The final quality journalist is leaving the far left biased campaigning BBC for a new network- GB News – which apparently starts up in 2021. Who else will be leaving ? . Perhaps a bit more detail of the internal goings on of the BBC will come to light as the mediocrity remaining ‘journalists’ /purveyors of propaganda out wokes itself to avoid the coming redundancies ….
Weekend Thread 26 September 2020
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And good luck in the future to Andrew Neil ????????
In that order!!! ????????
I cannot forget Neil’s interview with Tommy Robinson which was nothing less than a hatchet job.
Interview with Neil
Are you proposing to set up an alternative far right news programme which will advocate violence? So what is your full name, Brillo? Is it Andrew Yaxley Ferguson Neil? Why Ferguson, are you a Scottish extremist? The viewers want to know your name. Were you always called Andrew? Or was it Yaxley Andrew?…. blah de blah.
The dead police sergeant is names as matiu Ratana originally of NZ ….
I, Too, recall that interview – and when I heard the news wondered if there will be another ‘meeting ‘ and how that might look in comparison . I am also pondering the type of staff recruited by the new station as well the interviewees and subject matter – in need be just Right ….
Apparently fired the gun whilst being asked about Covid – enough to make anyone snap..
Surely the basic question here was, how come he wasn’t searched properly prior to being taken to the custody suite ( what ever that is) Naturally didn’t expect the BBC to ask this..
Brillo was quite robust in his denunciation of Islamic terrorism, which of course he ought to be , but not all folks in the MSM are. However, he was welcoming to migrants and didn’t seem keen to control their numbers and regarded those who advocated such policies as right wing and extreme. The link between mass migration and Islamic terror escaped him or prperhaps he was practising cognitive dissonance as so many do. On most other issues he was impartiality to a tee and it was difficult to know what his own views were just from his conduct of interviews , which is exactly as it should be.
Quite right. Neil was as bad on that occasion as Paxman at his worst.
Catch-up links to previous thread
A lot been happening while I was away on working on Thu-Fri
– page 4 started Friday 4:10pm
..including a discussion about Reverend Tucker who got a backlash for her pro BLM stance on the Croydon shooting
and has thus deleted her Twitter account
– page 3 started Thursday 5:10pm
Oh the Reverend Tucker discussion was on page 3
The BBC has blood on its hands. Since May 2020 the BBC has been attacking the British police on a daily basis claiming Black Lives Matter is needed here in the UK because the British police are institutionally racist. They claimed the British police were racist for stopping Dawn Butler’s car, they claimed they were racist in handing out proportionately more fines to BAME people than white people during lockdown, they claimed they were racist for stopping that black athletes car. Every day the BBC have been attacking the British Police and inciting a deep hatred and a contempt for them. They have been directly responsible for creating a distrust and ill feeling towards the British police that has led to British police being attacked and being shot
Caliphate-Spot on,and tomorrow evening the main feature of Lineker’s MOTD will be cowered footballers taking the knee as the
BBC ,Premiership fail to show respect with a minutes silence for the slaughtered police
The BBC’S partner the BLM want the police defunded, as an anarchist organization would. Well they got their
wish with one police officer being “defunded” in the early hours this morning.
Meanwhile the French interior ministry has declared the Paris attack ‘an act of Islamic terrorism ‘ – there is obviously a translation problem because in real BBC speak it’s a ‘local man ‘ ‘ Norwegian / mental issue one off lone wolf . … blah blah but don’t mention ‘Islamic ‘ …
Sacrebleu you’re right Fedup! I looked it up and the French Interior Minister declared: «Manifestement, c’est un acte de terrorisme islamiste»
Most of that sentence I understand from my schooldays, except the last word. Does it mean Norwegian? Wolf? Mental health?
Any linguists here?
Well said bobotc, as I said at the end of the last thread if this is a black dude that has killed a British police officer, then BLM are fu*ked in this country ????????
Cheers Mr Caliphate, you’ve saved me a job. I was about to post something very similar.
The BBC have been unrelenting in their constant attacks on our police. The situation was already tense, but they wouldn’t leave it alone. I remember mentioning a few weeks ago that if we weren’t very careful we’d be heading for another Blakelock tragedy. Now we’ve got it.
The Marxist thugs of BLM have been given a free ride. In fact they’ve been eulogised. It’s as though the entire establishment had been waiting for permission to self flagellate. It’s been stomach turning to look at. There has been no resistance.
Overpaid Footballers debasing themselves are applauded when they should be reprimanded. And yet, some bloke doing a flypast with the logo WHITE LIVES MATTER is vilified and branded a racist. Why?
The entire MSM have been a bloody disgrace. They’ve goaded, they’ve prodded and they’ve encouraged an already toxic and volatile situation to become positively explosive.
And now we have another dead policeman.
I do hope we don’t witness any crocodile tears from our state broadcaster.
There’s only so much I can stomach…
BBC making a big thing of the unfortunate policeman murdered earlier by a immigrant was himself an immigrant from New Zealand. Its ceaseless………
I really feel that the Beeb is a reluctant reporter of the tragic shooting of the police officer. I get the impression that because it is a major msm story at the moment they almost decide that they have no choice but to provide something and hope a ‘ better newsworthy’ story more fitting with their agenda will arrive soon or at least one they can contrive. The shooting can be dropped like a hot potato and a suitable left woke story can be wrung out slowly over and over again for the next few days/weeks.
