John cocktail time Sweeney says watch Panorama
The topic is supposed to be Panorama uncovers secret reports that expose how banks have failed to tackle crime. Reporter Richard Bilton also exposes the business deals billionaires would rather you didn’t know about
but Guardian pushes Brexit Conspiracy theory angle
“Lubov Chernukhin’s husband received $8m from a #Russian oligarch months before the #Brexit vote.
She’s subsequently given more than £1.5m to the Conservative party.
Deutsche Bank flagged the transaction as suspicious.
Full story tonight on @BBCPanorama”
“It’s the leak that reveals the secrets of British banking.
Panorama uncovers secret reports that expose how banks have failed to tackle crime and how terrorists, money launderers and crime bosses are able to use the same banks as us.
Reporter Richard Bilton also exposes the double life of the man who funded the Brexit Party, secret deals at the top of British football and the business deals billionaires would rather you didn’t know about.
I watched some of this and it came across as a last-ditch attempt to weave a fanciful story to connect together and rubbish Brexit / Farage / Russians / Conservatives etc. as unscrupulous villains. I understand that it replaced the usual One Show screening in a brazen attempt to hijack the audience of a quite popular show revealing exactly how desperate Beeboids are now getting.
They probably knew that if they broadcast it as a stand-alone show in it’s own right it would get a minuscule audience so hoped to piggyback on the one-show and thus take people by surprise.
What a load of transparent tosh and balderdash, total slimy gutter trash so-called journalism!
It was nothing more than a political stunt to try to prop up the remain campaign.
So that’s it. How silly of me.
The main story on the BBC webshite this morning was this very one – about dubious bank practices.
Yet I couldn’t find it significantly in any newspaper or new channel or other source.
So it wasn’t news at all. It was in reality a commercial for a BBC Panorama programme.
Note to self. Be even more suspicious of any BBC activity than I already am.
Perhaps it’s just a wheeze by BBC droids to get to visit nice plays to ‘investigate ‘ non sightings of the UK PM. Perhaps some pacific island is next ..when he has not been seen….
Every yoonie in the land has an expert on the virus.
For months they have appeared in front of bookshelves which allegedly prove they can read.
But lately there has been a shift away from bookcases to backgrounds of family photos, potted plants and even a glimpse of the expert’s garden.
I find this more interesting than the scripts provided to them by the media.
Personally I’m sick of the whole Zoom/video conferencing that all the channels have been adopting for comments from talking heads, with the freezing screens, broken sound links etc. There has even been one journalist in his book lined room talking to another journalist in his plush sitting room with us looking at a split screen !!!
Get the buggers into the studios to earn their fee, that would be a good example to get everyone off their arses and back into the offices.
I have strong suspicions about Boris .He should have gone WTO . Are we going to see a BRINO?
We aint out yet ‘until the fat lady sings’.
Strange things going on at the moment as in: he is stuffing the British economy . And it will be stuffed unless the Tory MPs mutiny.
taffman and G, I was pondering this earlier in relation to the new Lockdown and I wonder if Bojo will be so occupied with the new Covid and the Covid formerly known as 19 that he will say to Barnier via David Frost, “Sorry, we’ve negotiated in good faith for years. You’ve missed two deadlines this year, that’s it. We have to prepare now for a WTO No Deal Brexit and get on and deal with Covid as well. Sorry, you’ve missed your chance.”
On the other hand, yes it might make Bojo cave in to EU demands. The opposition seems to be largely feeble, the strongest voice being Michael Howard. Theresa ‘Who?’ May was on some interwebby news channels yesterday but can be safely ignored, I think. Hezza? Nowhere to be seen or heard. No doubt the Beeb will try and dig him and Vince Cable up and get them on the airwaves.
I think every time Major and Blair get involved, more and more Remain voters change their minds and start to think leaving the EU is a very good thing.
When you look back at the incredible effort it has been to extricate ourselves from the EU racket, whilst they obstructed us at every turn, desperate not to let us escape, doesn’t it make you wonder how anybody could have seen it as a benevolent institution? Surely, even for remainers the last few years must have been an education?
Nice spat on twitter which has angered me . Some SNP … type … ruth wishart – has twittered that its time to move on from commemorating the Battle of Britain . Ms wishart tweeted that we can ‘ move on ‘ because there are no fighter pilots still alive . There is one and she has now twittered an apology.
Maybe shes a drinker who takes to twitter when she should be rewatching ‘ braveheart ‘ ….
Andrew Neill has retorted that perhaps Bannockburn – 1317 ? Might have a similar treatment .
As an aside – i worked around canning town / silvertown a while ago . Green areas still in existance were provide by german bombing as were hills in the area – grassed over rubble from destroyed housing .
My family was also bombed out of their home . Maybe the SNP really want hard relations with the English . Big mistake .
Wishart’s an idiot and really not worth bothering about. Indeed, for a so-called Scottish nationalist, she’s ignorant of the crucial role that Scots played in the BoB.
Hugh Dowding, the supremo of RAF Fighter Command was born in Moffat; Robert Watson -Watt, the RDF (radar) guru, was born in Brechin, and Keith Park, who headed the vitally important 11 Group of Fighter Command, was born in NZ of a Scottish father and English mother.
There were some exceptional Scottish fighter pilots too: Archie McKellar, Finlay Boyd, Andrew McDowall and Sandy Johnstone all spring to mind.
And although the battle and the Blitz that followed was mostly confined to the south-east of England, the Luftwaffe did a fairly effective demolition job on Clydebank, home to some of the great shipyards of the day. The shipyards survived, but many of the workers’ homes did not.
There’s plenty more I could write but I’m sure you get the picture: Ruth Wishart may not wish to acknowledge it but the Battle of Britain was just that, and it was one in which her countrymen played a full role.
Edit: If you’re ever in Moffat, do keep your eyes peeled for the full-size replica Spitfire in the garden of a house.
Thank you Van – i was aware of the things you mentioned – particularly Keith Park who i felt was disgracefully sidelined once the main ‘ battle ‘ was over .
Wishart chose a sensitive subject to go Anti English on and i hope she suffers some consequence….
Wow, that list of famous and historically important names and where they hail from will be useful to those anxious to suggest that they came originally from Nigeria, India, Iran, Iraq and other similar brown places.
Didn’t they?
Perhaps Ruth Wishart should be aware of this, too:
The first shots in the air war over mainland Britain were fired over the Firth of Forth when the Luftwaffe attacked Rosyth Naval Base. Also the first German aircraft to be shot down over Britain and the first action by Spitfires in WWII.
The story was told in the book “Birth of the Few” by Henry Buckton.
The date of the action – 16th October 1939 – has special significance for me as my Mum was busy being born that day!
Fed -Wishart is a long standing hack SNP supporter/journalist! and has written for most of the Scottish rags. Currently writes for the National which I would not even use as toilet paper.
I noticed in some media and, no doubt social Meeja, reference to panic buying on the rise again. The inept twitty, and the crazy gang combined have caused more problems due to I no longer know what. The beeb will soon be on the case I imagine. The Online Daily Mail is showing photos of empty shelves. Some of these look awfully line the ones from March as they have very few masked peeps in the stores. These will miraculously disappear as the comments are noting this as well.
Anything to get a few hits and sell a few papers.
Inept crisis management – panic the populus on monday followed by the PM making the lock down announcement on Tuesday – meanwhile supermarkets get frantic again….
Belated good news from ITV4 coverage of the final day of the Tour de France.
At the start of the final stage there was (quote) ‘supposed to have been a concerted show of support for the Black Lives Matter movement by the peloton’.
There wasn’t. It was a total damp squib.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
And well done to the cyclists, putting their sport above virtue-signalling.
Here we go again . The cause of the resurgence of lockdown is due to Nasty Whitey . The main picture on the news website shows a beer garden jammed with Whiteys not a BME in sight…….whilst all the vacine and NHS storys feature….well youve guessed it.
The commentator – Rob Someone? – said that he was ‘angry’ about it, and I noticed him say that more than once, as the riders were finishing the race in Paris, and it should all have been about that, imho. I felt he was misusing his position.
Angered… because other people don’t share his views, or chose not to support the issue in the same way he would have.
He forgot that this is a political group (BLM) with specific opinions on the police, etc, that no one should feel obliged to support when taking part in sport. Otherwise its coercion, surely? It should be a voluntary and personal thing.
That’s what I just don’t get.
Apparently there was discussion about the numbers of black riders, and whether more can be encouraged, which seems appropriate.
It seems President Trump is to formally announce his nomination for the US Supreme Court of Friday / Saturday – a whole 6 days of woke BBC outrage . ….
Sources close to Panorama have learned a claim that someone alleges that Spidey Brooch Granny has expressed the hope that she lives long enough to see the U.K. back under EU rule, Labour running the show as only they can, and the BBC to get whatever they want, no matter what. For ever.
Guest – Hale is 75 – so – with all that expensive medical suppprt – courtesy of a high value taxpayers funded pension – she could well last another 25 years . I d enjoy reading the obituary though ……
……she proves how ‘wokism’ has contaminated every part of UK life – and that the judiciary is far from thr ‘neutral umpire ‘it has always claimed to be ….
“Labour: Historic divisions over patriotism pose challenge for Starmer”
A “challenge” !
What’s wrong with being proud of being British ?
Those that don’t like or hate Great Britain can always leave.
What a ridiculous article this is. The globalists c/o the bBC try, and fail, to define patriotism. Labour know that many of their voters are ‘patriotic’, so they have to say that they are – but this means explaining to us peasants what it is.
As usual they are completely missing the point because none of them feel it.
Chakrabarti say’s Starmer’s job is to redefine what patriotism means [yeah right].
I personally have no problem calling myself a patriot,” she said. “I am a universalist, an internationalist, a human rights activist, but I also understand that people are rooted in place, language, culture and stories.
