meeting.
John Bolster was the commentator, and he was always hilarious. There would be about a dozen races, with cars driven by Graham Hill (Austin A35), Archie Scott-Brown, (one arm), Stuart Lewis Evans (won the Bodiam Hill-climb in 1958), and a host of normal people, who nowadays would be ‘slebs’ on a squillion notes per race.
It cost bugger-all for the day, everyone enjoyed a huge celebration of whizzing cars, the pong of Castrol-R, and a hot drive home with a traffic jam of about three-hundred yards on the A20 back to Wrotham.
That was a day of proper entertainment, not seeing some bleak, small-brained, over-paid twerp piddling about with a spaceship on tyres, with the equivalent of flunkies with spanners arseing around, kneeling down to plonkers they don’t really care about, and really getting on everyone’s nerves…
Could see mixed swimming relays working, same on the track, mixed tennis doubles is well established so why not? Whether there’s a spectator or advertising appetite for it I don’t know. If there’s money to be made then it’ll happen.
He shure did look priddy sitting on the bench watching his team on their majestic journey to the bottom of the prem ….
Onto less important things – the Oxford uni bash at getting a vaccine has delivered a deeply disappointing update – that maybe it works .
Feel the gloom from the BBC –
it will take longer
It will cost more
Rich people will get it first
It will take ages to get ready
It’s not reliable
There might be a reaction
It might not worth for ethnics
It’s the Russians
Trumps bought it all
Bill gates bought the rights
It will hurt .
This is Oxford University you know and in accordance with the diktat from BLM they will be reserving the first 100 million doses for those who matter. The white folks can wait in line.
Jesus, the BBC can’t make their minds up. Bang on about how bad UK is then this
vaccine news is great for everyone – except it seems the BBC
the whole of today from the bit I saw on Breakfast to R4 just negative and accusatory questioning.
Can you assure us…? Will you have…? Can you Confirm…?
And the extra funding for schools…so the teachers that haven’t been to work will continue to get paid and be able to do extra private work using additional money from Govt…BONUS
Somebody has just been on saying the staff are absolutely shattered..they have had a really hard time over the last few months…
All I have heard today is bloody teachers complaining about lack of funding…
Cynical, yep sure am about all these hard working teachers
2pm Radio4 Drama about Al Yarmouk Camp for the Palestinian refugees in Syria
runs for 3 days
“recorded in London with a Syrian and Palestinian cast, some of whom were established actors in Syria before fleeing the war, arriving in the UK as refugees after often perilous journeys.”
Followed by : 2:45pm repeat from 2016 Kanishk Tharoor talks about the archaeological site Tell Qarqur which became a battlefield
and the Syrian villagers who worked with him now living as refugees.
12pm Daily book Abi Daré book set in Lagos, Nigeria.
8pm The stories of three people deported back to Nigeria, a country they left many years ago, and what happens to them once they arrive.
Nurse lost residency when her marriage to a Brit broke down
– guy #2 deported after prison
– girl 3 came on a student visa , got kicked out after 13 years
BTW in the plot amateur male and female actors and activists work together
.. That is surprising cos that breaks the law of kowhat which forbids males & females mixing.
It’s a long time since I was in Syria, but I don’t think it changed that much.. the secret police seem the same.
Oh and the plot also has Palestinians and ethnic Syrians working togethe.
That is not impossible, but usually there is a lot of racism between then both.
Anyone relying on the Biased Broadcasting Corporation for its news and views would get the impression that the US has returned to normal after the BLM riots – sorry, largely peaceful demonstrations in which only a few dozen citizens and police were killed; oh and a few children too.
Nothing could be further from the truth. In many Democrat-controlled cities, the often violent rioting continues apace, with the authorities doing little to restore order, and indeed often siding with the rioters against their own police.
Yesterday the beeb did a ‘report’ on Portland, giving the overwhelming impression that the demos there had been peaceful until now, that Trump sending in the troops only exacerbated the situation, and that locals wanted the troops to leave.
They quoted the Democrat mayor and interviewed a typically ‘liberal’ journo.
So three voices were heard: the BBC’s; the mayor and the journo, all pushing the same biased narrative.
The truth is that the never-ending demos are not peaceful, and that many citizens are happy to see Trump taking a firmer stance for law and order and sending in the troops.
For an alternative narrative to the beeb, see Fox News.
8pm R4 how our political system can change for the better.
.. like educating poli’s in statistics.
The Times review reveals the idea for this series came from Dominic Cummings 5 years ago
..the BBC page omits this
In fact the show before it at 8:30pm
has a dig at Cummings \\ the idea of “behavioural fatigue”.This centred around the notion that the public will only tolerate a lockdown for so long so it was crucial to wait for the right moment to initiate it.
Go too soon, and you might find that people would not comply later on. It turns out that this theory was also wrong.
.. Was it ? just cos the BBC say something firmly that doesn’t make it true.
BBC1 7:30pm Britain’s Coronavirus Gamble
Panorama investigates the scientific advice the government followed in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic.
WHO urged countries to stamp out infections as soon as they developed, (did it ?)
but the UK government’s initial scientific advice said the route out of the crisis was for most of us to catch the virus so we could develop herd immunity. (is that true ? or is that misrepresentation)
Panorama reporter Dr Faye Kirkland asks whether this was a dangerous gamble with people’s lives
.. Faced with a growing backlash and warnings that the NHS was close to being overwhelmed, politicians denied that herd immunity was the policy, and *within a few days* Britain pivoted to a new strategy – lockdown. (not true poli’s always talked about keeping lockdown for the right time)
In 7 days time on R4 a 10 episode prog which seems set to play double trickery
‘Yeh the PR tricksters are not us lovely BBC Greens it’s Big Oil over there’ How They Made Us Doubt Everything
Monday 1. Big Oil’s Big Crisis
1/10 From climate change to smoking and cancer, this is the story of how to manufacture doubt.
Like the trailer that is PR trickery itself as it makes FALSE equivalence between LEGITIMATE doubts about green-dream-religion & trickster led doubts about smoking
Tues : 2/10 In 1953 PR and tobacco execs draw up a plan to fight claims that smoking causes cancer.
Fri 5. Big Oil’s Big Group
As the world’s scientists agree on man-made climate change, oil companies form a coalition
Mon 6. Monday ‘Reposition Global Warming as theory, not fact’
‘Unless climate change becomes a non-issue…there may be no moment we can declare victory’
Tue 7. The opponent
In the battle for public opinion, the scientists were no match for a well-oiled PR machine
Wed 8. Jerry gets ‘duped’
A climate change sceptic realises he’s been getting it wrong
Thu 9. Deep pockets; useful allies
Oil money is pumped to scientists and think tanks in the bid to make it a culture war.
1. Smoking can increase the probability that you will get lung cancer.
2. Smoking probably does not cause other types of cancer.
3. The world’s best scientists, paid by the government, have calibrated man-made global warming to have been about one thousandth of a degree Kelvin, while oil companies paid taxes to the government like most other companies.
4. Global Warming and Global Cooling are facts. The “Unified Theory of Climate” is the theory that proves that its not Carbon Dioxide. While “Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo” is the theory that proves what does cause Climate Change. Therefore this is the moment we can declare a victory for the scientific method.
5. The BBC. In the battle for public opinion, the scientists were no match for the BBC‘s 24 environmental activists pretending to be the “Best Scientific Experts“. (“The Propaganda Bureau” by Andrew Montford)
6. Richard Pinder gets ‘duped’ A climate change sceptic realises he’s been getting it wrong. Richard says he used to be a luke warmer, but Piers Corbyn and Mensa members put him on to the road to the truth.
