The BBC is to broadcast a documentary about Carl Beech on Monday night . Mr Beech is the criminal who made False allegationS of a ‘ high Level paedophile ring “ which was so eagerly taken up by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party – Tom Watson . Apparently the BBC didn’t mention Mr Watson’s shameful part in the debacle until those involved demanded the truth be included. The BBC does like to look after its friends …….
Start the Week 24 August 2020
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Rule Britannia!
What could be better for a first post ?
Al Beeb has shot it self in the foot if it ends our second anthem at the Proms. This is their revenge for voting for Brexit and for voting in the Tory party.
Their end is nigh.
Catchup links to previous thread
– page 3 started 10:15am Sunday
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Will maxincony make another nocturnal appearance this evening to tell us all about what’s positive (or not) about Al Beeb?
He declined my suggestion on last night’s shift and continued to troll.
Al Beeb – US Election.
Nothing but Joe Biden, Joe Biden & Joe Biden .
What about Trump’s news about Covid breakthrough ?
Hi Taff
I looked at the whitehouse website to see the good that President Trump is doing, some interesting news on there
Another insidious technique is to mention the two parties in the order Labour first, then Conservatives.
The same technique is used for the US election – Biden and Democrats first, then Trump and Republicans.
I have to say i watched the news for the first time in ages – it was al jaz – and very grown up in comparison to the BBC which is now completely woke .
Looks like Belorus is kicking off and the opposition girl needs to avoid drinking tea…..
It is truly naive to think that Russia will allow what was White Russia to fall under the influence of the EU and as for Nato forget it. Russia was attacked and ravaged by the French and then twice by Germany . The last time how many died?
This is big boy’s politics not the emoting idiots of the liberal West.
Russia is correct to ensure that there are buffer states on it’s borders. It is not our affair.
It depends on what Russia does to ensure that there are buffer states on its borders. Economic aid would be welcome acceptable to all. But military threats and interventions as in Ukraine a few years ago is not acceptable, not there is anything anyone can realistically do about it other than tut tut and impose sanctions. The domination of Eastern Europe and suppression of democracy for fifty years after WW2 was certainly not acceptable. Admittedly both Belorussia and Ukraine had been part of the Tsarist empire for centuries unlike Czechoslovakia, Hungary , Roumania etc but it still doesn’t justify Russia using military force to insist on having puppet governments installed. After all it’s not as though Russia is short of space to act as a military buffer if it is invaded, unlike say Israel who needed to occupy some strategically critical parts of neighbouring countries eg Golan Heights, to have chance of stopping an invasion from Syria et al.
There is a permanent, combat ready, British military presence at a NATO base in Estonia, less than 100 miles from St Petersburg. Imagine the reverse scenario, if Scotland was an independent state and there were Russian forces in Sturgeongrad (formerly Edinburgh).
There has been a switch in policies between the West and the East in the later half of the 20th century. Russia and its Warsaw pact allies are now robustly capitalist. The West – “Democrat America” and the EU, are socialist.
The EU and Democrat America would like to take their “new socialism” back to the USSR. Then along with China, its “Hello Global Socialist” world. A Marxist objective achieved.
So you think that we should depose wee Nippy if that happened. You don’t see that as an act of war? Suppose that Brussels sends EU troops into Northern Ireland to protect the Republic? Surely that would be an act of war. Once you start condoning military action by one state in another sovereign state you are on a slippery slope.we can’t on the one hand claim every country has the right to defend its borders and on the other hand condone military action in another sovereign state’s land.
Quite right that Russia wants buffer states. Without them, France then Germany, invaded Russia in an attempt to create Lebensraum. That led to 60 million dead, and American troops in Europe to prevent any further European “robust” foreign policy adventures. The same two states, but now the rulers of the EU, want to do something similar. Russia will not allow it. And America will not allow Russia first move to thwart EU misadventures.
Note that Pres Trump is moving troops to Poland. Poland and Belgium are the nations first invaded in robust German policies. Belgium is already NATO HQ.
We might have had a world war with Russia if Obama policies had continued with Clinton and Newland.
Coincidence that Trumpian policy is thwarting any such moves.
So you think that President Trump is moving troops into Poland to protect it from German aggression!
The main threat is supposed to be Russia. So the troop movement can be seen as one to stop Russia from taking advantage of the situation in Ukraine. But its good you brought up Germany.
The EU is in turmoil, debt and millions of unskilled migrants pouring in.
Britain leaving. EU counties looking to Germany =for money. Germany full of hostile aliens, and more pouring in. Germany is feeling the strain. Its a super[power in all but name and feels that like atlas, is it is bound. Its the same as in the thirties. Why does it refuse to pay NATO dues, and will not pay till 2031. Which is never. Germany has always surprised us.
Then there is America. It too is in turmoil.
China resurgent. So we have three nations that are powerful, and a score to settle with America
1. China
2. Russia – for losing to America
3. Germany – for losing to America, and then being to obliged to America for its generosity.
So yes, America has place itself in the cockpit.
