Angry ? The Far Left BBC changing the format of the Last Night of the Proms ? Well the First Night of The Proms is this Friday 28th August . Some might say ‘best avoided’ whilst the Far Left BBC appeals to its ‘target ‘ audience .
In passing – it is 10 weeks until Furlough is due to end – so we can expect a BBC campaign to extend it to ‘forever’ .
Midweek Thread 26 August 2020
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OK, first for a change. H/t to Fed, Stew, the behind-the-scenes techteam and everyone else on here who posts, providing better news updates and reviews than a world famous, uniquely funded, vastly over-resourced and over-paid BritishBroadcastingCreep.
Cheers mate
Catchup links to last thread
– page 3 started 2:30pm Tuesday
– page 2 started 8pm Monday
Snuff – Agree, 100%.
The BBC had this as a lead story on their children’s news channel:

The BBC is a 24 hours a day 7 days a week activist organisation. It has been pushing non-stop BLACK LIVES MATTER propaganda onto British Kids, traumatizing and emotionally blackmailing them into believing the police, their parents and their society are deeply racist and must be challenged.
There is no saving the BBC. It must be defunded.
According to US Deartment of Justice. Blacks in America kill ten times more Whites then Whites kill Blacks. And that is witouit taking into account that Whites outnumber Blacks 5o 1.
The bBC’s involvement in the daily
indoctrinationeducation of our schoolchildren is the bBC at its most dangerous and on that basis alone it should be removed (certainly defunded).I am assuming that the use of bBC resources is optional in schools and not government policy? But please can any teachers here tell us how widely these resources are used and/or encouraged.
Click to access briefing-12-may-2020.pdf
The BBC just cannot stop banging the “black victim” drum !!!!
Remember folks, it’s only the Black community who have been having a tough year . Nobody else.
Oh, one more thing BBC , please can you amend the line
“With traumatic events involving unarmed black people”
to a more reflective ….
“With traumatic events involving Black , dangerous career criminals”
Please watch Black people have been through a lot this year”
This is classic example of victim of oppression speak.
‘For those who are being retraumatised as well as dealing with racial anxiety…..’ and then we have
Intergenerational trauma …interpersonally institutionally and systemically….’
My goodness I can’t bear to watch the suffering.
Is it about black lives ?
Every day hidden wars go in in Africa
lot of people dying, tribal disputes, black governments against their own people.
These are rarely reported on.
Yet when one white person shoots never mind kills a black person
it’s wall to wall coverage from the London media.
ie it’s not about caring about blacks as victims
It’s about shouting the narrative that whitey is an oppressor.
Stew -Correct! You would be interested in Dr Steve Turley’s contributions, yesterday and today on YT. You need to listen to the whole thing(s) though, cos although there’s a lot of ‘rabble-rousing’, it gets into some useful and quite sophisticated stuff, which really explains a great deal, esp towards end of 24th Aug. (Nor do we have to believe everything he says, without a little research & following-up.)
The timing of events in the US is very significant, in view of the election. I said earlier on that the looting, burning etc was to ‘prevent’ a Trump victory. But there is also a lot more to that narrative, as Dr Steve tells us.
Moving into conspiracy theory, interesting too, to speculate on the role of Obama, from day 1 of the Trump presidency, at which stage Barry made no secret of his intentions.
I mentioned a few months back that AGW CC scam is the real goal of the vufan virus. It is clear that the vufan pandemic has been deliberately hyped up, and policies taken that that were known to killl old people in nursing homes.
7:55pm Channel4
“The Labour Party’s View on addressing racism.”
Will it mention labour members making hissing sounds toward the Jewish members at constituency meetings. Or throwing money at them or telling them to “go home and count your money”. All good socialism of the national kind.
Well, moves afoot.
Wot, again?
That’s about the third or fourth time Carrie Gracie has resigned from the BBC and she still hasn’t left!
You can take the person from the BBC , but you cant take the BBC out of the person .
Many years ago – before she went off air with breast cancer, and her subsequent long stint in China, she used to be paired with Simon McCoy, – in the days when it was an anchor duo for the news. And to be honest I enjoyed watching the two of them. There was a lot of banter, and Gracie also had a quick answer for McCoy’s repartee. Oh, and she had shoulder lengthblonde hair, which she clearly lost with chemo.
In case you missed it:
surprised they have not got Stormzy “singing” (shouting) for the bbc ?)
Save the Last Night of the Proms: Sign the MailOnline petition urging the BBC to immediately reinstate Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Britannia
Unravelling hourly.
The bbc seems to feel they have authority still.
The BBC are only interested in race-baiting and traveling the world to make up their stories. They don’t give a damn about reporting on the lives of ordinary English and British people.
One for Lurch to RT… ignore?
The BBC has serious support.
That will really swing public opinion.
Sources say.
I’ve been having a think about the future of the BBC were it to be privatised and came up with this.
Each employee as a condition of future employment purchase and hold a number of shares equal to their gross annual salary including any bonuses.
This shareholding should take the form of an irrevocable loan secured against property and future earnings.
If the BBC is a success then their assets will rise, if not they will fall, and if the BBC fails then they lose the investment.
None of them could disagree with this, because it be tantamount to an admission that the output of the corporation is so poor that it would not even break even
It would also make sure the personel at the corporation have a vested interest in making it succesful.
None of them could
The BBC has failed because some BBC personnel have turned the BBC intio their political mouthpiece. But there are swathes of BBC output that have nothing to do with the politics of identity, gender and race.
Its the News and views department that need wholesale sacking.
The BBC as a brand is valuable way beyond the current News and politics department.
“The BBC as a brand is valuable way beyond the current News and politics department”
Rubbish & tosh !
De-fund Al Beeb.
NCBBC: “swathes of BBC output that have nothing to do with the politics of identity, gender and race.”
Maybe in the past, but today & over the past several years, wherever I’ve looked I’ve seen political narratives being pushed. It is so widespread and entrenched I don’t think there is any part of it that can be saved, or at least any part of it that justifies taxpayer funding or the use of “British” in its title. For example, look what happened to the highly popular and profitable Top Gear.
The fatal flaw in NCBBC’s assertion is that he/she overlooks the BBC ‘injecting’ their Marxist agenda into all aspects of its broadcasting. ‘Wall to wall’.
