And now it’s time for the latest edition of Spot the Difference on the biased BBC.
BBC1 6 pm news. Lots of the usual bBBC coverage about ‘government U turns’. Twelve and counting, according to the coverage given to SirKeer.
But when it comes to the announcement that the BBC is to allow lyrics to be sung at the Last Night of the Proms, why………the BBC has simply ‘changed its mind’.
You say U turn and I say mind change.
Let’s call the whole BBC off.
I have a guilty confession to make. I have sinned. Despite all my brave words about going to prison for The Cause I have signed the dreaded form from the TV license Mob.
After finding out from The Mob’s website that over 75s cannot change the name of the license holder and on being held in a headlock by Mrs Wright-who is a telly addict- I signed the bloody form. Well domestic peace is important at my time of life.
I can only pin my hopes on the common sense of the -we are told – conservative/Conservative? Mr. Davie to make some very much needed changes to the BBC output and outlook because to me, it is an unwatchable Marxist propaganda outfit and certainly it is an anti white heterosexual male outfit.
OT, but checked Rach’s feed header and JO’bsworth appears smitten.
Extinction Rebellion activists have just lain down in the road by Parliament Square. They’re practising ‘extended non cooperation,’ to try and drain resources. The police are struggling to lift and move them.
COVID-1984 Police in Australia arrested a pregnant 28-year-old, Zoe Buhler in front of her husband & two children Wed for allegedly planning a coronavirus lockdown protest & promoting it on Facebook.
“The woman was later released on bail and is due to appear in the Ballarat Magistrates’ Court in *January* ”
\\ Regional Victoria is under stage 3 stay-at-home orders, and gatherings are banned.
“Any gathering of this nature is in blatant breach of the Chief Health Officer’s directions and puts Victorian lives at risk,” police said. //
AFAIK there hasn’t been a death in Ballarat for 3 months
her post was pretty tame
“said people must wear a mask and be distanced”
\\ Region currently has only 5 active cases and is stage 3. The likelihood of spreading the virus if those 5 have been quarantined properly is practically 0.
Especially if social distancing and masks actually work. //
But worth mentioning a good line from Piers Morgan on GMB this morning. At the end of various topics including Coronavirus vaccine he came up, in terms, with..
‘i wouldn’t mind being vaccinated against woke-ism’
Of course I know that we live in a multicultural society . And
this is a good thing.But I do believe that something like 75-80%
of our demographic make up is still indigenous .Of course we
know that this does not apply to London .Where the indigenous
Londoners are, in around a 35-40 % minority.
BUT I still don’t understand, and call me paranoid.why 2/3 of
the major pictures on the main page of the BBC website
continually featured ,are ethnic. I am told that this is called “positive
discrimination” in the name of diversity. I suppose I am just
getting too old , to understand these terms like virtue signalling.
I think we live in a cluster cultural society.
With many clusters of unintegrated cultures.
Hardly any of which we have ever specifically voted for in any kind of plebicite.
Errr Zarah. I doubt if the China National Oil Petroleum Corporation, CNOOC, or Sinopec to name but three are listening to you.
So shut up, and get on your bike, the mode of transport you socialists love so much, and cycle back from your House of Commons office to your constituency in……..Coventry !!!!!!!
Let’s get this clear. Socialists, as opposed to Communists, seem to want to live in a Capitalist environment so that a Socialist government can squeeze the golden goose until the pips squeak.
Well,in my experience, the golden goose has wings and will depart well before the said pips are squeaked.
However – just as I, once very stupidly hoped, the Marxists now have gained control of the worldwide Capitalist system. Hence the NEWSPEAK which is unmistakable. The “WOKE “people are living in a dream.
Socialism is just Communism in slo-mo.
When these youngster grow up they will have regrets.
It took me sixty years to grow up. Today’s
youngsters do not have that amount of time. They need to wake up NOW!!
Serious discussive point here which is worth exploring.
Back in the Corbyn/ Mcdonnell era it was suggested to me that most Tories, the Lib Dems, and the Social Democratic part of Labour were essentially on a continuum. This was acceptance, with degrees of reluctance, in the market economy and capitalist system. The differences arising were in the levels of regulation and the amount of taxation, size of state, and wealth redistribution. Imagine a train that could go up and down a single train line.
The Corbyn/ Mcdonnell/ Momentum/ XR/ BLM lot are not on this line. They are socialists and they reject the market economy and capitalism. In favour of a collective statist economy. In that regard, Socialism, Marxism, and Communism are all on a different continuum, on another train line.
There is of course one glaring exception to this neat description. China. But my breakfast awaits…….
With the Left, in all of it’s guises, it has always been about seizing power and living like royalty, at the expense of the public purse. They abuse the working class in the way that they accuse ‘capitalists’ of doing. The Tories eventually return to power and clean up their mess and the cycle continues.
The BBC are slowly releasing the identities of the ‘celebrities’ (LOL) for the next series of Strictly Come Dancing.
Caroline Quentin is one of the. She must be feeling pretty lonely though.
She is white! And straight! How did that happen?
Someone in BBC wokeland must be on the naughty step over that one. Though if she has to dance the samba or tango, no doubt they will get their own back on the grounds of ‘cultural appropriation’.
I very rarely watch the BBC TV news, but 2 days ago I did and was struck by the fact that Catty had 2 guests in the studio to comment on the US election campaign: both were strongly anti-Trump and got the softest of questioning.
Tonight I watched again, and there was only one guest commentator: a Democratic ‘strategist and party chair for S Carolina’.
Maybe i’ve just been unlucky, but so far that’s 3 out of 3 highly biased interviewees – and interviews.
(Earlier in the bulletin our Catty had tried desperately to get a Conservative MP to criticise Trump’s approach to Russia but he sidestepped the trap completely.)
And there’s more , thanks to Boris Priti, and the Tories ………..
“Record 400-plus migrants cross Channel in one day”
How many Tories have shares in hotel companies ?
We are being invaded .
\\ BBC Media action is the ‘charitable arm’ of the BBC and as we revealed it has received millions in funding from The Gates Foundation.
We can now also reveal that The Guardian, the favoured paper of the BBC and other metropolitan elites, has also received millions from The Gates Foundation to support an arm of its site called ‘Global Development’.//
.@SpeakerPelosi blames a small business owner for her using their salon despite a San Fran ban: “It was clearly a setup … they owe me an apology”
From Rebel News in Canada:
Patrick Brown, Mayor of Ontario closed down all the hockey arenas because of, you guessed it, the virus scam.
