Seems like IT trickery people – apologies … i will seek higher authority …. maybe this one will work …
13 Aug 2020 09:45 : Update: I think I’ve got a workaround. Comments should now all be displaying, old and new.
12 Aug 2020 12:00 : Update: A ticket has been logged with the maintainer of this site’s WordPress Theme. It looks like an incompatibility with the Theme and the latest version of WordPress. All comments are still in the system, but only new comments are showing. I’ll have to wait for a response. Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!
Testing – the comments are still ‘in the background ‘but I haven’t managed to republish them yet – sorry ….
Working on it!
It also seems to be spreading back through the archive.
Looks like it is the Interwebby that is in trouble. Either a major hack or the heat or both combined.
I puzzled just last Friday why the BT junction boxes are painted dark green and located in places where they get full sun most of the day. On the way in to Canterbury, I walked by one that had its fans going flat out.
Time for a re-think on that, BT.
Outlook and the BBC w-s are also running at sub-snail pace at the moment.
BT junction boxes are located where they need to be, the colour makes very little difference in the infra red band where most of the Sun’s heat is.
A ‘junction box’ with a fan is most likely to contain conversion equipment for fibre to copper and the fans run all the time, rain or shine. These cabinets are located as close to the original distribution cabinets as practicable.
However you do raise a point that most people aren’t aware of, the internet uses energy. The old telephone cabinets were just passive junction boxes, fibre cabinets, whether BT, Virgin whatever are ‘active’, often with back up power supplies.
All these Police brutality videos streamed around the world come at an energy cost!
Jim, thanks – that’s very interesting. Yes the one I passed is near another similar ‘passive’ box. Can’t say I’ve noticed the fans in winter. They could paint them in the BT corporate colours instead of war surplus green. Much as I like it on Morris Minors and MGs.
Back in London days, our telephone line used to get a bit dodgy in the heat and if it rained a lot, it was not unknown for the service to completely disappear.
On the energy point, Theresa May was quite keen back in 2008/9 to have the ID cards that Blair & Brown and mad Hattie were mooting. All claimed to be greenies, as do the BBC. Nobody figured out how much extra electricity plus cooling of servers would be needed for keeping a database with 65million persons on it. Not a peep raised by Horror Bin and McGrath about the AGW from it.
Up2, had you been in ‘The House of Agnes’ during the whole of the the nineties, I’d have bought you a huge drink, and another one, and then many more…
We must have spent an absolute fortune there, and loved every minute of it!
Daught was at C4 too…
Scrobie, yes, I was trundling down St D’s to get to the Haupstrasse. Must confess I haven’t paid much attention to The House of Agnes and must try to research it a bit.
Sorry, couldn’t decode your last line … Draught was at £4 too or Daught(er) was at Channel 4 too?
I had an interesting time on Holocaust Memorial Day this year: a guided walk around the Jewish quarter of the city.
It’s related to a WordPress update today. I’m stil la bit stumped but it looks like some problem with the WordPress theme and how it’s works with the latest WordPress update. Still figuring… I don’t think it’s anything malicious.
Cheers rufus -It might be me then because when I looked under the bonnet WordPress told me to hit the ‘update ‘ button – but nothing seemed to happen – that was after the comments had disiappeared
Yes, many thanks Rufus!
Microsoft OneDrive is the bane of our new Win10 PC, as they expect me to stuff their cloud with all my stuff, and I don’t need that – I still have all my old hard drives from defunct PCs, and use them for storage using a simple cable connector!
But if Bill G wants to see all the pics of me, bollock-naked and all the empty glasses from binge-drinking, then he’s welcome to them!
Having finally got around to unbox a spare Windows 10 PC that has been sitting around for a couple of years, (bought in a panic when ‘Bill’ trashed the laptop losing everything), it was annoying to be directed through the manufacturer’s initialisation to open a Microsoft account.
Once I got it up and running that was one of the first things to go, ditto any other ‘aid’ that kept getting in the way. With the MS account gone OneDrive got upset. Simple solution – delete it! (The easiest method is probably to click on the Windows icon in the bottom left corner, scroll down the program list, then right mouse One Drive).