It appears the suspect was handcuffed at the time, although I guess full facts are not out there just yet. I note that Mayor Khan who is responsible for the ‘totality’ (what ?) of policing has said ‘the police were currently “reviewing the safety of custody suites” and “there could be changes very soon”. His comments seem pretty crass to me, but perhaps in his ‘totality role’ he could concentrate on knife and gun crime on the streets of the capital and half decent penalties for those who carry them, obviously when he has finished the review of any of those streets that might be construed as having slightly offensive names.
According to The Sun
“It is believed that special constables failed to find the gun when they had earlier detained him on suspicion of possessing drugs and ammunition.”
Special constables, as in volunteers who have police
costumes and powers.
Now they find ammunition on him, but don’t wonder what else he might have on him..
Getting the sense there is a lot of briefing going on.
Dimbleby plc far from an objective hack now eh ? As if he ever was one – a career on the back of his dad in the BBC
BBC News
President Trump has been greeted with boos and chants of “vote him out” by the crowd outside the US Supreme Court.
He visited the court on Thursday to pay respects to the late justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
It’s like it has not sunk in what they just wrote, and published anyway.
And so the weasels are unleashed.
How long, I wonder, until the first allegation that she looked the wrong way at a black waiter in 1990?
Already her Christianity and her pro life views are being attacked by the MSM mob. But the more the Dems and associated terror groups such as BLM protest in the usual burn , loot , murder way , the more people will back the law and order ticket that the President is running on. Plus the pro life lobby will see yet another promise being delivered by the President.
The dumbo lefties who are so vicious in their raw hatred of Trump as a capitalist fascist ought to ask themselves why are so many billionaires supporting Biden and the Dems with hundreds of millions of dollars. Perhaps they are too thick to even consider that question. The answer is that Biden is a globalist and so are the billionaires, that is how they made their vast wealth. They know that whatever is said, whatever pledges are made, Biden will be batting for them and not the ordinary American. Just the opposite is true of President Trump.
Of course I haven’t checked her out as yet but looks as if it was not long ago that she was still at school. And why a woman?
Every aspect of her Catholicism will be scrutinised and used against her by the Dems and hostile media, not least the beeb, who will see it as a step backwards from their ‘progressive’ darling, RBG. Abortion, traditional marriage, same-sex marriage, feminism etc.
She should say she’s a muslim and she’d get a free pass, like our Emir.
Your religion advocates death for apostasy? No worries, dude. The violent subjugation of Christians, Jews and infidels? Cool. World domination? Bring it on. The submission of women, the defenestration of gays, the imposition of shariah? Right on!
On R4 James Kumarasami reports that today’s shooter had his hands handcuffed behind his back. This assassination will have taken some doing. Does one believe any of it?
James is very excited about the ‘glass ceiiling’ that was broken because Ruth Bader Ginsberg is ‘lying in state’ in the Capitol. I wonder why she is accorded this honour? Why now? For her championing of abortion? (She certainly was lucky her own parents weren’t into it!) Apparently even the elusive Joe Biden emerged from his basement, to attend.
But James is more anxious to carry on his anti-Trump narrative, which he started up last night. He is eager to spread the word about the possibility that President Trump won’t relinquish power if he loses the election. For the second night running, James has a guest who supports this ‘concern’, and the comparison with Belorus is made. Trump has ‘poisoned the air’, claims one Remnick, New Yorker. Could this be a R4 story that runs until 3 November?
For a second night the shooting of Brianna Taylor is trotted out, with her lawyer making a lengthy statement. You can just hear R4 trying to start up another George Floyd event. Again, as with GF, no details about what the victim was actually up to.
Just heard a report that the gun was down the front of his trousers. A basic initial ‘pat down’ body search can be done, but intimate searches can only take place in a Custody suite, which is what the Sergeant was about to do when he was shot.
FAKE, as you say, if the cuffs WERE on behind his back then he needed to be Dynamo the magician to reach his gun – even if it was tucked down his trousers at the back, he would only get a very luck shot on target.
When Katty me… h, who gives a rats?
It takes 22 paragraphs of the BBC’s website coverage of the Croydon police killing before we get to this:
“Earlier, BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said it was believed the suspect was known to counter-terrorism police.
“He had been referred to the anti-extremism “Prevent” programme, though the Met said the murder inquiry was not being treated as terrorism-related.”
Weasel words from the Met, then, and another shameful piece of shoddy reporting by the BBC.
Ed Hitter
Something fishy about this story .?……..
The Times hedges its bets by explaining ‘extreme right wing and Islamist’.
I guess the far right will get the blame then.
No it is not shoddy, anything but. It is reporting designed to distort and mislead, to focus attention away from the Islamic terror aspects . The BBC are very good at this type of deception and minimisation of unfortunate facts which don’t fit their Woke world view. On the other hand they will make a veritable Everest out of a mole hill if doing so helps Wokism.
I voted Tory for only three reasons, firstly I loath Labour and their policies, secondly I want to Leave the EU and thirdly I want the BBC to be severely cut down to size( abolition would be better but it’s unrealistic) If the Tories deliver on two and three it’s all I ever expected from Boris et al.
