‘Almost 900,000 public sector workers, many of whom have fought on the front line against coronavirus, are to get an above-inflation pay rise.’
Have ‘many’ NHS staff actually been on the coronavirus ‘frontline’?
I suppose someone had to type those texts I received from my GP surgery telling me not attend NHS services for anything routine and certainly not to turn up at the clinic unless under the most dire of circumstances.
‘Doctors, teachers and police officers are among those who will receive salary increases of up to 3.1% in 2020/21.’
I’m afraid I’ve witnessed too much of the police running away from the ‘frontline’.
As for the teachers… I don’t know about ‘frontline’… they certainly have some front to expect a pay rise.
Will the BBC dare report anyone speaking up against the greedy tax guzzling overweight public sector?
‘But Anneliese Dodds, Labour’s shadow chancellor, said the Conservatives had frozen public sector pay for seven years, and the rises they introduced after that failed to plug the gap.’
Nope, Labour love the public sector just as much as the Tories.
How about some ‘analysis’ from BBC chap/woman? Dharshini David
‘After several months of sweating it out on the front line of an unprecedented crisis, this is some welcome news for almost a million key public sector workers.’
Nope, he/she’s going with this brave ‘frontline’ soldiers narrative. Can you imagine for a moment the scene at Bash Street Comp’s deputy, assistant head of geography’s sitting room where she had to sit for minutes every day through spring and summer frantically bashing out those work sheet emails to the unruly 5C. Phew, it must have been hell in there.
‘budgets are already under pressure in some areas – in schools, for example, where extra costs may have arisen..’
‘May have arisen?’ Our Dharshini obviously can’t think of any yet – and nor, frankly, can I – but watch this space… the ever greedy public sector and its advocate the BBC will think of something.
AISI, Dharshini is indeed a woman and is the BBC’s Economics Correspondent. She appears to work far harder than Faisal Islam, her boss and the BBC’s almost non-existent Economics Editor. Pls see post below.
Round of applause for the lady, please.
(William ‘Mate’ Cobblers type-voice:) ” ‘ere, Mate, I can remember when that there Steffie Flanders worked five days a week, Mate, behind a ‘ot steamin’ microphone in a ‘ot steamin’ studio on that there steam radio fing and then she went and did one of them Blog fings an’ all. On top of it she did telly, too, Mate.”
It’s about time those who pay for all of these public servants were asked for our permission before the chancellor acts like lady bountiful, handing it out to other public servants as though it is their own money.
In my view, servants should not be paid more than their paymasters. They should have the same terms of service as those who pay them; cut their pension entitlements, sick leave, holiday entitlements to those of the least affluent and make firing them less onerous.
Also, in my view, the Civil Service manning levels should be cut in half.
I’ve responded to the Taxpayers Alliance with these thoughts too.
On another matter: I’ve still not had a reply from government regarding my question, asked four weeks ago, about masks and vaccinations. I think it demonstrates how little regard they have for us and how little they care what we think.
Misleading and harmful online content about coronavirus has spread “virulently” because the UK still lacks a law to regulate social media. That’s the verdict from an influential group of MPs, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Rumours of fake cures, conspiracies about the virus origin and scaremongering about vaccines are all of particular concern.
The committee’s chairman said tech firms couldn’t be left to self-regulate and government recommendations to reduce harm, published last year, must be urgently implemented and enforced. They include a legal “duty of care” to force tech companies to protect their users. Children’s charity the NSPCC welcomed the report, but Google and Facebook insist they have already invested in measures to tackle content that breaches their guidelines.“
If the dcms is as influential as it is effective in overseeing OFCOM and its charges, social media is quite safe.
Nish has been appointed to handle sciencey stuff for Ceebeebies after his triumph with history.
I have no words but disgust at these GPs who think they deserve more and Hospital doctors who feel the same. They are all paid vastly more than the rest of the population – they have gold plated NHS pensiosn(even though GPs are self employed). Consultants work short hours and charge extortionate rates for private work they get off the back of their NHS roles. Few are just private self employed.
The majority of GPs have been doing less work than normal in the Lockdown and despite what the BBC keep telling us the NHS is not the best health care service in the world.
They will have to deal with the covid back log because they haven’t been doing anything –
The section of NHS I am involved with hasn’t even got a target date to start up again….despite the fact that there is nothing stopping them opening now – except intransigence.
And don’t get me onto teachers!!!
Without the private sectors jobs the public sectors jobs wouldn’t exist….they seem to forget this all of the time…
The BMA is more militant than the NUM was in its heyday. The BMA is just a trade union seeking to maximise the pay of its members on the back of people’s health. Unfortunately as the NHS has become a sacred cow and doctors have become its high priests and must be treated with deference.
The average pay for a GP is now so high that most of them only work part time. The tax payers pay fir their very expensive training once they are qualified the doctors can afford to work part time. That , coupled with mass migration, is the reason we have to wait so long for GP appointments. Not because we don’t have enoghy doctors but because we don’t have enough full time doctors. Ironically if GP pay was cut we would have more full time doctors!
Don’t worry – they leave their personal views at the door of the studio .
As for his withnail surrogate- there’s a bit more to it than trade deals – which remainers tried to get brexiters to focus on via the soros playbook.
Hey #BBCNewscast fans (and everyone else!) – we've got one of the Oxford Uni vaccine team talking to us tonight – any questions for him send them through now… #vaccine
Dom O’Connell is having to cover for the BBC Economics Editor. Since his appointment, Faisal Islam has been noticeable by his absence. He makes Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg and Sarah Montague look like workaholics. What is going on, BBC?
If I was a Licence Fee a.k.a. Telly Taxpayer, I would be very upset at the way the BBC is run and people are paid to do not a lot. I suppose the Beeboids all think of themselves as State employees?
Because it’s spy report day – the Russians Could have fixed the brexit vote and the Scots referendum vote and the top of the prem league …..
Get ready for an army of dormant remainers to be disinterred shouting like Tourette’s patients about ‘legal challenges ‘ – Miller Heseltine Major – they’ll all be rolling around the studios …
But more interestingly will be the various useful idiots in the SNP talking for the people of Moscow / Scotland … will comrade salmond keep his Russia TV job ?
Meanwhile – just Been walking in the forest and found a money tree – I shook it and it just said – you are gonna be paying for give always …
Fed, there is a wonderful irony about that claim that the Russians influenced the IndyRef and the Brexit vote. If you do the usual police detective thing and look for a motive then why would the Russian’s supposed influence seek a ‘No’ vote in the IndyRef and a ‘Leave’ vote in the BrexitRef? The two, I would have thought, are mutually contradictory.
But you are right, the BBC will be shilling like mad for re-runs with the usual suspects in front of mics.
Speaking of which, where is Vince Cable these days? Has he been on R4 when I haven’t been listening? He used to be on R4 almost every week.
Who ever is really funding the coloured uprising thing must be laughing their bits off . They say vietnam ‘challenged the fabric of western states’ but the current lunacy – hatched out of covid fear – takes the biscuit. I wonder if the russians stoked the fires but it seems the intel outfits missed it or were complicit .
The thing is, Fed, that there are plenty of contradictions around the claims of the BBC and their ‘useful idiots’.
We are told by the BBC that the new media, especially Farcebook and Twatteriti, were used by the Russians to influence the Brexit vote. At the same time, we are told by the BBC that the Leave vote was down to old people (who largely do not use computers, mobile phones, Farcebook and Twatteriti as much as young people) and that young people all voted Remain.
It cannot be both.
Why should, if the Russians had desire for a Communist world hegemony, they want a UK freed of the constraints of a socialist (some might say ‘increasingly socialist’) EU and able to act independently? Would they not want to roll their tanks in easily and park them all over a completely joined-up EU containing as many States as possible?
As the pointy-eared one would say “That is not logical, Captain.”
Without going too Cold War – there was a school of thought which said – its not about communism – it’s about power – and keeping it .
Since the early revolutionaries were all paranoid about the ice pick in the head – Russia went that way too – either avoiding conflict by dodgy pack – Eg Hitler – or using the eastern states as a buffer to keep mother Russia safe .
The current boss plays the same game – killing critics overseas and doing his best to undermine and destroy NATO . He knows the EU would fall apart with separate interests were seriously threatened so doesn’t have to work too hard on that .
The threat from third world imports into Europe are as much as a long term threat to western Russia as much as anything else – apart from an unstable China – India – Pakistan -….
I do wonder what the ‘planners’ are making of the effect of a ‘mild ‘ virus Io weapon on the world population ….
As far as influencing elections – surely the trenches at the extreme are so deep now that even they middle ‘ (10%) which they Are allegedly all after – will respond as much to someone who is good on TV as much as anything else – eg the boris cheeky chappie act , cheery Farage – or the rebel POTUS .
As far I can see the report didn’t find any evidence that the Russians DID interfere with the Brexit referendum. But in the warped minds of the Remainers this is transposed into , ‘ the report didnt find any evidence that they DIDN’T interfere ‘ and so they must have. Of course the Remain lobby will use this just as they have the NHS £500 million a day bus poster as demonstrating the need for a second referendum or for just dropping the whole Brexit thing.
I’m nearly 70 and I have never seen so many people with such deep seated burning resentment as the Remainers have over Brexit. Even though it was four years ago they still behave as though they have lost something precious, something that was physically was part of them. What the hell is wrong with these people?
The BBC announce that lots of public sector workers including teachers, civil servants and NHS staff are to get a pay raise. Their obvious reaction is the roll on Labour and Union leaders to bleat that it’s not nearly enough….
The news that State employees apart from nursing NHS staff (who received a separate increase) are to get a pay rise brought a certain lightness, nay, joy to Mishal’s voice after 6 a.m. and was duly noted by this listener.
The thought immediately occurred that the overpaid Beeboids will not doubt consider themselves State employees and will therefore be rattling the collecting tin under the new DG’s nose in the very near future.
In my opinion, and based on a Google search of articles on the matter, the NHS is a corrupt death cult. And just like the EU, it cannot be reformed. It needs to be binned and the whole system of health care in our country arranged in different, competing ways. And no pay, no treat. Apart from immediate emergency treatment.
Islam and the financial crisis of 2008 are two of the most hotly debated topics of the past decade
– but they aren’t usually mentioned in the same sentence.
