The site had a lay down but on Friday afternoon . I blame the Biased Anti British Far Left BBC …the self appointed voice of the Marxist BLM front gang .
As the Republican National Convention comes to a close, @maitlis and @BBCJonSopel talk through Donald Trump's pitch for four more years on the latest #Americast
We might hope for change in attitude when Mr Trump wins again . But there was no change after the brexit vote and when Mr T does win they just wont accept it
I think that by now even the most ardent Boris fanatic must realise the bloke is a complete plank. Yes, I know, I voted for him too, but I did have an excuse. The Brexit Party had stood down in my area and my own MP is solid on the subject. Also, in the red corner, was Jeremy Corbyn and his ghastly mob of anti-Semitic Momentum thugs. Easy peasy.
But my God, look what’s happened. Okay, so you wouldn’t wish this pandemic problem on your worst enemy. However, our PM stumbles about like a drunk on the dancefloor. He hasn’t got a scooby-do. If I’d wanted to live in some dystopian hybrid cross between Venezuela and North Korea, I’d have voted for Corbyn.
Already this morning I’ve heard Boris and his ever present side kick side-kick, Himmler Hancock, clearly priming us for further catastrophic lockdowns. It’s been apparent for months that these economically suicidal measures don’t work; they just delay. We’ve seen what’s happened in Spain, France, Italy and Belgium. And we have also seen what’s happened, or more to the point, not happened, in Sweden.
No lockdown, no masks, no school closures…no problems…
There’s an anti Lockdown demo at Trafalgar Square today. I don’t particularly fancy it, but I have to go…
This utter insanity has to stop.
Heartbroken. My friend and fellow Bison Chadwick Boseman was brilliant, kind, learned, and humble. He left too early but his life made a difference. Sending my sincere condolences to his family.
Rather like trying to ignore an elephant in the room at a party I would have thought. Sorry to be rude but I am sick to death of BLM et al and they are steadily driving me toward real anger.
You should be cherishing the forthcoming saturation with “Diversitee” particularly black. We will be changing the economy for them. After all, if that were based solely on recreational drugs, murder and mayhem, the blacks instinctive penchant for same and their ‘entrepreneurial’ skills would come shining through. Yes, when that economy is flourishing and no blacks attend for a then unwanted schooling, it will leave the gap for the whitee to prosper without hindrance.
Earlier, I voluntarily allowed my ears and brain to be abused.
Toadies report on politics in the US earlier, yet again relied upon the discredited “Polls” which have consistently shown the Communists in the lead. That’s the BBC ‘backbone’ in any report. Don’t they just understand that for most people, the games up for their reporting and indeed, Pollsters. Most listeners understand the BBC’s bias certainly against DJT.
Apart from a sub-normal person, who can believe that with the ongoing rioting and destruction facilitated and encouraged by the ‘Bidon Team’ that the polls back the Communists?
The malady, common among political leaders who commit heartless crimes while craving popular adulation (Russian President/Chinese Communist Leader and that Belarus dictator come to mind) as heroes and misunderstood saints, is ‘Political Munchausen Syndrom by Proxy’. PMSP best explains the pathologic drive of politicians and policy makers who inflict relentless, systematic mass destruction and then intervene in a most theatrical manner to save a few victims-thus drawing gratitude from the victim and public support for their ‘humanitarian intervention,’ -ignorant of their fundamental role in creating the mayhem in the first place.
Barack Obama in the last three days of his administration present an example of PMSP on the domestic front.
Throughout his 8 years as President of the USA, Obama exibited many symtoms of PMSPboth abroad and in the US. For his cynical crimes he was awarded the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ among other honours. His relentless military interventions across the Middle East were characterised by deliberate and total destruction of the means of normal civilised social existence for defenceless civilians -bombing homes, schools, hospitals, factories, markets, social functions, leading to deaths of may thousands and the uprooting of millions into desperate flight-the results we are seeing as the invasion of immigration spreads across Europe. In each case Obama would proclaim that he was saving victims from imminent genocide by an abusive ruler or ethnic group. A few bedraggled survivors given a few blankets, as a result of his own bombing campaigns and he would bask in the glowing praise of mass media propagandists and fellow imperialists. Choreographed applause and adulation would seem to follow America’s First Black President everywhere. Guilty of destroying entire nations, shredding their institutions and infrastructure. The capsised boatloads of fleeing black Libyans and bloated bodies washing ashore on the beaches of Spain and Italy were never linked to the criminal policies of our ‘Nobel Prize recipient! He then urged Europe to accept the miserable refugees fleeing his war-in a gesture of supreme PMSP. This serial political killer had an unquenchable thirst for sympathy and admiration and a wholly corrupt propaganda machine to polish his halo. Chelsea Manning’s subjugation is an horrific display of virtuosic Political Munchausen Syndrome.
The #BBC is busily sealing an end to the #licencefee, which is long overdue, but we should not simply end the licence fee and gift a global media empire to the woke left.
We paid for it, it should be broken up and sold off to the benefit of the taxpayer, not simply privatised.
Furthermore, all the BBC produced output (programmes, documentaries, films etc) should be archived and made freely accessible to the British public for entertainment as well as research purposes, given the British public paid for it all.
The Daily Telegraph headlines this morning with Lord Hall Halls retirement speech in which he admits to his own shocking failure and deriliction of responsibility.
“The BBC needs wider diversity of opinion”
Oh really? You mean the things your critics were telling you right from the day of your appointment were right? You’ve been in charge for years so why have you allowed the BBC to become so biased?
Not that the far Left Socialists who puport to be Tories are going to do anything about it so what does it matter?
Ah but later on he says that there needs to more diversity of colour , (we knew he thought that didn’t we) but he doesn’t mention diversity of opinion or political views. He is just an old Wokist tosser and by denying that his organisation is extereme Woke he is a liar to boot.
This maybe hard to believe-the sheer arrogance, and conceit of self-importance beats cock fighting.