Contemporary patriotism should be about loyalty to care and health workers in blue, sent into modern day mines, mills and trenches without adequate testing or protection, she says.
Ed Balls believes bringing together an internationalist view with the country’s national interest is the right balance – and one which has proven fruitful in the past for Labour.
[Starmer writes it all down and delivers speech from fence].
We all know their real problem is trying to convince us that Islam (big voting base) is ‘British’. They actually believe they can do it because they think we are all thick.
Is the Government using the pandemic lockdown as a cover to stuff in more Channel invaders ? An army barracks has opened up for them in Kent because the hotels are full ? Thanks to Priti one is opening in Taffland. France is ‘fly tipping’ and Boris is not doing anything about it. Collusion or what ?
Expect riots from them and supporting action from the communists in the public.
After all, they arrive with the expectation of a 4* hotel don’t they?
So unfair. Why should they suffer such overt discrimination? Poor luv’s.
Let him rant – at least UK isnt mentioned any more – the more ineffective their EU is seen to be the better for brexiters like me who want to see other nations seriously looking at it from a VFM ( thats value for money Fed) point of view …
Mailonline carrying an excellent example of the ‘talent’ at war with its BBC – older wimmin being set aside for younger and often darker one s – poor Libby , ms barker , the Wimmins hour clones -and – they seem – any BBC girl heading for 50 …
May their gruntled be dissed ….
Meanwhile – the walking dead – naughtie – simpson – Attenborough – continue to hoover up vast numbers of tv tax accounts lecturing the plebs from upon high ….
For all their ‘wokism’, they have still been ageist against women, which I guess is sexist, because they tend not to be ageist to men.
Remember when they replaced expert choreographer Arlene Philips with younger and not expert at all Alesha, on Strictly?
Having more females is still massively sexist if they can’t be over a certain age.
I don’t know about you but I wasn’t convinced by those televised anti-Christmas science lectures, as performed by Witty and Vallance.
Po-faced physics teachers attempting to explain with irrelevant graphs why class has collective detention whilst the real reason was chubby headmaster Bojo has the collywobbles.
Witty and Vallance – the unfunniest double act they could dig up from the music hall archives.
The Daily Star best expresses the frustration: ‘Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, the stockpiling covidiots are back’
The Mail seems none too convinced as it tells us: ‘UK slammed into reverse. Boris to impose new diktats amid fears of soaring infections – as row breaks out over doom-laden experts’ projections’
The Telegraph also raises doubts: ‘Letting experts run the country just isn’t cricket’
The same paper has minor headlines which suggest why it is the likes of Witty and Vallance can’t ever be expected see the whole picture: ‘FTSE plummets 3pc amid lockdown fears’
The Express warns of: ‘Savage rate cuts for savers’
Then there’s: ‘Have you got hidden diabetes?’ as a Telegraph feature – just try to book a GP appointment and see how far you get.
Self-medication is the prescription in the Mail: ‘Cut your risk of cancer’ – you’ll have to because it will be a long long time before the NHS gets around to it.
Even the covid convinced ‘i’ reminds us: ‘Why younger women need breast cancer scans’ – book now while you’re young girls, you might get a scan by the time you’re middleaged.
Also on the ‘i’ front page: ‘Here’s how Starmer can save Labour’
Fellow Labourite paper the Guardian chips in with: ‘Starmer to urge ‘red wall’ voters to return to Labour’ – Labour do need their “red wall” to come home. But Starmer can always rely on the “pink pool” in other words the entrenched liberal elites of academia, quangos and media.
As an example just look what the National Trust are up to as reported admiringly in the Guardian: ‘National Trust lists 93 of its properties with ‘messy and complex’ links to slavery and colonialism’
The Telegraph also has this same old story of self-loathing liberal elites in a postion of responsibility finding nothing better to do than to trash our heritage: ‘Churchill’s home in BLM-inspired dossier’
The left-leaning giveaway Metro, presumably seeing itself as a self-appointed covid marshall, takes a lame shot at the Tories: ‘Unmasked on the train. As PM is due to announce new lockdown plans, one of his MPs flouts the rules’ – 2 out of 10, for that weak effort Metro, must try harder.
Can’t help but notice how those on the Left are loving the covid restrictions just a little too much.
Is there any light relief, anywhere?
The Left-leaning and celeb-minded Metro can’t tempt me with their ‘Pand-emmys’ – the strap line is turn off enough: ‘All the stars, all the gossip, and all suitably social distanced’ and all suitably social justiced I shouldn’t wonder…
When the Mirror looks forward to a ‘Court Showdown’ forget Lady Hale slamming the gavel down on Brexit or Trump’s Supreme court battles. It’s: ‘Wags at war. Court showdown within weeks for Rooney and Vardy’
The Guardian has: ‘Midlife and menopause, why women are finally telling all’
I’m sorry but my reply would suit both the Guardianista women of a certain age and those tabloid Wags – keep it to yourselves, luvs.
Wot dissent over the 1.7 million saints who work for the NHS – proudly wearing their lanyard , name picture – identity number – for those very few not funded by the State to see ?
As usual, I will state I really don’t know about covid and lockdowns and I am glad I don’t have to be making the decisions. Bit the press and the Left will scream the opposite whatever decision the government makes. My left leaning friends were all screaming a couple of months ago that we should have locked down earlier. Reading Mailonline (I no longer watch much BBC) I read the screams that a second lockdown is unnecessary. Me? I continue to sit on the fence with the additional fact that I would prefer not to catch covid19.
Because the elephant in the room and the other half of the equation you can’t fully control is what lengths others are prepared to go to in order not to give it to you.
I’ve come across a good few 20 somethings who say ‘ i don’t mind if I catch it’.
They never state the logical follow up. ‘ I don’t mind who else I give it to’.
Stay safe.
On Toady.
Eager to find yet another example of a business in trouble from coronavirus, our Mischal introduces a football club spokesperson, from division 1. Burton Athletic.
Which means that neither the researchers nor assistants nor scriptwriters, nor Mischal, at the world’s finest impartial broadcaster and best-funded newsroom in the country, knew that the name of the club is Burton Albion.
On Toady tomorrow will they be doing a feature on Manchester Rovers?
“National Trust details colonialism and slavery links”
Al Beeb are giving the NT plenty of traction during the Covid crisis . This Woke virtue signalling by the trust is shooting it self in the foot . What for and to what end ?
It is because there are so many BAME members in the NT 🙂
My wife and I have both left and wrote explaining why….just like the British Library situation – these woke ‘managers/directors’ can’t lose- get kudos from all their woke friends , destroy great institutions and leave with their big payoff and downside…
Welcome to UK in 21st century..Lions lead by Donkeys
‘Snake’ or ‘Serpent’ would perhaps be more accurate.
“Did you not know that there is enmity and natural antipathy between your kind and mine? Did you not know that a serpent in the bosom, a mouse in a bag and fire in a barn give their hosts an ill reward?”
These people know what they are doing, never forget that.
Fools , the lot of them !
It is almost as if they have discovered something new in history ? Did they not go to school or Yooni ?, were they not taught about William Wilberforce or that Great Britain was one of the first countries in the world to end slavery? Do they know the whole story about about the Royal Navy and its work with the ‘Preventative Squadron’ or the ‘West Africa Squadron’?
Of course they did!
The libtards are weaponising all the ‘wokeness’ they picked up from the libtard professors when they were at Yooni.
The Labour Party has learned from ‘wokness’ by its great defeat at the last general election and is suddenly rediscovering ‘Patriotism’. May be they have taken on board the term ‘Lessons to be Learned’?
Too little, too late.
Yesterday G posted a brilliant discussion on New Culture Forum about Wokism being a virus which attacks the brain.The panel dividend the Woke into two categories , leaders who were agents of infection and followers or carriers who were Woke but didn’t spread it.
On reflection I think that there are more than two categories.
, these are:
Class one , only a few in number, who know that Wokism if unchecked will destroy society and believe that they will build one world socialism from the rubble. Violence to them is a means to and end. These people recruit on behalf of Wokism
Class two, those that believe that Wokism will bring about the a radical modification of our society , but without full blown destruction, to what they consider a fairer and better society , a sort of one world Utopia. These are quite numerous and control many institutions eg the BBC or the police. By instigating Wokist practises in the institutions they control they are making huge inroads on behalf of Wokism. They are dangerous but difficult to get rid of.
Both class one and two think that they should be in control and ordinary folks do as they tell them and of course that they are morally and intellectually superior to the ordinary folks.
Class three are those who know Wokism is dangerous and don’t agree with it but mouth it’s mantra because they are fearful of the retribution of class one and two, ie being cancelled or losing their job. I suspect that many middle aged college lecturers fall into this category.
Class four are those who think of Wokism more as a fashion statement and neither believe in it or disbelieve it. It’s just like a new hairstyle to them . They don’t see the dangers of a Wokism and never think where it’s leading to. There are a lot of these very easily led by the likes of the BBC.
By R4 Toady earlier all four categories are now proven to exist in the august National Trust who, no longer, can be trusted. The status of a ‘Trust’ should be withdrawn immediately. These are not ‘protectors’. McCarthyism has nothing on these people. Apparently, they are now working assiduously to destroy the connections to the past of Churchill and Rudyard Kipling. All to do with tenuous connections with slavery.
The communist army can now be seen to have infiltrated and infected much of the fabric of life on behalf of their paymasters, the UN/China/Soros & Co.
Would like to add that although I don’t post regularly, I read the comments here every day as it’s one of my go to places to let off steam and find others of like mind – the other is the Telegraphs letters and comment section. When I read 1984 I thought it was an amazing book but didn’t think I’d ever be living in it.
Thanks to Fedup, Stew, and all the other regulars ????
R4 – Gove with Mischel..he is very good – despite his annoying umm umm before he says something. He picked her argument apart and relayed back that she was arguing two opposite views – she had nowhere to go – then he let her off..
