The evening of All Hallows. A full Blue Moon . A busy time for BBC bias – Labour Party Civil War again – islamic terrorists murdering again – and America deciding its president again – full Covid Project Fear again – and biased BBC staff publicly revolting over restrictions on expressing their bias on social media . Where do we start ?
Weekend Thread 31 October 2020
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Maybe a good thing, I doubt there are many non marxist teachers, so better they stick to abusing and threatening Jews and Conservatives on Twitter than infect children with their bile
and as for the product of their efforts
Cambridge last week, narrow streets, over and over again Cambridge students, the creme de la creme of education walking three and four abreast along the narrow pavements during social distancing policies
morons (Cambridge City R number is highest in the county and many other areas)
BBC news lady grIlling one of the numerous professors they have on tap…. “if a months lockdown is announced, will that be enough?”
Inference being, “can’t we stay in lockdown until the next general election?”
Yep…got the disgraced Ferguson on..funny don’t ever invite those with different views…
Now education union chap lives in Hackney wanting schools locked down….WTF….these people are obnoxious…the UK is doomed…
Only what they really want to say is: “Can’t we stay in lockdown for ever and get rid of General Elections?”
He is indeed a creepy weasel…has he checked that fact?
We now have a triumphant Laura K. on beeb 1 news, hammering the PM; she does give the other side, BUT then says the ‘other parts’ of the UK may not follow England, and that government ‘wouldn’t listen’.
“Told him so!” seems to be the gist of her message.
Apropos of nothing, or maybe something, whilst I do not mind the Govt guidelines, I have noticed that some shops go way beyond what is required and reasonable
and in my opinion they are all the independent shops who let us just say, would not be Boris or Donald voters
last week in St Neots one of these shops (hippy type, selling dolphin friendy jewellery and hand knitted yoghurt etc) had a big sign in the window with so many requirements before you entered including, and I quote :
“you will hand sanitise even if you are wearing gloves” ffs
we walked on, I was looking for a vegan gearbox for a 2007 Jaguar. cash waiting, but they lost out
the left do feel rather sensetive when it comes to their own welfare
“I was looking for a vegan gearbox for a 2007 Jaguar. cash waiting, but they lost out”
What gender, Darcy?
Beff on Sky is doing the same
Boris’s news conference delayed. No problem. Yoo Pim has all the information at his fingertips.
It does beg the question what is the point ? I heard this morning,
and Lara Karsberg was already confused apparently but maybe that was how to operate her toaster with no clarity in the instructions,
and so you say cornflakes ? and crunchy nut ? have you considered nut allergy ? and have you tested crunchiness ? any testing been done ? I do remember June and July Ms Carlsberg was obsessed with testing
Nothing is yet known on the ID of the man who shot a priest In Lyon.
To be fair, sawn-off shotguns are not the usual MO of the Religionists of Peace. Knives are so much more fun, and allow you to saw off the infidel’s head, like in the good-old days of the prophet.
But there is what may be a small clue in the French press: the attacker is described as ‘of Mediterranean type’.
Italian perhaps? Or code for the unmentionable?
vlad, you are quite right about the shotgun m.o. but at least it allowed the Daily Telegraph to sink to a new all-time low with ‘sorn’ being used in the description of the gun. I suppose all the Sub-Editors are working from home and didn’t spot that one.
I think what we are witnessing here is a football match being played where the ball is the flu, the politicians are the players and the ref is the international Communist Party. It’s time that the punters realised that the match is fixed and the goal is the destruction of Western democracy.
Proof of the above.
Caught bits during breaks in the England v Italy rugby.
A Professor Gupta was being interviewed. She advocated a balanced approach. Protect the elderly and have managed herd immunity for the rest, and keep the economy open
Rita Chakribati looked like she had been stung by a wasp and couldn’t wait to cut her off !
The BBC really do not like people who give the ‘wrong’ answers.
We could take an epidemiological look at why the virus has come back ? young people, muzzies and blacks of all ages continuing to congregate
every time a local lockdown is proposed they are all out on the streets the night before
Fact check that bbc
BLM protests ?
