The evening of All Hallows. A full Blue Moon . A busy time for BBC bias – Labour Party Civil War again – islamic terrorists murdering again – and America deciding its president again – full Covid Project Fear again – and biased BBC staff publicly revolting over restrictions on expressing their bias on social media . Where do we start ?
Weekend Thread 31 October 2020
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Why did we let this intolerant scum into this country ??
Anti-Macron fury reaches London: Police clash with Muslim crowds demanding ‘respect for the Prophet’ outside French Embassy over President’s stance on Charlie Hebdo cartoons
Protesters gathered in London holding signs that said ‘We will not tolerate disrespect of our beloved prophet’
Emmanuel Macron has become the focal point of Islamic fury after defending Charlie Hebdo cartoons
The Mohammed drawings were used as justification for a teacher’s murder in Paris suburbs two weeks ago
Macron said that France will not ‘give up on our values’ despite fury at the caricatures – sparking more outrage
Unfortunatly I think in some ways it is too late for this country to stop migration. Unlike Macron, thanks to a crooked government, establishment and media we now have no credible alternative party to stand up to this madness.
With the biggest Tory majority for years the Conservatives have shown themselves completely unwilling to stop this flood of unwanted doctors and engineers into this country.
With regard to the “largely peaceful” be headings it is interesting that few politicians of note over here have the courage to support Macron. (I didnt think I would ever have to say that) All these political cowards unwilling to put their greedy worthless heads above the parapet in case they are “next”
The Conservative party is now Labour Light – nothing else and uncontrolled migration into this country (aided and abetted by the England hating BBC and Bojo personally) is now official Government policy whether we like it or not.
If we are lucky this country will be Balkanised – if not then Britainistan appears to be on its way sooner rather than later.
Bets on – how long it will be before in the light of Macrons “Islamaphobia” the BBC will be pushing for more “islamphobia” legislation over here.
Oaknash, I think you should not give up just because of a few setbacks. Britain needs a strong populist party. It is probably ready to happen. It needs strong branches spreading across the country, the administration should be efficient and the leadership competent and stick to national politics not dive off into local politics. I always read your posts and I notice you stayed loyal to Ukip in times of difficulty. (unfortunately it has lost all credibility now)
There should be many people in the Uk who would get behind such new a movement/party. Immigration, free speech and the abolition of the BBC and other woke bodies should be enough to earn instant support.
My own thinking is that too many Brits are waiting for the right leader to suddenly appear as if by magic. My thoughts are ‘get a movement going then the leaders will come’.
Farage’s on again off again campaigns may be useful at times but there’s no future in it.
Don’t despair, keep fighting.
Only brexit can same mr Johnson – and he will cave in on that . But who is the Tory to replace him ? Cant think of one .
At least if it was The Minister for Strong Statements she d be good for the popcorn industry – as well as the letter ‘gee’…. pee poor
As for the southern border invasion – the channel – maybe put a border force boat every 100 yards – imtercept and tow them back to french waters -or encourage them to swim back … but just no landing on blighty at all
.. they might start to get the message …
Guido reports that there is to be a cabinet meeting Saturday afternoon . I wonder if theyll lay out £15 to watch the footy?
Guess the subject of the meeting.
When to lock down and how long ?
What to say on sunday to the MSM ?
Tell parliament ?
Methinks you jest (?) about coastal defenders at regular intervals but this is of course what should be happening.
Don’t forget the guns.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – If you need a good laugh
With a total national Lockdown being stirred/encouraged/threatened by the BBC this morning, you may be in need of a good laugh.
Go to BBC Home Page, click News and scroll down to ‘Full story’ bar, immediately below the ‘Most watched’ bar. On the left hand side there is a pic with the text “A town’s intoxicating will to get through the pandemic”.
I’m sorry I’ll read that again. (The Interns are in again.)
Maybe there could have been a better choice of words used there?
That’s also the title of the story
“A town’s intoxicating will to get through the pandemic”
Buried deep in the text it says
“But while it would be easy to become despondent, there is an intoxicating *determination* here that this community will help each other to get through the pandemic.”
So the title should have simply been
“A town’s determination to get through the pandemic”.