However I don’t think he really believes in the arguments for lockdown..
Now some Tories have stood up against the unconscious bias training.. of course the BBC are on the side of the training…
their ‘expert’ on unconscious bias didn’t acknowledge that this ‘training’ is focused on white people and their ‘ supposed’ bias against non whites, gay people and males over female sexism- a one way woke agenda with no onus on these groups to recognise the same…
JA- Particularly liked the firm way Sir John Hayes turned down the ‘Unconscious Bias Training’ with some unambiguous language: I think the term ‘re-education’ was used, and he made it clear he wasn’t subjecting himself to Marxist brainwashing techniques and that he thought it was a lot of rubbish.
You could hear both Webb and Canola (?), the trainer, were completely deflated as their attempts to bully Hayes into submission completely failed. So much that, had they tried to make accusations against him,as leftists love doing, e.g. “Are you far Right, maybe even a Nazi?”, they would simply have looked foolish.
Regrettably, many people subjected to that re-education crap are not that strong, and dare not look un-PC, or so they think. A nice little earner for the ‘trainers’, but they are not only thieves but downright evil.
UBT needs to be exposed and opposed with ferocity. Or would blacks like to attend this training for their unconscious (and often very conscious) bias against whites? No. So this is merely another one-sided Marxist tool.
That this North Korean style brainwashing is even allowed in Britain tells us a lot about our useless (traitor?) government.
Nigel on talkRadio yesterday talking about the government’s mishandling of Covid.
The conversation then moves on to the invasion of the ‘boat people’. At 11:51 he predicts hundreds will be arriving today.
Let’s help the failing airline industry and similarly same with the cruise liners parked up. But how? By chartering same to “repatriate” people…………..Many people.
Don’t hear much about China these days. Well, apart from DJT who often makes reference to the, “Chinese Virus”.
Let’s not forget that most of the current woes came from China. Do not let the MSM and our, “Worlds most trusted” whitewash.
9am R4 Jim Al-Khalili talks to Neil Ferguson about his life and work, the tricky relationship between politics and science and asks if he has any regrets about lockdown.
In March, he predicted that 510,000 people in the UK could die if nothing was done to mitigate the spread of this pandemic.
Does he stand by that prediction?
And how worried is he now?”
Prof ‘Legover’ Ferguson still standing by his claims …no recognition of the overwhelming current data against his predictions and criticism of his modelling… discussion of Swedish model and thinking..and when asked if he thought his 500K was over estimate he said might have been greater!!!!
This man has an ego the size of a planet…he even accuses other analysts of ‘speculating’ over their figures..
Why is a somewhat discredited scientist given air space whilst opposing views are not allowed?
A great BBC ‘ our mates’ interview – no challenge no interruptions..BBC pushing the narrative….
PS. when discussed his breaking of lockdown 🙂 he was given a really easy ride..if he had been a Tory MP it would have been different
JA “he even accuses other analysts of ‘speculating’ over their figures.” To be fair, that’s what I was hearing from Whitty and Vallance yesterday, lots of could and might and perhaps.
I've just been forcefully removed from the Dover harbour for filming the records day of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT crossings by pc plum
I never thought I would see the day our police suppress their own people to allow the enemy to walk right in. Their will be a day when this lot will try and rise against it's host. And where are the people in charge? Probably some diversity conference learning to tick boxes!
Joan wouldn’t get away with that now. Saying you are NOT racist if you are white is a hate crime, you are white and therefore MUST be a racist, it goes with the job.
However being ACTUALLY racist if you are black is no problem, you can hate white people as much as you like and it’s a free ride.
island – if I remember correctly, Nigel also addresses the invasion near the end of the interview.
He seems to be the only politician taking the invasion seriously, and I do wish he and others with the same sentiments could pool their resources, get together in one party, and make a lot of noise. Real conservatives (as opposed to our uselesss, wet Conservative government), who don’t like Britain to be invaded seem to all be doing their own thing? Is divide and rule working for government?
Keep giving out the facts, please Nigel.
And- until the MSM picks this story up, we need to make a lot of noise.
Why does Nigel always look on his own on this issue. Do I have it wrong? Tell me, please. What is going on? Congrats to Warney, above. Our weak police carrying out the orders of our treacherous politicians, who could stop all this NOW if they really wanted to. Resignations are called for.
The invasion ain’t waiting!
She’s nicely excused herself from any future proceeding challenging lockdown(s) ending up in the SC. Or, maybe she might align herself to some judges in the US where their bias does not restrict them from their judicial functions. E.g. Gen. Flynn case.
GW – the bbc have been working very hard to get ‘conservative’ and ‘bad’ linked in impressionable minds.
‘Liberal’ -in turn- stands for ‘good’, never mind that the original preoccupation of ‘liberal’ was with FREEDOM, not EQUALITY, which is what has now happened.
Equality was, of course, always the agenda of SOCIALISTS. But, calling yourself ‘liberal’ can be a dandy camouflage.
You can even smash, loot and burn, apparently, and still be no moe than a ‘liberal’ in MSM propaganda!
YEEEE. Wimmins hour…
The power list.. an all female discussion panel…all to do with climate change ..and of course we only care about women doing great things about the environment..all judges are females…
And the laugh – one of this panel complaining that no females an the panel at COP 26…ha bloody ha..hypocrisy rules irony doesn’t exist
And ‘women are more interested in environment/climate than men’..research please..
And later we have Ilam Ohmar on.. yee that will be sickening
Turning radio off now as the first 5 minutes was a complete Woman are great, better than men….and this one has a really annoying voice..
Island – agree about the capture and weaponising of language entirely. As I said above, the liberal left are not really the ‘liberal’ left at all. The are the socialist left.
Calling them the ‘liberal’ left has been another little MSM trick, which society has fallen for. Liberals are far more centric.
This is the BIG lie of the moment, and we need to expose it if we want to make headway in the language war!
Fake – I’ve thought long and hard about the way language is now used as a form of control. Even the term PC li pretty loaded and I do my best to beat a lone path as far as words are concerned .
Consider ‘far ‘ – now the left uses ‘far right ‘ for anyone or thing which doesn’t meet its ‘code ‘ . So I use ‘far left ‘ in response in some preambles . I’ve seen comments about this on the Facebook bit of this site which shows how the left sees what it want to …
Another biggy is ‘ cause offence ‘- I choose now to use the word ‘coloured ‘ instead of ‘black’ just out of my individual choice because it is still legal. I run the risk of ‘causing offence ‘.
Well to me being ‘offended ‘ is part of the human condition like breathing .. and if someone is ‘offended’ tough – be a grown up – stick the ‘offence ‘ in a box and move on .
So my language might sometimes appear unorthodox but it is done out of choice – my little bit to try to hold the woke tide back …..
TOADY Watch #1 – we are aga … but maybe they are right … but we want to be against but … its what the science says that matters
The BBC in quandary over the PM ramping up restrictions for the new Covid War, they don’t know whether to oppose or support. As a consequence they think it far simpler just to highlight what grumbling Conservative backbenchers are saying so the BBC points and says “Oooh, look at them!”
Lisa Nandy (Lab) will not be drawn into the BBC’s trubble. She has her hands full trying to be loyal to the leader led by donkeys, Keir Starmer, at Party Conference time while also trying to accept the same science that a Labour Party in Government would (even more) blindly follow, purely because it is ‘science’.
I emailed my MP again yesterday as in about ten days time the Chinese flu bill is due for extension (or not) I asked him not to support any such extension to the draconian powers the PM has granted himself.
I made a number of points regarding the economic impact of the lock-down, the removal of liberty when boatloads of invaders arrived unchecked – and the fact the NHS is there to protect & save me (and the public at large) not the other way round.
Please die at home or in the ambulance – it improves hospital performance stats and gets managers their bonus . Also saves on cleaning bills and admin . Sorry I’m no fan of their NHS ….
I urge anybody who thinks that critical race theory should not have a place at Westminster as a universal piece of training for *all MPs * to email their MP along the lines below:
I would be grateful if you could advise if you or your staff have partaken or intend to partake of the “unconscious bias training” apparently being offered to MPs at Westminster as detailed in The Times newspaper?
Again behind the paywall but this seems to be a repeat of this article mentioned by Dobyns yesterday, and the comments are worth reading.
e.g. Brilliant. Please ensure all ministers read this, and make Brandon Lewis read it and then sack him. May’s cronies should have no place in a government committed to leaving the EU.
Stew ” the rule: No one should present an extraordinary claim without showing extraordinary evidence.”
That’s me sunk then 😉
From what the PM said this a.m. in Parliament and relayed to me via BBC R4 TWatO (and subject to the BBC ‘edits’) then it is not unreasonable in my view to infer that HMG have got their hands on samples of Covid-20 and it contains a component that attacks the older members of a population.
OK, I know that the Covid formerly known as 19 did that as well but some/a lot of the deaths were just down to clumsy handling by the NHS and the Care sectors.
I suspect that Covid-20 is designed to take out older people, the over 50s, for obvious reasons.
If you are over 50 and reading this then take special care – I wish you good health and an avoidance of Covid. I’m firmly in that age bracket, too. Eeeeeeek!
Always good to have a better knowledge of the enemy – so ms tattoo brown is the producer of the daily ‘hate trump ‘ show on BBC4 – if ever there was a reason for ending that channel …
… I’m thinking of compiling a list of producers ‘ editors for these biased programmes – if only to monitor the Twitter porn….
……and perhaps get evidence of breaches of BBC codes , guides and the rest ….
Bottomline : Covid protection should be targetted on the most dangerous practices
– Coughing all over other people
– Reckless sharing of food
– Reckless use of toilets
ie If you have visitors for a garden party maybe they can bring their own food, or safe packaged
And your family uses the upstairs toilet
whilst visitors use the downstairs one.
The people who obey certain basic rules probably don’t need to have extra rules opposed on them.
