The Liberal media continues to hope for President Trump to die – without saying it – otherwise than nods and winks – the absence of real concern or even false affection is striking . Bit of a week on the way ..
Start the Week Thread 5 October 2020
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Trump has drifted to 7/5 with my bookies from around Evens, but I’m still confident ????????
Keep the faith ????????
Catchup links back to previous thread
– Page 3 started 10:20am on Sunday
– Page 2
Does anyone else have a problem posting here sometimes? Not all the time, but sometimes when I tap ‘post comment’, nothing happens. I then have to copy all, reload the page, paste and post and it works. iPad only.
Yes , only with iPads.
Debs and taffy, I’ve had same problem with two different computers that are not iPads.
That’s my first post on here today without any ‘tourist’ element to it.
The site kept crashing on me on Sunday morning
I looked at another tab whilst I writing a post
and when I came back the tab wouldn’t show up
I made a coffee and came back 10 minutes later
I clicked back and then forward and my unposted comment was still there .
Unposted comments are usually conserved even if your login in times out.
If you in the same tab login and then click back 3 or 4 times you get back to your unposted comment.
What ever .
But I say hats off to those that run this site .
We are very grateful to you, whoever you are .
Taffman – it’s a curious arrangement
Slow broadband ?
Yes, often on my iPhone or iPad nothing happens for ages, then it suddenly posts. That’s been the case for some time.
I’m never quite sure if it’s the site or my broadband playing up.
“Priti Patel pledges to fix ‘broken’ asylum system in UK”
As I posted yesterday, “promises, promises, promises “.
Totally useless Tory Party and its pledges. You should have voted for the Brexit Party. Here is another promise broken by them five years ago …………
Jaw jaw says Priti – whatever plan she has will be so watered down that you could float a dingy across it – like now ….
I think she will be is the department of administrative affairs by then – following on from Jim hacker ….
I saw this comment somewhere a few days ago regarding Priti Patel.
“The minister for strongly worded statements has just issued another strongly worded statement”
It seems to sum up Priti well.
“Met Police officer stabbed in Westminster trying to detain armed men”
Those “men” again? When are we going to stand up for our Police ?
When are the Politicly Correct Police Commissioners going to back their men against the ‘real enemy’?
We need a new government , we need a new Prime Minister .
The ordinary British People deserve much better.
Just knifey kids, officer OK
15:42hrs SW1 … On Sunday, 4 October
Two police officers witnessed two males, armed with knives, attempting to rob a grocery store.
The shopkeeper had managed to push the males out of the store and the officers then attempted to detain them.
As they challenged the males, the female officer received a stab wound to the abdomen, but continued to chase the suspects along Vauxhall Bridge Road.
The suspects, both believed to be 15 years old, were detained a short time later with the assistance of firearms officers.
The officer was taken to hospital for treatment, but has subsequently been discharged.
10pm BBC1 news, Sunday night. Jon Sopel criticised President Trump for not wearing a mask for his appearance. Neither Mishal nor Hugh Pym were wearing face masks as they appeared. Perhaps that too is worthy of comment.
Al Beeb and Sopel speak with forked tongue.
Stop paying the telly tax that robs from the poor to feed the rich.
Yes I will watch/listen to some BBC stuff
but not their news output is too psychologically disturbing.
I don’t watch it – full stop.
De-fund Al Beeb . This nation deserves better.
Yes but they are metroliberal elite , they don’t have to obey the same rules as non-metroliberals like us or Trump.
“Cineworld to shut down UK screens after Bond film delay”
Our economy has been busted by a so called Tory government.
How long is this self-inflicted harm going to go on ?
The statistics that have been published about the Covid virus appear to be completely wrong.
Billy Smart’s Circus could have done much better!
Taffman – looks like it is going well into 2021- I’ve been trying to get a flu jab and been told to come back next summer … small lie …
My iPad screen is coming off so some etters don’t ork….
Why the uck don’t you et a new ne ?
Mine is orking K?
This reminds me of a Benny Hill sketch.
