Unless you really want to have a rehash of the latest daft lockdown annoucements then a newspaper review will provide thin gruel this a.m.
No prizes for guessing the subject matter of today’s newspaper headlines to which we are waking up.
Speaking of being woke and of the award of pointless prizes, the ‘i’ informs us: ‘Bafta members rebel over ban on all-white shortlists’ – maybe when there’s a ban on the all-black final of the Olympic 100 meters?
The FT prides itself on informing us of developments in economic markets: ‘Virus forces drug dealers to switch to home delivery’ – cocaine-deliveroo? splif-ocado? Actually I’m heartned by this news. It goes to show no matter how hard governmental control tries to clamp down with new restrictions the free market will still find a way.
On this same theme the FT tells us: ‘Facebook pledges to restrict content in event of chaotic US election result’ – point one: Facebook already censors and point two: see above the free market in “chaos content” will find a platform elsewhere.
The Star disappoints with their thought for the day: ‘It’s a topsy-turvy world we’re living in’ – although their free giveaway booklet is aptly titled: ‘Puzzle Planet’ – one suspects Dawn Neesom will be speaking sense when she requests we: ‘Call time on covid’ – but her opinion is deep down on page 17 and beyond our remit.
Can we just get one thing straight – and this applies both to the Daily Mail headline writers and to some wishful-thinking posters hereabouts? We don’t have an army anymore, ok?
There’s no such thing as “calling the army out” or “calling the army in” for that matter. There simply is no such thing as regiments of eager disciplined soldierboys just waiting in barracks for the bugle to blow or the drum to beat or whatever.
Think about this: A recent report concerned with extremism in the forces indentified “patriotism” as a dangerous warning sign.
So when the Daily Mail shrieks: ‘PM’s draconian orders to last SIX months… He even sends in the Army’ – I’ll tell you exactly who is going to enforce pub curfews in little man Khan’s London and they won’t be in khaki – diversity hire plastic coppers…the long and the short and the tall… the fat and the black and the brown… the gay and the trans and the female – sod ’em all.. PCSOs that’s who! I’ll tell you who are going to enforce the SNP restrictions north of the border and it ain’t the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders – it will be local authority clipboard wielding, on the spot fine dispensing, high-viz numpties.
No . He got the red tories an election and a good few years to go. …… sure there will be growibg dissent but not enough to cause serious trouble – besides – anyone ambitious would wair for covid to be ‘ managed ‘ before taking grief themselves .
The press enjoys finding various brand of expert to spread bad news
As well as various sorts of politician ready to mouth off about how theyd do it do much better …
It is a shame -though – that common sense hasnt out thought the ‘experts’ who are fighting thrir own battles …
I think the Remainers are wishing/pushing for Boris to go over Covid, hoping that it delays or ends Brexit. I see it in comments on the Daily Mail and Guido etc. You will see comments that he is still ill or the story recently that he is broke. He may not be getting things re covid perfectly right (I can hear posters screaming that he is getting everything wrong). I think leaders of countries have a herd mentality and watch the limited information the BBC is putting out about other countries because they want Boris’ country to be the worst; but if you want Brexit be very careful how much criticism you throw at the government.
US election.
If as seems increasingly possible President Trump wins a second term it will signal a victory for ordinary people far greater than his 2016 election and far greater than Brexit. The ordinary American will have kicked the globalist left right in the balls and very hard too. This election is not really Democrat v Republican its the people v the Globalists.
The Democrats have huge advantages this time round , hundreds of millions of dollars more than Republicans, donated by Globalists like Bloomberg, four long years of anti Trump MSM , a deep state rearguard action that has prevented the Durham report being delivered with its subsequent convictions , a Republican Party which contained plenty of globalist RINOs who tried to sabotage the Presidents first term and of course the benefit of the huge economic problems that followed from Covid.
If Trump wins it shows how deeply the American feel contempt for the globalist left and how deeply they distrust the media . The reaction of the Globalists will be interesting and no doubt coordinated world wide.
If the President loses well the Globalists will make sure that no one is ever again allowed to challenge the globalist world order as Trump did in 2016. Its good bye democracy in the US and welcome the dictatorship of the Globalists across The USA, EU and eventually the UK when we are forced or conned back into the embrace of the EU.
Doublethink – the BBC is an irrelevance regarding the US election – although they seem to think pouring vitriol on Mr Trump each day will have an effect.
But i think common sense will ‘ trump’ democrat attempts to steal the election . Biden has been around for ages – they know he is a career politician who schemes but doesnt ‘do’
Whereas Mr Trump made election promises and from my perspective has kept them . I reckon this will mean more to the US voter .
Ive got my £20 on Mr Trump and happy not to ‘cash out ‘
Donald Trump’s crime seems to be the same as Boris
being in posession of blond hair and white skin
wheras all the stabbers in London and gang rapists around the countrty have no racial profile
interesting to note we have thousands of immigrants : chinese who value family, education etc who do not protest on the streets of this country yet are subject to the same casual racism
These were the top stories on the BBC news channel for British Children on Tuesday Morning.
Four were woke agenda pushing:
1) Fridays for Future school climate strikes to restart: Tells British kids school climate strikes will resume Friday and they must join it and march to their local town halls with their school friends, their teachers and their mums and dads to call for action to save the planet.
2) Racist bullying ‘has got worse’ during lockdown: Tells British kids white on black racism has got worse during lockdown and they must continue to support the Black Lives Matter movement and must call out racists even if it is their own relatives.
3) 10 inspirational Quotes from Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Tells British kids of the ‘heroic feminist’ struggle of Ruth Bader Ginsburg for women’s rights and that they must continue her work to overthrow the patriarchy.
4) ‘I’d like everyone to wear a seethrough mask’: Tells British kids they should wear seethrough masks so as not to marginalise deaf people.
5) New UK lockdown rules to be announced: Tells British kids Boris Johnson will announce new rules to curb coronavirus and that Boris must give emergency public funds to sporting bodies or otherwise there will be a lost generation of diverse athletes.
In the afternoon the BBC added these three stories:
1) ‘If I’ve let someone down or hurt their feelings, I am so sorry’: Introduces British kids to US chat show host and lesbian celebrity Ellen DeGeneres. Addressing recent allegations of bullying on her show she says she is very sorry.
2) ‘I don’t let online negativity get me down’: BBC presenter and celebrity Alex Scott tipped to take over as presenter of Question of Sport tells British kids how she copes with online racist abuse.
3) National Trust admits many buildings have links to slavery: Tells British kids most British castles and stately homes profited out of the blood of colonialism and slavery.
And in today’s ‘BBC news’.
Get that? Not ‘The News’ in any normal sense but the news/ information/ agenda the BBC think you should have today.
I give you………wall to wall coverage of historic and near-current composers and musicians who happen to be black and have (therefore) been overlooked.
And guess who is on the radio and TV to talk at us about this issue?
Why, who else but Sir Lenworth Henworthy.
Such a music expert we hear he is doing…..grade 4 piano.
But as with another recent occasion it turns out this ‘news’ miraculously coincides with a BBC4 programme at the weekend about undervalued Black classical composers.
Isn’t that amazing?
The BBC. Where ‘news’ and programme commercials are one and the same.
PS just in case you need more agenda, the very next item on BBC breakfast was a clip of a Channel 4 programme by Grayson Perry visiting black people in America !!!!!
“White people, especially the elderly, are being picked off like flies by savage murderers in South Africa,” says South Africa Today News.
“Jakkie Grobler (80)becomes the third woman in two weeks to be murdered in Polokwane.” The previous two victims were Hettie and Lizette Deacon.
No prizes for guessing the race of the murderers.
BBC not interested. Murderers and victims (race) the wrong way around for a story.
Last week on a hillside in SA, a vast area of white crosses, featured a commemoration ceremony. Each one a farmer (or family) murdered by a certain race, often with unspeakable brutality.
The racist BBC still not interested. They have the death of the criminal, George Floyd, and the resultant hypocricy BLM to celebrate endlessly. White lives don’t matter, no matter if they were inoccent and how savage the killing.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Flu and COVID-19 share many characteristics, but there are some key differences between the two.”
If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat.
The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright.
Without bringing a full blown medical scientific review, basically-Governments are currently involved in increasing the number of PCR (Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) tests with a view to inflating the number of so-called Covid-19 positive cases.
Today, as authorities test more people, there is bound to be more positive RT-PCR tests. This does not mean that COVID-19 is coming back, or that the epidemic is moving in waves. There are more people being tested, that’s all.”
This procedure of massive data collection is there to provide supportive (fake) “estimates” to justify the so-called Second Wave.
The Endgame is to maintain the economic lockdown, enforce the compulsory wearing of the face mask, social distancing and possible closure of schools, colleges and universities.
As one person interviewed last night said that, they considered it unnecessary to impose lockdown restrictions, and proposed the government let the virus run its course. Brave words-unlikely to be considered in any event. Lockdown is what the authorities want no matter the damage.
Just a point about the idiotic and cowardly alleged leader of the Tories Boris the bottler.
A series of lunatic oppressions were announced yesterday backed with sanctions which go to prove that if this issue is being taken seriously, then serious crime is not.
However what the coward didn’t enlighten us on, was his ultimate objective.
The current situation is an apparant ‘suppression of the virus’ to use the cowards words.
Well that’s like pressing down on a spring. You might hold it in compression for a while, but as soon as you let go it just bounces back again.
I believe the corrupted ‘thinking’ is that if they can suppress it long enough a vaccine will come to the rescue, however that’s a long way off and there might never be one. We don’t even know if having had the virus people gain even short term immunity. I believe I caught this again last week, for a day I was ill with the similar symptoms and then it was gone.
So to sum up, no long term stated goals, just continuing dicatorial oppression from a man who doesn’t seem able to think straight.
Yesterday Britains corrupt (of thought) justice system decided that the ISIS murderers could be tried in the United States. One victim John Cantlie’s sister said she is glad they will now face justice, but here is what the media won’t be telling you.
Many so called photo journalists are nothing more than far left political activists and Cantlie was certainly one of those.
Cantlies father now deceased lived for a time in Hong Kong where he assisted the Chinese Communists at a very senior level over throw the Qing dynasty and rise to power. They murdered Chinese citizen in the tens if not hundreds of millions – where’s the justice for them?
Cantlie had been in Syria when ISIS began their attempt to overthrow Bashir Al Assad. He was captured by ISIS and had to be rescued by the so called free Syrian army. When he recovered he went straight back to Syria only to be captured by ISIS a second time!
Cantlie was captured with US far left activist James Foley, later beheaded for his naieve stupidity.