Amy Coney Barrett is being tipped at the Trump Supreme Court nominee . Apart from being White – she is a Roman Catholic – which should get the full support of the Kennedy Democrats – right? Or maybe she s the wrong sort of RC – my sort .
I wonder if MIsh has ever called out Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Iraq over same sex marriage? The governments and militias in those countries might be a tad more backward and unpleasant for gay people than the DUP.
Sir Peter Fahy, Manchester’s retired police chief, says on Toady that the custody officer was shot ‘because he was a policeman’. Well, the Marxist Left, BLM/Antifa and the disgusting MSM have been working very hard at undermining the police and creating an atmosphere where the police have become targets. The disgusting bbc R4 were hard at it last night, exploiting the Rhianna Taylor situation to try create George Floyd Mk2, again leaving out all the contextual info in order to make the police look bad.
But I have a vague suspicion there was another reason, if not a diversity of reasons, not mentioned by Fahy. Not enough facts about yet,but it’s just sort of a feeling at this stage. For there is another dimension that was whipped up by the BLM/Antifa crowd, they actually invented some new terms (of envy and resentment) to match.
So we shall see.
Finally, the police must bear some of the blame, whenever they stand by and watch crimes being committed by mobs, gangs etc, for political expedience. And because they do not have the backing of spineless politicians, who will always be big on words, but miserable on actions.
Harking back to the days when the bbc top floors had institutional Alzheimer’s when necessary.
Seems hearing about elsewhere may prove selective.
Croydon policeman killed by Sri Lankan
Machete attacks outside old Charlie Hebdo building by an Algerian and a Pakistani.
Now what could possibly link these events?
Mental health issues?
Poor education?
Overcramped housing?
Or could it be hatred by outsiders of the Judaeo-Christian market economy open democratic culture and rule of law of Western Europe?
I merely ask to help the sprawling BBC ‘news’ department who somehow never quite manage to consider some of the possibilities.
The Times : Autistic, Sri Lankan
screen shot
Stew- not to mention ‘extreme right wing Islamist’ views.
Guess what’s being done there?
‘Extreme right wing and islamist views.’
Those are 2 strange categories to casually lump together, and it sounds like a bit of sleight of hand going on there. I’d like to know what exactly were those extreme right wing views, and what were the islamist ones?
If they were, say, antisemitic, I would suggest they belong in the islamist category.
That’s the bbc sofa round set.
Davey’s on the road again.
Ed Davey cannot be taken seriously, nor can his party. They deserve the oblivion they obviously crave.
But yes, lotsa exposure from the bbc.
Too much to hope the caption sub was being ironic?
One word WET. With people like this who needs enemy’s ? As an oldie I have never been so depressed as now, when looking at or considering any of these so called Politicians and from all parties, simply terrible, so many allsorans leading us into a very dark place.
what a prat, leading the “no hope” party.
“Ed Davey is running for the Liberal Democrat leadership and it’s all the fault of an advert in the Guardian. Having newly graduated from the University of Oxford in 1988, Davey had hoped to do an MSc in agricultural economics and work in developing countries, “because climate change and global poverty were the two biggest issues in the world”. He applied for a grant at the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (now Defra), but was turned down.”
“While studying PPE at Jesus College Oxford, he was a member of the Student Ecology Group”
sounds like he should move to the green party!!
In past circumstances the killing of a policeman would lead to a national outcry . Obviously the media has an involvement in the reaction – but this feels different . Yes there is the ritual ‘thoughts and prayers ‘ stuff but not the ‘outcry’ .
Whether this is because of the way the police collectively have become ‘woke’ – persecuting the white population to enable the third world ‘ Islam to take control – I don’t know .
But by kneeling – turning a blind eye to law breaking for some but not others – they’ve lost a lot of ‘consent ‘ and started to look like a Stasi – ‘checking the thinking ‘ of dissenters .
At the moment they are busily suppressing the identity of the killer and probably all hope he dies to avoid embarrassing details about his background coming out – yes – I’m speculating – an exercise in free speech – which a lot of plod would want to classify as a nonsense ‘hate crime ‘ and pay me a visit .
The BBC will want to find another ‘story ‘ to get this killing into the ‘local’ non news as usual to obey the ‘third world ethnics good – whitee bad ‘ narrative ….
As for the dead police sergeant who apparently was just to retire after 30? Something years – I bet he looked around and saw that it wasn’t the police he joined in 1990?…
Let’s see…
Elsewhere – John Humphreys continues to supplement his pension with a column in the mail . This one is on making mysogeny a ‘hate ‘ crime – which he seems not to like – in my view his view should be made a ‘hate crime ‘ and he should be put in a police ‘hate crime register ‘ with the rest of us .
Where’s that ‘Noddy goes to Croydon’ cartoon picture again when you need it ???? ????
Quite the thread.
I wonder how many bbc researchers crawling out of their rave venues this morning are asking Ange to DM them.
Inspired by a Uni moppet Moaning she can’t see her BF.
BBC News concerned about Zoe’s mates’ furlough compo.
“You spend your whole life working towards playing to people. I’m genuinely scared for the future of our industry.”
The Economist trying to get back on the BBC panel circuit.
Slate, too.
I must admit that one ,and i am one who can become paranoid
or even think one is paranoid by the way the BBC covers
stories that do not fit into their agenda.
