Midweek Thread 30 September 2020

The First US Election Debate. How Biased will the Democrat supporting BBC in reporting it and telling the British Licence Tax payer what to think?

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498 Responses to Midweek Thread 30 September 2020

  1. Guest Who says:

    Laura sez ‘Leave it to Lurch’.


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      One of the the most important questions Joe Biden refused to answer was whether or not as President he would pack the Supreme Court of the United States with Democratic appointed Justices.

      His running mate Kamala Harris said she would expand the number of Justices from nine to as many as was needed in order to take control of the Supreme Court to enable her to have the power to begin to make permanent changes at a structural and institutional level of the united states including the constitution.

      Another important question that was not answered was the issue of mounting evidence of fraud with regard the handling of postal ballots in Democrat run states that are swing states (“marginals”) in the Presidential election.


      • Rich says:


        Have a look at Project Veritas – Ilhan Omar, if you haven’t already, for an investigation into and what appears to be evidence of ballot-harvesting on an industrial scale amongst the Somalian community in Minnesota.

        “Import the Third World become the Third World” rings true.


      • Guest Who says:

        Answers to all such questions would play poorly.

        Hence the entire BBC ‘news’ operation churning out ‘orange man’ and saintly man were white and old and nasty.

        I am no financial whiz, but given the bombshell squib of a few days ago, this story has slid off the table now the job was done.


        I used to rely on media to know, or bring in impartial experts to clarify political potshots.

        Now the BBC cut and pastes Dem #prasnews


    • StewGreen says:

      Catchup links to previous thread
      page 3 started 10am Tuesday … some people were still posting there on Wednesday so you might have missed those posts
      .. page 2
      Anyone got 50 browser tabs open ?
      There is a lot happening, these days ..I never get round to reading all the posts here.


  2. Guest Who says:

    Al goes all Chinese.

    Could it be (bit of bbc #quesionasaheadline there) some BBC vets reckon Gaz has not helped the case for the tvl?


    • Fedup2 says:

      So tim only wants lefties working for the BBC who are clever enough not to express their biased views on a public forum – or retire and then vent their true views .

      Unfortunately for Tim the daily output shows people the biased BBC view now without much pretence at objectivity or ‘two sides of an argument ‘.

      I’ve been musing during my house arrest about what is missing . The answer is – debate . There isn’t any . There is just positional box ticking and point scoring in short sound bites – eg QT – whereas the kind of debate I am looking to is sometimes found on YouTube with the likes of David Starkey eviscerating some kidult loud lefty over the course of 5 minutes . That is missing . Now the weather from tamas shaftyournaked


  3. Scroblene says:

    My apologies for doing this again, I was on the previous post which finished a nano-second after I’d posted it!

    Sleepless in Kent – again, I happened to listen to the whole ‘debate’ on R5 Dead…

    The highlight of the 90 minutes actually happened before they got to the podium (podia?) when Dotun took a call from a lady in Maine. She said that people she knew and many others, had already made up their minds on who was voting for whom, and that they would still be watching ‘for entertainment’.

    And that’s what it all was really. Biden did make some valid points but these were dismissed because all he did was spout the usual sort of stuff any politicians do, rather like the Liberal Democrats do here, and left himself wide open for an assault by President Trump.

    Now, if that is debate, then it’s not that famous, just a bruising match, and if any country needs a bruiser, then the US does in my opinion. They don’t deserve someone who is a passive, obsequious politician, who is unwilling to dish out a few clops when needed.

    I can’t be arsed to listen to what the BBC say today, they’ll crow and squeal all sorts of rubbish as usual. We have the chimney sweep coming later, and I have to find all the dust sheets, and also pop a beer in the fridge for lunchtime. I must also top up the decanter for Senora O’Blene, so we can have our usual post-lunchtime chat about important issues!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Scrob – thank you for reposting – I saw the entry on the previous page but had only just woke ? Up to put the new thread up . As a closet anorak I’ve taped the debate and will watch it later once I’ve got me popcorn .

      I’m guessing they didn’t give Biden a blood test …..


      • Scroblene says:

        Ha ha ha, Fed!

        He was just an old uncle, trying to get voted onto the Parish Council for the second time, and The Donald just flayed him at every turn!

        It may not be all that democratic, but as I mentioned earlier, who needs a dynasty mob like the Clintons, cheating the public at every turn, or a soft old sod like Biden, who’s really a wrinkly version of Dan Quayle – remember him…?

        I reckon that our Boris is not as well as he’s made out to be, as he’d run riot in a situation like this over here, and we’d liken him to The Donald for feistiness, but he’s just not fit enough, poor bloke.

        The next ‘debate’ is between the next Democrat hopeful, and Mike Pence. She will want Michelle Bamalam as her deputy – mark my words!


        • Fedup2 says:

          Scrob – I don’t think Mr Johnson is well – and certainly isn’t on top of his brief . Wrong character in thr wrong job at the wrong time but will not be replaced .
          Luckily they are just buying their way out of covid and kicking the cost down the road .

          As for the presidential debate – they managed to get the meds into Joe and mr trump kept on calling his a ‘socialist ‘ which I think for many Americans is the worst term of abuse.

          Personally I like to hear mr trump being non political and his asides – are still as spiky as ever . I think he ll be using ‘socialist ‘again next time .

          Certainly mr Biden – after all those years of politicking – didn’t come across as ‘presidential’ ….. in the MSM approved way …


  4. taffman says:

    “Ascension Island: Priti Patel considered outpost for UK asylum centre location”

    More tough talk but I am afraid that there will be little action. There must be a lot of cruise ships lying dormant about that could be used instead or 4 star hotels?


