The eve of the Tim Davie era . Will Mr Davie be the last chairman of the failing Far Left BBC in its current Marxist campaigning form ? Lets hope so. Apparently his first speech will be on Thursday when he will talk about ‘impartiality ‘ and keep a straight face – which is why he is paid the big bucks .
Meanwhile there are plans afoot to have a new British Broadcaster …
Start the Week 31 August 2020
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5:30 and not a troll about .
Two people arrested for terrorism ? Perhaps Al Beeb will catch up when their news researchers read it here?
Anyway, I understand that a one man radio show gets more listeners than Al Beeb . His name is Alex Belfield and he operates from his kitchen! It must be very embarrassing for them?
Morning Taff!
Alex Belfield is required listening these days. The BBBC have to listen to him, as he’s ‘competition’, which is gratifying!
R 5 Dead had someone called Julia Somebody from ‘The Hill’, in Washington DC, giving her enormous wisdom on Hate President Trump for ten minutes or so last night. He’s possibly going to Wisconsin, where the Democrats don’t want him, because he’ll get back a lot of votes from them!
I’d say that President Trump has every right to help people against a background of unjustified rioting and looting.
(But then I’m not a journalist who operates in the Democrat’s dribbling bubble of envy)!
I m trying to figure out how the BBC will treat the debateless US election . Will it follow the compliant liberal MSM or actually speculate on the health of Mr Biden ?
Maybe mr Trump will ‘ empty podium ‘ mr Biden … but there again the networks would ignore that too .
A few days before the American Presidential Elections, Fed, will be the signalling of the end to furlough, and also mortgage ‘holidays’, which all expire at the end of October.
There will be enough to fill millions of column inches on that particular subject, sadly for many, but hopefully a good sign that civil servants and local authorities will get their staff back to work at their desks. Most private tax/earners have been working solidly anyway!
I’ll be watching TV on the 3rd November, and while the issue is pretty tight, I hope to be going to bed at some ungodly hour, after several malts, and looking forward to waking up to a new President Trump four year session in The White House!
Local Authority worker here. Have been getting up and working throughout.
I hope that reassures you. ????
Yea, but what about the rest of the ‘Wokers’?
Steady on, last night’s Belfield show got 9,036 views so far
TR’s YouTube vids used to get towards half a million
but he did have a large US following.
Belfield had a caller last night who said he came legally from Sudan in 1993
and says people often stick the “Uncle Tom” label on him
which is super racist
And that he believes Channel immigration has to stop
audio .. in which Belfield butts in too much.
I just feel better for watching his feeds, than seeing or hearing some leftie twaat, spouting bolleaux on the BBBC, Stew!
I just feel the good feeling of release from the grip of these awful ‘presenters’.
Stew, I thought the real Uncle Tom was a person of character. Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote the book ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ was an abolitionist* and came from a family of abolitionists. The BAME community use the phrase ‘Uncle Tom’ as an insult in the same way that they use the word ‘Coconut’. Something that Trevor Phillips had to suffer as the first Chair of what was then the Race Relations Council.
Nasty people, those Marxists.
* abolitionist (for those who don’t know – ie. not our Stew) was someone who campaigned for an end to Slavery in 18th & 19th centuries in UK and USA.
The Hill? Does Dead not know they have an exclusive with American BS?
Apparently not, Guest!
Appalling bias and weedy roll-over by the bloke this end!
Catchup links to previous thread
– page 4 started 6pm Sunday
– page 3 ….. page 2
On Toady, they cover the story of a TUI flight back to Cardiff which has led to Coronavirus infections.
JustRemainin interviews a lady from Public Health Wales. She goes, not entirely convincingly, on about various aspects of Coronavirus including Test and Trace.
But here’s the thing. At no point did JustRemainin use the situation as an excuse to criticise the Welsh Labour government. Remember that health is a devolved matter.
Can you imagine in your wildest dreams the BBC adopting that approach if the flight in question had landed in England?
No. If it was England, the BBC would dredge up a long list of on-board activities that Boris should be personally supervising, and the whole thing would be the government’s fault.
You know it. I know it.
It seems to have gone unnoticed yesterday that 1 (one) person in the UK died with Covid.
That’s a 1 in 70,000,000 chance of dying with Covid.
So bad that you need a test to see if you have it.
Now would be a good time to get it.
When we get the daily tested positive numbers I would like to know how many tests were taken.
99 positive tests in 100 is very bad.
999 positive tests in 200,000 (or whatever the daily number is now) is no big deal, especially as the virus appears to be so weak now.
Mind, if 2 people die today with Covid, the bbbc will be saying “covid deaths have doubled”
And of course editorial guidelines apply in the other direction when required.
BOGOF, Binary Moves and Cut 50%.
I must be physic.
The deaths (today) have ‘doubled’ to 2.
While I’m on this run I’ll predict Sunderland to win promotion this season.
I was going to predict the year when teachers will return to work but that’s way too difficult.
Every time a ratio or percentage is mentioned, it is time to look carefully. It is one of the ways in which propagandists pervert the argument.
76% of the four people polled implicitly believe that to be true.
The BBC are clearly in mourning.
An inaugural flight between Israel and the UAE takes place today.