To me it always looks if the BBC are trying to gaslight us into
the situation where we should think that we must have sympathy
for the murdering scumbags who slaughter innocents in an Romford park on Westminister Bridge or a policeman at his
For most of the day on the main BBC page on the net we were
given the views of some lady of the cloth telling us that we must feel sympathy for the perpetrator .Am I paranoid to think that
this piece of shit should go to hell? And now we come to the victim, and the real paranoia, or not comes in. It looks like to me that the poor police sergeant has some Maori ethnicity. For me
this is the least important fact. He could be one of twenty different ethnicities . He was a policemen doing his job. BUT why do I think that the BBC picture dept , just about the most
duplicitous , politically diverse “enterprise” at the BBC show
us a picture to let us aware of his ethnicity. It almost looks like
it has been purposely darkened.
Is the BBC trying to gaslight us into thinking that we are white
supremacists , to think that a drug dealing terrorist doesn’t
care what ethnicity he slaughters.Because he has a cause? And
part of the cause is because the BBC is the media partner of
the BLM organization who want the police force to be defunded?
Well they have succeeded in one police officer being defunded.
Great Post Foscari……
How this person still draws a salary astounds.
I wonder if Rog ever ponders where the money comes from that funds his salary so uniquely?
There is apparently a determination among industry, encouraged by the civil service, to stay aligned with EU defence procurement rules, because industry have been mis sold a line that says they would benefit. The EU defence procurement rules are bad enough for blocking domestic-only competition but they also enable wider policy obligations.
In short, defence procurement regulation needs to be completely repatriated in early 2021 and not just in name as Whitehall is planning. If this does not happen, Starmer will retain a bridge allowing him to enter those wider policy obligations in 3 years’ time.
Shall we play the ‘ when will the police killer be named ‘ game ?
Which works on the assumption that
1He has an identity
2They dont try the mental health trick
The rules of the game are complex and include
1Choosing a time when something else is going on
2Getting the timing when people are even less focused on the news than normal
3 releasing details as long after the incident as possble
Im betting it will be well into next week or beyond if the creature is as badly injured as claimed
Or maybe he d do the decent thing and die -which is as near as a death penalty as those who want it – like me – will get .
He shot a police officer at point blank range it will more than likely be on CCTV but he us still a SUSPECT. I wonder how long that white idiot in New Zealand was a suspect ??????
I’m pretty sure that several years ago a guy walked into a church ( in London?) with a samurai sword and killed someone in front of the congregation – the details escape me.
But what I do remember afterwards is a quote from a police source that it was being treated very seriously and dozens of police were investigating!!!!!
Given that the incident had about 100 witnesses quite what was being investigated was not entirely clear.
Still. It’s a Saturday so just think of the overtime
Fed –
He is a British citizen of Sri Lankan origin who is autistic.
The man, who had expressed extreme right-wing and Islamist views, has not been named.
I wonder what the crime stats. is for Nigeria, Ethopia, N & S Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and so on. Might I suggest that if these were readily available and compared to the UK, we could begin to estimate our rapid decline into the accelerating world of violence. Stat’s being so respected these days. Our decline into the violent world we see unfolding, is helped, as is obvious by our imports, anxious to replicate their homelands and their levels of ‘acceptable’ crime.
It would save the expense of a trial and because of no death penalty it would save the cost of his keep and also thousands on the waste of deradicalisation.
A favour
Would anyone watching live football report any comments about what the kidult ball kickers are kneeling for today?
You could always watch BBC2 today with live women’s cricket followed by live women’s football.
In fact if you did, the viewing figures would notch up by quite a percentage.
Not that the BBC have an agenda, of course.
I wonder if the ratings will match the repeat of Garden Rescue over on BBC1?
How lucky we are to get such value for only £4 bn a year.
Sluff – thank you for the viewing advice – i dont even look at the ‘listings ‘ anymore .
Im perfectly content with amazon and netty flix and charity DVDs .
Unless GB TV does an intro offer i will hold off on that to see if it as far to the Right as i need it to be – but i still want the diversity of view absent from all MSM now .
As for girlie football – see the smith and jones sketch put up here about a week or so ago – ‘ exchanging shirts’ at the end –
On the other channel is diving from old traffird and the eti hadji
I agree Fed, cancelled our licence over a year ago and haven’t looked back.
Although I read these pages every day my comments are limited simply because I don’t listen to or watch any bBbc output.
We as a family, two adults and three teenagers, do not watch any “live” television and my wife and I are more than happy with Amazon Prime, Netflix and YouTube. My daughters gave up on the bBbc even before we did.
Amazon have the Crystal Palace v Everton game on live at 3 today and the highlights of it and all the other games that people actually want to watch will be on YouTube, from Sky, half an hour after the final whistle.
MotD/ Gary Lineker/ bBbc my arse!
I believe that the BBC only put up with whitey middle aged Lineker
because he will do their bidding for them by making
the cowardly knee bending the main feature on MOTD.
I have no idea why they employ him Fos.
Is he good at what he does? Who or what is he compared against? It seems that Lineker is only used in programmes that people would watch regardless of who was presenting them. Neither Lineker or any of the other MotD “experts” have ever offered me any insight of the game or told me something that I didn’t already know, in fact, many of them, especially the commentators, miss or misconstrue incidents that are blatantly obvious to most viewers even in real-time.
How many people watch any programme for Lineker, or for any other of the bBbc “talent” for that matter?