By his sisters own admission Cantlie was attempting to portray ISIS in a more favourable light and was effectively shilling on their behalf.
I cannot condone ISIS’s execution of these woke crazies, but to be honest they were as idiotic as we see the left, practicing their belief that Islam is peaceful and that it is the West which is evil, their own lunacy led directly to their deaths, but that side of the story is not one which you will hear in the Western media.
Thoughtful – if what you say is true then that ‘karma’ thing operated . I have no sympathy . I ration mine to people who deserve it . I hope the US system does the necessary as far as the Islamic terrorists who happen to hav British accents .
No doubt the BBC will roll out a long line of coloured Labour politicians scoring points as well as wet woke whitees getting their appearance fee….
The I think the death penalty is a more humane punishment that a life times’ bang up the firmer my view becomes . And as far as the argument goes about ‘the state shouldn’t use violence ‘ – well it does – every day ….
I some times think that islamophia should become religion, for those that accept homosexuals and not throw them off buildings, for thore that accept animals should be killed humanely, for those that accept christians…
for those that find the mass muslim gang rape of english children unedifiing and bombings beheadings and rape
Spiegelhalter was on MoL
“The number of false positives in the Covid count is a red herring”
Why ?
‘Cos the false positive rate applies to RANDOM testing across the population.
The actual Covid testing is NOT RANDOM, it is testing people who think they have Covid’
(actually that is not entirely true is it?
It’s the way it’s supposed to be, but some are having a test for a Cyprus visa, and some are having a test cos someone in their school tested positive)
Now if the test is random, say at airports, an the countries case count is low you do get a big problem with False Positives.
Say the background population rate is 1 in 1000
You test 1000 people but with an FPR of 0.8%, that’s 8/1000, and so you expect to find 8 false positives, plus the guy who is actually positive
That’s 9 positive tests, only one of which has the virus
In actual Covid tests the current positive count is 45 /1000, that is a lot higher than what you’d get from false positives alone.
.. However there is a different issue in that such a test maybe picking up dead antibodies and antibodies from similar infection.
A positive Covid test does not guarantee that you are a current spreader.
It’s claimed there is no issue with false negatives
but that is for the lab part of the test.
In the real world if 10 people self test, some will not get the swab right to the back of their nose
So their swab will have no Covid on, and none will be detected even though they do have covid.
If tests are flawed that mostly doesn’t matter for trend spotting.
Cos if cases doubled even the flawed test would pick that up.
BTW I just glanced at the graphs for ethnicity
BAME test positive a lot more than whites
They make up 30-35% of positive tests
However when it comes to deaths they make up 14.5% of deaths (with 28 days)
.. I expect in the vulnerable to death category BAME are way less than 14.5% eg probably 95% of over 80 are white
So BAME in the vulnerable category do seem to die at a higher rate.
I’ve never fully understood the passion for track and tracing. If you don’t have an iPhone then what ? If you’ve tested negative one day, and you contract it the following day, then what?
Is it all a bit of a nonsense ? or haven’t I grasped the semantics of it ?
Give them +1 202-762-1401. They’ll hear a pleasant ticking sound followed by the announcement of the exact time in Washington DC, delivered in an old-timey-broadcasting voice.
Soon, we should start to see videos again on YT of masses of police retreating somewhere in Londonistan faced by large crowds of violent blacks partying at 2 AM. If not, why not…………
Let’s see how this £1000 fining goes for the foreign imports.
OK lets give up structural racism, but we still have systemic racism, institutional racism, white privilege, unconscious bias and more. We can still be denounced as racists.
What I find both depressing and baffling is the length of time we’re supposed to endure these latest infringements upon our liberties. We’ve just come through six months of a three week lockdown, so Gawd knows how long this one will be in for.
The initial lockdown was to give the NHS the time to get itself prepared to take on this virus. Now they’re ready. Indeed, there have never been more spare hospital beds. I’ve just received a letter from my MP, Crispin Blunt, who assures me that my local hospital “…now have sufficient capacity and are prepared and equipped to deal with a second wave…” Excellent!
I also wonder how and why they select the experts they choose to listen to. There are alternative opinions, from other equally capable people. I don’t doubt that these two chaps (sarcastically nicknamed Grim and Grimmer by a mate of mine) know what they’re doing. But now there are many others, just as qualified, insisting that this is the wrong course of action. Tony Blair had his own coterie of advisers during the ill conceived and tragic Iraq war. He chose not to listen to any others.
Have they not looked at what has been achieved in Sweden? I believe this nation now has the lowest infection rate in the world. The WHO have commended them.
Sweden hasn’t locked down. They’re not wearing masks. They’re not threatening their population with hefty fines or a knock on the door from some jobsworth or even (God forbid) the army.
Look, like most sensible people I don’t want to catch this thing or spread it to anyone else. I’m a bit of a “germophobe” to use a Trumpian phrase. But neither do I want to exist in this dystopian hinterland. People shuffling about, their faces shrouded and their voices muffled. I feel we’re being bullied. Fines for infringements…forgetting your muzzle?…standing in the wrong place?…being out after a certain time? And the thought of someone telling me who can enter my house in an anathema to me. I’m an Englishman and I value my freedom above everything else.
@Jeff “Sweden? I believe this nation now has the lowest infection rate in the world. The WHO have commended them.”
Be careful with the hyperbole
Sweden has done OK, a tinge better than the UK but other countries like New Zealand are a league ahead ..so far
Okay, let’s look at New Zealand. Large land mass, lots of empty splace, miniscule population They have indeed kept the death rates down, but the infection rates are climbing. And now their charming PM is threatening her countrymen with imprisonment if they don’t accept long term house arrest.
Meanwhile, Sweden have done some sensible things and they’re now, seemingly, out of the woods without destroying their economy or way of life. New Zealand has just imposed another hard lockdown because infection rates are rising.
You see, that’s the trouble. As long as no one mixes, of course, the virus doesn’t spread. But you can’t live in lockdown ad-infinitum. All lockdown ever does is delay the disease. It can only stop it if you remain in lockdown for life.
If I never ventured beyond my front door I’d be unlikely to ever be run over by a bus. But I’m not willing to live like that…
The latest evidence suggests that for those up to the age of forty it’s far more likely you’ll die in a cycle accident than being struck down by Covid. Most victims are aged eighty plus with a variety of life threatening diseases. Quite a number died in hospices. And they were already in the hospice when they contracted Covid.
We can’t regulate our entire society around a single, not terribly serious, virus.
This is crazy.
Yes Jeff, you and everyone else is being manipulated into a purposely designed type of enslavement- everything that has been done by the government has been to effect the greatest fear into the populaton and is being accomplished day by day. I wrote piece earlier today that highlighted the way this virus is being used to their ends and against us. Fear is the goal.
Switch on bingo “At that time in Britain the hatred of foreigners was very strong
.. xenophobia … (list of social studies words)
Prog is supposed to be about “class”
“He makes clear that other aspects of people’s identity – their religious beliefs, their sense of nationality, their gender and race – cut across a loyalty to class. He also looks at some events in the 19th century – Peterloo and the Chartists”
The 9:30am show was about activists : ‘craftivism’, a form of activism which uses craft to create gentle protest.
The 13:45pm show Leah Sottile explores the lasting influence of America’s most dangerous white nationalist.
Is that what Timothy McVeigh was ?
He was antigovernment , he bombed a government building, whites and all. “As Leah and Georgia start recording the series in early 2020 the world changed: a global pandemic, calls for racial justice that rang out around the globe, conspiracy theories suddenly going mainstream.
Reacting to events as they unfolded, Leah and Georgia didn’t realise quite how relevant and on point it would be to examine the Oklahoma City Bombing right now,”
The prog is of course a front for bashing Trump
So the activists slip words
No doubt Trump sticks up for white people, as he stiicks up for blacks as well
but the activist try to make associations ..’see McVeigh was white, an extremist, a patriot … so a nationalist (maybe), so a white nationalist (nope), so a white supremacist (nope)
.. There is some evidence of a tinge of racism when he was in the army .. but it is not like his manifesto called for a white only America etc.
If there are more than six of you on a small boat in the English channel not wearing masks, will the authorities (such as they are)
a. Fine you a minimum of £200
b. Seek out the person who arranged it and fine them £10,000
c. Roll out the red carpet, get out the open cheque book, and throw money, resources, and state aid at you.
Try the same multiple choice for playing football with friends in your garden. Is the answer the same?
The problem with comments like this is that they generalise about a huge group of people and this is less than helpful. The real issue is that Muslims who respect the law are not speaking out against the behaviour of some of their own .
In fact , very few are drawing attention to or speaking out against totally unacceptable behaviour within this group. This gives a green light for this behaviour to continue .
To turn around the too often expressed mantra of the Left/soi disant Antifa/BLM more than whites/woke/Muslim ‘leaders’ etc, if you aren’t against us you are with us.
When we get BAME, mostly B, dobbing in the known drug dealers/murderers in their midst or Muslim leaders the known terrorists or child rapists in theirs, we must stop generalising. Until then, absent action on their part rather than hand-wringing or blame-deflection, I think the majority of decent people in this country will generalise because the close, errant communities do nothing about their miscreants.
The problem is YOU that defends child rapists and has allowed muzzies to carry on child raping
every muslim ghetto will prefer to defend the rapists and you fucking know it
eeverone that complies with a muzzies world view is complicit in child rape, well done put it on your CV
Darcy3 – YOU are a disgusting individual and the likes of any like yourself really bring this website down.
Your mindset is THE SAME as any kind of racist – be they Muslim or any other. Bundling EVERYBODY of a particular background into the same negative definition is about as stupid as you can be.
If you were born into a Muslim background I doubt you would have the intelligence to even want to escape it judging by your comments here. But even assuming that you did, as I know many Muslims do want to, when you have to fear being murdered for doing something against the ‘pushed agenda’ makes you think twice.
I somehow doubt you will understand my post but will be happy if you prove me wrong and understand why I see YOU, and those like you, as part of the problem within our society.
Dear Teddy Bear – apart from excoriating Darcy3 with ad homs what is your specific point?
Reading Darcy3 comment I don’t really know what point Darcy3 is making – is it over a specific issue, is it over a general issue with the BBC reporting or something else?
Identitarian social justice warriors talk in a language that makes identity critical and hence when people respond in kind it can appear “prejudiced” – but that is because the identitarian social justice warrior worldview is inherently prejudiced.
ps: It seems that one issue that Darcy is responding to are the cover-ups and secrecy surrounding the industrial scale rape and sexual abuse and trafficking of white girls in England and Wales.
pps: I come in peace and see that your name is linked to a biased bbc site.
