Forget the whisperers telling you it’s all over and in the bag for Biden. Not what I’m hearing. The race is tight and there are a lot of Republicans registering to vote for Trump. Hope you’ll join @afneil and me for another crazy long US election night nail biter!
Twitter is not censoring access to this new Post story. Which means, according to their own new rules – The story is accurate. The emails are authentic. The materials were not hacked.
I was driving home and caught the end of a snarly, interruption ridden ‘interview’ with a Tory MP regards lockdown in Essex or somewhere.
A little later a lady called Pittard was interviewed, this lady is someone to do with the NHS and allowed to claim,without interruption or comment, about the ICUs being overwhelmed again, across the the country.
Now this should have brought an interjection along the lines of ‘what about the nightingale hospitals’???
But No. Not even challenged on this point. Deathly silence from the
Beeboid interviewer.
ITV local news 6:15pm “Those in the BAME community need special assurance re Civid vaccines”
over to aHull spokesman for a statement.
…. What happened to equality.
Why should people who don’t want and don’t use BBC services be forced to pay for it? Hope government aren’t losing bottle on licence fee already.
I live in the countryside and it must be racist, I think I’ve only ever seen anyone who wasn’t white whilst out walking maybe three times in the last 20 years. Yep, countryside definitely racist.
Do you know where isn’t racist? The local KFC by the traffic island on the bypass, rarely been past there and not seen at least one black, or Asian family sat having a meal by the window. Yep, KFC definitely not racist.
Sorry Fed, don’t think I can. Around here the land is virtually all MOD, or big estate (royalty/aristocracy). A lot of the farmers on MOD land used to offer shooting to locals, but that doesn’t seem to happen now, and the big estates are all tightly managed and increasingly ‘out of bounds’.
There’s a real gypsy/traveller problem, as in stealing anything not screwed down, so a lot of landowners have blocked off old rights of way, and are quite twitchy about ‘strangers’.
Used to know a guy (ex-forces) who was commissioned to control the deer on MOD land around the edge of town, he was a handy guy to know if you wanted a bit of venison. He was laid off several years ago, and was very damning of the new land management by the MOD.
Surely William had an accident whilst riding his horse and Richard was hit by a crossbow bolt (equivalent of a sniper injury) whilst inspecting a castle he was besieging and the wound turned gangrenous.
Wasn’t it William Rufus (king after W the Conqueror had died) who was said to have been killed in a hunting accident?! I agree it was a bit more complicated with R Lionheart, i.e. not exactly a wound in hot battle.
William the Bastard (aka ‘the Conqueror’) was supposed to have died when his fat belly (he was notoriously obese) struck the pommel of his saddle during a ‘hunting accident’ which unhorsed him. According to legend, he took days to die an agonising death, and when it came time to bury him his coffin stank so bad no one would carry it.
According to local Hampshire legend, King William II aka ‘Rufus’ was shot in the back with an arrow in a ‘hunting accident’ in the New Forest, by a ‘close personal friend’ and noted marksman, who ‘mistook him for a stag’. The nobles in the party, including the killer, fled, leaving Rufus to be found and collected by the local peasants (who according to rumour ‘made merry’ with the corpse of the despised king). Tales that his killer was paid by Rufus’, little brother Henry (later Henry I) are of course entirely…well, okay, actually highly likely, but seeing as no one liked Rufus much…
Richard I was killed by a young boy armed with a crossbow during a minor siege he was supervising in France. There is a certain irony in that, seeing as Richard was a big fan of the crossbow and had ignored the Pope’s order to ‘ban’ the weapon in European conflicts, and that he was attacking during lent (which was strictly forbidden by the Catholic church). According to legend, Richard’s ‘dying wish’ was that the boy would be ‘paid 100 shillings and freed’, but his men tortured the poor lad to death instead.
Which was the King who was shot up the backside by an assassin who hid in his privy with a crossbow?
British monarchs who died in battle?…. err…. King Arthur?
ITV 10:45pm Channel people smugglers
under cover doco
@adnansarwar “In Calais working undercover to infiltrate people-smuggling gangs.
The truth is more complicated than the headlines.
Tonight over an hour we’ll give you another piece of it.
The gangs, the money, the whole operation. Hunting the People Smugglers ”
such work istoo hardfor UK police/borderforce to do.
Exposure – Hunting The People Smugglers ITV at 10.45pm tonight
Over halfway now, with just another couple of weeks to go, and then on 1st November this madness will have ended (fingers crossed). Black History Month will be done with.
9pm BBC2 TheTrumpShow : expect rabid antiTrump PR
followed by Frankly Vile
10pm Channel4 ! “Black,British and Funny” FireSmiling face with sunglasses
Mo Gilligan’s black comedy doco
‘celebrates the black comedy circuit and icons’
There was something interesting about the vox pop.
They have a system they make the vox pop, and play it out on the radio around 5pm
On the way home I heard it on the radio and recognised one distinctive voice of some woman I know.
so that means they were in the market place today.
And when it was on the TV at 6:40pm I saw it was .
5 people were used and it came out subtly as general support for Starmer
but I think that was created in the edit by the way they put the change mind person at the end.
The person I know was shown saying “we came out of the first lockdown too soon”
I know she is not a super cautious or mask fanatic.
I’m back, Jack, and ready to join the push by freedom-loving Americans for a fairness doctrine regulating renegade social media. When Twitter starts “choosing” the news, it has declared itself a de facto publisher. Twitter is a subversive cancer eating at the soul of this nation.
Contexts : Justice Swift used to be the government’s main lawyer
now sitting as a judge he ruled that there are no grounds to challenge the governments Covid restrictions.
No one i giving a direct quote where Judge Swift mentions the BBC or even the media
seems he i merely giving his opinion.
What makes it worse is that the judge said he watches the news so is up to date with what’s been happening and presumes it’s accurate….. it’s like a ???? being used to keep a herd of ???? together
Oh, you mean unlike the Steele Report, which was all over twitter and Facebook? Or Trump’s tax returns. What was 3rd party verification of them?
