Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence!
Not much to ask is it?
I note the Royal Marines are thwarting drug traffickers in the Caribbean. Well done lads – but you are needed more in the English Channel to repel invaders.
Our armed forces are spending millions of far leftist wike Political officers, the way the Navy are currently behaving they would be more likely to prevent the decent British people from saying anything they deem to be ‘hate’ to these migrants who the cowardly useless incompetent Tories clearly want to come here.
Problem is, Dobyns, if you create a culture of fear – and it has been done, big time, on various topics for the last thirty years – then you can get situations where people start to take the law into their own hands.
Or totally ignore the law, as happened pre-the Rule of Sick around where I live, where various people had big parties, including all night long parties, in the hot summer days and nights.
Up2 – to enforce more lockdown stuff i think theyll use the tearful nurse gambit again – as well as images of overwhelmed nightingale hospitals to get people to do as they are told .
The state has a pretty goid record of pressing the buttons to get what it wants …
ITV local news : Bradford extra measures
Leeds not
West Yorkshire countrysiders complaining of restrictions cos they a safe area are classified as Bradford.
Big emotional blackmail featuring Sheffield 175 day patient pleading us to take care.
IMHO this is dumb , its not proper risk management
which would be telling people about sharing toilets and sharing food.
and not focusing on magic measures like Rule of 6 and masks.
Softened up for what?
compulsory blue glove wearing In shops,
face masks everywhere in public.
a further stagflation jump in house prices,
Or just another 100 billion wasted on lazy furlough benefits claimants.
“Softened up for what”? A warm-up for the main event.
The revolution that’s coming to us shortly after the US election in November. I have no doubt the revolutionaries in the UK are simply biding their time right now. Compliments of George Soros/the Chinese UN/Globalists.
I dont think colour comes into it . A principle to be applied at ID parades where personal attributes can be disgarded – women , men , others …. crazy just crazy
I know someone who got into trouble for calling a spade a spade as opposed to a manual personal ground moving device ….
To think that the BBC have so many lightweight US editors … i lament that alistair cook could never be placed . I never missed those 15 minute ‘letters ‘each week ….even during watergate when i was very young …
Guest – well ive learnt to be ‘ prepped ‘ and had stuff for the 1st wave and 2nd and 3rd …. still think my bunker wont withstand a direct mirv hit though ….
Just how bad do the BBC and Guardian have to become before 'dissidents' refuse to work for them?
'Owen Jones [of the Guardian] will be in conversation with Frankie Boyle [of the BBC] at a Guardian Live online event on Wednesday 16 December to discuss his new book, This Land.'
Just watched BBC news at 6pm. Someone is putting the frighteners on us. Is it the BBC or its Government, led by the man in a white coat alternating with the PM in a white building worker’s hat.
Interviews with frightened people in the street insisting that more must be done, more restrictions etc, then warnings from the experts, and predictions of doom and economic collapse.
This is by someone called Rachel, from Dragons Den. I don’t know her because I’ve never watched the programme. My sister sent it to me. This Rachel says things I think most of us here would recognise and support. Two points:
1. She mentions NLP. This is Neuro linguistic programming. Check out Common Purpose too.
2. She mentions Gaia. That’s pagan religion. Stick with Jesus Christ for salvation, not paganism.
Otherwise, she’s in agreement with my thoughts.
And I thought I was paranoid! Still I think she is bonkers. But then I do believe this is in some way part of UN Agenda 21 world governance or perhaps an evil plan by the Chinese. Perhaps we are all mad sooner or later. I hope this does not happen.
I hope no beeboid sees this interview or their brains will explode.
Candace Owens states: “If you are a black person living in the US today you are among the luckiest black people who ever lived anywhere on the face of the planet.”
Followed by: “If you don’t believe it, simply ask yourself, ‘where would you like to live in Africa?'”
Beeboid brain: “Black woman LIKES living in the US!?
DENIES it’s systemically racist?!
Does not compute…
System failure…
Logic error…
Uncle Tom alert!
Coconut Warning!
Oreo Emergency!
Shutting Down… Shutting Down… Shutting Down…
It was worth it because of one of the guests, John Caudwell.
He was excellent and made some great points on the virus and Brexit.
It was just like the comments that we on here make.
If you watch it on catch up or later when it’s retransmitted, you can fast forward through the others but this man is well worth listening to (although I doubt if he will ever get on QT again)
The others were all quite ineffectual. Fiona kept interrupting the Tory boy, no change there.
The 16 audience on tv screens, when asked if there was a brexit supporter (after a few of them had been knocking Brexit) remained quiet. Fiona said she knew there were Brexit supporters there and later on, one did admit to being a brexit supporter and then went on to argue against brexit.
There was an even split on the panel, 2 right, 2 left and one who I didn’t know where she stood (the virus expert)
Well, I hope you’re stocking up with bog rolls and tins of baked beans. Better make sure you’ve got plenty of pain killers, just in case you get raging toothache.
It’s as clear as the nose on Pinocchio’s mush that they’re preparing us for another substantial and full-blown lockdown.
Already London’s midget mayor has cancelled New Year’s Eve and Bonkers Boris and Himmler Hancock are threatening to do the same to Christmas. Obviously Guy Fawkes’ Night and Halloween will prove to be far too hazardous to contemplate. I always attend the Cenotaph, but that won’t be happening. Apart from any other consideration, it might upset Black Lives Matter…
What an appalling, dystopian nightmare this once free, green and pleasant country, has become. I think the only other English political leader to ban Christmas was Oliver Cromwell. During that dreadful puritan decade our countrymen endured ever tightening restrictions. They banned singing, dancing, drinking and frolicking. People were frightened to speak their mind and there were harsh penalties for those who transgressed …
I’m waiting for a French Nobleman to lay claim to the UK throne and turn Great britain into a penal colony. (The Johnny English plot…) They appear to be sending us inmates in advance.
One rule for purple skins
another rule for reds
.. especially if they are trans
Not sure she’s a red
\\ whilst swigging brandy,… painted the words in blue paint ‘all lives matter.’ //
\\ She is very clear that she supports the Black Lives Matter movement.’//
That's not a woman, it's a bloke! Press & judiciary must stop distorting crime stats for the sake of diversity!
That piece of vermin isn’t fit to lick the boots of any of the 55,000 airmen whose lives the monument he/she defaced commemorates.
What a shame our pathetic LeftLiberal statist, entitled judiciary fail to grasp this essential point.
Completely agree. My dad, who flew with Bomber Command and survived 50 ops, he died in 2009 , increasingly began to wonder why they all bothered as he saw the country descending into the mess we are living with today.
The police, judiciary and MPs have become upholders of liberal Wokism rather than upholders of the law. Whilst Wokists are given a free pass the average law abiding citizen can no longer expect to be protected by them . Instead if we protest about , let alone violate , the mores of Wokism and globalisation , the law is used to persecute us.
Even on a site like this you have to think twice before saying what you think ought to happen to the POS in the picture above. But I do wonder what would happen to a perpetrator who defaced a statue to some icon of Wokism. I doubt that they would walk free.
Double – if youd like to write about your dad – bearing in mind security here -please do as i will exercise my prorogative powers to allow non BBC stiff to hear about real life courage ….
Switched on the BBC tv yesterday.
Within 5 seconds the words ‘diversity’ got a mention.
Switched off.
Tried Gardener’s World today. Within one minute a wheelchair-using presenter was featured.
On the 1 pm news, Asian female newsreader Rita Chakibuti was talking to a BBC news specialist……who was also an Asian female.
I must live in a totally parallel universe as my daily life bears no relation to this cascade of tickbox minorities. I actually meet white able-bodied males occasionally.
Are climate change activists too white and middle class?
In a word, yes! And the entire establishment are on board anyway.
MP’s placate them, the police dance with them and the BBC praise them.
They’ve won the battle here.