Bil has a little add-on for his photo viewer that likes to install itself that supposedly sends your pictures to ‘the cloud’. Despite getting rid of it the viewer is still incredibly slow, (everything else is super-fast – for the moment!).
For all Windows users, upgrade by using a different operating system that works in Linux and does not sell your details to facebook. A direct Windows 7 (look and ease of use) replacement (that does all of Windows 10) and more is Zorin. And having used it the last two years, its become my favorite. Install at your own risk etc. Uninstalling Windows is all threats, a bit like the BBC TV license.
Many thanks Jim!
I also get a load of stuff from Bing, which is a nuisance, but to be fair to myself, I don’t mind waiting while it mucks around, I’ve got plenty of spare time, but of course most others haven’t…
I do now get the occasional email from MS, but ignore it as spam.
Fed, while the chat is all about IT and PCs, have you noticed Apple UK has slapped another £20 on the price for a new small iPad Pro and a lot more on the larger one. All that despite the recovery in £sterling versus the $dollar recently, after which the prices should be reduced.
Up2 . What great news – especially since the screen I fitted to my big iPad is getting loose – which I might use for my many smelling. Mish takes….
Got quite stressed when I saw the site wasn’t well … v strange …
Heat is critical for the interwebby as a whole. Then, after that, blasted meddlers (Microsoft, yes, I have you in mind) who just will not leave things alone when they have something working really well.
Continual obsolescence is good for your business Microsoft but it is a pain for everyone else except the hardware manufacturers – and it probably makes their life difficult, too, on the way to their profit.
Strange how the BBC never seems to criticize or analyse Bill Gates (how he made his billions) and Microsoft. All I have seen recently are BBC articles defending and promoting Bill Gates.
OK, so new comments appear to be showing. I’ll try and figure how to get the old ones to appear. they’re definitely still all in there, you’ll be pleased to hear!
R McD, thanks for your hard work in support of our hardworking Fed.
I’ll happily second that! Many of us (including me!) don’t realize what goes on behind the scenes to keep this site working.
Is it the Russians?
Cheers Rufus – glad you’re on the ball – it looked messy for a bit but glad there’s service back …hopefully …
Updates cause endless problems on my laptop. Old programes become unusable, defaults are reset to give maximum power to MS and its partners to collect data from your laptop and all your interactions with the internet.
BoBotC, are you using Win10? I’m having a play with it but it seems mega slow. It’s on a smallish SSD machine w/8Gb RAM so it ought to be lightning quick compared to my old WinXP machines w/puny RAM and HDDs.
I suspect that Win 10 is a bloated OS and if I went through deleting all the apps and bits I don’t really want then it might speed up a bit. I need to read some more Woody Leonhard to find out what to do.
Yes Win10. I had a HP printer scanner that worked for Windows XP, but HP refused to provide an update driver for Win10 (they said they no longer provided support for that printer). So I had to buy a new (HP) printer scanner and the software that came with it was awful compared to the one they had for XP.
Yes, it’s all a big scam to keep making stuff and money from us, the public. It brings out the environmentalist in me. I’m a conservative after all and am a bit of an engineer, too, so when something works and works well, I like to keep it. The best example of the rip-off is ink for ink jet printers and toner for laser printers.
I noted the pledge last year of the current Microsoft CEO about being Carbon NetZero in future and have it in mind to write him a strong-ish letter on a piece of cardboard. Scrapping WinXP seems to me to be the stupidest thing they have ever done for the planet.
I’m a bit concerned about what I might have to scrap and buy again if I make the jump to Win10.
I see various problems with Win10:
1. Microsoft can snoop on the user
2. They take control of your machine via updates
3. Win10 appears to tie you to ‘a Microsoft Store’
4. The Win10 OS may make other parts of the Win system unserviceable leading to a requirement to spend money in said ‘Microsoft Store’
I actually lost a lot of time and had to spend money when Microsoft’s messing around with Outlook crashed my PC about a decade ago.
All the issues you write were being thrashed out in the blogosphere several years ago. Thanks for reminding me just in case I forgot.
WinXP was the best OS that Microsoft ever sold. it was so good that it became a threat to the survival of Microsoft.
