How will the Far Left Biased anti British BBC prepare for the US Election in 10 days time ? Will any Trump supporter get to speak ? Will anyone question whether Biden is corrupt or mentally fit for office? Let us see?
Weekend Thread 24 October 2020
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Uno ?
Catchup links to previous thread
– Just 2 posts on page 5 , started 7:30pm Friday
– Full page on page 4 started 9:30pm Thursday.
Clocks go back this weekend.
Maybe to 1980 ?
May I put in a bid for 1972, please, Fed?
The Day the Clocks Went Back. Confusion over clocks and time, means that Count Arthur Strong arrives two hours early or late at an airfield. The two pupils meet each other and both mistake each other for the instructor. They take off and zoom up and away towards comedic terror. Broadcast on the 13th January 2015. Other than repeats, it was the last time a comedy was broadcast on the BBC.
Sorry Richard, in my view there is no way anything involving ‘Count Arthur Strong’ could be considered comedy. AlBeeb or anywhere else.
TWW, I used to quite enjoy listening to that. Prefer Dead Ringers and Ed Reardon though. Oh, and Clare in the Community.
This means 25 hours of a boring, dull, biased, bloated organisation…
Every bulletin on ‘R5 Gasping for breath’ is anti-government, relentlessly pro-Joe Biden, pro-Andy ‘Mid Staffs’ Burnham, and like Guido’s post re the failing Mail on Sunday’s hacks being devoid of talent, working hard to get a decent story by not cutting and pasting everyone else’s, it’s just desperately trying to justify poor management, over-paid under-talent, and little interest.
We sometimes get a free MoS, (thankyou Waitrose) as, like a lot of chums here, we use it to line the wheelie bins!
We use the BBC news to have something to shout at; it creates a warm feeling knowing that you’re right about everything they’re wrong about!
Greta Rashford on a stick, ninepence, in fact…
theisland. That is no way to congratulate me.
However More importantly….. FREE FOOD !! From the Beeb..Paul and Harry run vegan restaurant Vutie Beets in Letchworth Garden City. They said they will do their bit to help in their area.
Any child between the ages of 4 and 16 can collect a free meal throughout the school holiday.
I believe they are expecting at least 2 customers.
BUT THERE’S MORE….McDonald’s joins Marcus Rashford with 1,000,000 free meals for families.
Now that’s more like it ! What more could a growing child on half term hoildays want
Sorry Cs – I’m on my second G&T.
At least 30 African invaders sailed in this morning.
Perhaps we should be congratulating them (and the French Navy and our HO and intrepid Border Farce).
There is no reason why we shouldn’t be trying to make October a record month, following that already achieved in September for our illegal entrants. And then… November could make it a hat trick- something to be proud of perhaps ?
Priti seems to have disappeared as well.
My human import company is thinking of floating on the stock market – we have shares in hotel companies so are coining it .
I’m sure Boris’s reluctance to help our off-shore fishing fleets in Rye and Hastings has something to do with keeping the trawlers away from the established immigration routes from France!
On a normal day, you can see France from many of the cliffs along the south coast, so perhaps we could all club together and buy him a pair of binoculars to help him even further!
By the way, poor old Jim Davis had a caller from Sevenoaks early today. She called the fake stories about starving kids like the truth, and it was a joy to hear! Being a fair man, I noticed that he did listen politely, and even asked others what they thought! Of course, the switch-board would filter them out at a later stage, and so I listened to Vera McConkey instead…
Israel complains about BBC Arabic promoting Jordan based convicted mass murderer.
Storyboard tweet :
Where are you Boris? Priti?
OK with terrorism, are we?
FNW – “Where are you Boris? Priti?
OK with terrorism, are we?”
Unfortunatly I really do think they are.
They are now beyond useless and along with so much of our establishment especially the MSM and much of the legal profession could now be seen as “complicit”.
We are now on our own.
As more and more Arab nations begin to have rapprochement
with Israel . The latest expected to be Saudi Arabia and Sudan.
It’s enemies such as Iran and the BBC will try and find ways
to attack it.
But why should the BBC which is an enemy of the state of
it’s own country hold any truck with the only democracy in
the middle east when it supports BLM an anarchist Marxist organization?
Every night at 630 PM and three other times during the day
we in London have a regional programme which sprouts
Marxist doctrine at as.Tonight was a perfect example as
firstly a reporter attacked the government for not supporting
Saint Rashford. and then five minutes later they gave Alastair
Campbell free reign to attack the government as well in the
guise of asking questions about his mental problems.
But maybe I am not being fair about the BBC because their
real number one obsession is ramming their diversity
agenda down our throats.They wont be satisfied until
they start their morning programmes with the adhern. And
their main sports programme will be the BAME games.
Sorry , according to the BBC website BAME is not politically
correct anymore.
Peace in the Middle East will be no good for jez Bowen and Orla to sell their books and tell us how awful it is to be a war tourist correspondent or how I nearly got killed by an Israeli tank …..or how the Palestinians can’t get live prem games …
…… they’d have to do the book and after dinner speech big style …
Something you won’t hear or see on the BBC or from the government is
The WHO report from 14th Oct details the biggest infection fatality rate (IFR) carried out at over 51 locations and its results about how dangerous Covid is to us all is this:
The median IFR for under 70’s from Covid-19 is 0.05%
Average survivability rate for under 70’s is 99.95%
For the over 70’s the fatality rate is 0.27%
Equals median survivability rate of 99.77%
Click to access BLT.20.265892.pdf
So bottom line is that this virus is not as dangerous as the government and the BBC tell us.
These lockdowns are causing thousands of excess deaths and misery to everyone yet Boris the dictator is continuing with them.
The gullable people who believe the BBC and Boris are scared and don’t mind lockdowns if it protects them BUT as per the WHO report this virus is not as bad as they are making out.
Why doesn’t the BBC report anything that goes against the narrative?
Why don’t they report on how countries with no lockdowns are now fairing better than us?
Why don’t they report on the excessive deaths that lockdowns are causing?
When did they give up being fair minded journists that seek the truth?
I used to like the BBC years ago but now they can go to hell .
Rant over.
Let me scan check that
46,000 Brits have died WITH covid
If the fatality rate is 1% that means we’ve had 4.6million cases
If the fatality rate is 0.25% that would mean 18.4million cases
I’m sure that hasn’t happened that would mean more than 1 in 4 of us has had it.
If the fatality rate is 2% that would mean we’ve had 2.3 million cases, that’s 1 in 30 of us
To me its plausible that the UK may have had 2-5 million cases. So UK fatality is 1 to 2% if we take the 46K death state at face value.
Of course people over the age of 82 have a 100% chance of dying in the next 30 years
I reckon that if you took a random sample of them
2% would die within the next 2 months even without Covid
So there’s scope for misattribution.
Stew, you need to listen to the Dr Mike Yeadon interview on the Delingpodcast that infoquest put up on the penultimate page of the Midweek (ie. the previous) Thread.
I think you may have missed a 0. in your fatality rate assumptions.
Death rates have been between 0.1% and 0.2%. Yeadon, interestingly, assumes an immunity of 30% of the population based on known science. Your conclusion, though, is correct. I think Whitty and Vallance are panic-ers of the highest order. Thought that before listening to Yeadon. Saw pics and vid clips of Whitty and Vallance in the September press conferences where they predicted Covid disaster for UK this coming winter and one of them was shaking.
Up2snuff no I didn’t make a mistake if world fatalities are way less than 1% the UK’s are certainly more
0.1% death rate means 1 in every 1000
to get 46,000 deaths that would mean 46 million had been infected
I reckon it’s a tenth of that maybe a 20th
That’s why I say the UK death rate is 1-2%
One thing is that the UK has a lot of people almost on life support
modern medicine keeping them alive, so Covid pushes them over the edge.
whereas in developing countries the similar people had already died.
Stew, we know that deaths have been over-attributed to Covid-19 for various reasons; not all of them malign. 46,000 is the BBC figure, IIRC, based on PH bodies and we now know the PH (England) has been discredited.
(1) Groupthink Repetition: It must be serious because with Global Warming doom, Covid doom makes up most of the stories in the media.
