So check to make sure that the NHS isn’t using a Covid-19 vaccine with Aluminium preservative in it, and beware of the scientific fraud coming from the BBC and the James Cook University in Australia.
Tonight’s major BBC1 programme is “Anthony” based on a true story of a young man murdered in a racist attack. Is the murder of Kriss Donald finally getting some media coverage? No, the victim was, of course, from the BAME “community”.
8:30pm BBC1 90 special drama about a murdered black boy
\\ BBC shit stirring again … where is the drama for victims of black on black crime.. //
‘Anthony', a feature-length drama written by multi-BAFTA winner Jimmy McGovern and inspired by conversations with Anthony’s mother, Gee Walker. Monday 27th July at 8.30pm on @BBCOne & @BBCiPlayer.
Apparently its a story told in reverse (?) about how his life might have turned out had he lived. So, he couldn’t have married a chinese girl then ? or an Indian ? or heaven forbid one from his own race .
As I’ve said before this is nearly the same as al beeb sticking the film Do The Right Thing on every night, crossing their fingers and hoping the blacks riot ????????
Great film, watch it if you can by the way ????
I find the whole matter completely offensive-we are being led to believe that such a pairing is normal and justified-for whom? Suspect we can perhaps understand as to the reactions of the parents of each would be-think I know how I would feel if faced with such a circumstance. However it is clearly an attempt to force multiculturalism across our white society. Racisim against the whites pure and simple.
We just have to ask …… “how many parents of mixed race children/teenagers/adults are still together now ?” The odds are that from an early age they were brought up in single parent homes.
Those I see locally who have been given social housing, have rather overweight mothers who have clearly never had a wedding day !
Claims she recorded a great podcast then
“And I stupidly lost all the audio and we didn’t have time to re-record, I’m sorry.”
..doh what’s she mean ?
Data doesn’t get deleted from your PC
It’s usually still there and you use File Recovery software to recover it.
This is the modus operandi of all BBC staff (presenters) who think they are ‘celebrities’. Make some vacuous statement like Dan did about his barbecue….only for it to be a big up to themselves…
Click bait is a pain in the A**e if I see a BBC person saying anything – avoid at all cost
I came across this short video about Bill and Melinda Gates and their warped plans with vaccines, birth control and abortions in Africa. Watch to the end for the most outrageous and disgusting comments by Melinda Gates:
Stew “ITV local news a long item about an art prize for Bradford refugee children.
Apparently they have 600 Rohinga refugees in the town
that seems a lot .. its a whole small village worth.”
600 today, 2000 in 5 years. And thats how we shall see the demise of us as a peoples within a few decades.
Goverments over the last 15 years will have to carry the blame for their weak pathetic attitude in respect to immigration from third world people into first world countries-apart from the terrible results of such an abominable policy showing itself across Europe the United Kingdom and its indigenous peoples have been subjected or forced over these years to accept and receive unparalleled numbers of immigrants, most have very little to give or offer the UK, most have taken without thanks, the cause and effect of invasion into our society, with a creeping inveigalment that has gained many of these invaders postions of supreme authority in our land. It is an offence to the people of the United Kingdom that they should be subjugated to accept. Soft Liberal/Marxism is now in charge.
Not posted on here for years but read all your wonderful posts most days.
The Beeb is the pits!
This site is wonderful.
Re the obesity crisis, I am confident that most people here would know what to do if confronted with a packet of mince, some tatties, a carrot and an onion.
That would make a good photo on a front page saying…what could you do with this? How many of the folk who buy the disgusting tasteless processed food would know???
It could even be lamb or soya substitute as a concession!!!
…. earlier there was chat about a half caste car driver from stevenage having a ‘ twitter storm’ because he is an ‘antivacc’ type
I realised in was about covid vaccines –
Anyway – news is that the racing car champion has now revered his view, taken doen his post snd is off to “ reconsider his thoughts” – or some other mefis advisor line…
Ps – a footy match took place tonight and the commentator didnt comment on thr knee – had it peaked ?
So I checked the BBC channel for under sixes (cbeebies) and found this in the Make & Colour section:
Check the third item.
And in the Watch & Sing Along section I found this:
Note this has nothing to do with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan which was back in April (23) – May (23) of this year, and for which there was wall to wall coverage from the BBC.
Currently watching Die Hard and wondering if it’s on al beeb’s banned film list because the terrorists (baddies) are German? ????
I’d love it if a right wing organisation turned up at W1 1AA, stormed the building, armed to the teeth and told them “due to the bbc’s legacy of greed around the globe, you are about to be taught a lesson in the real use of power!”
Minus John McClane bring there of course ????
Yippee-kayaah MF ????????
Jesus, they really don’t care now do they- do you think it is done on purpose?
What makes it worse is they couldn’t even be bothered to put an Indian on the list – BAME really does just mean Black and Metropolitan Elite on the BBC
and as for the ‘ there are not enough cricket role models for Black British Kids’ WTF – is he blind or stupid…they don’t even have to be British to be a role model…but it isn’t true anyway..
So the BBC has been promoting the following on their website:
It is basically some feminist alternate reality of America. Originally called Motherland Fort Salem, the BBC have purchased UK broadcast rights to this 10 part series from Disney Media Distribution, and it is now available from BBC three. The BBC’s Head of Programme Acquisition Sue Deeks agreed the deal with Disney Media Distribution which includes some other feminist series )called Good Trouble) to be broadcast later in the year. In an alternate version of present-day America, witches are deployed on the frontline of military defence. Having ended their persecution some 300 years ago by cutting a deal with the government to use magic in the service of national security, they are now enlisted at an early age to train in combat witchcraft under the steely discipline of an all-female command. As a dangerous rebel group called The Spree carries out a series of brutal attacks, three novice witches – Abigail, Raelle and Tally – join the army as new recruits and are assigned to the same unit. Can they overcome their differences to work together?
Given that the USA has access to some of the most incredible military ‘kit’ ever created I have long thought it strange that it has a popular obsession with fantasy/magic and brute muscle.
In reality it is a land where the ‘nerd’ is king, whimpy ‘Brains’ from International Rescue just presses a button and half the world no longer exists.
In fantasy a no-brain, half-naked hulk, brushes off bullets to ram an ICBM back into a silo, or a teenage ‘princess’ clicks her fingers to do the same.
Breitbart video : Yes we should learn from young people they are better than us … aren’t they ? BLM Activist Says White Men Are ‘The Common Enemy’,
‘We Need to Get Rid of Them’
Freedom of speech – so if I stood up and said we need to get rid of Women , Gays , Trans, Blacks , Asians ,Muslims
Twerps like him would want me arrested and vilified ..but White appears anyone can target us..what a world we live in..
Wonder if he is being lectured to by white men? Served at his supermarket by white men, has his bike fixed by white men, his post delivered his tap water and transport service maintained by White men oh and ask him about Africa – ruled by ermmm Black men and what a state that place is in!
I know it isn’t BBC but you can be sure if it were a white man saying that about Black men the BBC would be all over it
“….that there is “one common enemy: the white man”
and therefore “we need to get rid of them”.
I would welcome him and other like minded at my front door. At my age I would sacrifice myself to end my days in jail knowing that I did the right deed in the disposing of trash. Until someone stops this it will rapidly get worse. Problem is, no one in Government wants to see and acknowledge what is happening.
Apart from being unable to function without looking to his phone for direction, the joke has to be really on him, is that he has a Puma top as well. Funny- wasn’t that the company founded by Rudolph Dassler a member of the Nazi party and a company with some dodgy labour practices in recent years, some might argue even slave labour. Still to his credit at least the trees seem to be listening to him.