I’ve given up our scanner, and if I want to send anyone something, I just photograph it (fairly decent camera, given to me by business mate), and send it as a JPG.
I also do an old school-chums blog using the same kit, as we used to have school magazines back in the fifties, and I’m the only idiot nerd who has kept them all…
Old farts’ lives eventually matter…
(Oflem – yuccccch)
Outlook has a limit on emails, and the inbox seizes up after something like 2GB. MS don’t tell you that until it’s too late.
There is a way to get them out again, but as I don’t need to know what my firm was up to fifteen years ago, I really can’t be arsed!
Use your XP machine as a print server via a router, if you have the space.
Now you’re getting into the realms of trying to get a Psion 3a to copy its files to a PC, then print them!
I actually managed to do that around 1997, but it took a chum’s sister (an IT specialist with the entire Hampshire Constabulary), a whole month to work out how it went…
Now that was a great bit of kit! The spreadsheet took about five minutes to load, as I had everything from the bank, payments, daughters’ money, the lot, on it, and we all used to fiddle around in various wine bars in London, seeing how they all worked, until the claret took over, and we all said ‘sod it’, and went off in a daze…
Happy days!
Scrobie, “Now you’re getting into the realms of trying to get a Psion 3a to copy its files to a PC, then print them!”
That gave me a really good laugh.
Friend was telling me recently that his firm has just bought him an Android phone with more PC power than I currently have in total in this house and there’s a lot of old and derelict computers here. It was all because his 10 or more years old Blackberry had given up the ghost and they wouldn’t or couldn’t get him a new one.
I had a sort of Blackberry from BT several years ago. I never really understood what it did, so just used it as a phone, and billed our company…
It’s now with some Tunbridge Wells Scrap Depot, and I hope they have better luck with it than I did! I had to chuck two Psions, and an aged HP Ipaq is in the roof, awaiting the same ordeal, but as it still works – to a point – I rather like to listen to some of the recordings I did in 2004…
I want to watch that film where a US kid dials into the mainframe, and nearly starts WW3!
Scrobie, I’d still be using my Siemens C25 from Y2K. It made ‘phone calls – often getting a good signal when friends with better or later devices had none – and it texted. Efficiently. What more do you want from a mobile phone? It was not much bigger than my pencil size-deep current ‘phone and it was just the sticky-out stub aerial that was a bit of a pain for cases on a belt and getting tangled in clothing.
If I could have had a new battery for it I might be using it, probably would be still using it now. No camera. No apps. No GPS. Oh, boo hoo. I can carry a separate camera and read a map.
I got a car phone in 1993, when John Major was ballsing everything up, and we needed to be out and about all the time, trying to get business at all hours, often sixteen or seventeen a day. One or two blokes in the firm moaned (they thought they deserved one), but my boss told them to ‘go away’, and I was the proud owner of a Motorola Superbasstard, capable of bringing down the Western World!
I can easily remember swanning up the M2, double pressing the top key and talking to anyone – hands free with a mic on the sun visor, and a speaker somewhere down in the floor well!
I didn’t listen to the BBC back then, as I had a briefcase full of ‘Genesis’ tapes, so ‘The Battle of Epping Forest’ was much more important than twonks spouting bolleaux even then…
Good idea, NCBBC. I plan to keep my old laptop but fit it with more RAM. I may put Win7 on it or may leave the XP in place and just do nothing on it that requires security or a later OS.
I never quite got into the PC & laptop blogosphere, probably spending too much time on BBC Blogs and on other Forums and HYSs, etc..
I was interested that Leonhard has changed his views considerably. In Windows 8.1 for Dummies it seemed to me at the time that he was a big fan of 8.1. Win8 was marginally less of a dog than Vista. He was not a fan of Chrome and Chromebooks, either.
I got his book (3rd Edition) for Win10 and he seems against 8.1 (Win9, in effect) and pro-Win10. Also he now seems to be a fan of Chrome and Chromebooks. Thanks, Woody, just as the price of Chromebooks has rocketed. (For the uninitiated, they used to be dirt cheap in the UK.)
OK, people change opinions over time, nothing wrong on that. But it is about the product and surely the underlying product is still the same?