Talking of Benny Hill – did he become a non person when the BBC and others went feminist and woke? Not sure whether he worked for the BBC or ITV but I heard that he became a non-person.
Thames Television, I believe, and his shows were great revenue earners for the network. Then he was dispensed with and for reasons for which are all familiar. If memory serves, he died shortly after.
Senora O’Blene has just sent fred wine all over the axdreen at thisssss, throughj laughinnnnnnnnnnng so much as her omputer as he ame problen…
When I use it early in the day, it usually works, but I’ve nevr replied with an Opod, as I have ffingers ike a lunch of remainers!
This has made ourrrr day, and we are both finding it well worth laughing att every fewwwww minuutees – we have snall ninds…
Ha ha – im hanging on to my current ipad and might try to stick the screen back on to stop it roping lette s ….
Still laughing, Fed!
Makes the world go rrround…
Stay well good chum!
Has there been a halfway decent, unwoke, intelligent film made in the last 15 years ?
No, not really, but as ‘Zulu’ hasn’t been remade, I’m not surprised…
Greyhound and Dunkirk were okay.
“Penally asylum seekers’ camp plan: Welsh Secretary was not told”
\\Simon Hart said the Home Office “admitted” its plans to house up to 230 people at Penally, Pembrokeshire, “wasn’t handled very well”.//
Proof that the Home Office is not fit for purpose, or are the Civil Servants deliberately messing up to get rid of Priti? Heads should roll.
Here is a direct quote from that BBC article: “Wales’ first minister said it had become a target for “hard-right extremist” protesters. Men from Iraq and Iran housed at the camp said they were shocked by the conditions. ”
The Welsh Secretary’s & the BBC’s main concern is that this will or has attracted “hard right extremists”. They demand more British taxpayers money be spent to combat “hard right extremists” and to improve the living conditions of the asylum seekers which they describe as shocking.
You would think that asylum seekers from war-torn Iraq and oppressed Iran would be grateful, but no we have an army of human rights lawyers and woke BBC journalists telling them they must fight for their human rights in what they claim to be a racist and threatening Britain.
I know the government has not exactly played a blinder on Coronavirus.
However my repeated thesis is that they do not implement policy. They have thousands of civil servants, quangocrats, not to mention 1.5 million NHS heroes for that.
Remember the PPE fiasco? And the failed app trialled in the Isle of Wight? Not to mention the test result delays?
Now it turns out that someone, some unaccountable department, managed to miss 16,000 positive results over the last week. Unbelievable.
Do we really expect Hancock to do the number crunching himself?
Our cosy public sector, on full pay, full pension rights, and job security that Cineworld employees cannot even dream about, consistently betray the British people, yet there is almost no accountability.
Well said, Sluff!
It’s never going to go right for any government in situations like this, Labour and the third-form party would have been just as bad, even worse, but what really was needed was big leadership, and unfortch, Boris caught the blasted thing himself! I still reckon he’s not fit yet!
As for public services, it makes me very angry to know that they have all those benefits you describe, and still remain unaccountable. Chums have told me that you’ll never get any LA on the phone when you want local info, and Kent police are spending all their time monitoring illegals on the coast, or checking lorries parked up on the motorways.
I wonder how much of this palpable Government, “mismanagement” is caused by the overwhelming number of Marxists employed as, “Civil Servants” within the various departments.
Just ponder upon that question when applied to the US which is further down the road of communist takeover than the UK is, at the moment.
Lewis do like his numbers.
He could be a doctor. Like Lurch.
Meanwhile as half the chatterati have decided it was all a hoax, the other half….
Who will Emily RT next?
If daily totals are running about 10K per day
losing 16K over 8days is about 2K per day
..not exactly “stunning”
GW – re Lewis Goodall twat (sorrry….I must have meant tweet, but I guess my keyboard is playing up…..)
‘Half a million…..half a million….now where have I heard that number before – yeah – I remember now, a certain Professor Neil Ferguson forecast we were going to have half a million Coronavirus deaths , didn’t he ? But he’s still on the BBC’s speed-dial list – among the single digit numbers, I suspect – ready to offer whatever opinion his beeboid handler wants him to provide, at the drop of a hat.
