I want to give a big shout out to Fedup2 (and others) for keeping this website going under all circumstances come rain or shine, an entirely voluntary position, who stepped up when David Vance and others (Allan?) went off to do other things.
Thank you . I often think about what this site achieves. But then remind myself that peaceful change takes time and effort. And this site is an evidence source to show policy / law makers the need/ justification for change.
In itself it recognises the importance of the BBC in the national fabric – but something so important that must change or end .,
I’ve been coming to this site for more years than I care to remember. Back then complaining about BBC bias was largely a minority sport. It’s mainstream now, not least because sites like this kept chipping away.
Yes, I want to echo what Caliphate and the others have said about this site and express my gratitude to Fed and all who keep this cafe of good sense open. I suspect there are many people like me who normally feel very isolated in our lonely worlds of left wing friends and Trump-hating work colleagues. But then we click on here and realise we are not alone and we are not actually going mad. Our faith in truth, reason and logic is restored. The BBC worldview where progressive outrage reigns supreme and victimhood wins out over everything else does not have to be swallowed whole. We CAN fight back against the subversion of traditional morality and we CAN reject the white guilt industry. And, just as important, we can all laugh together as we identify the Beeb’s crude subliminal messages and resist being pulled to our doom by their ideological undertow.
Thank you, Fed. Thank you all.
Agreed. It should be added that this site has improved tremendously from the days when I would take a cautious peek and run away and hide because of the language used and the vitriol splashed over each other by many posters. Keep up the good work Fed, and everyone else.
Maggie Oliver : seems that on top of the 1,600 official Rotherham victims
Manchester police have put the Manchester tally at 480
Those who abandoned the victims didn’t do bad for themselves did they?2 Chief constables, 1 Assistant Chief Constable & 1 head of National Crime Agency.
Greater Manchester police identify 480 victims of child sexual exploitation | UK news | The Guardian https://t.co/O5HJ9Q2CF6
#dianainterview Watch @ITV's disturbing doco on how ex-@BBC DG Tony Hall covered up for #MartinBashir and led to the poor graphic designer being blacklisted.
Tony Hall is a moral coward, #MartinBashir a threefold fraudster. The BBC needs to act, fast.
Many of the people that work or have worked for the Trump administration have plotted against Donald Trump. Now the following is something that I have just been made aware of that will not be published by the BBC.
Dr. Anthony Fauci supported research into altering viruses through genetic engineering to better understand how such viruses could become pandemically infectious among humans. He supported the funding of the lab in Wuhan for such work with bat coronaviruses:
Headline Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741
So what are your conclusions Broadcasting? Why wasn’t the WHO advised of Dr Fauci’s warning in 2017? If US dollars were used to help fund the Wuhan labs research, then one might suppose the USA was somewhat responsible for its outbreak-why as it appears was the Presidency later throwing blame for the Coronavirus at China? But yes, certainly would not have expected the Marxist BBC to have provided such information even had they known of it, which no doubt they did. Continual lies being banged out at us year after year and day after day-we are in their eyes simple, and easily led, trouble is now much of civilisation has become totally disengaged from reality.
I conclude that there is a possibility that certain people or groups of people in the US administration and in the deep state are not open, don’t admit to their own biases or mistakes, take advantage of situations for personal and political gain. I conclude there is a need for questions to be asked and people to be held to account if necessary.
Did anyone see (on Sky) Andrew Bolton attacking, haranguing and mansplaining (Using their words) that female Trump lawyer?
She was brilliant, she didn’t let him get away with much. He was spluttering, going red in the face and shouting at every fair point she made.
Her mic was turned down and his up, he kept stopping her answers, and when she compared this business to 2000, he practically exploded. He claimed that it was a totally different thing – there was evidence in 2000 but no evidence now. From what I remember, Gore’s lawyers kept changing their arguments when each one was disproved in turn. This one, however and in total contrast to Bolton’s lies, does have evidence and lots of it. She kept reminding him that she is a fully qualified lawyer and passed out with honours so she knew what she was talking about.
He started attacking her, and she grinned and replied “You are now also attacking me, a lady”. When his final weak point that she had an opinion, she laughed again and replied with “and if you don’t I have red hair”. (Very b lack hair).
He proved to be a real bully who shouts at women because he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about, because all he has is the instructions from the Inner Party.
@Demon .. “Green Hair” video is on page 5 of the last thread
and GuestWho had already posted in on page 4
OK here is the full Youtube version
Note the way after the start Sky’s title bottom left is BIDEN WINS
… (BTW Boulton’s Monday rant )
Sorry I hadn’t seen those threads, and thanks for putting it up. I had also thought she said “red hair” when I heard it the first time.
To correct Bolton when he made the claim that the last few Democrat candidates had concede gracefully, which ones? Clinton??? No chance, she has still never really conceded. Gore??? Hell no – that went on until the middle of December!
He’s only an autocue reader, so isn’t well qualified to discuss such items with a proper lawyer, who made it clear to him that she knew what she was talking about, whereas, all he had to say was that he’d ‘covered forty years of US elections’, which is irrelevant of course!
I’ve seen more US elections than he has – so what!
Fat bullies like him react very badly when faced with better educated people.
He should get a room with Fatty Nolan, they could spend hours spewing forth their bile in each others company.
I’d like a behavioural psychologist to analyse his outburst here.
He appears truly rattled and I am sure that in private when he’s all alone in his hotel room at night, surrounded by empty bottles of gin and take-out containers…. he must actually believe that the Dems little voting fraud is actually being found out and is now developing into a bit of a problem for them, across a large number of state. Oh dear.
I have never watched Boulton before but what a wank3r. She handled him well..the left always fall apart when faced with sound arguments…
He should be ashamed of himself…an arrogant blustering bigot who thinks covering US election for 40 years(? ) means he knows something..
I would strongly recommend watching an interview of Victor Davis Hanson by John Anderson on the post election state of the USA. It perfectly sums up where the US is and where much of the anglosphere is . The growing split and distrust of the people with the globalist elite is examined in detail and the case for President Trump strongly made.it is refreshing.
I can’t post links but you can find it at johnanderson.net.au US election 2020.
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I would strongly recommend watching an interview of Victor Davis Hanson by John Anderson on the post election state of the USA. It perfectly sums up where the US is and where much of the anglosphere is . The growing split and distrust of the people with the globalist elite is examined in detail and the case for President Trump strongly made.it is refreshing.
I can’t post links but you can find it at johnanderson.net.au US election 2020.
Didn’t Bolton at the party conferences last year, refer to f……g Beth Rigby off camera ? Funny how portly gentleman in the public eye have a sense of over importance – eg Christopher Soames, Ian Blackwell, and I remember the grotesque Cyril Smith asserting his authority when interviewed , and even further back Lord Boothby was not a pleasant character.
BTW Trump doesn’t need to win TO WIN
If he exposes any Democrat cheat plan
more than tiny local stuff
#1 He would be vindicated
#2 The Dems/Biden would be damaged
Even if the proven scale is less than that needed to flip the election.
If the Dems are shown to have cheated/gamed the election on anything other than a very minor scale then equity demands that the result cannot stand.
That doesn’t mean that Trump would automatically get another term, but at the very least it should result in the election results, whether or a national level or in those States in which a reasonable level of fraud has been established, being declared null and void, and a fresh election or elections being held with enhanced security and monitoring.
In the interest of impartiality, is there anyone out there that has an example of Al Beeb being biased to right wing politics ? Or is there anybody in favour of the Telly Tax?
Every single time that I can remember the BBC running a pro right-wing story, they ALWAYS spend the second half of the article trying to discredit it with any quotes or twitter comments they can find.
Usually it is so embarassingly obvious I wonder if many of their ‘reporters’ are overconfident youngsters who got their job by ‘fitting the profile’.
If I bother to go there now and find a story about something good Trump has done, I just scan down the left hand side for the ‘However ..’ or ‘But …’ which precedes the propaganda. It is always there.
I think it would be quite easy for someone very left wing to argue that the bbc had right-wing bias, because there are instances of it – when it suits the agenda. (So I think the question is a red herring in some ways)
For me the bias of the bbc is more akin to some kind of narrative-creation, with an agenda, and, whilst its along Leftist lines, I don’t think its necessarily a more traditional type of left-wing. To me it seems more Blairite or something like that. Ie the bbc comes over as less concerned with ideas of class economic disparities than with, say, identity politics issues, and globalism (which can obviously mean favouring corporates, for example).
That’s how I see it, but just my opinion
Imo the bbc news and political coverage should just be impartial in stance
The only evidence that I have seen on this site was from ‘Scotty’, ‘maxincony’ and his trani-self, ‘Wildwomanofthewoods’ or whatever he/she calls himself?
Very few indeed .
IMHO Al Beeb should become a charity ie, If you like it – fund it.
I am not.
I agree completely. Our freedom is once again under threat – but this time it is being taken away by inches. We can now be arrested simply because of what we think.
I am old enough to remember watching Russian tanks used to quell public dissent in the former Soviet Union. Watched on a scratchy 12 x 12 black and white tv. If the communists in the US successfully get away with this election, it will open the Pandora’s Box of totalitarianism. This is the goal for Beijing, the EU, Democrats/communists and No. 10.
9:30 R4 Coffee with an Imam
As one of Britain’s youngest imams, Sabah Ahmedi, of the *Ahmadiyya* Muslim community, is on a mission to overcome Islamophobia.
* That is the sect that many other Muslims claim are not Muslims but heretics and have even been murdered cos of that . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Ahmadis
The Left love their labels – say it enough times to make it a slur then keep throwing it at your opponents.
You can’t be racist against a religion and I certainly don’t have an ‘irrational fear’ of Islam. I’ve seen exactly what it is and I don’t think the hate and violence it promotes has any place in a civilised world.
So the BBC delight in rubbing his nose into each and every example of perceived Northern inequality it can identify…..or invent.
Today they feature the fact that the north has more coronavirus than the south (conveniently forgetting the early effects in London btw but I digress).
But here’s the thing. They put some of this down to child poverty of all things. Given that children are barely affected by covid this must rank as one of the BBC’s thinnest and lamest anti-government claims.
Still, I suppose we can add child poverty to the ever-growing list (free school meals, potty training, use of cutlery) to the state rather than the parental responsibility for children.
And I can’t let the opportunity pass without a mention for the BBC indignation of children falling behind at school and not given enough computers to carry on at home. They illustrated this one last night by talking to a white Muslim lady in tight head gear.
She had five school age children!
Amazing isn’t it?
Anyone else fancy five laptops provided for your use by the state?
Yes agree Sluff, the BBC will always find in such circumstances of whatever, a Black female and or a Muslim female both with at least 5 kids-My grandchildren were taught at home during the last lockdown by their parents who considered it very important for the children to maintain as much as they could, with the same school time programme and periods for lessons. Yes they did have acess to a computer to share. My grandchildren therefore lost no continued school education, and I believe their friends parents continued in much the same way, they all remaimed up to speed. Of course at that time both parents were themsleves working from home which helped. If they managed to ensure their children did the work as provided by their schools, then why not everyone else. It is a pity perhaps that learning has become Computer driven-no doubt like you I learnt from reading books and asking questions and still do!
Tarien – far be it from me to put a bit of a ‘downer’ on your grandchildrens’ and their parents’ efforts – but….. the ‘levelling down’ will start all over again as the school year moves on.
Those who have done their best to ‘do their bit’ will be thwarted by the teachers (and especially thier Unions) who will not allow parents who have tried to enable their kids to continue their education, to succeed. I am so truly sorry to predict.