Instead target the dangerous .. the street alcoholics, the people who get smashed off the face at the pub.
The reckless kitchen/takeaway workers that could send Covid to hundreds.
I am not sure there is big evidence of planes being a big spreader.
Nor of supermarket masks being a big effective safety measure.
Stew, for aeroplanes and your eminently sensible guide of dangerous practices then any form of transport brings people into close contact and inevitable surface spread; aeroplanes, trains and buses. I saw a local taxi this morning while out for a walk and the driver was wearing a mask. The PM announced new requirements for vehicles for hire today in Parliament. New requirement for shop staff to wear masks. (Why they were excepted before now, I do not know. Makes no sense.)
Hopefully, we are all old enough and sensible enough on here to firstly know our own medical histories & vulnerabilities, and, secondly to take care using our own initiative.
My elderly father, bravely and – I thought – somewhat trustingly, toddled along to his local GP surgery for his annual flu jab last week.
The experience of what he found there, the alarming NHS precautions, life threatening posters and signage, emergency arrangements etc. plus all the prior media dire warnings, apparently frightened the life out of the poor old sod.
He told me that whatever medical problems he might now become subject to, he would put up with almost any pain or suffer any illness concern, just so as to avoid another visit, so scared had he become.
I’m betting he’s not the only one.
Yes, there will be those even hereabouts who tell me they are afraid of catching covid.
One might suggest the politicians running the show have our best interests at heart.
Think about this… Did they ever ask us to give up our liberties and have the entire economic capacity of the nation turned over to the fight against cancer or of strokes? Of course they didn’t. They simply got caught up in the internationalised covid hysteria. Beware you don’t.
AISI, you may not have seen my post above but at an informed guess your old Dad was right to notice the evidence of his eyes and be concerned but wrong to fear. I suspect we (the UK) perhaps thanks to allies out in the Far East know something about a new strain of Covid.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
I’m not afraid and not afraid of catching Covid although it is likely to be the end of me for this lifetime. I’m careful about ordinary ‘flu’ these days and, hence, avoid both the jab while being very careful – should I be in London – on how I use public transport in winter
We are now in a two prong (or two fronts) new Cold War. Maybe I’ll outline some more of my thinking on that in another post.
AsI, amidst all the apocalyptic posters, did your dear old dad happen to see an apparition ? in the image of something we used to call a GP ? Do they still exist ??
Plenty of surgery nurseries I understand, who get up close and personal to take blood, deal with boils, and clear ear wax – one nurse I spoke to dealt with 16 patients an hour while the GPs were sat supping tea in the staff room ? This is a national scandal.
I read This website is produced by BBC Global News, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.
So how idid the BBC create BBC Global News if not from money originating from the licence fee (perhaps via the sale of tax funded BBC productions)?
Let us be patriotic-The REAL reason “Rule Britannia” was written!
Here is something you are unlikely to learn via the BBC or any other Media outlet.
In the 17th century the seas around Britain were ruled by North African Muslim Slavers. They stopped British ships and carried off the crews to be sold as slaves in Algiers and Tripoli. The situation became so bad that fishermen from Devon and Cornwall wouldn’t put out to sea in case they were captured by North African Slave Traders.
Between 1609 and 1616, 466 British ships were captured by Slave Traders in the English Channel, Irish Sea and North Atlantic, and the crews were sold into slavery.
In 1625 a raiding party landed at Mount’s Bay in Cornwall and 60 people who had taken refuge in a local church were dragged out, loaded up and taken off to Africa to be sold as slaves.
On 12 August 1625 the Mayor of Plymouth wrote to London for military help after 27 ships had been seized by North African Muslim Slave Traders in just 10 days.
In 1645, 240 people were seized as slaves in Cornwall.
The situation only began to change after the end of the English Civil War when the Royal Navy was built up under Oliver Cromwell. By 1700, North African Slavers generally knew better than to bother the British Isles in the search for slaves because of the Royal Navy.
It was a triumph that Britain was finally able to control its own coastal waters.
It was in commemoration of this that in 1740, James Thompson wrote ‘Rule Britannia’. It is a hymn of thanksgiving rather than a proclamation of aggressive Nationalism.
The Black and Muslim people living in this United Kingdom, should perhaps be acquainted with this historical information-we can of course go much further back to Brits being salves to the Romans, and later to the Normans whose invasion brought hard times to the Saxon Brits for many years. Plantation ships leaving Leath in Scotland beginning 19th cent-with white enforced people to be sold as slaves in America. However the point is that the Brits pulled and fought their way out of such enslavement.
Dear BLM and Race Fetishists at the BBC,
I demand reparations for the pain I am suffering because of what happened to my ancestors in Cornwall and Devon.
When do I receive my cheque?
Yours in perpetual suffering etc.
This fascinating comment will only reinforce the belief of the woke that Rule Britannia should not be heard. You have drawn attention to all the wrong things.
The House of Lords is currently receiving advice from an academic who, with her colleague, discussed the idea of an EU MILITARY INTERVENTION to stop Brexit. This is the calibre of ‘debate’ about defence and Brexit by Remainers in Parliament.
BBC covers the protest against moving Iranian and Iraqi asylum seekers into army barracks in Penally, Wales. Poor invaders, accomodation not good enough for them.
Meanwhile, protests against invasion – bad.
Supt Anthony Evans, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said any protestor found breaking the law would be prosecuted.
He said: “We understand that tensions are running high in the community, but last night’s scenes endangered everyone and caused understandable alarm.
“We are actively reviewing a significant amount of footage extracted from our officers’ body worn cameras, from footage shared to social media and intelligence obtained from other sources.”
‘Intelligence from other sources’… a reference to our man in the Moslem Council of GB
This is nothing more than cooperating with invaders. We need to ask who is giving the orders to PM Johnson and who has decided that Priti Patel should not be sacked for her collaboration with Iranian and Iraqi invaders.
“Supt Anthony Evans, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said any protestor found breaking the law would be prosecuted.”
Surely, The Channel invaders are breaking the law because they are illegal immigrants – ‘illegal’?
Where is Priti ?
When people say that the Hugh Sykes account looks like a bot
It does seem to resemble one.
When someone dared to mock Mark Lowen for bothering to go all the way to Peruglia Airport to try to confirm the fake Boris story, Sykes popped up to justify the trip.
Not remotely comparable. This is essential fact checking a story that has been growing like Topsy with potential to cause political damage if true or be laid to rest if it isn't.
Still lots of Twitter accounts are still in Guardianlalaland over this
they are STILL tweeting stuff like it really did happen, but there has been a cover up etc.
Loads look like Russian bot accounts operated to favour the Labour party.
The media world is of course now a sick joke. But what still amazes are those in academia willing to totally trash any value their honorifics confer for ideological reasons.
He laid out his will thought out plan in March.
It involved extensive testing, contact tracing, and heavy use of face coverings as well as phased reopenings.
It’s a case of the Guardian reporting NARRATIVES they WANT to be true instead of actual reality
And then the BBC thinking thinking that something must be true
, cos it was in the Guardian.
And one of the leaders was the the Witch Finder General Pippa Crerar from the Daily Mirror First she tweets the conspiracy Theory
and then adds
“Worth saying there are other suggestions about what Boris Johnson was up to last weekend”
and a link to HER OWN effing paper’s story on the christening as if its less likely to be true
And note the conspiracy theory was that Boris was secretly visiting Lebedev
But when it was confirmed the airport man was Blair
She like the rest of MSM doesn’t even question if Blair was visiting Lebedev ?.
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
John cocktail time Sweeney says watch Panorama
The topic is supposed to be Panorama uncovers secret reports that expose how banks have failed to tackle crime. Reporter Richard Bilton also exposes the business deals billionaires would rather you didn’t know about
but Guardian pushes Brexit Conspiracy theory angle
“Lubov Chernukhin’s husband received $8m from a #Russian oligarch months before the #Brexit vote.
She’s subsequently given more than £1.5m to the Conservative party.
Deutsche Bank flagged the transaction as suspicious.
Full story tonight on @BBCPanorama”
“It’s the leak that reveals the secrets of British banking.
Panorama uncovers secret reports that expose how banks have failed to tackle crime and how terrorists, money launderers and crime bosses are able to use the same banks as us.
Reporter Richard Bilton also exposes the double life of the man who funded the Brexit Party, secret deals at the top of British football and the business deals billionaires would rather you didn’t know about.
I watched some of this and it came across as a last-ditch attempt to weave a fanciful story to connect together and rubbish Brexit / Farage / Russians / Conservatives etc. as unscrupulous villains. I understand that it replaced the usual One Show screening in a brazen attempt to hijack the audience of a quite popular show revealing exactly how desperate Beeboids are now getting.
They probably knew that if they broadcast it as a stand-alone show in it’s own right it would get a minuscule audience so hoped to piggyback on the one-show and thus take people by surprise.
What a load of transparent tosh and balderdash, total slimy gutter trash so-called journalism!
It was nothing more than a political stunt to try to prop up the remain campaign.
So that’s it. How silly of me.
The main story on the BBC webshite this morning was this very one – about dubious bank practices.
Yet I couldn’t find it significantly in any newspaper or new channel or other source.
So it wasn’t news at all. It was in reality a commercial for a BBC Panorama programme.
Note to self. Be even more suspicious of any BBC activity than I already am.
The BBC and dodgy stories?
The very idea.
Perhaps it’s just a wheeze by BBC droids to get to visit nice plays to ‘investigate ‘ non sightings of the UK PM. Perhaps some pacific island is next ..when he has not been seen….
Every yoonie in the land has an expert on the virus.
For months they have appeared in front of bookshelves which allegedly prove they can read.
But lately there has been a shift away from bookcases to backgrounds of family photos, potted plants and even a glimpse of the expert’s garden.
I find this more interesting than the scripts provided to them by the media.