7. Deep pockets; useful allies. Tax money is pumped to corrupt scientists and environmental activists in the bid to make it a left-wing culture war against the scientific method and reason.
8. The White House 2017: This truth (see above) resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
Apparently some MSM had gone to comrade Corbyn dacha in the people’s Democratic republic of Islington n£1 to ask him about being a ‘useful idiot ‘ … much disapproval unlike the pack of dogs who set up camp at the Cummings residence …
Cummings gave them the finger, Corribin would say something stupid, which was never worth listening to anyway, so the Beeb, in their usual way, went for boredom…
Dan Hannan discusses everything from the BBC licence fee to what political parties can do to win the confidence of taxpayers… Worth watching. TPA Podcast No.3
’In the light of the appalling decision by the BBC to stop free TV licences for millions of over-75s, I asked Dan about the future of the hated TV tax. He was adamant that it must go: “Nobody would suggest this model if we were inventing it today.” It might have made sense when there was only one broadcaster for the entire country. But it has become “utterly indefensible” in the modern age of on-demand digital content.
He went further, asserting that the licence fee has probably been “redundant” ever since rival TV companies came on the scene. We couldn’t agree more and that’s exactly why we launched our Axe the Tax campaign.
I could not agree more. Saving money starts by trimming the ‘Magic Money tree’ of the BBC by removing the TV tax to subscription is obvious to all, but the BBC.
I think only BBC staff should pay the licence fee. And to end the racism at the BBC, the BBC Asian Network should open up its doors to all races, even those Black lives who came from the African Network.
A bit of advertising on behalf of the BBC – you might recall that the other day I said that the BBC were desperate for a coloured victim of whitee … well they haven’t got a modern one – so they’ve gone back 15 years to a drama documentary due sometime this week – to enable maitlsssss , marrr, et al to looking meaningfully into the camera and emote “nothing has changed “ …
Cue Lammy and Baroness dot Lawrence – who can do no wrong – to tell whitee he’s bad … ( but let’s not mention the coloured killed by coloured Each week )….
Just a follow up. As their search for a black victim of whitee continuea the BBC websites highlights the story of a 13 year old boy who pushed a 14 year old into a canal . The kid drowned . The kid was black .
The CPS said there was evidence for manslaughter but failed the public interest test . No prosecution.
Independent CPS review – same outcome
Mum plays race card . Action group set up – judicial review pending
The BBC report fails to mention the colour of the killer . Im guessing he is not ‘ colioured’ .
Personally i think if you kill someone – you go to court – thats what they are for . And people should be frightened of courts .
Xi Jinping became President of China in 2013, and also held the offices of General Secretary of the Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Xi increased the profile of the office of president in foreign affairs. Xi has reverted China back towards a state controlled economy and reversed China back towards communist censorship and repression.
What makes Xi’s revolution distinctive is the strategy he has pursued: the dramatic centralization of authority under his personal leadership; the intensified penetration of society by the state; the creation of a virtual wall of regulations and restrictions that more tightly control the flow of ideas, culture and capital into and out of the country; and the significant projection of Chinese power. It represents a reassertion of the state in Chinese political and economic life at home, and a more ambitious and imperialist role for China abroad. Term limits for the president were removed in 2018.
Those Communists at the BBC can only dream of obtaining this amount of power over Britain.
Three years ago, Mrs Scrobs bought me an electric bicycle.
As a reasonably old fart, I can now go anywhere with ease, especially up a steep hill near here, which used to be impossible even for a bicyclist like Brodleigh Woggins…
The trouble is, it came from China!
As I’ll never buy a Chinese meal again, (especially no 69 on the menu, because that isn’t a nice word), do I have to report the fact to my local plod-station?
Maybe I should ask Naggia Moncshetta, (No 45 on the menu)…
She’s supposed to know all the answers to everything in the universe, and also understand what No78 on the Chinkie menu is, because not many idiots do!
“NYC Puts 27 Cops On Protection Duty For BLM Mural While City Implodes”
Despite New York degenerating to a murderous sh*thole, the deranged Mayor details 27 police officers on a 24Hr three shift system, to protect the BLM mural outside Trump Towers.
Al-Beeb are getting very exercised by the treatment of the Uighur muslims in China.
But strangely the beeb remains extremely relaxed about the systematic and savage persecution of Christians in the Middle East and throughout the muslim world.
In other news, Tyn Cot is to revert to farmland. Leper Town Council said that it did not want to give prominence to an event that went against its ethos.
Given that Guy Gibson was born in India that would surely make him a ‘BAME’ and, as we all know ‘BAME’s get to use the ‘N-word’ all the time.
I doubt if the dog’s name had any racial significance at all as, despite what the BBC thinks, ‘people of colour’ where pretty rare here when the dog was named.
The ‘N-word’ is an import from the USA, along with most of the race package that was imported in the 1960s and is still being imported by the BBC. BBC, don’t you get it? We are Europeans not Americans!
Inevitable news from the BBC. “All books in the Bodleian Library at Oxford with the Latin word for Black in them are to be burnt” predicts Richard Pinder. It would be best to burn down the Library just in case they miss a book that could cause a serious violation of the “Safe Space” rules. This would also follow the prevailing left-wing intellectual trend in University Education.
Not sure if I’m late to the party on this one, but……
A church volunteer has been arrested over the blaze at Nantes cathedral, – a refugee from Rwanda, – he had the keys to the cathedral. That’ll teach ’em.
Quelle surprise: advert for HM Government UK Transition, shows a couple arm in arm with suitcases and suitably masked – white lady and chap of colour with corkscrew hair . I thought the word ‘transition’ a strange choice in this day and age, I mean is the lady a menstruating person or what? or is the chap fully functioning or on his/her way to being the other ? 😉
‘The same approach which treats sins common to the human race as peculiarities of “our society” often also makes the fatal error of confusing victimhood with virtue, by lining up on the side of the victim, instead of lining up on the side of a moral principle. Yet nothing has been more common in history than for victims to become oppressors when they gain power, whether among the successor states of the Habsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire after World War I or among the successor states of the European overseas colonial empires in Asia and Africa after World War II.’
To be filed by the bbc as privileged white woman (racist) mangles brave African Americans knuckles with cheekbone.
I’m guessing the lady with the gun isn’t security, so working in catering and feeling the need to do so armed.
Context : Jul 9, 2018
“A Milwaukee man walked into a @George_Webb
restaurant and brutally punched a female cook in the face, prompting a co-worker to pull out a gun and scare the man off. ”
“He was tired of waiting for his food” CBS vid with commentary
Many years ago, my grandfather owned a small starting pistol.
My Dad told me that back in the twenties, there was a real fear in the building trade, that serious harm could come of bad practices, and my grand-dad carried the gun on many occasions.
I still have it, and maybe would show it to any bastard who tried anything like that on me and Mrs O’Blene.
ITV news report on coronavirus outbreak at Blackburn.
Don’t know how el Beeb are reporting, as I don’t watch any of their output now, but was amused to hear ITV’s report..
“The Inman tested positive for the disease conducting a funeral of more than ‘30’ people….”
