More National Anniversaries – Tuesday marks the 80th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain Day. The Far Left Biased BBC is likely to let this pass with a few ‘celebrity entertainment shows whilst decent people will remember those very “few” who did and gave so much to prevent German becoming the leading language and undesirables being extinguished. Lest We Forget- together with the thousands of civilian British murdered by Germans ..Over to you
Start the Week Thread 14 September 2020
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What do you call a number of ex traitor Remainer PMs ? They certainly are out in force – being followed by the light armour of Hezza and Miller and a few celebs no doubt .
I guess the election result can be ignored Or re run to get the right result . I wonder who the likes of Major and Cameron think will listen to them apart from their small band of fans .
. As for Blair – he must be chirping about all those Middle East peace deals he has pulled off – right ?
The majority voted leave, but the bBC still find the minority to interview, biased as ever!!
The majority voted leave, but the bBC still find the minority to interview, biased as ever!!
I can hear those shoulders rattling from here – ho, ho, ho…
Well we have all heard the news-The speed limit on parts of England’s motorway network is to be cut to 60mph in a bid to reduce emissions and air pollution. Drivers could be fined £100 and receive three penalty points on their licence if they fail to comply with the lower limit. Enforcement will be a matter for the police, Highways England said. More control-The World Health Organisation calculates that air pollution was thought to have caused 64,000 deaths in the UK in 2015, including 17,000 fatal cases of heart and artery disease. Indeed that could well be,. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ) is one of a group of highly reactive gases known as oxides of nitrogen or nitrogen oxides (NO x ). Other nitrogen oxides include nitrous acid and nitric acid. NO 2 is used as the indicator for the larger group of nitrogen oxides. NO 2 primarily gets in the air from the burning of fuel.NO 2 is an intermediate in the industrial synthesis of nitric acid, millions of tons of which are produced each year for use primarily in the production of fertilizers-however NO2 is also introduced into the environment by natural causes, including entry from the stratosphere, bacterial respiration, volcanos, and lightning. These sources make NO2 a trace gas in the atmosphere of Earth, where it plays a role in absorbing sunlight and regulating the chemistry of the troposphere, especially in determining ozone concentrations;
so not all one way-although we have to recognise that for the general public, the most prominent sources of NO
2 are internal combustion engines burning fossil fuels. But will reducing the speed limit on certain motorways likely to make a great deal of difference to the degrees of pollotion? Another major factor is the influence of indoor air pollutants on health which is important, because the majority of people in the world spend more than 80% of their time indoors.[30] The amount of time spent indoors depends upon on several factors including geographical region, job activities, and gender among other variables. Additionally, because home insulation is improving, this can result in greater retention of indoor air pollutants, such as (NO2)Nitrogen dioxide. So if youre stuck behind a lorry who is doing its max speed of 56mph then you are going to have exceed the speed limit to pass him! Bonkers all Bonkers as per usual knee jerk reactions.
Yes bottom line the pollution that counts is the one that enters your lungs
.. So it’s no good doing a count next to the road and saying that is some kind of proxy, the counting device needs to be on the person.
Sometimes in a city the NO2 from a road might cause a build up in surrounding streets, is that road measurement a vague proxy for NO2 input.. well it depends if you are sitting in the garden or a chef breathing NO2 direct from the gas stove.
one big thing is , if it raining traffic pollution doesn’t matter much cos the rain washes it out.
The ideas that sitting behind a big truck increases you NO2 input
.. The bigger the vehicle the more efficient the filter system is.
There is a big context that engines with each evolution.
If you took 2 similar motorways and put the 60mph limit on one, and the other stays at 70mph.
It is entirely possible that after 5 years the NO2 on the the latter will have fallen anyway.
Should we wear a mask then?
tarien, is not NO2 is principally produced by diesel engines, not petrol?
Stopping distances have a square term in them. For the sake of argument let’s assume people on motorways keep the correct distances. Actually it doesn’t even matter if they don’t but let’s go with it. At 70 mph I believe the normal given stopping distance is 315 feet. At 60 mph it is 240 feet. So at the lower speed you can pack in more cars. Which creates more pollution at peak times. Does this outweigh the reduction in pollution by going slower? I don’t know. But I wonder if it has been considered, or has the supine government just fallen for the latest anti-car fascism?