This presidential election will define the world for the next 50 years.
Hi Fed
I’ve struggled to find good news outlets, but have watched aljazeera a few times, and some interesting news, that doesn’t seem to be on the bBCs level
Andy – I caught a documentary about the Arabs and The Great War which is being repeated …. as someone always interested in those times it was a fascinating piece – I laughed because “Lawrence “ didn’t get a mention …. which shows the difference …
… it also showed that the French British ‘handling ‘ of North Africa wasn’t that honourable( Sykes – pico ) – but looking back over a century though …..
‘Sykes ‘ by the way – enjoyed designing National Flags – so when you see an Iraqi one – it’s his design – bless the empire ….
I might watch a bit more aljazeera from now on as I won’t treat it at the MSM which I don’t touch any more …
Hi Fed
me again, totally agree with your comments
I don’t really pay much attention to the BBC news these days. But listening to tonight’s bulletin on BBC1, I did catch an article on the forthcoming Republican convention.
And I wondered if the equivalent bulletin last week sought out disaffected Democrats who weren’t going to vote for Trump. In the same way tonight’s bulletin spoke to those who weren’t going to vote for Trump.
It’s just that what I did catch of last week’s coverage of the Democrat suggested it was wall-to-wall sycophancy about how marvellous that lovely Mr Biden was.
And American Toenails’ analysis.
What is not strange is Lurch’s blatant Dem interference running.
Zurcher: Very strange to see Rudy come at Harris for being too vigorous in law enforcement.
Its not the vigour but the selective application of the law by Kamala Harris that Giulani finds offensive.
With Democrats its ” No one is above the law” when it comes to allies of Pres Trump, but excuses and “nothing to see here” when it comes to an actual conspiracy and acts for coup against Pres Trump.
If Pres Trump is re-elected, we will see the unwinding of this conspiracy. Gen Flynn’s lawyer has the bit between her teeth. Therefore Judge Sullivan cannot acquit Gen Flynn even though the prosecution has dropped all charges
As far as Harris is concerned – it looks like she also looked the other way wrt kiddie fiddlers at the direction of the Vatican too.
You can see the beeb’s headlines, already cut and pasted…
‘Biden to step down due to dementia, Jamelia Harrison to take over’.
Dribblers in W1AA assault each other by forgetting sexual distancing, and grope a trans instead. The Guardian doubles its circulation to 12.
This is the BBC’s latest on President Trump:

and on the BBC homepage as a top story:

The BBC is not a news organisation. It is a 24 hours a day 7 days a week activist organisation. It has been pushing non-stop anti-Trump propaganda and tittle tattle for over four years now. It is blatant, childish and insulting to the intelligence.
It has become clear that there is no saving the BBC. It must be defunded.
I make no comment on the reliability of this. I put it here to question what the reaction of the BBC et al would be if someone said the same about Trump. Somehow I feel it would not be radio silence. They would be talking about “credibly accused”, I feel.
. @SenKamalaHarris speech “I know a predator when I see one.”
reply : ” I wouldn’t put too much credence in her boast that she knows a predator when she sees one…because her powers evidently failed her when it came to Harvey Weinstein”
This week saw the last of the current season of Radio 4’s Feedback in which, according to the BBC, the listener holds the BBC to account.
In the past this meant half a dozen listeners complaining about a programme and then Roger Bolton reading out a statement that ‘the BBC got it about right’ or, if we were really lucky, a BBC producer would come on to tell us that she ‘had got it about right’.
Clearly even that was too much for the BBC as this last programme consisted entirely of Controller of Radio 4, Mohit Bakaya telling us that he is getting it ‘about right’ with a few listeners voicing Bolton’s questions for him.
The one exception was one female who told us how much she loved the smug Amol Rajan and his programme in which George Soros, the Pope and Lady ‘Spider’ Hale gave us their ideas for our future. (‘Some say’ that George Soros, the Pope and Lady Hale should be breaking rocks on Dartmoor for what they have done to our present and if Amol Rajan joined them it would be no bad thing).
I’ve got so ‘extreme ‘ That even listening to that – that – ritualised weekly hand washing of the BBC by itself – would – I think – give the enemy a false view .
If I recall they have someone with an ‘objection ‘ then a BBC droid manager comes on with a pre schooled response and mr £ Bolton says ‘yes – you’re right ‘ next question ….
But I suppose Mr Bolton’s production company can always do with a few bob from the licence tax payer ….
“US allows emergency use of blood plasma treatment for coronavirus patients”
As reported on this page earlier.
Sometimes the news gets reported on this site before Al Beeb.
Worth every cent.
That an it being open season to use family.
(Not your own, BBC, obvs).
How the BBC reacts will be interesting.
SOP is to wake up a reliable outrage protest group before midday, leave out context and then run editted highlights of reactions.
