(article includes extra woke content)
“Governor Brown, a Democrat, said in a news conference: “We have never seen this amount of uncontained fire across the state… This will not be a one-time event. Unfortunately, it is the bellwether of the future. We’re feeling the acute impacts of climate change.””
Yes, climate change.
Joint team effort!! WSP, Fife Pd and Puyallup PD just arrested a 36yr old Puyallup resident. He was caught in the median on SR-167@ Meridian setting a fire! He is currently on his way to jail! Great job everybody!
We got another one! Great job Trooper Morefield. A pedestrian decided to match light the grass at SR-512 and SR-7. Citizen observed and alerted 911. After a short foot chase, one is in custody and on his way to jail.
The more ruthless ‘migrants’ have found a strategy for advancing into mainland Europe: Burn the camps in Greece. It’s working: the fools Merkel and Macron have fallen for it, as have the Netherlands and North Rhine Westphala. In the Middle East and Africa, millions of would be ‘migrants’ have taken note of this capitulation.
This is clearly going to be a key strategy in the invasion. Less militant ‘migrants’ will just have to be swept along and do the suffering.
I’ve heard of retreating through ‘scored earch’, but advancing through same strategy is a novelty. Militant ‘migrants’ will clearly stop as nothing. The invasion is becoming ‘weaponised’.
Merkel and co stand ready to buckle.
Border Farce will be next to buckle, when they’ve worked their was through to Calais.
We don’t know how many have targeted GB.
Toady is triumphant: two splits over key issues have been detected in the Tory party. Toenails has polished his picture of Surkeer, and given it a prominent place in his office.
Having seen a recent lengthy interview on Channel 4 with a rosy-cheeked Surkeer, I’m convinced he doesn’t have what it takes.
No policy. No principles, No strategy, other than to complain about Boris at PM’s Questions.
In the old days the Twitter page would directly show me the replies to Laura’s tweet
but these days it puts libmob agenda tweets under there instead.
The first 8 are from top blue tick anti-government remainers
Piers Morgan, Lammy, Soubry, James O’Brien, The Secret Barrister, Stephen McGann, Jo Maugham QC, Alastair Campbell
then a bloke recommending Dominic Grieve screenshot
Interesting on making tea. I though Naga would explain how all the women in the village chew tea leaves then spit into a pot and add hot water and Ox blood.
Journalists such as Evan Davis, Peston, Nick Watt etc all still treating this as some kind of entertaining soap-opera. Don't any of these people understand what is going on? I don't believe CNN journalists in the US would be behaving in this way.
Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown accuses ministers of a "huge act of self harm" over their plans to break international law by rewriting the Brexit deal. #R4Today
Some wishful thinking methinks from our Brussels-loving broadsheets this morning. The Times suggests: ‘Dozens of Tory MPs prepare new Brexit revolt’. The Telegraph advocates for the continental bloc: ‘EU gives UK 20 days to retreat on Brexit Bill’ and so too does the FT: ‘Brussels threatens No 10 with legal action over breach of Brexit treaty’ – we envisage battalions of gowned and bewigged judges armed to the teeth with gavels advancing under their tricoleurs and starry banners, pounding the beaches of Dover in their buckled shoes and stockings – and that’s just the male judges – their brief: bring boistrous Britain back to heel for contempt of the EU project… guilty they cry, take them down!
It’s a Remoaner damp squib of a wet dream – Leave it to Boris, he’ll probably sell us out anyway.
The Metro, the commuter throwaway, reveals a strange admiration for the Scottish First Minister rivaling the admiration most papers reserve today for the late great Diana Rigg: ‘Boris is hit for six by Nicola’ – each to their own, I guess.
Sometimes the papers play out of character. The Guardian sticks to the facts: ‘Star of stage, cinema and The Avengers dies aged 82’ while the tabloid Daily Star goes all wimin’s lib: ‘The feminist icon who tamed Bond’
Happily the ‘i’ is here to reassure us: ‘There is still time to save life on Earth’ – phew, that’s a relief.
But I foresee a prescription recipe of blood, toil, tears and sweat… taxes, no coal, no petrol, more taxes, no gas, did I mention more taxes…?
We can’t go without some trademark scare quotes, the Guardian suggests: ‘Pandemic ‘causing deep social divisions” – er, then that will be job done for the marxists among us.
