I wasn’t going to comment on tonight’s Antiques Roadshow but the BBC excelled themselves this evening. Fiona had to chose between 2 pieces of glass. As usual most of the visitors were white, except for those surrounding Fiona. In the front row were 2 ladies in saris and another lady in western dress. Fiona asked the opinion of two of them. But there were also two very black ladies and Fiona went straight from the Asian ladies to the black lady immediately behind the expert. No white person was asked. It is getting annoying now.
Catchup links to last thread
where by coincidence I have already put the pic that Deborah describes on the end of my previous comment.(bottom of the page)
For some years I dealt in antique furniture. I taught myself the trade and listened to the old timers. ( I have done lots of things in my career. ) .I doubt that there are more than a handful of those from outside of the old English here who have any real interest in or knowledge of our past. We also have always had a real interest in good things from the world over. This is a very British thing and I have no doubt we are the last generation to have it. The young are mostly ignorant and show no sign of any interest in anything much. This show on the BBC is a fraud. The use of BME to try to show inclusivity fools nobody. The indigenous are barely really interested. Apart from the thought of money. There are exceptions but they are rare nowadays. The past is slipping away from us. I grew up in a time when the knowledge of our history and the artifacts that are part of it was common and quite normal. I worked as a youngster with well read countrymen who knew the literature of this country and thought it normal to do so. They have gone now.
I still buy the odd piece and I am amazed at what I can get and right under the noses of auctioneers and others. Last week i bought a William and Mary or maybe Queen Anne walnut piece. Miscatalogued of course for £50. Crazy price. Now 50 years ago it would have stuck out at once and made it’s price. I estimate in 1967 maybe 300 . My point is that it does not matter much. The BBC and our education system has dumbed down the people so much that pretending the people of BME origin are actually interested is no more unlikely than pretending that the average member of the crowd is interested. This as Mark Steyn says is the Age of Stupid.
I also noticed that Deborah, my guess is that this behaviour by the BBC has nothing to do with diversity, the BBC are simply doing it spitefully to try get at the people they detest, that being people like us. They know the average viewer is likely to be older and probably white but almost certainly a BBC license fee payer too.
It’s blatant and childish in the extreme and ultimately damaging to the cause of diversity. I cannot see how the people they home in on don’t feel a bit condescended too, like teacher always picking the fat kid out as the class hero.
Look, they have a props van filled with assorted BAMEs at almost every location they visit. Having managed to prise out two or three, and plonk them near the front, it would be churlish not to ask them…
Not so much the BBC but they are participating big time.
I heard the R4 News this morning and started to think about the fact that it now appears democratically elected Governments, especially in the UK, are going to be given a hard time and constantly undermined by Civil Servants, Trade Unions, various other special interest groups, the opposition in Parliament and the members of that Party amongst the general public plus the Mainstream Media (MSM) including, most of all, the BBC.
These groups will make it impossible for a democratic Government to operate and it seems this applies especially to a Conservative Party one.
We are getting into a dangerous place in the UK right now.
You just need to look across the pond to the States, which I believe is in a more dangerous position. The Democrats are allowing, in fact encouraging outright lawlessness in order to thwart Trump and prevent both his governing and his re-election. With the media covering for them at every step.
It may seem outlandish, but I am beginning genuinely to fear it will be tipped into civil war after the election as neither side’s supporters will accept the result. Perhaps even during the election. There are blatant attempts by the Democrats to rig the ballot, again with the media providing full cover. It is not unreasonable to assume foreign powers are behind this.
If they are prepared to go to these lengths to stop Trump, they must be utterly terrified of something he will do, and that can surely only involve large-scale criminality. And given these lengths, is it unreasonable to wonder if the coronavirus pandemic which has conveniently provided so much cover is entirely unconnected?
Check out the video of a boarded up NY on Zerohedge. The civil war has started. It is in it’s early phase. First you fortify and arm then you fight or leave.
BBC the other night:
Trump is accused of interfering in the workings of the post-office because he fears vote-rigging. Trump denies any such interference (5 words) The CEO of the post-office said they would not allow any gerrymandering of the postal system.
Until as recently as 2016 I would have dismissed your suspicions as ridiculous but since then events in the US and UK when powerful elites have tried to overturn democratic elections or referendums , make me think that you could well be right. Now I have no trust in any institution or media outlet. Indeed the truth and facts now seems to be an outdated concept and seems to have morphed into being whatever it is most convenient for any particular line of argument.
RD & Dave, yes it is worse in the US and I really fear that if Trump wins narrowly over Biden, the Fascists, the Anarchists, the Leftists, (collective title – the Wrongists) will not accept democracy and wait for four years and then try with better policies. Instead, they will do what they did in 2016 but worse. And law abiding citizens may not stand for it and try to fight back.
Hopefully, President Trump (or Joe Biden) will win a convincing victory.
We used to say ‘What happens in the US will happen in the UK after half a generation.’ Never has that been more true. The UK Wrongists have obviously not accepted the result of the 2019 General Election and at present are just restricting, obstructing and – BLM apart – peacefully protesting. We saw in 2011 how quickly things can edge into anarchy and in 2012 into violence and arson here in the UK.
We are now in a disobedience stage in the UK. Hey, the Bible comes to life! Read all about it: 2 Peter.
I used to envy America as they at least did not have to deal with Brexit as they are independent from anything anyway but now our main issue is the pandemic while America have to deal with the same during an election period. It must be nerve wreaking.
I actually speak to a few Americans elsewhere and they are Republicans. Not huge Trump supporters as such but they don’t have any issue with him. They are however petrified of the Democrats perhaps much more so than were used to be over our awful Labour Party.
Either way one side will win and the other will declare war and no doubt our BBC will be reporting on it with smirks on their face.
smoogie, not sure if Biden wins well, that the Republicans will then declare war. I think they will accept defeat – they’ve had a lot of practice with Clinton and Obama – and will get on with sorting candidates and policies for next time.
However, if Biden wins narrowly and there are allegations of fraud and rumours of miscounting, then wilder elements among Republicans may kick off. They have guns in America. 🙁
The desire of the BBC Sky and ITV to punish the Tories for Brexit may have cost our economy billions.
The broadcast media was never willing to treat the Covid crisis as a national emergency requiring unity of purpose.
They never once strayed from their desire for Remoaner revenge.
It was this that made it impossible for us to have a Swedish style nuanced approach to Covid, which would have kept most of us in our jobs, our children in school and would quite possibly have saved lives at least in the long run.
Public Health (England) appear to have given up on Covid-19 statistics. Matt Hancock should take h-h-half an h-hour to ensure that the ONS takes over and provides similar stats, formerly the PH(E) province, to the BBC. I thought maybe as it is 48 hours on, that there would be an update here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 but there is not. It is still showing the numbers for 14 August.
@NCBBC cos all recovery numbers are wrong
The weird thing is that all the countries do it, when they know they wrong.
We know that since the vast majority of Covid are extremely mild and are so not detected.
The number of people that get strong symptoms is less than 10% .
So when we had 1,000 people in hospital with it.
We knew that about 9,000 were at home
So when 700 walked out of hospital
Another country might have said 700 had recovered
We knew that about another 9000 had recovered
but it might be 10,000 or 8,000
So we couldn’t be giving an accurate number.
Up2, I think you and I have been sending thought waves to each other. I would have made this the subject of my first post – but longer posts on the ipad are complicated.
I am thinking that PHE, the BBC and possibly some of our glorious NHS are using the opportunity of the Covid to make things difficult for our government. Whether this is in the hope of delaying Brexit or punishment for Brexit or just because they hate the Tories.
I have a friend who is very senior in a Local Health Authority in the south. With all seriousness telling me that they cannot have two patients arrive at the same time for appointments even if there are two separate consulting rooms. They fear that should the two patients present at the reception desk at the same time, one might infect the other. I cannot believe people wouldn’t behave as they do at my local shops – that is if somebody sees one person go in, they wait until the first person is deep into the shop, or in small shops, goes out.
I am also told that every patient has to be assumed to have Covid in spite of the numbers suggesting nearly everybody doesn’t have Covid. This presumably means that there is a vast overuse of PPE equipment – and what do all the snowflakes say about the overuse of plastic?
I also know a very old frail gentleman living in London, not far from his local health centre. He needed a blood test. He was not allowed to go to the health centre for the test but had to travel – in last week’s heat, on buses to go to the hospital. How cruel can the NHS be?
Either Public Health England know they are to blame for the decision to send people who possibly had Covid from hospitals to care homes and are now terrified that they will get the blame for every Covid case (even though to quote my friend that the Covid tests ‘are rubbish’), or PHE want to justify their existence or they just plain want to undermine the government. Whichever option, I think they are best disbanded.
Finally, whoever made the decision to have the communist Ms Michie on the Sage panel? Could that have been PHE? Whoever it was should be shot as at best I would question whether someone so extreme politically can make a balanced judgement.
We have watched the BBC throughout lockdown paint everything with the bleakest of pictures. I am now seeing PHE and the NHS encouraging the country into inaction. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but I could believe these organisations are being driven by common goals and they were not the ones we voted for at the last election.
Apologies Fedup for the long post – but it will give you something to read during your house arrest.
Deborah – no worries – having been out of UK for a semi enforced 31 days I thought when I got back there would be more signs of life – but in my bit of NE Londonistan it seems as bad as when I left .
How the hell are people ever going to get back to anything like normality ? Even if there is no winter flu or recurrent of bigger covid infections . …..
There will have to be a reckoning over the care home scandal and perhaps this is why the current regime is so bizarre. They are afraid of what will emerge. My large surgery is really closed down but pretending to serve the town. It is a blue funk. They are really scared now. Our death rate has been dreadful and concentrated in the old and the vulnerable. Relatives are restless and want answers.
Here’s an answer for you. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/08/building-blocks-of-the-great-reset/
‘covid19’ does not exist. Germ theory is wrong. You have been duped. This government is not in charge. The people who are have murdered millions of people in the last 6 months. They have only just started. If you don’t wake up quickly you will be living in a Technocracy that despises humanity and seeks to enslave it.
Just a very interesting statment I came across very recently connected to the European Society of Pathology. A Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association stated in an interview with Dr Stoycho Katsarov, chair of the Centre of protection of citizens’ rights, that, “No one has died from the coronavirus. People are dying with coronavirus, not from”. It’s the comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease that are killing people. He was clear that a pandemic should never have been declared and that in his opinion, covid-19 is nowhere near as dangerous as it’s been made out to be. He also said that autopsies of covid patients have not identified a specific antibody that can be used to identify the presence of the coronavirus. Criticising the WHO’s handling of the situation, Dr Alexov said it has manipulated and misrepresented information and is “creating worldwide chaos, with no real facts”. One thing he was certain about was that it won’t be possible to create a vaccine to tackle the virus, despite the assertions of Bill Gates. Irrespective of Gates, what is the vaccine we are told is being tested now? Is that a vaccine to combat Covid19?
I have tried to find a log of the daily R rate without success. Every now and then it gets mentioned in the media and occasionally people say how important it is. OK, if it is, how can I not find any official details?
I have a suspicion that it has never been above 1 in the UK from 1 January to date. I would love someone from ONS or the NHS or Dept. of Health to show I am wrong to have that suspicion.
I agree totally. The pandemic and every other issue such as exams are being used by the public sector and some MSM outlets as political weapons against the democratically elected government .The data we are presented with is at best selective , at worst outright lies , manipulated for political purposes by leftists who run just about every institution.
There is nothing to gain from the embarrassingly low numbers of people dying from this virus, so as the figures get lower they become harder to find.
You will have noticed a clever switch from deaths to cases and the media is now fixated on the latter as almost nobody is now dying from Covid-19 and hospital wards are empty of such patients. Yet the scare-mongering continues.
The latest ONS figures show five times more people are currently dying from flu than from coronavirus. But, hold on, a second wave may be coming. Who cares, let’s just get on life.
Up2 – too bloody right – I’m under house arrest for 14 days having had my civil rights removed at the drop of an unknown scientists ‘ hat – because someone has decided to follow ‘the scientific advice ‘. I really hope people ignore this madness ..
First these scientists are really not scientists. They are bureaucrats with an indifferent degree in a non-numerate discipline. They joined the civil service and a political party. With that you get to be Surgeon General in America. It does no mean that the Surgeon General is the best of the best Surgeons.
So too Chief Scientific advisor or Chief Medical Officer. Bureaucrats paper pushers. That is why they are so wrong in a crisis, in their own supposed discipline.
Stew – i am pro face mask – but i am also pro competance . Testing at airports should have been started months ago . Yet no control or anything was doing at all .
Now they drop a 14 day house arrest at the blink of a civil servants ‘ eye .
And if youd gone throught the chaotic arrivals section at T5 LHR last week – with no distancing at all and exposing hundreds of arriving passengers together for an hour whilst the fools from Border Farce watched on – youd be cheesed off by the ineptitude of these ‘authorities ‘ too.
Im lucky – my business can survive 2 weekd house arrest and relationships will be adjusted . I cant go to church or exercise or go out – with or without an effing mask
Masking is of dubious merit if the spread is aerosolised. It is a useful placebo and helps the government appear to be in control. It also establishes a habit of submission. This is vital for them if the untested vaccine is to be forced upon 100% of us. If you refuse to wear a mask you can be fined. What about a vaccine ? Fine or inject by force?
It is a problem for them . Fining achieves nothing really except revenue so forcible vaccination will be necessary. To do that the state will have to find those prepared to assault a citizen with the possibility of a later charge when the regime changes. Large scale refusal will lead to a breakdown of civil order as citizens are dragged out and vaccinated by force. Make no mistake this is the scenario facing us and them . The UN is opposed to any such move as a fundamental attack on our human rights. That will change no doubt and as for the BBC it will take the side of power as always.
Dave – the mask might muffle the discharge of virus by coughing and sneezing – but the size of a virus versus the size of holes in masks is no contest .