The legacy of one man brings them together – The Prophet Mohammed.
He was an entrepreneur and trader, as well as the founder of one of the world’s great religions.
Kamal Ahmed, the BBC’s former economics editor, discovers how money has been closely entwined with the religious teachings of Islam right from its inception.
At a time when we face multiple challenges to our economies and to our personal finances, he asks what lessons the West can draw from this.
With my wife ,we were lucky enough to be at the opening
ceremony of the Olympic games in London in 2012. I have
never watched the the opening ceremony on TV before.
Last night we watched it on “catch up.”
I know many think I am paranoid about the BBC and my perceived view of it being utterly obsessed with diversity,
“positive discrimination” political correctness. The new fad
wokeness. With of course it’s politics now having reached
not the left wing on Wembley Stadium. But a further half a mile
left down Wembley Way.
So we watched the opening ceremony from only eight years
ago. We watched a history lesson in which we saw how the
UK had developed into a multi cultural,tolerant society.Where
on nearly every major contentious issue IE Gay Rights, Racial and colour discrimination
, Transphobia ,Women’s rights.As Douglas Murray writes that. the
train if not having completely stopped at the station, had very
nearly reached the buffers.
But it is now eight years on . And as Douglas Murray now says
the train has not stopped at the station. It has sped on and
is completely out of control! And this lack of control is being lead by the BBC !!! Oh for 2012.
TOADY Watch #3 – found it! The missing Islam is no longer missing. Or is it?
Mishal is on the case. Mishal interviews a Uighar woman who is now living in Turkey in the prime interview slot at 8.10 a.m..
Mishal doesn’t ask how the woman got to leave China and why she is living in Turkey. I wonder why?
The young lady tells us about her life and her ambitions. She also tells us about her family. She says how they have been treated by the authorities when making ‘phone calls. There is a hint of prior trouble with the Chinese police. No questions asked by Mishal at that point. No clarification for the listener. I wonder why?
The young lady then explains how when she tried to call her family and there was no-one there she heard how they had all gone to ‘study’. We are not told specifically but the hint is given: the woman’s family are in what the Chinese authorities euphemistically describe as ‘education camps’. Again, no real questions asked by Mishal at that point. No clarification for the listener. I wonder why?
Mishal is normally all over an interviewee, asking questions and – if the interview is a Conservative Government Minister – she is repeating questions, interrupting and hectoring, usually in a hard-edged voice. No questions at all today.
And no mention of the ‘I’ word and its relationship with other belief systems in the China of today. None at all. Not a word. It has gone missing again.
Fos – since i live within walking distance of where i live i thought there might be some long term benefit from that olympics but no . I couldnt even get a ticket except for the para games thing which wasnt the same .
As for stratford – a dangerous jungle best avoided ….
Thought I would dare to turn on Toady at 8.30ish and guess what, there was the regular self flagellation hit piece on our Colonial past and especially Winston and how he did not stop 3-4m Bengalis starving to death in 1943.
It is ok to talk about the past, but please let us have some balance and debate, sadly and not suprisingly there was none.
And now the weather..
On the other hand, I unashamedly copy and paste a completely fake letter, allegedly from the Oxford Chancellor 4 years ago, that is still relevant today about our other Colony and touches on Winston’s war crimes; a little fruity but zeroes in on the bonkers cancel culture we going through now and endorsed by Al Beeb:-
‘Cecil Rhodes’s generous bequest has contributed greatly to the comfort and
well being of many generations of Oxford students – a good many of them,
dare we say it, better, brighter and more deserving than you.
This does not necessarily mean we approve of everything Rhodes did in his
lifetime – but then we don’t have to. Cecil Rhodes died over a century ago.
Autres temps, autres moeurs. If you don’t understand what this means – and
it would not remotely surprise us if that were the case – then we really
think you should ask yourself the question: “Why am I at Oxford?”
Oxford, let us remind you, is the world’s second oldest extant university.
Scholars have been studying here since at least the 11th century. We’ve
played a major part in the invention of Western civilisation, from the 12th
century intellectual renaissance through the Enlightenment and beyond. Our
alumni include William of Ockham, Roger Bacon, William Tyndale, John Donne,
Sir Walter Raleigh, Erasmus, Sir Christopher Wren, William Penn, Rep. Adam
Smith (D-WA), Samuel Johnson, Robert Hooke, William Morris, Oscar Wilde,
Emily Davison, Cardinal Newman, Julie Cocks. We’re a big deal. And most of
the people privileged to come and study here are conscious of what a big
deal we are. Oxford is their alma mater – their dear mother – and they
respect and revere her accordingly.
And what were your ancestors doing in that period? Living in mud huts,
mainly. Sure we’ll concede you the short lived Southern African civilisation
of Great Zimbabwe. But let’s be brutally honest here. The contribution of
the Bantu tribes to modern civilisation has been as near as damn it to
You’ll probably say that’s “racist”. But it’s what we here at Oxford prefer
to call “true.” Perhaps the rules are different at other universities. In
fact, we know things are different at other universities. We’ve watched with
horror at what has been happening across the pond from the University of
Missouri to the University of Virginia and even to revered institutions like
Harvard and Yale: the “safe spaces”; the? #?blacklivesmatter; the creeping
cultural relativism; the stifling political correctness; what Allan Bloom
rightly called “the closing of the American mind”. At Oxford however, we
will always prefer facts and free, open debate to petty grievance-mongering,
identity politics and empty sloganeering. The day we cease to do so is the
day we lose the right to call ourselves the world’s greatest university.
Of course, you are perfectly within your rights to squander your time at
Oxford on silly, vexatious, single-issue political campaigns.
(Though it does make us wonder how stringent the vetting procedure is these
days for Rhodes scholarships and even more so, for Mandela Rhodes
scholarships) We are well used to seeing undergraduates – or, in your case –
postgraduates, making idiots of themselves. Just don’t expect us to indulge
your idiocy, let alone genuflect before it. You may be black – “BME” as the
grisly modern terminology has it – but we are colour blind. We have been
educating gifted undergraduates from our former colonies, our Empire, our
Commonwealth and beyond for many generations. We do not discriminate over
sex, race, colour or creed.
We do, however, discriminate according to intellect.
That means, inter alia, that when our undergrads or postgrads come up with
fatuous ideas, we don’t pat them on the back, give them a red rosette and
say: “Ooh, you’re black and you come from South Africa.
What a clever chap you are!” No. We prefer to see the quality of those
ideas tested in the crucible of public debate. That’s another key part of
the Oxford intellectual tradition you see: you can argue any damn thing you
like but you need to be able to justify it with facts and logic – otherwise
your idea is worthless.
This ludicrous notion you have that a bronze statue of Cecil Rhodes should
be removed from Oriel College, because it’s symbolic of “institutional
racism” and “white slavery”. Well even if it is – which we dispute – so
bloody what? Any undergraduate so feeble-minded that they can’t pass a
bronze statue without having their “safe space”
violated really does not deserve to be here. And besides, if we were to
remove Rhodes’s statue on the premise that his life wasn’t blemish-free,
where would we stop? As one of our alumni Dan Hannan has pointed out,
Oriel’s other benefactors include two kings so awful – Edward II and Charles
I – that their subjects had them killed. The college opposite – Christ
Church – was built by a murderous, thieving bully who bumped off two of his
wives. Thomas Jefferson kept slaves:
does that invalidate the US Constitution? Winston Churchill had
unenlightened views about Muslims and India: was he then the wrong man to
lead Britain in the war?”
Actually, we’ll go further than that. Your Rhodes Must Fall campaign is not
merely fatuous but ugly, vandalistic and dangerous. We agree with Oxford
historian RW Johnson that what you are trying to do here is no different
from what ISIS and the Al-Qaeda have been doing to artefacts in places like
Mali and Syria. You are murdering history.
And who are you, anyway, to be lecturing Oxford University on how it should
order its affairs? Your ?#?rhodesmustfall campaign, we understand,
originates in South Africa and was initiated by a black activist who told
one of his lecturers “whites have to be killed”. One of you – Sizwe
Mpofu-Walsh – is the privileged son of a rich politician and a member of a
party whose slogan is “Kill the Boer; Kill the Farmer”; another of you,
Ntokozo Qwabe, who is only in Oxford as a beneficiary of a Rhodes
scholarship, has boasted about the need for “socially conscious black
students” to “dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and
Great. That’s just what Oxford University needs. Some cultural enrichment
from the land of Winnie Mandela, burning tyre necklaces, an AIDS epidemic
almost entirely the result of government indifference and ignorance, one of
the world’s highest per capita murder rates, institutionalised corruption,
tribal politics, anti-white racism and a collapsing economy. Please name
which of the above items you think will enhance the lives of the 22,000
students studying here at Oxford.
And then please explain what it is that makes your attention grabbing
campaign to remove a listed statue from an Oxford college more urgent, more
deserving than the desire of probably at least 20,000 of those
22,000 students to enjoy their time here unencumbered by the irritation of
spoilt, ungrateful little tossers on scholarships they clearly don’t merit
using racial politics and cheap guilt-tripping to ruin the life and fabric
of our beloved university. ‘
There is a southern African kingdom which is also the world’s oldest full democracy but I can never in my old age remember its name. Is it Lethoso? Don’t think so. Must be one of the others. I probably heard about it back in the days when the BBC did inform, educate and entertain.
“Police believe a vehicle, possibly a 4×4, entered a field and ran over three of the resident’s sheep.
One sheep died after being ran over and one of the two injured sheep was set on fire while it was still alive.
Police believe these eight sheep may have been chased into the River Welland or they may have been stolen”
I rarely post on this site as I try to avoid the BBC and other outlets of MSM as I find their skewing of the truth, failure to recognise the facts and their constant lying by omission a source of unsettling anger. I have just finished listening to an interview with a survivor of a ‘grooming gang’ aka a a religious and racially motivated group of rapists. This has left me with a kaleidoscope of feelings ranging from a seething rage to one of utter sadness.
The interview in question can be found here.
I have a suggestion to make and that is . All the contributors to this website should take it upon themselves to call any BBC, ITN or Channel 4 broadcasters phone in programme or try and get themselves on the audience of Question Time and using the matter at hand as ‘Trojan Horse’ ask the question as to why the issue of these ‘grooming gangs is not being addressed as the national scandal that it is. Thereby exposing and highlighting the the hypocrisy of the main stream media in particular the so called impartial BBC.