Personally I’m sick of the whole Zoom/video conferencing that all the channels have been adopting for comments from talking heads, with the freezing screens, broken sound links etc. There has even been one journalist in his book lined room talking to another journalist in his plush sitting room with us looking at a split screen !!!
Get the buggers into the studios to earn their fee, that would be a good example to get everyone off their arses and back into the offices.
Add to that the shaky, blurred, ‘portrait’ smartphone video lost in the middle of Cinamascope ™ TV screens!
“Theresa May ‘cannot support’ government’s Brexit bill”
I don’t think she ever supported Brexit . Neither did ‘Oily’ Robbins.
What’s new ?
Taffman – mrs may- the tory gordon brown – history will curse her and her crew prentending to do brexit but in fact undermining it .
At least Johnson had the ability to drive support for his party and a more serious version on brexit .
You write that we are still in the EU. We are not – we are extricating our selves from it – not easy after so much ‘ ever closer ‘ poison
I have strong suspicions about Boris .He should have gone WTO . Are we going to see a BRINO?
We aint out yet ‘until the fat lady sings’.
Strange things going on at the moment as in: he is stuffing the British economy . And it will be stuffed unless the Tory MPs mutiny.
All ‘part and parcel’ of the communists plan.
taffman and G, I was pondering this earlier in relation to the new Lockdown and I wonder if Bojo will be so occupied with the new Covid and the Covid formerly known as 19 that he will say to Barnier via David Frost, “Sorry, we’ve negotiated in good faith for years. You’ve missed two deadlines this year, that’s it. We have to prepare now for a WTO No Deal Brexit and get on and deal with Covid as well. Sorry, you’ve missed your chance.”
On the other hand, yes it might make Bojo cave in to EU demands. The opposition seems to be largely feeble, the strongest voice being Michael Howard. Theresa ‘Who?’ May was on some interwebby news channels yesterday but can be safely ignored, I think. Hezza? Nowhere to be seen or heard. No doubt the Beeb will try and dig him and Vince Cable up and get them on the airwaves.
I think every time Major and Blair get involved, more and more Remain voters change their minds and start to think leaving the EU is a very good thing.
When you look back at the incredible effort it has been to extricate ourselves from the EU racket, whilst they obstructed us at every turn, desperate not to let us escape, doesn’t it make you wonder how anybody could have seen it as a benevolent institution? Surely, even for remainers the last few years must have been an education?
Nice spat on twitter which has angered me . Some SNP … type … ruth wishart – has twittered that its time to move on from commemorating the Battle of Britain . Ms wishart tweeted that we can ‘ move on ‘ because there are no fighter pilots still alive . There is one and she has now twittered an apology.
Maybe shes a drinker who takes to twitter when she should be rewatching ‘ braveheart ‘ ….
Andrew Neill has retorted that perhaps Bannockburn – 1317 ? Might have a similar treatment .
As an aside – i worked around canning town / silvertown a while ago . Green areas still in existance were provide by german bombing as were hills in the area – grassed over rubble from destroyed housing .
My family was also bombed out of their home . Maybe the SNP really want hard relations with the English . Big mistake .
Wishart’s an idiot and really not worth bothering about. Indeed, for a so-called Scottish nationalist, she’s ignorant of the crucial role that Scots played in the BoB.
Hugh Dowding, the supremo of RAF Fighter Command was born in Moffat; Robert Watson -Watt, the RDF (radar) guru, was born in Brechin, and Keith Park, who headed the vitally important 11 Group of Fighter Command, was born in NZ of a Scottish father and English mother.
There were some exceptional Scottish fighter pilots too: Archie McKellar, Finlay Boyd, Andrew McDowall and Sandy Johnstone all spring to mind.
And although the battle and the Blitz that followed was mostly confined to the south-east of England, the Luftwaffe did a fairly effective demolition job on Clydebank, home to some of the great shipyards of the day. The shipyards survived, but many of the workers’ homes did not.
There’s plenty more I could write but I’m sure you get the picture: Ruth Wishart may not wish to acknowledge it but the Battle of Britain was just that, and it was one in which her countrymen played a full role.
Edit: If you’re ever in Moffat, do keep your eyes peeled for the full-size replica Spitfire in the garden of a house.
Thank you Van – i was aware of the things you mentioned – particularly Keith Park who i felt was disgracefully sidelined once the main ‘ battle ‘ was over .
Wishart chose a sensitive subject to go Anti English on and i hope she suffers some consequence….
Wishart is anti-British, Fed.
While she may come across as being anti-English, the reality is that she and her ilk have a particular dislike of pro-Union Scots.
Her tawdry little gang no more speaks for Scotland than the BBC does for the UK.
Wow, that list of famous and historically important names and where they hail from will be useful to those anxious to suggest that they came originally from Nigeria, India, Iran, Iraq and other similar brown places.
Didn’t they?
If you are ever in Moffatt make sure you buy some Selkirk Bannock.
Perhaps Ruth Wishart should be aware of this, too:
The first shots in the air war over mainland Britain were fired over the Firth of Forth when the Luftwaffe attacked Rosyth Naval Base. Also the first German aircraft to be shot down over Britain and the first action by Spitfires in WWII.
The story was told in the book “Birth of the Few” by Henry Buckton.
The date of the action – 16th October 1939 – has special significance for me as my Mum was busy being born that day!
Fed -Wishart is a long standing hack SNP supporter/journalist! and has written for most of the Scottish rags. Currently writes for the National which I would not even use as toilet paper.
I noticed in some media and, no doubt social Meeja, reference to panic buying on the rise again. The inept twitty, and the crazy gang combined have caused more problems due to I no longer know what. The beeb will soon be on the case I imagine. The Online Daily Mail is showing photos of empty shelves. Some of these look awfully line the ones from March as they have very few masked peeps in the stores. These will miraculously disappear as the comments are noting this as well.
Anything to get a few hits and sell a few papers.
Inept crisis management – panic the populus on monday followed by the PM making the lock down announcement on Tuesday – meanwhile supermarkets get frantic again….
gb123, you read it hear first, though. 🙂
“BBC’s new £44million Scottish channel costs SIX TIMES more per viewer than BBC One with just 18% of Scots tuning in after it launched last year”
How to spend ‘other’ people’s money.
They have a cavalier attitude to Telly Tax Payers. Why hasn’t Boris and the Tories scraped the whole outfit ?
Belated good news from ITV4 coverage of the final day of the Tour de France.
At the start of the final stage there was (quote) ‘supposed to have been a concerted show of support for the Black Lives Matter movement by the peloton’.
There wasn’t. It was a total damp squib.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
And well done to the cyclists, putting their sport above virtue-signalling.
Here we go again . The cause of the resurgence of lockdown is due to Nasty Whitey . The main picture on the news website shows a beer garden jammed with Whiteys not a BME in sight…….whilst all the vacine and NHS storys feature….well youve guessed it.
The commentator – Rob Someone? – said that he was ‘angry’ about it, and I noticed him say that more than once, as the riders were finishing the race in Paris, and it should all have been about that, imho. I felt he was misusing his position.
Angered… because other people don’t share his views, or chose not to support the issue in the same way he would have.
He forgot that this is a political group (BLM) with specific opinions on the police, etc, that no one should feel obliged to support when taking part in sport. Otherwise its coercion, surely? It should be a voluntary and personal thing.
That’s what I just don’t get.
Apparently there was discussion about the numbers of black riders, and whether more can be encouraged, which seems appropriate.
It seems President Trump is to formally announce his nomination for the US Supreme Court of Friday / Saturday – a whole 6 days of woke BBC outrage . ….
Hopefully it will co incide with the funeral …
According to Kayleigh the appointment is imminent, could be before Wednesday
I amazed. A CBS interview which is not an interuptathon. Slightly hostile but allowing a full answer to questions. Piers Morgan take note.
They know not to mess with Kayleigh – she is well briefed and takes no shit£.
Just wish we had a Kayleigh in the Tories –
Sources close to Panorama have learned a claim that someone alleges that Spidey Brooch Granny has expressed the hope that she lives long enough to see the U.K. back under EU rule, Labour running the show as only they can, and the BBC to get whatever they want, no matter what. For ever.
Guest – Hale is 75 – so – with all that expensive medical suppprt – courtesy of a high value taxpayers funded pension – she could well last another 25 years . I d enjoy reading the obituary though ……
……she proves how ‘wokism’ has contaminated every part of UK life – and that the judiciary is far from thr ‘neutral umpire ‘it has always claimed to be ….
“Labour: Historic divisions over patriotism pose challenge for Starmer”
A “challenge” !
What’s wrong with being proud of being British ?
Those that don’t like or hate Great Britain can always leave.
What a ridiculous article this is. The globalists c/o the bBC try, and fail, to define patriotism. Labour know that many of their voters are ‘patriotic’, so they have to say that they are – but this means explaining to us peasants what it is.
As usual they are completely missing the point because none of them feel it.
Chakrabarti say’s Starmer’s job is to redefine what patriotism means [yeah right].
I personally have no problem calling myself a patriot,” she said. “I am a universalist, an internationalist, a human rights activist, but I also understand that people are rooted in place, language, culture and stories.
Contemporary patriotism should be about loyalty to care and health workers in blue, sent into modern day mines, mills and trenches without adequate testing or protection, she says.
Ed Balls believes bringing together an internationalist view with the country’s national interest is the right balance – and one which has proven fruitful in the past for Labour.
[Starmer writes it all down and delivers speech from fence].
We all know their real problem is trying to convince us that Islam (big voting base) is ‘British’. They actually believe they can do it because they think we are all thick.
Is the Government using the pandemic lockdown as a cover to stuff in more Channel invaders ? An army barracks has opened up for them in Kent because the hotels are full ? Thanks to Priti one is opening in Taffland. France is ‘fly tipping’ and Boris is not doing anything about it. Collusion or what ?
Expect riots from them and supporting action from the communists in the public.
