The Biased BBC website has moved from shouting in the wilderness to sharing our aims with ‘DeFundthe BBC’ and now The Telegraph has finally woken up to the Undemocratic social campaigning being carried out by the far left biased BBC using taxpayers money .Keep up,the fight – we are slowly winning .
Start the Week 7 September 2020
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UN takes everyone’s money
and outputs only the woke-supremacist views
Or socialism as it’s sometimes called.
Last time I saw that logo it was on the side of a Toyota whose driver was making friends with a local.
For anyone not aquainted
..when you are in an African town, you know the location of the most expensive bar , where all the prostitutes hang out, from the UN Toyota Land Cruisers parked outside.
I have long believed that the UN is simply a Marxist political organisation dedicated to feathering it’s own nest by posing as an independent, unbiased World force.
This tweet demonstrates exactly what they are really up to, that is trying to divide society and indoctrinate as many people as possible into believing that they are oppressed and that the UN is their saviour and thereby garner their support and approval.
An age-old left-wing socialist trick turned to global political ends.
They know that vast swathes of the Worlds population are ready to be primed with this ammunition.
The UN are probably the most dangerous organisation on the planet attracting staff from the most activist left-wing sections of society and will eventually actually cause Global conflict and then pretend to come riding to the rescue as long as they are then handed total global control to “prevent it happening again”.
No wonder they hate Trump and vice-versa.
Overdue time to #DefundTheUN.
Punishment Policing : Saturday in Sheffield Piers Corbyn again arrested
held for the 24 hour limit
labour may well have voted for the wrong Miliband, they definitely voted for the wrong Corbyn.
South Yorkshire police again .
The police throughout the British Isles have got the “make the process be the punishment”down to a fine art.
And it needs to be stopped.
I’m sure in the olden days, justice was meant to be swift, not a long drawn out and expensive means of torture.
Any updates on the mostly peaceful killer in Birmingham?
I wonder what his name was, and whether his religion commands him to kill infidels. And whether it’s just another coincidence the attacks took place near the gay area. And why the police were so sure so quickly that it wasn’t a terror attack? And just what exactly constitutes a terror attack?
Just asking.
Vlad – I think they’ll do a ‘mental health’ job to prevent publication of the details – apart from’ local man ‘ . That’s plod woke procedure now
Or maybe he’s one of a pack of lone wolves.
Yes, a billion-strong pack.
So who is ordering these clampdowns on reports of lone wolves?
Someone telling the Government how to respond?
Lupophobia ?
Oddly I have noticed in passing references from the Fail to a shooting in a school, but little else.
Will check once I have a mo.
And are the Marxist MSM using the Ipswich and Southampton incidents to mask the Birmingham murder and serious injuries by an ethnic?
I think it looks that way.
While anyone with half a brain and access to YouTube can see the explosion of violence in (mostly Democrat) US cities, the lying BBC decides to ‘fact-check’ the claim a’ la Pravda, and comes to the conclusion that nothing to see here, no increase in crime, or if there is it’s because of Covid, or summer, or something – look it’s all a bit complicated, don’t worry your little heads about it, and definitely not Antifa – BLM.
Oh, and Orange Man Bad.
The BBC staff are truly relentless in their poisonous hatred, of anyone that isn’t the militant left..
Girls just wanna…
Guest – if if i recall adler is a dual nationakity anglo kraut so would be wualified to formally work for her EU….
….. and a confession – once upon a time i applied for a job working for the EU. At the time i had a set of ‘special skills ‘ which i paricular job needed .
I withdrew the application because of personal factors but the pay and conditions were mind blowing – no tax – diplomatic status – this was before it became the current monster . Im still ashamed ….
Good test for the new DG – she’s presumably a two bottle of red girl before she hits the twitter but she is due for a non BBC job . Might be one for the US secret service if it is death threats against an American President ….
Surely to god that’s illegal in employment law ???
After 6 months ‘training’ (indoctrination) they’ll be good little lefties, ready to toe the NS line.
Doobs, he had a “no frills” ticket
Ryan Box travel
They’re buqqers, those roof boxes!
You can’t get a signal on your Iphone, even to ring Jon Hunt to tell him you’re on your way!
Plod turns up, give him a gentle hand down, pose for pics with the BBC, and help him into a waiting limo to be taken to a luxury hotel for a month, so that they can assess which hospital he’s qualified to work in as a doctor.