Dung heap – I share your pain but I don’t do the BBC much at. All . Now – and as for phone ins – just . Can’t . Listen. ( unless there was a proper right winger running it who wouldn’t sell out like the LBC girl ) .
As for QT – never – but I watch the YouTube ‘Harry and paul’ spoofs of QT – highly recommended – as with the multilingual footy changing room manager one – which would never make it now ….
Talk Radio news “conspiracy theories about drinking bleach are being spread on line”
.. don’t be daft, of course they are not in any meaningful way.
Sounds like media bubbleworld again.
Charles Moore column lays into the chief counter terrorist plod – called ‘ Basu ‘ for not wanting Islamic terrorism used any more – he want FBT – FBT is Faith Based Terrorism . If this goes ahead the “T” will be replaced by ‘freedom fighting ‘
So wait for FBFF …..( the last bit is me ).
Then Mr Moore writes about ‘nigger’ the black lab mascot of 617 squadron . I can write ‘nigger ‘ here but mr Moore cannot use it in the text of his column .
If anyone reading this – of any colour or none – please don’t interpret what I write as being ‘offence ‘ for offence sake . It’s just that I believe in free speech and sometimes it causes upset and that is part of life .
I used to be called ‘lanky ‘ because I’ve always been very tall – I used to ignore it or laugh it off because I found it offensive – especially when confronted by those with ‘small man syndrome ‘ – particularly when they had more power than me – eg an employer .,,
BBC Wales have some dirt on MP Rob Roberts who took his seat off Labour in December.
They don’t begin by saying he has recently split from his wife and come out as gay.
They begin with what looks like propositioning a female intern in April, but don’t write out the actual phrasing which actually appears in a screenshot, which itself misses the start of the conversation and begins with :
“Just thought we could have some fun maybe, no strings
… I maybe gay but I enjoy… fun times.”
They say earlier in the conversation he said
\\ Mr Roberts referred to the intern’s “picture on Twitter earlier. Lovely legs”.//
Then deep into the article they talk about him getting in trouble for a pass at male staff
\\ He said he told a male parliamentary staffer “that I liked him and asked him to dinner”.
“Really poor judgement on my part, hands up. He didn’t react very well because it created a problem for him that I felt that way,” //
Of course no boss should be propositioning much younger staff, so he has broken rules. And the consequence was the male staffer moved jobs. However he didn’t get into hands on physical abuse that previous politicians have done.
Russia Report
‘we looked into the security services info about allegations that Russians that had interfered in UK voting
Our main finding was that security services barely investigated anything
.. they weren’t even looking much
.. They did look into Russian hacking Porton Down chemical weapons lab’
Usual pro black anti British crap from the BBC. Three BAMEs, first 2 facing deportation the third will have to wait 10 years before applying for citizenship.
The video is 5m30s long but you have to get to:
a) to 42% into the video to find out the first man did 2 years in jail for drug offense.
b) to 60% into the video for a hint that the women was in “jail for something else” when she heard about her deportation had been stopped.
c) to 68% into the video to find out the second man also has a criminal record.
The BBC tell us…. “The UK actively avoided the ‘Russian threat’,” apparently?
The Guardian’s Luke Harding asks if Downing Street and security agencies should now launch an investigation into the 2016 referendum…..I bet he does.
The SNP’s Stewart Hosie says, “yes, self-evidently… not least to ensure that future electoral processes can be protected from similar interference”…..Impossible.
Mr Jones (Labour) adds that it’s about “making sure” that integrity can be protected in the democratic process…..Perhaps look at postal voting closer to home Mr Jones?
Mr Harding says he suspects the prime minister will be “reluctant” to investigate the interference in the 2016 referendum….So you can use it as ammunition to undermine Brexit and the Tory government?
“This is not about party politics, this is above that,” replies Kevan Jones, saying people need “faith that their vote counts”….Oh really ????
What is the news here?
Does anyone doubt Russia seeks to influence Western democracy? Or say, China through ‘useful idiots on our political liberal left vis a vis Huawei or hinckley point.
What about the democratic party through President Obama? Remember the EU referendum where he sat in front of our screens threatening economic purgatory if we dared vote ‘Leave’!
In the same way I have no doubt Western democracies seek to influence the other way. The BBC world service, for example, is overt international propaganda arm of British liberal values.
In 2016 BBC DG Tony Hall said: “This is a historic day for the BBC, as we announce the biggest expansion of the World Service since the 1940s.” Fran Unsworth, BBC World Service director, admitted that the £289 million ($361 million) expansion – the biggest since the 1940s – is “an expression of British soft power, while emphasizing the broadcaster’s independence.” !!!!!
The point is, as sentient human being we still have to put a cross on a bit of paper. That is a personal decision. I’d like to think I pretty much know the cut of the Labour party jib, like any other party. I also find it a bit insulting and a stretch to assume that Russian bots or Mr Obama would somehow change my mind.
Predictably, the BBC run with a direct quote from the SNP as a headline.
All I’m saying here is total yawn and prepare for Tory bashing for the next few days.
Ven – I’m not even sure it will make 24 hours – but if it does it will only be the bubble talking to itself – the real action will be on ‘does my designer face mask make my head look too big ?’
What should I do if Im to fat to take the knee ?
The BBC along with it’s conjoined twin the Guardian are scrambling to set up another “we wuz robbed” thing re the Russians possibly interfering with the Brexit referendum.
It having already been established that as it turned out there was no meddling whatsoever by the Russians they are now trying the “Yes-but-no-but…” approach along the lines of there might not have been any “actual” interference going on but the Conservative Government were guilty of not actually not looking for it…. This is a danger to democracy blah…blah…blah…
I also saw no evidence that the Conservative Government were not looking for interference from China, Finland, Malta, The Hebrides, The Solomon Isles, The Martians etc etc etc.
It almost goes without saying that if you want to create an investigative committee, looking into potential Russian interference with elections and referendums, you need search no further than the incisive mind of Stewart Hosie SNP for a balanced and impartial opinion.
The phrase ‘beggars belief’ springs to my mind, but the spring gets ever weaker from repetition.
The BBC have put up this video of Mexican women with a wild bear sniffing one woman’s hair
Cos they are useless the BBC have put plinky plonly loud music instead of explaining the Spanish words and context.
The voice behind the camera is a confident voice as if he is a guide or ranger.
He doesn’t seem to be afraid
..Instead he tells the women “Don’t move yourselves stay still”
When the bear is behind her she’s got her phone in her hand taking a picture. The bear is fascinated by the shiny object so stands up, paw on her shoulder to get a better look.
So she ends up with a good selfy.
Meanwhile at this over closeness the guy speaks sternly
“Hey no, you bear no ”
The bear backs off
and the guy says “It’s OK , he’s walking off now”
The girls thank him. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-53482294/woman-takes-selfie-as-wild-bear-sniffs-her-hair
You of all people shouldn’t be surprised that with all the things going on in the world the BBC think 1. this is even interesting and 2. could be bothered with looking into it…
I think they should be banned from click bait…no, I think they should be cancelled 🙂
A group of women were hiking at the Chipinque Ecological Park in San Pedro Garza García, Mexico when they wound up in quite a scary predicament. While on their hike, the friends were approached by a curious black bear. pic.twitter.com/hMKl0gOxxp
I have discovered why the US has so many statues of anti slavery people pulled down or targeted. The people in the video are the product of a biased education system. According to one Abraham Lincoln was the head of the South. I bet there must many products of the UK education system that would do the same. We simply are not teaching our own history . Only negatives are highlighted.
Here’s a pearler ……… doing a bit of banter with a group some years ago, I asked someone who had a degree in Education, who the Bard of Avon was. Didn’t have a clue. Then answered “really?” when I told her. I only went to a Sec Modern 60 years ago, but I think our level of education then was better than anything they are taught at Yuni now.
Looks like the BBC is going big on an old friend -“ the grievances of Dominic greave “ no peerage for Dom . No constituency either – just another ex MP with ‘strong connections to the EU – particularly €France ..” His halcyon days of beating a democratic government over the head -together the ex speaker long gone – but not forgotten
Next up Soubry – another turd floating in the swimming pool of defrocked traitor MPs .
Can I be bothered trawling through the intelligence committee report ? Nah
More harm was done by fraudulent postal voting , student double votes and impersonation than by Ivan using comrade Corbyn …
They must of dragged hezza from his coffin by now …
There is a call for a statue of Jack Charlton to be erected near to where he was born and played his first football.
Trouble is activists will probably pull it down because he once tackled a black player.
Following up on Digg
Sarah’ idiot’ person on TWATO.. it’s all about Russians. They fixed Brexit..and Scottish Independence…
Tom Tugendhat did a good job of batting away her leading accusatory questions..
But a nice space for their current favourite Lisa Nandy..allowed to speak uninterrupted
Funny how the BBC love to knock the UK and this Govt – despite the UK being one of the first countries to put sanctions against Russia..
Has a member of the Dan Snow family Canadian, Margaret McMillan and asks a nice leading question ‘ do you think that actually Russia has had a huge influence on British democracy?’
And Margaret gives her the answer she wants ‘ yes I do think..’
And Anne Applebaum..nice Lefty (Guardian lovey) saying we should go back to the EU and say we want to join this, that..blah blah..cos we need them
The BBC and these people all happy to put the UK down…
I would like to tell them to @@@@ off
JA “Has a member of the Dan Snow family Canadian, Margaret McMillan and asks a nice leading question ‘ do you think that actually Russia has had a huge influence on British democracy?’
And Margaret gives her the answer she wants ‘ yes I do think..’ ”
And in the eyes of Margaret McMillan (as well as other contributors today) that was due to the Russian money swilling around London. Now, in regard to the EU Referendum in 2016, how did those London centred politicians – such as the Conservative Government want the UK to vote, what direction Remain or Leave?
And how did Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg and John Major want us, the UK electorate, to vote: Remain or Leave?
Applebaum has strong influence within the bubble BBC – I understand sh has American and polish nationality but I reckon she’s one of those ;’citizens of the world ‘ types – until it goes pear shaped . Drain the swamp .