But i still think masks are better than nothing . And if it turns out there is no vaccine we d better get used to using them for the unforeseeable future….
WE cannot mask the people indefinitely. I cannot wear one and have made the decision to sit this out and never ever go into a shop again or use any public transport ever. .I do not need to having reorganised my life. The mask prevents any society from really functioning. It is so alien to us that it actually diminishes our humanity in some way. In the end we will give it up out of self preservation .Apart from that it will finally destroy the shops as we know them .
AS I said it is part of the control mechanism they will need to get the vaccine into our bodies. The sight of a town centre full of masked shadow people makes me physically sick so I avoid it. This is no way to live.
I fully agree with your sentiments. I find it obscene to gaze upon these poor, frightened mask-wearing cretins everywhere I go. I won’t go shopping, at all. I send Mme Goat.
Thankfully, we live in the back of beyond in France Profonde, so this COVID nonsense has barely affected us – indeed, without news, and necessary trips to the shops, we’d never have known it was happening, at all.
Poor Mme Goat-still as long as she gets the wonderful pain, fromage et vin who cares? My wife and lived in France for 7 years a while back and although the excuse to return was to be able to see more of the grandchildren who we love, now however seeing and experiencing the destruction of the UK, I wish we had stayed in the Franch countryside where we lived-we both speak good French which gave us so much more from French life, making many friends, not only French, but Dutch, Norwegian, and of course UK guys and girls. An enjoyable time. Good luck to you Old Goat and Mme Goat.
WE cannot mask the people indefinitely. I cannot wear one and have made the decision to sit this out and never ever go into a shop again or use any public transport ever. .I do not need to having reorganised my life. The mask prevents any society from really functioning. It is so alien to us that it actually diminishes our humanity in some way. In the end we will give it up out of self preservation .Apart from that it will finally destroy the shops as we know them .
AS I said it is part of the control mechanism they will need to get the vaccine into our bodies. The sight of a town centre full of masked shadow people makes me physically sick so I avoid it. This is no way to live.
I went to the supermarket today and like a good girl put on my mask. It misted up immediately and I do like to be able to see what I am buying and the misting made things sufficiently difficult that I could have been buying rotten fruit and yellow broccoli. I came out of the store and needed petrol. Having only one mask and not wanting to handle it until I had finished shopping I then had to drive to the petrol station part of the supermarket with very misted up glasses. Obviously I have lived to tell the tale – but when measuring risks I am not sure where I was on the scale.
The mask policy of the Government has been incoherent and inchoate. Useless unless teamed with gloves and it is completely undermined, anyway, by having retail staff remain unmasked. They are the ones said to be most at risk of catching Covid-19 (working in a cold environment) and giving others the infection.
The best reason I can think of for compulsory facemasks in stores is that some people will continue wearing them in public (saw a guy walking on pavement today with big black mask and T-shirt which proclaimed him to be stupid) and thus completely subvert the introduction of facial recognition technology. That is more likely why the Government has taken that measure. Bojo’s Liberalism to the fore.
@Fed testing isn’t a magic solution
If there is a 2% false positive an also a low pickup rate in France
10,000 people fly in 200 people test positively falsely
say 1 tests positive cost they actually have it
and maybe another 1 or 2 tested negative , but it was too early and were not detected.
But is there room for some common sense ?
Person 1 might have driven in their own car to their own house in France eaten their own food and wife drives them back.
They never used the airport toilet or plane toilet
Person 2 might have been in and out of crowded nightclubs, long Uber journeys and eating take away food, used dozens of public toilets .
They are no where near the same risk.
Sage – one of the factors is the cavalier way that they impose such rules – for ages we were told to stay in for 7 days if alone or 14 days if there were symptoms .
Now proportionality has gone out of the window . I’d like to think that if there were checks done on people – whole groups – say families who have been away be checked as they are higher risk than – say – a couple or singles .
But we have witnessed avoidable failure across the month in all parts of the government so shouldn’t be surprised at more .
Let’s face it -the only things achieved so far is getting out of the EU – sort of – and getting rid of DFID – sort of …..
Oh – and filling hotels across the UK with third world criminal invaders
A school for Black women only. What a perversion of education based on merit.
In the wake of BLM, people ask what inventions Africans created that make Black lives important, and not as one would assert that All lives matter.
BBC tells us of great African inventions that changed the world. Egyptian civilisation is transferred to Black Africa. Its not a lie, but hardly anyone in Egypt would agree.
The West has now given up all adherence to true inquiry and academic trustworthiness. The West is seized with false guilt. We will be seeing all manner of academic and scientific prizes handed to Blacks – men and women.
It wont be long before Norway, a fanatic PC nation, will be nominating Black female Nobel prize winners – particularly in Physics.
Meanwhile intelligent young White boys in Britain, and young White and Asian boys in America, will continue to be rejected by Ivy league colleges in favour of Blacks who barely got througn school.
It is imperative for the survival of the West that Donald Trump is elected again.
This crisis is of such magnitude that even if we had lost the war to the Nazis, we would not be faced with the disembowelment of all that is to be West.
The Democrats will get in eventually. The US is currently split but all the Universities and most of the schools and most of the media are strongly woke.
One of my long term friends is a science teacher, we were at school together, and he sometimes likes to air various subjects in private because he feels completely muzzled at work. He used to be a complete lefty, but has changed slowly over the years, like me I guess. We have another good friend of the same age, who is a GP, who shares similar views, which may be interesting to those who assume ALL in education and medicine share the same ‘progressive’ ideologies. The truth is perhaps quite different, but those who disagree know their careers depend on them keeping their mouths firmly shut, for now anyway.
According to my teacher friend, the brightest 10-20% of kids in any year are clever enough and independent minded enough to work things out for themselves. They clearly see woke propaganda for what it really is, and are smart enough to reject it, although they might pretend to go along, just to fit in.
My teenage son and his friends are all very academic, and I sometimes overhear them talking on various subjects. If they’re a good representation of some of the brighter among the younger generation, I don’t think we need worry too much about the future, and I would predict ‘woke’ is just a fad (which is now very quickly going out of fashion). There’s a hard rain coming for some though, starting, I’d predict with higher education.
Nowadays whether or not you get an academic grant or whether or not you get your academic paper accepted for publication depends on things that include women and BAME representation,support, consideration.
Certainly agree with you there BoBotC, I worked in academe for a while after my first degree, and after a few years in research, did a short stint with one of the research councils. At the time (late 90s) the writing was on the wall, and we could all see where it was rapidly headed. I (and many others) couldn’t get out and into industry fast enough.
My feeling is that higher education has got so bloated now it’s about fit to burst, and there are going to be a lot of tears spilt over it, but frankly it’s high time it happened. My (hard earned) qualifications are worth d-all these days thanks for decades of: ‘education, education, education’, ‘positive discrimination’, political correctness, and now wokeness.
I’m not bitter about it, thankfully I’m in work, but I’m not about to encourage my son to go down the same route, and nor are most of the parents I know encouraging their (bright) kids to go on to Uni either. Along with the loss of foreign students, the academic bubble (totally dependent on bums on seats) is wobbling and about to burst.
I agree with you. However, when Capitalism disappears or that element withdraws from any enterprise, there’s no natural regulation. Because people vote with their pockets but when there’s so much money floating around from Government and other places, that natural state of affairs is lost and the whole merry-go-round continues unaffected.
Big Bro, a failed university will provide an interesting little problem for the Insolvency Dept. of a major firm of accountants. How can you sell a University and who would buy one?
I guess a billionaire with some delusions of grandeur might want one and to rename it after themselves. After all, our FedUp2 could do a degree at John Moore’s University – might help with him getting odds of 50-1 on Tottenham Hotspur winning the Premiership and Spurs actually doing so!
Reply to big brother. I am a doctor .. Though when I dared to express my views I was sent ( after a disciplinary meeting ) on a compulsory diversity ‘ training’ course to have a brainwashing refresh. The vast majority of doctors that post to the main doctor chat forum site in the UK ( access to doctors only) are lefties though. ( maybe because a large number are immigrants) .
BK, you’d probably get on with my medical mate. Sometimes, we’d meet up for a drink (pre lockdown) and the stress of keeping it bottled up all day would be visible. He’s having a hard time at the moment, and not just because of the workload. Hopefully, sometime soon we’ll be meeting up for a drink and a rant – we both need it.
Meanwhile, here’s a little something to cheer you up:
That would be the death of our world, certainly of Europe as One World Order is the main goal of the Demon and its helpers, Clinton/Bush and their likes.
I agree but if he is then there will be something approaching a civil war. But then again if he loses there will be something approaching a civil war. These outcomes are a direct result of the liberals and democrats refusing to accept his legitimate victory in 2016 and seeking to overturn the election result. They have politicised every institution and foolishly now expect all people to accept a Democrat win in November. They sowed a wind and now everyone is going to reap a whirlwind.
@lewis_goodall did brilliant reporting on the horrendous story of Covid19 getting into in care homes. He is now doing the same on the A’level scandal. Incredible work. Thank you for making ‘news’ real.
Apart from Countryfile’s tiny EV tractor that resembles a sit on lawn mower.
Move on to Bamburgh castle and we have an archeological dig regarding dozens of skeletons just outside.
After various chemical tests, the location from where these poor individuals came from were revealed.
As expected, most were from Scandinavia but they managed to squeeze in the fact on or two may have been from the Mediterranean area. “Jackpot” Anita gleefully speculates. “So. Multiculturalism and people coming from all over Europe…
My belief is that if there had no trace of any bones but those of Northern Europeans the BBC would have fixed the outcome. I don’t trust the bastards an inch.
In times past I had some liking for Ms Rani, but yesterday within the space of about a minute she uttered Wow,Wow,Wow (x2) and a Wowzer ! Does the BBC not have a dictionary to lend to it’s word bereft staff ? I wish the words Wow and amazing could be banned.
In ‘another place’ one of the *regular contributors here says, “Twitter has merit, as I think many of us now have our main interaction with the BBC through that medium. ” [* It might not be the same person, of course].
I am unable to comment in ‘the other place’ because I don’t want to use Disqus but I am intrigued by the above comment, does it mean that BBC tweets are all that he/she/it reads from the BBC? Does it mean that he/she/it thinks that most critical comment of the BBC is on Twitter?
If the later, then I am sure they are wrong.
I would go further and say that I really don’t see the value of Twitter. A lot of the BBC front-line staff seem to use it, but mostly just to re-tweet, which gives them the defence that they are ‘reporting’ not expressing an opinion.
Going by most of the tweet examples posted here and even if one follows the links, it is often not clear who is saying what, whether they are for or against. People have enough trouble detecting sarcasm in blogs so how people extract the correct meaning from a tweet is beyond me.
It would be like me posting here a picture of a black family and providing enough information that a reader might be able to tell that it is Tesco’s latest advert. In effect I would have re-tweeted Tesco’s advert.
But what would be my point?
a)Wow! Isn’t it wonderful that at last Black British actors are getting all the star roles!
b) What the hell! Do Tesco really want to annoy 90% of their customers?
Twitter would make more sense if they just stuck to YouTube’s ‘like/dislike’ buttons.
It isn’t enough to just say ‘BBC Bias!’, a case has to be made too.
I use the twitter more now that I don’t use the BBC . I’m selective in whom I follow – I never comment or retweet but find comments by the likes f Andrew Neill – or Norman Brennan on policing – mr Farage – as useful guides to what’s going on .
As for describing bbc bias – that – surely – is what this site it primarily about…
As my intake of BBC programmes, whether television or radio is virtually nil nowadays, Twitter is my main means of seeing what the enemy is up to. I think this is now the case for many.
Policewoman stabbed in the face by a man.
Probably a lone nutter but our state broadcaster is running a daily anti police campaign which provides a background to such an attack.
The Food Programme , Radio 4 12.30 pm .
” The place for hungry minds ” .
Today’s food on The Food Programme was
Slavery .
There was a tenuous link to sugar , tobacco , coffee but if you put a percentage figure on the content of the Food Programme it would be
Food ; 20%
Slavery 80%
which at least stops you thinking it should be called the BLM Programme , The Place For Racist Minds .
On the programme we had a professor of Wo Betide university who had studied for 50 years — yes FIFTY years — into the links between sugar and slavery .
Three things immediately strike you ;
Who pays for his studies , life
What good does it do
What is his mental health
Take a depressing subject , obsess about it for half a century and the BBC want you as an expert . About values we should have today !
The slave trade in the British Empire was abolished on 1807 , whence Britain spent one eighth of its wealth combatting this trade .
That’s one eighth of its wealth combatting something that did not pose a threat to its wealth , prestige , influence , security , social order , health etc .
The whole programme gave an impression that slavery only existed when Britain ruled the waves , that even now social justice stems from this and AS THOUGH WE DONT THINK SLAVERY IS OR WAS WRONG .
OK BBC , what’s your opinion about extracting money from poor folk to pay rich folk , like yoursevles ?
This is my best source of news. I do go on google and check out a few commentators but they are fewer in number than a couple of years ago. Sadly a lot of the bloggers I followed have gone down the covid conspiracy track and as a result lose their followers and their credibility.
Do you remember the days just a short while ago when the rise of commonsense and the populist agenda looked almost unstoppable? Ukip on the rise in UK and strong populist parties on the rise across Europe the BBC was about to fall? Well it has all changed now. The BBC is still there and getting even worse than ever before. Boris has turned out to be a very weaker version of what people wanted and the tech companies are more woke than ever.
I despair when i hear Covid conspiracy theories and see Delingpooloonies gathering in parks to thumb their nose at government regulations, like social distancing, which are designed to keep people safe.
The real truth about the Coronavirus pandemic that everybody fails to grasp is that nobody knows the truth about where it came from, how deadly it is, when it will go away how to treat it or what are the best measures to implement. All governments are guessing. Perhaps they have over/underestimated it. I think Jacinda Adern’s latest lockdown move was a bit of an overkill but
the public are largely behind it. And when a previous Tory leader tried to criticize her previous lockdown rules his popularity took a nose dive.