David Menzies of Rebel News discovered said mayor secretly using one of the locked down arenas to stage hockey matches with his mates. An obvious abuse of power.
Result: David Menzies is arrested while reporting on the matter in a public place.
Add Canada to the list of countries with a totalitarian regime in control.
Contexts : over the weeks Menzies would get tip offs that Mayor Brown was coming to play
So he’d show up with a camera crew
Brown would claim that he was just passing by etc.
And get security to evict Menzies using the excuse “you are trespassing”
The last few times that was in the car park
And Menzies would refuse saying “I’m a reporter and this is public space not private property.”
They gave him a warning.
This time they expected to get arrested Ezra went down as well pockets empty, ready.
The camera crews and top lawyer were with them.
The 3 cars of private security called in 5 cars of police
… even though there had been a recent mass shooting attempt at a local funeral and the gun man was still on the lose.
The police ignored Ezra and made for Menzies, and put him in a cop car
.. all the time the lawyer arguing this is illegal.
The friendly cop arrests him and serves him with a $65 ticket for trespass, tells him he’s free to go ..and says I’ll get you off this property shall I drive you to your car down the street ?
Menzies says yes.
But when the cop radios the boss, it becomes apparent that they don’t want a photo of a journo being driven off in a cop car. So they make him get out and walk.
Ezra is furious and says f**k the $65 fine
They’ll spend $65,000 fighting and take it all the way to the top court.
Vlad – BBC remains desperate for the police in the UK to kill a black man – circumstances won’t matter – they need a ‘victim’ to get the full ‘justice’ ‘legal team’ ‘race industry ‘ even more fired up at whitee …. as opposed – obviously to themselves and the conduct of coloured folk ….
Guest – I chose my words carefully – although the spelling can be a bit lazzzy …. I prefer to use words I want use instead of ‘approved’ language – so I chose not to refer to the Marxist gang but the 3 letter acronym
And ‘coloured folk ‘ sounds nice and …. ‘folksy’….
Elsewhere – I listened to PMQs yesterday – mr Johnson is floundering so much that it’s getting to be comedy – I think he just doesn’t care about prepping for it and sees it as a waste of 30 -45 minutes whereas Starmer spends the whole week preparing for it .
…and I think the new speaker is getting Fedup with mr Johnson’s at the box conduct ….rightly …
France and Germany are already testing some arrivals for coronavirus at airports. However, while a trial is under way at London Heathrow, the practice has not been endorsed by the UK government. Leading figures in the aviation industry are frustrated. Derek Provan, chief executive of AGS Airports, which runs Southampton, Aberdeen and Glasgow, says ministers are “overseeing the demise of UK aviation”. And Virgin Atlantic chief executive Shai Weiss argues testing is essential to ensure the “free and fast travel” with the US that would help kick-start the economy. Like travellers from any country not deemed “low risk”, passengers arriving from the US are currently required to self-isolate for 14 days. A Department for Transport spokesman says the approach to quarantine remains “under constant review” and points to “unprecedented support” for the industry in the form of loans, tax deferrals and the furlough scheme.
Clearly Mishal needs to fly out to check with Dame Emma, if she is not too busy.
Alexei Navalny is headline news this morning. The Germans claim he has been poisoned by a Novichok. The BBC get careless with their language with Frank Gardner ignoring the translation of Novichok. It means ‘a new thing’ and describes a portfolio of extreme poisons said to have been developed in part of Soviet Russia during the Cold War era.
The BBC complaint against Russia? They deny and obfuscate. Oh! Really? Exactly like the BBC, then.
I confess to exposure to too many Tom Clancy novels, but is it beyond any in Russia to get their hands on some ‘special stuff’ from the only spy in the village if enough corruption is involved?
Sure, GW, you have put your finger on the Russia problem. I seem to recall doing a post on here in 2018 listing the suspects that could be involved in the Salisbury poisoning and it was longer than just one, Russia.
But who needs a novichok when you have Covid-19?
I had to laugh out loud how in the longer TOADY item on this today that the police and security services were praised for identifying the culprits in the Salisbury poisoning. Er, actually no. I seem to recall that they were identified by a small internet activist group called Bellingcat.
Yesterday, a legal challenge. Today, a legal challenge. Challenges to Government. Challenges to governance. Lawyers get rich. The taxpayer becomes poorer. Government and governance becomes paralysed, tied up in knots of red tape. The US and EU wrapped up and dumped all over the UK. Guido reveals that the challenge yesterday from relatives of people who have died from Covid-19 was in fact driven by a Momentum activist or activists.
Who is to blame? The Blair administration is certainly a prime candidate as it was stuffed with lawyers. A lawyer, after all, is currently leading the Labour Party. In truth it was predicted in the 1960s and 1970s and has been happening for decades. Margaret Thatcher’s stupid and ill-fated experiment on the UK with the Community Charge was probably a pivotal moment when anarchy first had results.
We have seen how diversion, delay and incompetence at Civil Service and public body leadership level can subvert and divert governance, whether good or less so.
This could be the new normal. The UK ruled, ultimately, by Spider Women sitting in a courthouse.
Apparently this morning we wake up to a Land of Hope and Glory – or so a Times headline would have us believe: ‘Britannia rules: BBC reverses Proms ban’, the Daily Star is a little more forthright: ‘If you’re a BBC luvvie best look away now, Britannia rules OK , bedwetters forced into Proms U-turn’
One might say be thankful for small mercies – the fact that the BBC has stepped back from what would have been an outrageous attack on a national institution is cold comfort. The supposedly reluctant U-turn from a policy over-reach is a recognised political distraction techique.
That particular vehicular analogous political manoeuvre seems all the rage with the Guardian today happy to be trumpeting the PM’s bumbling policy woes: ‘Johnson’s bid to calm Tory anger at U-turns’
The FT serves up a dollop of financial reality: ‘Johnson and Sunak warn of tough economic outlook and rising taxes’ – some might say Laurel and Hardy were warned of that by us civilians when they did the lockdown and splashed the cash they didn’t have.
The Metro admits ‘The exams could have been held’ – well that’s another fine mess they’ve gotten us into…
The Telegraph picks up the general air of disappointment with Boris: ‘Campaign to get Britain back to work flounders’
The uban commuter throwaway Metro hints at why the schools closure was so damaging since in the week the schools reluctantly reopen we see: ‘Chancellor takes the tube as capital sees passenger numbers rising at last’
People on the move…
The Telegraph has: ‘Record 400 migrants cross the Channel in one day’ – is this akin to people in life boats clambering aboard the Titanic, we wonder?