This is the file address right click over it and select Save Link as
[video src="" /]
Alternatively if you open that link up it plays the video
then mouse over video or long press and a Save As option will appear.
There has been suggestions in recent years that TR should seek political asylum.
Cos the UK is now a banana republic with this two tier justice system where green/red skins can do what they want and walk free
whereas with purple skins a pretext is found to sling them in jail
where they face risk of death.
Island – let’s face it – a lot of people on this site have seen it coming for TR- me included . I said in jest – in peacetime – that he might land up seeking political asylum – and meant it : whether it is America or Canada ( ok not Canada) …. he cannot exist with a threatened family in tow – the state is against him and wants him dead – so he has no choice other than to leave .
If he can pull that off – to seek refuge in a safer country because of his political believes – what a warning sign that ( could ) send that all is not well in Britain .
Thank you Boris, Priti, and Tory leaders of the past who have wanted TR dead.
Hopefully your masters will approve of your willingness to destroy alternative political views, defenders of raped children, and turn this country into a third world shithole.
So, just as things had calmed down a tad (no statues ripped down for a couple of weeks) the Beeb decide it’s a good idea to bring us a propagandist piece of fiction about a black lad murdered in a racist killing, that happened about fifteen years ago.
Anyone might think they were agitating for more riots…
Since that awful event I’ve lost count of the extraordinary number of young black men slaughtered by other young black men. There are far too many to mention. None have received anything like the attention that has been given to either this lad or Stephen Lawrence. These are the only two blacks killed by whites, that I know of…Are there any others?
I don’t suppose there’s a fictional piece about what sort of life Lee Rigby might have enjoyed in the pipeline. Or what about the twenty two young kids slaughtered in Manchester? There would quite a lot of scope there, they could turn it into a series. Somehow I don’t think so…
Don’t you think that a grown up, socially responsible broadcaster, might just look at the potential for civil unrest and think…you know what, maybe we’ll just shelve this? But no…
The BBC is an organisation that is so infiltrated by ultra left wing, pathetic and puerile adolescents, that it actually gets off on seeing our culture ripped to bits. They’re like middle class, spoilt children that want to shock mummy.
I might roll the numbers because I only watch my home town – London – for the homicide figures . The average is around 130 pa . I reckon the number of black on black killings is about 50 p.a, a third are ‘domestic ‘ and the rest are the variations on day to day activity . I exclude Islamic terrorist murder from those numbers .
The corruption of the MSM makes the likes of Lawrence a totemic event – when in fact it was just another day in sarf London – I didn’t see it as racially motivated when it happened -nor in the political trial / inquiry that came afterward .
From the BBC Radio4 comedian who worked as a policeman in Scunthorpe
‘Media refuses to cover the police positively’
To be fair I get it coming from cops. There's defo been an anti police campaign since lockdown & gone up a gear since BLM protests. They're all a bit frightened to report anything pro police at the mo but to single out @BBCNews is a little unfair in my view – they're all doing it
Alfie Moore “to single out @BBCNews is a little unfair in my view”
IT IS FAIR TO SINGLE OUT THE BBC because the British fund them through the BBC tax and as a result the BBC has public obligations to report on the news as accurately and fairly as possible.
1) 09:03 Look everyone – I'm off Twitter for 48 hours 2) 11:34 I'm back on Twitter 3) 12:30 Shit they've noticed, I'd better delete that 4) By my own standards I'm both a coward and a
I was listening to a prog where 21 mins in Baron O’Niell the ex Goldmann Sachs head and now Corbynista
was saying the gov should force transport industry to 2030 net zero by witholding Covid19 compensation
I looked for peoples opinion, but nothing on Twitter
Radio4 has so few listeners these days there’s little discussion on Twitter to what there used o be.
Moral Maze this week about the legacy of empire
.. started with a mad anti white BLM person from that bubbleworld Nadine El Enany.
Such lefties hate this show cos they are so used to their own bubbleworld .
They just scream for Melanie Phillips and Claire Fox to be banned.
But that’s the whole point the show is old school.
Instead of getting two lefties agreeing with each other, this show deliberately chooses opposing voices so the panel can grill the argument.
The lefties are lazy and don’t do their homework, so don’t listen to the show beforehand. So think that they are just going to give a 10 minute lecture,
so then get angry when actually the slot begins with a question and they are told very firmly to answer it.
Then after the 4 guests have been grilled the panel discuss what the guests said.
Dr Nadine El Enany wrote a furious series of tweets which were followed by hundreds of tweets from her gang
You see when they discussed what she said she thought they’d left the phone off the hook & she’d go some magic insight into their world,
.. In her spiel she had said that white men had invented the slave trade.
The next speaker was far more sensible
He talked bout how we wanted to be sorting out today’s problems by which he meant black on black crime, as well as the small amount actual modern racism.
He said that focusing on slave times was just *deflection* to the distant past .. a thing that we can’t change.
Stew – I’m guessing the ‘next speaker ‘ wasn’t David Starkey – a man banned by use of the word ‘damn’ ….hell of a thing – done by a word with one vowel …
\\Coronavirus: UK economy ‘might not recover until 2024’//
If I buy a lottery ticket this week I “might” become a millionaire.
As per usual, Al Beeb selecting news headlines because it does not have much news to report. They just can’t get the staff of the right quality anymore.
I have no doubt that every Tory MP in the land is aware of the blatant bias of the broadcaster but the government is very slow to do anything about it ? The financial burden that the Covid pandemic has placed on many families could be alleviated abolishing the TV Licence. I doubt that there will many people in the land that will object to that action?
It won’t be long before experts claim that pets are spreading the virus. Watch out for a cull of pets and the media endorsing the Tory Government’s advice to prevent a spike by ridding us of our pets. People from places like Wigan and Southampton will be interviewed in the street endorsing the Government’s initiated slaughter and teenage professors will proclaim the urgency of a pet cull. This is how every absurdity regarding the manipulation of people during the pandemic has been accepted.
Spain’s prime minister says the UK’s decision to impose a two-week quarantine on everyone arriving from his country is “unjust”. The move has prompted airlines and holiday companies to cancel services and many travellers to rethink their plans. Pedro…
Pedro says ‘unjust’…. BBC just prints it.
Can just see all the tapas bar staff in Central London, mouths covered in chorizo slices, parading outside Westminster with placards saying ‘Unjust for Pedro’, with ex-XR, ex-BLM mostly peaceful rioters decked out as Manuel… from Bartheloanah.
Stew – are you a spokesman for the inept British government ? ‘Tests are costly ‘? Since when has money mattered with the Tories eating from the money tree?
There’s plenty of room at airports – sticking testing units in the damn car park and test every one that moves – including their cat .
Did I hear Priti Patel correctly, when she said that the BBBC’s income was 5 billion a year?
I’ve always put it at about three, with the TV tax, sales of old stuff etc!
5bn is an awful lot of money to spend on leftie, useless, unattractive people doing unwatchable plays, kow-towing to wokeness and rubbishy stuff, when so much of this could be used to shore up businesses which have suffered, to a large part from the negativity of a failing ‘notianal broadcaster’!
Ramp the worry up George… ramp it up. One day all those exempted, essential W1A cubicle garden dwellers rehashing press releases from home will need a kebab.
The UK press front pages this morning are almost uniform in an apparent state of shock that Chinese virus is still lurking about in Spain. Considering the British population have been put under the impression they’ll catch it in the aisles of their local Sainbury’s, unless they are all properly PPE’ed, this new surprise, frankly, surprises.