British Library Demands White Staff Support Black Lives Matter Thugs!The British Library, funded almost exclusively by ENGLISH TAXPAYERS, has demanded white staff support the thugs and communists of the Black Lives Matter movement.
An internal email to “fellow white colleagues” demanded staff give money to Black Lives Matter funds for bailing out their looters and criminals and to back a petition organised by the Stand Up to Racism activist organisation and anti-English Loudmouth Diane Abbott.
The email instructs their staff in “ways that white people can support the Black Lives Matter movement through both action and education by reading material on slavery, policing, and prison in the U.S., alongside a chart outlining overt and covert forms of ‘white supremacy’.”
The email then pushes white staff to read books outlining their supposed racial privilege and “the works of Marxist authors”.
Seemingly they realy do hate us because we are proud English patriots.I am sick to the back teeth, as no doubt all of you are, of being told we MUST feel shame because of our nationality, our heritage and our skin colour.
I am proud of the accomplishments of OUR ancestors and people and will not be told otherwise by snowflake liberals and immigrants who hate our country!
Surprised the BBC have not promoted this utter piece of garbage.
Agree. One of the few ways we can easily protest without harming anyone in anyway is stop paying the BBC their blood money. If enough people refuse to pay the License Fee the BBC is powerless to enforce it and will crumble within weeks. The Wokists rely heavily on the corporation for propaganda and without it will be much less powerful. The time for Mass Action is now.
Not a surprise. The entire so called educated class (OK there are a few exceptions) has been body snatched. Pods presumably left outside their university digs or dorms or wherever they slept. Then in the morning the pod people have taken over. It is impossible to reason with them. The videos coming from the US show a BLM movement now out of control and descending into riot and theft. What happens there always follows here so we should beware. Maybe not so bad. Hopefully. Get out of London if you can over the winter.
I posted this before going onto the BBC main website and this story is wall to wall.
The BBC have a team of journalists / woke intellectuals working on creating stories about this black man who played the “Black Panther” in a comic book movie – about how amazing and fabulous he was, and the impact he had on British and American children and youth and culture and black power etc etc.
It is the LEAD story across the BBC website – on its homepage, its news homepage, its world news homepage. I can spot at a glance five separate reports on him so far.
Never heard of him, but he is the lead item on beeb tv news at 12.00! Suppose the main idea is to get a black face onto tv news as opener.
That means they could just be giving Jacob Blake and George Floyd a momentary break.
Not at 13h00, cos that’s reserved for wimmin’s football.
Don’t watch that either.
Suppose the idea is to constantly relegate straight, white men , then eliminate them from the news entirely?
Having followed the BBC website for some time, I know the BBC have pushed the film he starred in (Black Panther) and those that acted in it as a symbol for black power and the fight against western white male heterosexual oppressors.
I have plenty more examples of this where the BBC purposely design “news” content for children to encourage, persuade or emotionally traumatize them into becoming activists and to go on marches for various causes including Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights, Rights for Muslims, Climate Change and many others. And whenever they encourage kids to go on marches (this time in London) they never mention the issue of coronavirus.
Whatever the BBC may have been in the past, it is now clearly a campaigning organisation. The BBC really have to be defunded. There is no saving it.
They’ve been doing it for ages BoBotC, just don’t let your kids watch this nonsense ????????
I came across a Newsround piece a few years back where Trump had gone up the steps of Air Force One with some paper stuck to the bottom of one of his shoes and
Al beeb included that story in its Newsround that day ????
Pathetic and so transparent to us on here, but kids would think “huh, he’s stupid”
Job done ????????
A 19-year-old black man in Columbus, Ga, named Jayvon Hatchett, stabbed a white Auto Zone employee 7 times after "watching Facebook videos of police shootings". He admitted that he wanted to kill a "random white person" after watching the fake news media
It is so obviously inciteful. That is why I say it is now time to call the BBC out for having blood on its hands. In some of the BBC stories of the past few days they have even been targeting certain white individuals and inciting for “mob justice”.
Bannon case Viva Frei update video
Viva Frei’s previous video explained why it looked like a purely political prosecution
So co-defendent Kolfage shared it .. that is US free-speech
The prosecution have sent out warnings that they seek to stop this
..which is rubbish cos anyone can comment and anyone can share them including the defendent
They cannot ban Viva Frei’s previous video.
Video shows masked white-BLM ( hatey antifa )
severely harassing Republican couple at the Party conference
who remain calm
thus Dem supporters look like thugs
I really think the US is on the precipice of some sort of civil war, no matter who wins the US Presidential Elections. The universities and school system have created a generation indoctrinated into believing they are victims and have to fight to overthrow the established order. And of course where the US leads, Britain tends to follow.
The biggest difference between us and America is the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms ????
Guns are legal to own and buy over there but they aren’t here ????
I doubt it. Civil war that is. The gun ownership is too high in the states that would stand with the constitution.
Mainly in the hands of people who can use them. It would be brief and bloody.
Comparisons with Nazi Germany in the 1930s are over used on web forums, but how close is this and many other incidents?
Why are the news channels so coy is showing them? Do they think the public don’t know about the deaths and destruction caused by the riots in the states?
We need a list of former and current BBC employees prepared to say what has been going on. Usually the BBC puts a gagging order on all current and past BBC employees. The BBC are a very secretive and self-protecting organisation.
Even those who oppose tye excesses of Wokism like Mr Fox, still say they are proud of how ethnically diverse the UK has become and how tolerant it is. But few of our enrichers exhibit any tolerance, nor do Wokists. It will be the tolerance of White Britain that leads to its demise. Tolerance has been taken too far, far too far, it’s time to push back and celebrate our British culture without compromise and if the enrichers don’t like it, well they can f*** off.