Thankfully in Britain Nigel Farage has taken up the issue of illegal immigration rather than squeal about minor restrictions when it comes to public health. The whole crisis was a time for patriots to really get stuck into the legal and illegal immigration issue.
When I saw that Boris’s government was still allowing people in, unchecked in many cases from places such as China and Iran I was astounded. Border control is essential to stopping the spread of Covid. A golden opportunity for Brits to campaign claim for their borders back.
Let’s hope that Farage keeps up the momentum. I have been critical of him in recent years but all praise to him now.
I’m sorry that my such good blogs as ‘Computing Forever’ , Politico, (and even PJW to a certain extent) have gone down the
frivolous Covid line. The right needs to regroup and regain support across the Western world and ridiculous opposition to public safety measures (however inept they may be) is an out and out vote loser.
Get real, activists.
“MPs warn of ‘wave of homelessness’ when eviction ban ends”
Are they serious? This, at the same time as they expect the taxpayers to fund 4 star hotels for all the illegal immigrants arriving daily on our shores. It is a safe bet that there are a lot of angry Tory voters in the country this morning.
Antifa have no elegance to liberal democracy, so obviously they want to rejoin the EU. Like Benito Mussolini, Antifa supporting students studied the ideas of Georges Sorel. Sorel’s emphasis on the need for overthrowing decadent liberal democracy and capitalism by the use of violence, direct action, the general strike and the use of neo-Machiavellian appeals to emotion, impressed Mussolini deeply. Mussolini and Antifa supporters used these ideas as the ideological basis for Fascism and Antifascism.
If the BBC says “Scientists agree”. It usually means environmental activists putting words into scientists mouths. Those scientists who protest get pushed sideways. Leading to a situation were a scientist has to be either a puppet of Greenpeace, left-wing, incompetent, corrupt or emotionally exited, to survive in media or public service.
Independent, competent, logical, unemotional scientists who use the scientific method, live outside this groupthink.
Like Donald Trump, Mensa and the Heartland Institute. It has Nikolov & Zellers amazing empirical repeatable fact that the carbon dioxide hypothesis is a “Hoax” as its most commented post.
BBC interviewee introduced, interviewee first response? “Thank you for having me”. There’s no where else to go to espouse your fakery so you have to be jubilant with a BBC exposure. Is this the explanation for the current growth in those ‘Scientists’ or experts using that initial retort?
R4 ‘Westminster hour’ was used AGAIN to push both Labour and Libdems (Wes Streeting decided on a points scoring, partisan, all out attack on the Tories and ALL ASPECTS of their activities.) In everything they were ‘universally incompetent’ and taking action to undercut the poorest students. Any Labour Education Secretary, dead or alive would not have done this, they claim!
Jo Cockburn let it all run & the Liberal Democrat survival and possible pact with Labour was discussed.
As allways, this programme was a Labour propaganda exercise, disguised as a discussion of substance. Surprise: It is not only Carolyn Quinn who is an anti-Tory Labour supporter.
If Starmer was going to be co-operative, Wes Streeting hadn’t heard.
Westminster Hour happily exploited Tory ‘splits’.
It is, as always, a Labour chat show.
NZ has 78 cases now
9 serious enough to be hospital
That sounds like it was probably there all the time undetected
.. unless they all came in in ships.
We are being invaded and Al Beeb, the nation’s main broadcaster hardly reports it ? The liberal laws aid and abet the invaders landing on our shores . In the interest of national security the government should declare an ‘emergency’ and change the laws before we have many more “lessons to be learned”. Action is needed now.
If the politicians were supposed to be so damned clever at doing their ‘jobs’, then why are they still learning lessons?
There are enough r and d stooges in Whitehall; they hopefully can use Excel, or Word, so why are the politicians still as thick as two short planks?
I know most of the HOL are pretty dim, but you’d have thought that for the eye-watering money doled out to the misfits in the HOC, somebody might actually have a clue about what’s going on!
“There are enough r and d stooges in Whitehall; they hopefully can use Excel, or Word, so why are the politicians still as thick as two short planks?”
As usual and fleetingly over recent days, I passed through a number of net news outlets and on one, (for the resident fact checker – I cannot say which) I picked up a concept that since the UK has been ‘Governed’ by the EU for so long, an independent Government has lost the knack. Therefore, Brexit will be more like a County Council suddenly having to take decisions for the whole country.
Guest – seriously – please thank Rita for me . A true laugh out loud . The idiot doing her ‘modi’ ‘cashmere ‘ thing had to stop herself from laughing as a human being and enforce her woke seriousness .
I’m going to have to think about the answer to the chaps ‘question all day . Maybe I’ll ask Jeremy vine …..
‘The Day Today ‘ is alive ????!
Nice point about whether a woman president who have to hand over to s man when her period was on. One for the Guardian / Wimmins hour methinks ….
"I qualify for absolutely no financial help" Amy is self-employed and couldn't get any government support during the pandemic. There is now a new scheme for those who've fallen through the cracks. More here: https://t.co/P5XEGej4z9pic.twitter.com/l0uzbBfTPf
This is all BBC narrative – bad Govt.. – I am self employed and know loads of others and we all think the Govt help has been very good.
What is unfair is those Public sector workers who have been on full pay whilst not going to work….maybe some of them should have only been paid 80% and the balance used to help fund exceptions….
I spoke with a PE teacher last week – hasn’t done any work for 5 months…..on full pay….great….why is he still on full pay?
Yes some people may have only just started as self employed and they probably did not benefit but there was support available – admittedly not a lot but something.
What I find is the BBC are disingenuous and make it seem like the help was all insufficient – they always find the bloody oddball….be honest say she is an exception….but congratulate the Govt on a well received support package.
How many times can the word Anxious be used on the BBC ?
EXCLUSIVE New analysis seen by the BBC shows in 41 A level subjects students at Sixth Form Colleges were given lower marks than the previous 3 year average – it’s based on 65,000 entries this year so a big slice of data
I’ve had to listen to Tony Blair on the pandemic on R4 Toady. Any interest I might have had in what he had to say is gone; he lied too often in the past, and whatever he has to say, the interests of the UK
won’t be top of his list.
At the mo’ Toady are running a pro-Biden story from Nick Bryant. We listen to a student who is switching from Trump to Biden (allegedly). Bryant is not worth taking seriously.
Followed by Polly Toynbee on the student issue! Don’t even want to listen to her.
Three in a row that have led me to switch off, only some ten minutes after switching on.
“At the mo’ Toady are running a pro-Biden story from Nick Bryant. We listen to a student who is switching from Trump to Biden (allegedly). Bryant is not worth taking seriously.”
Yes, a lovely little advertising ‘Puff’ for Biden from our Nick, wasn’t it? Brimming full of information I didn’t understand as it flew against the facts.
GW- CNN and people like April have been dreaming for the last four years that someone, anyone, would forcibly pull Trump from the white House. I doubt they’ve been too worried about The Constitution or the legality of such a move.
They have been on an ‘Obama high’, and haven’t come to terms yet with the fact their hero had to vacate. Can see why April might have wanted someone ‘of colour’ to continue, or -at least- someone female to take over.
We are merely entering a phase where April and Co now see a moment where this might be done ‘legally’ -if Biden wins, and they actually hope The Donald won’t vacate so he can be ‘pulled out’. This way their dream, built around envy, resentment and hatred, can finally come true.
Footnote: I have been researching Obama’s role in trying to overthrow the President (as he actually said he would in 2016) -something that is now hotting up. It is almost as interesting as the other topic I’ve been researching for years: who Merkel is, how she got into power ‘from nowhere’, how she hijacked the Christian Democrats to implement her socialist/green ideals, and how she has managed to manipulate politics to keep herself in power, with gross incompetence evident in all but one thing: staying No1! (Machiavelli, watch and learn).
Both these stories are equally interesting, and both are generally off-limits for the MSM in the two respective countries. I should say in Machiavelli’s defence that he had no MSM -in today’s power role- to contend with.
GW at 0833
No doubt that Justremainin was in full ‘A level results outrage’ mode at 0710. You could hear the glee as he gifted and fed the lines to the Labour Education spokesperson. Weirdly, she was quite temperate, doing what an opposition is supposed to do, OK, but actually resisting some of Webb’s goading. BBC Bias at its most craven.
But the quote from Jeffries you mention comes from the first peephole of sense I’ve heard on the BBC in five days. Bill WatkIn, head honcho of 6th form colleges, claimed these numbers which are based on his association’s analysis. They reckon they show OFQUAL have under-scored the sector compared with last year, when the aim was to be broadly balanced. He reckons they should just alter the algorithm, which basically means adjusting the grade boundaries. If his findings are accurate and the objective has not been realised, that seems reasonable to me and should be an easy win. Especially as he alone on the BBC has also enunciated the huge flaws which would obtain in simply allowing the teacher assessed grades (massively over-estimated and not standardised) to be used.
Problem then is that if the national figures are comparable but the 6th form colleges are under-cooked then for comparability with 2019, another sector would have to be downgraded !!!
The government of course will get the blame, as with Coronavirus. But yet again as with Coronavirus they have been set up to fail by the quangocrats who either wilfully for political reasons or by their inherent inability and uselessness, manage to continually c*** things up.
Just listened to Courtney Lawes the Black England Rugby player on R4 talking about the importance of marriage and the problems in Afro Caribbean relationships.
He was intelligent considered and open mined – whoever was interviewing him was a typical fawning lefty – and made the comment – in a simpering tone – that if a ‘white person or person of privilege’ said these things it would be racist…Firstly who and what are people of privilege???? Trevor Phillips? David Lammy, both people of privilege me thinks.
Secondly, Courtney Lawes pulled him up and said it shouldn’t matter who says these things – it is an issue that needs discussing – great, somebody open and honest that supports free speech, discussion and reasoned argument…regardless of race cred or colour…
I have no problem with anyone discussing issues around groups of white english drunks on holiday – but if you follow the BBC line – then only poor (under privileged) white people can discuss that…
Well done Courtney Lawes ….
and BBC, stuff your simpering narrative
andy- it will be up to us, and other little groups, to support Nigel and MAKE AS MUCH NOISE AS WE CAN ABOUT THIS INVASION!
The MSM certainly won’t. They are now obsessing over exam results and the pandemic. (Not even the economy, which should -along with the invasion- be on top of their list).
The BBC manufactures a crisis for a predetermined solution: everyone gets top A level grades and goes to university for political indoctrination – all underwritten by the taxpayer.
The Universities: are now passing everyone with a good degree for customer er I mean student satisfaction –> 30% get a first class degree and about 80 % get either a first or a 2-1 degree.
Almost forgot the BME (BBC Moaning Emole… Fed:)) in complement.
And of course it kicks off with anger…
A-level anger continues
So much anger….By Victoria King
Exam row continues
Anger over the awarding of A-level grades shows no sign of abating with Lewis Goodhall offering 30′ of fame to any Herbert prepared to look angry on cue, and now grammar school heads and sixth form colleges have added their voices to the BBC’s clamour for [unspecified] action. Students unable to sit exams this year because of the coronavirus pandemic had their grades predicted by teachers instead, but 280,000 results were subsequently downgraded as they were bigged up like a rapper track on Radio 1, leaving many without the university places and apprenticeships they had dreamed of. Which has never happened before, ever.
Ofqual – the under-fire regulator behind the system, but really it is the tories to blame – said its objective was to ensure national results were “broadly similar to previous years”, but the Sixth Form Colleges Association says it has looked at 65,000 exam entries in 41 subjects and found grades were 20% lower than historical equivalents. There wasn’t a single subject in which the results were above the three-year average, the body says. Studiously avoiding teacher boosting is what we think best here.
In a move that will deeply concern many Conservative backbenchers (or else, guys), the Grammar School Heads Association has also told the BBC “a great injustice has been done”. It says the “only fair outcome” is to revert to the grades predicted by teachers and for the limit of 5% extra university places in England to be lifted to absorb the additional students, as the teaching profession is soooo bored.
Pressure is growing from the BBC on Boris Johnson to take charge of the situation after criticism of Education Secretary Gavin Williamson’s handling of things by the BBC.
There could (c) BBC EdGuds be “a new wave of homelessness” in England when a ban on evictions ends later this month. That’s the warning from a group of MPs this morning. The ban was introduced in March to protect those hit by the pandemic and the MPs, mostly Labour and Liberal Democrat by amazing coincidence, say ministers should guarantee all local authorities can fund accommodation for rough sleepers for at least another year to deal with any surge. And Jez says to all fag-smoking. Stella-swigging lard bergs… stay on furlough and don’t pay rent.
The government said it would “continue to provide appropriate support” to those suffering hardship. Protections for tenants have already been extended in Wales and Scotland.
Elsewhere, self-employed workers eligible for government support during the pandemic can now apply for a second and final grant of up to £6,500. The first grant, launched in May, saw £7.8bn claimed by 2.7 million people, but unspecified critics say millions more will once again fall through the cracks. Read more on who can claim. Not you, Amy.
New Zealand’s prime minister, who is a woman, has postponed the country’s general election scheduled for September by a month amid a spike in coronavirus cases. How cool is that? Decisive. Earlier this week, the largest city, Auckland, went back into lockdown. New Zealand’s response to the virus has been widely praised by. well, us, with tough border restrictions, effective health messaging and an aggressive test and trace programme keeping deaths down to zero until they went up again.
Elsewhere in the world, 25 people have died with coronavirus in the despicable nearby Australian state of Victoria – making it the worst day for deaths in the country since the pandemic began. But the number of new infections remains broadly steady. And for the first time since mid-July, China’s Xinjiang province – previously a hotspot – has reported no new cases because boy, these guys can issue a press release to pass on.