The Mirror wants to whip up: ‘Rage at rule-breakers, nation split by virus, majority who abide by lockdown laws infuriated by those who don’t’ – I can just see the Labour-loyal tabloid bossing us in hi-viz and brandishing a clipboard.
Well, we’ve given the lovely Diana Rigg a fair crack of the whip, how about a moment to recall a famous chap who has just passed. The Mirror remembers: ‘RIP true Brit hero. Boxing star Alan Minter is dead at 69’
The Anti Brexit rebellion is a serious threat and we may end up with a Brino because of it. This may have been Borus’s plan all along but I think that it is more likely a land mine laid by the Remainer civil service which if nor spotted , as it has been but late in the day, would have given us a Brino in due course. It will provide the perfect excuse for Remainerdom to jump up and down and for the their vast army of lawyers and judges and quisling Tory MPs to threaten us from behind the cover or pretext of international law, all the time in cahoots with Brussels. I’m afraid it may well be the end of Brexit, the perfect excuse for wavering Tories to rejoin the liberal Globalists in Labour. The people will have lost the liberal establishment will have won.
I always knew that the Remainers would have a whole bag of tricks up their sleeve to be played whenever necessary. Everyone who voted Leave should just remember what a set of undemocratic , facist , traitorous bastards they are.
Agree but it Is the liberal left who make international law, who interpret it to suit their purpose, who make judgements on it to suit their purpose and ultimately who enforce it. If you think that they therefore hold all the cards you are absolutely correct. We can vote for who ever we like but they can only do what the international globalist agree to. Democracy is now a sham.
8:25 local jobs : They are advertising for worker to work gathering blood for the Covid blood plasma prog.
… How can that be ? Only “bad Orangeman” believes in that.
‘Big in Japan’!
Yes, Al Beeb are a bit ‘shy’ on this good news aren’t they?
New electric cars from the East? That will put some pressure on the French and German motor manufacturers wont it?
Barnier will be a bit concerned and it should put some ‘chill’ on his his negotiations with Lord Frost.
Let’s go WTO !
police standby as Churchill statue is vandalised at XR demo
9:23am Matt Ridley got a good go on TalkRadio
You can windback the live feed
Of course it’s a good meme, but memes should not be based on one idiot
In other demos Labour Front groups like HnH try to set up such memes against their political opponents
by sending in an infiltrator to start a fight or wave a fascist flag etc.
The Extinction Rebellion morons who defaced Churchill’s statue yesterday just guaranteed most people in Britain will want nothing to do with their cause. Another triumph for the ‘woke’ imbeciles. ????
Ruptly have video
UK: Man arrested for spraying “is a racist” on Winston Churchill statue
.. looks like a middleclass student guy
What’s Churchill’s statue got to do with climate change? The public will fast be losing patience with this ruinous bunch of trustafarian hippies, whose mess has to be cleared by workers less well off than they are, all whilst the police sit back and watch.
If a brave soul could be found who was willing to spray paint on a statue of one of the liberals ‘saints’ it would very interesting to see what the BBC, police and judiciary did about it. I think that we all know that their response would be very much more robust than that displayed to the BLM vandals.
I’m guessing this vermins’ identity won’t make the meeja… of the press turning up at his front door or asking the neighbours or him employer ( if he has one ).
…always the light touch now .
Deeply disturbing that the BBC is to cut back on coverage of wee Nicki sturgeon delivering her daily homily and cutting out the daily broadcast of ‘Braveheart ‘. ……
I’ve been watching the prime documentaries on Spurs which is as exciting as paint drying – they are all pretty thick and do as they are told . It’s meaningless to most apart from those Marxists how gain further encouragement from it .
No payment for footy this season for me – I couldn’t believe how expensive it is ….and I’d never pay for Sky again …..
Saint Serena of Compton knocked out of the US Open ????????
Al beeb probably spitting feathers as Margaret Court’s grand slam record wins remains in tact ????
@COLRICHARDKEMP ·1h Today in 2001, Islamic terrorists murdered 2,977 people in New York, Washington & Pennsylvania. Since then there have been many thousands of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world & the ideology that inspires them continues to grow with estimated 39,000 on UK watchlist alone.