Suspect I might but resigned I am not richard D-This nation will need well rounded and educated young people to stand up with and maybe against those nations particularly in the far east, whose children have had the work ethic drilled into them, attending our best University’s and taking away the benefits gained to quickly succeed in their given profession-they will leave us standing mute if this government does not silence the soft liberal left-Oh I hear you say, our present government is already supported by such individuals. Well the warning signs are upon us and all around us, but will we or can we turn the tide?
Sluff, the promise by the PM to ‘level up the North’ seems to be underway big time.
Instead of ‘levelling up the North’ the PM appears to be proceeding full steam ahead by ‘levelling down London and the south-east of England’. Someone put up a video on this Biased Beeb web-site that showed the closures of businesses and emptiness of central London last week. Scary.
Agreed. Earlier today I went shopping in my local market town. Several shops in its main street have closed in the last few weeks. They are no longer a rarity. So it seems the Government’s plans to shut down “the high street” and give Amazon a monopoly are well on track.
Square-eyed….. in the area in which I live, the local councils got just so damned greedy with their local rates, charges, parking restrictions, over-priced car parks, etc., etc., that they drove people into the arms of the oh-so-sensible ‘out-of-town’ shopping centres – to the point that city-centre and town-centre shopping is now left in the hands of the very cheapest stores, since they are the only ones willing to rent in these locations -and they don’t pay enough to sustain these centres,
The normal footfall will never grow again in these areas. Add to that the trend (huge, courtesy of COVID-19) to working from home, and you have the perfect storm.
Town and city centres are finished. Nobody will ever again pay a viable price for living, working and shopping in these areas.
That headline is up there with Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Un claiming 100% of the people voted for them. It’s so obviously false that it only highlights the total dishonesty and corruption of the person or institution making the absurd claim. https://t.co/AqmwC0dzW2
We’ve often joked about Soviet-style propaganda but it’s no longer a joke. Just like the Russians used to do, we have to take what the newspapers say with a pinch of salt and read between the lines.
Newspapers have always been partisan, of course. But how did we get to the point where journalists as a group see no problem in outright lying?
… China Joe’s first priority mid-week last week was to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. He was going to do that on Day1. Then his first priority switched suddenly to Covid-19/19a/20 and it was going to be to tackle that. Yesterday (our time) as you correctly report, China Joe has said his priority would be to protect Obama care.
Funny, I thought.
I thought, funny.
China Joe had no policies during the Election campaign. Suddenly he has remembered where he left them. But then, the No.1 Priority seems to change from day to day. As someone who is starting to find personal memory in old age wanting, it appears that China Joe is way ahead of me in the memory loss stakes.
Every so often the repeating of certain phrases in every news report grabs my attention because it has clearly been forced. In this case they say ‘have baselessly claimed’ and everywhere else they are always saying ‘without proof’ whenever they mention Trump accusing Democrats of fraud.
Would the investigation have been allowed to go ahead if Trump did not have any evidence ?. And how can they possibly know his claims are baseless ?.
It seems they are wanting Trump to show his evidence so they can publicly discredit it before any actual investigation takes place.
In my experience, when something jumps out as odd to me like this, the fullness of time almost always shows it to be the dirty trick I suspected it was.
Welcome to Soviet style living. Bet they’re drunk on laughter in Beijing, Moscow, Pyongyang et al. They’ve almost got to their goal. Wind the clock back on the Berlin Wall coming down. “See, we’ve been right all along: out system works………perfectly………..and will prevail.
Rarely read the national newspapers these days. They are no longer free to express any doubts or more importantly support the country-patronism I think it would be safe to say has left them, in fact their influence has mostly been responsible for the utterly incomprehensible mess we are now facing.
Radio 3 Breakfast, just before 8am, Petroc Trelawney played Abide with me, a version that was an experimental recording by two gents, way back during the internment of the remains of the unknown soldier in the Abbey.
It wasn’t the best, but not surprising given its age and the technology of the day.
I say played, as it was faded out after a number of seconds and replaced with a gospel choir version. Well they had to, didn’t they.
The BBC. Never missing an opportunity to decry and belittle all things British, whilst claiming to ‘remember’ and simultaneously ram diversity down your throat.
Cancelled your licence fee. Its easy and rewarding in so many ways.
The original.
Despite the recording quality still superior and more honest than anything produced by the nest of traitors at the bBC.
Two sides – ‘Abide With Me’ and ‘Kipling’s Recessional’ – by the Choir, Congregation and Band of HM Grenadier Guards at the Funeral Ceremony of the Burial of the Unknown Soldier [Warrior], made at Westminster Abbey on 11 November 1920. The record was issued for the Westminster Abbey Fund by Columbia Gramophone Co Ltd.
Oh, my goodness, does that take me back – not the disc, but the deck. It’s not the one above (Grarrard 2025), but I bought the Garrard SP25, which was my very first ‘separates’ deck. Bought it whilst at university, with an amplifier and a pair of headphones which stood me in good stead studying with a half-dozen discs which effectively became ‘white noise’, e.g. ‘Moody Blues’ – so killing any distractions. I couldn’t afford an amplifier till later…..
Absolutely no disrespect whatsoever to the music… haunting.
As always the BBC takes great delight in anyone losing their job for making “racist” comments.
Apparently, FA chief executive Greg Clarke has had to resign for using the word “coloured”. Who knew that coloured was considered offensive? Not me, I thought it was the height of politeness. Clearly, you have to keep up to speed with the latest in political correctness.
Yet in the US, the leading black civil rights organisation is titled: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
It’s a very strange world.
I now see this morning that with Clarke gone, the BBC is quickly campaigning that his replacement be black. The old days of choosing the best person for the job seems to be over.
Martin Luther King asked for people to be judged by the content of their character not by the colour of their skin. A very old fashioned view, it seems. Now, the colour of your skin ensures you are a shoo-in for any top position or bit part in an advertisement.
Here's my guide to not being racist. Had Greg Clarke watched it, he might have used the correct terminology and wouldn't have had to resign. This guide is slightly out of date (BAME is now problematic) so please refer to your nearest woke person for the most up to date terms. pic.twitter.com/fnfWe1qHJs
— Leo Kearse – right wing liberal comedian (@LeoKearse) November 11, 2020
If that is true, I wonder whether the ones campaigning for any proscribed race or skin colour for certain jobs are themselves white, and, if so, whether they would like a discriminatory policy applied to their own jobs?
You all look v pleased with yourselves. Please could we have an update ? No extensions ? Flagships must go unless domicile in the UK ? The 1988 Merchant Shipping Act reinstated. Without full control the UK will never rebuild coastal communities. @VictoriaPrentis@michaelgove. https://t.co/fA5jmZQPlH
Up late-ish by my present-day standards @ 8 a.m.to be told by both the Newsreader and by the Bee Lady that America of the USA-type has recorded a record number of new Coronavirus infections.
Roll over China Joe and let the lady have a go.
Meanwhile …. or previously (as ‘they’ say) …..on the …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 the BBC wish to tell me that China Joe is embarrassed.
China Joe, fragile as he is (and his Election win was), is embarrassed by President Trump’s refusal to concede victory to China Joe. The BBC is obviously not paying careful attention to the US Presidential Election and has its fingers firmly under the BBC headphones and in the BBC ears.
Pay attention BBC, the other side are not conceding BBC ‘cos they say “We woz robbed.”.
The Times newpaper still presents the British royal coat of arms on its masthead, lion, unicorn and all – if it were honest it ought to be the EU yellow stars.
So pro-Remain is the Times that on days when even the Guardian and BBC turn their attention elsewhere the Times still keeps banging on about Brexit: ‘Johnson to give Vote Leave ally key No 10 role in shake-up’
One senses our dyed in the wool anti-Brexit press know they have embarrassed themselves recently with their Biden back of the line snark: ‘Johnson speaks to Biden before EU leaders’ (Telegraph)
Here’s an odd one – a former spy chief reckons secrecy is a bad thing: ‘Publish report into Whitehall bullying, says ex-MI5 boss’ (Times). This is about the Priti Patel row and the chap in question, despite his interest in classic cars, looks to me less like Ian Fleming’s “M” and more like a deep state civil service pen pusher with some dodgy outside commercial interests and a personal crony of Boris.
The Times leads with: ‘NHS plans to vaccinate one million every week. Health service ready to give first doses next month, insists Hancock’ – so come December do we do a doorstep clap for the dose?
‘Don’t screw it up! Experts warning as No 10 orders a seven-day-a-week rollout of vaccine’ warns the giveaway Metro.
Quick check on the maths – a million a week, 52 weeks in a year, say 65 million (?) of us in the UK… assuming we cancel the 2021 Census to free up government clerical and administrative resources for barcoding us all… we should get through this by summer 2022.
The Guardian states the bleedin’ obvious: ‘GP services will be cut to allow millions to receive Covid vaccine’
But what’s this…? ‘Foreign-born adults in mass exodus from UK’ (Telegraph) This is corona virus fall out, apparently. ‘Britain has lost 2 per cent of its workforce in 12 months, leading to fears that job growth could be sluggish…’ – we’ll leave aside the question of how precisely this figure has been arrived at and ask instead surely this will ease the impending unemployment numbers?
You know it’s all about the supply and demand of labour.
Are we perhaps suggesting that British unemployed are so stubbornly attached to their welfare benefits that only foreigners are willing to take new jobs? Jobs offered at low rates of pay. So you see how it is crucial for business that the immigration low cost worker spigot be kept loose as possible. Ah, hence the corporate devotion to EU free movement. Old news, I think you’ll agree.
The Mail does a ‘vaccine poll’: ‘UK says YES, to jab… But you go first Boris!’ – which, despite all the duff polling of late, seems only sensible and fair.
Seems the Daily Mail’s relentless championing of the BBC Diana-gate story is at last gaining some traction and so the paper will keep the Diana stories coming: ‘As No 10 back BBC probe 25 years on, lover Diana “adored”‘
‘The National Day of Mourning will this year focus on the German-British friendship’ (Telegraph) – that’ll be the friendship that had us go war with the buggers twice last century. As you can tell, I really can’t pass this without recalling that comic exchange in Fawlty Towers between the Major and Basil at news of the arrival of German guests – Major: “Bunch of Krauts, that’s what they are, all of ’em. Bad eggs!” Basil: “Yes well, forgive and forget, Major… God knows how, the bastards”
On the subject of unfounded and bigoted ethnic slurs the ‘i’ tells us about: ‘Jurassic Clarke FA Chair resigns over language on black footballers’ The Guardian, whose interests surely lie more to the lycra-clad bicycling and pilates end of the sporting spectrum than soccer, weighs in with: ‘Booted out FA boss forced to resign over gay, race and gender slurs’ – speaking of language, isn’t it interesting that the Guardian sub-editors drop the nicety of using their own PC term “Chair” in reference to this former FA “boss”?
Let’s finish on the subject of the culture wars. The Left scoring another Pyrrhic victory (own goal, if you prefer): ‘Is this Britain’s worst statue?’ asks the ‘i’. ‘Uproar over naked statue of feminist’ (Telegraph).
AISI, don’t forget, for most (all?) vaccines for Covid-19 you will need two doses so it will take twice as long as your back of the envelope calculations suggest. The Pfizer vaccine certainly does.
Makes me think of Smart Meters for some reason. Two extra bits of plastic for each home plus a plastic display unit that tells you when you are going to be cut off how much money you are saving.
Will all the vaccine ampules and the syringe bodies and needles be recyclable? After all, we cannot have a 110 year old David Attenborough wading, knee-deep, through discarded syringes and ampules, while making Blue Planet series Seventeen films for the BBC Money Making Propaganda Department.