The University of Bristol Medical School says urgent action is needed to examine why teaching predominantly focuses on how illnesses affect white people above all other sections of the population, given the meagre triage facts of actual population numbers. It comes after students of matter pushed for reform, saying gaps in their training left them ill-prepared to treat ethnic minority patients – potentially compromising patient safety. Stabby-stabby is not as much on the curriculum as needed. Hundreds of, well, a lot, of other UK medical students have signed petitions demanding teaching that better reflects the diversity of the country, as demands to redirect resources to minorities really get the public onside.
Read full analysis, given this is what the BBC does… ‘analyse’.
Smitha Mundasad
Another lame cubic garden Health reporte with several cousins feeding ‘source stories’, BBC News
“saying gaps in their training left them ill-prepared to treat ethnic minority patients”
That would also be like the mutilation of female genitalia then………….For the, “….students of matter…” of course.
As somebody that works in the field of patient diagnostic health care….We are all well aware of some of the differences based on race…and if you are interested then learn about it dipShi*e is what I would say. The information is there – and rather than just shout racism just see it as how it is and start teaching appropriately…
And as just about every medical conference I go to is attended by many Asian medics and they are also teachers then why is there a problem..this report is just another non report…how big can the bandwagon get?
In China they focus on Chinese people in Africa I am pretty sure there are loads of medics that focus on black people and in the UK, still 85% white, the the focus is historically on white people –
Funny though if you mention it on BBC you get vilified as a racist…Like diabetes in Pakistani men and the alleged greater impact of CV19…..it is never these differences but poverty and of course racist behaviour..
Compare and contrast the MSM response to Ahern’s decision to postpone the NZ election due to a ‘spike’ (of 7 people, was it?) to their hysteria when President Trump, really only thinking out loud about the opportunity for voter fraud created by postal voting, broached the same topic in the US, where the spike is -we are told -at 5 million+?
Have yet to see a whimper about Ahern.
MSM double standards, writ large.
Whenever I look at the BBC news website, I have to put my coffee aside to avoid a disaster from the inevitable reflex snort that happens on reaching the bottom of the page and seeing the ‘Why you can trust BBC News’ link.
I think their aim with the ‘fake news’ thing is to create a false dichotomy between themselves (and other mainstream sources that follow the same narratives), and alternative sources of news reporting which, while they may have their own biases, are popular and can present a different picture.
What they really do not want people doing is seeking out primary sources of data for themselves, and using their intelligence to do the analysis and come to their own conclusions. It is easy enough to find statistics from respected sources on any number of topics, such as economics, politics, demographics, COVID-19 and climate. While not perfect and needing due caution in interpretation, such data ought to raise in a thinking person’s mind questions that the MSM never ask. Similarly, when someone is accused of using a naughty word like, say, l*tt*rb*x, h*mb*g or bl**ch, the matter is in the public record and it is simple to check whether it was even said, and if so what the context was. The BBC relies on the fact that most people just don’t have the time or inclination to do this.
BBC will not be interested in the arrest of Millie Weaver, a right wing reporter, supporter of Trump and correspondent for the conspiracy outfit, Infowars. She has a following of many thousand supporters but other than the video she took whilst being arrested there is nothing substantial about the matter.
Fox News have briefly mentioned it here.
We have no idea what is going on, no serious investigation. Just a few You Tube bods speculating.
See this as a war on the right, its success measured by lack of general concern for right wing journos.
Her documentary ShadowGate has been removed from YouTube for ‘violating’ their terms of service.
It was up last night – @GerardBattenUK had tweeted about it – but I didn’t get a chance to watch it.
He said:
“If you want to understand what is happening in the world & why, watch this. Watch it before its taken down. A story that explains the Deep State war on Trump, BLM riots, etc.” Ezra Levant is crowdfunding to help with her legal fees.
Talk Radio : Farage is on .. Youtube lifestream ..which you can wind back and change the speed etc.
Mike says the A-levels topic is being done incessantly by MSM,
but that illegal immigrants is much more important
Farage spoke of having the Home Office in a trap
If people know of rural hotels being used, he wants to know.
When he publicised that a rural hotel in Priti’s constituency was being used
.. the HO immediately said that was a mistake cos rural hotels are never used. Refugees are only housed in urban areas.
One example given was cash been handed over to smugglers on arrival, but press not being interested in reporting.
– Active Patriot youtube .. nothing yet today
– Buska Patriot youtube
Activists are fond of saying
“It’s a myth that the Dublin treaty says the illegals have to apply for asylum in the first country”
.. The wording of the convention seems to say that the UK can return illegals to the first EU country they entered
.. I guess that could be difficult to prove.
Whether it a law on the seekers part is mute, but in the eyes of the public it does make it look like the seeker ir country shopping rather than seeking genuine safety. Therefore they are economic migrants not asylum seekers
@Nigel_Farage The Home Office has a statutory obligation to provide asylum seekers who would otherwise be destitute with accommodation. But they should be placed in major conurbations wherever possible so that appropriate support and services can be more readily provided.
Among all the news about Corona and school exams, let us not forget that the slaughter of mostly Christians by muslims continues apace across a vast swathe of the planet from Africa, through the Middle East, to Pakistan and beyond – entirely unreported by Al-Beeb.
During the last 30 days, there were 149 Islamic attacks in 21 countries, in which 807 people were killed and 671 injured, according to The Religion of Peace website, below.
(In reality the figure is much higher. In most Western countries the authorities will often classify attacks by muslims as ‘hooliganism’ or ‘antisemitism’ or ‘motive unknown’. See for example the recent killings in France: Youcef T. and Mohamed Y in Lyon, and Mohamed C., Moussa B., Sélim Z. and Mohammed A. in Bayonne.
Authorities and media throughout the West are now adept at hiding the identities of the culprits, or at least releasing details long after the story has gone ‘cold’.)
Last week it was interesting to see groups of pupils, parents and others, protesting about the grading of A Levels without exams, the very professional posters that were carried. It was obvious that these were not really spontaneous pupil + parent protests but something more.
I note this morning from the front pages of the newspapers and also on the BBC’s own Home and News web pages, that Picture Editors & Art Directors have twigged that pics of the mass produced protest posters and too many adults actually give the game away. The photo content today is very different from that of last week, or so it seems to me.
BBC radio news are running this format
“A level results are lower that the last 3 years average
.. here’s an anti- government spokesman from Labour
.. here another anti- government spokesman”
I wonder if the whole thing was cooked up by Labour and unions from the start.
Were any actual A levels taken this year ?
If no then these guesstimates would have already been known for 2 months so why wait so late to release them ?
They could have taken the teachers estimates, applied a correction to deal with teachers overestimates
Checked that correction left results in line with past years
And spotted anomalies likes pupils downgraded by 2 grades in 2 subjects etc.
Stew, “Were any actual A levels taken this year ?”
I think some private schools responded to the earliest (first) Government request for schools to re-open and so those pupils may have sat formal exams. That will have further enraged the Left, the teaching Unions, and any State sector pupils who have obviously been stoked up for these protests.
You can see from the photos how things have been organised for publicity purposes. Well, that’s my read of them anyway.
Victoria Derbyshire: My father was violent – I understand the terror of lockdown
Tragic, no one should have to tolerate domestic violence, and it does go some way towards explaining Ms Derbyshire’s total antipathy towards all things of the male gender.
Which got me thinking, if your remit was to provide impartial and unbiased news, who would you employ to present it?
@LewisHamilton tweeted
Took the day off on Tuesday, a day for myself and no phone, no training, just me and Roscoe on the water.
I had time to reflect on where we are in the world today,
everyday I see something upsetting happening, people being abused, people suffering.
… oceans and forest’s being destroyed.
2020 is such a heavy year.
But it gives me hope seeing people come together, fighting for justice
and doing more for our planet and the people in it.
I’m sending you all positive waves, keep pushing and inspiring those around you???????? /2″
(19K Likes vs 4K replies)
“just ME AND ROSCOE on the water”
Apologies – I thought I was posting this near Fedup’s comments about facemasks. Gremlins at work.
I went to the supermarket today and like a good girl put on my mask. It misted up immediately and I do like to be able to see what I am buying and the misting made things sufficiently difficult that I could have been buying rotten fruit and yellow broccoli. I came out of the store and needed petrol. Having only one mask and not wanting to handle it until I had finished shopping I then had to drive to the petrol station part of the supermarket with very misted up glasses. Obviously I have lived to tell the tale – but when measuring risks I am not sure where I was on the scale.
Why are the biased BBC trying to slag off the ‘Eat Out’ scheme?
Where I work the scheme has actually helped our business a lot and instead of people being Furloughed this week we have actually got more hours than usual. After a slow couple of weeks sales are up and it has helped secure our jobs during these testing times.
Why is their no balanced reporting? Why are the BBC not able to find someone who is running a business and has managed to benefit from this scheme by at least keeping themselves afloat and thus not have to Furlough anyone or lose any staff?
I will also add that the BBC website is full of articles about the exams results ‘fiasco’ and yet no one is yet to call out the unions for undermining the education of this country for the past five months.
Larege weding in Blackburn broken up by the police, Blackburn and Darwen have been in lockdown for weeks. The BBC manage to report the event without saying they are Muslims. Could the spike in Blackburn and Darwen be anything to do with cultural issues, obviously not according to the BBC.
A wedding reception of more than 100 guests has been broken up by police in Blackburn.
Blackburn with Darwen brought in extra measures on 14 July after a spike in Covid-19 cases to try to avoid a Leicester-style local lockdown.
Police said the event at Waheed’s Buffet and Banqueting Hall in Randal Street was a “significant breach” of restrictions putting people “at risk”.
The gathering on Sunday was dispersed and no further action was taken.
Lancashire Police’s Deputy Chief Constable Terry Woods said there were between 100 and 120 people at the venue.
He said: “The vast bulk of those people were asked to leave, they were very compliant, but in effect that wedding reception was closed down and what remained was a small number of people
“Today future action is going to be considered with the local authority to see what we can do with that premises to stop it happening again.
“For businesses we know it’s hard but we will name and shame places that flout the regulations to this extent and there will be consequences.”
In a statement on Sunday police said: “Disappointing incident in Blackburn this evening.
“Officers have attended a report of a significant breach of Covid restrictions, and found over 100 guests at a wedding reception.
“This is a clear breach of both local and national restrictions that puts everyone attending at risk.
“Officers have engaged with the attendees and at police instruction the gathering was dispersed without further issue.
“Please work with us to help keep everyone safe by following the guidelines and restrictions.”
Note the police grovelling….please work with US so it is US and THEM then ????
BBC tv news on a roll against Boris due to the exam fiasco. A very loud lead story. Not too difficult, since Tories are certainly incompetent.
A wonderful chance to hype up a story to hide away the INVASION. Beeb haven’t latched onto that to give Priti a hammering, for obvious reasons. (Silent approval?) Instead, go for Williamson.
Hotels all over the country, including Priti’s constituency, filling up with ‘refugees’. Border Farce and Navy (?) helping them to get here.
If Nigel Farage hadn’t made it his business to reveal this invasion tale, nobody else would. The British people can’t trust Con,LibLab, Plod, MSM, Border Farce, Navy, Civil Service, etc.
Big bbc hype story on the Democratic convention. Lotsa hurra for Kamala. Beeb have Jane O’Brian in Washington.
Beeb giving us full coverage of the Democratic (Non) Convention.
Barry (after 4 years of plotting against the President) will be speaking – great excitement. Bill (who should also be in jail?) ditto. Socialist, Sanders and his pal, Occasio-Cortez (great excitement) will also be there. But no crowds.
We will have Kamala coming out of our ears.
Presumably the only programme R4 won’t cancel to squeeze in Kamala, Cortez, etc will be Afua Hirsh’s thing on the African Rennaisance. (Big beeb theme -no surprise, but you have to chuckle at the topic v the reality of Africa).
Beeb in full propaganda mode.
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
I wasn’t going to comment on tonight’s Antiques Roadshow but the BBC excelled themselves this evening. Fiona had to chose between 2 pieces of glass. As usual most of the visitors were white, except for those surrounding Fiona. In the front row were 2 ladies in saris and another lady in western dress. Fiona asked the opinion of two of them. But there were also two very black ladies and Fiona went straight from the Asian ladies to the black lady immediately behind the expert. No white person was asked. It is getting annoying now.
Catchup links to last thread
where by coincidence I have already put the pic that Deborah describes on the end of my previous comment.(bottom of the page)
– page 2 started 9pm Saturday
… unusual to only fill up 2 pages
.. We were probably just about to start the third.
For some years I dealt in antique furniture. I taught myself the trade and listened to the old timers. ( I have done lots of things in my career. ) .I doubt that there are more than a handful of those from outside of the old English here who have any real interest in or knowledge of our past. We also have always had a real interest in good things from the world over. This is a very British thing and I have no doubt we are the last generation to have it. The young are mostly ignorant and show no sign of any interest in anything much. This show on the BBC is a fraud. The use of BME to try to show inclusivity fools nobody. The indigenous are barely really interested. Apart from the thought of money. There are exceptions but they are rare nowadays. The past is slipping away from us. I grew up in a time when the knowledge of our history and the artifacts that are part of it was common and quite normal. I worked as a youngster with well read countrymen who knew the literature of this country and thought it normal to do so. They have gone now.
I still buy the odd piece and I am amazed at what I can get and right under the noses of auctioneers and others. Last week i bought a William and Mary or maybe Queen Anne walnut piece. Miscatalogued of course for £50. Crazy price. Now 50 years ago it would have stuck out at once and made it’s price. I estimate in 1967 maybe 300 . My point is that it does not matter much. The BBC and our education system has dumbed down the people so much that pretending the people of BME origin are actually interested is no more unlikely than pretending that the average member of the crowd is interested. This as Mark Steyn says is the Age of Stupid.
I also noticed that Deborah, my guess is that this behaviour by the BBC has nothing to do with diversity, the BBC are simply doing it spitefully to try get at the people they detest, that being people like us. They know the average viewer is likely to be older and probably white but almost certainly a BBC license fee payer too.
It’s blatant and childish in the extreme and ultimately damaging to the cause of diversity. I cannot see how the people they home in on don’t feel a bit condescended too, like teacher always picking the fat kid out as the class hero.