(2) Groupthink Nightmare: It must be serious because everyone is worried about all those new Chinese coal mines and the Chinese Virus.
(3) Groupthink Death: It must be serious because everyone will die if we don’t follow orders from the Government to build windmills and wear masks.
(4) Groupthink Brexit: It must be serious because look what happened to the Belgian Congo when it stopped being ruled by white men in Brussels.
normal UK average daily deaths 1780
UK annual deaths 650,000
(Cancer deaths av. 450 per day)
The trend is not happy
You know the saying “pigs might fly” well, they have flown !!!!
This tweet is actually from Jon Sopel !!!!
Wow !!!!
He’s probably just highlighting it to gloat how they can burry positive stories
He does a favourable tweet about once a month to demonstrate his impartiality.
Just getting away from the BBC for 5 minutes. Anyone read the article in the Daily Mail (Newspaper) by David Cay Johnston, excoriating Donald Trump. You know the same Democrat supporting supposedly impartial journalist. Strange – the article isn’t shown in the online version of the Daily Mail (at least I couldn’t see it – do correct me if I’m wrong). I can only assume that no comments were wanted by the online version of the article – wonder why?
UFC 254: Khabib Nurmagomedov close to ‘GOAT’ status with win – Dana White
That’s the Muslim cage fighter who beat Connor MacGregor,
to the delight of all woke watchers worldwide.
Tommorow evening, Uk time, he’s fighting again.
At the weigh-ins , shown on YouTube he looked like he couldn’t make the weight of 155, staggers on the scale, naked behind a towel, the weigh-in man doesn’t bother to even let the scale stop and balance, just calls out 155 pounds!.
Are the BBC covering this ?
Nah.. they aren’t a proper news outfit anymore
What is “GOAT” status? Asking for the wife…
I thought it was ‘Government Of All Talents’, coined by Labour but dropped when it drew attention to the array on the front benches.
So that’s where the .Nanny State’ originated!
I’ll ‘butt out now’…
Greatest of all time
R5 Dead News tells me ‘wee burny’ in Scotchland has introduced 5 levels of covid lockdown levels.
The cynic in me feels this is for one reason only; so she can crow about having more levels in place than the English.
Fatty Nolan on the airwaves now bleating about Rashford and free food.
Nolan could give up eating for month I’d wager.
I can’t listen to it anymore.
But our levels in England start at medium, (like fizzy drinks in fast food places), so we have room to outlevel the Scottish if Boris feels inadequate and panics again.
The BBC alumni. Two views.
Balance, of sorts?
On FACE masks (listening to the radio LBC on if and what comes next. I am a sceptic; that these face masks make any difference to anything, but are a ‘top’ fashion accessory only, a lucky charm, or perhaps a public ‘statement’ of leftish solidarity (like hand clapping for the NHS), they are pretty good, they SAVE lives.(depending in which left leaning or right leaning tribe you subscribe too from a hand-full to millions.). We are all succours for a good cause – if it protects someone we know.. But are we all being played?
This is along post, so I shall apologise in advance.
The BBC are at their best in a war. Mainly because they know how to play the game and not get arrested for incitement (they are immune by Charter), misinformation is always desirable, which is the stock in trade in war zones. Could it be that the BBC do not have any choice in the matter? The fact is they flop from one mad (unworkable) scheme to another without any apparent contradiction (or discussion). Its mindless, stupid and aimed at the lowest common classes of society as a new religion of conformity to what once would be called TREASON in times of war.
To what end? I ask myself. Why would a US and UK government fabricate such facts to fit a theory impending world catastrophe. And then persuade 176 international governments to a hoax – for a (green) ‘environment’. Why it sounds great! But Climate can be anything to the left leaning,.You can now literally control the world through a CLIMATE of fear and panic.
So we have two groups the (so called liberals) thinking they are saving the planet (by destroying western culture) and the global elites (the globalists bankers and elite billionaires like Soros) who in DAVOS think they can re-purpose world global industries to ‘windmill-powered-thinking’. Its a toxic mix of non-science and emotion by two opposing parties that BOTH think – that IF they just push a little harder, they can end up to control of the world and re-write history. Everything can be trashed along the way. What we end up with is a bleak utopian Future explored by HG Wells..
I read that as a school boy where a small post industrial society (with no obvious industry at all) survives in a common liberal ‘utopia’ of simple pleasures. Below ground the industry of another culture steals and eats the ‘utopians’ as food and then disappears below ground as night falls. They have adapted to the dark and grind the ‘eloi’ into food (mincemeat). As in Russia, the hard left finally get eliminated by the Bolsheviks. True commies get eaten by their communards.
The BBC constant propaganda machine reminds me that there is indeed a real ‘Climate Change’ underway. It is purposefully against any kind of industry No Airlines, No food production, No technical innovations (that could solve the ‘Climate of fear’), UNLESS those same industrialists pay an escalating CO2 emissions charge (a FRESH AIR tax to fund the New World Order policies of fear). Will the VIRUS impose that New World Order? A world where democracy is quashed, religion quashed (ISLAM is an acceptable replacement for the Church of England) as it can be manipulated (against other faiths). It can then be abolished – when everything else faith-wise has collapsed. Politically you can vote but you cannot change anything as its already been decided years earlier (circa 1980) by (unelected) public government quango ‘experts’ based at the UN.
It is now 2020, and they hope to meet the UN targets by 2040. Climate control is real.
A VIRUS is just the thing. But it won’t be enough without financial collapse. Everything must stop and there is no point in making another antidote – as there is one ready, ‘to-save-the-world’, if only we would agree to UN compliance. There is, after all, some resistance to it all.
When overcome with fear will the World antidote will be released as will a new global CO2 tax!
To pay for it all. A world central bank of credit. You only get the money if you qualify. To qualify you have to have signed up to: Climate of fear. (UN) Sustainability will mean – poverty and hardship, no fertility, child-less, tower block living, countryside restrictions (zones), travel restrictions, identity papers (digital snapshots with all your medical, political and business), auto immunised at birth, barcoded and life limited to 65 years, with voluntary euthanasia to ‘save the planet’. CO2 targets to ‘breath less CO2’. TV and radio adverts praising the emperor (who ever is next in line) that we must all try harder to comply with orders. Save the planet, and de-populate.
And my mask, (will it save me from a certain death?). Am I saving the planet?
Several years ago at the UN IPCCC conference, an experiment worked really well – (Even though it was a hoax)…. The UN are serious and are easily hoaxed. Climate change is no hoax, they are serious. ‘At COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, CFACT asked the delegates to the UN Climate Change Conference if they would be willing to wear a carbon capture mask that filters out the carbon dioxide (CO2) they exhale. You’d be surprised how many agreed to this ridiculous proposal. ‘
Now we are all doing it . To save the planet. Save the NHS. Save CO2 etc.
See (unlinked CFACT trailer on that incident)
How ridiculous the whole CLIMATE CONTROL ‘evidence’ is clearly a sign of the powers of the media to comply with what is clearly ’alarmism’ with very few facts allowed. A Climate of fear.
The New Climate (post COVID) will be hugely expensive. Electricity will be rationed. Third World rationing as we all move into an electricity dependent worlds, banning Coal and wood burning to keep warm as the planet slowly cools in another 20 years, we will all freeze to death without power. Electricity will be at a premium and to use anything else will not be tolerated, even in death. The list is extensive and designed to wreck an industrial economy.
The global freezing will be blamed on CO2, so there is no escape. You will need to die to save the planet. The state cares little for your health or family. You are a burden to the NHS. Have you tried ‘euthanasia’ by medical experts? If not we can try an abortionist at the Marie Stopes Maternal unit, they have new funding and that’s all you need to know and that’s also linked to the NHS. Climate change. No babies, zero CO2. Tick.
The goal of the UN IPCCC seems to have found its urgency. Its no secret that the UK is a fully signed up member along with 176 nations, including the US. However post Covid, when a ‘miracle-cure’ is suddenly found takes a lot of planning to survive intact. As we will, I am sure offer it to the whole world for free. As long as you agree to these terms (small print) ‘sustainability’ and UN ‘aid relief’ will give you ‘drugs’ to cure the disease. Its a plan of conformity. UK aid is linked to it.