    • taffman says:

      \\”A Home Office source said ministers were looking at “every option that can stop small boat crossings and fix the asylum system”.//
      \\”The UK has a long and proud history of offering refuge to those who need protection. Tens of thousands of people have rebuilt their lives in the UK and we will continue to provide safe and legal routes in the future.//
      What has taken so long ? It has been going on for years ?
      They have been coming in from France , hardly a place to seek asylum from ?
      Promises , promises promises, that’s our so called Tory government. What is it with them , they are trying to stuff this small country with more and more people ?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Strange how we don’t hear of collective French national Shame that their country is so bad that thousands of poor innocent asylum seekers fleeing this and escaping that desperately throw them selves into the sea ….


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      When you think about it, opening an Army barracks to house these poor asylum seekers fleeing from the repressive failed state of France, you will fill the barracks within 2 days and will have to find more barracks to open.

      It won’t be long (or is it the case already) that we have more of these asylum seekers than squaddies in the Army.


    • boohanna says:

      There are four star cruise ships too……

      Even five (red).


    • theisland says:

      Ascension Island, or similar, IS the way to go.
      Send all their ‘supporters’ with them.


  5. AsISeeIt says:

    Some have been saying it for weeks and months, let’s call time on this Chinese Flu scare.

    This poster asked of readers hereabouts whether they knew of anyone who had died of covid then asked how about anyone who had died of cancer? – so write to your MP!

    Could even some of our lily-livered covid-compliant print press be on the verge of a tipping point?

    Reason enough in the Mail: ‘A MILLION women miss vital breast screening. Revealed huge lockdown backlog means thousands could have undetected cancer’

    The ‘i’ puts a number on this unknown: ‘More than 8,000 could be living with cancer after mammograms were put on hold during Covid crisis’

    Your mother? Your wife?

    It’s a genuinely frightening figure for women which tends to put into perspective the Times headline which still suffers from the Man Flu and attempts to justify the recent restrictions: ‘Record rate of infection puts Britain on red alert, 7,000 new cases, virus hits highest daily level.’

    I’ll swap you an ‘infection’ after a dodgy swab test for cancer anyday of the week.

    The Guardian is still a staunch covid supporter, this morning bringing us Corbyn-supporting author of books for kids Michael Rosen: ‘All my certainty is gone. On surviving covid’ – He’s aged 74 (nicely beyond his traditional three score and ten, by the way) has indeed ‘survived’ and is still apparently alive and kicking and a thriving Guardianista.

    Meanwhile the Guardian would have us fret about the plants: ‘Two in five plant species face threat of extinction’ – is this a shot across the bows for vegetarians we wonder?

    It gets about as much traction on our newspaper front pages as the border wars between China and India, Greece and Turkey or between Armenia and Azerbaijan but our friend Angela Merkel is mired in scandal. The FT notices: ‘A German inquiry into why Angela Merkel lobbied for the payments group [Wirecard] after doubts were raised is likely to cast a shadow on her final months in office’

    The BBC’s line up of newspapers prioritises three titles with bungling Boris headlines and then a fourth pushing the Chinese Flu scare. Then those papers raising the cancer issue are relegated to lesser positions. All completely randomly arranged of course.

    ‘Sozzled old cads are going out of fashion’ warns the Times (not apropos the PM) but English words our under 30-year-olds no longer understand.

    Katy Balls (editor of the Spectator) turns up in the ‘i’ professing the notion: ‘Tories are spoiling for a culture war’ – believe it when you see it.

    The Express tosses conservatives a little red meat and would have us believe: ‘Priti: We’ll deport the grooming gangs’ – don’t hold your breath…

    The FT reveals: ‘Patel weighed plans to ship asylum seekers to islands in south Atlantic’ – and clearly bottled out of the idea.

    There’s a paw-city of laughs in the mainstream but the tabloid Star throws us a bone – being top dog for the “and finally” spot claiming to be: ‘Guest edited by the editor’s dog Charlie. He may well do a better job. But he’s being fur-loughed from tomorrow’


  6. Fedup2 says:

    It’s so dumb and has echoes of the Nazi plan to send Jews to ‘Madagascar’….. but I suppose CCHQ decided to leak it to pretend they were actually going to do something other than hand out hand outs and the electronic key to a room in a Hilton …- make sure they’ve got the free WiFi code after last time ….


  7. Guest Who says:

    #bbcquote from BS.

    I wonder who she thought won?


  8. Guest Who says:

    BBC local radio

    Did you watch the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

    In a duel disrupted by angry shouting and name calling, they fought over the pandemic, violence at protests, the economy and even their families!


    The bbc is broken.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    As predicted the Croydon cop killing has now been safely ‘buried ‘ – there’ll be an ‘all in it together ‘ theme for the coming funeral with politicians getting credits for turning up and saying the usual stuff they don’t believe including tributes from police supporters ranging from Diane Abbot to Dawn Butler ….

    But editors will be after the prized picture of a pretty young WPC wiping the tears away …… been here before and will be again .


  10. Fedup2 says:

    The other thing I’ve been musing over is ‘how long can the current restrictions continue ‘ ? As in 1. Public compliance 2. Ability of the country to pay for it ?

    Another year ? 2 years ? Or if there is no effective vaccine or the virus persists in its current form . I’d guess those are the kind of questions the government doesn’t want to think about yet alone plan for – which – after all – they have experience of .

    Blighty always had a reputation for planning and achieving whereas other inferior nations just panicked . It looks like that british characteristic has been bred out …


  11. Foscari says:

    You can call me a masochist ,but I’ve just been watching that
    boring politically correct Dan Walker interviewing Spitting
    Image creator Roger Law about the return of the satirical puppet
    Walker was squirming as he told Law that times had changed
    and didn’t he have to be careful. He was almost gulping as
    he said this , as he feared what Law might say.
    It appeared to me that Law knows that there is a new
    law so far as satire is concerned . And it’s called wokeness . Perfectly presented by Walker day after day.As I reiterate maybe I am just a masochist for watching Walker and the rest of them for their woke diatribe.One of us should take a walk. But
    Walker need not of worried.Law has grown up and real
    satire is a thing of the past. He told us that Michelle Obama
    is the most popular women in the USA. And the pain went out
    of Walkers face.No I am afraid you wont be seeing , a black drugs czar puppet stabbing a rival “brother” whilst wearing a BLM tee- shirt.
    Now that’s satire.