HRH Harry on BHM
Might be my iPad, but it seems American Booty needed a lie down earlier than usual.
FFS if you want Trump news you don’t bother with reporters
you just check his tweets
30 mins ago
White House say
“President Trump took a short, last-minute motorcade ride to wave to his supporters outside and has now returned to the Presidential Suite inside Walter Reed.”
My bets are going on him. Now where can I find the bookies at this time of night ?
Fee Fi Stew… I don’t consider a bloke driving home from hospital in another country news.
But BBC reporters lying sideways thinking it is, is why I log on here.
So, going with Zombie President Reanimated, Boston Dynamic President headed for Disneyland, or Capricorn 2: Hoax Vacation?
All on the table. Or if Soapy, under it.
The amount of lefty hate towards Trump on Twitter is stunning
.. I wonder if it breeds more votes for him
Then there are videos of live TV news shows with lefty panels
as the Driveby happens
and their faces turn to frowns and “WTF is this ?”
Agree. Those ranged against the President are revolutionary leftists, global capitalists, cloud cuckoo liberals and the unthinking fashion conscious Woke. A motley crew .
The leftists hate and fear him because he is one of a very few leaders who is able to mobilise ordinary folk against them.
The Global capitalists hate him because he is exposing their complete lack of regard for ordinary westerners.
The cloud cuckoo liberals hate him because he is waking ordinary folks up to the ridiculous impractical notions that liberals have about the world.
The fashion conscious Woke hate because it’s what their friends do and what all those celebs do. They have no idea why they hate him they just do.
Meanwhile ordinary working folks love him because he is handing their country back to them. Get well soon Mr President and WIN. Democracy and ordinary Americans and Westeners need you to save them from the Globalist Woke tyranny that awaits if you lose.
And the existing politicians hate him because he’s ‘broken the mould’ in proving the advantages of a business person compared to the stale single-track, thinking we see everywhere from the ‘career’ politicians.
Anti Trump media spread hoax theory
Julia Hartley-Brewer
He’s found his make-up bag then. This is just nonsense sentiment after nonsense sentiment. Utterly bizarre. I’m really beginning to wonder if this whole thing has been a stunt from start to finish.
Yep MSM doing Conspiracy Theory AGAIN
“Plan for ‘harsher three-tier lockdowns’: Leaked document reveals possible pub closures and ban on ALL social contact outside your household under proposed red, amber, green ‘traffic-light’ system”
Have the Tories have lost the Plot ? Will it be censorship next? Nowt on Al Beeb yet, Freedom of speech next. Who is running our PM , Rasputin ?
I am afraid, Taffman, that this is what you get with the BBC, the Labour and other left-wing parties clamouring that, no matter what the government tries to do to make this situation as flexible as possible, to allow some return to a semblance of normality wherever possible, everything, according to them, is just too ‘confusing’ for the moronic (their assessment) UK public to understand.
This will make it extremely simple, but as a consequence, much harsher regarding specific rules in many locations – but it will still, no matter how simple, still be utterly ‘confusing’ to the twatterati, who have no intention of following any simple rules for the health of the public – note well the behaviour after 10 pm outside pubs, the students’ crazy parties, etc., etc. Strangely, older people, the vast majority of whom never attended university, seem to be able to grasp things much more easily than the putative ‘leaders of tomorrow’, but they, they have a vested interest, I guess.
Seems right about Biden v Trump
On the BBC News Channel about 12:10am they had a live link up to a very camp US reporter from Hollywood bitching about Trump.
The reporter was moaning about how an infected Trump had gone for a drive to see his fans just with a cloth mask on but the majority of his supporters on the street “had no masks on which is typical of Trump”.
In typical BBC sanctimonious hypocrite style, just 5 minutes earlier, they have John Sopel also without a mask reporting from the street watching Trump drive by past.
Woke up early and put Radio 4 on by mistake. It must take quite an effort for the BBC to find such a such a bleak speaker for Thought for the Day !!! Anybody hearing that today would want to slit their wrists in despair !!!