I would hope that you can see that I gave reason and logic as well in my post to show why I found Darcy3’s post so vile.
He was replying to Lynette, and the way I read it he was also attacking her. It’s also unnecessary to use swear words on this website, it only brings it down.
We are ALL very aware of the BBC complicity in failing to identify Muslim, Black, and any other WOKE evils to pursue their virtue signalling, as well as the politicians and police who are complicit in allowing evils to continue.
But to LUMP EVERY MUSLIM AND BLACK PERSON into the same pot – which Darcy3 did is as bad and stupid as the evils we are trying to fight. It simply brings this site into a stupid sphere which can only lose support from the real intelligentsia which we seek to involve.
I hope that makes my stance clearer and I appreciate your feedback 😉
In general I have found Darcy3 comments informative. From time to time posters do post comments that I sometimes find difficult to decipher. I am one for asking for clarification rather than condemning and also for giving leeway when the topic in question is emotive. As someone myself who has been on the receiving end of prejudicial abuse I tend to separate loose talk from meaningful contempt as well as the persistent from the occasional. At the end of the day I want to hear from differing perspectives and wouldn’t want to shout someone down if behind the language there are points to be considered. Of course when presenting arguments out there rather than in here then extra care must be taken with language.
Given that he was attacking Lynette – a great contributor here, and making statements that I’ve shown resembled more of those we are against, I had to put him down.
And as an example of where he is totally wrong here’s something that I posted back in 2013 from the Jeremy Vine show. He had the brilliant Imam of the Oxford Mosque, Taj Hargey, and the head of the NSPCC talking about the paedophile gangs. It was the Imam who spoke out against our society for putting up with it the way we did, saying “We need to call a spade a spade”, and the NSPCC who wanted to bury the spade.
I understand that our tensions are especially heightened right now but that is why we need to keep it under control while we battle on. Our purpose is to attract more to our side not blow them away.
I also really hope that Darcy can see the error of his ways and contribute in a more intelligent manner.
I appreciate you running that other site and I will take a look. I assume that this site and your site were independently founded but were basically concerned about the same thing. All I want is an impartial news service that brings relevant news. The BBC is far beyond that and from what I gather it hasn’t been that for a long time. I read Robin Aitken’s Can We Trust the BBC? (2008) when I first began to suspect the BBC of being biased. Over the past four years or so I have in an ad hoc fashion been monitoring the BBC website and have found some “amazing” stuff in terms of what they have put out. However most of the stuff I see is derivative to what I have seen produced by various professors and various departments in Universities. But the BBC have a larger audience and there is a charter. Universities are also publicly funded institutions including a taxpayer underwritten student loan system.
I started off many years (@2002/3) ago posting on what was this site, though it was run by somebody else.
The only reason I started my own site in 2005 was to set it up and offer it to the woman who used to run this one. I just felt that all the various topics that were aired here by everyone were getting lost, which was a pity. I still feel the same.
She said she was too occupied with other things to change websites so I just carried on with the other myself.
I downloaded and kept this interview from Lockdown TV when the outbreak just started. It is uncanny how much of what Prof. Johan Giesecke states has come to pass. I really wish Boris could have looked at this before introducing lockdown 2.0 . Even the point of governments becoming more authoritarian and repeating the same mistakes is there. The summary from the YouTube video says it better than I can. It also is a good lesson for how to interview for the interrupting beebs.
” That was one of the more extraordinary interviews we have done here at UnHerd.
Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks:
– UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based
– The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
– This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
– The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
– The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact
– The paper was very much too pessimistic
– Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway
– The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
– The results will eventually be similar for all countries
– Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
– The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%
– At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available”
Given the censorship going on I am amazed this link is still up.
Without going into detail see this quote from the Wall Street Journal – “If the WHO agency had done its job, “this would have saved thousands of lives and avoided world-wide economic damage.” Therefore , advice from an advisor to the director general of the WHO is not necessarily relevant.
Again gb123, this information I saw sometime ago and have maintained such agreement through much else that I have read accordingly from other top scientists who are very knowledgable on the virus Covid19: Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. It is similar to SARS- 1-Immunologists broadly confirm the CDC ( Center for Disease Control and Preventiondefinition) COVID-19 has similar features to a seasonal influenza coupled with pneumonia. If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright. Sweden had the matter correctly measured. Hopefully this government will re-asses the situation and take a leaf out of the Swedish book maybe.
Music tends to be forgotten, either because it wasn’t very good or appealed to a niche market. This applies, regardless of the race or ethnicity of the composer. If Sir Lenny wishes to highlight these lost masterpieces, then he’s free to do so. I doubt that there was some conspiracy to block or hide them.
BBC Hull 1pm news “Emily Maitliss has apologised for speaking wrongly last night”
.. Don’t get excited
She said “Hell” instead of “Hull” and caught herself.
Sweden is being held up as the panacea model for coping with Covid – compared to say, the UK. BUT ……
Sweden is 85% LARGER than the United Kingdom, with a population of just over 10 million. The population of United Kingdom is 64.4 million people.
So of course they are managing the disease, oh that we had even double the 10 million !! AND of course the Swedes have a less ‘chav’ like attitude to their way of life.
Sweden isn’t a panacea, they made some monumental mistakes to begin with, but…
Yes, Sweden has a larger land area than the UK and a smaller population.
So does New Zealand, though not by quite as much. But their population is around 60, 000,000 fewer people than we have here.
It’s also very rural. More sheep that anything else.
Actually, it sounds like a lovely place, I’d like to visit.
Though I’ll wait til they get rid of that nutter in charge…
TOADY Watch #1 – First come the floods, then follows drought
BBC Amnesia on the TOADY Prog w/Mishal and JustRemainIn this morning. A shortage of nurses for the NHS. But only last week TOADY told us that the Nursing Schools were flooded with applications.
It is time ‘Auntie’ was shuffled off into a Care Home.
“Migrants: More people arrive in September than all of 2019”
“Almost 400 migrants were intercepted crossing the Channel to the UK in small boats on one day.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-54266961
Not headline news any more? Where is Priti? Where is her “Clandestine Channel Threat Commander”, – hiding ?
Priti is a lost cause and should be sacked for incompetence. But maybe she can be seen as a collaborator backed by a Government that has already surrendered.
Theresa May surrendered for them before she departed number 10. If you remember, she signed a UN migration compact. This charade in the Channel is the result. It’s organised between the French and UK governments, but made to look like it’s prompted by evil people traffickers. I’m sure that the French would prefer to pack them on to Eurostar trains but it would give the game away.
taffman. But he(the Commander) said ‘My job is to end illegal Channel crossings — and that’s what I will do’. So I wait expectantly for this to happen, although I believe it will require some serious changes to our laws.
This is all down to a legacy from Tony Blair and his wonderful ‘hooman rights lawyer wife Cherie’.
We must not forget those coming in via our southern ports and occasionally by air. My local South coast port is now up to 25 illegal entrants all travelling from Caen(discovered) in September and when you start adding that plus all the other ports etc into the figures the numbers are quite staggering.
I do wonder when an asylum seeker, which most are, should claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive, but still insists on travelling thousands of miles via Europe(safe I think) to the UK.
I’m afraid I have no confidence in the French authorities, who are far too busy having extended lunch hours enjoying baguettes, garlic and snails washed down with a glass of red rather than vaguely locating stowaways. Still we are ‘working with them’ apparently. I suppose that’s sharing the feast or passing the cheese.
If the government wanted to they could end the invasion immediately on the grounds of National Security. We are being invaded by insurgents, all illegal. The Home Secretary has a duty to protect the people of this nation. Our so called friends in France, that we pay lots of money to, are just ‘fly tipping’.
Expect trouble ahead.
More power to your arm Concrete Sea-correct about T Blair and his wife, every bit as bad as the Clintons-absolute traitors that should have been stripped of their British Citizenship, Blair should have had his Primeministership pension halted and were it possible thrown out of the UK. The damage he and his cronies inflicted on this nation through his connivance with the communist German chancellor in allowing our land to be invaded by illegal immigrants we are now paying for and will be paying so for a long time to come. Now amongst such monsters whose power is bringing fear and control with public acquiescence to bring about the downfall of this great nation. Covid 19 is their friend to bring in the grip of absolute control over our lives. Yep I know this might sound extravagant, however worldwide scientific knowledge brings me to this conculsion.
My opinion on why the BBC comes across so blatantly left-wing and woke to most sane and normal folk.
It’s because all the staff who work there are from the same bubble and arrived from the same roots, woke unis, oxbridge and etc.. They really don’t know any different, all their views are derived from other BBC dwellers and their immediate crowd and preferably from within 20 miles of W1A .
They are pretty well inbreds.
They just don’t see that anyone exists, or who has a right to exist, who does not subscribe to their viewpoint, in other words they are simply talking to themselves and have no wish to talk to anyone outside their club.
Any whiff of an opinion that doesn’t coincide with their blinkered view of the Country, it’s people and the World is alien and dangerous to them so they huddle even closer, put their fingers in their ears and chant la-la-la like.
It cannot be repaired, it has gone too far for that, the best outcome is for it to wither away and I think and hope this process has begun.
Oh for a free-thinking individual or outfit to come along with enough funds and connections to create an alternative and truthful media outlet which was prepared to look at issues from everyone’s point of view, not just the BBC’s
TWatO Watch #1 – suddenly the Labour Party cares after all …. again …..
The Labour Party do like to weaponise the unfortunate people without paying work. Labour championed, some might say ‘exploited’, the unemployed from 1991-1997, in which cause they were ably aided and abbetted by the BBC. The Labour Party conveniently forgot all about the unemployed from 1997-2010. And since then also. Jeremy Corbyn rarely raised any concern over those with no work at PMQs.
Now Keir Starmer, former Barrister turned politician turned Labour Party leader, has rediscovered the unemployed and is suddenly very concerned about them. Will Labour under Keir Starmer make a daily appearance on the BBC to ask “What about the non-workers?”
From the letters page of one of our engineering journals:
“I hope by being visible as a queer refugee engineer I can represent a wider community of under-represented engineers” [She/They]
Personally I thought that by seeking to employ the highest standards of personal and professional integrity I wouldn’t let down the best of all engineers…
… and my age, sex, ethnicity, family, hobbies etc are not the business of anyone else!
