Brissles, my dear old thing, you are making me feel really old. I cannot remember what configuration was a Westland Wyvern. Have just had to look it up courtesy of Wiki.
My ten year old self would probably not have had that problem.
Essay from RT : conflicts of interest between judges at the European Court of Human Rights and NGOs funded by George Soros. “The study has found that, out of the 100 judges who have served on the bench of the ECHR in the period 2009-2019,
nearly a quarter (22) have strong links to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation or to NGOs like Amnesty International and others which are funded by it.
Human Rights Watch, for instance, has received $100 million from the Open Society Foundation since 2010.
Some of the NGOs receive so much of their budget from Soros that they are in effect wholly owned subsidiaries of his foundation.”
“I didn’t want somebody with Charles Moore’s views as I’ve read them over and over again in the Telegraph and the Spectator, his views on gay marriage, on race relations, to become Chairman of the BBC. I think you need somebody with a much more open mind.”
It is an interesting statement by Dimbleby. It is the same argument used by the Democrats in the US re the appointment of the judge to the Supreme Court, ie unless the potential appointee has Left wing views they cannot be appointed.
Punches a hole through any claim of fairness during his reign over the Question Time Rubbish doesn’t it ? Betcha he had a big hand in who got on the programme …
I still take pleasure from his face when the Brexit result came in ….. priceless …
Open-minded: An unprejudiced mind receptive to new ideas and arguments.
Charles Moore: An unprejudiced mind receptive to new ideas such as replacing the compulsory licence fee with a voluntary subscription, and allowing new scientific arguments about planetary atmospheric physics to appear on the BBC.
Close-minded: A prejudiced mind unreceptive to new ideas and arguments.
David Dimbleby: A prejudiced mind unreceptive to new ideas such as replacing the compulsory licence fee with a voluntary subscription, and allowing new scientific arguments about planetary atmospheric physics to appear on the BBC. Dumblebees close-mindedness also extends to regarding arguments not supporting the BBC’s left-wing political stance on gay marriage or race relations as dangerous.
Charles Moore is ,I reckon ,more than a match for Dimbleby. People like Dimbleby regard the bBBC as their own personal fiefdom . Hopefully their days are numbered.
Just a reminder. Chair of the BBC is Chairperson of the BBC Trust. It is a non-Executive role that principally requires the person to make excuses on behalf of the BBC.
A remainer, a traitor, he was shocked at the result that saw the majority vote to leave the EU, has never forgiven or really understood anything-a waste of time to be considered for anything other than the dustbin where ex BBC plods go. Yes I loath the man and for what he stands for, mainly himself, living off his fathers reputation.One has only got to listen to Richard Dimbleby’s naration at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation to understand the difference.
We could list the media bubble family relations on screen – which links to what oxbridge college they went and their shared social arrangements and expressed views …
On Toady they interviewed a head honcho at Durham Uni, reference crappy food parcels for those self-isolating.
Said head honcho said that those not in isolation were allowed to go around but were recommended to keep in the University precincts and not go into the city pubs, shops, bars etc.
The Toady useless presenters didn’t pick up on this, which is a lead in to the concept of managed student mass but essentially harmless outbreaks aka herd immunity.
It can’t work everywhere, but defined colleges and campus universities could surely allow for partying to continue, let everyone get covid and by the end of term almost all will be immune and can go home safely, and Easter term can proceed quite normally.
It’s been on the tv and radio up here that students want to be given free drug analysing test kits to make sure the illegal drugs they get from the drug dealers are safe to take.
Apart from the mainstream media censorship of hospital admissions and deaths by Covid-19. I also found out that Influenza deaths are currently running at over ten times that of Covid deaths. Also censored is that the death rate of Spanish Flue was over 400 times more lethal than the Covid-19 death rate. Scientists like Professor Karol Sikora are also being attacked by the Civil Service for not being alarmist. Like Climate Change, posh liberal left-wing morons are using censorship to stoke up fear. So Covid-19 is probably not a Chinese plot, but part of a CIA plot by Gina Haspel, part of Project Fear. See “The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear”.
Also there is a suggestion that Boris Johnson has suffered brain damage due to low oxygen levels when he was ill. This would explain why he is now pushing for Jeremy Corbyns “Green Socialist” Utopia for 2030. However, Boris says its Clement Attlee’s “Build the New Jerusalem” Utopia he now supports.
However, before Gina Haspels plot to damage the brain of Boris Johnson, Boris supported Winston Churchill, not Clement Attlee.
Is it not to be understaood that, when thousands of students from all corners of the nation enter the Universities where accepted, will be crowded and where any virus will manefest and spread. So of course numbers in those cities will rise way above the norm. But that is food to those that want to destroy this nation.
The leadership of the @metpoliceuk is out of control. Rank and file officers being badly let down by a top team who should be putting a halt to this kind of persecution @pritipatel
Quite right . Anyone who asks the wrong sort of question should be arrested and investigated And anyone who answers such a question should also be arrested and investigated . Take their kids into care – seize their assets. Kill their pets in case they have ‘unapproved thoughts ‘ as well ….
Perhaps Darren should say something outrageous in his police interview and his interviewers will have to be investigated for Darren's thought crime?
Few things are more important than obliterating the BBC. The UK will never be a better country as long as the majority of sheep trust BBC. But this is more than a right-ving/left-wing isssue. The BBC’s pandering to the woke mob, islamism, and globalist multiculturalism is horrible. But lefties have their grudges as well (unfair treament of Corbyn, not covering Tory government incompetence and corruption enough, etc.)
BBC is not primarily left(right) wing, but the propaganda arm of the globalist ruling elite and the Deep State. They are liars and deceivers and their main goal is to sneak in propaganda lies among truthful reporting (to make it easier to hide them). And to omit and suppress facts and stories that is a threat to the Establishment Narrative.
On the surface it looks like BBC have a left-wing bias. But looking more closely, they are just pushing the globalist’s Elite agenda (multiculturalism, no borders, dismantle the nation states, incite division based on race religion gender and sexual identity, destroy traditional values). And when BBC have a right-wing bias it is just other parts of the Elite’s agenda (neocon war mongering, ignore GMO risks,ignore Pharma corruption, never investigate the negative effects of so called free trade deals, etc.)
So, to win, we only need to convince people of this. This is done by relentless hammering, calling them out for every lie, bias, and omission. It can be done. Trump went full streetfighter vs fakenews MSM in the US, and managed to undermine their credibility.
But if we attack BBC for being left-wing, more than a third of all people will immediately stop listening. People have been arguing right vs left for 250 years. It’s old and people think they have heard it before. To get peoples attention we need to attack them on this more fundamental level.
We need more like this BBC fakenews T-shirt:
signsandgraphics DOT biz/bbc-fake-news-t-shirt
More more pins, more decals, more stickers, more large PVC banners to put on the walls outside our homes. Anyone who can print to sell?
And more memes:
BBC, don’t think for yourself
BBC, we tell you what to think
BBC are liars
BBC lies about covid
BBC, always on the side of The Establishment
BBC, we’ll fill your brain with junk
BBC, tricking you to believe you are “well informed”
BBC, hiding the truth
Watching BBC for hours won’t make you well informed
Facts the BBC don’t want you know about: “long list”
And finally, video from the Trafalgar Square covid protests two weeks ago. “Take down the BBC, Take down the BBC, Take down the BBC”
"Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC! Take down the BBC!"
The fact that fewer and fewer people are buying Al Beeb’s Telly Tax must be very worrying for those that manage and run the outfit . It’s the first time that I have seen any footage of an anti Al Beeb demo . The message must be getting through to the government. Needless to ask , but was similar film shown on the BBC news?
“On the surface it looks like BBC have a left-wing bias. But looking more closely, they are just pushing the globalist’s Elite agenda (multiculturalism, no borders, dismantle the nation states, incite division based on race religion gender and sexual identity, destroy traditional values). ”
I’d prefer to think that the BBC are simply following the Marxist manifesto.
Hello uprising
Welcome to the site .
I see the lefties and the globalists as the same – destroy national identity through censorship of thought and view – a mono moralled coffee coloured feminised state.
The kids now , of course , do not know of an alternative and their history is carefully airbriushed .
Maybe some one should write a book about it … the clock struck 13 ..
On R4 Michael Goldfarb takes us on a little trip via Rwanda and Bosnia to President Trump (get it?) in ‘Archive on 4’ this eve.
Apparently the President chats to Hannity of Fox News almost daily (got it?). So Fox News kinda emerges from the mists of genocide, not explicitly, but kinda, in Goldfarb’s book. So Fox are the baddies, stirring up partisan fervour, and suchlike. Who then, are the goodies? Well, Wiki tells us Goldfarb writes i.a. for the New York Times and The Guardian, so there is a clue. No partisan fervour here, of course.
Apparently all was sweetness and light when the US had the ‘Fairness Directive’, but then came the idea there should be many voices, all working for profit/money, according to Goldfarb. The man doesn’t sound very keen on diversity of opinion. And of course, HE is not partial to money influencing broadcasting.
