Blair is right on this one. He reminds me of a stopped clock which tells the right time twice a day.
The ‘experts’ sitting in their public sector offices with totally secure jobs for life never had any skin in the game.
The only slack which can be cut is that of being wise after the event. There was a lot the ‘experts’ didn’t know and wrongly assumed at the start of it.
Weirdly the least convincing ‘expert’ on the daily news conferences but ultimately the most informative was a tongue-tied lady from a quango I’ve forgotten. Answering a question she let out the truth. The reason for no testing of elderly sent back to care homes (and by inference much else) was that there were not enough test kits to go around.
I don’t think we saw her again.
BBC news in terms of insight and integrity is plumbing new depths, even for it.
After baying for a government A levels U turn and getting one after days of wall to wall hard luck stories from traumatised students, it has taken less than 24 hours to go with
‘Universities in crisis and admissions chaos after avalanche of new A level results’
Cue the next round of ‘victims’ with ‘psychologically damaged’ university entrants.
The infantilisation of news by over focus on personal stories is gruesome. The off switch again came to our aid, I say ‘our’ because Mrs S is even more infuriated about it than I am.
I just watched Louise Minchin on BBC News doing a highly unprofessional yea-but-no-but hate routine on Gavin Williamson the Conservative Education Minister. The open display of obvious hate and bias was astounding. Interrupting, repeating accusations, a totally unedifying display of BBC tantrum mantra.
It was like watching a prisoner being interrogated. The only thing missing was the thumb-screw.
At every turn she interrupted and flung in “When are you going to resign?”.
The BBC are obviously hell-bent on getting any Conservative to resign, it doesn’t matter who. I believe they see it like Jenga where if you can remove one block you might just cause a total collapse.
You could see the irritation on Gavin’s face but he kept it professional and unswerving and ignored her bullying tactics.
I think Boris should avoid this sort of ugly behaviour by this pack of vermin by going back to his tactic of just not talking to them.
Come on Boris, stand up to them then get on with dismantling their ivory tower.
Jim is a Global Warming evangelist
9am R4 : How plant science can help to feed
a growing global population, as the *climate changes*.
Prof Dale Sanders talks to Jim Al-Khalili
Next week
Prof Heather Koldewey wants to protect our oceans
from over-fishing and plastic pollution
Did the education chap say they followed the ‘scientific advice ‘And used a sum to do the grades without realising that the teaching unions now run education – not the government .
As for the PM – I think he cares less about the popularity of the government than ordinary supporters do . He’s probably paddling in the sea somewhere ……
And on a more positive angle – at least the comparatively minor education screw up defects from all things coloured …
Elsewhere – being under House Arrest – I’ve now realised that the government missed a trick and should fit those ankle tag devices to monitor that victims are indoors And not endangering the lives of others by walking their dog or going for a walk. Day 6 of 14 for me ….
Ha ha
I’m also worried about vitamin D deficiency plus the amount of rubbish building up since I can’t leave the house to get rid of it .
I’m sure that if there are ‘visits ‘ being done it will be on a Serco contract so they’ll want to see my TV licence as well . I hope I don’t get a coughing fit …..
As an aside – one other exemptions is to ‘leave the country ‘ – well pretty soon I’m due to go to Amsterdam on an overnighter – so I get another dose of House Arrest for 14 days – during which I’m leaving the country again .
How thick the drafters of such laws are these days ….
” I’m sure that if there are ‘visits ‘ being done it will be on a Serco contract so they’ll want to see my TV licence as well . I hope I don’t get a coughing fit …..”
Netherlands should be OK, it’s not on the list. Just don’t let your pilot touchdown in France for a refill.
Stew ha ha yes – I have read the whole regulation a couple of times . I was thinking of becoming a ‘diplomat ‘ because diplomats don’t get covid .
I’m glad that it is being called ‘house arrest ‘ by many and not quarantine . A piece in the Telegraph today describes the brutality of the Regulation – which exceeds the ‘lockdown ‘ provisions .
The comments are not sympathetic as many seem to think no one should go overseas . I had not seen my property for 4 months and needed to see if it still existed – so – despite going before ‘house arrest ‘ was imposed – I will go again next month – unless – of course the government does what it should have done in April ?- close the airspace
\\Kent County Council has ‘no capacity for more child migrants’//
Not front page?
How are they getting here alone?
How many are real children ?
Are they being used as a ‘human shield ‘?
Is this deliberate ?
Once they are here, their so called ‘parents’ will turn up to claim their kids and stay here .
It appears that this government is operating a covert open door policy.
Which begs the question , is all this calamity a deliberate ploy to scupper Brexit?
#1 many of the children are lying they are adults
#2 The Guardianlalaland people claim it’s just a small thing, not an invasion, and we have plenty of resources to cope !
WEll how come Kent is overwhelmed now ?
Kent Councillor on LBC reveals they are "responsible" for lone migrant "children" until they are 25…have 1000 already plus local children…extra costs are enormous and puts a strain on resources despite some cash from Government for this.
Kent already has childrens homes full of children sent from south and east London LAs who cannot cope with their own numbers and have to send them to Margate and Dover and elsewhere.
Having noted the absence of recent comments from Raedwald on his blog I now see that it is being reported that its author, Ian Neil, has died.
A sad loss to the ‘bloggersphere’ which no doubt will go unnoticed by the BBC when there are insignificant rappers and potential footballers to weep tears over for days.
I for one will miss his intelligent commentary on the world.
As for the exam fiasco, I cannot understand why the teaching profession and their unions didn’t see the looming problem.
So a simple question, with over 200,000 secondary teachers twiddling their thumbs for months in the exam season why was it impossible to arrange for the exams to be sat by the pupils in a controlled environment. Other professions managed to put this together including supermarkets, health services, police, etc. so why was it so impossible for teachers to manage this?
No news outlet seems to want to mention this elephant in the room.
My guess is that they simply took the easiest option.
Impossible Digg.
It would have taken three months for the teacher unions to agree safety measures for the use of laptops at home and recompense for the extra electricity used.
I dare say all those hated private schools would have found a way had they been allowed.
digg, I think what happened on the exam results was that HMG consulted widely and did what the teachers and their Unions and the Labour Party wanted. Can’t remember where I read about it now: it may have been on Guido.
I wonder if there is a big reveal coming from Gavin Williamson and Dominic Cummings or the PM? The fact that the PM is keeping schtum* on this is interesting. I listened to a bit of TOADY this a.m. before switching off in protest. They passed on a rumour that the Permanent Under Secretary at the DfE is about to get his P45.
I predict that there will be a regurgitation of this in a few years time when all those extra kids being hoovered into grasping universities clutching their “passes” but in reality just funding the lecturers salaries, having struggled to get to grips with why they are there, leave and find themselves on the scrap heap, no doubt they will be back on BBC news screaming about wicked employers etc. etc. etc.
Of course the BBC will come up with a nice headline explainer such as “The blighted generation who’s lives were trashed by the Tory exam fiasco….” or “I got A*’s in stamp collecting and interpretive dance at school but I was denied a first when I finished University and was rejected by Goldman Sachs…..”
When the polys converted to universities I was studying law under the ‘old system ‘ , being a mature student my chats with lecturers were more revealing and honest methinks than otherwise .
Even 30 plus years ago there was alarm at the sheer volume of students being accepted to study law because the profession just didn’t have the capacity to absorb them .
So god knows what happens now .
I hope that now that the internet gives people me information about the value of courses kids won’t spend 3 years doing subjects of no commercial value as well as not getting skills which will help them earn a crust .
Research from the US CDC (Center for Disease Control) also shows that pre-born babies are five times more likely to be killed if their mums are black than if they are white.
This Guardian article is part of a deliberate race-baiting campaign.
The conversation on race …
… is just getting started. People all across the world have taken a stand against police violence and racism, and the Guardian stands in solidarity with the struggle for truth, humanity and justice. We believe that our role is to present the facts, report on events first-hand, and provide an open, inclusive platform for the voices of ethnic minorities to be heard by millions.
As they report, ‘only 5% of US doctors are black’ so this ‘study’ is based on relatively small numbers where clearly very many factors come into play – but that doesn’t matter to the race-baiting ‘fact’ miner.
Interesting thing on obesity. Yesterday, the BBC had a thing on its w-s about dieting “It’s not just calories in and exercise.” Today it is the Times echoing this with “Everything you thought about dieting is wrong.”