They do it all the time, mistake ubiquity and their agenda-driven indulgence for popularity. See Sue Perkins, Alex Scott, Nadiya Hussain, Jeremy Vine, Jay Blades, Clare Balding, etc, etc, etc….
Rich – when i was stupid enough to pay for sky i learnt stuff from Gary Neville who often went into the sort of detail none of the droids on MOTD trot out week after week .
Many of these ‘dross’ are only seen on screen once a week for maybe an hour, so what is the hourly rate for £1.3 mill a year ?
As for Jay Blades on Repair Shop, he is given so much publicity in articles and magazine covers for what ? shoving out his hand first for ‘the handshake’ ? Clearly for the cameras he makes a big thing of sourcing items needed for a repair, but this is done by researchers. The skilled repairers have to make a big point of thanking him ‘so much’ for his input its laughable. Its not HIS show, he’s surplus to requirements, its a show that just needs the narrator. There is no host on Garden Repair so why the Repair Shop ?
I’ve followed United all my life, was at the Camp Nou in ’99, remember the McIlroy/ McQueen days well. Highs and lows. Cannot stand Gary Neville, a gobshite who crossed over from pundit to click-baiting journalist long ago.
I agree with you to a certain extent Fed, he can provide knowledge of the game as an ex-professional, the machinations of a club, the behind-the-scenes experiences and emotions, but to him and most others football is now simply a product. The feelings, moods and character of players dominate analysis, the basic skills of the game often overlooked, “enigmatic” posers lauded over those who contribute to and strengthen their teams. Personality over end-product.
The “Americanisation” of the game, where statistics and superfluous soundbite terms and language make most analysis unintelligible seems to me to be merely a way of sustaining the industry. Formations, assists and tactics are over-analysed, styles of play and dominating teams are simply cyclical and the language used around them changes through desperation just to fill programming schedules, designed now to appeal to a generation with limited attention spans and vacuous minds, most of whom wouldn’t know if a ball was blew-up or stuffed. It is easy to turn the volume off, many I know no longer watch any analysis or half-time punditry, but those who do listen seem to be treated to often questionable justification of cheating and morally unpalatable excusing of gamesmanship, most of which seems to have increased dramatically since the influx of European players began. It must be said, this has been enthusiastically adopted by many of our home grown players, most of whom are onow much more interested in style over substance, endorsements and their instagram accounts. Nearly all of our highest profile players are now also financially, socially and most importantly culturally alien to the majority of their clubs supporters.
Stripped of all of this nonsense football is the simplest game in the world, not the science that the likes of Neville, Carragher, Shearer and Lineker would have you believe and is much more entertaining without it.
Rich – my thoughts and prayers are with you for supporting money United ….. covid is the ultimate test for the ‘prem’ product …. canned clapping and kneeling ….. can that last …?
I’ve given up my season ticket -going to home and away games. Going to old Trafford was an ‘experience ‘ where they kill any atmosphere by playing loud music at the 3000 away supporters and a lot of the crowd are so busy taking selfies that they don’t know there’s a game on .
The cost of going to games keeps kids away – who used to put the passion into crowds – now that is instantly extinguished by stewards who’d be far happier as prison officers (if it’s not their real job ) and determined to excise any remaining pleasure …..
I thought about signing up to TV footy this season – but thought the cost was insulting ….
Vars got to be another nail
And teams like Wolves virtually fielding Portugal’s national team.
Prefer MMA fight cards .more fun/ skill for betting too.
Wouldn’t it be fun to have a comedy sketch where ‘Taking the Knee’ is analysed in the same style as the goals on MotD.
We could have slow motion replays, reviews from every angle, and then the ‘expert’ comments from the panel?
‘Aye Gary, just look at how he went down. Great technique. Watching the players around him. And then getting back up again. World class’
How about it BBC?
No? Thought not.
I’ve heard refs aren’t even allowed to book black players anymore ???? ????
Apologies if already posted.
“Far-right ‘fuel hate’ over Folkestone asylum-seeker barracks”
Home Office director Deborah Chittenden …
“It’s really important to recognise that these asylum seekers are just ordinary people, like you and me”
I expect “Debs” has already arranged their UK passports.
Debs and Franny sound like BFFs.
Fyiing biz class to mutter wibble to equally overpaid teletubbies in nice locations sounds a neat gig.
Strong memo follows.
A longer, even more nauseating propaganda piece about the “ordinary people”, who are “law-abiding” and “vulnerable” can be found in Kent Online (‘News You Can Trust’ – sic). Here we learn that the “ordinary people” are free to come and go as they please, and that they receive “three meals a day, toiletries and a bed”, “TVs, Wifi and sports equipment”, “sanitiser and masks” and, of course, “a nurse on site who can help take care of any physical or mental health issues.” So, exactly the same as ordinary people like the rest of us, then.
A spokesman for the Organised People Smuggling Gangs of Africa and the Middle East (OPSGAME) said: “We are grateful for the co-operation of the British authorities and media in facilitating our people smuggling business. We look forward to supplying you with slave workers, drug dealers, people forced into prostitution and all the other benefits of diversity.”
By heck Chief Ian-you’ve got that just right. “We are grateful for the co-operation of the British authorities and media in facilitating our people smuggling business. We look forward to supplying you with slave workers, drug dealers, people forced into prostitution and all the other benefits of diversity.” The four horses of the Acropolis comes to mind, as we nose dibe into the dark unknown.
