The final quality journalist is leaving the far left biased campaigning BBC for a new network- GB News – which apparently starts up in 2021. Who else will be leaving ? . Perhaps a bit more detail of the internal goings on of the BBC will come to light as the mediocrity remaining ‘journalists’ /purveyors of propaganda out wokes itself to avoid the coming redundancies ….
Weekend Thread 26 September 2020
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Lawrence Fox …
Scottish female footballers feel a strong urge to advertise against Trump ?
Guest Who told us about this on Thursday!
Well then this is a concise repeat
I took six comments before someone mentioned it was the female team
due to BBC omitting that in their title.
Stew, you’re a hero for the time you spend on Twitter. So is Guest Who. Sometimes I click on links you two put up and just look at a short Thread or small part of a longer Thread, and it gives me the screaming abdabs and am happy to click the ‘close x’ and run away and hide.
Stew… you are showing your ignorance. Most people know that Ruth Baader-Meinhof Ginsburg invented the game of wimmin’s football. She had just finished campaigning for compulsory abortion for people with uteruses and was about to campaign for reducing the age of sexual consent to 12, when she found herself with a few minutes to spare. Knowing that wimmin’ don’t have balls, she had an inspiration.
It’s true. Get educated. Read a book.
BBC Non News stirring via PR again.
The Manchester United footballer said the UK government had shown “a lack of empathy… towards protecting our most vulnerable”.
A lot to unpack here.
Shaping up like Supreme Court in the US, with lefties going mental they are not the ones rigging stuff.
This is excellent news. The Dacre Moore partnership impact on the BBC will be the funniest thing on the BBC since Ernie and Eric . These two appointments would be the best thing that we on this site could reasonably hope for.sadly they are not absolute abolitionists but we can expect a crack down on leftist Woke bias and moves to decriminalise and a subscription only service.
I can only hope that these appointments signal that Boris is going to appoint more centre right people to key positions in the public sector. If he does it a good piece of swamp draining.
God I am glad Sadiq did something about this dangerous
violent mob ………………………………. /sarc
Not as dangerous as the pubs in London all turning out at the same time and all on the tube – did covid hire someone to come up with a policy for maximum spread . Dumb brains – just plain dumb running the shambles ….
Isn’t it wonderful that Sadiq “allows access” (his words) to Trafalgar Square!
The machinations of American politics
Even by BBC standards this is very bad journalism
BBC smears Roman Abramovich
BBC news reporter getting well ratioed
Committing a criminal offence by landing in the UK….
Laughable. One rule and all that !!!!!
June and BLM protest ……
Today and NOT BLM
Sadiq’s Jerkyll & Hyde personality
… or rather his Do Fk-all and Hide personality
His hypocrisy is breathtaking. Gasp!
Latest tweet of Joey Biden shows him morphing into Ron Burgundy – “ when I came to the Senate 180 years ago “ -and the footage is not doctored – or even nursed ,,,..
Money well invested so far Fedup? ????
It must be time the joey Biden became ‘indisposed ‘ – a cynic might predict a dose of covid but I mustn’t be that cynical …. they have to get him out of contact with TV cameras yet alone journos or voters ….
I don’t normally bet with my heart but I I bet with my head and heart on the Republicans on this one ❎
Please bear with me on this ,
But most of Any Questions seemed taken up with ;
Can anybody self identify themselves about what sex they are without the state Denying it or helping it ?
The Scottish Nats MP self declared women’s rights activist lesbian said aye .
But not always .
The example she gave was a rape crisis self help group which would be uncomfortable with a self indentifying trans muscling in .
In which case there would have to be …
A law about it ?!
Apparently transgender people can be confused.
There should be no law against them self identifying whatever sex they want to be , unless there needs to be a law to stop them self identifying the sex they want to be .
I hope that’s cleared up any confusion .
No wonder the establishment had their police attack the protesters….
Belfield adds his comment
“Take Down the BBC”
“Take Down the BBC”
“Take Down the BBC”
“Take Down the BBC”
“Take Down the BBC”
“Take Down the BBC”
Such sweet music.
Trump nominates popular female conservative judge
Twitter watch
Distressing footage of plod in riot gear punching an elderly lady at the demo in traf square today – its okay though – she was white .
The day after one of their ‘ family’ met his end because of the negligent searching by another plod .
Sympathy will be in very short supply if plod runs away from coloured rioters but beats up white women …..
