i always wanted to say something clever if i ever got to be first, but i just got too excited and completely forgot what i was going to say about the Nazi BBC propaganda machine. well i might just lie down and contemplate before posting again LOL
i always wanted to say something clever if i ever got to be first, but i just got too excited and completely forgot what i was going to say about the Nazi BBC propaganda machine. well i might just lie down and contemplate before posting again LOL
Fiter, just giggle a lot, thank Mum, Dad, Grannie, the dog, the budgerigar and say what a wonderful group of people you have had to inspire you and work with you.
Before we know it, it will be the Awards Season, again.
Warning to all Taffmen ……..The very reason that the Left Leaning Welsh Assembly is lowering the voting age to 16.
Time to make moves to get rid of the Assembly.
Good God, they know very little at 18, so what the H do they the idiot powers, think (if they think at all) that young people of 16 will really know or have any real idea of the world-only what they might have been led to believe is knowledge. Don’t know about 16 year olds to day, but for me Politics was the last thing on my mind at 16-sport, and girls possibly the main items of interest. For goodness sake leave them to be young, they will grow old quickly enough.
My 16 year old can’t even tidy up his bedroom. How the hell is he going to know who to vote for ? I suppose the ‘Leftylib’ teachers that have indoctrinated him will advise him.
Not possible. Both the Roman owners and British slaves are dead.
So the Romans cannot pay the victims because they are dead, and the victims cannot receive the money because they are also dead.
However modern day slavery is still rife in Africa with some central African nations having over two percent of the population as slaves. For instance, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, called “Slavery’s Last Stronghold”, has around 90,000 Black Slaves (Haratin) owned by White Moors (Arabs and Berbers).
So answering the BBC’s question “Should money be paid to past victims of slavery?” It is possible for money from Arabs to be paid to past victims of slavery, if the Blacks, are first, freed from slavery.
Also, according to Wikipedia. In the 21st Century, almost every country has legally abolished chattel slavery, but the number of people currently enslaved around the world is far greater than the number of slaves during the historical Atlantic slave trade.
Richard, the BBC appear to be in favour of modern slavery because the BBC appear to want trafficking gangs to be able to maintain or even increase their abhorrent trade.
Indeed Richard almost every country may have abolished chattel slavery, and as you say we are in fact all enslaved one way or another. Today we have all become slaves; slaves to the powers of mafia banksters of finance; slaves to the western lie-propaganda; to the lobbies and their giant all dominating corporations-to the war-industry, because we happily believe what we are told about ever-increasing terrorism that needs to be fought with eternal wars; slaves to the environment-destructive hydocarbon industry; to the pharma-industry, to senseless consumerism-and formostly to greed, endless greed that drive endless growth, nurturing endless competition formenting adversity, destroying solidarity, instead of amicable cooperation for a humonious human cohabitation. We have been believing whatever lie they vomit-its more comfortable to believe a lie than to confront the truth-that is self-imposed slave- hood. That is how we have gone because I fear we are clearly on an alomst irreversible downward track-sliding and running towards our own demise-into-darkness of chaos-as this plague now demonstrates.
In 5 years time the competition for places as rocket scientists and brain surgeons is going to be ridiculous. We need to start planning now so this unprecedented generation of geniuses aren't let down and end up as recruitment consultants and barristas.
I sort feel sorry for the really clever kids who deserved their grades whilst the averages around them got hyped by the apostles of the NUT. Does anyone get a ‘fail ‘ now ? Or is that Grade Z ?
I read about kids in Mensa saying that those kids who are jumping about with surprise and excitement at getting A Levels, are the morons who would have failed in the past.
Just like in my day, Geniuses are not surprised, and don’t like to jump about, just in case others who have failed, are looking.
Its probably why you don’t see any white males jumping about.
I told my grandson who is at a good grammar school not to take the GCSE s seriously. We certainly did not. He passed all with the maximum 9 or rather was given that grade. He was more concerned with his friends who might not qualify for the same 6 th form course. Clever children do not need these non existent exams. The school did not take them seriously.
The litmus test for me is Physics so yesterday I searched the net for a past paper to have a look at. I found one for 2018 GCSE with an Exam Board I recognised amongst the now plethora of other exam boards (why so many?). I did this because I achieved a Grade A in physics many, many years ago. I recall the lady that handed me my certificate said to me that she had never seen a Grade A in Physics before.
2018 GCSE paper? I reckon half the people of a group taken at random could have spontaneously answered enough of the question to have at least got a pass mark.
I recall seeing a maths A’ level paper about 20 years ago. There was quite a lot of stuff that I did at O’ level in the 70’s. No wonder everybody gets an A* or 9.
????????The EU’s totally unacceptable demands of an independent sovereign UK would suggest that Brussels doesn’t want a trade deal with us… https://t.co/0gx6CRNwp6
Don’t worry Beeb, remainers, Barnier etc. There is still plenty of time for the bottling blustering PM to undo the work achieved so far by Mr Frost.
Remember, Boris said that if the there was no progress by June then we plan for WTO. June came and went and little or no progress was made. Fear not said Boris, and later in July personally met up with EUSSR representatives, to drive a clear timeline for negotiations and agreements.
Be prepared to be very disappointed in October, Brexiteers.
Many have said this before-Time to go and to leave the European Union and its nasty distorted outlook on the future. The UK can move on and trade happily with the rest of the world. However the European Union has to cease to be as is and return all the present nations involved back to run themsleves as before, if not the USA will eat them up and especially if the Democratic Party are successful in the next presidential election-it has been the intention for many years by a few to develop a world order governed by perhaps 4 major powers and Europe will come inside one of those powers. On its own the UK might well be closer to the USA but in the most able to operate its own Parliament.
I wouldn’t trust Boris to take my bin down the drive never mind oversee a democratic decision. Boris’s priority, before anything else, is look out for Boris.
The craven and meek way the Government has allowed the bBC to renege on a previous agreement made with G.Osborne that the bbc would fund the free licence for ALL over 75,s.
1) Does this vile organisation have the right legally to pronounce a means test surrounding Pension Credits?
2) What gives them this authority?
3) Why has the Government let this come about seemingly unchallenged?
I am sick of those awful trailers before the six o’clock and ten o’clock news shows. They almost always feature one or more BAME people and almost always something violent.
My father when he was alive always used to put the volume on mute and try to change channel only at the last second as he used to say my mother was frightened by the trailers.
So the weekend challenge .. See if the BBC can have a Six o clock or Ten o’clock news without either a BAME or violent trailer before it.
Come on fox news .. Or similar .. Please come over here and give us a choice .. Half the population or more will support your advertisers even if the lefties kick up a fuss.
The BLM gang must be wetting themselves with excitement at what they’ve achieved. At every turn in the media and advertisements we are rammed with BAME’s. What about us that belong to the other 56 million ????? Is there another country in Europe that has done as much kowtowing as us ? because I’d like to know.
I don’t have any truck with seeing black people on tv, just the ratio ! 56 million white to 8 million BAME, but anyone landing from Mars would assume by watching tv that we’re a 50/50 split. And yes, its my ‘right’ to feel aggrieved, just as its your ‘right’ to be sarcastic.
Answer me this, while we’re at it, if they’re so intent on integrating why do they stick with calling their kids (who are born here) names only found within their own cultures ? Surely that’s the first step of integration. But no, they may want all this country has to offer, but keeping their own culture is paramount at all costs. As Jim Royle would say “integration my a…..se”.
Integration became unnecessary after Blair’s multiculturalism drive twenty years ago. Indeed the idiot liberals , who seem to be in charge of everything, now decry integration and want us to accept that we shouldn’t expect the millions of invaders to adopt our culture , infact they ought not even be expected to make any concessions at all to the fact that they are living in our country. On the other hand we are expected to pay for the invaders and modify our culture in case it offends them. If we balk at that cultural suicide pact and refuse to cooperate in the suicide of our country we are deemed to be racists and the idiot liberals have passed laws which they use to persecute us.
We don’t have long left. But we pass into history with the certain knowledge that the future will be much worse than the recent past. A new Dark Age ( no pun intended) is almost upon us.
I think that when Mutti said that we all hoped that it signalled a roll back of mass migration. But a year or two later she opened the flood gates and a million or two third worlders flooded in and that deluge has not yet stopped. Why she did it remains a great puzzle unless she wanted to destroy Europe as Blair did.
I’m sure the Leader of Pendle Council, one Mohammed Iqbal would agree with you……………..
They’ve all worked their way into prime positions awaiting the uprising and eventual takeover.
Yep in a country that is 3% black that is the proportion we’d expect to see on TV
and about 14% BAME total
if the BBC was obeying its charter obligation to reflect the country.
And we have to imagine that the BBC viewership is even less than that, cos maybe a lot of BAME families are watching specialist TV networks aimed at them, eg Nigerian channel, Urdu language channels, various Indian and Iranian channels etc.
My point exactly Stew. And in conversations with others on this, I am certainly not alone.
No family can be depicted as solely white in ads anymore, there has to be a parent (mainly Dad) of colour. Yet, how many ads are there of totally black /asian families ? – a hell of a lot.
Even drawings/cartoons of people are black or brown, and the 56 million white people are being airbrushed to appease the few.
Reading this, anyone would mistake me for a white supremacist, but nothing is further from the truth. This phenomena has been seeping through the advertising world for many years now, and has gained momentum since the BLM campaign. I’m certainly not against anyone getting work as a model or getting a job on the tele, regardless of their skin colour, but keeping it to the ratio of the country as a whole should keep everyone happy.
“Reading this, anyone would mistake me for a white supremacist, but nothing is further from the truth.”
Yeah, right.
“over the hundreds of years, the black man doesn’t appear to have progressed intelligently… Its inbred that they are more impulsive and highly excitable than whites”
Oh maxi – so good to hear from you and hope you are well . You sound like you are on good critical form so – go on- enjoy yourself – but nothing to defend your BBC eh ?
Some one should invent a filter that would block any footage containing people of deep hue; that would also cut out the advertisements on commercial tv..
Complaints about a disproportionate number of black people in ads is not an expression of white supremacy. So bottle that one.
It is about an attempt to re-educate British people who are deemed to be ignorant racists by an elite who compete with each other in a virtue signalling competition.
First they came for the furniture shop adverts. I don’t need any furniture, so I did nothing.
Then they came for the children’s TV programmes. I don’t have any young children, so I did nothing.
Then they came for the TV newsroom. I don’t watch the ‘news’, so I did nothing.
Then they came for everything else – there was no one left to speak for me, so I cancelled the TV licence and stopped watching everything.
Cambridge XR in court for February when deliberately dug up the college lawn
and smashed a window have been jailed
just like the guy who accidentally peed near the London policeman’s memorial
No, of course NOT
“ordered both defendants pay £198 compensation to Trinity College – dividing the total cost of the damage by the 22 protesters to reach the figure.”
Gilbert Murray, 62, and 26-year-old Gabriella Ditton, both from Norwich, admitted causing criminal damage
Ditton also admitted causing criminal damage to a window in a Cambridge research building, run by oilfield service provider Schlumberger, the following day.
Ditton, who said she earns £100 a month in animation and illustration, told the court: “We’re trying to prevent a horrible, horrible future that seems so insurmountable.”
She was fined £120 for each offence and ordered to pay £50 towards prosecution costs and a £64 statutory surcharge.
Murray, who is retired, was fined £480 and ordered to pay a £48 surcharge and £85 costs.
Other trials pending https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-53839744
Errr? You’ll find that he Nazis were the left wingers. The decent people were the persecuted ones. It’s an historical falsehood to claim the Nazis were right wing as it gave the lefty historians an excuse for two socialist regimes being at war.