Clearly they need to spread the word to those who are less environmentally enlightened. A bit like Victorian missionaries…
I suggest they piss off to some dangerous, mosquito infested shit-hole… somewhere like Somalia… and take that violent Marxist rabble of BLM with them.
What a result that would be!
I believe in man-made climate change, at the moment, and have tried to consider the impacts of how I live my life over many years.
But I see right through XR as a hard-left socialist campaign group.
Why else glue yourself to mass transit rail (that happens to be in the City)?
This is one of the things I dislike about the bbc – the constant promotion of hijacked causes for a socialist objective.
(And I’m also quite left wing.)
The BBC push climate change activism while creating an enormous carbon footprint such as when the entire Newsround team went off to Fiji to report from what they claimed to be “front-line of climate change”.
The BBC have huge entourages jetting off around the world to cover major sporting events, concerts, film and television award ceremonies, film premieres etc.
The BBC promote holidaying abroad, promote globalization and mass movement of people as a human right.
The BBC are fascinated by the lifestyles of billionaire celebrities who they are constantly interviewing and promoting.
The BBC recently ran a news story lauding the resilience of a white women living in the middle of the Australian outback who flew a plane thousands of miles as part of her daily commute …
I can’t help noticing that Trump is often late for his White House news conferences and keeps the fake news reporters (including our very own American Beauty) waiting like dumb sheep for ages.
I’m sure he’s not so petty as to do it deliberately, and I’m sure no-one on this site would be so petty as to enjoy the spectacle.
(He then strides in with an expression of disgust, as if entering a sewer – and about as much enthusiasm.
Oh, and he STILL calls it the China Virus, bless.)
I wish he’d tell all those fake journalists to remove their masks when asking a question. And identify themselves so we know who they are and what they look like.
We know the BBC stance on TRUMP. I know next to nothing on BIDEN but one thing I do know is that he is a Trojan horse. Someone who is not likely to last long enough before an inevitable collapse of what was the USA- into a twilight world that Corbyn would have approved of. TRUMP may have his faults but I learn today that (The Times) that among US Latinos (they don’t like the BAME tag being used by Biden (aka BBC) and UK lefties generally) and more importantly, they fear the same things we do – a total collapse into US anarchy and a free style ‘pass; to all those entering the US illegally -without passports, no controls or identity from third world countries and without any checks on criminality.
It almost the same pattern we in the UK experience with waves of immigration (boat-people) that lead to well known (not media reported) criminality and local street crime across the UK as its is (also experienced) across (EU) Europe. There is something in this here – as there is – in the US. If we were to believe the BBC they are all Syrian professional ‘Brain Surgeons’ escaping a cruel totalitarian regime in France.
The reality is that they are all aged well over over 24 and are purely economic refugees who (in most part) have been paid for by the likes of Soros and his UK and US ‘charidees’ as illegal ‘imports’ to reinforce a hidden army of lefties to take up a life on (free everything) UK benefits. They will then disappear into the UK black economy and eventually re-appear with a full UK passport. Reinforced ‘with child’ so cannot be deported and can claim the full benefits – as if they had contributed to the economy! – instead of crime. Of course they do not and can never pay taxes. Many will never vote, except for the tribal leaders in Tower Hamlets or other foreign outposts upon our shores.
So it matters. The Trump v Biden will change our UK politics forever. Biden is pro EU and will castigate the UK if he ever gets control. Immigration will swamp the US, crime will soar, but may never be reported (reflecting the BBC stance and CNN priorities). The UN even endorses this. A punishment of all Western governments who are not aligned to Communal ideals.
The left are not totally for ‘Biden’. It was a surprise to read this article on Biden that what he stands for is not what you would normally expect from a leftie. He’s an old has bean, and the only reason the left are voting for him is that he is the only one who stand a chance against Trump.
Its not saying a lot. I am with the Latino’s – if they think BAME will get worse under Biden, you’d better take note. A free for all for immigration, crime and whatever. Not reported as its will be illegal to report it. That is how the left takes power. Through ignorance and offering an impossible dream of life long socialism, if only we ignore the the ‘edge’. The brutality of the left. The arrogance of the left. And now they even have a CULT following in XR and BAME.
This is from a very left wing journal. Make your own mind up. Its a long read. If Biden ever make it to the oval office. I am afraid the problems that the BBC routinely cover up, has only just started.
What happens in the US is reflected here in the UK sooner or later.
>Bidens only life long ambition has been money. They say he has more money than Trump and has more popularity than the ‘Clintons’. Read and be amazed that he’s got this far in election. If the US left distrust him, why the hell is he there? What doe it say about our own UK (so called) ‘independent broadcaster’. Its along read, and its a leftie publication, but not what you may think.
It asks the question. Is Biden worth voting for?
He is hugely , even bigly, corrupt. Even by the standards of US political life he stands out. He and his family have made hundreds of millions of dollars from favours from Russian ,Ukrainian oligarchs and the Chinese government. All well documented but no action has been taken.
When he was Obama’s VP he oversaw the export of millions of US jobs abroad , which is why the Chinese paid him so much of course. His boss said that those jobs would never return but President Trump has managed to bring many of them back.
He has a history of abusing women but that is never raised by the liberal MSM.
Finally , he is senile and if , God forbid , he is elected he will never make it through his first term. He will be a mere figure head and the dark forces of the left will govern in his name. The damage done by a Biden victory at the election to American prosperity and the American way of life will be enormous.
Another story the beeb don’t want you to know: an Italian priest who dedicated his life to helping migrants has been murdered by… a migrant from Tunisia called Mahmoudi (a name related to Muhammad).
Whereas some sources inform us he had – you guessed it – mental health problems, the article below explicitly states he didn’t.
Go figure.
But there does seem to be a close link between islam and madness. Might they perhaps be related?
Because White Lives Don’t Matter to the beeb, especially Christian ones, I would like to pay a small tribute to the saintly Fr. Roberto Malgesini.
“He was a person who lived the Gospel daily, in every moment of the day. An exceptional expression of our community.”
“Roberto was a simple person. He just wanted to be a priest… For this he was sent to St. Rocco, where every morning he brought hot breakfasts to the least. Here everyone knew him, they all loved him.”
Yes – a prayer – RIP. The MSM , for obvious and evil reasons , have not mentioned the number of Christian clerics – priests , nuns – who have died through covid infection administering to the sick . I know in Italy it was particularly awful .
Meanwhile back to the monster self serving NHS and the obscene ‘dance ‘ videos ….and 20% off …. and the insane clapping …. but best not get cancer ….
Whether or not he ‘loved him’ was irrelevant. He carried out his his religious instruction to kill the unbelievers. A Catholic priest is a confirmed target. They will get round the rest of us in time. That’s why welcoming boatloads of them via Theresa May’s immigration treaty is utter insanity. It’s why it looks like a taxi service, ‘cos it is. Hotels booked up for 4 years to house them is another dead giveaway.
If the UK government thought that they could get away with packing them onto Eurostar trains they’d be doing it day and night.
New ONS data
2020 is a special year deaths are running above the 5 year average
but not way out of control
the difference is 33,000 for 2020
The causes are Covid and lockdown effects like delayed cancer care etc.
Why’s it smaller than the with Covid death count of around 40K ?
cos Covid kills people who would have died this year anyway.
With no second wave this 33K should shrink even further well into 2021.
Agree but not so confident about 2021.
Thousands of untreated or late-treated cancers won’t just go away but will develop further and lead to excess deaths. And into 2022 and beyond but by then they will be explained away by ‘margins of error’.
A vid of BBC favourite, the snivelling Mayor Khant, criticising the government is getting a bashing with 300 likes to 1600 dislikes, and the comments are brutal.
– This is rich. Sadiq Khan complaining about incompetence!
– similar to your handling of knife crime.
– ” angry at incompetence”
Zero self awareness.
– He knows all about incompetence
– “Terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city” – Sadiq Khan, 2017
Has a blue tick. Hopefully verified for the BBbC fact checking unit.