Well done BBC – you really are on the ball these days!
Just hope he has his Hilton honours card …
Is this a real incident? It feels fake to me.
While I’m here….. I really do wish the BBC would stop this ‘faux confusion’ they keep prattling on about… classic example was the other morning when a Beeboid newsareader kept asking his interviewee whether he was confused about everything (same as they did a couple of weeks ago). At the time, it was as simple as could be – for people returning to the UK from a specific country, there was one rule for those who lived in England and Northern Ireland, and a different rule for those who lived in a couple of tiny sub-sections of the UK, Scotland and Wales (principally because the leaders of these two parts of the UK can’t abide doing anything in concert with the rest of the UK because of their petty nationalistic pandering to their knuckle-dragging supporters). It was really very simple, but the BBC is determined to hang the ‘confused’ label on anything and everything – for their own political purposes.
Listen, Beboids – if you are stupid enough to be confused about the simplest of things, you really do NOT deserve the bunce the poor licence payers of this country are being forced to pay for your services.
Morons ! (Sorry – Left-wing Political Activists, which amounts to the same thing, really.)
More Top Stories on the BBC Homepage:

1) Promoting a famous American female singer
2) Promoting a female run agency that provides disabled models for high end fashion companies
3) Promoting a Canadian drag Queen – this is filed under children’s education
Somewhere out there is real news relevant to the everyday lives of British People but sadly the BBC is not interested in that. For the BBC it is all about Celebrities, Drag Queens, the Woke Agenda, Black Lives Matter etc.
ITV local opening item
narrative : ‘The Tories aren’t making a good job of “levelling up the North” ‘
Amazing insights like
“areas with enhanced lockdown aren’t recovering as fast”
.. oh look now they’ve got a deaf girl who looks lesbian going on about diversity.
actually the topic does seem initiated by a Tory PR statement.
Well, the mists are beginning to clear…
It was obvious from the get-go that both the police and the BBC were incredibly reluctant to offer us any way of identifying the brute who stabbed all those folk on a night out.
Because of that I was pretty sure that the Brummie knifeman wasn’t likely to be answering to the name of Stephen Yaxley Lennon.
Nor did it seem feasible that he would have links any to far right organisations.
From the descriptions offered by the police they could have been searching for Father Christmas or the tooth fairy for all we knew.
It’s a sad state of affairs when you can’t trust the police or the media, but that’s where we are unfortunately.
When these atrocities occur the establishment like to drip feed the bad news.
Remember the Muslim nutter who attacked pedestrians and cyclists outside Parliament a couple of years ago. For a solid fortnight the BBC insisted in referring to this potential massacre as “an incident with a car…” Sounds like someone’s scratched your bumper, doesn’t it?
The BBC are desperately hoping for some other event to happen so that they can “bury the bad news”.
After the carnage in Reading it was some bloke who flew a banner saying “WHITE LIVES MATTER”. The media were in uproar. This single act of resistance received far more coverage and condemnation than the murders ever did.
I wonder what they’ll use this time…
Or, American BS.
I think “forgetting “ is a great sin.and i wonder how many americans appreciate that they are not in a big shooting war of involving americans (and british ) coming home in boxes or in pieces fighting unwinable wars in far off places . Still happy with my £20 on the president .
And for any one who abidly follows Fedups racing tips – sir maxi came second at 4/1 by 7 lengths….
Picture in today’s D/Mail on page 30 (sorry cant find it online), but the headline is Hair-trigger US, showing the march of Black Panther style group NFAC in Louisville, Kentucky carrying assault rifles. Quite a disconcerting picture. It reminded me immediately of the horseback mounted army in Planet of the Apes. Not to be outdone they were faced with another group of white militia protesters, also carrying assault rifles.
Anyone fancy a holiday in America ? I bet Harry wishes he could escape the fires, the virus, and the gun totin’ riots …… oh yeah, we have those too, best stay where you are old son.
Are people on here aware that al beeb via newsbeat are telling us that Ethan Peters, aka Ethan the Supreme died very recently aged 17 ????
Now any death especially at that age is terrible but you only have to look at the picture offered up from them that the person was ‘their sort of person’ ????????
I can’t find the person on Wikipedia and apologies for no link but considering hardly any youngsters watch or follow al beeb’s tripe, who is going to click on this ????