After all, they arrive with the expectation of a 4* hotel don’t they?
So unfair. Why should they suffer such overt discrimination? Poor luv’s.
Mr EU admits the EU is EUseless.
Let him rant – at least UK isnt mentioned any more – the more ineffective their EU is seen to be the better for brexiters like me who want to see other nations seriously looking at it from a VFM ( thats value for money Fed) point of view …
Mailonline carrying an excellent example of the ‘talent’ at war with its BBC – older wimmin being set aside for younger and often darker one s – poor Libby , ms barker , the Wimmins hour clones -and – they seem – any BBC girl heading for 50 …
May their gruntled be dissed ….
Meanwhile – the walking dead – naughtie – simpson – Attenborough – continue to hoover up vast numbers of tv tax accounts lecturing the plebs from upon high ….
For all their ‘wokism’, they have still been ageist against women, which I guess is sexist, because they tend not to be ageist to men.
Remember when they replaced expert choreographer Arlene Philips with younger and not expert at all Alesha, on Strictly?
Having more females is still massively sexist if they can’t be over a certain age.
I don’t know about you but I wasn’t convinced by those televised anti-Christmas science lectures, as performed by Witty and Vallance.
Po-faced physics teachers attempting to explain with irrelevant graphs why class has collective detention whilst the real reason was chubby headmaster Bojo has the collywobbles.
Witty and Vallance – the unfunniest double act they could dig up from the music hall archives.
The Daily Star best expresses the frustration: ‘Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, the stockpiling covidiots are back’
The Mail seems none too convinced as it tells us: ‘UK slammed into reverse. Boris to impose new diktats amid fears of soaring infections – as row breaks out over doom-laden experts’ projections’
The Telegraph also raises doubts: ‘Letting experts run the country just isn’t cricket’
The same paper has minor headlines which suggest why it is the likes of Witty and Vallance can’t ever be expected see the whole picture: ‘FTSE plummets 3pc amid lockdown fears’
The Express warns of: ‘Savage rate cuts for savers’
Then there’s: ‘Have you got hidden diabetes?’ as a Telegraph feature – just try to book a GP appointment and see how far you get.
Self-medication is the prescription in the Mail: ‘Cut your risk of cancer’ – you’ll have to because it will be a long long time before the NHS gets around to it.
Even the covid convinced ‘i’ reminds us: ‘Why younger women need breast cancer scans’ – book now while you’re young girls, you might get a scan by the time you’re middleaged.
Also on the ‘i’ front page: ‘Here’s how Starmer can save Labour’
Fellow Labourite paper the Guardian chips in with: ‘Starmer to urge ‘red wall’ voters to return to Labour’ – Labour do need their “red wall” to come home. But Starmer can always rely on the “pink pool” in other words the entrenched liberal elites of academia, quangos and media.
As an example just look what the National Trust are up to as reported admiringly in the Guardian: ‘National Trust lists 93 of its properties with ‘messy and complex’ links to slavery and colonialism’
The Telegraph also has this same old story of self-loathing liberal elites in a postion of responsibility finding nothing better to do than to trash our heritage: ‘Churchill’s home in BLM-inspired dossier’
The left-leaning giveaway Metro, presumably seeing itself as a self-appointed covid marshall, takes a lame shot at the Tories: ‘Unmasked on the train. As PM is due to announce new lockdown plans, one of his MPs flouts the rules’ – 2 out of 10, for that weak effort Metro, must try harder.
Can’t help but notice how those on the Left are loving the covid restrictions just a little too much.
Is there any light relief, anywhere?
The Left-leaning and celeb-minded Metro can’t tempt me with their ‘Pand-emmys’ – the strap line is turn off enough: ‘All the stars, all the gossip, and all suitably social distanced’ and all suitably social justiced I shouldn’t wonder…
When the Mirror looks forward to a ‘Court Showdown’ forget Lady Hale slamming the gavel down on Brexit or Trump’s Supreme court battles. It’s: ‘Wags at war. Court showdown within weeks for Rooney and Vardy’
The Guardian has: ‘Midlife and menopause, why women are finally telling all’
I’m sorry but my reply would suit both the Guardianista women of a certain age and those tabloid Wags – keep it to yourselves, luvs.
Wot dissent over the 1.7 million saints who work for the NHS – proudly wearing their lanyard , name picture – identity number – for those very few not funded by the State to see ?
Get ready to clap folks …
As usual, I will state I really don’t know about covid and lockdowns and I am glad I don’t have to be making the decisions. Bit the press and the Left will scream the opposite whatever decision the government makes. My left leaning friends were all screaming a couple of months ago that we should have locked down earlier. Reading Mailonline (I no longer watch much BBC) I read the screams that a second lockdown is unnecessary. Me? I continue to sit on the fence with the additional fact that I would prefer not to catch covid19.
As children we were always warned against sitting on farm fences as that could result in us catching ringworm!
Probably came from the same authority that taught us that all swans were determined to break our arms with one flap of the wing.
‘Project Fear’ has a long history.
Hi Deborah
Your last sentence is quite key.
Because the elephant in the room and the other half of the equation you can’t fully control is what lengths others are prepared to go to in order not to give it to you.
I’ve come across a good few 20 somethings who say ‘ i don’t mind if I catch it’.
They never state the logical follow up. ‘ I don’t mind who else I give it to’.
Stay safe.
But we are safe. Throw your mask away (but not in the street).
But we are safe. Throw your mask away (but not in the street).
On Toady.
Eager to find yet another example of a business in trouble from coronavirus, our Mischal introduces a football club spokesperson, from division 1. Burton Athletic.
Which means that neither the researchers nor assistants nor scriptwriters, nor Mischal, at the world’s finest impartial broadcaster and best-funded newsroom in the country, knew that the name of the club is Burton Albion.
On Toady tomorrow will they be doing a feature on Manchester Rovers?
Mischal. Useless by name, useless by nature.
Nottingham Hotspur?
Be fair to BBC Radio 4 – it’s just not their class or culture.
I don’t keep up with football either.
How are Melchester Rovers doing? I bet they don’t have any players called Roy, Stan or Gordon nowadays!
erm….or Blackie Gray…… (awaits knock on the door)
On tomorrow, Roy Race from Premiership side Melchester Rovers, on taking the knee, smuggling girls into his hotel, and inhaling hippy crack.
“National Trust details colonialism and slavery links”
Al Beeb are giving the NT plenty of traction during the Covid crisis . This Woke virtue signalling by the trust is shooting it self in the foot . What for and to what end ?
It is because there are so many BAME members in the NT 🙂
My wife and I have both left and wrote explaining why….just like the British Library situation – these woke ‘managers/directors’ can’t lose- get kudos from all their woke friends , destroy great institutions and leave with their big payoff and downside…
Welcome to UK in 21st century..Lions lead by Donkeys
‘Donkey’ implies an innocent stupidity.
‘Snake’ or ‘Serpent’ would perhaps be more accurate.
“Did you not know that there is enmity and natural antipathy between your kind and mine? Did you not know that a serpent in the bosom, a mouse in a bag and fire in a barn give their hosts an ill reward?”
These people know what they are doing, never forget that.
Fools , the lot of them !
It is almost as if they have discovered something new in history ? Did they not go to school or Yooni ?, were they not taught about William Wilberforce or that Great Britain was one of the first countries in the world to end slavery? Do they know the whole story about about the Royal Navy and its work with the ‘Preventative Squadron’ or the ‘West Africa Squadron’?
Of course they did!
The libtards are weaponising all the ‘wokeness’ they picked up from the libtard professors when they were at Yooni.
The Labour Party has learned from ‘wokness’ by its great defeat at the last general election and is suddenly rediscovering ‘Patriotism’. May be they have taken on board the term ‘Lessons to be Learned’?
Too little, too late.
One of the quickest ways out of diverse Britain is to visit a National Trust property.
Yesterday G posted a brilliant discussion on New Culture Forum about Wokism being a virus which attacks the brain.The panel dividend the Woke into two categories , leaders who were agents of infection and followers or carriers who were Woke but didn’t spread it.
On reflection I think that there are more than two categories.
, these are:
Class one , only a few in number, who know that Wokism if unchecked will destroy society and believe that they will build one world socialism from the rubble. Violence to them is a means to and end. These people recruit on behalf of Wokism
Class two, those that believe that Wokism will bring about the a radical modification of our society , but without full blown destruction, to what they consider a fairer and better society , a sort of one world Utopia. These are quite numerous and control many institutions eg the BBC or the police. By instigating Wokist practises in the institutions they control they are making huge inroads on behalf of Wokism. They are dangerous but difficult to get rid of.
Both class one and two think that they should be in control and ordinary folks do as they tell them and of course that they are morally and intellectually superior to the ordinary folks.
Class three are those who know Wokism is dangerous and don’t agree with it but mouth it’s mantra because they are fearful of the retribution of class one and two, ie being cancelled or losing their job. I suspect that many middle aged college lecturers fall into this category.
Class four are those who think of Wokism more as a fashion statement and neither believe in it or disbelieve it. It’s just like a new hairstyle to them . They don’t see the dangers of a Wokism and never think where it’s leading to. There are a lot of these very easily led by the likes of the BBC.
By R4 Toady earlier all four categories are now proven to exist in the august National Trust who, no longer, can be trusted. The status of a ‘Trust’ should be withdrawn immediately. These are not ‘protectors’. McCarthyism has nothing on these people. Apparently, they are now working assiduously to destroy the connections to the past of Churchill and Rudyard Kipling. All to do with tenuous connections with slavery.
The communist army can now be seen to have infiltrated and infected much of the fabric of life on behalf of their paymasters, the UN/China/Soros & Co.
He’s on Al Beebs blacklist…second article on him within days
Coronavirus: Swann criticises Sir Van in Rolling Stone magazine
IMO good evidence that they are impartial and do not like dissenters of the COVID religion
Would like to add that although I don’t post regularly, I read the comments here every day as it’s one of my go to places to let off steam and find others of like mind – the other is the Telegraphs letters and comment section. When I read 1984 I thought it was an amazing book but didn’t think I’d ever be living in it.