I sort of regret now 1. not buying an iMac in ’98, yeah, the see-through ones, and/or, 2. not going the Linux route with a PC after Amstrad days.
Not doing 1. has saved me a shed load of money, and not doing 2. has probably cost me money, hair, anguish and much peace and smugness.
Win 1O Home is specially unpleasant. On a laptop it considers its first duty is to update itself. This is the problem of all devices which have a battery. You cant stop them from doing things even when switched OFF, unless the battery is removed. Not possible in smartphones these days.
When win 10 came out many years ago, I refused free updates to win10 from win 7 and win 8, knowing that this was Bill Gates strategy to get us hooked to constant updates.
XP works just fine; it is the least bloated WIN softwate around. Average footprint around 400MB. Win 7 around 1GB, and similar for win 8.
Most scientific software runs very happy with XP. Too one can control hardware via XP much more readily. So dont change unless absolutely necessary.
Around 2 years ago, web sites started to refuse XP for “security” reasons. So win 7 and 8 for internet, though there fixes for XP if one insists.
I use XP, win 7 or win 8. But but never win 10. Its buggy and snoopy. XP for control and scientific stuff, as its fast and least memory consuming. Unfortunately limited to 4GB RAM.
Win 7 or win 8 for all other uses.
That’s a really interesting post and very helpful to me right now. Thanks, NCBBC.
I have a cheap end-of-run 16Gb tablet that was sold to me as having Win8.1 but actually had 10 loaded on it. It’s a nightmare to use. It won’t recognise a card for extra memory but has no problem with a USB A+c drive. I’d like to do a re-install and have either 8.1 or something efficient on it.
I reckon we should ask Bill Gates to buy the BBC, then we can ignore the whole shebang at a stroke!
If you change to win 8.1, do the obvious. Back up all data, then format drive before installing 8.1. If you dont format, win 10 will know you are blaspheming the name of Gates , you will be sent to a corner till you repent.
“Not possible in smartphones these days.”
A, much reduced, list of mobile phones with removable batteries here.
I use a six year old LG G3, selected because it does have a removable battery, it does everything I want.
I also still use Windows 7 on a 2009 laptop.
I’ve logged a ticket with the Theme maintainer. There doesn’t look to be much I can do at this point. All comments are still in the system so don’t worry, we’ll get them back eventually!
You could start a mid-week part two thread if new comments on new threads are being shown (unless it is best to fix the problem first).
With regard the archive the last time I checked the third page of comments from 15th July are not showing including all comments posted on newer threads up to the 12th Aug mid-week thread.
Back in my day, it used to be that a programmer’s reputation was based on how “tight” their software was, being able to do the operation with the fewest lines of code possible.
It’s apparent that standard has fallen by the wayside judging by all the bloatware that’s out there today.
I think Linux is supposed to do that, Dobyns, but I daren’t start to look at it again as Senora O’Blene has to do a Zoom call this afternoon, and we haven’t a clue what to do…
The trouble with Linux is that there arent many useful applications around. Very limited and not much choice. So stuck with Windows.
Win XP has many admirers as it has a tight Op. It is just a step after MSDOS so one can step right into the hardware using QBASIC in a DOS window, access ports (RS232 and printer ports, and access date from any devices, just by rewiring plugs).
Modern computers can be driven by XP, but drivers are not available. But thankfully, as XP is so popular, Geeks have written XP drivers for modern chip sets.
I loved XP, NCBBC!
It did everything I wanted, never made a fuss, and got on with the job!
MS Nerds sitting there, making up new rules etc, has never been my cup of tea, so I wish my old XP machine hadn’t blown a gasket or something – it’s a laptop now, with I think, MS 7 or 8, and when I have less time, I’ll learn how to use it.
I bought it seven years ago…
Looking at the BBC Home page. News of A-level “results”. That is estimate of what the results might have been.
What struck me is that BBC photos show only girls . No photograph of a boy waiting. Nothing.
This is symptomatic of the level of discrimination boys have been subjected for the last three decades. Starting at school from feminist teachers, what can only be categorised as child abuse.
Not just in the BBC but in universities too.