Let me try to translate the underlying journalistic sentiment here. We think Britain is crap and blame Boris for the virus and want to hammer this home with the notion that everything on the continent is just fine and dandy so this Spanish news spoils that narrative. Maybe we can still blame Boris, somehow.
Just as a small measure of press standards let’s look at the coverage of the pet cat with covid story. The Star puts up a pic of a fluffy-haired grey tabby with the headline ‘Now cat is struck with covid’ meanwhile the Daily Express go with ‘Pet cat catches Covid-19 from owners’ and – what’s this… a photo of a completely different black and white moggie?
The ‘i’ pictures a ginger whilst warning us to wash our hands – to protect our pets. Rather than vice versa?
The Guardian (always keen to champion alternative sexual preferences) has a short-haired grey tabby and cautions against kissing.
AISI, you are doing a great job on the newspaper review. It’s an enjoyable read. I thought it strange this a.m. with the Beeb on R4 going ‘full on stir against our Government’ that they obviously hadn’t read their House Magazine, the Guardian, that thoroughly.
As I skimmed the front pages I noticed (not the variable camouflage cat – a great spot on your part) but the top headline: ‘Virus Outbreaks Raise Fears of Second Wave in Europe’. I can understand the BBC, in their enthusiasm for how well EUrope has done during the Pandemic compared to how badly the UK and England has done, not wanting to notice that piece of news.
The BBC did not mention it at all in the main 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. News?
I wonder why?
After all, it must be true: I read it in the Guardian.
The new BBC Asian Network Global team seem excitable.
Unhinged hatred for a country that’s given them freedom, democracy, opportunity, equality, due process & so much more . If you hate the West so much why live there?
The answer, Rita Panahi, is that they want to take over power there. You know: ‘Black Power’. Africa is not enough, and they have f….. up there, to use the colourful language of the video. So now they are everywhere else, making demands.
I am old enough to remember the ‘Black Power’ thing from the sixties and seventies. BLM is simply a (slightly disguised) continuation of that campaign. I am beginning to suspect that even the whole ‘divesrsity’ thing, much beloved by beeb, is really JUST A COVER FOR BLACK POWER.
Almost every second programme on R4 starts of with George Floyd now. That should tell us something.
And it’s about getting the numbers up there, into the higher echelons, not because of fairness, but to open the floodgates.
Quite recently I would have thought this opinion to be alien to me, quite cynical and unfair. But, the massive bombardment of British -and white- culture, in particular, has made me think again.
I listen to R4 now, and I realise the full extent to which that is under attack on all fronts. And I suspect they already have the numbers now, beginning to tilt…?
Simon Clarke MP tells #BBCBreakfast he doesn't accept the idea that the government has caused more disruption to UK holidaymakers after they changed the travel advice to the Spanish Islands ⤵️ More here:
The Telegraph is treating the Spanish thing like an episode of The Thick of It – poor old Simon clark ( who) got the death call from CCHQ telling him he was to do the news channels to explain the unexplainable .
Some clever journo showed a Ryanair plane taking off from UK to Spain with the new quarantine regulation in place mid journey .
Ok up a rant gear …. is this too complicated for these dipsticks to think through ? Can there be no testing at airports – at least as a ‘first filter ‘ ? What do people who are returning from Spain do if they share accomodation ? Does a whole family lockup for 14 days?
Meanwhile other bits of the planet are arriving in their thousands every day and no one gives a toss .
“Listen up everybody our daily meeting is about to begin .The
diversity dept is by far the most important department at the
BBC . We are in control of nearly all the output . I want it to be
yesterday I watched it and I noticed there were no black
characters in the film.” I think your wrong Smith . If you look closely at least two of the galley slaves were black.” ” BLACK?
BEN HUR is banned from the BBC, take note”” Yes big brother.”
” Big Brother what are we do about the Emma Barnett rant over
Wiley? ” Ok we have to feature it I suppose. BUT on the internet
I want it surrounded by black and ethnic virtue signalling pictures and features.”
” But we do this every day big brother”
No, I want the surrounding pictures to even out do the
Gleaner. I want the BBC website to look like it is a product
produced in Kingston Jamaica and not Kingston upon Thames!!
Angry black mother being interviewed on Today by Mishal Hussain. Police burst into her house after report of non-white with gun being spotted. Turns out it was her 12 year old innocently playing with a toy gun. “This is London, not America,” she says.
R4 is continuing its ‘racism’ propaganda stream with an interview on Toady.
Someone called David Isaac, of the EHRC, droning on about there not being enough ‘people of colour’ in upper echelons.
This is actually a ‘DEAD’ method: race, not merit, is to be the criteria for promotion. In overwhelmingly white Britain, quotas are to be the way to go. THIS IS NOT (YET) AFRICA! Is there an African country which wants whites represented in ‘upper echelons’? NO. In South Africa, capable whites are deliberately legislated out of senior positions anywhere in the Public Service by ‘Black Economic Empowerment’.
I was listening last night to a whining Ghanaian, having a go at ‘white straight men’ in an obnoxious and offensive fashion, in a programme called ‘Word of Mouth’. Whitee received a good old bashing from a teacher who said you had to talk the language of ‘straight white men’, to get on. Toady merely carries on the endless agitation, night and day, almost none stop.
Seems that, at 9 am , the endless propaganda stream flows on, non-stop: someone called Sangita Maiska will be demanding to know why we don’t have enough ‘people of colour’ and ‘diversity’ in football management, on R4.
I take it she won’t be asking why we now have disproportionally large numbers of blacks actually playing football. You often have to look for the one or two white players who might be on the field at Man U or any one of the top Premiership clubs.. Strangely enough, here MERIT seems to rule- will be the argument, which it mustn’t do in any other field.
Appalling double standards.
What about white quotas to show non-racialism on the field? Let’s say no fewer than eight white players on any football field, to ‘reflect our population make up’? Representation, you know, which you drone on about and promote, almost non-stop, R4? No? Somehow don’t think beeb will like that.
I heard that programme when it first aired and thought the same. A black ‘teacher’ complaining about straight white man language and how you have to speak it to get on …first I thought: Tw*t, do you not see how racist that is,
second I thought, you are an idiot -as there are more white females in Education than men and he was talking to a Black female who used to be in education ( I got the feeling she didn’t agree with him but was keeping it civil)
and on and on he went complaining that he had to learn to communicate with people different from himself to get on…No Shi* Sherlock that is just bloody life
I come from a very working class background and I soon learned that certain phrases didn’t go down too well with those from other classes if I wanted them to do something for me..
So his complaint was really that everyone didn’t start talking straight Black man in the UK
The BBC know how to ruin a programme for the sake of diversity
Its a conspiracy!!
Turned on R4 before 0800 to arrive during an item concerning the Commonwealth Games – in Birmingham, two years time. A representative is interviewed. First question? “You have been criticised for not being diverse enough at the top”. Imagine my horror to immediately turn over to Classic FM to hear the voice of…….. Humphrys. I resent this concerted effort by the BBC to inject racism into every topic. In fact, my hostility to foreigners and blacks in this country grows by the day thanks to the BBC’s efforts to alienate the likes of me with their disproportionate bias and racism.
Daily, I need to remind myself that I live in a country where the population consists of, 86% White, people like me; 7.5% Asian and 3.3 Black, people like them i.e. not like me. In fact, I am surprised to see that the proportions for the US (the other prime country that blacks, muslims and others want to destroy) is, 60% White, people like me; 16.9% Hispanic, 12.6% Black, 5.2% Asian and 2.3% mixed.