Deller’s talks to MP Ben Bradley about refusing ‘unconscious bias training’.
Also on Breitbart
(Anarchist squats houses are quite common in Greece, I remember going to a film show or something at one in Corfu
naive idealists )
Explosives and guns found.
“Investigators say that at least two of the suspects are linked to prior attacks and kidnappings including the kidnapping of Greek businessman George Mylonas in 2008.”
#6 ” A Scottish judge has given a short sentence to rapist Balwinder Singh (Sikh name) , who had fled the country after impregnating a 12-year-old girl.”
5 years 4 months
“he assaulted the girl at a house in Edinburgh in the summer of 2016.”
Judge Lady Scott “There is no suggestion of grooming and, in addition, I take into account that you have pled guilty at an early stage and that you have no prior sexual offending and no relevant record,”
FFS he was only brought to court cos Canadian police arrested him for shoplifting.
What about those unconscious science seminars Lord Hall set up for the conscious bias training of BBC management in climate science by unconscious scientific experts who turned out to be conscious left-wing environmental activists.
Looking at how this type of indoctrination worked under Communism. It produces three results. (1) Conscious repression of scientific knowledge due to fear of losing your job (2) Conscious repression making you say you agree with those who are indoctrinating you that climate sceptics should be banned from the BBC (3) Conscious repression and fear making you seem to agree with the BBC that Greta is more conscious of the science than all those unconscious professors at the GWPF.
Thankfully, most of those indoctrinated by Communism said that they only pretended to be successfully trained in things like unconscious bias. They just played along with the loony left-wing ideology, because the alternative could have been death.
Up to now the BBC has only sacked people who don’t seem to be indoctrinated. Many have been sacked. But sadly, that old white man, Gary Lineker doesn’t seem to be worried about being sacked and replaced by a young black presenter.
But at the BBC, black lives matter, so do complain about Gary Lineker not being sacked and replaced by a black sports presenter.
Maggie Scott QC (I refuse to call her a Lady) has previous when it comes to sentencing sex offenders:
Here’s the best bit: the taxpayer pays her £230K per annum. And when she retires, she’ll be the recipient of a very generous pension.
Is “pled” a word?
So the NHS App has had yet another cock up. Everyone is blaming ‘the Government’ again, but the only thing the government can be blamed for is not ensuring these Tech company dickheads have got it right before announcing that’s it going to be a life changer – oh and spending millions of our money in paying for it.
I want to know more about the companies who are involved in creating this App, because it reminds me of a scenario about 15 years ago when the NHS forked out millions for a new computer system, designed to link every surgery in the country with every hospital department and everyone’s medical records. Of course it failed time and time again, but not before they’d been paid for it. I think its working now huh !
There’s something to be said for still being a dinosaur and not doing online banking, still writing out cheques to pay the bills, having actual cash in the purse, and not having an Alexa in the house 🙂
So the Guardian put their oar in support of the BBC
‘Hardline BBC critics reportedly offered top media roles’
They don’t like it up em….
Wonders will never cease…
‘Coronavirus lockdown: Let students go home for Christmas, says Labour’
Finally, finally, finally, Sir Keir’s party decides to support our civil liberties.
Mind you, this was a mainly SNP policy about locking down students for Christmas up there in Scotland where the Nats have virtually marginalised Labour.
Read beyond the headline and the gist of the argument from Labour/BBC is more about keeping the students at home and universities closed.
But how will the virus know it’s Christmas and not spread infection? This is getting beyond stupid now. It’s either safe for them to go home or it isn’t. The precautionary principle either applies or it doesn’t.
Aah but when its the Anychess and overwork, everything has to be avoided. 😉 After all, it might get in the way of the New Year’s Honours List.
Owen and Mehdi walk into a bbc green room…
BBc News heads West, to its safe place for stirring…
“Breonna Taylor, 26, was shot multiple times as officers stormed her home in Kentucky, US. But why were none of them charged directly in relation to her death?“
Graham is a hoot, Graham is.
They are the bbc ‘partners’ in the USA aren’t they?
Certainly synergies in composing headlines.
To the Sunday papers, where the Observer observes: ‘Rank-and-file police fear autumn of conflict. More firearms are finding their way onto Britain’s streets…’ Seems the police trades union are also getting a bit edgy about the conflict between our tradition of policing by consent and having to enforce covid restrictions.