“The importance of being female”
The marginalisation of men and boys is now full bore. Poor young male children, do not know why they are held in such contempt.
God help us if we get into trouble, for without men, our future is bondage.
Not only that, NCBBC, but women eventually are only looked on as pleasure and baby producing machines, discarded after the menopause. And no good for anything else while fertile, no chance of using brain, skills and initiative.
Margaret Attwood, see what your liberal leftism and socialism has brought us? Care to do a re-think?
Its the continuous neglect and disparagement of young boys, from child to university that makes me angry. Its not right.
NCBBC, agree completely. The education sector at Primary has already noticed the effect on young boys of no male role models in a school full of women teachers. So the lefty/liberal teaching profession has noticed a bit but they are doing very little about it.
Meanwhile the MSM marches everyone on to disaster.
Typical. One of the few times I was first to post and the system goes down !! Good job im not BME or Trans or I would be demanding compensation……and id probably have a BBC “Most Read” Why are BME or Trans never the first to post??
Halifax – i saw your post in the middle of the night about VJ day. If it doesnt turn up will go to the bit where all those comments are and dig it up .
The bit i put up about the RAF training to drop the bomb was fascinating even though i say it myself .
I was awake all night worrying about my bloody 14 day quarantine ….
Look at this BBC general news page
Many photos. Spot any man?
Try Google Advanced Search
This exact word or phrase: Midweek Thread Wednesday 12th August 2020
Site or domain:
OK The Midweek thread is working
.. so posts about the BBC can go there
For the Start the week thread I got backsups from Googles cache of Page 3 & 4
The last post there was from 11:30pm on Tuesday
Then when I check Inoreader
in which I have a subscription :
posts from yesterday to upto 4 hours ago show up.
Here’s an example
I am logged in Inoreader
BTW Today is 12th August
but yesterday’s posts seem to marked as August 10th, which is the wrong day for them
screen shot from Inoreader
I noticed on R4 that ‘Word of Mouth’, usually presented by Michael Rosen, featured racist feminists whingeing about whites, on Monday night. Sabrina Mahfouz, Tobi Kyeremateng and Katherine Harloe were at it.
Apparently they found it surprising that in Europe whites had been the historic achievers, and envy and resentment filled the airwaves for a few minutes, before I switched off, as hatred started poking its ugly head from out of the discussion.
Nothing that unusual really, for R4, these days.
I frequently listen to Rosen, although I don’t always agree with his views. But, you have to say he is brilliant, when compared to the rubbish unleashed by those third-raters, replacing him this week.
I was reminded of this by an article in The Telegraph about ‘Woman’s Hour’ being ‘full on woke overload’ last Friday. Fortunately I missed Jane Garvey, someone who is indeed woke and eminently missable. When are they going to scrap that crap? Women’s Hour is seldom anything other than feminist, race-baiting propaganda.
I notice in the Guardian, before the begging bowl came out, that Michael has been off for weeks with Covid 19, but seems to be recovering as he is writing a book about a Rigatoni cat, or some such thing. I wish him a speedy recovery and -above all- a speedy return to ‘Word of Mouth’. For obvious reasons.
Amor interviewing June Sarpong on introducing diversity into the BBC. He asks “Will the push for diversity displace people currently in place”
or words to that effect. Mentioning the awful phrase too many posh middle-aged white men.
June comes back with “Oh no that’s not the idea we just need to bring a lot more to what we have and make something much bigger!”
So expect the BBC staff figures and therefore costs to bloat and also the license fee to pay for it all in due course.
Isn’t it easy when you don’t have to earn your money?
The BBC are in the news again. They of course deny EVERYTHING. And apologise to the courts it will never happen again (wink, wink). Except it happens all the time. The BBC media bubble relies on lawyers to protect its values (wink, wink). Another million in legal fees and its business as usual.