Lammy see any police?
Probably not Tottenham.
Having watched this distressing scene unfold, do we think TIME in its headline has properly encapsulated the full story?
Meanwhile here, there is GMB and the BBC.
“While we have got you here, Prof….”
Professor of Black Studies at Birmingham University .- the title says as much about thar character as anyone needs to know . Seems like the word ‘professor ‘ has been dumbed down ask much as other parts of the Marxist education system too ….
What brand of chip do you think he is sponsored by ?
Let’s hope that the BBC bites the bullet and does indeed ban Rule Britannia , Land of Hope and Glory, Jerusalem and everything else that could be regarded as British and traditional. It might wake up a few hundred thousand more LF payers and make them realise that they are paying to see their country and culture trashed and destroyed and so hasten the demise of the foul corporation. Judging by the comments in the Times yesterday there certainly seems to be a very strong reaction against the BBC and it’s anti British plan with lots of folks vowing to refuse to pay the LF.
If the BBC do carry through with that ban, would there be an orchestra – and a conductor – and a venue that would start hosting ‘The Alternative Prom’ ?
You know, one where ordinary people and students can queue for a few hours and pay very little money, say £3 or £5, to listen to classical orchestral music by the greats, shout “Heave, ho!” when the lid of the grand piano is raised, and get a bit enthusiastic for the Last Night and mass singing of Land of Hope and Glory? After all, the BBC have championed alternative pop music festivals. Why can there not be a non-BBC alternative to The Proms?
After all, the Kenwood Concert has spawned several replicas in its time.
‘The transport vessel is moored at Southampton Dock and awaits your boarding along with others like-minded’. Bound for Africa with a number of drop-off points along the way.
Plot twist?
Lawyers, start your engines!
He survived that ?( see shooting video ) … there are violence porn videos around from the states – there was one yesterday of a black man armed with a knife failing to disarm as he walked down a street and dying because of it .
( La Fayette )
Methinks there is one thing about ‘empowering ‘ coloured folk to think they can do what they want but unfortunately in the States Reality has a different outcome .
… and I think a lot more law enforcement are ex military so able to engage – whereas in the UK they are social workers in uniform who kneel or run away – with a very few honourable exceptions …. who must just think WTF .
Lurch knows Kampala’s halo alone will suffice.
However, on this planet….
Spellcheck did that. I think it is worth leaving.
Tony Hall has done a test run of a speech he is to deliver to BBC Executives in the BBC House Magazine, The Guardian.
BBC a bulwark against pandemic of fake news, Tony Hall to argue
Describing two pandemics – one of coronavirus and the other of disinformation spread on social media – Tony Hall will highlight public service broadcasting (PSB) as “vital to democracy” and say its values “have never been more needed.”
“The forces of disinformation and social media tend to feed on fracture and drive polarisation. They’re often specifically designed to exploit division for commercial or political gain; to unsettle societies or undermine democracy,” he will say.
“What we do, as a PSB, is a force in the opposite direction.”
Hall will cite an interview with a World Health Organization leader who addressed a recent seminar for PSB leaders in Europe: “Why you people are so important, he said, is because even if we have a vaccine tomorrow – up to 30% of people, according to polling, would not use it. There is, he said, another pandemic – that of misinformation.”
I have obviously woken up in a parallel universe!
The key thing that sticks out to me is the obviously cosy nature of the BBC’s relationship with that global dictatorship, the WHO which I regard as a Marxist organisation.
There is also a distinct whiff of Soros in this too.
The new BBC Land of the Free BAME editor has a clear top candidate.
Bubble dweller ready.
Torn now.
Between ‘Wow’, ‘Boom’, ‘OMG’ and ‘you booty’.
Priceless – I wonder if the enemy noticed .?
Tone still going with ‘tell it often enough’.
BBC version of man storming past police shouting at him to stand down, to get something from his car…
BBC News UK FB Version
Protests have erupted in the US state of Wisconsin after police shot a black man several times while responding to what they said was a domestic incident.
Lord Hall needs to take a long walk on a short pier.
Today’s GUARDIAN FRONT: BBC ‘vital in fighting fake Covid news’
Toby is having some kind of tantrum
He hates the government’s Covid policy .. which is imperfect
and then says the BBCnews activist-journos are in league with the government… which is certainly untrue
… Every Covid item is ‘the government has done this, here is a Labour voice moaning’
Toby is erratic, but serves a purpose.
Voltaires_Ghost video 4 weeks old now
He’s a bit strong there. it is possible for black people to watch a bit of TV and not see any black people in world war 1
Just like I never see any people from my village or even my region mentioned on TV about WW1
but that doesn’t mean that they are ignored
It’s us to look at the war memorials and museums around up us, instead of being ignorant.
YouTube alerted me to an American youtuber talking about this vid
and he used the grand title ‘BBC to be sued’
…being American when Voltaire’s Ghost said ‘I’m going to sue the BBC for using the word British , under the trades description act” he took that literally, not as sarcasm.