Turns out there were more than 250 attendees, but why let us kafir’s know the truth……
They should be ashamed of themselves. Yes, others have found ways to flout the rules but this is deeply irresponsible and the worst send off for the deceased: Blackburn mosque 'faces police investigation' over 250 at funeral, now the Imam has Covid. https://t.co/OCV4wNnrRC
And of course, the really unwoke things about an oil palm and a soya bean plant is that they do not contain chlorophyll nor to they photosynthesise. Only trees do that. Apparently
Reminds me of when the Muslim Council of Britain in all seriousness wrote to the Prime Minister asking him to refer to the Islamic State as the “Non-Islamic State”. The nearest they got to that was the government referring to them as “Daesh” in an effort to conceal the reality. https://t.co/7rw5rItCEz
I completely agree – they should formalise the deception by just doing what many do on this site – ‘local man’ ‘Norwegian ‘ and those euphemisms … bit like when some one called ‘mohammed’ has his name shortened to ‘mo’ …. much more matey …
…. it’s on the theme of paki paedo racist rape gangs – local men …. I despair ..
There was just a feature on the Londonistan programme
on BBC TV where we were not told why a business park
was not being built in the capitol because of the withdrawal of
Chinese government money. No mention was made by
this particular anarchist Marxist , or should I say Maoist branch
of the BBC of some of the worse humane abuses seen since
1939-1945 by the Chinese communist government with their
treatment of the Uighur Muslims. Forced sterilization for the
women and the men being sent to “reeducation camps”(Concentration camps) Then there is Hong Kong. I dare I say it,
but the more I think about it the more I am believing that
the Chinese EXPORTED their virus to us!
I know that Riz Lateef and Assad Ahmad are just parroting from their
autocues with their editors bile against the Toreeeeees, and the
Met, the “bosses” of the NHS and TFL. But they are doing their
job for their editors with more and more passion as the years go
I note Lord Blogger was given the runaround by the HO when he attempted to get some information (at end of last thread). Terrible managers, terrible staff and riddled with corruption.
The problem as always is the hideously faulty (common purpose) recruitment processes for civil service jobs and the low quality and/or alien staff.
Here’s another one – According to the Mail on Sunday a number of junior Treasury officials have complained they “do not feel comfortable” with a room there named after Churchill. This was raised during an official Treasury equalities team question-and-answer event.
Who in their right mind would employ such idiots to work in the civil service?
And why do Treasury “officials” need an “equalities team question-and-answer event”?
Time for the ‘recruiters’ and those who recruited the ‘recruiters’ to be replaced.
Somehow i landed up on a conservative party email list . Today i got a personal email – along with a few hundred thousand others – from Priti Patel .
Ms Patel told me that is taking back control of our borders . At the same time Breitbart reports that a Record 200 illegals invaded the south coast today . ….
I might write back putting myself up to join the tory party to become an MP – i fancy all the perks, bribes and freebies for not doing much – and a nice peerage at the end of it for somrwhere to snooze for £300 a day .
Report cites leadership failings & says some staff lack secure knowledge of how to keep children safe; unauthorised people come on to the school site; checks on staff & adult students aren’t consistent; accumulated rubbish poses a fire risk 2/3
— National Secular Society (@NatSecSoc) July 20, 2020
So what did Bob do to upset the muslims? –
“Evidence has emerged showing Blackman to be on a programme with notorious promoter of Islamophobic and far-right hate, Katie Hopkins, who was only recently banned from Twitter. David Vance, who has similarly been accused of promoting Islamophobia, was also on the panel.”
On Toady this morning, I was informed that the MCB are seeking the banning of the word ‘Jihadist’ for its negative connotations and (wrong) association with terrorism………..
‘Exchange is no robbery’ it is said, so, tell you what, MCB we will desist use of the word Jihad and any derivative if you delete the word “jihad” from the koran, hadith and any other muslim document. Fairs fair after all……………..
That would be Worldwide of course.
MCB’s Miqdaad Versi had an extremely long rant on Twitter
quoting History of Bob Blackman MP:
listing Blackman’s crimes
“1. RTed Tommy Robinson (of a true story, about a Muslim attack on a Hindu temple killing a priest)
2. Hosted anti-Muslim extremist in Parliament
… “
(FFS why can’t he say the guy was a brown Hindu nationalist ?
Tapan Ghosh, an Indian Hindu nationalist.
who has called for the UN to control the birth rate of Muslims )
And this nasty Blackman retweeted this new news
about Boris’s call against persecutions in Pakistan.
.@MhairiBlack .@BobBlackman Boris Johnson government has issued grave concern over threat to Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) for Hindus being persecuted by Pakistan. Pak Human Rights minister Shireen Mazari has been questioned about the same. https://t.co/WVvY1SCLAw
Yep. The NHS is paying out £37 million for one child.
That’s £37m out of the NHS budget.
Which let us remind ourselves is £37 m of our money. The poor b***** taxpayer.
And they complain of underfunding.
“Climate change: Polar bears could be lost by 2100” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-53474445
Once again they use the often repeated word “COULD”. We also have the ‘heart string pulling’ photograph of a polar bear mother with her cub floating away on an iceberg.
Al Beeb at its propaganda best. Utter nonsense!
How long has this useless outfit got to go before it becomes a subscription funded broadcasting company?
Better still, how long will it last in the real world ?
I’ve always hated this, what I call the “Fox’s Glacier Mints” style of global warming polar bear extinction porn, with some perfectly happy animal on a small island of ice … as if a contrived image such as this actually proves anything other than the contempt that the purveyors have for the viewers.
Back in the 1990s the BLM/ER of the day was a big move in the cosmetics world away from ‘animal derived products’. Remember The Body Shop ? I could tell you a few stories about them but it would give hypocrisy a bad name.
Moving on…….
So everyone moved to palm oil based derivatives.
And places like Malaysia ripped up hundreds of square miles of natural forest in order to plant palm trees.
I dare say the children of the very same people who wanted the purity of veg. based cosmetics are now demonstrating about global warming. And what eats into CO2 levels? You guessed it. Forests.
There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza dear Liza………..
This is not looking good for our so called tough “Home Secretary”. In fact its not good for our government who promised to stop this abuse of our borders. Its pretty certain that there is a ‘blind eye’ being turned by the Tories. Things must be bad because Al Beeb has pointed this abuse of our borders out ……………………………… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-kent-53477253/channel-migrants-hundreds-of-boats-stored-in-dover
The Tory Government is a Liberal government in disguise.
My local Tory MP Graham Stuart is a joke, he seems to have travelled to a clothes market in India for a photo opportunity. As usual he is seen in the photo with his thumbs up and with a moronic grin. The last time I saw him in a photo opportunity he was seen standing next to a bunch of Marxist teachers, putting his thumbs up to the brainwashing of Primary School children in the latest environmentalist propaganda obtained from some left-wing charity in Doncaster. My sister has commented about parents pleased about the kids not being brainwashed since the lockdown. I have also heard of threats of legal action from the parents, but it looks as if the Schools and the Tories just pull back from confrontation and withdraw from these charities and then pretend nothing happened.
Forgive me, for I am a taffman .
Please translate for me and all the other taffmen and dare I say it, a few English cousins.
We left the EU in June.
Incidentally I found out today the EQUALITY ACT of 2010 which is the reason for EVERYTHING that is happening at the moment namely politically correct BULLSH@T was written by POLLY TOYNBEE?…
ex BBC/Guardian Journalist…and yet 10 years on NOTHING has been done to repeal it or change it……
I don’t think the Wikipedia claim is true
It cites the Toynbee article which does NOT claim that Toynbee wrote the act , rather says it’s Harman’s project.
I can’t say I was familiar with the term ‘gaslighting’, except, well for lighting with gas, something we haven’t done since the 1960s.
So I thought I would turn to ‘Wiki’ for enlightenment (sorry!) and it said:
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s beliefs. Instances can range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents occurred, to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.
Isn’t that the BBC’s Standard Operating Procedure in a nutshell?