Remember Halifax on Wednesday
protest due to a Stani being a victim of police violence ? “Chill or I’ll choke you out”
ITV Calendar at 6pm ran with the story
I immediately pointed out here that a prior video showed him throwing the first punch against another Stani
At 10pm the BBC web interview failed to mention the punch.
I checked today and found that they’d come back on Thursday lunchtime and added this tricky stealth edit
Not the BBC as such but am sure they will be interested, delighted even.
Back in the spring of this year, our PM said if there had not been a Brexit deal with the EU by the end of June, that would be the end of negotiations and we would leave on a WTO basis on 31 December. Then, the news was that David Frost, the UK lead negotiator would be talking with the EU during July.
We are now past mid-August and apparently talks will continue or be re-started – again – in the second week in September.
There’s a worrying slippage that is occurring with the current Government that is highly redolent of Theresa May’s failed Premiership.
Time now to go WTO.
We keep OUR fish they the EU and France can Keep the illegals.
Great Britain should now turn our trade to Canada, Australia , New Zealand and the Commonwealth of Nations . Not forgetting the USA .
For a couple of people who wanted to live anonymously and quietly with their baby son, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are sure working their publicists hard at keeping themselves ‘in the public eye’.
Up2, me old darling, they have to, otherwise the world will forget they exist (if only), and THEN where will they get the money to pay for their £9 million mortgage !! They’re going to struggle as it is, because with all the bad press of late, their PR is toxic as far as being paid to make martyrdom speeches is concerned.
But if they want to live quietly and anonymously, Brissles, I am very happy to play my part and leave the couple formerly known as Sussex in peace and quiet.
I do not wish to be reminded. Perhaps they would be kind enough to leave me in peace and quiet.
Think the mortgage, btw, is currently up to £11 million.
I find it amusing how the price paid for their current mansion has been inflated over the last few months. It seems to go up by £2 or £3mill a month. Where can I buy into that rate of appreciation?
“….bad press…..”. Seem to recall David Attenborough type programme that analysed the Hyena’s approach to group hunting. They’d always try to divide off the weaker and/or younger from the herd before attacking their segregated victim(s).
Not that I support the couple in any way of course. Wasters.
BBC not reporting
“Mother avoids jail after taking £100,000 in illegal benefit claims
Saaba Mahmood, 36, was spared jail at a Manchester Crown Court after she offered to enrol on a taxpayer funded programme to help her realise her crimes were not ‘victimless.’ ..”
I see channel 5 is going to broadcast a piece about George V calling hin ‘The Tyrant King’ and no doubt the scum media will be doing another hatchet job on him. They suggest that the King vetoed an attempt to offer Tsar Nicholas asylum in Britain however there is little proof to this, the politicians of course would have had the last word which was this:
“Growing labour unrest and the rise of socialism in Britain, were causing George V serious concerns. ”
The evil and murderous ideology of socialism caused Britain to not offer asylum to the Tsar, and ideology we have fought for the best part of the last century, and which has been the single largest cause of death since recorded time.
You can bet that won’t be broadcast, nor the cowardice of those who failed to assist someone and their family who were in genuine need of asylum.
The BBC power base is world global socialism. We see it in the US media frenzy on contender Biden, who with failing health will give way to even more extreme marxist theories (and Marxist partners) on how to control the world. (Gordon Brown on steroids with Cannabis) There is no doubt that the BBC root for Biden in the same way as they did for Obama, Clinton (both of them) and any old US (or African) socialist as long as it has global reach endorsement claims (total failure as usual when applied).
And you cannot get much more global that the United Nations. It sets all the Agendas on Population control and Climate, sponsored by a motley crew of third world ‘me-toos’ minor politicians that you have never heard of but control strategy which the left think is ‘leadership’ in times of Apocalypse. So serious is the end of the world, that we have to have equal rights for Abortion, LGBTTQZ (and you don’t want to ask what z stands for). One world socialism where everybody gets AAAA**** even though it obvious they never took the exam paper, nobody did.. Next year grade inflation will be even higher, as people of colour claim not only equal rights but also equal pay and free and drugs (thanks to the NHS) its an equal right. Its not UN but that is because the UK is a role model on handing out free money, hotel accommodation, education (not that they need any) they know what benefits are on offer before they even leave home. Un charities give them the full briefing on what to expect in the UK.
A better life working for the same global corporations that will pay the global minimum wage and claim we the (UK) providers are all racist, bigots and are responsible for their hardship. We the white people, with families, the ones who are the ‘problem’. Its a bias against them. So we need to be ‘educated’ to left wing ideology and give them everything that they lack. Communal ideals. Not charitable.
Starting with Abortion – kill the children. Then LGTBQXYX (as the BBC claim over (over 150 sexes) them the nuclear family has to be ultimately destroyed. Along with all religions (except Islam) as its useful as its ‘communal’ and pliable to Marxism. Washinton Times on the latest UN proposal are a warning to us all.
But UN Human Rights is effectively the same as Communism ‘communal rights’ in reality. (Equal means nothing if equal replaces known and trusted values with unknown mistrusted values). So we end up with absurd ‘positive discrimination’ based on whoever is claiming it to be – is then ‘political’ addressed as another (unequal right). No nation is equal, nor peoples or sexes. That is a basic fact of life. We may aspire culturally, financially and use intelligence. So its the white mans burden to unburden himself of his culture, wealth and intelligence. And be mono-cultural, an EU monoculture we voted to escape from. We may never escape ‘Climate’ myths and ‘Sustainability’ agenda until we have vacated the premises.
UN plan a huge redistribution of wealth and intelligence. (not all intelligence is very intelligent) All we need to do is hand over everything to our new invader populations and by 2040. Everything is good. Climate controlled. Population controlled. Populism (read Democracy) contained and an end to all national patriots. Anybody calling themselves a US or UK patriot or having any family values would be a hate crime against LGTCMX values as redefined as ‘human rights’. They have them and you don’t. They have power, you don’t. They can reproduce as a ‘conservative’. You cannot prosper therefore – if you define yourself -as a ‘conservative’, in this new bureaucracy of entitlements a ‘right’ to everything is ‘nothing’ those that earned the resoect and privilege mean nothing, that right through hard work and local charity is all gone. Communal Rights is all you get. And you don’t have it, white man. Positive discrimination is as the BBC states, very important to how we see ourselves.
An interesting video (linked from another on this site) sums up this UN inspired Marxism that our state broadcaster is heavily involved in. We can ignore the BBC in the UK, but for the rest of the world, they are leaders in misinformation. The Main stream media is heavily into UN goals. There is an Agenda, as none of the national media broadcasters are allowed to talk about it and Newspapers will never admit that it is an adopted practice never to mention it. Governments can never speak of it except in terms of ‘Climate’ and ‘Sustainability. Climate we know is manufactured (link Video to that is somewhere above this post). And then EU inspired ‘Sustainability’ is ‘Green culture’ linked to ‘Climate’ (again). The end result is rapid depopulation by 2040, they plan. (Agenda 21)
The rise of the immigrants is our own local population ‘diverse’ replacement. To speak of it is – an automatic hate crime and yet alongside the rise in crime in London and across the EU where ‘diversity’ has taken hold is not good overall but negative.. The new land of opportunity is upon us. All we have to do is give up everything and admit we had it all wrong. And not have any children and admit that Marxism was right all along. The new World order is global marxism. Of course the BBC is involved in it. South Africa is our future and there is no future for us if we still take orders from the UN (which are often well hidden in legislation -particularly ‘education’ directives (from EU). Even when we leave the EU we still have the UN to deal with and we are a world leader in LGHTQMX nonsense. Its been sponsored by our own UK government for over 40 years and ruled on by the European Court of Human Rights! Leaving the EU was our first step to freedom, That is why the BBC are involved in reversing the ‘trend’ back to UN objectives of eventual annihilation. Banning all discussion and (eventually) an end to Science as we know it, our past, our culture and hopes of family values (conservative) will be a crime to discuss privately as its is publicly at the BBC or sister stations.
Jordan Peterson and ex Australian PM talk discuss Cultural Marxism objectives… (video) July 2020
The Marxist have never been so strong. They have the full support of the UN. Nobody dare asks if its sustainable or that the Climate is not about to melt down globally. The BBC plays its part, they are a bit part player on the world stage.
No country should have an ‘al beeb’ type organisation as its national broadcaster, ie one that hates its indigenous population and hates its national identity so much so that it wishes to tear both of those things apart!
I don’t pay for or watch its rubbish and haven’t for over a year now, I only catch comments on hear and talkRADIO and some news via Google but it appears that Al beeb is totally out of control and touch with the nation, and the lunatics are now running the asylum ????
Lewis Goodall (I’d never heard of him a year ago) chipping in with any biased opinion he wants apparently, the mutton woman Maitlisssss sending out her silly soliloquy and jug-ears Lineker preaching that Brexit is bad and we’re all thick racists ????????
Absolutely disgraceful and if you pay for this nonsense so be it, but seriously these clowns need defunding and shutting down for good ???? ????????
Agree. The only acceptable bias from the BRITISH (sic) Broadcasting Corp., is a natural (and preferably mildish) pro-British bias. That is, an Anglo-/Brito-centric world view and a generally benign attitude to Britain. The reason for this is simply that we in Britain are forced to pay for it and it still retains ‘British’ in its title; so, put simply, don’t insult your enforced customers and do do what it says on your label.
This ideal BBC could strive for impartiality but it would probably fail to achieve it completely; people would understand that it would, by charter and origin, likely be biased in favour of Britain. The same applies for a French national broadcaster or a Russian or US one – no problem there. Viewers and listeners could seek out alternative viewpoints online or in print (e.g. The Guardian, New European or The i newspaper on the Left, or Fox, Sky Australia and others on the Right).
If the BBC takes “British” out of its title, gives up the £157.50 poll tax and tolerates other terrestrial competitors in the UK, it can be as anti-British as it likes … and customers will decide whether to pay for it (I wouldn’t). What it can’t do is continue to be so hostile to the British people, and friendly to competitors and enemies such as the EU and UN, or inflict the cultural damage it does.
This is no longer about bias. It’s about the very raison d’etre of the BBC, which has turned against the people who have to pay for it and has for many years been doing more harm than good.
???????? MSa-B, can you imagine every time a footy team plays, over the tannoy at home games the club slag off the home fans and belittle them all game whilst continually heaping praise on the opposition fans and telling them how great they are ????
Now that’s not going to end well is it?
That’s practically what al beeb are doing and the only conclusion I can take from it is that they are either extremely stupid or extremely arrogant….or both!
✌???? ’em!
Hidden away on the Local Live section
: 17:29
Further arrests in Rotherham child sex abuse inquiry
Two men have been arrested as part of an investigation into the abuse of four girls in Rotherham.
The alleged offences date back about 20 years to when the girls were aged between 13 and 15.
National Crime Agency officers made the arrests as part of Operation Stovewood, which is investigating child sex abuse in the town.
Two men, aged 35 and 40, were arrested in Rotherham and a third man, aged 35, was interviewed under caution
This follows the arrest of 14 men in Rotherham and two in West Yorkshire during July and August as part of the same investigation.
Jan Leeming did tweet this anti BBC tweet
but says the Mail article is BS
“I never said DefundTheBBC
Twitter doesn’t allow enough letters for me to list the occasional wonderful programmes put out by the BBC. We should pay to view like we do with others”
“They do it all the time.