Attacking John McCain and his widow Cindy in 2020, you sense, won’t reap the dividend of attacking McCain in 2016. Four years ago it was all part of his insurgent play against the establishment – demonstrated to the grassroots he was opposite of a McCain, Romney, Bush or Dole. https://t.co/2zaN4xVbsn
They're people who worked for her, liked and admired her standing in formation as a mark of respect. Hardly a crowd of hard-right, semi-automatic-toting dipsticks in camouflage gear.
BTW, I thought off-the-cuff displays of partisanship were now off the menu for BBC staff.
Seems like only yesterday she was tweeting Ed’s departure via or entry through doors, illuminating rooms by his mere aura.
Interview on @BBCNews at 6, and online soon – lots of interesting things. His desire to make a clean break is so obvious, even the leader's office smells of fresh paint! more later
Just interviewed the Labour leader @Keir_Starmer who tells me he DOES stand by his words that if the SNP win Holyrood in 2021, they would have a mandate for #indyref Starmer on Johnson: The country deserves better than Johnson's leadership. On @skynews in few mins
Lucky old beeb: in a thinly veiled attack on Trump, the Puke and Duchess of Sussex called on their ‘fans’ to reject hate, and vote. They might as well have said ‘Vote Biden, Orange Man Bad’.
Their comments allow the strictly neutral beeb to plaster the anti-Trump propaganda all over the
news, while keeping their hands ‘clean’. Wasn’t us guv, was them what said it.
However not everyone is as delighted as the beeb. From the Sun:
The pair have been slammed by viewers, who said that politics and the election is none of their business.
One user responded to Harry’s comment saying: “None of his business he is purely a guest in the country.”
Another tweeted: “Completely inappropriate, especially from Harry.”
A third said: “This sounds like foreign interference in the US election.
“I think we need a special counsel to investigate.”
Piers Morgan also shared his opinion, saying: “Prince Harry poking his woke nose into the US election & effectively telling Americans to vote against President Trump is completely unacceptable behaviour for a member of the Royal Family.”
Another commentator said it was “obvious” that the royals were supporting Joe Biden because of Meghan’s previous criticisms of Donald Trump.
One twitter user added: “Tell Harry to mind his own barking business…”
It’s just Mr Meghan-Markle, a/k/a The Woke Prince of Bel Air, and the Duchess of Wokecess trying to remain relevant even though they said they wanted a quiet, private life
Interesting body language – she is up for it – he’s going through the motions . A foreigner like him should being silent on all aspects of someone else’s election …. is he Russian ?
All I saw was yet another promotion vehicle for Ms Markle. Its been intimated that dogs have a limited vocabulary (though of course not MY dog), but Ms Markle equally has a limited dictionary, – focus and hope, I’ll give her another one — bollocks.
A broadcaster who restricts comments only to the faithful?
‘My experiences with racism manifest in the form of our stories being erased or diluted to be more palatable to a White audience, which not only patronises us but also patronises the White people of the UK.’
Which stops me pointing out that in their text
you could switch white for black
that was their 6pm text
5:02pm ITV News Border @ITVborder tweeted
In the months since the #BlackLivesMatter movement swept across the world, a group has formed in Cumbria with the aim of stamping out racism locally.
3:37 PM
ITV News Channel TV @ITVChannelTV tweeted
93% of people from ethnic minority backgrounds in the Channel Islands say racism is a problem locally.
Keiran Brown has experienced discrimination first-hand. He says challenging racism is vital to dealing with the issue.
Read more: https://bit.ly/2HrkHo0
Guest Who
In all my 80 years in this life I have never heard any person say “Black lives DON’T matter” so it’s a totally phony war. Our homegrown Communists, who now control so much of what we see and hear, know this but they never give up the chance to incite division and hatred in the hope that this will one day bring them to absolute political control in the UK. To them the end justifies the means. It is they who are “on the wrong side of history” – not the British patriots.
A pop-star in Australia who was a doctor has gone back on the wards…
Reading the headline and the poignant concerned face of the lady peering skywards you would be forgiven for thinking what a noble act.
Read on and you will find that the lady’s concerts etc have all be suspended due to CV19 restrictions so the likelihood is that this was in fact a financial decision.
She even says “Covid has been a terrible tragedy to so many people, but for me it’s just been a gross inconvenience.”
Why would this be newsworthy by the BBC? Well she is in a same sex marriage so that’s top level qualification I would guess.
She is an utter fake as well. Why would you take on the appearance of a downtrodden single mum when you have an MP’s salary and £160k to pay your office manager, aka, her hubby. Is she ashamed of having money?
It’s getting there, too slowly for my liking. Where?
Principle 2 of the Code of British Policing:
“To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.”
The BBC are so ruddy predictable (forgive my language). Just switched on the 6pm BBC1 news late and Faisal Islam was in the middle of a piece about the chaos at Dover there will be 31 December 2020 due to Brexit. We had an importer of perishable food telling us he hasn’t time to prepare and the dire threats caused by the French insisting they will examine every piece of paperwork. I am sure it will infuriate the EU exporter too. But we have all known this was coming. The RHA and the BBC were appealing for more time (to achieve what wasn’t explained). As I said higher up, Remainers will be using every reason in the book for why there should be a delay to Brexit and Covid will appear in many of them.
As an aside, is there a reason why both Faisal and Tomas Schnaffenaffer (scuse the spelling) have grown their hair into thick messes. I could almost believe they have bought cheap wigs and want value out of them. I recommend their mothers have a nag.
BBC 6 pm news.
A favourite topic.
The BBC search out people who are worried and distressed by the latest covid news and government policy. The conveyor belt is long.
In tonight’s example we get a couple whose marriage plans have been thwarted. To be honest I can sympathise.
But it’s the BBC, so of course the featured couple…………
…. are lesbians.
Guest, it was noticeable that Mr Metcalfe was allowed an uninterrupted and lengthy rant. It appears since that Sarah should have pulled him up on his takeaway rules misapprehension as well as cut him off to shorten our pain.
Yesterday, 393 more migrants arrived via 26 boats. 81% of them will NOT be eligible for asylum – so why aren't we deporting them? The UK Government needs to get a grip before the UK becomes one giant refugee camp! ➡️ https://t.co/cKcqg6lFL5
Today we have returned a number of migrants who came to the UK across the Channel, and dangerous foreign national offenders. pic.twitter.com/qrN9LqAKy3
If their last port of call was in France, then zero occupants are eligible for asylum. Unfortunately, Theresa May signed us up to this and that’s why Serco have a 4 year contract to supply hotel accommodation.
Edit… it is rumoured that many of the ‘desperate refugees’ are indeed desperate. Desperate to avoid conscription into their home country’s army, that is. So cowards and deserters, as well as illegal immigrants.
Another Beeb report.
‘The National Trust has revealed how more than 90 of its properties have connections to slavery and colonialism. The links – at 93 properties – are highlighted in a report commissioned by the charity to tell the history of colonialism and slavery at its sites’.
It is incredible that these gullible organisations have suddenly sprung into action, obviously as a result of BLM movement. Six months ago no-one gave a thought to this, but all of a sudden it’s ‘Oh it might offend someone, so review this, take down that, hide this’. And what a waste of money.
It is totally beyond me how this slavery/ colonialism connection didn’t apparently cross anyone’s mind previously, but today we must all be up in arms about it. Can none of these idiots differentiate between the past and now. History is history and what has happened can’t be changed, yet we must all wail, gnash our teeth and wring our hands in anguish. It doesn’t even reach a level of Pathetic.
Personally I must rid my wardrobe of all cotton clothes (slavery connection) and winter soon approaches, but whilst I shiver in my nylon underpants I’ll comfort myself I have ‘done the right thing’.
I cancelled my NT subscription months back when they decided that members had to book even a car park spot to walk around the gardens and that visiting the houses themselves was not possible. They compounded that by permitting non members to book parking as well. With no benefit whatsoever it became a no-brainer even before the BLM swollocks!
My goodness Concrete Sea, I am devasted to think of you in nylon underpants, how horrible, however I think under the circumstances you would be allowed Wool clothing as long as it is of British manufacture. We all on this site, wish a warm slave free winter.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
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GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
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Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
Unless you really want to have a rehash of the latest daft lockdown annoucements then a newspaper review will provide thin gruel this a.m.
No prizes for guessing the subject matter of today’s newspaper headlines to which we are waking up.
Speaking of being woke and of the award of pointless prizes, the ‘i’ informs us: ‘Bafta members rebel over ban on all-white shortlists’ – maybe when there’s a ban on the all-black final of the Olympic 100 meters?
The FT prides itself on informing us of developments in economic markets: ‘Virus forces drug dealers to switch to home delivery’ – cocaine-deliveroo? splif-ocado? Actually I’m heartned by this news. It goes to show no matter how hard governmental control tries to clamp down with new restrictions the free market will still find a way.
On this same theme the FT tells us: ‘Facebook pledges to restrict content in event of chaotic US election result’ – point one: Facebook already censors and point two: see above the free market in “chaos content” will find a platform elsewhere.
The Star disappoints with their thought for the day: ‘It’s a topsy-turvy world we’re living in’ – although their free giveaway booklet is aptly titled: ‘Puzzle Planet’ – one suspects Dawn Neesom will be speaking sense when she requests we: ‘Call time on covid’ – but her opinion is deep down on page 17 and beyond our remit.
Can we just get one thing straight – and this applies both to the Daily Mail headline writers and to some wishful-thinking posters hereabouts? We don’t have an army anymore, ok?
There’s no such thing as “calling the army out” or “calling the army in” for that matter. There simply is no such thing as regiments of eager disciplined soldierboys just waiting in barracks for the bugle to blow or the drum to beat or whatever.
Think about this: A recent report concerned with extremism in the forces indentified “patriotism” as a dangerous warning sign.
So when the Daily Mail shrieks: ‘PM’s draconian orders to last SIX months… He even sends in the Army’ – I’ll tell you exactly who is going to enforce pub curfews in little man Khan’s London and they won’t be in khaki – diversity hire plastic coppers…the long and the short and the tall… the fat and the black and the brown… the gay and the trans and the female – sod ’em all.. PCSOs that’s who! I’ll tell you who are going to enforce the SNP restrictions north of the border and it ain’t the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders – it will be local authority clipboard wielding, on the spot fine dispensing, high-viz numpties.
Catchup links back to previous thread
– page 3 started at 5pm Tuesday
– page 2
“Covid: Boris Johnson warns of tougher measures if new rules are flouted”
Will he be gone by Christmas?
No . He got the red tories an election and a good few years to go. …… sure there will be growibg dissent but not enough to cause serious trouble – besides – anyone ambitious would wair for covid to be ‘ managed ‘ before taking grief themselves .