Telegraph watch
Piece about Lord Halls last speech as chairman of the Biased BBC – to the Edinburgh virtual festival in which he says he wants more taxpayers money to expand the global reach of the BBC .
He wants to double the ‘global reach ‘ to 1 billion a year because contact with the BBC makes people think more positively about Britain* ( that’s the point Fedup choked on his morning Tea),
I suppose having lived in the world of other taxpayers money he has no thought for my 94 year old neighbour going out today to buy a TV licence with her only income – her state pension .
Hall is replaced in a Month – so the finding of the consultation on decriminalising the TV licence will be published in a week or two me thinks .
If the outcome is as trailed – it will give the BBC second thoughts about global effing reach .
Guest – I think I was writing at the same time as you but took longer because of choking on me Tea ….
*easy touch
Let’s go there are get their money -it’s free
They are obviously weak and deranged
Fed, if the BBC only reach much less than one billion listeners abroad then the BBC has been in a substantial decline under Tony Hall’s stewardship. Did not BBC World Service used to be listened to by more than a billion. What has happened to all those Freeplay radios?
TOADY Watch #1 – what does he know?
I steeled myself to listen to the 8.10 Prime Interview slot. In his desire to obtain a Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg-style gotcha on Nick Gibb, the Schools Minister, JustRemainIn Webb let slip that he knows there will be more cases of Covid-19 in schools in the winter.
If I was head of the Security Services, I would be very keen to have a chat with Justin Webb and the BBC News & Current Affairs executives about that little statement. What does he know? Was Justin Webb just playing a part and being political, breaching the BBC Charter or was he part of the socialist web that is trying to strangle a Conservative led Government with the sticky silk of ‘Wrongism’ ?
Or something more sinister, perhaps?
TOADY Watch #2 – wet wimmin
I switched on R4 at 7 a.m. to get the news and listened on beyond the bulletin. The first post-7 a.m. item was about the return to school and an interview with two Head Teachers, one female, the other male. The BBC in its current permanent state of misandry, likes to promote women and denigrate men.
Interestingly, of the two Heads, the male was competent and confident about re-opening his school, whereas the female was uncertain and wanting more guidance from Government.
Molesworth sa “Miss is a compleat weed and feeble for someone who is meant to kno and teach others.”
This is why I so despise the MSM.
The only ‘industry’ unaffected by recent events is public sector broadcasting.
Travel is a legitimate business, and suffering maybe more than most, given regs, fears and reactions.
However, popping out #PRasnews ‘quotes’ like this when an hour later flying Mishal over to get Greta’s thoughts on anything bar flying over… ‘because she is busy’… is beyond parody.
Surely American Booty and BS shuttling the Atlantic is enough to keep airlines afloat, and whip up Dan Snow’s Republican Hurricanes nicely?
What’s BS?…. ok ok it’s the bronzed strumpet aka the maitlissss££££££…….
………. her pal – the Kirsty Walk is reported in the Mail today as being against the practice of getting people removed from SM social media because of something they’ve said which others disagree with . The tipping point seems to be the JK Rowling one who said something about girls or cervixes or similar .
Got to say – as a member of the woke masses It’s a bit rich Ms Wark / Walk going off about censorship when her main employer is the main source of it .
Given todays ‘theme’ perhaps this helps?
Another BBC N. America RT source gets wood.
Will Katty still RT?
Checked this morning’s schedule for agenda pushing
9am a show about Camborne, Cornwall
… ah no BLM there
9 mins in the presenter had found an African American bus driver there, she tried and gave him 4 minutes
but he said the place “is not the big R, here it’s indifference”
She was actually with 2 bus drivers, but preferred the black guy even though he’s only been here a few months since March.
He said he gets work contracts for lots of different countries. It was not explained how he came to get a legal job here.
I joined a few different Facebook groups this weekend all Scottish nationalist based, just to wind them and make fun of Nicola Crankie. But found something really interesting, they all hate the BBC and claim that its all English and pro Boris. Anyway i have been kicked out of every group because of my pro English/Brexit stance and think it was my fandabbydozy comment which finally caused the greatest offence
Fiter, what a way to waste a weekend – brave you, for trying. All that BBC money spent north of the border appears to have been wasted then.
It wasn’t such a waste just an hour as all the four groups kicked me out lol (and i never cursed or used any angry words lol) But i was genuinely fascinated with there opinion that the BBC was right wing and biased. The hatred of Boris and the English is borderline hysterical
I tend to go in as uber nationalist, suggesting extreme left wing agitation, just to see how far they will back you.
They are a crazy bunch blaming everything on the English and the Tories.
Its very hot today, Its the fault of the English so lets have a referendum, A tree blew over in the wind, Its the fault of the English lets have a referendum.