Over the last 24 hours, we’ve received significant feedback (from critical to supportive) about how we enforced our Hacked Materials Policy yesterday. After reflecting on this feedback, we have decided to make changes to the policy and how we enforce it.
“Brexit: EU leaders call for UK trade talks to continue”
“EU leaders have called for post-Brexit trade talks to continue beyond the end of the week – the deadline suggested by PM Boris Johnson.”
I thought that BoJo said the Deadline was today? Who has blinked first ?
Reminder , we voted to leave, not for a “trade deal .
Will BoJo clean up Mrs May’s mess?
I can’t speak about English criminal law but I can say that she could – and should – have been charged under Scots law with culpable and reckless conduct.
But, hey, the law only applies to some people, doesn’t it?
Look if an SNP MP wants to knowingly spread the illness on public transport and in Westminster – no problem – just don’t use the n word -.. then you get the full cps referral … country is well effed ..
The people in South Taffland get lockdown while the UK gov dump a load of “illegal invaders” in South Taffland without any local consultation.
A rule for one but not for the others ?
But as near as dammit every other government in the world is doing the same thing and that is really quite remarkable.
Almost as if the Martians are coming or one of James Bond’s evil geniuses has threatened all world leaders and they are frightened to tell us the real truth.
Focusing on local leaders is just a distraction. Are ‘they’ trying to fiddle the ‘quantitative eased’ books, ‘save the planet’ or, like comprehensive ‘education’, close all the alternatives and impose Universal Marxism world-wide so there is nothing else to compare it with? (“Ah but we have never had real communism, because the running-dog capitalists have always put a spoke in the wheel. If only we could all go communist…”).
It has to be coordinated under the UN. Conspiracy same with vaccines although some Pharma have paused development as problems have arisen and now a known well documented case of a 25 year old having confirmed re-infection.
G and Jim, it could be that the scientists have realised that the Covid-19 virus is capable of mutating into a severe influenza like virus that might incapacitate, hospitalise and kill billions.
Or it could be that China, having accidentally released Covid-19, have decided that they might as well go for broke and have deliberately released Covid-20 which is a much nastier version than its predecessor. It could be that word has reached intelligence services around the world but especially those of the UK that this has happened.
But then it’s easy to pin all sorts of conspiracy theories onto Covid-19 and the UN and WHO and other world bodies like the IMF. Are we guilty of adding to them?
It is something of a coincidence that:
China has problems with rebellious people in Hong Kong
China has growing opposition to its hegemony grab in the South China Sea
The USA is in a trade war with China
The USA is in a Presidential Election year
The US apparently is quite pally now with North Korea and the frost between NK and SK, subject to the occasional border incident, has been thawed a little by President Trump.
Just now looking at the US and Canadian news section of the BBC I came across this:
Looking back at my records to see if I had screen captured this story I found this:
I didn’t have time to look at the video and I didn’t know how to take a copy of it. However the original headline shows it was an anti-Trump story. Note the BBC have changed the headline in addition to removing the video.
I raise this to your attention as an example to show how the BBC will cover themselves in various ways including removing material from their website, changing the headline and re-writing articles. Hence the importance of taking copies. If anyone has any ideas of how I can save video stories from the BBC website I would be grateful.
@Cali Wow
Generally speaking a news story is a matter of historical record
That is why when they get it wrong, it should not be deleted, but rather a correction should be added.
The BBC usual trick is to keep an alarming headline and then add the correction at the bottom of the page where no one notices it, whereas the correction note should be right below the original headline.
The BBC habit of materially changing articles by stealth edits is bad form cos it is deceptive.
This story here is something else
They put out a story , essentially anti-Trump PR
and then withdrawn it
and covered up what they did.
@BBCworld put out a tweet and then deleted it
It had a strange title
\\ ‘Please like me’ – the suburban women rejecting Trump //
ah the Please Like Me is a Trump quote
most libmedia wrote articles with a similar title
The update note says
“15/10/20 We are delivering thorough and detailed coverage of the US elections, featuring a wide range of voices, but we have removed this particular film as it lacked the necessary context.”
It’s the US so check the link they’ll be more tweet than the
The group themselves tweeted the .com link On Oct 7th
Even 8 days later it still stood, so was only changed today
The BBC staffers were black producer writefreedom09 and filmmaker @xinyanyu
“Red, Wine and Blue – a group of suburban women in the battleground state of Ohio – is rallying voters to try and swing the US election in November.”
Update the BBC tweet announcing the delete
has a discussion
We are delivering thorough and detailed coverage of the US elections, featuring a wide range of voices, but we have removed this particular film as it lacked the necessary context
Emma Barnett (Wikipedia paraphrased): Former Women Editor for … Presenter for BBC Radio 5 Live & occasional presenter of Woman’s Hour BBC Radio 4 … co-presenter of BBC One’s Sunday Morning Live … March 2019 became a regular presenter on BBC Two’s Newsnight.
Early life: born 1985, Manchester … her parents ran brothels in the Greater Manchester area & were involved in human trafficking (see below).
Jewish background but non-observant … described herself “as a Jew in disguise”.
Attended an independent school for girls. 2006, graduated with a BA in History & Politics (Nottingham). Took a postgraduate course in journalism at Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies.
Career: … joined The Daily Telegraph 2009 … from 2012, became the women’s editor. She launched The Telegraph’s “Wonder Women” section in Oct. 2012 … “I have always been a feminist“, she told an interviewer in 2015. She is a member of the Women’s Equality Party …
… she referred to “the most painful chapter of my life” when her father was “imprisoned for living off immoral earnings”. He was jailed for three years & eight months in 2008 after admitting to keeping a string of brothels, controlling prostitution & conspiracy to control brothels. The police presented evidence that Emma Barnett was aware of the criminal activity. Her mother was convicted of money laundering & given a suspended term …
“Extreme weather: October downpour sees UK’s wettest day on record” .
Here we go again , global warming?
These campaigners need to aim their protesting at the countries that can make a difference, not pointing their fingers at the UK all the time . They are like the school bully, they would not get away with their actions in any other nation.
Ever since the onset of Covid, all the activist groups are attacking our nation . Do these protest groups have a common factor linking them in trying to bring down the world leader in democracy ?