I haven’t heard any anniversary mention of 9/11 on the msm or in any of the newspapers I’ve looked at although the DM has a big article on Stephen Lawrence (27 years on)
Of course, it’s nothing to do with a (probable) whitey perpetrator in the Lawrence case as opposed to the msm Pets who killed thousands on that day alone.
Who expected anything different.
We know our msm so well now.
OH…see the bBC are belatedly shifting “wee Burney” from the national channel …..they must have just found out they had a bBC Scotland Chanel which which was commissioned at a cost of £32 million of Licence Tax.
Its good news though as the viewers of this white elephant are so low that they cant even be counted….off radar so to speak….
where she deserves to be
Translation : BBC Scotland will no longer provide live coverage of all of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s coronavirus briefings.
which has been on BBC1 and BBC2 at the same time and is still on Sky
The BBC pouring as much cold water as possible on the news of the multi-billion £ trade deal agreed with Japan just announced.
They point out that the size of the deal doesn’t compare with the deal we “might” strike with the EU.
Well this is my ten-pennyworth.
I manage a large industrial online store for a Midlands based manufacturer and distributor of Hydraulic components which sells stuff all over the World.
I can tell you that almost NO orders come from any EU country, whereas the USA, Middle-East, Australia, India are the biggest online purchasers, bigger even than the UK. In over 10 years I can barely recall a single order from Either France or Germany. They just don’t buy from the UK if they can help it!
So a “Deal” with the EU in reality involves massive imports to the UK and a much smaller export from the UK to the EU. Consider stuff like cars, wine, cheese etc. etc. etc. it’s a one-way street.
I have no doubt that the EU knows this full well so if I were Boris I would just get on with it regardless. Any negative action they might take would simply be hurting the EU much more than the UK.
Island – yes we managed to hold onto IDS for one last term before he is washed away by the third world next time round . They tried everything this time last year …. seems a long time ago…….
……..he must be pretty frustrated by the inept performance of the cabinet so early in the term . What really worries me is the debt being racked up which is going taxation to service and reduce …… as they can’t cut ‘public services ‘ like their NHS .
I still can’t believe 1.7 million people are employed by it ( notice I didn’t say ‘work’ for it )…. I’d privatise the bugger ..
Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize such a thing?
it is difficult not to notice something contrived in the currently announced “pandemic” of the Novel Covid-19 virus. Media coverage of this event has all the hallmarks of a coordinated hysterical campaign, namely:
•the use of emotions instead of numbers and logic (for example videos showing allegedly overflowing hospitals and morgues, which can easily be staged or occur due to a natural situation unrelated to Covid-19)
•the refusal to even mention the most obvious counter-arguments (for example, the media will never compare the number of deaths caused by flu in recent years with Covid-19 deaths)and the complete censorship of all opinions that disagree with the mainstream media narrative, even those that come from recognised experts.
Finally, the national, as well as the local coverage, is always vague, never saying who exactly is ill or what they’ve got, or whether they are at home or in a hospital, and they never say how they treat the disease. Vagueness in media is a sure sign of lying.
Out of any proportion to reality, the mass media continues to drone on ominously that this is the New Normal, and that we might as well get used to it, that the world will never be as it was before the coronavirus. This is nothing more and nothing less than classic psychological warfare.
The mainstream media/ BBC as usual labels everybody who objects to their version of events a “Conspiracy Theorist.”
That is Mr Politico screaming at broadcasters who bang on about CASE numbers
Deaths is what matters and the relationship between case count and deaths is broken.
3,000 young people testing positive today means the vast majority hardly even notice.
And the number of dead corresponds to daily car accident rate.
Politico compare the average daily flu death tally to Covid
I think his argument is flawed cos you can’t take a years total of flu deaths and say it’s an average per day, cos such things happen in giant spurts.
I would guess that Mr Politico has been influenced by Spectator TV 3 days ago
BTW counting raw deaths is rubbish
It is not surprising that people over 80 die
some were due to die soon anyway
I think if we stripped out over 80 deaths the daily death could look really small.
tarien, isn’t it strange that many (most?) of the countries worst hit by Covid-19 are all countries (with one or two exceptions) disliked or opposed or hated – for their current Governments – by Liberals, Leftists, Socialists and so on.