Now imagine the MSM addressing this as they do other claims by other people #politicsoftheleastbad gets worse when those that hold power to account become propagandists.
I fear that the whole Democrats’ aim is to get Kamelia Norris in The White House as soon as possible, Fed!
Grandpa Joe is well past his sell by date, forgetful, wobbly on his pins and generally heading for a care home, so he’ll let himself be fiddled around by his party and there’ll be a ‘crowning’ of Ms Norris around the end of the first year.
But of course, he won’t be President anyway, it’ll only be in the party which came second in November 2020!
You heard it first here, folks!
(CDs, pamphlets and other documents are available in the foyer).
Radio 4 at 5pm with Evan Davis. Report that Israel has gone into full lockdown for 3 weeks. Evan says that there is a whole string of holidays at this time. Yes, they just happen to be the Jewish High Holidays, days when Jews usually attend synagogue. But Evan’s dismissive tone as he said ‘string of holidays’ rather that ‘High Holidays’ made me think. Had he been describing Islamic religious festivals would he have been so dismissive, or if Boris had lockdown over the 2 weeks usually taken here by workers over. Christmas. But the Israelis, and Jews? No respect.
As if the forthcoming U.S. election wasn’t going to be chaotic enough, the BBC website is telling me that Ruth Bader Ginsberg has just died. If the Republican-led Senate had any sense they’d approve President Trumps nomination (whoever that might be) immediately – however they always seem to want to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory, so I doubt they will. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has already said she won’t vote for anyone until after the election, and I bet the Trump hating Mitt Romney is itching to do the same. If they do attempt to confirm a conservative judge before the election, expect the outrage from the left (including the BBC) to be off the scale.
They will probably beatify her memory. Someone who pushed for unlimited abortion and lowering the age of consent for sex to 12. Trump was being diplomatic by praising her after being told of her death.
Spot on Cooper_Man, all one has to do is see the Left’s faux outrage over the nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh during the 2018 mid-term election cycle.
Boris and his “circuit breaker” . IMHO, he is going for another lockdown, but didn’t he say that there would not be a second lockdown ? What is the betting that it will be used as a means to delay Brexit in the new year ?
BBC Golf highlights show seven pretty remarkable shots and one not that amazing. If I were to tell you that the latter was one by a certain big black guy would you be surprised?
The Daily Express spells out bluntly this morning what we all knew was coming – because our media generally has been so busy laying the groundwork: ‘Boris warns ‘inevitable’ second wave is coming’ – those scare quotes around the word inevitable are doing one hell of a lot of work there Bojo!
Inevitable – in this case meaning not so much something that was inescapable but more something the fear of which our politicians have become addicted. As in a policy looking for an event for justification which, if it doesn’t happen, said policy will be claimed a success.
By the way, I wish I had taken advantage of the ‘Free £1 shop bet’ on this one that the Express advertises although the odds would have been pretty short given the inevitability of Boris in the face of the flu soiling his voluminious short pants once again. “Put ’em up!” cries the cowardly lion, then runs for cover.
Our newspaper front pages become too depressing and the versions of the news too uniform for much of a review.
We must salvage what we can.
The Guardian regrets: ‘Amal Clooney quits UK envoy role over Brexit bill’ – this headline is coupled with an extraordinarily unattractive pic of Holywood George’s spouse – an oddly angled headshot of the mannish-featured lady. To think this later day matinee idol had the pick of the bunch.
Speaking of celebrity avatars used for political tendencies: ‘Marcus Rashford has lunch with the FT’ – one wonders what insights about welfare policy the footie star had to share with the economic eggheads at the FT over the chicken nuggets? Back in my day footballers were interviewed by Shoot Magazine about the new Ford Cortina they had just bought.
The FT further amuses this jaded soul with their report titled: ‘German lessons in tackling a crisis’ – I can guess this is about knocking Britain and contrasting our amateurish chaos with Teutonic efficiency and Hunnish resilience.
Many years ago I read in some book a view of the future which characterised society as becoming increasingly more ‘supermarket-ised’. Meaning everything in our lives would be processed, packaged, piled high and sold cheap. The problem being we ourselves would be degraded into consumer units, personal service removed we would be forced to queue and to self-serve. And it is coming true. The Daily Telegraph carries a report: ‘Barcode glitch plunges Covid test centres into fresh chaos’
Chinese Flu – it certainly hit the world like an “unrecognised item in the bagging area”
As we wonder is it ourselves or is it the NHS this time we are protecting from the “second wave”? The Daily Mail has an 8-page pullout on health self-help: ‘Cut your risk of cancer by up to 40%, by one of UK’s top specialists’ – the answer, judging from the accompanying photo of a whitecoated vegetable-clutching prof on the front page, is consume more broccoli.
And how to double the nation’s risk of cancer? Go for another lockdown Boris.
The Daily Star “inevitably” wins the “and finally” prize once again: ‘Thought for the Day, only 3 more lockdowns until Christmas’
Trump campaign official tells me it’s hard to tell how this affects race but, to extent it shifts conversation off the coronavirus and onto cultural issues, he thinks it helps Trump.
Here’s ex-bbc darling, Mehdi ‘cattle’ Hasan, on dubious tactics.
This is a teachable moment for Dems, with McConnell not even waiting till the morning to make his move. I’m not saying Dems should be as vicious or heartless or amoral, but at least learn from GOP ruthlessness and their single-minded focus on winning, holding, & exercising power.
Don’t know how sound he is off set, or whether Blofeld will turn out to have Orange hair, but Tom Hardy seems a welcome return to the Connery combination of twinkle and menace.
The girls in the bbc will be conflicted. As will the women.
Saturday morning
Deep deep gloom amongst the wokes – BBC MSM and democrats because …. Ginsburg – the lefty Supreme Court has headed for final judgement .
She has, in the past , stated her desire to survive beyond President Trump to stop him putting another Right Winger on the Supreme Court bench and consolidating( hopefully) – a ‘right wing ‘ approach to things – such as restricting and stopping abortion – baby killing – as we know – if a lefty ‘trophy’ subject .
So a good day …..Biden and co will go spare
Ps – apologies cooper man ….Just seen your better post on the subject from earlier today – but it is great for popcorn sales …
The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told her granddaughter just days before her death that her "most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed," according to a statement obtained by NPR
Guest – not a good woke day – and I bet this …..loon – driving the car girl – … is burning hydrocarbons and destroying the planet – and stuff – dudes ….
Can anyone help – I seem to recall President trump publishing a list of candidates for the Supreme Court quite recently in preparation for Ginsberg to pop her clogs …..
Any one publish it here?
I’m sure the wokes will turn Ginsberg into a Saint ( yes – religion ) and thereby remind those of the Right to vote Trump…
Sometimes you don’t even need the actual words for the bias.
The tone of voice alone of JustRemainin Webb as he extols ‘Notorious RBG’ , a giant among millenials, gives the game away completely.
Doom and gloom at 0855? Lefty £Lawyer types Queueing up to say mr trump has blood on his hands …?
If I recall Ginsburg was appointed by Clinton so they’ll be popping up ( no stains )to say their bit.
Biden needs a public cry – they’ll be researching him already …
Don’t let Democrats gaslight about the 'Biden rule'. The rule is that there will be no confirmations in an election year when different parties control the Senate and the White House. That’s it. That’s the rule. Republicans control both and are entitled to make the pick. Period.
I seem to remember Nick Clegg being a big fan of European Arrest Warrants.
Reading this BBC report I can see some merrit in the system.
‘Investigators say the Romanian gang flies members into the UK to commit specific offences, then flies them out shortly afterwards, with different members taking the stolen property out of the country by alternative transport methods.’
The mail online as a detailed report about local lockdowns . What is it about behaviour / demographics in the non big city locations leading to increased infections ? London seems not to be on the lockdown list …is it that awful ‘herd’ immunity term at work ?