The BBC know what SUSTAINABILITY really means in practice, they have been briefed. A UN code-word for ‘zero C02’ Changes structurally. Nothing will actually change environmentally. But the benefits (so called) are mental and psychological dire based on ‘recreational drugs’ (the BBC will endorse them as being safe). Death by drugs abuse (new normal) HIV and self-identity trans issues will make it impossible to be born; neither man or woman. Ignoring sex related diseases that cannot simply be ‘abolished’ by NHS drugs. Doctors know drugs can be specific to either Woman or a Man. Its a biological fact of life, a medical certainty we are born with that determination.
This month, I learn, they have advanced the cause… of a sexless society (ignoring above).
The UN is about to decide that the role of Mother or Woman should be abolished by UN decree (for global Sustainability). Feminists will be ‘no more‘ than a memory – so the few ‘children’ allowed will be the play things of future clones (anti virus non-gender geneticists) and sex from re-animated politburo politicians. Nobody with any intelligence will be allowed to survive. Ignorance is the new collective. The UN 21 plan is no secret, it never gets discussed publicly, on media, 0r by any of the 176 governments who signed up to it. Only the ‘end goals’ of ‘Saving the Planet’ are discussed. The best we can do in the UK is to survive this current pandemic, and lead in a different direction as not all MP’s are OK (or believe) that the current pandemic is part of it. But they agree with the claims made by the IPCCC that its ‘true’ and we must ‘act’. Its an indoctrination program on a global scale. Some of us less aware than others on the new ‘totalitarian’ regimes are in place will NOT be reversed post this pandemic. COVID was man-made although that aspect carries ridicule, but its a convenient pandemic.
Its for our own good. We must die to be saved.
Who is saving us from what? Why are all governments pretty useless a treatment , even though they new years in advance ‘something big’ was going to happen. A Climate Change signpost that changes everything and everybody. A proxy war on a Virus that is more panic than endemic.
Is this the Climate of absurdity?
Zero global benefit, a political coupe. It takes an awful lot of money to make such a ‘Climate change’ happen and it has taken years in preparation to get to this ‘emergency’ situation of intent.
Just a coincidence:
This month the EU have made CO2 increased the fresh air tax by ten times. (Telegraph reports) here: Climate change policies are designed to induce fear. It is Communism by another name. There will be some UK resistance, but politically the world media control a large part of the liberal media on fake news and TV programming (BBC are well known extremists in global predictions), other media are ‘echoes’ such as ‘Sky’ or LBC). None of them will have proved correct over time. Impending doom sells Newspapers and that fact is not lost on the BBC chasing ratings. Even untrue news is better than no news. Its an industry of fear.
I hope I am wrong. De-industrialisation across the planet is a very high price to pay for a falsehood of Communal ideals of a zero population growth (achieved by a very high death rate target). Utter madness to follow the doom sayers. And yet our government and 175 others are locked into this.
The fact that things are happening even with a Conservative government committed to break free from the EU, what happens next is anybody guess – an EU Army of which we are forced to Police CO2 targets?. We cannot however escape the UN21 treaty which we are all obliged to follow (unless we actually ignore it and reduce its impact). Boris will at some point have to bluff his way out of all of this by ignoring EU threats of ‘treaties’ made well before what we now know: As incorrect and false predictions of doom. Its not Boris’s fault, he just has to follow the pandemic until he gets the nod that we are ‘all cured’. Except things have changed.
Before you all think I am making this all up. Read these three extracts:
(1) Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2015 :
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
(2) Obama: “Barack Obama has heeded calls to help secure the future of the historic Paris agreement by transferring a second $500m instalment to the Green Climate Fund, just three days before he leaves office.” The Guardian, Jan., 2017”
(3) EU plan to tax industryThe European Union has a bold plan for sharply reducing carbon emissions from its factories…’ the cash such as carbon charge could bring in money to strapped EU coffers. (post COVID). Global Fresh Air Tax.
Is this VIRUS just another convenient excuse to close down the global economy?
On the other hand it could all be a just a huge coincidence of factors identical to UN objectives.
And that would be the big gamble. Who wins post Covid? A New World Order based on BBC proclaimed ‘experts’, (the same ones that got everything wrong at WHO) in reporting the virus as harmless, until it was well underway and fanned into existence world-wide?
Did we in the UK make keep the Airports open to make sure it spread? The media made it spread like a virus, but I don’t think its Chinese or Russian. Its something of a coincidence and the UN is already pushing for a more bleak outlook.. Lets not forget WHO is a UN global body. Not all of it does good, what it has done is made it impossible to find an antidote before the right time is called.
Meanwhile in fantasy towers BBC Staff think (THINK) they are just creating a new (future) Labour government. The truth may well be that there is never going to be any meaningful governments post COVID, just a collective swamp. Boris may not survive politically, when its all over. It could be another two years on on and off lockdowns until we are all quelled into submission. The state will change to draconian measures if need be.
None of it making any logical sense. It is designed for fear and blind compliance across the planet.
The US election will decide our fate on what is ‘sustainability’, fresh air tax and CO2 targets for the next century. Ideally the UN should be dismantled, or at least de-funded to save us all from project fear. Not all of us will die, and not all of us will perish. There is no toxic CO2. Its not possible to have zero CO2 on this planet, there is no out of control global population explosion. The UN is involved in soft eugenics on a global scale. Euthanasia, Abortion are just the start of this plan of action. A virus is as good as any to reduce the world population. Nobody gets any benefit, but the UN will find a solution (as long as we pay a global tax to all the CO2 that we produce in breathing fresh air.)
So I wear a mask, as I am told. But its not enough, you have to think positive, that it cannot get any worse than what the UN has planned for us all by 2040. There will be fierce resistance to the UN grand plan in hand, but ultimately it will be decided next month. The US decides our UK fate, Trump or Biden? I have not quite given up with Boris, even his chasing after Windmills.
The CO2 tax charge will be hated globally, not only a tax on industry but a tax on populations. All wrapped up with a project of fear and (always another) pandemic. This is the stick to beat us all into submission. They want us all dead (white people mostly) by 2040. A new utopia cleansed of nations, viruses, races, sexes and anything else not aligned to the new political ruling class in each zone.
The trouble with conspiracy theories is they tend to try and include all the usual suspects and weave a web so complicated it is only believable to the gullible. I tend to get turned off when I here that population stabilization is part of some global plot. It’s not a subject that gets debated any more. The left and politically correct have done a good job of stifling it. I remember when the green and ecology parties started up around the world they did have policies that called for the levelling of populations. This was not calling for any force either. It was simply good ecological sense to persuade people that there were other ways to live other than destroying the planet.
When the green message started up it started to gain traction and the Left moved in on it. not by some centralized order from the Politburo but because by the 1970’s the lure of ‘The Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ had lost all it’s charm. Once in the Green movements the newcomers soon discarded overpopulation as concern because being Leftists they believed in growth economics and instead took exploiting ‘oppressed peoples’ as part of their creed to stir up hatred against capitalism which they believe has to be overthrown.
In Green and other Leftist circles if I bring up the population concern it is dismissed as they don’t want to consider it.
I do not know of any major environmental or UN agency that is really pushing this. I’m not saying there isn’t any but the topic seldom comes up at ecoforums. It is a taboo.
It was true in the 1970’s but by the eighties it was not. And that was 40 years ago. It is time to wake up.
The entire Left and a section of the right are united in their desire for a world with massive and ever increasing population for the planet. The BBC want massive population expansion (just as long as they are not white) David Attenborough is possibly an exception I’ve seen him mentioned the topic from time to time but he’s such a good Remainer that they keep him on and they know the topic is now effectively dead so he can’t do any harm.
We know what we know.
2+2 =4
That multinational Green bodies like the WEF intend to exploit corona situation to push a thing called “the Great Reset”
It’s not a secret , it’s in their published papers/conferences etc
There are hangers on like Prince Charles family and Attenborough.
But saying that Bill Gates or someone created corona first….. or intends a dark programme
that’s 2+2 =5 thinking.
In addition, it was pretty much all over for Communists once the Berlin Wall came down but they didn’t suddenly become capitalists, free marketeers or Conservatives and Republicans. Nor did they become Liberals or Democrats or Christian Democrats.