AL Beeb has been “Gaslighting” for years . But have hope, because they are beginning to run out of gas and you can help by turning off the tap. Stop paying the Telly Tax.
Apparently it comes from a 1938 play called Gas Light, in which a woman goes mad because she hears noises in the empty flat above and the gas light in her room flickers. The noises are actually caused by her husband, who unbeknown to her, searches the upstairs flat for jewels that he thinks are hidden there. As he turns the gas light on and off in that flat it affects the gas pressure, causing the light below to flicker.
The odd thing is that the play was called Angel Street in the USA yet it seems to be Americans that use the term most!
Angelstreeting would be just as obscure! I guess the Yanks, being more advanced, probably didn’t have town gas in 1938, having gone electric.
“Question: Is Nigel Farage being “No platformed” by Al Beeb and the MSM?”
No platformed, no personed and rarely mentioned unless the lib dems dob him in for having a pint. bbc would rather he didn’t exist so next best option is to ignore. I’d say in dereliction of their duty but hey ho. How long before the bbc go full soviet?
“During the 1980 Olympic games in Moscow, a Western journalist inquired whether the Soviet Union would participate in the first Paralympic games, scheduled to take place in Great Britain later that year. The reply from a Soviet representative was swift, firm, and puzzling: “There are no invalids in the USSR!””
Al Beeb – “Coronavirus: Did ‘herd immunity’ change the course of the outbreak?”
Hindsight? IMHO When the dust settles they will find that the virus was in the country long before the Liverpool football match at the Anfield on the12 March ?
What about making the BBC a ‘charity’ when they’re kicked into touch?
After all, they have useless layabouts hanging on to stupid jobs, don’t really do much more than get the weather wrong, (like they did on Sunday), and generally spend huge amounts of money on pathetic issues, with ‘experts’ like Horribin, Naaaaaga, and Rottenborough!
They’d get a bit back on tax relief, but Lineckall and co could use that for non-existent and boring ‘comment’.
They could have a hospitality tent at Silverstone for Lowest Hambleton and his chums, a shed at Wembley, and a tap for refreshment in W1A!
Just watched #Panorama. Once again, decisions and plans made by Public Health England are attributed to “the government”. PHE not mentioned once. Why such eagerness to shield this agency from criticism?
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
Hard but fair
BBC: ‘Leeds police officers injured as fans leave piles of rubbish’
Let me just adjust that headline to match prior BBC house style…
Leeds fans’ celebrations pass off mainly peacefully as… well, you know the rest… that minor detail about police, including female officers, injured and the mess left behind in the city centre and vandalism and breaking of social distancing guidelines…
Just switched on Radio 5 Live with Naga Munchetty.Just for a minute to hear what the debate was….
literally the first word I heard her say was ….”INCLUSION”
switched over to LBC
First word LITERALLY that J.O.B came out with was?…….
“DIVERSITY”…followed closely by “RACIST”
thats within TWO MINUTES of listening to Mainstream radio this morning?
Whenever that awful woman is mentioned I always like to add “(real name Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah)” in a Tommy Robimson style. It just makes her that little bit more worthless in my mind.
Correction sorry
The first word O’Brien came out with was actually
“PRIVELEGE”…followed by…..”WHITE”
My bad…….(as the yuuuf say)
Europe down the Pan? Latest news would suggest that its near the edge. The EU’s much-vaunted “Core Values” are a scam. Dishonestly promoted as “for economic benefit”, their real purpose is Nation-Breaking, to undermine and destroy the national identities and cultures, so as to create a brave new Afro-Eurabia with the EU’s unelected elites in control.
Free Movement, Asylum Granting and Welfare Provision have together created a dire and dangerous Gold Rush.
Nobody was asked. The tainted BBC, in full propaganda mode, soaks the airwaves with emotive images of dead children to manipulate public opinion: Goebbels would have been delighted. The traitor class politicians continue to push this insanity, inflicting “quotas” of Africans and others on the unwilling populations of member States, but not, of course, on themselves.
The sinister compulsory Free Movement obligation of the Schengen “agreement” means that those millions of miles of EU outer border, Greek islands, Atlantic islands, African enclaves, and French colonies like Mayotte, are ALL targets for invaders seeking to benefit their lives and enhance their own welfare. The fit strong young African man, in “Europe or Die”, a documentary, explains (at 0.58):
“I left my country for a better life, for a new life, for freedom.”
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, is considered the “grandfather” of the EU. In the 1920s he was dreaming of a Pan-European State long before the EU’s predecessors were founded. In his memory, the EU awards a Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize to politicians who have helped his dream. Merkel and van Rompuy have both received it. Doesn’t say much for the prize! Couenhove later wrote disturbingly-‘The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear… The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples…”The genocide of the Peoples of Europe”the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration.”
Does that sound familiar, something like “Multiculturalism” and “Refugee Resettlement”?
We are forced to be spectators at the EU’s destruction of Europe. This is the elites’ project — a mixed-race Pan-European State with its own currency, a pretend-parliament- I think we would all agree that so much of what has been threatened is happening and without serious consideration or even acknowledgement of what future we, the white people of this once all white Europe, can look forward to.
Interesting he used to be the BBC’s on screen guardian of impartiality.
According to Wikipedia it is a ‘conspiracy theory’?……lol
The Coudenhove-Kalergi conspiracy theory.
OK, but the idea of a black suburb being changed by gentrification & de-blacked is real.
As is the idea of Britain being de-gentrified or de-Britished,
The idea that it is preplanned is a conspiracy.
I agree that the future , only a couple of decades away, looks bleak for old whitey and his culture. It is already too late to stop the invasion and replacement programme by usual democratic means. The elite who designed and implemented this programme have, as someone posts above, complete control of the MSM and our institutions. They can manipulate the news allowing people to know only what they want them to know. They can ignore the democratic process and can use the power of the institutions they control to target any form of opposition before it is sufficiently developed to offer and resistance. The Presidency of Donald Trump and the Brexit resistance being excellent examples. Only Eastern Europe offers significant resistance.
‘The man of the future will be of mixed race’
But not in China, Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Indonesia and a lot more.
Only Europe, North America, Australia
Interestingly the Polish have recently voted against the EU… proving that point. It not just the UK that wants out. Why is the EU Commission at war with Poland?‘
Poland has just re-elected President Andrzej Duda, a member of the conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS), for a second five-year term. A re-election that received a rather cool welcome in the European Union (EU).
For several years now, a conflict has been going on between the European Commission, EU’s main body, and the PiS, the Polish majority party, over the issue of the “rule of law”.’ and that links to what the EU want to impose:
Poland: Ideological Blackmail from the European Commission
England looking very likely to win test v WI. BLM logo everywhere , flags, players shirts, bats, scorecards , commentators lapels. I would not be surprised if England captain Joe Root apologises to the WI for winning and declares that it was only because of their white privilege that his team were able to do so. The BBC are particularly upset because the England team is 100% white , not a BAME in sight. Calls for a BLM style boycott unless a coloured quota is introduced , can’t be far away.
Did all the cricketers and officials take the knee before the match in a special BLM / Say No to Racism ceremony?
In the English Premier League every match begins with all the players taking the knee. The same with the FA Cup. I think it occurred in every Championship match as well. There seems to be no end in sight for professional sportsmen being required to take the knee before every sporting match in England.
I don’t know whether sportswomen are also being required to take the knee as I don’t follow women’s sports in general.
Another channel, another sport, but the tear-gulping breast beating dialogue between Steve Jones and David Coulthard after the F1 GP was a pure comedy great.