We should have only the very factual beeb? This is Goldfarb’s subtle hint, although he doesn’t spell it out. It’s the “Public Srvice” broadcaster, who is virtuous.
One of the real baddies, it seems, is Rush Limbaugh. He is a buddy of the President.
But hark! It’s James Kumarasami on R4 News at Ten slamming America’s “First Patient” as well as – who would have thought it?- Rush Limbaugh. There it is, almost seamless.
Goodness, now this is continuity at its best! R4, you DO spoil us!
Is that young Rashford, getting an MBE? Goodness, he’ll have to take the knee yet again. Or is that only for Knights?
Anyway, he says it sounds a little strange. Have to agree with him.
A very large number of awards have been given to public sector people ‘for services to turning up for work and doing what they are supposed to do’.
Usually, hidden away from the high profile ‘newsworthy’ awards, I bet you’ll find that knighthoods and CBEs are given to 5+ times more public sector workers than private sector workers. It’s recompense for the low public sector salaries and job security. No, really.
And get ready for awards for our NHS heroes, working on the front line, who got the virus.
The words are carefully chosen. Almost none of them actually caught it on the front line of course, but elsewhere, in the same ways and same proportions as the rest of us. But the truth is rather less heroic than the reality.
Saturday morning update.
Out of 36 knighthoods and damehoods I counted, precisely 2 were wealth-creating private sector types. One of whom, Emma Warmsley, the CEO of GSK has only been in post for 5 minutes but crucially of course is female.
The other 34 are to arty types, professors, and civil servants.
Pathetic. Another slap in the face for business.
“A very large number of awards have been given to public sector people ‘for services to turning up for work and doing what they are supposed to do’.”
Yes, but I’ve concluded that there is another subtlety at work. Pursuance of distinctions in a working role, is more designed to again, see them as ‘oppressed victims’ by promoting the idea that some elements are considered just, ‘putting themselves out’ or, ‘going that extra mile’. The ‘distinction’ makes them isolated as heroes by ‘going above, the call of duty’.
As usual, nothing to watch on the terrestrial channels, so am bingeing on a Ray Donovan box set, the season 2018, I watched a courtroom scene and the members of the jury was referred to thus………… “ladies, gentleman and non-binary members of the jury….”
Is this for real ? does it happen here, or just the U.S ? and are we living in some twilight world ?
Exodus Chapter 20 v5: “Thou shall not bow down thyself…for I the Lord God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
Therefore: no knee-taking to humans, especially black criminals, wanted by police, like George F.!!! This runs the risk of being seen as a satanic ritual.
Premiership footballers and refs, pay attention.
Scanning through the list of people given gongs, it seems that about 90% are all in the public sector, TV ‘entertainers’ or ‘volunteers’.
What happens to members of all the small firms and white van men who’ve had to find work at all costs and keep the economy going? Our chemist has been absolutely fantastic in its service and positive attitude, as have several of the retailers, but I suppose they don’t count in the public eye, it’s just the town hall people who spend time bigging each other up.
I must read ‘Room at the top’ again, even if it means having to lust after Susan and Alice, and what they got up to…
I managed a listen from 7 a.m. today up until the adverts came on. Books, records, the BBC will be flogging sofas soon.
So far so good, too, from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Christiana who, despite being pressed three times by JustRemainIn Webb, the ExSec refused to criticise China and its CO2 emissions. The Chinese will get it all sorted by 2060 and are on track to do so. They have promised and Christiana the ExSec believes the Chinese will always keep their word.
That was notable.
Of course, in the unreal world, we only have three months to save the world from Climate Change, not forty years. We also only have one year to do it according to XR, ten years to do it according to Harrabin and shouldn’t really bother according to most people.
Prof. Green calling Rishi Sunak a Pleb! What an idiot!???? Sunak’s comments were misquoted by ITV and this left wing idiot has not even fact checked before he made this video. ITV retracted their headline and offered an apology since Sunak rightly complained. Who’s the Pleb now?????
A extract from an email update from the Government with regard to Postal Votes and Electoral Fraud:
“The Government does not support all-postal voting, which would increase fraud risks, and remove choice from voters who wish to cast their vote in person. However, the Government has no plans to abolish the postal vote system in its current form and Lord Pickles’ report did not propose the removal of postal voting on demand. Postal voting enables many people to cast their vote who may otherwise not be able to vote. Many other voters find it a convenient way to cast their vote that fits in with busy lifestyles for people who work or have caring commitments. That said, we continue to look at ways to develop the process to ensure postal voting remains secure.
Cabinet Office”
DJT has it right then in the US. Its only the fraudsters in the communist democrats who wish to create a system of routine electoral fraud. Belarus anybody?
I’m surprised they have such a cavalier attitude toward voter fraud – both by way of personation and postal fraud – but it’s a red Tory government so shouldn’t expect much – an 80 majority and totally fixated on a virus . Sad .
FedUp2 Agree, but then it appears that the Government take a cavalier attitude on issues that a a serious threat to us all, maybe Indentification cards would solve the problem of Electoral Fraud. When I lived and workd in France I had a Cartre de Sejour meaning staying, which carried a photo and relevent details, this in fact was approved by the Prefec ture/Government. So what not something similar in the UK-stop and search would aid the Police. However I don’t like the new arrangement of having so called Covid Marshalls running around our towns and cities issuing fines for not wearing masks or whatever-smacks of Big Brother/Communisim.
Many (covered up) stories about US mail voting fraud in particular but here the parliament petition “Scrap ‘On-Demand’ Postal Voting, & Create Strict Eligibility Criteria” only received 10,419 signatures. People are either unaware of the extent of UK electoral fraud (also covered up by the media) or have rightly come to the conclusion that these petitions are pointless. The big question is why UK ‘Conservatives’ are unwilling to address the issue with more vigour. The answer may be fear of confronting the particular group(s) of predominantly Labour voters, to whom deception is second nature, involved in vote rigging.
Pols, as a sub group of homo sapiens, do seem as competent with masks as they are consistent.
Usually it is down to that most basic of pol motivation, going with what suits at the time, but sometimes it is because they are simply plain thick, or gaga.
And almost all MSM acolytes will simply look away.
Yesterday Blow-dry Nancy was announcing her latest wheeze at the podium sporting one of her range of designer masks, when a stuttering media groupie at her feet asked a question.
So she hauled it via the front off to first take a swig of water.
What, genial Joe? Genial policy-less Joe? Think I’m more worried about the people behind him and the Democratic National Congress Party. Pelosi & Co. The Clintons and the Obamas. Antifa. BLM.
Toady this morning with Remainin and Useless absolutely maxed out on the ‘feeding lines’ tactic.
‘Are you concerned/worried/ confused about xyz?’
There were moments of unintentional humour. The ‘interview’ (Ie cosy fireside chat) with the Mayor of Liverpool, where Covid is pretty much uncontrolled, was a throwback to the 80s. He was playing the politics of Covid like a good Militant Tendency supporter would do. Denying responsibility for anything and blaming the evil Tories. Liverpool entitlement/ grievance at its finest.
The question which was just ringing out to be asked was ‘well, what would you do?’
But there was no answer. Because there was no question.
The BBC don’t want to show up their trot buddies, do they?
Sluff, yes think I heard that bit. It has been noticeable in the past week that on TWatO a Mayor of where-ever has been announced as Labour Mayor of …. . It was noticeable and notable that Michelle as the Mayor kept calling ‘Mishal the well-known mispronounced’ did not introduce Joe Anderson in that way.
My contribution to monitoring the BBC is to focus on its website outputs.
I have noticed a restructuring of the BBC’s African News Section – the BBC are now focusing much more on Africa and in recent days have been promoting and campaigning for civil unrest and revolution in various African states. For example in Malawi they have been pushing for a feminist revolution of the police force. In Nigeria they have been pushing for a youth revolution for a change in the government and a change in their policing. The Nigerian government have been fighting an Islamic insurgency and the BBC’s focus is on attacking the government and ignoring or being sympathetic to the insurgency.
In addition to this a few days ago the BBC reported on white farmers in South Africa, but their focus was on calling them racist thugs:
As far as I can see the BBC are now part of the global movement for promoting so called color revolutions throughout the world – trying to incite the youth, university educated students and feminists into marches, demonstration and civil unrest. They have been doing this successfully in Britain, Eastern Europe, Africa, India, America, Hong Kong, Israel.
It is no longer just a question of the TV tax that we need to be concerned with – but the revolutionary nature of the BBC as a propaganda arm for various revolutionary insurgencies throughout the world.
“he BBC are now focusing much more on Africa and in recent days have been promoting and campaigning for civil unrest and revolution in various African states.”
Get em’ well prepared and trained before they embark on a rubber boat trip………..