The Times blames ‘Home Office exposed over failings on immigration’
The Mirror applauds BBC star Gary Lineker for his generous gesture: ‘Why refugee is coming to live with me’ – and the other 399? And that was just yesterday’s crop… and that was just the one’s we know about… and that was just the ones that came by boat…
‘Every little helps’ or so claims the Tesco advert on the Mirror front page ‘For more weekly little helps turn to page 2’ – we don’t do that here, we just read the front page headlines as supplied by our BBC on-line news page – with a cynical eye and certain degree of dismay.
Speaking of which ‘Megha-bucks! Harry and Meghan’s £75m Netflix deal’ read all about it in the Express – personally I’ll make a point of missing that horror show.
Coincidentally, also in the Express: ‘Rishi vows: no tax horror show’
So where’s the money coming from? In unrelated news the piss-poor Guardian has: ‘Caught short? Inside the ‘shewee’ revolution’
I don’t trust all this new leaf by the BBC. They have a track record of doing this. When it come to Charter renewal time they come out with conciliatory noises and proposals. Once the Charter is renewed they back track and revert to normal. You only have to look at the over 75 TV licence promises to see the playbook. To me they are like a political party at election time. Make loads of promises in the manifesto and renege or drag it out once elected.
Convention Trump and Kenosha Trump are both failing to put a dent in Biden's lead according to this poll – and it's consistent with others. #Election2020
We asked a ‘carefully chosen’ (a la BBC) group of potential voters made up of Democrats, BLM and never Trumpers if they would vote for a racist, misogynist evil orange man in a month of Sundays.
Extinction Rebellion clearly have the wrong name. Exhibitionist Rebellion might be better, as these pampered middle class pillocks disport themselves, having a nice comfy, well heeled tantrum.
But they’re not really rebels either, are they? The green agenda is now completely mainstream. It’s not just luvvies and eccentric far left politicians these days, it’s at the heart of government. The bloody prime minister is a greenie. You’d risk your political career if you so much as mumbled dissent at the prospect of impending biblical floods and pestilence. It would take a brave politician…and there aren’t many of those…that said “Actually polar bears are doing really rather well.” This isn’t a rebellion, it’s a new religion and you resist it at your peril.
So I reckon that “Establishment Conformity” would be a much more accurate name. Okay, it doesn’t roll off the tongue quite so blithely and it lacks the kudos of pretending to be a rebel. But it’s much more honest.
And I have a question about this movement…
Have you ever seen so many white people?
Stew – thank you – that is a fascinating and enlightening expose of the way The Business of Show works –
And fills in a gap for me of the question I used to ask my self when I listened to someone on a R4 ‘Comedy ‘radio show who Just. Was . Not . Funny
…seems such a long time ago since I watched or heard the enemy ….
I really do wish the Guardian and its TV wing, the BBC, along with the Beeboids in general and all their ‘hangers-on’ would stop conflating the ’employment of one or two Conservative comedians’ with ‘sorting out the BBC’. THis is not what this should all be about.
£100 million to be spent on increasing ‘diversity and inclusivity’, in an organisation which is already vastly over-represented by so many ‘minority’ employees ?????
This really needs to be spent on increasing diversity of thought, political stance, and non-politically-correct viewpoints. And it should not be paid for out of a forced taxation for one specific, uncontrolled, organisation.
Comedy shows are not the real issue, no matter how much these liberal thinkers want us to believe it is.
Not Al Beeb but their ‘free to air’, equally biased peer Sky news currently has Kay Bully hectoring poor, ineffective Matt Hancock about the nearest Covid testing available to her postcode being 100 miles away.
Tell her to try Stanley road car park E10 – but wear a stab proof and take a Coloured Male ‘ friend ‘.- it’s about 30 minutes drive from the dock lands Sky studio
She’s trying to re-invent herself as a serious interrogator . It was clearly obvious she didn’t like Sophie Ridge having her name as the title show on a Sunday, so she’s being pushed as a heavyweight – well, with that scary face I wouldn’t want her babysitting my kids (if I had any).
A top BBC World News journalist ’ Nimesh Thaker allegedly operated an anonymous Twitter account under the name “Not That Bothered” to amplify posts by notorious anti-Semites
An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.
Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March and put a “spit hood” on his head, designed to protect officers from a detainee’s saliva.
The HIDDEN clickbait title is
“US black man *killed* in police ‘spit hood’ restraint”
Well if he died a week late , he wasn’t killed when he was in the spit hood.
Spithood case update : Ben Shapiro video
The guy was a naked loony in the winter.
The spithood freaked him
The medic came down and used the knee to subdue him
He ended up dying
BTW the BBC edited their page to remove the phrase about him dying a week later.. so I don’t know the time of death.
The police commissioner who is black says there is no cover up.
I see a pattern : His black family acted honourably.
Floyd’s lot just screamed and screamed right at the start
the result is, they took all the ground before anyone could point out he was a drugged up felon
.. who of course should not have died.
An American journalist wrote a piece about Mrs Trump which was published in the Telegraph . Surprisingly it was pretty ‘anti’ and contained a number of ‘claims’ which is BBC speak for ‘lies’ .
Mrs Trump sought , and got, an apology from the Telegraph and ‘substantial damages ‘ .
This is wher it gets interesting /funny . The American woke journo then sues The Telegraph for defamation – and loses .
The judge said that the journo wasn’t directly named in the Telegraph Written published apology – and if I can paraphrase – shouldn’t be so touchy because she wrote a load of lies .
Can but hope it cost said journo / NUJ – a lot of money …..
Elsewhere – Gary linneker has said that he could put up as many as a thousand illegal third world invaders – in his French Home -……. this may all be a lie – some say —it has been said -‘could ‘…..
Now that luvvie Gary has put up the illegal ( crime ?)
This site would like to invite all the other luvvies and lefty politicians who have said they will also take in an illegal .
Obviously such ‘illegals ‘ will be carefully health checked and speak perfect English . Other necessary requirements are the ability to clean, iron , cook , gardening , DIY and other such duties ….
Has Mr Linker said how long he is allowing this illegal to live with him? Is it more than one night? Just long enough for a photo opportunity? Surely, Mr L will be so taken with the illegal that he’ll adopt him. Or marry him.
“In January 2019 the Daily Telegraph was forced to apologize and pay “substantial damages”
for publishing an article written by Nina Burleigh
titled “The Mystery of Melania”
that the Telegraph admitted contained numerous falsehoods.”
