With the A level issue they should have got Neil Fergusson to model the result. With his precision and margin for error there would have been a 500,000 percent A* pass rate.
On a more serious note I would expect many universities would be using their discretion to allow those with offers to take places even if the grades were not met. After all, they will be short of foreign students this year so could mitigate their losses.
So….. lots of kids roll up outside Parliament to let them know how badly they have been treated and the BBC, Guardian and Independent have a goodly staff of reporters right there on the scene ready to go.
The BBC would like you to think that this was a spontaneous event sparked by the kids real concern, however if you analyse the footage or news photographs a different picture emerges.
A lot of the kids are carrying what appear to be “home-made” placards but oddly all the placards appear to be of an identical style, brown cardboard and painted slogans etc. etc.
What a coincidence that all these kids turned up displaying the very same kind of graffiti! Certainly homespun in style to make it look like the kids knocked these together themselves but very suspiciously samey, samey complete with sophisticated activist messages unlike those that would have been created spontaneously by a child.
This almost certainly means the event was totally orchestrated and very carefully controlled, including making sure the correct press were in place.
So who are the masterminds behind this then?
I give you five potential culprits.
1. Teachers with many of their children/pupils?
2. Teachers Union reps with many of their children?
3. Momentum activists etc. with many of their children?
4. Labour Councillors with many of their children?
5. Disgruntled Remainer bubble-dweller with many of their children?
6. BBC / Guardian / Independent staffers with many of their children?
Quite possibly a vibrant mixture of all of the above.
Meaning this is not really about the results it’s about grudge and revenge against Boris.
My guess is that we are facing much more of this manipulation into the future, it’s a new way of “pseudo-democracy”, the new screaming democracy of the professionally offended lefties.
To illustrate my point above, this pic taken from the Independent shows 3 placards on which the material, colouring and brush letter-style are pretty much identical, hence produced by the same hand…
Given latest events dear boys and girls, any bets on the BBc at last mentioning more than Surkeer and ‘fiasco’; maybe even claiming fik Ange was rite all along?
Once we are out of the eu at the end of the year there is no longer any reason to vote conservative as they are more or less all the same, liblabcon.
That is the reason Boris got the 80 seat majority. It was Brexit that won him the majority.
When were safely out we can vote for a Party which will be the new conservatives and not the liberal conservatives we are stuck with now.
That’s the time for Nigel to get the Reform Party started.
Nigel on the Right, all the rest (of the main Parties) on the Left.
Within the BBC, there is no such thing as “Maths”. With Identity politics there is only “White Maths”, “Russian Maths”, “Jewish Maths”, etc. The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the BBC, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future, but the past. So today I presume that A Level Maths is turning into “Black Maths”
This is my guess for the future of A Level “Black” Maths
(1) Who in 1895, wrote 2 + 2 = 5
(2) Who in 1920, wrote 2 x 2 = 5
(3) Who in 1931, wrote the 2 + 2 = 5 year plan
(4) Who in 1949, wrote 2 + 2 = 5 in 1984
(5) Who in 2003, sang 2 + 2 = 5
(6) Who in 2020, passed A Level Maths with 2 + 2 = 6 wrong questions?
So…..the government have again cravenly capitulated to the mob, in favour of the ‘All shall have prizes’ exam results policy.
Quite how it is fair on students whose teachers gave an honest opinion versus students whose teachers wildly over-exaggerated the grades is not at all clear. Because it isn’t. Neither is it fair on students from past years. We know teacher over-grading has occurred in massive measure, as it was necessary to downgrade 35% of grades just to get the overall level to the same pass level as last year. As a result, A/A* pass rates, having been between 25 and 27% for the past three years will jump to 38%. Totally insane and undefendable morally and intellectually. But clearly not politically.
By the way. Was there not a role for OFSTED here? I mean, what have they actually been doing these past months when no schools could be inspected? Could they not have overseen the teacher assessments to ensure reliability? Obviously not.
But is the government really to blame, when yet again a public body on which all governments must rely , this time Ofqual, is revealed as useless?
Boris has a massive job reforming institutions which are useless, do not want to be reformed, and conveniently can hide behind the political opposition of their buddies on the Left.
Who really cares? This is the age of stupid so let them all get 100%. Stops the whining and the useless universities get to fill the useless courses with the dumbest bunch of students this side of Valhalla.
Bet the Chinese had their exams as usual.
No, it is the government’s fault this fiasco occurred, because Boris didn’t need to follow the advice of the utterly useless and discredited WHO, or our own hopelessly incompetent SAGE advisors. The buck stops at number 10.
Remember these expert pillocks advised emptying our hospitals of the elderly, vulnerable and sick to “save the NHS”. He didn’t have to take it.
Boris’s mantra is “We’re following the science…” That’s not nearly good enough.
Boris isn’t a leader, he’s a follower. He’s dragged our economy to the edge of the precipice, put our elderly in danger and quarantined our young and able bodied. The man’s a dangerous and cowardly idiot.
At the next election I shall follow my instincts.
It would be wrong to say that our schoolchildren have not learnt anything in recent months – they’ve learnt how to be radical activists.
Groomed by their Marxist teachers and egged on by the Marxist beeb, first they went on strike against climate change, then they dutifully joined in the riots in support of the Marxist BLM, and now they’re protesting against the exam farrago, brandishing highly politicised placards – eagerly displayed by the beeb – such as “Trust Teachers Not Classist Tories”.
Another black racist on video we can be sure the bbc will be all over it, not,
tumbleweed moment over there, but would have been w@nking into their lattes if the racist was white
“North Korean asylum seeker claims she is victim of campaign of abuse by her neighbour over their BINS after she is ‘told you’re not from this country’ in latest row
Footage shows neighbour appearing to push woman and throwing a bin at her
The resident is told: ‘You’re an asylum seeker. You’re not from this country’
Two CCTV clips were posted to Facebook by Myunseo, who lives in Croydon
She claimed row erupted over bins and has been ongoing since last November
The way police act against conspiracy theorists
..doesn’t half fuel conspiracy theories
Ezra tweeted update within the last hour
1. Millie Weaver update: I spoke briefly to Millie's friend/advisor who is at court. He says the Juvenile Court is dealing with Millie's kids first, before Millie's own arraignment. I find this concerning — doesn't the disposition of the kids depend on whether Millie's free?
Live feed seems to show her being put into a black police vehicle wearing an orange jumpsuit
..commentary say “they are processing her for release” and thumbs up.
OK The Millie run down
When stuff doesn’t make sense it’s tempting to say it’s a big conspiracy
.. but without proper evidence the conspiracy remains just a possible scenario .