BBC Homepage this morning:
• More articles lobbying on behalf of UK Black Lives Matter
• More articles containing images pushing the idea that “Silence is Violence”
• Demands that the UK government do more to tackle racism
• Demands that the UK government produce more information guidance in Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi etc
• More race baiting
• More white radical feminism
Elsewhere on the BBC we have:
• More claims the UK police is racist – for issuing more fines to BAMEs for breaking social distancing than whitey
• More claims that more BAMEs are getting Coronavirus than whitey and that this is due to racism
• More examples of not being able to put 2 and 2 together because they are too focused on pushing agendas
Caliphate: The truth is that bbc -especially R4- is rapidly becoming a one-trick pony. It sees itself as ‘promoting diversity’, which is actually a euphemism for getting rid of whitey.
I think whitey should respond by withholding the licence fee. Let’s see if beeb then still wants to run a propaganda channel with only one aim in view.
"There were loads of police…at my front door with huge rifles, wearing sort of riot gear, and red lasers on Kai, on myself…at no point did I think we weren’t going to get shot”
I hope her ‘legal team’ is on the case . Get some taxpayers cash from plod out of court with a non disclosure – then get out of Camden – where the life expectancy of a black male can’t be that high – any especially for him now that mum has done that to him
I’m assuming the intrepid BBC journos -local to Camden – interviewed the caller and the cops responding to ‘black man with gun’ …. to show it was done as part of practice . And – after all – the kid didn’t get shot .
This one supports my theory that the BBC is desperate for a dead black ‘victim’ to go full on ‘bad whitee ‘ …. plenty of illegal immigrants ( sorry asylum seekers ) killing – Reading – Glasgow but little by way of police killings .
I have a theory that the BBC wants to employ the entire coloured population of the UK – and Africa if they could do it .
And why is there only one Asian network – which has a primary function of ‘integration ‘ right ? ( see 3rd world covid hotspots – Brent – Leicester – Bradford – or some other ‘istan ‘ for details )…
I actually love to watch Sky 507 NHK Japanese channel (english dialogue), its an oasis of calm with mini documentaries, travelogues and the news readers are never hyper. Highly recommended.
Is this quaint BBC pitch going out on all local radio social media?
BBC Hereford & Worcester
How do you think the government has handled the coronavirus pandemic?
A survey out today suggests 42% of people think it’s been handled badly – compared to 36% who think it’s been handled well. Of those who think it’s been mismanaged, 70% blame the government – and 65% blame Boris Johnson himself!
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says ‘BBC NEWS STAY HOME PROTECT THE NHS SAVE LIVES’
And given that even more quaint blatant end % exclamation, could comments be going better where you are too?
Hiding behind selecting the answers they like from Momentum loons on station as answers to rigged questions on rigged polls is getting more than tiresome.
Anybody else noticed the increasingly non-subtle ways the BBC are pushing to detrimentally distinguish and indeed, isolate the White population of this country? Yes, of course. Goes without saying. Hopefully the silent majority are now catching on.
In the US, the decent news sources are increasingly referring to, ‘Civil War’.
G -in another video posted yesterday by Turley on YT (“Hundreds of BLM activists being arrested..”), he gives us the findings of a number of Rasmussen polls. Rassmussen are entirely credible, at least, as credible as any other polling organisation.
One of them shows that more Americans now think that blacks are more likely to be ‘racist’ than whites, Asians, or Hispanics in the US.
We have yet to cotton on to this reality in the UK, where we still get taken in by the ‘fairness’ ‘diversity’ ‘equality’ mumbo-jumbo, which holds that whitees are always the racists and blacks always the victims.
This is a fiction heavily promoted by the bbc.
They need defunding.
Better still, they need to disappear into the trash cans of history.
That wacky team are still discussing British Empire
Here the woman misrepresents it
but actually it does seem quite like current the way the UK is being colonised now
British mostly left local religion alone
and often stopped existing human rights abuses and tribal wars that had been going on for years.
ended slavery etc.
Radio4 thinks it can use our money to make and promote propaganda films encouraging us to go vegan.
… I think I should take another 2 flights in revenge
New #BiasedBBC Global Warming propaganda film loaded with PR trickery FFS to represent colourless gas CO2 they are still using backlit STEAM coming out of cooling towers at a power station
BBC News has appointed Nathalie Malinarich as digital development editor and Stuart Millar as digital news editor. Nathalie is currently mobile and new formats editor at the BBC and in her new role she will focus on formats, testing and planning of big events like the 2020 US presidential election. Stuart, who was previously editor of BuzzFeed, will be responsible for the editorial offer in news, live and social output. Both Nathalie and Stuart will start their new roles in September.
The BBC hiring spree continues.
Interesting to see further support for the media news hotbed of integrity that was Buzzfeed.
TR is trending cos there are hundreds of hatey tweets like this one
.. There is no hope for that person, cos their pinned tweet celebrates milkshaking.
In truth “racist” is a smear label
TR has always been pro equality, proper immigration controls including some refugees, started the Black and White Unite slogan, and clearly has some black bridesmaids in his wedding photos.
Oh and he invited a dragqueen to his free speech event.
wait wait wait wait. you're telling me TOMMY ROBINSON, the man who hates foreigners, hates immigrants, hates refugees…IS FLEEING TO EUROPE?!?!?! ????????????
Wonder which part Ripley finds funny? The decline of political diversity and freedom in the UK. Or the bit where TR leaves the country to try and prevent his family being burned alive in a mainly peaceful arson attack.
Some lefty account claims he is putting assets abroad in cases he loses the libel trial
.. they of course present no evidence
(The Syrian boy was asking for £100,000 … TR family could pay that and not be bankrupt AFAIK)
You can tell the media bias
by the way the photos they choose.
Like the Daily Mail pic
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
‘How the BBC threatens global health’ Science censored by the BBC.
Results provide strong evidence supporting a link between autism and the aluminium in vaccines.
So check to make sure that the NHS isn’t using a Covid-19 vaccine with Aluminium preservative in it, and beware of the scientific fraud coming from the BBC and the James Cook University in Australia.
Tonight’s major BBC1 programme is “Anthony” based on a true story of a young man murdered in a racist attack. Is the murder of Kriss Donald finally getting some media coverage? No, the victim was, of course, from the BAME “community”.
8:30pm BBC1 90 special drama about a murdered black boy
\\ BBC shit stirring again … where is the drama for victims of black on black crime.. //
Apparently its a story told in reverse (?) about how his life might have turned out had he lived. So, he couldn’t have married a chinese girl then ? or an Indian ? or heaven forbid one from his own race .
Times like this, I realise how lucky I am not to have a tv licence. I suspect that most watching this “feature-length drama” will be revolted.
As I’ve said before this is nearly the same as al beeb sticking the film Do The Right Thing on every night, crossing their fingers and hoping the blacks riot ????????
Great film, watch it if you can by the way ????
I find the whole matter completely offensive-we are being led to believe that such a pairing is normal and justified-for whom? Suspect we can perhaps understand as to the reactions of the parents of each would be-think I know how I would feel if faced with such a circumstance. However it is clearly an attempt to force multiculturalism across our white society. Racisim against the whites pure and simple.
We just have to ask …… “how many parents of mixed race children/teenagers/adults are still together now ?” The odds are that from an early age they were brought up in single parent homes.