Very disappointing – the latest TV licencing letter just says ‘Are you watching ?’ – which suggests – to me – a lack of confidence in the Stasi —— and a recognition that – no – I’m not effing watching . If only a licence operative paid a visit – she d have a memorable encounter ( no words at all … imagine …. ),
Anyway – I caught a bit of radio 4 news – apparently HMS Banksy has sent out distress calls which are t being answered because it has picked up over 200 illegal migrants from African ….I’m just waiting to hear some UK politician demanding a ship goes to Italy to pick them up …..
Also – is the BBC going to report the death of every actor who dies now ? Or just the coloured ones ?….I’m so .. Fedup … off switch … 5 minutes was more than enough
It gets worse. Almost three bloody hours of wimmins football this afternoon. Suppose this like snooker is about all the live sport they can get. Viewing figures will be awesome!!
Docmarooned, all al beeb have really got to hang their hat on are Wimbledon and the Olympics ????
And they’ve shoe-horned wokeness into both of those especially with St. Serena of Compton never in the wrong ????
BBC lead story on all media types this morning. Am I really the only one who has never heard of this man? I really question why this is lead story material.
The man dies at age 43. Biden quoted this morning on BBC Today programme saying ‘He inspired generations….”
Now, I know black baby-mamas are getting younger by the day, but ‘generations’ have been inspired by a man whose acting career has spanned no more than 10 years in major roles ????
The BBC are going absolutely berserk on the death of a black man who played the Black Panther in a comic book movie. I was going to post on something else but can’t be bothered because at the moment everything palls into insignificance compared to how the BBC are treating the death of this “Black Panther” actor.
It just shows where the focus of the BBC as an organisation lies. It doesn’t give a damn about the ordinary English and British people and the stories that matter to them.
Instead its focus is all on celebrity, identity, narratives, pushing the woke agenda for change, attacking traditional western culture and its people. It seems to be trapped in its own woke bubble of privilege and sneery pseudo-intellectualism.
This obsession with cult celebrities and the woke agenda of the BBC, is more evidence that the age group deciding the output of news and programmes, must be all under 50.
These would be the yuni students who would have been amongst the first to take Meeja Studies, and susceptible to the indoctrination of the well established pc leftist ideology of their tutors. Even old stalwarts like Joan Bakewell said a few years ago that the BBC was now “run by children”.
Sadly us ‘oldies’ remember the best of the BBC as we were growing up, and which was run literally by men in the grey suits, who had probably served during the war, knew what their audience wanted, and before political correctness took a stranglehold on their business. If these ‘grey suits’ were guilty of anything during their tenure, it was the failure to respond quickly enough to the obscenities of Jimmy Saville as they were too much in awe of him.
Now we have the back -to-front baseball cap culture of the BBC, it will only get worse as the next generation of snowflake wimps take responsibility for programme output – and become even harder to get your tongue around the far greater number of cultural names that will appear.
Yesterday’s event when our site went down
I went to our Facebook page biasedbeeb
.. but that was not available either “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
So either Facebook are blocking it
or someone has set the setting to private.
I see someone created a BiasedBBC Facebook page but that is a little read lefty page.
Thanks to whoever put the link to the following line from guido
‘The first principle of any new BBC funding model must be that only consumers pay. The BBC has no natural right to funding from people who don’t want it.‘
We all know the BBC love protesters. A quick check of the BBC News channel and they showed the protest in Berlin about anti Covid measures. The footage of the Berlin one was 100% white people so I expect to hear a BBC reporter mention this fact a bit later in the day. Probably mention they are all Trump supporters too.
Nothing mentioned about the London protest though?!? No mention about the possibility of decriminalizing the TV license either.
Tabs – according to ‘compact-online’, attempts were made to have the Berlin demo banned. There were also numerous attempts at restrictions of various kinds.
However, the report says that the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe rejected the banning attempt, and allowed the demo to proceed.
Very much in the spirit of “Wir sind das Volk” (We are the People), the demo declared itself to be a ‘Constitutional Convention’. Someone called Michael Ballweg headed that up.
Compact claims the demo was organised by “Q”, standing for “Querdenker” or “Contrarians”.
Some here who follow US coverage may recognise the “Q”.
Compact says that Facebook previously took down its website in order to prevent publicity for the march.
Saw some coverage of the London event, but it had a distinctly lefty flavour. I think Corbyn’s brother may have been a speaker.
It is a shame HMS Conqueror was decommissioned. We appear to have another job for her. HMS Ambush sounds like a good substitute. Maybe we could tell the French it is a Greenpeace boat like the one they attacked in New Zealand.
I really can’t keep up with the BBC output. It has over 22,000 employees and an annual spend close to £5 billion and it expects the British people to pay for it. There needs to be immediate political action to bring it to account.
There is real news somewhere out there that the British people need to know, that is relevant to their lives, their job prospects, their way of life, their futures but it is all being hidden away by piles and piles of irrelevant celebrity and woke agenda bullshite.
The BBC narrative is:
a) Far-right thugs need to be destroyed and the protests against them were justified.
b) We must all be vigilante against the far right and be respectful towards Islam.
This is how they headlined that story:
Note the adjacent story where the BBC praises a former ISIS jihadi. He went to Syria to kill Christians and others on behalf of the Islamic State but has since returned to Belgium where he has turned his life around with music.
Not bBBC but a diversion from it and the other rubbish.
Freeview Channel 24 (ITV4), the Tour de France started today.
Good aerial views and description of scenery, and knowledgeable commentary from ex-professionals.
Mrs Reith watches it and she’s not really interested in young men in lycra – so she says!
The stupid beeb are slow as usual: still rooting for BLM when even the Democrats – looking at polls and focus groups and realising that the BLM/ Antifa riots are damaging their prospects – are starting to denounce the violence, if only for cynical political reasons.
…As is some trans-person running for Mr Gay England.
(Note: I thought female beauty contests were demeaning to wimmin for reducing them to sex-objects, but somehow gay/trans contests are ’empowering’. Weird woke logic, go figure.)
I know that I can be accused of being a racist.But please
somebody tell me if I am being paranoid.Why do I see
so many main feature pictures on the BBC website of ethnic
There is absolutely nothing wrong with black, brown yellow
kids .I live in a street with a mixture of ethnicity you would
be proud of in a multicultural society.