Caliphate – does anyone think the BBC would report the ethnic cleansing of white farmers ? When the country becomes a failed state they will wonder ‘why? “ but won’t want to make a connection – but will blame whitee …
Nothing to do with the BBC – I won’t watch it – but demonstrating that the power of the Left is across the board. Kids’ programme on Sky, FYI, firstly surprisingly had 3 white kids presenting so I thought how quaint. But almost immediately an item on Trump, NOT complimentary needless to say. Then a bit about a visually-impaired (white again) boy facing challenges that was quite uplifting but spoilt by the rider: “There are only 24 schools that specialise… – there use to be 25 but due to Government cutbacks one was closed”. Unrelenting, isn’t it. Nothing to do with the kids, but good for the producers to educate them on the evils of the Nazi Tory Party.
“It’s so improbably crammed with incident: already, we’ve had a birth, a death, a suicide attempt, a diagnosis of terminal illness, at least one affair.” @MsRachelCooke on BBC One’s Life.
There are a few but they are marginalised and discredited. A 5 billion pound a year operation with 22000 employees and links to various other organisations with a monopoly – cartel type influence over many fields including the arts means it is not in ones economic interests and future career aspirations to take on the BBC.
Police and Covid marshals step up patrols on London trains in crackdown on mask flouters.
Just 81 fines have been issued after 54,175 maskless passengers stopped. Steve White, chief operating officer for Govia Thameslink Railway, said: “We all need to wear face coverings in stations and on trains unless exempt, to protect those around us.
“This exercise with the British Transport Police will help reinforce that message to the small minority who perhaps don’t think it matters.”
Just on the Railways? Oh no, this dangerous intervention to peoples freedom/democracy will not bode well-already the Prime Minister has said Covid Marshalls will enforce pavement rules! whatever they are specifically. Asda have recruited 1000 new marshalls to police their stores-I know many of you will not like where this is going or could go-control and more control surreptitiously entering our society. Coronavirus is being used as the sepping stone to inflict more public control-to what end? You may well ask.
Just a, ‘practice run’ for when the Government get the instruction from their Globalist/Marxist masters to shut everything down by way of a curfew. They’re just sorting out the ‘bugs’ in this practice run. That’s what all services practice if they want a smooth transition from one thing to another. Mild at the moment so as to not really scare the natives.
Yes you got it in One G- those monsters are pulling the strings in the wings, watching us dance to their tune. A systamatic Collapse of Society. From one notable ‘We are living through the systematic collapse of society as we know it. The elites have already planned out election chaos and famine that will destroy so many people´s lives if we let it. I give that part of a longer essay, credit. Globalist/Marxists already walking through Westmintser I fear.
I have been on both buses and trains in London and if I were to choose those not to wearing a face mask – 90% coloured . Maybe that’s just one of many reasons they form ‘hotspots ‘ ….
Now I read that hospitals are impressive sources of passing on covid —- yet the nightingale ones remain empty …. dump red Tory government which I had to vote for ….
Incomperhensible as to why the Nightinggale hospital is empty-maybe the authorities are waiting to fill it with the hundreds of the so called assylum seekers, running across our shores? But you do wonder don’t you?
Julia is quite right, it’s now staggeringly scary what the Police are doing. But even more scary what this Labour MP , a lawyer, thinks !!!!!!
Jesus Christ, this Labour MP and shadow minister is also a lawyer! He thinks people should go to jail if *someone else* says something that offends another person. This is genuinely terrifying. But he's got a picture of his kid in his Twitter bio so he must be a nice guy, right?
Karl TurnerMP is the guy who gives the thumbs up to milkshaking.
… Milkshaking is assault
thumbs upping it is INCITEMENT to violence
so is an actual crime.
Starkey’s figure of speech was not against the law otherwise he would have been arrested.
So Turner’s offence is bigger, not that I am saying that police should waste their time on his tweet.
Why did I do it ? Why did I waste 30 minutes listening to ‘from our own biased correspondent ‘?
The Democrat bbc spokesman Zurker doing a hatchet job on the president – who I think he referred to as ‘president ‘once . Then some muddled nonsense from a girl correspondent in one of the stans hiding in her hotel room while a coup took place outside – courageous journo … then the best an African single girl who couldn’t rent a room in Lagos – I kid you not .
Then – an advert for the UAE telling us about girls cycling – direct feeds from the UAE propaganda department to the BBC propaganda department – the biggest of them all.
Then the French correspondent – spokesman for the EU talking about the French driving test and accepting the corruption of the French system without challenge – its just ‘French ‘.
He didn’t say you could bung an examiner but it wasn’t far off – it had echoes of those occasional third worlders here who personate in the test or third worlders who become tick box examiners to feather their nests ….
How much does that old hag – Adie – get to ‘host’ that tripe .
Am I finally done with it ..? Probably ….. it is just so poor now .
PS – I worry about zurcher . He doesn’t seem mentally sound to me – so when mr trump gets a clear mandate I think he might be talking to Samaritans ….
Senior health officials have pledged to rid the NHS of ‘white privilege’. Shouldn’t they be more concerned by the millions denied proper care during the pandemic? The NHS has some rather strange priorities.
Senior health officials have pledged to rid the NHS of ‘white privilege’. I think this means that the NHS has promised to get rid of Lord David Prior, but not Lord Ara Darzi.
But why in hell do the most privileged white Senior health officials announce that they want to get rid of themselves.
Suicidal thoughts caused by Covid-19, or hypocrisy?
Christ almighty, I just don’t recognise my country anymore. This once green and pleasant land is now a bloody miserable place to live.
Kim Yong Krankie has locked down great chunks of Scotland, so you know darned well that the Downing Street buffoon will be doing much the same to England. Where Krankie and Whitty lead, Dobbin Johnson follows…
To sweeten the pill he’ll send out Squealer Hancock (God, how I loathe that repulsive creature) to explain how necessary it is and how it’s all for our own good. You know, it really wouldn’t surprise me if he started addressing us as “Comrades”.
I have to pinch myself to realise this is a “Conservative” government with a healthy majority. The far left have never won an election, never even got close… and yet…
Here we are with a deliberately strangled economy. Businesses closing, our freedoms but a memory. I see pathetic, terrified people shuffling about in masks and visors. FFS, there are even state paid henchmen attempting to see who you have in your own house. What are their powers? Will they be able to burst into your home? Perhaps they’ll be like body bailiffs. Instead of making off with your new telly, they’ll drag out your aged aunt Martha. “Sorry mate, one too many, she’ll have to go…”
This is the country that we used to cheerfully refer to as Blighty! We looked askance at the Eastern Block. Shook our heads in dismay and disbelief at events in the Soviet Union and East Germany. It could never happen here, we smiled. How wrong we were. Every passing day this country feels more like North Korea.
And what does our infantile, half witted PM do for his latest tricks? He makes an insensible, tilting at windmills speech about green energy. I mean, talk about fiddling while Rome burns… and awards all the useless arty farty lefties, climate fanatics, Covid hysterics and folk who loathe Brexit with MBEs.
Boris has sent us a clear message.
I think we should send him one.
Nothing long winded… just succinct and simple…only two words…
Read Sir John Redwood, in BBC terms, ‘extreme far-right’ meekly writing about ‘Build back Better’ – “There are those who think there is a global conspiracy led by a billionaire or two who they think set the agenda. I do not post such work, as it is silly.”
Not everyone is buying it. ‘Everhopeful’ says: “The destruction of this country wrought by successive governments in pursuit of their disgusting policies is an affront to all.
And that is no “conspiracy theory” nor is it “silly“…because we all see the damage every single day. And the anger is mounting.”
One does have to wonder if all our politicians have been quietly brought to one side and read the secret memo from George Soros or some other evil genius in her James Bond lair with her finger on the death ray controls!
A word of caution to SG: the interviewee mentions the Toronto video which you pooh poohed about 3/4 weeks ago describing it as, “BS”. The corollary is, there aint really nothing else out there to combat the chinese virus, so, what’s to lose?
In the circumstances, if you get really sick, would you refuse this treatment?
BBC news at one .. Always say after watching anything on the BBC I will never do it again but stupidly I came back to it . Report on the birthday honours list.
I ran it back and counted.
Not counting a brief mention of Tom Moore, ( only in the context of how he inspired some Muslim honour winner to walk round the garden ‘even during ramadan’ ) they showed pictures of and mentioned one white British person ( some YouTube fitness video person I had never heard of) and one white American sounding person who was briefly interviewed.
In contrast, four bame people were heavily featured three of whom ( two black one Muslim) had quite lengthy interviews. Don’t forget a picture of a nursing team consisting of only black/african nurses.
Take home message, the Africans and Muslims living here have saved the country. The natives have done bugger all and should all thank the bame’s .
Also the same type of ‘arts’ people – mainly tv, get awards – equally for doing bugger all except present a show, read a prompter, and do a bit of charity work. Lorraine Kelly a CBE ????? WTF ?? WHY ?? this is a woman who legally avoided paying tax by saying in court her tv persona is ‘acting’ . Honest to God.
Kelly Hoppen, interior designer of sofa covers, – a CBE, and endless others who make a living appearing on the tele “doing a job I love”.
OK, how many coal miners working at the coal face 3′ high were awarded an honour, how many lorry drivers / power workers / fishermen can boast even an OBE.