I’m still trying to report positive for you … but I suppose the fact that Mr Trump is still alive and still President and still upsetting the MSM is a ‘positive ‘….?
Talking about Hollywood , Tabs – the latest ‘disaster’ to hit Britain is apparently the (temporary ?) closing down of the cinema chain ‘Cineworld’, here and in the US. No doubt this will be portrayed by the BBC and other lefties as being because of the terrible Tory government.
Hmm….perhaps it has far more to do with the ‘liberal’ elites in Hollywood (most of whom seem to hate anything in the slightest to the right of Mao Tse Tung)……….who are apparently all for the ‘little people’ (as apposed to conservatives – small ‘c’) until it might hit them in the pocket – e.g. by lowering box-office income if they release a whole bunch of planned ‘blockbusters’ this year, so that they can’t get the income they want…
Ah, the whiff of hypocrisy is strong with this bunch.
BBC is doing one, Labour Ladies, hosted by Eddie Izzard in a Gucci frock.
Ratings gold.
Err……. according to CNN these ladies were second to none, eh ?
Ms Hilary Rodham Clinton stood behind a man who certainly didn’t believe she was anywhere near even second in line for all sorts of things (and we still have to hear the full story of Mr Clinton on the Weinstein express)….
…. and then we have Jackie Kennedy, who was apparently about 45th or so in line for her husband’s attention.
Scond to none – sounds about the same level of delusional miasma that CNN appears to be in all the time…
Has Katty consulted Dr. Lurch and Dr. Acosta yet?
Tag teaming.
Dr. Lurch is an impartial reporter you know.
He needs medical care more than the President.
Classic FM reported at 7am that it was someone at the hospital who had said that Trump’s drive by had compromised the inside of the car but by 7.30 it had become a fact and the lead story.
It’s desperate stuff, isn’t it?
It’s relentless.
I was mucking about with the car radio and heard some yank going on – I thought he must be a Biden spokesman – at the end it turned out to be the BBC ‘correspondent -Zurcher – who’d I’d never heard before and never will again …..he really is that biased . ….
Sooner or later I guess we ll hear the ‘alibi – brown ‘ lie about ‘leaving the country if trump wins ‘ – which turns out to be a ‘lie’ – since alibi -brown didn’t have credibility in the first place her lie didn’t discredit her …
BBC questions, questions, questions.
Mixed messages and President Trump’s decision to briefly leave hospital have raised more questions about his illness.
Mainly from… the BBC.
Even the local radio station is obsessed by a car drive… in Washington.
Looks like the Dom folded are being dusted off for a rerun.
Seems like only yesterday he was faking it, or a zombie.
The state of MSM mental health is without question.
It doesn’t seem to matter to the deranged media types that the people who accompanied POTUS in the car may well be the same people who accompanied him to hospital and/or will travel back to the White House with him if he is discharged today.
They were aware of his condition and were wearing proper protective equipment unlike, say, the poor sods who had the misfortune to find themselves in close proximity to Margaret Ferrier on her recent trip to and from Westminster.
The difference between the Trump and Ferrier scenarios is as stark as the attitude and behaviour of the UK media to each of them.
The media is having a hissy fit because he appears to be recovering. Quite disgusting. How do they manage to keep sinking lower than rock bottom?
“ Covid: 16,000 coronavirus cases missed in daily figures after IT error”
The meeja is confused , the Civil Service is confused , Boris is confused and Priti is confused .
Preventing Covid is like preventing the tide coming in. Lockdown is not working . People are not dying as predicted but the economy and liberty is .
They were not “cases”.
Worlds most trusted, latest reviews
Anything on Al Beeb about it ? Headline?
Hi Taffman
Very favourable bbc news reviews on the site also 🙂
Defund / Close down sooner later
Lucky to get 1 star, if impartiality is the issue.
Andy – thanks – someone called Barbara Williams gave the BBC 5 stars on trysrpilot,because Joleen in the Archers said she isn’t going to have kids in order to save the planet . Maybe joleen will top her self in the Christmas editions …
Is the archers on any more ? I remember someone died in a fire once or fell of the roof – and those nice jihadis moved into the ambridge chicken shop …next to the girls school ….