I presume your’e advocating “De-fund Al Beeb”. This will destroy the BBC totally. Gone will be the global illustrious reputation of the BBC. There will be no come back.
And what if your’e wrong.
Hi NCBBC – we can chat about that another time (I have written previously about that a few years ago). However I am really interested in your previous statement and I would be grateful if you could tell me whether this is based on your direct knowledge and experience or whether it comes from a secondary source:
NCBCC: “Sad to see even departments like Maths, Physics and Medicine gone woke. The last to fall was engineering, but the fall in standards is now total…”
I was being hasty when I wrote: Sad to see even departments like Maths, Physics and Medicine gone woke. The last to fall was engineering, but the fall in standards is now total…”
“Gone woke”is incorrect. Too bloody annoyed. Its the fall in standards that led to “woke”.
The fall in standards in Maths and Physics was apparent around 1990. These are subjects one can objectively measure standards.
Reasonably good A level students entering STEM subjects in 1995, couldnt handle linear simulataneous equations in 2 unknowns. Its not their fault. They were never taught. And its not hearsay but personal.
Too, it was the same with A level teachers in Maths and Physics. Many of them didnt have a relevant qualification to teach the subject. So its not a surprise that the students were clueless. My heart felt for these students. Some of them were brilliant but our education system betrayed them. So it was, students from Singapore left our students on the blocks.
I have a science background but have become for several years interested in culture because of what I have seen developing in Academia – which has now impacted on science, engineering … STEM subjects and the wider culture in terms of “culture wars” and “wokeness”. So I am always on the lookout for peoples direct experiences and knowledge (primary data in addition to secondary data).
For me I collect data from the BBC website as a test case – because the BBC has charter responsibilities and the licence. I have also been following what has been happening in academia. I need to find out more what is happening with our political system and law. This site is focused on the BBC and the licence fee but it expands wider than that from time to time because of the way the BBC presents “information” and “news”.
Back to the BBC
Do you remember the 60s through to 1990. BBC standards in drama, wildlife documenaries, the old Horizon, and comedies, second to none, and the second was way behind. What comedies – Yes Minister, The Good Life, outrageous surreal stuff like Monty Python, and a host of others.
I used to travel around the world. The rest of the world’s TV was pathetic. I was so proud of our BBC. Absolutely brilliant. Do you rememebr how intelligent Horizon was? The BBC let the expert talk, and there was no talkin g down. Brilliant.
Do you remember Jacob Bronowski’s “Ascent of Man” or Kenneth Clarke’s “Civilisation”.
And this is what the BBC did, and I was proud of it, and willimgly payed the license.
Change has to come , and it will.
As a child and teen I loved the various BBC documentary programs and the Open University programs. Now I can hardly stand the latest stuff because I see the majority of the new stuff as being heavily produced, editorialised, stylised, with long pauses and musical backgrounds, and very little informative content.
taffman,BOBC, Deborah, G
I understand your distaste for the BBC. I too did not like the BBC much since the late 80s. But what really brought my blood to the boil was the QT program just after 9/11, 2001.
Those early Blog days, I used to comment on LGF, the largest blog of the time, on matters pertaining to the Western world. BBC figured quite a bit, even in a California based blog.
My antipathy to the BBC was total.
Recently I see the BBC as a victim of the present state of universities.
These are totally woke. Sad to see even departments like Maths, Physics and Medicine gone woke. The last to fall was engineering, but the fall in standards is now total. The BBC , like even the MET, the FO and many of the upper reaches of the state, are woke. All graduates from top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, have been infected by the “woke” pandemic in the West.
But these times too will pass. It does not mean that the illustrious institutions of Oxford and Cambridge, UCL etal should be destroyed, in some grand “cancellation”.
The BBC is a very respected institution. In the field of Broadcassting it is ranked as the greatest by all people and other broadcasters – honesty in News (??), high quality drama, high quality Nature and Gardening programes etc. My wife and daughters would be very annoyed, if due to our efforts, Gardners world perished.
So, I’m hopeful that the BBC will change. It has to, as a new generation will come from universities who will be vigorously anti-woke (capiltal w?). We will survive this. Woke is totally alien to our culture and the Western mindset.
I look forward to posts by all you commentators on this Blog.
NCBCC: “I understand your distaste for the BBC.”
I don’t have a distaste for the BBC. I have a distaste for its hypocrisy and its pretense of impartiality.
NCBCC: “Recently I see the BBC as a victim of the present state of universities.”
It is NOT a victim. It is a SYMPTOM of the PAST & PRESENT state of the Universities, plus a few other things which includes the BBC being a FULLY AWARE ACTOR & DRIVER.
NCBCC: “Sad to see even departments like Maths, Physics and Medicine gone woke. The last to fall was engineering, but the fall in standards is now total…”
Do you work in Academia or are you linked to Academia? There are several factors occurring in my opinion and experience. The fall in standards is partly due to wokeness and partly due to marketing and the importance of keeping the paying student happy. Non STEM departments are another matter.
Thank you for your polite invitation.
I need not go into a long discourse with you about my opinion of Al Beeb. life is too short.
May I suggest that you take a trip down to your local pub and ‘test the water’ there.
My feelings are already known by most of the long-term readers of this site save to say, it is past reform and more importantly: if you like it so much, you pay for it!
If it’s as good as you plead it is, it will pay for itself .
I am not.
NCBBC, swathes of output that have nothing to do with identity, gender and race? It creeps into every programme from Countryfile, to Antiques Roadshow and every cookery programme (watch the hairy bikers including a recipe from a BAME family in every programme. The Proms are infected with women conductors because they are women rather than their capabilities etc etc.
You are right, the BBC’s IGR policy affects everything. The lower levels though keep their heads down to keep their jobs.
But the push back is taking place even as we speak. Its on local radio.
Thank you for your measured response.
I used to love the bbc, and would like to agree with you; but the agenda/narrative can be seen across the board.
For me, the accusations of racism and bigotry, for the sin of making a choice in a referendum, eminating from a range of bbc comedy for about three years, was really depressing.
Seppers, Deborah
The Left is hysterically opposed to Pres Trump. This is primarily due to Pres Trump’s removal of America from the AGW CC agreement.