The press enjoys finding various brand of expert to spread bad news
As well as various sorts of politician ready to mouth off about how theyd do it do much better …
It is a shame -though – that common sense hasnt out thought the ‘experts’ who are fighting thrir own battles …
I think the Remainers are wishing/pushing for Boris to go over Covid, hoping that it delays or ends Brexit. I see it in comments on the Daily Mail and Guido etc. You will see comments that he is still ill or the story recently that he is broke. He may not be getting things re covid perfectly right (I can hear posters screaming that he is getting everything wrong). I think leaders of countries have a herd mentality and watch the limited information the BBC is putting out about other countries because they want Boris’ country to be the worst; but if you want Brexit be very careful how much criticism you throw at the government.
Well said, Deborah.
US election.
If as seems increasingly possible President Trump wins a second term it will signal a victory for ordinary people far greater than his 2016 election and far greater than Brexit. The ordinary American will have kicked the globalist left right in the balls and very hard too. This election is not really Democrat v Republican its the people v the Globalists.
The Democrats have huge advantages this time round , hundreds of millions of dollars more than Republicans, donated by Globalists like Bloomberg, four long years of anti Trump MSM , a deep state rearguard action that has prevented the Durham report being delivered with its subsequent convictions , a Republican Party which contained plenty of globalist RINOs who tried to sabotage the Presidents first term and of course the benefit of the huge economic problems that followed from Covid.
If Trump wins it shows how deeply the American feel contempt for the globalist left and how deeply they distrust the media . The reaction of the Globalists will be interesting and no doubt coordinated world wide.
If the President loses well the Globalists will make sure that no one is ever again allowed to challenge the globalist world order as Trump did in 2016. Its good bye democracy in the US and welcome the dictatorship of the Globalists across The USA, EU and eventually the UK when we are forced or conned back into the embrace of the EU.
Doublethink – the BBC is an irrelevance regarding the US election – although they seem to think pouring vitriol on Mr Trump each day will have an effect.
But i think common sense will ‘ trump’ democrat attempts to steal the election . Biden has been around for ages – they know he is a career politician who schemes but doesnt ‘do’
Whereas Mr Trump made election promises and from my perspective has kept them . I reckon this will mean more to the US voter .
Ive got my £20 on Mr Trump and happy not to ‘cash out ‘
This is how the BBC covered the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain on their children’s channel:

It wasn’t covered in the BBC Newsround broadcast but was marginalised to a linked story.
The BBC instead presented as news a story about a lavatory.
Donald Trump’s crime seems to be the same as Boris
being in posession of blond hair and white skin
wheras all the stabbers in London and gang rapists around the countrty have no racial profile
interesting to note we have thousands of immigrants : chinese who value family, education etc who do not protest on the streets of this country yet are subject to the same casual racism
when in China I could provide you wth a few chinese derogatory words about white people but cant really be bothered
do I want to riot and pull down statues ? too busy
seems our blacks and in the USA have a lot of time on their hands and an affection for TV and designer shops for some strange reason
These were the top stories on the BBC news channel for British Children on Tuesday Morning.

Four were woke agenda pushing:
1) Fridays for Future school climate strikes to restart: Tells British kids school climate strikes will resume Friday and they must join it and march to their local town halls with their school friends, their teachers and their mums and dads to call for action to save the planet.
2) Racist bullying ‘has got worse’ during lockdown: Tells British kids white on black racism has got worse during lockdown and they must continue to support the Black Lives Matter movement and must call out racists even if it is their own relatives.
3) 10 inspirational Quotes from Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Tells British kids of the ‘heroic feminist’ struggle of Ruth Bader Ginsburg for women’s rights and that they must continue her work to overthrow the patriarchy.
4) ‘I’d like everyone to wear a seethrough mask’: Tells British kids they should wear seethrough masks so as not to marginalise deaf people.
5) New UK lockdown rules to be announced: Tells British kids Boris Johnson will announce new rules to curb coronavirus and that Boris must give emergency public funds to sporting bodies or otherwise there will be a lost generation of diverse athletes.
In the afternoon the BBC added these three stories:

1) ‘If I’ve let someone down or hurt their feelings, I am so sorry’: Introduces British kids to US chat show host and lesbian celebrity Ellen DeGeneres. Addressing recent allegations of bullying on her show she says she is very sorry.
2) ‘I don’t let online negativity get me down’: BBC presenter and celebrity Alex Scott tipped to take over as presenter of Question of Sport tells British kids how she copes with online racist abuse.
3) National Trust admits many buildings have links to slavery: Tells British kids most British castles and stately homes profited out of the blood of colonialism and slavery.
‘Newsround’ is a relentless canker which is wheeled out in many primary schools.
The majority of teachers will see it as ‘factual’ and are led by the nose through easy online links to all the bBC’s favourite topics.
Gavin Williamson (or anyone in the Cabinet) take note – this practice must stop because it is no small thing.
And in today’s ‘BBC news’.
Get that? Not ‘The News’ in any normal sense but the news/ information/ agenda the BBC think you should have today.
I give you………wall to wall coverage of historic and near-current composers and musicians who happen to be black and have (therefore) been overlooked.
And guess who is on the radio and TV to talk at us about this issue?
Why, who else but Sir Lenworth Henworthy.
Such a music expert we hear he is doing…..grade 4 piano.
But as with another recent occasion it turns out this ‘news’ miraculously coincides with a BBC4 programme at the weekend about undervalued Black classical composers.
Isn’t that amazing?
The BBC. Where ‘news’ and programme commercials are one and the same.
PS just in case you need more agenda, the very next item on BBC breakfast was a clip of a Channel 4 programme by Grayson Perry visiting black people in America !!!!!
Pass the sick bag.
“White people, especially the elderly, are being picked off like flies by savage murderers in South Africa,” says South Africa Today News.
“Jakkie Grobler (80)becomes the third woman in two weeks to be murdered in Polokwane.” The previous two victims were Hettie and Lizette Deacon.
No prizes for guessing the race of the murderers.
BBC not interested. Murderers and victims (race) the wrong way around for a story.
Last week on a hillside in SA, a vast area of white crosses, featured a commemoration ceremony. Each one a farmer (or family) murdered by a certain race, often with unspeakable brutality.
The racist BBC still not interested. They have the death of the criminal, George Floyd, and the resultant hypocricy BLM to celebrate endlessly. White lives don’t matter, no matter if they were inoccent and how savage the killing.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Flu and COVID-19 share many characteristics, but there are some key differences between the two.”
If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat.
The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright.
Without bringing a full blown medical scientific review, basically-Governments are currently involved in increasing the number of PCR (Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) tests with a view to inflating the number of so-called Covid-19 positive cases.
Today, as authorities test more people, there is bound to be more positive RT-PCR tests. This does not mean that COVID-19 is coming back, or that the epidemic is moving in waves. There are more people being tested, that’s all.”
This procedure of massive data collection is there to provide supportive (fake) “estimates” to justify the so-called Second Wave.
The Endgame is to maintain the economic lockdown, enforce the compulsory wearing of the face mask, social distancing and possible closure of schools, colleges and universities.
As one person interviewed last night said that, they considered it unnecessary to impose lockdown restrictions, and proposed the government let the virus run its course. Brave words-unlikely to be considered in any event. Lockdown is what the authorities want no matter the damage.
Not BBC related.
An extreme example of how stupid left wing politicians can be.
Just a point about the idiotic and cowardly alleged leader of the Tories Boris the bottler.
A series of lunatic oppressions were announced yesterday backed with sanctions which go to prove that if this issue is being taken seriously, then serious crime is not.
However what the coward didn’t enlighten us on, was his ultimate objective.
The current situation is an apparant ‘suppression of the virus’ to use the cowards words.
Well that’s like pressing down on a spring. You might hold it in compression for a while, but as soon as you let go it just bounces back again.
I believe the corrupted ‘thinking’ is that if they can suppress it long enough a vaccine will come to the rescue, however that’s a long way off and there might never be one. We don’t even know if having had the virus people gain even short term immunity. I believe I caught this again last week, for a day I was ill with the similar symptoms and then it was gone.
So to sum up, no long term stated goals, just continuing dicatorial oppression from a man who doesn’t seem able to think straight.
Yesterday Britains corrupt (of thought) justice system decided that the ISIS murderers could be tried in the United States. One victim John Cantlie’s sister said she is glad they will now face justice, but here is what the media won’t be telling you.
Many so called photo journalists are nothing more than far left political activists and Cantlie was certainly one of those.
Cantlies father now deceased lived for a time in Hong Kong where he assisted the Chinese Communists at a very senior level over throw the Qing dynasty and rise to power. They murdered Chinese citizen in the tens if not hundreds of millions – where’s the justice for them?
Cantlie had been in Syria when ISIS began their attempt to overthrow Bashir Al Assad. He was captured by ISIS and had to be rescued by the so called free Syrian army. When he recovered he went straight back to Syria only to be captured by ISIS a second time!
Cantlie was captured with US far left activist James Foley, later beheaded for his naieve stupidity.
By his sisters own admission Cantlie was attempting to portray ISIS in a more favourable light and was effectively shilling on their behalf.
I cannot condone ISIS’s execution of these woke crazies, but to be honest they were as idiotic as we see the left, practicing their belief that Islam is peaceful and that it is the West which is evil, their own lunacy led directly to their deaths, but that side of the story is not one which you will hear in the Western media.
I worked in the Middle East a lot. I was in Iraq a few years before and I don’t consider myself woke at all.
What I can is that most people I encountered in the ME view the BBC with disdain and dislike.
Thoughtful – if what you say is true then that ‘karma’ thing operated . I have no sympathy . I ration mine to people who deserve it . I hope the US system does the necessary as far as the Islamic terrorists who happen to hav British accents .
No doubt the BBC will roll out a long line of coloured Labour politicians scoring points as well as wet woke whitees getting their appearance fee….
The I think the death penalty is a more humane punishment that a life times’ bang up the firmer my view becomes . And as far as the argument goes about ‘the state shouldn’t use violence ‘ – well it does – every day ….
So, a fiction author who portays a muderer in a burkha is accused of “islamophbia”
the word has gone truly mad
I some times think that islamophia should become religion, for those that accept homosexuals and not throw them off buildings, for thore that accept animals should be killed humanely, for those that accept christians…
for those that find the mass muslim gang rape of english children unedifiing and bombings beheadings and rape
Spiegelhalter was on MoL
“The number of false positives in the Covid count is a red herring”
Why ?
‘Cos the false positive rate applies to RANDOM testing across the population.