Don’t believe even a fraction of what you read in Newspapers or hear on NewsProgrammes”
She then said this
“In many respects, at it’s best no Channel can measure up to #BBC
– #DavidAttenborough #DowntonAbbey- but there’s been a great dumbing down over the last few years.”
… Downton is an ITV show ..tho it was on BBC America
“The licence has been around so long can’t remember- is Licence only for BBC?
If it is then I need not have paid it as there’s very little on it that I watch”
Ouch – just wrote cheque for £157.50 for #TVLicence???? In the past it was probably value for money but hardly ever watch #TerrestrialTV – not interested in #Soaps#Cookery and delving into people's lives with so many #RealityProgrammes – there are so many other outlets nowadays.
I have no objection to paying to view but that isn’t the case, it’s just pay whether or not you view. There are a few pay to view options but the BBC isn’t one of them.
I’m angry.
The govt and media, including our world class BBC are lying to us.
They lied about Covid deaths, they lied about Covid hospital admissions, they lied about where the virus came from, and how effective masks are. They lie about who and why people are illegally crossing the channel to England and they lied about the age of the dead migrant on the French beach. They’re lying about Biden, Trump and BLM.
We should not have to fund this.
Can’t Afford to Tell the Truth Owen Bennett-Jones on the state of the BBC. Its a long read. But this BBC insider points out that the BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Its a staffing problem…
‘One managing director in Bush House admitted to me, without embarrassment, that he lacked the knowledge of foreign affairs to make the editorial decisions that came before him.
And BBC managers are unsackable. In the recent judgment on the Cliff Richard case, besides criticising the rationale behind broadcasting the story in the first place (which, typically enough, was in part to avoid criticism for not broadcasting it), the judge found that the UK news editor was not a reliable witness and that the head of newsgathering had ‘almost wilfully’ failed to ‘acknowledge inconsistencies’ in the BBC case. Both still hold senior positions.’
Just leaving this here as a reminder of who was once a big bbc panel fave.
Owen Jones is a craven, kiss-ass who’s been more curse than support to the left. Truly sick of his high-handed nonsense. You’re not my Dad, Owen. Take your privilege and do one.
A bunch of desperate middle aged bbc white men going gaga over a desperate senile old white man going gaga of a Hollywood set up using a young white guy. BLM approved.
Next, Sleepy Joe behind a row of Gazan moppets with his Grad launcher, with a bbc film crew directed by a Syrian film maker.
Interesting video here from Spain, with subtitles. A doctor goes somewhat off-message by stating what many here will have suspected. Eventually they have to bring in Pedro Morgan to shout over him. When that doesn’t work – shut him up.
Are the usually uber-feminist beeb reporting the story of a 17-year-old girl in France who was beaten and had her hair shaved off by her parents for dating a Christian boy?
No, I thought not. Guess what religion she is? Her family were originally from Bosnia-Herzegovina, which goes to show that the savagery of the Religion of Brutality knows no borders, and is not confined to the Middle-East, Asia and Africa.
But I suppose it’s no surprise the beeb don’t report the story: small fry compared to the mass rape of hundreds (thousands?) of children on their own doorstep – which they ignored for years – not to mention the daily murder of infidels throughout the muslim world. (Since you ask, 863 killed and 776 injured in the last 30 days alone.)
But now, back to the more important matter of mocking Orange Man…
The BBC always played down the balkans war as being about Muslims and hundreds of years of tribal / religious war …and left the viewer ‘uninformed ‘ because I think the average britisher would have taken one particular side ……
… let’s face it – the BBC unofficial policy is to minimise violent responses from the white British to the constant invasion of their island by the third world – hence the non reporting of paki gangs , daily invasions and the trials and sentencing for the crimes these characters are caught doing …. see Grenfell
Taylor Swift generously donates £23,000 to a Go Fund Me page of a student to study Maths at Warwick Uni. Vitoria Mario came to the UK 4 years ago from Portugal (how ? why?) and attained good grades but couldn’t afford the fees to enter University as she didn’t qualify for scholarship (why?).
I think I’ll start a Go Fund Me page – the modern face of respectable begging, for the public to chip in and pay the tv licences for all the OAPs over 75. Perhaps the Beckhams and Lineker could do a Taylor and dig deep.
Just musing about where all the autocue readers in w1aa will finish up when the Biased BBC is defunded, and they all have to get ‘jobs’ elsewhere…
I suppose some will ‘write’ stuff for the Guardian and the Staggers, one or two may turn up on Sky, or other failing news outlets, but the majority will have to look for work in much smaller organisations, like local rags etc!
Local Radio just may be a lifesaver for some of them, but as that is so dire and dumbed down to idiot phone-ins and trashy ‘stories’, they may struggle at first, but at least a normal average salary will help them over their grief at being ignored by 99% of the country!
I suppose sport will still be interesting to people who like watching empty stadiums, but there’ll be a watershed of grossly inflated wages paid to players, and most home-grown ones will get worried as all the foreigners seem to take their places, and live in their ‘Early Argos’ style houses.
Of course, the Labour and Liberal parties will lose their media departments, and have to resort to local radio (again), and nobody will take any notice as above!
I’m sure good people here will think of many other benefits, so, to save these arthritic digits, I’ll hand you over to Nick Robinson, the night-time ‘reporter’ on Radio Sheppey, followed by Emily Maitlis on ‘Those you have pearled’ – a programme about knitting twin-sets during the 1930s…
“It’s not illegal for migrants to come here and seek asylum.”
Syrian filmmaker @hassan_akkad, who fled the Syrian civil war, says migrants are crossing the Channel “because the legal routes have stopped, resettlement has stopped, the Dubs Amendment has stopped”#Newsnightpic.twitter.com/jyBrf43MIf
What does BS mean please ? ( presumably not the rude version ) .
Anyway – not BBC . Mini rant . Today is day 9 of my government house arrest . I’ve heard nothing – no checking – phone call – nothing . The inept transport minister has described his own house arrest policy as ‘clunky’ . I have a far better word for it …. and his inept government ….
… talking of inept – the outgoing PM has had to cut his holiday short for security reasons …. good …. if he is not fit for the job give it up …. I can’t think that his hero Churchill went on a jolly holiday in Summer 1940 As Blighty was threatened with invasion – the difference being we are truly being invaded now .
By the way – the house arrest business is pretty desperate – but I did put the rubbish out yesterday – can someone get me some milk please as I’m nearly out ….
I too like ‘The Walnut One’, mashing the publicity shy footballing manager of Romanity with a skin-crinkling fondness for the tanning booth, oddly not picked up by colleagues on the Americast side of the pond when seeking commentary of color, a squad headed by the so-dubbed ‘American Beauty’ after his unfortunate 2’ of fame in the spotlight on the naughty stool. Hence, ‘Beauty Squad’, also honoring the rare macbethian beauties that the misses Omar take the nee, All Orifices Cooking and the other one.
I’ve heard that the NBA viewing figures in the US have absolutely plummeted since the restart, mainly I guess due to its woke propaganda and BLM nonsense that it is pumping out ???????? ????
When I first saw and listened to her, I thought she was some 15 year old they dragged in off the street ! When you see a BAME or mixed race as a press reviewer, you JUST KNOW what their point of view will be, and this one didn’t disappoint. On and on and on she went, and got plenty of airtime – compared to her white male opposite number.
TOADY Watch #1 – inadvertent slip or something more sinister?
Professor Sir Mark Walport was on the programme this morning. He was interviewed by Sarah ‘Gravel’ Smith who made reference to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. Sir Mark said Covid-19 was a coronavirus and – by implication from his words – influenza is not.
I haven’t checked the Wiki page for influenza but I’m pretty certain that ‘flu’ is a coronavirus, the common cold is another one, ‘ chicken ‘flu’ ‘ and ‘ bird ‘flu’ ‘ are yet more.
At the risk, of fuelling conspiracy theories, was Sir Mark saying Covid-19 is something very different to a proper coronavirus, ie. is a germ warfare agent? Or did he just got his facts wrong as a muddled, elderly Professor.
‘Gravel’ was not sharp enough – or knowledgeable enough – to pick the Prof up on that misspeak.
“I haven’t checked the Wiki page for influenza but I’m pretty certain that ‘flu’ is a coronavirus”
Flu is caused by an influenza virus.
Covid19 is a coronavirus.
They are two separate and distinct types of virus.
–The influenza virus is not ‘a type’ of coronavirus.–
“‘Gravel’ was not sharp enough – or knowledgeable enough – to pick the Prof up on that misspeak.”
You’ve got it completely wrong; can’t even be bothered to spend 30 seconds on Wikipedia; and you’re describing someone else as *not knowledgeable enough*?
So tell us all how good Al Beeb is and why pensioners should continue paying the Telly Tax when they get to 75 . That’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
When did you last pay that tax maxi?
See, anyone can play the Troll Game.
In the past few days @DailyMailUK has portrayed @BorisJohnson as a dunce, condemned him for staying silent on the exam fiasco, warned of a haemorrhaging of confidence in his government & helped to reveal his holiday hideaway. Not what the Tories are used to. https://t.co/TnjU0EUAJM
Wow it’s almost as if there had been a big change in the Mail and Dacre had been sacked and the paper been taken over by old Remainers
..happened 2 years ago.
Wow. What is happening at the Daily Mail?!? This is…astonishing. I don’t think any mainstream outlet outside @guardian & @ObserverUK has ever covered this, have they?? Bannon’s links to Brexithttps://t.co/e2eTqwbWLZ
The Mail on line has been anti government during the whole pandemic, if not before. They were screaming ‘lockdown ‘ then screaming the government were wrong to lockdown. They have screamed whether gloves should be counted singly or in pairs. Whoever their political editor is, I think his name is Greg, who represented the Mail in the Rose Garden when Dominic Cummings gave his statement, just oozed bile. I can also see their anti Trump stories, especially overnight, presumably for their American readers. Certainly the on line Mail seems in tune with BBC.
The paper copy is the same. They are also overkeen on ‘projects’ and giving themselves a lot of back slapping, and there’s some bloke who regularly has a columncalled Dr Mike Moseley, who clearly doesn’t spend a lot of time on the front line, as he’s too busy creating healthy recipes for every known disease to man, or giving his ‘expert’ medical opinion on every disease known to man. I see he is now hosting a new series on the tele in September.
Funny how we can overdose on media doctors, but cant get to see a proper one !
Are you feeling guilty?
The Toady editors certainly want you to.
First up we need to be investing more to provide oxygen for coronavirus treatment in…..errrrr……..the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Apparently all those evil companies whose business relies on producing pure gases want to make profits !!!!!!!!
Next up. On Thought for the Day, hankies are still needed for the Sudanese 16 year old man who died on a French beach.
You see he was escaping from ….whatever it was and wherever it was……., and had managed to cross the Med to get to…….Italy.
Is Italy war torn and ravaged? Judging by the number of UK holidaymakers on the Amalfi coast, Tuscany, or Venice, to name but three, I’d say no. The reasoning behind ‘fleeing’ Italy to get across Europe to the UK was, as usual, not explored.
My hanky is as dry as a bone.
And I’m not feeling guilty at all.
So the Toady editors can go swim.
And I don’t believe this illegal was 16. I’m sure I’ve heard or read somewhere that he was 23.
It’s a French problem that they’re trying ( and to a great extent succeeding thanks to our traitorous Civil Service and judiciary and useless Home Secretary) to foist onto our country.
Just wait till next year when the frogs come begging to buy our fish. We’ll have the last laugh.
Sluff – i was late in the day realising the 29 year old did the decent thing and got himself washed up in france .