I am inviting the whole of Ambridge to the Grand Opening of the Grace Archer Memorial Barn on November 5th.
We will be having a bonfire and fireworks…
Interesting to see from the panel on the right of the Trustpilot screen that no-one at the BBC has ever tried to claim their very own Trustpilot entry!
I wonder why that is?
I think we all know that!
I would wager that even viewing their Trustpilot review is a sackable offence for any BBC staff.
I also found the review from the German chap both enlightening and troubling. Apparently in Germany the SState broadcasters have the population by the neck and this guy hopes we can trash the BBC to add momentum to their fight against the German SState version, no wonder the BBC fought tooth and nail to try to keep us in this dreadful corrupt stasi regime!
New Supreme Court boss, Reed, sounds like a left-wing activist, rather than a serious judge. ‘Diversity’ is the big issue for him, not Justice. Every bit as bad as Lady Hale, if not worse?
Judiciary down the drain?
And I quote:
“How many gloves?!’
“How many gloves?!’
“How many gloves?!’
“How many gloves?!’
R4. Good ole Sopel – finding as many ways as he can to talk down Donald Trump and barely hide his glee that POTUS might be in worse condition than is being said…
BBC stoking fires…reporting news is no longer part of their remit.
His wishful thinking
… nasty wishful thinking
Isn’t there a Jon Sopel parody account ?
Letter from the Queen
… looks to me like it was written by “right on ” Charlie
A bit more racist news brought to you by the bBC
Previously a lot of people didn’t see the colour of the skin, but the person, now its all about the colour of the skin. This organisation has put race relations back to the 70’s
If this does not inspire a BBC RT twitter storm, what will?
Oh, hold on… has June seen this?
Soapy Sopel is very, very upset about the President’s behaviour. He reckons on R4 ‘it’s not all over’ and the illness could ‘come roaring back’.
We can read between the lines, Soapy, we know what you’re thinking!
Another ‘impartial’ beeboid.
Sorry Fake
I didn’t see your post when I put mine up…:-)
Nick opines.
Morning news
“Trump has been heavily criticised for his driveby”
Really by whom ?
Are Trumps security team not in his bubble ?
Don’t those cars have a window separating the driver ?
And anyway isn’t the driver the same guy who comes in and out of the hospital room with the food and drinks ?
Has Katya been evacuated from her colon?
I’m sure the BBC will be just as quick to blame her for catching the illness as the President was
9am R4 banging about Whiteys being nasty slave owners and racists.
Bottomline if blacks had been that numerous bin Europe for 1,600 years their descendents would be so evident..
Europeans and Africans have been encountering one another since as early as the 3rd century *, according to the historian Olivette Otele.
She tells Tom Sutcliffe that exploring a past long overlooked raises prescient questions about racism, identity, citizenship and power.
* (Surely there is a BBC typo there cos it must be 3rd century BC ..cos the Romans were in North Africa
..and probably even earlier)
The subject of Sudhir Hazareesingh’s biography, Black Spartacus – was no ordinary figure.
A former slave, he became the leader of a revolution in the 1790s that transformed Haiti
Prof Kate Williams discusses the new debates raging in history, including how we should approach the legacies of colonialism and misogyny
I saw the headline ‘contested histories’ and didn’t have to listen to know what it would be about!
For a fleeting moment I even considered that it might be a challenge to this current Woke view of British history..Ha ha…that will be the day on BBC
AFAIK there were Africans in ancient Greek plays much earlier ..let me check
In Egypt “paintings in the tomb of Rekhmire, dated to the fourteenth century B.C., depict African and Aegean peoples, most likely Nubians and Minoans”
An interesting question is how long there have been ‘Africans’ in Africa. The historian Simon Webb argues that the first Africans were probably pale-skinned, rather than ‘black’.