I see Piers Corbyn has been fined £10,000 for organising the anti lockdown protest.
When you think of the BLM mayhem that has been allowed to proceed without penalty, there can be no greater illustration of selective law enforcement than this. And the powers-that-be are clearly confident they can get away with it.
One day soon they will over reach.
Piers Corbyn is fantastic! We might not share his leftist politics, but he has his finger on the pulse on the false global warming agenda and the oppression of the people by the state.
The usual DoubleStandard justice for Piers Corbyn
in #Orwellian #Britain2020
Red/Green skins get let off
Purple skins get flogged
Cenotaph flag burner ?
Does a human rights lawyer jump in, when it’s a purple skin ?
… Surprisingly this guy has a thread.
There were, I believe, lesser fines before then. Were these levied on earlier marches? I think we know the answer.
The Corvid 19 issue has been and is being used by duplicitous world powers to subjugate people. A health dictatorship-
Is the UN Preparing for the “Second Covid Lockdown”? Oppressive Measures Worldwide, Obedience and Acceptance…
Globalized fearmongering.
We know by now that nothing of this, masks, “cases / infections”, quarantine, lockdown, vaccination, or any other repressive measure have anything to do with covid.
We are living through a coup d’état based on the oldest of ploys: declaring emergencies, suspending law and rights, and issuing arbitrary rules of behavior to excuse taking ‘full powers’. Too dangerous for the BBc to comment on.
I’m trying to start a crowd funding thingummybob to pay the fine. I have no idea how to go about it…
We do seem to have a two tier attitude to policing demonstrations these days…
As you say, we’ve had the far left vermin of BLM attacking police, ripping down statues and defacing The Cenotaph. And the police have stood by like casual spectators…that is if they’re not kneeling…
Yet the gormless drunken geezer who was pictured urinating in Parliament Square was picked up, tried and imprisoned before you could say “Miscarriage of justice.”
Corbyn said that one of the young arresting coppers told him that the order for his arrest “had come from on high.”
Who do we think, Sad Dick…The Downing Street Buffoon…Dick of the yard?
You know, I never thought I’d be supporting someone called Corbyn.
Strange times…
“to pay the fine”
No you start one to fund lawyers to challenge the fine.
There is a rule that justice must be applied evenly.
Well I wont be ‘coughing up’ to pay for anyone’s fine. I might be having to pay my own for none payment of the tv licence ! No bugger will be helping me will they !
The BBC announced a massive expansion of investment and resources for the radicalisation of British Children to the woke agenda.
These were the main stories yesterday on the BBC news channel for children:

1) Announcement of a massive expansion of “news” content and delivery to British kids across social media platforms including a new youtube channel. The new era of 24 hours a day 7 days a week propaganda directed at children begins Tuesday. One thing you won’t find is a straight able bodied white male presenter.
2) Another attack on the oil industry: death of dolphins & other wildlife, climate change, importance of protesting before it is too late & the planet is destroyed.
3) More Black Lives Matter propaganda: attack on the police, attack on Donald Trump, the importance of marching for change against a racist Western culture.
4) The outpouring of emotion & grief following the death of a heroic black actor: a symbol of black power & the struggle for equality.
5) Continued promotion of womens sport: the ongoing struggle for social justice & equality for women in a sexist (white) male dominated culture …
14% of the British population are wheelchair-bound.
42% are BAME
Only 42% are male.
I never realised.
I am so grateful we have the BBC to fact check important information and protect us from the truth.
The guy seated on the green pouf is also BAME (Asian – Pakistan ethnicity) making 57% BAME.
‘green pouf’ – Is that Patrick Harvie MSP ?
Are any of the people in the photograph mentally handicapped? If not, why not?
Name me one child that currently watches Newsround, we didn’t even watch it when John Craven hosted !!
Its just more box ticking using our money and another reason to defend the BBC.
Hi Halifax, the BBC have been working hard to expand their reach to British Children by:
1) Starting a new childrens Youtube Channel.
2) Increasing output across other social media platforms, including apps on childrens mobile phones.
3) Producing “education” material for schools.
4) Having representatives going to schools.
5) Embedding the woke agenda into all CBBC output including kids television, competitions, quizzes and games.
6) Promoting various activist groups, and providing links to activist websites.
Defend, Halifax?
Shurely shome mishtake.
I’m sure you got your Us and Es crossed,
No excuse my U is nowhere near my E on my keyboard I just checked.
It was the next most boring thing to the Children’s Newspaper.
Banania, I remember that.
I had to have it – my parents thought it ‘improving’ – as part of the deal to have The Eagle delivered each week as well. 🙂 Don’t recall the Childrens’ Newspaper as boring in the early ’60s but it may well have become so later. By 1966 I had discovered Motoring News, McLaren and Can-Am racing. That displaced TCN as far as I was concerned.
Do you remember the green compass watch you got free with the Eagle !!
I was actually quite astounded by some of the content on the Newsbeat, I think it was, site for young people – almost directly encouraging the youth to attend BLM protests in the summer (and at the height of the pandemic). Dates and times provided, I think using that separation technique I’ve heard discussed on this site.
Hypocritical, given the advice being given to the rest of us re Covid, and completely out if order for an impartial public funded broadcaster.
But they get away with it.