And as ever cockup is often more likely than conspiracy
– The best source of info for Millie is Tore Says second twitter account
Her first account is banned at the moment
But she has direct access to Millie and no one else does
– Cockup #1 are the prosecuting a crime that had already been withdrawn ?
Her mother had complained to the police back in April after Millie had seized her $50 phone to delete a recording
The mother says the dispute had been settled & thought the court had been withdrawn
– Cockup #2 Did the police go on a Friday instead of waiting until Monday ?
So dumb cop is sent on a Friday afternoon to make an arrest, he is given no known reason
This might be possible say for a murder, you want the person off the street.
But you don’t hold a person on a minor crime on a Friday and tell them they won’t see a judge until Monday cos that is punishing them when they might end up judged innocent.
– Tore was able to phone Millie in prison and she put up the full 20 minute call with the first 2 mins edited to be silent
.. There are possible further cockups in the way she her and her husband were denied scheduled calls on Monday morning
– Monday comes : Cockup #3 The police have to consider the situation of the kids like what will happen to them if the parents are denied bail & kept in jail.
But instead of scheduling the family court for AFTERWARDS they scheduled it for BEFORE.
So the kids were unnecessarily dragged to court
where the lawyer said the court should wait, and the judge agreed.
So then it’s the adults turn and the judge
says ‘yep you can have bail’
so then the family court got cancelled and the 3 adults were released.
The bail terms had some terms about the offences are not allowed to be discussed.
The judge also said ‘You have followers who think that these arrests are to do with another issue, you need to tell them this is not the case.’
So loads of people are going to look at the series of cockups
and say ‘no this has to be clear punishment for the ShadowGate documentary release’
I was having a nap
and had a terrible nightmare
that we had a blue-socialist government, that always caves in to what the Guardianlalaland bubbleworld demands
.. Thank God I woke up
Nothing about asylum hotels on beeb 6pm TV news. Nowt on the silent invasion.
The big story is students/exams. Government folds; who would have thought? Belorussia. Storms. Covid 19, etc etc
Nothing about the asylum floods, their hotel accomodation and hand-outs, all over the country.
Hitler missed a trick: in ’39! – he should have forgotten about the Blitz. Lotsa young German men, coming over to look for asylum in little boats. No need for a Churchill. A silent invasion. It would have been so simple.
And saved A LOT of lives. Many millions. We could all be speaking German.
How stupid was the Fuehrer?
Never mind, instead we can watch Starmer, Lammy, Butler & Co. on beeb…
Local ITV news
– A-level frenzy report
– The two Muslim kids that frowned in Southport, statement from Imam etc.
– Bradford teenager Marium Zameer urges people to get involved in Covid medical trials
.. people particularly from BAME community are needed
Halifax/Calderdale infection rates are rising
continuous background pic, mosque and minaret
Item 5
“Safeguard our water supplies against Climate Change before time runs out”
A claim that UK won’t have enough water by 2050
claim more hot dry summers
“Maybe even earlier 2040 will be Crisis Point”
Then voice
Judy Ling-Wong, President of the Black Environment Network ..looks ethnic Chinese
The government of Boris Johnson has achieved a truly remarkable degree of consistency – everything they touch turns rapidly into an embarrassing disaster
We are privileged to be living in the year of the genius.
The last 5 years have seen the pass rate at 26% with a variation of about 0.1% or so of that number.
This year it’s jumped by an incredible 11.0% to an over 37% pass rate.
This is all the more amazing considering there has been no school since March.
This crop of youngsters must be incredibly brainy and we’ll most likely never see a pass rate this high until the grade inflation goes up over the years to reach this fabulous pass rate.
This years lot are so much more intelligent and better than all other years. Far better than last years duffers who only managed 26% passes.
We should use the same system to test our surgeons, airline pilots and nuclear engineers. The teachers could grade them until we have lots more and in no time at all we would be World leaders in the higher level jobs.
Why bother with a driving test, just pass everybody, it’s only fair.
As none of the msm are questioning this almost 50% rise in passes we must assume it is all correct and there’s nothing at all not quite right about it.
However, if I was interviewing any of these Mensa level youngsters for a job, this years results would mean absolutely nothing as they are totally devalued.
Germany 2015. Britain 2020. After ‘Brexit’ Boris does a Merkel.
Let’s face it, they were more honest about stuffing up their own people, it seems, than we. BUT: asylum seekers welcome here as there!
The Christian Democrats there, the ‘Conservatives’ here. Both pretending to be ‘conservative’.
There the public broadcasters were open about the invasion. Here not. We have a feast of issues like education and Covid 19 paraded before us. And the oh so undemocratic leader of Belorussia, who actually appears in public to explain himself.
Beeb is happy to report how his people boo him. It pains me to say it, but it seems they are wiser, and have more courage, than we Brits.
Then again, perhaps they don’t have a bbc!
Professorships are typically awarded depending on how much research cash you can bring in from grants, industry, and overseas ‘sources’. You don’t have to be that good.
Stew. Be pleased with your degree.
A certain person is one of the BBC’s favourite go-to people for astronomy matters. Said person is a Professor and has a gong.
But…..said person and I are both in the same late 70s group photo doing the same Uni course!!!
And we both got the same degree classification. Arguably I even did slightly better (having once sneaked a view of the detailed results).
The decorated professor on the BBC is no cleverer than you or I, Stew.
They just chose a public sector career that comes with special job titles and an easy route to a Buck House gong, allegedly in lieu of salary.
Couldn’t agree more. I have a PhD and know quite a few Profs…..few are particularly bright…the much older ones got there because they were..the younger ones not so much….
I teach at undergrad level and it is becoming so difficult to fail a student……it is no longer about education but money.
The Left have ruined just about every system and organisation in the UK that was once the envy of the world….
I’ve got a One Width of the Baths Certificate, A Cycling Proficiency Certificate (Grade IV), and a Green Cross Code Badge. Should I be upgraded to Cleverest Person In England ?
BBC Local news
#1 Calorie counts to be on pub menus an takeaway menus
#2 Remarkable baby
#3 Hull cyclelines
#4 Teenagers, Minecraft game Coronavirus
.. wot no banging on about A-levels !
I can probably add another Hotel to the list. Before the lockdown I used to travel to Derby from the South Coast to stay at a Travelodge whilst working for a nearby client in-house.
I have never previously had any problem making a booking in 5 years of doing this even making some bookings only a day or so in advance.
Being able to travel again, I just tried to set up a booking at the same hotel for a couple of weeks time, it was fully booked….and despite trying dates 2-3 months into the future just out of interest, the hotel is still fully booked however far ahead I try!!!