But Climate Change for the Marxist Left is not the issue. The main goal is control of the populace. Always has been
Without the USA the EU cannot fund wealth transfer from the West to Africa, and the Climate Change agenda fails. And so does the Left’s assault on Western democracies.
Whicn explains then BBC’s hatred of all things Pres Trump.
But it will pass. If Pres Trumps wins, the Climate Change agenda is finished for a quite a while. The BBC will be righted soon enough.
Its irresponsible to advocate the destruction of the BBC.
I have been posting here for months that the fortcoming election in America will set the future for the next 50 years.
NCBBC: “Its irresponsible to advocate the destruction of the BBC.”
That is NOT what is being advocated.
ITV, Sky, C4, CNN, ABC, Fox etc. exist yet they don’t have a TV licence written into statutory law.
Separate to this – I am really interested in your previous statement:
“Sad to see even departments like Maths, Physics and Medicine gone woke. The last to fall was engineering, but the fall in standards is now total…”
and I would be grateful if you could tell me whether this is based on your direct knowledge and experience or whether it comes from a secondary source.
“De-fund the BBC” will destroy the BBC. I know what the BBC used to be, and what it can still be.
Its the same with universities. They are now a shadow of what they used to be.
NCBBC: “De-fund the BBC” will destroy the BBC.
That is an opinion and not a fact. Evidence suggests it won’t be “destroyed” e.g. ITV, Sky, CNN, Fox etc exist.
Some have argued the BBC has “destroyed” itself a long time ago because of decisions made in the past and now we are beginning to see its cumulative effect.
It can also be argued that the BBC is now busy destroying British Culture because of its control over “information” and news to the public. You can see it on their website, in their programming, in their CBBC and cbeebies channels and in their various overseas channels.
The BBC is a very powerful influencer on British Society and on how others see Britain from abroad. It is not a victim. It has responsibilities which it is refusing to accept and is instead involved in spin to protect itself and its privileges while engaging in an all out misinformation campaign against traditional British Values and Culture.
Anyway – to remove emotion from the argument we need to focus on the BBC charter and the statutory law surrounding the TV licence.
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate: That is an opinion and not a fact. Evidence suggests it won’t be “destroyed” e.g. ITV, Sky, CNN, Fox etc exist.
If evidence suggests that the BBC will survive in the form of ITV, Sky etc, the destruction will be complete. It will not be the BBC. I will be sorry to see such an outcome, as there will be no more hope for rejuvenation.
BTW, what is your purpose in ascertining fall in education standards. Have you any evidence, personal or otherwise?
I think we have said all that is needed to have been said on this matter for the time being. With regard the tv licence and the powers that be, the British people will have to continue to pay for it. However, most people that contribute to this site see reason why they and others should not be forced to pay for it.
You said you were educated in science related subject. What subject? Did you experience such things, particularly as you say you are collecting information on such.
You asked me a question on fall in educational standards, I gave you a detailed honest reply. When I asked a followup question, you dont want to reply. That is not courteous.
There is no reply option to your comment – so I give it here:
NCBBC “You asked me a question, I gave you a detailed honest reply.”
You gave me no specifically relevant reply to the question I asked because you withdrew the statement I was responding to and talked about something else. I had asked you in response to your statement whether or not you worked in academia and whether what you were saying was your direct knowledge / experience. You never replied to that and I dropped it seeing you didn’t want to say anything about that.
NCBBC “… That is not courteous.”
You have decided to make this personal by accusing me of being discourteous. All you told me in effect was your opinion but now you are demanding I respond by giving you further personal details about myself after I told you I had a background in science etc.
No reply option
You were insistent, and I did give you a full reply. And I told you it was personal.
I will leave this epidode to a misunderstanding.
I understand your yearning to get that old bbc back. I am (I think possibly) a little different from some others on this site in that I don’t really fundamentally object to the notion of a tv licence, in order to get great programme-making not necessarily possible on a commercial set up.
And, as said, I loved the bbc of old too.
But I am now deeply troubled by the bbc, and it’s bias. As others say on this site it seems more like a campaigning organisation – fundamentally wrong for an organisation that is supposed to be impartial.
The bullying of Brexit voters felt like a betrayal and I deeply resented having to pay for that.
That’s one reason I now support defundthebbc.
It’s a sad state of affairs, for sure. Beeb used to be great.
OT, but the day just gets better.
And better.
I dont get it . Does Cat Lewis think its alright for neo nazis or anyone else to be forced into a gas chamber ?
The reason we are in the modern world is because British inventors invented the engine- the steam engine.
Britain was the first country to industrialise. That meant that Britain was the first country to release man(White men) from the yoke of physical labour.
The steam engine was the prime mover of this great revolution, that freed man from slavery to the tiller, the mines and much else.
The use of slaves (Whites, Browns and Blacks), for manpower became redundant, just as soon as remaining nations adopted the steam engine. So France, Germany and North America too, men were no longer enslaved by the yoke. Soon after slavery was banned -which in time included Africans. The long held opprobrium of slavery became possible to remove.
For thousands of years slavery was regarded as morally reprehensibe, but the fact was that for the slave owner and the slave, there was no option but the system of slavery. Without a man bonding himself to a rich person, he and his family would starve. There was no option.
The steam engine created surplus controllable energy, that is wealth, and slavery was history. That is why slavery ended with the start of the industiral revolution and not before.
And so it has continued. Industrial economies create surplus wealth, that then raise people from poverty.
You are correct, NCBBC.
Then came the ICE (sorry Fed, ICE = the Internal Combustion Engine) invented in Europe but taken up big time by the British. Then followed a British invention, the jet turbine, an improvement on the pulse jet and ram jet. Competition between European countries – and, sadly war as well – pushed forward mechanisation.
WW1 was a big change. The last (almost) war of the horse. The first war of the ICE-powered tank and troop carrier and aeroplane. Coal replaced by oil. Men replaced by women – in industry and many other jobs back ‘at home’.
But it was really the wealth, affluence and above all else, the social mobility generated by the motor car, that brought prosperity. When combined with traditional teaching, it enabled the sons and daughters of former farm and former factory workers to achieve qualifications and go to University. Then to seek better paying jobs at a distance.
As an example of this prosperity in the 21st Century, ‘it is said’ (although how anyone can count the numbers) that 4m – four million! – British were on holiday overseas in March of this year. Brits were among the well-to-do and wealthy on the Diamond Princess, the first place – outside China – to catch and spread the Covid-19 virus in large numbers.