“While the apology did not identify the Claimant, Ms Burleigh contended that the apology to the First Lady was defamatory of her. ”
Judge said ….NO
That would be a weird legal principle if it went the other way
A newspaper prints a libel against a small person, but can’t afford to backdown cos a big man journalist will sue them for defamation.
elsewhere an article from Jan 2019 This is the second Burleigh retraction in less than a year. The last time this happened was in February 2018, after her Newsweek editors agreed they couldn’t stand by her absurd allegation that Russian bots were responsible for former Sen. Al Franken’s, D-Minn., disgraceful exit from Congress. screenshot
BBC – Wait for the schools to go back and then up the fear factor. Just like they are desperate for a black person to be killed by a cop in the UK, they are DESPERATE for a Covid outbreak in a school !!! Desperate.
Has anybody noticed the BBC’s constant attack of an organisation called QAnon? They seem to refer to it as some sort of US far right conspiracy theory neo-nazi group that are evil and must be destroyed.
I only ever heard of it from the prominence given to it by the BBC. For example today the BBC have it as a featured article which is headlined on their homepage, their news homepage, their world news homepage and in every news related article.
From glancing only at the BBC headlines over the past weeks it appears to be part of the BBC’s all out campaign against Donald Trump.
So the self-righteous jug eared goal-hanging knobcheese known as Gary Lineker has finally come good on his promise to house a “migrant” and the snowflakes are creaming in their collective y-fronts at just how much of a saint he is and how he is showing us racist gammon what it is to be human.
The whole thing makes me want to puke.
A few things to note:
1. Saint Gary is keen to point out that he is helping “on a temporary basis” – sorry Gaz but these parasites aren’t just here for a holiday, they’re planning on being here for good. What happens when your “temporary” arrangement with your guest comes to an end? Where does he/she go after you’ve turfed him/her out? Does your responsibility end when the warm glow of your self created woke limelight fades? That’s not what happens in real life matey, if these people are allowed to stay then the UK must support them and their offspring forever – a dog is for life, not just for Christmas…
2. Saint Gary has proclaimed that he will have a migrant in his house “within weeks” – why does it take so long from his first proclamation that he was going to do it until it actually happening?
3. Why only one? There are hundreds of these people arriving every day – surely there’s room in your Surrey mansion to house more than one? In the same way that us normal folk in northern working class towns have been overrun then surely you should have one in every room of your house and the garage and garden shed too – only then will you realise the true extent of the claustrophobia felt by the general public.
4. Do you have a 14 year old neice/family friend who’d also like to come and stay – preferably in the next bedroom? Would you be happy to leave your guest in the house alone with your girlfriend?
5. Who will choose which illegal immigrant you get? Will it be a carefully selected candidate matched to suit your personality or will it be randomly selected? Or better still, maybe you will let me choose who you get?
I used to admire Gary’s qualities as a goal scorer but I now look at him with double the disdain with which he would see me.
Almost every SkyNewsAust presenter has put out a video against the Ballarat arrest The Bolt video
It ends with the maskless Dan Andrews PM saying
.. “You don’t need to protest” .. yeh you only need to OBEY
He needs to sort out the states deaths
15 yesterday, all but one in care homes
8 over 80 yo, 7 over 90 yo
So whys he banning safe open air protests for younger people ?
The law actually says he has to show the demos would be severely dangerous to health. Chris Kenny video
The Peta Credinlin vid has the same police head on June 3rd saying “we will exercise our discretion against BLM protesters”
“we don’t want to be in enforcement roles being robocop”
.. Peta says “WE are not in this together are we”
Just signed against my better judgement.
The Government Petition: ‘The shop window of the store called ‘Democracy’. Step inside and meet the proprietor – Arthur Daley.
Nigel farage talking to tony abbot – former PM of australia about how to stop the invasion .
He didnt mention the organised curruption which must exist in coast guards and border control on both sides of the channel . They are running an export import business
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And now it’s time for the latest edition of Spot the Difference on the biased BBC.
BBC1 6 pm news. Lots of the usual bBBC coverage about ‘government U turns’. Twelve and counting, according to the coverage given to SirKeer.
But when it comes to the announcement that the BBC is to allow lyrics to be sung at the Last Night of the Proms, why………the BBC has simply ‘changed its mind’.
You say U turn and I say mind change.
Let’s call the whole BBC off.
Scrap the Licence . Scrap Al Beeb. They have had ‘enough rope’.
I have a guilty confession to make. I have sinned. Despite all my brave words about going to prison for The Cause I have signed the dreaded form from the TV license Mob.
After finding out from The Mob’s website that over 75s cannot change the name of the license holder and on being held in a headlock by Mrs Wright-who is a telly addict- I signed the bloody form. Well domestic peace is important at my time of life.
I can only pin my hopes on the common sense of the -we are told – conservative/Conservative? Mr. Davie to make some very much needed changes to the BBC output and outlook because to me, it is an unwatchable Marxist propaganda outfit and certainly it is an anti white heterosexual male outfit.
Lefty Wright
Have no communication with, them none whatsoever. Not even name, rank and serial number.
Sign the letter – then throw it away
W1A has a bunker.
All is fine.
Mixed messaging. Tricky.
Has anyone checked JezBo?
OT, but checked Rach’s feed header and JO’bsworth appears smitten.
strange her last tweet on the action
was 8 hours ago.
Bring out the hoses……………
The BBC don’t seem in a hurry to report the arrest of a leader of one of their favourite terrorist organisations, Antifa.
When I heard he’d broken down in tears, I was naturally distressed. So distressed I couldn’t stop laughing.
Re: the Proms u-turn..
Apologies Scribbling, I missed your earlier comment.
My money’s on the gospel choir (in BLM t-shirts).
Coming up on BBC1
I volunteered there for 3 days years ago
Home-made solar panels, home-made inverter, home-made corrugated sheeting, home-made denim, home-made glazing.
Who is dating the goat?
All the Satanists, obviously.
Gandi is on the telly
I bet the BBC don’t do a #MeToo doco on him.
I bet Australians feel a lot safer today
with this woman in the cell now.
Twitter protected us by closing down the account that dared tweet the arrest video.
No news … @OzraeliAvi is covering it.
Video starts after advert
“The woman was later released on bail and is due to appear in the Ballarat Magistrates’ Court in *January* ”
\\ Regional Victoria is under stage 3 stay-at-home orders, and gatherings are banned.
“Any gathering of this nature is in blatant breach of the Chief Health Officer’s directions and puts Victorian lives at risk,” police said. //
AFAIK there hasn’t been a death in Ballarat for 3 months
her post was pretty tame
“said people must wear a mask and be distanced”
\\ Region currently has only 5 active cases and is stage 3. The likelihood of spreading the virus if those 5 have been quarantined properly is practically 0.