    • taffman says:

      “wearing a BLM tee-shirt.”
      Don’t start , what next, Black Letter boxes ?


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        taffman- I gather there are going to be four black letter boxes, one for Lenny, one for Shirley B, and I can’t remember the others now. One in each capital.


        • Guest Who says:

          They are celebrating BAME, apparently.

          The one I saw suggests mainly from Ethiopia rather than anywhere else.

          The AME bunch were an afterthought. Apparently.


    • Nodding Dog says:

      Saw an advert for the new Spitting Image on Youtube.A clip of Boris and Donald that wasn’t particularly funny and then making fun of the pope complete with a mitre that lights up I wonder if other religious figures will be featured?

      There was one bit that made me laugh though when a baddy white man on a moped stole a phone from a black woman then another bad white man (somebody we were supposed to know) nicks the moped riders wallet a great bit of comic irony!


      • TrickCyclist says:

        Nodding Dog,
        Just watched it thanks to your post.
        The “data thief” in the moped bit is meant to be Zuckerberg and the “money thief” Bezos?
        I think I’ll stick to repeats of Porridge and Open All Hours.


  12. taffman says:

    \\Manchester Arena Inquiry: Bomb plotters ‘still at large’//
    The first duty of our Home Secretary is the protection of the people of these islands
    More and more “unknowns” landing on our shores is putting a strain on our heavily stretched security services.
    More “lessons to be learned”.


    • Sluff says:

      What’s the betting that after months of enquiry and £ millions spent there will be 27 new requirements for the public entering arenas plus £ billions more on improved security service protocols……..and absolutely nothing on unfettered unchecked mass LeftMob immigration.


  13. tarien says:

    If the Democrats won the Presidential Election, then really God help us all-Europe will quickly find itself as an offshoot of Russia, Communism will rule throughout-China will mop up the industries that Japan don’t want, and the door will open wide for the continued invasion of peoples from all over Africa and the Indain Sub continent. The UK’s population will quickly reach 80 million with devastating affects across our green and once pleasant land-No longer ‘Land of hope and glory’. Some may not credit what I have said, but believe me that is only half of what will come over us all. Women have been fighting to have their voices heard and rightly so, but they should consider that they have what they and only they can do and that is to produce children, something the Muslims know full well. White women get yoursleves breeding fast or else.


  14. Doublethinker says:

    The Times , a globalist rag, is strongly anti Trump , the Telegraph is more moderately anti Trump. But the fascinating thing this morning is not what the journalists of each paper wrote about the Presidential debate , it was all predictable, but what the readers have posted over night. The Times readership is claiming victory for Biden by about 4:1 , mostly on the grounds that they don’t like , even hate , Trump ! (I think if Biden had been struck dumb after a couple of minutes they would still have awarded the bout to him)
    The Telegraph readership is going the opposite way with Trump winning by something like the same margin. But none of them seem to loath Biden in the same way that many Times readers loath Trump.
    Why do so many Times readers loath the President who has done nothing that harms the UK in any way, just the opposite in fact? It must be that they have become Woke . Many of the Trump haters are Trump haters because it is so fashionable to be one amongst their circle, a sort of peer group pressure to hate Trump to show your Wokeness. They don’t , perhaps they are incapable of, thinking where their workery will lead in the next ten years, see Tarien above for some pointers. They may read the Times but that don’t mean that they ain’t dumb!!


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      DT – Times are a leftist outfit. Wouldn’t ever buy one. Don’t ever look at their site. Pretty close to Gruniad, now.


      • Doublethinker says:

        I don’t think it is leftist but it is certainly globalist and very heavily so. Liberalism ( in the modern sense of the word) , leftist and global all share many things in common but I think for different reasons. International capitalism has morphed into Globalism which is logical as the super rich who once made their money in a single or only a few countries now make their loot world wide and so they support the supra national organisations which make this as easy as possible , eg the UN , IMF etc, and want them to hold sway over national organisations. The unfortunate consequence of this for ordinary westerners is that the billionaires have no longer any interest in keeping jobs in developed world.
        The left see many attractive elements in globalism with mass migration the key to undermining the old order and giving them the chance to build socialism.
        The liberals are living in cloud cuckoo land as usual and are deluded if they think a society comprised many different religions and ethnicities will be peaceful and prosperous.

        None of three members of this unholy alliance seems to have a plan to deal with Islamic expansionism.

        Populists on the other hand, led by Trump do have a plan, stop globalism , stop immigration and Islamification, put the nation state above the supranational bodies and keep jobs for ordinary voters. If democracy is given a chance it is clear who will win if , and it’s a big if, there is enough time left.


        • JimS says:

          ” If democracy is given a chance it is clear who will win if , and it’s a big if, there is enough time left.”

          Democracy can only work if there is a demos, a people. If we are ‘all’ Christians then we can have a friendly debate as to how many days to have off for an Easter holiday. If half of ‘us’ are Muslim then the debate might be as to whether Easter is celebrated at all.

          Multiculturalism fractures a country and the best that ‘democracy’ can then manage is majority rule. In a monocultural country the losers are just mildly disappointed; in a multicultural country the losers can be violently opposed.


          • Doublethinker says:

            Exactly , which is why I am worried that there may not enough time left for democracy to right the ship.


    • Dobyns says:


      I have several American friends who are Biden supporters. When asked to explain their support without saying something negative about Trump they are left speechless. They cannot articulate even one of Biden’s policies which draw their support.