During an apology-laden ‘We must do more’ and ‘F1 must come together on this’ explanation for the failure of several level-headed drivers to abase themselves unnecessarily, Lewis Hamilton – that sad little lad who was once so highly regarded – was now lauded as a ‘beacon of hope’.
As an example of dishonest and specious speaking it must rank with any Guardian editorial but then, could they really tell the viewers the truth? Especially Ferrari’s version?
Does monaco have a ghetto ? In fact inwonder what the coloured population of monaco is ?
Its a bit more than much for wealthy tax exiles telling us more must be done. Just keep talking about wets or drys ..,
Does anyone find F1 exciting ?
Nice one, Fed!
How anyone with more than half a brain can find F1 ‘interesting’, is beyond me!
Years ago, as a small boy, my dad would bundle us all into a rented Morris Traveller, and we’d take a picnic and go to Brands Hatch for the August Bank Holiday meeting.
John Bolster was the commentator, and he was always hilarious. There would be about a dozen races, with cars driven by Graham Hill (Austin A35), Archie Scott-Brown, (one arm), Stuart Lewis Evans (won the Bodiam Hill-climb in 1958), and a host of normal people, who nowadays would be ‘slebs’ on a squillion notes per race.
It cost bugger-all for the day, everyone enjoyed a huge celebration of whizzing cars, the pong of Castrol-R, and a hot drive home with a traffic jam of about three-hundred yards on the A20 back to Wrotham.
That was a day of proper entertainment, not seeing some bleak, small-brained, over-paid twerp piddling about with a spaceship on tyres, with the equivalent of flunkies with spanners arseing around, kneeling down to plonkers they don’t really care about, and really getting on everyone’s nerves…
I had a debate on the BBC HYS a few years ago with a woman who suggested professional football should be mixed gender?…..
she seriously thought that men and women should be playing football together and there should be a ‘quota’ of women in every team?
I would watch more football just for the laugh :-)))
Lucky have you seen the mixed relays they have introduced into international swimming competitions?
Could see mixed swimming relays working, same on the track, mixed tennis doubles is well established so why not? Whether there’s a spectator or advertising appetite for it I don’t know. If there’s money to be made then it’ll happen.
I didnt say I was against mixed Sport.
But sorry Rugby, Football and hard contact sports…..NO
Lucky – if you saw the way norwich played this season youd think it was already mixed gender….
Is Todd Cantwell female?…he has nice hair?
Lucky – he shure is priddy…. I do believe out in the flatlands they get to marry their sisters ….
To be fair to him he is a good player…hence all the big clubs are after him.
He shure did look priddy sitting on the bench watching his team on their majestic journey to the bottom of the prem ….
Onto less important things – the Oxford uni bash at getting a vaccine has delivered a deeply disappointing update – that maybe it works .
Feel the gloom from the BBC –
it will take longer
It will cost more
Rich people will get it first
It will take ages to get ready
It’s not reliable
There might be a reaction
It might not worth for ethnics
It’s the Russians
Trumps bought it all
Bill gates bought the rights
It will hurt .
This is Oxford University you know and in accordance with the diktat from BLM they will be reserving the first 100 million doses for those who matter. The white folks can wait in line.
I’d reckon the showers afterwards would be a laugh too…
“A randy old queer from Frome,
Took a lesbian up to his room,
They argued all night,
As to who had the right’
And do which and do what and to whom”!
Pass the soap please…
Listening to Twato
Jesus, the BBC can’t make their minds up. Bang on about how bad UK is then this
vaccine news is great for everyone – except it seems the BBC
the whole of today from the bit I saw on Breakfast to R4 just negative and accusatory questioning.
Can you assure us…? Will you have…? Can you Confirm…?
And the extra funding for schools…so the teachers that haven’t been to work will continue to get paid and be able to do extra private work using additional money from Govt…BONUS
Somebody has just been on saying the staff are absolutely shattered..they have had a really hard time over the last few months…
All I have heard today is bloody teachers complaining about lack of funding…
Cynical, yep sure am about all these hard working teachers
Mrs Info wearing my new mask (not mastered selfies yet)
Where can you get these?
I got mine from http://www.printster.co.uk
You provide the picture and they’ll print anything
I Can’t Breathe
…for all the lies.
2pm Radio4 Drama about Al Yarmouk Camp for the Palestinian refugees in Syria
runs for 3 days
“recorded in London with a Syrian and Palestinian cast, some of whom were established actors in Syria before fleeing the war, arriving in the UK as refugees after often perilous journeys.”
Followed by : 2:45pm repeat from 2016 Kanishk Tharoor talks about the archaeological site Tell Qarqur which became a battlefield
and the Syrian villagers who worked with him now living as refugees.
12pm Daily book Abi Daré book set in Lagos, Nigeria.
8pm The stories of three people deported back to Nigeria, a country they left many years ago, and what happens to them once they arrive.
Nurse lost residency when her marriage to a Brit broke down
– guy #2 deported after prison
– girl 3 came on a student visa , got kicked out after 13 years
BTW in the plot amateur male and female actors and activists work together
.. That is surprising cos that breaks the law of kowhat which forbids males & females mixing.
It’s a long time since I was in Syria, but I don’t think it changed that much.. the secret police seem the same.
Oh and the plot also has Palestinians and ethnic Syrians working togethe.
That is not impossible, but usually there is a lot of racism between then both.
Anyone relying on the Biased Broadcasting Corporation for its news and views would get the impression that the US has returned to normal after the BLM riots – sorry, largely peaceful demonstrations in which only a few dozen citizens and police were killed; oh and a few children too.
Nothing could be further from the truth. In many Democrat-controlled cities, the often violent rioting continues apace, with the authorities doing little to restore order, and indeed often siding with the rioters against their own police.
Yesterday the beeb did a ‘report’ on Portland, giving the overwhelming impression that the demos there had been peaceful until now, that Trump sending in the troops only exacerbated the situation, and that locals wanted the troops to leave.
They quoted the Democrat mayor and interviewed a typically ‘liberal’ journo.
So three voices were heard: the BBC’s; the mayor and the journo, all pushing the same biased narrative.
The truth is that the never-ending demos are not peaceful, and that many citizens are happy to see Trump taking a firmer stance for law and order and sending in the troops.
For an alternative narrative to the beeb, see Fox News.
(When, oh when, will WE get a Fox News UK??)
It’s 50+ days running now for Portland
This may chime with one or two here.
8pm R4 how our political system can change for the better.
.. like educating poli’s in statistics.
The Times review reveals the idea for this series came from Dominic Cummings 5 years ago
..the BBC page omits this
In fact the show before it at 8:30pm
has a dig at Cummings
\\ the idea of “behavioural fatigue”.This centred around the notion that the public will only tolerate a lockdown for so long so it was crucial to wait for the right moment to initiate it.
Go too soon, and you might find that people would not comply later on.
It turns out that this theory was also wrong.
.. Was it ? just cos the BBC say something firmly that doesn’t make it true.
BBC1 7:30pm Britain’s Coronavirus Gamble
Panorama investigates the scientific advice the government followed in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic.
WHO urged countries to stamp out infections as soon as they developed, (did it ?)
but the UK government’s initial scientific advice said the route out of the crisis was for most of us to catch the virus so we could develop herd immunity. (is that true ? or is that misrepresentation)
Panorama reporter Dr Faye Kirkland asks whether this was a dangerous gamble with people’s lives
.. Faced with a growing backlash and warnings that the NHS was close to being overwhelmed, politicians denied that herd immunity was the policy, and *within a few days* Britain pivoted to a new strategy – lockdown. (not true poli’s always talked about keeping lockdown for the right time)
In 7 days time on R4 a 10 episode prog which seems set to play double trickery
‘Yeh the PR tricksters are not us lovely BBC Greens it’s Big Oil over there’
How They Made Us Doubt Everything
Monday 1. Big Oil’s Big Crisis
1/10 From climate change to smoking and cancer, this is the story of how to manufacture doubt.