Just listening to Radio 4 1pm news.
Lady Brooke indignant about Russia interfering in UK elections.
When will there be an inquiry into the BBC trying to sway elections with round the clock brainwashing?
The fact that despite the BBCs interference, the vote went the ‘wrong’ way 3 times in recent years suggests that we would be fairly resistant to whatever Russia was supposed to have been doing.
The bbc lunchtime TV1 “news” was a laugh; a whole lot of desperate government critics, confronted by a complete lack of evidence of Russian meddling, nevertheless lay into govt because it ‘wasn’t looking’. No evidence for that either!
The bbc need to be heavily censured for this pointless parade of nobodys with nothing of substance to say.
This is supposed to be THE NEWS?
Yes, seems like a ‘storm in a teacup’: no substance. The ex-Ambassador spoke the most sense. The following two women, including one ‘Anne Applebaum’ seemed to think that the UK ought to sidle up closer to the EU………………..
G, AA is a Russophile, if I recall correctly. ’nuff said.
fnw, our Security Services (Five was incorrectly mentioned during the programme – whereas it is Six that is responsible for overseas threats) have a certain history. Can’t think why but the names Burgess and Maclean kept popping into my head (now that was a job for Five) but all the opprobrium was thrown at HMG in general and Bojo as PM in particular.
TWatO Watch #1 – made it through the whole programme for the first time in weeks
The Russia Report was the only item on the programme. A lot of mud thrown ‘at the Government’ meaning in the BBC’s mind, eyes and ears, the Conservative Government of December 2019 to date. No mention at all that the report effectively talks about the Blair/Brown, Cameron/Clegg Coalition, Cameron and May administrations as well.
Now, there’s a surprise. Not.
There’s no mention – whatsoever – of Comrade Corbyn being ‘helped’ by Russia in his December 2019 campaign either.
Returning from the normality of Portland (England) I googled this, my favourite, site. No link on the page, zilch. So tried a second best site, Breitbart. Something heads the page list – Hope not Hate. Then a selection of opinion pieces about BB from the MSM. No link to the site itself.
I can still get at both sites using Bing. Has anyone had similar problems? What is going on at Google?
Growl, growl.
Wow that is true
BiasedBBC is search-suggestion-blacklisted
BiasedBBC is search-blacklisted
Breitbart London is NOT search-suggestion-blacklisted
Breitbart London is search-blacklisted
ie it suggests it as you type, but then hides the official site
I’d guess a Labour front group like StopFundingHate is involved .. it’s an offshoot of the HateyNoHopers.
The ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ blog seems to have received the same treatment. This is an extraordinary assault on free speech on behalf of the BBC by Google. It seems they have decided that criticism of the BBC is off limits.
Interesting – I’m overseas and doing a google search doesnt readily show up this site … yet the last time I googled it in UK – last week – it came up as number one ……
As any residue to free speech is eaten away at an increasing pace the existence of this site – which doesn’t confirm with the bubble – must be limited . The fight will become more intense if that happens though ….
Lovely part of the world – was supposed to spend a week down there last month but a certain virus put paid to that. As to your question – big-tech censorship.
Is the BBC reporting on the Sheldon Silver jailing ?
Anyone else shocked that NBC News would neglect to mention that Silver is a Democrat and ran the NY Democrat party for decades??? If he was a Republican that would be front and center!
Ex-New York assembly speaker Sheldon Silver sentenced to 6 1/2 years https://t.co/ULTkJdrWTC
Piers Corbyn on Monday
Note the end 4 mins is rubbish cos the American comedian is allowed to speak freely & Piers is not allowed to challenge
eg she says “if we assume masks are 75% effective”
..you can’t just make such assumptions in real world conditions
.. It’s possible a good mask badly used is actually detrimental.
How the deceptions of the uber-liberal media (like the BBC) backfire.
In France an innocent care-worker called Axelle Dorier was walking her dog at night when a speeding car killed first her dog, then deliberately drove into Axelle and dragged her for nearly a kilometre, killing her and mutilating her body.
The suspects were arrested shortly after, and once again the msm played down the story and revealed nothing about the identity of the ‘men’ involved.
Such is the suspicion and lack of trust in the politicised msm that social media immediately jumped to the conclusion that a cover-up was taking place, meaning the guilty were probably North African muslims. A campaign was even launched, #OnVeutLesNoms (We Want Names).
As yet no-one knows, but that’s what happens by the law of unintended consequences. By systematically covering up for the favoured ‘victim group’ you end up stoking suspicion and producing the very phenomenon you set out to prevent.
The public are particularly incensed by the fact that the rare cases of aggression against migrants get huge coverage by the media, politicians and celebs (à la George Floyd), whereas violence against whites is systematically swept under the rug.
Don’t expect calls to bend the knee for Axelle on the evil beeb any time soon.
You really hit the point . The harder the deception technique is used the more people become aware of the strategy being used- whether is be local men , so called ‘asylum seekers’ or the new FBTs faith based terrorists – a term designed by supporters and fellow travellers to desociate the chief cause of terrorism in the West – namely islam .
Wednesday is the anniversary of the slaughter in Norway by a Far Right Terrorist . I know this because the Paul Greengrass film about it is named after the date . The film is on netflix . It it a painful watch . But Notice there is no film about 7/7 or the other islamic attacks carried out here – manchester or london bridge …
Sometimes the absense says much .
R4 just now
“Yes the author was a bisexual he dedicated his book to Duncan Grant
.. and he later married Grant’s daughter”
.. that’s their Guardian world , not our world I guess.
(born 1892, David Garnett, Brighton,
member of the Bloomsbury Group,
author “Aspects of Love,” bisexual,
brief lover of bisexual artist Duncan Grant, he ended up marrying his daughter. d. 1981 )
ITV local news, they are up Ashington near Newcastle for coverage of Jack Charlton’s courtage
3 mins in and it’s all white faces
oh hang on Mr Singh has his head outside his shopdoor
.. and now he’s being interviewed.
Then a cursory interview with one white woman.
Now onto the archive and people who knew him.
Hundreds of people lined the streets this morning as Jack Charlton's funeral cortège passed through his childhood home town of Ashington, in Northumberland.
They mentioned that South Yorkshire Police are under investigation for failure to investigate reports of domestic abuse of a Docaster woman who was then allegedly murdered by her boyfriend.
When I check I find this, that local BBC never covered.
Five women have died in the last seven weeks in Doncaster sparking a wave of murder investigations – The alleged murders have caused alarm but police believe they are not connected which IMO makes so many murders in one town even more worrying …https://t.co/jC9Q3cceNB
“FBT” is a deeply dishonest term. I hope people object to its use at every opportunity. In fact, I have “faith” that they will – and in no uncertain terms. Who was it who came up with the term “oblig nig” to ridicule the policy of token blacks appearing in TV shows in the 70s and 80s? No matter how hard the totalitarian libtard fantasists try to abuse language, distort history and manipulate reality, there will always be a clear-sighted satirist ready to burst their bubble.
How would they have described the IRA if it was forbidden to mention the ideology was “nationalist” ?
Of course not all nationalists support violent campaign.
Stew – but even that abbreviation gave those murderers a’ respectability ‘ they could never deserve . They were no army . They were a Crime gang – an Irish Mafia – and still are
Must look up and republish her full name again – last time I did that here a troll called me a racist . I just just pleased to publish her true name and not the BBC version ….
Look North tonight.
The wife of Julie and her campaign
“Julie tested negative for COVID-19 3 times but ended up losing her life 3 days before her 50th birthday in May”
Seems she’d gone to hospital with a burst ulcer
.. the wife “Julie had no pre-existing condition”
The prog never pointed out that that is one.
I guess she picked it up in hospital after being tested twice and been approved to leave the hospital.
Then there was a problem with the third test
Curiously, both this site and the ‘Is The BBC Biased?’ blog are now both available via general Google searches after disappearing earlier. Very strange. What on earth is going on?
Perhaps a guess is that it’s face masks all round this weekend and then the Beeb charges oldies next weekend. Kill any criticism of either (and they are linked) now.
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Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
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FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Pay rises fit for Heroes
BBC: ‘Coronavirus: Above-inflation pay rise for almost 900,000 public sector workers’
‘Almost 900,000 public sector workers, many of whom have fought on the front line against coronavirus, are to get an above-inflation pay rise.’
Have ‘many’ NHS staff actually been on the coronavirus ‘frontline’?
I suppose someone had to type those texts I received from my GP surgery telling me not attend NHS services for anything routine and certainly not to turn up at the clinic unless under the most dire of circumstances.
‘Doctors, teachers and police officers are among those who will receive salary increases of up to 3.1% in 2020/21.’
I’m afraid I’ve witnessed too much of the police running away from the ‘frontline’.
As for the teachers… I don’t know about ‘frontline’… they certainly have some front to expect a pay rise.
Will the BBC dare report anyone speaking up against the greedy tax guzzling overweight public sector?
‘But Anneliese Dodds, Labour’s shadow chancellor, said the Conservatives had frozen public sector pay for seven years, and the rises they introduced after that failed to plug the gap.’
Nope, Labour love the public sector just as much as the Tories.
How about some ‘analysis’ from BBC chap/woman? Dharshini David
‘After several months of sweating it out on the front line of an unprecedented crisis, this is some welcome news for almost a million key public sector workers.’
Nope, he/she’s going with this brave ‘frontline’ soldiers narrative. Can you imagine for a moment the scene at Bash Street Comp’s deputy, assistant head of geography’s sitting room where she had to sit for minutes every day through spring and summer frantically bashing out those work sheet emails to the unruly 5C. Phew, it must have been hell in there.
‘budgets are already under pressure in some areas – in schools, for example, where extra costs may have arisen..’
‘May have arisen?’ Our Dharshini obviously can’t think of any yet – and nor, frankly, can I – but watch this space… the ever greedy public sector and its advocate the BBC will think of something.
AISI, Dharshini is indeed a woman and is the BBC’s Economics Correspondent. She appears to work far harder than Faisal Islam, her boss and the BBC’s almost non-existent Economics Editor. Pls see post below.
Round of applause for the lady, please.