This is all on one page of the PRESS GAZZETTE:
August 10, 2020
BBC could face prosecution after breaching anonymity order to name two teens charged with murder
August 10, 2020
BBC apologises over uncensored use of racist slur in news report
August 7, 2020
BBC correspondent showed bias against Trump in article, complaints unit rules
August 4, 2020
BBC defends use of N-word on-air in news report after outcry
July 30, 2020
BBC staff numbers fell by just 2% in ten years despite millions spent trying to reduce headcount
July 28, 2020
BBC to cut Newsround bulletins after Ofcom says it can move focus online
July 28, 2020
BBC to cut Newsround bulletins after Ofcom says it can move focus online
July 27, 2020
BBC rules Panorama NHS report and News at Ten Nicola Sturgeon interview breached guidelines
July 21, 2020
BBC must remember duty to report on local issues and not just ‘metropolitan bubbles’, culture minister says…
And more just like this. The timeline is interesting as it sums up those BBC ‘editorial guidelines’. Are all ignored by BBC apprentices who gain BBC credit for being abusive, provocative and Marxists. And all this under Covid 19 Lockdown – again following those now famous BBC guidelines on impartiality! Maybe that’s the problem the ‘news and opinion’ bias is all GUARDIAN editorial based, no room for anything else despite it costing £3.8 billion a year to stay afloat. Its not sustainable outside the Soviet Union or China.
Phillip 2
Pretty damning summary – thank you . The naming of murder yoof will be interesting following the TR case …. will thr CPS protect justice and bang up a BBC editor or decide “ not in the public interest “?
August 7, 2020
BBC correspondent showed bias against Trump in article, complaints unit rules
This is not bias but science. True “settled science” as anything Trump says is un-science.
E17s favourite coloured MP – red dawn butler has given a long interview to a friend in the very woke Londonistan Evening Standard .
Obviously its coloured MP as victim. Milking the meeting with a couple of decent coppers on the very dangerous violent crime task force – going after criminals in their cars – which often have tinted windows – like the one in which the MP was a passenger .
Anyway – the Deputy Commissioner has come out in full support of his officers but there is no mention yet of the body camers recording – which we all want to see – well i do .
Is sturgeon making politics out of the train crash yet ?
It only took a couple of minutes for an expert on trains to link it to climate change. which ‘is with us’.
Who needs the Railway Investigation Branch? BBC’s David Shukman says it was ‘climate change’ and thats that.
A pretty apalling accident though, a third of the occupants killed, the train splitting up, a coach upside down and a coach over-ridden, all very unusual.
George Osbourne is the editor of the Evening Standard. It went downhill pretty quickly under his leadership. It also lost £13.6 Million in 2019. The comments section sum up what London Commuters think of the Evening Standard (accurately in my humble opinion). Good riddance.
Strange isnt it – major events now can be driven by private individuals – nigel farage on the french invasion – norman brennan on the police- and katie hopkins on islamic corruption
Meanwhile there is no investigative journalism but plenty of woke tick boxing by people who want to keep their jobs – particularly if they are unfortunate to be white male and not of a ‘ vulnerable ‘ group . ?
Champion mate. I couldn’t have said it better meself.
I’d like to point out that The migrant thing isn’t the result of Farage
..he is heavily piggy backing on the work of Active Patriot there.
However he was right in there exposing BLM as a Marxist from until the Global Groups staff uprising at their Black only station.
Likewise I imagine that Norman Brennan has some tech wiz helping him out.
I expect TR and Katy have some good backroom people.
I remember a complaint by a member of the Space Special Interest Group of Mensa, revealed that the BBC hasn’t got any scientific investigative journalists. I presume this is because the BBC believes that the best scientific experts are environmental activists like Greta.
Science is only science when it is settled. Therefore the only sciences are Climate Change, AGW and BLM.
The rest are, in the memorable words of Dr Fauci, merely “anecdotal”.
The reverse of science is anti-science. In this category, anything that Donald Trump states is anti-science.
Thank you Lefty – I’ve been reading some of the stuff Norman Brennan has been putting on Twitter and I fear that he will get the TR treatment for speaking on behalf of the people in blue who must be subject to a requirement for silence – even when a labour MP puts their faces all over twitter without asking or thinking about the consequences .
As far as the three people I mentioned – it’s not as simplistic as labelling them as ‘right wing ‘ when they are simply reporting the truth .