Like the trailer that is PR trickery itself as it makes FALSE equivalence between LEGITIMATE doubts about green-dream-religion & trickster led doubts about smoking
Tues : 2/10 In 1953 PR and tobacco execs draw up a plan to fight claims that smoking causes cancer.
Fri 5. Big Oil’s Big Group
As the world’s scientists agree on man-made climate change, oil companies form a coalition
Mon 6. Monday ‘Reposition Global Warming as theory, not fact’
‘Unless climate change becomes a non-issue…there may be no moment we can declare victory’
Tue 7. The opponent
In the battle for public opinion, the scientists were no match for a well-oiled PR machine
Wed 8. Jerry gets ‘duped’
A climate change sceptic realises he’s been getting it wrong
Thu 9. Deep pockets; useful allies
Oil money is pumped to scientists and think tanks in the bid to make it a culture war.
Fri 10. The 2007 Whitehouse
The Truth:
1. Smoking can increase the probability that you will get lung cancer.
2. Smoking probably does not cause other types of cancer.
3. The world’s best scientists, paid by the government, have calibrated man-made global warming to have been about one thousandth of a degree Kelvin, while oil companies paid taxes to the government like most other companies.
4. Global Warming and Global Cooling are facts. The “Unified Theory of Climate” is the theory that proves that its not Carbon Dioxide. While “Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo” is the theory that proves what does cause Climate Change. Therefore this is the moment we can declare a victory for the scientific method.
5. The BBC. In the battle for public opinion, the scientists were no match for the BBC‘s 24 environmental activists pretending to be the “Best Scientific Experts“. (“The Propaganda Bureau” by Andrew Montford)
6. Richard Pinder gets ‘duped’ A climate change sceptic realises he’s been getting it wrong. Richard says he used to be a luke warmer, but Piers Corbyn and Mensa members put him on to the road to the truth.
7. Deep pockets; useful allies. Tax money is pumped to corrupt scientists and environmental activists in the bid to make it a left-wing culture war against the scientific method and reason.
8. The White House 2017: This truth (see above) resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
The BBC’s bitesize is having another go at “educating” our youngsters, this time with a “How to spot fake news” quiz.
The huge example photo they decided to use in the quiz is of course one of Donald Trump.
They could have used a photo of Jeremy Corbyn waving his faked Russian election tampering documents but probably ran out of room on the web page.
Apparently some MSM had gone to comrade Corbyn dacha in the people’s Democratic republic of Islington n£1 to ask him about being a ‘useful idiot ‘ … much disapproval unlike the pack of dogs who set up camp at the Cummings residence …
Cummings gave them the finger, Corribin would say something stupid, which was never worth listening to anyway, so the Beeb, in their usual way, went for boredom…
Dan Hannan discusses everything from the BBC licence fee to what political parties can do to win the confidence of taxpayers… Worth watching.
TPA Podcast No.3
’In the light of the appalling decision by the BBC to stop free TV licences for millions of over-75s, I asked Dan about the future of the hated TV tax. He was adamant that it must go: “Nobody would suggest this model if we were inventing it today.” It might have made sense when there was only one broadcaster for the entire country. But it has become “utterly indefensible” in the modern age of on-demand digital content.
He went further, asserting that the licence fee has probably been “redundant” ever since rival TV companies came on the scene. We couldn’t agree more and that’s exactly why we launched our Axe the Tax campaign.
I could not agree more. Saving money starts by trimming the ‘Magic Money tree’ of the BBC by removing the TV tax to subscription is obvious to all, but the BBC.
I think only BBC staff should pay the licence fee. And to end the racism at the BBC, the BBC Asian Network should open up its doors to all races, even those Black lives who came from the African Network.
A bit of advertising on behalf of the BBC – you might recall that the other day I said that the BBC were desperate for a coloured victim of whitee … well they haven’t got a modern one – so they’ve gone back 15 years to a drama documentary due sometime this week – to enable maitlsssss , marrr, et al to looking meaningfully into the camera and emote “nothing has changed “ …
Cue Lammy and Baroness dot Lawrence – who can do no wrong – to tell whitee he’s bad … ( but let’s not mention the coloured killed by coloured Each week )….
Just a follow up. As their search for a black victim of whitee continuea the BBC websites highlights the story of a 13 year old boy who pushed a 14 year old into a canal . The kid drowned . The kid was black .
The CPS said there was evidence for manslaughter but failed the public interest test . No prosecution.
Independent CPS review – same outcome
Mum plays race card . Action group set up – judicial review pending
The BBC report fails to mention the colour of the killer . Im guessing he is not ‘ colioured’ .
Personally i think if you kill someone – you go to court – thats what they are for . And people should be frightened of courts .
“Why are UK and China relations getting worse?”
Well,……um…….BBC, it couldn’t have anything to do with the Chinese Communist Party murdering 45,385 of our citizens could it?
Xi Jinping became President of China in 2013, and also held the offices of General Secretary of the Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Xi increased the profile of the office of president in foreign affairs. Xi has reverted China back towards a state controlled economy and reversed China back towards communist censorship and repression.
What makes Xi’s revolution distinctive is the strategy he has pursued: the dramatic centralization of authority under his personal leadership; the intensified penetration of society by the state; the creation of a virtual wall of regulations and restrictions that more tightly control the flow of ideas, culture and capital into and out of the country; and the significant projection of Chinese power. It represents a reassertion of the state in Chinese political and economic life at home, and a more ambitious and imperialist role for China abroad. Term limits for the president were removed in 2018.
Those Communists at the BBC can only dream of obtaining this amount of power over Britain.
Three years ago, Mrs Scrobs bought me an electric bicycle.
As a reasonably old fart, I can now go anywhere with ease, especially up a steep hill near here, which used to be impossible even for a bicyclist like Brodleigh Woggins…
The trouble is, it came from China!
As I’ll never buy a Chinese meal again, (especially no 69 on the menu, because that isn’t a nice word), do I have to report the fact to my local plod-station?
Maybe I should ask Naggia Moncshetta, (No 45 on the menu)…
She’s supposed to know all the answers to everything in the universe, and also understand what No78 on the Chinkie menu is, because not many idiots do!
Amazed the question has even been asked , we should be adding up the reparation bill …
Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech. –Benjamin Franklin
Yes Benjamin, but you are white and free speech is a right-wing concept, so you cant say that. –The BBC
“NYC Puts 27 Cops On Protection Duty For BLM Mural While City Implodes”
Despite New York degenerating to a murderous sh*thole, the deranged Mayor details 27 police officers on a 24Hr three shift system, to protect the BLM mural outside Trump Towers.
The mayor and others, need the US equivalent of Sectioning and to be immediately relieved of their duties.
Also makes an assumption someone wouldnt do it to their own stuff …
Al-Beeb are getting very exercised by the treatment of the Uighur muslims in China.
But strangely the beeb remains extremely relaxed about the systematic and savage persecution of Christians in the Middle East and throughout the muslim world.
I guess Christian Lives Don’t Matter in Beebland.
I commented here yesterday on al bin Farage’s words against China’s treatment of this oppressed religion
Dambusters dog: Headstone replaced to remove racist name, reports the BBC
I wonder what it’s name was?
In other news, Tyn Cot is to revert to farmland. Leper Town Council said that it did not want to give prominence to an event that went against its ethos.