    • Banania says:

      They may read the Times but that don’t mean that they ain’t dumb!!</i
      Why "but"?


  15. taffman says:

    “Hydrogen-powered train makes UK maiden”
    This nation needs more students in engineering and sciences and less studying “meeja”, politics arts and drama .
    We need more like this lot ………


    • JimS says:

      Will they be using the electricity, that we haven’t enough of to fuel our cars and heat our homes, to make hydrogen, to make electricity, to fuel the trains?

      If only there was some way of making most of the population poorer so that they would consume and travel less. Even better if the population could be replaced by a people with a lower expectation of lower needs, but where could we possible get them from?

      Perhaps if I took my private jet over to Davos, Branson’s island or Bill Gates’ pad I could get some answers?


  16. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    Hi, I have a few questions. Looking over the BBC website the BBC have made a huge play over the PM Boris Johnson giving “confusing” advice to the “North-East” regarding coronavirus. Story after story focuses on this confusion with numerous interviews with people saying they were very confused.

    I have a few questions to ask:
    1) Was this really a “confusion”?
    2) If it was a confused message was it quickly corrected?
    3) Could the BBC have just focused on the corrected message – as a public information broadcaster to the British people?

    If the answer to question 3 is yes:
    4) Would this be another example of the BBC pushing its own political agenda and NOT acting as a public information broadcaster? The BBC’s focus seemed to be one of pushing and promoting the confusion rather than ending the confusion.


    • Guest Who says:

      A quick gander at Toenails’ twitter feed answers all.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      The bbc pushing the draconian lock down again, here painting a picture of the locals seemingly happy to be bullied, locked up pushed around etc, just a little confused at how best to please their tormentors.


  17. Sluff says:

    Not wholly biased BBC but partially so.

    Have been watching the BBC2 doc into the Harold Shipman case.
    The pre-amble frames the doc in part as to raising questions about how we treat old people in general.
    Family members of those murdered and the general public repeatedly mention how nice Shipman was, how they could believe someone like that could do such a thing.

    What the BBC programme fails to countenance is glaringly obvious.
    a. The above public testimony again shows the success of the then 50, now 70 years of brainwashing about how wonderful the NHS is. Remember he was a GP.
    b. The total lack of NHS oversight and accountability regarding GPs at the time.

    Fast forward 20 years and the NHS failings and yet continued almost unqualified support of them continues. Shrewsbury, Mid Staffs, Bristol, Maidstone, and more recently the focus on ‘saving the NHS’ in the pandemic, while screening programmes and other services go to rat-s***.

    But sad to say, even on this esteemed and inquisitive website, even here it is noticeable that NHS critique yields fewer supportive votes than say Brexit or Channel boat traffic.

    Boy, do we have an uphill struggle to get a truly world class healthcare system in this country.


  18. G.W.F. says:

    Lineacre still banging away in the BBC’s anti Trump campaign and is called out.


    • Guest Who says:

      He guesting on Americast with BS yet?


      • JimS says:

        Maybe it only takes two and a half seconds to give the right answer?

        Yes Minister!‘s Sir Humphrey could take more than two and a half minutes just to avoid saying ‘No’.


    • Guest Who says:

      Gaz going the tax route and forgets association can backfire.

      Meanwhile whoever writes Biden’s tweets must be a Republican.


    • tarien says:

      A small piece of sense that came my way from a family friend who lives in the USA. :
      ‘America does need to see the tax return of a billionaire who became a public servant. America needs to see the tax returns of public servants who became billionaires while being public servants.’
      That’s about right don’t you think?


  19. Guest Who says:

    Katty not saying anything, but actually saying it equally.


    • Van Helsing says:

      Katty’s punctuation Is as flawed as her judgement.


    • theleftwilleatitself says:

      I personally see absolutely no reason for Katty to include the word white into that sentence above other than to demean elderly white men! ????????


  20. s.trubble says:

    I tuned in R4 briefly this morning and being out of luck I pulled out a plum , Empty Suit Sopel.
    It was fortunately a brief summary of the US presidential debate.

    This fella has suffered from being labelled ” another beauty”
    to the point where he has clearly taken it personally.

    He was surely born for the role of the Ticket Inspector on either trains or buses or football ground turnstiles.


  21. Rich says:

    I don’t know what connects “first British black man” Sir Lenny to Northern Ireland.


    Did he once do an impression of John Cole?

    Still, very relevant to the 0.2 % (generously around 4000) people in the province who are black I’m sure.

    What next? A yellow one of Burt Kwouk for the twice as many Chinese?


    • TrickCyclist says:

      That link tells us that Royal Mail’s head of diversity and inclusion is one Peter de Norville, who a quick search reveals is Director of Global Diversity and Inclusion at enei, The Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion.
      Oh, crap. Look at all that mind-freezing repetition I just typed.
      An integral part of brainwashing techniques!


      • Concrete sea says:

        Peter de Norville – ‘Chase me’ (Oh sorry my mistake that was Duncan Norville). Another person occupying a totally meaningless , non-productive and worthless position. So many companies and organisations seem to have a person or several persons/departments devoted to Diversity and Inclusion.
        Perhaps Royal mail could concentrate on delivering things in what must be a shrinking market.
        One wonders why only 4 postboxes. That’s a bit of an insult. Still think of all the planning and expense that went into this operation. Discussions, meetings, painting, liasion with other parties, such as Sir Lenny.
        What is also interesting is why Royal Mail or whoever decided that one of those who was honoured was black. ‘Footballer Walter Tull, who became the first black player to sign for Rangers.’ was half black and half white. He died in 1918. Did they dig him up and ask him ?
        It seems to me that no one these days is prepared to call themselves ‘mixed race’. I might as well say I once shook hands with a Chinese man so I consider myself part Asian. (Note this was not Burt Kwouk and perhaps sensibly no postboxes dedicated to him as I fear Cato may be hiding inside, ready to pounce)
        Morgan Freeman once questioned why Black history was relegated to just one month. Why not celebrate all history all the time. Asked how we are going to stop racism he said “Stop talking about it. I’m going to stop calling you a white man and you stop calling me a black man”. (although here I am talking about it) Ahead of his time I feel.