If it had been UK theyd be adding another minute at the start of every footy game ‘ powerful ‘ and doing a ‘ double knee’ with added clapping
TOADY Watch #2 – ah, some more news but no questions
Where have the ‘enquiring minds’ gone at the BBC’s N&CA Dept? No one seems interested in finding out stuff unless it can be turned into accusing questions or Panodrama Programmes in order to attack a Conservative Government.
Three weeks – give or take a day – since the Beirut docks explosion. The BBC, with a journalist resident in the city, only now seeks to tell us that there were large numbers of refugees from the Civil War in Syria – from Aleppo – living and working there. Syria adjoins Lebanon.
Point one: the BBC do not realise that the Syrian refugees have actually been legal refugees, played by the rules and have sought sanctuary in the first ‘safe’ country they have reached. I use ‘safe’ as a relative term in relation to Lebanon.
But then no-one at the BBC sought to enquire whether the supposed spontaneously combusting Ammonium Nitrate might not have been triggered (it needs a trigger to burn or explode) by other ‘dark forces’. The BBC missed a great opportunity to nail something on Vladimir Putin. I am surprised that they also missed an opportunity to further blacken the name of President Assad. The former certainly deserves it. The latter, probably not. Tell me, BBC, how did those democratic elections go in Syria? Oh, you – a premier news organisation – forgot all about that?
The big question I have that the BBC should have asked is: was the explosion caused by traffickers? Was it a deliberate bombing attack on these people who were obviously intent on 1. being legal refugees, 2. possibly wanting to remain close to Syria in order to be able to return at the earliest opportunity when peace is restored, and, 3. were these Syrians supporters of President Assad and wanting democracy (albeit a Middle Eastern version) to continue in Syria.
I think the BBC News and Current Affairs dept much rather fancies going after some kid in a pub talking Very Far Right booze fueled rambling about n words and various acceptable criminals such as paki paedo gangs
Rather than in depth investigation s such as the middle east or where overseas charity or taxes really go ..
TR is obviously a now traditional target of course
I thought the BBC had already established that the explosion was the fault of the UK as our sanctions had resulted in a cargo of Ammonium Nitrate being offloaded at Beirut?
That and ‘some say’ it was an Israeli missile attack.
When the ‘truth’ doesn’t match the ‘facts’ the ‘truth’ never gets revisited.
The BBC is a failing news organisation, Fran Unsworth appears to be raising the white flag on that. But you would think the journos and presenters would try to save their jobs by actually doing them for a change.
Up2 – time seems to have warped and 14 days of house arrest are ending on Sunday . If i had the chinese virus i would have known it by now . And id have known it was caught at the T5 circus
I caught a bit of Rise of the Continents on BBC 2 this morning. This programme first went out in 2013, which surprises me because if I didn’t check that I would have expected Africa to be splitting into pieces any time soon!
It also had more evidence of the BBC believing its own false output. Long time viewers will remember the old BBC in between programme animation with a rotating globe, going the wrong way. They claimed at the time that it was for reasons of copyright.
Perhaps that was true, perhaps it was a mistake, but what was the excuse for Rise of the Continents repeating the reverse rotation over and over?
I haven’t had time to look through it (just note it) but I think it is part of something that I have seen being advocated and spread within universities – where academic positions and promotions are given to females or BAMES in order to make the staff more “representive” of the students. It is a form of backdoor “positive” discrimination.
Bannon arrest
Like the Trump dossier the case has deep history
From the beginning 2+ years ago reporters accused them of stealing money from the fund
But then lefty site Snopes did a report saying their was no evidence.
So it became a thing they used to joke about in Bannon’s show last year.
This article says at the top its paywalled but actually appears open
Does rather look like it, Stew. It gave the BBC the opportunity to link alleged criminal Bannon with President Trump even though Steve Bannon left the White House team, of his own volition, six months – was it? – after the inauguration.
The BBC will assume the general public will not know or remember that. So the BBC can smear away at will and, needless to say, choose to do so.
Someone on The Conservative Woman posted the above link and commented: The key point seems to be that donors were refunded by Go Fund Me unless they explicitly asked for their donations to be retained by the organisation subsequently set up by Bannon and others. If that’s true – and I think it probably is – the charges are surely bogus.
Assuming the charges are indeed bogus, the legals would drag on until after the election, after which it won’t matter. Job done. Muck spread. And no one ever seems to pay a price for muck spreading.
The American legal system does seem very open to political interference, though recent decisions here might indicate it’s just as bad, but perhaps more subtle.
YouTube : Viva Frei the lawyers put out an analysis
H says that scamming charities this way is so common, he’s inclined to believe that’s what happens .. he says evidence of that is the way Kolfage changed his communication to encrypted last Octor, and the way the charity orgs website says that Kolfage is now getting a salary .. and a way that some of the payments were made to Kolfage’s wife for media work.
He said that the charity was started as a PR stunt, but money flowed in so fast that they suddenly found themselves sitting on $25m without a plan of how to spend it.
(other youtube vids do show footage of the construction of the charities own border wall as agreed by a landowner, constantly followed by journalists saying, you don’t have planning permission, and them saying here’s the permits etc.)
but he’ll have more on his Monday discussion with Barnes
Commenters say “Wow so little effort to go after Clinton’s and Trudeau’s charities”
i guess leaking on expenses is normal
eg One day someone summits a legitimate claim for $200 for driver and assistance role
and the next week their wife does that role, and they argue that that too means she should get the $200 and that the charity has not lost out.
The original claims about money being used to buy a boat were easily proved false, cos the boat was bought BEFORE the charity existed.
Yesterday Viva did a summing up of Millie Weaver
“looks like the criminal legal system is being weaponised against journalists”
The US edging closer and closer to all out civil war. Antifa will not know what hit them when this happens and police retaliate, properly and appropriately.
Maybe the american election will just be about turn out -not promises -hence the need to disrupt postal voting has got to be vital – unless it is ‘ fair ‘.
A piece that will show just how unjust matter have become. Dear Prime Minister
I wish to ask you a Question:- “Is This True?”
I refer to the Pension Reality Check.
Are you aware of the following ?
The British Government provides the following financial assistance:-
(bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National
Insurance contributions to the British Government all their working life)
Weekly allowance: £106.00
(No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever)
Weekly allowance: £250.00
Weekly Spouse Allowance: £25.00
Weekly Spouse Allowance: £225.00
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £0.00
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £100.00
A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing
After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.
Sad isn’t it? Surely it’s about time we put our own people first.
Island – i m with you on that and will sign – which i dont normally do anymore as it makes politicians think they are ‘ democratic ‘ when they really use parliament to avoid democracy
To paraphrase, if parliamentary petitions changed anything, they’d ban them. They are just there to give the BBC something to wax lyrical about when a favoured petition gets hijacked.
Not the BBC but it could be. Page 2 of the Jewish Chronicle is a large headline ‘Groups sign Facebook letter alongside backer of Tommy Robinson.’ Now I haven’t a clue about the politics but an American organisation, The Middle East Forum, which has apparently supported ‘the far right Tommy Robinson is urging Facebook to adopt the IHRA definition of antiSemitism’. BICOM and the Maccabi World Union have also signed and I thought it was the definition that Jewish people wanted (but I could be wrong as I am easily confused these days). The article continues in a was reminiscent of the BBC, it just had to give Tommy’s original name.
The whole article was written as if anyone who had crossed a road at the same time as Tommy, ishould be eternally damned.
To be fair, apparently MFE think tank had been heavily involved in a campaign to free Mr Robinson from prison. Well if they felt that Tommy was wronged why shouldn’t they campaign for his release and if they want to support others in the fight against antiSemitism, why not? Probably because MFE support right wing organisations and that makes them deserving of attack by MSM .
The writer Lee Harpin has a fetish about TR
and often inserts a TR angle into article
He’s a globalist so that’s one reason he hates TR.
The guilt by association idea is a fallacy
You might as well say Poppy Day was also supported by The Yorkshire Ripper & try to argue that Poppy Day should be banned.
Here Bryan points out that by Lee’s logic, if someone posts an anti-BBC comment in the Guardian comments, then that makes the Guardian an anti-BBC website.
I love the bit where you quote someone who is clearly NOT a supporter and actually is throwing antisemitic abuse at Tommy Robinson to prove that Tommy has antisemitic followers? Do you have to practice this kind of irrational thinking or does it come naturally?
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9fkQ0mWf/Screenshot-2025-03-10-121223.png[/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Building fake vehicles is a time-honored practice dating back to World War II, when the Allies built an entire fake…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The plot thickens .One of my former Parliamentary aides went on to work for Rupert Lowe – she is one…
DeborahMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sorry to hear it Atlas. 10 years ago it was the young Lefties who were screaming about ‘Big Pharma’ and…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I fear that is true. If, by 2025, 25% of the population is a first generation immigrant, then Britain is…
i must be first
Catchup links to old thread
– page 4 started 7:30am Friday
– page 3 9:30am Thursday
i always wanted to say something clever if i ever got to be first, but i just got too excited and completely forgot what i was going to say about the Nazi BBC propaganda machine. well i might just lie down and contemplate before posting again LOL
“I must be first” will do quite well. We make allowances for your being overcome.
i always wanted to say something clever if i ever got to be first, but i just got too excited and completely forgot what i was going to say about the Nazi BBC propaganda machine. well i might just lie down and contemplate before posting again LOL
Fiter, just giggle a lot, thank Mum, Dad, Grannie, the dog, the budgerigar and say what a wonderful group of people you have had to inspire you and work with you.
Before we know it, it will be the Awards Season, again.
Beware the BBC are Brainwashing British Kids:

Yesterday’s top stories:

The BBC is now a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week activist organization. It has to be defunded. There is no saving it.
That is DISGUSTING !!! Another 15 years it will be Labour all the way. The brainwashing in schools is borderline criminal.
No hope with a education system full of militant, anti tory , far left teachers.
Quite right standards are slipping so much that in 15 years people qualifying as Doctors probbly won’t even be able to spell preskripshun.
Warning to all Taffmen ……..The very reason that the Left Leaning Welsh Assembly is lowering the voting age to 16.
Time to make moves to get rid of the Assembly.
The unflinching, unthinking, uncritical, non-objective devotion to the Labour Party in Wales will continue to survive indefinitely.
Good God, they know very little at 18, so what the H do they the idiot powers, think (if they think at all) that young people of 16 will really know or have any real idea of the world-only what they might have been led to believe is knowledge. Don’t know about 16 year olds to day, but for me Politics was the last thing on my mind at 16-sport, and girls possibly the main items of interest. For goodness sake leave them to be young, they will grow old quickly enough.
My 16 year old can’t even tidy up his bedroom. How the hell is he going to know who to vote for ? I suppose the ‘Leftylib’ teachers that have indoctrinated him will advise him.
Should money be paid to past victims of slavery?
Not possible. Both the Roman owners and British slaves are dead.
So the Romans cannot pay the victims because they are dead, and the victims cannot receive the money because they are also dead.
However modern day slavery is still rife in Africa with some central African nations having over two percent of the population as slaves. For instance, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, called “Slavery’s Last Stronghold”, has around 90,000 Black Slaves (Haratin) owned by White Moors (Arabs and Berbers).
So answering the BBC’s question “Should money be paid to past victims of slavery?” It is possible for money from Arabs to be paid to past victims of slavery, if the Blacks, are first, freed from slavery.
Also, according to Wikipedia. In the 21st Century, almost every country has legally abolished chattel slavery, but the number of people currently enslaved around the world is far greater than the number of slaves during the historical Atlantic slave trade.