Especially if social distancing and masks actually work. //
Utter mongrels, to use an Aussie colloquialism. God help these officers when the country is reclaimed from the lefty imbeciles.
Late and OT.
But worth mentioning a good line from Piers Morgan on GMB this morning. At the end of various topics including Coronavirus vaccine he came up, in terms, with..
‘i wouldn’t mind being vaccinated against woke-ism’
And so say all of us.
Of course I know that we live in a multicultural society . And
this is a good thing.But I do believe that something like 75-80%
of our demographic make up is still indigenous .Of course we
know that this does not apply to London .Where the indigenous
Londoners are, in around a 35-40 % minority.
BUT I still don’t understand, and call me paranoid.why 2/3 of
the major pictures on the main page of the BBC website
continually featured ,are ethnic. I am told that this is called “positive
discrimination” in the name of diversity. I suppose I am just
getting too old , to understand these terms like virtue signalling.
I think we live in a cluster cultural society.
With many clusters of unintegrated cultures.
Hardly any of which we have ever specifically voted for in any kind of plebicite.
So Zarah, do you agree XR protests aren’t really about Climate ?
Ans “It’s a capitalist crisis.
It needs a socialist answer.”
Errr Zarah. I doubt if the China National Oil Petroleum Corporation, CNOOC, or Sinopec to name but three are listening to you.
So shut up, and get on your bike, the mode of transport you socialists love so much, and cycle back from your House of Commons office to your constituency in……..Coventry !!!!!!!
Let’s get this clear. Socialists, as opposed to Communists, seem to want to live in a Capitalist environment so that a Socialist government can squeeze the golden goose until the pips squeak.
Well,in my experience, the golden goose has wings and will depart well before the said pips are squeaked.
However – just as I, once very stupidly hoped, the Marxists now have gained control of the worldwide Capitalist system. Hence the NEWSPEAK which is unmistakable. The “WOKE “people are living in a dream.
Socialism is just Communism in slo-mo.
When these youngster grow up they will have regrets.
It took me sixty years to grow up. Today’s
youngsters do not have that amount of time. They need to wake up NOW!!
Serious discussive point here which is worth exploring.
Back in the Corbyn/ Mcdonnell era it was suggested to me that most Tories, the Lib Dems, and the Social Democratic part of Labour were essentially on a continuum. This was acceptance, with degrees of reluctance, in the market economy and capitalist system. The differences arising were in the levels of regulation and the amount of taxation, size of state, and wealth redistribution. Imagine a train that could go up and down a single train line.
The Corbyn/ Mcdonnell/ Momentum/ XR/ BLM lot are not on this line. They are socialists and they reject the market economy and capitalism. In favour of a collective statist economy. In that regard, Socialism, Marxism, and Communism are all on a different continuum, on another train line.
There is of course one glaring exception to this neat description. China. But my breakfast awaits…….
With the Left, in all of it’s guises, it has always been about seizing power and living like royalty, at the expense of the public purse. They abuse the working class in the way that they accuse ‘capitalists’ of doing. The Tories eventually return to power and clean up their mess and the cycle continues.
Thank you for ‘raisin’ this.
The BBC are slowly releasing the identities of the ‘celebrities’ (LOL) for the next series of Strictly Come Dancing.
Caroline Quentin is one of the. She must be feeling pretty lonely though.
She is white! And straight! How did that happen?
Someone in BBC wokeland must be on the naughty step over that one. Though if she has to dance the samba or tango, no doubt they will get their own back on the grounds of ‘cultural appropriation’.
Will the ‘same sex’ couple have the same problem as Harold Steptoe (27 minutes in)?
“I’ve only taught birds before”.
Can’t they all be made to limbo dance?
Synchronised under water limbo dancing?
Aw, c’mon man!
I very rarely watch the BBC TV news, but 2 days ago I did and was struck by the fact that Catty had 2 guests in the studio to comment on the US election campaign: both were strongly anti-Trump and got the softest of questioning.
Tonight I watched again, and there was only one guest commentator: a Democratic ‘strategist and party chair for S Carolina’.
Maybe i’ve just been unlucky, but so far that’s 3 out of 3 highly biased interviewees – and interviews.
(Earlier in the bulletin our Catty had tried desperately to get a Conservative MP to criticise Trump’s approach to Russia but he sidestepped the trap completely.)
And there’s more , thanks to Boris Priti, and the Tories ………..
“Record 400-plus migrants cross Channel in one day”
How many Tories have shares in hotel companies ?
We are being invaded .
Try booking into the Brittania Bromsgrove Hotel and Spa (4 star) and see how you get on.
The immorality of this is clear for all to see.
It’s deliberate. If you’ve ever stayed at a Britannia Hotel, you will want to leave.
\\ BBC Media action is the ‘charitable arm’ of the BBC and as we revealed it has received millions in funding from The Gates Foundation.
We can now also reveal that The Guardian, the favoured paper of the BBC and other metropolitan elites, has also received millions from The Gates Foundation to support an arm of its site called ‘Global Development’.//
Bets on ?
Trump – Biden, are neck and neck.
Incumbent usually has the advantage but not always. Fingers crossed.
Could win by a hair.
Luckily American BS will not deem this news.
‘Blowgate’ already taken by Bubba?
Do find the notion of being set up getting your roots done funny.
What next? Spotted in a steel cable manufacturer for her next facelift?
From Rebel News in Canada:
Patrick Brown, Mayor of Ontario closed down all the hockey arenas because of, you guessed it, the virus scam.
David Menzies of Rebel News discovered said mayor secretly using one of the locked down arenas to stage hockey matches with his mates. An obvious abuse of power.
Result: David Menzies is arrested while reporting on the matter in a public place.
Add Canada to the list of countries with a totalitarian regime in control.
Contexts : over the weeks Menzies would get tip offs that Mayor Brown was coming to play
So he’d show up with a camera crew
Brown would claim that he was just passing by etc.
And get security to evict Menzies using the excuse “you are trespassing”
The last few times that was in the car park
And Menzies would refuse saying “I’m a reporter and this is public space not private property.”
They gave him a warning.
This time they expected to get arrested Ezra went down as well pockets empty, ready.
The camera crews and top lawyer were with them.
The 3 cars of private security called in 5 cars of police
… even though there had been a recent mass shooting attempt at a local funeral and the gun man was still on the lose.
The police ignored Ezra and made for Menzies, and put him in a cop car
.. all the time the lawyer arguing this is illegal.