Look, they have a props van filled with assorted BAMEs at almost every location they visit. Having managed to prise out two or three, and plonk them near the front, it would be churlish not to ask them…
Not so much the BBC but they are participating big time.
I heard the R4 News this morning and started to think about the fact that it now appears democratically elected Governments, especially in the UK, are going to be given a hard time and constantly undermined by Civil Servants, Trade Unions, various other special interest groups, the opposition in Parliament and the members of that Party amongst the general public plus the Mainstream Media (MSM) including, most of all, the BBC.
These groups will make it impossible for a democratic Government to operate and it seems this applies especially to a Conservative Party one.
We are getting into a dangerous place in the UK right now.
You just need to look across the pond to the States, which I believe is in a more dangerous position. The Democrats are allowing, in fact encouraging outright lawlessness in order to thwart Trump and prevent both his governing and his re-election. With the media covering for them at every step.
It may seem outlandish, but I am beginning genuinely to fear it will be tipped into civil war after the election as neither side’s supporters will accept the result. Perhaps even during the election. There are blatant attempts by the Democrats to rig the ballot, again with the media providing full cover. It is not unreasonable to assume foreign powers are behind this.
If they are prepared to go to these lengths to stop Trump, they must be utterly terrified of something he will do, and that can surely only involve large-scale criminality. And given these lengths, is it unreasonable to wonder if the coronavirus pandemic which has conveniently provided so much cover is entirely unconnected?
Check out the video of a boarded up NY on Zerohedge. The civil war has started. It is in it’s early phase. First you fortify and arm then you fight or leave.
If Trump wins it will be another Belarus.
BBC the other night:
Trump is accused of interfering in the workings of the post-office because he fears vote-rigging. Trump denies any such interference (5 words) The CEO of the post-office said they would not allow any gerrymandering of the postal system.
What’s the general impression being created here?
Until as recently as 2016 I would have dismissed your suspicions as ridiculous but since then events in the US and UK when powerful elites have tried to overturn democratic elections or referendums , make me think that you could well be right. Now I have no trust in any institution or media outlet. Indeed the truth and facts now seems to be an outdated concept and seems to have morphed into being whatever it is most convenient for any particular line of argument.
So would I.
RD & Dave, yes it is worse in the US and I really fear that if Trump wins narrowly over Biden, the Fascists, the Anarchists, the Leftists, (collective title – the Wrongists) will not accept democracy and wait for four years and then try with better policies. Instead, they will do what they did in 2016 but worse. And law abiding citizens may not stand for it and try to fight back.
Hopefully, President Trump (or Joe Biden) will win a convincing victory.
We used to say ‘What happens in the US will happen in the UK after half a generation.’ Never has that been more true. The UK Wrongists have obviously not accepted the result of the 2019 General Election and at present are just restricting, obstructing and – BLM apart – peacefully protesting. We saw in 2011 how quickly things can edge into anarchy and in 2012 into violence and arson here in the UK.
We are now in a disobedience stage in the UK. Hey, the Bible comes to life! Read all about it: 2 Peter.
I used to envy America as they at least did not have to deal with Brexit as they are independent from anything anyway but now our main issue is the pandemic while America have to deal with the same during an election period. It must be nerve wreaking.
I actually speak to a few Americans elsewhere and they are Republicans. Not huge Trump supporters as such but they don’t have any issue with him. They are however petrified of the Democrats perhaps much more so than were used to be over our awful Labour Party.
Either way one side will win and the other will declare war and no doubt our BBC will be reporting on it with smirks on their face.
smoogie, not sure if Biden wins well, that the Republicans will then declare war. I think they will accept defeat – they’ve had a lot of practice with Clinton and Obama – and will get on with sorting candidates and policies for next time.
However, if Biden wins narrowly and there are allegations of fraud and rumours of miscounting, then wilder elements among Republicans may kick off. They have guns in America. 🙁
Operation-Constant-Undermining does seem different to whole nation coming together like happened in war time, except for the spivs.
And there is the paradox that NHS is protected
even though it’s full of pervs and incompetents.
Repost : Effie Deans article :
The broadcast media has disgraced itself
The desire of the BBC Sky and ITV to punish the Tories for Brexit may have cost our economy billions.
The broadcast media was never willing to treat the Covid crisis as a national emergency requiring unity of purpose.
They never once strayed from their desire for Remoaner revenge.
It was this that made it impossible for us to have a Swedish style nuanced approach to Covid, which would have kept most of us in our jobs, our children in school and would quite possibly have saved lives at least in the long run.
Public Health (England) appear to have given up on Covid-19 statistics. Matt Hancock should take h-h-half an h-hour to ensure that the ONS takes over and provides similar stats, formerly the PH(E) province, to the BBC. I thought maybe as it is 48 hours on, that there would be an update here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 but there is not. It is still showing the numbers for 14 August.
I wonder why only Britain does not provide Covid Recovery numbers? All other nations do.
@NCBBC cos all recovery numbers are wrong
The weird thing is that all the countries do it, when they know they wrong.
We know that since the vast majority of Covid are extremely mild and are so not detected.
The number of people that get strong symptoms is less than 10% .
So when we had 1,000 people in hospital with it.
We knew that about 9,000 were at home
So when 700 walked out of hospital
Another country might have said 700 had recovered
We knew that about another 9000 had recovered
but it might be 10,000 or 8,000
So we couldn’t be giving an accurate number.
Up2, I think you and I have been sending thought waves to each other. I would have made this the subject of my first post – but longer posts on the ipad are complicated.
I am thinking that PHE, the BBC and possibly some of our glorious NHS are using the opportunity of the Covid to make things difficult for our government. Whether this is in the hope of delaying Brexit or punishment for Brexit or just because they hate the Tories.
I have a friend who is very senior in a Local Health Authority in the south. With all seriousness telling me that they cannot have two patients arrive at the same time for appointments even if there are two separate consulting rooms. They fear that should the two patients present at the reception desk at the same time, one might infect the other. I cannot believe people wouldn’t behave as they do at my local shops – that is if somebody sees one person go in, they wait until the first person is deep into the shop, or in small shops, goes out.
I am also told that every patient has to be assumed to have Covid in spite of the numbers suggesting nearly everybody doesn’t have Covid. This presumably means that there is a vast overuse of PPE equipment – and what do all the snowflakes say about the overuse of plastic?
I also know a very old frail gentleman living in London, not far from his local health centre. He needed a blood test. He was not allowed to go to the health centre for the test but had to travel – in last week’s heat, on buses to go to the hospital. How cruel can the NHS be?
Either Public Health England know they are to blame for the decision to send people who possibly had Covid from hospitals to care homes and are now terrified that they will get the blame for every Covid case (even though to quote my friend that the Covid tests ‘are rubbish’), or PHE want to justify their existence or they just plain want to undermine the government. Whichever option, I think they are best disbanded.
Finally, whoever made the decision to have the communist Ms Michie on the Sage panel? Could that have been PHE? Whoever it was should be shot as at best I would question whether someone so extreme politically can make a balanced judgement.
We have watched the BBC throughout lockdown paint everything with the bleakest of pictures. I am now seeing PHE and the NHS encouraging the country into inaction. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but I could believe these organisations are being driven by common goals and they were not the ones we voted for at the last election.
Apologies Fedup for the long post – but it will give you something to read during your house arrest.
Deborah – no worries – having been out of UK for a semi enforced 31 days I thought when I got back there would be more signs of life – but in my bit of NE Londonistan it seems as bad as when I left .
How the hell are people ever going to get back to anything like normality ? Even if there is no winter flu or recurrent of bigger covid infections . …..
There will have to be a reckoning over the care home scandal and perhaps this is why the current regime is so bizarre. They are afraid of what will emerge. My large surgery is really closed down but pretending to serve the town. It is a blue funk. They are really scared now. Our death rate has been dreadful and concentrated in the old and the vulnerable. Relatives are restless and want answers.
Here’s an answer for you.
‘covid19’ does not exist. Germ theory is wrong. You have been duped. This government is not in charge. The people who are have murdered millions of people in the last 6 months. They have only just started. If you don’t wake up quickly you will be living in a Technocracy that despises humanity and seeks to enslave it.
Just a very interesting statment I came across very recently connected to the European Society of Pathology. A Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association stated in an interview with Dr Stoycho Katsarov, chair of the Centre of protection of citizens’ rights, that, “No one has died from the coronavirus. People are dying with coronavirus, not from”. It’s the comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease that are killing people. He was clear that a pandemic should never have been declared and that in his opinion, covid-19 is nowhere near as dangerous as it’s been made out to be. He also said that autopsies of covid patients have not identified a specific antibody that can be used to identify the presence of the coronavirus. Criticising the WHO’s handling of the situation, Dr Alexov said it has manipulated and misrepresented information and is “creating worldwide chaos, with no real facts”. One thing he was certain about was that it won’t be possible to create a vaccine to tackle the virus, despite the assertions of Bill Gates. Irrespective of Gates, what is the vaccine we are told is being tested now? Is that a vaccine to combat Covid19?
I have tried to find a log of the daily R rate without success. Every now and then it gets mentioned in the media and occasionally people say how important it is. OK, if it is, how can I not find any official details?
I have a suspicion that it has never been above 1 in the UK from 1 January to date. I would love someone from ONS or the NHS or Dept. of Health to show I am wrong to have that suspicion.
I agree totally. The pandemic and every other issue such as exams are being used by the public sector and some MSM outlets as political weapons against the democratically elected government .The data we are presented with is at best selective , at worst outright lies , manipulated for political purposes by leftists who run just about every institution.
There is nothing to gain from the embarrassingly low numbers of people dying from this virus, so as the figures get lower they become harder to find.
You will have noticed a clever switch from deaths to cases and the media is now fixated on the latter as almost nobody is now dying from Covid-19 and hospital wards are empty of such patients. Yet the scare-mongering continues.
The latest ONS figures show five times more people are currently dying from flu than from coronavirus. But, hold on, a second wave may be coming. Who cares, let’s just get on life.
Up2 – too bloody right – I’m under house arrest for 14 days having had my civil rights removed at the drop of an unknown scientists ‘ hat – because someone has decided to follow ‘the scientific advice ‘. I really hope people ignore this madness ..
First these scientists are really not scientists. They are bureaucrats with an indifferent degree in a non-numerate discipline. They joined the civil service and a political party. With that you get to be Surgeon General in America. It does no mean that the Surgeon General is the best of the best Surgeons.
So too Chief Scientific advisor or Chief Medical Officer. Bureaucrats paper pushers. That is why they are so wrong in a crisis, in their own supposed discipline.
If your rights can be removed at the drop of a hat you never had any rights in the first place. Merely the illusion of them.
Yes, not forgetting the other main illusion – so-called, “Parliamentary Democracy”.
Fed I thought you were a mask rule enthusiast
and now there is a quarantine law
you aren’t an enthusiast for it !
Stew – i am pro face mask – but i am also pro competance . Testing at airports should have been started months ago . Yet no control or anything was doing at all .
Now they drop a 14 day house arrest at the blink of a civil servants ‘ eye .
And if youd gone throught the chaotic arrivals section at T5 LHR last week – with no distancing at all and exposing hundreds of arriving passengers together for an hour whilst the fools from Border Farce watched on – youd be cheesed off by the ineptitude of these ‘authorities ‘ too.
Im lucky – my business can survive 2 weekd house arrest and relationships will be adjusted . I cant go to church or exercise or go out – with or without an effing mask
Masking is of dubious merit if the spread is aerosolised. It is a useful placebo and helps the government appear to be in control. It also establishes a habit of submission. This is vital for them if the untested vaccine is to be forced upon 100% of us. If you refuse to wear a mask you can be fined. What about a vaccine ? Fine or inject by force?
It is a problem for them . Fining achieves nothing really except revenue so forcible vaccination will be necessary. To do that the state will have to find those prepared to assault a citizen with the possibility of a later charge when the regime changes. Large scale refusal will lead to a breakdown of civil order as citizens are dragged out and vaccinated by force. Make no mistake this is the scenario facing us and them . The UN is opposed to any such move as a fundamental attack on our human rights. That will change no doubt and as for the BBC it will take the side of power as always.
Dave – the mask might muffle the discharge of virus by coughing and sneezing – but the size of a virus versus the size of holes in masks is no contest .
But i still think masks are better than nothing . And if it turns out there is no vaccine we d better get used to using them for the unforeseeable future….
WE cannot mask the people indefinitely. I cannot wear one and have made the decision to sit this out and never ever go into a shop again or use any public transport ever. .I do not need to having reorganised my life. The mask prevents any society from really functioning. It is so alien to us that it actually diminishes our humanity in some way. In the end we will give it up out of self preservation .Apart from that it will finally destroy the shops as we know them .
AS I said it is part of the control mechanism they will need to get the vaccine into our bodies. The sight of a town centre full of masked shadow people makes me physically sick so I avoid it. This is no way to live.
I fully agree with your sentiments. I find it obscene to gaze upon these poor, frightened mask-wearing cretins everywhere I go. I won’t go shopping, at all. I send Mme Goat.
Thankfully, we live in the back of beyond in France Profonde, so this COVID nonsense has barely affected us – indeed, without news, and necessary trips to the shops, we’d never have known it was happening, at all.
Poor Mme Goat-still as long as she gets the wonderful pain, fromage et vin who cares? My wife and lived in France for 7 years a while back and although the excuse to return was to be able to see more of the grandchildren who we love, now however seeing and experiencing the destruction of the UK, I wish we had stayed in the Franch countryside where we lived-we both speak good French which gave us so much more from French life, making many friends, not only French, but Dutch, Norwegian, and of course UK guys and girls. An enjoyable time. Good luck to you Old Goat and Mme Goat.