I did suggest that the English should be allowed to vote in a referendum, and that it would increase the chance of wee crankie winning
Blame Margaret Thatcher for that. 🙁
You’d better give your computer a deep clean.
TOADY Watch #3 – is the wrong answer
In preparation for his hectoring of Nick Gibb, the Schools Minister, JustRemainIn Webb did a quick ‘Vox Pop’ with a couple of young pupils, one girl, I think in Primary education and an older boy who was obviously in Secondary education. JustRemainIn trialled his ‘You must have concerns’ questions in order to have ammunition to execute Nick Gibb. Unfortunately, when asked if he thought his school’s preparation had been adequate, the boy said “Yes.” and when asked if he had concerns about returning to school he said “No.”.
Ding! Wrong.
Not the answer JustRemainIn was searching for. Oh dear!
BBC London were emoting yesterday about a single woman with kids and an Eastern European who were living in admittedly grotty taxpayer funded accommodation. Park that thought.
I need a holiday. Somewhere I can relax and with some luxury. Sauna, fitness room, swimming pool. This looks the ticket.
Drat. It’s full. In fact it’s full for weeks on end. That seems strange. Maybe the BBC could enquire, you know, since they are so keen on investigating living conditions.
But then again, maybe not.
No doubt the residents are sending videos to their friends and relatives far away and telling them to get across just as soon as they can. As a commercial for illegal immigration and boat trips across the channel you must admit it’s hard to beat.
GMB go for balance instead of just promoting the race baiter
..see which tweet got ratioed
Well that’s blown the ‘Brissles Proposition’ that bookshelves equates with intelligence!
Good old, Colonel Richard Kemp again. Speaking truth and common sense, elements that are not welcome in No. 10 or Europe.
Folks, The Bigger Picture:
I have to confess, I’ve never come across the term, “genuflected” before. Strange in view of ubiquitous current events.
I wonder if its just an RC thing now G ? I do it when im in church and for ‘ bending the knee ‘ is for God alone ….
I notice the players in the footy final last night didnt do it and there was no sign of marxist advertising .
Anything happening in Sheffield ?
“Former Liberal Democrat candidate’s house windows smashed and his car completely trashed after attackers targeted his home in Nether Edge at midnight last night.
Shahid Ali runs weekend cricket for local.. ”
Another case
“A family with three small children has been left feeling ‘unsafe in their own home’ after a substance believed to be acid was thrown all over both of their cars in Nether Edge last night “
Tick, tock, tick tock, tick tock……………….
And I don’t mean some chinese messaging service!
and yet people can’t understand why firearms sales are going through the roof in America …
Yes, apparently it is now almost impossible to buy any gun that’s not exotic. There is a trend in the UK for certain, ‘sports’ items as well. Shelves being cleared as well as long waits for certain ‘sports’ items.
Coronavirus: Bailiffs return but are told not to shout
In the comments sections, i’ve put BLM Bailiffs lifes matter
Guess my comment will soon be removed by the beeb 🙂
During the night Taffman mentioned Trump using the words plasma” breakthrough”
#1 My local BBC 8am news did mention it
#2 They didn’t explain that “breakthrough” is not the correct word
.. collection of antibodies from recovered people and injection into patients is a standard technique and was always expected to be done for Covid
However it has not been massively practiced probably cos any intervention has risks like you don’t want to infect the patient with HIV etc. that the donor might have
The achievement is getting though the regulatory approval steps to offer it as a treatment outside of experiment.
Here is the President’s own words.
Scanning tweets it seems it is useful but not a miracle cure
In February you get 100 serious patients coming in with Covid say 20 walk out
In August you get 100 serious patients coming in with Covid say 50 walk out 30 extra lives saved for a few weeks at least
but how many of those lives are due to plasma treatment and how much is due to other interventions ?
Some of the 100 will never get plasma cos Covid often gives people blood clots which makes this intervention difficult
Some treated with plasma will still die .
Sometimes people will die after plasma treatment, who wouldn’t have died without it.
If it has been FDA approved for general use that means it is on balance doing more good than harm, not that it is a miracle cure.
The French have the idiocy sussed…
Very interesting, OG. Thanks for putting that up. A good spot on your part. Looks like it could and should have all been over by Easter (Pacques) in the UK and in France. You may be interested in my post below @ 14.59 our time.
Am tempted to burst into song: “What’s it all about, Alfie?”
As an aside, It looks like Argos are the latest Company to join the “wokerati” with their latest TV AD.
2 Ethnic ladies appear to be the “parents” of their household of mixed ethnic children – all admiring their new furniture complete with uplifting music.
The only thing missing was a BLM endorsement and #EndNuclearFamilies credit
Argos Christmas advert 2019 the Muslim dad and Afro daughter drumming
Aug 16th Argos launch the black lesbian family advert
A collage someone collected
Fascinating – since the Dawn Butler was savagely attacked by london police *i ve consciously noticed the number of coloureds who use cars with tinted windows . Are they all shy ?