In the 60’s my Dad did a night shift down the pit after running a Youth Club which he instigated, in the evening before he went to work. He did this for over 5 years for the youth of our town. He did more for the Community than any of that shower who get them now, and never got so much as a thank you. Marcus Rashford makes one statement and he’s a f……g hero. Bollocks.
I think everyone of our supermarket workers deserve a medal before that bunch of virtue signalling, woke, brown nosers who get honours for doing jobs most of us would jump at the chance of doing.
Nowadays, getting an honour is nothing to be proud of. They’ve been devalued.
I think the supermarket delivery men (sorry, ladies too) all deserve medals. They all arrive with a cheery smile before covering it with their mask, never hurry us and willing to have a word. They are a credit to their job. I am sure for those living alone, the delivery people must give them a boost and may be the only people they see.
I emptied a box of cornflakes this morning, and in the bottom was two MBEs and a knighthood.
Then I went for a walk around the garden
and before I knew it, a helicopter was landing and I was awarded an OBE.
FFS The honours are supposed to generally reward the recognised after years of service.
– Those already rewarded like gold medal winning sports stars, pop stars don’t need an extra gong.
Maybe the coaches and those who ran after school clubs for years do.
– Those who did something for Covid’s too early they haven’t done a lifetime of service .. and anyway most have been awarded by the TV companies already.
– Finally people shouldn’t get awards for JUST DOING THEIR JOB.
Some more biased tripe spewed by the Beeb with their story today.
‘The lack of ethnic diversity at the top of UK companies is coming under increasing focus, with calls for change from big business groups and investors.
Surveys continue to show that black, Asian, or minority ethnic (BAME) people are under-represented in senior positions’.
Fine, I’m all for organisations/businesses being representative, but this is a poorly manufactured piece. If the Beeb wonders why this is (silly of me to think this, I know), it really needs to look at all sorts of matters concerning employment and provide a balanced report, but then it’s the Beeb and what should we expect.
For example, what is the ethnic make-up of certain organisations and why is that, and what are the qualifications and qualities of job applicants. All this sort of common sense thinking flies out of the window.
The same stupid argument seems to be peddled on Police Stop and search. All the moaners and whingers complaining that black males are more likely to be stopped by Plod and the answer is along the lines that they commit more crime. O.K. it’s not that simple, but the same wider thinking needs to be applied to the lack of ethnic diversity at the top of UK companies.
It has nothing to do with racism, which the Beeb implies, but more to do with qualifications, experience and abilities, qualities that you would hope any employer looks for and not at skin colour.
The Elephant in the room never mentioned on the BBC, but mentioned in the Mensa Magazine and the many books that collect IQ test studies, such as “The Bell Curve”. Is Racial differences in intelligence.
Scientific studies show that the main reason “Black lives are less intelligent” is that Europeans, East Asians and Jews are about 15 percent more intelligent than sub-Saharan Africans and Aborigines.
So ethnic quotas would only produce a reduction in the moral of those competent employees chosen on merit. Causing these people to leave. It would also decreased the productivity of the economy and damage the reputation of the company and the nation in the eyes of the world.
Its also the reason that ethnic homelands are shit holes, and why therefore, they come to Britain for all this free stuff from ignorant and gullible left-wing morons, who now want to heavily over promote them to positions that they could not create for themselves in Africa, due to low IQ.
If it’s Bambi on the BbC I can’t be bothered listening, but if she’s right the bbc are daft. If she isn’t, he is.
I’ve listened to this 3 times, I didn’t hear @AndyBurnhamGM say northern MPs should have a separate vote, I understood him to mean northern MPs should ask for a separate vote on the financial help.
Our local rags were good only for checking a few fetes, but since BBC Local Democracy ‘reporters’ got embedded they synergise with BBC local radio on XR and BLM protest starting points and asking folk in the Shires what they think of stuff in other countries.
Not a good use of money. I’d raise it with my MP, but he isn’t either.
Following on from my excellent idea of arresting people for asking questions – I’ve developed my repressive measures- I have developed an app which you must download ( offence to refuse ) which tells the powers that be if you are not wearing a face mask .
Face masks – naturally – must be worn 24 hours a day .
I’ve invented the musical Disney face mask for the kiddies to get used to as they grow up .
Mobile phones with self trackers will – of course – be compulsory and be carried at all times . Fine or imprisonment or both for failing to comply
These measures are purely for the benefit of the whole community and to ‘save the NHS” .
The technology has been developed by Fedup Enterprises PLC ….
I’ve also invented a game for Christmas – ‘repression ‘ – everyone can play …..
BBC once pervasive pre-Champion ‘one of us’ gob is aggrieved… cue major MSM EdGuds revamps to keep this cheery charmer happy.
I get the scholarly distinctions around militias vs terrorists, and the U.S. legal ramifications & restraints, but for most people – especially us Muslims – it’s the media double standard that grates most: brown is almost always terrorist and white is almost always not-terrorist
I went for my flu jab this morning. Radio 4 was on in the car as I got in just after 10am. A guest on whichever talk show it was, (they are all the same and all with Left wing guests) was introduced as the Nigerian British…. I never hear people described as ‘the German British’ or the ‘Australian British’….. it was obviously done to show that the programme fulfilled their diversity quota and you could almost hear the smugness in the voice of the presenter. I have no idea if any of the three guests had anything interesting to say as I switched off.
I also watched a video shared of that bizarre Facebook billionaire saying he too would meddle as long as it takes to get the result required.
Don needs to win, and win big.
A world steered by guys like this and the bbc and Citizens Assemblies deciding wrongthink will not be headed to a good place , as if it is not already as I read about Dick’s boys in rainbow policing what is said TO a person.
Of all the people I would trust to accurately assess what qualifies as “misleading”, Twitter’s little band of censor-elves are pretty low on the list…
Palin revisits his 80 Day travel
They do this thing where they bring on talking heads to say “He did really well”
#1 Ed Balls, #2 Attenborough #3 Black wheelchair athlete Ade Adepitan (apparently he’s 57)
.. all very BBC tickbox
Just watched CH 4 and BBC news which reported the usual Trump is a disaster stories. Each night Trump is reported s trailing in the polls with Biden increasing his lead.
I don’t know how it will work but I am convinced that the election results will reveal a disaster for Trump. Maybe a massive fraud, maybe the media will have convinced the American people that Biden is their man.
Prepare for a new America, which will lead the way in displacing whitey, followed by a similar pattern in the UK.
I hear David Miliband is very popular with the Dems. Expect the new America to back him so that he leads Labour into an easy victory over Boris.
Bad times ahead.
I always test for racism by reversing the colours and imagining what the reaction by the Left would be.
In this case, I would be tweeting asking for people to vote for someone regardless of whether he deserves to win simply to make the winner a white person. People ‘without colour’ get sacked for much less these days.
I’m sick of the hypocrisy of the world we live in now.
I always test for racism by reversing the colours and imagining what the reaction by the Left would be.
In this case, I would be tweeting asking for people to vote for someone regardless of whether he deserves to win simply to make the winner a white person. People ‘without colour’ get sacked for much less these days.
I’m sick of the hypocrisy of the world we live in now.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Whoops. First?!?!?!
Catchup links to last page of previous thread
– page 4 started 10am Friday
– page 3
Heading for the Channel coast tomorrow AM. I’ll keep a weather eye open for the invaders.
“We shall fight them on the beaches…………….” Tallyho Westy !
Brissles, my dear old thing, you are making me feel really old. I cannot remember what configuration was a Westland Wyvern. Have just had to look it up courtesy of Wiki.
My ten year old self would probably not have had that problem.
Essay from RT : conflicts of interest between judges at the European Court of Human Rights and NGOs funded by George Soros.
“The study has found that, out of the 100 judges who have served on the bench of the ECHR in the period 2009-2019,
nearly a quarter (22) have strong links to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation or to NGOs like Amnesty International and others which are funded by it.
Human Rights Watch, for instance, has received $100 million from the Open Society Foundation since 2010.
Some of the NGOs receive so much of their budget from Soros that they are in effect wholly owned subsidiaries of his foundation.”
Today Priti lot a case ..and a Nigerian drug lord is allowed to stay in the UK cos his Human Rights matter more than his victims.
Now, there’s a thing.
“I didn’t want somebody with Charles Moore’s views as I’ve read them over and over again in the Telegraph and the Spectator, his views on gay marriage, on race relations, to become Chairman of the BBC. I think you need somebody with a much more open mind.”
It is an interesting statement by Dimbleby. It is the same argument used by the Democrats in the US re the appointment of the judge to the Supreme Court, ie unless the potential appointee has Left wing views they cannot be appointed.
Punches a hole through any claim of fairness during his reign over the Question Time Rubbish doesn’t it ? Betcha he had a big hand in who got on the programme …
I still take pleasure from his face when the Brexit result came in ….. priceless …
Open-minded: An unprejudiced mind receptive to new ideas and arguments.