The BBC’s press front page line up gives prominence to the Observer whose main headline tells us: ‘Johnson faces revolt on covid diktats as poll figures slump’ also given a BBC top slot is the tabloid Star: ‘We are not appy. Farce as NHS tracing tech won’t log NHS tests’ – of course the issue of which headlines the BBC prefers to see at the top of the list each day could be a subject for separate statistical study.
Personally I’m glad track and trace won’t work. Why on earth anyone would voluntarily want to be tracked and traced then condemned to quarantine on the say so of a dodgy phone app is a mystery to me.
I notice the press picking up the word diktat which is interesting. Do we think the bungling clown Boris character will morph into Mussolini Boris – the dictator who couldn’t even run the apps on time?
The People exemplifies oppositional covid criticism. It raises some novel fear in the minds of the public and then blames the government for not protecting us from it: ‘Scandal of the 500,000 Long-Covid victims’ – note the words scandal and victims with the new bugaboo word long-covid rounded off with an impressive-sounding statistic. Oppositional covid headline par exellence. Well done the People. By the way “Long-Covid” means survivors of coronavirus with ill-defined supposedly crippling long-term symptoms. So get your compensation/benefits claim in now folks.
Further down the BBC’s list of newspapers we find the Telegraph with: ‘Johnson woos BBC critic Dacre for Ofcom post’
What sweet irony it would be should the pro-Brexit man ousted from his editorship of the Mail end up in charge of the BBC.
The Times, likewise relegated way down the pile of papers over there at the BBC, leads with: ‘BBC critics set for top jobs in broadcasting’
What are the criteria for a chap getting a top job – or a woman maybe? Echos of our previous #MeToo hullabaloo in the Sunday Times with another casting couch scandal: ‘Agency boss ‘raped models on his books”
Get away with me with that feather, you’ll likely knock me down…
The now EU-friendly Mail punts with: ‘Jamie’s war on toxic U.S. food’
Also in the Mail: ‘Piers Morgan. How the world went nuts’.
“All the world is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer.” –Robert Owen, 1828
And the one the BBC tucked away at the bottom – so to speak – the Mirror: ‘Donor’s compo for babies born to gay couples’ – I’ll leave readers to untangle that mess of a headline
Asiseeit – ‘apps run on time ‘ – nice – but you left something out – it’s the name of the killer currently in a NHS bed – oh – except that the name hasn’t leaked – despite Hugh national interest in some third world vermin who can draw shoot and kill at close quarters whilst wearing handcuffs …. but we can guess it’s not Jason bourne
Usually a police killer would be named via a leak paid for bribe to a nurse or plod . But not in this case . The ministry of propaganda and truth has declared ‘no publication ‘ and thus it was .
As far as plod being worried about guns coming into the country – well – they are operating Operation Blindeye down at Dover so if 200 illegal people can walk into the country – so can guns . Reap and sow .
I’ve little time for plod any more – they are ineffective unless they choose not to be – and apply the law in an overly discriminately way – the images of them kneeling and running away won’t be in the coming ‘reviews of the year ‘ but those images will live long in the memory .
“Seems the police trades union are also getting a bit edgy about the conflict between our tradition of policing by consent and having to enforce covid restrictions.”
I think it took a real downward turn when intensity of police action stepped up over so-called, “Hate Crimes”. Been getting progressively worse since then.
Nature abhors a vacuum. A fact of physics. So it is inevitable that, despite all the lovely legislation introduced to stifle any and all opposition, history (and physics) tell us otherwise.
Hope you don’t mind if I pinch the “dictator who couldn’t run the apps on time” line. ????
Bit awks at the alumni Xmas drinks… even socially distanced.
Despite the controversy of Mrs T and her reign, at least we knew we had a leader.
Given those who seek high office must surely have researched what works, it continually amazes the clowns who aim for being liked as a priority vs. being effective.
And fail to notice the inevitable fall out.
Big time.
Given those who seek high office must surely have researched what works, it continually amazes the clowns who aim for being liked as a priority vs. being effective.
And fail to notice the inevitable fall out.
Jon hired a US Donut Editor yet?
Or is that assumed already in all staff?
This is the communists plan for the US election in November. Their, so-called, “scenario’s”.
Click to access Preventing-a-Disrupted-Presidential-Election-and.pdf
A declaration of War no-less, under the fiction: “The American people have the right to choose their next president without intimidation or interference in the normal electoral process. Believers in democracy and the rule of law should therefore be prepared to take action to ensure that the results of the 2020 presidential election reflect the will of the American people.”