Next they’ll be telling us to cycle instead of using the motorway.
Spot on again Andrew.
Racism? Does it get more ‘racist’ than torture and murder? But the viciousness of some farm attacks in South Africa, and the unnecessary extreme violence and brutality, is surely the ultimate racism?
Who against whom? ‘South Africa Today’ News has the figures and the graphics on these attacks, which are ignored by the MSM, both in SA and worldwide. A visual presentation of racism by murder, in their latest edition.
Why? The direction of the extreme racism does not fit in with the favourite MSM narrative in the ‘West’, in fact it undermines their definition by 180 degrees, so is ignored.
The latest? An internal security gate in the house of farmer, Fred Smith of Wepener, saved his life, when armed black men broke down the back door of his farm at 0.55am this morning, and he had enough time to call for help.
A daily occurence for many years now, which is apparently of no interest to beeb SA correspondent, Andrew Harding.
On 12 Sept SAT News reported that the killings could be shifting FROM FARM TO TOWN. A man from Carletonville, Ernst Zeelie, became another # Blackwar victim, it reports, when he was drowned in his bath by 3 black intruders. The bodies of Lizette Deacon of Polokwane, and that of her elderly mother, were found on 13 Sept.,after they had been abducted from their home. Mike Reed of Napier popped out last Thursday evening and returned home to find his wife murdered, lying in a pool of blood.
I can see there’s nowt of interest there for beeb, but I’m sure we will hear a lot more about ‘white’ racism, some spoken offence taken, perhaps…
It’s interesting that you raise this aspect of the horrific racist murders in South Africa, mostly unreported, by our beloved BBC.
You’ll be pleased to hear that the Beeb have sprung into action and Radio 4 are giving us a series all this week (based on a true story?) about one such crime. Two farm workers are hacked to death in a frenzied attack.
Of course, being a BBC production, there’s a twist…
The two victims are black.
Jeff, you expected anything less?
Are they women ?
Or perhaps some alleged grievance from 200 years ago which no one living had anything to do with; things which pale into insignificance when compared to the events you cited above …
That’s a, “Rainbow Nation” for you………….
Nick is on it.
BBC gleefully reporting that Wetherspoons have reported 66 staff tested positive….
Of course Twitter idiots piling in with appalling personal attacks on Tim Martin, most if not all of whom have probably never been in one but know Tim Martin backed Brexit which says much.
What they don’t say is that Wetherspoons employs over 43,000 staff making that less than 1 in 600 staff affected.
Probably a lower rate than most NHS hospitals and most other companies for instance.
It doesn’t really matter how many figure in the infection rates. it’s how many are actually ill. Very few.
These tests are also picking up residual virus from people who had the virus months ago. The vast majority of those who test positive won’t even know they have it.
The only folk who must be protected are the sick, elderly and vulnerable.
And they’re not likely to be working in Wetherspoons…
A: so if I get test and they find “residual virus” do I have to isolate for 14 days
B:if I get tested again 14 days later will I still have residual virus and have to isolate again
C: goto B:
Another relevant question… spookily the BBC employs roughly the same number of staff as JD Wetherspoons, I wonder if they would be happy to divulge how many of them have tested positive so far and simply vanished back home?
Also there are over half a million teachers in the UK so how many positives have they logged so far?
Or all of these…
The same goes for the over 330,000 civil service employees…
Of course the BBC only want to look in “certain” places.
Maybe a FOI request might be in order here?
Just seen in the DM that today’s death number for covid is 1*.
Yes, that’s ONE.
The hysterics going on at the moment with the rising numbers of cases reaching over 3000 daily result in virtually no deaths (I don’t know if today’s death was with covid or the death was entirely due to covid alone)
They are dropping speed limits on our motorways to save (they say) thousands of lives due to pollution.
Many thousands are said to die of smoking each year.
I think many of these deaths are double counted.
However, ONE (Possible) covid death today and the Country is almost paralysed.
Are they waiting until nobody will ever die of anything just to be on the safe side.
* I don’t know if that is the actual full number of deaths today but it can’t be many more (if there are more to be reported)
Leicester : Russell Rawlingson was supposed to be on trial for shouting at Sima Kotecha from September 7th
..but nothing comes up
except a claim of him being sectioned and then released after 28 days. on July 18
I guess it would be the magistrates court.