Is it just a coincidence that so many of these pictures just
do not show Caucasion children.Or is it that BIG BROTHER
from the BBC’s diversity dept ,insists on these pictures?
Foscari – I think you answer your own question . As for being accused of being a racist _ so what ? The occasion screechy troll pops up here after last orders to shout ‘racist ‘ at one and all – who gives a damn ?
It’s part of the problem – any attempt at honest discussion is immediately labelled as ‘racism ‘ -A particular Technique used on those dismal BBC shows …
Proud of being in a multi cultural society ? never have been and never will be. I wasn’t asked if I wanted to live in a m/c society it was foisted upon me.
Pretend ‘equality’ obsessed beeb broadcasts the wimmin’s Community Shield match, but not the men’s event. Shades of ‘Wimmin’s Hour’?
Discrimination on beeb? What a shock!
We will miss out on all the knee-taking.
Why doesn’t the UN appeal to China and other countries with space to take them ?
Something about this does not look right ? Is Banksy aiding and abetting people smuggling and modern slavery ?
BBC News channel interviewing a crew member on the Banksy migrant ferry ship in the Med. The crew member kept saying the European authorities are not responding to their calls of help.
The BBC at no point asked why they are not asking nearby Africa for help instead.
USEFUL IDIOT A Banksy-funded migrant rescue boat is stranded in the Mediterranean Sea with one person dead onboard after it became overcrowded. There are 219 people on the Louise Michel as the ship cruises the Med as part of the people trafficking trade to Europe.
The print arm of the bBBC has, surprise, surprise, another institutional racism story.
Prof Chris Jackson, who this year will be the first black person to present the Royal Institution Christmas lectures, has said such organisations have a key role to play in addressing issues including racism and transphobia.
Speaking to the Guardian, the professor of geology at Imperial College London said racism in the scientific community had prevented black academics from previously being asked to present.
Aw, I wondered why there are so few black academics. That explains it then. Did he think that ability had anything to do with it? Being an ‘Scientist’ and all I would have thought he would be objective.
Are the beeb reporting Saba Kordafshari being sentenced in Iran to 24 years by their favourite religion for opposing the veil – their favourite symbol of female oppression?
You sound like a thoughtful bloke – yet this kind of tweet merely adds to the problem. And to be frank, I usually find that people who use the dismissive expression ‘MSM’ aren’t thinking too much about the question. I hope I’m wrong in this case.
– Two Christian boys raped and buried alive allegedly by Muslims.
– Christian groups protested by burning Quran Sharif.
– Muslim mobs burned & looted Sweden PEACEFULLY.
Today’s Sun report avoids mentioning last weeks story
and says “Extremists had earlier burnt the Koran in reaction to the arrest of a far-right Danish politician.”
That looks like fakenews , cos he had already said he was coming to burn the Koran
At the Oslo anti-Islam demo
police played softly softly
They put up barriers which antifa thugs tried to rip down
On the other side the righties’ speaker ended by ripping a few pages out of the KOran, then they went home
The antifa/Muslim crowd then took anger out on police vehicles
.. they didn’t react say for a few pepper sprays
..and drove home.
It’s a shame that all the Bbc’s journalists working anywhere in the world can’t have their accreditations revoked, the world would be a saner, quieter and nicer place, plus the savings the beeb could make and not need to be funded the way it is.
“Last Sunday’s incident led to peaceful protests and also violent demonstrations, including the fatal shooting of two people in the US city on Tuesday.”
diggMar 9, 17:08 Weekend 8th March 2025 I personally know quite a few left leaning folk who are very vocal in their refusal to use Wetherspoons. I…
tomoMar 9, 16:53 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reform As long as the collective ignores the quite obvious flaws in people it accepts as its leaders, it…
Fedup2Mar 9, 16:53 Weekend 8th March 2025 There was no terrorist attack at the gates of aldershot barracks – the car ramming the gate didn’t have a…
Up2snuffMar 9, 16:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 TWoTWee Watch #1 – another new name and new voice presenting? BBC recruitment is out of control! I think she…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 16:29 Weekend 8th March 2025 Full text “Palmer speaks the truth – but the MoD of Trolley & Wally lies even about the most basic…
tomoMar 9, 16:17 Weekend 8th March 2025 Who pays haystack head to speechify? – what do they get out of it? – do they think he might…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
That’s what…. 40 years of the BBC?
By compulsion.
Talk through. Bore on.
GW, should they be showing, “Social Distancing”?
Please let Orange Man win, if only to wipe the smile off their faces.
We might hope for change in attitude when Mr Trump wins again . But there was no change after the brexit vote and when Mr T does win they just wont accept it
BBC ‘Investigation’
A drone operated by the United Arab Emirates killed 26 unarmed cadets in Tripoli in January 2020, a BBC investigation has found.
If only they had said ‘I can’t breathe’ for 20’ too.
Is evidence unproven and implication enough to convict for a killing?
OT, but that ‘Exit Only’ sign… and the lady strolling towards it from behind….
The sign makes sense
If we t the bottom of the picture, we see it telling us ‘don’t come this way it’s exit only’
.. and from her side she is exiting.
I like the red and white signs that warn “No Road Markings”.
I think that by now even the most ardent Boris fanatic must realise the bloke is a complete plank. Yes, I know, I voted for him too, but I did have an excuse. The Brexit Party had stood down in my area and my own MP is solid on the subject. Also, in the red corner, was Jeremy Corbyn and his ghastly mob of anti-Semitic Momentum thugs. Easy peasy.
But my God, look what’s happened. Okay, so you wouldn’t wish this pandemic problem on your worst enemy. However, our PM stumbles about like a drunk on the dancefloor. He hasn’t got a scooby-do. If I’d wanted to live in some dystopian hybrid cross between Venezuela and North Korea, I’d have voted for Corbyn.