South Africa
EU playing the ‘bluff’ game now and pretending their losses in balance of payments will be far worse than ours . Need to stand firm , walk away when necessary and treat them like the enemy they are – especially the French …
Michael Gove issues Brexit warning to Sir Keir Starmer – Labour ‘OBLIGED’ to support bill
MICHAEL GOVE has demanded that the Labour Party recognise its unionist values and commit itself to the Government’s latest Brexit move that would seek to grant “unfettered access” from Northern Ireland to the UK.
I dislike Gove – but internationalist puppet Starmer is even more loathsome.
Sargon’s new vid again lays into Netflix
.. cos they have put out a series of clips promoting Cuties (A film billed as anti-repression of female teenagers)
Sargon said “These clips look like softcore child porn
.. I have to praise Muslim, Turkey for leading the way and banning this film.”
He adds that US lefties are claiming there is right wing conspiracy against the film.
As usual, negative, negative, negative. They really do hate Britain don’t they !!! Its a strange one to have a National Broadcaster that clearly is hoping for its County to fail.
You can almost hear the sighs of relief echoing around Westminster and within the business community.
After weeks of wrangling, the first deal of the Brexit era has been struck, which ensures that 99% of British goods can enter Japan without tariffs, or extra charges.
But ultimately, this deal largely mirrors the agreement which already exists between the EU and Japan. And with trade with Japan accounting for just 2% of the UK’s total, the expected boost to GDP of 0.07% over the long term is a tiny fraction of what might be lost from leaving the EU.
And there is good reason for Japan cooperating to ensure this deal was secured in record time. It stands to get the lions share, 80%, of the total estimated £15bn boost to trade for both countries.
Even then, the talks haven’t been as speedy or straightforward as initially hoped – which may not bode well for negotiations elsewhere.
Viva Frei says Sarah Palin has got the go ahead to sue the NYT for defamation in 2017
a report which ended the NYT changing the article and correcting it.
Her claim is that malice was intended.
Viva says the NYT will be getting its cheque book out
cos all parties usually go for a settlement to avoid full trial.
2:15pm R4 drama, yet another about BLACK London
@J_MartinEdwards tweeted ” I’m making my @BBCRadio4
playwrighting debut next week with my new drama #DeathKnock on Friday, 11th September.
It explores issues of representation, class identity and social mobility through the eyes of a crime reporter forced to re-examine his place in the world”
Can you leave the flagpoles for a minute and commission a
Freedom for the Shetlands documentary.
This could include Spanish involvement to return the compliment to wee Krankie for her out of order involvement in the Catalan scenario.
The trailer before the drama was for a BBC “true crime” podcast
presented two women one a comedian one a Psychological scientist.
I wonder what people think of the show ?
@SofieHagen@drjuliashaw I don’t believe in taking offence, but your serial killers podcast on @BBCRadio4 was disgusting and utterly trite. And @SofieHagen Gacy killed children you silly little twerp. A formal complaint will follow. #fridaymorning#BBC
Multiple stories are emerging alleging that the US wildfires are arson by marxist Antifa / BLM or radical environmentalists – who have both motivation and form. (They’ve been torching cities for months.)
Meanwhile US fast food restaurants like Kentucky Fried Chicken always seen to have a larger amount of black people.
Why black Americans are more likely to be vegan. They are almost three times as likely to be vegan and vegetarian than other Americans
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
(article includes extra woke content)
“Governor Brown, a Democrat, said in a news conference: “We have never seen this amount of uncontained fire across the state… This will not be a one-time event. Unfortunately, it is the bellwether of the future. We’re feeling the acute impacts of climate change.””
Yes, climate change.
The more ruthless ‘migrants’ have found a strategy for advancing into mainland Europe: Burn the camps in Greece. It’s working: the fools Merkel and Macron have fallen for it, as have the Netherlands and North Rhine Westphala. In the Middle East and Africa, millions of would be ‘migrants’ have taken note of this capitulation.
This is clearly going to be a key strategy in the invasion. Less militant ‘migrants’ will just have to be swept along and do the suffering.
I’ve heard of retreating through ‘scored earch’, but advancing through same strategy is a novelty. Militant ‘migrants’ will clearly stop as nothing. The invasion is becoming ‘weaponised’.
Merkel and co stand ready to buckle.
Border Farce will be next to buckle, when they’ve worked their was through to Calais.
We don’t know how many have targeted GB.
Just hope that Gary Lineacre has adequate fire insurance
Toady is triumphant: two splits over key issues have been detected in the Tory party. Toenails has polished his picture of Surkeer, and given it a prominent place in his office.