No, they melted silently away, joining various nascent ‘organisations’ such as WWF, Greenpeace, other environmental and Green groups, BLM, Antifa and UAF. From there they influence ‘impressionable’ young minds.
And now … we are where we are.
Saying that old style east European communists drive the NGOs
is a conspiracy theory.
I’m green (and support WWF), but also non-leftist, pro-democracy, and voted for Brext. Most importantly I detest the bbc and the Marxist/globalist campaign group it has become.
Am I the only one like me?
Seppers, you are not alone in the universe. But it will seem like it sometimes.
The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), is a social purpose organisation that generates and applies behavioural insights, officially to inform policy and improve public services, but using social engineering and brainwashing techniques in psychology to brainwash the public into supporting elitist government policy using a behavioural change design called the Mindspace Model. Interventions by the government are then rationalised as innovative and new political and economic responses.
Behavioural theories, which “nudge” are aimed at changing the behaviours of citizens perceived to make the wrong choices on Immigration, Covid-19, Climate Change and Brexit. Ultimately the political aim is to mend Britain’s “broken society” and to restore a country that according to a narrow, elitist view, brings about a neoliberal utopia with lots of morally superior brainy black people replacing thick working class white people, except Gary Lineker and those in Scotland.
BAME has always really meant NON-WHITE
So “hiring more BAME has always been code for hiring less white”
Less white men but there is always the demand for more white women of the correct mentality and education – they have their own movement which is caused feminism.
Not so much older women necessarily. Correct me if I’m wrong. I reckon older women can suffer ageism and maybe men not so much. Hope I am wrong though.
One thing Saint , Sir, King Marcus “free food” Rashford has done has created endless opportunities for companies , business and individuals to try and “out” virtue signal each other.
Everyone, out of nowhere , suddenly gives a massive shite about kids school dinners .
Take “The Chippy” in Chinley for example . Tonight they have put out a Facebook post saying how nasty the Government are, and they will offer free meals to hard up families next week. They sign off their virtuous little political rant, with , that they posted it with a “heavy heart”
What utter bollox.
What’s worse is the comments. Again, people desperate to out virtue each other.
Offering money, offering this that and t’other , desperate to be seen to be virtuous.
It’s just sickening to see such a society where seemingly no-one can take responsibility for themselves.
Not one person mentions
Child benefit
Child tax credits
Housing benefit
Council tax benefit
Free dental care
Free prescriptions
Discretionary housing payment
Universal credit
Rent costs paid in universal credit
Up front payments from universal credit
Childcare vouchers
Free nursery places
If , after all that that’s available, you can’t feed your own kids, you should be banged up.
I fully expect Marcus the Saint Rashford will be giving away most of his multi million pound salary to feed these kids or will he?
It would be a nice gesture if these virtue signalling celebrities instead of expecting other low paid workers to pay for their virtue signalling put their hands significantly in their own pockets and maybe just took home an average salary and maybe gave the rest of it up as tax to help feed the poor kids.
I shant hold my breath
And not forgetting the Pupil Premium. The LibDem poorly targeted virtue-signalling coalition policy.
Any child, whose parents made a claim along the lines in your list, at ANY time in the previous 6 years, gets an extra £1500 spent personally on them, in perpetuity, in school.
It can be, and indeed is, used to buy things like laptops and iPads.
Hell, back in the day I would have qualified for over 5 years despite having a well paid job, company car, expense account etc etc. shortly after a 3 month period of redundancy.
Which neatly links to another BBC doom and gloom story this morning about the slow rollout of laptops to ‘disadvantaged’ kids for remote learning. Most of the disadvantaged kids if on Pupil Premium have a mechanism to get this free stuff well before the pandemic, and have had it for the last decade.
Needless to say this has not been mentioned on the BBC.
I’m beginning to think being disadvanatged is quite a smart career move for some……..
The reason some of these families can’t manage their money is cos they can’t stay out of fast food places like McDonald’s.
And now McDonald’s have given 1 million free meals
that’ll bring in even more feckless families.
Sure the kids will get free food
but the adults will pay for their own meals
so McDs will be quids in.
But Mum will have less money to pay for her tattoos.
The local Facebook pages are alive with virtue signalling local activists and daft businesses trying to out woke each other.
For lunch our family of four cooks fresh for around a fiver.
How much money is Sharnice and her six kids still going to blow on fat and sugar even when five eat ‘free’? Before waddling to Spar for chocolate and then Greggs for afters?
We do all have iPhones but our collective monthly is around £25. We do have a large 10yo Plasma but no Sky or BBC. I am the only drinker, but none of us smoke.
Our trainers are dabs.
I work freelance. Wife and sons recent grads job hunting. Little tax being paid, bar council, but no real income. Savings draining away, which might be a good thing as they will come after these next.
Just waiting for our tenant to again announce she is off on holiday as her dog has a sniffle, but won’t be paying rent per the advice of Corbyn. J.
Also lots of comments hoping that those restaurants and companies giving out free food wont be holding their hands out for more government subsidies if they can afford to do this.
“Sudan-Israel relations agreed, Donald Trump announces”
Another one for President Trump to chalk up.
Jez is likely unaware of this too.
This Jez.
Peter York’s new Guardian article
It begins with a dig at the withdrawn idea thst Charles Moore would be chair.
and digs at Paul Dacre
The article seems to pics of friends and enemies
: Maitlis, Cummings
FFS look at the Conspiracy Theories in it
“Cummings set out his plan to discredit the BBC and create a new US style media landscape in the UK”
“he said, if the Conservatives were to gain and hold on to power, because he believed – in paranoid fashion – the BBC was the “mortal enemy” of the party.”
\\The inspiration he cited was work done by the American right – financed by the fossil-fuel billionaire Koch brothers and their billionaire friends – to discredit the US “liberal” mainstream media and shift the US political centre of gravity rightwards//
York claims he is quoting Cummings blog
..but that looks like York is adding super heavy spin.
York claimed Defund the BBC was created AFTER and in response to BLMs “Defund the Police” slogan
… anyone here think that DefundTheBBC came much earlier ?
He also claims that it’s the work of a Tory stooge James Yucel.
The hash tags #DefundTheBBC and #Defundbbc were used daily well BEFORE George Floyd died on 23 May
Here’s a search from February
The bbc’s unquestioning support of that group (who are a political group) with a policy of defunding the police is a perfectly good reason to defund the bbc ( one of many). So which came first doesn’t really matter.
The Friends and enemies pictures includes Trump and Fox News
Then there are about 5 pages of “Myths about the BBC”
.. they look like complete BBC PR
The article ends
“The War Against the BBC by Patrick Barwise and Peter York is published by Penguin on 26 November.”
Is the article open debate ?
Nope, comments are closed.
Peter York had a brief moment of fame in the 1980s when he came up with the idea of “Sloane Rangers” and wrote a successful book. Since then he has been poncing off his reputation. He has said and done nothing of any originality or importance since.
For anyone who missed this on the last thread, I would strongly recommend setting aside the time to listen to this interview with Dr Mike Yeadon. It’s a fascinating and, dare I say forensic look at the science behind the Covid epidemic and why it has more or less run its course. The anomalies in data such as ever higher ‘cases’ whilst deaths remain stubbornly around normal levels fall into place.
Any politician who makes lockdown decisions without at least listening to this is, in my view, negligent at best.
It follows on from Dr Yeadon’s paper I linked to earlier in the previous thread and which is a good starting point if you don’t have time to listen to the whole interview, which is over an hour and a half long.
Needless to say I have seen none of this on the BBC.
Tim Davie the new director general of the BBC has revealed himself to be full on woke and is accelerating the pace of change within the BBC and is demanding the rest of the British media follow suit. As revealed by the website they are now involved in organising and inciting civil disturbance around the world in the cause of feminist, LGBTQ, BLM & anti-west “progressivism”.
Three examples of the nonsense over the past two days:
The remake of Dance of the Hours from Fantasia featuring Di Abbott and Le Gateau Chocolate guesting with Ashley Banjo is set to be an Xmas smash.
I loved Fantasia. You’ve ruined it for me, now.