        • TrickCyclist says:

          Part Asian because you shook hands with a Chinese? It’s surely as valid as Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren’s claim to tribal heritage.
          Didn’t Irish humourist Flann O’Brien write about a policeman who knew a man who was nearly half a bicycle because of atomic theory?


  22. s.trubble says:

    Anyone else think this Lineker could become one of the first victims of Tim Davis new deflector shields…as they round the wagons to defend the hated Licence Tax?


    • Foscari says:

      Why shouldn’t they replace him trubble? There are a plethora
      of ethnic male pundits and any amount of women sports
      presenters from the Irish Republic with strong brogues to
      replace the potato man. The BBC could really take the piss
      by having one of the Republic women as the presenter and
      Jamie Carragher as one of the pundits. And then most of
      us would not understand a single word they are saying . Which
      could be a good thing. The only problem is that I don’t
      think any of the Eire ladies are ethnic and Jamie boy is Caucasian.


    • Guest Who says:

      A possibility.

      A few sacrificial goats whose bank balances have been pre loaded to take one for the team.


  23. Jeff says:

    Well, if you needed any more proof that our action on Covid is utter lunacy, look no further than our own prime minister yesterday.

    All this hogwash about wearing a facemask and social distancing and he’s doing neither. Look, I don’t criticise him for that, neither am I. But I am aghast that he’s so stupid he’s doing so in front of a salivating media. And I’m really ticked off that he’s willing to have me heavily fined for meeting friends and family while he’s quite blatantly not abiding by the, oh so important, rules he’s imposed on the rest of us. It’s clearly a case of do as I say, not as I do….
    The whole thing is bloody hogwash.

    And now we learn, that due to our response to the Chinese flu, up to one million women have missed out on crucial breast screening. This is an appalling scandal. Our over reaction is insane. It’s like going to the doctor with a slightly painful ingrowing toenail and having your leg amputated. “There you go” says the doc’ “Cured!”

    Thanks doc’…


  24. Roland Deschain says:

    We’re all going to die. More apocalypse porn from the BBC.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Roland Deschain

      No problem, the environment can be saved because people have been trained to obey government behaviourists over the Kung Flu and will be prepared to sacrifice their freedoms, holidays, and basic needs when ordered.
      Boris is a bungling fool, but others see the steps obtained to fight the pandemic as a prelude to more.

      “[The UN Sec. Gen. said] the pandemic could create an opportunity to rebuild the global economy along more sustainable lines.” – UN Secretary-General António Guterres as reported by Scientific American

      “If we can shut the world down to stop a virus, that also means it is possible to do the same for climate change. Treat all emergencies like emergencies!” – “What would it look like when the world actually decides to take on the climate crisis? It would look like what we’re seeing right now.” – Teen activist JAMIE MARGOLIN in Teen Vogue magazine Op-Ed

      COVID-19 “offers an opportunity to direct finances towards bolstering climate action.” – “Similarly, we will step up our efforts to catalyze green investment to relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories.” – United Nation’s Green Climate Fund

      “Let’s not let this crisis go to waste.” Coronavirus offers “a chance to do capitalism differently.” “Government has the upper hand, it must seize the moment.” – Prof. Mariana Mazzucato of University College London in UK Guardian

      “Already, the coronavirus has achieved something that government policies and moral awakening couldn’t: it is pushing us into green living…we’ll look back on December 2019 as the all-time peak in global carbon emissions…Governments need to make good use of the current pandemic.” – Simon Kuper – FT (Financial Times) Magazine columnist

      “The similarities between the causes of and solutions to the coronavirus and the climate crisis are nothing short of eerie.” — Mark Hertsgaard (Covering Climate) & Kyle Pope, editor in chief of the Columbia Journalism Review.


  25. Halifax says:

    Relax everyone the next Presidential debate will see Trump being quiet with clipped response….let Biden do all the talking he will fall over …..he was struggling memory wise last night and was getting confused with words…..


  26. StewGreen says:

    Tim Harford on Radio4 More or Less
    ‘That Trump he said on Fox News in September that “only 6% of the people ACTUALLY DIED from Covid” … he got that from a FAR RIGHT news-site the Gateway Pundit.’
    … hang on that sounds like a reference to WITHOUT UNDERLYING health conditions.
    .. and in a roundabout way this is what they said , they jumped into talking about co-morbidities
    .. but it is a bit more than that
    US death certificates tend to list the last thing as the main cause of death
    eg if your kidneys fail after you have been sick with Covid for 6 weeks, then kidney failure is listed as the main cause of death and Covid as the underlying.
    So that would account for additional cases not just where you had another underlying sickness from the start.
    So in all, 92% of US Covid deaths are listed with Covid as the main underlying condition.

    The prog failed to mention that really 8% should not be included in the Covid tally.

    The prog also had a hit back at people who say more densely populated countries like the UK should take less refugees
    Harford said “yeh, but , yeh ..if you look at Cumbria you’d think that it could take lots of refugees, but the thing is more densely populated areas like London are better equipped to take more refugees”

    … Hang on does London have more empty homes than some other areas of the country (though not necessarily in super touristy areas like the Lake District).


    • Dobyns says:


      In the US hospitals are paid extra for “COVID” deaths by the Federal Government, hence a profit incentive to blame the virus for deaths regardless of whether it was actually responsible or not.


  27. StewGreen says:

    Local radio news this morning
    “Trump refused to condemn WHITE SUPREMACISTS”
    … that sounds like an extraordinary claim to me

    Then when I switch on Mike Graham he said Trump did condemn white supremacists.