Having seen a recent lengthy interview on Channel 4 with a rosy-cheeked Surkeer, I’m convinced he doesn’t have what it takes.
No policy. No principles, No strategy, other than to complain about Boris at PM’s Questions.
BBC News not letting the team down on this one.
Donald Trump has defended his remarks, downplaying the risks of Covid-19, to Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward as “good and proper”.
She seems well rested. Passed this one on in record time.
Quite the achievement.
The comments to Mick are great too.
Looks like Maxi is multitasking.
In the old days the Twitter page would directly show me the replies to Laura’s tweet
but these days it puts libmob agenda tweets under there instead.
The first 8 are from top blue tick anti-government remainers
Piers Morgan, Lammy, Soubry, James O’Brien, The Secret Barrister, Stephen McGann, Jo Maugham QC, Alastair Campbell
then a bloke recommending Dominic Grieve
Oooooooh….. she meant tea.
Interesting on making tea. I though Naga would explain how all the women in the village chew tea leaves then spit into a pot and add hot water and Ox blood.
If QC knew about BS.
GW, isn’t the phrase “CNN journalists ” an oxymoron
Good old bbc.
Then they can quote the Jugend quoting them using ‘quotes’.
Some wishful thinking methinks from our Brussels-loving broadsheets this morning. The Times suggests: ‘Dozens of Tory MPs prepare new Brexit revolt’. The Telegraph advocates for the continental bloc: ‘EU gives UK 20 days to retreat on Brexit Bill’ and so too does the FT: ‘Brussels threatens No 10 with legal action over breach of Brexit treaty’ – we envisage battalions of gowned and bewigged judges armed to the teeth with gavels advancing under their tricoleurs and starry banners, pounding the beaches of Dover in their buckled shoes and stockings – and that’s just the male judges – their brief: bring boistrous Britain back to heel for contempt of the EU project… guilty they cry, take them down!
It’s a Remoaner damp squib of a wet dream – Leave it to Boris, he’ll probably sell us out anyway.
The Metro, the commuter throwaway, reveals a strange admiration for the Scottish First Minister rivaling the admiration most papers reserve today for the late great Diana Rigg: ‘Boris is hit for six by Nicola’ – each to their own, I guess.
Sometimes the papers play out of character. The Guardian sticks to the facts: ‘Star of stage, cinema and The Avengers dies aged 82’ while the tabloid Daily Star goes all wimin’s lib: ‘The feminist icon who tamed Bond’
The Telegraph seemingly disapproves: ‘XR protesters deface Churchill statue despite police presence’
Happily the ‘i’ is here to reassure us: ‘There is still time to save life on Earth’ – phew, that’s a relief.
But I foresee a prescription recipe of blood, toil, tears and sweat… taxes, no coal, no petrol, more taxes, no gas, did I mention more taxes…?
We can’t go without some trademark scare quotes, the Guardian suggests: ‘Pandemic ‘causing deep social divisions” – er, then that will be job done for the marxists among us.
The Mirror wants to whip up: ‘Rage at rule-breakers, nation split by virus, majority who abide by lockdown laws infuriated by those who don’t’ – I can just see the Labour-loyal tabloid bossing us in hi-viz and brandishing a clipboard.
Well, we’ve given the lovely Diana Rigg a fair crack of the whip, how about a moment to recall a famous chap who has just passed. The Mirror remembers: ‘RIP true Brit hero. Boxing star Alan Minter is dead at 69’
The Anti Brexit rebellion is a serious threat and we may end up with a Brino because of it. This may have been Borus’s plan all along but I think that it is more likely a land mine laid by the Remainer civil service which if nor spotted , as it has been but late in the day, would have given us a Brino in due course. It will provide the perfect excuse for Remainerdom to jump up and down and for the their vast army of lawyers and judges and quisling Tory MPs to threaten us from behind the cover or pretext of international law, all the time in cahoots with Brussels. I’m afraid it may well be the end of Brexit, the perfect excuse for wavering Tories to rejoin the liberal Globalists in Labour. The people will have lost the liberal establishment will have won.
I always knew that the Remainers would have a whole bag of tricks up their sleeve to be played whenever necessary. Everyone who voted Leave should just remember what a set of undemocratic , facist , traitorous bastards they are.