Those I see locally who have been given social housing, have rather overweight mothers who have clearly never had a wedding day !
I diodn’t watch this. Does he become a drug dealer?
Possibly a premier league footballer ?
7:30pm Panorama investigating China Covid19 coverups.
Me either.
Claims she recorded a great podcast then
“And I stupidly lost all the audio and we didn’t have time to re-record, I’m sorry.”
..doh what’s she mean ?
Data doesn’t get deleted from your PC
It’s usually still there and you use File Recovery software to recover it.
Boulder head.
This is the modus operandi of all BBC staff (presenters) who think they are ‘celebrities’. Make some vacuous statement like Dan did about his barbecue….only for it to be a big up to themselves…
Click bait is a pain in the A**e if I see a BBC person saying anything – avoid at all cost
I came across this short video about Bill and Melinda Gates and their warped plans with vaccines, birth control and abortions in Africa. Watch to the end for the most outrageous and disgusting comments by Melinda Gates:
Stew “ITV local news a long item about an art prize for Bradford refugee children.
Apparently they have 600 Rohinga refugees in the town
that seems a lot .. its a whole small village worth.”
600 today, 2000 in 5 years. And thats how we shall see the demise of us as a peoples within a few decades.
Didn’t Billy liar used to live in Bradford
Bet that pubs a mosque now..
Goverments over the last 15 years will have to carry the blame for their weak pathetic attitude in respect to immigration from third world people into first world countries-apart from the terrible results of such an abominable policy showing itself across Europe the United Kingdom and its indigenous peoples have been subjected or forced over these years to accept and receive unparalleled numbers of immigrants, most have very little to give or offer the UK, most have taken without thanks, the cause and effect of invasion into our society, with a creeping inveigalment that has gained many of these invaders postions of supreme authority in our land. It is an offence to the people of the United Kingdom that they should be subjugated to accept. Soft Liberal/Marxism is now in charge.
Not posted on here for years but read all your wonderful posts most days.
The Beeb is the pits!
This site is wonderful.
Re the obesity crisis, I am confident that most people here would know what to do if confronted with a packet of mince, some tatties, a carrot and an onion.
That would make a good photo on a front page saying…what could you do with this? How many of the folk who buy the disgusting tasteless processed food would know???
It could even be lamb or soya substitute as a concession!!!
Onwards and upwards, everyone!
Ho ya soap – always welcome …
…. earlier there was chat about a half caste car driver from stevenage having a ‘ twitter storm’ because he is an ‘antivacc’ type
I realised in was about covid vaccines –
Anyway – news is that the racing car champion has now revered his view, taken doen his post snd is off to “ reconsider his thoughts” – or some other mefis advisor line…
Ps – a footy match took place tonight and the commentator didnt comment on thr knee – had it peaked ?
Hey Soapbox, ‘Welcome to the party pal!’ ????????
Its ‘ die hard ‘ right?
A top story appearing in the BBC children’s news channel today:
So I checked the BBC channel for under sixes (cbeebies) and found this in the Make & Colour section:

Check the third item.
And in the Watch & Sing Along section I found this:

Note this has nothing to do with the Islamic holy month of Ramadan which was back in April (23) – May (23) of this year, and for which there was wall to wall coverage from the BBC.
Currently watching Die Hard and wondering if it’s on al beeb’s banned film list because the terrorists (baddies) are German? ????
I’d love it if a right wing organisation turned up at W1 1AA, stormed the building, armed to the teeth and told them “due to the bbc’s legacy of greed around the globe, you are about to be taught a lesson in the real use of power!”
Minus John McClane bring there of course ????
Yippee-kayaah MF ????????
So I was checking the BBC Sports homepage and came across Cricket Fan Tales:
Now I am having trouble spotting the narrative. Maybe someone can help me out…
Clearly not ‘white men’.
Jesus, they really don’t care now do they- do you think it is done on purpose?
What makes it worse is they couldn’t even be bothered to put an Indian on the list – BAME really does just mean Black and Metropolitan Elite on the BBC
and as for the ‘ there are not enough cricket role models for Black British Kids’ WTF – is he blind or stupid…they don’t even have to be British to be a role model…but it isn’t true anyway..
So the BBC has been promoting the following on their website:

It is basically some feminist alternate reality of America. Originally called Motherland Fort Salem, the BBC have purchased UK broadcast rights to this 10 part series from Disney Media Distribution, and it is now available from BBC three. The BBC’s Head of Programme Acquisition Sue Deeks agreed the deal with Disney Media Distribution which includes some other feminist series )called Good Trouble) to be broadcast later in the year.
In an alternate version of present-day America, witches are deployed on the frontline of military defence. Having ended their persecution some 300 years ago by cutting a deal with the government to use magic in the service of national security, they are now enlisted at an early age to train in combat witchcraft under the steely discipline of an all-female command. As a dangerous rebel group called The Spree carries out a series of brutal attacks, three novice witches – Abigail, Raelle and Tally – join the army as new recruits and are assigned to the same unit. Can they overcome their differences to work together?
The BBC really is sinking
GWF – ‘is sinking’ ; you mean to say they can sink even further?
You missed out the ‘T’
Given that the USA has access to some of the most incredible military ‘kit’ ever created I have long thought it strange that it has a popular obsession with fantasy/magic and brute muscle.
In reality it is a land where the ‘nerd’ is king, whimpy ‘Brains’ from International Rescue just presses a button and half the world no longer exists.
In fantasy a no-brain, half-naked hulk, brushes off bullets to ram an ICBM back into a silo, or a teenage ‘princess’ clicks her fingers to do the same.
What a weird people!
Breitbart video : Yes we should learn from young people they are better than us … aren’t they ?
BLM Activist Says White Men Are ‘The Common Enemy’,
‘We Need to Get Rid of Them’
At a Black Lives Matter demonstration in London, a self-described mixed-race member of the LGBT community said that the concept of intersectionality
means that there is “one common enemy: the white man”
and therefore “we need to get rid of them”.
Yemen and Israel, the heartlands of ‘white men’, yay!
‘We need to get rid of white men’. He’s half white so he should be half killed. My preference would be from the waist up, but I’m flexible on that.
Freedom of speech – so if I stood up and said we need to get rid of Women , Gays , Trans, Blacks , Asians ,Muslims
Twerps like him would want me arrested and vilified ..but White appears anyone can target us..what a world we live in..
Wonder if he is being lectured to by white men? Served at his supermarket by white men, has his bike fixed by white men, his post delivered his tap water and transport service maintained by White men oh and ask him about Africa – ruled by ermmm Black men and what a state that place is in!
I know it isn’t BBC but you can be sure if it were a white man saying that about Black men the BBC would be all over it
“….that there is “one common enemy: the white man”
and therefore “we need to get rid of them”.
I would welcome him and other like minded at my front door. At my age I would sacrifice myself to end my days in jail knowing that I did the right deed in the disposing of trash. Until someone stops this it will rapidly get worse. Problem is, no one in Government wants to see and acknowledge what is happening.
Stew – think they’ve gained enough confidence now to make their real agenda explicit (not that we haven’t known all along)!
Ah to be young again – let’s hope he does get a boy /girlfriend …inciting racial hatred – I’m taking it he has already been arrested and charged …. .
Apart from being unable to function without looking to his phone for direction, the joke has to be really on him, is that he has a Puma top as well. Funny- wasn’t that the company founded by Rudolph Dassler a member of the Nazi party and a company with some dodgy labour practices in recent years, some might argue even slave labour. Still to his credit at least the trees seem to be listening to him.