“Pub in locked-down Liverpool is renamed ‘The Three Bellends’ with sign featuring faces of Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings and Matt Hancock” .
Will Al Beeb cover this “Mail” story?
I was fascinated by the comment just made by Mad Merkel. She thought that the EU should review its approach to the so-called, “Level Playing Field” as the Brits were seeking, “SOME LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE”. Wow. That says it all. “Some level”. No Merkel, we want total independence and see any unnecessary continuing acquiescence to EU law as a failure and certainly not, ‘Independence’.
I have three friends whose daughters in their early 30s, all had covid late March, early April. One is still exhausted after looking after her kids for half a day or preparing a meal, and 2 fit young women get chest pain after climbing the stairs. Maybe the fear of government isn’t the number of deaths, but the number of incapacitated young people who may need financial support for the next 30 to 40 years. We used to have to put up with people dying young after rheumatic fever caused a weakening heart. Perhaps this is the real concern.
Ever wondered how glam life is for the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter?
Here I am at 2030 on a Thursday evening running between lives on disinformation surrounding the US election and pandemic, plus writing right of replies with jacket potato and make-up bag in tow!
Feel free to correct my faulty memory, but did he not denounce white supremacy DURING that debate?
Hmm wear masks – ambivalent Denounced white supremacy – 48 hours AFTER 1st debate Transfer of power – refused to say in WH briefing room pre-existing conditions – yes, but how? Covid relief bill – nearly scuppered by unilateral announcement to pull plug on talks
Grab the clip and give him a refresher course. Cc. bBC misinformation unit, OFCOm and dcms.
Meanwhile, ‘the Moaning mole has this review…
Trump and Biden deflect questions
With 19 days until polling day, the coronavirus-disrupted US election campaign was marked by yet another unusual feature. On a night that was scheduled to feature the second head-to-head presidential debate, Donald Trump’s refusal to take part in a virtual event following his Covid-19 diagnoses meant the candidates instead took questions from audience members in events that aired simultaneously on different channels. On NBC, Mr Trump refused to disavow the QAnon conspiracy theory – that he is battling a clandestine “deep state” network of political, business, media and entertainment elites, often involving Satanic plots and child trafficking. Meanwhile, over on rival ABC, Joe Biden was no less equivocal when pressed on whether he supported adding justices to the US Supreme Court to sway its ideological make-up. In the eyes of our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher: “Mr Trump’s forum made for more entertaining television – and almost certainly will have attracted more viewers. But that could be a blessing and a curse if what American voters want in November is something a little more, well, boring.”
The eyes of Lurch are so far up Pelosi’s colon he can almost see Lurch’s Nike’s.
Sadly, I’m supposed to be working, not posting here and don’t have time to find or send the clips.
(Off topic, this site is a nightmare to post on using my iPhone as half the text box is off the screen and inaccessible until typing reaches the other side and it jumps over, obscuring the other half of the box. ????)
Me too. And yes, the site on my iStuff is awful. It keeps saying I am not logged in when it shows I am and loses text if I forget to copy before posting.
So… here goes nothing.
And it is, literally, nothing. It’s all they have left.
Given multiple opportunities, Trump refused to denounce Qanon at town hall.
1. Woman presenter
2. Rule of 6 shown as 6 women
3. Next example looks like a lesbian women
4. Next scene has 5 people in it. 2 black men, 2 women (1 is black) . The other table is all women.
5. Woman calling “last orders”
6. Outdoor table scene of 4 women, 2 men. 4 are black. The one white male is some kind of tranny looking thing.
7. Women turning over the closed sign is black
8. 2 women eating a meal served by a Muslim man
9. Quick scene of another table, 50% black
10. 3 women exercising in a gym. 66% BAME.
11. 2 white men shown at a casino for a whole 1 second – hooray!!!
6. I saw 4 women and one man of varying skin tones, and one hidden and therefore not readily identifiable. What does a tranny looking thing look like?
8. How do you know he’s a Muslim? He could be a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jain, a Christian, a Quaker, a Wiccan, a non-observant Sikh, a Humanist, or None Of The Above.
11. Ah, the truth is out! You only want to see white men.
There seems to be a trend developing in the press that it’s to the front page of the FT that we need to refer in order to find good news. Of course our new lockdown restrictions and the stalled Brexit talks still feature prominently with the big pink broadsheet but this morning we also have: ‘Morgan Stanley earnings surge 25%’. Yesterday we noticed Goldman Sachs were also ‘in the pink’ as it were: ‘Boosted by surging markets in third quarter’
Today blonde starlet journo Gillian Tett gushes about how: ‘A Biden presidency could be a big win for ESG investing’ – for those of us unwashed masses not in the know, ESG refers to Environmental, Social & Governance investing. So In other words, assuming Trump is expunged, the government subsidised Green boondoggle is ready to roll.
‘Strong LVMH sales cheer luxury sector. The French luxury goods group returned its biggest business to double-digit sales growth in the third quarter…’ (LVHM, you ask, darlings…? Dior, Louis Vuitton, Moët Hennessy, etc)
So let’s have a little less of your moaning, Manchester. Daily Mirror: ‘Northern Revolt. Greater Manchester rejects highest level of lockdown in clash with the PM’ And because this is a Labour paper the Mirror can’t simply plead for people to be left alone to simply go about their business freely: ‘Fury at lack of cash support as half the country now under tougher rules’ – you see the Left are ok with lockdown so long as its fair, ie everyone is locked down, but importantly the idea of lockdown is actually ok because someone, somewhere, sometime, can always be found to pay us all to be locked down pretty much forever, doing nothing. Because, that’s deemed to be the right thing to do.
The Times, inadvertently (I think), heaps faint praise on a Russian fake news tv show: ‘Images portraying the Oxford project’s work as a “Monkey Vaccine” were shown in Russia on the Vesti news programme, described as the equivalent of Newsnight’ – I leave that one to sink in.
Propaganda is in the news – as I like to say. The Daily Telegraph exposes: ‘Clegg had hand in blocking Biden story. Sir Nick Clegg was involved in the decision to reduce the social media distribution of a New York Post story which was based on the alleged emails of Joe Biden’s son’ – Our truth-telling Nick, surely not? Well, there is an awful lot at stake in the upcoming US elections (see above).