…. which impartial broadcaster is that ….?
I know of none.
To refer to the BBC this way is like smearing Asians by calling muslim gangs Asians.
5… and especially butch men and boys who self-idenitify as trans-women and trans-girls
The BBC are angry.
The Conservative Greek Government ( they were very keen to get the word Conservative out there) is starting to play hard ball with the boat people landing on their islands. Shock. Horror. They plan to tow them back out towards Turkey !!!!
Apparently the residents are totally p***** off with the ‘refugee’ camps. And apparently some refugees are complaining about the lack of housing and benefits.
Cue a rather excruciating interview with an HCR personage who did not answer any questions but just talked mainly incoherently and unintelligbly.
The bias was there of course in the BBC’s lickspittle approach but iit was all rather fun to see them squirm as their LeftMob multiculti open door mindset was seen for what it is.
If Europe is to survive the invasion of third worlders it is inevitable that there will be casualties amongst the invaders . Unless and until western government are prepared to accept this the invasion will continue apace. Of course if the Wokists are in power , directly in government or by MSM / lawyer pressure , there will be no attempt to stop or reduce the rate of invasion.
And it is not just the BBC that is going all guns blazing to the woke agenda.
The Welsh Government,in the wake of the George Floyd Killing, appointed Charlotte Williams to head a team to “diversify” the Welsh School Curriculum.
She is Professor of Contemporary Multiculturalisms, Ethnicities & Race at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and specialises in equality and social justice for immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees.
If prof Williams was a member of the only black family in a Chinese town would she expect to be taught about her black heritage?
Bet they ditched Dickens for Mao.
Dai the Great Forward Leaper.
It’s only a little book.
What is happening is a type of madness due to having too many career politicians with no experience of the world other than what they have been taught, and focused on being political correct and woke, and being some combination of anti-English, anti-British, anti-white men…
The only black family in the village
Sources say.
Very little Britain.
Welsh, Black, Italian and Polish, joined together in a common hatred of the English?
I am sure Nicola and BBC Bitesize can provide the text books.
Tenner put on Sunday morning on Trump winning the 2020 US election at around Evens ????????
Prices will fluctuate between now and then but I’m confident that the rioting and general lawlessness over there as reported by the liberal media in al beeb and the US will tip it in my favour ????
If Certainly the President is gaining on Biden in the polls and has momentum from the riots and economic recovery after Covid. Biden still leads by between 5 and 7% , although it is tighter in swing states. But there is also the ‘shy Trump voter’ syndrome to take into account which is estimated at between 2 and 4% . So the Biden lead may only be between 1% and 5% with a margin of error of 2%. So it’s all to play for with 9 weeks left. If the riots continue , the economy keeps recovering and , as everyone expects , Trump trounces Biden in any debates , your money looks to be well placed.
Of course all of the above assumes that the polls are honest and accurate, which may well not be the case.
The left / double
I’m putting a tenner on Mr Trump as well . The polls may reflect people will not declare support to some pollster who smells like a lefty
There won’t be any debates with Biden. I now doubt he’ll make it to the election.
No idea what happen to my post there.Deleted duplicates… all vanished.
If he doesn’t, his VP will be even worse as a President.
If the odds are good, I will put money on Biden. Then if he wins I will have something to console myself.
8:30am Lincolnshire News did mention the 2 terrorist arrests
, but #1 item was a “Labour Says”
and #5 “Greenpeace says”
Public transport supporting BBC clearly delighted by the latest ridiculous government woke wheeze to criminalise parking on pavements outside London.
The absolutely pathetic justification for this is to help blind people.
How many blind people have you seen in your whole life struggling along the pavement because of a parked car?
I’m guessing between zero and low single figures.
How many people live on housing estates where, due to Prescott’s high density housing plans of the the 90s there are nowhere near enough car spaces and the roads are stupidly narrow? Millions. The imbalance is clear. A classic example of political correctness gone mad.
I do not condone pavement blocking but 90% of the time pavement parking is actually being considerate and safe. In our road pavement parking keeps the road wide enough for 2 way traffic and as the pavement is over 6 feet wide thereis still plenty of room left.
So what we have here is yet another War on the Motorist policy, along with all the road closures ‘to facilitate cycle and pedestrian use during lockdown’ and sudden closure of lNes on double carriageways and conversion to bus only (forgetting we have been advised not to use them for the last several months unless absolutely necessary).
I’m pretty hacked off that the government have fallen hook, line, and sinker for this collectivist, anti-individual, eco Nazi, ER agenda.
Harrabin must be in heaven.
Agree the beeb is woke and biased, but can’t agree here. Nothing to do with agendas; long-overdue common-sense respect for pedestrians of all kinds, including people with wheelchairs/prams, etc
As someone who walks quite a bit I can tell you I find pavement parking just plain inconsiderate (unless there is plenty of room for pedestrians left) given the pavement is supposed to be for pedestrians.
Some pavements feel like obstacle courses.
I am also a motorist.
I’m sure the non-drivers will be thrilled to know the bus they used to catch will no longer be coming anywhere near them since it can no longer get down the roads because of cars parked either side. On the plus side, the extra mile walk to the nearest bus stop in the wind and rain will keep them healthy and happy. No doubt drivers will be told to sell their cars to make room for the buses.