International Law
I have long enjoyed a quote from Andrew Neil to Emily Thornberry (this on the subject of ISIS terrorist returnees to the UK) :
“The niceties of International Law are dripping roast for lawyers, like yourself, but they don’t keep us safe on the streets of this country…”
Agree but it Is the liberal left who make international law, who interpret it to suit their purpose, who make judgements on it to suit their purpose and ultimately who enforce it. If you think that they therefore hold all the cards you are absolutely correct. We can vote for who ever we like but they can only do what the international globalist agree to. Democracy is now a sham.
8:25 local jobs : They are advertising for worker to work gathering blood for the Covid blood plasma prog.
… How can that be ? Only “bad Orangeman” believes in that.
8:30am news ..The UK/Japan trade deal is sad news for the BBC, so they didn’t make it the main headline.
BTW The EU already has a Japan trade agreement that started on Feb 1 2019.
‘Big in Japan’!
Yes, Al Beeb are a bit ‘shy’ on this good news aren’t they?
New electric cars from the East? That will put some pressure on the French and German motor manufacturers wont it?
Barnier will be a bit concerned and it should put some ‘chill’ on his his negotiations with Lord Frost.
Let’s go WTO !
6, 6, 6,
Now where have I heard that before ?
Not on Al Beeb but we are clear to travel to Sweden .
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Sweden not have a ‘Lockdown’?
police standby as Churchill statue is vandalised at XR demo
9:23am Matt Ridley got a good go on TalkRadio
You can windback the live feed
Of course it’s a good meme, but memes should not be based on one idiot
In other demos Labour Front groups like HnH try to set up such memes against their political opponents
by sending in an infiltrator to start a fight or wave a fascist flag etc.
Ruptly have video
UK: Man arrested for spraying “is a racist” on Winston Churchill statue
.. looks like a middleclass student guy
Plod on the case as usual . Time to pull the Mandela statue down ? Plod will just watch – right ? Things getting very tribal arn t they …?
If a brave soul could be found who was willing to spray paint on a statue of one of the liberals ‘saints’ it would very interesting to see what the BBC, police and judiciary did about it. I think that we all know that their response would be very much more robust than that displayed to the BLM vandals.
Winston Churchill is dead so they should really be writing “was a racist” ????????
Are these people dim or something ????
I’m guessing this vermins’ identity won’t make the meeja… of the press turning up at his front door or asking the neighbours or him employer ( if he has one ).
…always the light touch now .
the left, but there’s a Labour MP or Councillor or activist (sorry, cannot remember category) who hasn’t met him . . . …. yet.
6th September a BLM account proudly tweeted this video
Of them singing “Winston Churchill is a racist”
Deeply disturbing that the BBC is to cut back on coverage of wee Nicki sturgeon delivering her daily homily and cutting out the daily broadcast of ‘Braveheart ‘. ……
Of No Importance Whatsoever, so the MSM won’t bother telling us
Which is, a soundbite from Donald himself at 4:17 to 4.42.
I knew it.
These Virtue Signalling footballers etc, who have been taking the knee have had a easy ride due to empty stadiums.
Always said, try it when there is 75,000 in Old Trafford and you will have boo’s and jeers aplenty.
And now, they are “surprised” and “saddened” its happened in the USA.
I am not. Its about bloody time.
I’ve been watching the prime documentaries on Spurs which is as exciting as paint drying – they are all pretty thick and do as they are told . It’s meaningless to most apart from those Marxists how gain further encouragement from it .
No payment for footy this season for me – I couldn’t believe how expensive it is ….and I’d never pay for Sky again …..
How many invaders were there yesterday? Does any one MP know or care?
This morning at 4am
Migration Watch on talkRadio yesterday – there are only about 2000 in the Calais camp and yet over 6000 have crossed this year alone.
Looks like the MSM have given up on their token ‘reporting’ of this.
Saint Serena of Compton knocked out of the US Open ????????
Al beeb probably spitting feathers as Margaret Court’s grand slam record wins remains in tact ????
Today in 2001, Islamic terrorists murdered 2,977 people in New York, Washington & Pennsylvania. Since then there have been many thousands of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world & the ideology that inspires them continues to grow with estimated 39,000 on UK watchlist alone.
Plus those still being welcomed in of course.