Given that Guy Gibson was born in India that would surely make him a ‘BAME’ and, as we all know ‘BAME’s get to use the ‘N-word’ all the time.
I doubt if the dog’s name had any racial significance at all as, despite what the BBC thinks, ‘people of colour’ where pretty rare here when the dog was named.
The ‘N-word’ is an import from the USA, along with most of the race package that was imported in the 1960s and is still being imported by the BBC. BBC, don’t you get it? We are Europeans not Americans!
Inevitable news from the BBC. “All books in the Bodleian Library at Oxford with the Latin word for Black in them are to be burnt” predicts Richard Pinder. It would be best to burn down the Library just in case they miss a book that could cause a serious violation of the “Safe Space” rules. This would also follow the prevailing left-wing intellectual trend in University Education.
thanks for the link G.W.F.
some seem to be losing all sense in this PC dictated world.
that’s what the dog was called, with no malice intended as far as I can see.
as in all these examples it just divides us further.
what as sad PC world we now life in.
Not sure if I’m late to the party on this one, but……
A church volunteer has been arrested over the blaze at Nantes cathedral, – a refugee from Rwanda, – he had the keys to the cathedral. That’ll teach ’em.
Quelle surprise: advert for HM Government UK Transition, shows a couple arm in arm with suitcases and suitably masked – white lady and chap of colour with corkscrew hair . I thought the word ‘transition’ a strange choice in this day and age, I mean is the lady a menstruating person or what? or is the chap fully functioning or on his/her way to being the other ? 😉
That’s the one, but you don’t see much of the text in the full page ad.
-Thomas Sowell
Why some Americans want to keep the right to bear arms, especially in these troubled BLM times.
Maybe his fries were cold.
To be filed by the bbc as privileged white woman (racist) mangles brave African Americans knuckles with cheekbone.
I’m guessing the lady with the gun isn’t security, so working in catering and feeling the need to do so armed.
Imagine the trouble that would have resulted if she had actually shot the b@$t&rd …
Context : Jul 9, 2018
“A Milwaukee man walked into a @George_Webb
restaurant and brutally punched a female cook in the face, prompting a co-worker to pull out a gun and scare the man off. ”
“He was tired of waiting for his food”
CBS vid with commentary
Meanwhile in St Louis…
Many years ago, my grandfather owned a small starting pistol.
My Dad told me that back in the twenties, there was a real fear in the building trade, that serious harm could come of bad practices, and my grand-dad carried the gun on many occasions.
I still have it, and maybe would show it to any bastard who tried anything like that on me and Mrs O’Blene.
ITV news report on coronavirus outbreak at Blackburn.
Don’t know how el Beeb are reporting, as I don’t watch any of their output now, but was amused to hear ITV’s report..
“The Inman tested positive for the disease conducting a funeral of more than ‘30’ people….”
Turns out there were more than 250 attendees, but why let us kafir’s know the truth……
Blackburn Beeb have put up a report
and they have edited the narrative
Surprised Adil Rey for once is blaming the mosque not whitey
9:29pm tweet
“Mosque ‘facing police probe’ over 250 at funeral”
whereas by 11pm tweets of the same BBC story said
“Police *not*investigating 250-at-mosque funeral”
On twitter a Muslim put vid where he shouts at TV guy ‘The Mosques are OK , stop investigating the mosques’
Later I see an ITV vid pleading “talk to us, we just want to find out what safety the mosques are doing ”
And of course, the really unwoke things about an oil palm and a soya bean plant is that they do not contain chlorophyll nor to they photosynthesise. Only trees do that. Apparently
Police consider dropping terms ‘Islamist terror’ or ‘jihadi’ because they ‘don’t help community relations’
A pile of **** by any other name.
I completely agree – they should formalise the deception by just doing what many do on this site – ‘local man’ ‘Norwegian ‘ and those euphemisms … bit like when some one called ‘mohammed’ has his name shortened to ‘mo’ …. much more matey …
…. it’s on the theme of paki paedo racist rape gangs – local men …. I despair ..
There was just a feature on the Londonistan programme
on BBC TV where we were not told why a business park
was not being built in the capitol because of the withdrawal of
Chinese government money. No mention was made by
this particular anarchist Marxist , or should I say Maoist branch
of the BBC of some of the worse humane abuses seen since
1939-1945 by the Chinese communist government with their
treatment of the Uighur Muslims. Forced sterilization for the
women and the men being sent to “reeducation camps”(Concentration camps) Then there is Hong Kong. I dare I say it,
but the more I think about it the more I am believing that
the Chinese EXPORTED their virus to us!
I know that Riz Lateef and Assad Ahmad are just parroting from their
autocues with their editors bile against the Toreeeeees, and the
Met, the “bosses” of the NHS and TFL. But they are doing their
job for their editors with more and more passion as the years go
I note Lord Blogger was given the runaround by the HO when he attempted to get some information (at end of last thread). Terrible managers, terrible staff and riddled with corruption.
The problem as always is the hideously faulty (common purpose) recruitment processes for civil service jobs and the low quality and/or alien staff.
Here’s another one – According to the Mail on Sunday a number of junior Treasury officials have complained they “do not feel comfortable” with a room there named after Churchill. This was raised during an official Treasury equalities team question-and-answer event.
Who in their right mind would employ such idiots to work in the civil service?
And why do Treasury “officials” need an “equalities team question-and-answer event”?
Time for the ‘recruiters’ and those who recruited the ‘recruiters’ to be replaced.
Somehow i landed up on a conservative party email list . Today i got a personal email – along with a few hundred thousand others – from Priti Patel .
Ms Patel told me that is taking back control of our borders . At the same time Breitbart reports that a Record 200 illegals invaded the south coast today . ….
I might write back putting myself up to join the tory party to become an MP – i fancy all the perks, bribes and freebies for not doing much – and a nice peerage at the end of it for somrwhere to snooze for £300 a day .
As for border control ? – look away now ..,
Priti Useless.
NSS tweeted about the safeguarding issues at the Islamic school in Savile Town, Dewsbury.
The report is actually dated February 2020
Amazing info about the district, 4,000 people almost all Muslim. very ghetto.
Interesting reading the editing history of the wikipedia link you provided.
The 15th Jan 2019 edit mentioned:
Its attached school, the Institute of Islamic Education, received low pass rates for several years.
But that edit got changed to:
Savile Town is home to one primary school and one secondary school.
The reason given for the edit was “Some wording was inappropriate and out of context”.
Yes I did look at the Talk section .. see link at the top of that page
So what did Bob do to upset the muslims? –
“Evidence has emerged showing Blackman to be on a programme with notorious promoter of Islamophobic and far-right hate, Katie Hopkins, who was only recently banned from Twitter. David Vance, who has similarly been accused of promoting Islamophobia, was also on the panel.”
On Toady this morning, I was informed that the MCB are seeking the banning of the word ‘Jihadist’ for its negative connotations and (wrong) association with terrorism………..
‘Exchange is no robbery’ it is said, so, tell you what, MCB we will desist use of the word Jihad and any derivative if you delete the word “jihad” from the koran, hadith and any other muslim document. Fairs fair after all……………..
That would be Worldwide of course.
Why would there be a big push against Blackman
who by coincidence had just done a big speech at the anti-Iranian government conference ? ???
MCB’s Miqdaad Versi had an extremely long rant on Twitter
quoting History of Bob Blackman MP:
listing Blackman’s crimes
“1. RTed Tommy Robinson (of a true story, about a Muslim attack on a Hindu temple killing a priest)
2. Hosted anti-Muslim extremist in Parliament
… “
(FFS why can’t he say the guy was a brown Hindu nationalist ?