Already this morning I’ve heard Boris and his ever present side kick side-kick, Himmler Hancock, clearly priming us for further catastrophic lockdowns. It’s been apparent for months that these economically suicidal measures don’t work; they just delay. We’ve seen what’s happened in Spain, France, Italy and Belgium. And we have also seen what’s happened, or more to the point, not happened, in Sweden.
No lockdown, no masks, no school closures…no problems…
There’s an anti Lockdown demo at Trafalgar Square today. I don’t particularly fancy it, but I have to go…
This utter insanity has to stop.
Shaimaa Khalil likes this.
Expect many other bbc staff to use social media too.
It’s a disgrace that the bbc barely mention her now.
Rather like trying to ignore an elephant in the room at a party I would have thought. Sorry to be rude but I am sick to death of BLM et al and they are steadily driving me toward real anger.
You should be cherishing the forthcoming saturation with “Diversitee” particularly black. We will be changing the economy for them. After all, if that were based solely on recreational drugs, murder and mayhem, the blacks instinctive penchant for same and their ‘entrepreneurial’ skills would come shining through. Yes, when that economy is flourishing and no blacks attend for a then unwanted schooling, it will leave the gap for the whitee to prosper without hindrance.
Earlier, I voluntarily allowed my ears and brain to be abused.
Toadies report on politics in the US earlier, yet again relied upon the discredited “Polls” which have consistently shown the Communists in the lead. That’s the BBC ‘backbone’ in any report. Don’t they just understand that for most people, the games up for their reporting and indeed, Pollsters. Most listeners understand the BBC’s bias certainly against DJT.
Apart from a sub-normal person, who can believe that with the ongoing rioting and destruction facilitated and encouraged by the ‘Bidon Team’ that the polls back the Communists?
The malady, common among political leaders who commit heartless crimes while craving popular adulation (Russian President/Chinese Communist Leader and that Belarus dictator come to mind) as heroes and misunderstood saints, is ‘Political Munchausen Syndrom by Proxy’. PMSP best explains the pathologic drive of politicians and policy makers who inflict relentless, systematic mass destruction and then intervene in a most theatrical manner to save a few victims-thus drawing gratitude from the victim and public support for their ‘humanitarian intervention,’ -ignorant of their fundamental role in creating the mayhem in the first place.
Barack Obama in the last three days of his administration present an example of PMSP on the domestic front.
Throughout his 8 years as President of the USA, Obama exibited many symtoms of PMSPboth abroad and in the US. For his cynical crimes he was awarded the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ among other honours. His relentless military interventions across the Middle East were characterised by deliberate and total destruction of the means of normal civilised social existence for defenceless civilians -bombing homes, schools, hospitals, factories, markets, social functions, leading to deaths of may thousands and the uprooting of millions into desperate flight-the results we are seeing as the invasion of immigration spreads across Europe. In each case Obama would proclaim that he was saving victims from imminent genocide by an abusive ruler or ethnic group. A few bedraggled survivors given a few blankets, as a result of his own bombing campaigns and he would bask in the glowing praise of mass media propagandists and fellow imperialists. Choreographed applause and adulation would seem to follow America’s First Black President everywhere. Guilty of destroying entire nations, shredding their institutions and infrastructure. The capsised boatloads of fleeing black Libyans and bloated bodies washing ashore on the beaches of Spain and Italy were never linked to the criminal policies of our ‘Nobel Prize recipient! He then urged Europe to accept the miserable refugees fleeing his war-in a gesture of supreme PMSP. This serial political killer had an unquenchable thirst for sympathy and admiration and a wholly corrupt propaganda machine to polish his halo. Chelsea Manning’s subjugation is an horrific display of virtuosic Political Munchausen Syndrome.
Very good point.
Furthermore, all the BBC produced output (programmes, documentaries, films etc) should be archived and made freely accessible to the British public for entertainment as well as research purposes, given the British public paid for it all.
The Daily Telegraph headlines this morning with Lord Hall Halls retirement speech in which he admits to his own shocking failure and deriliction of responsibility.
“The BBC needs wider diversity of opinion”
Oh really? You mean the things your critics were telling you right from the day of your appointment were right? You’ve been in charge for years so why have you allowed the BBC to become so biased?
Not that the far Left Socialists who puport to be Tories are going to do anything about it so what does it matter?
Ah but later on he says that there needs to more diversity of colour , (we knew he thought that didn’t we) but he doesn’t mention diversity of opinion or political views. He is just an old Wokist tosser and by denying that his organisation is extereme Woke he is a liar to boot.
A double dose of BS.
This maybe hard to believe-the sheer arrogance, and conceit of self-importance beats cock fighting.
British Library Demands White Staff Support Black Lives Matter Thugs!The British Library, funded almost exclusively by ENGLISH TAXPAYERS, has demanded white staff support the thugs and communists of the Black Lives Matter movement.
An internal email to “fellow white colleagues” demanded staff give money to Black Lives Matter funds for bailing out their looters and criminals and to back a petition organised by the Stand Up to Racism activist organisation and anti-English Loudmouth Diane Abbott.
The email instructs their staff in “ways that white people can support the Black Lives Matter movement through both action and education by reading material on slavery, policing, and prison in the U.S., alongside a chart outlining overt and covert forms of ‘white supremacy’.”
The email then pushes white staff to read books outlining their supposed racial privilege and “the works of Marxist authors”.
Seemingly they realy do hate us because we are proud English patriots.I am sick to the back teeth, as no doubt all of you are, of being told we MUST feel shame because of our nationality, our heritage and our skin colour.
I am proud of the accomplishments of OUR ancestors and people and will not be told otherwise by snowflake liberals and immigrants who hate our country!
Surprised the BBC have not promoted this utter piece of garbage.
Agree. One of the few ways we can easily protest without harming anyone in anyway is stop paying the BBC their blood money. If enough people refuse to pay the License Fee the BBC is powerless to enforce it and will crumble within weeks. The Wokists rely heavily on the corporation for propaganda and without it will be much less powerful. The time for Mass Action is now.