The actual Covid testing is NOT RANDOM, it is testing people who think they have Covid’
(actually that is not entirely true is it?
It’s the way it’s supposed to be, but some are having a test for a Cyprus visa, and some are having a test cos someone in their school tested positive)
Now if the test is random, say at airports, an the countries case count is low you do get a big problem with False Positives.
Say the background population rate is 1 in 1000
You test 1000 people but with an FPR of 0.8%, that’s 8/1000, and so you expect to find 8 false positives, plus the guy who is actually positive
That’s 9 positive tests, only one of which has the virus
In actual Covid tests the current positive count is 45 /1000, that is a lot higher than what you’d get from false positives alone.
.. However there is a different issue in that such a test maybe picking up dead antibodies and antibodies from similar infection.
A positive Covid test does not guarantee that you are a current spreader.
so many amateur epidemiologists
It’s claimed there is no issue with false negatives
but that is for the lab part of the test.
In the real world if 10 people self test, some will not get the swab right to the back of their nose
So their swab will have no Covid on, and none will be detected even though they do have covid.
If tests are flawed that mostly doesn’t matter for trend spotting.
Cos if cases doubled even the flawed test would pick that up.
BTW I just glanced at the graphs for ethnicity
BAME test positive a lot more than whites
They make up 30-35% of positive tests
However when it comes to deaths they make up 14.5% of deaths (with 28 days)
.. I expect in the vulnerable to death category BAME are way less than 14.5% eg probably 95% of over 80 are white
So BAME in the vulnerable category do seem to die at a higher rate.
I’ve never fully understood the passion for track and tracing. If you don’t have an iPhone then what ? If you’ve tested negative one day, and you contract it the following day, then what?
Is it all a bit of a nonsense ? or haven’t I grasped the semantics of it ?
EXACTLY what I said yesterday just wanted a coffee outside and they demanded my phone I said “what if I do not have a phone”
Give them +1 202-762-1401. They’ll hear a pleasant ticking sound followed by the announcement of the exact time in Washington DC, delivered in an old-timey-broadcasting voice.
and yet thousands of black people are allowed to protest en mass together. about what ? being black so bloody what
Soon, we should start to see videos again on YT of masses of police retreating somewhere in Londonistan faced by large crowds of violent blacks partying at 2 AM. If not, why not…………
Let’s see how this £1000 fining goes for the foreign imports.
June Sarpong redrafting the BBC EdGuds as we speak…
“Keir is Good…”
OK lets give up structural racism, but we still have systemic racism, institutional racism, white privilege, unconscious bias and more. We can still be denounced as racists.
What I find both depressing and baffling is the length of time we’re supposed to endure these latest infringements upon our liberties. We’ve just come through six months of a three week lockdown, so Gawd knows how long this one will be in for.
The initial lockdown was to give the NHS the time to get itself prepared to take on this virus. Now they’re ready. Indeed, there have never been more spare hospital beds. I’ve just received a letter from my MP, Crispin Blunt, who assures me that my local hospital “…now have sufficient capacity and are prepared and equipped to deal with a second wave…” Excellent!
I also wonder how and why they select the experts they choose to listen to. There are alternative opinions, from other equally capable people. I don’t doubt that these two chaps (sarcastically nicknamed Grim and Grimmer by a mate of mine) know what they’re doing. But now there are many others, just as qualified, insisting that this is the wrong course of action. Tony Blair had his own coterie of advisers during the ill conceived and tragic Iraq war. He chose not to listen to any others.
Have they not looked at what has been achieved in Sweden? I believe this nation now has the lowest infection rate in the world. The WHO have commended them.
Sweden hasn’t locked down. They’re not wearing masks. They’re not threatening their population with hefty fines or a knock on the door from some jobsworth or even (God forbid) the army.
Look, like most sensible people I don’t want to catch this thing or spread it to anyone else. I’m a bit of a “germophobe” to use a Trumpian phrase. But neither do I want to exist in this dystopian hinterland. People shuffling about, their faces shrouded and their voices muffled. I feel we’re being bullied. Fines for infringements…forgetting your muzzle?…standing in the wrong place?…being out after a certain time? And the thought of someone telling me who can enter my house in an anathema to me. I’m an Englishman and I value my freedom above everything else.
FFS, when did Blighty become North Korea?
@Jeff “Sweden? I believe this nation now has the lowest infection rate in the world. The WHO have commended them.”
Be careful with the hyperbole
Sweden has done OK, a tinge better than the UK but other countries like New Zealand are a league ahead ..so far
Okay, let’s look at New Zealand. Large land mass, lots of empty splace, miniscule population They have indeed kept the death rates down, but the infection rates are climbing. And now their charming PM is threatening her countrymen with imprisonment if they don’t accept long term house arrest.
Meanwhile, Sweden have done some sensible things and they’re now, seemingly, out of the woods without destroying their economy or way of life. New Zealand has just imposed another hard lockdown because infection rates are rising.
You see, that’s the trouble. As long as no one mixes, of course, the virus doesn’t spread. But you can’t live in lockdown ad-infinitum. All lockdown ever does is delay the disease. It can only stop it if you remain in lockdown for life.
If I never ventured beyond my front door I’d be unlikely to ever be run over by a bus. But I’m not willing to live like that…
The latest evidence suggests that for those up to the age of forty it’s far more likely you’ll die in a cycle accident than being struck down by Covid. Most victims are aged eighty plus with a variety of life threatening diseases. Quite a number died in hospices. And they were already in the hospice when they contracted Covid.
We can’t regulate our entire society around a single, not terribly serious, virus.
This is crazy.
Yes Jeff, you and everyone else is being manipulated into a purposely designed type of enslavement- everything that has been done by the government has been to effect the greatest fear into the populaton and is being accomplished day by day. I wrote piece earlier today that highlighted the way this virus is being used to their ends and against us. Fear is the goal.
Some facts:
testing and tracing, I like to visit Bedford sometimes, nice guitar shop. big tents everywhere for covid testing, but NO ONE there go figure
your usual socialist govenrmet attacking teacher :
I cannot get tested absolute bollocks go to bedford
I should of taken a photo they were asking us to enter because they were so bored standing there doing nothing
and look at the whinging laboutr twats
London to Bedford
1.5hr by car
1hr by train
Not beyond the wit or capacity of normal people.
ask an anti trump anti boris to do it and there will be a problem no dought
Bedford is about an hours drive from Brent Cross, that’s London.
Bedford is about an hours drive from Brent Cross, that’s London.
thereis twitter and there is truth and there is a big divide
Switch on bingo “At that time in Britain the hatred of foreigners was very strong
.. xenophobia … (list of social studies words)
Prog is supposed to be about “class”
“He makes clear that other aspects of people’s identity – their religious beliefs, their sense of nationality, their gender and race – cut across a loyalty to class. He also looks at some events in the 19th century – Peterloo and the Chartists”
The 9:30am show was about activists :
‘craftivism’, a form of activism which uses craft to create gentle protest.
The 13:45pm show
Leah Sottile explores the lasting influence of America’s most dangerous white nationalist.
Is that what Timothy McVeigh was ?
He was antigovernment , he bombed a government building, whites and all.
“As Leah and Georgia start recording the series in early 2020 the world changed: a global pandemic, calls for racial justice that rang out around the globe, conspiracy theories suddenly going mainstream.
Reacting to events as they unfolded, Leah and Georgia didn’t realise quite how relevant and on point it would be to examine the Oklahoma City Bombing right now,”
More activist progs in the evening.
The prog is of course a front for bashing Trump
So the activists slip words
No doubt Trump sticks up for white people, as he stiicks up for blacks as well
but the activist try to make associations ..’see McVeigh was white, an extremist, a patriot … so a nationalist (maybe), so a white nationalist (nope), so a white supremacist (nope)
.. There is some evidence of a tinge of racism when he was in the army .. but it is not like his manifesto called for a white only America etc.
If there are more than six of you on a small boat in the English channel not wearing masks, will the authorities (such as they are)
a. Fine you a minimum of £200
b. Seek out the person who arranged it and fine them £10,000
c. Roll out the red carpet, get out the open cheque book, and throw money, resources, and state aid at you.
Try the same multiple choice for playing football with friends in your garden. Is the answer the same?
Is they black, muslim ? any doubl just look at the news last few weeks and see who has caused this
black, muslim no respect fot the law yet expect every support by the law to defend their rapes and stabbings
The problem with comments like this is that they generalise about a huge group of people and this is less than helpful. The real issue is that Muslims who respect the law are not speaking out against the behaviour of some of their own .
In fact , very few are drawing attention to or speaking out against totally unacceptable behaviour within this group. This gives a green light for this behaviour to continue .
Reminds me of Medhi Hassan’s “Islam’s dirty little secret” slip up. Or his “cattle” quote.
Not all in 30’s Germany were Nazi’s but look what happened.
To turn around the too often expressed mantra of the Left/soi disant Antifa/BLM more than whites/woke/Muslim ‘leaders’ etc, if you aren’t against us you are with us.
When we get BAME, mostly B, dobbing in the known drug dealers/murderers in their midst or Muslim leaders the known terrorists or child rapists in theirs, we must stop generalising. Until then, absent action on their part rather than hand-wringing or blame-deflection, I think the majority of decent people in this country will generalise because the close, errant communities do nothing about their miscreants.
The problem is YOU that defends child rapists and has allowed muzzies to carry on child raping
every muslim ghetto will prefer to defend the rapists and you fucking know it
eeverone that complies with a muzzies world view is complicit in child rape, well done put it on your CV
how many muzzies do you see in church ?
Darcy3 – YOU are a disgusting individual and the likes of any like yourself really bring this website down.
Your mindset is THE SAME as any kind of racist – be they Muslim or any other. Bundling EVERYBODY of a particular background into the same negative definition is about as stupid as you can be.
If you were born into a Muslim background I doubt you would have the intelligence to even want to escape it judging by your comments here. But even assuming that you did, as I know many Muslims do want to, when you have to fear being murdered for doing something against the ‘pushed agenda’ makes you think twice.
I somehow doubt you will understand my post but will be happy if you prove me wrong and understand why I see YOU, and those like you, as part of the problem within our society.
Dear Teddy Bear – apart from excoriating Darcy3 with ad homs what is your specific point?
Reading Darcy3 comment I don’t really know what point Darcy3 is making – is it over a specific issue, is it over a general issue with the BBC reporting or something else?