There’s a crown court list but I don’t see him on that.
His comment says “Innocent until proven guilty bro. Not a racist bone in my body.”
“Fifth ex-PM speaks out against post-Brexit bill”
Dark forces at work. These fools are undermining Great Britain’s bargaining power with the EU. They tried it before.
Tory MP’s that withdraw their support for the government should be de-selected and re-stand for their seats.
The following is an example of a BBC approved mass gathering:
Notice the difference in how the BBC reports on this compared to how it reports on BBC non-approved mass gatherings.
The BBC are a complete joke. It is time to defund this entity. It is no longer fit for purpose.
These are the current top Sports stories on the BBC website:
Notice how three out of the seven are DIRECTLY promoting Black Lives Matter through tennis, cricket and some American sport I’m not particularly interested in.
If the BBC are not promoting BLM they are promoting third wave feminism, or LGBTQ, or BAME, or Islam, or Extinction Rebellion, or other groups wishing to overthrow traditional Western values and culture.
Not only have the BBC politicised their Sports reporting they have politicised more or less everything across their entire organisation as they become a full on campaigner for “change”.
If you go to the bottom of the Sports Page, you can find the section called African sport. I’m not kin interested.
BBC parliament has the debate about the EU trade Bill . Im listening but looked up to see the ‘banner ‘ reminding the viewer about the ‘illegal ‘ acts of the PM in the last traitor parliament
I didnt think id see such bias on the parliament chsnnel but there it was . Biased ? Yes – because there is no context . Its as though they are working for the EU
Ed Miliband having his day in the sun as his boss chucks a sickie spouting in the commons as though he is in the pulpit ( i get the religion angle )
But the remainers are firing broadsides at the PM before losing the vote . Labour acting like kids at playtime .
It aint over yet. The Rejoiner House of Lords will ‘have a go’ next.
If they do It, may be a ‘nail in their coffin’. The public are turning against the freeloaders.
The bbc knows its audience.
The BbC knows what to quote.
And what not.
The PM did his bit on thr Bill , sat through milliband minors ‘ kennedy impersonation and then wisely left – before being subjected to Ian ‘ people of Scotland’ blackford – who took us back to the traitor parliament at the end of 2019 .
This issue will be the size of the majority – not that matters .
As an aside – i was taught that Parliament is supreme – and it decides what is law – so it is entitled to change the law – including international issues .
Guido lists the rebels so far.
He adds a footnote: *Guido suspects some critical MPs like Theresa May who have not yet said they outright oppose the Bill may find an excuse to be away from the House today and forget to lodge a proxy…
Why do I keep on thinking about ‘Wallace and Grommet’ when I hear and see Ed Milliband ?
So, I’m given to understand that before the American football games on Sunday something called the “Black National Anthem” was played along with the National Anthem of the United States of America.
That got me to wondering so I looked up “National Anthem” in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), one of the principal historical dictionaries of the English language, published by Oxford University Press.
I found the following:
NATIONAL AMTHEM – a solemn patriotic song adopted by a country as an expression of national identity.
This got me to wondering. One would think that in order to have a “National” Anthem one would have to have an independent country – as the OED notes.
Have I missed something?
Is there some new black nation? When did they achieve Nationhood? Where is this nation located?
What is the national language?
What defense forces do they have?
Are they members of the UN?
What economic system do they practice?
Do they have Free Trade Agreements or do they trade on WTO terms?
What is their currency?
Who are their leaders?
Who is their President or Premier or whatever they call their leader?
Who is the Head of State? Is the Head of State the same person as the Head of Government?
What sort of system of governance do they practice? A dictatorship? A monarchy? A plutocracy? A “democracy”? A republic? Mob rule? Do they have some sort of national legislature?
So many questions, so few answers …
Another few more votes for the Republicans
Fedup2, spot on Sir!!
Dobyns, yes, I seem to recall there was that Nation of Islam thing in the USA with someone called Louis Farrakand as leader. I encountered some of his ‘missionaries’ in central London which was an interesting event. Well-dressed, willing to debate politely but making very sexist remarks behind their backs about the women in our group.
The Farrakand movement, if I recall correctly, sprung out of the Malcolm X thing in the US.
Up2 Ed Zacchary
Dobyns, .. ? …. ??