Richard, the BBC appear to be in favour of modern slavery because the BBC appear to want trafficking gangs to be able to maintain or even increase their abhorrent trade.
Indeed Richard almost every country may have abolished chattel slavery, and as you say we are in fact all enslaved one way or another. Today we have all become slaves; slaves to the powers of mafia banksters of finance; slaves to the western lie-propaganda; to the lobbies and their giant all dominating corporations-to the war-industry, because we happily believe what we are told about ever-increasing terrorism that needs to be fought with eternal wars; slaves to the environment-destructive hydocarbon industry; to the pharma-industry, to senseless consumerism-and formostly to greed, endless greed that drive endless growth, nurturing endless competition formenting adversity, destroying solidarity, instead of amicable cooperation for a humonious human cohabitation. We have been believing whatever lie they vomit-its more comfortable to believe a lie than to confront the truth-that is self-imposed slave- hood. That is how we have gone because I fear we are clearly on an alomst irreversible downward track-sliding and running towards our own demise-into-darkness of chaos-as this plague now demonstrates.
Not wrong this ……
I sort feel sorry for the really clever kids who deserved their grades whilst the averages around them got hyped by the apostles of the NUT. Does anyone get a ‘fail ‘ now ? Or is that Grade Z ?
I read about kids in Mensa saying that those kids who are jumping about with surprise and excitement at getting A Levels, are the morons who would have failed in the past.
Just like in my day, Geniuses are not surprised, and don’t like to jump about, just in case others who have failed, are looking.
Its probably why you don’t see any white males jumping about.
I told my grandson who is at a good grammar school not to take the GCSE s seriously. We certainly did not. He passed all with the maximum 9 or rather was given that grade. He was more concerned with his friends who might not qualify for the same 6 th form course. Clever children do not need these non existent exams. The school did not take them seriously.
The litmus test for me is Physics so yesterday I searched the net for a past paper to have a look at. I found one for 2018 GCSE with an Exam Board I recognised amongst the now plethora of other exam boards (why so many?). I did this because I achieved a Grade A in physics many, many years ago. I recall the lady that handed me my certificate said to me that she had never seen a Grade A in Physics before.
2018 GCSE paper? I reckon half the people of a group taken at random could have spontaneously answered enough of the question to have at least got a pass mark.
G, I love that opening: ” The litmus test for me is Physics ”
Nice one. 😉
I recall seeing a maths A’ level paper about 20 years ago. There was quite a lot of stuff that I did at O’ level in the 70’s. No wonder everybody gets an A* or 9.
Me too
Try this
Well true but we will always need people to make coffee.
Naturally on the bBC websh1te we hear how “disappointed” and “concerned” poor Barnier is, and doom and gloom about WTO terms.
Don’t worry Beeb, remainers, Barnier etc. There is still plenty of time for the bottling blustering PM to undo the work achieved so far by Mr Frost.
Remember, Boris said that if the there was no progress by June then we plan for WTO. June came and went and little or no progress was made. Fear not said Boris, and later in July personally met up with EUSSR representatives, to drive a clear timeline for negotiations and agreements.
Be prepared to be very disappointed in October, Brexiteers.
Many have said this before-Time to go and to leave the European Union and its nasty distorted outlook on the future. The UK can move on and trade happily with the rest of the world. However the European Union has to cease to be as is and return all the present nations involved back to run themsleves as before, if not the USA will eat them up and especially if the Democratic Party are successful in the next presidential election-it has been the intention for many years by a few to develop a world order governed by perhaps 4 major powers and Europe will come inside one of those powers. On its own the UK might well be closer to the USA but in the most able to operate its own Parliament.
I wouldn’t trust Boris to take my bin down the drive never mind oversee a democratic decision. Boris’s priority, before anything else, is look out for Boris.
The craven and meek way the Government has allowed the bBC to renege on a previous agreement made with G.Osborne that the bbc would fund the free licence for ALL over 75,s.
1) Does this vile organisation have the right legally to pronounce a means test surrounding Pension Credits?
2) What gives them this authority?
3) Why has the Government let this come about seemingly unchallenged?
4) How could a legal challenge be mounted?
A challenge for the weekend.
I am sick of those awful trailers before the six o’clock and ten o’clock news shows. They almost always feature one or more BAME people and almost always something violent.
My father when he was alive always used to put the volume on mute and try to change channel only at the last second as he used to say my mother was frightened by the trailers.
So the weekend challenge .. See if the BBC can have a Six o clock or Ten o’clock news without either a BAME or violent trailer before it.
Come on fox news .. Or similar .. Please come over here and give us a choice .. Half the population or more will support your advertisers even if the lefties kick up a fuss.
The BLM gang must be wetting themselves with excitement at what they’ve achieved. At every turn in the media and advertisements we are rammed with BAME’s. What about us that belong to the other 56 million ????? Is there another country in Europe that has done as much kowtowing as us ? because I’d like to know.
I don’t think you’re the only one here sick of seeing black people on tv. Must be just awful for you.
Oh look a troll. How quaint.
I don’t have any truck with seeing black people on tv, just the ratio ! 56 million white to 8 million BAME, but anyone landing from Mars would assume by watching tv that we’re a 50/50 split. And yes, its my ‘right’ to feel aggrieved, just as its your ‘right’ to be sarcastic.
Answer me this, while we’re at it, if they’re so intent on integrating why do they stick with calling their kids (who are born here) names only found within their own cultures ? Surely that’s the first step of integration. But no, they may want all this country has to offer, but keeping their own culture is paramount at all costs. As Jim Royle would say “integration my a…..se”.
Integration became unnecessary after Blair’s multiculturalism drive twenty years ago. Indeed the idiot liberals , who seem to be in charge of everything, now decry integration and want us to accept that we shouldn’t expect the millions of invaders to adopt our culture , infact they ought not even be expected to make any concessions at all to the fact that they are living in our country. On the other hand we are expected to pay for the invaders and modify our culture in case it offends them. If we balk at that cultural suicide pact and refuse to cooperate in the suicide of our country we are deemed to be racists and the idiot liberals have passed laws which they use to persecute us.
We don’t have long left. But we pass into history with the certain knowledge that the future will be much worse than the recent past. A new Dark Age ( no pun intended) is almost upon us.
A message from the past …………..
I think that when Mutti said that we all hoped that it signalled a roll back of mass migration. But a year or two later she opened the flood gates and a million or two third worlders flooded in and that deluge has not yet stopped. Why she did it remains a great puzzle unless she wanted to destroy Europe as Blair did.
I’m sure the Leader of Pendle Council, one Mohammed Iqbal would agree with you……………..
They’ve all worked their way into prime positions awaiting the uprising and eventual takeover.
Yep in a country that is 3% black that is the proportion we’d expect to see on TV
and about 14% BAME total
if the BBC was obeying its charter obligation to reflect the country.
And we have to imagine that the BBC viewership is even less than that, cos maybe a lot of BAME families are watching specialist TV networks aimed at them, eg Nigerian channel, Urdu language channels, various Indian and Iranian channels etc.
My point exactly Stew. And in conversations with others on this, I am certainly not alone.
No family can be depicted as solely white in ads anymore, there has to be a parent (mainly Dad) of colour. Yet, how many ads are there of totally black /asian families ? – a hell of a lot.
Even drawings/cartoons of people are black or brown, and the 56 million white people are being airbrushed to appease the few.
Reading this, anyone would mistake me for a white supremacist, but nothing is further from the truth. This phenomena has been seeping through the advertising world for many years now, and has gained momentum since the BLM campaign. I’m certainly not against anyone getting work as a model or getting a job on the tele, regardless of their skin colour, but keeping it to the ratio of the country as a whole should keep everyone happy.
“Reading this, anyone would mistake me for a white supremacist, but nothing is further from the truth.”
Yeah, right.
“over the hundreds of years, the black man doesn’t appear to have progressed intelligently… Its inbred that they are more impulsive and highly excitable than whites”
Oh maxi – so good to hear from you and hope you are well . You sound like you are on good critical form so – go on- enjoy yourself – but nothing to defend your BBC eh ?
Stay safe .
BBC – The un-defendable.
Come on maxi tell us how good they are instead of trolling here.
Good to hear from you Maxi. How did the interview with the BBC go? Are you full time now?
“Reading this, anyone would mistake me for a white supremacist, but nothing is further from the truth.”
Oh Maxi,
ha ! ha ! you took the bait, and I reeled you in like a kipper.
“ha ! ha ! you took the bait, and I reeled you in like a kipper.”
Ha! You knew you were a White Supremacist all a long!!!
Yeah, you got me there, Brissles.
Some one should invent a filter that would block any footage containing people of deep hue; that would also cut out the advertisements on commercial tv..
Complaints about a disproportionate number of black people in ads is not an expression of white supremacy. So bottle that one.
It is about an attempt to re-educate British people who are deemed to be ignorant racists by an elite who compete with each other in a virtue signalling competition.
First they came for the furniture shop adverts. I don’t need any furniture, so I did nothing.
Then they came for the children’s TV programmes. I don’t have any young children, so I did nothing.
Then they came for the TV newsroom. I don’t watch the ‘news’, so I did nothing.
Then they came for everything else – there was no one left to speak for me, so I cancelled the TV licence and stopped watching everything.
With apologies to Pastor Martin Niemöller.
Cambridge XR in court for February when deliberately dug up the college lawn
and smashed a window have been jailed
just like the guy who accidentally peed near the London policeman’s memorial
No, of course NOT
“ordered both defendants pay £198 compensation to Trinity College – dividing the total cost of the damage by the 22 protesters to reach the figure.”
Gilbert Murray, 62, and 26-year-old Gabriella Ditton, both from Norwich, admitted causing criminal damage
Ditton also admitted causing criminal damage to a window in a Cambridge research building, run by oilfield service provider Schlumberger, the following day.
Ditton, who said she earns £100 a month in animation and illustration, told the court: “We’re trying to prevent a horrible, horrible future that seems so insurmountable.”
She was fined £120 for each offence and ordered to pay £50 towards prosecution costs and a £64 statutory surcharge.
Murray, who is retired, was fined £480 and ordered to pay a £48 surcharge and £85 costs.
Other trials pending
Like Wiemar Germany .
Right wingers were treated benevolently by the courts , left wingers were treated severely .
Errr? You’ll find that he Nazis were the left wingers. The decent people were the persecuted ones. It’s an historical falsehood to claim the Nazis were right wing as it gave the lefty historians an excuse for two socialist regimes being at war.
Remember Halifax on Wednesday
protest due to a Stani being a victim of police violence ? “Chill or I’ll choke you out”
ITV Calendar at 6pm ran with the story
I immediately pointed out here that a prior video showed him throwing the first punch against another Stani
At 10pm the BBC web interview failed to mention the punch.
I checked today and found that they’d come back on Thursday lunchtime and added this tricky stealth edit
Yep 17.5hours after I mentioned the punch the BBC added it to their article
BBC WW2 interview
“Mr Hitler complained about RAF bombing, which happened after he got into an argument about Poland”
It’s been nearly three months since I asked my MP to confirm that vaccinations will not be compulsory. I’m still waiting for a reply.
This latest from Computing Forever, seems to confirm my fears. It’s 38 minutes long.
The Nuremburg judgments will have to be set aside first. There is going to be trouble ahead.
The Nuremburg judgments will have to be set aside first. There is going to be trouble ahead.
Hushed reverent tones as the Beeb announce the death of a 34 year old who appeared on Rude Pauls Drag Race.
Me neither.