Up2 – thanks – you stay healthy too – ventilation – as for toady- and the BBC – I’ll pass thanks – apart from for pure ‘entertainment ‘ value I’ve heard their song too many times before – and it’s only got one note ….
'Labour doesn't like patriotism!': Peter Whittle rips into Sadiq Khan's 'Diversity Commission' in the London Assembly, whereupon Sadiq's comrades try to throw him out of the chamber.
Yesterday, JustRemainIn Webb interviewed a Spoonerism too far, the Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock. He was harried and hurried and bullied and interrupted in an attempt by JustRemainIn to change ‘the Rule of Sick’ (b’lleughhh!) into ‘the Rule of Snitch’. (I saw you!)
The SoS heroically refused to comply.
This morning, Saturday, JustRemainIn let someone from London (surname Tallenkamp? Tallenbach? Schallenbach? – couldn’t tell, JustRemainIn garbled it at the end) – a woman – talk at length without hesitation, repetition or deviation. JustRemainIn asked this lady a question “Where do you see the most new infections” “Pubs and clubs and bars.” was the reply until later, in this lady’s uninterrupted spiel it suddenly became “Care homes.”
In other words, she really didn’t know. Think she may have been an advisor on health to the Mayor of London. Needless to say she helpfully rubbished the Government’s testing regime and the pubs, bars and clubs in London for not keeping records of clientele for test & trace purposes.
I wonder what political Party she represents?
Apparently, Mayor Sadiq Khan is calling for “something to be done”. HMG has said Local Authorities can impose Local Lockdowns if they choose. Mayor Khan has that puzzled look on his face that he is often photographed with, no doubt, when he’s try to remember his script for calling for “something to be done”.
I don't know who or what PoliticalPics is but rapidly emerging as a force in modern British political journalism. In a novel departure it reports what it sees rather than repeating what it's been spoon fed. Lobby reporters can learn a great deal from this example.
As I remember, those two did a pretty good skit once where one of them declared he wanted to be a black actor who played Hamlet.
The other asked: What about Claudius? “Black.” Gertrude? “Black.”
When they had agreed that almost the entire cast should be black actors, came the punchline:
“Just one last question – what are all these black people doing running Denmark?”
Nothing says more about the BBC than the sacking of the
three main protagonist’s on A question of sport. .I have quite a senior position in the gambling aspect of sport, supplying
bookmakers with odds on football matches. However myself
and my wife do not watch the programme as we would a
sporting fixture. For us it is the ENTERTAINMENT .Sue Barker is
the perfect foil for the laconic Matt Dawson and the clown Phil
Tufnell. It is like the pleasure one got when watching the Last of
the summer wine. Over the years it became a BRITISH institution
such as last night of the Proms.
And what these three institutions have in common is something which the
diversity, “positive discrimination” anarchist Marxist hierarchy at
the BRITISH broadcasting corporation find an anathema .To
use the word BRITISH in their name is an absolute insult for
the great majority of folk in the UK.There is next to nothing
BRITISH in this woke organization.
Foscari As you identify There is the problem.. These things are British institutions beloved by a lot of British people and we cant have that now can we. Would love the bBBC to make a new series of Last of the Summer Wine .
“During PMQs, Angela Rayner used government statistics to demonstrate the problems in the testing system. The problems may be real, but her numbers weren’t quite right.“
See… gently does it. Almost… ‘got it about right’.
Newspapers and the BBC making a big thing of a fresh and more restrictive Lockdown for England.
I cannot help but wonder whether the PM has spoken a bit too soon. Could he be in receipt of information from MI6 about a new Chinese virus, similar to Covid-19, about to be released on the world in time for the US Election? Has the PM given the game away by talking about it too soon?
I have heard a rumour that Mince Pies are back in Iceland stores for Christmas. We will be just fine then. 🙂 Bring the Lockdown on but please wait until I have stocked the larder. 😉
IT already has the mosques “Dover Immigration Removal Centre (formerly known as Dover Prison) was an immigration detention centre, located in the historic citadel .. closed in November 2015.
April 2002, converted it into an Immigration Removal Centre.
held male adult detainees aged 18 and over who were appealing for asylum or had failed in seeking it.
The centre offered residential space with integral sanitation as well as resources such as televisions and telephones.
It provided shared resources including gym, a library, church, *mosques*, multi-faith rooms, shops, laundry facilities, and a healthcare unit.”
ZephirFeb 16, 16:10 Weekend 15th February 2025 Don’t forget rape gangs, well pakistani ones .. speed of light into local news… Of course the muslim religious editor…
tomoFeb 16, 15:26 Weekend 15th February 2025 Straight up hostages … they’ve a public profile (Channel 4 something I read) so the meejah crew treat them as…
tomoFeb 16, 15:24 Weekend 15th February 2025 If they do more than put low single digit % on car tax there ill be a revolt.
tomoFeb 16, 15:21 Weekend 15th February 2025 No it hasn’t …. and you can be absolutely certain that heaven + earth will be moved to supress reporting…
Fedup2Feb 16, 15:13 Weekend 15th February 2025 Do you notice how quickly Islamic terrorist attacks disappear ? The one in Munich – Thursday – mother and baby…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 15:06 Weekend 15th February 2025 HA HA HA! Story from 2017 …. disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 15:05 Weekend 15th February 2025 “Chris Carter @CarterRoutes Chair of @nptwestlab , @LabourList columnist, National/Welsh Policy Forum rep for Cymru and 🏴 rep for @labourhousing…
atlas_shruggedFeb 16, 15:01 Weekend 15th February 2025 I really really really hope that the US security service keep their new leaders safe. They are doing Gods work.…
MarkyMarkFeb 16, 14:56 Weekend 15th February 2025 Made me laugh when the BBC report on gay penguin and then they have this story … “But keeping Mr…
SluffFeb 16, 14:52 Weekend 15th February 2025 The world’s first gay imam has been shot dead today in South Africa. I wonder what type of person the…
Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence!
Not much to ask is it?
I note the Royal Marines are thwarting drug traffickers in the Caribbean. Well done lads – but you are needed more in the English Channel to repel invaders.
Catchup links to latest posts on previous thread
– page 4 started 10:30am Friday
– page 3
Our armed forces are spending millions of far leftist wike Political officers, the way the Navy are currently behaving they would be more likely to prevent the decent British people from saying anything they deem to be ‘hate’ to these migrants who the cowardly useless incompetent Tories clearly want to come here.
This is the latest UK Column News video. About an hour long.
This is the latest computing forever video. It’s about 37 minutes long.
Apologies if this has already been discussed …
Just proving further this whole Plannedemic thing is all about controlling the people
Problem is, Dobyns, if you create a culture of fear – and it has been done, big time, on various topics for the last thirty years – then you can get situations where people start to take the law into their own hands.
Or totally ignore the law, as happened pre-the Rule of Sick around where I live, where various people had big parties, including all night long parties, in the hot summer days and nights.
Anarchy then abounds.
Up2 – to enforce more lockdown stuff i think theyll use the tearful nurse gambit again – as well as images of overwhelmed nightingale hospitals to get people to do as they are told .
The state has a pretty goid record of pressing the buttons to get what it wants …
ITV local news : Bradford extra measures
Leeds not
West Yorkshire countrysiders complaining of restrictions cos they a safe area are classified as Bradford.
Big emotional blackmail featuring Sheffield 175 day patient pleading us to take care.
IMHO this is dumb , its not proper risk management
which would be telling people about sharing toilets and sharing food.
and not focusing on magic measures like Rule of 6 and masks.
Is this next ‘Second Wave’ going to be used as a means to ruin the economy and hence an excuse to cancel Brexit?
Perhaps I am being too cynical ?
We’re being softened up.
Softened up for what?
compulsory blue glove wearing In shops,
face masks everywhere in public.
a further stagflation jump in house prices,
Or just another 100 billion wasted on lazy furlough benefits claimants.