WE cannot mask the people indefinitely. I cannot wear one and have made the decision to sit this out and never ever go into a shop again or use any public transport ever. .I do not need to having reorganised my life. The mask prevents any society from really functioning. It is so alien to us that it actually diminishes our humanity in some way. In the end we will give it up out of self preservation .Apart from that it will finally destroy the shops as we know them .
AS I said it is part of the control mechanism they will need to get the vaccine into our bodies. The sight of a town centre full of masked shadow people makes me physically sick so I avoid it. This is no way to live.
I went to the supermarket today and like a good girl put on my mask. It misted up immediately and I do like to be able to see what I am buying and the misting made things sufficiently difficult that I could have been buying rotten fruit and yellow broccoli. I came out of the store and needed petrol. Having only one mask and not wanting to handle it until I had finished shopping I then had to drive to the petrol station part of the supermarket with very misted up glasses. Obviously I have lived to tell the tale – but when measuring risks I am not sure where I was on the scale.
The mask policy of the Government has been incoherent and inchoate. Useless unless teamed with gloves and it is completely undermined, anyway, by having retail staff remain unmasked. They are the ones said to be most at risk of catching Covid-19 (working in a cold environment) and giving others the infection.
The best reason I can think of for compulsory facemasks in stores is that some people will continue wearing them in public (saw a guy walking on pavement today with big black mask and T-shirt which proclaimed him to be stupid) and thus completely subvert the introduction of facial recognition technology. That is more likely why the Government has taken that measure. Bojo’s Liberalism to the fore.
@Fed testing isn’t a magic solution
If there is a 2% false positive an also a low pickup rate in France
10,000 people fly in 200 people test positively falsely
say 1 tests positive cost they actually have it
and maybe another 1 or 2 tested negative , but it was too early and were not detected.
But is there room for some common sense ?
Person 1 might have driven in their own car to their own house in France eaten their own food and wife drives them back.
They never used the airport toilet or plane toilet
Person 2 might have been in and out of crowded nightclubs, long Uber journeys and eating take away food, used dozens of public toilets .
They are no where near the same risk.
Yes, ignore the madness and just ignore the quarantine period. Who’s going to check?
Sage – one of the factors is the cavalier way that they impose such rules – for ages we were told to stay in for 7 days if alone or 14 days if there were symptoms .
Now proportionality has gone out of the window . I’d like to think that if there were checks done on people – whole groups – say families who have been away be checked as they are higher risk than – say – a couple or singles .
But we have witnessed avoidable failure across the month in all parts of the government so shouldn’t be surprised at more .
Let’s face it -the only things achieved so far is getting out of the EU – sort of – and getting rid of DFID – sort of …..
Oh – and filling hotels across the UK with third world criminal invaders
Gosh. According to the BBC only Black girls achieved A levels
The BBC is well aware that Blacks dont do too well in Maths and Physics, or in inventing stuff
So we now have Black female coders being trained to dispel cynics and others
A school for Black women only. What a perversion of education based on merit.
In the wake of BLM, people ask what inventions Africans created that make Black lives important, and not as one would assert that All lives matter.
BBC tells us of great African inventions that changed the world. Egyptian civilisation is transferred to Black Africa. Its not a lie, but hardly anyone in Egypt would agree.
Hi NCBBC… looking at the 1st pic in the bbc link.. distancing rules definately do not apply to students??!! Why has the beeb not picked up on this
Cannibalism? Witch Doctors?
I wonder what the Woke Folk would do if someone opened a school for whites only. The way things are going we will soon find out.
Channel4 Derren Brown has set up a live stunt at someone’s home
… looks like two Nigerian women
name is Rhianna
The West has now given up all adherence to true inquiry and academic trustworthiness. The West is seized with false guilt. We will be seeing all manner of academic and scientific prizes handed to Blacks – men and women.
It wont be long before Norway, a fanatic PC nation, will be nominating Black female Nobel prize winners – particularly in Physics.
Meanwhile intelligent young White boys in Britain, and young White and Asian boys in America, will continue to be rejected by Ivy league colleges in favour of Blacks who barely got througn school.
It is imperative for the survival of the West that Donald Trump is elected again.
This crisis is of such magnitude that even if we had lost the war to the Nazis, we would not be faced with the disembowelment of all that is to be West.
The Democrats will get in eventually. The US is currently split but all the Universities and most of the schools and most of the media are strongly woke.
It’s Catholic schools that end up with the most pregnancies.
Kids rebel against constant propaganda.
One of my long term friends is a science teacher, we were at school together, and he sometimes likes to air various subjects in private because he feels completely muzzled at work. He used to be a complete lefty, but has changed slowly over the years, like me I guess. We have another good friend of the same age, who is a GP, who shares similar views, which may be interesting to those who assume ALL in education and medicine share the same ‘progressive’ ideologies. The truth is perhaps quite different, but those who disagree know their careers depend on them keeping their mouths firmly shut, for now anyway.
According to my teacher friend, the brightest 10-20% of kids in any year are clever enough and independent minded enough to work things out for themselves. They clearly see woke propaganda for what it really is, and are smart enough to reject it, although they might pretend to go along, just to fit in.
My teenage son and his friends are all very academic, and I sometimes overhear them talking on various subjects. If they’re a good representation of some of the brighter among the younger generation, I don’t think we need worry too much about the future, and I would predict ‘woke’ is just a fad (which is now very quickly going out of fashion). There’s a hard rain coming for some though, starting, I’d predict with higher education.
Nowadays whether or not you get an academic grant or whether or not you get your academic paper accepted for publication depends on things that include women and BAME representation,support, consideration.
Certainly agree with you there BoBotC, I worked in academe for a while after my first degree, and after a few years in research, did a short stint with one of the research councils. At the time (late 90s) the writing was on the wall, and we could all see where it was rapidly headed. I (and many others) couldn’t get out and into industry fast enough.
My feeling is that higher education has got so bloated now it’s about fit to burst, and there are going to be a lot of tears spilt over it, but frankly it’s high time it happened. My (hard earned) qualifications are worth d-all these days thanks for decades of: ‘education, education, education’, ‘positive discrimination’, political correctness, and now wokeness.
I’m not bitter about it, thankfully I’m in work, but I’m not about to encourage my son to go down the same route, and nor are most of the parents I know encouraging their (bright) kids to go on to Uni either. Along with the loss of foreign students, the academic bubble (totally dependent on bums on seats) is wobbling and about to burst.
I agree with you. However, when Capitalism disappears or that element withdraws from any enterprise, there’s no natural regulation. Because people vote with their pockets but when there’s so much money floating around from Government and other places, that natural state of affairs is lost and the whole merry-go-round continues unaffected.
Big Bro, a failed university will provide an interesting little problem for the Insolvency Dept. of a major firm of accountants. How can you sell a University and who would buy one?
I guess a billionaire with some delusions of grandeur might want one and to rename it after themselves. After all, our FedUp2 could do a degree at John Moore’s University – might help with him getting odds of 50-1 on Tottenham Hotspur winning the Premiership and Spurs actually doing so!
Reply to big brother. I am a doctor .. Though when I dared to express my views I was sent ( after a disciplinary meeting ) on a compulsory diversity ‘ training’ course to have a brainwashing refresh. The vast majority of doctors that post to the main doctor chat forum site in the UK ( access to doctors only) are lefties though. ( maybe because a large number are immigrants) .
BK, you’d probably get on with my medical mate. Sometimes, we’d meet up for a drink (pre lockdown) and the stress of keeping it bottled up all day would be visible. He’s having a hard time at the moment, and not just because of the workload. Hopefully, sometime soon we’ll be meeting up for a drink and a rant – we both need it.
Meanwhile, here’s a little something to cheer you up:
Calling out the racism in medical training
That would be the death of our world, certainly of Europe as One World Order is the main goal of the Demon and its helpers, Clinton/Bush and their likes.
I agree but if he is then there will be something approaching a civil war. But then again if he loses there will be something approaching a civil war. These outcomes are a direct result of the liberals and democrats refusing to accept his legitimate victory in 2016 and seeking to overturn the election result. They have politicised every institution and foolishly now expect all people to accept a Democrat win in November. They sowed a wind and now everyone is going to reap a whirlwind.
Historically all democracies descend into chaos followed by authoritarian rule.
Look what has happened to the Universities – in the past about 4% went to them and about 1-5% of them got a first class degree.
Nowadays about 50% of the student population go to University and about 30% get a first class degree.
Speaking for the nat… well, a certain segment.
He ‘liked’ it too. Probably just being polite.
Apart from Countryfile’s tiny EV tractor that resembles a sit on lawn mower.
Move on to Bamburgh castle and we have an archeological dig regarding dozens of skeletons just outside.
After various chemical tests, the location from where these poor individuals came from were revealed.
As expected, most were from Scandinavia but they managed to squeeze in the fact on or two may have been from the Mediterranean area. “Jackpot” Anita gleefully speculates. “So. Multiculturalism and people coming from all over Europe…
My belief is that if there had no trace of any bones but those of Northern Europeans the BBC would have fixed the outcome. I don’t trust the bastards an inch.
In times past I had some liking for Ms Rani, but yesterday within the space of about a minute she uttered Wow,Wow,Wow (x2) and a Wowzer ! Does the BBC not have a dictionary to lend to it’s word bereft staff ? I wish the words Wow and amazing could be banned.
In ‘another place’ one of the *regular contributors here says, “Twitter has merit, as I think many of us now have our main interaction with the BBC through that medium. ” [* It might not be the same person, of course].
I am unable to comment in ‘the other place’ because I don’t want to use Disqus but I am intrigued by the above comment, does it mean that BBC tweets are all that he/she/it reads from the BBC? Does it mean that he/she/it thinks that most critical comment of the BBC is on Twitter?
If the later, then I am sure they are wrong.
I would go further and say that I really don’t see the value of Twitter. A lot of the BBC front-line staff seem to use it, but mostly just to re-tweet, which gives them the defence that they are ‘reporting’ not expressing an opinion.
Going by most of the tweet examples posted here and even if one follows the links, it is often not clear who is saying what, whether they are for or against. People have enough trouble detecting sarcasm in blogs so how people extract the correct meaning from a tweet is beyond me.
It would be like me posting here a picture of a black family and providing enough information that a reader might be able to tell that it is Tesco’s latest advert. In effect I would have re-tweeted Tesco’s advert.
But what would be my point?
a)Wow! Isn’t it wonderful that at last Black British actors are getting all the star roles!
b) What the hell! Do Tesco really want to annoy 90% of their customers?
Twitter would make more sense if they just stuck to YouTube’s ‘like/dislike’ buttons.
It isn’t enough to just say ‘BBC Bias!’, a case has to be made too.
I use the twitter more now that I don’t use the BBC . I’m selective in whom I follow – I never comment or retweet but find comments by the likes f Andrew Neill – or Norman Brennan on policing – mr Farage – as useful guides to what’s going on .
As for describing bbc bias – that – surely – is what this site it primarily about…
As my intake of BBC programmes, whether television or radio is virtually nil nowadays, Twitter is my main means of seeing what the enemy is up to. I think this is now the case for many.
Policewoman stabbed in the face by a man.
Probably a lone nutter but our state broadcaster is running a daily anti police campaign which provides a background to such an attack.
The beeb pontificates: “What to watch for at Biden’s nomination party”.
Signs of a pulse, maybe?
He is toasted to the rafters whilst drinking his Complan and having his dribbles discreetly wiped away.
Meanwhile there is the political leadership triumph that is CA.
At least the fires burning in the swanky neighbourhoods give you better warning of approaching mobs.
vlad, either that or sweating and a dry cough. 😉
The Food Programme , Radio 4 12.30 pm .
” The place for hungry minds ” .
Today’s food on The Food Programme was
Slavery .
There was a tenuous link to sugar , tobacco , coffee but if you put a percentage figure on the content of the Food Programme it would be
Food ; 20%
Slavery 80%
which at least stops you thinking it should be called the BLM Programme , The Place For Racist Minds .
On the programme we had a professor of Wo Betide university who had studied for 50 years — yes FIFTY years — into the links between sugar and slavery .
Three things immediately strike you ;
Who pays for his studies , life
What good does it do
What is his mental health
Take a depressing subject , obsess about it for half a century and the BBC want you as an expert . About values we should have today !
The slave trade in the British Empire was abolished on 1807 , whence Britain spent one eighth of its wealth combatting this trade .
That’s one eighth of its wealth combatting something that did not pose a threat to its wealth , prestige , influence , security , social order , health etc .
The whole programme gave an impression that slavery only existed when Britain ruled the waves , that even now social justice stems from this and AS THOUGH WE DONT THINK SLAVERY IS OR WAS WRONG .
OK BBC , what’s your opinion about extracting money from poor folk to pay rich folk , like yoursevles ?
This is my best source of news. I do go on google and check out a few commentators but they are fewer in number than a couple of years ago. Sadly a lot of the bloggers I followed have gone down the covid conspiracy track and as a result lose their followers and their credibility.
Do you remember the days just a short while ago when the rise of commonsense and the populist agenda looked almost unstoppable? Ukip on the rise in UK and strong populist parties on the rise across Europe the BBC was about to fall? Well it has all changed now. The BBC is still there and getting even worse than ever before. Boris has turned out to be a very weaker version of what people wanted and the tech companies are more woke than ever.
I despair when i hear Covid conspiracy theories and see Delingpooloonies gathering in parks to thumb their nose at government regulations, like social distancing, which are designed to keep people safe.
The real truth about the Coronavirus pandemic that everybody fails to grasp is that nobody knows the truth about where it came from, how deadly it is, when it will go away how to treat it or what are the best measures to implement. All governments are guessing. Perhaps they have over/underestimated it. I think Jacinda Adern’s latest lockdown move was a bit of an overkill but
the public are largely behind it. And when a previous Tory leader tried to criticize her previous lockdown rules his popularity took a nose dive.
Thankfully in Britain Nigel Farage has taken up the issue of illegal immigration rather than squeal about minor restrictions when it comes to public health. The whole crisis was a time for patriots to really get stuck into the legal and illegal immigration issue.