    • StewGreen says:

      Farage is saying that Trump should have slowed down and used more comic timing.

      and Biden had a low bar to live up to so he didn’t completely fail cos he didn’t fall asleep.


    • Guest Who says:

      Just another pan MSM set up attempt.


    • StewGreen says:

      Those that say Trump refused to condemn white supremacists, all avoid posting the video
      Wallace “Are you willing tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups”
      (note the tricky pairing .., militia groups often include both black people as well as whites)
      Trump “Sure”
      Wallace “and to say that need to stand down
      and not add to the violence at a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and we’ve seen in Portland”
      Trump “Sure I am willing to do that, but”
      Wallace plowing through the answer “.. are you prepared to specifically”
      Trump “I am willing to do that …. but someone has to do something about Antifa”

      Wallace appears to use a trick whereby you ignore the condemnation that Trump is speaking and carry on as if he didn’t condemn them
      Then Biden joins in “Do it, do it” .. WTF Trump already he did it


      • StewGreen says:

        The NYT, Washington Post and NPR all lead with a headline saying “Trump refused to denounce”
        .. That has to be a complete lie

        He said “Sure … sure I am willing to do that, ”

        ITV and Sky News try to make something of the Proud Boys angle
        Biden/Wallace “The Proud Boys”
        Trump “Proud Boys, stand back, stand by, but I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing problem.”

        Sky/ITV ‘see the word “stand by” is encouraging them’

        Such headlines are a PRIMING trick
        once people have read it
        and they then watch the video, they believe that Trump did not condemn
        even though his words clearly did.


        No media seem to be willing to put up a proper transcript
        DW has a partial one



  28. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    One part of me wishes that the American media and the BBC gets its way and Biden – Kamala Harris gets in. It seems to me that it is only a matter of time before such a toxic pairing do get into power, so perhaps it is better for it to happen now when there are still some people that have yet to be brainwashed and can resist.

    Of course it is not clear that the US can survive such a pairing nor for that matter the world.

    It would be expected that Israel would lose its support and would be attacked when the Americans won’t be there to protect it.

    Also a Biden – Kamala pairing might be considered weak and so economic power houses like China might get an opportunity to expand its economic influence and may begin to build up its military in earnest.

    I am not sure what Russia or Turkey would do either. They could begin to flex their military influence towards neighboring countries. Putin seems to have always imagined that the US and NATO pose a constant existential threat to Russia and claims to have revamped the Russian military to include autonomous nuclear powered miniature nuclear weapons that can circle the globe several times and evade detection.

    It might be very difficult for Britain because both Biden and Kamala side towards the EU and say Britain would be at the back of the queue in terms of trade. I wonder how the BBC would explain that? Perhaps they don’t care because they seem to be too busy undermining Britain themselves and keep pushing for “change”.


  29. digg says:

    Odd article in the Guardian led me to ponder how it came about.

    I can just imagine the reporter in this case trying to convince the editor to run the story as follows…

    Rep: I’d like to run with a whole page about a musician called Bob Mould!

    ED: Bob who?

    Rep: Mould! he was in the band Husker Du!

    ED: Husker who?

    Rep Then he was in the band Sugar…

    ED: Sugar?

    Rep: he’s written a new song slamming Trump!

    ED: Tell me more!

    Rep: He’s openly Gay!

    ED: Ok you got a full page go ahead…




  30. Doobster78 says:

    Jug eared smug little tosser seemingly not fussed about the BBC getting tougher on tweeting etc … top of the pile for BBC spongers i would like to see kicked into touch.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      He’s clearly challenging the BBC to take him down. Perhaps his ego is now so huge he thinks he’s untouchable.

      He may find he isn’t as untouchable as he thinks. He’s damaging the BBC who may be glad to save the salary.


      • theleftwilleatitself says:

        To be honest, I’ve not watched MOTD in 18 months now and generally watch my teams games live via the Mobdro app on my phone ????
        However if I miss the game then the highlights are in HD on YouTube within hours so stuff al beeb and stuff Jug-ears ???????? ????????


  31. Doobster78 says:

    This is bang on the money IMO. Just what we have been saying ….


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I’d like to think that’s right, but am not so sure.


      • theleftwilleatitself says:

        Republicans went from 21/20 overnight to 7/5 now with my bookies ????
        But I’m still confident ???????? ????


  32. StewGreen says:

    Statement from Sleepy Joe


  33. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Carrying on from Digg’s post just above.

    When any black musician dies we hear how great they were and about their huge contribution to music.
    Rap, garage, drill and the other names given to what is usually some right old racket.
    I think most of us will never have heard of most of these ‘musicians’

    Helen Reddy has just died, did you know that?
    I suppose that being white she doesn’t deserve the grovelling eulogies she would have received had she been black.
    I can’t say I’m a big fan of hers but at least I’ve heard of her.


  34. Doobster78 says:

    When any black musician dies we hear how great they were and about their huge contribution to music.

    Indeed, and every single one of them is always Nagga Munchettys favourite ever artist who she looked up to growing up and was her inspiration !!!!!!!!


    • BRISSLES says:

      I’ve only just become aware, with movies that have been made within the past 20 odd years, when depicting black people – particularly the young, its always the nonsensical noise of Rapp music as background, NEVER ever is it the really good stuff from the jazz / big band era, when musicians of any colour had REAL talent. Cannonball Adderly – saxophonist, Miles Davis – trumpeter, Lionel Hampton – vibes, plus all the fabulous pianists, Duke Ellington, Errol Garner, Oscar Peterson etc etc.

      I wonder how many black kids today ACTUALLY know of these musicians when swaggering along with their arses hanging out of their pants, or driving along with just a thump thump thump coming out of their music boxes.