The BBC and the MSM print are apparently ramping up the opposition to Bojo’s anti-obesity programme. ‘Never mind the science. Never mind the fact that being overweight can kill you. Let’s oppose the Government again.’
As far as I know, it is simple science (a Law of Thermodynamics?) : calories in, less the ‘work done’, ie. energy burned = calories left over. Left over to go somewhere in the body.
Or as my Mum used to say when offered a chocolate : “A moment on the lips but it’s a lifetime on the hips.”
” Law of Thermodynamics” And there’s your mistake Up2, science is an evil white racist construct and 2+2=5. Unless it’s climate science in which case if you ask any questions you are a racist, see? It’s easy once you get into the swing of it, don’t worry if an old **** like me can move with the times you’ll soon catch up. Or there’s always the re-education camp for stick in the muds.
What a Boris success
2019 students got a certain level of A-level grades
Boris gets elected
2020 students are awarded grades a huge chunk higher
proving that Boris has caused 2020 students to be geniuses.
Are you on the look-out for new evidence or trends to improve your classroom practice?
Then make sure you get your copy of the 28 August issue of Tes magazine.
To give you a heads-up on what to expect in the coming year, we asked a crack team of researchers and educationalists for their predictions for the next ‘big thing’. From tutoring and textbooks to mastery and teacher developments, their insight is empowering, writes Grainne Hallahan.
No mention that all get prizes, hence no further need for the profession? At least state sector.
talian girl, 15, ‘is raped on the beach by two “unaccompanied minors” being housed in migrant accommodation’
The Italian girl had travelled to Lignano beach on August 14 to meet some friends
But as she sat alone on the shoreline she was approached by three migrants
Two raped her, according to local media, and a third stood by and watched
Meanwhile in Derby
“The asylum seekers say
– that racism and graffiti has led to concerns for safety,
– that there are no entertainment facilities on-site
– and that £5 a day is not enough to buy essential needs,
including protection against coronavirus.”
Last week, racist graffiti was sprayed on the walls of the centre – formerly the University of Derby’s Laverstoke Court student residence.
It is being investigated by the police and community pop art has been put in its place now it has been cleaned off.
Derby North MP Amanda Solloway has become involved in the plight of the asylum seekers. She said: “As an MP, I think it’s absolutely crucial that we work together to support refugees and asylum seekers to help get them on their feet in society and prevent the system from becoming overwhelmed.”
Almost certainly false flag. The Nazis used a right-facing swastika, whereas the one in the picture is left-facing, such as that used in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. The claim that the letters ‘FN’ could be short for the French Front National is also nonsense – it changed its name to Rassemblement National (RN) more than two years ago.
Of course, your average unwashed Gender Studies and Street Dancing student from a wealthy Home Counties background, flirting with the SWP and Antifa, hoping for a job in the BBC (but excluded on the basis of not being an ethnic) is unlikely to know such things.
I bet the Derby newspaper is quoting a Labour front group when it goes into to detail
‘Yeh 1488, is a secret Nazi code
so that proves people against the the migrant centre are real Nazis’
I bet there are dozens of antifa Twitter accounts with 1488 in their name, trying to catch Nazis
but actually just catching other antifa pretending to be Nazis.
Meanwhile the BBc’s main source of ‘news’ and broadcast to itself shows its commitment to free speech and transparency in ways only BBC blockers or audience restricters can love.
I’ve got a great idea for a TV drama – it’s based on a report in the mail online – which reviews a documentary about the innocent Alex salmond last night – but asks why the BBC hasn’t done a similar job on James ‘jimmy’ Saville . ?
So that’s it – a Netflix /prime drama based on the life and crimes of Jimmy Saville . But then you ask – within the laws of defamation – who could possibly take the part of Jimmy Saville ?
Answers on a postcard please … and let’s make it oh so colour blind ……
Free Speech Matters tweeted
I see that @JarvisDupont is also suspended by Twitter.
Kristallnacht was the Night of Broken Glass, a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazis in Germany.
We are in the midst of Twitter’s own Kristallnacht.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud is the guy who owns the largest chunk of Twitter shares
..more than the founder has.
SATIRE PURGE: Twitter suspends multiple conservative satire accounts including The Babylon Bee
And so this gross stupidity continues…
The main headlines and handwringing goes to the exam results kerfuffle. The agonisingly inept Gavin Williamson, seems to have been sold down the river by the buffoon in number 10 and he’s taking the flak. I’ve listened to him on the BBC. He didn’t come across any better on LBC, Sky or ITV. He’s a plonker, plain and simple. But the real truth is the exam debacle is a relative storm in a teacup.
The really important story (the one that the grown ups should be obsessed with) is that our economy (remember that?) is very swiftly going round the U bend. Just today Marks and Spencer have told us they’re cutting 7,000 jobs. John Lewis have lost thousands, Virgin Atlantic ditto. The writing is on the wall. The government’s response to the panpanic will economically cripple this country.
We’re going to come out of this far worse than most other countries because we’re so reliant on the service and hospitality sector. The insane obsession with distancing and gruesome face masks was supposed to encourage folk to return to a normal (WTF?) way of life. But most of us find these hideous apparels both intimidating and repellent and we’re staying away from restaurants and bars in droves. There is no recovery in sight.
It’s like attempting to give the kiss of life to a drowning man while keeping his head under water.
The real tragedy is that we didn’t need to find ourselves in this ghastly situation. Sweden have shown us quite clearly how unnecessary this insane approach has been.
Now we’re in really deep trouble. Our PM is pitiful and our prospects are dire. We’re facing a self imposed, economic suicide.
And you didn’t need to be Mystic Meg to see that coming…
See about 7 mins in from this vid to see Prof Pants-down’s planned coercion tactics with the help of the useful idiots at Al Beeb to keep up the pressure on compliance.
As an aside no deaths from or with? Covid-19 for six weeks at my local hospital in an area it serves containing >300k people.
Add to that the assumption that a vaccine will be found and will work . If it isn’t – I wonder if they are planning for a future based on current conditions ?
Is any journo asking about this ? Or is it something so horrible that people don’t want to think about it – yet alone think it through .
If you get really cold about things – people die any way – from human activity – I don’t know how many people are KSI on roads each year but there is no pressure to ban roads to save lives .
Maybe there will have to be acceptance of a new viral killer with ‘normal ‘ mitigation such as better hygiene ….now wash your hands …..
Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain.
And a very interesting read it is. Really puts in context all the cycling rubbish and waste of road space per user it entails.
More school age kids have died on the roads as pedestrians than of Coronavirus.
From memory, about 14% of deaths on the road are due to ‘exceeding the speed limit’. That’s about 250 a year. Compare with the 1 million speed camera tickets issued.
999, 750 people were given a speeding ticket and caused no fatality. Is there a lower percentage efficiency of anything in the country?
@Sluff There’ll be a name for that fallacious argument you made there.
When I was in court for killing a guy with my drunk driving,
the judge said “this is very serious drunk drivers are responsible for 20% of road deaths !”
I said “there you go, sober drivers are 4 times more dangerous than us drunks … give me another drink.”
I’ve just read an article on the Beeb’s webshyte dated 12 August that I hadn’t noticed before and don’t recall being mentioned on here – so here goes…
The article is titled “Why are there so few black and minority ethnic sporting statues?” This has to be scraping the bottom of the barrel of racial injustice and indignation.
At one point it includes this nonsensical sentence – “Football has the most of them with five, but tennis, golf and cricket – among others – don’t have any sports statues from diverse backgrounds.” I’d love the Beeb to suggest a British black golfer that deserves his own statue!
There’s a quote from someone at Sheffield University who, for some unknown reason, felt compelled to compile the data: “When the statue subject is chosen … one of the main drivers for that is nostalgia. The majority of football statues tend to be erected around 20 to 30 years after a player has retired.”
Well that would seem to adequately answer the question – what a pathetic race-bating non-article it is – but all too common from the Beeb.
C_M, is there not a bust of Sir Learie Constantine at a cricket ground somewhere? Knowing how cricket values its history and players’ histories, then there are probably portraits of him hung on walls at Lancashire CCC and in Nelson. The Wiki (usual disclaimers) doesn’t mention a statue or other memorials, but does mention this: “He appreciated the greater freedom he enjoyed in Nelson as compared with Trinidad, where racial issues predominated.”