Well at least the programmes will fit in with The adverts . I’m sure the daytime charity ones say you can buy a coloured baby for £3 – and a well – and just £3 a month will pay for a coloured kids’ WiFi for a month ( let’s not mention their governments though eh) …. ?
Hi Guest
Very popular on the TV is men of colour in apprx 90% of tv adverts now for some reason, but if Asian origin seems to be overlooked? Maybe asian people dont shout racist and stab as often? Just a thought
In Asia the men and easy to see wimmin used to be upset many women preferred dating expats.
It was voluntary. Got the white guys lovely partners, The girls appreciative beaus, and the outrage brigade nowhere.
The situation here is maybe a corrective, But making it an imposition seems typically left logic. And as effective.
As a side note a white female partner was seen as a status symbol, and this worked out well for Asian men and western ladies happy to be noticed. For a while.
Disgraceful, but now let us have a white only day. I suspect we can all hear the resounding yells and unfounded comments from all the media, as well as the more socially prominent Blacks. It has, for far too many years been a one way street for the coloured people who came to live in Britain, a small Island sitting of the coast of Europe-now let us ask the question why? Queen Victoria is dead and so is Edward V11 and the one that never was Edward V111 as well as George V1- 2 World Wars plus many other nasty theaters of wars in which the British Military have played such a brave part. The umteen £ millions this wee nation has contributed all over the world, often at the expense of its own people, to help those in need-yet an element of those that sought shelter in the UK, have particularly and unequivocally turned against this nation, using and disgracefully their prejudice /racism, distorted historical facts to claim their victory, which is a very hollow one. Disinterested in looking back at their own slavish actions against their own, which is still going on and even in the United Kingdom. Why do we tolerate these loathsome individuals? More of your opinions about the BBC Micheal Grade, as per 26th -very well put. I’m nearing 80 and have become very tired with it all. Seeing my grand children excitedly looking forward to going back to school, gives me some hope, but hope with a guarded outlook.
I think we are already at the stage where, if you ask any person of colour in this country what their ancestors did for the war effort in WW2, there will be interesting answers.
Its highly unlikely to happen, but if ever I became involved in a heated argument with a person of colour, that is the question I would ask, yet the descendants of those who chose to come here since 1945 feel they have the right to denigrate the UK, tell us how to live, and destroy our history. They DO NOT have the right.
Good point Brissles!
I’ve already decided that if I want ‘diversity’, I’ll go somewhere else to get it, not have it thrust down my gullet by the likes of the BBBC and their mates!
As I don’t want diversity much, I’ll just stay here in my very un-diverse village and like the people I choose, and yes there are some people not born in this country whom I like tremendously, especially the soldiers who did three terms in NI, but they’re just like all of us, so that’s a success story without the wokey-bamey BBBC poking its grubby nose in and trying and stir up trouble…
No Brissles they certianly do not have that right. There is a long and relevent piece on Islam that I became aware of some years ago, here is some of it..
Muslims have, for centuries, tried to take Europe by force. They overran Spainin 711 and although most of Spain was eventually re-conquered by the 11th cent: it was not actually until 1492 that the last Muslin enclave was overcome. Islam took Greece, rest of the Balkans, Cyprus, the Aegean Islands, Bulgaria, and Romania, but were finally chased out of all European countries. The last battle with Musilms was when they attempted to gain Europe by force of arms in 1683 when they were chased from the walls of Vienna by the King of Poland and Lithuania. Now they are engaged in an insidious campaign to overwhelm Europe by immigration and rapid reproduction. They can it appears have up tp 4 wives, one can clearly see how their population can quickly increase. It would appear that this and past Governments are doing everything in their power to help the Islamics overwhelm us. They are clearly a direct threat to our continued
existance as nations, democracies, cultures, civilizations and practitioners of the Christian religion. They also conveeniently forget to mention that they had been attacking towns and villages all around the Mediterranean and enslaving Christian inhabitants from the end of the 7th cent and onwards into the 19th cent. As always no defensive or offensive actions were and are being taken by pathetically feeble Western powers. All or could vanish and not one single person so far has dared to take their head out of the sand and vigorously fight back.
It is a much longer agrument but sufficient now to prick the interest-it is a very serious issue if only the likes of the BBC would recognise it, of course that maybe going too far!
Interesting. Another American BS RT source weighs in.
It was my understanding that this had all been sensibly explained, but TDS appears pervasive beyond reason, and all are fair game.
A rare day for me as I watched some of the 6pm BBC1 news and now The Ten. I am sure Lord Hall (he didn’t look at all well with his ruddy complexion and his cheap wig but I digress). I am sure at 6 he said that they (whoever ‘they’ are) would consider next year whether they might add the lyrics. By 10pm that part of the interview was not shown and suddenly Clive Myrie is telling us the singing will definitely return.
I am sure those Woke at the BBC thought it would slip almost unnoticed that RB and LOHAG could be dropped. I think they have been surprised at the strength of feeling. They no more understand Brexit nor the results of the last GE and that the British people have had enough.
‘Dark forces’ working or should I say ‘Woking’ under the cloak of Covid.
I’m sure the good people of Woking are going to rise up at some stage ….
I hope so, but not on any old “stage”.
Yes Taffman, the Democratic party in the USA are certainly part of the dark forces and have many major players inside them. What is their aim? to have a new world order of some kind that will encompass us all-horrible.
Its not a lone swallow. The push back is taking place.
I would hate to see “defund the BBC” taking place. Its akin to “defund the police” that is now the fashion in Lefty America.
Being from the western shores of these great and mysterious islands, and a little slow on the uptake, can anyone explain to me what the abbreviation ‘BS’ actually means ?
I wish you lazy lot would not use all these twitter abbreviations. 😉
Bronzed Strumpet
I dont like abbreviations being used because they can alienate occassional readers and devalue content because people may not understand what letters such as BS means.
Best latest one is N & CA
News and current affairs ( i had to look it up )
Thank you.
I was tempted to think it was ‘male bovine excrement’, but then you learn every day .
Please can we all stick to the English Language although I live in taffland .
It’s both. Which seems apt.
As a rare poster it is easy to see how this shorthand got missed.