If any of you guys get your money back, let’s talk about a bridge.
A bridge, is that because it’s too windy and rough in the channel for the invaders to attempt a crossing?
Get the mayor of London to plan the channel bridge – it might be ready by 2525 – but will be submerged by the rising oceans caused by the End of thr World ©️Gretta
Are you named after the tunnel , Blackwell ?
Not the BBC as such but am sure they will be interested, delighted even.
Back in the spring of this year, our PM said if there had not been a Brexit deal with the EU by the end of June, that would be the end of negotiations and we would leave on a WTO basis on 31 December. Then, the news was that David Frost, the UK lead negotiator would be talking with the EU during July.
We are now past mid-August and apparently talks will continue or be re-started – again – in the second week in September.
There’s a worrying slippage that is occurring with the current Government that is highly redolent of Theresa May’s failed Premiership.
Up2, yep I said the same, about 16.26 further up the post.
There’s a theme to this government and Boris is shortly to reveal he’s Treason May in a suit.
Yes, sorry about the duplication. I saw it after rushing here to post.
No need to apologise, it’s been an interesting hour, what with the troll and lots of Beeb bias to cover!
Time now to go WTO.
We keep OUR fish they the EU and France can Keep the illegals.
Great Britain should now turn our trade to Canada, Australia , New Zealand and the Commonwealth of Nations . Not forgetting the USA .
For a couple of people who wanted to live anonymously and quietly with their baby son, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are sure working their publicists hard at keeping themselves ‘in the public eye’.
Up2, me old darling, they have to, otherwise the world will forget they exist (if only), and THEN where will they get the money to pay for their £9 million mortgage !! They’re going to struggle as it is, because with all the bad press of late, their PR is toxic as far as being paid to make martyrdom speeches is concerned.
I still think they are our current version of Wayne and Waynetta Slob. Especially after the Slobs won the lottery.
But if they want to live quietly and anonymously, Brissles, I am very happy to play my part and leave the couple formerly known as Sussex in peace and quiet.
I do not wish to be reminded. Perhaps they would be kind enough to leave me in peace and quiet.
Think the mortgage, btw, is currently up to £11 million.
I find it amusing how the price paid for their current mansion has been inflated over the last few months. It seems to go up by £2 or £3mill a month. Where can I buy into that rate of appreciation?
“….bad press…..”. Seem to recall David Attenborough type programme that analysed the Hyena’s approach to group hunting. They’d always try to divide off the weaker and/or younger from the herd before attacking their segregated victim(s).
Not that I support the couple in any way of course. Wasters.
Local CVD19 lockdown announced in Oldham.
Another highly diverse part of the nation.
In other news the M5 is solid from Weston to Bristol.
I await the local lockdowns in the southwest in the coming weeks.
BBC not reporting
“Mother avoids jail after taking £100,000 in illegal benefit claims
Saaba Mahmood, 36, was spared jail at a Manchester Crown Court after she offered to enrol on a taxpayer funded programme to help her realise her crimes were not ‘victimless.’ ..”
I see channel 5 is going to broadcast a piece about George V calling hin ‘The Tyrant King’ and no doubt the scum media will be doing another hatchet job on him. They suggest that the King vetoed an attempt to offer Tsar Nicholas asylum in Britain however there is little proof to this, the politicians of course would have had the last word which was this:
“Growing labour unrest and the rise of socialism in Britain, were causing George V serious concerns. ”
The evil and murderous ideology of socialism caused Britain to not offer asylum to the Tsar, and ideology we have fought for the best part of the last century, and which has been the single largest cause of death since recorded time.
You can bet that won’t be broadcast, nor the cowardice of those who failed to assist someone and their family who were in genuine need of asylum.
The BBC power base is world global socialism. We see it in the US media frenzy on contender Biden, who with failing health will give way to even more extreme marxist theories (and Marxist partners) on how to control the world. (Gordon Brown on steroids with Cannabis) There is no doubt that the BBC root for Biden in the same way as they did for Obama, Clinton (both of them) and any old US (or African) socialist as long as it has global reach endorsement claims (total failure as usual when applied).
And you cannot get much more global that the United Nations. It sets all the Agendas on Population control and Climate, sponsored by a motley crew of third world ‘me-toos’ minor politicians that you have never heard of but control strategy which the left think is ‘leadership’ in times of Apocalypse. So serious is the end of the world, that we have to have equal rights for Abortion, LGBTTQZ (and you don’t want to ask what z stands for). One world socialism where everybody gets AAAA**** even though it obvious they never took the exam paper, nobody did.. Next year grade inflation will be even higher, as people of colour claim not only equal rights but also equal pay and free and drugs (thanks to the NHS) its an equal right. Its not UN but that is because the UK is a role model on handing out free money, hotel accommodation, education (not that they need any) they know what benefits are on offer before they even leave home. Un charities give them the full briefing on what to expect in the UK.
A better life working for the same global corporations that will pay the global minimum wage and claim we the (UK) providers are all racist, bigots and are responsible for their hardship. We the white people, with families, the ones who are the ‘problem’. Its a bias against them. So we need to be ‘educated’ to left wing ideology and give them everything that they lack. Communal ideals. Not charitable.
Starting with Abortion – kill the children. Then LGTBQXYX (as the BBC claim over (over 150 sexes) them the nuclear family has to be ultimately destroyed. Along with all religions (except Islam) as its useful as its ‘communal’ and pliable to Marxism. Washinton Times on the latest UN proposal are a warning to us all.
But UN Human Rights is effectively the same as Communism ‘communal rights’ in reality. (Equal means nothing if equal replaces known and trusted values with unknown mistrusted values). So we end up with absurd ‘positive discrimination’ based on whoever is claiming it to be – is then ‘political’ addressed as another (unequal right). No nation is equal, nor peoples or sexes. That is a basic fact of life. We may aspire culturally, financially and use intelligence. So its the white mans burden to unburden himself of his culture, wealth and intelligence. And be mono-cultural, an EU monoculture we voted to escape from. We may never escape ‘Climate’ myths and ‘Sustainability’ agenda until we have vacated the premises.
UN plan a huge redistribution of wealth and intelligence. (not all intelligence is very intelligent) All we need to do is hand over everything to our new invader populations and by 2040. Everything is good. Climate controlled. Population controlled. Populism (read Democracy) contained and an end to all national patriots. Anybody calling themselves a US or UK patriot or having any family values would be a hate crime against LGTCMX values as redefined as ‘human rights’. They have them and you don’t. They have power, you don’t. They can reproduce as a ‘conservative’. You cannot prosper therefore – if you define yourself -as a ‘conservative’, in this new bureaucracy of entitlements a ‘right’ to everything is ‘nothing’ those that earned the resoect and privilege mean nothing, that right through hard work and local charity is all gone. Communal Rights is all you get. And you don’t have it, white man. Positive discrimination is as the BBC states, very important to how we see ourselves.
An interesting video (linked from another on this site) sums up this UN inspired Marxism that our state broadcaster is heavily involved in. We can ignore the BBC in the UK, but for the rest of the world, they are leaders in misinformation. The Main stream media is heavily into UN goals. There is an Agenda, as none of the national media broadcasters are allowed to talk about it and Newspapers will never admit that it is an adopted practice never to mention it. Governments can never speak of it except in terms of ‘Climate’ and ‘Sustainability. Climate we know is manufactured (link Video to that is somewhere above this post). And then EU inspired ‘Sustainability’ is ‘Green culture’ linked to ‘Climate’ (again). The end result is rapid depopulation by 2040, they plan. (Agenda 21)
The rise of the immigrants is our own local population ‘diverse’ replacement. To speak of it is – an automatic hate crime and yet alongside the rise in crime in London and across the EU where ‘diversity’ has taken hold is not good overall but negative.. The new land of opportunity is upon us. All we have to do is give up everything and admit we had it all wrong. And not have any children and admit that Marxism was right all along. The new World order is global marxism. Of course the BBC is involved in it. South Africa is our future and there is no future for us if we still take orders from the UN (which are often well hidden in legislation -particularly ‘education’ directives (from EU). Even when we leave the EU we still have the UN to deal with and we are a world leader in LGHTQMX nonsense. Its been sponsored by our own UK government for over 40 years and ruled on by the European Court of Human Rights! Leaving the EU was our first step to freedom, That is why the BBC are involved in reversing the ‘trend’ back to UN objectives of eventual annihilation. Banning all discussion and (eventually) an end to Science as we know it, our past, our culture and hopes of family values (conservative) will be a crime to discuss privately as its is publicly at the BBC or sister stations.
Jordan Peterson and ex Australian PM talk discuss Cultural Marxism objectives…
(video) July 2020
The Marxist have never been so strong. They have the full support of the UN. Nobody dare asks if its sustainable or that the Climate is not about to melt down globally. The BBC plays its part, they are a bit part player on the world stage.
I’m pretty sure that video is a reissue from a couple of years back
Peterson is still recovering from his addiction problem.
No country should have an ‘al beeb’ type organisation as its national broadcaster, ie one that hates its indigenous population and hates its national identity so much so that it wishes to tear both of those things apart!
I don’t pay for or watch its rubbish and haven’t for over a year now, I only catch comments on hear and talkRADIO and some news via Google but it appears that Al beeb is totally out of control and touch with the nation, and the lunatics are now running the asylum ????
Lewis Goodall (I’d never heard of him a year ago) chipping in with any biased opinion he wants apparently, the mutton woman Maitlisssss sending out her silly soliloquy and jug-ears Lineker preaching that Brexit is bad and we’re all thick racists ????????
Absolutely disgraceful and if you pay for this nonsense so be it, but seriously these clowns need defunding and shutting down for good ???? ????????
Agree. The only acceptable bias from the BRITISH (sic) Broadcasting Corp., is a natural (and preferably mildish) pro-British bias. That is, an Anglo-/Brito-centric world view and a generally benign attitude to Britain. The reason for this is simply that we in Britain are forced to pay for it and it still retains ‘British’ in its title; so, put simply, don’t insult your enforced customers and do do what it says on your label.
This ideal BBC could strive for impartiality but it would probably fail to achieve it completely; people would understand that it would, by charter and origin, likely be biased in favour of Britain. The same applies for a French national broadcaster or a Russian or US one – no problem there. Viewers and listeners could seek out alternative viewpoints online or in print (e.g. The Guardian, New European or The i newspaper on the Left, or Fox, Sky Australia and others on the Right).
If the BBC takes “British” out of its title, gives up the £157.50 poll tax and tolerates other terrestrial competitors in the UK, it can be as anti-British as it likes … and customers will decide whether to pay for it (I wouldn’t). What it can’t do is continue to be so hostile to the British people, and friendly to competitors and enemies such as the EU and UN, or inflict the cultural damage it does.
This is no longer about bias. It’s about the very raison d’etre of the BBC, which has turned against the people who have to pay for it and has for many years been doing more harm than good.
???????? MSa-B, can you imagine every time a footy team plays, over the tannoy at home games the club slag off the home fans and belittle them all game whilst continually heaping praise on the opposition fans and telling them how great they are ????
Now that’s not going to end well is it?
That’s practically what al beeb are doing and the only conclusion I can take from it is that they are either extremely stupid or extremely arrogant….or both!
✌???? ’em!
There’s a petition asking that the government do not punish those of us who decline to be vaccinated.
The same question I asked my useless MP.
Hidden away on the Local Live section
: 17:29
Further arrests in Rotherham child sex abuse inquiry
Two men have been arrested as part of an investigation into the abuse of four girls in Rotherham.
The alleged offences date back about 20 years to when the girls were aged between 13 and 15.