Oh dear! The BBC and BLM will not approve of that.
Not sure about bust’s at cricket grounds, U2S, but there’s one in the National Portrait Gallery and an English Heritage plaque on his Kensington home of five years. Truth be told, I’d never heard of the guy before you mentioned him. which may also partially answer the Beeb’s question for them.
Had to laugh at the Beeb’s mention of the Dame Kelly Holmes statue as being at ‘location unknown!?” Found this explanation online – “Originally unveiled in temporary Central London location as advert for anti-perspirant. Intention was for Holmes’ home town of Tonbridge to have it, but due to negative reaction to design this didn’t happen. Tonbridge eventually erected a 2D outline sculpture of an athlete to honour Holmes.”
@Cooper_Man 12th of August ???
That must be a new one, cos I remember they did another one on lack of BAME statues
.. part of their trick was cherrypicking a narrow definition
cos once you included memorials and elaborate gravestones the count increased.
Covid, the economy, borders, HS2, WTO, Huawei, A-levels, NI Protocol, law and order. Need I go on? In terms of the who – anyone from outside Westminster.
With almost every UK patriot biting their nails in anticipated capitulations on fishing, defence, government intervention capability and regulatory dependence, the No.10 publicity machine pumps out a statement to the effect that a deal with the EU could be struck next month!
— Robert Kimbell #TimeForThePeople (@Rob_Kimbell) August 18, 2020
Don’t think AISI was around today to do his excellent review of the newspapers. So I’m probably not treading on toes to observe that the photo used for the Government’s supposed U-turn on English exam results is embarrassingly similar. Exactly so in the i and the Guardian.
It used to be essential if you were a freelance photographer to not offer the same pictures to different news outlets. It’s also interesting how these wonderful students were incapable of being organised into a Vic Blackman/Phillippe Halsman ‘jump for joy’.
Anyone else know that the BBC awarded a £50,000 diversity training grant to Ex footballer Dion Dublin who has a reported net worth of £16 MILLION! this to retrain as a television presenter so that they could give him a no doubt really well-paid job on Homes under the Hammer!
Dion is a nice enough bloke and I can’t blame him for grabbing it with both hands but surely someone else could have been a more deserving case FFS… No wonder they are so desperate for the pensioners to cough up!
Personally I refuse to watch any programme that is perfectly ok, until its tinkered with to enable the diversity mob have its way. Lucy Alexander knew her stuff, and was the only programme she was involved with, but she had to go, to make way for Dublin. I’ve never watched it since.
Most people, of much more limited means than a retired Premier League footballer, have to fund their own retraining costs, yet Mr. Dublin was apparently content to trouser a sizeable grant from a publicly-funded corporation.
Thanks for doing that – Ofcom covering its ‘backside .
Perhaps the BBC will tell ofcom that they’ll be funding the rubbish local news from the over 75s …..
I zipped through Lovecraft Country last night on Sky – I’m surprised it wasn’t on BBC, it meets the woke agenda perfectly, including the fact that it is unwatchable.
Oh, the irony! HP Lovecraft had some… interesting… ideas about black people, actually he didn’t much like any Americans not of Anglo-Saxon origin, but he did like us Brits. You should read what he wrote about Polish immigrants, Italians, Chinese, Polynesians, and ‘mongrels’ (sorry, people of mixed race)… not exactly in keeping with modern ideas, I have to say.
Anything called ‘Lovecraft Country’ should surely reflect the (yes, deeply flawed) ideas of one of the greatest horror writers of all time, and the (yes, deeply flawed) era he lived in?
Anything else would be ‘cultural appropriation’ and ought to be vilified accordingly, surely?
The International Health Service is too concerned with BAME quotas and hiring & treating foreigners IMO. And those are contributory factors behind their consistent waste & poor performance. But The BBC has other ideas. I’d rather have a doctor that was well-trained & is good at their job regardless of their race than one who graduated from a politically correct “medical” school.
Now he’d actually pleaded guilty to supplying class A drugs to Miss Michie-Fletcher
and was give 18-months in prison for that .
So he would have served that anyway
and there were other charges
Three charges of supplying the class A drug, and breaching a suspended prison sentence for two offences of possessing a knife.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
I pass by a local primary school, named after the street in which it stands that in turn happens to be named after a certain wartime British leader – probably the last Englishman ever to be named Winston. And almost certainly the rather recently built school (founded to cope with a rapidly rising population) is among the last public institutions ever to be named after him.
A large professionally produced semi-permanent banner adorns the railings near the chained and padlocked school gates. Something along the lines of support for keyworkers and NHS staff is emblazoned on this banner, besides the obligatory rainbows. One’s spirits are intended to be raised by this outward show of piety on the part of the school – but this sadly materialist soul can’t help but be surprised that overstretched budgets – of which we hear so much – in fact stretched to this and one wonders what category of expense will this item be assigned in the school accounts? General public sector slush funds?
There was a vox pop-style current affairs programme, broadcast a while ago (likely on the BBC), among the African community of a borough south of the river, cheerfully discussing with an African-heritage reporter what they enjoyed about their vibrant shopping centre. The African-owned small shops, the African food, the African clothes… seems the favourite aspects were those that reminded them of the place that they openly and proudly still regarded as home. Nothing specific to London was mentioned. So then, what was the pull factor? Frankly, why were they in Britain? Could it be the free education, free medical care, generous social benefits? Could it be answer one, as above? General public sector slush funds?
Aunty on the trawl for any unwise enough to go there on Twitter.
Matthew Sweet is collecting movie anachronisms. You know, like the 1990 Chevrolet Caprice in the Coen Brothers No Country for Old Men (set in 1980!). Add yours
I can think of quite a few anachronistic things popping up, particularly on the BBC.
How about that dreadful version they made of A Christmas Carol. I’ve read the book, seen the film and got the T shirt, but until last December I’d not realised that about half the people Dickens wrote about were actually black. That came as a bit of an eye opener.
I think they’ve also had a go at David Copperfield and Oliver Twist with similar anachronistic results…
There are also anachronistic attitudes that flood their period dramas. I can be happily watching a nice cosy 1950s detective drama when I’m suddenly confronted by a lecture about racism or homophobia. It comes as quite a jolt. I really can’t imagine some village priest worrying too much about the rights of homosexuals. The act was still illegal. The trans issue would have been mind boggling. These are the concerns of the 2020 wokerati, they weren’t on everyone’s lips in 1953…
The trouble is no one wants to make a good old fashioned period drama anymore. The casts are always flooded with ridiculous levels of ethnic minorities and the tale will be riddled with references to modern concerns.
By and large I find that I’ve stopped watching them altogether. It’s just easier and means I don’t keep shouting at the telly.
I stick with Talking Pictures where I’m reasonably safe from this nonsense. And even they warn me before some 1950s thriller begins… “Some of the attitudes that were prevalent at the time may cause offence…”
To which I always reply…
No they bleedin’ well won’t!
We have it instead of the BBC, half the price and so much more choice. Okay, I know Netflix Corp. are as woke as they come, and talk a lot of… drivel, and I know there is some real.. drivel… on there (a lot actually), BUT there are also some good documentaries and really good drama series if you can be bothered to hunt for them.
Some are good because they’re old and pre-woke, but lots are good because they’ve been made in other countries that are yet to be ‘woken’ (is that the right terminology?… actually, I don’t care). It’s interesting how many countries, even those you might think of as woken (Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Norway… ) are still producing completely non-woke stuff.
Depending on your taste there are: modern historical dramas, horror series, scifi series, crime series, docuseries etc… being made around the world, just not in this country, or in the US. Most are dubbed, some you need to live with subtitles, but frankly, I don’t care, so long as they’re entertaining… and not woke.
Just been watching ‘Dark’, a German sci-fi/horror series with an element of time travel, and they’ve gone all out on recreating various eras (1953, 1986 etc…) authentically. Barely a single BAME actor (none at all pre 2019), and only a couple of Lettuce Bacon Gherkin and Tomato types, but that’s mostly to do with the plot (it’s an inherited family ‘thing’, and the sexual deviants aren’t necessarily the ‘goodies’, not to give anything away). It’s quite ‘Twin Peaks’ actually, the multigenerational characters have depth, and are well cast, and the plot so intricate you’ll find yourself going back to work out what you missed first time around.