I haven’t heard any anniversary mention of 9/11 on the msm or in any of the newspapers I’ve looked at although the DM has a big article on Stephen Lawrence (27 years on)
Of course, it’s nothing to do with a (probable) whitey perpetrator in the Lawrence case as opposed to the msm Pets who killed thousands on that day alone.
Who expected anything different.
We know our msm so well now.
OH…see the bBC are belatedly shifting “wee Burney” from the national channel …..they must have just found out they had a bBC Scotland Chanel which which was commissioned at a cost of £32 million of Licence Tax.
Its good news though as the viewers of this white elephant are so low that they cant even be counted….off radar so to speak….
where she deserves to be
Translation : BBC Scotland will no longer provide live coverage of all of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s coronavirus briefings.
which has been on BBC1 and BBC2 at the same time and is still on Sky
The petition has an incredible 14,700 sigs (yawn)
All together now.
“Independence for the Shetlands”
It’s what krankie would want …. isn’t it?
The Premier League have dropped BLM for their own programme instead.
The BBC pouring as much cold water as possible on the news of the multi-billion £ trade deal agreed with Japan just announced.
They point out that the size of the deal doesn’t compare with the deal we “might” strike with the EU.
Well this is my ten-pennyworth.
I manage a large industrial online store for a Midlands based manufacturer and distributor of Hydraulic components which sells stuff all over the World.
I can tell you that almost NO orders come from any EU country, whereas the USA, Middle-East, Australia, India are the biggest online purchasers, bigger even than the UK. In over 10 years I can barely recall a single order from Either France or Germany. They just don’t buy from the UK if they can help it!
So a “Deal” with the EU in reality involves massive imports to the UK and a much smaller export from the UK to the EU. Consider stuff like cars, wine, cheese etc. etc. etc. it’s a one-way street.
I have no doubt that the EU knows this full well so if I were Boris I would just get on with it regardless. Any negative action they might take would simply be hurting the EU much more than the UK.
Digg – thanks – they are the enemy as the EU – the EU bill will be forced through the Lords however much noice they make .
Then down size the Lords by service length – first in first out …
At least you have a half-decent MP. Some of us are not so fortunate.
Island – yes we managed to hold onto IDS for one last term before he is washed away by the third world next time round . They tried everything this time last year …. seems a long time ago…….
……..he must be pretty frustrated by the inept performance of the cabinet so early in the term . What really worries me is the debt being racked up which is going taxation to service and reduce …… as they can’t cut ‘public services ‘ like their NHS .
I still can’t believe 1.7 million people are employed by it ( notice I didn’t say ‘work’ for it )…. I’d privatise the bugger ..
Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize such a thing?
it is difficult not to notice something contrived in the currently announced “pandemic” of the Novel Covid-19 virus. Media coverage of this event has all the hallmarks of a coordinated hysterical campaign, namely:
•the use of emotions instead of numbers and logic (for example videos showing allegedly overflowing hospitals and morgues, which can easily be staged or occur due to a natural situation unrelated to Covid-19)
•the refusal to even mention the most obvious counter-arguments (for example, the media will never compare the number of deaths caused by flu in recent years with Covid-19 deaths)and the complete censorship of all opinions that disagree with the mainstream media narrative, even those that come from recognised experts.
Finally, the national, as well as the local coverage, is always vague, never saying who exactly is ill or what they’ve got, or whether they are at home or in a hospital, and they never say how they treat the disease. Vagueness in media is a sure sign of lying.
Out of any proportion to reality, the mass media continues to drone on ominously that this is the New Normal, and that we might as well get used to it, that the world will never be as it was before the coronavirus. This is nothing more and nothing less than classic psychological warfare.
The mainstream media/ BBC as usual labels everybody who objects to their version of events a “Conspiracy Theorist.”
That is Mr Politico screaming at broadcasters who bang on about CASE numbers
Deaths is what matters and the relationship between case count and deaths is broken.
3,000 young people testing positive today means the vast majority hardly even notice.
And the number of dead corresponds to daily car accident rate.
Politico compare the average daily flu death tally to Covid
I think his argument is flawed cos you can’t take a years total of flu deaths and say it’s an average per day, cos such things happen in giant spurts.