Thanks to Fedup, Stew, and all the other regulars ????
BBC hagiography goes hilariously worse.
Hope Diane not on teleprompter eh there too.
gawd…. Trudeau rarely disappoints does he?
R4 – Gove with Mischel..he is very good – despite his annoying umm umm before he says something. He picked her argument apart and relayed back that she was arguing two opposite views – she had nowhere to go – then he let her off..
However I don’t think he really believes in the arguments for lockdown..
Now some Tories have stood up against the unconscious bias training.. of course the BBC are on the side of the training…
their ‘expert’ on unconscious bias didn’t acknowledge that this ‘training’ is focused on white people and their ‘ supposed’ bias against non whites, gay people and males over female sexism- a one way woke agenda with no onus on these groups to recognise the same…
Good on these MPs….
JA- Particularly liked the firm way Sir John Hayes turned down the ‘Unconscious Bias Training’ with some unambiguous language: I think the term ‘re-education’ was used, and he made it clear he wasn’t subjecting himself to Marxist brainwashing techniques and that he thought it was a lot of rubbish.
You could hear both Webb and Canola (?), the trainer, were completely deflated as their attempts to bully Hayes into submission completely failed. So much that, had they tried to make accusations against him,as leftists love doing, e.g. “Are you far Right, maybe even a Nazi?”, they would simply have looked foolish.
Regrettably, many people subjected to that re-education crap are not that strong, and dare not look un-PC, or so they think. A nice little earner for the ‘trainers’, but they are not only thieves but downright evil.
UBT needs to be exposed and opposed with ferocity. Or would blacks like to attend this training for their unconscious (and often very conscious) bias against whites? No. So this is merely another one-sided Marxist tool.
That this North Korean style brainwashing is even allowed in Britain tells us a lot about our useless (traitor?) government.
The Conservatives have a big majority, so they could stop this nonsense; but they haven’t. Why?
Nigel on talkRadio yesterday talking about the government’s mishandling of Covid.
The conversation then moves on to the invasion of the ‘boat people’. At 11:51 he predicts hundreds will be arriving today.
Every downside presents an opportunity.
Let’s help the failing airline industry and similarly same with the cruise liners parked up. But how? By chartering same to “repatriate” people…………..Many people.
Don’t hear much about China these days. Well, apart from DJT who often makes reference to the, “Chinese Virus”.
Let’s not forget that most of the current woes came from China. Do not let the MSM and our, “Worlds most trusted” whitewash.
9am R4 Jim Al-Khalili talks to Neil Ferguson about his life and work, the tricky relationship between politics and science and asks if he has any regrets about lockdown.
In March, he predicted that 510,000 people in the UK could die if nothing was done to mitigate the spread of this pandemic.
Does he stand by that prediction?
And how worried is he now?”
Prof ‘Legover’ Ferguson still standing by his claims …no recognition of the overwhelming current data against his predictions and criticism of his modelling… discussion of Swedish model and thinking..and when asked if he thought his 500K was over estimate he said might have been greater!!!!
This man has an ego the size of a planet…he even accuses other analysts of ‘speculating’ over their figures..
Why is a somewhat discredited scientist given air space whilst opposing views are not allowed?
A great BBC ‘ our mates’ interview – no challenge no interruptions..BBC pushing the narrative….
PS. when discussed his breaking of lockdown 🙂 he was given a really easy ride..if he had been a Tory MP it would have been different
JA “he even accuses other analysts of ‘speculating’ over their figures.” To be fair, that’s what I was hearing from Whitty and Vallance yesterday, lots of could and might and perhaps.
As soon as it was rumoured that the camp might be used to house migrants the locals should have burnt it down and saved the migrants the trouble .
Joan wouldn’t get away with that now. Saying you are NOT racist if you are white is a hate crime, you are white and therefore MUST be a racist, it goes with the job.
However being ACTUALLY racist if you are black is no problem, you can hate white people as much as you like and it’s a free ride.
island – if I remember correctly, Nigel also addresses the invasion near the end of the interview.
He seems to be the only politician taking the invasion seriously, and I do wish he and others with the same sentiments could pool their resources, get together in one party, and make a lot of noise. Real conservatives (as opposed to our uselesss, wet Conservative government), who don’t like Britain to be invaded seem to all be doing their own thing? Is divide and rule working for government?
Keep giving out the facts, please Nigel.
And- until the MSM picks this story up, we need to make a lot of noise.
Why does Nigel always look on his own on this issue. Do I have it wrong? Tell me, please. What is going on? Congrats to Warney, above. Our weak police carrying out the orders of our treacherous politicians, who could stop all this NOW if they really wanted to. Resignations are called for.
The invasion ain’t waiting!
She’s nicely excused herself from any future proceeding challenging lockdown(s) ending up in the SC. Or, maybe she might align herself to some judges in the US where their bias does not restrict them from their judicial functions. E.g. Gen. Flynn case.
Always intrigued by variable decisions from authority.
Seems legitimate if lenient.
One might wonder if the offender should have simply muttered about acid or added an insincere ‘not really’ for all to get off scot free?
BBC ‘News’
President Trump wants to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a liberal stalwart who died on Friday aged 87, with a conservative judge.
Well, they have succeeded in working up their base, who apparently equate ‘conservative’ with bad.
What… precisely, did they expect?
Job done, bbc.
GW – the bbc have been working very hard to get ‘conservative’ and ‘bad’ linked in impressionable minds.
‘Liberal’ -in turn- stands for ‘good’, never mind that the original preoccupation of ‘liberal’ was with FREEDOM, not EQUALITY, which is what has now happened.
Equality was, of course, always the agenda of SOCIALISTS. But, calling yourself ‘liberal’ can be a dandy camouflage.
You can even smash, loot and burn, apparently, and still be no moe than a ‘liberal’ in MSM propaganda!
YEEEE. Wimmins hour…
The power list.. an all female discussion panel…all to do with climate change ..and of course we only care about women doing great things about the environment..all judges are females…
And the laugh – one of this panel complaining that no females an the panel at COP 26…ha bloody ha..hypocrisy rules irony doesn’t exist
And ‘women are more interested in environment/climate than men’..research please..
And later we have Ilam Ohmar on.. yee that will be sickening
Turning radio off now as the first 5 minutes was a complete Woman are great, better than men….and this one has a really annoying voice..
Culture warriors are weaponising language in their bid to dominate British public life
From the BBC to the NHS, institutions are adopting the language – and therefore the politics – of the liberal Left
Telegraph paywall – but the comments can be read.
Island – agree about the capture and weaponising of language entirely. As I said above, the liberal left are not really the ‘liberal’ left at all. The are the socialist left.
Calling them the ‘liberal’ left has been another little MSM trick, which society has fallen for. Liberals are far more centric.
This is the BIG lie of the moment, and we need to expose it if we want to make headway in the language war!
Fake – I’ve thought long and hard about the way language is now used as a form of control. Even the term PC li pretty loaded and I do my best to beat a lone path as far as words are concerned .
Consider ‘far ‘ – now the left uses ‘far right ‘ for anyone or thing which doesn’t meet its ‘code ‘ . So I use ‘far left ‘ in response in some preambles . I’ve seen comments about this on the Facebook bit of this site which shows how the left sees what it want to …
Another biggy is ‘ cause offence ‘- I choose now to use the word ‘coloured ‘ instead of ‘black’ just out of my individual choice because it is still legal. I run the risk of ‘causing offence ‘.
Well to me being ‘offended ‘ is part of the human condition like breathing .. and if someone is ‘offended’ tough – be a grown up – stick the ‘offence ‘ in a box and move on .
So my language might sometimes appear unorthodox but it is done out of choice – my little bit to try to hold the woke tide back …..
TOADY Watch #1 – we are aga … but maybe they are right … but we want to be against but … its what the science says that matters
The BBC in quandary over the PM ramping up restrictions for the new Covid War, they don’t know whether to oppose or support. As a consequence they think it far simpler just to highlight what grumbling Conservative backbenchers are saying so the BBC points and says “Oooh, look at them!”
Lisa Nandy (Lab) will not be drawn into the BBC’s trubble. She has her hands full trying to be loyal to the leader led by donkeys, Keir Starmer, at Party Conference time while also trying to accept the same science that a Labour Party in Government would (even more) blindly follow, purely because it is ‘science’.
Funny how Lisa Nandy has disappeared from publicity (I am not complaining).
You almost have to admire the sheer audacity of our new looking glass health public policy:
Our NHS says quarantine the healthy and close the doors on the sick.
I emailed my MP again yesterday as in about ten days time the Chinese flu bill is due for extension (or not) I asked him not to support any such extension to the draconian powers the PM has granted himself.
I made a number of points regarding the economic impact of the lock-down, the removal of liberty when boatloads of invaders arrived unchecked – and the fact the NHS is there to protect & save me (and the public at large) not the other way round.
I await a reply….
Please die at home or in the ambulance – it improves hospital performance stats and gets managers their bonus . Also saves on cleaning bills and admin . Sorry I’m no fan of their NHS ….
I urge anybody who thinks that critical race theory should not have a place at Westminster as a universal piece of training for *all MPs * to email their MP along the lines below:
I would be grateful if you could advise if you or your staff have partaken or intend to partake of the “unconscious bias training” apparently being offered to MPs at Westminster as detailed in The Times newspaper?
Bill Cash in the Telegraph. What a nerve Brussels has in telling us to abandon our essential Brexit bill
Again behind the paywall but this seems to be a repeat of this article mentioned by Dobyns yesterday, and the comments are worth reading.
Brilliant. Please ensure all ministers read this, and make Brandon Lewis read it and then sack him. May’s cronies should have no place in a government committed to leaving the EU.