Needless to say I will remember this and will NEVER be using that hotel or group again come what may.
They may have taken the Home Office shilling but won’t be seeing mine ever again.
My guess is that the Home Office have simply turned the whole issue over to Capita who will be taking their cut before the rest gets handed over to Travelodge.
In ‘The Gondoliers’ in 1889, there is a song ‘ There was a King’.
And the final words are
‘When everyone is somebodee
Then no-one’s anybodee’.
Not much change then in over 130 years.
PS the BBC 1 6 pm news was unutterably awful. We lasted out until 6.15 pm and then we had yet another whinge-athon doom and gloom story. And we switched off.
With the recent software upgrade do all comments with http links now get permanently frozen / hidden with “awaiting moderation”? I posted one with 15 links and the comment has been hidden behind moderation.
I have posted comments in the past which have had more than three links but I can’t recall any of them being permanently hidden behind a “needs to pass moderation” message.
Does that include images as well? So not more than three of: image links + https links + other links
We have the BBC expert’s disputing the previous record.
‘(BBC)…A higher reading of 134F, or 56.6C a century earlier, also in Death Valley, is disputed. It is believed by some modern weather experts to have been erroneous, along with several other searing temperatures recorded that summer. According to a 2016 analysis from weather historian Christopher Burt, other temperatures in the region recorded in 1913 do not corroborate the Death Valley reading.’
However, even the Guardian doesn’t go so far as to completely dismiss the previous record..
(From the Guardian) …. Death Valley’s all-time record high, according to the World Meteorological Organization, is 134F (56.7°C) taken on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch. That reading still stands as the hottest ever recorded on the planet’s surface, according to the WMO.
Germany 2015. Britain 2020.
What we do have now, to learn from, is a precedent. A model. How it all works. Who pays for everything. How a duplicitous leadership carries on machinations behind the scenes, to stay in power, regardless. There the “Christian Democrats” stayed in power through a formal ‘grand coalition’ with the socialist SPD. Here the “Conservatives” don’t need one: they have an 80 seat majority!
There the powerbrokers at ARD and ZDF etc kept the public informed about the greatness of the Dear Leader from the GDR. Here the bbc etc keep the public informed about the greatness of the Dear would-be Leader from Holborn & St Pancras, who seems to set the agenda. (The coalition with Boris is more informal than the coalition running Germany.)
It has to be said though, that our Dear Leader is better at sailing down wires than their Dear Leader. (Our Dear would-be Leader desists from such acrobatics. We know from beeb that he is a serious man, or -as they would say in Byelorussia- “seriousne”)
But one wonders: how many socialists (& big business in coalition) are hiding under cover of the ‘Conservative’ label? One can hear the thinking: hotels can survive now, government will pay. Help the little boats along. Bring in as many Merkel/Macron guests as possible. Sunak has deep pockets.
Gives “send in the navy” a whole new meaning.
Never mind, we have a great leader. And we know what he is all about, cos he has told us:
“Get Brexit done”
Does it hurt? Only when I laugh, doctor.
Trump is going to have his work cut out in the upcoming election because he isn’t just up against Biden. Trails I have been following are starting to show that he will be opposed by many organisations, some open about it like The Clinton Project and Obama and some deeply underground like Open Democracy, Bill Gates, Facebook, Google, Disney, Most of Hollywood, Local Authorities in most US States, Local Judiciaries in most US states….the list goes on and of course aided and abetted as much as possible by our own lovely MSM including the BBC.
And they are all going to fight dirty!
Anyone less than Trump would give me serious doubts but I hope to hell he wins because if not, the ripples will go around the World and impact every democracy on the planet. I fully expect to see Antifa and BLM raised to the status of “Sheriffs” with legal powers that will turn the USA into a crime-driven banana republic. Even the Mafia will pale into insignificance if this comes to fruition.
Four days have passed since BTec students across the UK were due to get their results – but some still haven't received them (via @BBCNewsbeat) ????https://t.co/x8KXh0rpyG
Funny how the BBC were rather quieter about the change in Scotland ( SNP) last week and almost totally silent about today’s equivalent change in Wales (Labour).
Try as I might, I just can’t imagine why. It must just be some sort of forgetful oversight.
This is nothing to do with the racist far-left bbc.
Today I’ve spent my whole time updating my PC and laptop to Windows 10, version 2004.
This is to alert anyone who has yet to do the same and ask a question of those who have already gone through the process, was it the same for you?
My laptop: from start to finish it took approximately 7 hours, with no errors.
My desktop PC: it took 12 hours, from 7am to 7pm this evening. The PC crashed after 5 hours, which obviously added to the long duration since the update effectively had to start again.
And past experience has taught me that the PC cannot be left alone to get on with it because as happened, the update operation fails the first time on at least one of my machines.
Is it me or is it Microsoft? You’d think after all these years they’d have perfected the updating procedure.
As someone said, if Microsoft can’t get their software to work, why should we expect their vaccines to be any better.
j-i-c, have a look at the IT Thread that FedUp2 started when this site had a problem with the WordPress update. Win10 not liked by me. Not liked by NCBBC.
On your PC crashing, it could be your ISP went to sleep for a bit. Mine does.
Up2snuff, I don’t think it’s to do with the ISP. I quite regularly get the blue screen that tells me there’s been a catastrophic ( I think is their term but I am not certain) failure, they just want to collect some data then I can restart my machine. Then the machine just freezes. The counter is fixed a 0%. Then I have to reboot. In my experience that’s a windows ‘feature’.
I’ve been using the Microsoft operating system from the early days; probably back to ’87 or ’88 when it comprised a whole pile of disks that had to be loaded one by one. I remember back then there was a help line and on a few occasions, they sent me a disk with the software updates to sort out whatever problem I’d had.
Now, it seems you just have to wait and hope that they’ll issue a corrective update over the internet. And sometimes, it can take months.
“Priyamvada Gopal is a Professor in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge, where she is a Fellow of Churchill College. Her main teaching and research interests are in colonial and postcolonial literature and theory, gender and feminism, Marxism and critical race studies …”
She is one of many academic activists who have been campaigning to de-white and de-colonise and to remove white straight men from the curriculum. Her and others worldview is that Western society is racist, sexist etc. Her research group focuses on finding this racism, sexism and colonialism within British society of the past and of today. This she teaches to her English students and tells them they must fight to change this society after graduation. This message is fairly popular and she has got lots of research grants out of it as well as a professorship.
If Western society is racist, sexist etc. Why doesn’t she return to paradise.
And why has de-fellow culturally appropriated de-English Language at de-University.
Only a critical race hypocrite would speak English to English students. Also, de-research into race studies would need to de-study the “Bell Curve” conclusions.