Or call them The People’s Front of Judea!
The Beebs travel show this morning showed past repeats of ……… the oppressed of Africa.
It’s selective reporting time at the BBC (yet again).
After the excruciating wall -to-wall doom and gloom of the news bulletin, on Toady at 0710 Labour Mayor of Sheffield Dan Jarvis is ‘interviewed’ in the BBC’s cozy fireside chat sort of way it uses with its buddies about the tier 3 lockdown.
Now to be fair he comes across as a reasonable sort, and in no way a Burnham rentagob.
But here’s the thing. Casually mentioned is that he is also the MP for Barnsley.
So the question not asked was ‘Mr Jarvis, how can you effectively do TWO full time political jobs in the deprived North, both paid for by the taxpayer, and give them both your full attention and the taxpayer value for money during a pandemic?’
Clearly ‘levelling up’ has a different meaning to socialists.
We have discussed these MP double jobs before
.. they are not that uncommon.
I think you’ve got Scottish MSPs also MPs and in Wales.
Northern Ireland banned it cos almost all their assembly men were MPs as well.
Metro mayors are a special thing
#1 It’s a trick by the Tories, they can’t get power in the big cities cos Labour control them all but metro includes more Tory voting edges.
#2 Metro mayor jobs are not set out in a contract.
Rather the scope of each one’s role is negotiated with the government. So Jarvis might well be in an overview role, rather than a 7 day/week job.
Iirc there was a Sarf London MP who was also a junior doctor struggling with her workload.
Possibly also explaining her inability to obey house rules whilst campaigning.
The BBC like her. A lot.
I think MPs ought to have real work as well as being MPs. That would also enable them to give their time free to Parliament.
Not enough doom and gloom on Toady?
How’s this?
At 0735 a woman is interviewed. She is describing her experience in hospital when she discovered she had had a miscarriage/ phantom pregnancy. I’m not seeking to downplay her actual condition.
But the interview seems to be about how she could not have her partner (who unusually for the BBC was her heterosexual husband) with her in the hospital maternity unit when her condition was confirmed and how therefore she lacked personal support when the news was confirmed.
Only later do we learn that this took place in April. at the height of the pandemic, when we knew little about the virus, when it was awash in hospitals which were on an emergency footing with covid patients and there was little testing.
In other words it was an exceptional time.
The BBC are totally in the gutter with their unceasing practice of dredging up almost any personal story with what can only be the sole objective of undermining and depressing us.
A continuing disgrace.
Again the process by which the bbc and such tragic moppets find each other is intriguing.
They haunt the wards?
She get her union rep to contact Lewis?
The local hospital stirrer (see above) contact the BBC special email?
Then… all can be sorted in the edit.
I misread that as “her local onion rep”.
This is something I feel particularly strongly about. Having the partner present roughly doubles (I’m not going to go into the mathematics of partners not being independent) the risk of the sonographer or doctor needing to isolate for 2 weeks after exposure to an infected individual. That is in the region of 120 scans that WILL NOT HAPPEN in order to allow partners to be present – can you imagine the fuss if people had to wait a week for their early pregnancy scans.
I am a doctor working in this area who also happened to have a miscarriage during lockdown (and no, my partner was not there at the scan). I have worked throughout and am prepared to risk my health looking after someone who needs my care but the miscarriage is unfortunately going to be diagnosed whether or not your partner is present.
Church had a special sermon for “baby loss week” which consisted of a party political broadcast against those nasty doctors who would not let partners in. I nearly walked out.
This is something I feel particularly strongly about. Having the partner present roughly doubles (I’m not going to go into the mathematics of partners not being independent) the risk of the sonographer or doctor needing to isolate for 2 weeks after exposure to an infected individual. That is in the region of 120 scans that WILL NOT HAPPEN in order to allow partners to be present – can you imagine the fuss if people had to wait a week for their early pregnancy scans.
I am a doctor working in this area who also happened to have a miscarriage during lockdown (and no, my partner was not there at the scan). I have worked throughout and am prepared to risk my health looking after someone who needs my care but the miscarriage is unfortunately going to be diagnosed whether or not your partner is present.
Church had a special sermon for “baby loss week” which consisted of a party political broadcast against those nasty doctors who would not let partners in. I nearly walked out.
Last night the BBC reported on the Welsh covid circuit breaker and the new Scottish ‘five levels’.
Yet for some strange reason all the reporting was measured, tempered, and the vox pop showed reasonable people who either agreed with the measures or at least understood them.
For example no-one was ‘confused’ by the 5 different sets of measures foor the 5 levels. Weird, that.
Can you imagine in your wildest dreams a similar approach for such stories in England?
They’d be interviewing a series of carefully chosen grievance-hunters before you could say ‘tier 2’.
There was one exception. The unfairness of those living close to the border……..with England!
I think these vox pops things are often one of the most disingenuous things about the bbc now.
The day after the referendum I wasn’t working so I watched Nick Robinson literally chasing the most confused looking (likely brexit voters) around a town in the north, catching them off-guard and bamboozling them. And then the remain vox pops were a group of neatly lined up posh young people in the studio.
I detest the disingenuous bbc.
Will Lurch keep on casually ignoring one side’s activities?
Never mind.
Says a neutral bbc reporter – one for the DG
Not surprising, but only directing at unofficial support activity to damn a side seems waaaaaay beyond propaganda. Especially when confusing your base and sneaking a weasel clarification in down thread.
Especially as dodgy t-shirts were fine for their man Milipede back in the day.
As is assaulting any MAGA wearers, apparently.
11:30am BBC finally notice White Farmer murder pattern in South Africa
“In South Africa, racial tensions have been heightened in some rural areas, particularly after the murder of Brendin Horner, a young white farm manager.
Cases like his have led to claims of ethnic cleansing.
But as President Ramaphosa pointed out, the killings are cases of criminality, not genocide.
Andrew Harding went to the small town of Senekal to investigate what’s behind these racial tensions“
Just posted by Jon Sopel:
“But as the governor pointed out, the unfortunate officer involved killings are cases of the consequences of violent or drug-induced criminality, not racism”.
Sources say. Or, not.
Stew – Is this today at 11.30?
We can guess the bbc angle and narrative, but it will be interesting to hear what they have to say. They have been steadfastly ignoring this story for as long as possible, in case it damaged the legacy of their No1 favourite saint -Nelson M. (Who would have been happy to slit your throat, had you stood in the way of the ANC coming to power).
Ramaphosa himself has been ignoring, but also denying, the farm killings (and there are not only white victims, although much of the extreme torture, rape and brutality has been reserved for them).
Will we get the political agenda – driving farmers from the land? (Favourite Commie trick – after all, the SACP is a PARTNER of the ANC!) Or will Harding fall in line with the ‘crime story’ – which is no doubt also a convenient truth, but in no way explains the brutality, or the constant encouragement from the ANC and its allies the EFF to “kill the boer, kill the farmer” – a perfectly legitimate song which can be sung in parliament if desired. Will we hear from racist Julius Malema of ‘kill the whites, but not yet’ fame?
And perhaps Ramaphosa has to ‘come out’ as a prelude to the begging bowl coming out. Having destroyed the economy through incompetence, corruption, mismanagement and looting, the ANC has now reached the bottom of the national piggy bank.
My money is on a Harding ‘soft-soap’.
Yes, it’s always good to look at the info before a show goes out
cos you stand the chance of stopping an error being broadcast.
“…the killings are cases of criminality, not genocide.
Oh, that’s all right then.
Other items
In Paraguay .. the lack of rainfall this year
“The Covid-19 pandemic has severely restricted international travel. That’s meant BBC’s Kamin Mohammadi can no longer divide her time between Italy, Britain and Iran as she used to, for family and work reasons.
Now Tuscany has become a true home”
.. FFS BBC cliche
“After the First World War, tourists went to France to visit the battlefields. That holiday formed the basis of Rumer Godden’s celebrated later novel, The Greengage Summer. It’s a favourite of Hugh Schofield so he set off in search of … the greengage summer”
No surprise this morning that the BBC’s on-line line up of newspaper front pages prioritises those titles most heavily promoting Marcus Rashford (the new leader of the opposition?) and his old mum (our new shadow spokeswoman for the treasury?).