Many buses have already been cancelled for Covert-19 reasons. Cars parking on pavements is just plain rude & obnoxious.
Can’t see anything on SKY or BBC news web sites about this being the coldest August Bank Holiday on record? Can anyone help me if their actual broadcast services have mentioned this minor fact?
“The irony of the opening paragraph has obviously escaped the sub-editors at @guardian
– #MillionPeopleMarch was only attended by 400 people” Mike Graham.
I’ve seen the vids 400 is flattering
to do a proper count you first have to discount those carrying big microphones and cameras etc.
Thre appears a trend for media either not noticing or not caring their own output sits side by side showing they will pump any nonsense out even if contradictory or downright daft.
There a clearly too many B Ark staff jobs in media being filled by F Ark rejects.
BLM leader
“We don’t follow YOUR law”
Deport them
You can’t. In many towns and cities white indigenous English are already the minority and with increasing immigration and high birth rates this will rapidly accelerate. It is too late. What is needed is honest talk but that is not allowed in todays woke cancel culture.
In some areas of England, English is hardly spoken – you hear either Eastern European languages or Urdu or some other Asian or African language being spoken.
I started speaking to a guy out walking his dog in the park who happened to be Vietnamese and had been in England for over 20 years. He said he didn’t understand why there were all these protests in England. He said when you come to England everything is more or less provided to you free of charge, a health service, translators, support, accommodation. He said if you go to Spain you have to pay for all of that.
I recognise the policeman in this video. He’s the regular at Speakers’ Corner and is clearly used in this potentially volatile location because he’s so polite and diplomatic.
When we had the earlier anti-lockdown demo he explained the reason we couldn’t use megaphones. We, being decent, orderly, law abiding folk, complied and took ourselves outside the park. No angry scenes, no abuse, no sweat…
This ghastly third world rabble behaved just as you’d expect third world rabble to behave.
It doesn’t matter where they are, or how much they have.
If a pig lived in a palace it would still poo on the floor…
It’s a popular misconception that pigs are untidy.
Given the right environment, they are scrupulously tidy.
Unlike the third world rabble.
I see thats little mouthy sh*t is there again an is that a cuban flag,?how odd
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? – so sang Freddie Mercury, and one has to wonder at today’s papers and in particular the Guardian front page…
‘Virtual parade. Even global pandemic can’t stop the carnival’
But Notting Hill Carnival has been cancelled, as has Edinburgh Festival, as has Glastonbury. You can of course pretend on a computer. Sorry, but along with the tanking of the real economy and of education, you also have to go without the fun stuff.
Emphasising the virtual over the real, the Guardian’s favourite headline word for this morning is “could”
‘Rush for vaccine could make pandemic worse’
‘Floyd-style killing could happen in UK’
Ah, the virtual world of the bien-pensant classes – very close now to the rude awakening with a jolt, but still grabbing a few more virtual minutes under the duvet. The Times has ‘Reluctant office staff defy the call to commute. Back to work push by ministers failing’
Shhhh, can you hear that approaching rumble…?
In the ‘i’ we have ‘Tax raid plan to pay Covid costs sparks backlash’
And in the FT there’s double trouble on the horizon ‘Downturn, downturn, commercial property crisis ripples through debt markets’ Sound eerily familiar?
The Telegraph reports ‘Head teachers refusing to fully open schools’.
Can’t resist a really old gag here: “But, mum, I don’t want to go to school, I hate the school, I hate all the kids and I hate all the teachers”. “But, son, you have to go to school, you’re the headmaster!”
No time for jokes in the Daily Star, it’s apocalypse now (as usual) and we do so love the smell of weather doom at dawn ‘Worst for 50 years, colder than Christmas, Brits chill out as Polar Plunge hits bank hol’
Fear not, all bases are covered as the Mirror claims ‘Heatwave after chill’
Whaddya reckon, Freddie? ‘A little high, little low, Anyway the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me, to me!’
Without #couldfiles the media might actually have to substantiate a press release they have copy pasted.
Or #questionasaheadline
What happens when BME dye their hair blonde or ginger as many do?
Sorry forgot its a one way street, white is irrelevant.
Cardi B has exemptions. Including from coherence.
(Un)-dressed in the Jamaican flag?
This is unfair.
The legacy had been established decades prior.
Though he has gold-plated it. Literally.
Gary’s spare room almost as finished as Mrs. Balls’?
Was Saturday’s Ashura march not fined
..cos they were all wearing face coverings ?
and head coverings.
“Blobs” as we called them in Saudi.
G I was in Saudi on and off for 8 years I used to smile when I clocked the Saudi women checking into hotels in Bahrain for the weekend with hubby and there black burka had Dolce and Gabbana sewn into the cloth or Gucci…….
Not to mention
a. The giant traffic jam on the Bahrain causeway as the Saudis go over for their giant weekend p***-up. ( Bahrain allows alcohol)
b. The ladies queue for the aircraft loo on e.g. the Al Khobar to Dubai route. Burkas off, lippy and short skirts on as UAE airspace is reached. Of course on the return route, the situation is reversed
And the segregated McDonald’s !!
Here’s a tweet from 12 hours ago.