* she wasnt stopped – the car being driven by a mysterious whitee was -.and the cop camera footage is still un public
Same goes with the coloured yoof sitting at the back of the bus . Whats that about ?
Sometimes – because i dont do MSM advertising any more i miss the DFS adds and the coffee coloured half caste kids advertising … ? … for a dad ?
Advertising is doing its bit to put race relations back even further . But i suppose the companies that think its good to alienate whitee must get a benefit .
Looks to me as if these adverts give two different messages. 1, Hey you white bigots, we are a mixed race multiculty society, get used to it. 2. Hey, you wanna white chick, then buy this product.
Large organisations are often internally disconnected so the part that places the advertising has no connection with the part that is concerned with sales.
Add to that corrupt ways of doing things, don’t commission adverts directly but do it through an agency. The company staff gets lots of goodies like ‘business lunches’ and the agencies get money from the client and the advertising company.
The advertising company doesn’t work for the company but its agent so is disconected from the sales of the product. It does however care about its reputation within the industry so is more bothered by the awards that it picks up from its peers.
That is why adverts of horses jumping about in the surf win awards yet the public has no idea what the product was.
The accountants will never make the connection with the adverts because a) people always have to eat and b) if the ‘white’ consumer is put off then sales across the sector will fall but it will be put down to the ‘economic climate’ because all the competitors are just as ‘woke’.
And the agencies get their fee and the production company gets their fee and so it continues.
And that’s just scraping the surface! I could add dozens more.
A few of us on here used to keep a list of banned companies those that featured mixed race couples(Shout out to Woolwich hope you’re well)
I find now it’s much easier to list companies that haven’t featured such couples which I will now share with you.
That’s it can’t think of anymore!
Nodding -it’s not BBC but it is the same madness – I’d be tempted to put up a separate strand for the least whitee advert but it would soon morph into a general discussion .
This site used to be , in my view ,‘ colour Neutral ‘ – but since the Marxists succeeded in exploiting Race to achieve various levels of disorder in various countries there’s been no choice but to refer commonly to skin colour … which negates the value of the individual put puts people in groups or tribes or entitlement at an unfair detriment to those of a differing hue .
People say it’s a @CAP_UK Committee of Advertising Practice directive/regulation
There is nothing on Twitter from them
Almaz Ohene wrote an article in Advertising industry magazine
You’d expect advertising professionals articles to create traffic on Twitter
but you know what .. no one was interested
8 virtue signallers tweeted the link
& got a total of ONE reply
UNREPRESENTATIVE ?????? they’re everywhere FFS !
Just like the fact that the BBC is stuffed full of uni sociology lefty types and think they represent the entire country, the advertising industry is stuffed full of arty uni lefties who think exactly the same way. Both having been indoctrinated by bitter lefty uni lecturers.
The Country is crying out for a truly representative media that reflects the real Country we live in and it’s people and not just the warped imaginings of these people.
When we have national broadcasters who act politically and advertising executives who do the same it’s long past time for a reckoning.
I believe if a movement could be formed to bring together all the people subjected to this torrent of abuse, an organisation that would be able to marshall the blacklisting of their output or their clients products by voting with their wallets it might return some to their senses. The list of targets for this is both well-known and growing as nervous Company bosses give way to the intimidation to force them to bow down to the mantra.
The point being that both these media types are being manipulated by forces that want extreme and radical political change, not sales success. Wake up industry or you will be taken down either way as Goodyear and Ben & Jerrys are now finding out.
A ‘white supremacist’ endorses Biden. I expect the American Beauty to demand Biden disassociates himself in 3,2,1…. Oh.
Rhetorical I know, but do they not feel the least glimmer of professional shame when going full guilt by association in any way possible if it will hurt an ideological foe, but find themselves in a silent circle of wagons when the exact same thing happens to the team they are cheering?
As it appears to take only one voice of being offended for action to be taken, from Government Departments to M & S, then who do I complain to for banning offensive lyrics in rap music ?
It seems to be ok for black rap singers to include words like bitch in their lyrics, but take exception at Land of Hope & Glory and Rule Brittania being sung.
I cant understand it. If we are such a bloody awful country that most of these BAMEs were born in, and who (quite rightly) get pissed off when told to ‘go back home’ and say ‘this is my country too’, then why don’t they stick up for it ? but no, its whinge whinge whinge, well, they could always swap places with those who are are breaking their necks to get here from Africa and the Middle East.
Well educated by the BBC?
The only BAMEs that will ever accept as British are those who pass the Tebbit test. Otherwise I believe that their loyalties lie elsewhere. I reckon that > 90% fail the Tebbit test even if they don’t like cricket.
The Sun
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry planning TV show on racism and feminism that takes a ‘political stance’, insiders claim
For individuals who claim to want to lead a normal life and value their privacy, Mr and Mrs Meghan-Markle certainly manage to keep their names active in the public forum.