A dissenting view to the Bobsey Twins …
My apologies if this is not new …
bbc… boris… project fear… yawn…
Apparently the army is coming in pity our churches do not have the same protection
The best thing for this country is to completely abandon any racism legislation, I have been racially abused in China and in Scotland, so what
yet those who are “so offended” are the very people throwing homosexuals off of buildings, raping 13 year old girls and murdering daughters who will not marry their 60 year old cousins
offence seems to be more important than gang raped children ?
As Jordan Peterson points out to individuals, if you keep doing the same things you invariably end up with the same outcome. Second lockdown, common sense is generally lacking in so called experts.
Blacks never thrive..for whatever reason I cannot surmise
As has already been stated, if you keep doing the same thing, don’t be surprised if you get the same result.
We’re not just doing the same thing, we’re also getting the same barbed, snidey and spiteful questions from those two snotty bints, Laura and Beth. They’re as predictable as the bloody lockdown…
I knew what this pathetic excuse for a man was going to do last week. It was simply a matter of time.
There are a few more hospital admissions…as is normal at this time of the year…although miraculously, hardly anyone is suffering from the flu. Incredible.
The pressure mounts. Boris makes some feeble, half arsed, attempt at resistance and then folds. Another lockdown. Who’d have thought it?
The poisonous BBC and the equally loathsome Sky are like two vultures circling over an injured hippo. The useless lump stands there squirming between the Chuckle Brothers and announces another nail in the coffin of our already damaged country. And then those two snotty bints set about him. “Why didn’t you lock down earlier? How many lives have we lost due to your inaction?” It’s like watching the fat kid at school being set upon in the playground. He’s so pathetic I (almost) feel sorry for him.
Then I remember what this well educated oaf is inflicting on our country.
Not sure I’d call someone who studied Classics as exactly well educated, but can’t argue with oaf..
What a surprise: the furlough handout benefits got extended and at the exact same time a new lockdown appears.
Now wait for the teacher’s strike ????
This site is understandably preoccupied with the lockdown etc.
But something monumental is happening across the pond.
Bombshell revelations about the Biden-China collusion are dropping by the hour.
It should be the biggest story in the world right now.
Yet the BBC, with its 35,402 employees and its world-class investigative reporters, isn’t investigating, or even reporting it.
How lucky we are to have such a relaxed national broadcaster. Insouciant, désinvolte, chilled.
The future of the free world is at stake, but Auntie ain’t touching the story as she hates Orange Man so much because of his fake tan. Apparently he eats Big Macs in the Oval Office, and dahling have you seen his hair? #OMG!! Definitely not one of us.
When Trump wins he will sort out the corrupt US media and Big Tech.
But who will sort out the BBC? Who, for the love of God, will rid us of this troublesome beast?
Hell hath no fury like a hack missing his dinner.
Knob fancies himself quite the wit.
Whatever the failings, and there are many, this is not the way to report anything.
Britons never never never
… will be slaves
Cunning plan to stop Brexit
.. isn’t it ?
Stew – may well be ….. the armistice commemorations are going to be very sad ….
…. strange how the government is being blamed for the unhygienic behaviour of people….. I’d love to see the breakdown of ethnicity and ages of those most affected …..
…. the NHS is already saying it can’t cope and people aren’t trained – I could only think – ‘what the hell have you being doing across the summer -when the money tree has been showering you with cash ?’
9pm Now on Channel5 The Big History of America
Look there’s a BUT
and after the BUT black folks read out the claims white woke bosses have written for them
Why is the prog weird ?
The 1619 Project is an ongoing project developed by The New York Times Magazine in 2019 which “aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of [the United States’] national narrative”.
The prog seemed to begin with that 2 minute trailer
and instead of Vikings or Mayflower we are into the Civil war and slavery
21 mins in tickbox phrase “white supremacist”
followed a few seconds later by “equality”
“equal , but separate”
BTW after each break there is the warning
“viewers may be offended by language now considered offensive”
Mike is going to be on fire on talk radio on Monday ????????
“Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a second national lockdown for England to prevent a “medical and moral disaster” for the NHS”
Anyone here taking bets on how long he will be PM?