Charles Moore: An unprejudiced mind receptive to new ideas such as replacing the compulsory licence fee with a voluntary subscription, and allowing new scientific arguments about planetary atmospheric physics to appear on the BBC.
Close-minded: A prejudiced mind unreceptive to new ideas and arguments.
David Dimbleby: A prejudiced mind unreceptive to new ideas such as replacing the compulsory licence fee with a voluntary subscription, and allowing new scientific arguments about planetary atmospheric physics to appear on the BBC. Dumblebees close-mindedness also extends to regarding arguments not supporting the BBC’s left-wing political stance on gay marriage or race relations as dangerous.
Brilliant post, RP. Well done. Could not put better be!
Charles Moore is ,I reckon ,more than a match for Dimbleby. People like Dimbleby regard the bBBC as their own personal fiefdom . Hopefully their days are numbered.
He should get it. A mind that comes out with a statement like that without a second thought would see the bbc ended in years.
Just a reminder. Chair of the BBC is Chairperson of the BBC Trust. It is a non-Executive role that principally requires the person to make excuses on behalf of the BBC.
A remainer, a traitor, he was shocked at the result that saw the majority vote to leave the EU, has never forgiven or really understood anything-a waste of time to be considered for anything other than the dustbin where ex BBC plods go. Yes I loath the man and for what he stands for, mainly himself, living off his fathers reputation.One has only got to listen to Richard Dimbleby’s naration at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation to understand the difference.
We could list the media bubble family relations on screen – which links to what oxbridge college they went and their shared social arrangements and expressed views …
We watched his, “open mind” when the results of the Brexit Referendum were announced.
Dimbleby PLC thinking about all that TVL money he can get as ‘compensation ‘ -as posh people call wages ……
Up here, on radio bbbc Newcastle today, in the North East, we’ve been constantly told that last week 1,800 students have covid.
They did not ask these 3 related questions or at least they didn’t tell us the answers.
1. How many of these 1,800 are in hospital.
2. How many of these 1,800 are in intensive care.
3. How many of these 1,800 died.
I think we all know the answers.
My guess:
and I’d be extremely surprised if that was not the case.
On Toady they interviewed a head honcho at Durham Uni, reference crappy food parcels for those self-isolating.
Said head honcho said that those not in isolation were allowed to go around but were recommended to keep in the University precincts and not go into the city pubs, shops, bars etc.
The Toady useless presenters didn’t pick up on this, which is a lead in to the concept of managed student mass but essentially harmless outbreaks aka herd immunity.
It can’t work everywhere, but defined colleges and campus universities could surely allow for partying to continue, let everyone get covid and by the end of term almost all will be immune and can go home safely, and Easter term can proceed quite normally.
The drug deaths and STDs will add to the morbidity tate
It’s been on the tv and radio up here that students want to be given free drug analysing test kits to make sure the illegal drugs they get from the drug dealers are safe to take.
It’s true!
Apart from the mainstream media censorship of hospital admissions and deaths by Covid-19. I also found out that Influenza deaths are currently running at over ten times that of Covid deaths. Also censored is that the death rate of Spanish Flue was over 400 times more lethal than the Covid-19 death rate. Scientists like Professor Karol Sikora are also being attacked by the Civil Service for not being alarmist. Like Climate Change, posh liberal left-wing morons are using censorship to stoke up fear. So Covid-19 is probably not a Chinese plot, but part of a CIA plot by Gina Haspel, part of Project Fear. See “The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear”.
Also there is a suggestion that Boris Johnson has suffered brain damage due to low oxygen levels when he was ill. This would explain why he is now pushing for Jeremy Corbyns “Green Socialist” Utopia for 2030. However, Boris says its Clement Attlee’s “Build the New Jerusalem” Utopia he now supports.
However, before Gina Haspels plot to damage the brain of Boris Johnson, Boris supported Winston Churchill, not Clement Attlee.
Is it not to be understaood that, when thousands of students from all corners of the nation enter the Universities where accepted, will be crowded and where any virus will manefest and spread. So of course numbers in those cities will rise way above the norm. But that is food to those that want to destroy this nation.
And yet they are all “cases”.
And so it goes on and on and on …
Quite right . Anyone who asks the wrong sort of question should be arrested and investigated And anyone who answers such a question should also be arrested and investigated . Take their kids into care – seize their assets. Kill their pets in case they have ‘unapproved thoughts ‘ as well ….
….. lucky plod has so much time on their hands …
Off to the Ministry of Love with you …
Seconded (Mr A Hitler).
Thirded (Mr J Stalin).
Fourthed (Mr M Zedong).
Fifthed (Mr P Pot)
Sixthed (Mr F Castro)
Five of out of five dictators can’t be wrong.
Ian – you left out the head of the EU reich – wh might prefer the starve them option
It’s not normal – period.
Few things are more important than obliterating the BBC. The UK will never be a better country as long as the majority of sheep trust BBC. But this is more than a right-ving/left-wing isssue. The BBC’s pandering to the woke mob, islamism, and globalist multiculturalism is horrible. But lefties have their grudges as well (unfair treament of Corbyn, not covering Tory government incompetence and corruption enough, etc.)
BBC is not primarily left(right) wing, but the propaganda arm of the globalist ruling elite and the Deep State. They are liars and deceivers and their main goal is to sneak in propaganda lies among truthful reporting (to make it easier to hide them). And to omit and suppress facts and stories that is a threat to the Establishment Narrative.
On the surface it looks like BBC have a left-wing bias. But looking more closely, they are just pushing the globalist’s Elite agenda (multiculturalism, no borders, dismantle the nation states, incite division based on race religion gender and sexual identity, destroy traditional values). And when BBC have a right-wing bias it is just other parts of the Elite’s agenda (neocon war mongering, ignore GMO risks,ignore Pharma corruption, never investigate the negative effects of so called free trade deals, etc.)
So, to win, we only need to convince people of this. This is done by relentless hammering, calling them out for every lie, bias, and omission. It can be done. Trump went full streetfighter vs fakenews MSM in the US, and managed to undermine their credibility.
But if we attack BBC for being left-wing, more than a third of all people will immediately stop listening. People have been arguing right vs left for 250 years. It’s old and people think they have heard it before. To get peoples attention we need to attack them on this more fundamental level.
We need more like this BBC fakenews T-shirt:
signsandgraphics DOT biz/bbc-fake-news-t-shirt
More more pins, more decals, more stickers, more large PVC banners to put on the walls outside our homes. Anyone who can print to sell?
And more memes:
BBC, don’t think for yourself
BBC, we tell you what to think
BBC are liars
BBC lies about covid
BBC, always on the side of The Establishment
BBC, we’ll fill your brain with junk
BBC, tricking you to believe you are “well informed”
BBC, hiding the truth
Watching BBC for hours won’t make you well informed
Facts the BBC don’t want you know about: “long list”
And finally, video from the Trafalgar Square covid protests two weeks ago. “Take down the BBC, Take down the BBC, Take down the BBC”
The fact that fewer and fewer people are buying Al Beeb’s Telly Tax must be very worrying for those that manage and run the outfit . It’s the first time that I have seen any footage of an anti Al Beeb demo . The message must be getting through to the government. Needless to ask , but was similar film shown on the BBC news?
“On the surface it looks like BBC have a left-wing bias. But looking more closely, they are just pushing the globalist’s Elite agenda (multiculturalism, no borders, dismantle the nation states, incite division based on race religion gender and sexual identity, destroy traditional values). ”
I’d prefer to think that the BBC are simply following the Marxist manifesto.
Hello uprising
Welcome to the site .
I see the lefties and the globalists as the same – destroy national identity through censorship of thought and view – a mono moralled coffee coloured feminised state.
The kids now , of course , do not know of an alternative and their history is carefully airbriushed .
Maybe some one should write a book about it … the clock struck 13 ..
On R4 Michael Goldfarb takes us on a little trip via Rwanda and Bosnia to President Trump (get it?) in ‘Archive on 4’ this eve.
Apparently the President chats to Hannity of Fox News almost daily (got it?). So Fox News kinda emerges from the mists of genocide, not explicitly, but kinda, in Goldfarb’s book. So Fox are the baddies, stirring up partisan fervour, and suchlike. Who then, are the goodies? Well, Wiki tells us Goldfarb writes i.a. for the New York Times and The Guardian, so there is a clue. No partisan fervour here, of course.
Apparently all was sweetness and light when the US had the ‘Fairness Directive’, but then came the idea there should be many voices, all working for profit/money, according to Goldfarb. The man doesn’t sound very keen on diversity of opinion. And of course, HE is not partial to money influencing broadcasting.
We should have only the very factual beeb? This is Goldfarb’s subtle hint, although he doesn’t spell it out. It’s the “Public Srvice” broadcaster, who is virtuous.
One of the real baddies, it seems, is Rush Limbaugh. He is a buddy of the President.
But hark! It’s James Kumarasami on R4 News at Ten slamming America’s “First Patient” as well as – who would have thought it?- Rush Limbaugh. There it is, almost seamless.
Goodness, now this is continuity at its best! R4, you DO spoil us!