The media do love a statistic. Statistics are the trusty wobbly pegs upon which so many stories hang. Small example today: The Mail: ‘Health crisis looming over 27m fewer GP appointments’ The Telegraph: ‘Warnings of death as a result of 25m lost GP appointments’ The Express: ‘Ticking time bomb as 26m miss GP visits’.
So which is it, 25m, 26m or 27m? This is a serious issue and not just some pressure group putting out a PR memo to push its case with a dodgy but eye-catching stat. This one is a genuine concern and we should be told. Honestly, clearly and without fear or favour – or fudge of the numbers.
The World Health Authority releases the results of research into Remdesivir et al. Results?
“The results are from WHO’s “Solidarity” trial, which evaluated the effects of four potential drug regimens, including remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, anti-HIV drug combination lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon, in 11,266 adult patients across more than 30 countries.”
With big pharma worldwide aiming to make Trillions of Dollars when a proper vaccine is found, the research by the WHO must be suspect. Previous studies into Hydroxychloroquine dispensed outrageous levels of the drug when other studies simply used the recommended dosages – and got highly favourable results. No mention of this though.
“The emerging (WHO) data appears inconsistent, with more robust evidence from multiple randomized, controlled studies published in peer-reviewed journals validating the clinical benefit of remdesivir,” Gilead told Reuters.”. Well, well.
The WHO is like Nancy Pelosi being called upon to provide a character reference for DJT.
I’m not normally a conspiracy theorist but I confess to smelling a rat. A very big rat. A ‘clear out’ of Care Homes and pensioners?
For example, why, in the UK is the Government not dispensing items PROVEN to restrict the chinese virus? Ask yourself. There’s solid evidence supporting the efficacy of, certainly Vit D and Zinc to combat the symptoms of the virus. My GP, yesterday, conveyed surprise at use of these two and further, denied any knowledge of the (WHO unwanted) research into Ivermectin which has, again proven, to kill off > 98% of Covid in vitro.
Yes, a very big rat that is growing by the day…………
There’s appears to be an obvious flaw in that WHO study: they have done it across thirty countries. That means the results might be inconclusive or just plain wrong.
What do we know about Covid-19?
It is a type of Coronavirus like the Common Cold virus and like the influenza virus. That means that it is subject to mutation.
Therefore, you need to test the four treatment regimes in just one location, preferably a very, tight, close – if not closed – location. You want minimal chance of a major mutation that might be triggered by geography, distance, national characteristics and behaviours.
By all means repeat the study in another community after doing one. But each test needs to be extremely discrete, not wide. A cruise ship full of passengers with Covid-19 would be ideal.
Covid counts : hang on, our local new positives might well be mostly students who are not actually in our area
but rather have gone to university, caught Covid there and then given their parents home as their address not their university address.
Guest Who- Barclay’s advertising marketing has been like this
for quite awhile now. I almost feel that is something wrong
with me because I don’t have a mixed race marriage.BUT
changing the subject last night on the Londonistan programme.
Yes we have a news programme four times a day in London on BBC 1.
especially for the ethnic community.Ok I exaggerate 75-80% of the presenters,reporters and features concern the ethnic population of London.
There was a sad feature on still birth deaths of black babies
in the capitol where there are twice as many as the rest of
the community. It was suggested that it was down to racism
by the NHS. I couldn’t believe it. So many of the dedicated NHS staff
come from ethnic backgrounds .And yet we were told
that racism amongst the NHS staff was part of the terrible problem.
It’s Ladies Day at Wimbledon and in the TOADY Studio Mixing Room with Mishal and the Bee Lady. The Bee Lady gives EU French MEP, Nathalie Loiseau, the wordybird hurry up with an interruption that defended – or tried to – the UK’s Fishing Interests in the Brexit Negotiations. I couldn’t believe my ears #1.
The Bee Lady fails to spot Nathalie’s inadvertent misspeak of “France is an Independent Nation” – ha ha – not while you are still in the EU you’re not, Nathalie. Had Martha picked her up on that, then I would have probably fallen off my chair (and I was in bed at the time!) at the surprise of ‘I couldn’t believe my ears #2’
Shame, Martha. I could have been up and about half an hour earlier.
9:12pm tonight Nationwide Building Society has thrown its lot in with Channel4 and the Labour Party front groups
for a stunt called #TogetherAgainstHate
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
RSBN is live in Greenville North Carolina for a speech by/rally with President Trump.
Unease in the bunker?
Did anyone have the wireless Radio4 on this PM?
I was driving home and caught the end of a snarly, interruption ridden ‘interview’ with a Tory MP regards lockdown in Essex or somewhere.
A little later a lady called Pittard was interviewed, this lady is someone to do with the NHS and allowed to claim,without interruption or comment, about the ICUs being overwhelmed again, across the the country.
Now this should have brought an interjection along the lines of ‘what about the nightingale hospitals’???
But No. Not even challenged on this point. Deathly silence from the
Beeboid interviewer.
Truly scum.
ITV local news 6:15pm “Those in the BAME community need special assurance re Civid vaccines”
over to aHull spokesman for a statement.
…. What happened to equality.
Not a stupid blonde. Knows how to extend career a few months.
Who is she ?? These tele programmes are like Strictly, loads of new (strange) faces with a remit to entertain, but no bugger has ever heard of them.
Trees are racist.
I live in the countryside and it must be racist, I think I’ve only ever seen anyone who wasn’t white whilst out walking maybe three times in the last 20 years. Yep, countryside definitely racist.
Do you know where isn’t racist? The local KFC by the traffic island on the bypass, rarely been past there and not seen at least one black, or Asian family sat having a meal by the window. Yep, KFC definitely not racist.
Big – I’m always looking for rough shooting rights .. can you help ?
Sorry Fed, don’t think I can. Around here the land is virtually all MOD, or big estate (royalty/aristocracy). A lot of the farmers on MOD land used to offer shooting to locals, but that doesn’t seem to happen now, and the big estates are all tightly managed and increasingly ‘out of bounds’.