Up2, say it aloud … Ed Zacchary
Which democratic function appointed it? Does it represent all black people, and have they all had a say in or choice about being represented by a separate anthem?
EU bill watch
Ian Blackford – has given a majisterial speech -and i quote “Scotland Scottish Scottish scotland “… get me drift .
A new law PDQ Boris, anyone supporting the EU loses the right to live in the UK. All assets of offenders confiscated.
This would get rid of most of the traitors.
The BBC say that it is not the media “partner” of the BLM
anarchist Marxist organization. But it is, in every respect.
The number one example is the. BBC website. Everything
to do with BLM takes preference with front page coverage.
So far as TV is concerned it would not surprise me in the
least that before the new format of a Question of Sport begins
it’s run The new diverse presenter and the diverse teams
will take the knee before the programme begins.
I reiterate on the fact that last week I wrote about whom I
expect the new team to be after all the white folk on the programme had been sacked.
According to the newspapers, even my comments were meant
to be facetious . I wont be far wrong.
The BBC News website headline is …Is there life in Venus Clouds…….??? Thats the headline ?? No 1 story????…..ahhhh then you dig a bit deeper and its a WOMEN professor thats leading the team. Every story lately as is every programme its women women women……..
You see that’s what happens when you get promoted based on the fact that you’re not a white man. It is endemic in Academia. Did you see that BBC report on a change to the Oscars – to be nominated for best film the films have to meet various inclusivity requirements. That was introduced sometime ago in Academia and it has become more extensive: appointments, promotions, committees, grant proposals, research paper submissions have all nowadays to meet inclusivity targets. It started with gender equality targets (more women) and it has now expanded to include every other group that claims victimhood status from the white patriarchy.
It happened to me repeatedly when I worked in the American Civil Service in the 90’s .
I filed and won 3 different Equal Employment Opportunity lawsuits …
All because I am a White male
Nice settlements followed
That’s why BBC censorship of male scientists proves we are living in the “Age of Stupid”
So the most important scientific discovery in the 21st Century is under BBC censorship because Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller are men. Their paper (Unified Theory of Climate, 2011) shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Mercury and the Moon are used to prove that the Grey body temperature and the average surface temperature are equal when there is no Atmosphere. A fall in the Earths average surface temperature of 16 Kelvin in the last 50 million years correlates with a drop in the atmospheric pressure of almost one bar, or in other words a halving of the Earths atmospheric pressure at the surface due to half of the mass of the Earths atmosphere being lost to Space.
So two men have produced a formula that works for both of the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars, which provides a precise calibration of the greenhouse effect on the Earth, by atmospheric mass, that proves man-made and womxn-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
But the BBC asks men if there’s any life in Clouds on Venus, because a female scientist doesn’t know the answer.
Answer: I don’t know, but I believe on Star Trek, the Venus drug made women more beautiful.
Meanwhile, in answer to their question they respond with what Dem pols say.
And here it is on FB:
BBC News
Democratic politicians have accused the US president of being in denial about the role of climate change in huge wildfires, as he visits California.
As ‘reporting’ goes, impressive.
And speaking of cut and paste, the next BBC ‘Labour says’ headlines will be a hoot.
This has recently appeared on the BBC website. It is the usual anti-Trump shite:
Over the past two weeks the BBC have called Donald Trump a racist, a mobster, a woman hater, a rapist, a liar, and a mass murderer among other things.
Wow Tonight BBC4 is not jam packed with Africa progs tonight
… except it is Nigeria season on Radio4
I pressed the remote to watch a film I’d recorded on Sky and as usual caught the last few minutes of the previous program.
It was a quiz show with 5 people, 2 I knew to be gay and 4 of them were wimmin.
There was one i didn’t recognise.
My first thoughts were ‘I wonder what her ‘thing’ is’.
Is she gay? disabled? Lgbltbbcitvcdm etc? muzzie? and so on.
No way could she just be a ‘normal’ person. She didn’t look like a bame.
Anyone else out there who gets this kind of reaction where you look at guests and instead of just accepting some ordinary people, as was normal not so long ago, you see agendas and box ticking.
Maybe it was just the 80% wimmin on the show representing the 50% wimmin in the population or the 40% (or maybe more) gay representing how much gay % in the population?
Maybe I’m an ‘ist or ‘ism or perhaps something not yet thought up.