(William ‘Mate’ Cobblers type-voice:) ” ‘ere, Mate, I can remember when that there Steffie Flanders worked five days a week, Mate, behind a ‘ot steamin’ microphone in a ‘ot steamin’ studio on that there steam radio fing and then she went and did one of them Blog fings an’ all. On top of it she did telly, too, Mate.”
It’s about time those who pay for all of these public servants were asked for our permission before the chancellor acts like lady bountiful, handing it out to other public servants as though it is their own money.
In my view, servants should not be paid more than their paymasters. They should have the same terms of service as those who pay them; cut their pension entitlements, sick leave, holiday entitlements to those of the least affluent and make firing them less onerous.
Also, in my view, the Civil Service manning levels should be cut in half.
I’ve responded to the Taxpayers Alliance with these thoughts too.
On another matter: I’ve still not had a reply from government regarding my question, asked four weeks ago, about masks and vaccinations. I think it demonstrates how little regard they have for us and how little they care what we think.
Boosts the funds for the Third-World in remittances.
BBC Moaning Emole
Anything other than unique media regulation
Misleading and harmful online content about coronavirus has spread “virulently” because the UK still lacks a law to regulate social media. That’s the verdict from an influential group of MPs, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Rumours of fake cures, conspiracies about the virus origin and scaremongering about vaccines are all of particular concern.
The committee’s chairman said tech firms couldn’t be left to self-regulate and government recommendations to reduce harm, published last year, must be urgently implemented and enforced. They include a legal “duty of care” to force tech companies to protect their users. Children’s charity the NSPCC welcomed the report, but Google and Facebook insist they have already invested in measures to tackle content that breaches their guidelines.“
If the dcms is as influential as it is effective in overseeing OFCOM and its charges, social media is quite safe.
Nish has been appointed to handle sciencey stuff for Ceebeebies after his triumph with history.
Can you imagine this discussion taking place on the Beeb?
Rhetorical question, of course it couldn’t. They would never allow a chink of truth to get in the way of hysterical BLM propaganda.
“Meghan Markle pays lip service to a movement which ‘ignores black on black violence'”
PS. When can WE have a Sky News Aus?
What’s that on her head?
Way hay… force funded public sector broadcaster finds an unhappy public sector pay gob…
Speaking for the nation.
I have no words but disgust at these GPs who think they deserve more and Hospital doctors who feel the same. They are all paid vastly more than the rest of the population – they have gold plated NHS pensiosn(even though GPs are self employed). Consultants work short hours and charge extortionate rates for private work they get off the back of their NHS roles. Few are just private self employed.
The majority of GPs have been doing less work than normal in the Lockdown and despite what the BBC keep telling us the NHS is not the best health care service in the world.
They will have to deal with the covid back log because they haven’t been doing anything –
The section of NHS I am involved with hasn’t even got a target date to start up again….despite the fact that there is nothing stopping them opening now – except intransigence.
And don’t get me onto teachers!!!
Without the private sectors jobs the public sectors jobs wouldn’t exist….they seem to forget this all of the time…
The BMA is more militant than the NUM was in its heyday. The BMA is just a trade union seeking to maximise the pay of its members on the back of people’s health. Unfortunately as the NHS has become a sacred cow and doctors have become its high priests and must be treated with deference.
The average pay for a GP is now so high that most of them only work part time. The tax payers pay fir their very expensive training once they are qualified the doctors can afford to work part time. That , coupled with mass migration, is the reason we have to wait so long for GP appointments. Not because we don’t have enoghy doctors but because we don’t have enough full time doctors. Ironically if GP pay was cut we would have more full time doctors!
Your daily reminder that he was chosen to present a programme on bbc impartiality.
Don’t worry – they leave their personal views at the door of the studio .
As for his withnail surrogate- there’s a bit more to it than trade deals – which remainers tried to get brexiters to focus on via the soros playbook.
Pub lunch with his immediate family where the subject of conversation was trade deals with China?
That got heated and ended with him exiting.
Withnail Jones – he’s either Walter Mitty Jones or the biggest bore known to man. In which case one sympathises with his family.
Admirable reality (in brackets).
My question: when did you stop beating your wife?
TOADY Watch #1 – The missing Islam
Dom O’Connell is having to cover for the BBC Economics Editor. Since his appointment, Faisal Islam has been noticeable by his absence. He makes Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg and Sarah Montague look like workaholics. What is going on, BBC?
If I was a Licence Fee a.k.a. Telly Taxpayer, I would be very upset at the way the BBC is run and people are paid to do not a lot. I suppose the Beeboids all think of themselves as State employees?
Economics? That subject went out of the BBC studio window about four months ago and when it eventually returns… crisis? Oh boy!
It’s a big day for BBC spin ( not TMS )
Because it’s spy report day – the Russians Could have fixed the brexit vote and the Scots referendum vote and the top of the prem league …..
Get ready for an army of dormant remainers to be disinterred shouting like Tourette’s patients about ‘legal challenges ‘ – Miller Heseltine Major – they’ll all be rolling around the studios …
But more interestingly will be the various useful idiots in the SNP talking for the people of Moscow / Scotland … will comrade salmond keep his Russia TV job ?
Meanwhile – just Been walking in the forest and found a money tree – I shook it and it just said – you are gonna be paying for give always …
Fed, there is a wonderful irony about that claim that the Russians influenced the IndyRef and the Brexit vote. If you do the usual police detective thing and look for a motive then why would the Russian’s supposed influence seek a ‘No’ vote in the IndyRef and a ‘Leave’ vote in the BrexitRef? The two, I would have thought, are mutually contradictory.
But you are right, the BBC will be shilling like mad for re-runs with the usual suspects in front of mics.
Speaking of which, where is Vince Cable these days? Has he been on R4 when I haven’t been listening? He used to be on R4 almost every week.
You want ‘like mad’?
Try Carole Cadwallylady’s latest screed.
Thanks, but no thanks, Guest. She is quite batty. More than me.
How is her Court case going? Wasn’t she being sued by someone?
Speaking of Court cases, the BBC are displaying an amazing lack of interest in Bibi Netanyahu’s trial. How is it going, BBC?
Who ever is really funding the coloured uprising thing must be laughing their bits off . They say vietnam ‘challenged the fabric of western states’ but the current lunacy – hatched out of covid fear – takes the biscuit. I wonder if the russians stoked the fires but it seems the intel outfits missed it or were complicit .
The thing is, Fed, that there are plenty of contradictions around the claims of the BBC and their ‘useful idiots’.
We are told by the BBC that the new media, especially Farcebook and Twatteriti, were used by the Russians to influence the Brexit vote. At the same time, we are told by the BBC that the Leave vote was down to old people (who largely do not use computers, mobile phones, Farcebook and Twatteriti as much as young people) and that young people all voted Remain.
It cannot be both.
Why should, if the Russians had desire for a Communist world hegemony, they want a UK freed of the constraints of a socialist (some might say ‘increasingly socialist’) EU and able to act independently? Would they not want to roll their tanks in easily and park them all over a completely joined-up EU containing as many States as possible?
As the pointy-eared one would say “That is not logical, Captain.”
Don’t forget that President Obama’s brilliant leveraging of social media meant that no Republican would ever be president again…
Without going too Cold War – there was a school of thought which said – its not about communism – it’s about power – and keeping it .
Since the early revolutionaries were all paranoid about the ice pick in the head – Russia went that way too – either avoiding conflict by dodgy pack – Eg Hitler – or using the eastern states as a buffer to keep mother Russia safe .
The current boss plays the same game – killing critics overseas and doing his best to undermine and destroy NATO . He knows the EU would fall apart with separate interests were seriously threatened so doesn’t have to work too hard on that .
The threat from third world imports into Europe are as much as a long term threat to western Russia as much as anything else – apart from an unstable China – India – Pakistan -….
I do wonder what the ‘planners’ are making of the effect of a ‘mild ‘ virus Io weapon on the world population ….
As far as influencing elections – surely the trenches at the extreme are so deep now that even they middle ‘ (10%) which they Are allegedly all after – will respond as much to someone who is good on TV as much as anything else – eg the boris cheeky chappie act , cheery Farage – or the rebel POTUS .
As far I can see the report didn’t find any evidence that the Russians DID interfere with the Brexit referendum. But in the warped minds of the Remainers this is transposed into , ‘ the report didnt find any evidence that they DIDN’T interfere ‘ and so they must have. Of course the Remain lobby will use this just as they have the NHS £500 million a day bus poster as demonstrating the need for a second referendum or for just dropping the whole Brexit thing.
I’m nearly 70 and I have never seen so many people with such deep seated burning resentment as the Remainers have over Brexit. Even though it was four years ago they still behave as though they have lost something precious, something that was physically was part of them. What the hell is wrong with these people?
The BBC announce that lots of public sector workers including teachers, civil servants and NHS staff are to get a pay raise. Their obvious reaction is the roll on Labour and Union leaders to bleat that it’s not nearly enough….
Forget the millions of private sector workers who will have no jobs to go back to when this farce is over.
The BBC.
Many of whom believe they are truly essential.
TOADY Watch #2 – the joy, oh!, the joy
The news that State employees apart from nursing NHS staff (who received a separate increase) are to get a pay rise brought a certain lightness, nay, joy to Mishal’s voice after 6 a.m. and was duly noted by this listener.
The thought immediately occurred that the overpaid Beeboids will not doubt consider themselves State employees and will therefore be rattling the collecting tin under the new DG’s nose in the very near future.
In my opinion, and based on a Google search of articles on the matter, the NHS is a corrupt death cult. And just like the EU, it cannot be reformed. It needs to be binned and the whole system of health care in our country arranged in different, competing ways. And no pay, no treat. Apart from immediate emergency treatment.
10 Woman’s Hour
Gender neutral parenting
9:45am the daily refugee serial
11:30 Archiving Black America
which is a one off , not a a series, but got lots of trailers
2:15pm The Syrian/Palestinian drama series
4pm Black power language
With black Brixton teacher and black writer inIesha Small (“say eye-ee-sha”)
@ieshasmall Head of Strategy @yhaofficial
8pm Mohammed and the Market
Islam and the financial crisis of 2008 are two of the most hotly debated topics of the past decade
– but they aren’t usually mentioned in the same sentence.
The legacy of one man brings them together – The Prophet Mohammed.