Graun might have dropped the ‘activist’ if seeking to actually tempt rational readership.
Maybe this Seymour character should ask the enemy – Owen Jones and that dusky kidult girl with a moustache … i think they funded by his own paper .. …
“Reactionary leaders are invoking communism…”?
This would then be the REACTION to the Revolutionary leaders who are actually attempting to overthrow capitalism etc and impose communism, eh Guardian?
Sounds like our Debs is after a dame hoodie …. stick a few hundred near her drum and here the song change
We are being bombarded by the media with ever increasing daily covid infection numbers, the latest is over 6000 yesterday.
If the deaths in 3-4 weeks because of covid is running at 500 a day and increasing (doubling each week as Tweedle dum and Tweedle Dee would have us think could happen) then maybe I would start believing them but I would be very surprised if the future daily deaths from covid ever reach 100.
I’m no expert or professor of these pandemic events but using common sense and seeing how things seem to be I would definitely go with my prediction as opposed to those who are coming out with the thousands of deaths daily in a few weeks time.
The only way to get higher daily death totals would be to include all the deaths happening because the nhs is either not treating or drastically cutting down treatments of the top 10 current killers (of which covid is not one) such as cancer.
Here’s a suggestion.
We have many ‘nightingale’ hospitals around the Country, we have one here in Sunderland, which are empty. I wonder, have any of these nightingale hospitals ever had any patients or have they all been empty all the time.
Instead of mixing covid patients with the other hospital patients or seeding old age homes and hospices with covid infected patients, treat all covid patients in these nightingale hospitals.
Is there any flaw in that suggestion?
Is it too much like common sense?
Concentrate all the cases with those caring for covid in these nightingale hospitals only and keep them away from other vulnerable patients.
Putting covid patients in covid hospitals is about as logical as planning to have enough kit for a pandemic of any description .
Disgraceful article by Anthony Zurcher about the prospective nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as a US Supreme Court Judge: . He presents it as an ideological conflict between conservatives and liberals – ie whose views on particular topics should prevail.
No! The role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the law; it’s the task of democratically elected politicians in the States and (at Federal level) Congress to make the law. Judges such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg overstepped the mark in actually changing the law, using spurious interpretations of human rights. The Supreme Court under previous management imposed abortion and same-sex marriage on the whole of the USA, regardless of the views of individual States or Congress. “Conservative” judges stick to their constitutional function of interpreting the law, irrespective of their own views on the particular laws/policies concerned.
The BBC should try a little “fact-checking” on their own highly partial and opinionated articles.
Andrew Neil announces GB News channel to rival BBC and Sky-good luck Andrew-tear them apart, that’s of course if you are able to get them on your programme! GB News is the most exciting thing to happen in British television news for more than 20 years. Hope so.
Great news, may it / he live up to expectations. I’ve long believed that bashing the beeb – though praiseworthy – wasn’t enough; likewise cosmetic tweaking of the rotten corporation.
What was desperately needed was a REAL alternative.
May GB News be that alternative.
Covid 19 testing results. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply cannot make accurate assessments. Most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms.The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues. PCR (The Polymerase Chain Reaction ) basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.It uses ‘amplification’ which means, taking a very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified, leading to potentially gross errors of discovery. If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities, even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common. Therefore the numbers quoted that have been tested with Covid 19 are near to meaningless in light of what has been said. Cannot take seriously the numbers given each night by the BBC ; fear is aim of the game. Everyone should question the hypothesis being thrown out at us all the time.
Spectator article on Andrew Neil’s new GB News. Tectonic plates are shifting. Rightwards.
“The premise of GB News is fairly simple: that the current players – BBC, Sky, ITV – are so similar in tone and format that there’s space for a bit more diversity. For intelligent, discussion-based show coming from a more independent mindset. Not a British answer to Fox News (the analogy often reached for whenever a rival to the BBC is mentioned) but a station that might broadcast good news a bit more often, or would not be so quick to assume that everything that goes wrong is the fault of the government. One that takes a more even-handed approach to culture wars, and doesn’t see coverage of US politics an exercise in exorcism.”
I will repeat my view that unless they demonstrate diversity of view – even having something as radical as ‘debates ‘ – which if you notice is missing from the current meager offering – then i will keep my wallet closed .
They also need to do a free teial subscription to show me its worth paying for . The threshold will be quite high –
The other clue to its true attitude will be the number of BBC SKY staff it recruits . One will be one too many .
Perhaps good broadcasters currently on the naughty step –
Alistair Stewart
David Starkey
Lord Charles Moore
Carol Thatcher
The Portillo
Lawrence Fox
Kate Hoey
Nigel Farage
Trevor Phillips
Et all -might be able to express their views – good or bad – instead to the QT/ Toady treatment .
the list lengthens by the month
He won’t include Katie Hopkins who is criticised by Neil for supporting Trump and speaks out against Moslems. Neil shills for Islam. I am not interested in his new programme.
Neill has always been fond on money and attention – you could get his drift from those monologues he used to do and from the often painful ego trips he went on in his programmes ….