Jeff. You’re welcome, and I hope you do like it – always glad to help wean someone else off the BBC.
I should add Netflix takes some getting used to, everybody in your house can have their own profile, and it tries to use an algorithm (bit of a dirty word right now) to predict what sort of thing you might like and present that sort of thing at the top of your list, based on what you’ve viewed previously.
There’s three problems with that:
1. When you start it’s got no idea of your tastes so you get some totally random crap, and will probably think ‘What am I paying for this for?’ (I did to start with). You need to ‘train’ the algorithm which takes a few weeks of searching for and watching things you like… and you still sometimes get weird crap in your list, but it does get better at predicting over time and starts to present more you might like.
2. If your family are like mine, no one pays any attention to whose profile they’re logged in as, which usually seems to be mine. As my missus and kids watch different things, that screws up the whole algorithm thing a bit, and ends up with you getting some weird crap in your lists.
3. The algorithm works to its own logic. For example, you might watch something about say WWII tanks, and the next time you switch on you’ll be recommended not just hundreds of documentaries about WWII, but wildlife docs about big cats, and a comedy series about a Brazilian plumber.
You can spend a lot of time searching through what’s on offer, and it can be useful to start with to have a few recommendations to hand, to save time, because there is a lot there (and a lot of it is rubbish).
Remember some pop star girl tearing herself apart because many many years ago she had her hair done in these corn rows or whatever they are called.
Cultural appropriation they call it because the girl was white.
I’ve just seen Obama’s missus on the tv and her hair is all straightened out. Totally unnatural for her as it should be black, frizzy and curly so I expect there will be similar outrage at this cultural appropriation.
Same with Meghan Murkle.
‘Cultural appropriation’ is the biggest misnomer since ‘positive discrimination’, and ‘black lives matter’ come to think of it.
Cultural appropriation is stealing works of art, what they’re talking about is actually ‘cultural appreciation’ or ‘cultural imitation’, which are both surely pro-multicultural?
‘Positive discrimination’ is just plain old discrimination, and ‘black lives matter’, as opposed to ‘all lives matter’, is just plain old racism.
What these t….ts have failed to realise, is that a lot of black women are kept in work by carrying out this type of hair dressing.
A few years ago, I had my hair done this way when going ashore from a cruise ship at one of the Caribbean islands. It meant the difference between survival and starving to these women, and I was happy to contribute to their survival.
Bris, in most parts of the world I’ve visited the locals have been really keen to sell some of their cultural specialities to tourists.
I came back from India with a hand dyed, cotton turban, and some beautifully hand crafted shoes, bought out of a desire to ‘help the poor locals’ as much as anything else – I mean they haven’t exactly seen a lot of use, and only sat in the cupboard since. In much of South America there was nothing I wanted to buy, but I still managed to come back with a wonky hand carved balsa ocelot, an alpaca wool hat, and a hand woven hammock. In Germany it was craft beer, and home baked gingerbread, Czech Republic, absinthe and traditional, carved wooden puppets, Scotland whisky from a craft distillery and haggis from a local farmer etc…
In every case I can recall, the locals were not only glad for the trade, but more than happy to share their local traditions, happy in fact that anyone was interested. It seems like a kinder form of tourism than paying for sex with their daughters to me, but what do I know, I don’t work for Oxfam.
Yes, still very little of interest.
Who is the bBC trying to cater for, I ask? Its core of traditional watchers/listeners surely are turning its back on the organisation
All shaping up nicely for a full civil war in the US post election November. Indeed there is now a plethora of commentators of the same mind.
Coming to a town or city near you soon after the US November election.
The Coconut Cabbie was just on TalkRadio
Here is his takedown of the open border mob
Ignore the first minutes which is to get around YouTube censorship
Ironically, Twitter’s purge of the anti-woke satirists is a complete vindication of their work. In banning those who make fun of wokeness and criticise its censoriousness, Twitter has made it even clearer how authoritarian that wokeness is.
It has also shown wokeness to be totally humourless. Silicon Valley nerds need to lighten up.
£100m of Lottery community money is going to Green politics
The first grants as part of a ten-year £100m National Lottery-funded Climate Action Fund have been rolled-out to communities across the UK to help tackle climate change, reports Casino Beats.
Pakiland more important that UK laws, only ONE of many reasons why we do not want these immigrants
Police flee after failing to break up illegal street party celebrating Pakistan Independence Day in locked-down Manchester
Hundreds of revellers gathered in Manchester’s so-called ‘Curry Mile’ on Friday
Were in breach of reinforced lockdown rules which restrict outdoor gatherings
Mob of revellers surrounded a line of officers from all angles while hurling abuse
Inward net migration to the UK is running at a conservative (pun intended) quarter of a million per year. That’s a net figure and discounts outward migration and the population growth due to the elevated birthrate of recent arrivals.
The present immigration cause célèbre, the Calais-Dover rubber dinghy route, may add 5,000 per year concentrated during the calm season.
That’s 2% of the likely 250,000 annual net UK arrivals.
The government may fix the Channel problem, they may not. It’s just 2% either way…
Ever feel you’re being subjected to the three card trick?
Abdullah Mota, 20, from Batley, has started a three year six month sentence after admitting causing death by dangerous driving.
OT, but this is a promoted tweet they have restricted comments on to those they like.
“Interviewing the country's most senior politicians is always a big responsibility, but during the pandemic it's more important than anytime that I can remember.” – @SophyRidgeSky
Actually no one can comment below the SlyNews tweet
It is quite sensible of an advertiser to use that setting.
It prevents anyone troll or not, hijacking the advert.
“Monstering by omission”
.. it’s omits massive context that a large group of BLM protesters had broken through an iron gate to come onto their private estate.
The article has done it’s job when I search Twitter for the story under and dozens of anti-Trump activists are tweeting the article to help their own agenda
See how this antifa account ramps up the hatey rhetoric.
Racist US couple who pointed guns at BLM protesters 'to speak at Republican convention' as white supremacist guests of honour
You make good point. But Cuomo’s actions were political. Nuke plant licences can be extended. Instead he’s gone for gas-fired station, even tho he’s banned fracking in New York State. Simply no consistency.
BBC News at Six: Depression has doubled during the pandemic, the most likely to suffer are those under 40, women and people with a disability.
WOT, no BAME? No Beeb special interest groups?
Oh, hang on – they interview their female example – a lesbian.
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
American BS gets the dream guest opportunity. One catch; Joe and Tony have to appear together.
Blair is right on this one. He reminds me of a stopped clock which tells the right time twice a day.
The ‘experts’ sitting in their public sector offices with totally secure jobs for life never had any skin in the game.
The only slack which can be cut is that of being wise after the event. There was a lot the ‘experts’ didn’t know and wrongly assumed at the start of it.
Weirdly the least convincing ‘expert’ on the daily news conferences but ultimately the most informative was a tongue-tied lady from a quango I’ve forgotten. Answering a question she let out the truth. The reason for no testing of elderly sent back to care homes (and by inference much else) was that there were not enough test kits to go around.
I don’t think we saw her again.
How come Michelle kept quiet during eight years of the worst presidency in living memory?
If anyone was ‘in over his head’ it must have been mister indecisive, ‘where is the teleprompter?’, half-white, Obama.
BBC news in terms of insight and integrity is plumbing new depths, even for it.
After baying for a government A levels U turn and getting one after days of wall to wall hard luck stories from traumatised students, it has taken less than 24 hours to go with
‘Universities in crisis and admissions chaos after avalanche of new A level results’
Cue the next round of ‘victims’ with ‘psychologically damaged’ university entrants.
The infantilisation of news by over focus on personal stories is gruesome. The off switch again came to our aid, I say ‘our’ because Mrs S is even more infuriated about it than I am.
I just watched Louise Minchin on BBC News doing a highly unprofessional yea-but-no-but hate routine on Gavin Williamson the Conservative Education Minister. The open display of obvious hate and bias was astounding. Interrupting, repeating accusations, a totally unedifying display of BBC tantrum mantra.
It was like watching a prisoner being interrogated. The only thing missing was the thumb-screw.
At every turn she interrupted and flung in “When are you going to resign?”.
The BBC are obviously hell-bent on getting any Conservative to resign, it doesn’t matter who. I believe they see it like Jenga where if you can remove one block you might just cause a total collapse.