On the other hand, it would make a great visual, that would ….
‘…we cannot have a 110 year old David Attenborough wading, knee-deep, through discarded syringes and ampules…’
Funny you should say that. On my outdoor excursions I’ve noticed many of the new species of discarded facial mask tree. Admittedly I do see fewer of the plastic bag trees these days.
My count of discarded face nappies (as our Fed calls them) has recently reached 40. There has been a recent increase following a lull from the early days of compulsory nappy shopping when my count went to the mid-teens quite quickly.
Variables that may affect the accuracy of my count:
– Possible double counting
– Weather, ie. mask blown by the wind to a new spot
– My time outdoors in public spaces may vary from week to week and month to month.
Anyone hear R4 at about 7.30. Apparently the US ele tions question democracy…so according to BBC….there are people questionong Brexit..now we know the consequences…WTF…
Which people ? Not me. What cinsequenced? …the BBC should be closed down…it is now depressing as well as lying and biased
Farage team with Fox and get new party going
What random acts of kindness and generosity have you seen recently?
A 6 year-old boy at a McDonald’s Drive-Thru has asked his mum to pay for the meal of the car behind. That led to a domino effect, with each car paying for the next.
Presumably the cars behind were full of more and more starving, non obese children?
I had some strange dreams last night or more likely this morning and in one minor segment, a Dimbleby (David or Jonathan – don’t know which) said something sarcastic in reply to someone else (during a phone in?) – in a voice which seemed to me while still asleep to be that of Ed Stourton – “I will tell Prince Philip that the next time I see him.”. Maybe it was Ed Stourton?
Anyway, while still asleep, I found myself musing on the fact of the BBC loving to cosy up to the so-called elites before I moved on to the next dream segment.
Perhaps that small segment was all down to yesterday’s coverage of Martin Bashir and Princess Diana? No matter, my dreams moved on to other better bits and then I woke up in an extremely good mood; the BBC and their US Election and politics coverage notwithstanding.
TOADY Watch #3 – better than the previous incumbent of the post
No, not US politics. The BBC were standing to attention on the TOADY Prog this a.m. to honour the veterans of wars, especially the two World Wars. Quite so. And the BBC was quite respectful.
The Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, has written a poem to mark the day, the Eleventh day of the Eleventh Month and it was really good. Well done, Sir. Worth a bottle of Port or two or whatever you are paid.
To help with BRITISH racial equality,
they are using an American host that is living here temporarily.
(She was playing live gigs in South Africa in March)
Hi StewGreen, have I mis-remembered a past comment of yours when you might have said Alex Belfield drifts towards misleading his audience for popularity or could that have been a comment on someone else?
No I stand by that
He rushes in and uses clickbaity headlines
And then sometimes comes back and deletes stuff.
He implies it’s a full on TV series
not a one off radio pilot.
They have women only shows all the time, so will get away with BAME only shows.
Okay thanks for that. He is someone who “gets away with it” then so although he might be misleading and clickbaity he is also able to defend what he puts out to Youtube (Google) to prevent strikes on his channel and the closing of his channel (I have heard that three strikes and the channel is removed).
He says he is a former BBC journalist and he seems to know the line he needs to follow to prevent channel strikes. So although we need to be wary with what he puts out we can at least learn about how to be “controversial” as well as critical of the BBC while remaining within the youtube guidelines.
If I were to ever create youtube content about the BBC I would probably be more critical and incisive with my criticism.
When the TOADY Prog turned its attention to sport and Heather Rabbatts was brought on to talk about Greg Clarke’s resignation as Chief Executive of the Football Association. I normally have quite a bit of time for Heather Rabbatts, especially when she is talking good sense about fixing things that are broken, but on the corrupt money pit that is pro-Soccer in the UK, I knew the BBC angle would be about race-baiting and propaganda.
Off switch activated.
Feel free to tell me I was wrong and the propaganda didn’t happen.
Looks like GMB milked this morning
Racebaiter guests included Gary Lineker
who said the FA is full of ‘old white men’ and hopefully that will change in the near future.
Maybe Gary is hoping for a multi-million redundancy package from the BBC Licence Fee payer so he can buy another big house in which to temporarily house a so-called ‘asylum seeker’ who doesn’t like football?
“Racebaiter guests included Gary Lineker
who said the FA is full of ‘old white men’ and hopefully that will change in the near future”
And it did go ALL BLACK , that would be great in the woke world. And then, anyone saying its full of black people and needs change would be racist !!!!
He doesn’t seem to have noticed that he is not a spring chicken; white; and a man. Either that or he’s more than happy to be got rid of from his job on the basis of his age, colour and gender.
I agree with all Mr Belfield says, but another thing that needs watching is the material that these comedians use, as I think it will highly probably be a lot of stuff about the alleged short-comings and racism etc of white people, if so , this will need challenging as well. I have lost count of the amount of times I have switched off the TV or radio in the last few years, having sought a bit of light hearted relief after a hard day at work, only to hear derogatory comments about my country, its history and my ethnic group.
Mash Report/Mock the Week. I’ve switched on after a hard day’s work – over and over again – to be told I’m thick and racist (on the basis of a referendum choice). Why should I pay for that?
” Welcome to the BBC”- Another day, another typical day
for the BBC website. It’s Armistice day. But at the BBC
this holds no truck with their absolute obsession with
diversity. So the main feature is a picture of three university
” Ok” you may be saying .”What’s wrong with that?”
But believe me, a lot of BIG BROTHER thought has gone
into that. You see a lot of whities fought for us in the wars
and this must NEVER take pride of place in the crazed BBC
diversity agenda.
So big brother from the diversity department gives instructions
of what the BBC’S leader picture is going to be on their website.
And the service to mark Unknown Warrior burial centenary
aint going to take precedence over a diverse university picture!
The article on the university students uses the emotional and inappropriate phrase ‘evacuation-style operation’. On the day of Remembrance, this is presumably designed to draw parallels between students returning home during the space of a week at the end of term, which happens three times a year, every day, and an event such as Dunkirk, where 1/3rd million Allied soldiers in mortal danger were evacuated in a similar timeframe whilst surrounded by German troops.
No, BBC. It is not ‘evacuation-style’. It is largely a phased movement of ordinary people, working around the disruption to public and private transport caused by the lockdown that you were shrilling for.
Ian, sorry must draw your attention to a small correction – the troops evacuated from Dunkirk were British soldiers and ground personnel of the Royal Air Force. To the best of my knowledge, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF as it was known) was not an Allied force.
Just in case 😉 maxi or the Wild Woman are watching. 😉
We do, we do, as it keeps you busy and takes you away from your cauldron stirring near Dunsinane.
And JimS, you are right, thanks for the correction. I should have remembered having seen The Darkest Hour last year. The Brits were called the BEF though.
And what a well intentioned shambles that ‘expedition’ was; remind you of anything in 2020, folks?
Lat night The Dem tweeted this
“BREAKING NEWS: Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely RECANTED ”
..a very big claim
And Twitter put it up as news
Yet today there’s his new video with O’Keefe
and the WaPO edited their story to now say he didn’t recant.
Now GoFundMe have banned the whistleblower’s fundraising page he set up co e expects to get fired.
RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story. Hopkins doubles down…
Agent Strasser: “I am trying to twist you a little bit”
“I am scaring you here”…” we have Senators involved…DOJ involved…reason they called me is to try to harness.” pic.twitter.com/tK2JPu6Wqm
I gave up posting comments on BBC Have Your Say as I was blacklisted and anything I posted had to be approved by a BBC moderator and would then appear about an hour after I posted it if I was lucky. 9 times out 10 they were not approved.
Thought I would try again and got one posted a couple of days ago OK mentioning net UK migration and my comment got into the top 10 most rated comments.
Just tried a similar one on the article about how the North of the UK is hit hardest by Covid and I posted “living in high populated areas is not nice and it spreads Covid like wildfire. If anything should come out of this pandemic it should be a drive to reduce the UK population and concrete jungles. But with net migration of 300,000+ a year expect more of the same for decades to come.”
That got banned by the moderator!
Serious question, is there anything in my post that any of you would find offensive? Or is this just another example of thought police?
Am I suffering from BBC induced paranoia? It struck me just glancing through this item from the web-site that is from a former TV channel aimed at young people that although the BBC claim to hate divisiveness and dismiss those that the BBC claim are divisive (such as President Trump in the US) that what the BBC are doing here is to really try to create divisiveness and mistrust between youngsters.
Judging by the haste the MSM are applying to get the criminal Biden ensconced in the White House, the communists obviously feel that this election is the turning point where they resume handing over the US to Beijing. If DJT doesn’t turn things round this time, I suggest that the next election will be akin to what we have seen just recently in Belarus. Maybe tanks on the streets.
We’re living in very strange times…
On Sunday veterans were denied access to the Cenotaph. One bloke, playing the bagpipes, was assaulted and violently shoved to the ground by a member of our wonderful constabulary.
Today, Armistice Day, Extinction Rebellion, have been all over the Cenotaph. There are placards claiming that we are at war with the climate. They are in front of the monument, they’re laying flowers and garlands. They are using this special day and this special monument to propagandise their cause. This is completely wrong. XR can choose any day of the year to promote their puerile publicity stunts. Veterans have just one or two and the powers that be have allowed this day to be hijacked. It’s the usual bunch of ultra left-wing, posing greenies. These people have no right to be there. I find this beyond comprehension.
XR seem to have a free pass in London to cause mayhem and destruction. They can block bridges, delay ambulances, cancel flights and now they even have access to our main war memorial, when those with a legitimate reason to be there are denied access…
Outraged at XR Cenotaph stunt
… that is what they want,
they want you to be outraged and start tweeting and posting cos it spreads their PR
– 7am XR go down to the cenotaph
and do their stunt
– the mass ranks of the media have been tipped off and they are there with their cameras.
– The police car is watching from a distance instructed by Khan and XRs hotshot lawyers that will be a legal Covid compliant demo
The media all go away and write long reports CutNpasting the materils the XR PR have sent them
like a 5 page Daily Mail One published at 9:05am
and then XR use some fake Twitter accounts to drop the news into people’ feed just after 11am
We let the metroliberals treat us like that
the Marxists, The Green Hedgefunds, Sadiq and the London media
… Recycling is going straight in the big bin this week, cos that winds them up.
You have a good point, Stew. I seem to recall when some Royal scion or Hollywood Sleb started to get uppity with the UK photographers from the nationals that there were some informal chats ‘after hours’ between said photographers.
The next time the Sleb or Royal appeared in public all the cameras went down onto the ground along with the bags at the feet of the photograpers and they all turned their backs. It only took one or two ‘demonstrations’ like that for an emissary to be despatched to Fleet Street with a fulsome apology and no doubt something to fuel the informal chats ‘after hours’ the next time they took place.
If we ignore XR they will shout louder and demo all over the place. If we ignore them again, they may try to improve on that previous time but some will lose heart. Time after that more so. Eventually they may run out of their renewables generated steam for future protests.
I think this sums up the mood of the nation better (again, Jon, Katty and Ant unaware)
The Left can put whipped cream on shit all they want, but 70,000,000 Americans are outraged about this befouled election. We don’t accept this fraudulent result, and none of us is inclined to bury the hatchet with a mob that lied, cheated, burned, and looted to get their way.
“Are Jon, katty and Anthony actually in the USA ?? This stuff is spreading life wildfire, but they hear nowt ????”
Answer? No. they’re currently on a retraining course in Beijing.