Exactly, Stew. Work experience teenager on minimum wage? Working without any immediate input from an Editor?
I knew SME employers years ago who were complaining that they were having to teach trainees and interns (sometimes with a degree!) how to answer the telephone properly, take messages properly, how to check a receipt, how to use a broom, etc., etc..
Upto – it might be because of the seconf Full Moon of the month …. on eve of All Saints … spooky ….
When i was at school i had a project for haloween – and stayed all night in the local cemetary looking for devil worshippers and ghosts ….
Imagine trying to do that now …
The BBC anti Trump message just keeps on rolling !!!
Meanwhile, on the Biden scandal ……..SILENCE !!!!
Just read that. Two things leap out from the rest of the BBC drivel.
1. “Most of what Trump has had built is not a wall !” So there ! Ohh – do tell…. in most places it’s actually a fence up to 30 feet high, designed specifically to prevent people from crossing the border – but never mind – MSM says it’s not a wall, so he’s failed !
2. Has it worked ? Well, crossings are still ongoing. So there !……. but do tell us how many crossings are being made where the wall has actually been built, as compared to previously. Nope – but because thecoyotes and their illegals are now running for places where there is no barrier, he’s obviously failed.
Finally, please tell us who has been doing their damnedest to prevent any wall being built ? Why, it couldn’t have been the BBC’s favourite US political party, the Democrats – time and time again blocking expenditure – could it ? But hell, it’s not built – so he’s failed.
Couldn’t be any more impartial, could you, BBC ?
I think I got that flu. It was really horrible, I have to say.
Steppers – sorry to hear that – have you contacted the NHS helpline ? Surely best to get a test … please let us know …
…I was in Mass last night . It was full – social distancing broke down – doors were closed – there was singing –
This wasn’t the UK which has really good discipline – but another Southern European country with an uncontrolled infection rate …. I can see why … I was frightened by the potential for infection and am monitoring myself .
Churches are about to close again in UK – despite – temperature being taken on entry together with name and phone number for track and trace – and the church is cleaned straight after mass – where I am – in comparison – it is third world ….
Twitter backed down Friday in its battle with The Post and unlocked its main account after a two-week stalemate over the Hunter Biden exposé.
The move came after The Post refused Twitter’s demand that it delete six tweets that linked to stories that the company claimed — without any evidence — were based on hacked information.
The Post never budged, and kept the tweets on the account during the standoff — even as Twitter obscured them from view
It looks like to me as well as the BBC being the media
outlet for the BLM anarchist Marxist organization.That
now they have come out completely out into
the open and confirm that they are apologists for
Islamic terrorism, in the name of diversity.
Aunty hiding behind everything in the editorial guidelines it has here.
I think we are lucky that flu has disappeared with deaths and cases down by 98%
Unless they are somehow manipulating the numbers they are giving us.
Wouldn’t it be good to see a truly independent graph of deaths, including those dying OF covid, put alongside a graph of deaths from the lockdown such as untreated cancers and heart problems.
EG, I suspect that deaths are still not being recorded properly across the UK despite the Public Health (England) scandal in the summer. If the PM really wanted to do something useful, he could get his SoState for Health to insist that Covid-19 deaths are recorded more carefully.
Problem with things like untreated cancers & heart problems is that in the lottery of life, the patient may live for many more years. They may see out the pandemic completely but perhaps lose out on three extra years when they might have gone on for four or five plus those three.
I have a friend in her 90’s who is living with her third bout of cancer, it having returned in the spine and bones. Who knows, she may get her century yet, bless her.
In my area the Covid rate is less than 200 in 100K
Now why don’t they give that as a percentage ?
99,800 Don’t have Covid
ie 99.8% don’t
of the infected 0.2%
most will be in care homes, hospitals etc.
So I’m so scared to go on the street.
A BBC radio fore! EXCLUSIVE.
Mirror Editor-in-chief Alison Phillips on breaking the Dominic Cummings lockdown scoop.
The Media Show on BBC Sounds.
“Tell me, how did the far left BBC snag a scoop from a far left rag at this key juncture to further weaken their shared ideological foes opportunistically for political reasons rather than the sake of the nation it claims to represent?”