For individuals who claim to want to lead a normal life and value their privacy, Mr and Mrs Meghan-Markle certainly manage to keep their names active in the public forum.
I’d not long read an article on the ‘leisure class’ before seeing your post Stew. Had to smile.
It is not just the BBC who cannot be trusted. ONS have taken over the Covid-19 statistics but they have changed the basis on which they are available. They are no longer available, so it seems on a county-wide basis for Kent.
I wonder if the BBC have noticed this change and will ask some penetrating questions of HMG and ONS. But then, maybe no. I suspect the BBC rather like the thought of Covid-19 for the next for the next four years until President Trump is time-barred and Bojo & the Tories stand a chance of losing to Labour.
Deaths registered in entire southeast
Week to July 31st 45
to Aug 7th 24
New ONS stats come out tomorrow Tuesday
Gary the Marxist BLM head gets a show on Thursday
Trailer “Britain’s Controversial past”
Not BBC but a strange thing seems to be happening with YouTube.
From time to time I will search for ‘how to make’ style videos, the search terms that I use are the obvious ones, i.e. related to the object to be made not the person doing the making.
How come this last week all the YouTube makers I have seen have two-tone hands, light on the inside and dark on the outside? Are Google up to their old tricks where a search for ‘white couples’ will produce mostly mixed race but ‘black couples’ finds all blacks?
The mid roll ads are so shit and frequent that I cannot imagine that they serve any purpose but to deliberately annoy.
The search is also now f-ed up – and it seems to be deliberate.
Expect things to bet worse as we head towards the POTUS election.
I have a minor history addiction and the searches and suggestions have been getting simply insulting.
The BBC uses the frequent police killings to keep the pot simmering here . I’ve said before – the BBC is desperate – desperate for a white policeman to kill a coloured here – preferably by shooting but I’m sure a cell death will do .
Then it’s over to the ‘Race Industry ‘ to our ‘race ‘ each other on all those current affair shows . Then the full ‘downtrodden coloured ‘ narrative can be fired up …. inquiry … justice …. Lammy … dawn butler …. the ash cretin …. alibi …. and all those new names desperate to get things fired up .
Coloured killing and stabbing other coloured like animals will not get a mention . Meanwhile the few still speaking out – like good old Norman Brennan – the retired copper will occasionally be wheeled on to be shouted down …
The scenario I’ve written is inevitable …..
Fed – R4 at 5pm were certainly very excited, leading with the shooting of an ‘unarmed’ man who was ‘getting into his car’.
“What source are you using?” the interviewee had to ask, when the beeb reeled off another tall propaganda tale as their lead item.
You sense that R4 are hoping for another George Floyd incident. November is drawing close in the US, and -for some obscure reason- beeb feels it has to ramp up anti-Trump sentiment here in the UK.
Certainly, the enthusiasm for Biden stuck out in the news. As far as exploiting the race issue, R4 are certainly unscrupulous. Only an organisation force feeding itself on licence fee payer’s cash could afford to go out on a limb, like that. They clearly don’t worry about offending a large majority of their viewers/listeners!
I used to try to work out how the BBC views America – it almost sounds – colonial in that it seems to think that the views of the BBC are seen as important by Americans – as if there is a ‘special relationship ‘ –
When in fact I’m sure the vast majority of ordinary Americans – such as the ones who don’t have passports – get enough news from domestic sources without looking to a lefty European one which happens to use the same language .
Speaking of the `English Language – surely it should be denounced and banned since it was used by slave owners ….
h/t ITBB poster…
Arthur T
Zurcher must have complained that his article ‘DNC 2020: Did Joe Biden succeed in making his case?’ didn’t receive the BBC News website extravaganza treatment that Jon Sopel’s did. He now too has an elaborate article ‘Joe Biden – This time the Oval Office?’ Again the headline is framed as a question, but the bias is quite clear. ‘Joe Biden – This time the Oval Office.’
If I were Biden I should be seriously worried about the BBC’s support. They are using the same photo imagery techniques as they did for Corbyn in 2019 – showing Biden smiling, relaxed against a bright background, whilst juxtaposing an image from Sopel’s piece of an unsmiling Donald Trump against a black background (subliminally to indicate isolation and gloom). H/t Trump along these lines: “I hope Sopel and Zurcher both enjoyed THEIR DNC 2020 last week.”
It’s the BBC’s ‘Operation Clarke County’ (ironically inspired by a failed Newsnight editor).
Playing to sometimes a gallery of up to a dozen groupies and annoying some true friends of the country to get a like, whilst being ignored by almost the entire population of the continent.
And Lurch is also a twat.
Has anyone else noticed the appearance of the prefix “self…..” popping up in the media recently?
I first really noticed it when I heard a lady BBC roving reporter state that a swimmer in difficulty managed to “self-rescue” the latest today is from a Guardian lady reporter who having realised she had lost her passport on a station managed to “self-soothe”. My gut feeling is that this is derived from the adoption of the use of “self-identify” (as in a persons adopted sexuality) and is thus possibly being appropriated to normalise it’s use.