And I just read the headline!
BBC cares more about a “beauty influencer” dying , than active servicemen dying.
Thank you StewGreen ????????
It’s a mystery.
The BBC is inciting violence against them. They are a full on campaigning organisation and use their national and international influence to target individuals for termination by BLM and the woke zombies.
Someone needs to find out where the top execs of our National Treasure live and do likewise.
The squealing will be heard from miles away….
ITBB enhances.
Woodward and Bernstein were amateurs.
Likewise the BBC cannot have failed to notice the dodgy background of their new ‘fantastic’ presenter championing Women.
In the finest tradition of BBC equality, would they likevto advise us if any men were considered for the position?
And is not Women’s Hour inherently sexist?
But it’s OK ‘cos it’s wimmin.
Nihal a bit triggered, when someone contrasts him with Talk Radio presenters.
That’s a Sri Lankan flag in his profile
Oh, Rob…
From an outfit that often waits until a guest has left the building before piling on.
An enormous temperature plunge by anyones measure from 97F on Monday at 3pm down to just 20F by 7am Tuesday morning!
Sudden plunges in temperature are normal for the USA, but not this dramatic and not this early with Winter like conditions for what is still late Summer, and it’s not just Denver experiencing the cold, it’s the whole US with the mass of freezing air moving South to cover the whole country. 3 to 6 inches of snow forecast in some places too, just watch the video with the forecaster at the top of the page.
Odd though because with the record setting conditions, the BBC doesn’t appear to even have a mention of it on their web site.
“…..just watch the video with the forecaster at the top…..”
Wouldn’t be ‘our’ Greta by any chance, would it?
Was this the one with a chavette serving up an oddly pc selection of terms to an adoring media?
Hit the edit button, Lurch.
When in hole, buy a JCB.
The BBC running with an update on the Birmingham knife attacks.
No mention or description or in fact any info at all yet on the apprehended killer but they did manage to get a bit of video of a “dusky” gentleman who claims to have chased the knifeman so all’s fine and dandy in BBC land again.
Nothing to worry about just another migrant killing the people of this country… many is that this year and i wonder what the percentage is? I imagine its very very high…….anyway the killing is off the BBC news front page. Nothing to see here move on please .
Fifteen year old shot and seriously wounded on his way to school
Police have arrested a fifteen year old.
So no details of the suspect. Assuming the suspect is 15 and not a 27 year old 15.
#RIPtommy is trending.It’s some soap opera thing not TR
but the libmob let their mask slip
and start tweeting HATEY stuff
Whereas they usually use the ambush name “Not Hate” to con us that they are not the hatey ones
Nothing to do with the beeb, but for sheer enjoyment this guy takes the p… out of BLM/Antifa with rare gusto.
On second thoughts it IS relevant to the beeb as it exposes a side to current events the beeb ignore.
BTW this was on Guardian’s front page this morning
It told us Birmingham “suspect at large”
..if they really wanted their reader to help they would have put his BLACK face there like the other newspapers did.
As it happens the Guardian is so incompetent, they used a headline which was redundant by the time their readers read it
cos the police had already arrested the guy before breakfast.
Belfield is a bit too gung ho
He opens by calling the tweet “a death wish”, but slips into calling it a “death THREAT which it isn’t”
Her words
“Please just have a massive coronary and die
before you kill everyone else, you deranged, stupid man.”
BBC human resources executive #MelanieBriggs called actor Laurence Fox a c*
& posted a smiling selfie of herself with former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with the caption ‘JELFIE!!’ & a love heart emoji.
People Who Menstruate Hour.
(60 mins too long)
Police statement about Friday night’s XR blockade
from Tw*t Valley Police
Best line: “All they had on sale was the Guardian… and STILL nobody was buying it.”
Kaboom 🙂
The student union debating team leader is totes on fire.
Lurch RTd them yet?
They went with this too.
beep beep “goal posts moving”
It’s starting to sound like the terms ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ are cut and pasted, out of context, from a mishmash of other conversations, and refer to the Vietnam war, Pentagon generals, 4th July parades and other.
So, NOT the war dead in France.
(He was probably angry at the little creep Macron and the ungrateful French anyway.)
The Raised fist tell me your org has Marxist roots
\\ Animal Rebellion @RebelsAnimal
It’s now been over 8 hours since our rebels blockaded the entrance to Tulip slaughterhouse.