Seems the groupies are happy.
Circlejerk land
I opened Amol’s tweet
– It has 17 Likes in a country of 67million people
His other tweet about the how get about the same.
– Twitter fill the page with other tweet from his world
James O’Brien, Jo Maugham QC @JolyonMaugham, Beth Rigby, Pippa Crerar (till banging on about Cumming in Barnard Castle), Lammy, Alastair Campbell, Hugo Rifkind
.. I didn’t make that up
typo: His other tweets about the show get about the same.
– Twitter fills the page with other tweets from his world
screenhot to prove that list
“If you are not breaking stories, you’re nothing”
Yet some charge £160 odd still for it.
From our own correspondent
A BBC droid reflecting on the US election campaign – sound magisterial in his writing and doing the swamp sneer at Mr Trump …..
…… if mr Trump wins – this characters’ words should be read back to him . He had a full 10 .. 12 minutes …. it was that creature Nick Bryant …. sneering and hedging ….
If anything is to close down during the next lockdown let
it be the BBC. As in the immortal facetious words of that Gilbert
gives to the Mikado “None of the presenters and reporters
will be missed.”
They’re on my list.
Don’t tell him, Pike.
You can now play the ‘omission game ‘ with From our own correspondent ‘
Any thing any Muslim will be omitted – so no mention of France
Play it yourself ….
@Fed you forget
They omit it, until they find a Muslim victimhood angle
then they bang on.
Just written to Graham Brady to tell him that I’ll never vote Tory again if there is a National lockdown. I’m sure he’ll be devastated. Boris has turned out to be a contender for worst ever PM and that’s something when you remember Gordon Brown.
I am despondent about where this is going. It will scupper our house purchase, and any hope of help with an undiagnosed knee issue which makes walking difficult. I realise that there are much worse off folk – hoping Halifax is OK.
There has to be a better way to deal with this situation.
Relevance – Al Beeb and other MSM have been clapping and banging pots for this lockdown for weeks.
It has been a while since I struggled through Dateline London’s weekly dose of sanctimony – you know, when the BBC rounds up a few international correspondents to add global perspective and authority to events, but they simply end up confirming the BBC’s innate, elitist bias.
Well, after today’s catch-up, I can report that nothing has changed. Within seconds the panel were gleefully predicting Trump’s imminent downfall.
There then followed a miserable attempt by the presenter to get them to agree that this may lead to the downfall of so-called extreme “populist” leaders elsewhere.
Those mentioned, as examples, were Bolsanoro and, without a hint of irony, Boris Johnson.
The segment ended with a panellist declaring that many Americans would love to see the post-election headline “You’re Fired” next week.
In the wings, the sound of childish giggles. Their rotten prejudice seeps out everywhere.
I think they may be in for a BIG shock next week.
If indeed President Trump does do the business, I think I will definitely be tuning into the first Dateline London thereafter ????????
Oh to see those smug smug little rats with egg all.over their chops !!!!!
I keeping veering between hope and despondency. Right now I feel we’re kidding ourselves if we think Trump is going to overcome the poor polling, media corruption and Democrat vote-rigging.
The American obsession with guns has always perplexed me. I understand it now. They’re going to need them.
Don’t get your hopes up
There is the real world and there is the fake world
The MSM liberal establishment live in the fake world
whereas much of the public live in the real world
Last time the liberal establishment half cheated but Trump got in.
This time the liberal establishment has been doing full on cheating and many fall for that.
One neighbour says he knows EVERYONE is going to get Covid a second time
cos “the SCIENTISTS said that on SkyNews”
.. when I tried to speak I was shouted down.
(In 100 million infections worldwide only about 20 reinfection have been recorded)
The thing which has stood out to me is how complete and overwhelming the left-leaning media have been towards Trump. It’s absolutely not democracy when there is so much bias against one side.
I’ve thought about this a bit and concluded it’s all because the type of people with strong left-wing political views who want to ‘force’ their own opinions onto others see journalism as a great way to do it. Meanwhile those on the right tend to be out in the real world doing real jobs.
It’s not far short of fascism and it’s got a lot worse since social media gave more of them a soapbox. I consider it to be the biggest threat to Western civilisation.