The friendly cop arrests him and serves him with a $65 ticket for trespass, tells him he’s free to go ..and says I’ll get you off this property shall I drive you to your car down the street ?
Menzies says yes.
But when the cop radios the boss, it becomes apparent that they don’t want a photo of a journo being driven off in a cop car. So they make him get out and walk.
Ezra is furious and says f**k the $65 fine
They’ll spend $65,000 fighting and take it all the way to the top court.
Bolt on SkyNewsAust
‘POR’ sounds nifty.
The new name for the Gestapo and/ or the Stasi.
But isn’t it interesting that ‘Public Order’ has now become so common-place an issue that it needs a ‘dedicated’ police vehicle to be identifiable?
Maybe they need a Citizen’s Assembly?
Media do like symbols, so banging on the pregnant ultrasound bit is daft, as it distracts from all the rest.
No word from Nick Bryant’s squeeze Shaimaa on some facts behind this I was astounded to learn? Where’s JonDon when he needs to canoe in?
The Aussies are lucky to have a tv station able to voice such views – as for the Victoria police – they’d look better in darth Vader masks ….
Another black man shot by police in Washington.
Expect more free shopping downtown.
Vlad – BBC remains desperate for the police in the UK to kill a black man – circumstances won’t matter – they need a ‘victim’ to get the full ‘justice’ ‘legal team’ ‘race industry ‘ even more fired up at whitee …. as opposed – obviously to themselves and the conduct of coloured folk ….
Now there’s been another death in NY that the beeb are pouring more petrol over.
Bla… Thursday of Color?
Guest – I chose my words carefully – although the spelling can be a bit lazzzy …. I prefer to use words I want use instead of ‘approved’ language – so I chose not to refer to the Marxist gang but the 3 letter acronym
And ‘coloured folk ‘ sounds nice and …. ‘folksy’….
Elsewhere – I listened to PMQs yesterday – mr Johnson is floundering so much that it’s getting to be comedy – I think he just doesn’t care about prepping for it and sees it as a waste of 30 -45 minutes whereas Starmer spends the whole week preparing for it .
…and I think the new speaker is getting Fedup with mr Johnson’s at the box conduct ….rightly …
Thinking more of the annual shopping event that sees hordes of folk hitting the mall.
Moderately legally.
BBC Latest ‘anger over’ Moaning Emole
Anger over ‘demise of UK aviation’
France and Germany are already testing some arrivals for coronavirus at airports. However, while a trial is under way at London Heathrow, the practice has not been endorsed by the UK government. Leading figures in the aviation industry are frustrated. Derek Provan, chief executive of AGS Airports, which runs Southampton, Aberdeen and Glasgow, says ministers are “overseeing the demise of UK aviation”. And Virgin Atlantic chief executive Shai Weiss argues testing is essential to ensure the “free and fast travel” with the US that would help kick-start the economy. Like travellers from any country not deemed “low risk”, passengers arriving from the US are currently required to self-isolate for 14 days. A Department for Transport spokesman says the approach to quarantine remains “under constant review” and points to “unprecedented support” for the industry in the form of loans, tax deferrals and the furlough scheme.
Clearly Mishal needs to fly out to check with Dame Emma, if she is not too busy.
TOADY Watch #1 – A Novelty
Alexei Navalny is headline news this morning. The Germans claim he has been poisoned by a Novichok. The BBC get careless with their language with Frank Gardner ignoring the translation of Novichok. It means ‘a new thing’ and describes a portfolio of extreme poisons said to have been developed in part of Soviet Russia during the Cold War era.
The BBC complaint against Russia? They deny and obfuscate. Oh! Really? Exactly like the BBC, then.
Oh, the irony!
I confess to exposure to too many Tom Clancy novels, but is it beyond any in Russia to get their hands on some ‘special stuff’ from the only spy in the village if enough corruption is involved?
Sure, GW, you have put your finger on the Russia problem. I seem to recall doing a post on here in 2018 listing the suspects that could be involved in the Salisbury poisoning and it was longer than just one, Russia.
But who needs a novichok when you have Covid-19?
I had to laugh out loud how in the longer TOADY item on this today that the police and security services were praised for identifying the culprits in the Salisbury poisoning. Er, actually no. I seem to recall that they were identified by a small internet activist group called Bellingcat.
Mr Biden is a lying dog-faced pony soldier.
And he admitted he is stupid. Judging by his current mental state he’s got even stupiderer.
Next question.
TOADY Watch #2 – Anarchy in the UK
Yesterday, a legal challenge. Today, a legal challenge. Challenges to Government. Challenges to governance. Lawyers get rich. The taxpayer becomes poorer. Government and governance becomes paralysed, tied up in knots of red tape. The US and EU wrapped up and dumped all over the UK. Guido reveals that the challenge yesterday from relatives of people who have died from Covid-19 was in fact driven by a Momentum activist or activists.
Who is to blame? The Blair administration is certainly a prime candidate as it was stuffed with lawyers. A lawyer, after all, is currently leading the Labour Party. In truth it was predicted in the 1960s and 1970s and has been happening for decades. Margaret Thatcher’s stupid and ill-fated experiment on the UK with the Community Charge was probably a pivotal moment when anarchy first had results.
We have seen how diversion, delay and incompetence at Civil Service and public body leadership level can subvert and divert governance, whether good or less so.
This could be the new normal. The UK ruled, ultimately, by Spider Women sitting in a courthouse.
Apparently this morning we wake up to a Land of Hope and Glory – or so a Times headline would have us believe: ‘Britannia rules: BBC reverses Proms ban’, the Daily Star is a little more forthright: ‘If you’re a BBC luvvie best look away now, Britannia rules OK , bedwetters forced into Proms U-turn’
One might say be thankful for small mercies – the fact that the BBC has stepped back from what would have been an outrageous attack on a national institution is cold comfort. The supposedly reluctant U-turn from a policy over-reach is a recognised political distraction techique.
That particular vehicular analogous political manoeuvre seems all the rage with the Guardian today happy to be trumpeting the PM’s bumbling policy woes: ‘Johnson’s bid to calm Tory anger at U-turns’
The FT serves up a dollop of financial reality: ‘Johnson and Sunak warn of tough economic outlook and rising taxes’ – some might say Laurel and Hardy were warned of that by us civilians when they did the lockdown and splashed the cash they didn’t have.
The Metro admits ‘The exams could have been held’ – well that’s another fine mess they’ve gotten us into…
The Telegraph picks up the general air of disappointment with Boris: ‘Campaign to get Britain back to work flounders’
The uban commuter throwaway Metro hints at why the schools closure was so damaging since in the week the schools reluctantly reopen we see: ‘Chancellor takes the tube as capital sees passenger numbers rising at last’
People on the move…
The Telegraph has: ‘Record 400 migrants cross the Channel in one day’ – is this akin to people in life boats clambering aboard the Titanic, we wonder?