Not a surprise. The entire so called educated class (OK there are a few exceptions) has been body snatched. Pods presumably left outside their university digs or dorms or wherever they slept. Then in the morning the pod people have taken over. It is impossible to reason with them. The videos coming from the US show a BLM movement now out of control and descending into riot and theft. What happens there always follows here so we should beware. Maybe not so bad. Hopefully. Get out of London if you can over the winter.
Headline news, a black actor Chadwick Boseman has died. Lots of tributes from the film world. My first thought was, who ?
Me too Brissles.
Never heard of him.
And it is one of the main stories on the BBC news channel for British children:
I posted this before going onto the BBC main website and this story is wall to wall.
The BBC have a team of journalists / woke intellectuals working on creating stories about this black man who played the “Black Panther” in a comic book movie – about how amazing and fabulous he was, and the impact he had on British and American children and youth and culture and black power etc etc.
It is the LEAD story across the BBC website – on its homepage, its news homepage, its world news homepage. I can spot at a glance five separate reports on him so far.
Never heard of him, but he is the lead item on beeb tv news at 12.00! Suppose the main idea is to get a black face onto tv news as opener.
That means they could just be giving Jacob Blake and George Floyd a momentary break.
Not at 13h00, cos that’s reserved for wimmin’s football.
Don’t watch that either.
Suppose the idea is to constantly relegate straight, white men , then eliminate them from the news entirely?
Having followed the BBC website for some time, I know the BBC have pushed the film he starred in (Black Panther) and those that acted in it as a symbol for black power and the fight against western white male heterosexual oppressors.
The following is an example of the BBC emotionally targeting British kids into becoming activist. A top story in the BBC news channel this morning:

The middle story is written solely for the purpose of encouraging British kids to become activists:

I have plenty more examples of this where the BBC purposely design “news” content for children to encourage, persuade or emotionally traumatize them into becoming activists and to go on marches for various causes including Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights, Rights for Muslims, Climate Change and many others. And whenever they encourage kids to go on marches (this time in London) they never mention the issue of coronavirus.
Whatever the BBC may have been in the past, it is now clearly a campaigning organisation. The BBC really have to be defunded. There is no saving it.
They’ve been doing it for ages BoBotC, just don’t let your kids watch this nonsense ????????
I came across a Newsround piece a few years back where Trump had gone up the steps of Air Force One with some paper stuck to the bottom of one of his shoes and
Al beeb included that story in its Newsround that day ????
Pathetic and so transparent to us on here, but kids would think “huh, he’s stupid”
Job done ????????
Let’s hope this happens.
The comments are almost all anti bbbc.
Iconoclast tweeted this
This is where BBC anti-police and anti-white rhetoric leads. It’s now imperative that @OliverDowden @julianknight15 @DCMS
@10DowningStreet act.
#DefundTheBBC NOW!
BTW the victim is expected to recover.
Quoted Tweet
It is so obviously inciteful. That is why I say it is now time to call the BBC out for having blood on its hands. In some of the BBC stories of the past few days they have even been targeting certain white individuals and inciting for “mob justice”.
Bannon case Viva Frei update video
Viva Frei’s previous video explained why it looked like a purely political prosecution
So co-defendent Kolfage shared it .. that is US free-speech
The prosecution have sent out warnings that they seek to stop this
..which is rubbish cos anyone can comment and anyone can share them including the defendent
They cannot ban Viva Frei’s previous video.
Video shows masked white-BLM ( hatey antifa )
severely harassing Republican couple at the Party conference
who remain calm
thus Dem supporters look like thugs
I really think the US is on the precipice of some sort of civil war, no matter who wins the US Presidential Elections. The universities and school system have created a generation indoctrinated into believing they are victims and have to fight to overthrow the established order. And of course where the US leads, Britain tends to follow.
The biggest difference between us and America is the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms ????
Guns are legal to own and buy over there but they aren’t here ????
I doubt it. Civil war that is. The gun ownership is too high in the states that would stand with the constitution.
Mainly in the hands of people who can use them. It would be brief and bloody.
There are reports that the mayor of Washington (black, Democrat) refused police protection for the delegates at the Convention.
Comparisons with Nazi Germany in the 1930s are over used on web forums, but how close is this and many other incidents?
Why are the news channels so coy is showing them? Do they think the public don’t know about the deaths and destruction caused by the riots in the states?
Saw the above on RT, absolute election gold, all the more considering Rand Paul was targeted by the ignorant say her namers.
Poor Laurence Fox, whose career has been destroyed for speaking a bit of common sense, shares his views on the BBC, wokeism and the Far-Left.
“The BBC’s not run by management any more, it’s run by the activists.”
“Leftists have been marching slowly through our institutions for decades and now it’s all coming out in the wash.”
We need a list of former and current BBC employees prepared to say what has been going on. Usually the BBC puts a gagging order on all current and past BBC employees. The BBC are a very secretive and self-protecting organisation.
Even those who oppose tye excesses of Wokism like Mr Fox, still say they are proud of how ethnically diverse the UK has become and how tolerant it is. But few of our enrichers exhibit any tolerance, nor do Wokists. It will be the tolerance of White Britain that leads to its demise. Tolerance has been taken too far, far too far, it’s time to push back and celebrate our British culture without compromise and if the enrichers don’t like it, well they can f*** off.
Very disappointing – the latest TV licencing letter just says ‘Are you watching ?’ – which suggests – to me – a lack of confidence in the Stasi —— and a recognition that – no – I’m not effing watching . If only a licence operative paid a visit – she d have a memorable encounter ( no words at all … imagine …. ),
Anyway – I caught a bit of radio 4 news – apparently HMS Banksy has sent out distress calls which are t being answered because it has picked up over 200 illegal migrants from African ….I’m just waiting to hear some UK politician demanding a ship goes to Italy to pick them up …..