And, of course, let’s not forget the ultimate authority on such matters: Diane Abbott, who believes “The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.” Presumably using time machines, as the Roman conquest of Britain began in 43 AD under the Emperor Claudius, 10 years after the crucifixation of Christ (okay, Julius Caesar made two botched attempts about 90 years beforehand, but they didn’t get much beyond wetting their toes on the Kent shoreline).
Ian, that’s a possibility as we know that humans have evolved and there is evolution but just not as atheists would like us to believe.
Back when the Mayor of Milwaukee was kicking-off with various statements about the USA after the George Floyd death, I checked on what, more correctly who, were the first inhabitants of the country we know as the USA. The Mayor was going along with the idea that BAMEs of African descent were the original Americans.
This disappointed me, who enjoyed as a child tales of the Pilgrim Fathers settling in America and their contact with various Indian tribes. Apparently some scientists who research such things, shocked me even more by suggesting those Indians were ethnically white, were of Caucasian descent and had walked across the land bridge – while it existed – from Russia to Alaska and down and across North America.
I guess it’s possible. In North America, those whites would – with the help of constant sunshine – had skin that gradually darkened to prevent burning. Still surprising, though. It might also explain why some American ‘Indians’ have slightly Chinese looking eyes: either an adaption through many generations to protect eyes from strong sunlight or possibly some inter-marriage on the migration eastwards to the West.
I don’t think Diane abbots fantasy black centurion would have hung around cold wet Blighty for long when there was no KFC or WiFi or benefits shop ….
Fed, I think the detachments that were sent to patrol Hadrian’s Wall are actually on record as moaning about the poor weather and lack of sun for their grapevines.
Up2 – they found ancient graffiti moaning about the lack of a
Lidl s along the wall ….
“Black Roman centurions” – were they only the officer class?
I bet there is a special section on porn sites – think Diana abbots ‘ favourite …..ugh
Quite correct, Stew. We know from the Bible – more recently in the first century AD – that Queen Candace had a ‘eunuch’ (slave) who was probably dark-skinned and was the Queen’s Chancellor of the Exchequer. This Head of Treasury to Candace was either Jewish or a proselyte or acolyte and had been to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple. Looks like I’m stuck on tourism this morning!
The account is in the book of Acts, chapter 8.
Much more recently, Ethiopian Jews have been granted the opportunity to relocate to Israel.
R4 are having a field day – two people just on both knocking POTUS being ill and his response.
BBC think they are clever by having a ‘supposed’ discussion on a subject but only bring in those who say what they want to hear..
They think we are too dumb to see their game – BBC reviews would tend to disagree but they don’t seem to give a tos*
Likely not covered as part of bbc editorial integrity month.
‘Start the Week’ on R4 features ‘The black Spartacus’. Catch it now.
He’s from Haiti, I gather. That also tells a story.
Brace yourselves for the black Achilles, the black Robespierre, the black Lenin and the black Noddy in Toyland, coming soon to R4.
And don’t forget’ the black and black minstrels show ‘ … I hear ‘zulu’ is being done again using an all coloured caste…
“BLM ! smash the police, all cops are bastards !”
next moment “Orange man bad, he went for a drive with the secret service, he’s putting their LIVES in danger ..bad man, bad man”
.. know the same guys who are in and out of his room all the time.
BTW the driver might well have had covid already so be pretty much immune from problems.*
And it’s drama queening to say his life was in danger
.. A fit young man is at practically zero risk of death even if they did catch Covid.
Re-infection is technically possible, but no second infectee has ever died.
Looks like a pretty typical Health set up.
Gary of course does have walls. Not sure about Yvette.
Shocking exposure by the BBC. Evidence of institutional and systemic racism impacting the world of marathon racing.
Not the BBC but I expect them to be in sympathy with it despite the absolute nonsense contained therein:
As many on here are keen Brexiteers, I flag the above item as an example of the desperation of Remainers to overturn our UK democracy and act as fascists.
I could be out of touch with what Fortnum & Mason sell these days but the last time I looked it was high end food and drink and:
1. Overseas visitors are not allowed to import foodstuffs into their own countries,
2. If on anything other than a day trip, where would a tourist store a fine wine or an expensive paté; would they carry it around?