He should have added, if there are any NHS Tik Tok videos filmed in empty wards in the next month , it’s INSTANT dismissal !!!!!!!
Do we get to seal clap on Thursdays again!
Three other reasons Japan’s death toll is so much lower are stricter immigration laws, better classification of cases (i.e. only counting those who actually die as a result of having COVID, rather than just dying ‘with’ it which is a meaningless statement that artificially inflates the totals), and probably the fact that many people in the cities have been wearing masks in the cities for decades and they’re presumably either better quality or the wearers are just better used to avoiding infection.
I was in support of the first lockdown until I realised how arbitrary it was. You can’t half-arse something like this trying to appease everyone, you need to commit or not bother. The restrictions don’t apply to Black Lives Matter rioters, despite COVID apparently disproportionately affecting BAME, and the virus apparently only affects people up to 10pm. I don’t blame Johnson for the original decision, I think it was in good faith, but he and his government’s decision to double-down when it was clear that the modelling was suspect and the rules weren’t being applied consistently has caused a lot of damage to the economy and, more importantly, people’s health and wellbeing. People are missing out on cancer treatment because of this, it’s insanity.
Yes, good post, LaLT. The PM hasn’t really thought things through but he has a lot of distractions. New baby sqwawking for food and providing endless distraction, Brexit negotiations and being ill with the virus and having colleagues and advisors similarly afflicted, have all worked against him. It doesn’t help that Parliamentary opposition has done an immense U-turn and Devolution means that there’s always a distraction from the other nations. Media mulling over every single statistic from around the world and constantly comparing the UK doesn’t help.
All adds up to the PM, well-known for his muddles in the past, not really being the leader he thinks he is and wants to be.
It doesn’t help that we are effectively in an undeclared, informal, civil war without guns, bullets, bombs and rockets. Ranged against HMG are the Civil Service, the science industry, the knowledge (schools & Unis) industry, almost all of the print and broadcast media, the Luvvies and much of the entertainment industry, the various Green groups, Trade bodies such as Fairbairn at the CBI, and all the scientists who think they ought to be on SAGE but weren’t invited. There may be more besides that lot but my brain cannot dredge them up.
Politics is foul.
Yes, the PM has probably fouled up, too.
Meanwhile another nappy has been fouled and it’s the PM’s turn to change it.
Is the media coverage making people tense & crazy ?
Earlier on I went to drop something off at a neighbour’s house
And we both said “Boris is crazy, Sweden gets on OK without full lockdowns”
His wife answers back “You can’t compare UK with Sweden , it’s a big country, small population”
He says “Well actually it’s 10 million often living close together”
She replies “stop lecturing me”
He made the fatal mistake of saying “what do you mean ?, your the one that answered back that You can’t compare UK with Sweden”
She started screaming at him ..and I made a quick exit
It’s weird he and I agree, yet his wife was kicking off.
Oh I forgot the main thing
.. She was sat there in front of BBC News channel
and looked like she’d been there hours .
BBC News
French President Emmanuel Macron said he could not accept that cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad justified violence.
The BBC really are low lifers.
Fatty Nolan was a bloody disgrace earlier on this evening.
Talked gently to a female member of the saintly NHS and sympathised muchley regards full wards, lack of ICU beds and its ‘already busy as December’ as cases rise. He let her make her ‘points’ without so much as a whimper.
Then… Someone called Mike, representing business and retail, who was bemoaning the knock on effects to trade for the smaller shop traders etc.
‘Well, you’ve got your furlough’ snapped the fat one.
The tone of his sneering was palpable. And I’m sure he’d have loved to follow it up with, ‘so what you effing moaning about’ – if he could have.
Strange he never utter a word regarding the Nightingale Hospitals as the saintly one was allowed to pontificate un challenged.
Still at least England won the rugby, no fan of the odd shaped ball game, but the Beeboids won’t like it.
Bio : “Sky News Specialist Correspondent.
Climate Change. Migration”
explains why SlyNews Global Warming and Migration coverage
is so clueless & lacking in proper science/ & maths understanding
Her tweet is ratioed 400 to 100
Her last retweet was Jon Sopel trying to build a Covid narrative against Trump.