He was an entrepreneur and trader, as well as the founder of one of the world’s great religions.
Kamal Ahmed, the BBC’s former economics editor, discovers how money has been closely entwined with the religious teachings of Islam right from its inception.
At a time when we face multiple challenges to our economies and to our personal finances, he asks what lessons the West can draw from this.
Slavery is not in the 5 page blurb
With my wife ,we were lucky enough to be at the opening
ceremony of the Olympic games in London in 2012. I have
never watched the the opening ceremony on TV before.
Last night we watched it on “catch up.”
I know many think I am paranoid about the BBC and my perceived view of it being utterly obsessed with diversity,
“positive discrimination” political correctness. The new fad
wokeness. With of course it’s politics now having reached
not the left wing on Wembley Stadium. But a further half a mile
left down Wembley Way.
So we watched the opening ceremony from only eight years
ago. We watched a history lesson in which we saw how the
UK had developed into a multi cultural,tolerant society.Where
on nearly every major contentious issue IE Gay Rights, Racial and colour discrimination
, Transphobia ,Women’s rights.As Douglas Murray writes that. the
train if not having completely stopped at the station, had very
nearly reached the buffers.
But it is now eight years on . And as Douglas Murray now says
the train has not stopped at the station. It has sped on and
is completely out of control! And this lack of control is being lead by the BBC !!! Oh for 2012.
I’m afraid we’re all aboard this train and it’s gaining momentum. Not even the driver knows its final destination, thought perhaps we can guess.
And the worst part is.
None of us have a return ticket…
TOADY Watch #3 – found it! The missing Islam is no longer missing. Or is it?
Mishal is on the case. Mishal interviews a Uighar woman who is now living in Turkey in the prime interview slot at 8.10 a.m..
Mishal doesn’t ask how the woman got to leave China and why she is living in Turkey. I wonder why?
The young lady tells us about her life and her ambitions. She also tells us about her family. She says how they have been treated by the authorities when making ‘phone calls. There is a hint of prior trouble with the Chinese police. No questions asked by Mishal at that point. No clarification for the listener. I wonder why?
The young lady then explains how when she tried to call her family and there was no-one there she heard how they had all gone to ‘study’. We are not told specifically but the hint is given: the woman’s family are in what the Chinese authorities euphemistically describe as ‘education camps’. Again, no real questions asked by Mishal at that point. No clarification for the listener. I wonder why?
Mishal is normally all over an interviewee, asking questions and – if the interview is a Conservative Government Minister – she is repeating questions, interrupting and hectoring, usually in a hard-edged voice. No questions at all today.
And no mention of the ‘I’ word and its relationship with other belief systems in the China of today. None at all. Not a word. It has gone missing again.
Fos – since i live within walking distance of where i live i thought there might be some long term benefit from that olympics but no . I couldnt even get a ticket except for the para games thing which wasnt the same .
As for stratford – a dangerous jungle best avoided ….
Thought I would dare to turn on Toady at 8.30ish and guess what, there was the regular self flagellation hit piece on our Colonial past and especially Winston and how he did not stop 3-4m Bengalis starving to death in 1943.
It is ok to talk about the past, but please let us have some balance and debate, sadly and not suprisingly there was none.
And now the weather..
On the other hand, I unashamedly copy and paste a completely fake letter, allegedly from the Oxford Chancellor 4 years ago, that is still relevant today about our other Colony and touches on Winston’s war crimes; a little fruity but zeroes in on the bonkers cancel culture we going through now and endorsed by Al Beeb:-
‘Cecil Rhodes’s generous bequest has contributed greatly to the comfort and
well being of many generations of Oxford students – a good many of them,
dare we say it, better, brighter and more deserving than you.
This does not necessarily mean we approve of everything Rhodes did in his
lifetime – but then we don’t have to. Cecil Rhodes died over a century ago.
Autres temps, autres moeurs. If you don’t understand what this means – and
it would not remotely surprise us if that were the case – then we really
think you should ask yourself the question: “Why am I at Oxford?”
Oxford, let us remind you, is the world’s second oldest extant university.
Scholars have been studying here since at least the 11th century. We’ve
played a major part in the invention of Western civilisation, from the 12th
century intellectual renaissance through the Enlightenment and beyond. Our
alumni include William of Ockham, Roger Bacon, William Tyndale, John Donne,
Sir Walter Raleigh, Erasmus, Sir Christopher Wren, William Penn, Rep. Adam
Smith (D-WA), Samuel Johnson, Robert Hooke, William Morris, Oscar Wilde,
Emily Davison, Cardinal Newman, Julie Cocks. We’re a big deal. And most of
the people privileged to come and study here are conscious of what a big
deal we are. Oxford is their alma mater – their dear mother – and they
respect and revere her accordingly.
And what were your ancestors doing in that period? Living in mud huts,
mainly. Sure we’ll concede you the short lived Southern African civilisation
of Great Zimbabwe. But let’s be brutally honest here. The contribution of
the Bantu tribes to modern civilisation has been as near as damn it to
You’ll probably say that’s “racist”. But it’s what we here at Oxford prefer
to call “true.” Perhaps the rules are different at other universities. In
fact, we know things are different at other universities. We’ve watched with
horror at what has been happening across the pond from the University of
Missouri to the University of Virginia and even to revered institutions like
Harvard and Yale: the “safe spaces”; the? #?blacklivesmatter; the creeping
cultural relativism; the stifling political correctness; what Allan Bloom
rightly called “the closing of the American mind”. At Oxford however, we
will always prefer facts and free, open debate to petty grievance-mongering,
identity politics and empty sloganeering. The day we cease to do so is the
day we lose the right to call ourselves the world’s greatest university.
Of course, you are perfectly within your rights to squander your time at
Oxford on silly, vexatious, single-issue political campaigns.
(Though it does make us wonder how stringent the vetting procedure is these
days for Rhodes scholarships and even more so, for Mandela Rhodes
scholarships) We are well used to seeing undergraduates – or, in your case –
postgraduates, making idiots of themselves. Just don’t expect us to indulge
your idiocy, let alone genuflect before it. You may be black – “BME” as the
grisly modern terminology has it – but we are colour blind. We have been
educating gifted undergraduates from our former colonies, our Empire, our
Commonwealth and beyond for many generations. We do not discriminate over
sex, race, colour or creed.
We do, however, discriminate according to intellect.
That means, inter alia, that when our undergrads or postgrads come up with
fatuous ideas, we don’t pat them on the back, give them a red rosette and
say: “Ooh, you’re black and you come from South Africa.
What a clever chap you are!” No. We prefer to see the quality of those
ideas tested in the crucible of public debate. That’s another key part of
the Oxford intellectual tradition you see: you can argue any damn thing you
like but you need to be able to justify it with facts and logic – otherwise
your idea is worthless.
This ludicrous notion you have that a bronze statue of Cecil Rhodes should
be removed from Oriel College, because it’s symbolic of “institutional
racism” and “white slavery”. Well even if it is – which we dispute – so
bloody what? Any undergraduate so feeble-minded that they can’t pass a
bronze statue without having their “safe space”
violated really does not deserve to be here. And besides, if we were to
remove Rhodes’s statue on the premise that his life wasn’t blemish-free,
where would we stop? As one of our alumni Dan Hannan has pointed out,
Oriel’s other benefactors include two kings so awful – Edward II and Charles
I – that their subjects had them killed. The college opposite – Christ
Church – was built by a murderous, thieving bully who bumped off two of his
wives. Thomas Jefferson kept slaves:
does that invalidate the US Constitution? Winston Churchill had
unenlightened views about Muslims and India: was he then the wrong man to
lead Britain in the war?”
Actually, we’ll go further than that. Your Rhodes Must Fall campaign is not
merely fatuous but ugly, vandalistic and dangerous. We agree with Oxford
historian RW Johnson that what you are trying to do here is no different
from what ISIS and the Al-Qaeda have been doing to artefacts in places like
Mali and Syria. You are murdering history.
And who are you, anyway, to be lecturing Oxford University on how it should
order its affairs? Your ?#?rhodesmustfall campaign, we understand,
originates in South Africa and was initiated by a black activist who told
one of his lecturers “whites have to be killed”. One of you – Sizwe
Mpofu-Walsh – is the privileged son of a rich politician and a member of a
party whose slogan is “Kill the Boer; Kill the Farmer”; another of you,
Ntokozo Qwabe, who is only in Oxford as a beneficiary of a Rhodes
scholarship, has boasted about the need for “socially conscious black
students” to “dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and
Great. That’s just what Oxford University needs. Some cultural enrichment
from the land of Winnie Mandela, burning tyre necklaces, an AIDS epidemic
almost entirely the result of government indifference and ignorance, one of
the world’s highest per capita murder rates, institutionalised corruption,
tribal politics, anti-white racism and a collapsing economy. Please name
which of the above items you think will enhance the lives of the 22,000
students studying here at Oxford.
And then please explain what it is that makes your attention grabbing
campaign to remove a listed statue from an Oxford college more urgent, more
deserving than the desire of probably at least 20,000 of those
22,000 students to enjoy their time here unencumbered by the irritation of
spoilt, ungrateful little tossers on scholarships they clearly don’t merit
using racial politics and cheap guilt-tripping to ruin the life and fabric
of our beloved university. ‘
There is a southern African kingdom which is also the world’s oldest full democracy but I can never in my old age remember its name. Is it Lethoso? Don’t think so. Must be one of the others. I probably heard about it back in the days when the BBC did inform, educate and entertain.
Is it Swaziland?
” Winston Churchill had unenlightened views about Muslims . . .”
I’m interested to know what would be an enlightened view of muslims/islam.
Spalding, Lincolnshire : Barbarism against sheep
“Police believe a vehicle, possibly a 4×4, entered a field and ran over three of the resident’s sheep.
One sheep died after being ran over and one of the two injured sheep was set on fire while it was still alive.
Police believe these eight sheep may have been chased into the River Welland or they may have been stolen”
I rarely post on this site as I try to avoid the BBC and other outlets of MSM as I find their skewing of the truth, failure to recognise the facts and their constant lying by omission a source of unsettling anger. I have just finished listening to an interview with a survivor of a ‘grooming gang’ aka a a religious and racially motivated group of rapists. This has left me with a kaleidoscope of feelings ranging from a seething rage to one of utter sadness.