He is so special.
White Woman Quits Commonwealth Games Committee After Calls for Resignations to Boost Diversity
TR is relocating his family abroad following an arson attack/incident.
He says it was related to BLM. Here
Thanks for this. (& I found the answer to my question)
I don’t know how to do it either, perhaps Stew can.
This is the file address right click over it and select Save Link as
[video src="" /]
Alternatively if you open that link up it plays the video
then mouse over video or long press and a Save As option will appear.
There has been suggestions in recent years that TR should seek political asylum.
Cos the UK is now a banana republic with this two tier justice system where green/red skins can do what they want and walk free
whereas with purple skins a pretext is found to sling them in jail
where they face risk of death.
clickable link
Island – let’s face it – a lot of people on this site have seen it coming for TR- me included . I said in jest – in peacetime – that he might land up seeking political asylum – and meant it : whether it is America or Canada ( ok not Canada) …. he cannot exist with a threatened family in tow – the state is against him and wants him dead – so he has no choice other than to leave .
If he can pull that off – to seek refuge in a safer country because of his political believes – what a warning sign that ( could ) send that all is not well in Britain .
Thank you Boris, Priti, and Tory leaders of the past who have wanted TR dead.
Hopefully your masters will approve of your willingness to destroy alternative political views, defenders of raped children, and turn this country into a third world shithole.
So, just as things had calmed down a tad (no statues ripped down for a couple of weeks) the Beeb decide it’s a good idea to bring us a propagandist piece of fiction about a black lad murdered in a racist killing, that happened about fifteen years ago.
Anyone might think they were agitating for more riots…
Since that awful event I’ve lost count of the extraordinary number of young black men slaughtered by other young black men. There are far too many to mention. None have received anything like the attention that has been given to either this lad or Stephen Lawrence. These are the only two blacks killed by whites, that I know of…Are there any others?
I don’t suppose there’s a fictional piece about what sort of life Lee Rigby might have enjoyed in the pipeline. Or what about the twenty two young kids slaughtered in Manchester? There would quite a lot of scope there, they could turn it into a series. Somehow I don’t think so…
Don’t you think that a grown up, socially responsible broadcaster, might just look at the potential for civil unrest and think…you know what, maybe we’ll just shelve this? But no…
The BBC is an organisation that is so infiltrated by ultra left wing, pathetic and puerile adolescents, that it actually gets off on seeing our culture ripped to bits. They’re like middle class, spoilt children that want to shock mummy.
It’s way past their bedtime…
I might roll the numbers because I only watch my home town – London – for the homicide figures . The average is around 130 pa . I reckon the number of black on black killings is about 50 p.a, a third are ‘domestic ‘ and the rest are the variations on day to day activity . I exclude Islamic terrorist murder from those numbers .
The corruption of the MSM makes the likes of Lawrence a totemic event – when in fact it was just another day in sarf London – I didn’t see it as racially motivated when it happened -nor in the political trial / inquiry that came afterward .
How many ‘top‘ civil servants are there Left for the bbc to quote?
From the BBC Radio4 comedian who worked as a policeman in Scunthorpe
‘Media refuses to cover the police positively’
Alfie Moore “to single out @BBCNews is a little unfair in my view”
IT IS FAIR TO SINGLE OUT THE BBC because the British fund them through the BBC tax and as a result the BBC has public obligations to report on the news as accurately and fairly as possible.
That bbc training really helped.
I was listening to a prog where 21 mins in Baron O’Niell the ex Goldmann Sachs head and now Corbynista
was saying the gov should force transport industry to 2030 net zero by witholding Covid19 compensation
I looked for peoples opinion, but nothing on Twitter
Radio4 has so few listeners these days there’s little discussion on Twitter to what there used o be.
Moral Maze this week about the legacy of empire
.. started with a mad anti white BLM person from that bubbleworld Nadine El Enany.
Such lefties hate this show cos they are so used to their own bubbleworld .
They just scream for Melanie Phillips and Claire Fox to be banned.
But that’s the whole point the show is old school.
Instead of getting two lefties agreeing with each other, this show deliberately chooses opposing voices so the panel can grill the argument.
The lefties are lazy and don’t do their homework, so don’t listen to the show beforehand. So think that they are just going to give a 10 minute lecture,
so then get angry when actually the slot begins with a question and they are told very firmly to answer it.
Then after the 4 guests have been grilled the panel discuss what the guests said.
Dr Nadine El Enany wrote a furious series of tweets which were followed by hundreds of tweets from her gang
You see when they discussed what she said she thought they’d left the phone off the hook & she’d go some magic insight into their world,
.. In her spiel she had said that white men had invented the slave trade.
The next speaker was far more sensible
He talked bout how we wanted to be sorting out today’s problems by which he meant black on black crime, as well as the small amount actual modern racism.
He said that focusing on slave times was just *deflection* to the distant past .. a thing that we can’t change.
Stew – I’m guessing the ‘next speaker ‘ wasn’t David Starkey – a man banned by use of the word ‘damn’ ….hell of a thing – done by a word with one vowel …
\\Coronavirus: UK economy ‘might not recover until 2024’//
If I buy a lottery ticket this week I “might” become a millionaire.
As per usual, Al Beeb selecting news headlines because it does not have much news to report. They just can’t get the staff of the right quality anymore.
I have no doubt that every Tory MP in the land is aware of the blatant bias of the broadcaster but the government is very slow to do anything about it ? The financial burden that the Covid pandemic has placed on many families could be alleviated abolishing the TV Licence. I doubt that there will many people in the land that will object to that action?
“Coronavirus: Pet cat found to have virus in UK”
How do I tell my cat to self isolate ?
I told my cat to self isolate.
He looked back at me and said
“Me ‘ow”
It won’t be long before experts claim that pets are spreading the virus. Watch out for a cull of pets and the media endorsing the Tory Government’s advice to prevent a spike by ridding us of our pets. People from places like Wigan and Southampton will be interviewed in the street endorsing the Government’s initiated slaughter and teenage professors will proclaim the urgency of a pet cull. This is how every absurdity regarding the manipulation of people during the pandemic has been accepted.
BBC Moaning Emole
Coronavirus latest
Spain’s prime minister says the UK’s decision to impose a two-week quarantine on everyone arriving from his country is “unjust”. The move has prompted airlines and holiday companies to cancel services and many travellers to rethink their plans. Pedro…
Pedro says ‘unjust’…. BBC just prints it.
Can just see all the tapas bar staff in Central London, mouths covered in chorizo slices, parading outside Westminster with placards saying ‘Unjust for Pedro’, with ex-XR, ex-BLM mostly peaceful rioters decked out as Manuel… from Bartheloanah.
Lewis might see his story as a ‘bloke says’ tomorrow; who knows?
600,000 British people are in Spain now
It would take a million tests to test them all.
Tests are costly.
Stew – are you a spokesman for the inept British government ? ‘Tests are costly ‘? Since when has money mattered with the Tories eating from the money tree?
There’s plenty of room at airports – sticking testing units in the damn car park and test every one that moves – including their cat .
Did I hear Priti Patel correctly, when she said that the BBBC’s income was 5 billion a year?
I’ve always put it at about three, with the TV tax, sales of old stuff etc!
5bn is an awful lot of money to spend on leftie, useless, unattractive people doing unwatchable plays, kow-towing to wokeness and rubbishy stuff, when so much of this could be used to shore up businesses which have suffered, to a large part from the negativity of a failing ‘notianal broadcaster’!