The Times blames ‘Home Office exposed over failings on immigration’
The Mirror applauds BBC star Gary Lineker for his generous gesture: ‘Why refugee is coming to live with me’ – and the other 399? And that was just yesterday’s crop… and that was just the one’s we know about… and that was just the ones that came by boat…
‘Every little helps’ or so claims the Tesco advert on the Mirror front page ‘For more weekly little helps turn to page 2’ – we don’t do that here, we just read the front page headlines as supplied by our BBC on-line news page – with a cynical eye and certain degree of dismay.
Speaking of which ‘Megha-bucks! Harry and Meghan’s £75m Netflix deal’ read all about it in the Express – personally I’ll make a point of missing that horror show.
Coincidentally, also in the Express: ‘Rishi vows: no tax horror show’
So where’s the money coming from? In unrelated news the piss-poor Guardian has: ‘Caught short? Inside the ‘shewee’ revolution’
Al Beeb watchers : Be aware of the amount of “Doublespeak” used in the reports about the Channel invasion .
I don’t trust all this new leaf by the BBC. They have a track record of doing this. When it come to Charter renewal time they come out with conciliatory noises and proposals. Once the Charter is renewed they back track and revert to normal. You only have to look at the over 75 TV licence promises to see the playbook. To me they are like a political party at election time. Make loads of promises in the manifesto and renege or drag it out once elected.
“Wish they all could California DAs”.
Nick is reassured.
All is fine.
We asked a ‘carefully chosen’ (a la BBC) group of potential voters made up of Democrats, BLM and never Trumpers if they would vote for a racist, misogynist evil orange man in a month of Sundays.
In case you may not of seen
Made total sense
OT, but… oh… it’s Gary… carry on…
Extinction Rebellion clearly have the wrong name. Exhibitionist Rebellion might be better, as these pampered middle class pillocks disport themselves, having a nice comfy, well heeled tantrum.
But they’re not really rebels either, are they? The green agenda is now completely mainstream. It’s not just luvvies and eccentric far left politicians these days, it’s at the heart of government. The bloody prime minister is a greenie. You’d risk your political career if you so much as mumbled dissent at the prospect of impending biblical floods and pestilence. It would take a brave politician…and there aren’t many of those…that said “Actually polar bears are doing really rather well.” This isn’t a rebellion, it’s a new religion and you resist it at your peril.
So I reckon that “Establishment Conformity” would be a much more accurate name. Okay, it doesn’t roll off the tongue quite so blithely and it lacks the kudos of pretending to be a rebel. But it’s much more honest.
And I have a question about this movement…
Have you ever seen so many white people?
Well, she got an Indy gig at least.
Shappi Khorsandi so called comedian
….daughter of acclaimed Iranian comic writer.
“In which Shappi Khorsandi implies everyone right-wing is necessarily racist, sexist and homophobic. Obviously”
Stew – thank you – that is a fascinating and enlightening expose of the way The Business of Show works –
And fills in a gap for me of the question I used to ask my self when I listened to someone on a R4 ‘Comedy ‘radio show who Just. Was . Not . Funny
…seems such a long time ago since I watched or heard the enemy ….
The “Crappy Shappi clause”
If you want a top comedian, you have to book Crappy Shappi as well.
I really do wish the Guardian and its TV wing, the BBC, along with the Beeboids in general and all their ‘hangers-on’ would stop conflating the ’employment of one or two Conservative comedians’ with ‘sorting out the BBC’. THis is not what this should all be about.
£100 million to be spent on increasing ‘diversity and inclusivity’, in an organisation which is already vastly over-represented by so many ‘minority’ employees ?????
This really needs to be spent on increasing diversity of thought, political stance, and non-politically-correct viewpoints. And it should not be paid for out of a forced taxation for one specific, uncontrolled, organisation.
Comedy shows are not the real issue, no matter how much these liberal thinkers want us to believe it is.
Not Al Beeb but their ‘free to air’, equally biased peer Sky news currently has Kay Bully hectoring poor, ineffective Matt Hancock about the nearest Covid testing available to her postcode being 100 miles away.
She lives in W London ffs!
Tell her to try Stanley road car park E10 – but wear a stab proof and take a Coloured Male ‘ friend ‘.- it’s about 30 minutes drive from the dock lands Sky studio
She’s trying to re-invent herself as a serious interrogator . It was clearly obvious she didn’t like Sophie Ridge having her name as the title show on a Sunday, so she’s being pushed as a heavyweight – well, with that scary face I wouldn’t want her babysitting my kids (if I had any).
The relevance to the BBC is in the punchline at the end.
Media pack “Trump won’t condemn Rittenhouse”
… Now his lawyer explains for each 3 killings Rittenhouse was under attack in fear for his life
so firing was self defence.
THAT is why we need a Tucker / Fox News: the ONLY broadcaster to give an alternative view from the msm mob.
A top BBC World News journalist ’ Nimesh Thaker allegedly operated an anonymous Twitter account under the name “Not That Bothered” to amplify posts by notorious anti-Semites
An unarmed black man died in New York state after he was hooded by police and held face down to the road for two minutes, body camera footage shows.
Daniel Prude, 41, was suffering from mental health issues when police restrained him in March and put a “spit hood” on his head, designed to protect officers from a detainee’s saliva.
He later died of asphyxiation but his story has only now been made public.
So he died, no one has been charged over hiis death, much less found guilty, nevertheless the BBC front page reads
US black man killed in police “spit hood” restraint
A classic example of news manipulation for their Marxist agenda.
“He died in hospital a week later”
Overnight headline “Daniel Prude: NY black man died after police pinned him down”
Changed at 7:30am to “Daniel Prude: New York police used ‘spit hood’ on man who died of asphyxiation”
BBC Tagged it “George Floyd death”
The HIDDEN clickbait title is
“US black man *killed* in police ‘spit hood’ restraint”
Well if he died a week late , he wasn’t killed when he was in the spit hood.
Spithood case update : Ben Shapiro video
The guy was a naked loony in the winter.
The spithood freaked him
The medic came down and used the knee to subdue him
He ended up dying
BTW the BBC edited their page to remove the phrase about him dying a week later.. so I don’t know the time of death.
The police commissioner who is black says there is no cover up.
I see a pattern : His black family acted honourably.