This is amazing. Our total landscaping moment. I can’t decide whether we need to commission a T-shirt or a book, @theflattype ? https://t.co/PdSbHQFJYp
#@theflatype, eh?
Steady on Emily… I’d hold off on odering that T-shirt for a mo…
I do hear BBC graphic designers can work wonders – faked Royal bank statements a speciality.
Suck-up Starmer at PMQs today:
“Can I welcome the victory of president elect Biden and vice president elect Harris – a new era of decency, integrity and compassion in the White House.”
The dark deeds around the election just got darker.
Salty on the postal service whistleblower, the FBI pressuring him to recant, the fake media’s early claims that he did so, before themselves recanting.
The Left have potentially won a US election . Biden has called for unity and to all work together , but still they have to have a campaign for something, they are NEVER satisfied.
They are getting crazier, you wouldn’t think it possible, but they really are. The media is just out of control .
The BBC never seems quite so keen to investigate the veracity of some of the postal voting that takes place in the UK of which Peterborough and Tower Hamlets spring immediately to mind and which a certain section of people here are always involved.
lol – they have comnpletely rubbished the phrase ‘fact check’ now.
The definition now is : Points cherry-picked by a Lefty from something someone on the Right said (usually Trump) which can be shown to be incorrect (even if it is a pedantic and minor question of interpretation). The conclusion is ALWAYS in bold letters that the ‘fact’ is ‘fake’.
It’s all part of the nasty and spiteful face of the Left which was uncovered way back after the Brexit vote and increased exponentially after Trump was elected.
Great Ormond Street worker, 36, sues children’s hospital claiming colleagues bullied her for being a Christian and called her a ‘stupid northerner’ and a ‘silly white b***h
Catherine Maughan, 36, is suing Great Ormond Street Hospital over ‘bullying’
She claims she was told not to drink alcohol at all as it would offend Muslims
A manager told her she ‘would be sorry,’ that she complained, Ms Maughan says
Funny how the left’s obsession with finding racism in everything usually ends up with them exposing THEMSELVES as racists due to the bigotry of low expectations.
According to this idiot, ‘non-white’ and ‘illegal voter’ are intertwined with one another.
These morons keep giving us more material. By the way, over 1,000 affidavits now in Trump’s numerous lawsuits. Still “no evidence” in BBC land.
Laughing, see Vlads post above. Its all OK. The BBC have fact checked all the fraud allegations and guess what ……. yep, you guessed right …. nothing to see here.
So much for Defund the Police! Minneapolis wants to draft in extra cops to help fight wave of violent crime after dozens quit in disgust at $1million budget cut following George Floyd’s death
Minneapolis wants to draft in cops from local sheriff’s office and transit authority
Dozens of officers quit in the wake of defund the police moves after George Floyd’s death in May
Violent crime has spiked, with 74 homicides so far this year compared to 49 last year
At the start of the year, the Minneapolis police force employed 1,053 staff – 877 of them officers and 176 civilian staff
That number had dropped to 987 as of last month – 844 officers and 143 civilians
You are being brainwashed to accept the results of the election as fair. You will be told that only bad people are skeptical in this situation, and that you will be held to account for doubting.
Cartoon blowback continues against France
Jeddah remembrance day IED attack
2 hospitalised.
A #Greek embassy employee & a #Saudi security guard injured during an attack in #Jeddah Khawajaat Cemetery has been secured & the situation is currently stable Occured when several members from different foreign embassies were attending an event at the cemetery (ref @SPAregions) pic.twitter.com/tmsyuMton6
The religion of peace seems to think that the murder of multiple people is a fair and just response to one person showing a cartoon of their paedophile prophet.
It’s just hate finding an excuse. Why is this never, ever explored in our media ?. All we get are clinical reports of what happened. I suspect they are scared of becoming the next target. Which – of course – is terrorism.
I’ve reached the point where I’m glad to be aware that there are far more years behind me than in front, because the constant mental battering we’re all taking from the media about saying the right thing so as not to cause offence, or you could lose your job and be cast to the wilderness as unemployable, is becoming soul destroying.
I’ve had it up to here with having BAME faces shoved at me, purely because they are non-white, and all in the name of diversity – whatever happened to that old fashioned term ‘ratios’ ?. I am sick of the advertising industry promoting inter-racial relationships in every product advertised, when in reality there is barely a percentage point of mixed race families in this country.
I am not alone in feeling like this, and though only a fool would look forward to their demise, I thank the Lord that I have experienced the best this country has had to offer, including the freedom of speech and laughter, which, since the advent of social media has all but disappeared.
As I write this, a pop-up has appeared saying “Muslim pupil 11, threatens to BEHEAD his teacher”. This is what the country has become, and which I shall be glad to leave when my time comes, with no regrets.
The BBC seem to think that ‘equality’ is one black person, one white person and one Asian person.
For some reason I cannot fathom, the ratio of these people in the general population seems to be entirely irrelevant.
Totall agree Brissels. I’ve given up on watching anything ‘new’ on tele on the grounds that it’s globalist propaganda , and childishly obvious propaganda at that. I never watched adverts anyway .i never watch any tv news . I’ve cancelled my Times subscription , a paper I taken in one form or another for 35 years on the grounds that it has become a globalist propaganda rag. ( the chap I spoke to at the Times when cancelling seemed quite upset by that ) . I hardly bother reading the Telegraph , the paper my wife likes for the puzzles, for much the same reason.
I just refuse to allow myself to brainwashed into accepting any form of globalism and all that goes with it.
Don’t let the buggers get you down. I was born in 1940 and still find things to interest me. Look beyond the mass media. However, if you like watching TV tune into “OUR YORKSHIRE FARM” on channel 5.
In my opinion this little gem is an oasis of sanity among a desert of visual and audio static.
On those very few occasions I am exposed to the BBC now I notice how rapidly the vibrant diverse ‘culture’ has taken over . I’m thinking of leaving the UK as I feel I’m caught in a tide of rubbish … as for London …. well….
“Nearly 160 migrants attempt to cross Channel to UK” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-54897081
Boris & Priti ? Nothing !
Who voted for this bunch of clowns that do nothing about it but talk, while the rest of the country is locked down?
Dump the feeble Tory Government.
Farage, your country needs you.
“Attempt”? = intercepted.
We all know what that word means .
We have this from the Clandestine Channel Threat Commander Dan O’Mahoney , “the criminals behind the crossings were breaking the law.”
Is this guy real ?
I have noticed the Beeb relegates this to local news and we all know the reason why. It is clear from previous reports where they refer to ‘successful crossings’. Obviously something to be praised or proud of as far as they are concerned
It will only make national news if there are any migrant deaths. Then it is always yours and my fault because we are horribly racist and have no ‘empathy’ as Gary ‘open doors’ (strictly one though) Lineker says.
This low level reporting of what is an ongoing national crisis plays right into Pritti’s hands on the basis of no news is good news.
My local south coast social services now has a policy of refusing to house immigrant children (often with full grown beards) as there have been so many arriving by ferry that there is no room at the foster parents inn. The Gendarmes can’t even detect them with substantially reduced ferry sailings. Obviously if they are taking a French style lunch hour, when they sneak into the back of a lorry, it doesn’t count.
These children (sometimes dressed in men’s clothing) are being, excuse the pun, shipped off to other local councils, which will obviously even up the number of hand car washes springing up countrywide in the near future.
Yes I admit cynicism, but we (and I mean Pritti and co) have to seriously look at the numbers flooding in, even now in reduced travel circumstances. The idea we would give the French a good talking to has clearly failed as has her Task Force bloke who promised to stop the dinghies.
No wonder my local council is carrying out sea defence works. It’s because our little island is sinking.
Concrete sea
“The idea we would give the French a good talking to has clearly failed as has her Task Force bloke who promised to stop the dinghies.”
I thought the French were given millions of pounds to stop the invaders?
Wasn’t the Reading ‘stabbings man’ an asylum seeker.
Yes you are correct. We did give them money, but I’m sure there was at least the threat of some stern words and we are pretty good at talking. However, based on recent events I would say the French couldn’t care less.
Pritti’s latest gushings relate to the Royal assent for the wonderful incoming points based immigration system. Just a mention here, the rules for family reunion, asylum and border crossing checks are outside of the points-based system. So as far as the Reading ‘stabbings man’ and the like are concerned…. no change.
Labour, the tolerant , fair minded, party of peace and harmony.
Must have hurt the BBC to stick this one up.
Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe "threatened" and made "numerous unwanted telephone calls" to woman, court hears Ms Webbe denies harassment chargehttps://t.co/NU8KVpE5Hu
…..and her lawyers apparently demanded that she should not have to face the humiliation of being in the dock for the trial, and that her address should not be made public -i.e. unlike every other criminal like her.
Perhaps she doesn’t want her address to be disclosed because her home is in London, and not in her constituency of Leicester East.
BBC made sure Russell Rawlingson was shamed and his address was given out
after he came down to their Leicester stunt
Cos he was incensed that BBC were breaking Covid rules and coming down to the centre of town to do a live OB
and he shouted his protest that the BBC harbours paedophiles.
They didn’t give him a warning or nip the protest in the bud,
but rather afterwards started a punishment-prosecution against Russel claiming it was *racial* harassment,
… a charge that there is no public evidence of apart from the BBC presenter’s loud claim.
And now 7 months later what apart from running around setting him a date in the big court, then dropping it down to the small court, there hasn’t actually been a court day.. as if of course it’s not going to get judicially tested.
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
I’m waiting for the msm to declare me first.
Catchup links to last thread
– page 5 started 8pm Tuesday …. 8 posts
– page 4 started 10am Tuesday
– page 3
I have just received an email from Joe Biden.
You have to go to the back of the queue.
I want to give a big shout out to Fedup2 (and others) for keeping this website going under all circumstances come rain or shine, an entirely voluntary position, who stepped up when David Vance and others (Allan?) went off to do other things.
Thank you . I often think about what this site achieves. But then remind myself that peaceful change takes time and effort. And this site is an evidence source to show policy / law makers the need/ justification for change.
In itself it recognises the importance of the BBC in the national fabric – but something so important that must change or end .,
I’ve been coming to this site for more years than I care to remember. Back then complaining about BBC bias was largely a minority sport. It’s mainstream now, not least because sites like this kept chipping away.
Absolutely. An oasis of sanity in a left wing media world.
Yes, I want to echo what Caliphate and the others have said about this site and express my gratitude to Fed and all who keep this cafe of good sense open. I suspect there are many people like me who normally feel very isolated in our lonely worlds of left wing friends and Trump-hating work colleagues. But then we click on here and realise we are not alone and we are not actually going mad. Our faith in truth, reason and logic is restored. The BBC worldview where progressive outrage reigns supreme and victimhood wins out over everything else does not have to be swallowed whole. We CAN fight back against the subversion of traditional morality and we CAN reject the white guilt industry. And, just as important, we can all laugh together as we identify the Beeb’s crude subliminal messages and resist being pulled to our doom by their ideological undertow.
Thank you, Fed. Thank you all.
Agreed. It should be added that this site has improved tremendously from the days when I would take a cautious peek and run away and hide because of the language used and the vitriol splashed over each other by many posters. Keep up the good work Fed, and everyone else.
Maggie Oliver : seems that on top of the 1,600 official Rotherham victims
Manchester police have put the Manchester tally at 480
New thread, same BBC tell it often enough ‘News’.
US President-elect Joe Biden has said it is an “embarrassment” that President Donald Trump has not yet conceded the election.
Speaking of embarrassment, they do like stuff written on walls, don’t they?