Is that young Rashford, getting an MBE? Goodness, he’ll have to take the knee yet again. Or is that only for Knights?
Anyway, he says it sounds a little strange. Have to agree with him.
A very large number of awards have been given to public sector people ‘for services to turning up for work and doing what they are supposed to do’.
Usually, hidden away from the high profile ‘newsworthy’ awards, I bet you’ll find that knighthoods and CBEs are given to 5+ times more public sector workers than private sector workers. It’s recompense for the low public sector salaries and job security. No, really.
And get ready for awards for our NHS heroes, working on the front line, who got the virus.
The words are carefully chosen. Almost none of them actually caught it on the front line of course, but elsewhere, in the same ways and same proportions as the rest of us. But the truth is rather less heroic than the reality.
Which just wouldn’t do, would it?
Saturday morning update.
Out of 36 knighthoods and damehoods I counted, precisely 2 were wealth-creating private sector types. One of whom, Emma Warmsley, the CEO of GSK has only been in post for 5 minutes but crucially of course is female.
The other 34 are to arty types, professors, and civil servants.
Pathetic. Another slap in the face for business.
“A very large number of awards have been given to public sector people ‘for services to turning up for work and doing what they are supposed to do’.”
Yes, but I’ve concluded that there is another subtlety at work. Pursuance of distinctions in a working role, is more designed to again, see them as ‘oppressed victims’ by promoting the idea that some elements are considered just, ‘putting themselves out’ or, ‘going that extra mile’. The ‘distinction’ makes them isolated as heroes by ‘going above, the call of duty’.
As usual, nothing to watch on the terrestrial channels, so am bingeing on a Ray Donovan box set, the season 2018, I watched a courtroom scene and the members of the jury was referred to thus………… “ladies, gentleman and non-binary members of the jury….”
Is this for real ? does it happen here, or just the U.S ? and are we living in some twilight world ?
In Britain its probably now “Binary and dodecasexual
members of the jury….”
Exodus Chapter 20 v5: “Thou shall not bow down thyself…for I the Lord God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
Therefore: no knee-taking to humans, especially black criminals, wanted by police, like George F.!!! This runs the risk of being seen as a satanic ritual.
Premiership footballers and refs, pay attention.
Exodus 22.18 “thou shall not suffer a witch to live”
Laura Kuenssberg, pay attention
Scanning through the list of people given gongs, it seems that about 90% are all in the public sector, TV ‘entertainers’ or ‘volunteers’.
What happens to members of all the small firms and white van men who’ve had to find work at all costs and keep the economy going? Our chemist has been absolutely fantastic in its service and positive attitude, as have several of the retailers, but I suppose they don’t count in the public eye, it’s just the town hall people who spend time bigging each other up.
I must read ‘Room at the top’ again, even if it means having to lust after Susan and Alice, and what they got up to…
Someone’s got to do it!
They could give Paddington Bear an award for all I care, just so long as the dreadful Beckhams are continually passed over.
TOADY Watch #1 – A Fig-leaf from Figueres
I managed a listen from 7 a.m. today up until the adverts came on. Books, records, the BBC will be flogging sofas soon.
So far so good, too, from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Christiana who, despite being pressed three times by JustRemainIn Webb, the ExSec refused to criticise China and its CO2 emissions. The Chinese will get it all sorted by 2060 and are on track to do so. They have promised and Christiana the ExSec believes the Chinese will always keep their word.
That was notable.
Of course, in the unreal world, we only have three months to save the world from Climate Change, not forty years. We also only have one year to do it according to XR, ten years to do it according to Harrabin and shouldn’t really bother according to most people.
Dimbles would be cool.
BBC News has ‘research’ on… fairy tales.
Fairy tales teach good lessons but may feature outdated concepts, according to research.
Using Angela Rayner seems cruel.
A Perfesser.
Kit off, inevitably.
Radio 1 and Newsbeat in love?
A extract from an email update from the Government with regard to Postal Votes and Electoral Fraud:
“The Government does not support all-postal voting, which would increase fraud risks, and remove choice from voters who wish to cast their vote in person. However, the Government has no plans to abolish the postal vote system in its current form and Lord Pickles’ report did not propose the removal of postal voting on demand. Postal voting enables many people to cast their vote who may otherwise not be able to vote. Many other voters find it a convenient way to cast their vote that fits in with busy lifestyles for people who work or have caring commitments. That said, we continue to look at ways to develop the process to ensure postal voting remains secure.
Cabinet Office”
DJT has it right then in the US. Its only the fraudsters in the communist democrats who wish to create a system of routine electoral fraud. Belarus anybody?
I’m surprised they have such a cavalier attitude toward voter fraud – both by way of personation and postal fraud – but it’s a red Tory government so shouldn’t expect much – an 80 majority and totally fixated on a virus . Sad .
FedUp2 Agree, but then it appears that the Government take a cavalier attitude on issues that a a serious threat to us all, maybe Indentification cards would solve the problem of Electoral Fraud. When I lived and workd in France I had a Cartre de Sejour meaning staying, which carried a photo and relevent details, this in fact was approved by the Prefec ture/Government. So what not something similar in the UK-stop and search would aid the Police. However I don’t like the new arrangement of having so called Covid Marshalls running around our towns and cities issuing fines for not wearing masks or whatever-smacks of Big Brother/Communisim.
Many (covered up) stories about US mail voting fraud in particular but here the parliament petition “Scrap ‘On-Demand’ Postal Voting, & Create Strict Eligibility Criteria” only received 10,419 signatures. People are either unaware of the extent of UK electoral fraud (also covered up by the media) or have rightly come to the conclusion that these petitions are pointless. The big question is why UK ‘Conservatives’ are unwilling to address the issue with more vigour. The answer may be fear of confronting the particular group(s) of predominantly Labour voters, to whom deception is second nature, involved in vote rigging.
Pols, as a sub group of homo sapiens, do seem as competent with masks as they are consistent.
Usually it is down to that most basic of pol motivation, going with what suits at the time, but sometimes it is because they are simply plain thick, or gaga.
And almost all MSM acolytes will simply look away.
Yesterday Blow-dry Nancy was announcing her latest wheeze at the podium sporting one of her range of designer masks, when a stuttering media groupie at her feet asked a question.
So she hauled it via the front off to first take a swig of water.
If the Dems and BBC are going to get excited about this, then at least try and not look utterly complicit.
Joe speaks to the nation.. safely.
Troubele is GuestWho. one can’t hear what Biden is saying, not that it would matter, as he hasn’t anything useful to say in any event.
Evilness on two legs.
What, genial Joe? Genial policy-less Joe? Think I’m more worried about the people behind him and the Democratic National Congress Party. Pelosi & Co. The Clintons and the Obamas. Antifa. BLM.
Pols and media also seem accorded different rules on twitter consequences.
I recall first noticing it I think when Ed Miliband was given a pass on a post by a subordinate.
Toady this morning with Remainin and Useless absolutely maxed out on the ‘feeding lines’ tactic.
‘Are you concerned/worried/ confused about xyz?’
There were moments of unintentional humour. The ‘interview’ (Ie cosy fireside chat) with the Mayor of Liverpool, where Covid is pretty much uncontrolled, was a throwback to the 80s. He was playing the politics of Covid like a good Militant Tendency supporter would do. Denying responsibility for anything and blaming the evil Tories. Liverpool entitlement/ grievance at its finest.
The question which was just ringing out to be asked was ‘well, what would you do?’
But there was no answer. Because there was no question.
The BBC don’t want to show up their trot buddies, do they?
Sluff, yes think I heard that bit. It has been noticeable in the past week that on TWatO a Mayor of where-ever has been announced as Labour Mayor of …. . It was noticeable and notable that Michelle as the Mayor kept calling ‘Mishal the well-known mispronounced’ did not introduce Joe Anderson in that way.
I wonder why?
My contribution to monitoring the BBC is to focus on its website outputs.
I have noticed a restructuring of the BBC’s African News Section – the BBC are now focusing much more on Africa and in recent days have been promoting and campaigning for civil unrest and revolution in various African states. For example in Malawi they have been pushing for a feminist revolution of the police force. In Nigeria they have been pushing for a youth revolution for a change in the government and a change in their policing. The Nigerian government have been fighting an Islamic insurgency and the BBC’s focus is on attacking the government and ignoring or being sympathetic to the insurgency.
In addition to this a few days ago the BBC reported on white farmers in South Africa, but their focus was on calling them racist thugs:
As far as I can see the BBC are now part of the global movement for promoting so called color revolutions throughout the world – trying to incite the youth, university educated students and feminists into marches, demonstration and civil unrest. They have been doing this successfully in Britain, Eastern Europe, Africa, India, America, Hong Kong, Israel.
It is no longer just a question of the TV tax that we need to be concerned with – but the revolutionary nature of the BBC as a propaganda arm for various revolutionary insurgencies throughout the world.
I have relatives there. Not rural, but it is a worry.
They know the family of Brendin Horners, RIP.