Australia 5 New Zealand 43
Just providing a service, as this morning’s stunning record victory for the All Blacks in Sydney only made 11th place on the BBC Sport home page, some way behind Lewis Hamilton, St Marcus of Rashford and the engagement of two American sportswomen.
It’s now lost somewhere in ‘More Top Stories’.
Sometimes BBC and the trash tabloids (MSM), push something we want to be true. Such as the Labour/Corbyn Antisemitism agenda. But beware, they are probably lying on behalf of the Elite. Have a look at the article below, written by two conservative journalists.
In short, “Corbyn Antisemitism” is a big fat hoax, a PSYOP pushed by the neocon warmongers and the arms industry (who feared Corbyn’s naive pacifism). Same type of hoax as the “Russian Collusion” hoax in the US.
Just cuz every newspaper and TV-channel claim there was rampant antisemitism in Labour under Corbyn, doesn’t make it true.
Never trust BBC and the rest of MSM, they are liars.
The BBC has
imaginedlearned that the current forecasts of more than 4,000 daily deaths per day from Covid-19 may have been seriously underestimated. Privately, and on terms of strict anonymity, somecivil servants with degrees in sociologyscientists have told the BBC that the real figure could be high as 400,000 daily deaths, meaning that everyone in Britain will be dead within six months. The new forecast was obtained by the simple expedient of erroneously adding a multiplier of just 100 into a cell on the four line spreadsheet produced by an interm at Empirical College. Several anonymous government ministers are privately calling on the Prime Minister to impose a retrospective national lockdown, backdated to September 1st. Anyone found not have wornan imported, cheaply made piece of useless paper tata face mask 24×7 since then will be fined or imprisoned, maybe worse. A number of senior Labour backbenchers are said to believe that even this may not go far enough, but if they make enough noise it will distract people from the anti-semitic nastiness in their party.LOL X10, very good, Ian. 🙂
Can we order one of those pieces from you to be produced on a daily basis to cheer us all up.
No pressure. 😉 🙂
From Our Own Correspondent , a BBC flagship programme they’re so proud of .
Telling us Donald Trump told us to drink bleach.
No he didn’t BBC . You are lying . Again .
Again how effective are these lies in affecting the vote etc ?
On our local Facebook page a guy I know repeated the bleach myth
and I saw 5 people took him to task
but his reaction was so angry and aggressive
a if that story was 10 times more true than an actual truth
Posting the actual transcript jut made him dig in further.
.. The result being it created an atmosphere where people self-censor now for fear of him.
‘“I see disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.”’
Yes, he really is as stupid as he sounds.
“I was asking the question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen.”’
Seems Trump disagrees with you. There’s never a bottom to the barrel some are willing to scrape though.
No mention of bleach is there? Now go out and play with the traffic you useless troll scummer.
Ah, yes, he said ‘disinfectant’, not ‘bleach’.
Thanks for clearing that up. Is there a difference between the two when injected into your veins?
Is there any difference between you and a boil on the arse?
Apart from the BBC , who said inject bleach or disinfectant into your veins ?
@Blackwell that is a FAKE transcript
In the real one Trump makes a question
and uses the phrase “something like”
And look at your own tone ,
..seems you are everything you accuse Trump of
There is no need to be sneery and mean spirited here.
You are a bit simple aren’t you. Firstly did you see the presentation by scientists just before POTUS. He was talking about their work. 2. Disenfectant is a global term for a whole range of substances that are already used in medicine..including orally. And finally 3. UV light has been used for years to kill viruses and one type is harmless to humans.
So to conclude it is you my friend who is not the sharpest tool..maybe just a tool . I get really fed up with hearing this misused.
Yes, I watched it live. The presentation was on how the virus survived outside the body when exposed to different elements – ie disinfectant/sunlight etc.
Trump then mused that disinfectant could be used to kill the virus within the body by injecting it.
In regard to your justification – as I said, no depth to the barrel you need to scrape for that.
As I posted earlier, you’ll make a lot of people cross Blackwell.
Northern Voter
He works for Al Beeb and gets a free Telly Tax . It’s his job.