Transcript of Starmer’s speech to Labour (virtual) Conference.
If anyone has the stomach to read it!
Look at these tweets from the woman who produces
the daily 7pm “We HATE Trump Show”
and is on maternity leave in Italy
The one that claimed Boris was at Perugia Airport
everyone notices.
The correction 18 minutes later, that is was exPM Tony Blair
almost no one paid attention to.
Her first tweets breaks the rule
: No one should present an extraordinary claim
without showing extraordinary evidence.
Stew ” the rule: No one should present an extraordinary claim without showing extraordinary evidence.”
That’s me sunk then 😉
From what the PM said this a.m. in Parliament and relayed to me via BBC R4 TWatO (and subject to the BBC ‘edits’) then it is not unreasonable in my view to infer that HMG have got their hands on samples of Covid-20 and it contains a component that attacks the older members of a population.
OK, I know that the Covid formerly known as 19 did that as well but some/a lot of the deaths were just down to clumsy handling by the NHS and the Care sectors.
I suspect that Covid-20 is designed to take out older people, the over 50s, for obvious reasons.
If you are over 50 and reading this then take special care – I wish you good health and an avoidance of Covid. I’m firmly in that age bracket, too. Eeeeeeek!
Always good to have a better knowledge of the enemy – so ms tattoo brown is the producer of the daily ‘hate trump ‘ show on BBC4 – if ever there was a reason for ending that channel …
… I’m thinking of compiling a list of producers ‘ editors for these biased programmes – if only to monitor the Twitter porn….
……and perhaps get evidence of breaches of BBC codes , guides and the rest ….
“UK Build Two High speed Patrol vessels for the Royal Navy”
That’ll be handy. They will be able to make more trips to the mid point of the English Channel daily for the pickup. That’s economy for you.
Barracks Petition about to pass HALF MILLION sigs
“Re-open empty Army Barracks for Homeless Ex Serviceman”
Bumbling, cowardly Johnson:
Next will he dumb down and delay or stop BREXIT:
Bottomline : Covid protection should be targetted on the most dangerous practices
– Coughing all over other people
– Reckless sharing of food
– Reckless use of toilets
ie If you have visitors for a garden party maybe they can bring their own food, or safe packaged
And your family uses the upstairs toilet
whilst visitors use the downstairs one.
The people who obey certain basic rules probably don’t need to have extra rules opposed on them.
Instead target the dangerous .. the street alcoholics, the people who get smashed off the face at the pub.
The reckless kitchen/takeaway workers that could send Covid to hundreds.
I am not sure there is big evidence of planes being a big spreader.
Nor of supermarket masks being a big effective safety measure.
Stew, for aeroplanes and your eminently sensible guide of dangerous practices then any form of transport brings people into close contact and inevitable surface spread; aeroplanes, trains and buses. I saw a local taxi this morning while out for a walk and the driver was wearing a mask. The PM announced new requirements for vehicles for hire today in Parliament. New requirement for shop staff to wear masks. (Why they were excepted before now, I do not know. Makes no sense.)
Hopefully, we are all old enough and sensible enough on here to firstly know our own medical histories & vulnerabilities, and, secondly to take care using our own initiative.
My elderly father, bravely and – I thought – somewhat trustingly, toddled along to his local GP surgery for his annual flu jab last week.
The experience of what he found there, the alarming NHS precautions, life threatening posters and signage, emergency arrangements etc. plus all the prior media dire warnings, apparently frightened the life out of the poor old sod.
He told me that whatever medical problems he might now become subject to, he would put up with almost any pain or suffer any illness concern, just so as to avoid another visit, so scared had he become.
I’m betting he’s not the only one.
Yes, there will be those even hereabouts who tell me they are afraid of catching covid.
One might suggest the politicians running the show have our best interests at heart.
Think about this… Did they ever ask us to give up our liberties and have the entire economic capacity of the nation turned over to the fight against cancer or of strokes? Of course they didn’t. They simply got caught up in the internationalised covid hysteria. Beware you don’t.
AISI, you may not have seen my post above but at an informed guess your old Dad was right to notice the evidence of his eyes and be concerned but wrong to fear. I suspect we (the UK) perhaps thanks to allies out in the Far East know something about a new strain of Covid.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
I’m not afraid and not afraid of catching Covid although it is likely to be the end of me for this lifetime. I’m careful about ordinary ‘flu’ these days and, hence, avoid both the jab while being very careful – should I be in London – on how I use public transport in winter
We are now in a two prong (or two fronts) new Cold War. Maybe I’ll outline some more of my thinking on that in another post.
AsI, amidst all the apocalyptic posters, did your dear old dad happen to see an apparition ? in the image of something we used to call a GP ? Do they still exist ??
Plenty of surgery nurseries I understand, who get up close and personal to take blood, deal with boils, and clear ear wax – one nurse I spoke to dealt with 16 patients an hour while the GPs were sat supping tea in the staff room ? This is a national scandal.
At the foot of the following webpage
I read
This website is produced by BBC Global News, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.
So how idid the BBC create BBC Global News if not from money originating from the licence fee (perhaps via the sale of tax funded BBC productions)?
Let us be patriotic-The REAL reason “Rule Britannia” was written!
Here is something you are unlikely to learn via the BBC or any other Media outlet.
In the 17th century the seas around Britain were ruled by North African Muslim Slavers. They stopped British ships and carried off the crews to be sold as slaves in Algiers and Tripoli. The situation became so bad that fishermen from Devon and Cornwall wouldn’t put out to sea in case they were captured by North African Slave Traders.
Between 1609 and 1616, 466 British ships were captured by Slave Traders in the English Channel, Irish Sea and North Atlantic, and the crews were sold into slavery.
In 1625 a raiding party landed at Mount’s Bay in Cornwall and 60 people who had taken refuge in a local church were dragged out, loaded up and taken off to Africa to be sold as slaves.
On 12 August 1625 the Mayor of Plymouth wrote to London for military help after 27 ships had been seized by North African Muslim Slave Traders in just 10 days.
In 1645, 240 people were seized as slaves in Cornwall.
The situation only began to change after the end of the English Civil War when the Royal Navy was built up under Oliver Cromwell. By 1700, North African Slavers generally knew better than to bother the British Isles in the search for slaves because of the Royal Navy.
It was a triumph that Britain was finally able to control its own coastal waters.
It was in commemoration of this that in 1740, James Thompson wrote ‘Rule Britannia’. It is a hymn of thanksgiving rather than a proclamation of aggressive Nationalism.
The Black and Muslim people living in this United Kingdom, should perhaps be acquainted with this historical information-we can of course go much further back to Brits being salves to the Romans, and later to the Normans whose invasion brought hard times to the Saxon Brits for many years. Plantation ships leaving Leath in Scotland beginning 19th cent-with white enforced people to be sold as slaves in America. However the point is that the Brits pulled and fought their way out of such enslavement.
Dear BLM and Race Fetishists at the BBC,
I demand reparations for the pain I am suffering because of what happened to my ancestors in Cornwall and Devon.
When do I receive my cheque?
Yours in perpetual suffering etc.
Don’t forget the Danes and the Swedes/other Norsemen. They enslaved some of the British and/or demanded tribute monies.
BBC Licence Fee = modern Danegeld
This fascinating comment will only reinforce the belief of the woke that Rule Britannia should not be heard. You have drawn attention to all the wrong things.
BBC covers the protest against moving Iranian and Iraqi asylum seekers into army barracks in Penally, Wales. Poor invaders, accomodation not good enough for them.
Meanwhile, protests against invasion – bad.
Supt Anthony Evans, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said any protestor found breaking the law would be prosecuted.
He said: “We understand that tensions are running high in the community, but last night’s scenes endangered everyone and caused understandable alarm.
“We are actively reviewing a significant amount of footage extracted from our officers’ body worn cameras, from footage shared to social media and intelligence obtained from other sources.”
‘Intelligence from other sources’… a reference to our man in the Moslem Council of GB
This is nothing more than cooperating with invaders. We need to ask who is giving the orders to PM Johnson and who has decided that Priti Patel should not be sacked for her collaboration with Iranian and Iraqi invaders.
“Supt Anthony Evans, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said any protestor found breaking the law would be prosecuted.”
Surely, The Channel invaders are breaking the law because they are illegal immigrants – ‘illegal’?
Where is Priti ?
When people say that the Hugh Sykes account looks like a bot
It does seem to resemble one.
When someone dared to mock Mark Lowen for bothering to go all the way to Peruglia Airport to try to confirm the fake Boris story, Sykes popped up to justify the trip.
Still lots of Twitter accounts are still in Guardianlalaland over this
they are STILL tweeting stuff like it really did happen, but there has been a cover up etc.
Loads look like Russian bot accounts operated to favour the Labour party.
BTW in June the Hugh Sykes account basically called a Mark Lowen dramatic FACT CHECKING claim about Covid rise “fake news”
The media world is of course now a sick joke. But what still amazes are those in academia willing to totally trash any value their honorifics confer for ideological reasons.
It’s a case of the Guardian reporting NARRATIVES they WANT to be true instead of actual reality
And then the BBC thinking thinking that something must be true
, cos it was in the Guardian.
I read some of those tweets.
They are all deranged. Truly mad indoctrinated individuals, leftistism is a disease far worse than COVID.
They are all nutters and it wasn’t so long ago they’d have been locked up for their strange utterances.
And one of the leaders was the the Witch Finder General Pippa Crerar from the Daily Mirror
First she tweets the conspiracy Theory
and then adds
“Worth saying there are other suggestions about what Boris Johnson was up to last weekend”
and a link to HER OWN effing paper’s story on the christening as if its less likely to be true
And note the conspiracy theory was that Boris was secretly visiting Lebedev
But when it was confirmed the airport man was Blair
She like the rest of MSM doesn’t even question if Blair was visiting Lebedev ?.