Mr Farage – in particular – has done the job of a decent journalist but I bet he hasn’t got an NUJ card and stands as much of a chance of getting one as I do understanding the IT on this bloody site …
Just heard on my local news, “a fish was filmed gasping for air”. They then showed a lake almost dried up and fish gasping for water!
BBC don’t do science!
Tabs, LOL. Strictly speaking, if I recall the science correctly, the fish is gasping for air but it gets it – mostly – from the water. You are more right than the BBC. Oh, and some fish don’t like the heat anyway.
All over YouTube and Facebook is news of the boats that keep arriving daily from France of the hundreds of immigrants, and being housed in £900 london hotel etc
BBC news – unable to find any “news” reports, I did find a report of immigrants should be allowed free school meals!
Look at this BBC general news page
Lots of photos. Count the men ?
I see 2.
What is clear from the page is that Global Warming causes storms that destroy not just property but kills men.
This is just part and parcel of BBC norm, to show women everywhere, and not just pretending to have built bridges and nuclear power stations.
BBC are filth at the human level. They have written off half mankind. Their mindset is that it would be better that men were banished from the public view and consigned to slavery down mines.
Is it a surprise that little boys see no proper men as role models, and want to transgender, so they get some love and attention.
Along with most of the pics of students receiving their results – mostly female (identify as)
An alien happening on this planet would gather that Earth is populated by several races of one sex.
He would phone back requesting an expeditionary force pronto, as the planet was for the taking.
And this self boast from the BBC
Research shows that, compared to other broadcasters, newspapers and online sites, the BBC is seen as by far the most trusted and impartial news provider in the UK [PDF].
Pravda too was once of the same opinion, and loudly proclaimed it.
Note to BBC – If you are honest, you dont have to shout it from the rooftop. Shouting it only becomes necessary if you are not.
NCBBC, I hope you didn’t listen to Desert Island Discs, Book of the Week and Woman’s Hour this morning.
Think your blood may have boiled in your veins and arteries despite the slightly cooler weather. What interested me is that WH had a woman scientist on to talk about the AGW/CC impact of food and cooking and some of the claims she made were hilarious. But it was all denigrating men and fathers. Mild mannered me was upset by this total Leftism/Marxism/anti-menism of the BBC. It was the first time in ages that I had listened to R4 for such a long period. May not bother to do so again.
On a different point, back to computing, you said Win10 is updating even when the laptop is switched off. How does it get Interwebby access if a household router is also switched off. Does it piggy-back on the nearest signal it can find?
Think your blood may have boiled in your veins and arteries
Thank you for your concern. I try and avoid situations that may injure my health. Train tracks, 100% Moonshine, BBC News.
How does it get Interwebby access if a household router is also switched off. Does it piggy-back on the nearest signal it can find?
You guessed right. I only surmised this a couple of years back, when a friend asked me to help as he was getting letters from his Internet provider that he was exceeding his download limit. Mystery! As I knew he hadn’t switched on his laptop for months.
Re- Marginalisation of boys and men
What the global BBC is doing is downright criminal on a legal level, and human rights violation on a national scale. You and people on this site are adults, and we can fend it of. But what of young boys, left to their own devices by their parents, who are subjected to hostile and demeaning anti-men propaganda from this monopoly broadcaster, as well as the unconscious prejudice of female teachers and school heads.
We are creating a societal disaster. We have some evidence what happens when men and boys are sidelined. The example is the marginalisation of African American boys and men.
Black women have ruled the home as government decided to become the father of the family by way of Benefits and Welfare. Result – African American boys graduate from small crime to drug dealers and armed robbery. Quite naturally, they become the target of police action- Stop&Search, George Floyd, and the resulting breakdown of society. And African Americans are a 12% minority.
What started as Affirmative action for African Americans ended in George Floyd, the destruction of police stations, “Defund the Police”, and violent acts against statues of Churchill.
The ideology of ‘Feminism’ has succeeded beyond those wimmins’ wildest dreams. And it is an ideology, just like Communism or Fascism. It seems to link happily to other ideologies – for instance, a ‘yes’ to Communism, bot a ‘no’ to Fascism (sounds nasty and is too much like the ‘Patriarchy’, that No1 enemy of Feminists).