Maybe there should be a ban on all acronyms at BBBC?
Yours in indolence…
Oi, Fed, I told you about that one a long time ago.
I know that . I was responding to someone else who wasn’t in the little acronym club- it doesn’t make for easy understanding is one has to translate acronyms which are ‘exclusive ‘-
My own world is populated by them but when it comes to writing on sites like this I think they are best minimised OK ?
Ooo… ‘AC’. Like it.
Bit of a Teslaphile.
Now, who follows Edison?
What is OK short for?
I really don’t know.
I know its meaning of course but the words for O and K I don’t know.
Oh EG – a tease – I’m sure it’s a Navy term – they often are – as a default .
Just as an aside – regular readers might have noticed that I’ve ‘allowed through ‘ certain bad words . This was wrong but times are so — annoying —- that it’s easy to slip into the ‘vulgar ‘ .
I’m going back to editing the F s ( abbreviation for an unauthorised word )
I thought it was a blokised version of ‘Orl Korrect’, Emmanuel.
I remember I received a b**ll**ing from the Boss’s secretary back in 1965, when I said ‘Okeydoke’, and he disapproved…
He was also the only man I’ve ever heard to say ‘This is most irregular’, when I forgot to get him a receipt for getting his electric razor mended! I had to drive back to Folkestone from Ashford just to get one…
But actually, I liked him tremendously and we kept in touch right up to a few ears ago!
And while we’re at it, the BBC is just awful (to stay on topic).
I take it to be evidence of the recent presence of a bull. Merely a guess, as I don’t participate in Twitter.
I think you are right.
Bronzed Strumpet is rather specialist being a description of Newsnight’s praying
MantisMaitlis invented by Dead Ringers.Ah, but, yes but, no but Jim. Did you hear the Dead Ringers segment where someone ‘does’ Neil Nunes doing his continuity thing and announcing Newsnight and the Walnut Wun as ‘And now, Newsnight with Emily Maitlis whose legs are buffed to a walnut shine.’? It was a perfect impression and brought a much needed chuckle.
The BBC’s only real comedy show, now, and one that takes a regular ‘pop’ at the BBC and its pretentions and those of its presenters.
I think I can lay fair claim to be the first to use ‘bronzed strumpet’ on these hallowed pages, going back several months.
I don’t claim any originality though as I first heard it on Dead Ringers.
I know I asked this somewhere, but can’t find it, but who was the ‘Flame-haired temptress’ from Private Eye, many years ago, when it was both funny and satirical?
Something about ‘discussing Uganda’ was often linked to the lady in question…
“Appledore Shipyard to reopen after £7m InfraStrata deal”
Advice to Boris, start building ships for the Royal Navy. Use the money being wasted on HS2. Boy, are we going to need the Royal Navy and the jobs, very shortly.
I agree. There simply aren’t enough ships in the Channel to help the current numbers of illegal immigrants to their free, well, everything. A concerted effort by the RN and RNLI and we could quickly have millions more freeloading scum added to our already overpopulated country.
American Toenails has been tweeting bile from his MG42 non stop.
This is from head office.
BBC Moaning Emole in complement, not reluctantly at all, in complement.
Melania Trump’s plea for racial harmony
The normally limelight-shunning Melania Trump has taken centre stage to urge Americans to stop making assumptions based on race and to think critically about US history. The US first lady made the heartfelt speech to the Republican Party’s convention live from the White House.
“I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the colour of a person’s skin,” she said as protests continue over the police shooting of a black man in Wisconsin.
Before Mrs Trump, perhaps reluctantly, spoke, two of Donald Trump’s children also gave convention speeches. Eric Trump railed against “radical Democrats” – a theme of the convention so far – while Tiffany Trump accused the media of manipulating Americans. Find out what other young Republicans think of the US president, with less than two months left until poll day.
Putting ‘shooting of a black man’ in hyperlinked bold was an especially subtle touch.
Likely penned by the increasingly bonkers American Toenails, railing away. Impartially.
Interesting conflation.
Tim ‘I grassed up Nigel Farage ‘ farron explaining the hatred for his type and party – cheers Tim …..
American BS (that’s Beauty Squad) likely dusting off the ‘largely peaceful’ line from the old country on a tell it often enough basis.
Woah! (Other exclamations are ™️ABS) Who is Lurch going to RT now?
Well, duher!
As da yoof might say.
The new BBC Asia correspondent sounds awesome.
The teachers and their unions have made a stick to beat themselves with. Following their long furlough, the return to school will see many ill disciplined pupils out of control , while the teachers will be trying ensure the kids under their charge are wearing their muzzles. I foresee some trouble ahead ……
BBC News in complement:
“Once home to the sound of children learning, some private schools are now filled with a cacophony of clucking chickens. ????“
As is the case with anything, ‘Left’, it ploughs on relentlessly destroying itself. No cognisance with reality.
I guess the contributor here, “the left will eat itself” is feeling increasingly smug.
???? ????
I actually came up with that name after a band that was around when I was growing up called Pop Will Eat Itself ????????
I was never in to them and don’t know why they called themselves that, but I just changed it slightly after seeing multiple contradictions everywhere involving the liberal left which were clearly not going to end well for them ????
Over the weekend I posted that the abject coward Boris the Bottler would not be able to have the courage to stand up to wee Jimmy Krankie and would fold on the issue of masks in schools.
This morning Yellow Boris has done exactly as predicted and capitulated.
God help this country if there is ever a crisis in which courage is needed because Boris doesn’t have any.
Yup, a Churchill and ‘Churchillian’ he ain’t, in any way or shape or form.
And probably around the same level of intelligence. Churchill was not a clever man. In fact, he was something of a school failure but became an auto-didact in adult life. That, plus life experience and the prayers of then a much more Christian nation, turned him into the man of the moment in 1940
He’s not even an Edward Heath! Heath at least had the courage to make some kind of a stand against the miners, Johnson would simply have given in to them at the first demand, and all the successive ones too.
We saw what Bojo was really like when he was Mayor of London. He had to be organised by someone, sorry, cannot remember the name now, a prototype Dominic Cummings. Boris Johnson as Mayor promised much and delivered little.