There’s a real gypsy/traveller problem, as in stealing anything not screwed down, so a lot of landowners have blocked off old rights of way, and are quite twitchy about ‘strangers’.
Used to know a guy (ex-forces) who was commissioned to control the deer on MOD land around the edge of town, he was a handy guy to know if you wanted a bit of venison. He was laid off several years ago, and was very damning of the new land management by the MOD.
Thanks anyway – ive not shot pigeons for a while and me guns are getting itchy … i d also like to get me s1 rifles back to do a bit of sniping …
Dan, Dan, Dan….
Wasn’t it William Rufus (king after W the Conqueror had died) who was said to have been killed in a hunting accident?! I agree it was a bit more complicated with R Lionheart, i.e. not exactly a wound in hot battle.
William the Bastard (aka ‘the Conqueror’) was supposed to have died when his fat belly (he was notoriously obese) struck the pommel of his saddle during a ‘hunting accident’ which unhorsed him. According to legend, he took days to die an agonising death, and when it came time to bury him his coffin stank so bad no one would carry it.
According to local Hampshire legend, King William II aka ‘Rufus’ was shot in the back with an arrow in a ‘hunting accident’ in the New Forest, by a ‘close personal friend’ and noted marksman, who ‘mistook him for a stag’. The nobles in the party, including the killer, fled, leaving Rufus to be found and collected by the local peasants (who according to rumour ‘made merry’ with the corpse of the despised king). Tales that his killer was paid by Rufus’, little brother Henry (later Henry I) are of course entirely…well, okay, actually highly likely, but seeing as no one liked Rufus much…
Richard I was killed by a young boy armed with a crossbow during a minor siege he was supervising in France. There is a certain irony in that, seeing as Richard was a big fan of the crossbow and had ignored the Pope’s order to ‘ban’ the weapon in European conflicts, and that he was attacking during lent (which was strictly forbidden by the Catholic church). According to legend, Richard’s ‘dying wish’ was that the boy would be ‘paid 100 shillings and freed’, but his men tortured the poor lad to death instead.
Which was the King who was shot up the backside by an assassin who hid in his privy with a crossbow?
British monarchs who died in battle?…. err…. King Arthur?
ITV 10:45pm Channel people smugglers
under cover doco
@adnansarwar “In Calais working undercover to infiltrate people-smuggling gangs.
The truth is more complicated than the headlines.
Tonight over an hour we’ll give you another piece of it.
The gangs, the money, the whole operation. Hunting the People Smugglers ”
such work istoo hardfor UK police/borderforce to do.
Over halfway now, with just another couple of weeks to go, and then on 1st November this madness will have ended (fingers crossed). Black History Month will be done with.
9pm BBC2 TheTrumpShow : expect rabid antiTrump PR
followed by Frankly Vile
10pm Channel4 ! “Black,British and Funny” FireSmiling face with sunglasses
Mo Gilligan’s black comedy doco
‘celebrates the black comedy circuit and icons’
BBC local news
Opens with a statement from Our Dear Starmer
There was something interesting about the vox pop.
They have a system they make the vox pop, and play it out on the radio around 5pm
On the way home I heard it on the radio and recognised one distinctive voice of some woman I know.
so that means they were in the market place today.
And when it was on the TV at 6:40pm I saw it was .
5 people were used and it came out subtly as general support for Starmer
but I think that was created in the edit by the way they put the change mind person at the end.
The person I know was shown saying “we came out of the first lockdown too soon”
I know she is not a super cautious or mask fanatic.
8pm BBC4 John Wayne & Dean Martin in Rio Bravo 1959
One is aware of the irony.
Can we introduce James Woods to our Laurence Fox ?
Shared earlier.
See how it works yet?
That advert has popped up on my Twitter feed from various sources over the last few days. I block each one but it’s like playing Whack a Mole.
I’ve told Twitter “I don’t like this ad” and they promise to ‘improve my experience’ but Twitter speak with forked tongue.
Message for Halifax – who disclosed his diagnosis of covid here yesterday – hope you are okay – have asked my ‘boss ‘ for a bit of mercy ….rest easy .
Sleep well, Britain.
In a sane world that on its own would be grounds for appeal. But we are most assuredly not living in a sane world right now.
I cannot open your link.
Twitter keeps closing the connection.
Is that the odour of long tailed rodents I detect?
Just tried it and it works ????????
Contexts : Justice Swift used to be the government’s main lawyer
now sitting as a judge he ruled that there are no grounds to challenge the governments Covid restrictions.
No one i giving a direct quote where Judge Swift mentions the BBC or even the media
seems he i merely giving his opinion.
If you have an hour to spare …
eddie van halen would be proud
really though do we think she dresses like that for work
There are English schools in Japan that get their English teachers to dress like that.
Rebecca Brooks wanting Piers Morgan to team up for her new TV channel. Spot the connection. Do these people have no shame.
Well, there’s a thing.
Strange times.
Twitter seems to be broken
when I look up or TRY TO retweet TuckerCarlson stuff
Perhaps Trump has decided to silence it. Preferably permanently.
The thick plotten.
“Brexit: EU leaders call for UK trade talks to continue”
“EU leaders have called for post-Brexit trade talks to continue beyond the end of the week – the deadline suggested by PM Boris Johnson.”
I thought that BoJo said the Deadline was today? Who has blinked first ?
Reminder , we voted to leave, not for a “trade deal .
Will BoJo clean up Mrs May’s mess?
“Margaret Ferrier: Met Police to take no further action against Covid MP”
A rule for one but not for the others ?
I can’t speak about English criminal law but I can say that she could – and should – have been charged under Scots law with culpable and reckless conduct.
But, hey, the law only applies to some people, doesn’t it?
Look if an SNP MP wants to knowingly spread the illness on public transport and in Westminster – no problem – just don’t use the n word -.. then you get the full cps referral … country is well effed ..
The people in South Taffland get lockdown while the UK gov dump a load of “illegal invaders” in South Taffland without any local consultation.
A rule for one but not for the others ?