BBC Africa reporting on his horrendous fate would likely see them accused of a hate crime.
But they know ‘better’.
“he BBC are now focusing much more on Africa and in recent days have been promoting and campaigning for civil unrest and revolution in various African states.”
Get em’ well prepared and trained before they embark on a rubber boat trip………..
And what is the EU ‘said’* to be doing in Belorus and Kyrgyzstan?
Ukraine – and deja vu – all over again.
(* I have heard/read claims but have no actual evidence.)
Amazing what one call to the BBC to, ‘help out’ by Soros can do……
Caliphate – does anyone think the BBC would report the ethnic cleansing of white farmers ? When the country becomes a failed state they will wonder ‘why? “ but won’t want to make a connection – but will blame whitee …
Nothing to do with the BBC – I won’t watch it – but demonstrating that the power of the Left is across the board. Kids’ programme on Sky, FYI, firstly surprisingly had 3 white kids presenting so I thought how quaint. But almost immediately an item on Trump, NOT complimentary needless to say. Then a bit about a visually-impaired (white again) boy facing challenges that was quite uplifting but spoilt by the rider: “There are only 24 schools that specialise… – there use to be 25 but due to Government cutbacks one was closed”. Unrelenting, isn’t it. Nothing to do with the kids, but good for the producers to educate them on the evils of the Nazi Tory Party.
Dissent in the ranks?
Rob channels his inner BS.
Helps the market rate negotiations, I guess, especially for Newsnight staff.
Do you notice how the BBC dont have whistle blowers ? How odd ? Is it recruitment ? The cushy conditions ?
Yes we hear From the occasional pensioned off sulker . But not the ‘soldier’ type nearer to the corruption ….
There are a few but they are marginalised and discredited. A 5 billion pound a year operation with 22000 employees and links to various other organisations with a monopoly – cartel type influence over many fields including the arts means it is not in ones economic interests and future career aspirations to take on the BBC.
Alex Belfield?
The bbc knows…. ‘people’.
One wrong step and a mob is at your door.
They also know where you live.
Police and Covid marshals step up patrols on London trains in crackdown on mask flouters.
Just 81 fines have been issued after 54,175 maskless passengers stopped. Steve White, chief operating officer for Govia Thameslink Railway, said: “We all need to wear face coverings in stations and on trains unless exempt, to protect those around us.
“This exercise with the British Transport Police will help reinforce that message to the small minority who perhaps don’t think it matters.”
Just on the Railways? Oh no, this dangerous intervention to peoples freedom/democracy will not bode well-already the Prime Minister has said Covid Marshalls will enforce pavement rules! whatever they are specifically. Asda have recruited 1000 new marshalls to police their stores-I know many of you will not like where this is going or could go-control and more control surreptitiously entering our society. Coronavirus is being used as the sepping stone to inflict more public control-to what end? You may well ask.
Just a, ‘practice run’ for when the Government get the instruction from their Globalist/Marxist masters to shut everything down by way of a curfew. They’re just sorting out the ‘bugs’ in this practice run. That’s what all services practice if they want a smooth transition from one thing to another. Mild at the moment so as to not really scare the natives.
Yes you got it in One G- those monsters are pulling the strings in the wings, watching us dance to their tune. A systamatic Collapse of Society. From one notable ‘We are living through the systematic collapse of society as we know it. The elites have already planned out election chaos and famine that will destroy so many people´s lives if we let it. I give that part of a longer essay, credit. Globalist/Marxists already walking through Westmintser I fear.
I have been on both buses and trains in London and if I were to choose those not to wearing a face mask – 90% coloured . Maybe that’s just one of many reasons they form ‘hotspots ‘ ….
Now I read that hospitals are impressive sources of passing on covid —- yet the nightingale ones remain empty …. dump red Tory government which I had to vote for ….
Incomperhensible as to why the Nightinggale hospital is empty-maybe the authorities are waiting to fill it with the hundreds of the so called assylum seekers, running across our shores? But you do wonder don’t you?
One more on this Darren Grimes issue.
Julia is quite right, it’s now staggeringly scary what the Police are doing. But even more scary what this Labour MP , a lawyer, thinks !!!!!!
Karl TurnerMP is the guy who gives the thumbs up to milkshaking.
… Milkshaking is assault
thumbs upping it is INCITEMENT to violence
so is an actual crime.
Starkey’s figure of speech was not against the law otherwise he would have been arrested.
So Turner’s offence is bigger, not that I am saying that police should waste their time on his tweet.
Why did I do it ? Why did I waste 30 minutes listening to ‘from our own biased correspondent ‘?
The Democrat bbc spokesman Zurker doing a hatchet job on the president – who I think he referred to as ‘president ‘once . Then some muddled nonsense from a girl correspondent in one of the stans hiding in her hotel room while a coup took place outside – courageous journo … then the best an African single girl who couldn’t rent a room in Lagos – I kid you not .
Then – an advert for the UAE telling us about girls cycling – direct feeds from the UAE propaganda department to the BBC propaganda department – the biggest of them all.
Then the French correspondent – spokesman for the EU talking about the French driving test and accepting the corruption of the French system without challenge – its just ‘French ‘.
He didn’t say you could bung an examiner but it wasn’t far off – it had echoes of those occasional third worlders here who personate in the test or third worlders who become tick box examiners to feather their nests ….
How much does that old hag – Adie – get to ‘host’ that tripe .
Am I finally done with it ..? Probably ….. it is just so poor now .
PS – I worry about zurcher . He doesn’t seem mentally sound to me – so when mr trump gets a clear mandate I think he might be talking to Samaritans ….
Senior health officials have pledged to rid the NHS of ‘white privilege’. I think this means that the NHS has promised to get rid of Lord David Prior, but not Lord Ara Darzi.
But why in hell do the most privileged white Senior health officials announce that they want to get rid of themselves.
Suicidal thoughts caused by Covid-19, or hypocrisy?
Christ almighty, I just don’t recognise my country anymore. This once green and pleasant land is now a bloody miserable place to live.
Kim Yong Krankie has locked down great chunks of Scotland, so you know darned well that the Downing Street buffoon will be doing much the same to England. Where Krankie and Whitty lead, Dobbin Johnson follows…
To sweeten the pill he’ll send out Squealer Hancock (God, how I loathe that repulsive creature) to explain how necessary it is and how it’s all for our own good. You know, it really wouldn’t surprise me if he started addressing us as “Comrades”.
I have to pinch myself to realise this is a “Conservative” government with a healthy majority. The far left have never won an election, never even got close… and yet…
Here we are with a deliberately strangled economy. Businesses closing, our freedoms but a memory. I see pathetic, terrified people shuffling about in masks and visors. FFS, there are even state paid henchmen attempting to see who you have in your own house. What are their powers? Will they be able to burst into your home? Perhaps they’ll be like body bailiffs. Instead of making off with your new telly, they’ll drag out your aged aunt Martha. “Sorry mate, one too many, she’ll have to go…”
This is the country that we used to cheerfully refer to as Blighty! We looked askance at the Eastern Block. Shook our heads in dismay and disbelief at events in the Soviet Union and East Germany. It could never happen here, we smiled. How wrong we were. Every passing day this country feels more like North Korea.
And what does our infantile, half witted PM do for his latest tricks? He makes an insensible, tilting at windmills speech about green energy. I mean, talk about fiddling while Rome burns… and awards all the useless arty farty lefties, climate fanatics, Covid hysterics and folk who loathe Brexit with MBEs.
Boris has sent us a clear message.
I think we should send him one.
Nothing long winded… just succinct and simple…only two words…
The second one is “off”.
Read Sir John Redwood, in BBC terms, ‘extreme far-right’ meekly writing about ‘Build back Better’ – “There are those who think there is a global conspiracy led by a billionaire or two who they think set the agenda. I do not post such work, as it is silly.”
Not everyone is buying it. ‘Everhopeful’ says: “The destruction of this country wrought by successive governments in pursuit of their disgusting policies is an affront to all.
And that is no “conspiracy theory” nor is it “silly“…because we all see the damage every single day. And the anger is mounting.”
One does have to wonder if all our politicians have been quietly brought to one side and read the secret memo from George Soros or some other evil genius in her James Bond lair with her finger on the death ray controls!
Its that Invermectin again!
A word of caution to SG: the interviewee mentions the Toronto video which you pooh poohed about 3/4 weeks ago describing it as, “BS”. The corollary is, there aint really nothing else out there to combat the chinese virus, so, what’s to lose?
In the circumstances, if you get really sick, would you refuse this treatment?
BBC news at one .. Always say after watching anything on the BBC I will never do it again but stupidly I came back to it . Report on the birthday honours list.
I ran it back and counted.
Not counting a brief mention of Tom Moore, ( only in the context of how he inspired some Muslim honour winner to walk round the garden ‘even during ramadan’ ) they showed pictures of and mentioned one white British person ( some YouTube fitness video person I had never heard of) and one white American sounding person who was briefly interviewed.
In contrast, four bame people were heavily featured three of whom ( two black one Muslim) had quite lengthy interviews. Don’t forget a picture of a nursing team consisting of only black/african nurses.