Before the Pandemic/UK Lockdown, I would quite often travel through the Blackwall Tunnel and past the Olympic Park. The area was crumbling even before Mayor Khan got hold of it. From Boris, nothing. The vital roads overhaul, especially along the N.Circular Road? The best work was done in the Thatcher & Major years. The Bojo alterations to the North Circular immediately before and after where it crosses the Green Lanes (A10) don’t work and are a complete waste of money.
The potholes, sunk kerbs and dead end roads in London all got worse under Boris Johnson’s Mayoralty. He promised otherwise. He did not deliver.
That was the Max Hasting’s complaint as Editor to Boris Johnson as journalist. He didn’t deliver.
Or if Bojo did, it was late. Occasionally brilliant, but putting others under pressure. All the time. Infuriating his colleagues, especially the Back Desk ones. Making life difficult for everyone.
No wonder that Dominic Cummings has lost all his hair.
I wonder about the proportions. How much has Cummings lost through stress – versus – how much has he torn out himself in frustration over the PM.
I can give a good example but I’ve spent too much time on here already.
Boris Johnson his way over his head. His cabinet reflects that.
This morning ??
Guido wrote at about 3pm yesterday that government had made a U-turn.
Those people who have been using this site for sometime will recall the amount of evidence I have posted here about the influence bribes from the Middle East has on poorly paid politicians in the West.
Currently we have Ex French President Sarkozy facing criminal proceedings for accepting bribes out of the Middle East, The Prime Minister of Belgium forced to resign over suspicions he took bribes from the Middle East, and Prima Facie evidence that David Cameron, Tony BLiar, Gordon Brown and Boris the Bottler have all taken amounts for personal gain.
Now we find in the latest evidence that the ex King of Spain Juan Carlos received a ‘gift’ of $100 million from the Saudis.
No one but no one gives that kind of money as a gift without getting something in return, the question is however unanswered.
The amount of evidence stacking up is colossal, just don’t expect anyone to investigate it given the status of the people involved.
Thoughtful – there was always a theory that corruption of exPMs was one of the reason none of the previous 4? Prime ministers took their seat in the Lords .
Apparently they are ‘vetted ‘ for their seat and have to make income declarations – Major was the first noticeable one for this . I’d easily bet that Boris will follow – not that that oath is worth bribing ….
Just following up – can you think of an ex PM who would never take a bung once job done ? You’d have to go back to Lady Thatcher to find clean hands …
No one but no one gives that kind of money as a gift without getting something in return, the question is however unanswered.
Perhaps the Saudis wish Spain to continue its Open Doors policy.
Twitter wars HOTTING UP
Someone claiming to be ‘catriona Lewis ‘ made the mistake of telling Andrew Neill about the need to end using 18th century British songs in the Proms – because of association with slavery ……
Unfortunately for her she got a full ‘crossing the T’ broadside from Mr Neill explaining to her how many slave ships were stopped by the Royal Navy ……
… by the way Cat Lewis claims to be the ‘Executive Producer of BBC Songs of Praise “ …..
And it was too late for her to take down her frankyly dumb and offensive and inaccurate tweet . Add her to the ‘Britain hater ‘ list ….
Reading the twitter feed, the dumb Catriona Lewis is taking quite a hammering.
Her inane comments tell you all you need to know about the woke children of the BBC, and the responses all you need to know about the anger viewers feel for the BBC
BBC Newsbe… Youth Propaganda
Fiction about terrorism and radicalisation has been helping children and young adults “resist extremism and Islamophobia” since the 9/11 terror attacks, new research suggests.
I ‘suggest’ the bbc is the problem.
Just an update on my previous comment – if you are on twitter – looking at the catrionalewis ‘stream of thought ‘ Gives this site ample evidence that BBC staff are social campaigners not neutral broadcasters they always claim to be .
It .is. Really . Worth . A . Look …. but watch the BP blood pressure ……
…..I’m sure the other witches in her BBC covern gave Her their full support – Carrie the ex Gracie – wark – Wimmins hour – Meeshall – and on and on
One of those leading autocue readers – someone called ‘Carrie. Gracie ‘ has taken her fat BBC pension and left the organisation – church bells – minutes silence – national mourning .
But there must be a competition – where next ?
Times Radio
Classic FM
C4 News
All of the £££££ above ?
Fed, has she really gone? Really and truly? Departed? Outa there?
Or will she be presenting on R4 next week or next month?
So she jumped ship quickly after doing this weeks Panorama special on Covid in China.
On the subject of the Atlantic Slave trade (make sure when someone mentions ‘slavery’ which example they are referring to).
This site was complied by Black African Americans, and it contains data which gives the lie to the propaganda given out by the Fascists of the BBC.
Only 388000 slaves were landed in North America between 1585 and 1866 (280 years).
12.5 million slaves were taken from Africa, 10.7 million survived the passage.
The slaves were obviously valuable cargo and worth nothing dead, so it was in the interests of the slavers to keep them alive.
The atrition rate was roughly 15%, but remember that must be viewed in the context of the time.
1588 was the year of the Spanish Armada “when Jehovah blew with His winds, and they were scattered”
Sea travel was a perilous undertaking, and what isn’t stated is how many of the sailors on board the ships also perished.
These figures are well worth keeping to hand because of the disinformation and propaganda promulgated by the BBC.
.. “This site was compiled by”
Thoughtful, I find history fascinating (and often bore others on whatever historical subject is currently fascinating me), and over time I’ve learnt that if you want the ‘real thing’ you have got to go back to primary sources every time.
For any who aren’t aware, what historians call ‘primary sources’ are contemporary accounts, ideally directly from the mouths of people who were actually involved in the events described. Obviously, such sources are harder to find the further back you go, and are never entirely unbiased, but you can only really get a proper impression of what really happened by refering to those.
Everything received second, third, or nth hand, has been filtered in some manner and is no longer the ‘truth’, particularly where someone has had an axe to grind, or a reason to exaggerate.
There are firsthand accounts of what was probably the first actual British (English at the time) slave trading in the 16th Century. The pioneer of these was John Hawkins, assisted by his young ‘cousin’ Francis Drake, but it should be emphasised that they were attempting to copy a trade already well established by the Portuguese.
There are also accounts (in Portuguese) about the first (initially reluctant) Portuguese purchases of black slaves – which were foisted on them by (black) West African Kings and Chiefs in trade for European ironwork, glass and the like, the Portuguese were really after West African gold, and definitely not West African people! Their caravals were overcrowded and unhygienic enough without cramming hundreds more on board.