Now a recent tweet, and wouldn’t you know it ….here we go again, the BBC new favourite words ” Pressure mounts ” !!!!!
Yet again, it’s not pressure from the General public who the BBC pay lip service too, it’s pressure from the bbc’s parent company, the Labour party !!!!!!! Nobody else.
Fake News.
“Boris Tells Frost To Walk Away From Brexit Talks”. Sounds good, so onto the evidence………silence.
Pray tell me Mayar Tousi, when/how Boris, told, “……Frost to Walk Away…..”. No evidence whatever as I see it.
I gave up on this character a month or so ago when I realised that the headline of his contribution didn’t match the ‘facts’ he presented. 179,000 followers – how?
Warning! Some slightly fruity language, but very funny. Well, I thought so anyway.
His best to date.
“Government” money?
Taxpayers money, surely?
Telegraph saying decriminalisation is a ‘done deal according to Un named Whitehall source and being told to come up with a new subscription type funding model …..
But it looks like being a slow process upto the 2027 charter review .
“So how was your first day at the office, dear?”
Ed Vaizey, ex-Conservative Minister of Culture, says to Cathy Newman, “And the key about LBC is that, on the one hand, you have Nigel Farage, who may be meat and drink to Tim [Montgomerie], and, on the other hand, you have people like James O’Brien, who is more of my sort of politics if you like, ..”
Says it all really.
A modern Henry Ford could say ‘you can have it any colour you like, blue, red, yellow or green, but they all come as Marxists’.
And now LBC have sacked Nigel for his accurate depiction of the Marxist BLM.
Strangely…or rather not…the repulsive JOB has been kept in post, despite his long and daily campaign in promoting “Nick” the paedophile who was making all the obviously fake allegations about former soldiers, right wing politicians and prime ministers.
Journalism at its very best…
Sickening remark about O’Brien who led the Tom Watson crusade against top Tory paedo nobs like Ed Vaizey. Sorry Edward Heath.
And Ed got a peerage in Boris’s list after losing the whip in 2019.
BBC forget to condemn that.
Capita – widely known as Crapita and one of Britain’s most hated companies – is to close a third of its offices, the BBC understands. This article explains how Capita is ‘a major government contractor’ and that it ‘manages London’s congestion charge’. Hmm, now what else does it do, I’m sure I’ve heard of it in some other context? Ah yes, it runs a scam on behalf of the BBC called ‘TV Licencing’ for a cool £58m a year. Recently it has been appointed to try and squeeze licence money from the over-75s so that the BBC can spend another £100m promoting the sickness of diversity. Funny how the BBC omits to mention its relationship with Capita in the article. Not.
TOADY Watch #1 – Why do we let so many in? They do not let us go there.
Americans. Discussion on TOADY about headuscashun and the OFQUAL Director was on the prog: a Dr Isaacs and yes, before you ask, a wimmin and American, too. We Brits cannot go to live and work in the US in any numbers unless we are privileged ‘Luvvies’. So why can they come here.
And possibly cause havoc. There were no questions from Mishal (on again) about Dr Isaacs role in that. Funny thing, that.
Another funny thing: Canadian Carney, causing havoc at the BoE. Canadian woman, Moya Greene, causing havoc at Royal Mail. Dr Isaacs …. was she causing problems for our Government at OFQUAL? Questions really ought to be asked by the BBC.
But no, it will just be brushed under the carpet or join the fluff under or down the back of the sofa.
For the first time in long while, I listened to ‘Heat the Wok’ with Andrew Marr. (BBC R4 9 a.m.) It may have been the first time I have listened this year, such has been a necessary boycott of the Beeb as The Knaves of Wegativity during the Pandemic.
It was very interesting for the mindset and narrative propaganda on show, with just a little hint about veganism with a farmer obviously under pressure to conform and the other BBC propaganda that ‘food is too cheap’ and ‘it has to be more expensive in future’.
11am Radio 4 whinefest “Not enough blacks in the media .. newsrooms are all white”
Yeh like it’s easy to name 3 people with the surname White, who happen to be black.
She starts by a cherrypicking a claim 0.2% are black, labelled as a “recent survey” …it was published in 2015
Stew, did you listen to Start the Week (a.k.a. Heat the Wok) this morning? Thought that it might appeal to you as a ‘market’ gardener’, maybe not the BBC propaganda bit but the rest of it. 🙂
There’s an orchard but we don’t sell we give the stuff away
This year was a particularly good crop year for plums, blackberries, apples, beans etc.
.. I took steps against the thieving crows that have been a problem in the last few years.
But the bastard wasps have now taken to preying on unripe apples/pears instead of just the plums.
I do occasionally get called to help run someone else’s fruit stall, and had been tidying up afterwards and handing the surplus out to pensioners until Covid restrictions.
Stew, I got a wrong impression from your reference to a shed full of ammonium nitrate (ie. fertiliser) that you had upscaled and gone commercial. Well done you for being generous with the orchard output.
Simples. That’s ‘cos de blacks are only about 3.5% of the population.