Also – is the BBC going to report the death of every actor who dies now ? Or just the coloured ones ?….I’m so .. Fedup … off switch … 5 minutes was more than enough
It gets worse. Almost three bloody hours of wimmins football this afternoon. Suppose this like snooker is about all the live sport they can get. Viewing figures will be awesome!!
Docmarooned, all al beeb have really got to hang their hat on are Wimbledon and the Olympics ????
And they’ve shoe-horned wokeness into both of those especially with St. Serena of Compton never in the wrong ????
Never heard of him. Was he a star in furniture adverts?
The man dies at age 43. Biden quoted this morning on BBC Today programme saying ‘He inspired generations….”
Now, I know black baby-mamas are getting younger by the day, but ‘generations’ have been inspired by a man whose acting career has spanned no more than 10 years in major roles ????
C’mon, man !
I did not connect the name to the person.
The movie was an ok blockbuster based on a dead old white gu’s output.
My main take out was massive internecine warfare consuming their own.
Seemed a fair metaphor.
The BBC are going absolutely berserk on the death of a black man who played the Black Panther in a comic book movie. I was going to post on something else but can’t be bothered because at the moment everything palls into insignificance compared to how the BBC are treating the death of this “Black Panther” actor.
It just shows where the focus of the BBC as an organisation lies. It doesn’t give a damn about the ordinary English and British people and the stories that matter to them.
Instead its focus is all on celebrity, identity, narratives, pushing the woke agenda for change, attacking traditional western culture and its people. It seems to be trapped in its own woke bubble of privilege and sneery pseudo-intellectualism.
This obsession with cult celebrities and the woke agenda of the BBC, is more evidence that the age group deciding the output of news and programmes, must be all under 50.
These would be the yuni students who would have been amongst the first to take Meeja Studies, and susceptible to the indoctrination of the well established pc leftist ideology of their tutors. Even old stalwarts like Joan Bakewell said a few years ago that the BBC was now “run by children”.
Sadly us ‘oldies’ remember the best of the BBC as we were growing up, and which was run literally by men in the grey suits, who had probably served during the war, knew what their audience wanted, and before political correctness took a stranglehold on their business. If these ‘grey suits’ were guilty of anything during their tenure, it was the failure to respond quickly enough to the obscenities of Jimmy Saville as they were too much in awe of him.
Now we have the back -to-front baseball cap culture of the BBC, it will only get worse as the next generation of snowflake wimps take responsibility for programme output – and become even harder to get your tongue around the far greater number of cultural names that will appear.
The bBBC indoctrinating our youngsters with sexual perversions again.
Mr Gay England: The trans man competing ‘against an idea of male beauty’
Yesterday’s event when our site went down
I went to our Facebook page biasedbeeb
.. but that was not available either “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
So either Facebook are blocking it
or someone has set the setting to private.
I see someone created a BiasedBBC Facebook page but that is a little read lefty page.
The BBC always champion all things lgbtqia-xyz.
So I’m sure they will be covering this story of a vicious homophobic attack on gay delegates leaving the Republican Convention by BLM maniacs.
Or maybe not.
Thanks to whoever put the link to the following line from guido
‘The first principle of any new BBC funding model must be that only consumers pay. The BBC has no natural right to funding from people who don’t want it.‘
But it just about sums it up …
“BBC facing £1bn crisis as Boris set to push ahead with decriminalising TV licence fee”
Great news. However, I’ll believe it when I see it.
We all know the BBC love protesters. A quick check of the BBC News channel and they showed the protest in Berlin about anti Covid measures. The footage of the Berlin one was 100% white people so I expect to hear a BBC reporter mention this fact a bit later in the day. Probably mention they are all Trump supporters too.
Nothing mentioned about the London protest though?!? No mention about the possibility of decriminalizing the TV license either.
Tabs – according to ‘compact-online’, attempts were made to have the Berlin demo banned. There were also numerous attempts at restrictions of various kinds.
However, the report says that the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe rejected the banning attempt, and allowed the demo to proceed.
Very much in the spirit of “Wir sind das Volk” (We are the People), the demo declared itself to be a ‘Constitutional Convention’. Someone called Michael Ballweg headed that up.
Compact claims the demo was organised by “Q”, standing for “Querdenker” or “Contrarians”.
Some here who follow US coverage may recognise the “Q”.
Compact says that Facebook previously took down its website in order to prevent publicity for the march.
Saw some coverage of the London event, but it had a distinctly lefty flavour. I think Corbyn’s brother may have been a speaker.
This Banksy vandal has apparently spent something like £800,000 on a boat to ferry illegals into our country.
Isn’t he now engaged in criminal activities.
If so, shouldn’t be be prosecuted? And the boat confiscated?
Or am I missing some relevant information?
It is a shame HMS Conqueror was decommissioned. We appear to have another job for her. HMS Ambush sounds like a good substitute. Maybe we could tell the French it is a Greenpeace boat like the one they attacked in New Zealand.
This is the current BBC News Homepage:

I really can’t keep up with the BBC output. It has over 22,000 employees and an annual spend close to £5 billion and it expects the British people to pay for it. There needs to be immediate political action to bring it to account.
There is real news somewhere out there that the British people need to know, that is relevant to their lives, their job prospects, their way of life, their futures but it is all being hidden away by piles and piles of irrelevant celebrity and woke agenda bullshite.
BOBOTC, that’s why they brought in ‘Local TV’ and radio…
It was supposed to be important for localities, but is now not much better than a flyer for a kebab dump and a few charity shops!
The content is just dire, with pics of rockapes, and their various kids and partners, moaning about Pontins or some other hole…
I thought real journalists cut their teeth in the provinces, then moved onto the dailies or the BBC etc.
It’s clear that the BBC got the ‘top-level’, as it’s just awful now.
Well Said , Top-level as in the S–T usually floats to the top ????
Peaceful Moslemic protesters set fire to buildings and loot in Malmo, Sweden.
Cant blame them, far far far right people burnt a Koran.