I would guess that Mr Politico has been influenced by Spectator TV 3 days ago
BTW counting raw deaths is rubbish
It is not surprising that people over 80 die
some were due to die soon anyway
I think if we stripped out over 80 deaths the daily death could look really small.
tarien, isn’t it strange that many (most?) of the countries worst hit by Covid-19 are all countries (with one or two exceptions) disliked or opposed or hated – for their current Governments – by Liberals, Leftists, Socialists and so on.
South Africa
plus the UK of course.
Belgium is the worst hit
but that didn’t stop the News Channel presenter claiming at 5:35pm that countries with female leaders all did well.
EU playing the ‘bluff’ game now and pretending their losses in balance of payments will be far worse than ours . Need to stand firm , walk away when necessary and treat them like the enemy they are – especially the French …
Michael Gove issues Brexit warning to Sir Keir Starmer – Labour ‘OBLIGED’ to support bill
MICHAEL GOVE has demanded that the Labour Party recognise its unionist values and commit itself to the Government’s latest Brexit move that would seek to grant “unfettered access” from Northern Ireland to the UK.
I dislike Gove – but internationalist puppet Starmer is even more loathsome.
Of course Starmer wants to keep the EU’s dirty deal, a few months ago he was still campaigning to remain under EU control.
PJW on marshals
Sargon’s new vid again lays into Netflix
.. cos they have put out a series of clips promoting Cuties (A film billed as anti-repression of female teenagers)
Sargon said “These clips look like softcore child porn
.. I have to praise Muslim, Turkey for leading the way and banning this film.”
He adds that US lefties are claiming there is right wing conspiracy against the film.
Here is the BBC take on the Japan trade deal .
As usual, negative, negative, negative. They really do hate Britain don’t they !!! Its a strange one to have a National Broadcaster that clearly is hoping for its County to fail.
You can almost hear the sighs of relief echoing around Westminster and within the business community.
After weeks of wrangling, the first deal of the Brexit era has been struck, which ensures that 99% of British goods can enter Japan without tariffs, or extra charges.
But ultimately, this deal largely mirrors the agreement which already exists between the EU and Japan. And with trade with Japan accounting for just 2% of the UK’s total, the expected boost to GDP of 0.07% over the long term is a tiny fraction of what might be lost from leaving the EU.
And there is good reason for Japan cooperating to ensure this deal was secured in record time. It stands to get the lions share, 80%, of the total estimated £15bn boost to trade for both countries.
Even then, the talks haven’t been as speedy or straightforward as initially hoped – which may not bode well for negotiations elsewhere.
Viva Frei says Sarah Palin has got the go ahead to sue the NYT for defamation in 2017
a report which ended the NYT changing the article and correcting it.
Her claim is that malice was intended.
Viva says the NYT will be getting its cheque book out
cos all parties usually go for a settlement to avoid full trial.
2:15pm R4 drama, yet another about BLACK London
@J_MartinEdwards tweeted
” I’m making my @BBCRadio4
playwrighting debut next week with my new drama #DeathKnock on Friday, 11th September.
It explores issues of representation, class identity and social mobility through the eyes of a crime reporter forced to re-examine his place in the world”
Mr Davie,
Can you leave the flagpoles for a minute and commission a
Freedom for the Shetlands documentary.
This could include Spanish involvement to return the compliment to wee Krankie for her out of order involvement in the Catalan scenario.
Thanks Mr Davie….. cant wait for the show!
The trailer before the drama was for a BBC “true crime” podcast
presented two women one a comedian one a Psychological scientist.
I wonder what people think of the show ?
Spectator TV episode 2
sponsored by Natwest
Rundown : Brexit rule break, Rule of 6, unicorn Covid testing programme, Covid vaccines, US election, viewers comments
Multiple stories are emerging alleging that the US wildfires are arson by marxist Antifa / BLM or radical environmentalists – who have both motivation and form. (They’ve been torching cities for months.)
The beeb will investigate, I’m sure.
Interesting watch, thanks vlad ????????
Why black Americans are more likely to be vegan. bbç.
Second paragraph;
George Floyd.
Last paragraph;
It’s the fault of white supremacists.
There is a national shortage of boxes and ticks, please use your boxes and ticks in a reasonable manner.
I can’t give you a direct link, technology is having a tantrum, just copy the first line.
Stevie Wonder could see through shite.
Time for the long weekend thread
Meanwhile US fast food restaurants like Kentucky Fried Chicken always seen to have a larger amount of black people.