The interview in question can be found here.
I have a suggestion to make and that is . All the contributors to this website should take it upon themselves to call any BBC, ITN or Channel 4 broadcasters phone in programme or try and get themselves on the audience of Question Time and using the matter at hand as ‘Trojan Horse’ ask the question as to why the issue of these ‘grooming gangs is not being addressed as the national scandal that it is. Thereby exposing and highlighting the the hypocrisy of the main stream media in particular the so called impartial BBC.
@SD actually I posted the link to this video yesterday morning
but some points are worth posting twice
Dung heap – I share your pain but I don’t do the BBC much at. All . Now – and as for phone ins – just . Can’t . Listen. ( unless there was a proper right winger running it who wouldn’t sell out like the LBC girl ) .
As for QT – never – but I watch the YouTube ‘Harry and paul’ spoofs of QT – highly recommended – as with the multilingual footy changing room manager one – which would never make it now ….
Talk Radio news “conspiracy theories about drinking bleach are being spread on line”
.. don’t be daft, of course they are not in any meaningful way.
Sounds like media bubbleworld again.
Telegraph watch
Charles Moore column lays into the chief counter terrorist plod – called ‘ Basu ‘ for not wanting Islamic terrorism used any more – he want FBT – FBT is Faith Based Terrorism . If this goes ahead the “T” will be replaced by ‘freedom fighting ‘
So wait for FBFF …..( the last bit is me ).
Then Mr Moore writes about ‘nigger’ the black lab mascot of 617 squadron . I can write ‘nigger ‘ here but mr Moore cannot use it in the text of his column .
If anyone reading this – of any colour or none – please don’t interpret what I write as being ‘offence ‘ for offence sake . It’s just that I believe in free speech and sometimes it causes upset and that is part of life .
I used to be called ‘lanky ‘ because I’ve always been very tall – I used to ignore it or laugh it off because I found it offensive – especially when confronted by those with ‘small man syndrome ‘ – particularly when they had more power than me – eg an employer .,,
A Change.org petition to RAF Scampton to restore Nigger’s marker stone can be found here.
just signed, and over 26,000 signatures have so far been reached
BBC Wales have some dirt on MP Rob Roberts who took his seat off Labour in December.
They don’t begin by saying he has recently split from his wife and come out as gay.
They begin with what looks like propositioning a female intern in April, but don’t write out the actual phrasing which actually appears in a screenshot, which itself misses the start of the conversation and begins with :
“Just thought we could have some fun maybe, no strings
… I maybe gay but I enjoy… fun times.”
They say earlier in the conversation he said
\\ Mr Roberts referred to the intern’s “picture on Twitter earlier. Lovely legs”.//
Then deep into the article they talk about him getting in trouble for a pass at male staff
\\ He said he told a male parliamentary staffer “that I liked him and asked him to dinner”.
“Really poor judgement on my part, hands up. He didn’t react very well because it created a problem for him that I felt that way,” //
Of course no boss should be propositioning much younger staff, so he has broken rules. And the consequence was the male staffer moved jobs. However he didn’t get into hands on physical abuse that previous politicians have done.
I put the topic in Twitter and on the top of the page
Victoria Derbyshire and Jo Maugham QC
Russia Report
‘we looked into the security services info about allegations that Russians that had interfered in UK voting
Our main finding was that security services barely investigated anything
.. they weren’t even looking much
.. They did look into Russian hacking Porton Down chemical weapons lab’
‘Fighting to prove we’re British’
Usual pro black anti British crap from the BBC. Three BAMEs, first 2 facing deportation the third will have to wait 10 years before applying for citizenship.
The video is 5m30s long but you have to get to:
a) to 42% into the video to find out the first man did 2 years in jail for drug offense.
b) to 60% into the video for a hint that the women was in “jail for something else” when she heard about her deportation had been stopped.
c) to 68% into the video to find out the second man also has a criminal record.
Wednesday 11am Radio4 repeat of yesterday’s show
about 3 three people deported back to Nigeria.
The BBC tell us…. “The UK actively avoided the ‘Russian threat’,” apparently?
The Guardian’s Luke Harding asks if Downing Street and security agencies should now launch an investigation into the 2016 referendum…..I bet he does.
The SNP’s Stewart Hosie says, “yes, self-evidently… not least to ensure that future electoral processes can be protected from similar interference”…..Impossible.
Mr Jones (Labour) adds that it’s about “making sure” that integrity can be protected in the democratic process…..Perhaps look at postal voting closer to home Mr Jones?
Mr Harding says he suspects the prime minister will be “reluctant” to investigate the interference in the 2016 referendum….So you can use it as ammunition to undermine Brexit and the Tory government?
“This is not about party politics, this is above that,” replies Kevan Jones, saying people need “faith that their vote counts”….Oh really ????
What is the news here?
Does anyone doubt Russia seeks to influence Western democracy? Or say, China through ‘useful idiots on our political liberal left vis a vis Huawei or hinckley point.
What about the democratic party through President Obama? Remember the EU referendum where he sat in front of our screens threatening economic purgatory if we dared vote ‘Leave’!
In the same way I have no doubt Western democracies seek to influence the other way. The BBC world service, for example, is overt international propaganda arm of British liberal values.
In 2016 BBC DG Tony Hall said: “This is a historic day for the BBC, as we announce the biggest expansion of the World Service since the 1940s.” Fran Unsworth, BBC World Service director, admitted that the £289 million ($361 million) expansion – the biggest since the 1940s – is “an expression of British soft power, while emphasizing the broadcaster’s independence.” !!!!!
The point is, as sentient human being we still have to put a cross on a bit of paper. That is a personal decision. I’d like to think I pretty much know the cut of the Labour party jib, like any other party. I also find it a bit insulting and a stretch to assume that Russian bots or Mr Obama would somehow change my mind.
Predictably, the BBC run with a direct quote from the SNP as a headline.
All I’m saying here is total yawn and prepare for Tory bashing for the next few days.
Ven – I’m not even sure it will make 24 hours – but if it does it will only be the bubble talking to itself – the real action will be on ‘does my designer face mask make my head look too big ?’
What should I do if Im to fat to take the knee ?
The BBC along with it’s conjoined twin the Guardian are scrambling to set up another “we wuz robbed” thing re the Russians possibly interfering with the Brexit referendum.
It having already been established that as it turned out there was no meddling whatsoever by the Russians they are now trying the “Yes-but-no-but…” approach along the lines of there might not have been any “actual” interference going on but the Conservative Government were guilty of not actually not looking for it…. This is a danger to democracy blah…blah…blah…
I also saw no evidence that the Conservative Government were not looking for interference from China, Finland, Malta, The Hebrides, The Solomon Isles, The Martians etc etc etc.
They really are very very desperate now!
It almost goes without saying that if you want to create an investigative committee, looking into potential Russian interference with elections and referendums, you need search no further than the incisive mind of Stewart Hosie SNP for a balanced and impartial opinion.
The phrase ‘beggars belief’ springs to my mind, but the spring gets ever weaker from repetition.
Or – of course – interference from the ReichEU and all those friends who got on the Eurostar to take the knee in Brussels ….
The BBC have put up this video of Mexican women with a wild bear sniffing one woman’s hair
Cos they are useless the BBC have put plinky plonly loud music instead of explaining the Spanish words and context.
The voice behind the camera is a confident voice as if he is a guide or ranger.
He doesn’t seem to be afraid
..Instead he tells the women “Don’t move yourselves stay still”
When the bear is behind her she’s got her phone in her hand taking a picture. The bear is fascinated by the shiny object so stands up, paw on her shoulder to get a better look.
So she ends up with a good selfy.
Meanwhile at this over closeness the guy speaks sternly
“Hey no, you bear no ”
The bear backs off
and the guy says “It’s OK , he’s walking off now”
The girls thank him.
You of all people shouldn’t be surprised that with all the things going on in the world the BBC think 1. this is even interesting and 2. could be bothered with looking into it…
I think they should be banned from click bait…no, I think they should be cancelled 🙂
Their clickbait is all about “getting he kidz” onto the BBC platform.
I’d like to see that selfie. I like bears. That one looks like a teenager bear to me.
The selfie is doing the rounds on FB and Twitter as Joe Biden in a bear costume sniffing girl’s hair
Biden in action on Ash Carter’s wife in 2015
Last week’s tweet from a claimed bear charity, backing Biden
For a spot of light relief, here’s Ozzy Man’s take on it:
Better pics
Better Biden pics
I have discovered why the US has so many statues of anti slavery people pulled down or targeted. The people in the video are the product of a biased education system. According to one Abraham Lincoln was the head of the South. I bet there must many products of the UK education system that would do the same. We simply are not teaching our own history . Only negatives are highlighted.
And they are allowed to vote … ????
Here’s a pearler ……… doing a bit of banter with a group some years ago, I asked someone who had a degree in Education, who the Bard of Avon was. Didn’t have a clue. Then answered “really?” when I told her. I only went to a Sec Modern 60 years ago, but I think our level of education then was better than anything they are taught at Yuni now.
ITV local news tweet
Looks like the BBC is going big on an old friend -“ the grievances of Dominic greave “ no peerage for Dom . No constituency either – just another ex MP with ‘strong connections to the EU – particularly €France ..” His halcyon days of beating a democratic government over the head -together the ex speaker long gone – but not forgotten
Next up Soubry – another turd floating in the swimming pool of defrocked traitor MPs .
Can I be bothered trawling through the intelligence committee report ? Nah
More harm was done by fraudulent postal voting , student double votes and impersonation than by Ivan using comrade Corbyn …
They must of dragged hezza from his coffin by now …
Bubble food
There is a call for a statue of Jack Charlton to be erected near to where he was born and played his first football.
Trouble is activists will probably pull it down because he once tackled a black player.
Following up on Digg
Sarah’ idiot’ person on TWATO.. it’s all about Russians. They fixed Brexit..and Scottish Independence…
Tom Tugendhat did a good job of batting away her leading accusatory questions..
But a nice space for their current favourite Lisa Nandy..allowed to speak uninterrupted
Funny how the BBC love to knock the UK and this Govt – despite the UK being one of the first countries to put sanctions against Russia..