My English master, back in the ’60s, once discussed the word ’embarrassment’ in some detail.
He concluded that the most embarrassing episode anyone would ever experience, is ‘death’.
So that’s where all those extra votes came from! I wondered about that…
How bad are things when you agree with John Sweeney?
North Carolina called for trump
Many of the people that work or have worked for the Trump administration have plotted against Donald Trump. Now the following is something that I have just been made aware of that will not be published by the BBC.
Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted early 2017 that there would be a pandemic during Trumps administration.
Headline: Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration
Dr. Anthony Fauci supported research into altering viruses through genetic engineering to better understand how such viruses could become pandemically infectious among humans. He supported the funding of the lab in Wuhan for such work with bat coronaviruses:
Headline Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research
A day or two AFTER the media call Biden and Kamala Harris the winners of the US Presidential Election Pfizer announce a Covid-19 vaccine:
Headline Covid-19 vaccine ‘more than 90% effective’ as Pfizer milestone hailed as ‘great day for science & humanity’
So what are your conclusions Broadcasting? Why wasn’t the WHO advised of Dr Fauci’s warning in 2017? If US dollars were used to help fund the Wuhan labs research, then one might suppose the USA was somewhat responsible for its outbreak-why as it appears was the Presidency later throwing blame for the Coronavirus at China? But yes, certainly would not have expected the Marxist BBC to have provided such information even had they known of it, which no doubt they did. Continual lies being banged out at us year after year and day after day-we are in their eyes simple, and easily led, trouble is now much of civilisation has become totally disengaged from reality.
I conclude that there is a possibility that certain people or groups of people in the US administration and in the deep state are not open, don’t admit to their own biases or mistakes, take advantage of situations for personal and political gain. I conclude there is a need for questions to be asked and people to be held to account if necessary.
Did anyone see (on Sky) Andrew Bolton attacking, haranguing and mansplaining (Using their words) that female Trump lawyer?
She was brilliant, she didn’t let him get away with much. He was spluttering, going red in the face and shouting at every fair point she made.
Her mic was turned down and his up, he kept stopping her answers, and when she compared this business to 2000, he practically exploded. He claimed that it was a totally different thing – there was evidence in 2000 but no evidence now. From what I remember, Gore’s lawyers kept changing their arguments when each one was disproved in turn. This one, however and in total contrast to Bolton’s lies, does have evidence and lots of it. She kept reminding him that she is a fully qualified lawyer and passed out with honours so she knew what she was talking about.
He started attacking her, and she grinned and replied “You are now also attacking me, a lady”. When his final weak point that she had an opinion, she laughed again and replied with “and if you don’t I have red hair”. (Very b lack hair).
He proved to be a real bully who shouts at women because he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about, because all he has is the instructions from the Inner Party.
@Demon .. “Green Hair” video is on page 5 of the last thread
and GuestWho had already posted in on page 4
OK here is the full Youtube version
Note the way after the start Sky’s title bottom left is BIDEN WINS
… (BTW Boulton’s Monday rant )
Sorry I hadn’t seen those threads, and thanks for putting it up. I had also thought she said “red hair” when I heard it the first time.
To correct Bolton when he made the claim that the last few Democrat candidates had concede gracefully, which ones? Clinton??? No chance, she has still never really conceded. Gore??? Hell no – that went on until the middle of December!
What a truly repugnant individual Boulton is. How he keeps his job is beyond me. I’m at a loss for words.
I wouldn’t be if it talked directly to me like that.
He’s only an autocue reader, so isn’t well qualified to discuss such items with a proper lawyer, who made it clear to him that she knew what she was talking about, whereas, all he had to say was that he’d ‘covered forty years of US elections’, which is irrelevant of course!
I’ve seen more US elections than he has – so what!
Fat bullies like him react very badly when faced with better educated people.
Odious loathsome, glad I don’t pay his wages.
He should get a room with Fatty Nolan, they could spend hours spewing forth their bile in each others company.
I’d like a behavioural psychologist to analyse his outburst here.
He appears truly rattled and I am sure that in private when he’s all alone in his hotel room at night, surrounded by empty bottles of gin and take-out containers…. he must actually believe that the Dems little voting fraud is actually being found out and is now developing into a bit of a problem for them, across a large number of state. Oh dear.
I have never watched Boulton before but what a wank3r. She handled him well..the left always fall apart when faced with sound arguments…
He should be ashamed of himself…an arrogant blustering bigot who thinks covering US election for 40 years(? ) means he knows something..
I would strongly recommend watching an interview of Victor Davis Hanson by John Anderson on the post election state of the USA. It perfectly sums up where the US is and where much of the anglosphere is . The growing split and distrust of the people with the globalist elite is examined in detail and the case for President Trump strongly made.it is refreshing.
I can’t post links but you can find it at johnanderson.net.au US election 2020.
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I would strongly recommend watching an interview of Victor Davis Hanson by John Anderson on the post election state of the USA. It perfectly sums up where the US is and where much of the anglosphere is . The growing split and distrust of the people with the globalist elite is examined in detail and the case for President Trump strongly made.it is refreshing.
I can’t post links but you can find it at johnanderson.net.au US election 2020.
– Clip about the elites below
– full hour
Bunter at least knows who he works for.
Has Boulton since apologized? Full marks to the lady for her restraint and steadfastness in the face of such insolence.
Didn’t Bolton at the party conferences last year, refer to f……g Beth Rigby off camera ? Funny how portly gentleman in the public eye have a sense of over importance – eg Christopher Soames, Ian Blackwell, and I remember the grotesque Cyril Smith asserting his authority when interviewed , and even further back Lord Boothby was not a pleasant character.
Coo eee, digging up Lord Boothby! Did he vote in Pennsylvania or Michigan last week? I remember him on radio and TV from my childhood days.
BTW Trump doesn’t need to win TO WIN
If he exposes any Democrat cheat plan
more than tiny local stuff
#1 He would be vindicated
#2 The Dems/Biden would be damaged
Even if the proven scale is less than that needed to flip the election.
If the Dems are shown to have cheated/gamed the election on anything other than a very minor scale then equity demands that the result cannot stand.
That doesn’t mean that Trump would automatically get another term, but at the very least it should result in the election results, whether or a national level or in those States in which a reasonable level of fraud has been established, being declared null and void, and a fresh election or elections being held with enhanced security and monitoring.
NewsMax : Giuliani presents evidence for Trump’s legal battle
In the interest of impartiality, is there anyone out there that has an example of Al Beeb being biased to right wing politics ? Or is there anybody in favour of the Telly Tax?
Every single time that I can remember the BBC running a pro right-wing story, they ALWAYS spend the second half of the article trying to discredit it with any quotes or twitter comments they can find.
Usually it is so embarassingly obvious I wonder if many of their ‘reporters’ are overconfident youngsters who got their job by ‘fitting the profile’.
If I bother to go there now and find a story about something good Trump has done, I just scan down the left hand side for the ‘However ..’ or ‘But …’ which precedes the propaganda. It is always there.
I think it would be quite easy for someone very left wing to argue that the bbc had right-wing bias, because there are instances of it – when it suits the agenda. (So I think the question is a red herring in some ways)
For me the bias of the bbc is more akin to some kind of narrative-creation, with an agenda, and, whilst its along Leftist lines, I don’t think its necessarily a more traditional type of left-wing. To me it seems more Blairite or something like that. Ie the bbc comes over as less concerned with ideas of class economic disparities than with, say, identity politics issues, and globalism (which can obviously mean favouring corporates, for example).
That’s how I see it, but just my opinion
Imo the bbc news and political coverage should just be impartial in stance
The only evidence that I have seen on this site was from ‘Scotty’, ‘maxincony’ and his trani-self, ‘Wildwomanofthewoods’ or whatever he/she calls himself?
Very few indeed .
IMHO Al Beeb should become a charity ie, If you like it – fund it.
I am not.
“It is the least we owe them”
Along with keeping sacrosanct the fact that their sacrifice (and that of multiple others) ensured we had a meaningful vote in how our affairs are run.
I agree completely. Our freedom is once again under threat – but this time it is being taken away by inches. We can now be arrested simply because of what we think.
I am old enough to remember watching Russian tanks used to quell public dissent in the former Soviet Union. Watched on a scratchy 12 x 12 black and white tv. If the communists in the US successfully get away with this election, it will open the Pandora’s Box of totalitarianism. This is the goal for Beijing, the EU, Democrats/communists and No. 10.
9:30 R4 Coffee with an Imam
As one of Britain’s youngest imams, Sabah Ahmedi, of the *Ahmadiyya* Muslim community, is on a mission to overcome Islamophobia.
* That is the sect that many other Muslims claim are not Muslims but heretics and have even been murdered cos of that .
The Left love their labels – say it enough times to make it a slur then keep throwing it at your opponents.
You can’t be racist against a religion and I certainly don’t have an ‘irrational fear’ of Islam. I’ve seen exactly what it is and I don’t think the hate and violence it promotes has any place in a civilised world.
– Steve Hilton exposing Dems hypocrisy
– Farage on TalkRadio last night on Trump/Biden etc. ..just after that clip he said “Boris will cave” and we will get Brino, Brexit In Name Only fudge
– Darren Grimes and the remove the licence plan ..and privatise Channel4
Boris made a pledge to level up the North.
So the BBC delight in rubbing his nose into each and every example of perceived Northern inequality it can identify…..or invent.
Today they feature the fact that the north has more coronavirus than the south (conveniently forgetting the early effects in London btw but I digress).
But here’s the thing. They put some of this down to child poverty of all things. Given that children are barely affected by covid this must rank as one of the BBC’s thinnest and lamest anti-government claims.
Still, I suppose we can add child poverty to the ever-growing list (free school meals, potty training, use of cutlery) to the state rather than the parental responsibility for children.
And I can’t let the opportunity pass without a mention for the BBC indignation of children falling behind at school and not given enough computers to carry on at home. They illustrated this one last night by talking to a white Muslim lady in tight head gear.
She had five school age children!
Amazing isn’t it?
Anyone else fancy five laptops provided for your use by the state?
Yes agree Sluff, the BBC will always find in such circumstances of whatever, a Black female and or a Muslim female both with at least 5 kids-My grandchildren were taught at home during the last lockdown by their parents who considered it very important for the children to maintain as much as they could, with the same school time programme and periods for lessons. Yes they did have acess to a computer to share. My grandchildren therefore lost no continued school education, and I believe their friends parents continued in much the same way, they all remaimed up to speed. Of course at that time both parents were themsleves working from home which helped. If they managed to ensure their children did the work as provided by their schools, then why not everyone else. It is a pity perhaps that learning has become Computer driven-no doubt like you I learnt from reading books and asking questions and still do!
Tarien – far be it from me to put a bit of a ‘downer’ on your grandchildrens’ and their parents’ efforts – but….. the ‘levelling down’ will start all over again as the school year moves on.
Those who have done their best to ‘do their bit’ will be thwarted by the teachers (and especially thier Unions) who will not allow parents who have tried to enable their kids to continue their education, to succeed. I am so truly sorry to predict.
Suspect I might but resigned I am not richard D-This nation will need well rounded and educated young people to stand up with and maybe against those nations particularly in the far east, whose children have had the work ethic drilled into them, attending our best University’s and taking away the benefits gained to quickly succeed in their given profession-they will leave us standing mute if this government does not silence the soft liberal left-Oh I hear you say, our present government is already supported by such individuals. Well the warning signs are upon us and all around us, but will we or can we turn the tide?
Sluff, the promise by the PM to ‘level up the North’ seems to be underway big time.