And if she removes all the white straight men from the curriculum, she would have to credit Marxism with Jenny Marx, and Albert Einstein’s work with Mrs Heisenberg. Also, She would need to de-teach Mathematics, to educationally reduced it to Zero. But I suppose if you look at BBC employees they seem to have already been successfully de-academically, de-educated.
Also, aren’t the Colonies now called British Overseas Territories.
Britain should insist on de-funding de-professor, for trying to de-educate the University of Cambridge.
Amazingly, she is another with a singular skill set that appeals to bbc producers.
I love that Cambridge University’s resident race-baiter pretends not to notice Twitter very much (‘am informed’). In fact it is her main vehicle for trying to become famous. Since her academic work is so undistinguished. https://t.co/VonoqQTbrI
Consider this scenario for an Al Beeb TV film: An offshore island votes democratically to leave the European Empire. The emperor is not happy with the situation because it ‘may give ideas’ of independence to the other nations in the empire.
To counter this, the emperor orders a ‘mercenary force’ consisting of thousands of commandos to land covertly on the island’s beaches in small boats with orders to teach them a lesson and to bring down the island’s economy by hook or crook.
Unsuspectingly, the freedom seeking island treats the invading force of commandos as ‘tourists’ and, instead of defending the nation from attack by a hostile force, it puts them up in luxury hotels.
Na, no one would believe it, I wont bother with that storyline.
We have four ongoing judicial reviews in respect of Covid related procurement incompetence, one requiring an independent public inquiry, and we will very shortly have another underway.
My new book When America Stopped Being Great: A History of the Present goes on sale in Australia today. I love bookstores, but know many people, alas, are in lockdown. Here's how to get hold of the book.https://t.co/D81onpEEcl@PenguinBooksAus
Hey beeb, you reporting this? Some peaceful BLM demonstrators beating the crap out of a trans woman, and then a guy who comes to her aid.
Someone let me know if this footage is shown in the mainstream media at any point. Don’t worry. I won’t be holding my breath. @BBC@SkyNewshttps://t.co/3PmmJRkZjO
BBC knows all about the right questions to ask. Albeit with post event selective wisdom.
Not clear from @GavinWilliamson interview on @BBCr4today if he ever asked to see the algorithm himself, or asked questions about what it would mean for students.
‘We were reassured there was robustness in the system’
Utterly disgusting that these vermin get a free pass from the likes of al beeb ????
The hypocrisy of BLM scum and those lefty twats in W1 needs to be shown, told and proven by us on here to anyone who is willing to listen ????????
John in Cheshire,
Windows 10 update 2004 took three attempts over one week to successfully download on my laptop!These “feature” updates occur every 12 months,and sadly are a pain in the a–e every time!How I detest them,you would think MICROSOFT would iron out the bugs before releasing them.
I think a Professor at the University of Cambridge and the BBC have convinced me that most University educated people today seem to have been successfully de-academically, de-educated.
For me it was Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and James Clerk Maxwell. For BBC employees it’s three books of fiction written by brown and black people from the colonies.
The BBC are wetting themselves this morning because Michelle Obama has been rolled out by the Dems.
To me it feels like when your ex-wife turns up at your second wedding uninvited.
There is no doubt now that the BBC are getting their anti-Trump campaign bunker locked and loaded.
Meanwhile they are still trying hard to get at Boris with the results crap along with the Guardian, The Independent, Socialist Worker etc.
Meanwhile Tucker Carleson at Fox news gets a bucket of poo on his head for mis-pronouncing the Holy Kamala which apparently should be Comma-la and not Kamal-a. He really is the devil incarnate isn’t he? I will go with my choice…. COMMY ALLAH!
Digg; not just ‘news’, BBC Moaning Emole scathing ‘News’…
Obama makes Biden pitch
Former First Lady Michelle Obama has urged Americans to vote for Joe Biden “like our lives depend on it” at November’s presidential election. She addressed the country as part of a four-day, all-virtual Democrat convention, which is kicking off two months of frenetic campaigning.
In a scathing attack, Mrs Obama said Donald Trump was “in over his head”, especially in the fight against coronavirus. That accusation was reinforced by another contributor, Kristin Urquiza, who blamed President Trump for her father’s death. BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher said Michelle Obama may insist she hates politics, but she’s a natural at it.
Find out what else to look out for at this very unusual convention, and more about what Joe Biden is promising to do if he wins in November. We also have a really simple guide to the election which is good place to start.
See, an unelected lady of color said it, so they can quote it. Allll of it. No idea who Kirsten is. Lurch clearly in love.
Meanwhile Melania may have not held Don’s hand.
Which is probably a good place to start if you are simple.
On Air Force One this evening, I asked Trump what he thought of John Kasich speaking to the Democrats. His response: "He was a loser as a Republican, and he’ll be a loser as a Democrat. … People don’t like him. People don’t trust him. … He hasn’t done too well with Trump."
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
With the A level issue they should have got Neil Fergusson to model the result. With his precision and margin for error there would have been a 500,000 percent A* pass rate.
On a more serious note I would expect many universities would be using their discretion to allow those with offers to take places even if the grades were not met. After all, they will be short of foreign students this year so could mitigate their losses.
So….. lots of kids roll up outside Parliament to let them know how badly they have been treated and the BBC, Guardian and Independent have a goodly staff of reporters right there on the scene ready to go.
The BBC would like you to think that this was a spontaneous event sparked by the kids real concern, however if you analyse the footage or news photographs a different picture emerges.
A lot of the kids are carrying what appear to be “home-made” placards but oddly all the placards appear to be of an identical style, brown cardboard and painted slogans etc. etc.
What a coincidence that all these kids turned up displaying the very same kind of graffiti! Certainly homespun in style to make it look like the kids knocked these together themselves but very suspiciously samey, samey complete with sophisticated activist messages unlike those that would have been created spontaneously by a child.
This almost certainly means the event was totally orchestrated and very carefully controlled, including making sure the correct press were in place.
So who are the masterminds behind this then?
I give you five potential culprits.
1. Teachers with many of their children/pupils?
2. Teachers Union reps with many of their children?
3. Momentum activists etc. with many of their children?
4. Labour Councillors with many of their children?
5. Disgruntled Remainer bubble-dweller with many of their children?
6. BBC / Guardian / Independent staffers with many of their children?
Quite possibly a vibrant mixture of all of the above.
Meaning this is not really about the results it’s about grudge and revenge against Boris.
My guess is that we are facing much more of this manipulation into the future, it’s a new way of “pseudo-democracy”, the new screaming democracy of the professionally offended lefties.