Unless, of course, you count the way the honest BBC does, blacks in prison: 13.7% of the prison population (that’s excluding mixed, you know, the sort that appear on DFS advertisements)
0.2% black claim
They used the Gorkana database of 700 journos
and said that is representative
“Our survey used a sample built from a database to which, one
of its representatives told us, ‘all journalists’ are added, but
which they are then allowed to ‘opt out’ of if they do not want to
be listed and, potentially, receive press releases from Gorkana’s
clients (Gavin Smith, personal communication, 13 January 2016).
As a result, it is theoretically possible that our sample may
under- or over-represent some types of journalist.”
0.2 = 2 in 1000
So that means that list has 2 black journos in
Well, blacks are not particularly good at arithmetic. Unless of course they’re counting the hand outs.
@G, well I am not going to say that mental ability goes by skin colour
Different individuals make different choices
Some white individuals choose the illegal sector
But it seems a reasonable percentage of black young businessmen CHOOSE to put their skills into illegal sector like drugs, trafficking, Nigerian scams etc.
I’d be fascinated in the % of BBC staff front of camera, behind mic or bylining web stories who count Mishal, Faisal, Amol, etc amongst good chums.
I go to Nigeria and some places are nearly all black. It is absolutely disgraceful and racist and I feel unrepresented …
• Stories you won’t hear from the BBC and the woke activists.
We are living in the age of stupidity and this stupidity is being taught in our universities by woke activist professors.
Nearly all black you say? Sounds like they need a lesson in diversity, you could suggest this on your next trip and see how much tolerance comes your way.
Eh? Every newsreader on Sky is black
If they had more black journalists like our Effluent, they could send even more people to Africa to create BLM propaganda.
As mentioned in the Sunday Telegraph, the new BBC’s Director-General – set to start work on the 1st September – has received a blunt letter signed by 14 new Tory MPs, accusing the BBC of “Fundamentally Failing… to ensure that the diverse perspectives and interests of the public and audiences… are taken into account”. Correctly going onto observe, “because of these and others… an increasing number of ordinary citizens no longer wish to fund the BBC nor watch it…
The sad thing is that if the new DG succeeds in turning the BBC into an impartial broadcaster (which is highly unlikely) the calls to end the iniquitous TV tax will diminish.
It isn’t just the bias of the BBC which should spell the end of its ‘unique funding’ model, it is the funding model itself.
New DG will sound a little conciliatory for a week and then be captured.
I don’t usually over dramatise the subject of my posts but this by John Ward, The Slog, really is a must read.
The sneaky bastards in government and the Civil Service are apparently determined to impose vaccines on us whether we want them or not. And guess what, the consultation document isn’t being sent to us peons, it’s
only for the grownups to comment.
Not coincidentally, on Friday, I wrote and have posted a letter to my MP asking once again about their plans for vaccination. I also included an extract from the Nuremberg Code, which in my layman’s view would make use of forced vaccination open to legal action.
And I added the information from James Higham, Orphans of Liberty, about the contracts for PPE, totalling over £800 million but not delivered.
I also listened this morning to the Book of the Week (BBC R4 9.45 a.m.) for the first time in a long time. Did I really hear the Continuity Announcer or the reader of the BotW – Anthony Head, yes, he of coffee and ‘Buffy’ fame – say that the English Civil War happened before the reign of Henry VIII ? Really?
A Gromit-style paw in the ear with a moment of vigorous rotation required there!
Needed to remind myself of the dates and checked via a slow internet. Will have to listen again to check whether the Beeb really did make that massive blooper. For those interested: ECW 1642-1651. HVIII 1491-1547.
What was also interesting was the hint of an aroma arising from this particular Book of the Week at the start of its run.
It seemed to this listener to be anti-Reformation on the one hand but anti-cancel culture, book burning and wokism on the other. Vaairrry interesting!
“Britain is being stolen”
Indeed the bBC’s allocated role is to advertise to the world continuously across all its platforms that the UK belongs to everyone and anyone – preferably Muslims – who can set foot here by whatever means. How far the UK is initially ghettoised is of little consequence in the great ‘Global Reset’.
The overriding theme of course is that there are no such things as indigenous European populations, nations or cultures, and it seems to me that this applies especially to the English – at least as far as the bBC are concerned. Hence the re-writing of our history not just by the bBC but by all participating (infiltrated) institutions and organisations.
‘Britain is being stolen’
Sorry Pug, I have to disagree with you there, I’d say ‘Britain HAS been stolen’, and from right under our noses too, a lot of what is happening now, really began, what 20, or 25 years ago? Now it’s too late to turn back the clock.
One aspect I find fascinating is ‘white flight’, living here in the West Country it is particularly apparent. Don’t hear many local accents around here these days, but plenty of what I’d call London and Home Counties. Lots of building too, houses locals can’t afford to buy, not a lot of green space left in some places. If you ask why they’ve decided to move here, it’s not the ‘countryside’ drawing them in, it’s the ‘black tide’ driving them out.
Many locals I grew up with have already moved west to Devon, Cornwall, Wales… they say the locals there aren’t always keen on them moving in, which has a certain irony to it, but it isn’t enough to stop people moving there en masse. I’m not sure if I’m willing to wait the full term to retirement to join them, by then there won’t be much of the local area I recognise any more. Need to see my kids through school first though.
And so, as the invasion progresses, each tribe moves on and displaces another further west, until there is no where left to run.