Yes , President Trump mused out loud about getting light or disinfectant to a virus affected area . No instructions to drink bleach , as per what the BBC says .
Blackwell , would you ever consider ingesting rat poison ? Millions do , to save their lives . Go figure , have a lightbulb moment then cancel your TV tax because the BBC lies .
Is the bit which says ‘is there a way we can do something like that’ when wondering out loud if there is something which can kill the virus in the lungs like disinfectant does on a surface a bit too difficult for your little brain to understand ?.
And of course he never mentions bleach.
I never cease to be amused by stupid people calling Trump stupid because they are too stupid to realise they should keep quiet.
Just watching the lunchtime news. The BBC are giving Boris his instructions. Lockdown will be with us by mid-week.
My God, what an incompetent wimp that man is. Can you imagine Churchill or Maggie shutting down our country?
If this twerp had been captain of the Titanic he wouldn’t only have lost his ship. He’d have managed to sink all the lifeboats as well.
He’s managed to turn a difficult health crisis into an economic and cultural catastrophe. It’s beyond parody!
As ever, there are no dissenting voices allowed on these bulletins. It’s just misery heaped upon misery.
I think the definition of stupidity is continuing to do something (again and again) that you know has already failed. Where they have tried the recent local “circuit breakers” or “tier threes” the virus has actually increased. Useless lockdowns could continue ad-infinitum for decades. No business can possibly continue with this perpetual uncertainty.
Someone asked earlier, if we get shot of this buffoon, who do we replace him with? I’m not sure. It would seem that the entire cabinet are useless beyond belief. We need someone fresh. Someone who has a bit more courage and the ability to think laterally than the present incumbent of number ten. We need someone who shows a little more wisdom, vision and intelligence than BoJo.
How about Trigger?
Any hope that Boris might say something sensible, measured, proportionate has likely been dashed by the news that he will be accompanied by Christopher Whitty and Patrick Vallance (aka ‘Witless and Unbalanced’) at the press conference. How appropriate that those two ghouls are being wheeled out yet again, on Halloween of all nights. We just need the ghost of Neil Ferguson to show up and we can all shout ‘Bingo!’.
Boris would have sank the Titanic, the lifeboats, the Carpathia and probably the iceberg as well.
As for his Churchillian delusions, he’s more like Frank Spencer than Winston Spencer…
Using the lasted scientific approach, the Titanic could probably have been saved, if the band had started playing earlier.
RIP the gorgeous Sir Sean.
Yet another icon I grew up with, and one of the last real men to pass on. You can keep all this binary and effeminate male rubbish, nothing beats a strong pair of arms wrapped around you.
RIP Sean Connery. The repulsive hag Sturgeon turns his death into a party political event for independence. She really is beneath contempt.
The media (including the BBC) hatred of Trump has become pathological… psychotic. It’s not called Trump Derangement Syndrome for nothing. It’s become a sickness of the mind.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so dangerous.
Tucker spells it out.
Well this promises no good. It won’t directly affect us up here but you know that whatever Boris does, Wee Nippy will double.
I despise them. I utterly despise them and want them to suffer for this.
Does BBC American BS have a Cringe Editor, or will they just be doing more fencing?
She sounds like she’s talking to five year olds. I expect that’s the mental age you need to vote for rubbish like that.
The scary thing is that she WILL become POTUS in the next couple of years if our American friends are daft enough to elect Biden next Tuesday.
Rob – Years??
They aren’t even hiding it.
Imagine 4 years of that! And the witch-like cackle!
From the first line – yes, the first line – of the BBC website’s obituary of Sean Connery: “For many, Sean Connery was the definitive James Bond. Suave and cold-hearted, his 007 was every inch the Cold War dinosaur of the books”.
The greatest role played by one of our most beloved actors – and they just can’t stop the sneering can they?
A little too much of a man for your average BBC hack?
10 twitter accounts retweet that line as if it was perfectly normal
..most are Nigerian/Indian accounts
And I suspect the others are also but jut pretending to be western.
Obits are written before people die
and that phrase “the Cold War dinosaur” ha been used a few times before, but not many
The line seems to be a quote from GOLDENEYE Bond 17
M: ‘I think you’re a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War whose boyish charms are wasted on me’
Preceded by
M “You don’t like me, Bond. You don’t like my methods.