National Crime Agency officers made the arrests as part of Operation Stovewood, which is investigating child sex abuse in the town.
Two men, aged 35 and 40, were arrested in Rotherham and a third man, aged 35, was interviewed under caution
This follows the arrest of 14 men in Rotherham and two in West Yorkshire during July and August as part of the same investigation.
Jan Leeming did tweet this anti BBC tweet
but says the Mail article is BS
“I never said DefundTheBBC
Twitter doesn’t allow enough letters for me to list the occasional wonderful programmes put out by the BBC. We should pay to view like we do with others”
“They do it all the time.
Don’t believe even a fraction of what you read in Newspapers or hear on NewsProgrammes”
She then said this
“In many respects, at it’s best no Channel can measure up to #BBC
– #DavidAttenborough #DowntonAbbey- but there’s been a great dumbing down over the last few years.”
… Downton is an ITV show ..tho it was on BBC America
“The licence has been around so long can’t remember- is Licence only for BBC?
If it is then I need not have paid it as there’s very little on it that I watch”
Guess the lady realised she mustnt upset the hierachy at the BBC and lose out on the occassional production company boost .
Row back eh Jan ?
Bobby Ball from the comedy duo Cannon and Ball was asked hy they weren’t on TV any more? His answer was that the couldn’ t cook!
Bobby Ball from the comedy duo Cannon and Ball was asked why they weren’t on TV any more? His answer was that the couldn’ t cook!
I have no objection to paying to view but that isn’t the case, it’s just pay whether or not you view. There are a few pay to view options but the BBC isn’t one of them.
Seems like the american half caste girl who was in ‘suits’ and married am ex prince is now actively supporting the democrats on social media now ….
….. certain constitutional niceties about members of the UK Royal Family interfering in foreign elections …. now wheres those Russians ?
I’m angry.
The govt and media, including our world class BBC are lying to us.
They lied about Covid deaths, they lied about Covid hospital admissions, they lied about where the virus came from, and how effective masks are. They lie about who and why people are illegally crossing the channel to England and they lied about the age of the dead migrant on the French beach. They’re lying about Biden, Trump and BLM.
We should not have to fund this.
Can’t Afford to Tell the Truth Owen Bennett-Jones on the state of the BBC. Its a long read. But this BBC insider points out that the BBC is incapable of telling the truth. Its a staffing problem…
‘One managing director in Bush House admitted to me, without embarrassment, that he lacked the knowledge of foreign affairs to make the editorial decisions that came before him.
And BBC managers are unsackable. In the recent judgment on the Cliff Richard case, besides criticising the rationale behind broadcasting the story in the first place (which, typically enough, was in part to avoid criticism for not broadcasting it), the judge found that the UK news editor was not a reliable witness and that the head of newsgathering had ‘almost wilfully’ failed to ‘acknowledge inconsistencies’ in the BBC case. Both still hold senior positions.’
Hitting the hay.
Just leaving this here as a reminder of who was once a big bbc panel fave.
Only a few thousand more bbc tweets to go.
So, the old trick; when your message stinks, use children to exploit the audience’s emotions.
I think this is a lesson the left need to learn; leave children alone. It’s 8 minutes long:
Not to mention that 3 or four blacks murdered a 17 year old white girl (from their school, apparently) for her Gucci bag. The killer is 16, I believe.
A bunch of desperate middle aged bbc white men going gaga over a desperate senile old white man going gaga of a Hollywood set up using a young white guy. BLM approved.
Next, Sleepy Joe behind a row of Gazan moppets with his Grad launcher, with a bbc film crew directed by a Syrian film maker.
Interesting video here from Spain, with subtitles. A doctor goes somewhat off-message by stating what many here will have suspected. Eventually they have to bring in Pedro Morgan to shout over him. When that doesn’t work – shut him up.
I assume the translation is accurate!
So much to savour there.
Her Cathy Nuevohombre impression… his awesome facial reactions in response.
Brilliant doctor!
Are the usually uber-feminist beeb reporting the story of a 17-year-old girl in France who was beaten and had her hair shaved off by her parents for dating a Christian boy?
No, I thought not. Guess what religion she is? Her family were originally from Bosnia-Herzegovina, which goes to show that the savagery of the Religion of Brutality knows no borders, and is not confined to the Middle-East, Asia and Africa.
But I suppose it’s no surprise the beeb don’t report the story: small fry compared to the mass rape of hundreds (thousands?) of children on their own doorstep – which they ignored for years – not to mention the daily murder of infidels throughout the muslim world. (Since you ask, 863 killed and 776 injured in the last 30 days alone.)
But now, back to the more important matter of mocking Orange Man…
The BBC always played down the balkans war as being about Muslims and hundreds of years of tribal / religious war …and left the viewer ‘uninformed ‘ because I think the average britisher would have taken one particular side ……
… let’s face it – the BBC unofficial policy is to minimise violent responses from the white British to the constant invasion of their island by the third world – hence the non reporting of paki gangs , daily invasions and the trials and sentencing for the crimes these characters are caught doing …. see Grenfell
Apologies if this has been mentioned before..
Taylor Swift generously donates £23,000 to a Go Fund Me page of a student to study Maths at Warwick Uni. Vitoria Mario came to the UK 4 years ago from Portugal (how ? why?) and attained good grades but couldn’t afford the fees to enter University as she didn’t qualify for scholarship (why?).
I think I’ll start a Go Fund Me page – the modern face of respectable begging, for the public to chip in and pay the tv licences for all the OAPs over 75. Perhaps the Beckhams and Lineker could do a Taylor and dig deep.
Just musing about where all the autocue readers in w1aa will finish up when the Biased BBC is defunded, and they all have to get ‘jobs’ elsewhere…
I suppose some will ‘write’ stuff for the Guardian and the Staggers, one or two may turn up on Sky, or other failing news outlets, but the majority will have to look for work in much smaller organisations, like local rags etc!
Local Radio just may be a lifesaver for some of them, but as that is so dire and dumbed down to idiot phone-ins and trashy ‘stories’, they may struggle at first, but at least a normal average salary will help them over their grief at being ignored by 99% of the country!
I suppose sport will still be interesting to people who like watching empty stadiums, but there’ll be a watershed of grossly inflated wages paid to players, and most home-grown ones will get worried as all the foreigners seem to take their places, and live in their ‘Early Argos’ style houses.
Of course, the Labour and Liberal parties will lose their media departments, and have to resort to local radio (again), and nobody will take any notice as above!
I’m sure good people here will think of many other benefits, so, to save these arthritic digits, I’ll hand you over to Nick Robinson, the night-time ‘reporter’ on Radio Sheppey, followed by Emily Maitlis on ‘Those you have pearled’ – a programme about knitting twin-sets during the 1930s…
Selling used ribs?
BS has found a soulmate.
Update: some other peroxide victim.
What does BS mean please ? ( presumably not the rude version ) .
Anyway – not BBC . Mini rant . Today is day 9 of my government house arrest . I’ve heard nothing – no checking – phone call – nothing . The inept transport minister has described his own house arrest policy as ‘clunky’ . I have a far better word for it …. and his inept government ….
… talking of inept – the outgoing PM has had to cut his holiday short for security reasons …. good …. if he is not fit for the job give it up …. I can’t think that his hero Churchill went on a jolly holiday in Summer 1940 As Blighty was threatened with invasion – the difference being we are truly being invaded now .
By the way – the house arrest business is pretty desperate – but I did put the rubbish out yesterday – can someone get me some milk please as I’m nearly out ….
Bronzed Strumpet.
Or, when she shuttles over the pond to join Jon and the gang slagging off The President, impartially, ‘Beauty Squad’.
Guest – very greatful – i didnt know that and as moderator want new readers / those who read but not write to understand the content ….
Bronzed Strumpet was from a fellow hack.
I too like ‘The Walnut One’, mashing the publicity shy footballing manager of Romanity with a skin-crinkling fondness for the tanning booth, oddly not picked up by colleagues on the Americast side of the pond when seeking commentary of color, a squad headed by the so-dubbed ‘American Beauty’ after his unfortunate 2’ of fame in the spotlight on the naughty stool. Hence, ‘Beauty Squad’, also honoring the rare macbethian beauties that the misses Omar take the nee, All Orifices Cooking and the other one.
Bronzed is better than walnut; there is a strongly metallic effect.
I prefer the soubriquet of ‘The Walnut One’.*
It seems to go with the BBC’s idea of what ‘news’ is.
* a credit to Dead Ringers for the inspiration.
Lebron probs needed Cathy Newman at this point.
I’ve heard that the NBA viewing figures in the US have absolutely plummeted since the restart, mainly I guess due to its woke propaganda and BLM nonsense that it is pumping out ???????? ????
There was a time when Rose was blooming media wide.
No longer?
Mark Easton best look out. She seems a bbc market rate catch and a half.
When I first saw and listened to her, I thought she was some 15 year old they dragged in off the street ! When you see a BAME or mixed race as a press reviewer, you JUST KNOW what their point of view will be, and this one didn’t disappoint. On and on and on she went, and got plenty of airtime – compared to her white male opposite number.
Oh, was that it?
BBC News
Israeli warplanes bombed the Gaza Strip overnight after Palestinians fired rockets towards Israel.
Evil Country! Bombing folk after they did, er… stuff.
BBc News gets excited about a Japanese bog doorknob.
“This hands-free option for getting in and out of the toilet could prove popular for passengers wanting to avoid touching surfaces.“
If the flight has a stopover in the Middle East or East Asia, wait until passengers find out what awaits mid flight.
TOADY Watch #1 – inadvertent slip or something more sinister?
Professor Sir Mark Walport was on the programme this morning. He was interviewed by Sarah ‘Gravel’ Smith who made reference to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. Sir Mark said Covid-19 was a coronavirus and – by implication from his words – influenza is not.
I haven’t checked the Wiki page for influenza but I’m pretty certain that ‘flu’ is a coronavirus, the common cold is another one, ‘ chicken ‘flu’ ‘ and ‘ bird ‘flu’ ‘ are yet more.
At the risk, of fuelling conspiracy theories, was Sir Mark saying Covid-19 is something very different to a proper coronavirus, ie. is a germ warfare agent? Or did he just got his facts wrong as a muddled, elderly Professor.
‘Gravel’ was not sharp enough – or knowledgeable enough – to pick the Prof up on that misspeak.
“I haven’t checked the Wiki page for influenza but I’m pretty certain that ‘flu’ is a coronavirus”
Flu is caused by an influenza virus.
Covid19 is a coronavirus.
They are two separate and distinct types of virus.
–The influenza virus is not ‘a type’ of coronavirus.–
“‘Gravel’ was not sharp enough – or knowledgeable enough – to pick the Prof up on that misspeak.”
You’ve got it completely wrong; can’t even be bothered to spend 30 seconds on Wikipedia; and you’re describing someone else as *not knowledgeable enough*?
Well done.
So tell us all how good Al Beeb is and why pensioners should continue paying the Telly Tax when they get to 75 . That’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
When did you last pay that tax maxi?
See, anyone can play the Troll Game.
Knob is either being thick, or cute.
I doubt the bbc political editor is unaware his Fail colleague shares a special Brexit-related derangement.
Cant imagine Barnier being dragged onto BBC N&CA programmes and being told off for not getting a trade deal .
Wow it’s almost as if there had been a big change in the Mail and Dacre had been sacked and the paper been taken over by old Remainers
..happened 2 years ago.
Hugh Sykes likes this.
I guess they figure convincing themselves is better than nothing.