To illustrate my point above, this pic taken from the Independent shows 3 placards on which the material, colouring and brush letter-style are pretty much identical, hence produced by the same hand…
Just seen the daily deaths in the DM.
Yesterday (previous 24 hours) saw 5 die with Covid.
Today (last 24 hours) saw 2 die with Covid.
I think more people die putting their trousers on (ban trousers?)
H/T Charlie at ITBB OT.
Speaking of daily deaths, you’d need a heart of stone not to feel for those the BBc no longer favours…
Seems Dara has ‘since deleted’, so being the Indy there is a chance the BBc didn’t see it.
Dara’s deleted tweet
Yep they might done some Hollywood editing to moon PR
but there is no doubt they left mirrors on the moon that people bounce signals off
Let’s take bets on what BBC Unreality Check will find.
I’m sure no one saw that coming.
BBC gets a mention here too.
Given latest events dear boys and girls, any bets on the BBc at last mentioning more than Surkeer and ‘fiasco’; maybe even claiming fik Ange was rite all along?
Once we are out of the eu at the end of the year there is no longer any reason to vote conservative as they are more or less all the same, liblabcon.
That is the reason Boris got the 80 seat majority. It was Brexit that won him the majority.
When were safely out we can vote for a Party which will be the new conservatives and not the liberal conservatives we are stuck with now.
That’s the time for Nigel to get the Reform Party started.
Nigel on the Right, all the rest (of the main Parties) on the Left.
Agree And when Boris reneges on Brexit and fails to stand up to the BBC there will be good reason to support the Reform Party.
More details on the arrest of Millie Weaver, Infowars correspondent.
Accused of stealing a fifty dollar phone in an altercation with her mother . Looks to me as if they are doing a TR on her, shutting her up.
Guessing what A Level Maths is like today.
Within the BBC, there is no such thing as “Maths”. With Identity politics there is only “White Maths”, “Russian Maths”, “Jewish Maths”, etc. The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the BBC, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future, but the past. So today I presume that A Level Maths is turning into “Black Maths”
This is my guess for the future of A Level “Black” Maths
(1) Who in 1895, wrote 2 + 2 = 5
(2) Who in 1920, wrote 2 x 2 = 5
(3) Who in 1931, wrote the 2 + 2 = 5 year plan
(4) Who in 1949, wrote 2 + 2 = 5 in 1984
(5) Who in 2003, sang 2 + 2 = 5
(6) Who in 2020, passed A Level Maths with 2 + 2 = 6 wrong questions?
They have given in to the coordinated screeching.
A-levels and GCSEs: Teacher estimates to be used for exam results
One might think that even the most rabid TDS reporter might see this as a bit professionally OTT, and anti democratic, but likely not.
Being eaten by crocodiles last seems an odd career ambition.
I wonder if any from American BS RT’d it?
So…..the government have again cravenly capitulated to the mob, in favour of the ‘All shall have prizes’ exam results policy.
Quite how it is fair on students whose teachers gave an honest opinion versus students whose teachers wildly over-exaggerated the grades is not at all clear. Because it isn’t. Neither is it fair on students from past years. We know teacher over-grading has occurred in massive measure, as it was necessary to downgrade 35% of grades just to get the overall level to the same pass level as last year. As a result, A/A* pass rates, having been between 25 and 27% for the past three years will jump to 38%. Totally insane and undefendable morally and intellectually. But clearly not politically.
By the way. Was there not a role for OFSTED here? I mean, what have they actually been doing these past months when no schools could be inspected? Could they not have overseen the teacher assessments to ensure reliability? Obviously not.
But is the government really to blame, when yet again a public body on which all governments must rely , this time Ofqual, is revealed as useless?
Boris has a massive job reforming institutions which are useless, do not want to be reformed, and conveniently can hide behind the political opposition of their buddies on the Left.
Who really cares? This is the age of stupid so let them all get 100%. Stops the whining and the useless universities get to fill the useless courses with the dumbest bunch of students this side of Valhalla.
Bet the Chinese had their exams as usual.
John Pienaar on Times Radio still in full BBC mode. Directing some lass into blaming the government for the exam’s results problems.
Really John? Nothing to do with the Chinese or the WHO?
No, it is the government’s fault this fiasco occurred, because Boris didn’t need to follow the advice of the utterly useless and discredited WHO, or our own hopelessly incompetent SAGE advisors. The buck stops at number 10.
Remember these expert pillocks advised emptying our hospitals of the elderly, vulnerable and sick to “save the NHS”. He didn’t have to take it.
Boris’s mantra is “We’re following the science…” That’s not nearly good enough.
Boris isn’t a leader, he’s a follower. He’s dragged our economy to the edge of the precipice, put our elderly in danger and quarantined our young and able bodied. The man’s a dangerous and cowardly idiot.
At the next election I shall follow my instincts.
And they won’t be telling me to vote for him…
When ALL students get straight As then an A means nothing at all.
Education has been heading that way for decades now.
Has anyone watched Idiocracy?
The intro is the best bit though:
I assume it was meant to be a comedy, but it turns out it was a documentary after all.
It’s even worse in UK, thanks to bottomless welfare.
It would be wrong to say that our schoolchildren have not learnt anything in recent months – they’ve learnt how to be radical activists.
Groomed by their Marxist teachers and egged on by the Marxist beeb, first they went on strike against climate change, then they dutifully joined in the riots in support of the Marxist BLM, and now they’re protesting against the exam farrago, brandishing highly politicised placards – eagerly displayed by the beeb – such as “Trust Teachers Not Classist Tories”.
Satire or no, you decide
Always seems to be girls. Funny that. Such expectations now in the young. Life will disappoint and then how will they cope.
Hi Vlad, have you seen these?
I posted a comment with 15 links to BBC activism narratives but the comment is “awaiting moderation” which means it will never appear.
Another black racist on video we can be sure the bbc will be all over it, not,
tumbleweed moment over there, but would have been w@nking into their lattes if the racist was white
“North Korean asylum seeker claims she is victim of campaign of abuse by her neighbour over their BINS after she is ‘told you’re not from this country’ in latest row
Footage shows neighbour appearing to push woman and throwing a bin at her
The resident is told: ‘You’re an asylum seeker. You’re not from this country’
Two CCTV clips were posted to Facebook by Myunseo, who lives in Croydon
She claimed row erupted over bins and has been ongoing since last November
The way police act against conspiracy theorists
..doesn’t half fuel conspiracy theories
Ezra tweeted update within the last hour
Live feed seems to show her being put into a black police vehicle wearing an orange jumpsuit
..commentary say “they are processing her for release” and thumbs up.