Its noticed that, these days, you can take a point off at a tangent in any bizarre direction to the discussion/argument to ridiculous levels and immediately switch back to a criticism like, ‘racist’ if losing – and appear to have won the discussion/argument – apparently………….
Lockdown junkies
completely disregard the human collateral damage.
Ireland’s six week lockdown will end a day before ours.
“Political decision, not a scientific necessity. I have the London data that shows that”
It’s the same as last time , the actual 7 day average of poitives has FALLEN …BEFORE the lockdown
22678 to 22521 despite a massive rise in the level of testing
Seems a lot of faff to go in for
..just to stop the Jeremy Corbyn Solidarity demo
I believe that I have the perfect nickname for Laura Kuensberg.
“Lady Haw Haw.” She asks her questions in the same facetiuos
way that Lord Haw Haw used to ask questions of Winston
Churchill, after “Germany calling, Germany calling. Yes for sure
everything adds up for her to be called Lady Haw.Even her name.
I was just looking at her BBC article which she has headlined ‘Boris Johnson launches the nuclear option he swore to avoid’.
Did Boris actually swear he would not lockdown again ?. Because that headline is directly saying ‘Boris is a liar’. If he didn’t, it’s an outrageous thing to say.
I must admit It does sound a bit German .
Taffman-William Joyce “Lord Haw-Haw” was hanged
for being a traitor for however despicable he was , he was
NOT a traitor, because he was NOT a UK citizen. He was hanged
for an offence for which he should of got a small fine. In
Being an AMERICAN citizen. He faked his application for a
UK passport.
KUENSSBERG is a German name.Actually her grandfather helped
Jews escape from Germany. It’s just a shame that she has
one of the worse German traits, sarcastic arrogance.Not unique to Germans. BUT our
Laura has it in spades.
Foscari – I take it you think he shouldn’t have hanged ?
Fedup-He was hanged for being a traitor to the UK. He
was not a British subject.He actually took German nationality
in 1940. So as Germany was not at war with the USA at this time
he could not even been tried in the USA for being a traitor.
Joyce was the last person to be hanged in the UK for being a
traitor,when actually he was not.
YES he was a vile fascist animal.And he could of been
tried for treachery, as others were. But I reiterate that in the
end he was hanged for faking a passport declaration .Do I
think he should of been hanged? If I say yes then thousand s
upon thousands of other’s should of met the same fate, including
some even more famous or infamous than Joyce.
I know of course that many Nazi bastards escaped the hangsman’s noose when they shouldn’t of. The fact is that
Lord Haw Haw was not a UK citizen and therefore he could not
be a traitor to the UK. If one thinks he should of been hung
for his nasty sarcastic Nazi broadcasts from Germany is
another matter. Remembering that by 1940 he was a German
citizen and not an American.
If anyone is in any doubt why we have these new restrictions: (no cameras in mosques apparently )
wurld klass bbc gernalissts missed this for some reason
Party like it’s the last weekend before lockdown: Revellers mark Halloween in Newcastle while London’s bars do a roaring trade before closing on Thursday for a month
Revellers in Newcastle and London went out to mark Halloween on the last Saturday ahead of shutdown
Scores of young people packed into makeshift beer gardens in Borough Market, Soho and in the Big Market
Chaos ensued in Newcastle, where police enforcing Tier 2 restrictions arrested several drinkers
The Mail headline was “Fury as revellers gather, etc..” Why did they feel obliged to say “fury”? I bet nobody was furious.
Nick Bryant summarises one in the contest.
BBC News
Trump started the century a star of reality TV, made the leap into cyberspace as a viral sensation and now America’s pandemic president faces the fight of his political life, Nick Bryant writes.
An ‘interesting’ summary. Very BBC.
I don’t understand why the BBC still spew out the drivel, that ‘America is divided, because of Trump’?
Why are they not pointing at the Democrats who are a really nasty bunch at the moment, with Billary, Barry, Biden all trying to cover their tracks, and President Trump is getting huge rallies singing the praises of a decent, hard-working America!
So where’s the division, Al Beeb? Game of two halves, corruption expected in the election?