3. VAT and duties tend not to be applied to foodstuffs anyway, and,
4. The article specifically mentions electronic goods and gadgets which, to the best of my knowledge, Fortnum & Mason do not sell.
The mentality and intellectual ability of Remainers laid bare.
Looks like Fortnum & Mason will be added to my list of stores to avoid. I’ll have to try and avoid Yahoo as well although that can be a little more tricky.
The bbbc as usual only have bad things to say about President Trump, one of the latest is that he’s putting people, such as his bodyguards, in danger.
He is wearing a mask.
Does the bbbc think masks don’t work and therefore we might as well bin the lot of them or, if they do work, why are they saying DT is putting his security men in danger.
No answers needed, we all know the bbbc only see bad when it comes to DT but it seems, according to the bbbc, that masks do not work (or maybe only DT’s mask doesn’t work as opposed to every other mask in the world)
So then.
Official bbbc policy (?)
Don’t wear a mask (they don’t work)
Masks only work if you believe in them. Therefore Trump’s mask does not work.
Helga – the master race – German who runs the Reich EU – is isolating after getting Covid ….. didn’t she meet boris red Johnson at the weekend ?……trace and track and trace …. nice to be out of house arrest for me ….a long 2 weeks …
BBC in turmoil.
Do women wear shirts ?
Front-only dog collars, clip on ties, hair extensions, false eyelashes, padded bras, cabin crew makeup that stops at the jaw line, lipstick, high heels etc.
Why not clip on impartiality, worn on camera but discarded when back home on Twitter?
World Federation of Hotheads? Wiltshire Farmers’ Hunt?
Re the Fox Sainsbury feud.
I think if Sainsbury’s had left the final clause “….and anyone who does not want to shop with an inclusive retailer is welcome to shop elewhere.” off their public statement they would have made the same point without being totally offensive which is how it comes across. I will be avoiding JS in future as well.
I would guess this came from a 20 something graduate in their Social Marketing dept. rather than from someone level-headed at the top.
Large companies must soon begin to realise they can’t put their corporate profile into the hands of these activist marketing children.
It must have been said before but a truly ‘inclusive’ retailer would welcome all customers, regardless of creed, race, colour or opinion.
Inclusive = Excludes Old White Men
Diverse = Ethnics Only/Marxist Orthodoxy Only
Equality = Girls Get All The Prizes
I think some of the companies can only blame themselves. They have removed so many layers of management where experienced people (higher pay therefore got rid of) would filter out stuff that was off the wall. The HR departments are housed with people of the same age group who then favour people of the same age group and opinion when filtering CVs .
Further to my post yesterday do not agree with everything in the Centre for Brexit Policy paper but it does seem that the WA/PD must be revoked because a WTO exit still involves the WA/PD, unless the Government formally repudiates it. Exiting without a deal, on its own, would still mean the disastrous WA/PD unless we revoke it before 31 Dec 2020.
Covid contexts
One thing they miss is there should be a block 8-10 times bigger than the blue block confirmed cases.. that would be ALL CASES all the people who have had it , and thus have some immunity (cos most people had it so mild they never make it to test stage)
We should stop using the word “cases” except for people who are actually ill.
A scribbling on the biggest October surprise since that time in 1917 Lenin decided to bring guns to a knifefight.
Calvin – I guess the democrats must be pondering about when to give Biden the chinese disease to achieve maximum MSM coverage – away from POTUS .
It won’t make much difference to his public appearances because he doesn’t do them ….
Odds are it could kill him and if you’d asked me a few days ago, I’d have expected that they’d both have it, making the most likely outcome a stitch up by the house. I think the whole thing will come down to whether or not Biden has one of his dementia blackouts on live tv and it’s astonishing that having showed up to one, they’re still saying he’s up for a 2nd round when he now has a couple decent excuses to stay out of the limelight.
And of course the real race is whether the republicans end up keeping the senate and can therefore block anything that Biden and his friends propose. Ditto the supreme court which can kick out loony left laws on health/environment/race for being unconstitutional.