“Softened up for what”? A warm-up for the main event.
The revolution that’s coming to us shortly after the US election in November. I have no doubt the revolutionaries in the UK are simply biding their time right now. Compliments of George Soros/the Chinese UN/Globalists.
Further to earlier thread exchanges on perp alerts.
I dont think colour comes into it . A principle to be applied at ID parades where personal attributes can be disgarded – women , men , others …. crazy just crazy
I know someone who got into trouble for calling a spade a spade as opposed to a manual personal ground moving device ….
It’s every opportunity to massage the facts to suit. Nothing can be trusted anymore.
Maybe he is acknowledging Jon and Katty on the Helipad?
I think it would be the madness of king george or french revolution – 20 hour days- night time declared illegal – …
Waddyarekkon? Via Jon, Katty or Lurch?
So close…
To think that the BBC have so many lightweight US editors … i lament that alistair cook could never be placed . I never missed those 15 minute ‘letters ‘each week ….even during watergate when i was very young …
Shots fired.
Do love a bbc #questionasaheadline
Guest – well ive learnt to be ‘ prepped ‘ and had stuff for the 1st wave and 2nd and 3rd …. still think my bunker wont withstand a direct mirv hit though ….
It’s only been a pandemic in the mind (and models) of Prof. Ferguson, the serial over-estimator. Does he do Climate models in his spare time?
Another question.
One for Rob Burley?
Wow 16th December- optimism…
XR on this one too?
Sorry… forgot Cambridge.
That’s very clever. James Woods is a very perceptive man.
Yes i think he enjoys getting banned from the twitter
Just watched BBC news at 6pm. Someone is putting the frighteners on us. Is it the BBC or its Government, led by the man in a white coat alternating with the PM in a white building worker’s hat.
Interviews with frightened people in the street insisting that more must be done, more restrictions etc, then warnings from the experts, and predictions of doom and economic collapse.
Covid 19 deaths wordwide 30.5 million
Deaths as a result of socialism – greater than 750 million and rising.
Which one do you think we should be banning ?
This is by someone called Rachel, from Dragons Den. I don’t know her because I’ve never watched the programme. My sister sent it to me. This Rachel says things I think most of us here would recognise and support. Two points:
1. She mentions NLP. This is Neuro linguistic programming. Check out Common Purpose too.
2. She mentions Gaia. That’s pagan religion. Stick with Jesus Christ for salvation, not paganism.
Otherwise, she’s in agreement with my thoughts.
And I thought I was paranoid! Still I think she is bonkers. But then I do believe this is in some way part of UN Agenda 21 world governance or perhaps an evil plan by the Chinese. Perhaps we are all mad sooner or later. I hope this does not happen.
NLP is Socialist brainwashing. Teenage Uni undergraduates learning and reciting political slogans in the style of nursery rhymes or times tables.
I hope no beeboid sees this interview or their brains will explode.
Candace Owens states: “If you are a black person living in the US today you are among the luckiest black people who ever lived anywhere on the face of the planet.”
Followed by: “If you don’t believe it, simply ask yourself, ‘where would you like to live in Africa?'”
Beeboid brain: “Black woman LIKES living in the US!?
DENIES it’s systemically racist?!
Does not compute…
System failure…
Logic error…
Uncle Tom alert!
Coconut Warning!
Oreo Emergency!
Shutting Down… Shutting Down… Shutting Down…
Well, I watched QT which I’d recorded last night.
It was worth it because of one of the guests, John Caudwell.
He was excellent and made some great points on the virus and Brexit.
It was just like the comments that we on here make.
If you watch it on catch up or later when it’s retransmitted, you can fast forward through the others but this man is well worth listening to (although I doubt if he will ever get on QT again)
The others were all quite ineffectual. Fiona kept interrupting the Tory boy, no change there.
The 16 audience on tv screens, when asked if there was a brexit supporter (after a few of them had been knocking Brexit) remained quiet. Fiona said she knew there were Brexit supporters there and later on, one did admit to being a brexit supporter and then went on to argue against brexit.
There was an even split on the panel, 2 right, 2 left and one who I didn’t know where she stood (the virus expert)
BBC ‘mood’.
Mood? He looks like he could do with a good laxative, ideally one that redirects the effluent away from his head…
Well, I hope you’re stocking up with bog rolls and tins of baked beans. Better make sure you’ve got plenty of pain killers, just in case you get raging toothache.
It’s as clear as the nose on Pinocchio’s mush that they’re preparing us for another substantial and full-blown lockdown.
Already London’s midget mayor has cancelled New Year’s Eve and Bonkers Boris and Himmler Hancock are threatening to do the same to Christmas. Obviously Guy Fawkes’ Night and Halloween will prove to be far too hazardous to contemplate. I always attend the Cenotaph, but that won’t be happening. Apart from any other consideration, it might upset Black Lives Matter…
What an appalling, dystopian nightmare this once free, green and pleasant country, has become. I think the only other English political leader to ban Christmas was Oliver Cromwell. During that dreadful puritan decade our countrymen endured ever tightening restrictions. They banned singing, dancing, drinking and frolicking. People were frightened to speak their mind and there were harsh penalties for those who transgressed …
Remind you of anything?
And still people are flocking in across the Channel, unabated .
I’m waiting for a French Nobleman to lay claim to the UK throne and turn Great britain into a penal colony. (The Johnny English plot…) They appear to be sending us inmates in advance.
One rule for purple skins
another rule for reds
.. especially if they are trans
Not sure she’s a red
\\ whilst swigging brandy,… painted the words in blue paint ‘all lives matter.’ //
\\ She is very clear that she supports the Black Lives Matter movement.’//
That piece of vermin isn’t fit to lick the boots of any of the 55,000 airmen whose lives the monument he/she defaced commemorates.
What a shame our pathetic LeftLiberal statist, entitled judiciary fail to grasp this essential point.
Completely agree. My dad, who flew with Bomber Command and survived 50 ops, he died in 2009 , increasingly began to wonder why they all bothered as he saw the country descending into the mess we are living with today.
The police, judiciary and MPs have become upholders of liberal Wokism rather than upholders of the law. Whilst Wokists are given a free pass the average law abiding citizen can no longer expect to be protected by them . Instead if we protest about , let alone violate , the mores of Wokism and globalisation , the law is used to persecute us.
Even on a site like this you have to think twice before saying what you think ought to happen to the POS in the picture above. But I do wonder what would happen to a perpetrator who defaced a statue to some icon of Wokism. I doubt that they would walk free.
Double – if youd like to write about your dad – bearing in mind security here -please do as i will exercise my prorogative powers to allow non BBC stiff to hear about real life courage ….
Switched on the BBC tv yesterday.
Within 5 seconds the words ‘diversity’ got a mention.
Switched off.
Tried Gardener’s World today. Within one minute a wheelchair-using presenter was featured.
On the 1 pm news, Asian female newsreader Rita Chakibuti was talking to a BBC news specialist……who was also an Asian female.
I must live in a totally parallel universe as my daily life bears no relation to this cascade of tickbox minorities. I actually meet white able-bodied males occasionally.
And the minority groups might not like thinking that’s the only reason they are in the job either. It defeats the object if that’s how it comes over.
Well Stuff, after all it is now the black broadcasting company
Tom Nelson , the Climate man to follow
well along with Ben Pile
Are climate change activists too white and middle class?
In a word, yes! And the entire establishment are on board anyway.
MP’s placate them, the police dance with them and the BBC praise them.
They’ve won the battle here.
Clearly they need to spread the word to those who are less environmentally enlightened. A bit like Victorian missionaries…
I suggest they piss off to some dangerous, mosquito infested shit-hole… somewhere like Somalia… and take that violent Marxist rabble of BLM with them.
What a result that would be!
Two birds with one stone…
the only single word that climate change activists detest like the plague: Volcanoes- and how to stop them erupting………….