You could see the irritation on Gavin’s face but he kept it professional and unswerving and ignored her bullying tactics.
I think Boris should avoid this sort of ugly behaviour by this pack of vermin by going back to his tactic of just not talking to them.
Come on Boris, stand up to them then get on with dismantling their ivory tower.
When are you going to resign Louise?
Jim is a Global Warming evangelist
9am R4 : How plant science can help to feed
a growing global population, as the *climate changes*.
Prof Dale Sanders talks to Jim Al-Khalili
Next week
Prof Heather Koldewey wants to protect our oceans
from over-fishing and plastic pollution
Did the education chap say they followed the ‘scientific advice ‘And used a sum to do the grades without realising that the teaching unions now run education – not the government .
As for the PM – I think he cares less about the popularity of the government than ordinary supporters do . He’s probably paddling in the sea somewhere ……
And on a more positive angle – at least the comparatively minor education screw up defects from all things coloured …
Elsewhere – being under House Arrest – I’ve now realised that the government missed a trick and should fit those ankle tag devices to monitor that victims are indoors And not endangering the lives of others by walking their dog or going for a walk. Day 6 of 14 for me ….
Don’t forget, Fed, get some exercise: up and down those stairs x 2,854 times to get to the height of Mt Everest or Kilimanjaro or something.
Ha ha
I’m also worried about vitamin D deficiency plus the amount of rubbish building up since I can’t leave the house to get rid of it .
I’m sure that if there are ‘visits ‘ being done it will be on a Serco contract so they’ll want to see my TV licence as well . I hope I don’t get a coughing fit …..
As an aside – one other exemptions is to ‘leave the country ‘ – well pretty soon I’m due to go to Amsterdam on an overnighter – so I get another dose of House Arrest for 14 days – during which I’m leaving the country again .
How thick the drafters of such laws are these days ….
” I’m sure that if there are ‘visits ‘ being done it will be on a Serco contract so they’ll want to see my TV licence as well . I hope I don’t get a coughing fit …..”
Netherlands should be OK, it’s not on the list. Just don’t let your pilot touchdown in France for a refill.
Fed you did check to see if you are on the vast list of exemptions ?
… They include BBC transmission engineers.
Stew ha ha yes – I have read the whole regulation a couple of times . I was thinking of becoming a ‘diplomat ‘ because diplomats don’t get covid .
I’m glad that it is being called ‘house arrest ‘ by many and not quarantine . A piece in the Telegraph today describes the brutality of the Regulation – which exceeds the ‘lockdown ‘ provisions .
The comments are not sympathetic as many seem to think no one should go overseas . I had not seen my property for 4 months and needed to see if it still existed – so – despite going before ‘house arrest ‘ was imposed – I will go again next month – unless – of course the government does what it should have done in April ?- close the airspace
\\Kent County Council has ‘no capacity for more child migrants’//
Not front page?
How are they getting here alone?
How many are real children ?
Are they being used as a ‘human shield ‘?
Is this deliberate ?
Once they are here, their so called ‘parents’ will turn up to claim their kids and stay here .
It appears that this government is operating a covert open door policy.
Which begs the question , is all this calamity a deliberate ploy to scupper Brexit?
#1 many of the children are lying they are adults
#2 The Guardianlalaland people claim it’s just a small thing, not an invasion, and we have plenty of resources to cope !
WEll how come Kent is overwhelmed now ?
Kent already has childrens homes full of children sent from south and east London LAs who cannot cope with their own numbers and have to send them to Margate and Dover and elsewhere.
Not the BBC:
Having noted the absence of recent comments from Raedwald on his blog I now see that it is being reported that its author, Ian Neil, has died.
A sad loss to the ‘bloggersphere’ which no doubt will go unnoticed by the BBC when there are insignificant rappers and potential footballers to weep tears over for days.
I for one will miss his intelligent commentary on the world.
Raedwald’s brother confirms he’s passed on.
As for the exam fiasco, I cannot understand why the teaching profession and their unions didn’t see the looming problem.
So a simple question, with over 200,000 secondary teachers twiddling their thumbs for months in the exam season why was it impossible to arrange for the exams to be sat by the pupils in a controlled environment. Other professions managed to put this together including supermarkets, health services, police, etc. so why was it so impossible for teachers to manage this?
No news outlet seems to want to mention this elephant in the room.
My guess is that they simply took the easiest option.
Impossible Digg.
It would have taken three months for the teacher unions to agree safety measures for the use of laptops at home and recompense for the extra electricity used.
I dare say all those hated private schools would have found a way had they been allowed.
digg, I think what happened on the exam results was that HMG consulted widely and did what the teachers and their Unions and the Labour Party wanted. Can’t remember where I read about it now: it may have been on Guido.
I wonder if there is a big reveal coming from Gavin Williamson and Dominic Cummings or the PM? The fact that the PM is keeping schtum* on this is interesting. I listened to a bit of TOADY this a.m. before switching off in protest. They passed on a rumour that the Permanent Under Secretary at the DfE is about to get his P45.
* The PM is still on hols in Scotland
I predict that there will be a regurgitation of this in a few years time when all those extra kids being hoovered into grasping universities clutching their “passes” but in reality just funding the lecturers salaries, having struggled to get to grips with why they are there, leave and find themselves on the scrap heap, no doubt they will be back on BBC news screaming about wicked employers etc. etc. etc.
Of course the BBC will come up with a nice headline explainer such as “The blighted generation who’s lives were trashed by the Tory exam fiasco….” or “I got A*’s in stamp collecting and interpretive dance at school but I was denied a first when I finished University and was rejected by Goldman Sachs…..”
When the polys converted to universities I was studying law under the ‘old system ‘ , being a mature student my chats with lecturers were more revealing and honest methinks than otherwise .
Even 30 plus years ago there was alarm at the sheer volume of students being accepted to study law because the profession just didn’t have the capacity to absorb them .
So god knows what happens now .
I hope that now that the internet gives people me information about the value of courses kids won’t spend 3 years doing subjects of no commercial value as well as not getting skills which will help them earn a crust .
I think we should reinstate the Thursday clap, this time for our magnificent teachers.
In only half a year (until this March) they have raised the number of children with the pass rate from 26% to 37%
These teachers must be exceptional.
Think of what they could do in a full year.
50% ….65% …..110% pass rate?
They must be far better than all the other teachers who only managed a consistent 26% pass rate.
How lucky we must be to have such a brilliant number of teachers all of a sudden.
What happens next year when the figures drop back 10% through proper examination…..?
Dreams /lives destroyed? How will they cope? …
…sad and hilarious.
No studies yet suggesting rates depending on shade? Especially given the BAME expertise representation on bbc Vox pops.
The survival rate in Africa must be very high then ?
Research from the US CDC (Center for Disease Control) also shows that pre-born babies are five times more likely to be killed if their mums are black than if they are white.
This Guardian article is part of a deliberate race-baiting campaign.
As they report, ‘only 5% of US doctors are black’ so this ‘study’ is based on relatively small numbers where clearly very many factors come into play – but that doesn’t matter to the race-baiting ‘fact’ miner.
Where the Graun leads, the BBC’s hordes are sure to fall in.
I sense the MSM is killing itself off.
Just hoping it does not persuade the dumbest political class in global history to take the rest of us with them.
Interesting thing on obesity. Yesterday, the BBC had a thing on its w-s about dieting “It’s not just calories in and exercise.” Today it is the Times echoing this with “Everything you thought about dieting is wrong.”
The BBC and the MSM print are apparently ramping up the opposition to Bojo’s anti-obesity programme. ‘Never mind the science. Never mind the fact that being overweight can kill you. Let’s oppose the Government again.’
As far as I know, it is simple science (a Law of Thermodynamics?) : calories in, less the ‘work done’, ie. energy burned = calories left over. Left over to go somewhere in the body.
Or as my Mum used to say when offered a chocolate : “A moment on the lips but it’s a lifetime on the hips.”
” Law of Thermodynamics” And there’s your mistake Up2, science is an evil white racist construct and 2+2=5. Unless it’s climate science in which case if you ask any questions you are a racist, see? It’s easy once you get into the swing of it, don’t worry if an old **** like me can move with the times you’ll soon catch up. Or there’s always the re-education camp for stick in the muds.