Still we will not waver in the face of injustice (Raised fist)
We will not let this industry exploit animals, workers and the planet.//
Sunday Dan Wooton (youtube)
started strongly against Liam Norton
an XR activist who must have loads of media training ..NOT
Who refused to answer his initial question
“Why did XR delete the 2 big claims from there own films ?”
Wooton called them back a “group of frauds”
Today on Talk Radio XR put up a shiny suit man
Dellers vs XR’s Tim Crossland
Crossland began by saying The Times was previously under the grip of “DENIER Matt Ridley”
.. it wasn’t of course
Dellers pointed out that the head of anti-terrorist police had warned about XR being like terrorists
destabling the economy ..and having methods that wouldn’t end even if you concede to them.
Crossland claimed “hundeds of thousands are already dying from Global Warming”
… Really ? he wouldn’t be able to name them
Second Story in the BBC World News: “Trump is a Racist Mobster”
The BBC continues to flagrantly breach its charter making a mockery of everyone when it claims to be impartial. All British politicians are complicit for not bringing the BBC to account. Defund the BBC. Don’t renew your licence.
Trump bans ‘critical race theory’ training in government institutions.
Could he extend that to the BBC (who love that sort of cr*p)?
Trump should also ban feminist theory which enabled all of this. It runs throughout English departments, language departments, humanities, social sciences and it has now infiltrated into the sciences, technology, engineering, medical courses. This was all foreseen in the 1960s when the change began and critics called it “grievance studies”.
Al Beeb News on the Birmingham knife perp………
Nowt ?
Very suspicious.
What is being censored ?
The volume of irritatingly naff ads on YouTube is nothing to do with this ?
I’ve noticed that some notionally conservative content is attracting what look like hand placed ads designed to disrupt content.
He is aware who the bbc hires, promotes and supports no matter what?
Because before, there was only predictable weather with no storms or heat.
It would appear that the pseudo left-wing XR posers have scored an own goal with their assault on the newspaper industry.
This suggests the obvious way to handle them. As any Government crack-down will immediately be classified by them as oppression and simply feed their overblown egos, the press should now take their own stand.
XR only breathes with the oxygen of publicity so attacking the press wouldn’t seem to be the best tactical move.
The next move should be a press blackout on reporting on their activities at all. Without the spread of information on their stupid and childish antics they would start to wither.
The hooray henry members who seek personal gratification would drift away whilst the zealots would get even more extreme and end up the wrong side of the law and have to face the consequences.
They would at very least have to come to realise that the general public are heartily sick of their childish pantomime tantrums.
Remember recently the news conference in the warehouse to six journos?
Have to say Katty has let herself go and Lurch has a wicked wig.
JezBo knows damsel in distress technique.
Additionally, HR departments are unnecessary. This applies across all sectors. They are a waste of money and dangerous. Every one of their ‘tasks’ could be carried out by others within any company or department, as/if required, or easily outsourced.
I used to go by the axiom that I could hear a BBC news report that might give me the gist of a story but where I sensed there was further spice I would need to access a tabloid if I wanted the names, the inside track, the gory details.
Whether it was legal fears, prudishness or downright political correctness, the BBC would go coy. Increasingly over the years the PC tendency morphed into a set of strict BBC agendas – but you’ll get the point – tabloids for the griff, BBC for the bowdlerized version.
I’ll give you an example using the Guardian front page as our standard stand in for the BBC.
There’s a teaser for a sports story on the Guardian front page today: ‘England stars sent home after breaking Covid rules’
The Metro, that trashy lefty-leaning celeb-obsessed giveaway, will do the tabloid work for us with its headlines: ‘Why England stars broke quarantine rules’ and the answer dear reader lies with a pair of Scandi stunners: ‘Icelandic girls who hooked up with our aces at team hotel’
There’s also a delicious example of the naughty journalistic trick of scare quotes, I quote… ‘And the players were ‘perfect gentlemen”
Forearmed with knowledge of these press tendencies we turn to the papers for news of the Birmingham killing but find the BBC service of providing the front pages of our national papers brings us only one single mention – and that in the Guardian. Editions too early? Relegation to an inside page story? Ours is not to reason why, ours but to do and die…
The Guardian moves quickly from the event to focus on a victim: ‘Tributes to Birmingham knife victim’ – publishing a pic of a pleasant-looking young chap.