Posters, forgive my ignorance, but what does the abbreviation BS stand for , bronze strumpet or Bull Sh ‘one’ T ?
Anyone ?
It is widely used to refer to Bull Sh ‘one’ T which is widely used as an alternative to balderdash.
Hence, both.
But as near as dammit every other government in the world is doing the same thing and that is really quite remarkable.
Almost as if the Martians are coming or one of James Bond’s evil geniuses has threatened all world leaders and they are frightened to tell us the real truth.
Focusing on local leaders is just a distraction. Are ‘they’ trying to fiddle the ‘quantitative eased’ books, ‘save the planet’ or, like comprehensive ‘education’, close all the alternatives and impose Universal Marxism world-wide so there is nothing else to compare it with? (“Ah but we have never had real communism, because the running-dog capitalists have always put a spoke in the wheel. If only we could all go communist…”).
Yes, JimS,
It has to be coordinated under the UN. Conspiracy same with vaccines although some Pharma have paused development as problems have arisen and now a known well documented case of a 25 year old having confirmed re-infection.
G and Jim, it could be that the scientists have realised that the Covid-19 virus is capable of mutating into a severe influenza like virus that might incapacitate, hospitalise and kill billions.
Or it could be that China, having accidentally released Covid-19, have decided that they might as well go for broke and have deliberately released Covid-20 which is a much nastier version than its predecessor. It could be that word has reached intelligence services around the world but especially those of the UK that this has happened.
But then it’s easy to pin all sorts of conspiracy theories onto Covid-19 and the UN and WHO and other world bodies like the IMF. Are we guilty of adding to them?
It is something of a coincidence that:
China has problems with rebellious people in Hong Kong
China has growing opposition to its hegemony grab in the South China Sea
The USA is in a trade war with China
The USA is in a Presidential Election year
The US apparently is quite pally now with North Korea and the frost between NK and SK, subject to the occasional border incident, has been thawed a little by President Trump.
A simple question:
Why are exceptional measures being taken world-wide in the face of an un-exceptional virus?
Just now looking at the US and Canadian news section of the BBC I came across this:
Looking back at my records to see if I had screen captured this story I found this:
I didn’t have time to look at the video and I didn’t know how to take a copy of it. However the original headline shows it was an anti-Trump story. Note the BBC have changed the headline in addition to removing the video.
I raise this to your attention as an example to show how the BBC will cover themselves in various ways including removing material from their website, changing the headline and re-writing articles. Hence the importance of taking copies. If anyone has any ideas of how I can save video stories from the BBC website I would be grateful.
Excellent research.
@Cali Wow
Generally speaking a news story is a matter of historical record
That is why when they get it wrong, it should not be deleted, but rather a correction should be added.
The BBC usual trick is to keep an alarming headline and then add the correction at the bottom of the page where no one notices it, whereas the correction note should be right below the original headline.
The BBC habit of materially changing articles by stealth edits is bad form cos it is deceptive.
This story here is something else
They put out a story , essentially anti-Trump PR
and then withdrawn it
and covered up what they did.
@BBCworld put out a tweet and then deleted it
It had a strange title
\\ ‘Please like me’ – the suburban women rejecting Trump //
ah the Please Like Me is a Trump quote
most libmedia wrote articles with a similar title
The update note says
“15/10/20 We are delivering thorough and detailed coverage of the US elections, featuring a wide range of voices, but we have removed this particular film as it lacked the necessary context.”
It’s the US so check the link they’ll be more tweet than the
The group themselves tweeted the .com link On Oct 7th
Even 8 days later it still stood, so was only changed today
The BBC staffers were black producer writefreedom09 and filmmaker @xinyanyu
“Red, Wine and Blue – a group of suburban women in the battleground state of Ohio – is rallying voters to try and swing the US election in November.”
Of course both those BBC staff have old tweets that sneer at Trump
but not at Biden
CNN have a very similar 6 heads
but they are 6 Trump voter 3 of which changed their mind
Update the BBC tweet announcing the delete
has a discussion
Emma Barnett (Wikipedia paraphrased): Former Women Editor for … Presenter for BBC Radio 5 Live & occasional presenter of Woman’s Hour BBC Radio 4 … co-presenter of BBC One’s Sunday Morning Live … March 2019 became a regular presenter on BBC Two’s Newsnight.
Early life: born 1985, Manchester … her parents ran brothels in the Greater Manchester area & were involved in human trafficking (see below).
Jewish background but non-observant … described herself “as a Jew in disguise”.
Attended an independent school for girls. 2006, graduated with a BA in History & Politics (Nottingham). Took a postgraduate course in journalism at Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies.
Career: … joined The Daily Telegraph 2009 … from 2012, became the women’s editor. She launched The Telegraph’s “Wonder Women” section in Oct. 2012 … “I have always been a feminist“, she told an interviewer in 2015. She is a member of the Women’s Equality Party …
… she referred to “the most painful chapter of my life” when her father was “imprisoned for living off immoral earnings”. He was jailed for three years & eight months in 2008 after admitting to keeping a string of brothels, controlling prostitution & conspiracy to control brothels. The police presented evidence that Emma Barnett was aware of the criminal activity. Her mother was convicted of money laundering & given a suspended term …
How did she get such a good job ?
There must be some connection: another distant Jew.
It could be re-read as Soros’ early days under Hitler regime.
IMHO long Covid could be a psychological problem, eg hypochondria ?
“Extreme weather: October downpour sees UK’s wettest day on record” .
Here we go again , global warming?
These campaigners need to aim their protesting at the countries that can make a difference, not pointing their fingers at the UK all the time . They are like the school bully, they would not get away with their actions in any other nation.
Ever since the onset of Covid, all the activist groups are attacking our nation . Do these protest groups have a common factor linking them in trying to bring down the world leader in democracy ?
“Pub in locked-down Liverpool is renamed ‘The Three Bellends’ with sign featuring faces of Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings and Matt Hancock” .
Will Al Beeb cover this “Mail” story?
“Brexit: EU leaders call for UK trade talks to continue“
Will Bojo bottle it ?