Instead of ‘levelling up the North’ the PM appears to be proceeding full steam ahead by ‘levelling down London and the south-east of England’. Someone put up a video on this Biased Beeb web-site that showed the closures of businesses and emptiness of central London last week. Scary.
Agreed. Earlier today I went shopping in my local market town. Several shops in its main street have closed in the last few weeks. They are no longer a rarity. So it seems the Government’s plans to shut down “the high street” and give Amazon a monopoly are well on track.
Square-eyed….. in the area in which I live, the local councils got just so damned greedy with their local rates, charges, parking restrictions, over-priced car parks, etc., etc., that they drove people into the arms of the oh-so-sensible ‘out-of-town’ shopping centres – to the point that city-centre and town-centre shopping is now left in the hands of the very cheapest stores, since they are the only ones willing to rent in these locations -and they don’t pay enough to sustain these centres,
The normal footfall will never grow again in these areas. Add to that the trend (huge, courtesy of COVID-19) to working from home, and you have the perfect storm.
Town and city centres are finished. Nobody will ever again pay a viable price for living, working and shopping in these areas.
The media hey ??? Agenda ?
We’ve often joked about Soviet-style propaganda but it’s no longer a joke. Just like the Russians used to do, we have to take what the newspapers say with a pinch of salt and read between the lines.
Newspapers have always been partisan, of course. But how did we get to the point where journalists as a group see no problem in outright lying?
BBC News Telling It As Often As They Can Until It Sticks
The president-elect has vowed to protect the healthcare law, known as Obamacare, that Republicans have been keen to dismantle.
Et, encore…
Lawyers are trying to reunite families split apart at the US-Mexico border by Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” migration policy.
Guest, ah but, yes but, no but …
… China Joe’s first priority mid-week last week was to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. He was going to do that on Day1. Then his first priority switched suddenly to Covid-19/19a/20 and it was going to be to tackle that. Yesterday (our time) as you correctly report, China Joe has said his priority would be to protect Obama care.
Funny, I thought.
I thought, funny.
China Joe had no policies during the Election campaign. Suddenly he has remembered where he left them. But then, the No.1 Priority seems to change from day to day. As someone who is starting to find personal memory in old age wanting, it appears that China Joe is way ahead of me in the memory loss stakes.
Did I notice a little Pete and Dud there? Tap tap tap at the b…y window pane…
Every so often the repeating of certain phrases in every news report grabs my attention because it has clearly been forced. In this case they say ‘have baselessly claimed’ and everywhere else they are always saying ‘without proof’ whenever they mention Trump accusing Democrats of fraud.
Would the investigation have been allowed to go ahead if Trump did not have any evidence ?. And how can they possibly know his claims are baseless ?.
It seems they are wanting Trump to show his evidence so they can publicly discredit it before any actual investigation takes place.
In my experience, when something jumps out as odd to me like this, the fullness of time almost always shows it to be the dirty trick I suspected it was.
It is pervasive, relentless, coordinated and… utterly transparent.
One of the few times the BBC is.
That bubble is utterly insulated.
Welcome to Soviet style living. Bet they’re drunk on laughter in Beijing, Moscow, Pyongyang et al. They’ve almost got to their goal. Wind the clock back on the Berlin Wall coming down. “See, we’ve been right all along: out system works………perfectly………..and will prevail.
JohnC, good point.
They are so obvious but think no-one at all notices.
Rarely read the national newspapers these days. They are no longer free to express any doubts or more importantly support the country-patronism I think it would be safe to say has left them, in fact their influence has mostly been responsible for the utterly incomprehensible mess we are now facing.
Radio 3 Breakfast, just before 8am, Petroc Trelawney played Abide with me, a version that was an experimental recording by two gents, way back during the internment of the remains of the unknown soldier in the Abbey.
It wasn’t the best, but not surprising given its age and the technology of the day.
I say played, as it was faded out after a number of seconds and replaced with a gospel choir version. Well they had to, didn’t they.
The BBC. Never missing an opportunity to decry and belittle all things British, whilst claiming to ‘remember’ and simultaneously ram diversity down your throat.
Cancelled your licence fee. Its easy and rewarding in so many ways.
The original.
Despite the recording quality still superior and more honest than anything produced by the nest of traitors at the bBC.
Two sides – ‘Abide With Me’ and ‘Kipling’s Recessional’ – by the Choir, Congregation and Band of HM Grenadier Guards at the Funeral Ceremony of the Burial of the Unknown Soldier [Warrior], made at Westminster Abbey on 11 November 1920. The record was issued for the Westminster Abbey Fund by Columbia Gramophone Co Ltd.
Oh, my goodness, does that take me back – not the disc, but the deck. It’s not the one above (Grarrard 2025), but I bought the Garrard SP25, which was my very first ‘separates’ deck. Bought it whilst at university, with an amplifier and a pair of headphones which stood me in good stead studying with a half-dozen discs which effectively became ‘white noise’, e.g. ‘Moody Blues’ – so killing any distractions. I couldn’t afford an amplifier till later…..
Absolutely no disrespect whatsoever to the music… haunting.
As always the BBC takes great delight in anyone losing their job for making “racist” comments.
Apparently, FA chief executive Greg Clarke has had to resign for using the word “coloured”. Who knew that coloured was considered offensive? Not me, I thought it was the height of politeness. Clearly, you have to keep up to speed with the latest in political correctness.
Yet in the US, the leading black civil rights organisation is titled: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
It’s a very strange world.
I now see this morning that with Clarke gone, the BBC is quickly campaigning that his replacement be black. The old days of choosing the best person for the job seems to be over.
Martin Luther King asked for people to be judged by the content of their character not by the colour of their skin. A very old fashioned view, it seems. Now, the colour of your skin ensures you are a shoo-in for any top position or bit part in an advertisement.
Sage, keep up. Here’s a handy guide.
Didn’t the Wokemeister General himself, Mr. Dominic Cucumberpatch, once say coloured actors had to go to America to make it big ?
Does he still get work ?
If that is true, I wonder whether the ones campaigning for any proscribed race or skin colour for certain jobs are themselves white, and, if so, whether they would like a discriminatory policy applied to their own jobs?
They are what is known in the trade as ‘Champagne Socialists’.
Of course, that’s until it’s comes to their own jobs.
Bit premature me thinks.
two for the price of one 😉
TOADY Watch #1 – China Joe’s first fail
Up late-ish by my present-day standards @ 8 a.m.to be told by both the Newsreader and by the Bee Lady that America of the USA-type has recorded a record number of new Coronavirus infections.
Roll over China Joe and let the lady have a go.
Meanwhile …. or previously (as ‘they’ say) …..on the …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 the BBC wish to tell me that China Joe is embarrassed.
China Joe, fragile as he is (and his Election win was), is embarrassed by President Trump’s refusal to concede victory to China Joe. The BBC is obviously not paying careful attention to the US Presidential Election and has its fingers firmly under the BBC headphones and in the BBC ears.
Pay attention BBC, the other side are not conceding BBC ‘cos they say “We woz robbed.”.
The Times newpaper still presents the British royal coat of arms on its masthead, lion, unicorn and all – if it were honest it ought to be the EU yellow stars.
So pro-Remain is the Times that on days when even the Guardian and BBC turn their attention elsewhere the Times still keeps banging on about Brexit: ‘Johnson to give Vote Leave ally key No 10 role in shake-up’
One senses our dyed in the wool anti-Brexit press know they have embarrassed themselves recently with their Biden back of the line snark: ‘Johnson speaks to Biden before EU leaders’ (Telegraph)
Here’s an odd one – a former spy chief reckons secrecy is a bad thing: ‘Publish report into Whitehall bullying, says ex-MI5 boss’ (Times). This is about the Priti Patel row and the chap in question, despite his interest in classic cars, looks to me less like Ian Fleming’s “M” and more like a deep state civil service pen pusher with some dodgy outside commercial interests and a personal crony of Boris.
The Times leads with: ‘NHS plans to vaccinate one million every week. Health service ready to give first doses next month, insists Hancock’ – so come December do we do a doorstep clap for the dose?
‘Don’t screw it up! Experts warning as No 10 orders a seven-day-a-week rollout of vaccine’ warns the giveaway Metro.
Quick check on the maths – a million a week, 52 weeks in a year, say 65 million (?) of us in the UK… assuming we cancel the 2021 Census to free up government clerical and administrative resources for barcoding us all… we should get through this by summer 2022.
The Guardian states the bleedin’ obvious: ‘GP services will be cut to allow millions to receive Covid vaccine’
But what’s this…? ‘Foreign-born adults in mass exodus from UK’ (Telegraph) This is corona virus fall out, apparently. ‘Britain has lost 2 per cent of its workforce in 12 months, leading to fears that job growth could be sluggish…’ – we’ll leave aside the question of how precisely this figure has been arrived at and ask instead surely this will ease the impending unemployment numbers?
You know it’s all about the supply and demand of labour.
Are we perhaps suggesting that British unemployed are so stubbornly attached to their welfare benefits that only foreigners are willing to take new jobs? Jobs offered at low rates of pay. So you see how it is crucial for business that the immigration low cost worker spigot be kept loose as possible. Ah, hence the corporate devotion to EU free movement. Old news, I think you’ll agree.
The Mail does a ‘vaccine poll’: ‘UK says YES, to jab… But you go first Boris!’ – which, despite all the duff polling of late, seems only sensible and fair.
Seems the Daily Mail’s relentless championing of the BBC Diana-gate story is at last gaining some traction and so the paper will keep the Diana stories coming: ‘As No 10 back BBC probe 25 years on, lover Diana “adored”‘
‘The National Day of Mourning will this year focus on the German-British friendship’ (Telegraph) – that’ll be the friendship that had us go war with the buggers twice last century. As you can tell, I really can’t pass this without recalling that comic exchange in Fawlty Towers between the Major and Basil at news of the arrival of German guests – Major: “Bunch of Krauts, that’s what they are, all of ’em. Bad eggs!” Basil: “Yes well, forgive and forget, Major… God knows how, the bastards”
On the subject of unfounded and bigoted ethnic slurs the ‘i’ tells us about: ‘Jurassic Clarke FA Chair resigns over language on black footballers’ The Guardian, whose interests surely lie more to the lycra-clad bicycling and pilates end of the sporting spectrum than soccer, weighs in with: ‘Booted out FA boss forced to resign over gay, race and gender slurs’ – speaking of language, isn’t it interesting that the Guardian sub-editors drop the nicety of using their own PC term “Chair” in reference to this former FA “boss”?
Let’s finish on the subject of the culture wars. The Left scoring another Pyrrhic victory (own goal, if you prefer): ‘Is this Britain’s worst statue?’ asks the ‘i’. ‘Uproar over naked statue of feminist’ (Telegraph).
AISI, don’t forget, for most (all?) vaccines for Covid-19 you will need two doses so it will take twice as long as your back of the envelope calculations suggest. The Pfizer vaccine certainly does.
Makes me think of Smart Meters for some reason. Two extra bits of plastic for each home plus a plastic display unit that tells you
when you are going to be cut offhow much money you are saving.Will all the vaccine ampules and the syringe bodies and needles be recyclable? After all, we cannot have a 110 year old David Attenborough wading, knee-deep, through discarded syringes and ampules, while making Blue Planet series Seventeen films for the BBC
Money MakingPropaganda Department.On the other hand, it would make a great visual, that would ….
‘…we cannot have a 110 year old David Attenborough wading, knee-deep, through discarded syringes and ampules…’
Funny you should say that. On my outdoor excursions I’ve noticed many of the new species of discarded facial mask tree. Admittedly I do see fewer of the plastic bag trees these days.