The Biden revelations are still absolutely nowhere to be seen on the BBC ‘website’, which is like a hard drive of an autocue-reader’s wet dream, rather than an informative, unbiased exposition. Of course, the awful truth is all over the MSM, not so much in the leftie stuff, but it’s there alright, and the private commentators are still gasping to keep up the story, which must be out there for millions of people.
BBC American BS not going here.
From the Babylon Bee – which is supposed to be a satirical site. …
“The real concern is that the party of love and tolerance loses the election.
“We just want to make sure our businesses will be safe from the sudden outpouring of peace, love, and tolerance,” said one frightened business owner in Los Angeles as he frantically boarded up his hookah lounge. “You know, too much peace can sometimes intensify and end up destroying millions of dollars of property. You know, from all the peace.”
“Can’t be too careful when there’s roaming bands of people spreading peace.”
Many business owners are even arming themselves with firearms to protect themselves from all the peace.”
Katty meanwhile, is the only one who knew.
If Joe does a Boris, will it get reported Laura K style.
Is she on about stabbings ?
Canada has had them this time .
American media have doubts now about systems that they did not before.
Also, await Macron no longer being a BBC BFF.
The media.
In response to Darcy’s Daily Mail piece, referring to the need for further restrictions…
No, they’ve got it completely arse about face. Young people are “revelling” directly due to the new restrictions our Downing Street dimwit is about to impose on us.
These idiotic restraints have achieved less that sweet FA anyway. Lockdowns don’t work. Sensible guidelines that can be adhered to do work. I hate to continually mention Sweden, but…
I won’t criticise youngsters for wanting to enjoy themselves, knowing these one trick incompetents are about to imprison us again.
There’s been a huge double standard employed, with who the media feel able to attack. The repulsive Piers Morgan was in a state of apoplexy (well to be fair, he usually is) because during the heatwave he saw crowds of people on beaches. He was frothing at the gills, his numerous chins wobbling like an unset trifle, as he spewed “Look at these morons!”. However, a week later his own son took part in the BLM riots in London and suddenly it was okay. Apparently the virus is very discriminating and if you’re another white, well heeled liberal, out for a weekend’s virtue signalling, you’re actually immune. It’s even better than the mythical vaccine.
Strange that…
Two dead in Quebec – a french city … a man dressed in medieval clothes…. now it was Halloween and a full moon so not necessarily a ‘ Norwegian local man ‘ …..
The BBC must be desperate for a motivation other than Muslim terrorism – and get back to the false narrative that so called ‘right wing ‘ terrorists are the biggest threat…
The shooting of a priest has been down graded to a ‘personal dispute’ so you can look away ….
Medieval says it all, I am quite enamoured of time travel novels and if I wish to indulge myself with a Star Trek hologram experience on a tight budget I just have to visit Luton, Bury Park Road, or Rotherham etc etc
back in the dark ages in an instant
Dressing up in medieval clothes… What, like this perhaps?
Jeff, I do not entirely disagree with you, and am not an epidemiologist, although I have studied as part of my degree, all I can say is look at the one graph that matters : the one that shows deaths after lockdown reducing
sensible guideline that can be adhered to ? how many in this country are sensible?, I refer the honourable member to my previous post RE Milton Keynes
Darcy, my strong contention is that a number of kids attending these “raves?”(sorry, I’m ancient and not sure of the modern term!) only turn up because of their impending imprisonment.
I got criticised last week for attending the anti lockdown demo in London. I don’t like crowds, I would rather be anywhere else, but this, I felt, was important. I would have been much happier gardening or rambling, but the measures I knew were coming have to be resisted. To do nothing isn’t an option.
And as for the figures of lives saved “due to the lockdown”, not true. We have one or two countries that have resisted this lunatic panic. Sweden, sorry there I go again, have offered us a control…and the graphs are ditto. The pandemic follows a well known curve.
All nations have suffered and none have got everything right, but we’re doing our bloody best to get everything wrong! Boris has turned a health crisis into a national catastrophe.
Sweden seem to be the country to look at. They’re not heading for millions on the dole. They’ve maintained their social structures and their liberty; very important.