Ezra just played this video that proves that the lefty anti-Trump supporters are the bigots
her full 44 min uncut version
OK The Millie run down
When stuff doesn’t make sense it’s tempting to say it’s a big conspiracy
.. but without proper evidence the conspiracy remains just a possible scenario .
And as ever cockup is often more likely than conspiracy
– The best source of info for Millie is Tore Says second twitter account
Her first account is banned at the moment
But she has direct access to Millie and no one else does
– Cockup #1 are the prosecuting a crime that had already been withdrawn ?
Her mother had complained to the police back in April after Millie had seized her $50 phone to delete a recording
The mother says the dispute had been settled & thought the court had been withdrawn
– Cockup #2 Did the police go on a Friday instead of waiting until Monday ?
So dumb cop is sent on a Friday afternoon to make an arrest, he is given no known reason
This might be possible say for a murder, you want the person off the street.
But you don’t hold a person on a minor crime on a Friday and tell them they won’t see a judge until Monday cos that is punishing them when they might end up judged innocent.
– Tore was able to phone Millie in prison and she put up the full 20 minute call with the first 2 mins edited to be silent
.. There are possible further cockups in the way she her and her husband were denied scheduled calls on Monday morning
– Monday comes : Cockup #3 The police have to consider the situation of the kids like what will happen to them if the parents are denied bail & kept in jail.
But instead of scheduling the family court for AFTERWARDS they scheduled it for BEFORE.
So the kids were unnecessarily dragged to court
where the lawyer said the court should wait, and the judge agreed.
So then it’s the adults turn and the judge
says ‘yep you can have bail’
so then the family court got cancelled and the 3 adults were released.
The bail terms had some terms about the offences are not allowed to be discussed.
The judge also said ‘You have followers who think that these arrests are to do with another issue, you need to tell them this is not the case.’
So loads of people are going to look at the series of cockups
and say ‘no this has to be clear punishment for the ShadowGate documentary release’
I was having a nap
and had a terrible nightmare
that we had a blue-socialist government, that always caves in to what the Guardianlalaland bubbleworld demands
.. Thank God I woke up
Nothing about asylum hotels on beeb 6pm TV news. Nowt on the silent invasion.
The big story is students/exams. Government folds; who would have thought? Belorussia. Storms. Covid 19, etc etc
Nothing about the asylum floods, their hotel accomodation and hand-outs, all over the country.
Hitler missed a trick: in ’39! – he should have forgotten about the Blitz. Lotsa young German men, coming over to look for asylum in little boats. No need for a Churchill. A silent invasion. It would have been so simple.
And saved A LOT of lives. Many millions. We could all be speaking German.
How stupid was the Fuehrer?
Never mind, instead we can watch Starmer, Lammy, Butler & Co. on beeb…
Local ITV news
– A-level frenzy report
– The two Muslim kids that frowned in Southport, statement from Imam etc.
– Bradford teenager Marium Zameer urges people to get involved in Covid medical trials
.. people particularly from BAME community are needed
Halifax/Calderdale infection rates are rising
continuous background pic, mosque and minaret
Item 5
“Safeguard our water supplies against Climate Change before time runs out”
A claim that UK won’t have enough water by 2050
claim more hot dry summers
“Maybe even earlier 2040 will be Crisis Point”
Then voice
Judy Ling-Wong, President of the Black Environment Network ..looks ethnic Chinese
He used to present the BBc impartiality show, you know.
We are privileged to be living in the year of the genius.
The last 5 years have seen the pass rate at 26% with a variation of about 0.1% or so of that number.
This year it’s jumped by an incredible 11.0% to an over 37% pass rate.
This is all the more amazing considering there has been no school since March.
This crop of youngsters must be incredibly brainy and we’ll most likely never see a pass rate this high until the grade inflation goes up over the years to reach this fabulous pass rate.
This years lot are so much more intelligent and better than all other years. Far better than last years duffers who only managed 26% passes.
We should use the same system to test our surgeons, airline pilots and nuclear engineers. The teachers could grade them until we have lots more and in no time at all we would be World leaders in the higher level jobs.
Why bother with a driving test, just pass everybody, it’s only fair.
As none of the msm are questioning this almost 50% rise in passes we must assume it is all correct and there’s nothing at all not quite right about it.
However, if I was interviewing any of these Mensa level youngsters for a job, this years results would mean absolutely nothing as they are totally devalued.
Why is it not 100%. They are all brilliant.
Germany 2015. Britain 2020. After ‘Brexit’ Boris does a Merkel.
Let’s face it, they were more honest about stuffing up their own people, it seems, than we. BUT: asylum seekers welcome here as there!
The Christian Democrats there, the ‘Conservatives’ here. Both pretending to be ‘conservative’.
There the public broadcasters were open about the invasion. Here not. We have a feast of issues like education and Covid 19 paraded before us. And the oh so undemocratic leader of Belorussia, who actually appears in public to explain himself.
Beeb is happy to report how his people boo him. It pains me to say it, but it seems they are wiser, and have more courage, than we Brits.
Then again, perhaps they don’t have a bbc!
The Clan Newsnight is very tight.
I’ve got a degree
Do you think I should have been awarded a PhD or professorship instead ?
Professorships are typically awarded depending on how much research cash you can bring in from grants, industry, and overseas ‘sources’. You don’t have to be that good.
Stew. Be pleased with your degree.
A certain person is one of the BBC’s favourite go-to people for astronomy matters. Said person is a Professor and has a gong.
But…..said person and I are both in the same late 70s group photo doing the same Uni course!!!
And we both got the same degree classification. Arguably I even did slightly better (having once sneaked a view of the detailed results).
The decorated professor on the BBC is no cleverer than you or I, Stew.
They just chose a public sector career that comes with special job titles and an easy route to a Buck House gong, allegedly in lieu of salary.
Couldn’t agree more. I have a PhD and know quite a few Profs…..few are particularly bright…the much older ones got there because they were..the younger ones not so much….
I teach at undergrad level and it is becoming so difficult to fail a student……it is no longer about education but money.
The Left have ruined just about every system and organisation in the UK that was once the envy of the world….
I’ve got a One Width of the Baths Certificate, A Cycling Proficiency Certificate (Grade IV), and a Green Cross Code Badge. Should I be upgraded to Cleverest Person In England ?
BBC Local news
#1 Calorie counts to be on pub menus an takeaway menus
#2 Remarkable baby
#3 Hull cyclelines
#4 Teenagers, Minecraft game Coronavirus
.. wot no banging on about A-levels !