When trying to work out what to do with this new ‘cargo’, the Portuguese discovered there was an already very well established market for black slaves in the Muslim world: in Arabia, the Persian Gulf, and India, and they became middle men, shipping black African slaves to ports in the Indian Ocean. One of the reasons for their success was that shipping slaves by sea was much faster, and much less deadly, than marching them across the Sahara. The death rate of the blacks purchased, or captured by Arab slavers was appalling, and their cruelty horrific.
Do I buy into this narrative that slaves were a lot ‘happier’ under Muslim ownership? I ‘m very interested in Middle Eastern history, and no I certainly do not! Read 1001 Nights is you want to see what Middle Easterners thought about black people, and how they treated them (and still do).
In the Americas, the Portuguese (who owned Brazil) and the Spanish (who claimed ‘God given right’ to all the rest), found they had a labour shortage, especially after the native ‘Indians’ kept inconveniently dying from Old World diseases. So the Portuguese also started shipping blacks across the Atlantic, some to work in Brazil, but mostly to sell to the Spanish colonies.
That’s what Hawkins was trying to quietly muscle in on, with the official backing of Queen Elizabeth I. The Spanish colonists couldn’t get hold of sufficient slaves through the official Portuguese channels (Portugal had other, more lucrative outlets and a need for their own slaves), and the King of Spain, Phillip II, had banned the colonists, on pain of death (literally), from trading with anyone other than Spanish, or Portuguese vessels, to try to discourage other nations from sailing to the Americas.
Hawkins was attempting to ‘fly under the radar’, and for the most part the Spanish colonists were happy to secretly buy any slaves he could ship, whilst officially claiming he was a ‘ruthless pirate’ who forced them to give him money. Anyway, on his third voyage, Hawkins, Drake and their crews encountered a storm whilst in the Gulf of Mexico, and ended up being forced to make repairs in the Spanish harbour of San Juan de Ulla (near Vera Cruz). Unfortunately for the English, the Spanish silver fleet turned up while they were there, and after declaring a truce, treacherously launched a surprise, night attack.
Hawkins, Drake and a handful of others limped back to England in a sorry state, but the vast majority of the English (and Welsh) crewmen were either killed or captured and enslaved by the Spanish. Some were tortured and burnt by the inquisition, some were worked to death on Spanish plantations, or rowing Spanish galleys in the Mediterranean (which were still crewed by slaves), others turned Catholic to attain some degree of freedom, but remained under supervision, and only a couple ever got home. It soured relations between the two nations, turned Drake into the Spanish King hating (and incidentally, black slave liberating) ‘El Draque’, led Hawkins to dedicate himself to building better warships and cast better cannon (to fight the Spanish), and ultimately led to the Spanish Armada (against whom both Drake and Hawkins captained ships).
Long story, but my points are:
1. No black slave trade, no English/British history.
2. We (British) didn’t start the trade in black slaves, nor for a very long time were we the main participants, but we did finish it.
3. White people (including British) were also enslaved, right up until the late 19th Century, in fact. It wasn’t just black people who became slaves.
4. It might seem stupid to say it, but the British were among the most humane in their dealing with African peoples, certainly more so than the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Belgians, the Germans, the Dutch, the Muslims, and… other Africans!
5. There is a certain irony, but without the slave trade to teach Hawkins and Drake their skills, there would have been no victory over the Spanish Armada, and no Royal Navy to end the black slave trade.
Thank you for the very informative essay.
Thank you for the above.
9am R4 Trump Bashing
BBC = the place where selected info is weaponised, in order to push Guardianlalaland agendas
“Covid plasma therapy More or Less
Donald Trump says allowing the emergency use of blood plasma therapy for coronavirus patients will save “countless lives” and is “proven to reduce mortality by 35%”.
We look at the evidence.
(OK by the time you get to thinking about blood plasma, it’s the top X% of cases
then some patients can’t have it cos of blood clots
then in the category you’ve got left over there’s 35% less deaths than there used to be
but it’s not sure all that is from plasma treatment.
So It’s not like a country which had 1,000 deaths would have had 350 less deaths
… but something like there are 100-200 who would now be treated with plasma and 35-70 survive
So the country would have had say 930 deaths, not a 1000
Trump’s a real estate salesman ..he oversells things, we know that)
Amid talk of coronavirus being back on the rise in the UK, what does the data show?
Could screening for breast cancer from the age of 40 save lives?
(doubt it, AFAIK medics say that breast screening leads to too many medical interventions, some of which are harmful)
And can it really be true than one in five women in 18th century London made a living selling sex?
(When I was in Kenya 20 years ago it seemed like that)
They said what I said
plus the 35% is not between no plasma treatment and some plasma treatment
but that the NEW plasma treatment is 35% better than the OLD plasma treatment
ie in a sample of 100 in the ward only 9 patients died compared to 13
… but that figure comes from non-robust experiment.
MoL said it’s better to say Blood plasma treatment provides a 4.4% improvement in saving lives
typo 30 years ago
Lurch likes to refer to ‘sources’…. who ‘say’.
Has the bbc fact checked this?
“ There is talk in the undergrowth that the entire BLM movement, was set in motion by Obama, to make the US look ungovernable under Trump , but more importantly to distract from the Russiagate scandal.
Obama apparently had BLM into the Whitehouse regularly, while President.”
I merely observe what some are saying.
There is just so much wrong with this, it’s difficult to know where to start.
But let’s try this.
“Ellie had her sperm frozen when she was 14”
RD – thank you – first Laugh out loud of the day —-
Last year the BBC (sympathetically) covered the story of a male offender who was imprisoned for a violent sex assault. He was a regular offender and an occasional transvestite, but had never undergone surgery. During his imprisonment he decided that he wanted to be a woman and was transferred to a women’s nick…as you would be.
Whilst happily ensconced in the ladies nick (who wouldn’t be?) he found himself (herself?) in a spot of hot water. What made me guffaw was the incredibly PC way that the BBC tried to explain what happened.
Apparently they were all in the showers…Julia, Samantha, Louise, Charlotte…and some big hairy object down the end that like to be called Jennifer…
The Beeb very delicately covered it like this. “So Jennifer was in the showers with the other women and became aroused…And then started waggling her erect penis, which disturbed them.” Yes, I’m sure it did!