But the quality of journo presented to the public is so poor that he sticks out as ‘professional ‘ compared to – say – Preston ( love me ) Marr ( buy me ) or maitlisss ( f— me ) yet alone the clone girls on the bbc radio …
As for the Katie price – if mr trump wins the election she will be a ‘go to ‘…. and suitably insufferable ….. but well worth it ….
Live coronavirus sceptics in Trafalgar Square (Ruptly)
Looks a large number.
I am not outraged at the Reverend Tucker’s comments
she is entitled to free speech.
It’s just that people say the BBC brought her on first as if they were trying to set the tone, and make it more about BLM than the murdered officer.
10pm last night the Reverend and her church issued an apology
entire wording
“The Revd Catherine Tucker, the Vicar of Holy Saviour, Croydon wishes to apologise for any offence which has been caused by her regrettable comments concerning the fatal shooting of a police officer in Croydon in the early hours of this morning.
The Bishop of Southwark, The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun, has been in touch with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and the Revd Prebendary Jonathan Osborne, Senior Chaplain to the Metropolitan Police Service, offering his condolences on behalf of the Diocese to the family and colleagues of the officer, as well as expressing his distress at this shocking incident. The thoughts and prayers of the whole of the Diocese of Southwark are with the police officer, his family and friends and the whole Metropolitan Police Service at this time.”
GBnews-TV may have already started
I’m watching yesterday’s Talk Radio progs on youTube channel.
The on-the-scene reporters can be seen all suited etc. not just in studio but live from Croydon streets etc.
The actual on the hour radio news has always been the same old tosh as if it’s supplied by SkyNews.
Compare and contrast
Taxpayer money spent on incorporating murdered Sergeant Rattana of Croydon into British society.
Versus taxpayer money spent on any number of economic chancers arriving by boat from France.
I keep trying to book rooms in nice hotels and yet mysteriously they never seem to have any vacancies.
You can bet a good few home office ‘civil servants ‘ will be retiring and getting jobs with ….. hotel chains …..
BBC doing stunningly well this afternoon. Bloody wimmins football
and cricket all afternoon. Thank god for Netflix and Amazon.
Live footy on amazon Saturday PM….
It seems that the Six Nations Rugby in the autumn will be live on Amazon as well Fed.
I’ve just watched the excellent Richard Dreyfuss in The Day Reagan was Shot, (2001) by Oliver Stone. All the backfighting, cock ups and power play was wonderful and no doubt an insight into what goes on behind political closed doors.
Bris , my dear , is it a ‘pay for ‘ job or on Netflix ‘ amazon ?
Sorry, yes, found it on Sky Demand
Boris and Priti’s cops handcuff man for not masking up and are reminded about BLM
I’ve just been on the anti lockdown demo. I didn’t wear a mask on the train or the tube. Lots of police at Victoria; no problem…thankfully.
I’m not some stroppy adolescent trying to make a point, but if I wore one I feel it would would be cowardly and compliant.
No one approached me. I may have felt a bit awkward, but I think that’s preferable to doing something I really disagree with.
A really good turnout. Peaceful. Very diverse. Good natured. Okay, there were a few “eccentrics” there, but so what?
I can’t wait to see how it’s reported…
Or do I mean if it’s reported?
Did you see any one there from the BBC? I wonder why they are so uninterested.
You see the Union Jack in black and white
with a blue line
You see it as someone showing support for the police
“the think blue line”
in their time of sorrow
but top expert Owen Jones sees it as “as far right meme” & takes to Twitter to condemn Hackney Police
… within the hour ..he backtracks and deleted his tweet
Stew – thanks for putting that up – a BBC ‘ go to’ mouthpiece . The twitter response is quite something and Mr Jones might need to be careful where he goes drinking ( again ) putting out distasteful comments like those .
This org tweeted 24 hours before OJ did
Does he think they are far-right ?
Meghan the “Woko Ono” broke up the Royal band by marrying Harry Lemon & taking him to Hollywood.
“Mr President what do you think of them telling people to vote for Joe Biden”
How dare Trump interfere in our Royal family!
(Actually a thoughtful and restrained comment!)
I think Windsor ? Minor might be a bit too nice but dim to grasp the nuance of President Trump’s forensic comment ……
Who is the bigger comedy character Windsor Davies
…. or Harry Windsor ?
Oh, you mean ‘Ginge and Minge’!
The Express has her saying that she could run for President! Sounds about right to me, she needs the exercise!
Imagine if she won the US election one year in the future, and Harry was First Man, …and they had to have heads of state banquets with grandma, or dad, or brother.
Well I wouldn’t vote for Meghan Markle .
Covid: Anti-restrictions protest ‘being shut down’ over lack of social distancing
Presumably other large gatherings will be shut down??
Next time we’ll have to get some BLM placards.
The press will adore us, the police will kneel to us and the BBC will give us endless hours of sympathetic coverage.
Die metroplitanische Polizei .
Though admittedly the government are not exactly playing a blinder on coronavirus, the BBC have determinedly decided to maximise the doom and gloom at every opportunity.
First up on the news was the ‘crisis’ in Manchester with 130 cases and 1700 in isolation.
Now pardon me for being thick but are Universities (especially if campus, collegiate, or with distinct halls) not an ideal opportunity to try out some herd immunity???
The young are barely affected. So identify and isolate ‘vulnerable’ students’ and allow the rest to live normally – within the University environment.