Oh they had a brief line about The Royal Hotel in Hull above the train station being used to house asylum seekers *
Now started on A-levels , by playing a vid of a students response
(less than 60 sec item)
Now Minecraft
*Ah they had to cos there is a big Daily Mail article
comment “I see picture of 1 smoking I take it we feeding him his habit ?”
Not only cigs.
How do they pay their phone bills?
You know, given that they are vulnerable and destitute?
seen the vid of them chucking their credit cards in the channel??
within a few days they will have a new card delivered
I can probably add another Hotel to the list. Before the lockdown I used to travel to Derby from the South Coast to stay at a Travelodge whilst working for a nearby client in-house.
I have never previously had any problem making a booking in 5 years of doing this even making some bookings only a day or so in advance.
Being able to travel again, I just tried to set up a booking at the same hotel for a couple of weeks time, it was fully booked….and despite trying dates 2-3 months into the future just out of interest, the hotel is still fully booked however far ahead I try!!!
Needless to say I will remember this and will NEVER be using that hotel or group again come what may.
They may have taken the Home Office shilling but won’t be seeing mine ever again.
My guess is that the Home Office have simply turned the whole issue over to Capita who will be taking their cut before the rest gets handed over to Travelodge.
It’s a money game and very, very shortsighted!
Re. A* grades for all at A level.
In ‘The Gondoliers’ in 1889, there is a song ‘ There was a King’.
And the final words are
‘When everyone is somebodee
Then no-one’s anybodee’.
Not much change then in over 130 years.
PS the BBC 1 6 pm news was unutterably awful. We lasted out until 6.15 pm and then we had yet another whinge-athon doom and gloom story. And we switched off.
Nick likes things explicit.
With the recent software upgrade do all comments with http links now get permanently frozen / hidden with “awaiting moderation”? I posted one with 15 links and the comment has been hidden behind moderation.
The limit is three, I think. Has been for a while.
I have posted comments in the past which have had more than three links but I can’t recall any of them being permanently hidden behind a “needs to pass moderation” message.
Does that include images as well? So not more than three of:
image links + https links + other links
Another Record…
Here we have the BBC once again pushing their global warming agenda..
We have the BBC expert’s disputing the previous record.
‘(BBC)…A higher reading of 134F, or 56.6C a century earlier, also in Death Valley, is disputed. It is believed by some modern weather experts to have been erroneous, along with several other searing temperatures recorded that summer. According to a 2016 analysis from weather historian Christopher Burt, other temperatures in the region recorded in 1913 do not corroborate the Death Valley reading.’
However, even the Guardian doesn’t go so far as to completely dismiss the previous record..
(From the Guardian) …. Death Valley’s all-time record high, according to the World Meteorological Organization, is 134F (56.7°C) taken on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch. That reading still stands as the hottest ever recorded on the planet’s surface, according to the WMO.
Germany 2015. Britain 2020.
What we do have now, to learn from, is a precedent. A model. How it all works. Who pays for everything. How a duplicitous leadership carries on machinations behind the scenes, to stay in power, regardless. There the “Christian Democrats” stayed in power through a formal ‘grand coalition’ with the socialist SPD. Here the “Conservatives” don’t need one: they have an 80 seat majority!
There the powerbrokers at ARD and ZDF etc kept the public informed about the greatness of the Dear Leader from the GDR. Here the bbc etc keep the public informed about the greatness of the Dear would-be Leader from Holborn & St Pancras, who seems to set the agenda. (The coalition with Boris is more informal than the coalition running Germany.)
It has to be said though, that our Dear Leader is better at sailing down wires than their Dear Leader. (Our Dear would-be Leader desists from such acrobatics. We know from beeb that he is a serious man, or -as they would say in Byelorussia- “seriousne”)
But one wonders: how many socialists (& big business in coalition) are hiding under cover of the ‘Conservative’ label? One can hear the thinking: hotels can survive now, government will pay. Help the little boats along. Bring in as many Merkel/Macron guests as possible. Sunak has deep pockets.
Gives “send in the navy” a whole new meaning.
Never mind, we have a great leader. And we know what he is all about, cos he has told us:
“Get Brexit done”
Does it hurt? Only when I laugh, doctor.
Presuming this is duhlibrite.
Trump is going to have his work cut out in the upcoming election because he isn’t just up against Biden. Trails I have been following are starting to show that he will be opposed by many organisations, some open about it like The Clinton Project and Obama and some deeply underground like Open Democracy, Bill Gates, Facebook, Google, Disney, Most of Hollywood, Local Authorities in most US States, Local Judiciaries in most US states….the list goes on and of course aided and abetted as much as possible by our own lovely MSM including the BBC.
And they are all going to fight dirty!
Anyone less than Trump would give me serious doubts but I hope to hell he wins because if not, the ripples will go around the World and impact every democracy on the planet. I fully expect to see Antifa and BLM raised to the status of “Sheriffs” with legal powers that will turn the USA into a crime-driven banana republic. Even the Mafia will pale into insignificance if this comes to fruition.
Towards the end of the execrable BBC 6 pm news, they interview four ‘students’ about the A level capitulation.
One of the four is not only pleased with the outcome but off to a demo. later in the week as she wants to overthrow the whole system !!!!!!
Isn’t it amazing how the BBC manages to find such ‘representative’ people.
And…. next…
Is she about to take over Newshite from Emily Mateless, Katie Razzall, and Emma Barnett?
She seems to have all the necessary and required credentials.
Funny how the BBC were rather quieter about the change in Scotland ( SNP) last week and almost totally silent about today’s equivalent change in Wales (Labour).
Try as I might, I just can’t imagine why. It must just be some sort of forgetful oversight.
This is nothing to do with the racist far-left bbc.
Today I’ve spent my whole time updating my PC and laptop to Windows 10, version 2004.
This is to alert anyone who has yet to do the same and ask a question of those who have already gone through the process, was it the same for you?
My laptop: from start to finish it took approximately 7 hours, with no errors.
My desktop PC: it took 12 hours, from 7am to 7pm this evening. The PC crashed after 5 hours, which obviously added to the long duration since the update effectively had to start again.
And past experience has taught me that the PC cannot be left alone to get on with it because as happened, the update operation fails the first time on at least one of my machines.
Is it me or is it Microsoft? You’d think after all these years they’d have perfected the updating procedure.
As someone said, if Microsoft can’t get their software to work, why should we expect their vaccines to be any better.
My laptop took the entire evening last week, probably about four hours. Still takes forever to boot up.
The moral remains:
“Never update software until you have to. (Let others find the bugs).”
JimS, that’s what I don’t like about Win10. Microsoft have control over your computer.
j-i-c, have a look at the IT Thread that FedUp2 started when this site had a problem with the WordPress update. Win10 not liked by me. Not liked by NCBBC.