I was fascinated by the comment just made by Mad Merkel. She thought that the EU should review its approach to the so-called, “Level Playing Field” as the Brits were seeking, “SOME LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE”. Wow. That says it all. “Some level”. No Merkel, we want total independence and see any unnecessary continuing acquiescence to EU law as a failure and certainly not, ‘Independence’.
I have three friends whose daughters in their early 30s, all had covid late March, early April. One is still exhausted after looking after her kids for half a day or preparing a meal, and 2 fit young women get chest pain after climbing the stairs. Maybe the fear of government isn’t the number of deaths, but the number of incapacitated young people who may need financial support for the next 30 to 40 years. We used to have to put up with people dying young after rheumatic fever caused a weakening heart. Perhaps this is the real concern.
I can remember when ME and similar were not medically recognised conditions.
Looks like the awful BBC decided to look at this very closely…
Ten months it took!
They really do hate Great Britain don’t they.
Lewis Goodhall liked this.
I presume the other bloke escaped unscathed?
Ah, all becomes clear.
Lurch is elsewhere.
Seems he did.
No wonder the bbc are happy.
The entire BBC can only nod in agreement.
As Groper often says… to those he likes… ‘Do go on…’.
Sounds like those 2 luvvies are having a conspiracy theory about the woman standing behind Trump.
Halifax, I just saw your message re Covid. Good wished and keep on keeping on.
Expect all bBC American BS to RT this one.
However, expect Chris to be hired as Clive Myrie’s gofer.
It seems the BBC is formally renaming itself the ‘Both Barrels Corporation’ in honor of their part in securing a Biden victory.
It’s only them.
Well, and Sky, ITV, Ch5, the Graun, Times,….
But, but…. how can BBC American BS RT CNN and The Hill?!
She’s good.
Oh no Nagging Munchshitty is on!
Feel free to correct my faulty memory, but did he not denounce white supremacy DURING that debate?
More BBC lies?
Wait until BBC Asian Network get behind their gal.
Just had a look at Sopels twitter feed from during last night’s debates.
I urge you all to take a gander . What you will see is some of the most anti Trump, bias reporting you can see.
It’s all anti Trump, nothing , nothing at all about Biden !!!!!!
Jon mustn’t have heard the story about Biden’s corruption yet !!!!!!!!
Just plain as day BBC bias.
Grab the clip and give him a refresher course. Cc. bBC misinformation unit, OFCOm and dcms.
Meanwhile, ‘the Moaning mole has this review…
Trump and Biden deflect questions
With 19 days until polling day, the coronavirus-disrupted US election campaign was marked by yet another unusual feature. On a night that was scheduled to feature the second head-to-head presidential debate, Donald Trump’s refusal to take part in a virtual event following his Covid-19 diagnoses meant the candidates instead took questions from audience members in events that aired simultaneously on different channels. On NBC, Mr Trump refused to disavow the QAnon conspiracy theory – that he is battling a clandestine “deep state” network of political, business, media and entertainment elites, often involving Satanic plots and child trafficking. Meanwhile, over on rival ABC, Joe Biden was no less equivocal when pressed on whether he supported adding justices to the US Supreme Court to sway its ideological make-up. In the eyes of our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher: “Mr Trump’s forum made for more entertaining television – and almost certainly will have attracted more viewers. But that could be a blessing and a curse if what American voters want in November is something a little more, well, boring.”
The eyes of Lurch are so far up Pelosi’s colon he can almost see Lurch’s Nike’s.
Sadly, I’m supposed to be working, not posting here and don’t have time to find or send the clips.
(Off topic, this site is a nightmare to post on using my iPhone as half the text box is off the screen and inaccessible until typing reaches the other side and it jumps over, obscuring the other half of the box. ????)
Me too. And yes, the site on my iStuff is awful. It keeps saying I am not logged in when it shows I am and loses text if I forget to copy before posting.
So… here goes nothing.
And it is, literally, nothing. It’s all they have left.
RT that one Jon!
“Jim moans POTUS doesn’t dance to his tune shock”.
See how it works yet, guys and gals?
My problem is that if my post to this website does not go through I cannot get my money back by pressing Button B.
I think I see your problem. That isn’t a coin slot…. ????
The short 1m22s video on this page has the following scenes:
1. Woman presenter
2. Rule of 6 shown as 6 women
3. Next example looks like a lesbian women
4. Next scene has 5 people in it. 2 black men, 2 women (1 is black) . The other table is all women.
5. Woman calling “last orders”
6. Outdoor table scene of 4 women, 2 men. 4 are black. The one white male is some kind of tranny looking thing.
7. Women turning over the closed sign is black
8. 2 women eating a meal served by a Muslim man
9. Quick scene of another table, 50% black
10. 3 women exercising in a gym. 66% BAME.
11. 2 white men shown at a casino for a whole 1 second – hooray!!!
These things are problems because… what?
3. What does a lesbian woman look like?
6. I saw 4 women and one man of varying skin tones, and one hidden and therefore not readily identifiable. What does a tranny looking thing look like?
8. How do you know he’s a Muslim? He could be a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jain, a Christian, a Quaker, a Wiccan, a non-observant Sikh, a Humanist, or None Of The Above.
11. Ah, the truth is out! You only want to see white men.
There seems to be a trend developing in the press that it’s to the front page of the FT that we need to refer in order to find good news. Of course our new lockdown restrictions and the stalled Brexit talks still feature prominently with the big pink broadsheet but this morning we also have: ‘Morgan Stanley earnings surge 25%’. Yesterday we noticed Goldman Sachs were also ‘in the pink’ as it were: ‘Boosted by surging markets in third quarter’
Today blonde starlet journo Gillian Tett gushes about how: ‘A Biden presidency could be a big win for ESG investing’ – for those of us unwashed masses not in the know, ESG refers to Environmental, Social & Governance investing. So In other words, assuming Trump is expunged, the government subsidised Green boondoggle is ready to roll.