Does any part of the BBC’s narrative make any bleedin’ sense whatsoever?
Women, in my (unfortunately) very limited experience, do not possess penises, erect or otherwise. Waggling is not an option!
This country’s becoming a bloody loony bin…
It’s a truly horrible story with a clearly pushy woman wanting her own entitled way regardless of anyone else, and a tragic death of a teenager.
She is a courtesy thing, like the way the media use the ‘prophet’ Mohammed, which I for one find highly offensive, as I believe he was a false prophet as desribed by Jesus in the Bible.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I have seen this story reported elsewhere and I agree with the concensus that the court needs to stop this deluded and entitled woman from using her deceased childs sperm to produce a grandchild which has no parents.
However awful the story, it has been reported here in a neutral way with some compassion. I don’t think on this we can criticise the BBC.
I haven’t read the article, because I think it will first sicken me, then infuriate me, and finally leave me depressed… and frankly, I don’t need that. As the father of a child the same age, it’s depressing as hell to read about children’s lives being wrecked in this way.
The poor, tragic young boy (yes, he was a boy before they started messing with him) at the centre of it deserved better. In my opinion what he needed was counselling (and probably a decent father figure), not what amounted to psychological cruelty, perverted physical torture and neglect.
His mother is culpable, his school is culpable, the medical profession is culpable, and the media (not least the BBC!) are culpable for this young person’s misery and untimely death.*
*I may be jumping to conclusions here… or perhaps not, read enough of this kind of ‘article’ on the BBC to feel I (depressingly) know all about it without needing to read any more.
‘Get thinking like a journalist’.
With a carefully selected row of indoctrinated youth looking up at a screen guided by big sister from the cubicle gardens.
I listened to the first hour of Toady this morning and ..
…. and ….
… and, do you remember those Charles Schulz cartoons with Snoopy sitting on his dog-house with his hands around his neck and his tongue sticking out, well ….
9:30am Radio 4 show : same sex couple lesbian woman talks about her wife giving birth
and everything being centred around heterosexual couples.
Anyone else missing our Emily Maitless and Laura Koensberg?
These guys?
Carrie Gracie. Good riddance.
Anybody hear the item on Toady about the shootings in Kenosha?
It appears that some opposing attendee(s) at the current event of rioting and looting, opened fire on the criminal Marxists. One dead and several injured. It had to happen. It was only a matter of time. The interviewee on Toady referred to the (my description), ‘Patriot’ shooter exercising his/her “Second Amendment Rights”. The ‘law’ then.
Apparently the looting rioters fled immediately. Well fancy that. This is exactly what the Democrat/Communists feared and is why they have attempted to, unsuccessfully in the main, extinguish the US 2nd Amendment rights and in particular, the right to bear arms. I, for one, have been puzzled why the Communists have not, wholesale, produced and used firearms. Could it be that the Communists organising these daily events, like Soros, would not accept their troops engaging in open warfare.
This escalation poses real problems for the Communists. Do they send their rioters back out on the streets again, unarmed. Or do they send them out armed which can only trigger outright no-sham, war which, inevitably, they will lose.
Very interesting times. Little ‘g’ maximum has not been reached yet as the situation plummets. But, I suspect, a turning point has been reached and message received, “Out”.
From my contribution above, from Parler:
BE WARNED EXTREMELY GRAPHIC (holes in people etc)
Thanks. Downloaded. Wasn’t aware of We need an alternative to Google’s Youtube quasi-monopoly.
Neither great in number terms, but I wonder how much CNN was inflated by folk like me fascinated by train wreck media?
Maybe they can hire June Sarpong to sort out the line up to really improve things?
Jon, Katty, Lurch and Nick might make things worse in areas that matter… to the MSM.
Oh, looks like American BS (beauty squad) will be busy ‘fact checking’ this:
Won’t they?
Regarding school kids wearing the Islamic face muzzle between classes in the pretence of stopping the CVD19, I Just heard a ‘tory’ MP on the Non BBC wireless news saying the government needed ‘to get a grip’ of scientists.
Well there’s a thing. Perhaps he visits this site.
I also assume he didn’t mean in the same way as Dr David Kelly.
I keep hearing that the only reason we have to buy a BBBC tv licence is for watching live tv.
If that is true why doesn’t a tv manufacturer make a tv with (for example) a HDD fitted which records the incoming tv and then has it available a few seconds later for playback so that you are watching a recording and not a live broadcast.
You will then never have live tv and will not need a licence.
If you have to pay the bbbc a license fee to watch ITV or SKY news then this delay could be applied to all channels but if watching SKY news is allowed without paying the bbbc it need only be applied to live bbbc broadcasts.
I’ve often thought this too, EG. I did receive foreign ‘live’ football that was about 5 mins behind real time when I was in the States.
Doesn’t that mean you would be recording it live, to watch later?
EG – if you record live TV you need a licence – to obey their law – which I won’t . I don’t know if retailers like Argos still send a form to tv licencing when you buy a TV or set top box anymore …..
Accepting that China/Russia/Iran Covid death stats aren’t reliable
The UK is #5 with 41K whilst Mexico and India have 60K and Brazil and US higher still
NZ’s new cases are still trickling less than 10/day
Korea is 280 /day
UK sticks on over 1000K/day
Though if countries are not testing they have low counts
World deaths are in a second wave of 6,000/day consistent.. the first wave peaked at 7,000/day
That rate makes it 2-3 million/year
However since victims are only shortening their life by about 1 year on average
Nowhere near same magnitude of life years are being lost as due to traffic accidents, or malaria, or childhood diseases in Africa etc.
While the BBC continue their beatification of Jacob Blake – family man, bla bla – here’s Katie Hopkins having none of it.
Katie is right. See what happens when you don’t shoot.
I don’t listen to biased Radio 4 much these days but I did this a.m.
(1) 0900 news: [re Jacob Blake] “… unarmed Black man shot … by police …”
(2) 1000 news: the adjective “unarmed” had disappeared!!
Call it, ‘fine-tuning’ off the initial and essential bias.
The British Library and the British Museum are also contaminated with ‘woke’ so perhaps they too should have the word British removed from their names.