More black foetuses are aborted than black live births
Surely that means, white babies more likely to die when cared for by black doctors? The corollary.
What a Boris success
2019 students got a certain level of A-level grades
Boris gets elected
2020 students are awarded grades a huge chunk higher
proving that Boris has caused 2020 students to be geniuses.
Are you on the look-out for new evidence or trends to improve your classroom practice?
Then make sure you get your copy of the 28 August issue of Tes magazine.
To give you a heads-up on what to expect in the coming year, we asked a crack team of researchers and educationalists for their predictions for the next ‘big thing’. From tutoring and textbooks to mastery and teacher developments, their insight is empowering, writes Grainne Hallahan.
No mention that all get prizes, hence no further need for the profession? At least state sector.
Enjoy the holidays, guys.
Asylum seekers my ar@e
rapists and predators:
talian girl, 15, ‘is raped on the beach by two “unaccompanied minors” being housed in migrant accommodation’
The Italian girl had travelled to Lignano beach on August 14 to meet some friends
But as she sat alone on the shoreline she was approached by three migrants
Two raped her, according to local media, and a third stood by and watched
Meanwhile in Derby
“The asylum seekers say
– that racism and graffiti has led to concerns for safety,
– that there are no entertainment facilities on-site
– and that £5 a day is not enough to buy essential needs,
including protection against coronavirus.”
Last week, racist graffiti was sprayed on the walls of the centre – formerly the University of Derby’s Laverstoke Court student residence.
It is being investigated by the police and community pop art has been put in its place now it has been cleaned off.
Derby North MP Amanda Solloway has become involved in the plight of the asylum seekers. She said:
“As an MP, I think it’s absolutely crucial that we work together to support refugees and asylum seekers to help get them on their feet in society and prevent the system from becoming overwhelmed.”
Pic of the grafitt
..which helpfully included a swastika so that pro immigrant people could call it “Nazi”
.. I wouldn’t rule out false flag stuff.
Almost certainly false flag. The Nazis used a right-facing swastika, whereas the one in the picture is left-facing, such as that used in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. The claim that the letters ‘FN’ could be short for the French Front National is also nonsense – it changed its name to Rassemblement National (RN) more than two years ago.
Of course, your average unwashed Gender Studies and Street Dancing student from a wealthy Home Counties background, flirting with the SWP and Antifa, hoping for a job in the BBC (but excluded on the basis of not being an ethnic) is unlikely to know such things.
Talk Radio will be talking about the Derby thing
In a few minutes
The MG show said he didn’t get time to do the Derby story
Maybe Ian Collins will.
2 recent examples of false flags
mixed race BLM guy convicted of painting swastika in a churchyard protest
I bet the Derby newspaper is quoting a Labour front group when it goes into to detail
‘Yeh 1488, is a secret Nazi code
so that proves people against the the migrant centre are real Nazis’
I bet there are dozens of antifa Twitter accounts with 1488 in their name, trying to catch Nazis
but actually just catching other antifa pretending to be Nazis.
Meanwhile the BBc’s main source of ‘news’ and broadcast to itself shows its commitment to free speech and transparency in ways only BBC blockers or audience restricters can love.
At least Nish can keep the hilarity going.
They may even forgive Dara for going sulky.
“…and yet still they said nothing”.
Frankly most of the BBC was likely reporting them anonymously from Lewis Goodhall’s bathroom.
I’ve got a great idea for a TV drama – it’s based on a report in the mail online – which reviews a documentary about the innocent Alex salmond last night – but asks why the BBC hasn’t done a similar job on James ‘jimmy’ Saville . ?
So that’s it – a Netflix /prime drama based on the life and crimes of Jimmy Saville . But then you ask – within the laws of defamation – who could possibly take the part of Jimmy Saville ?
Answers on a postcard please … and let’s make it oh so colour blind ……
Free Speech Matters tweeted
I see that @JarvisDupont is also suspended by Twitter.
Kristallnacht was the Night of Broken Glass, a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazis in Germany.
We are in the midst of Twitter’s own Kristallnacht.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud is the guy who owns the largest chunk of Twitter shares
..more than the founder has.
And so this gross stupidity continues…
The main headlines and handwringing goes to the exam results kerfuffle. The agonisingly inept Gavin Williamson, seems to have been sold down the river by the buffoon in number 10 and he’s taking the flak. I’ve listened to him on the BBC. He didn’t come across any better on LBC, Sky or ITV. He’s a plonker, plain and simple. But the real truth is the exam debacle is a relative storm in a teacup.
The really important story (the one that the grown ups should be obsessed with) is that our economy (remember that?) is very swiftly going round the U bend. Just today Marks and Spencer have told us they’re cutting 7,000 jobs. John Lewis have lost thousands, Virgin Atlantic ditto. The writing is on the wall. The government’s response to the panpanic will economically cripple this country.
We’re going to come out of this far worse than most other countries because we’re so reliant on the service and hospitality sector. The insane obsession with distancing and gruesome face masks was supposed to encourage folk to return to a normal (WTF?) way of life. But most of us find these hideous apparels both intimidating and repellent and we’re staying away from restaurants and bars in droves. There is no recovery in sight.
It’s like attempting to give the kiss of life to a drowning man while keeping his head under water.
The real tragedy is that we didn’t need to find ourselves in this ghastly situation. Sweden have shown us quite clearly how unnecessary this insane approach has been.
Now we’re in really deep trouble. Our PM is pitiful and our prospects are dire. We’re facing a self imposed, economic suicide.
And you didn’t need to be Mystic Meg to see that coming…
See about 7 mins in from this vid to see Prof Pants-down’s planned coercion tactics with the help of the useful idiots at Al Beeb to keep up the pressure on compliance.
As an aside no deaths from or with? Covid-19 for six weeks at my local hospital in an area it serves containing >300k people.
AGENDA 2030…Boris’s New ‘Green Deal’?….
its not ‘conspiracy’…its where we are heading…….
Add to that the assumption that a vaccine will be found and will work . If it isn’t – I wonder if they are planning for a future based on current conditions ?
Is any journo asking about this ? Or is it something so horrible that people don’t want to think about it – yet alone think it through .
If you get really cold about things – people die any way – from human activity – I don’t know how many people are KSI on roads each year but there is no pressure to ban roads to save lives .
Maybe there will have to be acceptance of a new viral killer with ‘normal ‘ mitigation such as better hygiene ….now wash your hands …..
Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain.
And a very interesting read it is. Really puts in context all the cycling rubbish and waste of road space per user it entails.
More school age kids have died on the roads as pedestrians than of Coronavirus.
From memory, about 14% of deaths on the road are due to ‘exceeding the speed limit’. That’s about 250 a year. Compare with the 1 million speed camera tickets issued.
999, 750 people were given a speeding ticket and caused no fatality. Is there a lower percentage efficiency of anything in the country?
Thanks – I know there is the annual argument about BST saving lives if it was kept and that perhaps Scotland should be on its own time zone .
I suspect corrupt driving examiners and fraudulent third world exam takers contributes to the decline in driving habits …..
@Sluff There’ll be a name for that fallacious argument you made there.
When I was in court for killing a guy with my drunk driving,
the judge said “this is very serious drunk drivers are responsible for 20% of road deaths !”
I said “there you go, sober drivers are 4 times more dangerous than us drunks … give me another drink.”
I’ve just read an article on the Beeb’s webshyte dated 12 August that I hadn’t noticed before and don’t recall being mentioned on here – so here goes…
The article is titled “Why are there so few black and minority ethnic sporting statues?” This has to be scraping the bottom of the barrel of racial injustice and indignation.
At one point it includes this nonsensical sentence – “Football has the most of them with five, but tennis, golf and cricket – among others – don’t have any sports statues from diverse backgrounds.” I’d love the Beeb to suggest a British black golfer that deserves his own statue!
There’s a quote from someone at Sheffield University who, for some unknown reason, felt compelled to compile the data: “When the statue subject is chosen … one of the main drivers for that is nostalgia. The majority of football statues tend to be erected around 20 to 30 years after a player has retired.”
Well that would seem to adequately answer the question – what a pathetic race-bating non-article it is – but all too common from the Beeb.
C_M, is there not a bust of Sir Learie Constantine at a cricket ground somewhere? Knowing how cricket values its history and players’ histories, then there are probably portraits of him hung on walls at Lancashire CCC and in Nelson. The Wiki (usual disclaimers) doesn’t mention a statue or other memorials, but does mention this: “He appreciated the greater freedom he enjoyed in Nelson as compared with Trinidad, where racial issues predominated.”