Floyd’s lot just screamed and screamed right at the start
the result is, they took all the ground before anyone could point out he was a drugged up felon
.. who of course should not have died.
Not BBC – but an interesting one .
An American journalist wrote a piece about Mrs Trump which was published in the Telegraph . Surprisingly it was pretty ‘anti’ and contained a number of ‘claims’ which is BBC speak for ‘lies’ .
Mrs Trump sought , and got, an apology from the Telegraph and ‘substantial damages ‘ .
This is wher it gets interesting /funny . The American woke journo then sues The Telegraph for defamation – and loses .
The judge said that the journo wasn’t directly named in the Telegraph Written published apology – and if I can paraphrase – shouldn’t be so touchy because she wrote a load of lies .
Can but hope it cost said journo / NUJ – a lot of money …..
Elsewhere – Gary linneker has said that he could put up as many as a thousand illegal third world invaders – in his French Home -……. this may all be a lie – some say —it has been said -‘could ‘…..
Now that luvvie Gary has put up the illegal ( crime ?)
This site would like to invite all the other luvvies and lefty politicians who have said they will also take in an illegal .
Obviously such ‘illegals ‘ will be carefully health checked and speak perfect English . Other necessary requirements are the ability to clean, iron , cook , gardening , DIY and other such duties ….
Has Mr Linker said how long he is allowing this illegal to live with him? Is it more than one night? Just long enough for a photo opportunity? Surely, Mr L will be so taken with the illegal that he’ll adopt him. Or marry him.
“In January 2019 the Daily Telegraph was forced to apologize and pay “substantial damages”
for publishing an article written by Nina Burleigh
titled “The Mystery of Melania”
that the Telegraph admitted contained numerous falsehoods.”
“While the apology did not identify the Claimant, Ms Burleigh contended that the apology to the First Lady was defamatory of her. ”
Judge said ….NO
That would be a weird legal principle if it went the other way
A newspaper prints a libel against a small person, but can’t afford to backdown cos a big man journalist will sue them for defamation.
The cheating journalist Mark Di Stefano wrote the Buzzfeed case for her
Then Rory Cellan-Jones tweeted the article from his private account
elsewhere an article from Jan 2019
This is the second Burleigh retraction in less than a year. The last time this happened was in February 2018, after her Newsweek editors agreed they couldn’t stand by her absurd allegation that Russian bots were responsible for former Sen. Al Franken’s, D-Minn., disgraceful exit from Congress.
You don’t mention brain surgery.
BBC – Wait for the schools to go back and then up the fear factor. Just like they are desperate for a black person to be killed by a cop in the UK, they are DESPERATE for a Covid outbreak in a school !!! Desperate.
They really are a nasty piece of work !!!
Doob – yes I think they want a picture of a darling like that one with a ‘killed by the evil Tories ‘ headline as soon as possible .
BBC Gary towing the BBC line
2 tweets, guess who he / the BBC are supporting ? Its not easy as they are so impartial but try anyway !!
Defund Gary.
Proms Guardian campaign
Has anybody noticed the BBC’s constant attack of an organisation called QAnon? They seem to refer to it as some sort of US far right conspiracy theory neo-nazi group that are evil and must be destroyed.
I only ever heard of it from the prominence given to it by the BBC. For example today the BBC have it as a featured article which is headlined on their homepage, their news homepage, their world news homepage and in every news related article.
From glancing only at the BBC headlines over the past weeks it appears to be part of the BBC’s all out campaign against Donald Trump.
conspiracy theorists are all nutters, imagine thinking that epstein didnt kill himself.
So the self-righteous jug eared goal-hanging knobcheese known as Gary Lineker has finally come good on his promise to house a “migrant” and the snowflakes are creaming in their collective y-fronts at just how much of a saint he is and how he is showing us racist gammon what it is to be human.
The whole thing makes me want to puke.
A few things to note:
1. Saint Gary is keen to point out that he is helping “on a temporary basis” – sorry Gaz but these parasites aren’t just here for a holiday, they’re planning on being here for good. What happens when your “temporary” arrangement with your guest comes to an end? Where does he/she go after you’ve turfed him/her out? Does your responsibility end when the warm glow of your self created woke limelight fades? That’s not what happens in real life matey, if these people are allowed to stay then the UK must support them and their offspring forever – a dog is for life, not just for Christmas…
2. Saint Gary has proclaimed that he will have a migrant in his house “within weeks” – why does it take so long from his first proclamation that he was going to do it until it actually happening?
3. Why only one? There are hundreds of these people arriving every day – surely there’s room in your Surrey mansion to house more than one? In the same way that us normal folk in northern working class towns have been overrun then surely you should have one in every room of your house and the garage and garden shed too – only then will you realise the true extent of the claustrophobia felt by the general public.
4. Do you have a 14 year old neice/family friend who’d also like to come and stay – preferably in the next bedroom? Would you be happy to leave your guest in the house alone with your girlfriend?
5. Who will choose which illegal immigrant you get? Will it be a carefully selected candidate matched to suit your personality or will it be randomly selected? Or better still, maybe you will let me choose who you get?
I used to admire Gary’s qualities as a goal scorer but I now look at him with double the disdain with which he would see me.
Almost every SkyNewsAust presenter has put out a video against the Ballarat arrest
The Bolt video
It ends with the maskless Dan Andrews PM saying
.. “You don’t need to protest” .. yeh you only need to OBEY
He needs to sort out the states deaths
15 yesterday, all but one in care homes
8 over 80 yo, 7 over 90 yo
So whys he banning safe open air protests for younger people ?
The law actually says he has to show the demos would be severely dangerous to health.
Chris Kenny video
The Peta Credinlin vid has the same police head on June 3rd saying “we will exercise our discretion against BLM protesters”
“we don’t want to be in enforcement roles being robocop”
.. Peta says “WE are not in this together are we”
The 2 different US BLM shootings
video Crowder comedy players re-enact
Petition just passed 100K signature
“Revoke the licence by legislation”
Just signed against my better judgement.
The Government Petition: ‘The shop window of the store called ‘Democracy’. Step inside and meet the proprietor – Arthur Daley.
I’ve just signed too.
If it does nothing else, it will give the rats a little encouragement in the right direction.
Heading for 103k now
Jesus wept ……
Doobster .It’s life but not as we know it Jim.
‘Beam me up Scotty’ could take on a whole new meaning.
Jeremy Poole’s video from May
About BBC disinformation
Nigel farage talking to tony abbot – former PM of australia about how to stop the invasion .
He didnt mention the organised curruption which must exist in coast guards and border control on both sides of the channel . They are running an export import business