My TV viewing is quite restricted and soon I will probably have that banned as I call out ‘Black monkey!’ every 15 seconds.
Perhaps if I change ‘the rule’ and call out ‘White monkey!**’ every sixty minutes I might be allowed to watch again?
(I see that Google’s ‘white couple’ versus ‘black couple’ image search still shows the world they would like rather than the world that is).
** A well-liked Indian colleague from my first proper job maintained that there were brown, black and white monkeys and his loud greeting each morning was “Hello monkeys!”. He was married to a (white) woman from Northern Ireland and loved The Black and White Minstrel Show. Changed times – and not for the better.
EG – once you are infected by boxticking disease you see it everywhere – those programmes must have a political officer to ensure everything is being done according to the BBC books of rules ….. I don’t miss it .
Outright lie on BBC News channel at about 19:18.
They played a voice recording of Lord Sumption, Former Justice of Supreme Court, answering whether people should ignore the ‘Rule of 6’ law.
Lord Sumption said, “I would say people should make their own decisions in the light of their own health and that the law should be a secondary consideration”
Back in the studio the news anchor says “That was the former Former Justice of Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, telling us the law should be a secondary consideration.”
Hmmm, that’s not what he really said was it BBC?
\\Brexit: Boris Johnson says powers will ensure UK cannot be ‘broken up’//
As Al Beeb has broken its contract to remain impartial, many, many times. Boris should immediately suspend the Telly Tax and de-fund the anti-British outfit. There is a HYS running now.
The country needs to get out of the EU so that our industry can plan its future . The Tory Government has dragged this out for far to long. It is a fake Tory Party.
The Brexit Party is gearing up for the next election.
“Panorama meets the African migrants who have been exploited for their body parts by criminal gangs.
Some have agreed to sell a kidney to finance their journey to Europe, only to be ripped off by the traffickers after the operation.
Other victims have their organs taken without consent”
And others too.
BBC ‘reporting’ is, of course, primarily cut and pasting what someone says to them.
Bottomline : transfer some money to my Swiss bank account
..and I’ll send you some Carbon Credit Certificates
CO2 accounting trickery
Of course, there won’t be a carbon audit on the actual buildings they use.
It’s been estimated that some buildings, through their expensive styles and weak, ridiculous architecture, will never recover the ‘carbon debt’, because they used so much in the manufacture of the component parts.
This element will not be understood by Harrabin, and deftly ignored – after all, he isn’t a scientist, just a reporter.
What’s Priti saying and doing now about the Channel Invaders?
She wants to change the law to stop migrants ? A bit late now .
Nowt on Al Beeb yet ?
Interesting to see how tv works.
Beam me up Scottie?
I have no clue what to believe any more, especially via highly paid media people in suits with access to edit facilities.
The BBC approves of removal of civil liberties from the British so why should they ‘hold Boris to account’?
I see in the Daily Mail that the Bloated BBC is opening it’s new set for Eastenders at a cost of 87 MILLION QUID! I put that in Upper case to catch your eye. 87 MILLION Quid, for forks sake, it’s a bleeding programme that most people don’t even watch.How many pensioners licences paid for that. What will happen to it when the beeb goes tits up? Answers after this post please.
Its by the same people doing crossrail in london and H3S or whatever its called .
“What will happen when the beeb goes tits up?”
Let the properties to needy imports or, maybe ex-jailbird ‘Terrorists’
Taffman : Welsh Covid Data breach
What could possibly go wrong??
I aint biting. You know my feelings about the Welsh Assembly.
DG office in the morning comrade Robinson .
I just think someone as morally dubious at Mr Morgan gets far more attention than he deserves .He’s just a bubble dwelling journo who from style tries to be ‘controversial ‘ to keep the viewing figures up.
There are a good few like him – Clarkson occupies the other side of the shouty street .
More seriously I accidentally saw the footage of the shootings .it reminded me of the sort of ambush RUC and security forces got from the cowardly IRA during those years . Did the cops die?
I do wish the BBC would stop banging on about in death rates the UK has fallen to 10th highest , with the South American countries powering up the charts
Which has the highest death rate New Zealand or China ?
one has 3/million the other 5/million
India logs 80K deaths
yet claims to have a death rate one tenth of the UKs
The ‘man’ shooting the police officers in Compton, Los Angeles looks more like a woman to me.