The BBC narrative is:
a) Far-right thugs need to be destroyed and the protests against them were justified.
b) We must all be vigilante against the far right and be respectful towards Islam.
This is how they headlined that story:

Note the adjacent story where the BBC praises a former ISIS jihadi. He went to Syria to kill Christians and others on behalf of the Islamic State but has since returned to Belgium where he has turned his life around with music.
Not bBBC but a diversion from it and the other rubbish.
Freeview Channel 24 (ITV4), the Tour de France started today.
Good aerial views and description of scenery, and knowledgeable commentary from ex-professionals.
Mrs Reith watches it and she’s not really interested in young men in lycra – so she says!
The BBC are pushing their BLM friends for all its worth. But you won’t see anything on the Beeb about BLM thugs bullying and intimidating people coming away from the Republican National Convention in Washington:
The stupid beeb are slow as usual: still rooting for BLM when even the Democrats – looking at polls and focus groups and realising that the BLM/ Antifa riots are damaging their prospects – are starting to denounce the violence, if only for cynical political reasons.
Some actor dying of cancer is front-page news apparently.
…As is some trans-person running for Mr Gay England.
(Note: I thought female beauty contests were demeaning to wimmin for reducing them to sex-objects, but somehow gay/trans contests are ’empowering’. Weird woke logic, go figure.)
I know that I can be accused of being a racist.But please
somebody tell me if I am being paranoid.Why do I see
so many main feature pictures on the BBC website of ethnic
There is absolutely nothing wrong with black, brown yellow
kids .I live in a street with a mixture of ethnicity you would
be proud of in a multicultural society.
Is it just a coincidence that so many of these pictures just
do not show Caucasion children.Or is it that BIG BROTHER
from the BBC’s diversity dept ,insists on these pictures?
Foscari – I think you answer your own question . As for being accused of being a racist _ so what ? The occasion screechy troll pops up here after last orders to shout ‘racist ‘ at one and all – who gives a damn ?
It’s part of the problem – any attempt at honest discussion is immediately labelled as ‘racism ‘ -A particular Technique used on those dismal BBC shows …
Proud of being in a multi cultural society ? never have been and never will be. I wasn’t asked if I wanted to live in a m/c society it was foisted upon me.
This is CNN but worthy of the beeb’s ‘mostly peaceful’ headlines.
And some spoofs…
Pretend ‘equality’ obsessed beeb broadcasts the wimmin’s Community Shield match, but not the men’s event. Shades of ‘Wimmin’s Hour’?
Discrimination on beeb? What a shock!
We will miss out on all the knee-taking.
“Migrant rescue: UN urges help for Banksy ship and two others in Mediterranean”
Why doesn’t the UN appeal to China and other countries with space to take them ?
Something about this does not look right ? Is Banksy aiding and abetting people smuggling and modern slavery ?
BBC News channel interviewing a crew member on the Banksy migrant ferry ship in the Med. The crew member kept saying the European authorities are not responding to their calls of help.
The BBC at no point asked why they are not asking nearby Africa for help instead.
No wucking furries, HMG has got a number of new ‘Patrol Vessels’ in the med just waiting to jump in and help out.
Art reflects… reality?
The print arm of the bBBC has, surprise, surprise, another institutional racism story.
Prof Chris Jackson, who this year will be the first black person to present the Royal Institution Christmas lectures, has said such organisations have a key role to play in addressing issues including racism and transphobia.
Speaking to the Guardian, the professor of geology at Imperial College London said racism in the scientific community had prevented black academics from previously being asked to present.
Sir Arthur,
Aw, I wondered why there are so few black academics. That explains it then. Did he think that ability had anything to do with it? Being an ‘Scientist’ and all I would have thought he would be objective.
Are the beeb reporting Saba Kordafshari being sentenced in Iran to 24 years by their favourite religion for opposing the veil – their favourite symbol of female oppression?
Toenails rallying the troop.
And another beauty opines.
I dont think that motormouth likes the idea of the near monopoly being challenged by anyone – particularly something not under state funding .
More evidence of netvousness within the BBC ? I hope
Will a British “Fox News” channel improve debate, decision making and democracy in this country?
YES x 1000
Religion of Police.
Lots of Dick sorries en root.
Shut down all mosques.
For… ‘balance’…
Spot on !!!
Mostly ABBA?
Righty groups frame it this way
– Two Christian boys raped and buried alive allegedly by Muslims.
– Christian groups protested by burning Quran Sharif.
– Muslim mobs burned & looted Sweden PEACEFULLY.
The Sun report published on Friday says Saturday so I guess that means Sat 22nd
Today’s Sun report avoids mentioning last weeks story
and says “Extremists had earlier burnt the Koran in reaction to the arrest of a far-right Danish politician.”
That looks like fakenews , cos he had already said he was coming to burn the Koran
Peter in Sweden is NOT covering
His tweets seem to say he’s been in Norway for sometime, getting away from politics.
At the Oslo anti-Islam demo
police played softly softly
They put up barriers which antifa thugs tried to rip down
On the other side the righties’ speaker ended by ripping a few pages out of the KOran, then they went home
The antifa/Muslim crowd then took anger out on police vehicles
.. they didn’t react say for a few pepper sprays
..and drove home.
I’d say both Malmo an Oslo stuff was pretty small scale
an that on Twitter loads of Indian BJP activists seemed to be stirring.
Lewis Goodhall and John Sweeney liked this.
Independent journalism my ar&se.
Two BBC activists caught on the job
It’s a shame that all the Bbc’s journalists working anywhere in the world can’t have their accreditations revoked, the world would be a saner, quieter and nicer place, plus the savings the beeb could make and not need to be funded the way it is.
The BBC is not there as of right. If they think they are then they are deluded.
Not BBC, but quote taken from Sky news webpage…
“Last Sunday’s incident led to peaceful protests and also violent demonstrations, including the fatal shooting of two people in the US city on Tuesday.”
So, what was it then? Peaceful or violent…