Take home message, the Africans and Muslims living here have saved the country. The natives have done bugger all and should all thank the bame’s .
Pour a stiff one first.
Also the same type of ‘arts’ people – mainly tv, get awards – equally for doing bugger all except present a show, read a prompter, and do a bit of charity work. Lorraine Kelly a CBE ????? WTF ?? WHY ?? this is a woman who legally avoided paying tax by saying in court her tv persona is ‘acting’ . Honest to God.
Kelly Hoppen, interior designer of sofa covers, – a CBE, and endless others who make a living appearing on the tele “doing a job I love”.
OK, how many coal miners working at the coal face 3′ high were awarded an honour, how many lorry drivers / power workers / fishermen can boast even an OBE.
In the 60’s my Dad did a night shift down the pit after running a Youth Club which he instigated, in the evening before he went to work. He did this for over 5 years for the youth of our town. He did more for the Community than any of that shower who get them now, and never got so much as a thank you. Marcus Rashford makes one statement and he’s a f……g hero. Bollocks.
I think everyone of our supermarket workers deserve a medal before that bunch of virtue signalling, woke, brown nosers who get honours for doing jobs most of us would jump at the chance of doing.
Nowadays, getting an honour is nothing to be proud of. They’ve been devalued.
I think the supermarket delivery men (sorry, ladies too) all deserve medals. They all arrive with a cheery smile before covering it with their mask, never hurry us and willing to have a word. They are a credit to their job. I am sure for those living alone, the delivery people must give them a boost and may be the only people they see.
What a banana republic Britain2020 has become
I emptied a box of cornflakes this morning, and in the bottom was two MBEs and a knighthood.
Then I went for a walk around the garden
and before I knew it, a helicopter was landing and I was awarded an OBE.
FFS The honours are supposed to generally reward the recognised after years of service.
– Those already rewarded like gold medal winning sports stars, pop stars don’t need an extra gong.
Maybe the coaches and those who ran after school clubs for years do.
– Those who did something for Covid’s too early they haven’t done a lifetime of service .. and anyway most have been awarded by the TV companies already.
– Finally people shouldn’t get awards for JUST DOING THEIR JOB.
Some more biased tripe spewed by the Beeb with their story today.
‘The lack of ethnic diversity at the top of UK companies is coming under increasing focus, with calls for change from big business groups and investors.
Surveys continue to show that black, Asian, or minority ethnic (BAME) people are under-represented in senior positions’.
Fine, I’m all for organisations/businesses being representative, but this is a poorly manufactured piece. If the Beeb wonders why this is (silly of me to think this, I know), it really needs to look at all sorts of matters concerning employment and provide a balanced report, but then it’s the Beeb and what should we expect.
For example, what is the ethnic make-up of certain organisations and why is that, and what are the qualifications and qualities of job applicants. All this sort of common sense thinking flies out of the window.
The same stupid argument seems to be peddled on Police Stop and search. All the moaners and whingers complaining that black males are more likely to be stopped by Plod and the answer is along the lines that they commit more crime. O.K. it’s not that simple, but the same wider thinking needs to be applied to the lack of ethnic diversity at the top of UK companies.
It has nothing to do with racism, which the Beeb implies, but more to do with qualifications, experience and abilities, qualities that you would hope any employer looks for and not at skin colour.
The Elephant in the room never mentioned on the BBC, but mentioned in the Mensa Magazine and the many books that collect IQ test studies, such as “The Bell Curve”. Is Racial differences in intelligence.
Scientific studies show that the main reason “Black lives are less intelligent” is that Europeans, East Asians and Jews are about 15 percent more intelligent than sub-Saharan Africans and Aborigines.
So ethnic quotas would only produce a reduction in the moral of those competent employees chosen on merit. Causing these people to leave. It would also decreased the productivity of the economy and damage the reputation of the company and the nation in the eyes of the world.
Its also the reason that ethnic homelands are shit holes, and why therefore, they come to Britain for all this free stuff from ignorant and gullible left-wing morons, who now want to heavily over promote them to positions that they could not create for themselves in Africa, due to low IQ.
If it’s Bambi on the BbC I can’t be bothered listening, but if she’s right the bbc are daft. If she isn’t, he is.
Win win.
Absolute cack!
Living in the region that is covered by North West news, I can honestly say I am sick to death of hearing from this half wit !!!!!
Never off the screens, he only has these lines in his vocabulary ….
I am calling for …….
I am demanding ………
I would like to see ……….
He never actually suggests or does ANYTHING !!! It’s moan, moan , moan.
Just another broken record and a complete fraud !!!!
But the BBC love him !!! Say no more
Doobs, he was much the same as an MP IIRC
Who funds the funders?
Our local rags were good only for checking a few fetes, but since BBC Local Democracy ‘reporters’ got embedded they synergise with BBC local radio on XR and BLM protest starting points and asking folk in the Shires what they think of stuff in other countries.
Not a good use of money. I’d raise it with my MP, but he isn’t either.
“Small violin quartet for Mr. Lurch at the table no one wants to go near!”
Cut the pity party, do us all a favour and find a new line of work like musicians
We know it’s hard but maybe go and get another job.
Following on from my excellent idea of arresting people for asking questions – I’ve developed my repressive measures- I have developed an app which you must download ( offence to refuse ) which tells the powers that be if you are not wearing a face mask .
Face masks – naturally – must be worn 24 hours a day .
I’ve invented the musical Disney face mask for the kiddies to get used to as they grow up .
Mobile phones with self trackers will – of course – be compulsory and be carried at all times . Fine or imprisonment or both for failing to comply
These measures are purely for the benefit of the whole community and to ‘save the NHS” .
The technology has been developed by Fedup Enterprises PLC ….
I’ve also invented a game for Christmas – ‘repression ‘ – everyone can play …..
BBC once pervasive pre-Champion ‘one of us’ gob is aggrieved… cue major MSM EdGuds revamps to keep this cheery charmer happy.
Dear Mr Mehdi,
911, 7/7, Lee Rigby, Manchester Arena. … need I go on??
I went for my flu jab this morning. Radio 4 was on in the car as I got in just after 10am. A guest on whichever talk show it was, (they are all the same and all with Left wing guests) was introduced as the Nigerian British…. I never hear people described as ‘the German British’ or the ‘Australian British’….. it was obviously done to show that the programme fulfilled their diversity quota and you could almost hear the smugness in the voice of the presenter. I have no idea if any of the three guests had anything interesting to say as I switched off.
The BBC is noted as much for what it steers clear of as what it meddles with.
No wonder they like Joe.
I also watched a video shared of that bizarre Facebook billionaire saying he too would meddle as long as it takes to get the result required.
Don needs to win, and win big.
A world steered by guys like this and the bbc and Citizens Assemblies deciding wrongthink will not be headed to a good place , as if it is not already as I read about Dick’s boys in rainbow policing what is said TO a person.
In complement.
Did BBC Fake Fact Checking thingy go to town on this?
Or was there no time?
Or space.
Or inclination.
Remember when the BBC union front guy was Paul Mason?
He was a teacher too. Happy days.
BBC News
“This new wave of Christianity is all about learning to accept.”
White evangelicals helped Donald Trump win the White House in 2016 but a different type of Christian voter could tip the result in this election.
Meet Tristan, a religious first-time voter with some unexpected views.
Not if you know the BBC they are not.
Would he have a brother named Siegfried perchance?
Palin revisits his 80 Day travel
They do this thing where they bring on talking heads to say “He did really well”
#1 Ed Balls, #2 Attenborough #3 Black wheelchair athlete Ade Adepitan (apparently he’s 57)
.. all very BBC tickbox
Just watched CH 4 and BBC news which reported the usual Trump is a disaster stories. Each night Trump is reported s trailing in the polls with Biden increasing his lead.
I don’t know how it will work but I am convinced that the election results will reveal a disaster for Trump. Maybe a massive fraud, maybe the media will have convinced the American people that Biden is their man.
Prepare for a new America, which will lead the way in displacing whitey, followed by a similar pattern in the UK.
I hear David Miliband is very popular with the Dems. Expect the new America to back him so that he leads Labour into an easy victory over Boris.
Bad times ahead.
Tonight not that much
The Times picture for tonight’s BGT is Nabil Abdulrashid
oh the Nigerian Muslim comedian
Apparently he did a white bashing routine
..and it being a public vote didn’t get into the top 3.
I always test for racism by reversing the colours and imagining what the reaction by the Left would be.
In this case, I would be tweeting asking for people to vote for someone regardless of whether he deserves to win simply to make the winner a white person. People ‘without colour’ get sacked for much less these days.
I’m sick of the hypocrisy of the world we live in now.
I always test for racism by reversing the colours and imagining what the reaction by the Left would be.
In this case, I would be tweeting asking for people to vote for someone regardless of whether he deserves to win simply to make the winner a white person. People ‘without colour’ get sacked for much less these days.
I’m sick of the hypocrisy of the world we live in now.