AISI, interesting that.
My count of discarded face nappies (as our Fed calls them) has recently reached 40. There has been a recent increase following a lull from the early days of compulsory nappy shopping when my count went to the mid-teens quite quickly.
Variables that may affect the accuracy of my count:
– Possible double counting
– Weather, ie. mask blown by the wind to a new spot
– My time outdoors in public spaces may vary from week to week and month to month.
Anyone hear R4 at about 7.30. Apparently the US ele tions question democracy…so according to BBC….there are people questionong Brexit..now we know the consequences…WTF…
Which people ? Not me. What cinsequenced? …the BBC should be closed down…it is now depressing as well as lying and biased
Farage team with Fox and get new party going
BBC Local Radio
What random acts of kindness and generosity have you seen recently?
A 6 year-old boy at a McDonald’s Drive-Thru has asked his mum to pay for the meal of the car behind. That led to a domino effect, with each car paying for the next.
Presumably the cars behind were full of more and more starving, non obese children?
Getting there just before closing… result!
‘That led to a domino effect, with each car paying for the next.’
Now do we see the advantage of Obama’s get to the back of the queue?
And on the theme of Utopian visions – Personally, I dream of a world where everyone is wearing everyone else’s glasses.
Next day at school “So council house Ken how come yesterday at McDonalds your father didn’t pay-it-forward like everyone else’s dad did ?”
TOADY Watch #2 – The BBC in a rare salute
I had some strange dreams last night or more likely this morning and in one minor segment, a Dimbleby (David or Jonathan – don’t know which) said something sarcastic in reply to someone else (during a phone in?) – in a voice which seemed to me while still asleep to be that of Ed Stourton – “I will tell Prince Philip that the next time I see him.”. Maybe it was Ed Stourton?
Anyway, while still asleep, I found myself musing on the fact of the BBC loving to cosy up to the so-called elites before I moved on to the next dream segment.
Perhaps that small segment was all down to yesterday’s coverage of Martin Bashir and Princess Diana? No matter, my dreams moved on to other better bits and then I woke up in an extremely good mood; the BBC and their US Election and politics coverage notwithstanding.
TOADY Watch #3 – better than the previous incumbent of the post
No, not US politics. The BBC were standing to attention on the TOADY Prog this a.m. to honour the veterans of wars, especially the two World Wars. Quite so. And the BBC was quite respectful.
The Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, has written a poem to mark the day, the Eleventh day of the Eleventh Month and it was really good. Well done, Sir. Worth a bottle of Port or two or whatever you are paid.
Belfield : BBC Comedy Show that ban whites
He’s sweary.
AFAIK .. It’ actually it’ a 1 show pilot for Radio4
To help with BRITISH racial equality,
they are using an American host that is living here temporarily.
(She was playing live gigs in South Africa in March)
“The all POC Radio 4 panel show you’ve been waiting for happens next Thursday ”
Hi StewGreen, have I mis-remembered a past comment of yours when you might have said Alex Belfield drifts towards misleading his audience for popularity or could that have been a comment on someone else?
No I stand by that
He rushes in and uses clickbaity headlines
And then sometimes comes back and deletes stuff.
He implies it’s a full on TV series
not a one off radio pilot.
They have women only shows all the time, so will get away with BAME only shows.
Okay thanks for that. He is someone who “gets away with it” then so although he might be misleading and clickbaity he is also able to defend what he puts out to Youtube (Google) to prevent strikes on his channel and the closing of his channel (I have heard that three strikes and the channel is removed).
He says he is a former BBC journalist and he seems to know the line he needs to follow to prevent channel strikes. So although we need to be wary with what he puts out we can at least learn about how to be “controversial” as well as critical of the BBC while remaining within the youtube guidelines.
If I were to ever create youtube content about the BBC I would probably be more critical and incisive with my criticism.
Stew, thanks but no thanks. Which leads neatly to
TOADY Watch #4 – Off switch activitated
When the TOADY Prog turned its attention to sport and Heather Rabbatts was brought on to talk about Greg Clarke’s resignation as Chief Executive of the Football Association. I normally have quite a bit of time for Heather Rabbatts, especially when she is talking good sense about fixing things that are broken, but on the corrupt money pit that is pro-Soccer in the UK, I knew the BBC angle would be about race-baiting and propaganda.
Off switch activated.
Feel free to tell me I was wrong and the propaganda didn’t happen.
Looks like GMB milked this morning
Racebaiter guests included Gary Lineker
who said the FA is full of ‘old white men’ and hopefully that will change in the near future.
Maybe Gary is hoping for a multi-million redundancy package from the BBC Licence Fee payer so he can buy another big house in which to temporarily house a so-called ‘asylum seeker’ who doesn’t like football?
Well his law studying refugee only stayed less than a month ! so I wouldn’t call that ‘housing’ , temporarily or otherwise, anybody.
“Racebaiter guests included Gary Lineker
who said the FA is full of ‘old white men’ and hopefully that will change in the near future”
And it did go ALL BLACK , that would be great in the woke world. And then, anyone saying its full of black people and needs change would be racist !!!!
Cannot win with these lot.
He doesn’t seem to have noticed that he is not a spring chicken; white; and a man. Either that or he’s more than happy to be got rid of from his job on the basis of his age, colour and gender.
I agree with all Mr Belfield says, but another thing that needs watching is the material that these comedians use, as I think it will highly probably be a lot of stuff about the alleged short-comings and racism etc of white people, if so , this will need challenging as well. I have lost count of the amount of times I have switched off the TV or radio in the last few years, having sought a bit of light hearted relief after a hard day at work, only to hear derogatory comments about my country, its history and my ethnic group.
Mash Report/Mock the Week. I’ve switched on after a hard day’s work – over and over again – to be told I’m thick and racist (on the basis of a referendum choice). Why should I pay for that?
” Welcome to the BBC”- Another day, another typical day
for the BBC website. It’s Armistice day. But at the BBC
this holds no truck with their absolute obsession with
diversity. So the main feature is a picture of three university
” Ok” you may be saying .”What’s wrong with that?”
But believe me, a lot of BIG BROTHER thought has gone
into that. You see a lot of whities fought for us in the wars
and this must NEVER take pride of place in the crazed BBC
diversity agenda.
So big brother from the diversity department gives instructions
of what the BBC’S leader picture is going to be on their website.
And the service to mark Unknown Warrior burial centenary
aint going to take precedence over a diverse university picture!
The article on the university students uses the emotional and inappropriate phrase ‘evacuation-style operation’. On the day of Remembrance, this is presumably designed to draw parallels between students returning home during the space of a week at the end of term, which happens three times a year, every day, and an event such as Dunkirk, where 1/3rd million Allied soldiers in mortal danger were evacuated in a similar timeframe whilst surrounded by German troops.
No, BBC. It is not ‘evacuation-style’. It is largely a phased movement of ordinary people, working around the disruption to public and private transport caused by the lockdown that you were shrilling for.
Ian, sorry must draw your attention to a small correction – the troops evacuated from Dunkirk were British soldiers and ground personnel of the Royal Air Force. To the best of my knowledge, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF as it was known) was not an Allied force.
Just in case 😉 maxi or the Wild Woman are watching. 😉
‘Without evidence’ on my part but ‘some say’ 140,000 French and Belgian troops were evacuated too.
Ooh! A gratuitous namecheck! They must like me dropping in now and then.
Look out look out, maxi is about!
We do, we do, as it keeps you busy and takes you away from your cauldron stirring near Dunsinane.
And JimS, you are right, thanks for the correction. I should have remembered having seen The Darkest Hour last year. The Brits were called the BEF though.
And what a well intentioned shambles that ‘expedition’ was; remind you of anything in 2020, folks?
Surely Guido knows the BBC only makes stat… asks questions?
Without evidence. Allegedly.
Lat night The Dem tweeted this
“BREAKING NEWS: Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely RECANTED ”
..a very big claim
And Twitter put it up as news
Yet today there’s his new video with O’Keefe
and the WaPO edited their story to now say he didn’t recant.
Now GoFundMe have banned the whistleblower’s fundraising page he set up co e expects to get fired.
What utter barstewards.
Here is the Guardian’s effort
I gave up posting comments on BBC Have Your Say as I was blacklisted and anything I posted had to be approved by a BBC moderator and would then appear about an hour after I posted it if I was lucky. 9 times out 10 they were not approved.
Thought I would try again and got one posted a couple of days ago OK mentioning net UK migration and my comment got into the top 10 most rated comments.
Just tried a similar one on the article about how the North of the UK is hit hardest by Covid and I posted “living in high populated areas is not nice and it spreads Covid like wildfire. If anything should come out of this pandemic it should be a drive to reduce the UK population and concrete jungles. But with net migration of 300,000+ a year expect more of the same for decades to come.”
That got banned by the moderator!
Serious question, is there anything in my post that any of you would find offensive? Or is this just another example of thought police?
It’s against the agenda
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – divisive, BBC, divisive
Am I suffering from BBC induced paranoia? It struck me just glancing through this item from the web-site that is from a former TV channel aimed at young people that although the BBC claim to hate divisiveness and dismiss those that the BBC claim are divisive (such as President Trump in the US) that what the BBC are doing here is to really try to create divisiveness and mistrust between youngsters.
See what you think: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/f2b92a97-66d8-42b5-8d70-6a38c29b82e1?xtor=CS8-1000-%5BDiscovery_Cards%5D-%5BMulti_Site%5D-%5BSL02%5D-%5BPS_BBC_THREE~N~~A_CoerciveControl%5D
Sinister, I think.
I think it is sinister.
Judging by the haste the MSM are applying to get the criminal Biden ensconced in the White House, the communists obviously feel that this election is the turning point where they resume handing over the US to Beijing. If DJT doesn’t turn things round this time, I suggest that the next election will be akin to what we have seen just recently in Belarus. Maybe tanks on the streets.
We’re living in very strange times…
On Sunday veterans were denied access to the Cenotaph. One bloke, playing the bagpipes, was assaulted and violently shoved to the ground by a member of our wonderful constabulary.
Today, Armistice Day, Extinction Rebellion, have been all over the Cenotaph. There are placards claiming that we are at war with the climate. They are in front of the monument, they’re laying flowers and garlands. They are using this special day and this special monument to propagandise their cause. This is completely wrong. XR can choose any day of the year to promote their puerile publicity stunts. Veterans have just one or two and the powers that be have allowed this day to be hijacked. It’s the usual bunch of ultra left-wing, posing greenies. These people have no right to be there. I find this beyond comprehension.
XR seem to have a free pass in London to cause mayhem and destruction. They can block bridges, delay ambulances, cancel flights and now they even have access to our main war memorial, when those with a legitimate reason to be there are denied access…
Just WTF is going on?
Outraged at XR Cenotaph stunt
… that is what they want,
they want you to be outraged and start tweeting and posting cos it spreads their PR
– 7am XR go down to the cenotaph
and do their stunt
– the mass ranks of the media have been tipped off and they are there with their cameras.
– The police car is watching from a distance instructed by Khan and XRs hotshot lawyers that will be a legal Covid compliant demo
The media all go away and write long reports CutNpasting the materils the XR PR have sent them
like a 5 page Daily Mail One published at 9:05am
and then XR use some fake Twitter accounts to drop the news into people’ feed just after 11am
We let the metroliberals treat us like that
the Marxists, The Green Hedgefunds, Sadiq and the London media
… Recycling is going straight in the big bin this week, cos that winds them up.