On your PC crashing, it could be your ISP went to sleep for a bit. Mine does.
Up2snuff, I don’t think it’s to do with the ISP. I quite regularly get the blue screen that tells me there’s been a catastrophic ( I think is their term but I am not certain) failure, they just want to collect some data then I can restart my machine. Then the machine just freezes. The counter is fixed a 0%. Then I have to reboot. In my experience that’s a windows ‘feature’.
I’ve been using the Microsoft operating system from the early days; probably back to ’87 or ’88 when it comprised a whole pile of disks that had to be loaded one by one. I remember back then there was a help line and on a few occasions, they sent me a disk with the software updates to sort out whatever problem I’d had.
Now, it seems you just have to wait and hope that they’ll issue a corrective update over the internet. And sometimes, it can take months.
What’s weird is most bbc moppets upset have been worried about not getting into Oxford.
From Wikipedia:
“Priyamvada Gopal is a Professor in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge, where she is a Fellow of Churchill College. Her main teaching and research interests are in colonial and postcolonial literature and theory, gender and feminism, Marxism and critical race studies …”
She is one of many academic activists who have been campaigning to de-white and de-colonise and to remove white straight men from the curriculum. Her and others worldview is that Western society is racist, sexist etc. Her research group focuses on finding this racism, sexism and colonialism within British society of the past and of today. This she teaches to her English students and tells them they must fight to change this society after graduation. This message is fairly popular and she has got lots of research grants out of it as well as a professorship.
If Western society is racist, sexist etc. Why doesn’t she return to paradise.
And why has de-fellow culturally appropriated de-English Language at de-University.
Only a critical race hypocrite would speak English to English students. Also, de-research into race studies would need to de-study the “Bell Curve” conclusions.
And if she removes all the white straight men from the curriculum, she would have to credit Marxism with Jenny Marx, and Albert Einstein’s work with Mrs Heisenberg. Also, She would need to de-teach Mathematics, to educationally reduced it to Zero. But I suppose if you look at BBC employees they seem to have already been successfully de-academically, de-educated.
Also, aren’t the Colonies now called British Overseas Territories.
Britain should insist on de-funding de-professor, for trying to de-educate the University of Cambridge.
Amazingly, she is another with a singular skill set that appeals to bbc producers.
Consider this scenario for an Al Beeb TV film: An offshore island votes democratically to leave the European Empire. The emperor is not happy with the situation because it ‘may give ideas’ of independence to the other nations in the empire.
To counter this, the emperor orders a ‘mercenary force’ consisting of thousands of commandos to land covertly on the island’s beaches in small boats with orders to teach them a lesson and to bring down the island’s economy by hook or crook.
Unsuspectingly, the freedom seeking island treats the invading force of commandos as ‘tourists’ and, instead of defending the nation from attack by a hostile force, it puts them up in luxury hotels.
Na, no one would believe it, I wont bother with that storyline.
Oh dear.
Guess who the least trusted news outlet is with the British public?
And the bbc is in the thick of it all.
Sales going well.
So needs this review on the jacket.
Lewis rather stolen BBC Young Reporter ‘Today’s Headlines’ pick.
Not often the Fail gets full BBC spotlights.
Police management act like stasi against potential recruits who say they believe you can’t change biological sex
BBC News
“Growing up, I remember my whole body tensing every time I heard my father’s key in the back door.”
BBC journalist Victoria Derbyshire talks about her violent father, and fear for lockdown victims.
(via BBC Panorama) bbc.in/3gZnj9s
Much explained. Though again the logic of such a person hired to handle women’s issues impartially seems most BBowenian.
Hey beeb, you reporting this? Some peaceful BLM demonstrators beating the crap out of a trans woman, and then a guy who comes to her aid.
BBC knows all about the right questions to ask. Albeit with post event selective wisdom.
Or what not to go near.
Has VD made a comeback? Seems everywhere.
Utterly disgusting that these vermin get a free pass from the likes of al beeb ????
The hypocrisy of BLM scum and those lefty twats in W1 needs to be shown, told and proven by us on here to anyone who is willing to listen ????????
Good job no one has done anything big to fuel modern youths massive sense of entitlement.
John in Cheshire,
Windows 10 update 2004 took three attempts over one week to successfully download on my laptop!These “feature” updates occur every 12 months,and sadly are a pain in the a–e every time!How I detest them,you would think MICROSOFT would iron out the bugs before releasing them.
I think a Professor at the University of Cambridge and the BBC have convinced me that most University educated people today seem to have been successfully de-academically, de-educated.
For me it was Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and James Clerk Maxwell. For BBC employees it’s three books of fiction written by brown and black people from the colonies.
The BBC are wetting themselves this morning because Michelle Obama has been rolled out by the Dems.
To me it feels like when your ex-wife turns up at your second wedding uninvited.
There is no doubt now that the BBC are getting their anti-Trump campaign bunker locked and loaded.
Meanwhile they are still trying hard to get at Boris with the results crap along with the Guardian, The Independent, Socialist Worker etc.
Meanwhile Tucker Carleson at Fox news gets a bucket of poo on his head for mis-pronouncing the Holy Kamala which apparently should be Comma-la and not Kamal-a. He really is the devil incarnate isn’t he? I will go with my choice…. COMMY ALLAH!
Digg; not just ‘news’, BBC Moaning Emole scathing ‘News’…
Obama makes Biden pitch
Former First Lady Michelle Obama has urged Americans to vote for Joe Biden “like our lives depend on it” at November’s presidential election. She addressed the country as part of a four-day, all-virtual Democrat convention, which is kicking off two months of frenetic campaigning.
In a scathing attack, Mrs Obama said Donald Trump was “in over his head”, especially in the fight against coronavirus. That accusation was reinforced by another contributor, Kristin Urquiza, who blamed President Trump for her father’s death. BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher said Michelle Obama may insist she hates politics, but she’s a natural at it.
Find out what else to look out for at this very unusual convention, and more about what Joe Biden is promising to do if he wins in November. We also have a really simple guide to the election which is good place to start.
See, an unelected lady of color said it, so they can quote it. Allll of it. No idea who Kirsten is. Lurch clearly in love.
Meanwhile Melania may have not held Don’s hand.
Which is probably a good place to start if you are simple.
Looks like a HuffPo Editorial meeting.
Which went well.
Yet they still let Lurch board?
Meanwhile, in the genderless loos, a Newsnight colleague tweets.
Front page news
Ellen DeGeneres: Three producers fired over ‘toxic workplace’ claims, “reports” the beeb
GUILTY, not yet proven either way
Any news YET on the invaders from France????? Still waiting