There is also a happy bridge to BLM, to the extent that wimmin’s issues and lefty issues are addressed. Kamala Harris ticks a box for wimmin, as well as the BLM brigade – or so e.g. Joe Biden hopes.
The reason socialism and communism appeal to wimmin is their emphasis on ‘equality’. But, just as BLM pretends to be about ‘equality’, but is actually about the Black Power ideology, Feminism pretends to be about ‘equality’ but is frequently (not always) about Wimmin Power, regardless. So, for instance, Radio 4 will happily run a daily ‘Woman’s Hour’, but nothing for men.
As mentioned above, boys and men are marginalised. Unless they are more assertive (NOT aggressive), this trend will continue. In fact, it is they who now need to fight for EQUALITY.
But that also frequently means fighting the MSM and especially the bbc.
Joe Biden hopes to get the Dementia vote.
As for Kamala Harris bagging the ethnic minority vote – its gamble.
1. Kamala Harris mother is Hindu.
African Americans dont like Indians much.
2. Hindu means she will annoy Muslims and Latino Catholics.
3. Indians in America of all types are in America to make money -capitalists of the Modi type. Kamala Harris would be anathema
She is a risk.
For the demographics I’ve listed except the Dementia vote, Donald Trump would be the choice.
The German magazine ‘compact-online’ (.de) says Mariah Carey has a history of child abuse and participation in satanism. It claims that, while Mariah did well for herself, her older sister, Alison, suffered poverty, drug abuse, and being dragged into satanist rituals (including watching murder) by her mother, Patricia Hickey.
This is a shocking story, which I haven’t come across in the German or British MSM.
Compact, which has researched this tale (now before the courts), claims that, while Alison has tried lately to keep clear of her mother and satanist rituals, Mariah has been happy to keep close to her, as well as managing to seem ‘forever young’.
Compact has a special edition entitled ‘Satan in Hollywood’
–‘…dark secrets of the rich and beautiful’.
Compact has investigated these dark secrets in some detail, including the use of drugs that apparently keep one looking youthful.
There are astonishing revelations about Mariah Carey, her mother and older sister. These are of no interest to me – I couldn’t name a Mariah song ‘off the top of my head’.
But I find Hollywood and its role in US society and politics extremely interesting. The special edition contains many links between Hollywood, US show biz, and politics in Washington, from the Weinstein and Epstein affairs to Pizzagate.
Apparently Bill Clinton was also a frequent visitor to Epstein’s island, not only the name we are familiar with from closer to home. Compact believes Ghislaine Maxwell may well have much to reveal.
As a Christian I am interested in revelations that the occult seems to have a centre in US ‘high society’ and Hollywood in particular.
Although at first I thought it was all nonsense conspiracy rubbish there was too much information about it. Sammy Davies Junior was reportedly a satanist, but if anyone can tell me what on Earth this is all about I’d be glad to know !
Oh and if you want a little more light research go to duckduckgo and seach for “frazzledip / frazzledrip” but be careful about digging to deep with it !
Thoughtful- So many little pieces of the jigsaw floating around, one always has to be careful about what picture they make up in the end.
Hadn’t heard about the possible Sammy Davis jnr. angle. Yet another piece?
What interested me about ‘Compact’s’ naming of Bill Clinton was the strictly ‘hands-off’ attitude from the MSM to him. Can you IMAGINE for one minute, given the Epstein/Weinstein hullabaloo, what they would do if The Donald were to be thus suspected to be apparently involved? Beserk probably doesn’t describe it?
Sopel, Bryant, Iqbal, R. Shah & Co would go into overdrive on the beeb, for one thing.
-Because I now think back to a pastor who, in the fifties and sixties, called out Hollywood as a centre of darkness, a claim which I found hard to believe. To me, as a young chap, Hollywood was glamour: John Wayne, and films like my favourite comedy-‘ It’s a mad mad mad world’, etc etc
Seems like I should have listened to the pastor.
Excellent interview with Michael Collins “The Demonisation of the white working class” on YT – The New Culture Forum Channel
Excellent interview with Michael Collins, by Peter Whittle, “The Demonisation of the white working class” on YT – The New Culture Forum Channel
Especially on what’s happened to London.