Oh dear! The BBC and BLM will not approve of that.
Not sure about bust’s at cricket grounds, U2S, but there’s one in the National Portrait Gallery and an English Heritage plaque on his Kensington home of five years. Truth be told, I’d never heard of the guy before you mentioned him. which may also partially answer the Beeb’s question for them.
Had to laugh at the Beeb’s mention of the Dame Kelly Holmes statue as being at ‘location unknown!?” Found this explanation online – “Originally unveiled in temporary Central London location as advert for anti-perspirant. Intention was for Holmes’ home town of Tonbridge to have it, but due to negative reaction to design this didn’t happen. Tonbridge eventually erected a 2D outline sculpture of an athlete to honour Holmes.”
@Cooper_Man 12th of August ???
That must be a new one, cos I remember they did another one on lack of BAME statues
.. part of their trick was cherrypicking a narrow definition
cos once you included memorials and elaborate gravestones the count increased.
Not to mention Brexit
Don’t think AISI was around today to do his excellent review of the newspapers. So I’m probably not treading on toes to observe that the photo used for the Government’s supposed U-turn on English exam results is embarrassingly similar. Exactly so in the i and the Guardian.
It used to be essential if you were a freelance photographer to not offer the same pictures to different news outlets. It’s also interesting how these wonderful students were incapable of being organised into a Vic Blackman/Phillippe Halsman ‘jump for joy’.
Anyone else know that the BBC awarded a £50,000 diversity training grant to Ex footballer Dion Dublin who has a reported net worth of £16 MILLION! this to retrain as a television presenter so that they could give him a no doubt really well-paid job on Homes under the Hammer!
That’s all public money everyone!
Dion is a nice enough bloke and I can’t blame him for grabbing it with both hands but surely someone else could have been a more deserving case FFS… No wonder they are so desperate for the pensioners to cough up!
Personally I refuse to watch any programme that is perfectly ok, until its tinkered with to enable the diversity mob have its way. Lucy Alexander knew her stuff, and was the only programme she was involved with, but she had to go, to make way for Dublin. I’ve never watched it since.
I DO blame Dion Dublin.
Most people, of much more limited means than a retired Premier League footballer, have to fund their own retraining costs, yet Mr. Dublin was apparently content to trouser a sizeable grant from a publicly-funded corporation.
His colour matters not to me; his greed does.
PLEASE SCREENSHOT the letter as I think they published by mistake …
A confidential letter from ofcom to the BBC written on the 17th – shots fired -as they say
Source – UK press gazette
Thanks for doing that – Ofcom covering its ‘backside .
Perhaps the BBC will tell ofcom that they’ll be funding the rubbish local news from the over 75s …..
I zipped through Lovecraft Country last night on Sky – I’m surprised it wasn’t on BBC, it meets the woke agenda perfectly, including the fact that it is unwatchable.
“almost entirely black cast”
Oh, the irony! HP Lovecraft had some… interesting… ideas about black people, actually he didn’t much like any Americans not of Anglo-Saxon origin, but he did like us Brits. You should read what he wrote about Polish immigrants, Italians, Chinese, Polynesians, and ‘mongrels’ (sorry, people of mixed race)… not exactly in keeping with modern ideas, I have to say.
Anything called ‘Lovecraft Country’ should surely reflect the (yes, deeply flawed) ideas of one of the greatest horror writers of all time, and the (yes, deeply flawed) era he lived in?
Anything else would be ‘cultural appropriation’ and ought to be vilified accordingly, surely?
The International Health Service is too concerned with BAME quotas and hiring & treating foreigners IMO. And those are contributory factors behind their consistent waste & poor performance. But The BBC has other ideas. I’d rather have a doctor that was well-trained & is good at their job regardless of their race than one who graduated from a politically correct “medical” school.
Not BBC, but same hymn sheet
Guardian headlines…
31st July….
Opinion Donald Trump
The Guardian view on delaying elections: it’s what autocrats do…
17th August…
New Zealand election 2020
By delaying the New Zealand election Jacinda Ardern appears magnanimous and conciliatory.
Just seen a great question on Facebook ……
Why do all the Fish in the Channel belong to the EU, but all the Refugees in the channel belong to us ???
LOL !!
Conviction overturned
Now he’d actually pleaded guilty to supplying class A drugs to Miss Michie-Fletcher
and was give 18-months in prison for that .
So he would have served that anyway
and there were other charges
Three charges of supplying the class A drug, and breaching a suspended prison sentence for two offences of possessing a knife.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
I pass by a local primary school, named after the street in which it stands that in turn happens to be named after a certain wartime British leader – probably the last Englishman ever to be named Winston. And almost certainly the rather recently built school (founded to cope with a rapidly rising population) is among the last public institutions ever to be named after him.
A large professionally produced semi-permanent banner adorns the railings near the chained and padlocked school gates. Something along the lines of support for keyworkers and NHS staff is emblazoned on this banner, besides the obligatory rainbows. One’s spirits are intended to be raised by this outward show of piety on the part of the school – but this sadly materialist soul can’t help but be surprised that overstretched budgets – of which we hear so much – in fact stretched to this and one wonders what category of expense will this item be assigned in the school accounts? General public sector slush funds?
There was a vox pop-style current affairs programme, broadcast a while ago (likely on the BBC), among the African community of a borough south of the river, cheerfully discussing with an African-heritage reporter what they enjoyed about their vibrant shopping centre. The African-owned small shops, the African food, the African clothes… seems the favourite aspects were those that reminded them of the place that they openly and proudly still regarded as home. Nothing specific to London was mentioned. So then, what was the pull factor? Frankly, why were they in Britain? Could it be the free education, free medical care, generous social benefits? Could it be answer one, as above? General public sector slush funds?
Aunty on the trawl for any unwise enough to go there on Twitter.
I can think of quite a few anachronistic things popping up, particularly on the BBC.
How about that dreadful version they made of A Christmas Carol. I’ve read the book, seen the film and got the T shirt, but until last December I’d not realised that about half the people Dickens wrote about were actually black. That came as a bit of an eye opener.
I think they’ve also had a go at David Copperfield and Oliver Twist with similar anachronistic results…
There are also anachronistic attitudes that flood their period dramas. I can be happily watching a nice cosy 1950s detective drama when I’m suddenly confronted by a lecture about racism or homophobia. It comes as quite a jolt. I really can’t imagine some village priest worrying too much about the rights of homosexuals. The act was still illegal. The trans issue would have been mind boggling. These are the concerns of the 2020 wokerati, they weren’t on everyone’s lips in 1953…
The trouble is no one wants to make a good old fashioned period drama anymore. The casts are always flooded with ridiculous levels of ethnic minorities and the tale will be riddled with references to modern concerns.
By and large I find that I’ve stopped watching them altogether. It’s just easier and means I don’t keep shouting at the telly.
I stick with Talking Pictures where I’m reasonably safe from this nonsense. And even they warn me before some 1950s thriller begins… “Some of the attitudes that were prevalent at the time may cause offence…”
To which I always reply…
No they bleedin’ well won’t!
Have you got Netflix Jeff?
We have it instead of the BBC, half the price and so much more choice. Okay, I know Netflix Corp. are as woke as they come, and talk a lot of… drivel, and I know there is some real.. drivel… on there (a lot actually), BUT there are also some good documentaries and really good drama series if you can be bothered to hunt for them.
Some are good because they’re old and pre-woke, but lots are good because they’ve been made in other countries that are yet to be ‘woken’ (is that the right terminology?… actually, I don’t care). It’s interesting how many countries, even those you might think of as woken (Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Norway… ) are still producing completely non-woke stuff.
Depending on your taste there are: modern historical dramas, horror series, scifi series, crime series, docuseries etc… being made around the world, just not in this country, or in the US. Most are dubbed, some you need to live with subtitles, but frankly, I don’t care, so long as they’re entertaining… and not woke.