Has a member of the Dan Snow family Canadian, Margaret McMillan and asks a nice leading question ‘ do you think that actually Russia has had a huge influence on British democracy?’
And Margaret gives her the answer she wants ‘ yes I do think..’
And Anne Applebaum..nice Lefty (Guardian lovey) saying we should go back to the EU and say we want to join this, that..blah blah..cos we need them
The BBC and these people all happy to put the UK down…
I would like to tell them to @@@@ off
JA “Has a member of the Dan Snow family Canadian, Margaret McMillan and asks a nice leading question ‘ do you think that actually Russia has had a huge influence on British democracy?’
And Margaret gives her the answer she wants ‘ yes I do think..’ ”
And in the eyes of Margaret McMillan (as well as other contributors today) that was due to the Russian money swilling around London. Now, in regard to the EU Referendum in 2016, how did those London centred politicians – such as the Conservative Government want the UK to vote, what direction Remain or Leave?
And how did Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg and John Major want us, the UK electorate, to vote: Remain or Leave?
Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Again!
Ok – I admit it – I was contacted by someone called Ivan from the embassy and I gave up my brexit vote for a bottle of stolly…
Applebaum has strong influence within the bubble BBC – I understand sh has American and polish nationality but I reckon she’s one of those ;’citizens of the world ‘ types – until it goes pear shaped . Drain the swamp .
Just listening to Radio 4 1pm news.
Lady Brooke indignant about Russia interfering in UK elections.
When will there be an inquiry into the BBC trying to sway elections with round the clock brainwashing?
The fact that despite the BBCs interference, the vote went the ‘wrong’ way 3 times in recent years suggests that we would be fairly resistant to whatever Russia was supposed to have been doing.
The bbc lunchtime TV1 “news” was a laugh; a whole lot of desperate government critics, confronted by a complete lack of evidence of Russian meddling, nevertheless lay into govt because it ‘wasn’t looking’. No evidence for that either!
The bbc need to be heavily censured for this pointless parade of nobodys with nothing of substance to say.
This is supposed to be THE NEWS?
Yes, seems like a ‘storm in a teacup’: no substance. The ex-Ambassador spoke the most sense. The following two women, including one ‘Anne Applebaum’ seemed to think that the UK ought to sidle up closer to the EU………………..
G, AA is a Russophile, if I recall correctly. ’nuff said.
fnw, our Security Services (Five was incorrectly mentioned during the programme – whereas it is Six that is responsible for overseas threats) have a certain history. Can’t think why but the names Burgess and Maclean kept popping into my head (now that was a job for Five) but all the opprobrium was thrown at HMG in general and Bojo as PM in particular.
TWatO Watch #1 – made it through the whole programme for the first time in weeks
The Russia Report was the only item on the programme. A lot of mud thrown ‘at the Government’ meaning in the BBC’s mind, eyes and ears, the Conservative Government of December 2019 to date. No mention at all that the report effectively talks about the Blair/Brown, Cameron/Clegg Coalition, Cameron and May administrations as well.
Now, there’s a surprise. Not.
There’s no mention – whatsoever – of Comrade Corbyn being ‘helped’ by Russia in his December 2019 campaign either.
I wonder why?
This Trump campaign video was quickly removed
… they said the band objected to their music being used.
So someone put up a new copy.
I can see why it was removed – it’s very good …
Returning from the normality of Portland (England) I googled this, my favourite, site. No link on the page, zilch. So tried a second best site, Breitbart. Something heads the page list – Hope not Hate. Then a selection of opinion pieces about BB from the MSM. No link to the site itself.
I can still get at both sites using Bing. Has anyone had similar problems? What is going on at Google?
Growl, growl.
Wow that is true
BiasedBBC is search-suggestion-blacklisted
BiasedBBC is search-blacklisted
Breitbart London is NOT search-suggestion-blacklisted
Breitbart London is search-blacklisted
ie it suggests it as you type, but then hides the official site
I’d guess a Labour front group like StopFundingHate is involved .. it’s an offshoot of the HateyNoHopers.
I use duckduckgo search engine. I avoid Google and Bing when I can.
By the same token, try finding the Religion of Peace website without entering the exact url.
(It used to show up on Google search with even an approximate name.)
Ran the same test with DuckDuck Go
Both sites come top
but we are NOT in the as you type search suggestion list,
whilst Breitbart London is
The ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ blog seems to have received the same treatment. This is an extraordinary assault on free speech on behalf of the BBC by Google. It seems they have decided that criticism of the BBC is off limits.
Interesting – I’m overseas and doing a google search doesnt readily show up this site … yet the last time I googled it in UK – last week – it came up as number one ……
As any residue to free speech is eaten away at an increasing pace the existence of this site – which doesn’t confirm with the bubble – must be limited . The fight will become more intense if that happens though ….
Is it me ? but ‘overseas’ sounds so much posher than ‘abroad ‘ !! 😉
Bris – I consider the Isle of Wight to be overseas!
I’m glad I didn’t book the RMS covid….
Ha! ha ! I’m originate from the Isle of Thanet ! does that count, as there’s only a large stream that separates from the ‘mainland’.
The ex editor of Newsnight went there.
Lovely part of the world – was supposed to spend a week down there last month but a certain virus put paid to that. As to your question – big-tech censorship.
Is the BBC reporting on the Sheldon Silver jailing ?
Piers Corbyn on Monday
Note the end 4 mins is rubbish cos the American comedian is allowed to speak freely & Piers is not allowed to challenge
eg she says “if we assume masks are 75% effective”
..you can’t just make such assumptions in real world conditions
.. It’s possible a good mask badly used is actually detrimental.
How the deceptions of the uber-liberal media (like the BBC) backfire.
In France an innocent care-worker called Axelle Dorier was walking her dog at night when a speeding car killed first her dog, then deliberately drove into Axelle and dragged her for nearly a kilometre, killing her and mutilating her body.
The suspects were arrested shortly after, and once again the msm played down the story and revealed nothing about the identity of the ‘men’ involved.
Such is the suspicion and lack of trust in the politicised msm that social media immediately jumped to the conclusion that a cover-up was taking place, meaning the guilty were probably North African muslims. A campaign was even launched, #OnVeutLesNoms (We Want Names).
As yet no-one knows, but that’s what happens by the law of unintended consequences. By systematically covering up for the favoured ‘victim group’ you end up stoking suspicion and producing the very phenomenon you set out to prevent.
The public are particularly incensed by the fact that the rare cases of aggression against migrants get huge coverage by the media, politicians and celebs (à la George Floyd), whereas violence against whites is systematically swept under the rug.
Don’t expect calls to bend the knee for Axelle on the evil beeb any time soon.
R.I.P. Axelle
Terrible story – I’m hearing that the two suspects are called Youcef and Mohamed – now there’s a shock.
You really hit the point . The harder the deception technique is used the more people become aware of the strategy being used- whether is be local men , so called ‘asylum seekers’ or the new FBTs faith based terrorists – a term designed by supporters and fellow travellers to desociate the chief cause of terrorism in the West – namely islam .
Wednesday is the anniversary of the slaughter in Norway by a Far Right Terrorist . I know this because the Paul Greengrass film about it is named after the date . The film is on netflix . It it a painful watch . But Notice there is no film about 7/7 or the other islamic attacks carried out here – manchester or london bridge …
Sometimes the absense says much .
R4 just now
“Yes the author was a bisexual he dedicated his book to Duncan Grant
.. and he later married Grant’s daughter”
.. that’s their Guardian world , not our world I guess.
(born 1892, David Garnett, Brighton,
member of the Bloomsbury Group,
author “Aspects of Love,” bisexual,
brief lover of bisexual artist Duncan Grant, he ended up marrying his daughter. d. 1981 )
4pm opening question
Brixton teacher “So to become a leader eye-eesha did you learn to speak straight white male ?”
FFS women have often worn the trousers in many British establishments.
Gay men have in history been controllers of many establishments.
ITV local news, they are up Ashington near Newcastle for coverage of Jack Charlton’s courtage
3 mins in and it’s all white faces
oh hang on Mr Singh has his head outside his shopdoor
.. and now he’s being interviewed.
Then a cursory interview with one white woman.
Now onto the archive and people who knew him.
They mentioned that South Yorkshire Police are under investigation for failure to investigate reports of domestic abuse of a Docaster woman who was then allegedly murdered by her boyfriend.
When I check I find this, that local BBC never covered.
“FBT” is a deeply dishonest term. I hope people object to its use at every opportunity. In fact, I have “faith” that they will – and in no uncertain terms. Who was it who came up with the term “oblig nig” to ridicule the policy of token blacks appearing in TV shows in the 70s and 80s? No matter how hard the totalitarian libtard fantasists try to abuse language, distort history and manipulate reality, there will always be a clear-sighted satirist ready to burst their bubble.
How would they have described the IRA if it was forbidden to mention the ideology was “nationalist” ?
Of course not all nationalists support violent campaign.
Stew – but even that abbreviation gave those murderers a’ respectability ‘ they could never deserve . They were no army . They were a Crime gang – an Irish Mafia – and still are
Wonder if this will be mentioned in local news ?
Literally no one outside the BS tanning salon bubble cared.
Munchetty said BBC journalists are “there to provide a service and make sure people are informed”
Must look up and republish her full name again – last time I did that here a troll called me a racist . I just just pleased to publish her true name and not the BBC version ….
…. in fact it is
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
No doubt one of the Northumberland Munchetty-Chendriahs, a much respected county family. I believe one of them was Lord Lieutenant.
Look North tonight.
The wife of Julie and her campaign
“Julie tested negative for COVID-19 3 times but ended up losing her life 3 days before her 50th birthday in May”
Seems she’d gone to hospital with a burst ulcer
.. the wife “Julie had no pre-existing condition”
The prog never pointed out that that is one.
I guess she picked it up in hospital after being tested twice and been approved to leave the hospital.
Then there was a problem with the third test
Curiously, both this site and the ‘Is The BBC Biased?’ blog are now both available via general Google searches after disappearing earlier. Very strange. What on earth is going on?
Maybe the state monitor has had a chat with the google monitor .,.
Perhaps a guess is that it’s face masks all round this weekend and then the Beeb charges oldies next weekend. Kill any criticism of either (and they are linked) now.