Another word cropping up is “transition”, things don’t change any more they “transition”. Even the Government has used it in a public message to do with Covid, we are now apparently waiting to “transition” out of the epidemic. Again the derivative of this harks back to a minority attitude to fluid sexuality.
Is it just coincidence or are there specialist back-room departments out their suggesting to the media how word formations like this can be injected into normal speech patterns to help blur the lines and create an atmosphere of acceptability and normality?
Someone once said “A thing said often enough becomes the truth” or something along those lines!
Along similar lines I am now noticing incoming corporate emails where the sender is prefixing a strange salutation label in front of their name, the most recent being “Him/He” Joe Bloggs of Big Corp etc. (alongside a photo of a bloke in a suit!)
Where TF is this cruddy stomach-turning stuff coming from and why does it need to be there if not propaganda?
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels
That’s the one Dobyns thanks!
All of this perversion of the language can be understood and loved once you totally embrace Big Brother and Newspeak.
Just going off at a tangent, most criminals in the US know that with a standard 9mm police round it might not bring him/her/it down. It is regularly rated as underpowered as a weapon. We saw another interesting video a day or so ago where the perp came at a female police officer brandishing two knives and refusing to stop. Maybe some rounds missed at about 20 yards(!?) in all the excitement and adrenaline (or perhaps drugs) but nevertheless, it was only part way through the second mag that the perp dropped – permanently. The moral is, people should not watch too many films!
Many of my American friends who are LEO’s carry a S&W .357 instead of a 9mm … and a few carry .45 ACP’s
Meanwhile in the People’s Republic of New York City …
Over 25,000 restaurants in NYC provide approximately 300,000 jobs. NYC People’s Commissar de Blasio has dictated they’re not allowed to reopen for indoor dining even at a limited seating capacity and following proper protocols; outdoor dining only. Over 1,600 restaurants in NYC have already closed permanently. So sad. At this rate, that number will continue to grow. So, if you’re planning a trip to NYC, plan to dine outside. ????
Go look at Paul J Watson’s latest video on NYC if you’re even remotely thinking of visiting.
Good advice here …
“Could the BBC Proms drop Rule, Britannia?”
Operative word “Could”.
The snowflakes at Al Beeb are ‘testing the water’.
They may not have the bottle to pull it when they see the furore ?
How many of you readers and posters are snowflakes and are still paying the Telly Tax? I stopped my payments long ago.
Teach them a lesson – don’t mess with our nation’s heritage.
Have you seen this …
Yes, but I don’t have faith in petitions any more. The only answer is to de-fund Al Beeb and get in touch with your Tory MP and tell him to start earning his wages.
Dark forces are at work to destroy the ‘Great’ in Britain.
Who else can waste 100m quid without batting an eyelid?
They have done it before.
Practice makes uniqueness.
fnw, premiership football clubs?
So National Trust what is your job
#1 To preserve England’s heritage sites and facilitate access
or #2 To disproportionately keep working to virtue signal to selected SpecialVictimhood groups ?
Libmob think they have control
but sensible people are saying
‘It’s strange you are being so selective and only talking about 17th British slavery against blacks and not about other topics
#1 Britain leading the world in abolition
#2 Other slavers like the Barbary Pirates
Libmob are shouting back stuff like
“How utterly stupid
… The National Trust is an ENGLISH HERITAGE organisation
so why would they talk about the Barbary slave trade ”
good reply
“The National Trust own Lundy.
Lundy was occupied by Barbary pirates who captured ships and sent slaves back to Africa.”
Twitter trickery
as I went through the threads that mentioned Barbary pirates I kept seeing the same weird thing Twitter was hiding replies
The search would show that a tweet has 1-reply but when you open up that tweet ..the reply wasn’t there
Now by some specific searching I could force Twitter to show me the tweet
but that hiding shouldn’t happen it should be in the thread straight away.
They’ve been doing that for over a year – the US Navy’s role / success in putting the Barbary pirates down also doesn’t show up as much as you’d think it might……..
NT tweeted to @Fatty9099]
Thanks for your message, Adam. as a conservation organisation we believe the physical legacies of our collective histories, including buildings and objects, can serve society by giving evidence and helping us learn and understand the past.
They can often… (1/2)
… bring us face to face with painful and shameful periods in our history, and cause real distress, especially when they aren’t managed sensitively. Destruction can remove the opportunity to understand what’s gone before, now and for future generations. (2/2)
National Trust claim they are only educating people, not changing history.
Back in June they did make changes.
Back in 2019
Another funny thing about Covid-19 ….
……. we are told by the BBC and others that at present it is spreading most in the US and UK among ‘young people’ but we are also told by the BBC and others that it is safe for children to go back to school.
American Toenails back in his happy place. Reportedly.