Just been watching ‘Dark’, a German sci-fi/horror series with an element of time travel, and they’ve gone all out on recreating various eras (1953, 1986 etc…) authentically. Barely a single BAME actor (none at all pre 2019), and only a couple of Lettuce Bacon Gherkin and Tomato types, but that’s mostly to do with the plot (it’s an inherited family ‘thing’, and the sexual deviants aren’t necessarily the ‘goodies’, not to give anything away). It’s quite ‘Twin Peaks’ actually, the multigenerational characters have depth, and are well cast, and the plot so intricate you’ll find yourself going back to work out what you missed first time around.
Thanks BBC, a number of people have recommended Netflix.
I’ll give it a gander.
Jeff. You’re welcome, and I hope you do like it – always glad to help wean someone else off the BBC.
I should add Netflix takes some getting used to, everybody in your house can have their own profile, and it tries to use an algorithm (bit of a dirty word right now) to predict what sort of thing you might like and present that sort of thing at the top of your list, based on what you’ve viewed previously.
There’s three problems with that:
1. When you start it’s got no idea of your tastes so you get some totally random crap, and will probably think ‘What am I paying for this for?’ (I did to start with). You need to ‘train’ the algorithm which takes a few weeks of searching for and watching things you like… and you still sometimes get weird crap in your list, but it does get better at predicting over time and starts to present more you might like.
2. If your family are like mine, no one pays any attention to whose profile they’re logged in as, which usually seems to be mine. As my missus and kids watch different things, that screws up the whole algorithm thing a bit, and ends up with you getting some weird crap in your lists.
3. The algorithm works to its own logic. For example, you might watch something about say WWII tanks, and the next time you switch on you’ll be recommended not just hundreds of documentaries about WWII, but wildlife docs about big cats, and a comedy series about a Brazilian plumber.
You can spend a lot of time searching through what’s on offer, and it can be useful to start with to have a few recommendations to hand, to save time, because there is a lot there (and a lot of it is rubbish).
I envy you as you haven’t seen Breaking Bad yet – what a treat – but you must stick with it
Remember some pop star girl tearing herself apart because many many years ago she had her hair done in these corn rows or whatever they are called.
Cultural appropriation they call it because the girl was white.
I’ve just seen Obama’s missus on the tv and her hair is all straightened out. Totally unnatural for her as it should be black, frizzy and curly so I expect there will be similar outrage at this cultural appropriation.
Same with Meghan Murkle.
(It’s ok, I know these things only work one way)
‘Cultural appropriation’ is the biggest misnomer since ‘positive discrimination’, and ‘black lives matter’ come to think of it.
Cultural appropriation is stealing works of art, what they’re talking about is actually ‘cultural appreciation’ or ‘cultural imitation’, which are both surely pro-multicultural?
‘Positive discrimination’ is just plain old discrimination, and ‘black lives matter’, as opposed to ‘all lives matter’, is just plain old racism.
What these t….ts have failed to realise, is that a lot of black women are kept in work by carrying out this type of hair dressing.
A few years ago, I had my hair done this way when going ashore from a cruise ship at one of the Caribbean islands. It meant the difference between survival and starving to these women, and I was happy to contribute to their survival.
Bris, in most parts of the world I’ve visited the locals have been really keen to sell some of their cultural specialities to tourists.
I came back from India with a hand dyed, cotton turban, and some beautifully hand crafted shoes, bought out of a desire to ‘help the poor locals’ as much as anything else – I mean they haven’t exactly seen a lot of use, and only sat in the cupboard since. In much of South America there was nothing I wanted to buy, but I still managed to come back with a wonky hand carved balsa ocelot, an alpaca wool hat, and a hand woven hammock. In Germany it was craft beer, and home baked gingerbread, Czech Republic, absinthe and traditional, carved wooden puppets, Scotland whisky from a craft distillery and haggis from a local farmer etc…
In every case I can recall, the locals were not only glad for the trade, but more than happy to share their local traditions, happy in fact that anyone was interested. It seems like a kinder form of tourism than paying for sex with their daughters to me, but what do I know, I don’t work for Oxfam.
Less and less on the bBC / bBC webshite is of interest these days, until i found
The Black Experience: Can You Be Black And British?
Yes, still very little of interest.
Who is the bBC trying to cater for, I ask? Its core of traditional watchers/listeners surely are turning its back on the organisation
All shaping up nicely for a full civil war in the US post election November. Indeed there is now a plethora of commentators of the same mind.
Coming to a town or city near you soon after the US November election.
The Coconut Cabbie was just on TalkRadio
Here is his takedown of the open border mob
Ignore the first minutes which is to get around YouTube censorship
Guido is catching up with us
Also on spiked
Ironically, Twitter’s purge of the anti-woke satirists is a complete vindication of their work. In banning those who make fun of wokeness and criticise its censoriousness, Twitter has made it even clearer how authoritarian that wokeness is.
It has also shown wokeness to be totally humourless. Silicon Valley nerds need to lighten up.
£100m of Lottery community money is going to Green politics
The first grants as part of a ten-year £100m National Lottery-funded Climate Action Fund have been rolled-out to communities across the UK to help tackle climate change, reports Casino Beats.
As usual, Sky News Australia telling it like it is about the Democ-rats.
WHY can we NEVER hear views like this on the leftist BBC?
“Trump blamed for everything as Democrats ‘revel in American dysfunction’”
Apologies but I’m in a rush can somebody please complete my post.
A police community support officer from Hove has been charged with two counts of rape.
Its not reported on the BBC because the PCSO is…………….
Thanks , must dash.
Wow – name – address and picture .
Still alleged until convicted of course
Pakiland more important that UK laws, only ONE of many reasons why we do not want these immigrants
Police flee after failing to break up illegal street party celebrating Pakistan Independence Day in locked-down Manchester
Hundreds of revellers gathered in Manchester’s so-called ‘Curry Mile’ on Friday
Were in breach of reinforced lockdown rules which restrict outdoor gatherings
Mob of revellers surrounded a line of officers from all angles while hurling abuse
That’s when the muslim population is about 10%. Not including the illegals already here (maybe about 3 million) and increasing from Kent by the day.
Just what we need, more nannying
Inward net migration to the UK is running at a conservative (pun intended) quarter of a million per year. That’s a net figure and discounts outward migration and the population growth due to the elevated birthrate of recent arrivals.
The present immigration cause célèbre, the Calais-Dover rubber dinghy route, may add 5,000 per year concentrated during the calm season.
That’s 2% of the likely 250,000 annual net UK arrivals.
The government may fix the Channel problem, they may not. It’s just 2% either way…
Ever feel you’re being subjected to the three card trick?
…….none of which do we ever hear a peep about when LeftMob go on about the ‘housing crisis’.
“RAF jets diverted due to bad weather at Kinloss”
Is this really ‘news’ or just useful information to help the Russkies ?
It’s how they vye for awards from each other.
ITV local news omitted reporting this on TV
OT, but this is a promoted tweet they have restricted comments on to those they like.
The use of the word ‘Trust’ is also a good indication not to.
Speaking of ‘Trust’.
Actually no one can comment below the SlyNews tweet
It is quite sensible of an advertiser to use that setting.
It prevents anyone troll or not, hijacking the advert.
Recall a bbc journo experimenting with not having any pertinent views shared recently.
6:20pm ITV local news
2 min slot from The Leeds Black Elders Association
Looks like a scoop. Reportedly.
BBC News
A husband and wife who pointed guns at racial justice protesters will reportedly appear at the Republican Party convention.
“Monstering by omission”
.. it’s omits massive context that a large group of BLM protesters had broken through an iron gate to come onto their private estate.
The article has done it’s job when I search Twitter for the story under and dozens of anti-Trump activists are tweeting the article to help their own agenda
See how this antifa account ramps up the hatey rhetoric.
btw there a Twitter pic, which seems to show a protester has an assault rifle pointing back
That could be fake I suppose.
Shots fired.
BS likely going to stay with American Booty and the US BS At this rate.
Oh, yes.
Teaches politics.
BBC News at Six: Depression has doubled during the pandemic, the most likely to suffer are those under 40, women and people with a disability.
WOT, no BAME? No Beeb special interest groups?
Oh, hang on – they interview their female example – a lesbian.
BBC local news
“Here’s Paul McKenna”
PMc “Don’t catastrophise about Covid”
They then went straight into catastrophising about A-levels
lots of student stories ALL were girls
ITV local news had been the worse, milking it for the first 8 minutes of the prog
All day each half Radio Humberside news bulletins have led
“A levels … here’s Hull Labour MP Emma Harding”