I believe in man-made climate change, at the moment, and have tried to consider the impacts of how I live my life over many years.
But I see right through XR as a hard-left socialist campaign group.
Why else glue yourself to mass transit rail (that happens to be in the City)?
This is one of the things I dislike about the bbc – the constant promotion of hijacked causes for a socialist objective.
(And I’m also quite left wing.)
The BBC are hypocritical.
The BBC push climate change activism while creating an enormous carbon footprint such as when the entire Newsround team went off to Fiji to report from what they claimed to be “front-line of climate change”.
The BBC have huge entourages jetting off around the world to cover major sporting events, concerts, film and television award ceremonies, film premieres etc.
The BBC promote holidaying abroad, promote globalization and mass movement of people as a human right.
The BBC are fascinated by the lifestyles of billionaire celebrities who they are constantly interviewing and promoting.
The BBC recently ran a news story lauding the resilience of a white women living in the middle of the Australian outback who flew a plane thousands of miles as part of her daily commute …
I can’t help noticing that Trump is often late for his White House news conferences and keeps the fake news reporters (including our very own American Beauty) waiting like dumb sheep for ages.
I’m sure he’s not so petty as to do it deliberately, and I’m sure no-one on this site would be so petty as to enjoy the spectacle.
(He then strides in with an expression of disgust, as if entering a sewer – and about as much enthusiasm.
Oh, and he STILL calls it the China Virus, bless.)
Well, he cannot be anxious to attend knowing that the stupid questions will start.
Four more years four more years…..
I wish he’d tell all those fake journalists to remove their masks when asking a question. And identify themselves so we know who they are and what they look like.
Vlad – i think he should stick to doing his airport shouting jobs jusr as he gets on AF1 – just to wind the swamp up…
We know the BBC stance on TRUMP. I know next to nothing on BIDEN but one thing I do know is that he is a Trojan horse. Someone who is not likely to last long enough before an inevitable collapse of what was the USA- into a twilight world that Corbyn would have approved of. TRUMP may have his faults but I learn today that (The Times) that among US Latinos (they don’t like the BAME tag being used by Biden (aka BBC) and UK lefties generally) and more importantly, they fear the same things we do – a total collapse into US anarchy and a free style ‘pass; to all those entering the US illegally -without passports, no controls or identity from third world countries and without any checks on criminality.
It almost the same pattern we in the UK experience with waves of immigration (boat-people) that lead to well known (not media reported) criminality and local street crime across the UK as its is (also experienced) across (EU) Europe. There is something in this here – as there is – in the US. If we were to believe the BBC they are all Syrian professional ‘Brain Surgeons’ escaping a cruel totalitarian regime in France.
The reality is that they are all aged well over over 24 and are purely economic refugees who (in most part) have been paid for by the likes of Soros and his UK and US ‘charidees’ as illegal ‘imports’ to reinforce a hidden army of lefties to take up a life on (free everything) UK benefits. They will then disappear into the UK black economy and eventually re-appear with a full UK passport. Reinforced ‘with child’ so cannot be deported and can claim the full benefits – as if they had contributed to the economy! – instead of crime. Of course they do not and can never pay taxes. Many will never vote, except for the tribal leaders in Tower Hamlets or other foreign outposts upon our shores.
So it matters. The Trump v Biden will change our UK politics forever. Biden is pro EU and will castigate the UK if he ever gets control. Immigration will swamp the US, crime will soar, but may never be reported (reflecting the BBC stance and CNN priorities). The UN even endorses this. A punishment of all Western governments who are not aligned to Communal ideals.
The left are not totally for ‘Biden’. It was a surprise to read this article on Biden that what he stands for is not what you would normally expect from a leftie. He’s an old has bean, and the only reason the left are voting for him is that he is the only one who stand a chance against Trump.
Its not saying a lot. I am with the Latino’s – if they think BAME will get worse under Biden, you’d better take note. A free for all for immigration, crime and whatever. Not reported as its will be illegal to report it. That is how the left takes power. Through ignorance and offering an impossible dream of life long socialism, if only we ignore the the ‘edge’. The brutality of the left. The arrogance of the left. And now they even have a CULT following in XR and BAME.
This is from a very left wing journal. Make your own mind up. Its a long read. If Biden ever make it to the oval office. I am afraid the problems that the BBC routinely cover up, has only just started.
What happens in the US is reflected here in the UK sooner or later.
>Bidens only life long ambition has been money. They say he has more money than Trump and has more popularity than the ‘Clintons’. Read and be amazed that he’s got this far in election. If the US left distrust him, why the hell is he there? What doe it say about our own UK (so called) ‘independent broadcaster’. Its along read, and its a leftie publication, but not what you may think.
It asks the question. Is Biden worth voting for?
Something’s you need to know about Biden.
He is hugely , even bigly, corrupt. Even by the standards of US political life he stands out. He and his family have made hundreds of millions of dollars from favours from Russian ,Ukrainian oligarchs and the Chinese government. All well documented but no action has been taken.
When he was Obama’s VP he oversaw the export of millions of US jobs abroad , which is why the Chinese paid him so much of course. His boss said that those jobs would never return but President Trump has managed to bring many of them back.
He has a history of abusing women but that is never raised by the liberal MSM.
Finally , he is senile and if , God forbid , he is elected he will never make it through his first term. He will be a mere figure head and the dark forces of the left will govern in his name. The damage done by a Biden victory at the election to American prosperity and the American way of life will be enormous.
Another story the beeb don’t want you to know: an Italian priest who dedicated his life to helping migrants has been murdered by… a migrant from Tunisia called Mahmoudi (a name related to Muhammad).
Whereas some sources inform us he had – you guessed it – mental health problems, the article below explicitly states he didn’t.
Go figure.
But there does seem to be a close link between islam and madness. Might they perhaps be related?
Because White Lives Don’t Matter to the beeb, especially Christian ones, I would like to pay a small tribute to the saintly Fr. Roberto Malgesini.
“He was a person who lived the Gospel daily, in every moment of the day. An exceptional expression of our community.”
“Roberto was a simple person. He just wanted to be a priest… For this he was sent to St. Rocco, where every morning he brought hot breakfasts to the least. Here everyone knew him, they all loved him.”
May he rest in peace.
Yes – a prayer – RIP. The MSM , for obvious and evil reasons , have not mentioned the number of Christian clerics – priests , nuns – who have died through covid infection administering to the sick . I know in Italy it was particularly awful .
Meanwhile back to the monster self serving NHS and the obscene ‘dance ‘ videos ….and 20% off …. and the insane clapping …. but best not get cancer ….
“…..they all loved him.”
Fake News: one didn’t love him………..
Whether or not he ‘loved him’ was irrelevant. He carried out his his religious instruction to kill the unbelievers. A Catholic priest is a confirmed target. They will get round the rest of us in time. That’s why welcoming boatloads of them via Theresa May’s immigration treaty is utter insanity. It’s why it looks like a taxi service, ‘cos it is. Hotels booked up for 4 years to house them is another dead giveaway.
If the UK government thought that they could get away with packing them onto Eurostar trains they’d be doing it day and night.
New ONS data
2020 is a special year deaths are running above the 5 year average
but not way out of control
the difference is 33,000 for 2020
The causes are Covid and lockdown effects like delayed cancer care etc.
Why’s it smaller than the with Covid death count of around 40K ?
cos Covid kills people who would have died this year anyway.
With no second wave this 33K should shrink even further well into 2021.
Agree but not so confident about 2021.
Thousands of untreated or late-treated cancers won’t just go away but will develop further and lead to excess deaths. And into 2022 and beyond but by then they will be explained away by ‘margins of error’.
What’s happening at the uber-liberal Indie?
A vid of BBC favourite, the snivelling Mayor Khant, criticising the government is getting a bashing with 300 likes to 1600 dislikes, and the comments are brutal.
– This is rich. Sadiq Khan complaining about incompetence!