Just a thought.
Candace Owens is worth a million Morgans, Abbotts, Butlers and Lammys, a true successor to Martin Luther King.
In the Wickes advert why is the lazy guy who hasn’t renovated the kitchen black ?
According to the Giardian the BBC Annual Report is to be published Tuesday and says 700 female BBC drones have been given pay rises to stop them moaning . If you pay the licence – that is where your money is going .
Does Lewis get the same as BS?
Doing political messages in sport is usually against the rules
Maybe Hamiliton s signalling that black young men are rule breakers.
seems hamilton has jumped the shark with this one
EVEN the BBC have avoided putting associated links to the story on the page
so retard lewis now thinks if a policeman knocks at your door you can start shooting through the door ,and if the police return fire they should be arrested
what an utter mong
The EU Labour Party lost its blocking motion by 136 votes. ….. doesnt look like the traitor tory cabal will have much impact.
Main bill passes with 77 majority . Lords will try and delay it of course
So all the hype today amounted to nothing.
Some reporters call out bullshit when they read it. Too few, but some.
Candace Owens is worth a thousand of Pies Morgan.
He’s nothing more than a loudmouthed, bullying, rabble rousing gobshite.
The term “tacky tabloid” sums him up perfectly.
BTW, the spelling mistake was deliberate.
And accurate…
Top tip : always make sure there are 6 people in your house
… That’s nothing to do with Covid safety
It’s just that if there is a burglar,
that’ll make 7 people
and thus there’s a chance the police will actually attend.
BBC EdGuds are nothing if not hilarious.
‘Symbolically lowered’.
11am Tuesday : Live with Avi Yemini – Viva Frei Stream
Crimebodge asks “Your input is invited please. I’m putting a video together on the top 5 complaints about the police.”
Sargon & Modern Wisdom discussing if Twitter is damaging and corrupting the media
6 mins long
Lineker is mentioned
“Twitter is a fight club”
Statement from Professor f Gender Nonsense
..very sweary
As an alumnus of that establishment, I found that painfully true. And funny.
They long ceased getting any cash from me, but it doesn’t stop them sending begging letters. The next one will actually get a response. But not the one they were looking for.
“Brexit: Internal Market Bill clears first hurdle in Commons”
Al Beeb and the Remainers/Rejoiners are not happy bunnies.
All by 77 votes! Those Tory Traitors that voted against should be deselected.
What is more important “trashing” the UK’s reputation or trashing the UK’s sovereignty, independence and economy?
Next hurdle , the House of Lords.
Dumb reporting on the BBC’s website regarding face coverings in France:
“Masks compulsory in 27 high-risk areas in the department from 06:00 (04:00 GMT) to 02:00 (00:00 GMT), except in large outdoor areas”
How many people living or visting in France (or for that matter the UK!) have their timepieces set to GMT?
I wondered why Bill Cash supported the withdrawal agreement. No one told me about clause 38. The US in 1814 and Egypt in 1956 both broke international law on an issue of national sovereignty. But in Clause 38 of the withdrawal agreement, it says that “the Parliament of the United Kingdom is sovereign” “nothing in this Act derogates from the sovereignty of the Parliament of the United Kingdom”. It means that the Internal Market Bill is legal in international law because the EU signed up to what was in the withdrawal agreement. Three sticking points. All about the surrender of British sovereignty. (1) Surrender to the EU of our territorial waters. (2) Surrender to the EU of our state funding rights (3) Surrender to the EU of Northern Ireland trade. The US in 1814 and Egypt in 1956 didn’t have Clause 38. So it caused small wars against members of the House of Lords, ending in a victory for national sovereignty over international law and slime balls like John Major and many other ex-Prime Ministers, alive and dead.
During the debate on the Bill – Bill Cash let rip with a broadside speech reminding the traitors about the supremacy of Parliament . And at the end the girl who led for the EUlabou r Party said that ‘five living former PMs ‘ were against it .
If a real commons were in place she’d have been ripped a new one as she would have been reminded that the dead PMs were also against it .
With a bit of luck – now that the EU knows how far the current government will go it will either walk away – no deal – or behave itself – I think the latter is more likely because of the excess volume of exports the EU makes to us . Now they might finally realise it .
Naturally the lords are getting on their high horse but threatening them with rapid downsizing will shut a lot up…..