There’s an interesting divide in emphasis however between the ‘i’, the Mirror and the Star on the one hand, which all congratulate the general public for stepping in with charitable donations (respectively): ‘Kindness of strangers’; ‘Caring Brits: we’ll feed the kids’; and ‘Brits flock to help Rash kids’…
Which, generally, one has to applaud. If people want to give charity to others, then do so by all means – don’t tell me I have to fund your pet cause with my taxes. Gary Lineker, Lily Allen, I’m talking to you and your ilk.
Then in contrast with the papers saluting the public for their donations we have the Guardian which, just as anti-Tory as the rest, can’t help but betray its dyed-in-the-wool adherence to the public sector: ‘Councils step in to feed children as anger grows’.
Anger grows? Seriously, with the nation on the verge of mass unemployment as a direct result of government policy and our civil liberties constrained as never before the supposedly liberal-minded Guardian would have us raise the red banner and go to the barricades over this dinner money issue? The Guardian talks of ‘disadvantaged children’ and ‘outrage’ but at least the ‘i’ admits that the issue where it finds ‘…something deeply wrong…’ is with… wait for it… ‘…No 10’s refusal to extend free school meals over half-term in England’
You want a cause for outrage, I’ll give you: ‘Face mask cost to rise after VAT holiday ends’ – as told to us by the Telegraph. But just a moment, are face masks not essential medical equipment?
I guess the BBC’s favourite paper has forgotten there’s supposed to be a pandemic on at the moment. The ‘i’ reminds us of the protracted extraordinary restrictions we are under: ‘”Tier 4” possible if current rules don’t work’ – you may recall it was in the parody documentary Spinal Tap where the mock rockers explained the controls on their special amplifier could be turned up to 11 rather than the normal 10.
There really is a sense that the Guardian (and BBC by extension) is taking every step of the unprecedented official response as read. The Guardian strikes this fatalistic note about the nation’s non-covid health: ‘Cancelling routine operations is “inevitable”’
It’s left to Juliet Samuel in the Telegraph to suggest the revolutionary notion that: ‘Covid’s spread could be out of our hands’
Thankfully the Daily Mail carries a wake up call: ‘It’s covid hysteria’ – surely echoing any thinking person’s response to the novel new over-reach being pioneered in Wales: ‘Supermarkets ban sock sales, CCTV spies on social distancing, road checks on Welsh border, teacher threatens playdate pupils with police’ – seems the devolved Welsh authorities are trying to emulate Patrick McGoohan’s confusing 1960s dystopian sci-fi series The Prisoner. ‘Bizarre lockdown measures’ indeed. Think 1984 set in an eccentrically picturesque Welsh village. Complete with Kafkaesque restrictions, a strict no escape rule and oppressive surveillance – all of which, to this day, have never been satisfactorily explained.
Devolution eh? Such Cambrian nonsense would almost have one preferring Wee Jimmy Krankie’s SNP Brigadoon.
By the way, The Telegraph notices: ‘Shift to home working hitting productivity’ – well, I never.
‘Social distancing cuts Chelsea numbers’ – no, nothing to do with Frank Lampard’s disappointing early season. It’s the Chelsea Flower Show, darlings. How déclassé of you to think otherwise, dear boy. Next thing you know you’ll be little figure cocked, sipping from that ghastly: ‘Free Laura Ashley tea set worth £100’ from the Daily Mail when you take out a subscription. T&Cs apply no doubt.
The Times tells us: ‘UK targets Putin allies, covert attacks launched in retaliation against Russia, former cabinet secretary reveals’ – not so covert now, are they.
The FT confuses with: ‘Banks act to stifle home loan boom, rates raised to deter borrowers’ – seems odd, the most minuscule percentage rate I’ve ever seen with a string of zeros after the decimal point is on my bank’s saver’s deposit account. In fact, the only percentage number comparably tiny is the current national covid death rate.
The Daily Express digs up some expert to promise us – with the assumption we get a vaccine (which, by the way, only tend to work in 50% of cases): ‘Yes, we can kill off virus for good’ – until the next one?
I’ll leave you with a philosophical thought. Can the powers that be alter our perception of reality simply by decree? Don’t forget to put your clocks back this weekend.
Thanks for your insights AISI, a good résumé, negating the need to look elsewhere for what’s occurring!
Asiseeit it – thanks – if the snowflakes are moaning now I wonder how they’ll be when rates and taxes really do have to go up. ?
As for NS and I – .15% interest rate —- I think I remember 15%…
Fedup2, it’s even worse than that –
‘National Savings & Investments (NS&I) has announced a series of dramatic cuts to its savings rates and premium bond prizes.’
‘And crucially their Income Bonds, which have been offering a market-leading instant access rate for months will be cut from 1.16% AER to just 0.01% from 24 November. ‘
With current inflation (RPI) at 1.5% the banks are going to do this autumn what one might term daylight saving robbery
Thanks – one of the reasons I chose my ‘name ‘ was because I got Fedup with winning …………………………nothing…
Fed are you getting income bonds mixed up with Premium Bonds ?
currently not terrible interest rate
It’s equivalent to 1%/year
No .
Check out the Twitter of level headed journo Jay Beecher
Non BBc rant .
I use public transport in London .often the windows on buses and trains and tubes are shut . Yet the press today is reporting on the common senses – now scientifically valid view -that air circulation reduces the risk of infection .
I guessed this . 3 months ago I wrote to TFL to suggest getting all windows fixed open – hot or cold …. can u guess the reply I got ?
So – see a window – open it … but don’t get involved in an argument ….
Not bBC either.
Brexit Unlocked episode 7 on Facebook.
If you can watch please do so, particularly from 20 mins in – fishing, defence and cancellation of the Cenotaph march past.
They do have a YouTube channel but ep. 7 doesn’t seem to be on there yet.
All about the stupidity and duplicity of the government re Brexit.
Regarding cancellation of the Cenotaph march past I suspect this may be a diversionary tactic for everyone to get upset about (a bit like the Proms thing) and therefore draw our attention away from the Brexit shambles.
@LozzaFox isn’t ‘on it’ yet, but he has recommended the Delingpole podcast (above).
I have just watched episode 7, so depressing. What a heroine June Mummery is!
Worth remembering when a BBC panel gaggle of girlies (and some of the women) get a fit of the giggles when one trots out Boris’ full name.
Neither inaccurate nor racist, but pure media. A a nastier little weasel example of hypocrisy it would be harder to find.
No wonder Warren gave him an exclusive.
Regarding the starving children in dire poverty here in the UK who will be at deaths door unless people give them food to keep them alive long enough to be able to last until school starts again and they can get their free dinners.
During the 60’s we had to pay 5/- every Thursday for our school meals, 1/- a day for each meal.
I, along with some of my mates, instead of paying, we would keep the 5/- and on Thursday dinner time go to the tuck shop and pig out on chocolate and sweets with our 5 bobs.
The rest of the week we had no dinners.
As far as I know, none of us died of starvation or were unable to carry on with our normal schoolwork.
I wonder how we would have managed today. I think we would all have been classified as living in poverty.
Another thing, many of these starving children could actually do with losing a couple of stone. We might have had the odd overweight pupil (fatty ….) in our class or even year but now the nickname ‘fatty’ would definitely have its work cut out with each class now having the odd normal weight child in amongst a sea of fatties. (A pod?)
Graun has this covered.
Imagine being easy to see, a collection of letters and from Liverpule.
Like their generous, and generously proportioned, mayor.
Hull Daily Mail about to feel the full force of a WMD*
*Woke Mob Descending
A bit of weekend cheer.
Bit by bit we are winning
I stopped paying the ‘protection racket’ a long time ago and saved myself a lot of ‘beer money’ to spend down the pub until the Great Welsh Dictator closed them down again. Time the Welsh Assembly was closed down – for good.
A lot of Taffmen are not very happy that the idiot in charge allowed a load of illegals to be dumped down in South Wales while we are imposed with a strict lockdown.
A law for ‘foreign invaders’ and a different law for us Taffmen .