By the end of term, most will have had it, and life as normal can resume. They go home for Christmas with immunity.
What’s not to like.
Sluff, PLEASE stop making sense
Surkeer gets pasted on Gogglebox
The Democrats with their usual, sleazy, Leftist smear tactics attack Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s children
Interesting move from Boris …
Seems to have upset the right folk.
Bryant didn’t seem to mind Corbin promoting his old squeeze the Abbot of Hackney. She wasn’t there for her acumen or ability Same with Donnell
Interesting moves from Boris …
Paul Dacre, the former editor of the Daily Mail, is the prime minister’s choice to become chairman of Ofcom, the broadcasting regulator, replacing Lord Burns, who is due to leave before the end of the year.
Lord Moore, the former editor of the Daily Telegraph and biographer of Margaret Thatcher, who has condemned the criminalisation of those who refuse to pay the licence fee, has been asked by the prime minister to take up the post of BBC chairman.
Now here is something the Christianophobic Broadcasting Corporation could never get their heads around: a mass Prayer March in Washington DC, led by Franklin Graham, son of the famous Billy Graham.
50,000 people praying in public for the healing of their nation in troubled times. (Or ‘a few dozen’ in BBC parlance.)
It was billed as non-political but there were lots of prayers and lots of praise for the President.
Graham is a known Trump supporter, the guest of honour was VP Mike Pence, and the various speakers repeatedly prayed for the President and Vice President, as well as the next Supreme Court Justice. They didn’t exactly pray for them to win, but it was sort of implied, and the crowd loved it.
This is a significant event as many Americans still take their religion seriously, unlike the militantly atheistic, marxist broadcasting corporation who, if If they report it at all, will mock and sneer – dahling, those unscientific, crude, backward, superstitious evangelicals using God for political purposes, can you believe it, ha ha.
Meanwhile in January the lib-mafia blocked Graham’s UK tour by intimidating each UK stadium venue, so made them cancel him.
I didn’t know, but I’m not surprised.
The article is shocking.
Next time he should say he’s a muslim come to preach the destruction of Christianity and imposition of Shariah.
‘Certainly sir, would you like the O2, the Albert Hall or Wembley?
We can throw in some virgins too if you like, though there aren’t many left in Rotherham’.
The Graham family are held in very high esteem in many non-urban, Christian American households.
My maternal grandmother, a Southern Baptist born and bred in rural northwestern Texas, thought the sun rose and set on Billy Graham.
Murder of police officer off the top spot on BBC news website.This must mean that they are about to release the name of the “suspect” you know the one that fired the gun.
Currently its
1/3 Local man
1/2 Undergoing mental assessment.
1/4 Hard working
1/2 Quiet
1/6 Undergoing deradicalisation.
1/7 Police failures
What are the odds for ‘promising future as a rap artist’?
Or alternatively ‘Nothing to do with islam’?
Halifax – sick game of ritual isn’t it ?
Kill stab shoot repeat kill stab shoot repeat…..
Policeman in his 50s with huge ‘roided? arms..
Here we go.
BBC News
“We’ve been accused of kidnapping our son.”
An African-American couple who adopted a white child are frustrated at the way some people treat their family.
(via BBC World Service)
Black UFC with white father talking about black lives matter.
Type of stuff the left hate.
???????? Well said
Just heard on the BBC News channel, “Police clashed with protestors when they tried to break the event up”. Then they showed footage of a peaceful protest with the police doing nothing.
If there really was a clash the BBC would make sure we all saw it. I call bullcrap that there was a clash.
MPS Events has put up a fairly chilling tweet declaring the protest in Traf Square unlawful . I don’t think they’ll use the same language when the ‘community ‘ – short hand for coloureds displays their victimhood over their latest ‘chip’
Policing by consent indeed …..
Croydon shooter still alive sadly …..
Croydon shooter. My Saturday night conspiracy.
It is taking a long time to obtain news and his identity. Perhaps he will die and be replaced by a white loony.
G.W.F. at a guess he shot himself in the leg, or the buttock possibly in pulling out the gun before shooting the nearest Officer alongside to the left or to the right of him. The TOADY prog reported that several shots, I assume more than two, were fired. Without knowledge of the size of the gun, that ‘in turning the gun on himself’ the murderer could have shot himself in the small of the back, or possibly the back of a tilted back head. Certainly quite an athletic or gymnastic individual.
Apparently the Croydon Detention Facility is ‘state of the art’ with lots of CCTV, so the Police should have no trouble in working out what happened there.
If this clown can shoot a police officer in the chest, then himself in the head with his hands tied behind his back then he should be fast tracked to some sort of special weapons department ASAP ????
So long as it’s on our side ????
tlwei, not sure whether the Police use those handcuffs with bars when cuffing behind backs. Probably not, as too easy roll backwards on the ground and get the feet and legs through and then have hands & fists in front of you with a handy weapon in between.
However, cuffs with the chain link, or two interlinked cable ties, probably enabled the perp the flexibility to commit the murder.
OG will no doubt advise.
If he had any brain and depending on the layout of the custody suite, he might have, with numerous shots, contemplated ricochet.
G, bit more difficult in the open. Saturday’s TOADY Prog implied the shooting happened in the compound of this Custody facility.
I predict an ethnic from Ceylon called Louis de Zoysa?
I predict the BBC will use Autism as the excuse?