– similar to your handling of knife crime.
– ” angry at incompetence”
Zero self awareness.
– He knows all about incompetence
– “Terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city” – Sadiq Khan, 2017
Don’t mention – cross rail … due 2022?
It would be interesting to compare the dwarfish muslim mayor of London’s bank account before and after his spell as mayor.
More Biden-isms
BTW if the Dems think that Biden is the best man for the job why didn’t they pick him in 2016 ?
Probably because he was too old then, Stew!
Good one.
Ah, but Biden wasn’t a wimmin. At least Hillarious is/was/is/might continue to be a wimmin.
Has a blue tick. Hopefully verified for the BBbC fact checking unit.
Now imagine the MSM addressing this as they do other claims by other people #politicsoftheleastbad gets worse when those that hold power to account become propagandists.
Do you think they are botoxing Bidens head to try to stop him sagging more – he’s looking pretty frightening now …
I fear that the whole Democrats’ aim is to get Kamelia Norris in The White House as soon as possible, Fed!
Grandpa Joe is well past his sell by date, forgetful, wobbly on his pins and generally heading for a care home, so he’ll let himself be fiddled around by his party and there’ll be a ‘crowning’ of Ms Norris around the end of the first year.
But of course, he won’t be President anyway, it’ll only be in the party which came second in November 2020!
You heard it first here, folks!
(CDs, pamphlets and other documents are available in the foyer).
Pelosi tore up the papers at the end of the president’s address because she was annoyed that they had forgotten to give her some crayons…..
Radio 4 at 5pm with Evan Davis. Report that Israel has gone into full lockdown for 3 weeks. Evan says that there is a whole string of holidays at this time. Yes, they just happen to be the Jewish High Holidays, days when Jews usually attend synagogue. But Evan’s dismissive tone as he said ‘string of holidays’ rather that ‘High Holidays’ made me think. Had he been describing Islamic religious festivals would he have been so dismissive, or if Boris had lockdown over the 2 weeks usually taken here by workers over. Christmas. But the Israelis, and Jews? No respect.
They did play a clip of a Shofar being blown on TWoT on R4 at 10.44 p.m., Deborah.
I was a bit surprised.
As if the forthcoming U.S. election wasn’t going to be chaotic enough, the BBC website is telling me that Ruth Bader Ginsberg has just died. If the Republican-led Senate had any sense they’d approve President Trumps nomination (whoever that might be) immediately – however they always seem to want to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory, so I doubt they will. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has already said she won’t vote for anyone until after the election, and I bet the Trump hating Mitt Romney is itching to do the same. If they do attempt to confirm a conservative judge before the election, expect the outrage from the left (including the BBC) to be off the scale.
RBG has gone
Al Beeb and the liberal media are up in arms !
They will probably beatify her memory. Someone who pushed for unlimited abortion and lowering the age of consent for sex to 12. Trump was being diplomatic by praising her after being told of her death.
Spot on Cooper_Man, all one has to do is see the Left’s faux outrage over the nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh during the 2018 mid-term election cycle.
Speakers’ Corner is free no more as Sharia-creep continues apace thanks to Dick’s Dickless Wonders formally known as the Met – now certified Halal.
Intolerant savagery: 1 – Rule of Law: 0
RIP Free Speech †
End of speaker’s corner ? End of freedom of speech in the UK?
Speakers corner has always been a lie – in fact the parks regulations limit freedom even more that Out side royal park jurisdiction …..
Censoring on line is far harder to see….
Lord Soper was the big draw in the sixties!
Whether you agreed with him or not, he handled the unwashed crowd with wit, humour, and above all fairness!
It was a place for entertainment until the ultra-lefties started to become more unpleasant than they already were.
Boris and his “circuit breaker” . IMHO, he is going for another lockdown, but didn’t he say that there would not be a second lockdown ? What is the betting that it will be used as a means to delay Brexit in the new year ?
Yeah, we just need to help finance our “friends” in Europe by pouring in billions of pounds to the, ‘common cause’ aka, the US of Europe.
BBC Golf highlights show seven pretty remarkable shots and one not that amazing. If I were to tell you that the latter was one by a certain big black guy would you be surprised?
The Daily Express spells out bluntly this morning what we all knew was coming – because our media generally has been so busy laying the groundwork: ‘Boris warns ‘inevitable’ second wave is coming’ – those scare quotes around the word inevitable are doing one hell of a lot of work there Bojo!
Inevitable – in this case meaning not so much something that was inescapable but more something the fear of which our politicians have become addicted. As in a policy looking for an event for justification which, if it doesn’t happen, said policy will be claimed a success.
By the way, I wish I had taken advantage of the ‘Free £1 shop bet’ on this one that the Express advertises although the odds would have been pretty short given the inevitability of Boris in the face of the flu soiling his voluminious short pants once again. “Put ’em up!” cries the cowardly lion, then runs for cover.
Our newspaper front pages become too depressing and the versions of the news too uniform for much of a review.
We must salvage what we can.
The Guardian regrets: ‘Amal Clooney quits UK envoy role over Brexit bill’ – this headline is coupled with an extraordinarily unattractive pic of Holywood George’s spouse – an oddly angled headshot of the mannish-featured lady. To think this later day matinee idol had the pick of the bunch.
Speaking of celebrity avatars used for political tendencies: ‘Marcus Rashford has lunch with the FT’ – one wonders what insights about welfare policy the footie star had to share with the economic eggheads at the FT over the chicken nuggets? Back in my day footballers were interviewed by Shoot Magazine about the new Ford Cortina they had just bought.
The FT further amuses this jaded soul with their report titled: ‘German lessons in tackling a crisis’ – I can guess this is about knocking Britain and contrasting our amateurish chaos with Teutonic efficiency and Hunnish resilience.
Many years ago I read in some book a view of the future which characterised society as becoming increasingly more ‘supermarket-ised’. Meaning everything in our lives would be processed, packaged, piled high and sold cheap. The problem being we ourselves would be degraded into consumer units, personal service removed we would be forced to queue and to self-serve. And it is coming true. The Daily Telegraph carries a report: ‘Barcode glitch plunges Covid test centres into fresh chaos’
Chinese Flu – it certainly hit the world like an “unrecognised item in the bagging area”
As we wonder is it ourselves or is it the NHS this time we are protecting from the “second wave”? The Daily Mail has an 8-page pullout on health self-help: ‘Cut your risk of cancer by up to 40%, by one of UK’s top specialists’ – the answer, judging from the accompanying photo of a whitecoated vegetable-clutching prof on the front page, is consume more broccoli.
And how to double the nation’s risk of cancer? Go for another lockdown Boris.
The Daily Star “inevitably” wins the “and finally” prize once again: ‘Thought for the Day, only 3 more lockdowns until Christmas’
Rashford, the FT , chicken nuggets , ‘shoot’ and ford cortinas – brilliant …
AISI, “Chinese Flu – it certainly hit the world like an “unrecognised item in the bagging area”.
That is a great line! Brilliant.
Here’s ex-bbc darling, Mehdi ‘cattle’ Hasan, on dubious tactics.
He’s been looking at himself in the mirror again.
Speaking of BBC darlings… The Economist.
Don’t know how sound he is off set, or whether Blofeld will turn out to have Orange hair, but Tom Hardy seems a welcome return to the Connery combination of twinkle and menace.
The girls in the bbc will be conflicted. As will the women.
Saturday morning
Deep deep gloom amongst the wokes – BBC MSM and democrats because …. Ginsburg – the lefty Supreme Court has headed for final judgement .
She has, in the past , stated her desire to survive beyond President Trump to stop him putting another Right Winger on the Supreme Court bench and consolidating( hopefully) – a ‘right wing ‘ approach to things – such as restricting and stopping abortion – baby killing – as we know – if a lefty ‘trophy’ subject .