Identitarian social justice warriors talk in a language that makes identity critical and hence when people respond in kind it can appear “prejudiced” – but that is because the identitarian social justice warrior worldview is inherently prejudiced.
ps: It seems that one issue that Darcy is responding to are the cover-ups and secrecy surrounding the industrial scale rape and sexual abuse and trafficking of white girls in England and Wales.
pps: I come in peace and see that your name is linked to a biased bbc site.
I would hope that you can see that I gave reason and logic as well in my post to show why I found Darcy3’s post so vile.
He was replying to Lynette, and the way I read it he was also attacking her. It’s also unnecessary to use swear words on this website, it only brings it down.
We are ALL very aware of the BBC complicity in failing to identify Muslim, Black, and any other WOKE evils to pursue their virtue signalling, as well as the politicians and police who are complicit in allowing evils to continue.
But to LUMP EVERY MUSLIM AND BLACK PERSON into the same pot – which Darcy3 did is as bad and stupid as the evils we are trying to fight. It simply brings this site into a stupid sphere which can only lose support from the real intelligentsia which we seek to involve.
I hope that makes my stance clearer and I appreciate your feedback 😉
In general I have found Darcy3 comments informative. From time to time posters do post comments that I sometimes find difficult to decipher. I am one for asking for clarification rather than condemning and also for giving leeway when the topic in question is emotive. As someone myself who has been on the receiving end of prejudicial abuse I tend to separate loose talk from meaningful contempt as well as the persistent from the occasional. At the end of the day I want to hear from differing perspectives and wouldn’t want to shout someone down if behind the language there are points to be considered. Of course when presenting arguments out there rather than in here then extra care must be taken with language.
Given that he was attacking Lynette – a great contributor here, and making statements that I’ve shown resembled more of those we are against, I had to put him down.
And as an example of where he is totally wrong here’s something that I posted back in 2013 from the Jeremy Vine show. He had the brilliant Imam of the Oxford Mosque, Taj Hargey, and the head of the NSPCC talking about the paedophile gangs. It was the Imam who spoke out against our society for putting up with it the way we did, saying “We need to call a spade a spade”, and the NSPCC who wanted to bury the spade.
I recorded the relevant part of the programme and you can hear it here
I understand that our tensions are especially heightened right now but that is why we need to keep it under control while we battle on. Our purpose is to attract more to our side not blow them away.
I also really hope that Darcy can see the error of his ways and contribute in a more intelligent manner.
I appreciate you running that other site and I will take a look. I assume that this site and your site were independently founded but were basically concerned about the same thing. All I want is an impartial news service that brings relevant news. The BBC is far beyond that and from what I gather it hasn’t been that for a long time. I read Robin Aitken’s Can We Trust the BBC? (2008) when I first began to suspect the BBC of being biased. Over the past four years or so I have in an ad hoc fashion been monitoring the BBC website and have found some “amazing” stuff in terms of what they have put out. However most of the stuff I see is derivative to what I have seen produced by various professors and various departments in Universities. But the BBC have a larger audience and there is a charter. Universities are also publicly funded institutions including a taxpayer underwritten student loan system.
I started off many years (@2002/3) ago posting on what was this site, though it was run by somebody else.
The only reason I started my own site in 2005 was to set it up and offer it to the woman who used to run this one. I just felt that all the various topics that were aired here by everyone were getting lost, which was a pity. I still feel the same.
She said she was too occupied with other things to change websites so I just carried on with the other myself.
Generalise? Wot about stats? Predominance in the prison population as well.
I downloaded and kept this interview from Lockdown TV when the outbreak just started. It is uncanny how much of what Prof. Johan Giesecke states has come to pass. I really wish Boris could have looked at this before introducing lockdown 2.0 . Even the point of governments becoming more authoritarian and repeating the same mistakes is there. The summary from the YouTube video says it better than I can. It also is a good lesson for how to interview for the interrupting beebs.
” That was one of the more extraordinary interviews we have done here at UnHerd.
Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks:
– UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based
– The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
– This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
– The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
– The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact
– The paper was very much too pessimistic
– Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway
– The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
– The results will eventually be similar for all countries
– Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
– The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%
– At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available”
Given the censorship going on I am amazed this link is still up.
Without going into detail see this quote from the Wall Street Journal – “If the WHO agency had done its job, “this would have saved thousands of lives and avoided world-wide economic damage.” Therefore , advice from an advisor to the director general of the WHO is not necessarily relevant.
Again gb123, this information I saw sometime ago and have maintained such agreement through much else that I have read accordingly from other top scientists who are very knowledgable on the virus Covid19: Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. It is similar to SARS- 1-Immunologists broadly confirm the CDC ( Center for Disease Control and Preventiondefinition) COVID-19 has similar features to a seasonal influenza coupled with pneumonia. If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is “similar to Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright. Sweden had the matter correctly measured. Hopefully this government will re-asses the situation and take a leaf out of the Swedish book maybe.
Classic FM has in the past featured some pieces by composers of color, and many have been absolutely worth including.
Performer-wise–it is mostly the Kanu-Mason channel when it is for some reason deemed necessary to specify the colour you are hearing played or sung.
This is simply Surlenny getting a feature having dropped a note to Timmeh! that he isn’t on enough.
‘ @LennyHenry talks to #BBCBreakfast about his new documentary ‘
Aaah! I thought a PR Company had been involved on behalf of their client. The clue? ” … his new documentary …”
Music tends to be forgotten, either because it wasn’t very good or appealed to a niche market. This applies, regardless of the race or ethnicity of the composer. If Sir Lenny wishes to highlight these lost masterpieces, then he’s free to do so. I doubt that there was some conspiracy to block or hide them.
BBC Hull 1pm news “Emily Maitliss has apologised for speaking wrongly last night”
.. Don’t get excited
She said “Hell” instead of “Hull” and caught herself.
Sweden is being held up as the panacea model for coping with Covid – compared to say, the UK. BUT ……
Sweden is 85% LARGER than the United Kingdom, with a population of just over 10 million. The population of United Kingdom is 64.4 million people.
So of course they are managing the disease, oh that we had even double the 10 million !! AND of course the Swedes have a less ‘chav’ like attitude to their way of life.
Sweden is actually rated as a few percent more “urban” than the UK… – there’s *lots* of it where *nobody lives*
The opportunities for transmission are not so different to the UK for most people .
BTW yesterday New Zealand had zero new cases
but today they have 3 new ones
Sweden isn’t a panacea, they made some monumental mistakes to begin with, but…
Yes, Sweden has a larger land area than the UK and a smaller population.
So does New Zealand, though not by quite as much. But their population is around 60, 000,000 fewer people than we have here.
It’s also very rural. More sheep that anything else.
Actually, it sounds like a lovely place, I’d like to visit.
Though I’ll wait til they get rid of that nutter in charge…
TOADY Watch #1 – First come the floods, then follows drought
BBC Amnesia on the TOADY Prog w/Mishal and JustRemainIn this morning. A shortage of nurses for the NHS. But only last week TOADY told us that the Nursing Schools were flooded with applications.
It is time ‘Auntie’ was shuffled off into a Care Home.
“Migrants: More people arrive in September than all of 2019”
“Almost 400 migrants were intercepted crossing the Channel to the UK in small boats on one day.”
Not headline news any more? Where is Priti? Where is her “Clandestine Channel Threat Commander”, – hiding ?
Priti is a lost cause and should be sacked for incompetence. But maybe she can be seen as a collaborator backed by a Government that has already surrendered.
Theresa May surrendered for them before she departed number 10. If you remember, she signed a UN migration compact. This charade in the Channel is the result. It’s organised between the French and UK governments, but made to look like it’s prompted by evil people traffickers. I’m sure that the French would prefer to pack them on to Eurostar trains but it would give the game away.
taffman. But he(the Commander) said ‘My job is to end illegal Channel crossings — and that’s what I will do’. So I wait expectantly for this to happen, although I believe it will require some serious changes to our laws.
This is all down to a legacy from Tony Blair and his wonderful ‘hooman rights lawyer wife Cherie’.
We must not forget those coming in via our southern ports and occasionally by air. My local South coast port is now up to 25 illegal entrants all travelling from Caen(discovered) in September and when you start adding that plus all the other ports etc into the figures the numbers are quite staggering.
I do wonder when an asylum seeker, which most are, should claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive, but still insists on travelling thousands of miles via Europe(safe I think) to the UK.
I’m afraid I have no confidence in the French authorities, who are far too busy having extended lunch hours enjoying baguettes, garlic and snails washed down with a glass of red rather than vaguely locating stowaways. Still we are ‘working with them’ apparently. I suppose that’s sharing the feast or passing the cheese.
If the government wanted to they could end the invasion immediately on the grounds of National Security. We are being invaded by insurgents, all illegal. The Home Secretary has a duty to protect the people of this nation. Our so called friends in France, that we pay lots of money to, are just ‘fly tipping’.
Expect trouble ahead.
More power to your arm Concrete Sea-correct about T Blair and his wife, every bit as bad as the Clintons-absolute traitors that should have been stripped of their British Citizenship, Blair should have had his Primeministership pension halted and were it possible thrown out of the UK. The damage he and his cronies inflicted on this nation through his connivance with the communist German chancellor in allowing our land to be invaded by illegal immigrants we are now paying for and will be paying so for a long time to come. Now amongst such monsters whose power is bringing fear and control with public acquiescence to bring about the downfall of this great nation. Covid 19 is their friend to bring in the grip of absolute control over our lives. Yep I know this might sound extravagant, however worldwide scientific knowledge brings me to this conculsion.
What exactly does “intercepted” mean here? What did the interceptors do next?
My opinion on why the BBC comes across so blatantly left-wing and woke to most sane and normal folk.
It’s because all the staff who work there are from the same bubble and arrived from the same roots, woke unis, oxbridge and etc.. They really don’t know any different, all their views are derived from other BBC dwellers and their immediate crowd and preferably from within 20 miles of W1A .
They are pretty well inbreds.
They just don’t see that anyone exists, or who has a right to exist, who does not subscribe to their viewpoint, in other words they are simply talking to themselves and have no wish to talk to anyone outside their club.
Any whiff of an opinion that doesn’t coincide with their blinkered view of the Country, it’s people and the World is alien and dangerous to them so they huddle even closer, put their fingers in their ears and chant la-la-la like.
It cannot be repaired, it has gone too far for that, the best outcome is for it to wither away and I think and hope this process has begun.
Oh for a free-thinking individual or outfit to come along with enough funds and connections to create an alternative and truthful media outlet which was prepared to look at issues from everyone’s point of view, not just the BBC’s
TWatO Watch #1 – suddenly the Labour Party cares after all …. again …..