The Romano-British fled the Angles and Saxons in the same way, and along the same routes, following the fall of Rome. As they say, history repeats itself, over and over.
What’s the point of a UK-EU trade deal, if only the EU benefits?
Our response to the EU is simple. No compromise. We would tell the EU27 politely: “Do a normal free trade deal now or we will hold you as acting in bad faith. The evidence for this is now unequivocal and overwhelming. As a result we will be legally entitled to repudiate the Withdrawal Agreement. No massive divorce bill. No nothing. Trade with us on WTO terms by all means, if you want to try to keep the €100bn+ trade surpluses you’ve been running with us each year.”
Our message to Prime Minister Johnson is equally simple : “Announce immediate and full-scale preparations for a WTO-terms exit. Publicise these daily, just like you did with the Coronavirus. And make sure Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron know that you mean business. Announce that you will also be repudiating the Withdrawal Agreement.”
ti, the EU has only ever benefitted from the UK’s membership. It has all been one-way traffic.
I found the Peter Shore address from the 1975 EEC post-joining Referendum – replayed in 2015/16 – a stark reminder 1. of my memory failing to remember it and the important economic statistics, and, 2. the fact that our trade deficit with the EU rocketed upwards in only two and a bit years of membership. And it has kept going in that direction, although not at the same rate.
pug – the entire Conservative Party is now little more than another version of the LimpDumbs, except for the official Brexit stance -and whether you can trust them on that remains to be seen.
There are, of course, genuine conservative MPs still in the party, but Boris has made sure they don’t occupy any ministerial positions.
Sunak the Socialist (spend, spend, spend) has now discovered that you have to pay all that back. One of three favourite targets are pensioners (there was a manifesto promise, but WHO really believes promises mean anything?) Well, what a surprise!
Having said all that, many Tory MPs would be quite happy in the Labour Party. Must be what they call ‘transferable’ skills.
The only politician I would trust to act in British interests is Nigel Farage. No parliamentary seat for him and as for a party, where is he? The wilderness?
Has a lot of support among the ‘common man’, but the fact that this species is not even represented in parliament, speaks volumes for the health of our political system.
COVID? No, it’s much sicker than that.
Rishi the Wonga Man the most socialist chancellor ever
… Taxes rises, a message from the Conservative Party
Belfield caller claims he got a TV licence refund BACKDATED
by saying “I have not used a TV for a year”.
The best evidence that president Trump is heading for re-election is the absence of news stories about the election campaign and Joe Biden’s floundering performance. Al Beeb’s typical rule of “if you don’t talk about it then it never happened”
I hope you are able to take constructive criticism. In general I think what you produce is creative and relevant, but I don’t agree with what is said between 2:04 to 2:13:
“… we’ve currently got nine weeks to go to see which of the two old white men, both with accusations of impropriety, both running on a campaign of identity politics, gets to live in the white house next year …”
In my opinion this is faulty in the way it lumps both candidates together as being the same or very similar. It also uses classic feminist rhetoric as in “two old white men” which derides them for being white, male & old.
If it’s any consolation I’ll still be casting a vote for Trump in November
But I do I think they are more similar than either side lets on and most accusations against one can be made of the other. The real power lies not with the president but who his (unelected) advisors and that is the open secret that neither side lets on. The best thing Trump has done is enable the senate to place the courts (especially the Supreme Court) in conservative hands for the next decade, thus preventing most of the progressive agenda from ever being implementable. But I doubt he had much involvement in those picks.
From an ‘old white’ perspective I just found it hilarious that the left expressly went down that route after calling republicans old and white for eyars but then not choosing a candidate from the dozens that were female, gay or from a minority.
G.W.F., the whiff from R4’s Book of the Week was just that, ‘Remain under a Roman Catholic ruled Europe’. The BBC just cannot help themselves; their view has to prevail.
pug, Bojo is also chaotic.
Chaotic in his hair and rumpled suits. Chaotic in his relationships, yet he needs a woman to organise him. Chaotic in his political thinking, swinging between ancient Greeks and Winston Churchill. Chaotic in his Parliamentary and his Ministerial dealings, eg. his time as Foreign Secretary.
The Telegraph Science editor “Science Journalist of The Year 2018”
calls out BBC “top science communicator”
.. for her science-free BS tweet
..which is political
Lost respect for her when – if I am remembering correctly – she was desperate to absolve the Vikings from murders and things, suggesting it was all cultural and that…
“Liz Jolly, the chief librarian at the British Library, has declared a racial “state of emergency” and tasked a “Decolonising Working Group” to work out which bits of the building to sabotage. For this nonsense, she is paid £120,000+ per year.”
Kyle Orton
Brendan comments
They’re all at it. Making money. But some seek to continually cultivate a topic day and night and ignore the bigger background picture in their efforts to perpetuate their money machine. This exchange between Talk Radio and BO’N, is simply just that. All this on-line, on-air debate could be condensed by simply stating that the Marxists, behind all this nonsense, simply want to keep the population on edge, confused and lacking any stability but miss-trusting the State, Government, police and all the rest in their overriding objective to de-stabilise the West. The Marxists call it, ‘Critical Theory’. The commies have been applying it for decades, bit by bit but DJTrump has now prompted their fury and so we see the Marxists headlong and now frenzied efforts to draw the West to a close now. The likes of this woman and BO’N are contributing to the end in their own sweet innocent ways. Stirring the pot.