The Mail on line has been anti government during the whole pandemic, if not before. They were screaming ‘lockdown ‘ then screaming the government were wrong to lockdown. They have screamed whether gloves should be counted singly or in pairs. Whoever their political editor is, I think his name is Greg, who represented the Mail in the Rose Garden when Dominic Cummings gave his statement, just oozed bile. I can also see their anti Trump stories, especially overnight, presumably for their American readers. Certainly the on line Mail seems in tune with BBC.
The paper copy is the same. They are also overkeen on ‘projects’ and giving themselves a lot of back slapping, and there’s some bloke who regularly has a columncalled Dr Mike Moseley, who clearly doesn’t spend a lot of time on the front line, as he’s too busy creating healthy recipes for every known disease to man, or giving his ‘expert’ medical opinion on every disease known to man. I see he is now hosting a new series on the tele in September.
Funny how we can overdose on media doctors, but cant get to see a proper one !
Are they losing their readers? If not, they ought to be. Does the quality of comments on their articles indicate a change in readership?
The BBC are starting to like the Mail now that it’s consistently anti-Tory.
Its readers should switch to the Express if they want a middlebrow conservative paper.
I tend to buy both, and if there are regular readers of the D/Mail on here, my photo was in it a couple of weeks ago. Now there’s a tease 😉 !!!
Are you feeling guilty?
The Toady editors certainly want you to.
First up we need to be investing more to provide oxygen for coronavirus treatment in…..errrrr……..the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Apparently all those evil companies whose business relies on producing pure gases want to make profits !!!!!!!!
Next up. On Thought for the Day, hankies are still needed for the Sudanese 16 year old man who died on a French beach.
You see he was escaping from ….whatever it was and wherever it was……., and had managed to cross the Med to get to…….Italy.
Is Italy war torn and ravaged? Judging by the number of UK holidaymakers on the Amalfi coast, Tuscany, or Venice, to name but three, I’d say no. The reasoning behind ‘fleeing’ Italy to get across Europe to the UK was, as usual, not explored.
My hanky is as dry as a bone.
And I’m not feeling guilty at all.
So the Toady editors can go swim.
And I don’t believe this illegal was 16. I’m sure I’ve heard or read somewhere that he was 23.
It’s a French problem that they’re trying ( and to a great extent succeeding thanks to our traitorous Civil Service and judiciary and useless Home Secretary) to foist onto our country.
Just wait till next year when the frogs come begging to buy our fish. We’ll have the last laugh.
“It’s revealed he was 28 not 16, and had been sleeping rough in France for 2 months”
Sluff – i was late in the day realising the 29 year old did the decent thing and got himself washed up in france .
If it had been UK theyd be adding another minute at the start of every footy game ‘ powerful ‘ and doing a ‘ double knee’ with added clapping
TOADY Watch #2 – ah, some more news but no questions
Where have the ‘enquiring minds’ gone at the BBC’s N&CA Dept? No one seems interested in finding out stuff unless it can be turned into accusing questions or Panodrama Programmes in order to attack a Conservative Government.
Three weeks – give or take a day – since the Beirut docks explosion. The BBC, with a journalist resident in the city, only now seeks to tell us that there were large numbers of refugees from the Civil War in Syria – from Aleppo – living and working there. Syria adjoins Lebanon.
Point one: the BBC do not realise that the Syrian refugees have actually been legal refugees, played by the rules and have sought sanctuary in the first ‘safe’ country they have reached. I use ‘safe’ as a relative term in relation to Lebanon.
But then no-one at the BBC sought to enquire whether the supposed spontaneously combusting Ammonium Nitrate might not have been triggered (it needs a trigger to burn or explode) by other ‘dark forces’. The BBC missed a great opportunity to nail something on Vladimir Putin. I am surprised that they also missed an opportunity to further blacken the name of President Assad. The former certainly deserves it. The latter, probably not. Tell me, BBC, how did those democratic elections go in Syria? Oh, you – a premier news organisation – forgot all about that?
The big question I have that the BBC should have asked is: was the explosion caused by traffickers? Was it a deliberate bombing attack on these people who were obviously intent on 1. being legal refugees, 2. possibly wanting to remain close to Syria in order to be able to return at the earliest opportunity when peace is restored, and, 3. were these Syrians supporters of President Assad and wanting democracy (albeit a Middle Eastern version) to continue in Syria.
Woz it dem trafficking gangs wot dun it, BBC?
I think the BBC News and Current Affairs dept much rather fancies going after some kid in a pub talking Very Far Right booze fueled rambling about n words and various acceptable criminals such as paki paedo gangs
Rather than in depth investigation s such as the middle east or where overseas charity or taxes really go ..
TR is obviously a now traditional target of course
I thought the BBC had already established that the explosion was the fault of the UK as our sanctions had resulted in a cargo of Ammonium Nitrate being offloaded at Beirut?
That and ‘some say’ it was an Israeli missile attack.
When the ‘truth’ doesn’t match the ‘facts’ the ‘truth’ never gets revisited.
Hi Fed, how’s the quarantine going?
The BBC is a failing news organisation, Fran Unsworth appears to be raising the white flag on that. But you would think the journos and presenters would try to save their jobs by actually doing them for a change.
You would think.
But no. Not at the BBC.
I now think the BBC is doomed.
Up2 – time seems to have warped and 14 days of house arrest are ending on Sunday . If i had the chinese virus i would have known it by now . And id have known it was caught at the T5 circus
I wont have it called ‘ quarentine ‘
House Arrest is more suitable .
I caught a bit of Rise of the Continents on BBC 2 this morning. This programme first went out in 2013, which surprises me because if I didn’t check that I would have expected Africa to be splitting into pieces any time soon!
It also had more evidence of the BBC believing its own false output. Long time viewers will remember the old BBC in between programme animation with a rotating globe, going the wrong way. They claimed at the time that it was for reasons of copyright.
Perhaps that was true, perhaps it was a mistake, but what was the excuse for Rise of the Continents repeating the reverse rotation over and over?
Why you can trust the BBC. Why?
I would be grateful if someone could spend a bit of time and look at this and maybe comment on it.
I haven’t had time to look through it (just note it) but I think it is part of something that I have seen being advocated and spread within universities – where academic positions and promotions are given to females or BAMES in order to make the staff more “representive” of the students. It is a form of backdoor “positive” discrimination.
Bannon arrest
Like the Trump dossier the case has deep history
From the beginning 2+ years ago reporters accused them of stealing money from the fund
But then lefty site Snopes did a report saying their was no evidence.
So it became a thing they used to joke about in Bannon’s show last year.
This article says at the top its paywalled but actually appears open
Bannon was on a Chinese billionaires yacht when he was arrested
now he has $5m bail
and says he’ll fight the case all the way.
Bannon in his own words
Does rather look like it, Stew. It gave the BBC the opportunity to link alleged criminal Bannon with President Trump even though Steve Bannon left the White House team, of his own volition, six months – was it? – after the inauguration.
The BBC will assume the general public will not know or remember that. So the BBC can smear away at will and, needless to say, choose to do so.
Someone on The Conservative Woman posted the above link and commented: The key point seems to be that donors were refunded by Go Fund Me unless they explicitly asked for their donations to be retained by the organisation subsequently set up by Bannon and others. If that’s true – and I think it probably is – the charges are surely bogus.
Assuming the charges are indeed bogus, the legals would drag on until after the election, after which it won’t matter. Job done. Muck spread. And no one ever seems to pay a price for muck spreading.
The American legal system does seem very open to political interference, though recent decisions here might indicate it’s just as bad, but perhaps more subtle.
YouTube : Viva Frei the lawyers put out an analysis
H says that scamming charities this way is so common, he’s inclined to believe that’s what happens .. he says evidence of that is the way Kolfage changed his communication to encrypted last Octor, and the way the charity orgs website says that Kolfage is now getting a salary .. and a way that some of the payments were made to Kolfage’s wife for media work.
He said that the charity was started as a PR stunt, but money flowed in so fast that they suddenly found themselves sitting on $25m without a plan of how to spend it.
(other youtube vids do show footage of the construction of the charities own border wall as agreed by a landowner, constantly followed by journalists saying, you don’t have planning permission, and them saying here’s the permits etc.)
but he’ll have more on his Monday discussion with Barnes
Commenters say “Wow so little effort to go after Clinton’s and Trudeau’s charities”
i guess leaking on expenses is normal
eg One day someone summits a legitimate claim for $200 for driver and assistance role
and the next week their wife does that role, and they argue that that too means she should get the $200 and that the charity has not lost out.
The original claims about money being used to buy a boat were easily proved false, cos the boat was bought BEFORE the charity existed.
Yesterday Viva did a summing up of Millie Weaver
“looks like the criminal legal system is being weaponised against journalists”
The US edging closer and closer to all out civil war. Antifa will not know what hit them when this happens and police retaliate, properly and appropriately.
Maybe the american election will just be about turn out -not promises -hence the need to disrupt postal voting has got to be vital – unless it is ‘ fair ‘.
Speaking of which this petition has surprisingly few signatures.
Scrap ‘On-Demand’ Postal Voting, & Create Strict Eligibility Criteria
Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
I have now signed it.
A piece that will show just how unjust matter have become. Dear Prime Minister
I wish to ask you a Question:- “Is This True?”
I refer to the Pension Reality Check.
Are you aware of the following ?
The British Government provides the following financial assistance:-
(bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National
Insurance contributions to the British Government all their working life)
Weekly allowance: £106.00
(No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever)
Weekly allowance: £250.00
Weekly Spouse Allowance: £25.00
Weekly Spouse Allowance: £225.00
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £0.00
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: £100.00
A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing
After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.
Sad isn’t it? Surely it’s about time we put our own people first.
Island – i m with you on that and will sign – which i dont normally do anymore as it makes politicians think they are ‘ democratic ‘ when they really use parliament to avoid democracy
I d also go with ‘ no ID – no vote ‘ .
As for the title of the petition – clear as mud
To paraphrase, if parliamentary petitions changed anything, they’d ban them. They are just there to give the BBC something to wax lyrical about when a favoured petition gets hijacked.
Yes, no more than nuisance value to the MP’s. Simply continuing the myth of ‘democracy’ at work.
Not the BBC but it could be. Page 2 of the Jewish Chronicle is a large headline ‘Groups sign Facebook letter alongside backer of Tommy Robinson.’ Now I haven’t a clue about the politics but an American organisation, The Middle East Forum, which has apparently supported ‘the far right Tommy Robinson is urging Facebook to adopt the IHRA definition of antiSemitism’. BICOM and the Maccabi World Union have also signed and I thought it was the definition that Jewish people wanted (but I could be wrong as I am easily confused these days). The article continues in a was reminiscent of the BBC, it just had to give Tommy’s original name.
The whole article was written as if anyone who had crossed a road at the same time as Tommy, ishould be eternally damned.
To be fair, apparently MFE think tank had been heavily involved in a campaign to free Mr Robinson from prison. Well if they felt that Tommy was wronged why shouldn’t they campaign for his release and if they want to support others in the fight against antiSemitism, why not? Probably because MFE support right wing organisations and that makes them deserving of attack by MSM .
The writer Lee Harpin has a fetish about TR
and often inserts a TR angle into article
He’s a globalist so that’s one reason he hates TR.
The guilt by association idea is a fallacy
You might as well say Poppy Day was also supported by The Yorkshire Ripper & try to argue that Poppy Day should be banned.
Here Bryan points out that by Lee’s logic, if someone posts an anti-BBC comment in the Guardian comments, then that makes the Guardian an anti-BBC website.