The Labour Party do like to weaponise the unfortunate people without paying work. Labour championed, some might say ‘exploited’, the unemployed from 1991-1997, in which cause they were ably aided and abbetted by the BBC. The Labour Party conveniently forgot all about the unemployed from 1997-2010. And since then also. Jeremy Corbyn rarely raised any concern over those with no work at PMQs.
Now Keir Starmer, former Barrister turned politician turned Labour Party leader, has rediscovered the unemployed and is suddenly very concerned about them. Will Labour under Keir Starmer make a daily appearance on the BBC to ask “What about the non-workers?”
I wonder.
The virus is spreading.
No, not that one.
From the letters page of one of our engineering journals:
“I hope by being visible as a queer refugee engineer I can represent a wider community of under-represented engineers” [She/They]
Personally I thought that by seeking to employ the highest standards of personal and professional integrity I wouldn’t let down the best of all engineers…
… and my age, sex, ethnicity, family, hobbies etc are not the business of anyone else!
What a pile of virtue-signalling, happy horseshit
Lurch passes on opinions of sources via the NYT.
Nick using his TDS senses.
Well dang ma grits… guess where Carlos cut his teeth?
Someone not agreeing with Nick.
Ok, so it is easy to see why the American BS do not want to go near the guy they are rooting for.
It was a different time.
But American BS does appear to have followed Joe’s instructions.
Seems like only yesterday she was tweeting Ed’s departure via or entry through doors, illuminating rooms by his mere aura.
Clean break??
He cannot even name ONE of Jezza’s policies he would repudiate
Book Ends.
Lucky old beeb: in a thinly veiled attack on Trump, the Puke and Duchess of Sussex called on their ‘fans’ to reject hate, and vote. They might as well have said ‘Vote Biden, Orange Man Bad’.
Their comments allow the strictly neutral beeb to plaster the anti-Trump propaganda all over the
news, while keeping their hands ‘clean’. Wasn’t us guv, was them what said it.
However not everyone is as delighted as the beeb. From the Sun:
The pair have been slammed by viewers, who said that politics and the election is none of their business.
One user responded to Harry’s comment saying: “None of his business he is purely a guest in the country.”
Another tweeted: “Completely inappropriate, especially from Harry.”
A third said: “This sounds like foreign interference in the US election.
“I think we need a special counsel to investigate.”
Piers Morgan also shared his opinion, saying: “Prince Harry poking his woke nose into the US election & effectively telling Americans to vote against President Trump is completely unacceptable behaviour for a member of the Royal Family.”
Another commentator said it was “obvious” that the royals were supporting Joe Biden because of Meghan’s previous criticisms of Donald Trump.
One twitter user added: “Tell Harry to mind his own barking business…”
It’s just Mr Meghan-Markle, a/k/a The Woke Prince of Bel Air, and the Duchess of Wokecess trying to remain relevant even though they said they wanted a quiet, private life
Along with assorted hangers on.
How far back did he and his fore bearers give up eating people?
Anybody calculated the potential alimony yet?
Probably more in the US than UK. But there, she would know that surely…………..
Sure as eggs are eggs…………..
I wonder if they are couples with Mr. & Mrs. Katz at all?
Or indeed Baz and Mich?
These guys know swinging votes like no other.
If you can bear it, here’s the video.
*Trigger Warning: may induce severe vomiting. Have bucket ready at hand.
Interesting body language – she is up for it – he’s going through the motions . A foreigner like him should being silent on all aspects of someone else’s election …. is he Russian ?
The Castrato of Sussex.
Christ, Harry is pitiful…
The more I see of this pathetic henpecked twerp, the more I’m reminded of that TV series with Karl Pilkington.
An idiot Abroad…
All I saw was yet another promotion vehicle for Ms Markle. Its been intimated that dogs have a limited vocabulary (though of course not MY dog), but Ms Markle equally has a limited dictionary, – focus and hope, I’ll give her another one — bollocks.
Woah… Danny will not be welcome round the cubicle gardens water cooler.
As an aside, why does it require two people to accompany an officer to a locked room to pick up a spoon?
Now it says it has been deleted.
A broadcaster who restricts comments only to the faithful?
That would just be propaganda, surely?
Which stops me pointing out that in their text
you could switch white for black
that was their 6pm text
5:02pm ITV News Border @ITVborder tweeted
3:37 PM
ITV News Channel TV @ITVChannelTV tweeted
Guest Who
In all my 80 years in this life I have never heard any person say “Black lives DON’T matter” so it’s a totally phony war. Our homegrown Communists, who now control so much of what we see and hear, know this but they never give up the chance to incite division and hatred in the hope that this will one day bring them to absolute political control in the UK. To them the end justifies the means. It is they who are “on the wrong side of history” – not the British patriots.
In the last 48 hours Campaign mag the advertising magazine have put out 11 tweets praising the new ITV agenda pushing
My guess is their trick is to trigger other biz to start their own advertising spending on Racism statement adverts.
The BBC trumpet…
Gordi: The pop star doctor who answered the Covid call
A pop-star in Australia who was a doctor has gone back on the wards…
Reading the headline and the poignant concerned face of the lady peering skywards you would be forgiven for thinking what a noble act.
Read on and you will find that the lady’s concerts etc have all be suspended due to CV19 restrictions so the likelihood is that this was in fact a financial decision.
She even says “Covid has been a terrible tragedy to so many people, but for me it’s just been a gross inconvenience.”
Why would this be newsworthy by the BBC? Well she is in a same sex marriage so that’s top level qualification I would guess.
Clearly the go-to gal for a dislocated shoulder.
Though a few dozen duty free Gins might be needed on the trip.
Still, gives the Nick’s Egyptian squeeze a story to file this month.
Some problem with Juniper trees (genesis of Gin) apparently. Some sort of rot but some trees have developed an immunity.
Labour are so wanting to be Woke they don’t even know when they’ve been had by a photo off the satire website Babylon Bee. ????????????
She is an utter fake as well. Why would you take on the appearance of a downtrodden single mum when you have an MP’s salary and £160k to pay your office manager, aka, her hubby. Is she ashamed of having money?
Man Arrested For Not Wearing Mask Asks Cops Where They Were During BLM Riots
It’s getting there, too slowly for my liking. Where?
Principle 2 of the Code of British Policing:
“To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.”
Not much respect left now.
You wait until the uprising takes place and the police need public help because they are overwhelmed……………..
No armed malitias as in the US
The BBC are so ruddy predictable (forgive my language). Just switched on the 6pm BBC1 news late and Faisal Islam was in the middle of a piece about the chaos at Dover there will be 31 December 2020 due to Brexit. We had an importer of perishable food telling us he hasn’t time to prepare and the dire threats caused by the French insisting they will examine every piece of paperwork. I am sure it will infuriate the EU exporter too. But we have all known this was coming. The RHA and the BBC were appealing for more time (to achieve what wasn’t explained). As I said higher up, Remainers will be using every reason in the book for why there should be a delay to Brexit and Covid will appear in many of them.
As an aside, is there a reason why both Faisal and Tomas Schnaffenaffer (scuse the spelling) have grown their hair into thick messes. I could almost believe they have bought cheap wigs and want value out of them. I recommend their mothers have a nag.
Here’s my opinion. BRING ON THE BREXIT!!
BBC 6 pm news.
A favourite topic.
The BBC search out people who are worried and distressed by the latest covid news and government policy. The conveyor belt is long.
In tonight’s example we get a couple whose marriage plans have been thwarted. To be honest I can sympathise.
But it’s the BBC, so of course the featured couple…………
…. are lesbians.
Amazing isn’t it?
“The BBC search out people who are worried and distressed by the latest covid news and government policy.”
The utmost top principle of Marxism.
Trump’s Directive on Critical Race Theory Affirms Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision
Ex Beeboid Pesto gets in the spirit.
BBC Radio 4 has been provided a quote.
“This talk of six months is criminal… it’s just nonsense.”
The founder of food chains Pret & Itsu Julian Metcalfe launches an angry and scathing criticism of the PM and the new lockdown.
Full interview: https://bbc.in/3cqZTbO
Guest, it was noticeable that Mr Metcalfe was allowed an uninterrupted and lengthy rant. It appears since that Sarah should have pulled him up on his takeaway rules misapprehension as well as cut him off to shorten our pain.
Aah well.
Neil Hamilton for PM!!
‘A number‘
Clever girls.
Propaganda .
2 ? Germany & Lithuania. I can only see two arrows in that video.
If their last port of call was in France, then zero occupants are eligible for asylum. Unfortunately, Theresa May signed us up to this and that’s why Serco have a 4 year contract to supply hotel accommodation.
Edit… it is rumoured that many of the ‘desperate refugees’ are indeed desperate. Desperate to avoid conscription into their home country’s army, that is. So cowards and deserters, as well as illegal immigrants.
Terminate the contract in the interest of national security.
Above is a picture of one of the migrants obviously in a dishevelled state after spending the night tossing about in the channel.
Another Beeb report.
‘The National Trust has revealed how more than 90 of its properties have connections to slavery and colonialism. The links – at 93 properties – are highlighted in a report commissioned by the charity to tell the history of colonialism and slavery at its sites’.
It is incredible that these gullible organisations have suddenly sprung into action, obviously as a result of BLM movement. Six months ago no-one gave a thought to this, but all of a sudden it’s ‘Oh it might offend someone, so review this, take down that, hide this’. And what a waste of money.
It is totally beyond me how this slavery/ colonialism connection didn’t apparently cross anyone’s mind previously, but today we must all be up in arms about it. Can none of these idiots differentiate between the past and now. History is history and what has happened can’t be changed, yet we must all wail, gnash our teeth and wring our hands in anguish. It doesn’t even reach a level of Pathetic.
Personally I must rid my wardrobe of all cotton clothes (slavery connection) and winter soon approaches, but whilst I shiver in my nylon underpants I’ll comfort myself I have ‘done the right thing’.
Footnote. Apparently nylon has slavery connections to modern day oil production. Down to my bamboo socks – hopefully
I cancelled my NT subscription months back when they decided that members had to book even a car park spot to walk around the gardens and that visiting the houses themselves was not possible. They compounded that by permitting non members to book parking as well. With no benefit whatsoever it became a no-brainer even before the BLM swollocks!
My goodness Concrete Sea, I am devasted to think of you in nylon underpants, how horrible, however I think under the circumstances you would be allowed Wool clothing as long as it is of British manufacture. We all on this site, wish a warm slave free winter.
The answer?
Demolish all the properties and put all the NT staff out of work. There, that’s fixed the problem.