Defund the BBC.
BBC now has George.
Ramp the worry up George… ramp it up. One day all those exempted, essential W1A cubicle garden dwellers rehashing press releases from home will need a kebab.
And George will smile again.
Bet you can’t wait.
I wonder who plays the union rep on QT?
At what stage do we reckon the BBC might realise the British public are sick of covid?
…and sick of the BBC, too?
Guest, I don’t have to.
Going legally Licence free and not watching TV is wonderfully …….
…… freeing. 🙂
The UK press front pages this morning are almost uniform in an apparent state of shock that Chinese virus is still lurking about in Spain. Considering the British population have been put under the impression they’ll catch it in the aisles of their local Sainbury’s, unless they are all properly PPE’ed, this new surprise, frankly, surprises.
Let me try to translate the underlying journalistic sentiment here. We think Britain is crap and blame Boris for the virus and want to hammer this home with the notion that everything on the continent is just fine and dandy so this Spanish news spoils that narrative. Maybe we can still blame Boris, somehow.
Just as a small measure of press standards let’s look at the coverage of the pet cat with covid story. The Star puts up a pic of a fluffy-haired grey tabby with the headline ‘Now cat is struck with covid’ meanwhile the Daily Express go with ‘Pet cat catches Covid-19 from owners’ and – what’s this… a photo of a completely different black and white moggie?
The ‘i’ pictures a ginger whilst warning us to wash our hands – to protect our pets. Rather than vice versa?
The Guardian (always keen to champion alternative sexual preferences) has a short-haired grey tabby and cautions against kissing.
Let us not forget that COVID testing produces, surprisingly, positive results for goats, papayas, and mangoes. Such is the efficacy of the process.
AISI, you are doing a great job on the newspaper review. It’s an enjoyable read. I thought it strange this a.m. with the Beeb on R4 going ‘full on stir against our Government’ that they obviously hadn’t read their House Magazine, the Guardian, that thoroughly.
As I skimmed the front pages I noticed (not the variable camouflage cat – a great spot on your part) but the top headline: ‘Virus Outbreaks Raise Fears of Second Wave in Europe’. I can understand the BBC, in their enthusiasm for how well EUrope has done during the Pandemic compared to how badly the UK and England has done, not wanting to notice that piece of news.
The BBC did not mention it at all in the main 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. News?
I wonder why?
After all, it must be true: I read it in the Guardian.
The new BBC Asian Network Global team seem excitable.
The answer, Rita Panahi, is that they want to take over power there. You know: ‘Black Power’. Africa is not enough, and they have f….. up there, to use the colourful language of the video. So now they are everywhere else, making demands.
I am old enough to remember the ‘Black Power’ thing from the sixties and seventies. BLM is simply a (slightly disguised) continuation of that campaign. I am beginning to suspect that even the whole ‘divesrsity’ thing, much beloved by beeb, is really JUST A COVER FOR BLACK POWER.
Almost every second programme on R4 starts of with George Floyd now. That should tell us something.
And it’s about getting the numbers up there, into the higher echelons, not because of fairness, but to open the floodgates.
Quite recently I would have thought this opinion to be alien to me, quite cynical and unfair. But, the massive bombardment of British -and white- culture, in particular, has made me think again.
I listen to R4 now, and I realise the full extent to which that is under attack on all fronts. And I suspect they already have the numbers now, beginning to tilt…?
Stir, stir, stir.
The Telegraph is treating the Spanish thing like an episode of The Thick of It – poor old Simon clark ( who) got the death call from CCHQ telling him he was to do the news channels to explain the unexplainable .
Some clever journo showed a Ryanair plane taking off from UK to Spain with the new quarantine regulation in place mid journey .
Ok up a rant gear …. is this too complicated for these dipsticks to think through ? Can there be no testing at airports – at least as a ‘first filter ‘ ? What do people who are returning from Spain do if they share accomodation ? Does a whole family lockup for 14 days?
Meanwhile other bits of the planet are arriving in their thousands every day and no one gives a toss .
Give me the damn job
“Listen up everybody our daily meeting is about to begin .The
diversity dept is by far the most important department at the
BBC . We are in control of nearly all the output . I want it to be
yesterday I watched it and I noticed there were no black
characters in the film.” I think your wrong Smith . If you look closely at least two of the galley slaves were black.” ” BLACK?
BEN HUR is banned from the BBC, take note”” Yes big brother.”
” Big Brother what are we do about the Emma Barnett rant over
Wiley? ” Ok we have to feature it I suppose. BUT on the internet
I want it surrounded by black and ethnic virtue signalling pictures and features.”
” But we do this every day big brother”
No, I want the surrounding pictures to even out do the
Gleaner. I want the BBC website to look like it is a product
produced in Kingston Jamaica and not Kingston upon Thames!!
Angry black mother being interviewed on Today by Mishal Hussain. Police burst into her house after report of non-white with gun being spotted. Turns out it was her 12 year old innocently playing with a toy gun. “This is London, not America,” she says.
Maybe they thought it was a knife.
R4 is continuing its ‘racism’ propaganda stream with an interview on Toady.
Someone called David Isaac, of the EHRC, droning on about there not being enough ‘people of colour’ in upper echelons.
This is actually a ‘DEAD’ method: race, not merit, is to be the criteria for promotion. In overwhelmingly white Britain, quotas are to be the way to go. THIS IS NOT (YET) AFRICA! Is there an African country which wants whites represented in ‘upper echelons’? NO. In South Africa, capable whites are deliberately legislated out of senior positions anywhere in the Public Service by ‘Black Economic Empowerment’.
I was listening last night to a whining Ghanaian, having a go at ‘white straight men’ in an obnoxious and offensive fashion, in a programme called ‘Word of Mouth’. Whitee received a good old bashing from a teacher who said you had to talk the language of ‘straight white men’, to get on. Toady merely carries on the endless agitation, night and day, almost none stop.
Seems that, at 9 am , the endless propaganda stream flows on, non-stop: someone called Sangita Maiska will be demanding to know why we don’t have enough ‘people of colour’ and ‘diversity’ in football management, on R4.
I take it she won’t be asking why we now have disproportionally large numbers of blacks actually playing football. You often have to look for the one or two white players who might be on the field at Man U or any one of the top Premiership clubs.. Strangely enough, here MERIT seems to rule- will be the argument, which it mustn’t do in any other field.
Appalling double standards.
What about white quotas to show non-racialism on the field? Let’s say no fewer than eight white players on any football field, to ‘reflect our population make up’? Representation, you know, which you drone on about and promote, almost non-stop, R4? No? Somehow don’t think beeb will like that.
I heard that programme when it first aired and thought the same. A black ‘teacher’ complaining about straight white man language and how you have to speak it to get on …first I thought: Tw*t, do you not see how racist that is,
second I thought, you are an idiot -as there are more white females in Education than men and he was talking to a Black female who used to be in education ( I got the feeling she didn’t agree with him but was keeping it civil)
and on and on he went complaining that he had to learn to communicate with people different from himself to get on…No Shi* Sherlock that is just bloody life
I come from a very working class background and I soon learned that certain phrases didn’t go down too well with those from other classes if I wanted them to do something for me..
So his complaint was really that everyone didn’t start talking straight Black man in the UK
The BBC know how to ruin a programme for the sake of diversity
How many Spite and Venom Editors do the BBC now have?
And is it enough?
Mangold is right. And I have stopped buying or even reading ‘The Times’.
As for the BBc, ‘Spite and Venom’ could become their new motto.
Its a conspiracy!!