When I saw that Boris’s government was still allowing people in, unchecked in many cases from places such as China and Iran I was astounded. Border control is essential to stopping the spread of Covid. A golden opportunity for Brits to campaign claim for their borders back.
Let’s hope that Farage keeps up the momentum. I have been critical of him in recent years but all praise to him now.
I’m sorry that my such good blogs as ‘Computing Forever’ , Politico, (and even PJW to a certain extent) have gone down the
frivolous Covid line. The right needs to regroup and regain support across the Western world and ridiculous opposition to public safety measures (however inept they may be) is an out and out vote loser.
Get real, activists.
“MPs warn of ‘wave of homelessness’ when eviction ban ends”
Are they serious? This, at the same time as they expect the taxpayers to fund 4 star hotels for all the illegal immigrants arriving daily on our shores. It is a safe bet that there are a lot of angry Tory voters in the country this morning.
BBC groupthink
“Seven things you need to know about Antifa
The truth
Antifa have no elegance to liberal democracy, so obviously they want to rejoin the EU. Like Benito Mussolini, Antifa supporting students studied the ideas of Georges Sorel. Sorel’s emphasis on the need for overthrowing decadent liberal democracy and capitalism by the use of violence, direct action, the general strike and the use of neo-Machiavellian appeals to emotion, impressed Mussolini deeply. Mussolini and Antifa supporters used these ideas as the ideological basis for Fascism and Antifascism.
If the BBC says “Scientists agree”. It usually means environmental activists putting words into scientists mouths. Those scientists who protest get pushed sideways. Leading to a situation were a scientist has to be either a puppet of Greenpeace, left-wing, incompetent, corrupt or emotionally exited, to survive in media or public service.
Independent, competent, logical, unemotional scientists who use the scientific method, live outside this groupthink.
They also talk about the morons at the BBC: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2020/08/14/bbc-promotes-its-climate-agenda-on-the-back-of-recent-train-crash/comment-page-1/
Like Donald Trump, Mensa and the Heartland Institute. It has Nikolov & Zellers amazing empirical repeatable fact that the carbon dioxide hypothesis is a “Hoax” as its most commented post.
BBC interviewee introduced, interviewee first response? “Thank you for having me”. There’s no where else to go to espouse your fakery so you have to be jubilant with a BBC exposure. Is this the explanation for the current growth in those ‘Scientists’ or experts using that initial retort?
R4 ‘Westminster hour’ was used AGAIN to push both Labour and Libdems (Wes Streeting decided on a points scoring, partisan, all out attack on the Tories and ALL ASPECTS of their activities.) In everything they were ‘universally incompetent’ and taking action to undercut the poorest students. Any Labour Education Secretary, dead or alive would not have done this, they claim!
Jo Cockburn let it all run & the Liberal Democrat survival and possible pact with Labour was discussed.
As allways, this programme was a Labour propaganda exercise, disguised as a discussion of substance. Surprise: It is not only Carolyn Quinn who is an anti-Tory Labour supporter.
If Starmer was going to be co-operative, Wes Streeting hadn’t heard.
Westminster Hour happily exploited Tory ‘splits’.
It is, as always, a Labour chat show.
BBC, Guardian, Independent front pages this morning = “dogs”
The Exam results fiasco = “bone”
The Graun does cover other stories.
Redefining ‘essential’.
Newsnight probably flying BS out for a special.
Also NZ.
Reactions in the media can vary according to political affiliation.
NZ has 78 cases now
9 serious enough to be hospital
That sounds like it was probably there all the time undetected
.. unless they all came in in ships.
…and I thought Trump was told he ‘wasn’t allowed’ to delay the US election, because of Coronavirus.
I’ve just noticed, if you stuck a little black moustache on her…
It’s a good job he didn’t eat it,he would be shitting bricks for a few days.
That’s gotta be poster name and posting gold, right there!
Well, there is a surprise.
We are being invaded and Al Beeb, the nation’s main broadcaster hardly reports it ? The liberal laws aid and abet the invaders landing on our shores . In the interest of national security the government should declare an ‘emergency’ and change the laws before we have many more “lessons to be learned”. Action is needed now.
Aaaaah “lessons to be learned”
The panacea of all inactivity!
If the politicians were supposed to be so damned clever at doing their ‘jobs’, then why are they still learning lessons?
There are enough r and d stooges in Whitehall; they hopefully can use Excel, or Word, so why are the politicians still as thick as two short planks?
I know most of the HOL are pretty dim, but you’d have thought that for the eye-watering money doled out to the misfits in the HOC, somebody might actually have a clue about what’s going on!
“There are enough r and d stooges in Whitehall; they hopefully can use Excel, or Word, so why are the politicians still as thick as two short planks?”
As usual and fleetingly over recent days, I passed through a number of net news outlets and on one, (for the resident fact checker – I cannot say which) I picked up a concept that since the UK has been ‘Governed’ by the EU for so long, an independent Government has lost the knack. Therefore, Brexit will be more like a County Council suddenly having to take decisions for the whole country.
OT, but if Americast is not dedicated to BS and Katty Kay holding mobiles at each other whilst screeching how they are speechless, irony is dead.
Guest – seriously – please thank Rita for me . A true laugh out loud . The idiot doing her ‘modi’ ‘cashmere ‘ thing had to stop herself from laughing as a human being and enforce her woke seriousness .
I’m going to have to think about the answer to the chaps ‘question all day . Maybe I’ll ask Jeremy vine …..
‘The Day Today ‘ is alive ????!
Nice point about whether a woman president who have to hand over to s man when her period was on. One for the Guardian / Wimmins hour methinks ….
I would but… we’ll… blocked… transparently.
Guest – I think the tittie question should be put to the candidates in the TV duel …. might be the only question poor Joe doesn’t get stuck on …..
“Cracks can be bigger than they appear”
This is all BBC narrative – bad Govt.. – I am self employed and know loads of others and we all think the Govt help has been very good.
What is unfair is those Public sector workers who have been on full pay whilst not going to work….maybe some of them should have only been paid 80% and the balance used to help fund exceptions….
I spoke with a PE teacher last week – hasn’t done any work for 5 months…..on full pay….great….why is he still on full pay?
Yes some people may have only just started as self employed and they probably did not benefit but there was support available – admittedly not a lot but something.
What I find is the BBC are disingenuous and make it seem like the help was all insufficient – they always find the bloody oddball….be honest say she is an exception….but congratulate the Govt on a well received support package.
How many times can the word Anxious be used on the BBC ?
Lucky for us the bbc is professional and impartial.
Especially amongst older, more professional staff.
And then, of course, the younger end…
Sources say.
Branwyn not being political.
Maybe a bit vague, if not selective.
I’ve had to listen to Tony Blair on the pandemic on R4 Toady. Any interest I might have had in what he had to say is gone; he lied too often in the past, and whatever he has to say, the interests of the UK
won’t be top of his list.
At the mo’ Toady are running a pro-Biden story from Nick Bryant. We listen to a student who is switching from Trump to Biden (allegedly). Bryant is not worth taking seriously.
Followed by Polly Toynbee on the student issue! Don’t even want to listen to her.
Three in a row that have led me to switch off, only some ten minutes after switching on.
“At the mo’ Toady are running a pro-Biden story from Nick Bryant. We listen to a student who is switching from Trump to Biden (allegedly). Bryant is not worth taking seriously.”
Yes, a lovely little advertising ‘Puff’ for Biden from our Nick, wasn’t it? Brimming full of information I didn’t understand as it flew against the facts.
So, guess where Jon and the rest of the BS team will be embedded come the revolution?
Maybe a few tips from JezBo on where not to stand….
GW- CNN and people like April have been dreaming for the last four years that someone, anyone, would forcibly pull Trump from the white House. I doubt they’ve been too worried about The Constitution or the legality of such a move.
They have been on an ‘Obama high’, and haven’t come to terms yet with the fact their hero had to vacate. Can see why April might have wanted someone ‘of colour’ to continue, or -at least- someone female to take over.
We are merely entering a phase where April and Co now see a moment where this might be done ‘legally’ -if Biden wins, and they actually hope The Donald won’t vacate so he can be ‘pulled out’. This way their dream, built around envy, resentment and hatred, can finally come true.
Footnote: I have been researching Obama’s role in trying to overthrow the President (as he actually said he would in 2016) -something that is now hotting up. It is almost as interesting as the other topic I’ve been researching for years: who Merkel is, how she got into power ‘from nowhere’, how she hijacked the Christian Democrats to implement her socialist/green ideals, and how she has managed to manipulate politics to keep herself in power, with gross incompetence evident in all but one thing: staying No1! (Machiavelli, watch and learn).
Both these stories are equally interesting, and both are generally off-limits for the MSM in the two respective countries. I should say in Machiavelli’s defence that he had no MSM -in today’s power role- to contend with.
What is BS
‘Beauty Squad’, but other meanings are possible for Jon’s cabal, especially when Emily lobs up.
GW, ‘coven’ ?
GW at 0833
No doubt that Justremainin was in full ‘A level results outrage’ mode at 0710. You could hear the glee as he gifted and fed the lines to the Labour Education spokesperson. Weirdly, she was quite temperate, doing what an opposition is supposed to do, OK, but actually resisting some of Webb’s goading. BBC Bias at its most craven.
But the quote from Jeffries you mention comes from the first peephole of sense I’ve heard on the BBC in five days. Bill WatkIn, head honcho of 6th form colleges, claimed these numbers which are based on his association’s analysis. They reckon they show OFQUAL have under-scored the sector compared with last year, when the aim was to be broadly balanced. He reckons they should just alter the algorithm, which basically means adjusting the grade boundaries. If his findings are accurate and the objective has not been realised, that seems reasonable to me and should be an easy win. Especially as he alone on the BBC has also enunciated the huge flaws which would obtain in simply allowing the teacher assessed grades (massively over-estimated and not standardised) to be used.
Problem then is that if the national figures are comparable but the 6th form colleges are under-cooked then for comparability with 2019, another sector would have to be downgraded !!!
The government of course will get the blame, as with Coronavirus. But yet again as with Coronavirus they have been set up to fail by the quangocrats who either wilfully for political reasons or by their inherent inability and uselessness, manage to continually c*** things up.
Just listened to Courtney Lawes the Black England Rugby player on R4 talking about the importance of marriage and the problems in Afro Caribbean relationships.
He was intelligent considered and open mined – whoever was interviewing him was a typical fawning lefty – and made the comment – in a simpering tone – that if a ‘white person or person of privilege’ said these things it would be racist…Firstly who and what are people of privilege???? Trevor Phillips? David Lammy, both people of privilege me thinks.
Secondly, Courtney Lawes pulled him up and said it shouldn’t matter who says these things – it is an issue that needs discussing – great, somebody open and honest that supports free speech, discussion and reasoned argument…regardless of race cred or colour…
I have no problem with anyone discussing issues around groups of white english drunks on holiday – but if you follow the BBC line – then only poor (under privileged) white people can discuss that…
Well done Courtney Lawes ….
and BBC, stuff your simpering narrative
Looking on the bBC news website this morning
Still nothing about the invaders from France.
Its really is a no news days on their website..
Morrisons considers ditching plastics bags (considering, so this might not happen)
Who pays the tele tax for this rubbish!
andy- it will be up to us, and other little groups, to support Nigel and MAKE AS MUCH NOISE AS WE CAN ABOUT THIS INVASION!
The MSM certainly won’t. They are now obsessing over exam results and the pandemic. (Not even the economy, which should -along with the invasion- be on top of their list).
There is no “crisis” with the exam system.
The BBC manufactures a crisis for a predetermined solution: everyone gets top A level grades and goes to university for political indoctrination – all underwritten by the taxpayer.
The Universities: are now passing everyone with a good degree for customer er I mean student satisfaction –> 30% get a first class degree and about 80 % get either a first or a 2-1 degree.
Almost forgot the BME (BBC Moaning Emole… Fed:)) in complement.
And of course it kicks off with anger…
A-level anger continues
So much anger….By Victoria King
Exam row continues
Anger over the awarding of A-level grades shows no sign of abating with Lewis Goodhall offering 30′ of fame to any Herbert prepared to look angry on cue, and now grammar school heads and sixth form colleges have added their voices to the BBC’s clamour for [unspecified] action. Students unable to sit exams this year because of the coronavirus pandemic had their grades predicted by teachers instead, but 280,000 results were subsequently downgraded as they were bigged up like a rapper track on Radio 1, leaving many without the university places and apprenticeships they had dreamed of. Which has never happened before, ever.
Ofqual – the under-fire regulator behind the system, but really it is the tories to blame – said its objective was to ensure national results were “broadly similar to previous years”, but the Sixth Form Colleges Association says it has looked at 65,000 exam entries in 41 subjects and found grades were 20% lower than historical equivalents. There wasn’t a single subject in which the results were above the three-year average, the body says. Studiously avoiding teacher boosting is what we think best here.
In a move that will deeply concern many Conservative backbenchers (or else, guys), the Grammar School Heads Association has also told the BBC “a great injustice has been done”. It says the “only fair outcome” is to revert to the grades predicted by teachers and for the limit of 5% extra university places in England to be lifted to absorb the additional students, as the teaching profession is soooo bored.
Pressure is growing from the BBC on Boris Johnson to take charge of the situation after criticism of Education Secretary Gavin Williamson’s handling of things by the BBC.
And next, fear… so much fear…
Homelessness fears
There could (c) BBC EdGuds be “a new wave of homelessness” in England when a ban on evictions ends later this month. That’s the warning from a group of MPs this morning. The ban was introduced in March to protect those hit by the pandemic and the MPs, mostly Labour and Liberal Democrat by amazing coincidence, say ministers should guarantee all local authorities can fund accommodation for rough sleepers for at least another year to deal with any surge. And Jez says to all fag-smoking. Stella-swigging lard bergs… stay on furlough and don’t pay rent.
The government said it would “continue to provide appropriate support” to those suffering hardship. Protections for tenants have already been extended in Wales and Scotland.