So a good day …..Biden and co will go spare
Ps – apologies cooper man ….Just seen your better post on the subject from earlier today – but it is great for popcorn sales …
However, the funeral….
Presumably the bbc has now kept BA afloat block booking jumbos to ferry reporters across the pond to emote from place of rest to planting.
Plus get in a bit of campaigning in the Big Apple and on the Hill.
Jon knows folk and how to make intros.
CNN gets something made earlier.
Bet Lurch is livid. But will RT anyway.
BBC HR not taking it well.
Jon and the rest of American BS are now headed to The Boonies to find, record and edit some redneck reactions instead.
Guest – not a good woke day – and I bet this …..loon – driving the car girl – … is burning hydrocarbons and destroying the planet – and stuff – dudes ….
Can anyone help – I seem to recall President trump publishing a list of candidates for the Supreme Court quite recently in preparation for Ginsberg to pop her clogs …..
Any one publish it here?
I’m sure the wokes will turn Ginsberg into a Saint ( yes – religion ) and thereby remind those of the Right to vote Trump…
Why is she driving a right hand drive car in America…..
Halifax, I suspect that the image (like her) is flipped…
Seems to be a thing. Like all baddies have English accents?
“Can this year get any ****ing worse”?
Yes. Wednesday, 4th November. Arrange an appointment with you grief counsellor for that day.
Sometimes you don’t even need the actual words for the bias.
The tone of voice alone of JustRemainin Webb as he extols ‘Notorious RBG’ , a giant among millenials, gives the game away completely.
Doom and gloom at 0855? Lefty £Lawyer types Queueing up to say mr trump has blood on his hands …?
If I recall Ginsburg was appointed by Clinton so they’ll be popping up ( no stains )to say their bit.
Biden needs a public cry – they’ll be researching him already …
Is that how it works?
Or only in lefty rigging world?
Cue Spider Brooch Woman on Newsnight…
Maybe in MSM #sourceswhosay media blitz world?
Fun thread…
I seem to remember Nick Clegg being a big fan of European Arrest Warrants.
Reading this BBC report I can see some merrit in the system.
‘Investigators say the Romanian gang flies members into the UK to commit specific offences, then flies them out shortly afterwards, with different members taking the stolen property out of the country by alternative transport methods.’
Then again, if Border Force were doing their job instead of simply waving through all and sundry…
The mail online as a detailed report about local lockdowns . What is it about behaviour / demographics in the non big city locations leading to increased infections ? London seems not to be on the lockdown list …is it that awful ‘herd’ immunity term at work ?
I ask cos I don’t know ….
Fed, use ‘BBC Noises’ to listen again to the first 20 min/half-hour of TOADY today. Or read my post below. 🙂 Have a good weekend and stay healthy.
Up2 – thanks – you stay healthy too – ventilation – as for toady- and the BBC – I’ll pass thanks – apart from for pure ‘entertainment ‘ value I’ve heard their song too many times before – and it’s only got one note ….
You are going to hear that voice a lot on QT.
(Not him).
Old Holborn, this is a ‘must watch’. The last reply is spot on.
More of the ‘exchange’ here
Peter Whittle would not apologise but I guess he had no choice but to ‘withdraw’ the comment – even though he spoke the truth.
TOADILY WEEKEND Watch #(in)comprehensive edition
Yesterday, JustRemainIn Webb interviewed a Spoonerism too far, the Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock. He was harried and hurried and bullied and interrupted in an attempt by JustRemainIn to change ‘the Rule of Sick’ (b’lleughhh!) into ‘the Rule of Snitch’. (I saw you!)
The SoS heroically refused to comply.
This morning, Saturday, JustRemainIn let someone from London (surname Tallenkamp? Tallenbach? Schallenbach? – couldn’t tell, JustRemainIn garbled it at the end) – a woman – talk at length without hesitation, repetition or deviation. JustRemainIn asked this lady a question “Where do you see the most new infections” “Pubs and clubs and bars.” was the reply until later, in this lady’s uninterrupted spiel it suddenly became “Care homes.”
In other words, she really didn’t know. Think she may have been an advisor on health to the Mayor of London. Needless to say she helpfully rubbished the Government’s testing regime and the pubs, bars and clubs in London for not keeping records of clientele for test & trace purposes.
I wonder what political Party she represents?
Apparently, Mayor Sadiq Khan is calling for “something to be done”. HMG has said Local Authorities can impose Local Lockdowns if they choose. Mayor Khan has that puzzled look on his face that he is often photographed with, no doubt, when he’s try to remember his script for calling for “something to be done”.
Matt Hancock a Spoonerism too far – nice line.
Whereas little man Khan’s special gift is to close many a London bridge too far…
Lammy ensures he, Dawn and, of course Di are on the next Politics show…
Bless him.
I follow many accounts just to stay abreast of where their heads are at.
Some make me shake mine.
I thought the labour MPs got their drugs from Jim, the washing machine salesman.
And possibly their rent boys too.
Bring back Curtis and Ishmael.
As I remember, those two did a pretty good skit once where one of them declared he wanted to be a black actor who played Hamlet.
The other asked: What about Claudius? “Black.” Gertrude? “Black.”
When they had agreed that almost the entire cast should be black actors, came the punchline:
“Just one last question – what are all these black people doing running Denmark?”
Nothing says more about the BBC than the sacking of the
three main protagonist’s on A question of sport. .I have quite a senior position in the gambling aspect of sport, supplying
bookmakers with odds on football matches. However myself
and my wife do not watch the programme as we would a
sporting fixture. For us it is the ENTERTAINMENT .Sue Barker is
the perfect foil for the laconic Matt Dawson and the clown Phil
Tufnell. It is like the pleasure one got when watching the Last of
the summer wine. Over the years it became a BRITISH institution
such as last night of the Proms.
And what these three institutions have in common is something which the
diversity, “positive discrimination” anarchist Marxist hierarchy at
the BRITISH broadcasting corporation find an anathema .To
use the word BRITISH in their name is an absolute insult for
the great majority of folk in the UK.There is next to nothing
BRITISH in this woke organization.
Foscari As you identify There is the problem.. These things are British institutions beloved by a lot of British people and we cant have that now can we. Would love the bBBC to make a new series of Last of the Summer Wine .
‘Full Fact’ shows how it is done.
“During PMQs, Angela Rayner used government statistics to demonstrate the problems in the testing system. The problems may be real, but her numbers weren’t quite right.“
See… gently does it. Almost… ‘got it about right’.
Flying in as yet another ‘health correspondent’ in the bbc cubicle gardens?
‘First time I’ve ever felt so unsettled flying back home to the UK’
No one’s forcing you, luv.
Born and bred in south London (wikipedia).
So is she English?
No – she identifies as a “British Pakistani Muslim'”(@SaimaMohsin)
Newspapers and the BBC making a big thing of a fresh and more restrictive Lockdown for England.
I cannot help but wonder whether the PM has spoken a bit too soon. Could he be in receipt of information from MI6 about a new Chinese virus, similar to Covid-19, about to be released on the world in time for the US Election? Has the PM given the game away by talking about it too soon?
I have heard a rumour that Mince Pies are back in Iceland stores for Christmas. We will be just fine then. 🙂 Bring the Lockdown on but please wait until I have stocked the larder. 😉
19th Century : Napier Barracks was built TO PREVENT invasion from France.
21st Century : Napier Barracks to be used TO FACILITATE invasion from France.
Same here by the looks of it.
IT already has the mosques
“Dover Immigration Removal Centre (formerly known as Dover Prison) was an immigration detention centre, located in the historic citadel .. closed in November 2015.
April 2002, converted it into an Immigration Removal Centre.
held male adult detainees aged 18 and over who were appealing for asylum or had failed in seeking it.
The centre offered residential space with integral sanitation as well as resources such as televisions and telephones.
It provided shared resources including gym, a library, church, *mosques*, multi-faith rooms, shops, laundry facilities, and a healthcare unit.”