You think I’m an accountant: a bean counter, more interested in my numbers than your instincts”
Bond “The thought had occurred to me”
The BBC trick. They’ve got agendas to push
So use the #cherrypicked #QuoteAsAHeadline PR trick
RT has picked up on it
Note The Twitter Stasi holding up a warning flag saying “Red Star Men Bad”
Nice to see we are coming down hard on people smugglers as promised by Pritti and crew.
Two Iranian men have been jailed for smuggling themselves and 29 people across the Channel on two overcrowded inflatable boats. Ghodratallah Donyamali Zadeh, 26, and Ahmed Nayat Quadir, 20, were both sentenced to 24 months imprisonment on Thursday.
So these two will be out in 10 months and I’ll bet they stay in the UK and claim asylum, if they haven’t already.
No doubt the usual phrase will be trotted out by those prosecuting that ‘these sentences send out a clear message to those engaged in people smuggling’ blah blah. Hardly.
Personally I would have given them a year for each person they smuggled and quite happy to pay for their jail time here, with deportation on completion. However I note that the maximum sentence for people smuggling is 14 years, so excuse the leniency but I’d let them off the one year.
Is it not possible to pronounce a sentence of ” N months (or years) to be followed by immediate deportation upon discharge from custody” ?
Are you some sort of fascist? These people have human rights!
Bannon and guests discuss the latest revelations on the Biden crime syndicate.
They provide details, receipts, dates, names, emails, conversations, signed business documents, witnesses. FACTS. “A Sunami of evidence”.
What is emerging is that Biden financial corruption ties in with China’s geo-political ambitions for world domination.
(Hunter’s sex and drugs depravity is the very least of it, but might usefully serve as click-bait.)
The story is HUGE, with serious implications for national security in the US and Europe.
In normal times the media would be all over it, but in these TDS deranged times it’s left to maverick outfits like the aptly named War Room: Pandemic.
It IS a War. And it IS a Pandemic. No wonder dark forces are doing all in their power to suppress it. You listening BBC?
Link to YouTube channel with a mass of revelations:
The above conversation is long to watch. Much of the info can be accessed more quickly by scrolling on their Twitter account:
Tweets by WarRoomPandemic
Vlad, if I may, it’s a “Plannedemic” as opposed to a simple “Pandemic”
“Long Covid didn’t work, chaps. People are getting antsy about another lockdown. Best try something else.”
I’ve just been alerted to an announcement to be made at 1700 hrs by our ‘Prime’ Minister re new lock-down instructions.
Boris – imagine the huge boost in the polls in your favour IF you sacked Whitty and Vallance (and binned SAGE) live on air this afternoon.
The second one, of two. Having won the first.
Before which he was not a politician.
Now let’s see, what rhymes with Nick, we could appropriately apply to Bryant?
Lurch on flank.
American Beauty taking up the rear.
Katty in the bunker.
R4 drama it’s set in Downing Street focusing on the terrible guy named Dominic Cummings
by Simon Scardifield
and andyday3000 .. tweeted sneers at DC
produced by Emma Harding
is she related to some one ?
To everyone who’s falling for the media’s polling and thinking Trump is doomed, it seems you didn’t learn from four years ago either.
Trafalgar were the only polling group to get the result right last time. They’ve correctly predicted all but one presidential election since they were founded, and they have Trump winning nearly every swing state and being well within the margin of error for Minnesota, Nevada and Wisconsin.
Given that Biden isn’t even campaigning, Trump is getting tens of thousands everywhere he goes, his job approval is over 50% and the desperation of the liberal catfishers on message boards, it seems far more likely that if there is indeed a landslide incoming, it’s going the way of Trump.
Looking forward to Wednesday.
Hope you are right….