Tapan Ghosh, an Indian Hindu nationalist.
who has called for the UN to control the birth rate of Muslims )
And this nasty Blackman retweeted this new news
about Boris’s call against persecutions in Pakistan.
Spiegelhalter explaining presentation of stats
“I could tell you that there is a 5% mortality rate
…. that sounds scary
I could tell you that there is a 95% survival rate
…. that sounds reassuring
… but it is the same thing”
On Thursday he’s giving an online lecture at 6pm
but New Scientist are charging £15
That’s daft cos there is his free lecture from last week on the same topic
Sunday BBC2 went for Trump bashing
a new BBC3 prog Trump in Tweets
probably bought in from US Democrats
Then the 2010 Maitlis interview
Job done, Jon; job done.
I wonder what our NHS heroes have been up to this week?
Yep. The NHS is paying out £37 million for one child.
That’s £37m out of the NHS budget.
Which let us remind ourselves is £37 m of our money. The poor b***** taxpayer.
And they complain of underfunding.
The NHS typically pays out a couple of BILLION each year in settlement of compensation claims.
For ambulance chasers, it’s the gift that just keeps giving.
And roughly equal to the money raised by Sir Tom. Wonder how he feels about it?
The expression, ‘Easy Come, Easy Goes’ comes to mind.
“Climate change: Polar bears could be lost by 2100”
Once again they use the often repeated word “COULD”. We also have the ‘heart string pulling’ photograph of a polar bear mother with her cub floating away on an iceberg.
Al Beeb at its propaganda best. Utter nonsense!
How long has this useless outfit got to go before it becomes a subscription funded broadcasting company?
Better still, how long will it last in the real world ?
I’ve always hated this, what I call the “Fox’s Glacier Mints” style of global warming polar bear extinction porn, with some perfectly happy animal on a small island of ice … as if a contrived image such as this actually proves anything other than the contempt that the purveyors have for the viewers.
Back in the 1990s the BLM/ER of the day was a big move in the cosmetics world away from ‘animal derived products’. Remember The Body Shop ? I could tell you a few stories about them but it would give hypocrisy a bad name.
Moving on…….
So everyone moved to palm oil based derivatives.
And places like Malaysia ripped up hundreds of square miles of natural forest in order to plant palm trees.
I dare say the children of the very same people who wanted the purity of veg. based cosmetics are now demonstrating about global warming. And what eats into CO2 levels? You guessed it. Forests.
There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza dear Liza………..
This is not looking good for our so called tough “Home Secretary”. In fact its not good for our government who promised to stop this abuse of our borders. Its pretty certain that there is a ‘blind eye’ being turned by the Tories. Things must be bad because Al Beeb has pointed this abuse of our borders out ……………………………… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-kent-53477253/channel-migrants-hundreds-of-boats-stored-in-dover
The Tory Government is a Liberal government in disguise.
errrrr……….in disguise?…..really?
I only voted for Boris to keep the COMMUNISTS OUT?….seriously.
Cameron/May/Johnson….you are correct.They became a Liberal Party 15 years ago?……
thats how far to the LEFT we have gone in 30 years?…thank You John Major?
The antidote?
The Brexit Party.
My local Tory MP Graham Stuart is a joke, he seems to have travelled to a clothes market in India for a photo opportunity. As usual he is seen in the photo with his thumbs up and with a moronic grin. The last time I saw him in a photo opportunity he was seen standing next to a bunch of Marxist teachers, putting his thumbs up to the brainwashing of Primary School children in the latest environmentalist propaganda obtained from some left-wing charity in Doncaster. My sister has commented about parents pleased about the kids not being brainwashed since the lockdown. I have also heard of threats of legal action from the parents, but it looks as if the Schools and the Tories just pull back from confrontation and withdraw from these charities and then pretend nothing happened.
“Les poissons de la Manche nous appartiennent, les gens appartiennent aux Anglais.”
Forgive me, for I am a taffman .
Please translate for me and all the other taffmen and dare I say it, a few English cousins.
We left the EU in June.
“The Channel fish belong to us, the people belong to the British.”
“People” here means the illegal migrants in the boats whom the French generously ferry over to British waters, where we “intercept” (= welcome) them.
Incidentally I found out today the EQUALITY ACT of 2010 which is the reason for EVERYTHING that is happening at the moment namely politically correct BULLSH@T was written by POLLY TOYNBEE?…
ex BBC/Guardian Journalist…and yet 10 years on NOTHING has been done to repeal it or change it……
I don’t think the Wikipedia claim is true
It cites the Toynbee article which does NOT claim that Toynbee wrote the act , rather says it’s Harman’s project.
I can’t say I was familiar with the term ‘gaslighting’, except, well for lighting with gas, something we haven’t done since the 1960s.
So I thought I would turn to ‘Wiki’ for enlightenment (sorry!) and it said:
Isn’t that the BBC’s Standard Operating Procedure in a nutshell?
AL Beeb has been “Gaslighting” for years . But have hope, because they are beginning to run out of gas and you can help by turning off the tap. Stop paying the Telly Tax.
Spiked video : The woke are gaslighting us all,
with Bridget Phetasy & Andrew Doyle
one hour
thanks for that JimS
So why is called ‘gaslighting’?
still no wiser!!!
but will start using it on the taxman & Albeeb ASAP anyway.
Apparently it comes from a 1938 play called Gas Light, in which a woman goes mad because she hears noises in the empty flat above and the gas light in her room flickers. The noises are actually caused by her husband, who unbeknown to her, searches the upstairs flat for jewels that he thinks are hidden there. As he turns the gas light on and off in that flat it affects the gas pressure, causing the light below to flicker.
The odd thing is that the play was called Angel Street in the USA yet it seems to be Americans that use the term most!
Angelstreeting would be just as obscure! I guess the Yanks, being more advanced, probably didn’t have town gas in 1938, having gone electric.
Looking into left world : look at their conpiracies
A German company invests heavily in the UK despite Brexit ?………..
Are you interested in a job in TV and the media? Like working with Al Beeb?
Apply here where they still have some vacancies…………………
Question: Is Nigel Farage being “No platformed” by Al Beeb and the MSM?
“Question: Is Nigel Farage being “No platformed” by Al Beeb and the MSM?”
No platformed, no personed and rarely mentioned unless the lib dems dob him in for having a pint. bbc would rather he didn’t exist so next best option is to ignore. I’d say in dereliction of their duty but hey ho. How long before the bbc go full soviet?
“During the 1980 Olympic games in Moscow, a Western journalist inquired whether the Soviet Union would participate in the first Paralympic games, scheduled to take place in Great Britain later that year. The reply from a Soviet representative was swift, firm, and puzzling: “There are no invalids in the USSR!””
Al Beeb – “Coronavirus: Did ‘herd immunity’ change the course of the outbreak?”
Hindsight? IMHO When the dust settles they will find that the virus was in the country long before the Liverpool football match at the Anfield on the12 March ?
What about making the BBC a ‘charity’ when they’re kicked into touch?
After all, they have useless layabouts hanging on to stupid jobs, don’t really do much more than get the weather wrong, (like they did on Sunday), and generally spend huge amounts of money on pathetic issues, with ‘experts’ like Horribin, Naaaaaga, and Rottenborough!
They’d get a bit back on tax relief, but Lineckall and co could use that for non-existent and boring ‘comment’.
They could have a hospitality tent at Silverstone for Lowest Hambleton and his chums, a shed at Wembley, and a tap for refreshment in W1A!
Problem solved!
Panorama is next level unique.