At these times of austerity and lockdown Bo Jo could end the collection of Al Beeb’s protection money. Make it a ‘pay to view’ broadcaster and let it stand on its own two feet. A lot of poor people could do with the extra cash that is wasted on Al Beeb and its parasitic money collectors. End the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
How many of you readers and posters are still paying it? BTW, the latest threatening red letter, just dropped through the letterbox.
Dunno if “Express says something bad about the BBC”
is news
Please do define news.
I have my own for the bbc version.
I am sure this is not news, but the bbc understands very little about anything.
But I thought I’d share anyway.
TalkRadio discussion “The Tories are just terrible at communication
Labour try to portray them as scrooges
..and they just roll over and take it
They promoted Marcus Rashford by giving him an MBE
then looked bad by voting down his bill
.. They should have explained that Conservatism is about creating individual responsibility NOT dependency culture.”
Sky copying BBC Young Soon Unemployed Reporter
Lesson 1: Edit foes to look bad.
Lesson 2: Edit out BFFs or ignore if they crash and burn.
Lesson 3: JobCentres have few jobs for overpaid activists who twiddle knobs doing 1) or 2).
BTW power company EDF have deleted their promo tweets about their magic battery power centres
after I pointed out that the image they were using
was an ADOBE-library-photo of “Server racks in server room data center”
Not BbC – London crime
When I was a kid I used to do a paper round and a milk round . Well I’ve just learnt that last night – in one of the roads in E17 I used to deliver to – a 17 boy was stabbed to death . Not news , not unusual …
Maybe one less promising footballer …..
“Nothing useful to report” concludes Andrew Harding on R4 on SA.
I’d say that just about sums up his report.
If you have no intention of making any helpful analysis, that’s an appropriate way to end a woeful contribution.
Of course, the beeb have established their alibi: “Oh yes, we have only just reported on the farm murders” (although I noted they were downgraded to ‘farm robberies’ – clever but dishonest move; typical bbc).
For, to PRETEND that these attacks are ‘robberies’ misses the WHOLE POINT: few of them actually are.
A robbery won’t get anyone to leave their farm!
No, murder, preceded by rape and the most horrific torture, that’s the message to all farmers.
So, what can we give AH for his report?
1 out of ten? Cos I’m feeling generous.
I’m inclined to give him zero, but then , he did MENTION the situation.
Fake – I forced myself to listen to the whole programme as well . Will I never learn ? The shallow report of South African ethnic cleansing was prefaced by the witch Aidi saying the murcder rate is over 70 a day – thus diminishing the horror of the torture and murder of a whitee – racist murder – no ….. it was such a poor piece ….
…. but it got even worse – over ten minutes of some Muslim bint who was so smug I felt nauseous . An Iranian married to an Italian who presumably got a Uk passport as a give away but now lives between Florence London and Tehran .
You could smell the smugness – and oh do very BBC – . I forced myself to keep listening as she enjoyed the Italian lockdown …… and she’s written an effing book about being a magazine editor living in Florence – how nice …..
This was followed by a bbc droid going on about some book from 1923 about 3 kids staying in a hotel by the river Marne – self indulgence taken to a new BBC high ……
,….. so what else is happening in the world …?
US election
Beheading french teachers
Fiddled death figures across the Chinese virus
Wars in the offing in Russian satellite states
Not a mention – nothing – this programme used to have informed and authoritative reporters – now it’s just friends of the producer …. and as poor as the rest of the dire BBC output –
That’s my 30 minutes of BBC for 7 days … off switch …
Re the FooC South Africa item
Yes the cheat was at the start in the priming/framing used in Kate Adies introduction
“So in South Africa there are 58 murders almost all of them black victims”
Then words which basically said ‘so it’s a bit weird these guys are so outraged about a few WHITE victims
.. and look how dirty they are
they get support from people who want WHITE ONLY states’
.. that’s the guilt by association fallacy
Now compare that framing to the way they framed the George Floyd death.
They did not frame that by pointing out that every day many blacks in the US are killed by fellow blacks and that very few are killed each year by police.
They quite correctly concentrated on the issue here that police may have caused a man’s death cos of skin colour, (which BTW quite soon sounded false cos only one officer was white)
Here in the south Africa case the farmer are dying cos of the colour of their skin
BTW This is a relative new phenomena
Whereas black on black violence is not
When I lived in SA there were about 10 racial groups 2 white, 5 black, African immigrants and 2 different coloured groups, the bottom of those had a particular cultural issue they weren’t white and weren’t black and had a habit of killing each other over very small things. Then after Mandela there became a lot of drug violence in certain black communities.
Denise nails it !!! Fear fear and more fear from the BBC !!!
It seems to be fashionable now for the slebs to seek out some cause and then go on to virtue signal about it.
It’s the latest hobby for the rich and aimless.
Just talk in a hushed concerned voice.
Most of the ‘good causes’ have already been grabbed leaving our rich slebs scrabbling around looking for their good cause to raise their profile by showing us how compassionate and caring they really are.
There’s still some left to latch on to but not so glamorous as the likes of Saint Marcus’s children’s one. All the children’s ones are popular and it’s a narrowing field there to find things that children are not getting.
That leaves other areas to look at.
How about pensioners?
The older pension of about £120 per week could use some help from a wannabe virtue signaller.
Any footie player want to take that on?
Meals for starving pensioners.
Not so photogenic as children but I’d guess more pensioners are starving than our school children.
How about saving the dandelion or buttercup? Nah, not much public adoration for flowers losing their growing spaces to more roads, office blocks and housing to home the huge increase in population arriving every year.
How about ‘feed the nurses’?
No photo ops there unless they can find a skinny nurse (on at least £23,000 starting pay) at the local food bank.
‘Just £3 could keep a starving immigrants iPhone charged for a month’ could do with a front man (or one of the other seventy odd genders we now have)
Spare a thought for the poor slebs where most of the fashionable ‘good causes’ have been taken.
Maybe there’s a cause somewhere in there for slebs to get into.
‘Feed the slebs’ (vanity)
Your point about loss of open/green space to more concrete due to unsustainable growth is what makes me green – and also concerned about having a sustainable immigration policy (not a usual combinationin terms of today’s tribes). Apparently the Green Party used to take a similar stance. Not so now. So now I’m that rare thing: a non lefty, non woke green.
I previously reported here that my neighbours, Lithuanians, had no regard for any lockdown imposed. Indeed, life, for them goes on as usual, coming and going. The mother is a so-called, “Carer” but patently has no concern for the elderly she visits daily. Just spoken to the police who explained that, if an officer was available they might send him/her/it round. I then asked that in view of the fact that they are foreigners and the police display a natural reluctance to confront foreigners, would they consider a call-out otiose. Silence over that aspect, as one would expect.
Had a conversation with a hospital nurse yesterday. She disclosed that areas with higher incidence of Covid infection were areas of high immigrant populations. Same areas of high levels of TB apparently………..
“People born outside the UK accounted for 72% (3,283/4,580) of notifications in 2018, with a TB incidence rate of 39.0 per 100,000 population; this was 14-times greater than the rate among those born in the UK (2.8 per 100,000). There has been a decline in the number and rates of TB among both people born in the UK (number: -9.0%, rate -9.7%) and outside the UK (number: -8.1%, rate: – 5.3%) between 2017 and 2018.”
Page 6 –
Click to access Tuberculosis_in_England_executive_summary_2019.pdf
I had posted a link to HMGovernments 2019 document re TB but it doesn’t want to appear. I’m at a loss. However, it left this ridiculous gap. Sorry.
Fear not, Macduff!
Is anyone else as fed up with that stupid pouring the kettle into a mug thing before every BBC news .. So tempting to watch to see the headlines but once you slog through the bame trailers and the bloody pouring the kettle thing you are already feeling the heat before the biased headlines bring you to the boil.
No, I steer clear of BBC news these days. Actually, that applies to pretty much any of the mainstream media, come to think of it.
Apologies for the capitals, but this needs to be shouted from the rooftops.
For all their ‘in depth’ (and highly biased) coverage of the US election, there is one huge story the BBC is ignoring.
Bigger even than the rotten Biden family’s dirty dealings all over the world (China, Ukraine, Russia), and the contents of crackhead Hunter’s laptop from hell – stories which the MSM and Big Tech companies are doing everything in their power to suppress.