‘Strong LVMH sales cheer luxury sector. The French luxury goods group returned its biggest business to double-digit sales growth in the third quarter…’ (LVHM, you ask, darlings…? Dior, Louis Vuitton, Moët Hennessy, etc)
So let’s have a little less of your moaning, Manchester. Daily Mirror: ‘Northern Revolt. Greater Manchester rejects highest level of lockdown in clash with the PM’ And because this is a Labour paper the Mirror can’t simply plead for people to be left alone to simply go about their business freely: ‘Fury at lack of cash support as half the country now under tougher rules’ – you see the Left are ok with lockdown so long as its fair, ie everyone is locked down, but importantly the idea of lockdown is actually ok because someone, somewhere, sometime, can always be found to pay us all to be locked down pretty much forever, doing nothing. Because, that’s deemed to be the right thing to do.
The Times, inadvertently (I think), heaps faint praise on a Russian fake news tv show: ‘Images portraying the Oxford project’s work as a “Monkey Vaccine” were shown in Russia on the Vesti news programme, described as the equivalent of Newsnight’ – I leave that one to sink in.
Propaganda is in the news – as I like to say. The Daily Telegraph exposes: ‘Clegg had hand in blocking Biden story. Sir Nick Clegg was involved in the decision to reduce the social media distribution of a New York Post story which was based on the alleged emails of Joe Biden’s son’ – Our truth-telling Nick, surely not? Well, there is an awful lot at stake in the upcoming US elections (see above).
The media do love a statistic. Statistics are the trusty wobbly pegs upon which so many stories hang. Small example today: The Mail: ‘Health crisis looming over 27m fewer GP appointments’ The Telegraph: ‘Warnings of death as a result of 25m lost GP appointments’ The Express: ‘Ticking time bomb as 26m miss GP visits’.
So which is it, 25m, 26m or 27m? This is a serious issue and not just some pressure group putting out a PR memo to push its case with a dodgy but eye-catching stat. This one is a genuine concern and we should be told. Honestly, clearly and without fear or favour – or fudge of the numbers.
The World Health Authority releases the results of research into Remdesivir et al. Results?
“The results are from WHO’s “Solidarity” trial, which evaluated the effects of four potential drug regimens, including remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, anti-HIV drug combination lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon, in 11,266 adult patients across more than 30 countries.”
With big pharma worldwide aiming to make Trillions of Dollars when a proper vaccine is found, the research by the WHO must be suspect. Previous studies into Hydroxychloroquine dispensed outrageous levels of the drug when other studies simply used the recommended dosages – and got highly favourable results. No mention of this though.
“The emerging (WHO) data appears inconsistent, with more robust evidence from multiple randomized, controlled studies published in peer-reviewed journals validating the clinical benefit of remdesivir,” Gilead told Reuters.”. Well, well.
The WHO is like Nancy Pelosi being called upon to provide a character reference for DJT.
I’m not normally a conspiracy theorist but I confess to smelling a rat. A very big rat. A ‘clear out’ of Care Homes and pensioners?
For example, why, in the UK is the Government not dispensing items PROVEN to restrict the chinese virus? Ask yourself. There’s solid evidence supporting the efficacy of, certainly Vit D and Zinc to combat the symptoms of the virus. My GP, yesterday, conveyed surprise at use of these two and further, denied any knowledge of the (WHO unwanted) research into Ivermectin which has, again proven, to kill off > 98% of Covid in vitro.
Yes, a very big rat that is growing by the day…………
There’s appears to be an obvious flaw in that WHO study: they have done it across thirty countries. That means the results might be inconclusive or just plain wrong.
What do we know about Covid-19?
It is a type of Coronavirus like the Common Cold virus and like the influenza virus. That means that it is subject to mutation.
Therefore, you need to test the four treatment regimes in just one location, preferably a very, tight, close – if not closed – location. You want minimal chance of a major mutation that might be triggered by geography, distance, national characteristics and behaviours.
By all means repeat the study in another community after doing one. But each test needs to be extremely discrete, not wide. A cruise ship full of passengers with Covid-19 would be ideal.
Covid counts : hang on, our local new positives might well be mostly students who are not actually in our area
but rather have gone to university, caught Covid there and then given their parents home as their address not their university address.
Good point, Stew.
#GreatOverRepresentation from Barclays
in an advert Twitter just pushed at me.
Ready, Steady, Roast….
Seems a mandatory on all marketing.
We have been with them for ever, but I notice they are removing Premier benefits.
Maybe time for a review.
Shame as their online systems at last are not awful and I like the security gizmos.
Guest Who- Barclay’s advertising marketing has been like this
for quite awhile now. I almost feel that is something wrong
with me because I don’t have a mixed race marriage.BUT
changing the subject last night on the Londonistan programme.
Yes we have a news programme four times a day in London on BBC 1.
especially for the ethnic community.Ok I exaggerate 75-80% of the presenters,reporters and features concern the ethnic population of London.
There was a sad feature on still birth deaths of black babies
in the capitol where there are twice as many as the rest of
the community. It was suggested that it was down to racism
by the NHS. I couldn’t believe it. So many of the dedicated NHS staff
come from ethnic backgrounds .And yet we were told
that racism amongst the NHS staff was part of the terrible problem.
TOADY Watch #1 – Can I believe my ears?
It’s Ladies Day at Wimbledon and in the TOADY
StudioMixing Room with Mishal and the Bee Lady. The Bee Lady gives EU French MEP, Nathalie Loiseau, the wordybird hurry up with an interruption that defended – or tried to – the UK’s Fishing Interests in the Brexit Negotiations. I couldn’t believe my ears #1.The Bee Lady fails to spot Nathalie’s inadvertent misspeak of “France is an Independent Nation” – ha ha – not while you are still in the EU you’re not, Nathalie. Had Martha picked her up on that, then I would have probably fallen off my chair (and I was in bed at the time!) at the surprise of ‘I couldn’t believe my ears #2’
Shame, Martha. I could have been up and about half an hour earlier.
Nathalie would have probably exploded.
More BBC fake news exposed…..
9:12pm tonight Nationwide Building Society has thrown its lot in with Channel4 and the Labour Party front groups
for a stunt called #TogetherAgainstHate
Marvelous; our other bank, for the free travel insurance and overseas VISA fees.
Maybe cash only it is soon.
Hadn’t you noticed? Cash is verboten these days. All the better to control you.