Riddle me this: Black man knifes a ‘random’ white man – NOT a hate attack say police. White man knifes a ‘random’ black man…? Answers on a postcard, justification on a postage stamp.
The Guardian’s over-use of the inverted commas and increasingly bizarre doublethink brings us: ‘Robots in care homes to ‘reduce loneliness” The paper’s increasing hysteria leads to: ‘Rise in UK virus cases ‘incredibly worrying” but the Guardianistas can still state in plain text without a snarky scare quote in sight their on-going loyalty to the EU: ‘Brussel’s collapsing trust in PM revealed in leaked EU documents’
The ‘i’ brings down the mood even further with ”Don’t kill your gran’ Health Secretary’s advice to those young people breaking rules’ – scare quotes designed to scare.
Sign of the times in the Metro which carries a front page advert: ‘London unlocked! In association with Dettol’ – disinfect all you want but the powers that be are not letting this one go: ‘Public are ‘too relaxed’ about coronovirus’ cautions the Telegraph.
‘Who’s walking who?’ asks the ‘i’ – sadly not a political comment but a feature on pets: ‘Why dogs adore us… and have been manipulating us for millennia’ – it’s a dog’s life.
Asiseeit- thank you for the round up –
The mindset of plod is evidence similarly to that of the BBC . Very often it’s spotting what it is not saying as much as utterances .
For instance in the latest ‘one off’stabbing rampage – Reading – Glasgow – never happened … the plod did not give out a description of the killer – unheard of in an ongoing killing spree in thr middle of a city .
Notice there was no police ‘hero’ in this one and a noticeable absence of police intervention- where were they ?
Then the head plod comes out with the ‘non hate crime ‘ line .now forgive me – but I’m not sure what a ‘hate crime ‘ is – I’m sure a police committee has spent months drafting a definition but what is a ‘hate crime ‘ in real life ?
Did the poor Devil who was stabbed in the neck until he died not experience a bit of ‘hate ?’ – so what is the £100k chief plod telling us ? Killing whitee is not ‘hate ‘?
Next omission – identity of the killer. He has been in custody for over 2 days now and there is not even a ‘named locally ‘ line or some neighbour describing the usual armed police raiding his home . So what’s going on?
Does this matter ? It does because plod is conditioning us to accept these killings / attacks and move quickly on – go talk about something unimportant like royals selling themselves .
On other lesser matters – England Footballers – kids with no brain and too much money and adulation – 3 in trouble in the last 10 days . And the way footballers are turning up covid positive maybe we should all worry even more.
Yet more positively do I detect that although tests and positives are up – deaths are not . Why ? Has the virus changed and we are not being told ? Is it summer weather ? Is it that ‘herd’ immunity thing – they need another term …..
Meanwhile what are the 1.7 million people who work in the NHS doing – apart from getting 20% off and various freebies ….
I don’t think there’s anything particularly mysterious about the conduct of the virus.
When the NHS cleared its wards of elderly sick folk and stuck them back into care homes, the bloody thing had a field day.
If you’re already sick, obese or have diabetes, then this thing is bloody nasty.
Remember, these are the “experts” that the government is still listening to. I’m not an expert, but I wouldn’t have done that. It looked like a recipe for disaster. Just as, although I’m not a fireman I wouldn’t choose to keep a can of petrol in the kitchen next to the stove. Very bad idea. Just common sense…
The virus doesn’t do much harm to the young. We’re testing more people. You’re going to get more positive results. It’s no big deal. The two footballers that have it, didn’t even know they had it. It was a random test. Both have said “I feel fine.”
Yes, we must protect the vulnerable, no argument. But this quarantining the healthy and the destruction of our economy and freedoms is lunacy.
OT, but Saddo pic Eds make bbc pic Ed’s look lame.
On Parler
@JackDawkins 7 hours ago
All lost, in such a short space of time, the worst part of it all, there’s no end in sight. Here.
Forgive me but could you please name thar country – I wouldn’t mind going there ….
Did you see the policeman on the beat, talking to the old man? He seemed to be acting like a human being. Not assaulting people for not wearing a mask or for protesting peacefully.
And that reminds me of the Ralph McTell song, Streets of London.
The past is a foreign country.