Milton Keynes shopping Centre today, most keeping to the one way system and reasonable separation, 99.99 % wearing masks
Then popped out to the rather more “efnik” outdoor market, 99% Afro carribbean, asian and eastern european,
there is a one way system, no one BUT NO ONE taking any notice, and shoulder to shoulder pushing and shoving their way around, most with no masks either
we left, rather quickly, if I hear one more word on the bbc about racial minorities being more susceptible to the virus I will most certainly make a complaint to them
open your bleeding eyes bbc the evidence is all around
they are still packed into their mosques and shisa bars
if only they quarantined themselves in their ghettos I would not mind at all please go ahead and do the country a big favour
but they then get in their bloody taxis and spread it around everywhere
Let us all hope the virus is thriving during the anti french protests around the world, come on now bunch up closer please
As summaries go…
1620 news – priest in France shot and seriously injured in Lyon –
So people – what is the narrative on this one ? Blame the Priest?
Look away now …..
Nowt on Al Beeb yet? Perhaps they need time to concoct a story to play it down ?
Morning Taffman – that was ‘ breaking news on the BBC news channel – which i will be monitoring again ..,., nothing since 1620
“Lyon attack: Orthodox priest wounded in shooting”
They must have read your post, its there now?
BBC on air were reporting at 4:20pm
the webpage was up at 4:39pm
There is no extra info on RT yet
like whether Snackbar was shouted
Some context is that
“Oct 29
In Lyon, Turks on the march searching for Armenian Christians ”
(over the Azerbijan war)
Do they really want a war ? they spend their lives running away from proper wars where their opponents are armed and ready, and can give as good as they get
they do not have the balls to fight for their own countries but would rather run away pretending to be child asylum seekers
they are the ultimate cowards of this world, happy to attack unarmed people and rape schoolgirls
time they got the same treatment as Saddams “elite republican guard”, remember them ? all our lot heard was the slap slap of sandals running away in a cloud of dust
I understand their tanks have unique gearboxes, one forward and five reverse
“England will go into a second national lockdown for a month, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to announce.”
What’s BoJo end game ?
his ‘GREEN NEW DEAL’ (in the mode of Roosevelt’s New Deal which was actually bad for the USA)……getting rid of ‘UNVIABLE’ JOBS…replacing them with lovely GREEN JOBS?….its not even conspiracy now…..this has been planned for 30 years.
The current ‘model’ isnt working…..ALL CHANGE…..lets use a FAKE PLAGUE to do it?………
Johnson is a FRAUD and a LIAR and HAS TO GO…..thats my opinion……..I am just amazed people arent waking up to this……..
Well he is experimenting with the wrong country .
And by the wrong country, I mean all of Great Britain .
Lurch knows absurd.
Country failed her ? hmm sex criminal husband didn’t help much either, although she did help by attacking his victims
This reminds me of when the soon-to-be-defeated Adolf Hitler said that the German people had let him down. The delusional nature of some of these Lefties is frightening: how on earth could the US let Hillary down by choosing a new start with Donald Trump?
At least he had a few years in charge, more than she ever did although she and her husand did manage to match his racism when she ran for leader against Obama
“A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,” Bill Clinton was said to have told Ted Kennedy,
Throughout the 2008 election season, racist and bigoted smears about Barack Obama circulated online, and bubbled up into mainstream conversation about the campaign in the traditional news media. Two of the most prominent lies about Obama, which persist to this day, were that he is secretly a Muslim (playing on fear-mongering and bigotry about Islam), and that he was not really born in America. Both of these ideas paint Obama as “other” and outside the mainstream, drawing their potency from fears about Black people gaining power. People generally associate these memes with the right wing. But the truth is that for the entire Democratic primary, not only did Hillary Clinton’s campaign do nothing to push back against the racist fear-mongering about Obama, it actually fed this atmosphere and helped it grow. It was a part of their strategy from early in the campaign.
Back in March of 2007, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist Mark Penn wrote a campaign memo that proposed painting Barack Obama as un-American or “other”:
“His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values … Every speech should contain the line you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century … Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t.“
In December of 2007, Billy Shaheen, the co-chair of Clinton’s New Hampshire campaign, raised the issue of Obama’s drug use as a young man, and the possibility that Obama could be attacked as a drug dealer. He said he was talking about how Republicans would attack Obama, but his statements had the effect of injecting racist stereotypes into the campaign: “It’ll be, ‘When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?’ There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks.” It is a tried and true tactic: floating an idea to which you claim to not personally ascribe, with the effect of getting the idea to circulate.
n February 2008, the Drudge Report posted a picture of Obama in traditional Kenyan/Somali clothes (including a turban, which helped reinforce the “secret Muslim” smear). Drudge said the picture was circulated by the Clinton campaign. David Plouffe, Obama’s campaign manager called it “the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election.” Initially, the Clinton campaign did not deny having sent the photo, instead playing dumb about the possible impact of the photo and attacking Obama over it: “If Barack Obama’s campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely.”