No lockdowns, no Chris Whitty, no BBC!!! no problem…
I’m with you, Jeff.
I won’t say much more because it’s difficult – perhaps pointless – to argue against fear.
BBC not happy.
Thousands of ads from Joe Biden’s election campaign and some from President Trump’s have been mistakenly blocked by Facebook.
Back in the day, tvc scripts were submitted for vetting first by an independent (ok, I know) body even before production. Now it seems media just cherry picks on a propaganda vs. censorship basis, with added cock up by interns.
As the BBC did, back in the day. And now has perfected.
I understand Twitter has unlocked some of the Biden corruption stuff after blocking it …. maybe their own polling has got them wondering if Mr Trump could win it and hedging their bet .
The Trump ‘revenge ‘ list in a second term must be
‘awesome’ as I believe American dudes say …
I don’t do it often because it is like urinating in the wind, but on behalf of my wife, bbbc complaint
BBC Racism
We note your tiresome obsession with black people .What I will not accept is your continual obsession with desperately trying to find evidence of racism against blacks whilst allowing them to be as racist as they like.
You obviously could not find any white presenters for your programme on BBC2 “All over the place – Asia” from the 85% of white people in this country so had to have two black presenters from the small 15% of the population, as bloody usual.
Yet when you interview a Thai pesron explaining something in his native laguage you decide to put a “comic” chinese accented translation whilst your two “poor oppressed blacks who are perennial victims of racism in your twisted minds” stand and snigger along
Racism against “yellows” is allowed is it ?
So, just for balance, I fully expect you do to a comic “African accent” in any translation from a programme in one of their warn torn sh@thole please
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Darcy thank you for the link – I hadn’t look for a while – the BBC executive complaints committee examined 15 complaints and out of those 15 complaints guess how many were upheld ?
Yes – that’s right – none nil …
‘Oh Oh Heaven’ puns the Daily Star this Sunday morn, as it mourns: ‘Dead at 90, film legend who was greatest James Bond of all time’
And what of the butler Oddjob, I mean the bottler Boris Johnson?
The left-leaning press would have us believe Johnson’s main failing is that he didn’t put us into lockdown earlier.
The Observer: ‘Johnson’s U-turn puts country under tough new lockdown’
“U-turn” ? Is it really a U-turn when your GP ups the strength of your tablets because the medication dosage you are currently on is apparently not working – albeit the drug has potentially damaging side effects? Of course not. This criticism of Johnson is all about politics not health policy.
The explicitly Labour supporting Mirror gives the game away: ‘Starmer: public will pay price of PM’s failure. Government chaos fuels growing jobs crisis’
Given the unarguable fact lockdowns kill employment, particularly for the lower paid, one has to ask what is it the left seem to admire about lockdown?
Why do the Left crave the negation of civil liberties, tight social controls, extraordinary levels of population surveillance, fetishisation of the nationalised health sector and grinding down of independent thought?
Does the Left really cherish life at all costs? The Sunday Times runs a headline: ‘Swiss fast-track Briton to Dignitas’ – and we know the Left are keen to put euthanasia on the menu, with a large side order of abortion, so it’s not about life per se.
It’s just politics. Lockdown crisis, late lockdown chaos, ministers caught out breaking lockdown rules – these are all opposition traps the weak-willed Boris made for himself.
What other nonesense is going on in the world?
There’s the US Presidential Election. Which, apparently, is THE most crucial EVER – until the next one, and since the last one.
The Observer happily serves up the hyperbole in their Leader Comment: ‘This is a referendum on the future of democracy in America, which appears more imperilled now than at any time since the civil war’
No it’s not. I sense they have a dog in the game. I sense they hate Donald Trump. For those of us outside of the States for whom American foreign policy is high on the agenda let me simply point to the fact that on Trump’s watch the Arabs and Israelis are edging toward peace and America is bringing GIs back home, since no new foreign wars have been initiated. Orange Man not so bad.
But how can we escape a wet Sunday contemplating the prospect of lockdown? Looking increasingly like a month of rainy but dry Welsh Presbyterian Sundays, an autumn Dylan Thomas might have termed “starless and bible-black”.