Bigger than all that is the systematic suppression of even mildly conservative or Republican-leaning accounts on social media.
For years I’ve been going to many such sites to get some news and views from the other side, the sort of information that msm and broadcasters like the BBC ignores, downplays, suppresses or distorts.
Increasingly such sites are being censored, suppressed, shadow-banned, locked out, demonetised, de-ranked, fact-checked to death (by leftist fact-checkers), suspended, deactivated, shut down.
A few brave whistleblowers who have worked for the Big 4 (or 5) tech companies are revealing the multitude of tricks they use in their algorithms to influence the ranking of posts, always biased in favour of the leftists and Democrats.
There is no doubt at all that their shenanigans influenced the 2018 mid-term primaries and have already influenced the millions of votes cast in the 2020 election. The attempted blackout of the Biden scandal is but the latest egregious example.
How about a report on that, BBC?
That’s fascism, pure and simple.
@Vlad actually Rose McGowan is back on
and even was when you posted
Friday 8am our time she reported Facebook had locked her out
16.5 hours later first thing on Saturday morning 12:30am she tweeted it had magically come back.
Taken from a paper cutting yesterday……….
The BBC wants 20 % of guests on its shows to be from ethnic minorities and 12% to be disabled. The broadcaster is introducing a voluntary scheme for show bosses to hit the targets, with many popular and prominent programmes expected to sign up. ………
………The BBC would now “strive to include more diverse voices and contributors”. The corporation classifies contributors as presenters, reporters, commentators, spokesmen, analysts, academics and case studies. But it could also extend the ethnic and disability requirements to quiz contestants, guests on chat shows and other entertainment programmes….
The 20% target for BAME contributors comes despite the 2011 census showing these groups MAKE UP JUST 14% of the UK POPULATION. The proportion is now expected to be high BUT STILL BELOW 20%. Recent figures showed that people from ethnic minorities made up more than 22% of all tv on screen contributions last year.
Would you say all of this is creating division that didn’t exist before? I would. But maybe my background was just really sheltered.
What Woke-world pushing at us today ?
.. I imagine a few week back the Times’ boss spoke to the Arts Review editor
“Right , there are too many people in it, get more black stuff”
Editor “but the black stuff doesn’t make the cut”
Boss “I don’t care , I just wanna see those black faces”
So what we get is a page with black faces and the recommended film of the day is a black film that starts at 1am
Today’s book review ‘This black author’s book has been nominated for the Booker but it’s not very good”
..and that’s how a similar review of another black author ran last week or the week before.
This week it’s Brundon Taylor
It concludes ‘the author says he was mean about white people, cos he was writing for other black people not the “white gaze’ .. That’s weird that an author thinks we can only imagine characters properly if they come from the same background as us’
‘The author wrote of good white people “they are like clumps of bacteria, no matter how good they are .. they will always be complicit, a danger a wound waiting to happen” ‘
Today’s recommended films
– BBC2 10pm Jehovah’s Witness made to shun her apostate sister
– 11:20pm Growing up gay in Miami’s black community.
midnight Channel4 : The Chris Rock film about a comedian making a film about Haitian slavery
BBC2 10pm : Film about a mixed race couple, marrying against race laws
(It follows the 9pm Samuel L Jackson doco Enslaved)
11pm BBC4 The Battersea Beatbox Academy interpretation of Frankenstein
Recommended Catchup
BBCiPlayer : Atlanta : series about a hip hop manager
..Oh Sunday they recommend Channel5’s All Creatures Great and Small
The Exhibition of the Week is Arctic Culture and Climate
age of Climate Change that threatens the future of this frozen hinterland
The same tone of their 2 page article last week
which failed to mention vast increases in polar bear numbers etc.
In the Week’s TV review Guardianlalaland’s Hugo Rifkind bigs up RoadKill the Hugh Laurie drama
“Our real politicians are so much worse”
That’s in total contrast to Talk Radio where 3 reveiwers TVKev, Rod Liddle and Ally Ross all slagged it as a flimsy attempt by posh lefty playwright David Hare to misrepresent the Tories and generate hate towards them.
Behind the Times paywall 30 of 35 readers give Rifkind a kicking.
(Though on Twitter he’d denied that to me .. there’s no point in me humiliating him by posting screenshots)
He calls BBC2 Harlots confusing
Then praises the new BBC Sarah Pascoe sitcom
..whereas TVKev slagged her for being “such a bad actor she can’t even play herself”.
One Times full page article I didn’t mention
“A transgender buddhist”
(Born female now identifying as male )
black Canadian folk singer
Unpaid Black faced actors, owned by white people, in All Creatures Great and Small, are played by a nasty Black Faced Bull and a breed of Sheep. James Herriot is told not to look into the eyes of the nasty black faced actor.
The film on BBC ‘Apostracy’ on tonight about Jehovah Witness’s in Lancashire is worth watching
In Italy I was approached by a JW who needed helpe cos he was being shunned for exposing child abuse.
I said don’t worry I will contact the BBC religion guys
… That was one time where I just could not get hold of them.
One is sure they had their reasons.
Billions buy lots of lawyers, and media cooperation.
This video? If so, one wonders how it is still there, but it’s the one I recall seeing.
No need for the kids starving in the UK in 2020, there is plenty of good fresh cheap food available, perhaps the parents should give up their mobiles, sky subscriptions, booze, fags and drugs and spend the benefit money on feeding the little darlings. Alternatively spend the money on a packet of condoms.
WW – You left out the latest Nikes. I taught for a spell and noticed the latest technology for the lunchless was accompanied the ‘must-have’ top of the range Nikes.
Maybe that’s changed by now?
It will most assuredly make a loud noise.
Which luckily almost no one will hear.
Imagine one’s surprise.
So endless TDS is addictive to academics, Silicon Valley insomniacs and, er…. Democrats.
So we have a student who calls himself a Journo and contributes to the BBC flagging up an email from his lecturer who is clearly an idiot ( Its without the ‘ books reviews – unnecessary s on end of book) and believes reading a book review is (super helpful) at getting to grips with a big messy subject …no read the bloody book
This then passed to Dino , an Editor, BBC News Podcasts
and up the chain
Smoke blowing up proverbial A ..holes
But BBC to a T……
We are currently at Number 2 on the #Applepodcasts charts. I am very nervous about what will happen to @BBCJonSopel ‘s head if we get to number 1 . Frankly will explode
If his brain were made of dynamite it wouldn’t blow out a candle.
Not beeb, but All hail and clap the wonderful‘ ranychess’
I have today been informed I am now not ‘eligible‘ for the treatment I have been waiting for over 8months.
Apparently because I had this procedure before, around 3 years ago, a recent change in the rules mean I am now not allowed another. Now it’s not on medical grounds but due to funding constraints.
My referring specialist was not even aware of this recent change in process. Apparently there is an appeal mechanism but it means the clock starts ticking all over again. Now it’s not life threatening and I manage, but hell 30years of taxpaying counts for nowt clearly, or perhaps it’s cos I’m a straight white male.
I despair for any poor sods facing real life threatening illness in this country.
Contacting MP on Monday.
R2 news at 3pm.
Anyone hear the welsh windbag female trying to justify why you can’t now purchase a kettle in Wales during their lockdown.
Painful listening.
Good luck Taffman????
“October 24, 2020
Dear reader,
Amidst all the catastrophic predictions about November 3rd — many justifiably concerned and analytically possible — there are signs that the 2020 US presidential campaign will end with a resounding success for Joe Biden and his Democratic Party.”
Compliments of, ‘The Globalist’. Worth subscribing if only to keep a watch on their continuing delusions.
Groucho Marx had a quip for this.
You shall go to the ball, Katty!
Trending in United Kingdom
“Over 100 Conservative MPs have written to Labour leader Keir Starmer
… saying a comment made by Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner has led to them receiving ‘widespread abuse’
Quite right too. Remember the fuss the Lefties made for much less.
(Look at the anger and hatred on her peaceful and tolerant face)
The Labour and Liberal parties, and probably SNP, thought that was a really clever tactic to down Boris, and the bbc hyped it right up…until other people remembered Boll**ks to Brexit. Then it all went away.