A better explanation of what’s going on and you don’t have to tune into a radio station offering no explanations only superficial views, see here:
The saddest part of is that the pair of them fail to see the complete abject cowardice of the Tory party in their utter failure to do anything about this.
They could have fallen on this stupid woman like a ton of bricks and sacked her with enormous condemnation of her hate filled Fascist views.
They should also have hauled the equalities commission over the coals and the Gestapo for failing to deal with what if it had been the other way around would have been viewed as a ‘hate’ incident.
Stansted 2 released
“Officers spoke with the two men and neither were considered to have committed any offences.”
A Counter Terrorism Policing unit has issued an update on the ‘suspicious device’ that saw a Ryanair flight intercepted by RAF jets at London Stansted Airport yesterday (Sunday, August 30).
Following reports of a suspicious device in the bathroom of a plane arriving from Vienna, Austria, shortly after 7pm, Counter Terrorism Policing officers from ERSOU detained two men under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act (2000).
After an examination by specialist investigators, the object was found not to be of concern.”
When I was skippering sail training boats in the Solent, the Coastguard and helicopter service would call occasionally over the marine radio and ask if they could carry out a dummy run, ‘rescue’ for practice purposes. Good fun. Some trainee crew being hoisted up to the helicopter. Something to tell their children about one day.
RAF jets called out you say……………..
WATO : You’d think a news show would carry news
not just be a vehicle for agenda pushing.
and quite where did they get that picture from , where is the white woman??
The remake of Blazing Saddles is going to be interesting.
I just don’t get it. Every migrant who arrived here from being weeks old, are now coming out of the woodwork complaining what a rotten life they’ve had in this country. I’m bloody sure if I moved to Canada / Australia / anywhere in Europe or the rest of the world, and my life was a constant misery, there’s only one answer – LEAVE ! GET OUT ! MOVE ON !
Regardless of coming with Windrush, being kicked out of Uganda, arriving from Middle East atrocities, don’t whine, do something about it. One doesn’t stay in a job if life is unbearable you change jobs. Simples.
Humanity ? I have none, I prefer dogs.
My brother’s best friend at school emigrated with his family to Australia, (one of those £10 ‘Poms’).
The family didn’t like Australia so they came back to the UK at considerable expense.
I guess today the equivalent family would sue the pants of the Australian government and demand that Australians ‘integrate’ with them?
Food prog, No agenda pushing ?
“Prime Minister Carolyn Steel joins Sheila Dillon
for this special edition of The Food Prog from the year 2030
Sheila discusses the PM’s rise to power after Britain saw food shortages & riots in the 2020s
& what it is like to now live in Sitopia”
” She meets Chris Young from the Real Bread Campaign to hear about how the banning of industrial bread has created thousands of jobs in bakeries. ”
“Sheila holograms with Stephen Ritz, founder of The Green Bronx Machine, to hear how his pioneering work inspired the prime minister to turn school playing fields into gardens ”
“Back in the Rose Garden Sheila interviews the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Patrick Holden – who in 2020 was the chief executive of The Sustainable Food Trust – to question him on how Britain can afford to live in Sitopia without a substantial raise in taxes.”
Basically it’s PR job to promote Carolyn Steel’s book
‘Sitopia: How Food Can Save the World’ was published in 2020.
7:45pm Front Row
“In the month when Donald Trump has finalized plans to allow drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, the earliest story (Gilgamesh),
Macfarlane explains, speaks across 4,000 year to us today.”
Piers Corbyn saying he did do everything legaL
– Political demos are allowed to be over 30 people
They complied with rules, did a risk assessment etc.
IanCollinsUK tries to dismiss him with “you are a conspiracy theorist”
Piers made 2 claims about 5G, the strength and the idea it’s a new surveillance society.
(I disagree EMF follows the inverse square law, corps aren’t out to kill people.
Police state ..they can’t even police the borders)
Nick speaks for the nat… er… not very many.
Then Lewis just being Lewis.
Maybe he’s the one who took the footage Champion apparently has.
Cathy channelling her inner Tony, Fran, Nick, Adam, Kay, etc in the first line.
#tellioftenenough does not only not work, it makes things worse.
I admire the ITBB team for sticking with.
Plans afoot for a new broadcaster, GB News. I don’t have much hope that GB News will tell us the truth about mass migration or Islsmification. It’s set up by an ex BBC executive and it has obtained the required Gov Licence to broadcast. So I think that whilst it may be free from some of the worst excesses of the BBC it will still be very much a liberal establishment mouthpiece , lying about Islam , lying about the impact of mass migration, lying about climate change, lying about Trump. They have already said the Nigel Farage won’t be involved . The cynic in me suspects that the liberal establishment have realised that only Woke Folk believe the BBC any longer and so want to have a more credible propaganda outlet for their lies.
If they give the likes of Tommy Robinson a fair hearing or they are even handed about the EU , I will view them differently but until then I think they are working on behalf of the liberal establishment.
Polls, darn polls and polls BBC editorial integrity will struggle to ‘interpret’, and so likely will run out of time before getting to.