Turned on R4 before 0800 to arrive during an item concerning the Commonwealth Games – in Birmingham, two years time. A representative is interviewed. First question? “You have been criticised for not being diverse enough at the top”. Imagine my horror to immediately turn over to Classic FM to hear the voice of…….. Humphrys. I resent this concerted effort by the BBC to inject racism into every topic. In fact, my hostility to foreigners and blacks in this country grows by the day thanks to the BBC’s efforts to alienate the likes of me with their disproportionate bias and racism.
Daily, I need to remind myself that I live in a country where the population consists of, 86% White, people like me; 7.5% Asian and 3.3 Black, people like them i.e. not like me. In fact, I am surprised to see that the proportions for the US (the other prime country that blacks, muslims and others want to destroy) is, 60% White, people like me; 16.9% Hispanic, 12.6% Black, 5.2% Asian and 2.3% mixed.
BBC Homepage this morning:
• More articles lobbying on behalf of UK Black Lives Matter
• More articles containing images pushing the idea that “Silence is Violence”
• Demands that the UK government do more to tackle racism
• Demands that the UK government produce more information guidance in Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi etc
• More race baiting
• More white radical feminism
Elsewhere on the BBC we have:
• More claims the UK police is racist – for issuing more fines to BAMEs for breaking social distancing than whitey
• More claims that more BAMEs are getting Coronavirus than whitey and that this is due to racism
• More examples of not being able to put 2 and 2 together because they are too focused on pushing agendas
Caliphate: The truth is that bbc -especially R4- is rapidly becoming a one-trick pony. It sees itself as ‘promoting diversity’, which is actually a euphemism for getting rid of whitey.
I think whitey should respond by withholding the licence fee. Let’s see if beeb then still wants to run a propaganda channel with only one aim in view.
Send it to Boris or Dominic Cummings 🙂
So sending my kids out dressed like that.
I hope her ‘legal team’ is on the case . Get some taxpayers cash from plod out of court with a non disclosure – then get out of Camden – where the life expectancy of a black male can’t be that high – any especially for him now that mum has done that to him
I’m assuming the intrepid BBC journos -local to Camden – interviewed the caller and the cops responding to ‘black man with gun’ …. to show it was done as part of practice . And – after all – the kid didn’t get shot .
This one supports my theory that the BBC is desperate for a dead black ‘victim’ to go full on ‘bad whitee ‘ …. plenty of illegal immigrants ( sorry asylum seekers ) killing – Reading – Glasgow but little by way of police killings .
When it happens it will be full on ….
Boy with a toy gun, so that’s ok then… but surely…?
‘Children’s toys: The backlash against pink and blue branding’—should-toys-just-be-toys/p07wxchc
‘Sparkles for girls… Diggers for boys… Why do we still have so much gendered stuff? And what impact does this have on our children?’
Another bbc fashion victim bites the dust.
Maybe heading straight for the bbc is not a smart move in the long run?
Does anyone have a copy of it. Thanks
BBC: Two days of creative diversity celebrations
Just the two days?
I have a theory that the BBC wants to employ the entire coloured population of the UK – and Africa if they could do it .
And why is there only one Asian network – which has a primary function of ‘integration ‘ right ? ( see 3rd world covid hotspots – Brent – Leicester – Bradford – or some other ‘istan ‘ for details )…
I actually love to watch Sky 507 NHK Japanese channel (english dialogue), its an oasis of calm with mini documentaries, travelogues and the news readers are never hyper. Highly recommended.
BBC “facts” about masks – no fewer than seven BBC personnel involved in this, allegedly, and one go-to “scientist”;
Hurrah for Bill Gates, and his dodgy mates…
“…….why Ofqual has a legal duty to disclose the details of its model for calculating GCSE and A level grades”.
But they don’t want to. I wonder why?
“This is troubling for at least two reasons. First, there are credible concerns that the Ofqual model might systematically disadvantage particular types of students.”
I wonder which, type of student? Couldn’t be ol’ Whitee could it?
A wonderful opportunity for the state to put downward pressure on the black scales could it…………..
The 9:30am R4 show
\\ Fear of Missing Out isn’t a new cultural concept, it’s ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ by another name //
… No they are wrong, they are different but similarish concepts.
Is this quaint BBC pitch going out on all local radio social media?
BBC Hereford & Worcester
How do you think the government has handled the coronavirus pandemic?
A survey out today suggests 42% of people think it’s been handled badly – compared to 36% who think it’s been handled well. Of those who think it’s been mismanaged, 70% blame the government – and 65% blame Boris Johnson himself!
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says ‘BBC NEWS STAY HOME PROTECT THE NHS SAVE LIVES’
And given that even more quaint blatant end % exclamation, could comments be going better where you are too?
ps: Love that end capture.
Hiding behind selecting the answers they like from Momentum loons on station as answers to rigged questions on rigged polls is getting more than tiresome.
Anybody else noticed the increasingly non-subtle ways the BBC are pushing to detrimentally distinguish and indeed, isolate the White population of this country? Yes, of course. Goes without saying. Hopefully the silent majority are now catching on.
In the US, the decent news sources are increasingly referring to, ‘Civil War’.
G -in another video posted yesterday by Turley on YT (“Hundreds of BLM activists being arrested..”), he gives us the findings of a number of Rasmussen polls. Rassmussen are entirely credible, at least, as credible as any other polling organisation.
One of them shows that more Americans now think that blacks are more likely to be ‘racist’ than whites, Asians, or Hispanics in the US.
We have yet to cotton on to this reality in the UK, where we still get taken in by the ‘fairness’ ‘diversity’ ‘equality’ mumbo-jumbo, which holds that whitees are always the racists and blacks always the victims.
This is a fiction heavily promoted by the bbc.
They need defunding.
Better still, they need to disappear into the trash cans of history.
That wacky team are still discussing British Empire
Here the woman misrepresents it
but actually it does seem quite like current the way the UK is being colonised now
British mostly left local religion alone
and often stopped existing human rights abuses and tribal wars that had been going on for years.
ended slavery etc.
Radio4 thinks it can use our money to make and promote propaganda films encouraging us to go vegan.
… I think I should take another 2 flights in revenge
close up of the screenshot

BBC News has appointed Nathalie Malinarich as digital development editor and Stuart Millar as digital news editor. Nathalie is currently mobile and new formats editor at the BBC and in her new role she will focus on formats, testing and planning of big events like the 2020 US presidential election. Stuart, who was previously editor of BuzzFeed, will be responsible for the editorial offer in news, live and social output. Both Nathalie and Stuart will start their new roles in September.
The BBC hiring spree continues.
Interesting to see further support for the media news hotbed of integrity that was Buzzfeed.
TR is trending cos there are hundreds of hatey tweets like this one
.. There is no hope for that person, cos their pinned tweet celebrates milkshaking.
In truth “racist” is a smear label
TR has always been pro equality, proper immigration controls including some refugees, started the Black and White Unite slogan, and clearly has some black bridesmaids in his wedding photos.
Oh and he invited a dragqueen to his free speech event.
Wonder which part Ripley finds funny? The decline of political diversity and freedom in the UK. Or the bit where TR leaves the country to try and prevent his family being burned alive in a mainly peaceful arson attack.
Some lefty account claims he is putting assets abroad in cases he loses the libel trial
.. they of course present no evidence
(The Syrian boy was asking for £100,000 … TR family could pay that and not be bankrupt AFAIK)
You can tell the media bias
by the way the photos they choose.
Like the Daily Mail pic