This is the democrats who call Trump racist:
RE Obama:
His roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values …
Beeb TV1 special news bulletin features that ‘orrible little toxic dwarf, Chris Mason, triumphant that he has discovered another Tory ‘U-turn’ re the lockdown, and how many Tory backbenchers oppose the government etc etc.
There must be a special prize/bonus for beeb news staff for finding (yet another) Tory U-turn? Possibly another secret prize for every time the ‘pandemic’ can be exploited to hammer the party in government?
And isn’t the party in government making it EASY for beeb & Co.? A gift waiting for them almost every day, courtesy of BoJo and mates.
Nobody in parliament to issue a vigorous challenge, either. Merkel doing the same lockdown thing in the German parliament, but at least a satisfying sequence of AfD speakers, ripping into her in no uncertain fashion, loudly applauded by a bloc of their colleagues, who look far more numerous than they are, in that U-shaped assembly.
Any citizen watching their parliament will get the clear message that there are two sides to this story, whatever their ultimate personal decision may be.
Oh, how we could have done with Nigel as MP.
He is indeed toxic.
And very insecure.
PM press conference
An award for the worst ‘gotcha’ question
Will it be pesto or the cretin girl from sky – Beth ?
Will anyone ask a question of true value ?
Will there be a “have you considered your position PM?”
Pity it clashes with final score …
Lara Karlsberg will. no doubt, fail to understand basic English and demand clarity as she is so confused, is she genuinely thick as shit ?
already started on bbbc with their black wimmin presenter, of bloody course they could not find one from the 85% white population for some strange reason, “everyone is so confused……where is the clarity ?? ”
maybe govt should do it in pictures and Janet and John style
Darcy3… I believe you have just asked what will come to be acknowledged as the best ever example of a rhetorical question.
Looking forward to being able to negotiate the M25 again without gridlock
Thanks Boris 🙂
Some girl prof from edinburgh who looks like AOC being chatted too by rita chakrabati doing a big ‘ told you so ‘ about lockdown
She was so happy with the suffering you could smell it . She will be a bbc favourite – if only for being dusky
Every other country is better of course .,,
Saw it Fed . Very cosy chat. Looks like she will be back !!!
It’s started already on the BBC , Rita Chicken Tikka Balti , “will one month be long enough ???” ! !!!
What is the BBC obsession with locking the country down ??
We’ve not even bloody started yet and they are making noises about it being extended .
I detest them , I really do !!!
Reuters reports that an authodox priest was shot twice whilst locking up his church and mentions that today is supposed to be the mohammed birthday ….bet the BBC ignores it .
Government getting a good slagging off from BBC news in the run up to the PM briefing .
Ive been away from this poison for some time . It cannot be good for mental health
They are now adding that the marxist teacher unions want school shut down back on paid holiday for hard working teachers ..
Then Dr Alison Pittard – a dean of a hospital comes to on to deliver a bit of NHS propaganda…..
I despair …..
A priest has been shot at in Lyon. Is it open war on Christians now, in France? Le Figaro reports that the victim is seriously injured.
‘Migration’ bites. I say this despite the fact that the would-be assassin is still being hunted.
But we can guess he’s not Orthodox.
BBC chyron gives us ‘priest injured in firearm incident’ – well isn’t that all nice and cosy!
I’ve said it a thousand times: priests should NOT play with guns unless they’re properly trained, which most aren’t.
Incidents will happen.
Well what do you know. This is very surprising news ….drum roll please ………..
The teaching unions want schools to be closed during the lockdown !!!!
Teachers wanting more full pay time off ??? Teachers not happy with Tory government policy ????
Now we await the BBC campaign to make sure it happens for their fellow comrades !!!!