When the ‘moderate’ Muslims have enabled the Labour party to take over the country for good do the socialists/Marxists think that the Muslims are then going to hand over ‘the keys’ to the white leaders of the 140 year-old Labour party or keep them for themselves and the 1,400 year-old cult of Islam?
PJW about the MSM going wacky over Trump
288,00 views ..that’s more than Newsnight
Seems that Twitter is hiding some of PJW’s tweets
I found out when I searched for the Likes on that video
His own tweet didn’t show up
Good new one from PJW
Im sure the shields were used by various legal and illegal sides – and the MSM would nt want the forces of law and order be protected from rioters now would they ?
Yes when a police sergeant gets shot dead they give the event the full false grief treatment …
Yes when a police sergeant gets shot dead they give the event the full false grief treatment …
I vaguely recall the media mentioning a police officer being shot and his assailant being treated in hospital. Can’t be important so the media have dropped the story.
But I wonder what has happened regarding the man arrested for shooting him?
Standard MO : when he was charged the media mentioned his name and maybe his half Sri Lankan background
..then moved on
They’d cite sub judice if you asked why they don’t speak about more.
Interesting use of the word, “against”. Shields are defensive / protecting items. Not designed to be ‘offensive’ as in, ‘against’.
You can be protected against a disease – can’t you?
Let’s hope the shields are solid and unbreakable. Wouldn’t want the brave cops getting hurt.
I am sure British shields are better than Chinese imported shields.
The actual extent of the ‘job’ at the bbc is interesting.
“So, what do you do?”
“I read tweets… and then pass them on”.
Before the irony of this is pointed out, I do so at breaks, and without essential, unique compelled funding of my lifestyle.
Spitting Image : Dump Box scandal
BBC/ITV looked at Netflix with envy
and decided to create their own pay streaming service
Only instead of spending $billions on new quality content they just dumped their old back catalogue on it.
That’s all the old content that everyone has already seen.
So few people want to pay the £6/month charge
So BBC/ITV had a spiffing idea “lets put some brand new content on it, we’ll revamp Spitting Image and make the Dump Box the only platform people can watch it on”
Not only that but new Spi-Image is devoid of Labour characters
No Lammy, no Diane Abbott, no Dawn Butler there some special reason why you can’t satire them
No Corbyn even
The only Labour character is Starmer portrayed a boring .
Yet it has a Jacinda Ardern character ..
Bet she and Greta are portrayed sympathetically .. Greta got to approve her own puppet.
via Kevin O’Sullivan on TalkRadio
* Oh it’s called BritBox not Dump Box
If you really must here is their Priti Patel as a sex worker sketch
Oh full show for free
.. The Jacinda sketch isn’t particularly biting.
Hysterical Dominic Cumming sketch ..keeps wanting to eat Boris’s baby … yeh funny not
Trump or Boris are on screen 75% of the time
There are two short skits of Lewis Hamilton
Two of weathergirl Greta about 30 seconds total
the main joke is she says “hot”
The Starmer sketch is dull
Even more luck to remaining audience.
Woke leftist Facebook changes its terms of service to allow Trump hating: “Facebook says users can wish for Trump’s death due to coronavirus as long as they don’t tag him.
Facebook’s notoriously strict and convoluted hate speech and Community Standards policies will allow users to post hopes, dreams, and wishes that President Donald Trump dies from COVID-19, as long as they don’t make the effort to deliberately search for his Facebook page and manually tag his account…”
\\ Channel 4 News’s @krishgm in conversation with The RT Hon @JWhittingdale MP about his priorities for public service broadcasting in the future.
‘I’ve always been a supporter of the BBC and of PSB’ says @JWhittingdale
. He makes it clear that one of his concerns is the present funding model – but it is not an issue this time around but it will be in the longer term //
stewart replied
“I rather hope this session yielded more than this…”
BTW most of the tweets from IBT International Broadcasting Trust feature black faces not white
It’s about the slaves who were “shipped across the Atlantic”. What about all those who were taken to Arabia and castrated?