  35. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Anybody being interviewed on the tv/radio about the virus keep mentioning the rise in infections and reeling off numbers, usually in the thousands, of cases.

    Latest I’ve heard is the mayor (or somebody like that) of Liverpool saying cases are doubling every week. (A lie although in one week the cases did double but not ‘every’ week)

    What nobody is ever asked is “how many have died of covid 19 (in their area) the last week/month” which would give a more accurate picture.

    It may have changed by now but here in Sunderland (in a sort of semi lockdown at the moment) the last person to die of covid 19 was JUNE 21 when I googled it a couple of days ago.


  36. Brainwashing British Children says:

    I don’t usually check the BBC’s Cbeebies channel for British infants (age group 0 to 6). But I did today and I came across the following:





    The BBC have absolutely no problem pushing their agenda onto British toddlers.


    • Banania says:

      The BBC manages to make me fed up with seeing black people, so they are not a good influence.


  37. The WestWyvern says:

    Rumors in the office just now via someones mobile news feed that concessions have been made by UK over fishing rights in order to ‘sweeten’ the deal with the EUSSR.

    Can anyone confirm here? Is this (as I predicted) the first stage of the blonde buffoon selling us out with regard to Brexit.

    If yes, then the end is going to come very quickly for the tories.


    • Bogtrotter says:

      It’s in the house journal – must be true.


      • Bulldog says:

        It was inevitable our so-called “negotiators” would eventually give concessions to the EU on fishing rights. 3 years is plenty of time for the Dutch and Russian owned supertrawlers plus the other European fleets to strip clean U.K. waters which could have the effect of putting many of our fishermen out of business. Our waters could then take years to become restocked. We just have to hope there are enough caveats in the final agreement to prevent any overfishing.

        HMG gives the impression they will do anything to avoid leaving on WTO rules because of all the scaremongering stories and the EU will fully exploit this fear to their own advantage, they have us over the proverbial barrel of fish!


  38. BRISSLES says:

    Last night I didn’t even believe I was in Great Britain when watching the adverts. Every one had white models in secondary roles, and Barclays had an all black cast of thousands in their promotion to get new customers, but what really took the biscuit was the Virgin Media ad which showed a black and white lesbian couple in bed !


    • Bulldog says:

      I have a Marks “Sparks” card and from mid year received regular marketing e-mails for summer clothes heavily featuring black models. I wouldn’t have had a problem if I had occasionally received some that showed just white models or even a mixture of the two colours in the same photos but they were almost exclusively black only. The final one had 2 full size photos of black models – there was one white guy but only in thumbnail size. I say final because I then unsubscribed! What percentage of Marks customers with loyalty cards are black? I decided not to formally complain to M&S to avoid the inevitable accusation of racism.

      Wonder how much longer the diversity bandwagon will keep on rolling?


      • G says:

        “Wonder how much longer the diversity bandwagon will keep on rolling?”

        I suspect that when millions of white’s become unemployed shorty even the sight of blacks everywhere, apparently working and in ads with money, it will increase hostility to another level. Cant wait there has to be some sort of showdown………..


      • LynetteO says:

        The rot set in very early on in the BBC . About 20 years ago I complained about two men in bed together on the lunchtime soap “The Doctors” as unsuitable for that time of day . ( They still had the 9 o clock watershed I think at that time) I knew I would not get a sympathetic hearing but it was something that needed to be said.

        The letter from the BBC was strongly worded accusing me of homophobia to which I wrote back saying I wouldn’t expect to see a man and a woman in bed together at that time so why should two men together be acceptable ! A reply came back that although they registered my complaint there could be no further corrrespondance on the subject.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I was browsing the net just now and came across a site which featured Black Owned Businesses only!! I was astonished. I am sure that if there was a site which featured White Owned Businesses only it would be shut down , the owners prosecuted and any business which had featured would be targeted by the mob. What the hell has got into the heads of people in this country? It is as though many folks have swallowed a pill and now believe Black is Virtue and White is Evil. It can’t be long before folks start clamouring for skin darkening medication. The world is going mad but I’m not shifting.


      • Bogtrotter says:

        Skin darkening, you say? We’ll just start with a lick of paint…


      • Lefty Wright says:

        We have a BAME LABOUR organisation which is quite legitimate and of course is in no way racist and yet I am certain that if we were to form a WHITE CONSERVATIVE organisation we would have PC Plod knocking on our doors at midnight with truncheons drawn AND I’m sure, with the full endorsement of our favorite broadcaster. It’s as though the words WHITE CONSERVATIVE were another name for SATAN. Just saying.


  39. vlad says:

    Personally I don’t think Trump did very well in the debate, but here’s a more upbeat assessment.
    Salty Cracker is a bit hyper and manic, but always entertaining.


  40. StewGreen says:

    BBC boss unable to quickly answer a simple question.


    • StewGreen says:

      However i am not going to be a popularist envious of Lineker.

      The answer is that
      #1 Everyone is free to express any legal opinion in their own time.
      #2 Media commentators like Lineker/ Clarkson /Liddle enjoy a big platform and therefore have POLITICAL influence.
      #3 Anyone’s POLITICAL views can impact the progs they work on
      if they wind up viewers.
      If Lineker disses Fulham supporters , Tories, gays, Tommy supporters that does put them off
      and thus damages the value of the BBC programme.
      Likewise Attenborough might well be diminishing the value of his BBC progs

      Andrew Neil, Farage, Lammy could all work at the BBC and tweet freely .
      Why ? cos they are their own brand they would not be using the BBC word on their profile .

      But for lower profile staff there is an issue cos the word “BBC” automatically takes them from a man on the street to someone with a huge platform.
      They are supposed to be paid to report impartially
      .. not to abuse the BBC platform to act as some kind of super activist.
      Therefore they should reign their personal opinion in.