Extremely dangerous times, certainly for the US public, and its freedoms. The election will be a monumental battle between, essentially, Good and outright Evil. The ‘Evil’, as we have already seen, has no regard for law practically.
The question is posed: Who funded the TIP (‘Transition Integrity Project’).
I would have thought that by now, enough Antifa/BLM people had been arrested and facing incarceration for a long time, enough to spill the beans on Soros who actively fronts the Chinese et al. The latters attempts to achieve World domination cannot proceed unless the US is under their control and influence.
I’m willing to bet the American Beauty’s mind was not boggled when 27 officers were hurt in largely peaceful BLM demonstrations.
The now clearly palpable breakdown in law and order continues apace, here and the US with little regard for human beings as shown in GW’s post above at 0845.
Not too long now before open warfare begins. I hope all here are taking appropriate precautions.
Stew -Unreal. Are we still in Britain?
Video from another angle, where I guess the still came from.
From my perspective, there are a number of reports from what I would regard as honest sources that there was no trouble and the police just waded in. It is something I have heard numerous times from other protests which I have at the time simply viewed as “well, you would say that”. Food for thought.
Try and reconcile the footage above with the definition of the Home Office’s, “Policing by Consent”…………
I recommend both these articles (in the Telegraph by Moore and the Spectator by O’Flynn) which give insights into Starmer’s sneakiness.
You can be sure that the UK and indeed the Labour Party itself are bottom of his (ever flexible) agenda.
Global Warming record broken in Northern Ireland
and BBC actually own up.
..AFAIK local weather is mostly driven by wind direction N Ireland will be well above zero tonight.
From Wikipaedia. Don’t think the bBbc mention this.
“Katesbridge is often noted in weather reports as the coldest location on the island of Ireland as well as within the United Kingdom. This is due to its’ status as a ‘frost hollow’, a low-lying location relative to its’ surroundings which allows the colder air to settle.”
‘Since records began ‘— about 10 minutes ago …. non sense isn’t it but fits the agenda – burn that diesel …..
Rickmansworth is another well known frost hollow.
Ca va bien? I trust all is well & healthy with you and Mrs OG.
Please can you advise us Old Goat on handcuff procedures by Met Police Officers. Which type of cuffs are used when and whether the arrested is cuffed in front or behind back, etc..
We are as well as can be expected, thank you!
I left the job 37 years ago. Back then so far as I remember there was only one standard type of handcuff in general use, and the preference was to apply with arms behind the back, or to attach the villain to another officer, or to something immovable. The plastic strips were introduced late in my career. We were not allowed to handcuff women. That has all changed, now.
37! 86, 87, 88 plus formidable! Sorry I had forgotten how long as I think you may have told us all a while back.
37! 86, 87, 88 plus formidable! Sorry I had forgotten how long as I think you may have told us all a while back.
I hope the Mistrale is not troubling you (although a bit early for it, iirc); it is sure blowing its stuff in Kent on this side of the Channel.
Up2 It’s not so long since I left the job. Handcuffing depends on the arrested person’s attitude and more importantly, the skill with which they are applied. Of course, during a violent struggle, just to get the things on in some shape or form is a bonus! If a suspect is totally compliant, he/she generally won’t be cuffed, although through bitter experience, some officers will cuff for every arrest. If compliant, but a possible risk, Front Stack is often applied, giving the suspect a bit of freedom with the arms – wee and a fag – but still secure enough to deter any silly stuff. There is also a rear stack, but most secure is rear, back to back – with the backs of both hands secured together. Apart from plain clothes officers, rigid cuffs are always used and in the case of firearms officers, or those needing to make multiple arrests, plasticuffs (big cable ties) are used. In the case of Croydon, the custody sgt will usually insist on passing a metal detecting wand over a suspect before the cuffs are released, but in this case, it seems that the extra layer of covid pre booking in, came before that procedure. I can’t imagine the lifelong effects on those that made that arrest. BTW, some media have said that intimate searches can’t be made on the street. A pat down should have detected the weapon and because he was in possession of ammunition, the law allows such a suspect to be searched inside a police van on the street.
Just add – Thanks for the info ? Is the `Force as woke as it appears to many here ? Including me . I don’t see it as ‘on my side any more ‘ – in fact I see it as ‘the other side ‘….