Elsewhere, self-employed workers eligible for government support during the pandemic can now apply for a second and final grant of up to £6,500. The first grant, launched in May, saw £7.8bn claimed by 2.7 million people, but unspecified critics say millions more will once again fall through the cracks. Read more on who can claim. Not you, Amy.
Next, the glory that is St. Jac.
Election delayed
New Zealand’s prime minister, who is a woman, has postponed the country’s general election scheduled for September by a month amid a spike in coronavirus cases. How cool is that? Decisive. Earlier this week, the largest city, Auckland, went back into lockdown. New Zealand’s response to the virus has been widely praised by. well, us, with tough border restrictions, effective health messaging and an aggressive test and trace programme keeping deaths down to zero until they went up again.
Elsewhere in the world, 25 people have died with coronavirus in the despicable nearby Australian state of Victoria – making it the worst day for deaths in the country since the pandemic began. But the number of new infections remains broadly steady. And for the first time since mid-July, China’s Xinjiang province – previously a hotspot – has reported no new cases because boy, these guys can issue a press release to pass on.
And finally, what else/ Raciiiiism!
Calling out racism in medical training
The University of Bristol Medical School says urgent action is needed to examine why teaching predominantly focuses on how illnesses affect white people above all other sections of the population, given the meagre triage facts of actual population numbers. It comes after students of matter pushed for reform, saying gaps in their training left them ill-prepared to treat ethnic minority patients – potentially compromising patient safety. Stabby-stabby is not as much on the curriculum as needed. Hundreds of, well, a lot, of other UK medical students have signed petitions demanding teaching that better reflects the diversity of the country, as demands to redirect resources to minorities really get the public onside.
Read full analysis, given this is what the BBC does… ‘analyse’.
Smitha Mundasad
Another lame cubic garden Health reporte with several cousins feeding ‘source stories’, BBC News
An essay to complement that from Effie as shared by RD.
BbC News
“I thought if I am to die tomorrow of coronavirus, would people feel less sad about my death because I was overweight?”
Body positivity vloggers have said they feel ‘blamed and shamed’ by the UK government’s obesity strategy.
bbc.in/31XVYOH (via BBC London)
Nolan Show sorted.
And the Fail will deffo have Gemma’s peachy canyons on another holiday.
“saying gaps in their training left them ill-prepared to treat ethnic minority patients”
That would also be like the mutilation of female genitalia then………….For the, “….students of matter…” of course.
As somebody that works in the field of patient diagnostic health care….We are all well aware of some of the differences based on race…and if you are interested then learn about it dipShi*e is what I would say. The information is there – and rather than just shout racism just see it as how it is and start teaching appropriately…
And as just about every medical conference I go to is attended by many Asian medics and they are also teachers then why is there a problem..this report is just another non report…how big can the bandwagon get?
In China they focus on Chinese people in Africa I am pretty sure there are loads of medics that focus on black people and in the UK, still 85% white, the the focus is historically on white people –
Funny though if you mention it on BBC you get vilified as a racist…Like diabetes in Pakistani men and the alleged greater impact of CV19…..it is never these differences but poverty and of course racist behaviour..
Compare and contrast the MSM response to Ahern’s decision to postpone the NZ election due to a ‘spike’ (of 7 people, was it?) to their hysteria when President Trump, really only thinking out loud about the opportunity for voter fraud created by postal voting, broached the same topic in the US, where the spike is -we are told -at 5 million+?
Have yet to see a whimper about Ahern.
MSM double standards, writ large.
Whenever I look at the BBC news website, I have to put my coffee aside to avoid a disaster from the inevitable reflex snort that happens on reaching the bottom of the page and seeing the ‘Why you can trust BBC News’ link.
I think their aim with the ‘fake news’ thing is to create a false dichotomy between themselves (and other mainstream sources that follow the same narratives), and alternative sources of news reporting which, while they may have their own biases, are popular and can present a different picture.
What they really do not want people doing is seeking out primary sources of data for themselves, and using their intelligence to do the analysis and come to their own conclusions. It is easy enough to find statistics from respected sources on any number of topics, such as economics, politics, demographics, COVID-19 and climate. While not perfect and needing due caution in interpretation, such data ought to raise in a thinking person’s mind questions that the MSM never ask. Similarly, when someone is accused of using a naughty word like, say, l*tt*rb*x, h*mb*g or bl**ch, the matter is in the public record and it is simple to check whether it was even said, and if so what the context was. The BBC relies on the fact that most people just don’t have the time or inclination to do this.
The BBC ‘snort reflex’ that should be on every medical syllabus. 🙂
BBC will not be interested in the arrest of Millie Weaver, a right wing reporter, supporter of Trump and correspondent for the conspiracy outfit, Infowars. She has a following of many thousand supporters but other than the video she took whilst being arrested there is nothing substantial about the matter.
Fox News have briefly mentioned it here.
We have no idea what is going on, no serious investigation. Just a few You Tube bods speculating.
See this as a war on the right, its success measured by lack of general concern for right wing journos.
Be very careful Fedup2.
Her documentary ShadowGate has been removed from YouTube for ‘violating’ their terms of service.
It was up last night – @GerardBattenUK had tweeted about it – but I didn’t get a chance to watch it.
He said:
“If you want to understand what is happening in the world & why, watch this. Watch it before its taken down. A story that explains the Deep State war on Trump, BLM riots, etc.”
Ezra Levant is crowdfunding to help with her legal fees.
I believe it turns out to be some domestic matter with her mother.
Talk Radio : Farage is on ..
Youtube lifestream ..which you can wind back and change the speed etc.
Mike says the A-levels topic is being done incessantly by MSM,
but that illegal immigrants is much more important
Farage spoke of having the Home Office in a trap
If people know of rural hotels being used, he wants to know.
When he publicised that a rural hotel in Priti’s constituency was being used
.. the HO immediately said that was a mistake cos rural hotels are never used. Refugees are only housed in urban areas.
One example given was cash been handed over to smugglers on arrival, but press not being interested in reporting.
– Active Patriot youtube .. nothing yet today
– Buska Patriot youtube
HO tweets to Farage
Activists are fond of saying
“It’s a myth that the Dublin treaty says the illegals have to apply for asylum in the first country”
.. The wording of the convention seems to say that the UK can return illegals to the first EU country they entered
.. I guess that could be difficult to prove.
Whether it a law on the seekers part is mute, but in the eyes of the public it does make it look like the seeker ir country shopping rather than seeking genuine safety. Therefore they are economic migrants not asylum seekers
Among all the news about Corona and school exams, let us not forget that the slaughter of mostly Christians by muslims continues apace across a vast swathe of the planet from Africa, through the Middle East, to Pakistan and beyond – entirely unreported by Al-Beeb.
During the last 30 days, there were 149 Islamic attacks in 21 countries, in which 807 people were killed and 671 injured, according to The Religion of Peace website, below.
(In reality the figure is much higher. In most Western countries the authorities will often classify attacks by muslims as ‘hooliganism’ or ‘antisemitism’ or ‘motive unknown’. See for example the recent killings in France: Youcef T. and Mohamed Y in Lyon, and Mohamed C., Moussa B., Sélim Z. and Mohammed A. in Bayonne.
Authorities and media throughout the West are now adept at hiding the identities of the culprits, or at least releasing details long after the story has gone ‘cold’.)
Hey Beeb, what happened to Silence is Violence?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – someone else has noticed
Last week it was interesting to see groups of pupils, parents and others, protesting about the grading of A Levels without exams, the very professional posters that were carried. It was obvious that these were not really spontaneous pupil + parent protests but something more.
I note this morning from the front pages of the newspapers and also on the BBC’s own Home and News web pages, that Picture Editors & Art Directors have twigged that pics of the mass produced protest posters and too many adults actually give the game away. The photo content today is very different from that of last week, or so it seems to me.
Comments, anyone?
BBC radio news are running this format
“A level results are lower that the last 3 years average
.. here’s an anti- government spokesman from Labour
.. here another anti- government spokesman”
I wonder if the whole thing was cooked up by Labour and unions from the start.
Were any actual A levels taken this year ?
If no then these guesstimates would have already been known for 2 months so why wait so late to release them ?
They could have taken the teachers estimates, applied a correction to deal with teachers overestimates
Checked that correction left results in line with past years
And spotted anomalies likes pupils downgraded by 2 grades in 2 subjects etc.
Stew, “Were any actual A levels taken this year ?”
I think some private schools responded to the earliest (first) Government request for schools to re-open and so those pupils may have sat formal exams. That will have further enraged the Left, the teaching Unions, and any State sector pupils who have obviously been stoked up for these protests.
You can see from the photos how things have been organised for publicity purposes. Well, that’s my read of them anyway.
Victoria Derbyshire: My father was violent – I understand the terror of lockdown
Tragic, no one should have to tolerate domestic violence, and it does go some way towards explaining Ms Derbyshire’s total antipathy towards all things of the male gender.
Which got me thinking, if your remit was to provide impartial and unbiased news, who would you employ to present it?
Viewpoint: What would a world without prisons be like?
Spoken by someone who has never been a victim of serious crime.
The general rule that reporters should report other people’s stories
.. not become the story itself.
There is a special situation with people like TR, but even then the real victims are those raped & enslaved etc.
Not a big fan of V.D.
Thats why my comment was banned on 1 of the bBC forums 🙂
Lewis Hamilton cAlled out by PJW
“just ME AND ROSCOE on the water”
Apologies – I thought I was posting this near Fedup’s comments about facemasks. Gremlins at work.
I went to the supermarket today and like a good girl put on my mask. It misted up immediately and I do like to be able to see what I am buying and the misting made things sufficiently difficult that I could have been buying rotten fruit and yellow broccoli. I came out of the store and needed petrol. Having only one mask and not wanting to handle it until I had finished shopping I then had to drive to the petrol station part of the supermarket with very misted up glasses. Obviously I have lived to tell the tale – but when measuring risks I am not sure where I was on the scale.
I notice on today’s Nigel Farage video on YT that hotels in Priti’s own backyard are now filling up with ‘migrants’!
Interesting watch!
Why are the biased BBC trying to slag off the ‘Eat Out’ scheme?
Where I work the scheme has actually helped our business a lot and instead of people being Furloughed this week we have actually got more hours than usual. After a slow couple of weeks sales are up and it has helped secure our jobs during these testing times.
Why is their no balanced reporting? Why are the BBC not able to find someone who is running a business and has managed to benefit from this scheme by at least keeping themselves afloat and thus not have to Furlough anyone or lose any staff?
Same reason there is not a single mention of it anywhere in Scotland or on scotgov.
Its a Tory thing, and therefore evil.
Climate change computer algorithms…… Good and accurate..
A level results computer algorithm……Bad and inaccurate..
I will also add that the BBC website is full of articles about the exams results ‘fiasco’ and yet no one is yet to call out the unions for undermining the education of this country for the past five months.
Just appalling bias
Larege weding in Blackburn broken up by the police, Blackburn and Darwen have been in lockdown for weeks. The BBC manage to report the event without saying they are Muslims. Could the spike in Blackburn and Darwen be anything to do with cultural issues, obviously not according to the BBC.
A wedding reception of more than 100 guests has been broken up by police in Blackburn.
Blackburn with Darwen brought in extra measures on 14 July after a spike in Covid-19 cases to try to avoid a Leicester-style local lockdown.
Police said the event at Waheed’s Buffet and Banqueting Hall in Randal Street was a “significant breach” of restrictions putting people “at risk”.
The gathering on Sunday was dispersed and no further action was taken.
Lancashire Police’s Deputy Chief Constable Terry Woods said there were between 100 and 120 people at the venue.
He said: “The vast bulk of those people were asked to leave, they were very compliant, but in effect that wedding reception was closed down and what remained was a small number of people
“Today future action is going to be considered with the local authority to see what we can do with that premises to stop it happening again.
“For businesses we know it’s hard but we will name and shame places that flout the regulations to this extent and there will be consequences.”
In a statement on Sunday police said: “Disappointing incident in Blackburn this evening.
“Officers have attended a report of a significant breach of Covid restrictions, and found over 100 guests at a wedding reception.
“This is a clear breach of both local and national restrictions that puts everyone attending at risk.
“Officers have engaged with the attendees and at police instruction the gathering was dispersed without further issue.
“Please work with us to help keep everyone safe by following the guidelines and restrictions.”
Note the police grovelling….please work with US so it is US and THEM then ????
BBC tv news on a roll against Boris due to the exam fiasco. A very loud lead story. Not too difficult, since Tories are certainly incompetent.
A wonderful chance to hype up a story to hide away the INVASION. Beeb haven’t latched onto that to give Priti a hammering, for obvious reasons. (Silent approval?) Instead, go for Williamson.
Hotels all over the country, including Priti’s constituency, filling up with ‘refugees’. Border Farce and Navy (?) helping them to get here.
If Nigel Farage hadn’t made it his business to reveal this invasion tale, nobody else would. The British people can’t trust Con,LibLab, Plod, MSM, Border Farce, Navy, Civil Service, etc.
Big bbc hype story on the Democratic convention. Lotsa hurra for Kamala. Beeb have Jane O’Brian in Washington.
Beeb giving us full coverage of the Democratic (Non) Convention.
Barry (after 4 years of plotting against the President) will be speaking – great excitement. Bill (who should also be in jail?) ditto. Socialist, Sanders and his pal, Occasio-Cortez (great excitement) will also be there. But no crowds.
We will have Kamala coming out of our ears.
Presumably the only programme R4 won’t cancel to squeeze in Kamala, Cortez, etc will be Afua Hirsh’s thing on the African Rennaisance. (Big beeb theme -no surprise, but you have to chuckle at the topic v the reality of Africa).
Beeb in full propaganda mode.
I wonder if the BBC will allow anything to be said that is even slightly anti-Biden and pro-Trump?
Just kidding. Of course I know the answer to that.
How on earth will bbc editors frame their stories now?