      • BRISSLES says:

        I don’t know anyone who is a fan of Lineker, so how the hell he has 7.5 million followers on twitter ? beggars belief. Where are these people to defend him when he gets continually slated ? BBC surely realise how unpopular their MOTD man is, and isn’t it surprising that he hasn’t been ousted in favour of a person of colour ? why not ? Oh, but then Ore Oduba is busy being ‘lined up’ as replacement for a position on the morning sofa, and on the short list of another programme having a reshuffle of whitey’s, – I suppose there’s always Jay Blades.


        • StewGreen says:

          @Brissles people tweet Lineker every 15s
          That is the level of a popular youth TV progs

          TalkRadio gets a tweet every 2 minutes
          Radio4 gets one every 5 minutes

          Of those 7.5mfollowers maybe 4 or 5 million don’t like Lineker


    • Doublethinker says:

      What a useless and inept response that was. Nothing will change under his watch unless it is forced from above. Let’s get the demolition team of Dacre and Moore in post asap.


  41. StewGreen says:

    4:30pm Amol discuses “Conspiracy Theories” influence on the news

    The photo is of Q Anon



  42. Fedup2 says:

    Watching the presidential debate-

    I was thinking of the ‘beer’ test that has been used – which of those men would you go for a beer with ? The answer is Mr Trump . America needs a bruiser – not a career politician –

    But I fear which ever one gets the job there will be trouble .

    You could see that mr Biden had been heavily rehearsed and could remember a few sound bites – but when it came to stats mr Biden was shaky …. but he tried .

    I think there’s a lot in common between mr trump and mr Johnson – they both stream a line of consciousness and aren’t big on detail …..


  43. StewGreen says:

    R4 3:30pm show
    oldies have a 6% general coronavirus antibody count
    Kids have a 60%

    which is why Covid19 doesn’t affect them much


  44. fakenewswatcher says:

    Amol Rajan’s Media Show on R4 is an exclusively Democrat love-in, with various anti-Trump guests from the US. Not even the normal bbc ‘impartiality’ (3v1) with a token (usually wet) conservative, to be found here. Amol doesn’t mind 100% partisanship.
    Apparently, nor do his editors.


    • StewGreen says:

      I disagree Amol did set the biased show
      which set up the false narrative that CT are a righty thing
      whereas Guardianlalaland is full of CT I listed yesterday “it’s the Russians” etc.
      but Amol throughout tried to keep a veneer of impartiality
      expressly stating throughout they are not limited to righties
      but then at the end he asked what could be done in futuretocope with CT
      One American guest shouted “Vote Biden, Vote Biden”
      ..and Amol was really embarrassed.

      They sneered at the idea Biden would have an earpiece
      but today I have seen video apparently showing a wire showing on the line between his jacket and shirt on his right.
      And Farage said he thought Biden kept putting his sleeve to his ear and writing notes.


  45. Fedup2 says:

    Watching the documentary of Shipman . A Labour government fought against a public inquiry on the evil c—t shipman. Disgraceful – and the nature and crimes of shipman gave us a glimpse of the was the medical mafia works – and exploits the trust and affection of us punters when having to have dealings with these ‘angels ‘ ‘heroes ‘ …… not .

    Still on medical issues – if you get the flu jab each year – good luck as I can’t get one ….. there’s a run on them


  46. fakenewswatcher says:

    At least 1 farm attack in South Africa today, a mom beaten and a daughter strangled to death, in a place called Sunda, Mpumalanga. This after another week of murder and mayhem on the farms.
    South Africa Today News. As ever, SA and foreign MSM ignore this constant war, which gives a lie to the favourite ‘racism’ narrative if ever there was one. Which tells you why the black-out exists.


  47. fakenewswatcher says:

    In Germany, the Deep State is getting desperate: Sebastian Fiedler, boss of the Federation of Criminal Officers, has asked the police to denounce fellow officers in their own ranks if they suspect them of being from the ‘Right’.
    ‘compact-online’ reports that the usual terminology, ‘Far Right’ has even been scrapped in this case.
    This could be because the German government (Merkel in particular) regularly agitates in the ‘war against the Right’.
    Not so new then?
    Astonishing that the bigger partner in the ‘Grand Coalition’, the Christian Democrats are allegedly a conservative party. Give the lady her due: she has hijacked and completely perverted Germany’s biggest political party. No mean feat! Admittedly the MSM, state TV and other print media, remain huge Merkel fans.
    In fact, having announced her intention to quit soon, has resulted in a noticeable media campaign to persuade her to stay on.
    The only explanation is that this system is about as close to Totalitarian as you could imagine, while maintaining all the appearances and rituals of a democratic state. The only meaningful opposition is the AfD, which is where the socialist government sees the big threat coming from, hence the regular attacks against ‘the Right’. Fiedler mentioned the AfD, a legitimate political party, by name, in his instruction to the police.


  48. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    Doctors and carers should look out for signs of confusion or strange behaviour in frail older people because it could be an early warning sign of coronavirus, research has suggested.


    At least restricted to supposed health professionals, assuming carers does not mean hapless older kids, but this is on par with the bbc passing on medical diagnoses about kids with a sniffle possibly having Ebola.


  49. Guest Who says:

    If that coffee is not in a 123% ethically sourced bamboo cup, she is toast. As if the lager was not bad enough.


    • BRISSLES says:

      This is the level of intelligence of those who inhabit Twitter ! – Why the fff does anyone think we’re interested ??? We’ll be shown the aftermath of emptied bowels soon — or has that already been done ?


    • Sluff says:

      Nice to see Emily buys coffee from a company based in…….Luxembourg.
      Now why would you want to be headquarted in Luxembourg I wonder?
      One to save for the next time our favourite BS runs a tax avoidance story……….


  50. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news 5 mins of them plugging the new ITV book about Covid
    4 minutes of plugging ITV Pride of Britain .. which was about a Syrian refugee
    More weather