Understandable comment Fed. Sadly, I wouldn’t argue with you as far as the organisation is concerned. Most cops wouldn’t either. Never mind Parliament’s unconscious bias training – I was subjected to it when I started in the 90’s. Cops are terrified of being jailed for words or actions that used to be seen as common sense policing. There is a saying: “The job’s F****d” and it really is. As for that knee-taking nonsense, I was as appalled as the rest of you.
Just add – thank you for that and doing your time . I bet you are pleased to be out and have a good retirement . I suppose once Labour got hold of the police force decline was bound to happen .
The Tories have been too scared to do anything either – see current bag of wind
The response to the murder of a custody sergeant seems to be muted – but I may be wrong as I filter a lot of MSM out due to its political stance –
I wince when The PM rants about an extra 20 000 cops as that would not be nearly enough to make any tangible improvement – but then again do I want another 20000 wokes ?
Just add –
If you are new to the site any criticism or improvement suggestions would be gratefully received – you may know I’m a volunteer ‘moderator ‘ and there isn’t much to be done about the IT – but I always look for easy improvements ….
Thanks Fed. Yes, The Blair years have so very much to answer for. Current bag of wind a good description. I imagine he has let a lot of those that foolishly believed in him, down, but with no choice to watch the horror of his term unfold.
Like you, my MSM filter is very fine these days. Don’t you ever hanker after the days when we cared little about what is supposedly going on around the world and paid scant heed to what was written and broadcast.
I dimly remember having much more pleasurable things to do and think about!
Re the supposed 20,000 extra cops, little evidence of their presence will be detected. Too busy stuck in classrooms carrying out mandatory race/gender training and being forced to attend Mosques for re-education…
I have followed this site for some time and visit it regularly to reassure myself that there are others that think like I do. I like the fact that it isn’t some rabid forum and enjoy the common sense. I also like that when comments do become rabid or spring from unchecked sources, they are challenged. So, please do keep up the good work.
Just add
Thank you – I find the situation very sad but fall back on my personal adage the “nothing stays the same “ and have an irrational level of hope that we will win our little battle which is just one small bit of the changes needed to reverse decline .
My only regret about this site is a bit of a lack of ‘contrary ‘ views – but anyone who sees the BBC as fair reasonable and unbiased would be washed away by the huge amount of evidence recorded here daily of what an evil monster the BBC has become .
Yes, Maxincony has a heavy burden of responsibility to bear.
Thanks, Jaa, that’s helpful in helping us understand what might have happened. Sounds like cuffed one hand to opposite ankle and the same for other wrist and ankle might have been a good idea. In the stress of the job, and in the early hours of the morning, with – I guess – the arrested one complaining about his human rights and so on, ie. ‘mouthing off’, everyone assumed someone else had done the ‘pat down’.
We’re sad for the loss but aggrieved at what London has become.
Welcome Up2. Of course, we will never really know what happened, but it’s familiar ground.
Fox news
I think he might be surprised at the overwhelming support he will get.
President Trump choosing a Catholic as nominee for the Supreme Court – will split the Catholic vote which upto now might be affiliated to Biden – raised as an RC but happy to allow unborn babies to be killed ….
I wonder if any other lefty judges are due to pop their clogs ? I suppose the funeral of the dead one is this week – they’ll roll out Obama and keep Biden in his box – reckon we might see a few celebs crawl out as well as part of the funeral fest – get yer popcorn ready ….
Fed, in 2016, Ohio & Florida, iirc, with two predominantly RC populations, one German, the other Cuban, both went to Trump.
I would like Trump to win big, only because I think America might tear itself apart otherwise. It would be great if Illinois and Wisconsin went to the President, too. Maybe the usual Democrat voters in those States might remember their candidates sleepy response to the riots and might instead choose the Law and Order candidate and vote for the President.
I suppose the Kennedy catholics will stick with joey Biden how ever demented he is – despite a devout RC in the court . It will be best for all if there is a clear cut outcome for the election –
I’m sure it will be made an electoral mess but a clear trump vote might reduce the coming blood shed
The Sunday prog this a.m., Fed, suggested that Amy Coney Barrett was part of a happy clappy Pentecostal group that is largely made up of RCs but not exclusively so.
Up2 – well that’s even better news if the Christian Right can feel represented and not just the left footers ( like me – banned from religious observance because of House Arrest) …..