You have a good point, Stew. I seem to recall when some Royal scion or Hollywood Sleb started to get uppity with the UK photographers from the nationals that there were some informal chats ‘after hours’ between said photographers.
The next time the Sleb or Royal appeared in public all the cameras went down onto the ground along with the bags at the feet of the photograpers and they all turned their backs. It only took one or two ‘demonstrations’ like that for an emissary to be despatched to Fleet Street with a fulsome apology and no doubt something to fuel the informal chats ‘after hours’ the next time they took place.
If we ignore XR they will shout louder and demo all over the place. If we ignore them again, they may try to improve on that previous time but some will lose heart. Time after that more so. Eventually they may run out of their renewables generated steam for future protests.
I regard myself as green, but would not touch XR with a bargepole
Are Jon, katty and Anthony actually in the USA ?? This stuff is spreading life wildfire, but they hear nowt ???? Funny that.
I think this sums up the mood of the nation better (again, Jon, Katty and Ant unaware)
“Are Jon, katty and Anthony actually in the USA ?? This stuff is spreading life wildfire, but they hear nowt ????”
Answer? No. they’re currently on a retraining course in Beijing.
Her self love is astounding.
And all the girlies are liking it.
Plus Marianna, her new BFF after the US gig.
Guido had an answer yet?
#@theflatype, eh?
Steady on Emily… I’d hold off on odering that T-shirt for a mo…
I do hear BBC graphic designers can work wonders – faked Royal bank statements a speciality.
The BBC is running these on a cycle on Facebook every hour.
“How can I say this tactfully, I think it will not help the president’s legacy.”
Which goes way beyond embarrassment.
Suck-up Starmer at PMQs today:
“Can I welcome the victory of president elect Biden and vice president elect Harris – a new era of decency, integrity and compassion in the White House.”
The new whinge from the left is Sleepy is currently locked out of security briefings.
So Vietnam and the Middle East are OK a while longer.
Imagine if he and Jez got hold of the lists the left prepares for when the media are utterly compliant?
Quite a few ambassadors got time to beef up the panic rooms too.
No matter how far Boris “I want to be everyone’s pal” Johnson lowers the bar, Starmer effortlessly manages to lower it further.
He really is a loathsome creature.
The dark deeds around the election just got darker.
Salty on the postal service whistleblower, the FBI pressuring him to recant, the fake media’s early claims that he did so, before themselves recanting.
Project Veritas are covering the story: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas
The Left have potentially won a US election . Biden has called for unity and to all work together , but still they have to have a campaign for something, they are NEVER satisfied.
They are getting crazier, you wouldn’t think it possible, but they really are. The media is just out of control .
Something really has changed over the past five years or so, and it’s chilling at times.
Five covid updates you SHOULD KNOW
(well according to beeb)
No 1 – Operation Christmas. Got me thinking about Operation Market Garden in WWII, But no this is just about Uni students going home at christmas
No 5 – is about the ideal bBC family, mixed race, white dad etc
Was really hoping for something interesting, but
Boris boasts of his climate change tackling pal, Joe Biden, and has a dig at Trump.
The fake BBC are working overtime ‘fact checking’ the hell out of election fraud allegations.
This is the same BBC who faked bank statements to get the Diana interview.
How about you fact-check THAT, Beeb?
The BBC never seems quite so keen to investigate the veracity of some of the postal voting that takes place in the UK of which Peterborough and Tower Hamlets spring immediately to mind and which a certain section of people here are always involved.
lol – they have comnpletely rubbished the phrase ‘fact check’ now.
The definition now is : Points cherry-picked by a Lefty from something someone on the Right said (usually Trump) which can be shown to be incorrect (even if it is a pedantic and minor question of interpretation). The conclusion is ALWAYS in bold letters that the ‘fact’ is ‘fake’.
It’s all part of the nasty and spiteful face of the Left which was uncovered way back after the Brexit vote and increased exponentially after Trump was elected.
Great Ormond Street worker, 36, sues children’s hospital claiming colleagues bullied her for being a Christian and called her a ‘stupid northerner’ and a ‘silly white b***h
Catherine Maughan, 36, is suing Great Ormond Street Hospital over ‘bullying’
She claims she was told not to drink alcohol at all as it would offend Muslims
A manager told her she ‘would be sorry,’ that she complained, Ms Maughan says
Funny how the left’s obsession with finding racism in everything usually ends up with them exposing THEMSELVES as racists due to the bigotry of low expectations.
According to this idiot, ‘non-white’ and ‘illegal voter’ are intertwined with one another.
These morons keep giving us more material. By the way, over 1,000 affidavits now in Trump’s numerous lawsuits. Still “no evidence” in BBC land.
Laughing, see Vlads post above. Its all OK. The BBC have fact checked all the fraud allegations and guess what ……. yep, you guessed right …. nothing to see here.
So much for Defund the Police! Minneapolis wants to draft in extra cops to help fight wave of violent crime after dozens quit in disgust at $1million budget cut following George Floyd’s death
Minneapolis wants to draft in cops from local sheriff’s office and transit authority
Dozens of officers quit in the wake of defund the police moves after George Floyd’s death in May
Violent crime has spiked, with 74 homicides so far this year compared to 49 last year
At the start of the year, the Minneapolis police force employed 1,053 staff – 877 of them officers and 176 civilian staff
That number had dropped to 987 as of last month – 844 officers and 143 civilians
Cartoon blowback continues against France
Jeddah remembrance day IED attack
2 hospitalised.
The religion of peace seems to think that the murder of multiple people is a fair and just response to one person showing a cartoon of their paedophile prophet.
It’s just hate finding an excuse. Why is this never, ever explored in our media ?. All we get are clinical reports of what happened. I suspect they are scared of becoming the next target. Which – of course – is terrorism.
Sometimes things just ‘get to you’.
I’ve reached the point where I’m glad to be aware that there are far more years behind me than in front, because the constant mental battering we’re all taking from the media about saying the right thing so as not to cause offence, or you could lose your job and be cast to the wilderness as unemployable, is becoming soul destroying.
I’ve had it up to here with having BAME faces shoved at me, purely because they are non-white, and all in the name of diversity – whatever happened to that old fashioned term ‘ratios’ ?. I am sick of the advertising industry promoting inter-racial relationships in every product advertised, when in reality there is barely a percentage point of mixed race families in this country.
I am not alone in feeling like this, and though only a fool would look forward to their demise, I thank the Lord that I have experienced the best this country has had to offer, including the freedom of speech and laughter, which, since the advent of social media has all but disappeared.
As I write this, a pop-up has appeared saying “Muslim pupil 11, threatens to BEHEAD his teacher”. This is what the country has become, and which I shall be glad to leave when my time comes, with no regrets.
The BBC seem to think that ‘equality’ is one black person, one white person and one Asian person.
For some reason I cannot fathom, the ratio of these people in the general population seems to be entirely irrelevant.
Totall agree Brissels. I’ve given up on watching anything ‘new’ on tele on the grounds that it’s globalist propaganda , and childishly obvious propaganda at that. I never watched adverts anyway .i never watch any tv news . I’ve cancelled my Times subscription , a paper I taken in one form or another for 35 years on the grounds that it has become a globalist propaganda rag. ( the chap I spoke to at the Times when cancelling seemed quite upset by that ) . I hardly bother reading the Telegraph , the paper my wife likes for the puzzles, for much the same reason.
I just refuse to allow myself to brainwashed into accepting any form of globalism and all that goes with it.
That’s really from the heart, Brissles!
Don’t let the buggers get you down. I was born in 1940 and still find things to interest me. Look beyond the mass media. However, if you like watching TV tune into “OUR YORKSHIRE FARM” on channel 5.
In my opinion this little gem is an oasis of sanity among a desert of visual and audio static.
On those very few occasions I am exposed to the BBC now I notice how rapidly the vibrant diverse ‘culture’ has taken over . I’m thinking of leaving the UK as I feel I’m caught in a tide of rubbish … as for London …. well….
“Nearly 160 migrants attempt to cross Channel to UK”
Boris & Priti ? Nothing !
Who voted for this bunch of clowns that do nothing about it but talk, while the rest of the country is locked down?
Dump the feeble Tory Government.
Farage, your country needs you.
“Attempt”? = intercepted.
We all know what that word means .
We have this from the Clandestine Channel Threat Commander Dan O’Mahoney , “the criminals behind the crossings were breaking the law.”
Is this guy real ?
technically a correct head line
“Nearly 160 migrants attempt to cross Channel to UK”
just 159 made it
I have noticed the Beeb relegates this to local news and we all know the reason why. It is clear from previous reports where they refer to ‘successful crossings’. Obviously something to be praised or proud of as far as they are concerned
It will only make national news if there are any migrant deaths. Then it is always yours and my fault because we are horribly racist and have no ‘empathy’ as Gary ‘open doors’ (strictly one though) Lineker says.
This low level reporting of what is an ongoing national crisis plays right into Pritti’s hands on the basis of no news is good news.
My local south coast social services now has a policy of refusing to house immigrant children (often with full grown beards) as there have been so many arriving by ferry that there is no room at the foster parents inn. The Gendarmes can’t even detect them with substantially reduced ferry sailings. Obviously if they are taking a French style lunch hour, when they sneak into the back of a lorry, it doesn’t count.
These children (sometimes dressed in men’s clothing) are being, excuse the pun, shipped off to other local councils, which will obviously even up the number of hand car washes springing up countrywide in the near future.
Yes I admit cynicism, but we (and I mean Pritti and co) have to seriously look at the numbers flooding in, even now in reduced travel circumstances. The idea we would give the French a good talking to has clearly failed as has her Task Force bloke who promised to stop the dinghies.
No wonder my local council is carrying out sea defence works. It’s because our little island is sinking.
Concrete sea
“The idea we would give the French a good talking to has clearly failed as has her Task Force bloke who promised to stop the dinghies.”
I thought the French were given millions of pounds to stop the invaders?
Wasn’t the Reading ‘stabbings man’ an asylum seeker.
Yes you are correct. We did give them money, but I’m sure there was at least the threat of some stern words and we are pretty good at talking. However, based on recent events I would say the French couldn’t care less.
Pritti’s latest gushings relate to the Royal assent for the wonderful incoming points based immigration system. Just a mention here, the rules for family reunion, asylum and border crossing checks are outside of the points-based system. So as far as the Reading ‘stabbings man’ and the like are concerned…. no change.
Labour, the tolerant , fair minded, party of peace and harmony.
Must have hurt the BBC to stick this one up.
…..and her lawyers apparently demanded that she should not have to face the humiliation of being in the dock for the trial, and that her address should not be made public -i.e. unlike every other criminal like her.
Perhaps she doesn’t want her address to be disclosed because her home is in London, and not in her constituency of Leicester East.
BBC made sure Russell Rawlingson was shamed and his address was given out
after he came down to their Leicester stunt
Cos he was incensed that BBC were breaking Covid rules and coming down to the centre of town to do a live OB
and he shouted his protest that the BBC harbours paedophiles.
They didn’t give him a warning or nip the protest in the bud,
but rather afterwards started a punishment-prosecution against Russel claiming it was *racial* harassment,
… a charge that there is no public evidence of apart from the BBC presenter’s loud claim.
And now 7 months later what apart from running around setting him a date in the big court, then dropping it down to the small court, there hasn’t actually been a court day.. as if of course it’s not going to get judicially tested.
What is it with Leicester?
I had some great friends there, but when some oily washing-machine purveyor became an ‘mp’, it all went sadly to the bottom!
Perhaps she read his handbook on how to influence people…
Another, ‘enricher’ about to ‘bite the dust’ – maybe.