‘1930-2020. The name was Bond, James Bond’ says the Sunday People.
The name was Britain, Great Britan, say I.
As I see it …
I spotted a piece in the observer talking about a ‘Biden landslide ‘ but mentioning how the polls were wrong in 2016 .
There is a sense of de ja voo – with the prospect of Comrade corbyn and his huge support becoming PM – what actually happened ?
And the Hillary Cinton presidency – with all that luvvy support – and what happened ?
The polls did not reflect reality – and I think it is the same again …
If people in America really are turning out in numbers like 50000 to see president trump at sports stadia … is this a clue ..?
If the result goes the was I see – it is important to record the reaction of all the BBC droids – and enjoy their pain as long as possible ….
What I find odd is that despite the polls putting Biden way out ahead the Democrats are still panicking – as shown by their friends in the media attempting a clamp down on the Biden laptop story. Why so desperate to embargo a non-story? Why so jumpy when the polls say your guy is winning by a mile? The odds are Trump will indeed lose. The forces stacked against him from day one were massive. Oh but what I would give to see their faces…
Which might just be the one hope. The silent majority quietly disrupting the game being played on them. Think disruptive public voting on Strictly aimed at spoiling the narrative such as when the plodding John Sergeant was repeatedly voted in during an early series. He eventually had to resign from the show to put things back on track for the BBC.
I woke up, switched on the radio and found that ‘Sunday’ on R4 had solved the ‘Islamicist’ terrorism in France problem, under the chairmanship of Emily Buchanan.
It’s all because of alienation and the fact that Muslims are, according to President Erdogan, treated as second class citizens.
So really, the French are to blame.
Typical bbc rubbish. Erdogan is one of the main instigators of Islamic terror, as he seeks to create a new Ottoman Empire in Europe?
The latest killer had only just arrived from Tunisia. Alienated in France? Treated as a second -class citizen? What nonsense!
We should expect this sort of apologist activism for terror from the bb, even on a Sunday.
Never mind, there was also a bit on child poverty and hunger in the UK. I doubt it really exists, and is really more related to buying preferences, if it does. Bishops were there to back up Marcus Rashford’s campaign. Of course, Marcus is the new bbc Supehero, who has to be mentioned in every programme, if possible.
Only last night, in the Moral Maze, Michael Buerk couldn’t stop mentioning Rashford as a ‘celebrity’, and ended up wishing him a happy birthday to end off the programme.
Read this and decide if it was written by an under-privileged 23 year old professional footballer educated through the United academy system or, as it reads to me through the tone and language used, a female humanities graduate forging a career in PR.
It’s been online for hours and no comments yet?
There are a few comments now, and they are interesting.
The most popular reflects my feeling that Rashford and other overpaid footballers should contribute to a fund for these poverty-stricken children, if they feel so strongly. Rather than forcing the taxpayer to take on yet another obligation.
Rashford gets 10 million quid (a week? a match? a season?)so would not notice if 5 million or so went for ‘free’ school meals.
My earlier comment that each and every programme on bbc R4 is required to hype up Rashford: Paddy O ‘Connel is doing Broadcasting House now and somewhere in there is a discussion around the wonderful, magnificent and peerless Rashford. We even get to hear from him, as well as a breathless commentator celebrating his hat trick. John Barnes is in the studio; so is Le Saux. Hype, hype hype.
Bbc, Labour and Rashford: a virtue-signallers paradise, in which we – the ordinary mortals- will be permitted to pick up the tab. Even the over-75s…
Rashford’s petition for free food everywhere has topped a million signatures. Oh hang on Man United have a worldwide fan and follower base of 1.1 billion, so a few to go yet.
You are correct – he could not have written this article.
The use of punctuation alone tells us this.
Elizabeth Watkins, Malaga, Spain, 2 minutes ago
Still not printing my comment. What was it, too true ?? He never wrote this article, stop insulting people’s intelligence..
By the way, imo there is an overuse of commas by the ‘author.’
you should see the plethora of trampolines in the gardens of the single mothers around here that have starving children
There are others, but the BBC is front and left in creating the problem.