The current circumstances provides a laboratory to test how far a government can get the population to comply through fear …
And how they can be manipulated into obedience through blackmail such as ‘save the NHS’. The stats are also manipulated to meet requirements . I don’t think the true number of people who are dying because of fear of hospitals or refusal to treat certain illnesses – will be known .
Elsewhere – The sheer ineptitude of planning is quite breathtaking – such as the 2200 lockout putting thousands into streets at the same time – makes one wonder what mad – badly thought out – policy is coming next .
Just an aside – things must be pretty bad for a crowd to chant against the BBC as happened in traf square on Saturday – I mean – protesting against a broadcaster ?
Retired police officer Norman Brennan says there is “a narrative in Britain where a certain section of the community have gone mad” and are “holding the police to ransom.”
Have to admire the choices presented.
I have a pay as you go mobile phone service with Virgin Mobile. A month ago they sent me a new sim card saying they were updating their network and were replacing the old sim cards that won’t work on their updated network. For some reason my old mobile phone wouldn’t accept the unlock number they sent me and they told me my mobile phone must be too old to accept the new sim card so they sent me a cheap basic mobile phone that would accept the new sim card.
So I received the new mobile phone yesterday and popped in the sim card and it seems to work fine – I can make phone calls.
I received a first text message this morning. It was from the UK government telling me I need to download a Covid-19 app. I have no intention of doing so even if I knew how to download it using this mobile phone.
It got me thinking how easy it is to monitor and keep tabs on a population. It also got me thinking how the government could see that the BBC could be a benefit to them – because the BBC are now a big campaigner for “change” – and one of those changes is for a more authoritarian (Orwellian) society where everyone is shamed or persecuted into compliance to the new order.
Bet American Beauty has offered the squad bonusses.
Moore here shaping up most excellently as is ACB there.
QT is going to have Champion Ash, Ben Bradshaw, James Purnell and Dawn Butler.
Venue… somewhere in Islington.
Guest – have you made that up ? But nothing surprises ….. ????
Clive Lewis was overheard telling Paul Mason he too was in negotiations.
Sources close to the bbc might have inferred.
ITBB editors and posters as ever in valuable complement.
The Coronavirus and T-Cell Immunity
I’d never heard of t-cells before seeing this video. How is it apparently neither the Government nor the Brainwashing Corporation have seen fit to mention them?
Bill gets going at 0:55, Dr Scott Atlas’ interview at 2:21.
Groper gets in MotoGob.
Nods along.
And speaking of the tired and emotional old guard…
0046 … a few drinks taken perhaps – must be minor concern at sky that any advertising revenue sky news gets could be heading to GB News in 2021 ….
Lewis Goodhall likes it. Bless.
Does not look deranged at all.
Quick all staff memo… sorted.
Money in the bank.
I’m very cross with the BBC, because they haven’t followed up on the gutter press printing stories about the senior partner of ‘Ginge and Minge’ wanting to become President of the US!
Where is little Jon Sopel when you need him? Where is Katrionier Koye?
We pay for these failures in reporting, but all we get is quotes from a useless, lazy Bazza O’Bimma and his foreign wife!
Surely little J and K could get off their bums and go and do some reporting – after all, the nation mourns the loss of Ginge and Minge to the extent that there’ll be a knee-bending ceremony nearer Christmas, with all sorts of people like David Miliband asking for more money!
Phew, Scrobie, Sparkles up against AOC and Kamala Harris. That could be a cat-fight worth watching at the DNC Primaries in 2023!
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – The BBC love a good Parliamentary rebellion ….
….. except when it is in favour of Brexit and a No Deal Brexit at that. This lunchtime Mark Mardell disinterred John Bercow to pontificate on Parliamentary rebellions and he duly obliged. John Bercow is on the side of the rebels this time.
Previously, on the BBC, he was on the side of the Establishment Remainers. It was plain that John Bercow does not like the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. The feeling may be mutual.
Funny thing, in all of this Mark Mardell did not interrupt or cut Bercow short. He also did not ask whether it was wise ‘to go against the scientific advice’. That of course, will be the challenge or complaint that the BBC will put to Matt Hancock or whoever draws the short straw for a TOADY appearance.
Funny that.
How could you cut Bercow any shorter than he already is ?
Mike decrying the deployment of fogies at the BBC is quite special.
First there’s Dr. Jen from the Cloisters getting upset that political futures are not decided by the wishes of dead geriatrics, now…
Lots of responses from people who were there.
The police marched in heavy handed at 3:07:20